Li." . Choice f eriodicals Jor 1876. t The Looiur 80ott Publishing tol 41 llrclsy SCNw York. Coutiuus their authoriieU KcprtuU ortbe Four Lealius Quarterly Reviews: EDINUURUH KKVIKW (Whig.) LONDON QUAETKRLY REVIEW (Conservative,) , WESTMINISTER REVIEW (LiUraUc. BKITISU UUAttTKJlLy.KBVIE ! IBntMLL;.' Oufsinuig uterly erltk-huui and stimpsries ! all Ilr4 ( ftWi inntt vhiallf in Lite-ra"1 1 - ....1 i .... ..... ' ' . tint.', oitr.iw, uu &, atm Ediatorgh Magazine, tt Ihf roost prfttlj aiohthly Jin iha, r.BSMl l;irij;iSiff. lament forSlnrlei, ;ajf,snll KricU, , n , , .... Of thillMhest JLUeraru Merit.; " ' T t'.RMS f ImcUiUm Porta: tAXABLK STKICTLT IK ADVAXcE-' U For an? -M Review I $4 db a yeas!O.Xvw 7 00 ' Foraiiytbree Review 10 00 " Fur all four Reviews 12 00 Fur Blackwood' Msgasine ' 4 00 ' Fur Bisekwood and 1 Review 7 00 For Blackwood sod 2 Ueviewa 1U 00 ; Fur Blsckweod snd 3 Ueviewa 13 00 " Fur Blackwood sud 4 Review 13 00 " f ci.uus. A di-eonnt of tweuty )rr rmt will U allowed tAclulHof ur or uur icrn. Thu: fmir eiir of ltlarkwaol or nl vue Itevkw will lie wiit U, one Wre lor "'.:: four eopiea of 'toe lour Uatiewsaud U lack wimkI for H ,aa4 mi ee- Wtwn'wnlier (applying eaUv) for tho year Ita may bar, witfcitl cliarva. lb nuuthr for IHa U-t tpiarter of l7 of. Mteb periodical an I hy utrrtl for. -, '- ' Neither premium UtatiWrilter nor dlrnunt "ft ertiM m allotee tnifeaatls iuouy bf fr aaittrd 4foM totaspuolWtoera. So preuauoi. SBrisyaWaS) ttll'W " " " 'J'"! ' ' ? al I rirnlr with auiaer partlenlara May lw kad applirarkHi. . ,-.wv im 41 IbrelavSt. 2few York. ii !t ff U I f ' ill" in i ' "i i ." '! THE BEST PAPER. TRY IT- BKAUTiri'LLV lLtt'TKATEI. rp?j P.T. wnS3 rVli IUtti year. JL eojii) tius li cireutanutt r any warily i Miaer ortlw Mud tw tba world.' Am w 1 ladM onimai-aoB Jatttury 4. . - t I ta oMiiMfria ilw latext aad atod iHtc rynK tutnalHw iwrtwnia to tax ladualriaL MaetiMkai,ad -tewimae rrarw of liw w urIU ImtiitiiiiH, with Ikrauliful ialM, .if Iaeittlua4 Xa lM4t:iaruU. I'miw and Im.irmed ladiiArie of all Mnd: I wrfd Note. Url. MinteMiowa aad Adlee, hj fiarta-al Writar,ir Wik kaxa aad Lmpk f s la all tlM art. . , The HVtMXTlf IV AMWICAS Ike ebeap. e aud Ik uirai4 wkiy paper imutaad. ktery auiniirenUiMa frj U ta U orMnal eaffiriaur aw joacbiacrj td aW Intew tioa. ' A ' . . - t.NOUAVl0. Ulurfrated lm?roteaeat, lioertMd ItMi-ftaut WU, prrtalata to rtH aad Mecbaaical Kn$mmrinf. Milllaif. Mia. In(ad MrUlluiKT; Kot.I t thr VrL trMi la Uh riiiiIk atinn of Meant .oglwa. It ulw.j.. istii-UuiMlw, NartjsathMi, 1'elemTapliy TirVH KuHwerra.vCl:UlcUy, Magaeti-iM, l-klil and llrat. - ' ; I'AKmKUa. aaekank Eaglneara. lareatora. MMiiMurem, Cteiai't, L.r of r ia-e, Te hrr.lrTiiwo, Uwyer. and rtnple of ' - terrain iaa, win rtiil to tuna. It .taU awa a pUra e-ry f-aaiily. Library . Wi.dy. Oi8. a, and "" Hm; la ary lleadiu j Bourn, ColHft A9kW- ri'yt nuut'icr rnntafa m page and Aeta ta! IlaM'ir-4 Knrlii TbHmH ofvnl-n'- art prcrrrd fo.' WihIIbj rrfrraie. Tlie pm.ti..d rewlpta are 'veil wtlt ten Urattt WrliAlna la. Tmn. . a ear l.y wl, MaHa Iim pJUv UUaouattoUuW Nee'; eirMlMaiiiif'iU9enfalfraa. May ba baa fall San. VTW I f ' ' ' I J A TKVrt la daaaeatlnk wU&lbeKcleulUk wa of Anoafeaa and larelaw falaata. b.te tba larmt eul.lWwa ift lolha wurliU liua my t.Muad aMpthyaii..luTa bean tsaOe tr iiit-tatainU4?itb-ira.viiey. " . 1' JinrJ a la lerma. ndeU . aryewlaerattoa aMk-tebaa """'r' (.1K Anierlean' f alt lneBt.Ht l" throiiitb tbi Aaewcy.-wttbU J! part ar waoat, to I-"""" au-ft,i'f1!f . rCrJla(rn' ' " th; fapw, wreMeraln TateM., HISS A Cl., far KY?': ttflly, ear. t aad 7tb Ma Wablnatoa. V. U GRAHAM & GRAHAM- t ATTOUX KriaVT LAW.. 4 ! W aad'AtaiWaee. W'STal3 AM, fa ftiretM Caac af tba Bt-M i W. a. iantaaA. .'. r.a. VILT. ! lrewaau , Vaaba0 Citizcas' National. Bank, ' AaiU4 c.uv., v:i . , TRAI. I . v j flra'ml tliaifwcartafc ' , aa.Ua. ' , SPEECH OF HON. J. J. DAVIS.' ( n tlii? Dabatc in ?i Hoita nf llepre aeuuiUyea ,ikliriV;idb. ! Keneral apprnprintiuti bill, Mr. Duvia, the member fur tli in district tik jmrt ixii lle jutn tion of adi'lliiaiittppnprlalioii 6ff40UO for th tratabliahuieut on away oflluw al Char lotte We quote a niiiclrqf ijhe ilebte fit which Mr Da via engaged. Mr. DaVlx. il moye toameml by ndding,' uflfC JiHe 045, on page 89, the fol'.owlmf: j ; Aaaay ofllce at Charlotte North fjafotiiia; Foraaaayer,$l,K(W; tt nieltwr, $1 ..()(); rr labor, fuel, llghbij aclda, cliemicala, IH l-wliif, aaJdher neoetuturlea, $1,000; lit all' 'liVwo. : M. Ctvta. " friend ant! ColRnjiue Mr. Anhe.J wiioreaentaihe L'harlott.lilritt, hi wliieli luWltiaiuy oftice ta eHtniiliahed,' Is'lieceHrily 'ulent, luit tie, Itoa fiirbiliol ma w ifli aotna (lieta to wbkli I'dcire tul ,lie ilbetitioif of I ltd Houaaatiw aiiiafcl -Uo4 Will aacura the al'ptiiiu of this ameiidiiieiiU Tlil awwiy oftlee ia Ilia aucueaoor to th old ntint'eMabUaiietl at CliarJoUo In !).". Tht mint went Into oiwratioii in 1838 It wau'denlrtiyed with all its tum-liinery in 1WI; was miou rebuilt, Itiid oviilinue'i in auceeaaful oteraioit till 1861, will verjf great advantage to theeouiitry rtuind about If It waa extenaively at,niuUvl Mihf of gretit benefit to the public wnfcl Uw war put an eud to iu operation. During this lierkal, air, lliero were odnetl at tliia mint between S5,(lno,biio mid $6,0w,(Kki hi goid, the pfoduetioit of North L'u roll iia.1 here was alao during the same ix-riod coined at the Mint lu riiiladelpliU about the twine aiuoulof'giilil front the same regloo, ' V The Kdd-bearlng regtot of North C'aro iiua is not 'appreciated by tiiis country. There are very ew eria who tinder aland lla extt-nt or Its Valut. There la on tlieeoulliern border of the State bit area of about fjva hundretl i'tajuara miles which aUaittds lit (uid.",. Charlotte la ,thefeuU of this aeloUjlTUere are also' lu my own diatrict rich gold i liiiiiea. Thera; are the Portia mines, the Rauwua BriJg nilues, aud tha Arringtou tuluea lu I be count lea of KraoklMi aud Nash, whWlt have yielded over.a niilllotl dollars of jjdd, and have not beau half worked or half devrloj!. 'Tlreiv have been recently dbajoverad In the county of Chatham - c1' in mineral wealth, it In, lu copper, am! iu Cml; gold mines thai pro nil tw rival aaytntUa BUU. They are uow being woiae tf . . , ... - It la a fact perhapa uot generally known that between the year tmi and lite year liCTatl llta gold derived' front' nilulng tliroaglioxit Miewbole United Klatea was furabbed by the Ulate of North Carolina; and 'during tba pertrrtl froui 1804 t lttOH site fumiihed at least one-half of the gold aappiWd frota the mines on tbe AUantk alopa. 'The' Atlantic 8tat, otra (Jiatlnguialted from the Pacific Hlatea, tie fatalted at Hm tnmi frotn lt!, in exact Jgurea, , SWMT&i J&. Of "title imotial toe Htata of North CaroUaa deposited fffl,27,6277j paaaetl Into manufaoturwi aud tajtaOtoroeaUitalttwsAnwanHHiUl; making the yield of the Atlautlfl r?talea Uplothe year I bare named about $40,000,000. of wliicn Nwtrt Coarolltui furttwliad iKHtl oiia-haif,waayal00,(WoV , - ' Now ft earktua reaaotta width I have Hot lima I" fle-inJuute ajwtch to en umerate, iheminea f North Carolina have not Ueii lialfdeveUiJed' , They liae not been thonMJglily worked." llullatiot this ail lutereat of sufflcleiit lmreiitanew U attract Hie attention of 'Congress ?, Jvren wttb thta exhilti, m Hierw riot enougli in If to uYtnaml lli fa.'eiljf r of tbe t'uiteil states ;i.veronieiit, epi-lalty at time when eQrei"rt-aUiMflWei-ia Jwy meiiU will! art amoul uf gold "in the. Tieaaury entirely loailciuate for Uia lr JNJMW? ' ' i- "' . ) V A gcfitleniarl near me auks If Ihta la the centennial town of Charlotte..", Vea, air K 1 tlie old town', ufCTiwrhKtiV Kirih CaroilmH where the standard of ludi'jK;n (ieiitfe waa flrt.t fufaed on this fonbiaeiit. and tkn diet declaration of, Imlejteiileiien tnade, tw we III N.nrth Ckrollnaasert and are prepared lo nialntalo, even iigiluat my HeaJ llie'cliairinuti of the conimlllea, who cornea front wlihlo a alone'a lltfnw of the tiohle U Inde.iden-e 11 all of )-hiladfl.hU. tiaiMla la Hie wuutyieat f Mecklcuburgh'..' ' . (Here the hammer fell. . 1 j, llolnian roae., t ' l Mr. Paris. I a.k if tbegcnifettian fron n.tuna will allow me a little mow time? ;Mr. Holmati'; I yield two miiiuieaof tiy time to Hie gentleman. " - - - i i Mr, tavw. I aua Informed that the mere f t of the extftbllHhineiit f -" n, Cktrtotte atlmuliiled the mlnliig InlereaU of Nwrttt Carolina, lnraa4 reatly ha prtHlt4:rt- of the mine? there, and n iiuput-e to them m l.Wi waa frit and fiMiUritMWoafettil-it lalUn lalenit fortunat wr. Whtnlh-iwa' hfokeout there weia tribatary lt the ml at at Char foUe at least one lmudred tuluea' Maay of the war remunerating titeir owners wllli Inindnne Vrftirna. The mMe af satdd Mill ieldei aud many v.T others rati gtil.fn t tin 4l l Ufutnl iMIa 4o three-quarters of if rnlllioit.The Im duellon of I liw tViUits may be greatly Jij. creaned and llieivalueprmluv4d from (bent 'mitre Chad tundrupldby tbe lUNiduci.loij. f oflftibreved r4tuclilneryi n' M 'rflue rh war.ifofvtbawt.of oipltal 'and labor,'" (every body kniHt how Je prerwnl Stir section of the CoinarV ilnW been these miueW haveot beeu tti,rVdl to tlielr'fonncr tle"'5 ' irddotlveasM And, UvIdeS the' Want of tMitgiwMy there have own In tin) fiAii two years tmj railroads &tnitieU1,Iiiu from' Winning toi to Charlolte, and one from Cbafiott L jbi A tlauta fn the 8taIW0i'irvli'i 'w'lifvl S'Y '.".: ""vi'w.'M .f,-M ra't uryvtojin uiiq uunuim ui uuiurioai noun othirwUj liuve fouiHleuiiilnytnenfin those mining sectioiur ,'l'heje railroad tire noW inuipltied and Ibis lubor will oIu return to1 in old chuuuel, and then,, cai'ilid, "will aeek Inyeatinoirt ,lu mibhig lauda. Jf -j . . TU utiuuiib yf this ttssuy4 ofHcj nt CuarlotUt will be of iuimeui yalue It ayiUi ooufjduuce.., Jt, will direct and fix the a'.leutiou of eupiulju courage tuveatnuMita. "It'.wiU ftiuivilate the troductimof gold; ami not' only UiaU bift It will fartihdtthe ntiuota Uta great d vaiitage of having bt their own doors, of huvlng nt hand ready and conventeiit iueaiisof asoermiuiiig the value of their bullion; aud it will not mi ojten to the ob jection of my tileiid" from Pennwylvablo, (MrKe!h?y,J whot does Lot believe in mints, because the Ytilu" Is sent abroad and becomes ail' article of ' comtnertvi 'All we Want is that there shall be, convenient of at-cexa b tli is jieojile ' a.t ""assay ofltce by which they can anueiiaiii the ' value 'of their bullion,' and jul it In tbe market, and let it go as ai 'article of commerce. Ve wislt to have tnia away ohlw If jre cannot now gel the old mini,' w liicfi will be f eeiilablisbed ime of these days wiieu the bright' ami gulden . future! of Nitrlli Carolina shall render it of sullicieiit Impor tant to denuiud it A l every tteMiou of Uoogress 4aoa the war except ;the last an apuropriAlluju a Made (or Uih oflloe, At tli flifct seMtkiuof the last Congrs tberts was an appropriatiou uirtHof Hwofl. The ueceasary buildings are all there, aud wu ouly aAk for this small attut of 4,000. And I desire in say Just bere, Jaccnuae I believe It to be true, that . there fat not perlutps a Mat Itt mi tMa- Vrdue) Jwhlutt lias been, relatively taklng, the recipient of so few favors and u few appropriation froin the (lovernntetit as tbe old SUteof North Carolina- Tbe Director of the Mint, Dr. Lluder nmu, recommends this appropt httiou of $1,000. 1 have Lis letter,' which 1 1 desire to be read at tbe Clerk's desk. And now let me'aak for" .'ortlt Carolina, 'a etata whicli lias anked Ver fw fuvori at the bauds of the Government,' that this ap propriation b luaile, I trust the Coin mlltee of the whole w ill adopt lb amend iienU' .,. ..... ' ; Tbe Clerk read as fol'ows: , . , .TfcaAolKVDKPAItTJIE'fT, Qfflr Hfttc DtftOuf . Mint, ty- !, ltf. - Dkam HI", Acknowledging your letter oftlteUt itistout. In reference lo the livceaalty ofcoflUnuJug the nsaay oWue at UUrlotu; I have tb bouor loalalelbal While the condition of lite gold luluiug lu teres of that locality Is not swob as Would Juslify tlt rsr.tblUlimeiit of an assay ofilce if It were an question. 1 am of the opinion that it would lie pro4r to continue aassying there on n limited scale, ' and for which an appntpriatbra olfl.OoO would be sufllcl.ut, ; ' ' ' , Very Respectfully, " v II. H'MNDKKMAN, ' Hon. Titoiiias 8-A-ht.' -, p Mr. lUndall. Is there no oilier away ofliite reooioiuellded, there? .Let Us get lliein all lu atwnce. , , ' , Mr. llolmau. Thla latlo genlieman who presides over (he mint Uettuiubt is naoyrce of great eiibarra-uint..lolhe C4mituittecottApproprtatione. Ve had Uketi it for giautevl Uiat Ibe aasay ofll.-e aiCliarbHte was ttitaNy. dtspused of-' 1 wish lo call the atleiitkm of the gentle noui from Nottli Catoilua lr. Davis to n few fm-ta t i ; ' The assay office at tTtarkKte, North Caro lina, was kept fip HHtil last year, and 11m lust report wc had from Cltarlutte under the full apprnprlaihins was a deU nf bullion to the amount, all bdd, of $ ,(I2.IX That was the entire deposit at that rtiittt daring the last flcalVeaf. Soappntria IIihi was made for the llacal yeat, for Con gress saw that lie oonta not afford to keep tip ad assay fifUci ..t here .111 fmjtyit of bullion deposited was so sniall. Nevf.whal were the expensef af Jialea tslili-Iiinent fof that same yearT The ex-prnw-sof entries were fif".lf).r,4, or, In other words, the exis-tiaca, of the oflice were wilhlu 92,000 of fiie whole amount of iiulilon'lukeii liiere'to be aMyed' ; , , , Mr. Davis, I desire to say, In ansWef to what the' gentleman , front J ullsn4 has eaid, r)e thing; and it Is this , that we are Ju-4begining to work there. I have al ready etdled bis alU-ntloii to ' Hid f;i Hint the workers formerly at work - there Itad gone to build these two railroads; but they wltlisttmiitifuelf work lu the unue this .year if you will give us thlMap-iropriatlon if wado not fuinUli Vriolu' iuf ouuil. I'Yup'la i Hell; ywir what 'wediil litstyear, Allien lu beliutfof North Nsr-Uiu I will Psay tUatou uiay aU-lkh ptitt tbn appro- Mr., Hpleman. The argumejit" from year Ltq year lu favor of ( keeping up IhIs assay outvo nan ooen me. same, excettus to raii htada,' We liave ajioropi luted at least $40 GoO Ibrthh tiilntwltbltt flw last blghi years; Uiul there k never . itaa. been inusjii triora Lulilon '(Jeinslted , there In any one yea; tmit the imiount I huye stMte.t , We) "nnnoiipu ii iasi yeur, uecaune any assay iofllee certainly i ug lit liot to be kt'pl up fiif theptrriKise ef asaiftfi f,6Whi BlilHotti Jfitw my Mend auks fof $3,000 't ,V MrDnviie fNo-W.0H0J I jw; Mrtaio,MijutC',,Vj,t!i lijala, within $3 OiKluf ail the -bullion in yulil , and silver that vjouldjgo thee.ucajrdiiig Ut flie re Hrt made by the Director of tlie MiuL"J) aiu willing that 'you shallhave all the gold and sNver ttullton trial yu' ctttt ge( rtut'of the mines lhereKbut toaskfjoiig resa le ajA propriate four or five thouHaud dollars to keep up tin miut aiu point where so little bullion is deposited (a asking,, too much. Jteems to me J hat , my friend must ids serve that there is really no excuse for keeping this mini or assuy ofllce. ' , :f Mr. IlaudaH. ' If I recollect 'rightly, lasl year we phMSMed la give this assay offliv to the iUie 6r educuihiiia! pufseNlhat la mytrecollectioa uf It. really, tin tieceasity for an assay , oflice TUieie. I would now like have a vole , , " , " The question was taken on' the snieiid meittol Mr. IVivU;'1 and on a divWou, there were ayes 00, itoti It); - uo-tUornui Valli'gi: i . f.-r . . , ' ' I . ;( 1 - :f Till-: MAN WHO DULNKS. . Tbe twuit who ilriokl is never, in the end. 'the rasa who JsugW, He is generally the wm vbu wee'W. or fur about ctberfttuot Mied Litter tears. - lis is, slsnj a member of no arf iculsr elsss of society. You meet liiui every wLcrrf," front the lowest to the iiigbrst place lu tli St worlJ, ii:J si wsy flud not only bitov wood easiay. bat the au uontciooa ettewtj ef all wbu trust kin. ,v 1 If suioog a baud yf ksr working me clisnics you End oue wbo, on wsgea ytbers desm sufficient for 'deceut' clot bo, tidy 1 rooms aod eoutfertabla d moors, is alvsys out at the elbows, alw)-a at loggerbeads witlt b'w Isodlord, aud always .eeraplkiuiti of lard tiuiee, ten to one, be is tbe nisn wboJnuks.; ,: -r..i.f-... u If." on'the JudeVileacli, yo aseet a raso be eJeala Hiiijustly , wan jndgea an rigideoasly, bo is facet mws ia Ibe pi eneeef atixiry, tod uiskea crime a jest, sad tlis setiteuce of solus poor wreicb an ex. eue Tor stupid puns sud voljptf vittieisms, tbere, alao, )va way know the itiN wbo dri jka in bis owe snug little roues, per' bans but ojiealyi tut ill ihe astue. I , t If yon seer a. vouisn wora pale aad wretcbed front some onknoau esase, fear ia her eyes and anxiety ia .her vyice, youth gone too early," and daily dalles mere fed burdens, ten to ooe brbsbanf istLe ami be drills; for whoever koen.that ataa to keep LU vow. and love aud cherish aad pro teet his wife ?... . . ; - Tbe beggsr ehildreo ia the gutters, Igno rant and vile and wretcbed beyond descrip tioa. are his olfxpriog. , The jail c-t-ens tu let hiat'iu'. Tbsgslloas avtaetiiuet ends hie life. . ,. " , . m e A BKAUiiFLL 'INCIDENT. , - A naval officer being at sea ia a draadfal aternt, bis wife silting in tbe: cabin near biai; filltNl with blsrra fu tba ssfety of the veei. was to sertrised at bit atrenitj and aotntMisura that sbe cried ouli ; -v ' " 'My dsr, are yea nut afraid f Horn it it Mbe yon eaa be so calm in .sueh a. dreadful storm F.'i . fc lie reaa liow his eltstr dssbe J it to the deck i 'drew his aword. 4nd pointing it at Ibe breast of his wuV, exclaimed t , ! 'Are ynu not afraid j i .i r, Kite imaiedisttly iniwered. 'Ne, , ; -. e .H'hy Ir said the offiner. "-i -i - lleeaase, rrfdied tba wile.Lkuew that word i in tbe bsadscl my iiasasnd. sud ha mm ma too well te hart tun.1 .i I , - Tboa, said he, ! knew In whom I te lievn, and that Ha ke loids tba tad itt ilia Lsad ia uiy Fslber.V , VV I. .a tt titu ifa-MMi-MJWui I . , , Xcit( sliould sever To allowed" to suck if it js nsn.jble lo avoid il ' As soon fe its cost is dry it should bi taken from tbe cuW and pet into s stall nrxt to her,' f here lisc4ii see St,' Tb!i is Itctfef tfina si'psra ting llient altogether, uiileM the Calf csd Is removed entirely to where the cow can not hear if, V A calf nisy be Uuglit todriuk in one leston Sf pstisi'ioe Is aed, sol ft has but sucked tlif cow. '' U should hate the frsxh milk for a week," t'acn rsrate J half skimmed wiik for a titno'.' sad Ciiatly wsr me I inifk. White the weather is Awf, the intlk alioulil V wsrmed sail " gived li4le wet t well htitsd llnu'el'mnt griel is an eioollsot sitJilioit to Ihe'aiitt , ' j.- ' ...... It. , t The Atts.Catifonua , mj. thtt it Is as aseless to try te keep tbe Amerisn.sdrft. terers out of the Ilbsck Hills a ta , keep a weatsu out of a dr good store.. - , ,i. r . f.fwi.. 4 ,, I'm WX ; ". ' h DONT LEAVE THE FAtlM. I ' a , r I . . n 1 ' . 'i t .. n . i .-. Taik. t......L t 1...... ......... .1.1.... ... ..! -Miie near, i woiiiu wniier u f6 krethlnklifg of leaving the liomWtend ' Don't U lit hurry to goi s- .';e--. t" The city tuutrmauy attraotinna! d , .. I , But 'hljk M the vices and sins.-- e,ui Wlien oiu-e jn Ihe voteX iiffHslilou, How soon the course downward begins. Ynu talk of the mines of Australia,-1 t ,t ,i 'Iey'r wealthy n gollwitbou,t doubt; Bti' ah ! there Is gh in ,.the Jnruiboys, '' If you will but shovel It nut, The niercnn tile life Is 0l)M.7jtnl. . h rl.-A.l.fJ'..'! rij. ii.i..rf-.t T. ' v "V H'""in me ai.m ii.ju (IH'II, Br4U-'tW old 1 farm i trhfto 'Iofitfer, fJaaat be luM Isurry logo, aiM j id j I Tlfe gre'ut stirring worhl haslnduocmeiit's, Tlnirels niutiy a gay; busy-hurt, '' Hut wslfli Is not hia.le!n a day, boya, Don't 14 rut a jhtirty to, start t, ', a p 'fhe banker and brokers are wealthy, . They lake In their thousand or so; ! Ah, think of their frauds itiid deceptions DoulU i.ialiurry td.go.' ' 4t.ta b-(;w . t-vn ''i Tlie farro la the safeat and surest, , , ) f Thf orchards aie buihliug to-day'. You're free aa flie air of the uiountalus, And utonurch ofall'ou survey: Better stay1 on the farm while lo'nge, " Though profits shdiddcome ratherslow; Iteinemhef' you've nothing to risk, hove . Duit't be in a hurry to go I ' s i .OODTILMri.ARaX-B9Pnt-1 . M H. EiaTOK.- Your oortesiKtndent left Hilb.larrit hi tiaturday afternoon for a fly ing visit to the C"'psny which place he reached at 3 o'clock,, aud found cverylhiog progressing finely. . Wheat aud oats looking as well as could he wished for. As for apples aud peaches, from what we could leant tbere will be enough of the (alter 6 eallugnsa, if jock frost wilt only keep away The Providence Sunday school give n Pic-Nfcat thelj;,,,Churcl , on Hatitrdsy, and front what we were told it waa a grand suexws, and all present aeeined highly delighted. Everything delicious to the taste and spark Hug' to the eye4, was bountifully, spread." We Bad fm pleasure of attending the (load Templare tJiaotlng at tbe tJltcpa .on Katurday . night. ; This Ioilge la In a fhturhhliig eondriioti, and Is rapidly liH-reasiug, aud bids fair to become l lie banner Lodge of the Slate " Hoping il may still continue to pnifin-r 1 remain wkb the beat wlahes for its aticixM. " . T ' f . e OwllJ TtiMPtAR. 'tii , . . 4 . ' ' j ' $' t The MillonJMurcuryt saya, It becotnee our painful duty to' lrcord the death of Dr. Thomna P. Hog,4 f Pittylvanlai which ocotirrad on (Sunday evening last. thi Hoga came to Milton on tlta laturday evening pteviowa to visit a patient, and returned lo his borne Hunday about mid day In his usual state of health, but died before bight " - ' ' " 4 ' '' ' i. ' Not a single Democrat la allowed an get work, or servrae jadlce m tint . gnainde of U Ccntenolal, This statement It made ott tba authority af the Centennial., This statement Is made on the authority of tbe PbiUilelphta Oiuinierclat". "Yet 'a Dcnto orallcCoDgrewt Voted mllllotie to pay mr tltoae very bulldluga aud groauds. o Not a single Souihertwr la allowed any xsitltn of pmOt or honor in connection with the Centennial- management Yet thousand of curbwdiy .loving Bouthcruent will go to the grand humbug this summer and coutiihute, largely bteu rich Philadel phia hole! keeiier. livery stuble men, Bhop keepers, Vc feouiherit Home. ' ';- -V-"--- --- ' ' - LouUvirta. April 20. Lsnt andsj J edge K. Csrort. of Crab's nhotand killed.'il U slipped without prvvo cation, ly John Siiiitli. iuithwss brought before court for trial, bet not being ready wst grsated farther time. He was thea left id cbsrgn l tba 'ufinetV t bat ft I ha wsy to prison e sera) aoae iof the deceased jadgf eutloavered to kill i.. ? Their at. tempt failed, and caused their inert, tJsv- mg proiuiaea not again aiiempi w am lroliila' !iutl h Ihr-y wrre rsleatoJ.' t . w i , " Atistai County aniid-tdone la being In U'xluceil .. Into CharloUd as buijdlng ...i.ri.ii . S -... - - I This is leap )esr !tnt rliow as the nisn wbo lias Iisd a single prop- The man who. doe not set t!melf up too high will not get hurt nhen ho falls. ' ! ' A hint I aa good a kick, Int llier r meh who will never take ooe till they get the other. ' ' " ' , The mnre our girls, are pinned bscl the wore forwird Ihry aeen. A yoang g'rl, who had an offer of rr nsge nhich she ainbed to accept, suhmit Ud the matter to her father, who sdvised her sgainst 4 ntsfrittHwy, tistnt s sn sr gnment the rpntsiion from 8t. I'sal, 'They ae marry do well, bat they .who do not 4o better.' 'Well. s..U th rlinel. ! love to 4n well, let those do better wh TtON. , While engaged in overheating some old lli.storicul iteeords, I came across' he fol lowing scoount, which 1 bud never before eetl or heard-of ;.' ii-. . J Toward tbo close of the KevolBttoaar War CaptK Joliu Curtis, of H,ilei, eoo meuued cruising ia a !oop of about sixty toim, mouutingsix cuiriaga guua and twd swivels, and called the Lincoln Ually. Mr Ahkius, who kubseijueutly resided inTbota aion,-'Md; wus bisJieuteuaat. Cpt. Curtis cruised along the eaxters shores wuk a view to protect our coasters, and one dsy he received informstiou from, a fiuhr man tbiit' "teversT 'Atoericsa- Weasels hsd hseu esptured, sod" cirfled into Annapolis Hoysl, a port on (bo ' Kovi' Scotia coast. Tbitber Cepti Curtis at dues steered, He arrived off the harbor .in', the,, night, and ordered Askitis to mso the bust, with twelve picked men, and reconooitre tbe harbor. and, if prscticablo," to surprise bud ' lake tbo fort. ' ,' 1 -t rfi.. i.M-n t x t: " Mr.'Asktna was a eoof tBaar-hesded; brave mso sad so wcU did b acquit him self of the important trust" tba tf be effected a landing without, discovery, and proceed tug directly to tbe fort lie completely sur prised the- -(ruard, made the govsnior a prisoner if bis bed. and, astonishing aa jt may seem, he But only, by bold strstssem. succeeded in cspturing the fort, with eigh teen guus, sud upwards or a hundred aud fifty prisuuersof wor, bui be also captured tbe iowo7' : '??' lu. ! t At daylight- Askia hoisted his signal at the fort, oa which' Csptaiu Curtis ran op with his vetsel to the town, and executed a cspitulatioh. ' Askius hsd secured snd paraded tbe prisoners, aptked aad disabled tbo cannon, and brought off the publio stotes. 'ly this gallant and almost unex ampled achievement, a , hundred and fifty American soldiers, wbo were prisoners st HslifaxV were released on ext-bange. A mong these prisoners waa Captain Potter, whose daring privateering exploitshad wade him famed,- cod who hsd harassed tho British on those shore exceedingly. This officer the enemy, for awhile, strenuously refased to give ap J bat the governor was held a prisoner until they finally, and with great reluotsucc, yielded ap Csptain Pot ter to excusDge - . , , ' A SAFE investment: . A colored resident of Detroit who no- easioaally leads a few dollars on good se curity waa the other dsy iuvited to lend a neighboring cobbler $30 ou a note uf hsnd running thirty days. 'Sappus dat note cornea dae and too, haven' t da easb 5 inquired the capitalist. , -Uutl will aav, , . rj,: Hut suppose yon haven't.' ' The cobbler couldn't get over that, and be was looking vary serious when tho capi talist got a bright idea and aaid 1 ; ; . W kin fix dat. You make the Bote, yon see. Yon easy be good, or you iuay not be. I'm good, and e ' boof knowa it, 'caase' here'a da cash right here.'-'' Yen. make da aota aa4 I'll back it. I know atysslf. y va see, aad de cap'iu!ist who won't lend saoasy on Lia owa .'dwaatent bais't oo bustoesa bead on aim r , And they fixed it that way. t it rf ... , w 'Thksoul. ; 4 9am. did yon cber bear dsl preacher diseoun about da soul V i ',. , i , n 'No; What did besayT v j; . f aed desovl ia a prisoner dst always killa iU jailer when it makes iu ecse.' ' ' Werrv besatifull ltut who. did ha say was the Jailer T 1 '' ' ' ' , . He didn't aay, but It'posa it u da thread dat do a'to is eewed wid. t When is a fowl's neck like a Lell r When il is wrung'for diuuer.' ' . The tiroverb aavs. Laseh and ma fl Whst i SaViiiff of corn it Would ba if niea Could laugh! 4 -U 4' 'i ,.- rtake tnf 'tth dl 'moraiB. aaid a Colored VeasWrr. f-frout dst portion of da scriptures a bar de . Postal I'aal pioUhis pistol to de Fessiona.', , ;. r - " . - , t'-T Vt -'M . 1 "Po they, ring jwo lielhj for ecaool?" ahke la gentleMsn of his tea year olj daughter who atlciiJs "a sslect tnstttatioa for young IsJies Nj, " ppa,' she re plied, 'ibey ring an bell twtoa.: M It ft aaid lhat circa aisUeces aiak wien. bat It k aekrer th trath to uf that a ataa m a Ms e i rcaiusU nces. , ... . . ; - ( ., If done at all. let the rronest of snot her b gratiled Willi your whole bosrV it dottbloa itt vslu to Ihe receiver, g What little trifle snmtims4 ruffle the temtter A sAirit of eiaitinoal WsteliluL. ness is needed to prevent our yielding: to tbo teodeftcy, . j ) That b the bsptdest homo where lovine1 courtesies ar habitual with every aismbir oi tbe isMtiy . , . . , W liv U IMnf XmA lit- m tilt! rj av changer 'Because elis ought to be aeltled wben alio arrives at maturity. - A fit tie girl ahn wanted to be very good Juriiu Lenl prooted to give up going to thuwl, - , .. : i- : ,. ,. V" . f (j

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