FOR LIEUT KN AN TGO V ERNOR r Geni AV. Rr Cox, 6t WAKBV j UtSTttfOT" COSrEXttOS, ?f ' A Convention' of the Democratic" Cortscf- vtlvof Wt tf tto Fourth Cengfewtoftnl ltrrct. wHf bwhetd itn ehj of JUleigfc n TtfeiAraj ffa f&b day el June nest, for file p"rl use of nominating a candidate for Conjrress iiii a PresTdential Elector, and electing two delegates to th Louis ConventienY A -foil attendance is earnest ly JeirJ. ..liph county will, be entitled cone tote for everyone hundred rote end fractional jpti ojrir Sflfy girca for BkrrMWfc k 1862, " O - 1 By order el f& Ifistr&t Executive Committee.- ; i . . . ,.(.' : A! LONDON, Jr.,' KVS!VoJ. Slit. ' ; : Chairman, (J-V '"Te.iIwiJ.T'i' J I. tTlIESEN,ATOA$niP. .t Ktnn(llj enough tba,Mito , ChtotMs telfrae with the Recorder the ayne ftba of SenatorkTr seleeiibo.1 cUiming tht( 11 veil and Tenon stand precise) on the 4e footing as regards eyuIitr. of rrgtft, The Ubroniole refen to (Se cfio of the lrtiwiOion.fcrid at Frotpect Hill un der tbr new nrVinjeiwelit of Senatorial VU fricfsy i wlich the Orange delegates a. greed that Orange ehoold alternate ecjaallf With Person and CaswclL Hat . hs he Editor of the Chronicle forgotten w tlf "b 'hc was a delegate hat ths (lrange dejegates ma Je this concession with the jespreae avowal that their action could not bind en v future Convention ? Tbej could 'tot do it , for it was in violation of the ' principle upon which the District was made-, Orange was entitled to Senator , in her own right, t Left as separate .Dis trict, she still would have been entitled to and hare elected a Senator. ' Added to : Wake, as wa at first arranged, she. would still Lave elected ber Senator "Added ' to Caswell and Person, it was not to merge ber existence io those counties, and abandon " Sef own right, but for the hu mane purpose of giving' those often oppressed and radical . rtdJeo counties the safe guard and guide ef Democrat ie help. : Caswell and . Person alooe, or attached ; to an v other County than Orange wonld have teen nine limes out of ten with HepuUican representation in the Senate. Now, they ore sure, al ternately, to lav one of their many distin guished sons to represent these. . Can they ' ask more ? We tLiuk they cannot reasonably do SO. , AGRICULTURAL 1IUUBUGS. The JjricUritt veryopportnnely cal's attention to the want oovelties" advertised which are Very apt to deceive tho'.swary and garden the hearts of farmer by the f- feet of deception against the introdaetion of c.,that rnwch may befotrod'neeJ amodg ns that ieeeally ef value, and. would diversify our f reductions ind"ad4: U out profiu.-The 1 tsterctangrof tUe'prodeTtsbf different na tiooc faeilitated ly' commeree, Iriegs to owr koowledje.planU for food or forage pre vurasly tmhoown to wj;'f In this wsy oar roet of deae is eonftantl bcreasia, and touch to our advantage I'ut this dwposlon to aeeeol additions to enrstoci of vegetables, grain and forage i taking adraotage of by ad venturer to io npon the farmer worthless things with c(ravgnt r?prnUtione ef qualities! Ws Ire ia the 'conthmed receipt of eircw lars and offers to print with the offer of seed of wonder firf value as compensation. Soma of these we have tried. Therefor w can jteekef them, W axe led to these re oe'fseeiftf w the Milton Meicary n . notice of too Japan Pea and the Chafe, as sooMtb'mg'to viulise tbe whole farming in-' tere'4. Both of .the things w know. Tie Chela is good ia it Way, but work no , miracle , for H takas hard work to make it psy tbeespenMof eoltiritioo. The Japan , Pen is as arrant humbug s over was im posed npon credality. It prod ace abao- . dafttly without doubt, lot what to do with . the erof is the trouble. Stock will not eat it in any shape, 3Isa cannot eat H for . boil it ever so long, it retains it obdurate bsrdaew. Yon ntigLl u well attempt to noil a bag of buckshot soft Wto make any ' thing of Japan Pea. i . I)ik cut for humlugt. ' iJi-.i.: : . Mexico is stirred ap from the bottom. " ' There hat teen so tut aotlvo fighting. but d re'velutiokk taT'alont 20,000 men lathe field rosnvint about. n! tin ro I vernmenl lav about tie same numier, Ae the Mexican are alwsjs iaapatieot jnder .throw of th governmfnt. sad tbe toeees ofth reiltttk)niis uuy b at most coo4 ilerei certain. SPEECH OF My JQEpA'll ft OnCfti lrssgeitf M founlhe jrtfelljr' of the IIw J.' J Dhfe hi fTO?of the pro. poaitioq; tor trr-propriete 4vH)to' theesr&b- JisbeDttp tmy 114 0iU. We publish H because it W the interMt this gentlenmn Ukee in everything that ap pertain t9 ; hi ottha 8tater and that though he speaks eldo' be Is always on tbej watch, t In this eofrueetfon, we top the county Convention "will inatruot he cVfegttes to f t for th.r-aomiootioiudVi!r,J?vk To do otherwise would be coostrwedinto n rebuke which would- be wholly ttnjttst nttd nnaeservea. it is not ins irequeul speaker that ii the moat useful member. , McKay, Jamet Or)ni, Kduttmd Peberrr etfch'fer ineo; ueeuuve"Mnion memberi from tbeir respective district! were-ieldom beard idobatei, amlVwiir ?oiceV were 'eU dam beard oi'lhe floor. Au3 jet tlere were no not respected dot tneful nreaUrsof the body in which the terved, br ton who bad the moie snreserred confiJenee of their a4tit4trif This district wilt bo nowise to attempt a bng.vAJ ftlest; that, JJrDvhjtws gerin publio . esUmiiioo' than be was two yeereago, Thei be was aokoqwn, now he is out every men'e tongue ami io, every mao'i heart His majority tW9 year egavss upwards of 1 COO. .True, hehsd a weak opponent and th Bepuhlicans will not com mit the folly of 'nominating- another Ilea- den. . Hut Mr. Davis will develona tiro- portionate gain, pod it would be unwise to tempt tbe chance of fortune by the substi tution oTaoy nam for that of Jo Davis. " ' COVSTY CONVENTION. . We hope there will be afull attendance next Saturday. The Convention ja.a very importsnt one, and on It action depend the harmonious action of th Democratic party during th campaign." There is the appointment of . delegates to the District Convention at Raleigh to nominate a can didate for Congress ; there is th appoint ment of delegate to the Senatorial district Convention, and the instruction of delegates to, express the sentiments and present tbe choice of Orange ; there ia the selection of candidate for th Uoua of Representa tives ; and there irth selection of tbo large muj vi cuuoiy omcera wora serious eooogi to engage 'thejatteuUoo of every thinking man in the cnty',' The people of this county bava suffered boretofitf hy their'owa negligence! - They have JeJepted to others what they should do themselves, or thiy - ba nffr4 their best interesti to go ly default. f ?iow let them m that the. aoming Convention Unot run by individuals or clique, but let the reprotntsikof townships be fall, and let their action bo- open ao i fearless.' Their righi sod their liberties are not subjects of traffic. Th office in theii gift are. Dot to U made matters of bargain, and sale, nor tungs lor private arrangtueut. - ' This campaign must not be entered upon with any action of th Convention that is not fully satisfactory to 'all tbe people. There must be no tinft of resentment left behind which will beget indifference to tl great question of th summer's, work.' Th Stat looks upon Orang with solicitad bot with confidence,' and sh must present her sen inrougo act or ber county i;oavn lion with; harmonious arrangement and fiib obnoken front, prepared for tbaptyted and vigorous action that has ganerally mark ed bar political history. - Th PeUrsbarg New whlcb lstely fell nnder the hammer, has been saeeeoded bv the Post, nnder tie editorial management of Mr. R. II. Glass and Sen. th former editors of the News. Tl public will bail witb pleasure tl prompt return of Mr, Glae to th ranks of journalism which h aiorned by hi courtesy a a gsatlsmsa. bit information as poIiHcisa, and lis grate aodforw a a writer. Suceess to th Past! ' ' '5 i , , lUleigh New. Wt eordially todon U abov. Ileeorder. Trithii th last few wreck, TOdea ef Ny,Tor,l bavgfowa strong it' th Preti dential race, and fl indications sr ths'.h will get th Domination at St. LoaU. Tharman proUlly eooaee next ia bop and pwspeet; But too much toeertaioty bang around the question to goeat th result.; If New fork ie eseential to th sueoes of th Democratie ticket, sols Ohio, and ao is In diana, thoogh the Democrat mey afford to spar either one or the tier bettsr than could tl Republicans. Th Reputliean r lookmg np for an bont man a their presidential eaodidate, and such a on Msmshsrd to find. Hoee ty i their card, but they play a bad Land. ISain go by th board. ' Morton reveal a bad record, and Frist ow may b their eompalsovy ehoie. , But Bvutwell hat said in th JJooale, that a Man raised aoalb of Mason and Disooe lino ran terry (I R. publics) VOt If booes'.y and reform ar th issnes ilea the Deiuocrst ought to win. TUEtiENAfOJiSmP. The Milton ?!, rJ, pleptly holds out baft to Oi-unge to jiald hertluim to ont oftlwlieiMtonfroWhhi Jistriejt'bj the preefntatiott! t W tfm of en? Onwg- Caswell mail 4u tbtf jersoti uf kOile'We-l bane. Uraiige is very jma to cave gi yen birth to soicb a mat. Jut uf acJ.aJone does not carry the cotmtj wit!; bim jwb'eB Eeremovae t'TOod L territory, -Qtlieewjsc: OrtBge uright claim an 'ifl8uencei wide almost as the whole UinonJ for W ffiltb'' bed sons are fon d everywhere.. Jfiil as in Mr. Mebane ease, they stand .or wil J with their ne w locations tod carrY with tbera no riW to elalw tbWp(wrt, o thfir otd eonatituent.; The quertiotf remains as jjt u with, regard Io the nominations, Vnf we Were clad to see in a former article thtl the Menrury recogVise'd'the forco of our rea sons'; .why Orange should always claim on of tbe two Senators. It U a political clh watt lonnaea upon ner rge bht aiways certain Deuiocratw majority, j whereas CaK well sod Perapit are so nearly balanced, that unexpected changes' Wt them at this mercy of th bpgoaition, bjily ;to le" wfieVefl tft- saving power oi vrango. i , . , As we havasaid before, ine.sal ject wi I not suffered U be" mdice of aopleasant eontiv'ay, anVrOftiiig idultfyield rather than endanger iiinnmy.-. But w believe that Caawelt 'and Person mW willingly yield to the reasons of the prwitiofi arid de cide between "thmsejve whicji shall have tbe remaining eandlJate. n . . . .i; The Californian seen bent o driving out the Chinese. - It is rather a bard ease. The' Chinese come herd by virrue of treaty stipulations, and to meet a labor demand. If they are not a deirable claw of people, they are not the proper subjects of tnub vio lence. Tbe speech of Mr. Sergeant, mem ber of the House from California takes the extreme view of the disastrous effect of a Chiuee population; but hia objections might be met by allotting them to an assign ed quarter in each of the citie.,' That is more bnmane and politie. thin burning their houses over their bead ; yet Ca!ifor nia wisdenreeema to have risen no higher thaw that reniedy for the evil. . : . The Centecoial opens on the 10th inet. J snd will fendoubtedly be a grand'beeasion. The article on exLilitiou are mostly in place, and in extent and variety, a well as in tbe six of the baildioga and beauty of grounds, th American Exposition will far exceed any vet held.' "'" ?. " :- ' : " , . , North Carolina i not represented except bf individual exertion. We learn that J Black well end. rr of Darhea bar ar ranted a epsee at law cxpenc where they 'will eiKllit their tobaecot to (hH'beV sd- vanlaga. Prof. Kerr will be there en ' lis own responsibility sad will do what justice for North Carolina be i eefiall of without mean It i a atiifortune veVrr to' U too mueh to b Jamepted. , It is a great oppor tunity lost, v - ...r?t The, Impeafhment trial of Belknap drsg lowly along;' The plea to th jurisdiction of th Court u fill nnder discussion, and ss th Court has agreed to' postpon th farther consideration of th cas uut after the, recess teleh by Congress, te be present at the opening of the Centencial on the 10th nothing more will be done autil th IStsv 4 (our waswngton' letter. Waiiixutom D. C, Msy fith. PreaUeut tiraut baa scfit some curioua u usages to voujtreae during bti term of of- Ice, out the on ant to the ItiMiae on th fourth, in raaponoe to the resolatiue) of the urn or April, as eenaiaiy us moat singu lar. Oh the Srd of April the House asked him to iuform that body, whether daring hi 'term bf offioe any official ecu, or duties of th Kxeeativ bad been performed' iu any other place than tbe-Cepiial, in vivla tiooof ibelaof I7l. lUue month after receiving tbe resolatioa, tbe Presideat re spviiis aadasy that tbe lions ha no eoo- st'tuUooal right to mak tbe - taqatTy. II rfaee"taiawer tells the lions tomiud it own bnsioM and aot to encroach apon the ether dcpartaaewU and - that bole n perior to owe lions of Congresa. 11 the telle fbe llooaw that as bs detir official act away front Uaabingtos, and appemil a assmoranda to hi (mesge anowiiig that Washington Was) often absent, from tbe Capital and did many official sets in other places. He has bad th record examined Binds that John AdatMWa absent during four years, 885 dsys; Jefferson 796 dsya; Msduwa C37 S Monroe 708 days ; John Q. Adams 222 days and Jackson 602 days, aad tlst the latter signed tbe order trans ferring tbe United tales banks deposits wbil at lioston. He sJo refers to Jack eon' refusal in 133 to allow a Committee of the lions to tusk 'a reuersl examine- turn of papers in the Kxeeuliv Departmeoti Th ag is riogular ia it eootrsdwtions and see ma to ?b a defiaoc to tbe llous. It ws referred to th Judiciary Committee Witswst comment, . . , . , A bill has been introduced Sa th ItaOla otlioriiieg tbe Secretary of th TrauTf to ctchang silvey .clang for tea million of legal Tinder. The reason is (bat cbeng be become exceedingly eesre, th iraenonai carreney oeieg collected lor re demption and the silver peiiout bonrdad. Th bill Will b sUongly opposed, Th as laiiiiiiiiiiiiii Jailers' neut from u London ?by: 5riDou"gal 'iresidaii'eCfbe -Emuitft Miud iolupauy, plaeertJenerhl tScb?Jil, ia jrfai light. Thejf show htf be eilritiid' per as eolSttS 11eh-ll i" not " :cbrreiinod with the rigiuais..' Tlio CouiuiUtaiu uliarge, wilU feoomeuok- tUut, .fUe, papers ijte aeut Je foreAbe Oraiid"' Juryj-. with tbe view of procuring six eeparete . inditJUueut against Clapp. tbe Vongreaaional IVioter for misuse of public money and-property ' f: iThAaiuftteQtititheBlkuapjJ menu as to the right ol tbe donate to try 8 offipei!iw!io'baa;.,rtMigned, is now being iUAue,;ao4 .tbe will, be .submitted as the. aitidca wre l odL Theuianaifers WW' wfHv wa w , w MtiBaawawew contend that as be rialgnea on th morning of th? ?nd,anu the Uouse impeaoued umi on the evening of it same; day that his resiguatiwh'diMenotrciiove' bim.m ! .m , i '"The House i diic axing th Posh Office appropriation, bill, i At. reported it saves f20(jO,OPO front last ycar Considerable voposition i developed amongst Southern ud iVeittern .Democrats at they, say the saving wilt be made by , restriuting mail -buelites in thoae; section?, 'which now do ;fot have enougU.r ' Tbo Kvpublicaus oppox Ltb bill as they have all others which pro Up'osd Vo reduoe public expenditures. Con- grest; adjourn on " 1 uesday until riday to attend the opening f the eznuaition.' Col. Tom Scott ha teudered) a spicial train free otcbargef;,'.A djleg4oo of loadipg Vir giuia Democrat baa been here for aeveral ilayi) it ia said with a view of seeing who was th best and moat, available mau lor Virginia to support at the. St. Louis ton- veution. liter aro retiuieut out rumor says a majority favor Hendricks. Morton bas made a speecB in tbe Senate defend ing himself Irom the . charge made in the New York World that be bad improperly need $2o0.000 of money appropriated by Congress for the Border Stale. II mad a successful defence . but went out of bis way to attack the' Indiana Democrats and Senator McDonald gav notic that be would reply and correct Mortuli butory. The fneudaor lilden, Tlmrroan, ' iJjv- ard and Hendricks are all work.' for their (svorita and a nw man, that of ex-Oov; Joel Parker of New Jersey, ia brought out. He I a sterliuir JOemocrat and bas uiai y friends. Judge Davis- is olteu spokeu id by many of the leading Democrats a the best man who could be nominated it St. Louis. It ia certain that : he ha elements of strength pueaesMid by no other ' man named and it might prove the wiaeat policy to nomi.uat aim, tbougu the campaign ol loiZ ia souiewbat of a. warau2 agaiaat going out of he party , to ek candidate. Cuaklingis the favorite of the administra tion for tbe Cincinnati nomination, but 1 inclined, td think 'that tbe wa bet we a him snd Blaine is too bitter to allow either bf them- to sale ted and - that tb republi can will, in sporting .phrase . reea th dark burs, . ! v f . ; ,-.t , Washington, May 1.The PreaiJenl and tbe Ubiaet wiii go to a- body to tb opening of tbe Ceatennmi;r Ms; lOtb, v i The rreaident Bas laopgnised Teverioo La Barren u eeoMil of Spain at Now Or lean. , . .-. ; , ... . The portrait f the Poataaster-Generals from Franklin to Jewell, inclusive, have teen forwarded! the Cetfleaitial'xhibi- twain 1 :;-.';.:' ,"-'.:".',.:.! Tb Sute Department official advice from th Rio Grande rprei.t that all b quiW Dial was quiet;. n.t tle Maicab Uovernweat'waa'tendiei keivv forte 4. !ntbii from tb interior. ' " ' 1 Gen. Terry command '' the wxpeditioa. which ia about to leer FortLiooula ,-or M allow Ue Custer to remain in Waahio lon and rertify as tooat-tradersl.Ip frauds. ' Airt Sikes has been nominated a Con sul to Florence. ' -.-:. ' Ged! Reynold denied to Clymer'a com rottte thst bob been ia eaboot witb con tractors' orreeeived bribe from thm. Scbenek, late minister t"EpgUBt, ap pnrred before firmer' eommiitoe and tcs ifid, immaUrislly, about ; bis eonneetwn witb the Kinm mine .awindle. Thoma AValtua Wa oof. firmed a attor ney for tb Northern district of Mississippi and Alex, M. Hardy as collector of eus Twtns for Nstcbex. , , . t - l h Senate diseuaeed the resolution of Mr. Hamlin to amend the mice ao ss to bavetbe dsliberatiood of tl Seoato ia iuiischmeot trial in public. ' 1 In th t'dmmitte of Foreign Rlation, t-Miniter Svhenck waa asked whether h thought it proper fir an American Miniater td buy and sell stock 7 " II replied' that h Sid net aonaider what he bad ddnd ia th Emma-mind business i wrung-set. " , ThCommirtbn Banking sod Car reoey will report bill aatheritifig th rV eretary ofth Treasury to exchange f 10,. 00,000 silver (r $10,000,000, lcs! ten dert.'Theae bitter U be again exchanged t,f fractional eorreaey, which shall be dc troed. ' It ws decided In the Cabinet to-day not to deviste. front the rale which ha long existed, not to part with, even temporarily with origital paper jo any of the depart menu. , , '- ,., ..: , Tb net ion of tl British goy'mmnt in refusing fo deliver Winstow. wait held ss sd mphtie reason for the , brogation pf the Alburtoa trealy. " , ', "," ..Mrs, Maltic. Taylor,, iflLLlXKIt AND DREfef) MAKER, , , FARMERS' .BALL. , r. . . BlLlIJOKO, N a LADlKftMlxXK and t IIIURtJ II AT and fprini Will fifty. Ju4 to hand fall at ' - i M1UJ. TAYLOHS - . . . . . ffvrnt ean'l be nJd mm teltra. Taflur's, X .bas what b at ar win fitntWi by Kvprewno rtmre. WIN rarafve wxrbly tlw lair wwvcHbw to Jtf llknrrjr Uomta, . lie litre I IlE3.WATTIETAILJlt r v Old Imported awpw v Ula iomiUin!cn ... . urn i i ... r coffer: ' SUGAR. " !'i.'i 'h '-tJ i ,l'V l'lt rti!'l,!l f.. ' . - ' ' Consisting in rhri ot'T' -y ' " ' TEA;'-'an., " 1 ' MOLASSES. ' : . ' BACON; r . FLOUR. " jt.t u SOAP, . . - .-H.nmcva. .. - i,,UAjfNFj).coor?;' i : r? .,.CIUCKERS. . . y r'.'.; n .y ,iif MlT.tSL ";, .- . - , !... t PICKLES,'' ' .. ... . r '. , i. J . , . , WNdENTRATED lVe; Ua." ! U Which Me propose to sell at LOWEST Market rttei n savddition'i to GhOGEUIES, we will keep, ' . . - , - .WOOD AND .WILOT.WARE 1 HARDWARE. ! Soliciting a share, bf the Patronage of. the Citizen, and the Euj-era,-who viait thia Maiket viut We subscribe'oursdvea : KISELANDJJ& , 00, iWRwill take, CORN,, WHEAT 0TS,&c in exchange foi : (Joodi. . TSS Cullie Clark, id with tin, and will he pleased i to -acq Li old frieinls. t f( ' l" " K. & CO. -1- Msy S ly. STATE . 0? NORTH CAEOLIKA. , . . , OitANUK tUUN t k . 1 : Superior Courts-Spring Term 1876. Lewie Jeukius audtbU.xabeih Pratt Plain f ttlb. ' . I'. , r -i". John Burrough aa Executor of W. H. Pratt , Jeu'd., A. 6- ttobiuauu, aud Wile t'aroliue Kobiuaou, .l D. Lut and wite Isabella 'LatuUeorge Pratt aud ; nil Alice Pratt, William Jrstt, Jr- Da , vid Straborn and wife Martha Stray born; V. A. Straybora and wile Caroline Sirayborn,'W."t.. Frewland and tV. A. Suajbvra hi Guardian Defendant. Summon or Rtlitf, Tufa Sktfifvf iHunit Coyjr Grtdiuft YtC art aaeijr euMouMdrd to auauu- Jvita burruUxlM a i.xrruiur v -U'. S. tmif A. d. Mebiawa ad laroHae Kaliiunai, t tl. LatU an I wll lasbrlta teUa. Csurxe fratt ad wUe Alter fraU, WtHUm frail Jr, llavid Mrahrai and wile Martha Mr) bura, ,W, A. Mra t aad wlie t'arvline M rat bur a, y. L, Vrrrhiml ami W. A. eiratttwrw U, iiuardlae tbe VriemUtilM abmre nmr4 H tbry be fouad wHbin jrvur fUiUf. to be and appear before tbe Jitdv t vwe auperiue .uurt at a Court Ie be brbi fur tbe count at (Jraag at tbe t'wnrt Home InliiiMwrv, the elMb M-mkUj mlUt tbe Brt Mwwdxf In Mareb, and a a war tb ena rbM whir It WIN bedepoaHed tb IbeettVw of tbe bvb, f tbe Biirrhr Court f aald Cewnif wkbla tew dTuram the dateoftbla humwmmm. BtMl tot tbw Urfradaaa tat n4kw that tbrr bU b ajwwer tbe said enmubiliu witiiie tbal time tbe llalntin will apply in the Cvurt tur tbe rHrf draaaiide to tbe rawplaiiit. . ' . . n"wa sui was see ef lb summons mat doe rwiirp. , . . . , tilra wimW WiV band and m tku eAaastb day of April 17. 4,.OK(.IC f.AVrw, t brrk. r . '"j fboif aeilo k appeartog free tb afl Ru fm"rWaa i mtai ft awsT d Ibxm sa a d sia 1. Tbal lbs iMMidant A. 0. RMao awd t aniline Kohlnma raanet be found, after due dilitwM.taihwMate. , . 7 . . . ' 1M nu M,OK esMt aeaiawis tbe fXriulaitla. r .. . ,L! 1 1' mli '- are BMresidewtsef Ibto Mala. 0, . , . it IsOrdrrcd UTU imUiiilul... mmam wf pMiMk-aiiua la the HUhbor Umt- mm wwrwa weea tor at bwal ale wiareMtve werka. aaiu Tbat a ennv of tbe lumami ha aiK. With rtritl In tbe l'W mW brtka lk artbis t aort dtmd to A.. ttaWaami, Lvtoaa fope t'nuntr. Arkanaa. and Ibal amtflwr env f lbl HiinnnuN be fori bn Mb (latwllvd hi Iba ro OnVw by eald tlork. and dlrwted In Cars. Hoe JteMnpuw. Lvmaa. Fail a-nnnlr. and aaid iiauvn, ban be bvNMd la bare Kwn afdatlbeevptratlnwef tbeilme ef publk-a. linn preariihe ,j ibl order. . tilew at, to tbe ewNfltr ef Oraace this 1Mb day of April lT. 7 OT"W fsKVBGJ LAWS. Cltkn Idtbapril 6t.' . Superior Court, HMSE0E0 lUTlBT ACiDM. UiCDKft tbh natna Iba Instkotinw, latoly known aa linu.VKM A nu a K-HiukJ WUl. hi ewwaronmSM a Ika aMMn-.i mt tt. 4. i llllKX r.U. Irlwrtrd lr tba MUwrlbrr. i.ircHiara enniuiMne mil partfa wtara raw be bad by application Mid. ti. II. HAMILTON, until Ibr 4t b of Jann and allrrwarda Io lb I'rln. ril I tb mraw Nmw the pnMto are aa. awwl. tbat a 1b.miirti aonrm f ItMrnHInn and dlwlplln will m amhitolwrl. and Ibr Nrbowl pianrti nn an rlll mouftf WNb IbT iMMt CbW eal and MIIHjry lntHii(lon b Ibe entmtry. -day lb nth of Jan. ...... It.' H. GRAVES. Pee. 1 lit. TiwrutttT5aaHAt rr.j; " T 1 iHil I ' f '"'-I ' the Masonic Journal -.. i Uf ORKKXSlHiitn. w n. . "tf:!." XT,1 Jf?1 M'ttohrd (a tbe Wklrb every M aM to .be ennniri mat Lm b- af ... m' f 1 7"T nt Month l.l K m be l,.Mrdrr.,'lfl,t,,H uVr. aiv'"1' 'lmtw awl er i a rhih. AiMrra marab Ml. , V.. A. WII.NOM. . tr-i:Mbwro,,A. C, 2 vJ: Vw Brand, '. rU'..l. LY.k .'1"!B. u i'i -f h'id I'M ' . . tJVt?.1 ll ;;! ' l 7 4 I if ; 1 f t i '-, 1 J-.;. :; Dr. "D.:Aa-JRqbcrtaiii f Ojjtct yp tain fit Berrf$ brick UOdj, thnttufbn.u. .4 WILL rawllaua to vlatt Cbajwt ma ec tae Sawrtb TwrMtot wf rarry ajmia. And apmd Ibe fvurlb wrrt af rarb iwawtb at hi Oi.- la lilllabara, aud wUl rtauia Iba W&vwlat week tfnaMwry. ' - ' ( In, Ut thaanat mt have Wra reduerd to tbe aaaM I bay wt re tofard Ibewar. . .v --f.i it tinlera toft witb t bar ia If. farka' will be aewmpth; attewdrd to w Maerb If. JiTT . . pKiTsri TrrrniTi t?roxt. X "'.rt.XilllVi tlP;., ' Tbe enbacrfbavbarab gkee aetbrn I ais el I artoade and) cajatoearre tbat tbe !f,, m r . , . ,AVHlfE,FriO;4Tf! oowtMue Uwfltr ka awa altmrllana. makine; M ux mow pnpniarrvawt aa taartly fataialakZ Tbr Ylf KM RAMX b b ewanad. . - Oratara mul ha to all mm A ll A"mwrreriiaiMof lbaarnwm ae Swrabnrd.' - - . t r. - - t . ... - UlH? H LIJW,US 4 laN at tb WWutfwwt. -f saH.ukjim. - , vi nr.rrr.a. ;;:Nat- I;. CrqwD, r. BALK.10II, . CW D rXLCKIa Vtdc'ef4 "; Awic(if Jtntrtmit, String nf 7W Wwior I'm Gmilurt. ibrv CIJILDRKNS CARRIACCS, twf - - fiooda. Tos, A.' " v. v. BASKETS, liaakata, tb larreat ajsoftaiea t la tbe Sute. - Abo Mrwarsl Arwt tie Utrbretod irrtT 'OTrAKK(iASl. 5r if fbnrrbra, tot a rboota, ta-t r tbe MaaM tlrHaa, keat trrn where. Taw can sate awwy ttaia aad trainmby pifrrbaesfmm ATA-PkoWM an . ,. .,: Car ' ardfiwaawp rerwirfcmOee. 600 Tons PaetS Oaiid. ' ' ' 100 lied most Tobseee Caa One ear load UiWew'e Tobaeew Fertinxef. OronnJ PUstar. Lime, Calsiaed PUsUT Cement, Cow hair, km., - All ihrea tlnawne and rmiltsM Ibe sales IfWtat fiurirt wire. Ta I 4.n to rr eh4Pr nniirnc. f Will takw ante eeysbb) Af" M. l77,arrHred by Raw em ere or wtbat r proved arcuriiy. " yt. F.BOBijfsorf f : march 12 21. ' f DaauSUd. Va. PURCELL LADD & jC0., fcoLksLlf D'KUCblSTU. ' ' : 1215, Mam g. Corner of JUl' ' ' , ,TiiciIMONDf yAjf Kfff eow-tontly eMdaWSaMdwtl torard No, h of - I) iilUX, MMilCINE. CHEMICALS, v; km. u . . :.;.. , AVIXDOWOLASofalUls. . Willi LlmUdUif Fin , f ? fcfUhtt fmf i'nint, rmnltrn CiJritvfjf fbicrfptiop, JJrtfl Od, lof t . 0 ir stork vary hrer lh -W ia our tota of bira w two', M kimlJIJrmtm. r aneanibriM-ra rrrry aj nrWaW af wtvWhw b-rvery tow b ah, or l piimnad .wwowrra. ttrdura rtiprrtfultr aotkllrd al prowpHy at Irndrd to. I'lHI P I ,, l,li ' fVf boluA I'kihH'. KkiMW'tid, V IM.U4

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