-a f. VP try- tVy-T rlrm'Jr. i aw - ML V 14 ' k I L I a. ' kTtv... . - 111 i , r I II 4 , NT V ; ; NT 0. D. CAMcRM "EDITOR'" AND PROPRIETOR. , TRUTH FEARS NO TOE, ANE SHUNS'NO 'SCRUTINYs ,r 1 TERMS $1 50 A YEAR, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE . ,. ............. ...!, .. --"vJ"i, r-'i - ;, .... ,, r ,,,,( " - . . - , . - -, . K.sj.ryi-i.vxaw:ii-i-- j r mo -r.Turrmi- jvs. lit Si-Yol 5. Hi 11- -Qlfl SeriEs. M 5. 1 ( wr I -,. I ,1 vC5 I. I II I II I '' I I I . Hi "hfi I II I P ( .1 J ilLJj .IL 4j 1 UN. ill. x- iw x i r -WJ .1 XT' ' - NT . T . JT V . 1 1 : 1 "-' 1 ' "f V-.' r"" ' 1 --T, 1 8 77 .'- THEiQUARTERLY, REVIEWS, 'I s- and "l;;?.. i ' T Blackwood's Magazine Tba Leonard Soolt PulIiiJiiug Co.; , , 41 lbraiajtjSt.,Vw l'ork. Contluua thai tutktrUti Itaprtat l tlia Poor Leading Quarterly ."Reviews: EDlNJ5UIiaiI RKVIHW (Wtlg.) " LONDON QtJAUTEULY KKYIKW . s . ...fc i ';T t (CuMemtW.) " WMINISTEU REVIE1! (Liberal. ,' B3ITI511 QUARTERLY REVIEW, iJjll-1 (Evaogelieil.. i$ 15LACK;VOpD3.,AiU" Edinburgh 'Magazine.. Th FrHhn QtinHri jlre to tlt rrsdrr wrll diKw-'l liifrMaliia lipouth trrat Ml In ruulriUKraueii hMArv. sa4 eoitUlN Hi erl rrittciwi nil that k trr'k aad valmlila ta II- 4 iriietnt aad art. Tn ' likely I ejTiil wilt Iw tj4rvd wKb a Uortft)at aul at.h4t.T tnwbnra fbm k" tnund, HlarkwHira Maiia Ih la uiuoii I of scone, a.aa) , aaa rueiem, Of tit Wjkrt LUerury Merit. . ) ."; ;;i .;;T fATABttt VlltltTLI X AltVAXCE. ' For af 4a Jlet U J flO0ayfr Fr anjf lo Uai! 7 W ' F.aujtUra lUriawl " Itf 00 J Fiirallfuur lUviaa I 00 " Fr Blackwoud'a M'aaiaa ' 4 00 F.t Ktackwutxl anJ I Keviaw 7 (M) For lllackwwxl anJ i lUm tt K Far )i!aekau4 hii4 S Heviawi 13 .00 r Far lt!ackvt a4 4 Keviaa li 00 ' ' rt t . its - "i a Rui iJiMiit Mr rt will 1 14 allarl rnt t mm iHkliw for f-mr rui!r of lie four ItrtrKWfl and ttbrkwiMMl for 44 aad a oa , f '-, ( PUEXIUitS. Xw aiiWrtliera (apfttaf ) fr la year ir; Ml haw. wttiMHtt caarar. e aamralor IIm but mtHr m IK wrk arioiic aa Ji Mvor eul"i1i.ir. ar umaluwa la MiWrMvra a or tliaroaat cliiara ialtM4 nnU Ibe m-r r nliiftldiiwi tllt aablioiMri-. rcNiiaiu Cirrnlm Hli irtaer aartiealari af ba had The Leonnril Scott Pul..Co.,. 41 lUralaj u Xaw York. . Holland's Warehouse, 7 DANVILLE, r A. . U. FOR TI1S SALE OF LE A I" TOBACCO. ii hollavo.. r t rTwt n. U. s DAKIKL COttMAH. " " WE wowU rrwrtfulljf laf.rai aar Irlrail ablla k.l.tlr aanraH . that w kav mm ir4. a4 o4r-a a.- tmprwemi WAUE-IIOUSE Irtr aiU;iiiMl I.IUHT!, and M rwrtH rfnr lalite fTAM lr liana, ami mMS W .mi wall Waanat, iw IUt r ar la-ltrr iVlwr. l lhaa trr la arraaaatmUla r ufV Imas ami w axrr iln-m Hwt aa rfl"rt aHiral W r.-ur taa wry .rir. bbJ la v4t rwal iwli-fnrlwti Ml iwt rtlrular. K rAtU.!t WUI ba aaruraljf kwlfd Mf "wtb Warvbauatal Mth . , la a aH. wa Wf m prawpt wrwMwl allrwiloa I- MttrH at all bj y laor na w S. II. U01XAX D i 00. 1 Jet. I. Sat. , ... GRAVES'. WAREHOUSE. ' DASVILLE,1 VJ. F0,U THE 8 ALU, OP . . LEAF-TOBACCO. gAUWROOM BT JQ FEET. i Mir AeraramKlUtuM wa aairiMr.l. Baalaca I'mwiHIy and Aarwrai.ly UaawUd. I d m Ma atrasir m aia I laleraM Cd with any a 1m iW. OHiai Iba H ' Markal Wf. t W t a ma a Call. wM. I ."KA (A-iaMia ........... .. .- . luni aiiKrrARU. c wiuox. AHiunfrr. Rout !iwtgrr PACES'vrYAREHOUSE. Pa:3 Bro s k Co. Proprietors.. Dailj Capaeiif 700 rarcala Twbacao. ' . . ;, "! Si-' U Ihltla ' , ' Hushes1 ieademy. CEPAli CKOVt. CKANOE C0UNTV. 11 T U. oin:rfi' a Ika atoid Koaday af t Jjaiiary. Ii.. .w'rxSTKw.HMonrA THE OBSERVER Naoda no formal .atateuient of . principles, nor alaborale recital of what it will do. or exj.ecU to do, in llie coming jeari ' It can offer no atronger giurtnlto for Ha mturo than iaolTordeil bjf , Ua 'ennduot.' ,, Jt will labor arustl aad faitlifutljr , for , tba advancement of ths Darooeralw Prtj. and fur tba good: of th State, arbich it believe tot onefnd iuaeparaVle. t "'To lliia end fa' d'eairad at once fargaijf Increaaed circulation for 77ie Ofaereer and tba arboleoonia literature it giving to tba po la of Nurtb Carolina. uca in bouna bold. 7le Olmrter btcjmaa a fiitnre. It naeda only to b een to niake ita way In tn every nook and orner of tba State. Tbat it may be to aeeni and rpcedily. ita Editors offer tba follow iag . : . - , f rncMiixs roa 1R77 1 f ' - ' FntTh O-tHrotri Z).i7y : To each and every perron wbo ende 8 for one year anlriptiHi t Tkt 06 e'rcer.'daily'wni ba mailed pnafpald "any aaa of Ibe f.ilbiwinj norala of Sir, Walter Beott. baa ot if ally printed, elagautly bouad aadprofaaely tUnatratedt " 1. Waterley, 2 eolamaa. -" " 2 Cttj Maiinannf, 2 Tulutuea. 1 ' 1 .S. )be Antiquarj, 2 jfoluuipC,,( , , 4. Ifcib Ray 2 tolamaa. . . - 6. Heart of MiJks.bian, t rolnnwa.- . ' " t ;TraaWr5jrMdne.,--'w'-- ' 7. Bride of. tXmmermo'. 2!joloraea. t. H. Tbe" Miioaatery. 2 volumca. , . , "'p. Tbf Allxit. 2 tidomM." " 10- Old Mortality. 2 volumaM. II. Kanilwortu. 2 volamw.' . It. Tbe IWe. 2 vntumea , , Or, to oy mam who way eaut aa $3C Lr twelve annual stibacrijition.. tba?wbole f Ibe above will be fora-eried. by aaail or axprcaa. free of all ebargei ' !; " j Or to any ono wbo may aan4 ' w $192. for Iwenty-four annual aubucriptiona, will be forwarded, freo cbarrfa, all tba above at once, and tbe remaining 24 Toluinee of tbla unriralcd edition of Scott's matcblea noveWa'a iaanad BMMitbly ; lb wbula da- jivery to be oompletcd tt Ocbf. 1877, fix- TUt Oltrxt IVttkly. , , ' To eacb and every peraon wbo eide na ti for one teir'a aaUcrittiirnj to The 06- arivr, weekly will U ntaileJ, ptpid. a copy of any of tbe' follow iag valuable p 1. A. II etepbena lliawry of tbe U, S. j 2.Sbepberd'aUiitoryofEng. Laiignage ' 3.' Raed's Manorial of Familiar Itooka. 4. Forma of Henry TiwroJ.- V". , . O. I oaina oi rm a, ). , ' C.K.W. Feller's Bet Gift. 7. Tbe OJd Trnmp. 8. Ilarwo4. hj aamesettor -j aa t " . ft aWMtf 9. Tbe Iacy Uiamona. iy aante. 10 Fleib end Spirit, by tame antbor. 11. Kite. Story. V - f Q Q j 12. Thompson's !Iooier Miica. Or, to any one wbo mar send na $24 for twelve annual nttboriptioiia, tbe 9 twelve tooksabavo named" will be- forwarded by mail nr eipreae free of all ebsrgea. , , To that parson, man, woman, or 'child, ba ma send ua the card tut the larjoH numbrr of annual suwripiioua to T 0 creer, daily, or weakly, or loth eombin eJ. between January I, 1877, end March f, 1877, will to forwarded, free of til cbargiM, all ilia books named a iemiame to each papei, and a oomm'uwion of ttir cent of tk wl ttmltM, iUiii, To Ibe persona who may aod na the o ond largest list, one-half the vulu in aa naw ad, and tame eaah cmaniitrln. - . ' t To tie paraon who msy tend na the third targe t list, one-third tbe villain named, and the name east oommiaabm. i Hamptea of the above hooka, all veil primed and bound, and mot of them pro nonnoed by tbe prase North and South to be gfina f rjpogrnphwal beauty, may be eeen al the office of 7 0wr T. ' ..To those diapoaed v to aaavaaa , for 7 O'ttrvtf and preferring money to books, ttcerdingty liberal enmmisatonl' , ill ,be i.i.l. lo 1-0 dedocted by easrawitig agent fromhiateiuitttnoeM. ' v IlATKMir Sl-MCKirflOS l AurAKCit fl.ily Obaerver. one year. tt U0 Daily (Hieervrr. is moulba 4 00 Weekly fwrter, lie year i ' ; 2 00 Veekly Obaerver, ail monib , , I 00 tiP Fpeoiman wpiaa of the daily,, or week ly, of both, mailed ou application. AdJrct ., ' THE 0KSE11VKR. 'iiViWu.'N'.f." ,:-5'-; .. f BY MKQUK8T .-;. ; ii ftl l ' TUB LOVELINESS OF DEATH. ' " ' Can tleatli lie lovely? la tliera uny thing In tlie territile Mjieet of the ' grim liionitter'V which win juxwibly artuiso In the belioblfr pIeanHtjtboughle,or feelings other thaii thone of iypullou mill giom ? Under what circumstances may death diveat hlmuf If of lla forbidding gmti, and arnunia the ikmaliig liabllioienta of love Kueaa ? Wo have often stood with folded arms and pensive brow, bidV the bod of the dying, and have felt war heart beat hi sympathy and Id uiiiaon with the thro of agony of the departing one- and ' aa we witneMwMl the IndicHtioim of pain ' oran guliih, in llio tiHivuWve'iiiovemeuta hr nervous contortions of feature of muscle In the dual atruirtfl, we have not ntwaya jrecognisad the tvelineaa of oVuth on audi occaMinnr But ara ihero no .Ktimlon no clrountaUnoea under wlilob It MMy be aald: Behold tli lovellneaa of death I la thtt"bMtontuyalwaya terrihleT Nay, verily, wo rejoice to an) that our eyeaand liaart ran bear leallmoiiy, " and that wlth out a shallow ot doubt or nitlvlug, to the fact Hiat death la not always horrible and diagUHtliiK; but In aoiiio foriiH lie la really lovely and beautiful, and In one of those we have recently beheld hi brUhl appearanpe , ( On Iho 29th of Xovember, 1876, d fair young girt wIhmo bealth liad- beru deli vale ainl uncerUiii In all her few, alnwl laya of lire, lay "Uirongtt all . that dark, Klooniy and anowy Kovetuber 1 day la a 4fug eomlltliMi. t' ' '-, o-Aatho daf wore wwdi' towards" the nlxhl, ber gentle spirit eninel ready to deimit with it also. And when at last the lingering ray of the declining day faded out of view, she, too, appeared 011 the verge of time lo linger but a UMnnent, and then sweetly "fvU aideep iu Jeeua " Xlm Hunan J. 8 (rood wan tudeed a lovely t ti trader. , Jvely in her life and iu her faith; and lovely In death.. I' ' ' . 8omo ten yeara bko, alio pfoJeeeoJ the religion of our Lnl Jeaua Clirint and on th 4lh of Octotwr, 18015, wrae imaieraed ty Ilev. K. M. Jdaii, and united with the Mara Hill Bnpib chnrch Iw Orange county, and Mitieeiiieiitly with tbelillla boro church, of which oho remained a lively member till death severed die tie. ' From the tieginntng ofber vrfdonf to the time of her demrture from earth, her wax the radiant -path of Ihejunt, thnt aliineth more ami more unto the r fect ilay," wluwe last hours In the ii7i a alula ahiaie Willi the brlgbtiiea of thefriauNpAanf to wlikh alio atlaiiied throuitb Chrhd. . t ..... . liar niiod wa clear and lucid t the IhhI, aud alio refuaed to take aloolndic aud atupefying etiinulauta-to . revive her waa ting strength, giving m a reason that alie did iit want to die under audi lullueuoew; but whdied her n.lnd In remain clear that abe iiilgl t :hink of Jeaua. ' 1 (Thre aeeineil to be but little iiin or sufTeriiig attending ber entire alckneaa; but that fell' Uiwraae, ' conuii)ption." Jiad marked her aa it victim. When atked by her mother,' Do yni fear to die, my child r "Oh, 110, mother,' aha replied, "J hilig lom-e my Savjour. I know I ahall lie at reat." Her pastor aakeil, M Where la your truat Iu view of death?" Her anawer 'aa( I truet Iu my Meased Haviour." Jh - i I Once ah looked amlouily around aa If dealrir.g to ak for aomethiug. and being qtwotbHied aa to what It waa replle.1, "Jf nllilng but tieaveii" '',''' tTo her weeping mother and sinters aud 10 her many fi lends wh. atood aPHind, overwhelmed with grief, ehe would turn her dying eyes, tenderly beaming, eveu In death, with wvu In all and any, '"Why do you weep so, I am happy Jenn la with me. , I hmg to go to him, aud 1 am ;Ientl, walling bla l!iu." To her tor who held her hand, she Said, "Keel my pulao ad tell : lua how long now.'1 Whea Informed that alt jHilaeat her wrlt had oeaaed I beat, and only Ibeelaoimy dew of death was there, the aweeteat am I la of peae and Joy that was errrenen 011 a dying eonntenaiioe played around her tips and over her entire features, lovely; even In death. How ' iteanant deal h seemed III that moment. ' ( When breath waa a'uiiad none,' her feeble voice aaalitiuclly heard aiuglngd line of the hymn, ' "Asleep In Jeaua! blessed sleep." Then waiting a moment to recover strength aha sung a strain of theme words 4 ' .1.. ..... 1 t.l ..1 ft..... n: II Mine nnpr. Hie niimin iiojw, Whlcli Jmm' gne has given, -: I The bi.ie when daye and yeara are paal , We all ahall meet hi heaven." ' And then, like an Innocent babe that aigha Itaelf to alei p upon lie mot tier's genlM htajnin, illaaSue ctrou I tweetiy passed away fioiu earth to heaven, with ut a guraiev without a pang,, without ainglt otmtortion of feature or body. With every niaacie aa perfectly eonipored aa If lying In ttieealuient slumber, aitdleatiing her liead on the loving breaat of her dear fUriour, ebe breai'jl Let "Jif Out sweetly thai." ' Oh, the loveliiiemof such a death I Who can. describe it J Jusua . had p!acel ...bla own beaiiiifulsigniaure upon it, and every appearance, every phase I hut one would iiuturally expect to see repulsive and dWa greeiihle, waa In th8 highest - sense, most pleasant and comforting to the believer lu'" the resurrection ,nnd Iho life '' " Pre cious in the algh'. of the Lord la the death of his Mints." - i i-' V. B.'Ha'ukkll. 'HilUoro N. C. RUM THEU)EGRADER.' !' 1 t . From the Baltimore Run f .In the Criminal Court of Baltimore,' (eeorge Barton waa placed in the primmer' dock on trial for . the then ot a mlr of trousors,, valued at $3.ri0, from Joseph Rreutier. He had beeu arreated whilin-; toxicateil. and the liautaloon, with Brenner'a card on them, being found in hie Mv-etlon, Brenner was eeut for. He had not sold theui t CaMou, whom he had never aeen before, aud Barton being unable to accoout for the property, be waa presented for the larceny. On being aaked by Judge Brown whether he had any thing to say. the prisoner addreaatd the eourt ao'low: -i- -s a y 'Tlila la aanait painful position Air me. yotn Honor, to stand beforwa court of Jut tlce charged with an act so degrading aa Ihcft. Aa little as any one did I once tlilak ever to be so shamed.' For only four yeara ago I was an honored member of a bar not undistinguished for ability in another 81 ate.- How I hav fallen, this legradatiiMi (iudlcatlng by a gesture his poilioii)uud these rags (holding out his arniai will ilwv. They are the eflecte or intemperance. I well know iutoxicatiuu is no excuse In la w for til ine. But Ibe essence of criminality In the Intent. 1 am totally oblivious In regard to thia act 1 know wot when nor where imr by whom I waa arreated. Could I have intended, l hen, to do lha act? If enurte are in stituted uot alone to find out the truth aud to puiihth the guilty, but to amend and restrain, tbey must leave narrow rule and advance hi broader principle; tiie spirit of the law rather than iu letter must bo their animating principle. If lliia court i administered in that spirit I may again I permitted to enter those fields of exertion aud enterprise where I may reclothe myself with the honor aud reflect of my fellow 11 ou, , for whatever may be the end of litis mutter, 1 have resolved never again lo degrade my man hood by intoxication. In this pretence I repeat and renew the pledge of reform 1 bml made to myself. I w ill devote my manhood and my old age , lo winnlug again the honor, re peel , love, friends, aud pnaillou I o.ice held. I Will pursue again the ilhs and the ste that lead to good repute and happiness. 'But oonvWtkm taaaiia aomething very dlfterenl front Ibeee Itopt-a. Convicliou ineaiia not liopriaoumeiit only, Jt means ehameaiid rniiiof a life. Every boeof rehabilitating life will be In vain. The brand will be on ine Every avenue of honest Industry will be closed to ine. Nowhere can I escape the altgina. 1 Iff take the wiugs of tbe uxiriiiiig fly to tbe uUerimwt paru of Ibe enrtli. It will follow ine. If for a brief space secure in ole curlty it will still hang over ine like the aword of DamiK'lea over my head. Ah! how hungry the world la to catch up the evil report that blacken ineu'a names, 1 ark not for pity, but only that way may again be opened form man 'a restoration to aelf resiiect, friends, aud a home once hiore." ,, Judge Brown rete4ed the prisoner, and the Court ofllcer and apevtatora made up apumefor Bartou to take hint home. He had been h. Jail firtyaix days. It la not probable that he gave Ida true name. ,itw York. Jun 27. The papers here publiidi a statement ihst a number of offi cer of the late war, aome of wbnui served on one side sad some on the other, hsve determined lo offer IjWi their serviee. Tbe conference was held in Wnshinftoo yenerdsy sftenmofl. 0 of their number wss deputed In wail anon Iglssiaa sod Tr- mallv tender him their . service . Tai gentlemsa who graduated at West IVmt aod was iu the regular army when tbe war broke out. and latter one of the priucipal eavalry officera of the Confederacy, will leave aero immediately lor St. Louis, where he hope t meet the es Freaideiit and bis cabinet altd lay the cbeme lfr Iheni. Tbey aay t lie vena eaaily rUe 16. 000 nr I.). OiiO ta Iouintna and Tsxas. .The aiianuneemenl made bare yester day that lbs Metropolitan Imwranee Cma pay w in the hamlanf a receiver, referred to Jie MetMpohlaa r ire Insurance torn puny, and nut the Metropolitan Life he tea which there la no connection. Tbe two tUald not be confeeil la ibe dstri- mem of tbe latt earned institution , . An exchange aaya j W are In receipt . .1.. ri.-.. :..- u.t.. Of two vwui4 vnv in HM'i'ii'g .ini, and anolber on a 'U'Ci' lirtC Heart.' W will wail until we reeeiva nm on th ?io maot Ache,' and publish ill ibroe UjQib' A LESSON, ' Mrs White educated her husband bally from the tirt. 1 li waa her custom 10 wi.it opiiii him always. Wliau ha came home of an evening brought him bis slippers snd gowu aud look a a ay his bouts. If tbey were gutng away' she ' laid his clothes nut," found hi studs and. aleeve-buttons, braiJied hi cost, snd reminded bim of everything Jie had. forgotten. Now, Mr. While becntne aoaucobtoiued to this sort of thing' that ho' ' took ' it as a ' mutter of course, and did not realize how ' much of hie wife's time we consumed by his halfwit uess. ; But. the time waa eomiug when , bis eyea ware lo be opened. i? Jl cbasood that 00 one occasion, , when" coutemplatiug a journey together, the couple missed the trsiu. It i your fault," said Mr White to hi patient wife. I sat , in tbe buggy waiting for yoa for ten ; niiootaa. Yes, said Mrs Whuo. and every time 1 start ed down stair you act mo back for soma-.' thing yoa had fore.it ten. Wbereopon- a sharp (parrel ensued! for Mrs White was rooted at,l4. Tbe upabot of tbe matter waa that tbey pot off their visit until ibe tbe next week, and it wss agreed that each one should get him or hemelf ready aud go down to the train and go, aud the one who ailed to get ready should be left. 7 1 be day of the match came routid in due time. The train wae lo leave at balf-pM ten o'clock, and Mr White, after attending to In tiuaiueMi, went hum st a quarter before ten o'clock. Now. then. he shouted. " imly three-quarter of ao hour to train time. Jmj aruuod : a fair field and ho favors, and know.' Aud away they flew Mr White made a great deal of noise, and dived into one closet after another with in conceivable rapidity, I while Mra White set sbout ber -taws , wnb calm deliberation. Mr W bit first check occurred when he searched for his shirt. , He emptied a drawer of it entire euuteot before ascer taining that it belonged to hi wife. ' Then be vainly searched for his stud ten minutes when tbe humanely informed him thtt they ware in the garment be bad jut Vikeu off. ssiug cuff-buttoui occasioned tbe next delsy. He bad left ibeui 00 the sitling- room mantel-piece, Mra W lute said. By this lime it waa a quarter past tea o'clock, and Mra White, wbo bad steadily atten ded to ber own affair, waa just putting on her bonnet. 4. 1 my valive packed '(' asked the filming man. .No, alia aai.l. I bad hardly time to pack my own.' S!ie was pas sing out of ibe gate, wben ho shouted an inquiry eoncerhing fiui vest. He informed him that be threw it on tbe bat rack, bad him good-by. and went smilingly ou her way. And jut aa lb car moved out of thadepot, Mr White, breathless and agitat ed, put ia an appearance, too lata for the t re in. Rut he never fori. 4 the lesaou. aud Mrs White wait on him 110 more. THOUGHTFUL THOUGHTS. The pleaaurve of I hi world are ilecvit- ful; Ihey proinle more titan they give. Tbey trouble ua in seeking them, they do not satisfy ua when iieolng them, and they make ua despair In loosing them. He who says education " aaye govern ment; to teach U lo reign; the human brain la a sort of terrible wax that take I best imp of good or evil, according to whether au Ideal touches it or aolaw seixea lb '.- , Of all the love on earth the one most like the divine love la that of the good mother so uiOHrlflsh, uuforgetiiug, watchful, con siderate, free from jealousy, and desiring the good of Iter children far more than her own hni)iiiuaa. ! ' The human heart i like a tnlll-stone in a mill; when you put wheat uuder it. It tuna and grinds, and brulaee the wheat Into flour; If you put no wheat Into it, it al ill grinds on, but then It Is itself It grind, ami ll slowly wearee away. "' Themiar loilafor rkhes, the hero for fame, the scholnr Hint hit name may lie known Incoming age. How much higher and itohktr the aim of the Christian who la living for eternity toiling for a crown ofeverlAktiitglifel ' Tbe man who Uvea right, and Is right. haa inor tmwer in hie alienee than another haa by hla worda. Character la like Mia whh-h ring out sweet minlc,and which, when loutched accidentally even, rewHiud with awcet uiusltt t Punch ia no mean authority on some natters in hi little sea-cirt isle. ' Here la his vs-hm of tbe westhae as it falls ojkio him all the year ream! . Ihrly daye hath Npteialer. t April, Jane, and November, And froui February until Mar, The rain it rainetb every day. All the rest have thirtvone, Wilhoat a single gleam of seat . 1 And if shy ahnald have tliinv-lao, " Tbej'J be dull and dirty loo. . , , The R Hi more (J.ntU aay. Crt' cl irt.ritbrurtie stsnl op. If the IVmorrate Could hsve Ix.nglit ibe fi'itaiana leturning boa id f -r a cool million, what is the pre- sent value of II vet' tlai-n to tbe presides 1 he borrower bit a abort imiiuory. j.r roLrncs AND COLLECTION ' ( - PLATES. 1 . . , ' Recently a Rodicul who I a prenrher, tackled Uuvla Jtcimia 011 the t-tlject of politics. ' ; y u I undemtand. old mali.'ruld hc. 'llutt you area LVmociut.' . J 'I dunlio, 'loul'.lat hoaa"" f Well, it comes preiiy strnlgiit.' 'I know deygot two aides; one whnt ih'.V call Demmy ciat an' dc itililer lutt dey , call Radl kcl, hut;l don't bndilcr W 1.1 't'ni w'dn de wedder gita' dis stilt'.' 'But. I hear you vote the Democrat :0 ticket every Ifine.', , . 1 'I wot w id my young master what I ' liussed w'en he want no bigger thin a duck rabbit.' "Now don't you know this is going bm-k on your color ?' 'But hit ain't gwlne back on my hellv, an efl don't teud to dot, de fun' cole rain dal comes 'long innut wash de color' right outeii me. l'uiu't tukin' w clinucea w dlsblanese' botwl'ni ageltiu'old, unci tie nl er I gita de hungrier I geta I does for a fact.' Look at me, I vote the republican ticket, and I'm not liming my fle!!.' toil tori.T preaches 'round like don't you boee ?' Souiellroe". Yes, Why?- 'Caxe uat't whar de fun comes in, I don't git uo chance fer ter feed outu no beaver hat, an' I don't eat offtMi 110 pltitcs what dey takea up church blec'kshuna in. I'm a mighty lonesome ole nigger, an' hla ter scuttle loiig thebea' I kin widout enny ctiugergation at my buck.' ThepreHcher hmkedat his wotch, and said he would take aome more at another time, while Uucle KemusHrith a serene mileUMHi his venerable fuce, went ihiwn tbeatreet singing: Oh I wharahtll wo go w'en le great day comes , 'V : '.!. - Widde blowing' up d ' trumpet an'de bangin' uv dednima?' How many po' sinners will be rotehM nut - 'ate, ' . .. , . Au' flue uo latch to de golden gate ? l'EARI-S- The guardisn angel of life sometimes flies to bith that it can not ba reeo i but la always looking down upon us, and will soon hover nearer to us. Affliction is tbe wholesome soil of virtue, a bare patience, honor, sweet lumanity. sndrslui fortitude lake rout and stronely nourixn , If yon would be pungent, be brief for it is with word aa with sunbeams the more ihey are condensed, tbe deeper .they burn. , Hearla nay be attracted by assumed qualities, but the affections are only to be Died by those that are real. Nature often ensbriuea gallant snd nobb hearts in weak bosoms ofteorst, God blese her! in the female breast. , The blu-b is nature a atnrm at the ap proach of ein. and her tet'.imocy lo the dignity of virtue. No one wbo hold tbe power of granting Id lo tbe worthy poor, can refute it with out guilt. For every sort of soffering, m that of sin, there ia sleep provided by a graeioda rrovidence. A miser grows rick by seeming tr ; sad extravagant person grow poor hj seem- lug rich. Men resemble the cods in nothing an much aa in doiug good to ebeir fellow creature. Never marry but for love ; bat eov Ibet Ihoa lot est that whk-'n is lovable. , What is becoming ia honorable, and what is honorable is lecnming. When anger, rises, laiuk of ike ctmae- qnences, - It u dilbcult to grow old gracefully. An unprincipled bachelor aave tronbtee never come singla. Foofe. on helng scntifed by a lady, as id " I hsve heatd of tartar 'and brino-lon. Fob are the cream of tbe one and the How. er of the other. 'Jones ha a rerence for Irnth.' said Brown. 80 t perceive.' was Smith's reply fur be always heetM a rcsveelable dietauce from it. A New Jersey woman U so cleanly lls she nsot 1 wo rolling-pin, rne fur iIm pi cru4 aud tbe other for ber huahand'e bead. Th grealeat joiner tire lawyer: He can plica a tenant, pan-1 a jnry. rbiwd client, angur the gin, fl-wv a tssne, cnl ' hi board, nail the ra-e, bainmrr the 4t't, CU bi bill, and ebave the wh de coiumu i- A firmer who lul wnf a La's nf c.itlcn to a wrMiue bmiructetl a nierehnit t. have the tama sold. 'I he mervbsnt com !ied with the ripiM, and tlie'a'.pU wi dipo'! f. 1 I'hn frmi'. ntma etatntoitig hi tiatemeiit, heard muttering to himself 'DrayagS. . wlirfa, loirtiiM.itfe, alofiie, Uakige. woia'ngs well, I'iliiaolLrf tt. liawuut in Ahu. . i!e. 13. UdarGro,.N.C.

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