FKDXBsDAY APRIL 25. ISTi-! THE COMING EL'ROPEAS-t'AR AKD-SOL'TIIERS FARMERS, The Jlaleigh OttSereer makes somo wise rjgcctitiotii to the farmer of the South upon the sppr&ac.i ot the punting season, wttn w t.;ri htm aeMiuat the loss J "iti A- Ht I '. . . . F " i . . I innoifitnicnt hioh are ure touiitow tiic out- I hrealu-iif-lU great reai money crop tu comm io me iirjm i l.rr.JaLntla. .Thawm. caution at-rlie. with t" .. . e . . . ------- w r fnr In .he tobacco rdanter. .-.4 Tk.t Wnw . .'M I , MW; :...'..".... .. I a:on J)f ull theleaSin2at:.fesmenofrEorops In fuel the ilt vf this month i Gxxdstthe i!;6uit dnj for lh formal deolaratioa f luvtilitifs. rni,iahiisthreeieralrmte la tha field immlwring betw'ecn ix and se-. vn buoJred thousand mcn ' X"fVev tas'a --.e B p ej P fiirce mure than half large ready to repej inranoe. Theteirethe iiuiueduULeilige icntt. " Hwt then there . Vrureia'witb on army e- i .i l iw ..... fil u9 ,i?llircii tiiiniiMiiit in istivijj y f 1 bodied, and a million more ready to beeall J ont:"AutrU'Tit1i an nrmy t-f font hu Jred tliouMttid with immediate prospect of l.avicg o-.ue them, am) cll out her jrj aervM te the sanieoitent. ,Tbere h France with ler half toil lion, Italy with her three liumlred thousatHf not to rpeak ef England, dred years sometime directly, more often indirectly;, but oow. having established foothigw Aa.a..d ttbli.hed her port. M as to threaten He frontier of the lirHimb Indian Empire, she fcela strong enough to! invite toe wrainvi rtigiauu oj me grasp ai Constantinople, the Ley to all easterp pow-j er and trade, - . And ra England will ledrawejinfw the Sl. and if Koland. then France!' Prussia'. . ... . ....,-., Autrta and Italy, , , , , , This will draw oil th great nfi ff .he producing ppulatton of Kb rope, and ta rp will have to look ' abroad for food. Thia U America'. r.pjrf.rtnriit'yt We are lappi'.y f Mluated tb-t there ia no .reaion why we ahonld be in any ajoplictd rith European WMlitie.' But for the in Mae VitIi'0 kept up bu Southern affair. re iar botliu to lo but reap the rich b art-eat of reaDtouted butwete. i We can sell at good prices ercry taKltl f grain and very poond of meal thatcio raised.' Uattbe aatoecanwj imi wMy.Torai.ij .r. ;n in. Ueeo. The former ia to a, eutaio extent .4 fpeeulalioa,' A the O'jstixtr aayt, :ut in the last six month?.' that w to say aiuea the European wr beg ta a-s'ima definite , ahape, wheat ha teen stcaaity aa'abcmg. until Iberia baa tojr rcsrhed r,early.siiuy. t.rcrbl. Uut tberabaabeeo ri in Ctton, and,, the change in tolaeco bar bten apfiuidievaDd temporary, , , . , TUe are auggcativ bints, and It ba . rooe tytb tea cottoo and tobacco planter ti fay itKMe.'rca. tipon bia c and pfo iivo ciops than La Las iecn in the habit lffaOlllf, , , CotUaiJ .tLiec(i r pot tnoncj ropa.. and we co lore the prreiice of such toaUa. gaiiea reduce their rtarket TalneeT Hot tba.waf not of t-er making, and a must1 P9 hat ar faraiiog operams as to make M uili and ivaa a Utile a po-atll by ita xuttoji -! 41 .1 tfe a Hri.iflm To llw artfcbj on wOf Srat jjgs kaadeu ;.ott.ern cv.ieiy - rnm tUaJaOtff i'oi', TaayUi aortbftri fiiS bate been a long time wool gathering.. T... War if f.m noi oi pose die oriu oi wie inevueoiB iui ( tie eonsenueoce ot crime ot the violutioif - ....;-.' i tl.'. lB,r i. h'h r or n.'ea.ry cttUIIsT7Trder..VlTrJotTire?ra;TinT,t V iwiiwT.MMBIl-; . - L . 1 . , . . ... . Khnu r.rpnaraliiii'! hi nut Ha lari'e . LUl I . . ... - ..t..... , n ,T1P, . I. l., thai ; v "' ' " - w i vihoee rewarce. of inen are at treat , The" Rer-ublical are graduairTewtttSg Upf.'W ifhiiMR time tol P,edeiit l&Va'amtStlir)- Kv-riM4 S 3P01TtlllJ2S03?0,-J "J j . ' 'Jr thew natioei are not drawn intothe Tertei h'S' l hWMim "VW J?! S t-,s, WtSwA fti'. Aw.Wta'l. if jhe.OODS nd ? , - V ; .f thw war. V,thallharprorioi.tot?ie wal.tri.t. tkvklk Hia.fnoMgW s.aha reballiowlUj; nWWWi j 1 jjrAVLE Dli - COOtiS, .FKU v. rontr.ry. Ria do not,. itUak Turkey fr without the tletermination to make Con- J-t "tSf ' ' V-V ,t.ntinnpl. tb grand pmeof the w.r.-I, ' , .. ,JN ;Tkkt. . - ? j. Tbe latter is mora in the nature J4fBl b respeit aud arf.lttiwtV'- The world y.n.i Uib tt1 eonfid.r,ce of rUrir V..W,vj da with moeii ! thTn'It i now nsiug tSa MhWr Jfelb'k then.' will eaW ! te Vrt.e,'oH H- tm!edt f VttW ItfT aava t.een a ioz n "v e . ,.- . , , .. ... . . b. . - . . . '!.,., . V . fltMtii.ig lutntstries at tho wHI of a mahf Theybedn ta'fiiid'tb wertb tf-tb.W 4 ,., ;vl f 4 Ibey hate pot. Ve ihenV.TJ tl.U fonp ago. Lot tbcj preferred' ias lojMbeir Iwa aja-riffrei" i t ? ,( rfa . i tl XeeTtele Blafne, Wedtv Wtrrtoa, Veadell Pl.ill.. .W thai r.M prefer to keen the cm.M iu tnimoil !' tie sake of tba class tblt iU'Trfo-he K?ttf Ji dlt'ad: anita onwortby thantrife in their telalf. 'L'ATEST'FkUM LOUISIANA. i ih friJay tCeTresiJetii Inttructel Mf. JlcCiary. tb,8reretare f War," lo order tU wJtLdrsiiai of the V, H. frooplfftfw. yiecbaniv'a Ut.'U, JVekard e Hesdqusr tert attd fW Swalsry at ooaa ommkte 1 bet Mrctitio. of tba order to Ceo Khans.. t b put intotfeeto. TavdJTjrtataTby) pi 14 ti'vi4". ' ' '"' alwrt.f. Cr. lo.ef, ; Cotton ! DEFERRED PEACE: The tiJings from Jxwieiuu. nr. tmlj'VnS cniiragiug to,ent Jlnitjn ttme a until a check, an it t" a a sftmmary factory wlnHon of lha duoalry will b t reHtlwJ. i It is purpively iMended-.tQ.i 1 the "ik of time. .The Connn'sidon iwvor j inicdWldo ..nything thaUid not bring 'sou party advantage.. and" has ii& its hours tu bargaining for the aduiisMbn of Republican Senators, - The President is hod Independent enough totuke the butlby, bw et , 0l lHwlllUe Uoope, ,1,. r.l. tnhiAil ,f P.ifflrTt Hut. ha iluA4 ' a -. ,,: - r- .. i .i,, i U,,t Ps,Po,10'i,-i' of settlements M9"r . P4". u" . i . . . ... a ...-. MH - OUIIIOUUII" UIUICUUIBB III IU8 PUT. " l a .. .".'V. tl 11 a voeme to be certain .that 1 nckurd' Uen ci-urnge from the ipposiiioo ofjiorthern Kej pul)liou Uder,o.irhaVbe 'resident hi pleased J t U. bin Souther) .pojicy end hope that il my Kai rtrng,tintu thirart thut policy etitirefyif We' do not gree ith approaching uuiftiaal Karopeao yar, he i the United State bro winoh to rain by i ibe Srife ot'f.ft'c'ign (t'stiolii:' rittt feof vWjt I . Ll . 1 . 0 .1 I .. !.! - f . r il iLt J'' . -Jk 4.', .m i J . .. l . .. . . . 1 1 miii uuuisnuiita imwtr. -ti i ,u r ina-a ia il.. h i. i Packaid,' for the opei.twr ninvement ,". ftSaJiify.T VCti rX'tiect the othef Jui1jre't6 lot a popolar-ooe, but that of crazy phrLn. j dj tlieame- f AJnJicteTletlKc'rt -feHowji thropiktfor, embittered ponttciaua. .vibe j g0 to the Veuttomiary and. eel 111 ; perwrn not coiibentlhardrstracfiou aTiall' KntlnHeTT'TnthHrMrJK fr llfett Wg fn"Stt.ltea Tin theiroa political affairs ti the luin of thcircpportuatty tht.. ffr,iWUJ04yeii ed reyeuue ruraina without wnrrif. kuiick dere nuy tkrire ' Ai&&m Ihiji 44a,ff9 and wauatedjiiiidmarchedjilf ;m' ; tat H tw -fi; 5Mll lntit ik'etabl..H-kil " " '"'"'"W .'WOr 111. f..-.. . .1 - - air" "uu "UM:" P" J fr I?" "jw P"'. H otao many year iiiice tnaf John manag ed the party in North. Carolina, and after hi ehtorit roles weVe dropot IffJ aa entfTlotVat.hfDiflon to Vatcb the affainraiid none the fortuuea of his, party. lut John wanja aoiae rfwsrd proportipnate U i np poiad mrit9.t Jl. U w big, (hat bit ,o friend vo really buv-eatly what Im ja worth,' laugh at him. HI if wa'nU 1 place in vhe t'aliuct ! ioi Jofin thiul he' i!l gel it. .tie writes to a irieM in tins place, in thirty day kiaabiijtta will be gratified,. 0 tbiav piMt, tba 2iprtL State face; 'tbia utaa Pool m mania; lit la reobled with the' idea that be cAght to be in lb? I Cabinet of "the 'PfMideiit.'1' If ''Ti7nTiiie?rer awy al Ufa nt loj- tiiree ypar; ana no lie is after ilaye v ;:t U lVlf3 ! ly need M. e thimt ol-jeot t bia recf B fc.ertrfnp n of ttie HerrfiH ,,z:y'"i;u- " the District ol cvlumbta and w not charge. w not charge. ... ? John ,B 1,uer '"-7 tionvw ! i a,..?ti a. .yvtiw Ilaaihsi'AVta; iVorA Sff any ntort of tu old !rWtjr f Jol fo 'breaV iJpr W think tuere are more or the same ort left, and It U goad aeuso to ct rid of them, . . i -r: tng eitra ie.iou of Congress wjll,u jba ao short aa generally aopfsod The popular idea of it. bwaiaeW bl.t3.-tU j .p- fcer iua to). tbiuka tlie (jue,tioiis. Crat, as U th.":M af Ibe army4 and thai. J Is t. I ho -rights mi powora -erf fta xaas tjTtd finphiy thtf army at bildisirarirs I. regulating the iuttrnal affair of the st a tea sr ill artpe, and then.'theVigbu of tbe House of KepreaouUtivns Jo control, aud iiiuiaitvb powers. ad dis "ii it lubatafitially a ro f iral of tba old atmgjle between the Crown and tlve Comtnnos, wl kb esnlud iu mak 1 hig the laiter'ibe goreruiiig power of Kii faa4. by urtrwllrng lb pualia para, and rity. U n true the hteeatire tdii tins el.ecx, and U at jt i the doty -f the Ibiueeof Uep reaetrtatites t. brik it teb kno its propaar fpbere. The"j4iKHrliii f fe.f ihm bawnMeatrojed. Hut thafocill.(ion mly be carna-d loa fartha V.iHer w1jT"t "thi daya.of Thad tctewi, 4a lloura was ihe govtraniaoi aod tbe legitimate ao-ordioat blanches were cyphers. ' lift the iioost do ha duties,' iut let It W Wntent to'regatu what ia really its est. without going' Id (la ai'eut ofji'aiming aoie a'a4 si)mfgVpow. r. Tba ftpi 1 wiimiWMi(Um tU dweaao.! tf " ..X5 i ' S J to 11 aa-. r-f( , Mf.'tI.N.CflatliofibMC,teUitw ia now efUtgVI, i. eatocVia "Netuat rlfer, atlVlcro .witbuaj.'IW eultura .ill grow ia faeor as ilt-bcoefiuara dtwotstraU propnation nm, ami anppiy tne uenaiefiry fa the Savf" apiiroprfattid tills and then 1 J-i "ai I! u 4 at Tbe 'liberties of cur peftpH will never be 'I one, be put no the juuV Idh 1 liuf .serf venue uflicinlti in their t duty., Thexe treiitry u m t uUthat we e neither Hr r vomiv u-d sue- , jects. but ith the rights m.d wjifi the (spirit of froeneit. They ii.-t be boght. tlist in 'Carrying out the nHers of the gene Uve-of beavrign State of Nor til Carol ina Thin State ft ill not hhietrfiprrtimeilw froli forma .tnodcf j SlytroieMa aguiiist ytjjo 16um of pvr nwjjri, 'inVlrt4t ifl State aaSinuleortvrauoioaL anil iael" te end Vhe' wrH f il.hlicft;ettoil-?th ; the exireiiH'tt peualtie ol the Jw when t4nUeSt:hJitkf ha .-tken h, .(igMJ co u an dh ; i d iea tea i h iwc j t pucpumw wry punish '-4liiJtwj(hejawijl feeiake tnn.eetr Qtjf vienei riwdered froti)i f.7 " m9 9 Icoooty, innoiciiT i.t iitFenceri'eiio.f Vy ifm-' Sea ia expected. Fred Douglass, by tn tueof hi office as Chief )Ia?.half of fhe biitncfof ColumTU 1 iai Master ot Xeremoni'S, at' tie ' Wjiti - ... -ir . !. .'6 t..t.,,. .J VW-fc lloaar, IMyef wont lt(bim servt tibcue ha ti f 'Colored 1 fr Uh t cousmtebcCUh Hayes "My barl bleeda for the futare of the poor negro , WHAT PACKARD' WILL DOS I AV'.shiastoaAaril 2 1, The-, following U extract from an interview aiih. tjov- ; .... f - r . . i roar fce.iegf v., ;. , u . h v d ltf porter Admitting that Packard t the Irckl GoTernor, eau he any longer hold . or: KeHopf l? think Uu,V Tfce force amat him is to great. and Widey he ts tnoeai entbauatati alter Im jongtttoti- linaed eff'rt't o? trv :fw'3.1$ I , BepnrtarAVbat tbe !lb biacnarH' , jo. Mlhi!l-?l fiaui tell jat el ect' wbatt will .be iaveouiM. U''are, . nde, jiumM.nvea. jt v f"ytb;e, li - r. j him, to da mat y thingv but, nnleiw rI. am TtfE "DVrYOF PARMERS.f. . - '-ai ?-.! ' 0 V l ,1 rom jjbe tSasan ., Daily, 2)'eit, we jclip ihe fulloaiag eircalarad'U'e d If the plant et of 0Hrgia;w Tl adie will art. p!y wifb rqnal 'propriety to lhM of tlii 8jat'?d j-'fies w lib tt jliggestittna made IU an euuoriai ui nil ti-eur, . , ftTir lafiSL. I t 1 ATL)f fA ff Aprrf I.ih. i7f To 'fie fmeraoMevfyii f -' r.. .. it.. 1 1, .... 1 1 m..'.. u new of the .threatened war 10, ihe E;it which SeeaiV no lo te onavi.idable ft becumea a as prU'fenl men t- arert,' a fr 'as tn'th'e',Vt datruu effwfs' utoit 1 - tear iidulrici by a win'fuieCaWin ' oar kna omri a at-,ci , -4: , .Thi indications now are' that there will be a fcr..f ractfd "Wl irfVofviiif the : I4in fjwareraof Kar.ipe', the nenennry eMiaVa4i of which rrt! t.e a rMd ' ad raw m tne arie'e'tfa! f.iod .upfrfieal ' ln Even the ruamr of war h a : art ea.y eaiiW an preei.i'l-i-J tin.. tw ;mt and hreadatuR. and decjiaa nsjr graat staple ctit'on ('oosually Inrge slup uteiiia.f provbitina t the ' Tarious Kuro pran porulsri already reported, and inuat t-miiiua ao long as tba war'1af f" ' ? The, forcigi demand for, cot dm may be greatly reduced, and it .prica fall UjIoW fen ij present lo figures. w ' v, " " lit tie of the facta. ' the farmer of Ceiirjjia are urged to increaae their areas in pf o i.'twit CMp. It ,s not Jet tiiO late to 4 MK-reaMi tne area Hi corn, even ir it ill to be H..W ty reducing )ibtsf1ilottait, let farmers ptaot enough eorn to fnatire an ample inp ply Tor iha' a.iauThg"ya. Let them' plant crops for their b"g. and ' fjref them forward to secure, as' .early a pom bla, a supply of bacon for -homo , eimump. linn. r last them plant liberally In Oermaill millet ind field t sopplemsnt their" asm ifti fit feeding stock, in rrrdef that ittora of their eor. way ha bsed fot bresd.l If th .r shnald beater ted of which there Waf present litfla probability we will bar! 1ot nothing by the aboe poliey j if .ot. we .III hare piotided agsioet tbe poaaibiirty of josetar eaOarlof, ' In eilbar erent, ihos. who iort the aboto a lrieo twill bare otrtbinj to regrt, wbila fhwa' .t;Y rVpbrfed Wiat I4 btotufy fight uh e l f t tb'e.Fajr of t87fw iO t.o'C Wltt:j jlaM''btween iffo furktand fiuiii'ineaV j Mtret.!at' the ofSoeVf JfieSecreAry'i.i5t the great Uiukian grain port ou the Biavk . ? j-'i . .-".I u J.' ! . - 1 1 I . i i. w . i ' . i j . ... ri k iu cuix i iiruurui. vmlif iltuntiiiuintikl ! ni:if. 1 tliiun I . ' ' t . " ." 'ta v, na ai: nuin f . trnoma at ua i - n:,,. . . tm b-m. -. . .1 . iJ liane. without any provociium f bttla or , k, n . 'Jen 1 li 5 i' i i . .i t .f. Lnmiiioii ;righf. ".nfi to ItltJtl r blupd'heJ. JSut ilni i n opinion li r iSfiarji,,,., iu,, 1.. " i c - t ijiar a i . . st i ii a - taP-Clf t"r"J- . " w a wi ulia fiii hot MiaYto'comofllfJ r purchase j-' iirnrUinna lit rninnual hlfll uriutl. ami r , . -. fJ - r . , pay fur them itlt ooiton at priuea evert be- ... lowahe cost of podutiou.,w Very reeet-4j.". l'u!!y ; ' Thomas P: J ask-. ; -'V'i - - I ,. - " , ,fs , , - , t, . ,r: evj f Mr. U-vei.. to the Supreme ; Jieiicli. i i.ijkeil Jf hi AJinii.irtiuiinu cir- j o1l' .Hiid tuvtiuht.'.ta fiuiilul topic for specu-1 authorhutWely decline to htm -ihe--1aoi. biij it .t'u M.ji'iaiy, Hill be.tnude Attomey-lieufidl, tieaeral.-. Thompson, ttieeriery'tvVT.vil nt- Hmrt-miBnnnii. probably .Liov.. . Jnok ot , iliisirucli vcertf. Secretary' of ihe'Navv U"ih ceVlaid."lio. ever, thirt the Pi'O.-idwtrViiid yeateiday thut he did wot intend to appoint y t person tn pjueti ut Winljfa l)ava tintii jiUwi iti elr " ' H The tioTa,'to tLVllu'H-'-eltT VroKliia't'.carr-TheN.ateo.Pnr" i. Hited ti SecletirMctViry 1m,t-ifU,etu'iMan f wh;V; fhat'tlnf 'PreHhlotif uulifeallCiin- .... ' v-- -v - -i rSi iii'.irfi tie I Iih 'Ti-'liit tl 1 ' ...;,n.i k.i .l.. k..i...i.:i..i.,.i...i If pari hi ' wiinii' 1110 iirtii'MiiiniiFH 'ini t .. r . . a. 1 .a .at I office of the ApprrfiiriaH?wllortrtlirt 111 1 nun ih 1 ncMiuii wiai wm luiiiirii vik aii.t aL n " 1 r .a .. a. .. 1 iiA k . a ....n a. & 11... 1 ij t 1 u 1 the Hon- of lUprerailvahf mU,iriw fot ibe meUli m VmUUmhm, coiirewirifii,ee ed fttou.tmiMouk l torangifcfi.rftiii:pjjft,Vlbtrrni Svu a tw-'Hi'iivlTi jiyieiirt.r 1 tai'iifca Haialmiiii ihtat t (a xaiattav luuiKlu tltucir ariLI t Jt -.T-..4 .JJ ai4 ! jH Tl b ateitfraHjff MrptMrxl ibj ti ceKtavia, ftmasaf dtixtMt, wtto are uolpraulkuit or a-arUkljr W irt,T lH : f; WkI to M iliai Uiwt:i, uAir-tCtW Iwm Merer, tbu hextwleilge, failed vt vure DyKpffatia aitat LfveeCoi'iflaiMti in alt iis fMrma atauli am rtowr $UiMicl.i Coativruttaa, elok HeaMlahav lpiataaa f f the Hrert. nw aptrUa. Ac; 4J;U trf. iIoam. twttlae ar44 laaA y enra Rwtaaiitgt fatlurai wns reirx), ' )hI itHaauHi t.f rttmulU nieillarr Ifltese feeelveU. fauts) . PnWKhla of oiidef nil rmrva. Three lUmm will r liuvi nujl caaet tTr ,tt.: iaji.ple, ftrftlea ID ttab,lWgliiriat.7Ceuta Poraait ly Dr.O. Hakr and titep'.ieu TOHACCli'MiUkKT. .it V 1 s"t!1wsJ, ' rHi rt . i' DAKTil.LKf V.ATf,l tft.n - KecHptliliitSori.W. Jlarlef Iaetireat i.ioraTtTttf f t"1 t at i 3 nn '.tr ft. a t , t ii'A.i rn .Cum 11110 If 'gilt, 'l.V.fMfto 2rt.lU 11 yi in 1 f.illl V.Otf to 2rt.'tf On Ttlwjtlm A$t thy kf lUy f7t Jl ttorkofri .Niri Krvaat.'4r e . 4V i no. 1. aei'at rzr.i. f .1 rrrr".T',T et n fiiKftnit,4t - Uardsabev'sVl tiJadateads. I . i T.bltw.. u Jamtnca4t,Cbtir.iI Metre-, lin Safe, t U ALvaHl Ko Baifgieav (aster been' ron.j : - t Old Jiaggies, go. id, aad ,5 (, of goad ILirneaak k. La Ir-iai"fi , . I' havtrm repaired fpmUiiee at mf shnp till pU..e r.ime and 'A X tor hand UKe it aaur . llfaH Nitvt M arva MS at amtl Went Urnm nearat; Us litMat lii.rftoiM.ftlftown. . . . finta emu. cia lt rli ,f W j lirrf at, li i IhHii nte to mn.. "4 V . , I am thankful lo mr frienJ and f uto. I meraioriiiotr nra-rol natroiut. Sint ornmi.e a Slrtet attention lo ta. aaJ vB)t.. tKf latere : ita-oahmg neat I r aa I efcreptr -Jane. , . , . ' c. s. (HJOfaF.r. aprift.T. ' i flil1mm.N i.'I ii mr w'wa ai a wny a rillt.r;. TT? 1 j 1 . . . . . . TTAVI5H ifajr naiiitaxr M Uttvtitiw J L the ta tvUi and tetSaoet f tUat, I,', I miii.,, dee'd.. 1 betelry Untitjr all rn In Oelilrd to ili eMate lIl tne Mine: and lhvae ItavlaK elaititl4 Said eMate. t.ryreaeiat Mew tate oaterineiJ. pr ttjt antlieRUrted re or ber-it-e 111 JSi h ilajr nt Ure)i IfT. i. or Ui IKH Vk-e Will lie plrtol In ln,ria their IWofert ' 4UIIX K.i Ml Ultra, Exrti' ap 47? 41 J)f C. 0., dao'd.f a i ml imm Hi 1 ill, mm 1 I, 4 L"f 'Ml l. 1,1.' jh a ot ,sj ua 1, 4 t,. j., 4." C2.ILII AMU AX( linai BRAVI T0HAf6 X "; A Jt l - . ' "'-- - , ' ,f ' r,nTTfiV'fi'u'rttt'7twsi. i ..... , I OJWlVlO.XCQUFKn I'eparttionsj of the t.otbrtt IWUiiiiBg ('awpany taf Uivbnamtd V Fo sbt by.' &. A,tt HirE., i : . - ,1 j.;. Hon, Ear. Co, . april I ll .".MabatuMillif, X C. , i Jmil'V ,ew -..m. " , ,4. tn io . . ... , . (iod kk&k fmsmmmiti &Z?7Ki" leofFurDilurc a Auction. iT7 inr ' ' x nTk Tfl I ' ij'Tr v Jll 2' '" v v C, UNTIL Dii AND 4iMMiiMcy ATTRACTIVBISTOCK. ImjmlIu aiiioeliie liiimcim DBLt-Nh, . 1. 0 11 ISA 1 It ? -1 lu,w. w r "8!" r 1 H JX L J W f H ll t .U.U U U J&iVnd' Neef tylei.7 rkaan tJ utluinr ami A;aiiuere : llup ,.' f-ri)tlft. . , V1 t U dt . - . . - U ! f"""- ' 4 j ' ;v"" , I w,,"-i' .ft I Ai iur oau i.nce. , I ; , ..... f - . ...... i ... - ' ' 1 i ' . . a aa . a ;Brbwator'o WeriKI f ta J , tat a Te s r I I ' I I e .1 li S4 IH. f i i' avaat ar . i. - , . .... ! A"d examine hi Stock pf , t. : , v Lupj;.TE!rs.-:rpoLSyj j f fVlfrtftt, ' a Otf,' 1 Ja t fniiitTMM TnflnVWr nTx.fiT, e t !' MrtraiTin v. 1 5m"nnf I j ,, ..ris ;4at tad al aw4w arfro CUTLEHYv-Oy ALL. 1C1'1L ! -1 .tyQVXt, J"A TftlJL W f 1 4 flM atnV'ilR tV.A-4i lt4 W. Mr fee. fr Ikati tf aa.JU, M- and i LOOK AT C:0-0:K ?Pa ft I I H - te rt M i 'awaeiMMi aiAAJ73l -4 ti . i 'ldLCt'rCL'VtiXlTO, M JUxw or Daman I Flrt, m Cm vml M I . : jiIpi.iv .0. T..iV. a! "? V Jt apr J.JMt. f i lM, ta Ibe laiim l! X "T-" 3 - tvrtlt VtW!b.V''1aOfVa'4 tp.,.. J .... ... . .j .. . ... I . . r J i 1 ' & JW&u v tncourigd Homo : Institution;.' : 'marb 23 w Ralotgh. KjCT L It. If. UaTTLK. Jr.. ttehlJent: iMAvrAV'riwi;n t.lM t i . 1 1..:,. MAiiavt;Uiuvjtor;tu , ; , ' Ur. C iiU lieiailmeol. where e an khhi h "lanii'ini nr ( rl... 1 aH I March n at mrt rai I ' r-1 1 I If ' Jf ( I W II ; 'mmim II Hi. a a j ' " ' v ' 1 . e a A a - ana a aa i . ... s ' "' ' ia 4, , -l . i II . 1 ! ?e-t', ad typ;-. tr tfi,,v.f lffeWlr..; - jt i-niVEiY t,f' ''T? &4essttl. l-f3-rt. h . f i f ,Jw IWlMainKlreeV Sf 1 a-,, K1CHMON0, VAt '-. ' Dlmbwt WitrfJtu'tkli. Slitters' Mr, if'.ferf B'rtrl.' tt" I'rBWiat attantioti iaaiaLa itrd.l.a ir..ti.eri. ..... IM. Tl la., it IMautrlnKijtjiscd - " . . at. 3 ' ' VIIAHSOTnV.X. C TnZ eMAeVlJreatea fit tatbO T, lat Sj In lit urev tr Ire ul Imnea, ttK rnom. L'l're.ttat lml tl niaiket alfurifa. SfM S IHt.oi fg f,e ra.tta f t.Mmt mn yir1tr r4tr e.m.lanet ntahf tlv. Maualnc 1 1 iui iit. ...... ..r... .. " ' j El, WjJLiO.N .MANXlXft,; ,a rjJUWTVLTratfoJ1sArjiCU:l.g, . ' . - V , V '"f H t) s .rWth f t , tTTV A'. ! , Lt ' ,kia.te4waitk.'.,a) f . ' j. L ; 3 &ttsr4 tt;rwiiA. foftV, , . . mMjtiM.VAholisr.tJlsMit ! T viiklhtt&ntmd fit!ruf .yth. J the sniper ipiMM prtee ot im taatav 4 , i " . . J M;'-tl3-'C "I A'lilreaa J A. II. K. Mm. J rnfektd, Biol rmWtw-oKt ii, thottuli . t ', ' I'uU.N.t .lama-r. I 1 T..H 'itl't' i--7rl lVT,,lW' Ntl ii f-. I J,, wM-rc, tl.V ttftm Ili0 zi-mm Wt'aT.-! Ml II a '1 I s- T ' tr" . V " W "7 "tirttn' JljtTi ifCvu ipfcf ACI.M i4 "I'V ml ' fat t'ti.-ntn.! fT f Aitin: J:trAIIttl ht the be4f t Jthi'.M ' !.', H 4M 4 i ig'r .'ii'ii ..lift' Ih1.-1.1 l.-tt ii'ML f.unw5 I Mf AlkVafKWBltT MAfB fODHCEIU, I ' iUi sUTt'ttMl. ' Vv!y P.r .V . ,1 "if. mi m n trwm '-.' w v s a i iiii i 111 t-sj . or Dr. I), A, SargeouJ)ctttfst. J; . ie-WA''',ii;"- -... ITII.I. anUiTu toliiiiJ-t'lraiJl Itn'(intlia V tun 1 ill Tm4lii r r-vy laoiiDi. .-- vj And fpctul thcfonrili'wi'rV ofrricli niniitti tit III ullU' in iliiWmii.. ami will ivm.iiu lUe t'o!)uMl(in awk li'iii-wi-nry. --i . ' ' Owina lo tin; creat rT aVnimwy; lirlwa.j, have Iwen redncHl (alia; :Mm: tlM-.v i-re le'bre tliewar. ''' . 'Order left ivitli .ChililfM, l'arht.' WlIU- '" promlUt.-)iM UuJj ;i jj t M:".fy 'It T. Ha II A It L E It, 51 A X L' F At X t' R K It., A ' P ICI.KH ) iC.VI.KIt kimm or ' h Gold anil SilverlWaf ej r - MASON 10 JEWELS. w't,, ..-Ji? JEWELRY, .,. , V 'J 1 V watcues; clocks' Vatch Repaji'liij and liugfat tn f rouif t' A .i.vrfrfrt:! rf cut8.u r.tM.UAi'- tj ealv to,,' nmde t order. -r : arcl j .1' y '.. t X HfttlltNOS, J. A. tlKKNttAx. alurrle. . IliitehTifs-1 & Co; i WColcralo anJ lUtairDe.1cii tn'J .: tt i 9 a " ? '. ; TbeiNorth Carolina Hornet T tx ??.' t fa t HWji ke5fc.i v-: ;'U:i:;f77;aV:'tt'u ' '. , t. .-ia. .ii. 1. 1 ascres telitu;,' Stote(,'Mercba.iIia' f f' ikt"is'iteniMi, liiiriitliir ni N'irta t: ir.ih I Inrtntma. m1. - ,.w t!w'w "'"T "" saajnta-.ntnra.. , aa !.n uw.-. I Mea (ke wv w, ,lkV I teaaraa W MaWtje MAW J'.tttl.., li Tttid Wamnai-t kaa, l.-.adv, iWrtttlbeln r,'', etteM. (.! t tare anu iiut ofl-, . .X, ! 1 Uhtx Uirayy'tj fax gjfi(x .Iut P.COWPKU. Supeniscr. . j. Fcr -restoring Cray - Hair 4o.; , fiatui ai s itaiit j aiiu vutur." ' . ...., hy.lhfJfeprHi'aljn; I itd.t IU S ; j ceaaintuil fWi!l pH'MV -the "fniltT. Mwusyw 't ni 1 i n"cpi)!lv tmrvfui,ie. Frt ( Iff-'lf (Ti .ii!rst.ii,iy4 ' hair1 Dressing, . rt'ttJiin ' flo c.iit Ih. lilting ana'.tiIrw CrtilattiHt "tieitlii- nil . r' fljl, lldtK'rll-t. 'H .llilf :iiulrif. i .ml Jii In ttini tlta i.atf. 'uiiiil U ' fiili.lwy pAlpi aul . gtatt fi! '.I?T4fv ai.: i,i 4 , , , frepj tf Of.'l.C. Atr 4 CO., ' w .va , , r. i a.i4raaliti a4 Aaatteal t liemi.u,' i'.l H. 1. 1 . I Mil I . 1 A. i . a .t ii ani I i jtaWlTtW Tt n1. aw .r, , r- .--mte -Mr w F. ."t.'.... - tt t. . . ....... , mm a . . a . u . . . . .. .. ... . . ts a MT .. .. i''l. 1 T. . ... . ... . . . L : . a t T fcwti' ' W r . . a k t Jttn4tiisl end b t-:i w I.,:t S'1-n M 1 tu'f lall. I'tsj J.l. " - ' ' ia e I