' R E A M S' VV A R E H, O U S E ' JS',11 E A D : Q U A R T E R S"fr r c r ades -of t o d c -otspeciall y; fine- B R I C H T S . ' V :' 1 4V i :( ji r . y h .!' . im , . ..... .:..:.:';-::; -WOT by War : ATM ' II hi r 5-L .!!i.KlVJl!'.iil ,'. .(l-.l'i. -"Ml, ' i. V. CAMERON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. , inU.TS.I'EAXS; HOIJOE, AKTD- BHUUS Hb; BOSTTIW.T,,,', (TERMS--:! 50 A YEAR, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE Hsi4oL5Ji25-;,v;-;;!,;' mil vW. ' ,7k A itw. 7 A . , -w "" ,'-'-!:r wiMi !(: j w ('.it fr.vsnj ' ... 'w. U id 18 7.7. Hi ft ',h THE QUARTERLY REVIEWS; . . .. u .ANP it, 4:. . Blickwood's" 1M agazi ri e 'Tb Leooard Scott Publishing ,Oo,fV Contluo their autkorited Kcprinll ol tW " Four IaiUngjQuarteriy !Rc views: tDUVBVROII RKVIKW (Whig.) StM LONDON QUARTERLY ItKVIKW y ,y ,Coiiervtive,) WESTMINISTER REVIEW, (LiberJ, BRITI3II QUARTERLY REVIEW ' '3i; (Evtngolieal. ,a , ut,ACK.voori j-j-'ju (jraburgli JIagazinb. ' The llritln Qil"i?eil.cflve in tli render wrll llcrvrJ InGirmm ion iipcm Hip civat rvlil In riib-iuHiriiii UMorr, Hd fonlain nialrly crllirtoiin mi nil tliut U fih anil vnlualile In li tflraliirr. wi ll nummary f Ilia Irtiltiiiili f m U-nre ml rt T wr 'likely t n vnl' all Kurope MiMfriH toiknfir UHm-iiiwIoii, Hint will lx tirrni w-iiii 4 tauromftiir an'l aMIiijr lwr nli lo l found. ItlwkwiKul'N kiu I latuuita for Mrn it-, . and 1-kHtlint, Of th W'jhtrt 'Littery JJerit. P1TABLK RTKICTL.Y IS AHVAXCE. 'y!f fJ iff ;06 . ror anjr two Revievri 7 00 , " . For af Uro U;ie mrj L0' "f For ttl ftwlf Rti. It 00 i Fr HUckwood'i Magtr.in 4 00 For I:ekood ai.J 1 Rricw 7 00 Fur B!okwv4 and 2 Riew 10 00 ' , For Ulackvooi and 3 Ketis 13 00 Forliickwoodt.l 4 Review 15 00, (f , CLUBS. : A tbwuml of twmty rr rent will I allnwrd torlnbrAiiir r wjra prrii. Thu: rour illrjt( ItbrkwiKXi or n mm lU-tkw will im eat U vm lre for four eoplea of Hut tour Bmktw Md Blackwood fur IM. and to on P ti Ml I VMS. aWnlM. (itpjityiaj f arlv) Tor th rr-r way b. without cliaryc. liir iiiiiiiIht lur tkl4quartrrf ( ob jm iutlicnU a ey mat MilmrilM fr. ' Se.liwr pruuiiinu toulMriber Mordiwount vhilMtaa I allowrd miiIpm Hi" nioiwy I rr taittrddfrrct W tb puUIUUera. No premiums rlvea torlulM. Clmilr with SirtbT Jrtru1r my be Bd a appllcalion. - , The UonarJ Scott Pub. Co., . 41 Barclay St. New Vwk. Savannah Mornins News, FOR 1877. OX th 1t of Jaauirr, th Xw enHrl up. n H;th voiume ol pntrrnu -itiM. lu unir.rni ronMM-y a iH-mocrnl t journal and It Mwlfaat dcVot i8 In Mii-l(l! H"k it ttirtit of I he political taitn ol tbuiiNtml of la tlir futurt. ft In tb p4. n pilu will M pared to nmkt tht Mnratnt in eviry l vt atiU mom ibwrvliK wftlw ronlt'lenr ami tmroiiag whlrh ha htl lllwrallt eMcnilk lo H t 1 1 pmfl of I iorsr amir krtila. 1 h nipl nr0tBtrWihinit Wtl lih-Wit h to IW liaprnvriwiit f lite pnr In all It -twrtmn.U. amltn iinkinj It 4 omiin-hrtiartf. Iutructiva and rvliabla amlhiin of IIm i tirrrnt nrvrt. It at Kit ot rial mrr"iiiV-iiU at WabhiKtni, Atlanta. JarKanntilli. TalUha-are. and ntber iint of lntTrH lm b- raaryinia d wltha lw of mertlne rvery vw.l.k- rinrr Itrney thnl m arl. and pain w Ml h taken to make it roinn'ierrial new, lurrljin and donirHic romplel and reliable. - s " . A art ala enuring npn Ihe mvf yea,-, ra doira to call erUI aUMtioa to our club rale of aulecrlptlun. - MJ rodTAOE RK. We will pa poetase or all tr prra f ln to rttir etiltM-rllirra, thu tnakinS' -tfoa lTiiin N'ewa Hi e heaped fiawtpaper uf ita flze and character In the KoutB. . , f TEKSI Of aUBm ntPTOJ!', - ' -iAay '.- - ' ; One enpr, on year ....... I H M Kiwi oils one year (to one ridrti),...l t Tea pie. one year (to one ail Ji ),.....'( 0 TUI-WKCKLY. ! ftneconV'Mta year. ......t 6 0l Two eoitie, one r (tn one a.l l e! Wl Viw. ....u . nitwit fltt.trett) AO fill wo roiie, one ear (in one it ..,... i- Ive roie, oiie'yenr (looiie tldre .60 W arenir c"i ' nvviTTtwrKa I'an 'nude ht Tot Oflk order, Ralire.l Irer. or Yxni; at my llk. l.Mer alwnld U aldreared. ... K-Til.l.. , C.ivnntiKlr, MAKtr ACTVnEB Of HVMAM hair work,:;: AND DEALER IN 5i .Fancy Goods 'Jewelry, No. 11 F7etill Street. Rauioii, N. C. Fid Laore .Rcpkired Ijf .'? J A . J Madame Okanoeii. Mr. t. l,.ltllAXir.K, haealeoaiklrdeMamn Inj leMft mrni. time all Mud Ot uuipiiv , 1j Uuue uiudtMie pitw.. Jinan -o One ffipr, " one fear.......... .I" Klee rnptea.tue yoar (t one aililree,,,,,' 00 Ten t-iiir, one teir (to one aillre....,.l' ' Twenty eiile. one year (te one ddrraa. M M .rHiibTiiuociUiiNyrnicjcAST. , J ' 'From liu JJallimore Kun.' ' ' ',' Mnking nil due allowances for the pre ilntory, &Miti;ix if, flie combut wliii li ju lit'guit in Hie Kast.'lt would be fixilibli and iiiiiliil.ojiljjful lo.'lgiW tbo feet Hint llii i liianti'iigjfltf In wliii'U two civilizif tioiie.ittMl two ivllgioim liave Hjiculutj l the wnger of balt!e(, Th secular features o(,tlit I'iifteiii .qucHliou ore r ;imiiiftt euougb, but ll, 1h Idle UMleiii" that ieliiuu!i aud pioral elenietiU a-e also In vol vol, ami tlie forces of,.,fieiitluieiit .r tt lunnt a strong aud pervading us the warfare of III view of tbe linpeiiding collinlon le twseu Kuaabiua and Turks it la Ibtiufore of interest to know , Uio ' religions lies wliicli'ure be III id by buttle j between the contestants.; The ' C'bHiisti fulih of ItiiHfia is fii"iiiilitir"t'ill, and being essen tially thut of The ret of t'iiViftetidoni. Meede no explanation. TU ' religion4 of Aioliummwl, whiuh bus been aditt d by Turks, muy uiitbesxgfuerally utiderbtiNid. Hence a brief skeii li iiih.v iut lw w ithout liiterekt. Moluiiiiiin-d was Ihh n in Mecca, A- U fjUaorttTl. ,Jijs faiully, was wealthy aud Illustrious, but bin father died in bU lufau'py, ad the family Iionurs and family fortune descended lo another son. Five cainels aud an KUiinpisn slave were the sole heritage 'of the future Trojiluf Mecca, bis biith-placc bad been for luuiiy gem-ra tioiiM the scut of the Krelbites, the prin cipal of tlie tribes of Ai'jla, an'J clainiinj adeeceul fn:iu IbliniHtl. , Their temple supposed tuLave Mieeu ' erecteoT by Abra liaiur was the great object pj tbeir rever ence' Tbey had, bow ever, fallen from the fuiib of ibolr' an text r Into X sjatein of Idolatry cculiar to themselves, bi which, while recognizing' the Supreme Being, tbey . wonthipped uumle'r of in ferior divloltien, male and female, whom they represented ar Ms ottVprlng, though tbeir airectlou forMolntty bad really de clined wbvii Mohammed made bis ap pearauce, and tbey bad fallen Into the error of tbe HadduceeM, rejecting the doo trlues of tbe resurrection and of a future state. Like all the Aiablant, the Koreis bltea devoted themselves to mercantile purouits. and Mohammed was trained tn tbe mercantile profession. In ' his com nieicloJeijieditlons, vblcb led ; bun into foreign countries, hs was brought Into iu timate akoclutbo" with both Jews and Chtixtians, front tbe former of whom he obtained the record of tbe faith originally held by Abraham, the niutr whom be inoet reveled, and from both a strotif! conviction of the unity of the .Supreme lleiug' He bad little dfiiion, how ever, to afliriate with ' either, as the re Union of both emanated from descendants of Inaac, and tattb looked upon tbe race of labtnael wlttr contempt and aversion. Not long after bis find, marriage he cm celvttt the idea of becoming the founder of a nesvreliglon. The rutoratloti of the fith of "Abraham, who bad come out from Idolabw and, obtained tbe know-! ledge of one (Jod, bceatet!n dream of bin life. It has been 'disputed whether be wssan liiiplor or . It I certain, however, toat he could iieltbcr read nor wiite, and bei'luimed as evidence of his divine minion that, being utterly Illiterate, he could read the Koran, which be said bad been bruKht to bint by tbe auifel Oa brief, announcing to bfin that be wa lb pMpbetof (fod. 'He' bad. l.owever, be come Well sHtiuainted with ft Perslau Jew! ami a degraded Ncstorlan monk,' from whom be derived Uiw knowbdge of tbe Jewish and L'hrMlan iwilidurra. Hut for the fabulous story of I heir origin bis flM dcrtr'.oe vommeiidetl tbemowlves to men of Intelligence.. He acknowledged the authenticity and unification of tbe JewMi and Cbthdlan scriptures, and that Mom and ("In lt were prophrls sent, front Ood. The fundamenfal rlnclples of bis faith was the unity "of the Supreme' Dclng, to whombea'iso atltibttted tiiflnite know ledge, ww er and benevolence. To show the nilnuteitrea to wliich Iho Km.!iui of the Almighiy extend the Koran declares tliut "the weight of an ant In llenven or ou enr'.h, the lesxt weight, like the beavlet, escapeth imt tbtf.kinwe.igeof tbe Moat High. Tlie day of final Jmtg ment ,1s In clou nccorduOi-e willi the Christian Ncriidures, and.on fear, love aud gratitude to Ood dcends the eternal wel fare of mortals. lint the divergence from the Chri-diatt faith commence III lite several rewards accorded hereafter to tbe rltfhremiaand the refusal of ail mercy to Idolstonflxdli In this world and the neat. For true e! levers, "whose works do not corftmrf with their faith,' there Is a minor hell reserved, which, If they have labored and fought for the faith, will not be interminable.. For Jews, Cbrudlaus aud Ziroastrlan lteclsl hells are ap pointed; thounb if they have led pure lives some hope Is held out of their ultimate salvation. Net b the Supreme BI"K thepiopiietlslobe fhe object of Hcla veuorattoii. The dontrlnesfif predcstlna lion aud almsgiving are fundamental points of the practical religion of MobaiuuisJ. Tisjet i tbe dut of every believers The preset Jlcd lmtirs f prayer are at iiiopiipg, noon, . stniHet uud the closing Inol' nfKlit. Mohammed ,'! dc chired lluit Ood batl ' announced lo bim tliut He would receive no prayer "which, ill httCMting that there Is but one Ood, doth not also attejd that Molianimed is bis prophet,'! s .ivnl f'Ji a ii V Ja.fcl au.U.li ' Tlie word kotan signifies that which ought to be read. It comprises the entire scheme, rellglona" moral, social sml'po-1 litlc'ut, of Mobamnieduu lnillulionff.'T- irol)iln(H ' drunkenness aud 'gaming, to' neither of which ;vices Oriental races are addicted, but it nnelioiis alygamyand provides for sensual gratifications. Wlille it was superior to prdyliieiHin, It wag In ferior In purify and spirituality to tlie faith of Jew aud Christians, S long as the Arabs, un except ionnlly retliiet and valiant Truce; Vcre fts': chief aupjat'rtera', j tin-ei ins of mischief in it were, not fully devfclopedi 'ft is only' iii tlie Turtabf tlie present day that the legitimate results of (he principles nod religion of Mohammed are iil j.-tiuted. M.obammdatrism was from the first established by the sword,' and the sword bud become tbe last apal to save it from extinction. Jt may.be added that , Mohammed .died of, poison, which a woman put, lu adish of mutton to lry,lhe divinity of tlie, prophet. The, taste ipdictitcd tl.nt there was something wronr. and : ,he declared that the mutton bad spoken to bim and told bim It was limned,i but, as has been tjtiaiutiy run.ai ked, it did not speak to him in time, for it finally killed hiin. ' IoXDOr, May 12.Thc military opern tiom oo tbe ' Danube '' and in Asia muke slow progression .'both' sides.' The'' Rus tians, ia apite of llieir great 'resources sod fine organization have a great many dif fioultiefc to- ovcrooMle. -? The cbanetcr of the ronntry end the fortifications render an advance tedious on land, and Ilobart Pa dis's respectable English : pluck snd well drilled sailors keep the Muscovites from making moth progress in maritime ojiers tior.s. Apart from the actual warfare it is a qneatton whether Rusda or Turkey is suffering mrt. Ibith ere irnpeeuniou. but the Taiks are living on tbe mauna of fansticisiu. A statement liss been pub lished by tbe Paris Patrie to tbe effect that tbs Russian debt is how $3,000,000,000; wbile in 1830 it was scarcely $74,000,000. The Daily Tehjrah't specials from 1 Bi ton in on Friday st midnight says; " A bout .1 o'clock this morning - tbe Russian forces, which had been largely augmented for tbe purpose, advanced with batteries of G-ld artillery snd made a furious at tack oi'ou the heights defending I ttoum on tbe land side, ahicb were ocenpied by Hhs'ii JJjshuk. The Ottoman troops woro eutrencled ia tbe nual cfTeeiivr mai.otrup- on the abpea an I ledges of these bills and upon the aJvance of the enemy tbey open ed on bi culiiinus a terrible and well sus tained fire of vstincn and uiur-ketry. which literally mowed tbe Rum ius down :u awktlies. . Tbey fell by scores snd hundreds on tbe plain, below tbo TuikWi position, during tbeir attempts to make way gaioxt tbia Gre. ' A body of tbe Turks, or horse and on ftxd, taking advantage of a thick forc-t. broke forlb npon tbe flank of tbe Ruseiun eo'uitin and efTi'Cted a great slaugh ter. Tbe Muscovites being upon tbe ground perfectly open, and bat ing oo choice but to fight orllv, in a short time tbe spot which was tbe scene of ibis (Link movement became covered with dead aud dying Rat iaus but tbe enemy quickly brought , up rcinforcriueuU and tbe battle was renewed with inuuh determination for many hour; tbe efforts of the assti!..iu were desperate ly maintained, bat towsrjs midday their artillery Cre graduliy slackened aud tbey at length, withdrew,,, , , ,, . , .. 1 A correspondent of the TtlejraiJi, de cribing tbe battle noar Rttomn says : " I myself was sn eye wituesa of ibis imporfint etiggeinenl fruin the Gmt to tbe last, and can testify that the Ottoman sotdjer ba- httved wub a pailnutry which was most ad mirable, , .They had, s however, during a great part of the action, the- advantage of entrenchments on high ground, aud it is duo to this lact, no doubt, that lliiif loses, compared to those inflicted opou tbe cue toy, were iu;gnifu'ant.' -f Tbe same correspondent, noder Saturday's date, s.ya t ' The vio'ory was woo by tbo extraordinary courage of the Rasbi llnsouki The dead snd wounded ou tbe Rusaian side will exceed 4.000, Tbe engagement lasted over eight hours' actual bgbtiug. Tbe last of the Russians did not withdraw Un til near midnight. Tbe Russians lost msuy cuos. I be only Turkish olhcer of note killed was Kbaliin Hey, pf ths irregulars.',. . An ollicial telegrsm from Japan stales that another army eorpi has reached , Ka odiitnt. y Mere tbaa ono battle has (bemi foegbttbere a Iarie part of tbe town b is been bo me J. The i Imperialists , ware rictorious ia every engigsment, ., , Tlie Times correspondent at Pera tele graphs as follows; As evidence of the gmierat condition to which ten days of in cossant rain hare reduced the Asiatic region we need only to read tbe intelligence from Rag lad, describing tbe fl J, wbiuh has overwhalmed both bank of lbs Tigris, A liioilar iuuoJattoa ia ttuLauwo siuce time iciiiDoin irial,' tbo river having thrown out a new' brunch a'oove Bagdad, winch hits completely blockaded the city, and swept ii way two hundred houses in the village, pf, Kiuinazie. )i;Tbe worst evil which tho Rus-s i-iuuH may bring upon us by 'heir premature invasion is cholera, which exposure ' lo so ioelenien't a se:Kon, can l.hrdly fail to pro uuce among tueir; troops. y. ,. -U" An - In tbo llohse bf Commons tin afternoon Hon. Rob t llourk. Under-Secretary for the Foreign Department, io reply to a question by i-ir, William Vernon Ilarcourt,-liberal said ; "Immediately after tlie.outbreak of the war tiio tJovernment Icttned that an iron-clad built for Turkey was' lying nt Victoria docks, and took steps to prevent an infringement of the .foreign enlistment act.' Sir Stafford Northcote. Chancellor of the Exchequer, replying to a question by Mr. Uotirloy, liberal, Sitdf ' Kgypt forming apart of Turkey, is certainly at war with Russia. Russia therefore hns a right to blockade Egyptiun ports and in vade Egyptian territory, and goods going to Egvpt may be considered contraband.' lion. Rob't Boiirk. in reply to a question by Mr. Rylund. liberal, said it was untrue that England and Austria bad a creed to prnter-t against the declaration of Rouuian iao iiidej'etidence. , .;... f t . : ' Tbo intelligent New York correspondent of the Ralctgb Observer gives tbe follow, irig gratirjing information of the death ' of a grinding aionwpbly the operation of which has' been one of tbe many deviees !y w hfcli tbe South lias been kept drained "of its money. " ' Sewing Machines, :' Insurance Companies a.. d Fertilizers have taken near ly slit rvra ;!? tpf'i Congress having wisely refused to renew tbe patents on sewing machines, the prices have suddenly been reduced one-half, from $00 to $30 at least no one of them, and probably on all. '';,Tbis shows' what an enormous profit has been realized on 'these machines by the patentees, who bave rap idly accumulated millions. , One of . Ibece patentees, near , l-ton, has been , jn the nabit of entertaining, toan extent unparal leled, lie invited and entertained for a day 2.000 people, providing cars and car riages to take them both ways to bis place ten miles from tbe city, where all sort of things in tbe way of eating and 'dmkiug, and amusements, made the day one of rare enjoyment.' On another occasion he enter tained (for a week, I believe,) bundreJs of Southern military, who went to Boatou from tbe centennial, and took them to see the sights of the beautiful suburbs of Bos ton" " '"' '"" '- " V " Tbe patent ofT.ce has ascertained that during one year, vix: 1874. five of the uiauy sewing machine makers sold 410,000 machines. If the average pries of these was $G0 (and it was probably more) the amount realized was $21,000,000.' Half of this, or 1 2.300.000. ia now ad mitted by ibis reduction of price to have been pro fit about two and a balf millions of dol lars to each of tbe five manufacturers. But even this does not show all tbo profit, ' for the reduced price of $30 probably yields $10 or $15 of profit. . . -. . . i A t. j w WW sjrsa f. i The Cky FOtt Rkst. A pliysician says that tbe cry for'rest has always been louder than the cry for food. Not that it is more important, but it is often harder to obtain. The best rest cornea from sound sleep. Of two men or women, otherwise equal, tbe one wbo sleeps tbe better will be tbe more healthy and efficient. Sleep wilt do much to cure irritability of temper, peevishness and uneasiness. It will restore vigor fo an overworked brain. ' It will build up snd make strong a weak body- It will cure a headache. , It will cure a broken spirit. It will cure sorrow. Indeed, we might make a lang list of nervous and other maladies that sleep will cure. ' Tbe cure of sleeplessness requires a elem, good bed, sufficient exercise to promote weari pleasant occupation, - good air, and not too warm a room, a clean conscience and avoidance of stimulants and narcotics. For those who are overworked haggard, nervous, who pass sleepes night, we conn mend tbe adoption of such 'habits as will secure sleep ; otherwUe life will be short, snd what there i of it sadly imperfect The Iteblsvllle Timet soys. A negro limned Wesley Hudson stole a sheep from Sam Brandon at Delilah, Halifax, Va;lhe other night, and Brandon tracked the negro to Ida home hi Milton, X. V. There lie found the sheep skin hi the house and the negro broke and ran. Mr. Brandon got Nat Palmer's fox bounds and set tbetn on the nesro'a track, and Tuesday Well ing they were mnking the Wihhui around Milton ting -with their imieio. Night came on and the licgru dodged the hounds by taking a tree, but early Wediiewlay morning the cluuo Was resumed with redoubled vigor. v " 4 ' A Scotch clergyman was seen by a neigh bor tredging 4oiie on- ,Monday morning with a stout cod be bad Just bought, and was accosted with, 'Mr. Duncan, did you know that that fis" wa caught on Sunday V Tlin minister. in his cbsracteristtJ blunt manner, replied. 'Well,, well, I tit; fish is not to bbnio for. that, my nun,' HKUOISMOF T11K PLAINS. , There was an excited crowd gathered nlmut the Pony Ix press Ktution at Mc pherson ', Tne " CKterii ltouiid rider, had ari l veil with u bullet in ' bis leg, and re ported thai i tlie Townees were ' oil their reservation; and were 'advancing ''.'lib tlie seltlenieht. I'Tlitey lind ' met him between the lust station and McPherson, and hal given liim . chase. McPherson could boost of but twenty-five souls, ut tlint time before tbexaihoud was finished, nnd there were but. forty men in all cupab.e of de fending the post.' What ' was to be done liaa to be dime 'quickly .k" Fort Grattan was eighry hiiles not thwest, and a rider was diaputched iu haste.. Furt, Kearney was sevtuty .miles ;oiithoatit, and who would summon ,all from ther ? It was a dangerous undertaking' Tbe route lay through "the hostile country, and the messenger would be 'almost sure to meet Indians. ' The pony-riders as ' a geiieral thing, were fearless men, but . this pro position wan fraught. Willi, so much dati ger, Hint they vere loth to undertake it. Ef Slate was oii'y here?', cried un old man', 'there'll be iio hesitation while wim mln and clilliJren were iiidunger.',' ' I'll "go i' and a' bilgbteyed, fearless looking fellow stepped forth,'; -1 " j v '' 'Good !' said the old , inun pressing his hand, 'Old Jim Jolinsoiistz so ! Old Jim JohiiHon ! You bear me I There'a more sense in' Essex's baWzn, then the hull lot uv you Pick your boss, boy, andrldo for your life! (See, there's Nellie lookin' at you. For bernake, Willie ef no one's else. Thirty-five helpless wituiulu and chil dren, think of it l;s Itide your . best, and w hen you gut to the station you may g'-'t relief I Pobt 'em there, and when you get to (he Fort tell the. commandant to stud on cavalry as "Tjuick as 1 posoible.' Fetch the sojers, aud we will send the reds to Califoruiali Nellie Juhosoii'a youi'ii us soon us you gerbuck, - O ood by, boy,und God speed you !' There was a sprinjr, a rusli of hoofs, aud the ride to Kearney bad begun. lliM gallnntly. did the horse spring away at the rider's bidding, aud the blueeyes of sweet Nellie Johnson were kepi upon them un til horse and rider faded away from them tqioii the horizon. , Love was one incentive for the pony rider'H mission, and the desire to save the teq)le of McPborson from a bloody death tueotber. Did man ever risk life In a better cause? Onward swept the little horse with her . tlyiug heels throwing a cloud of dust, that hovered In tbe air for a hundred yards behind her. To the left of them glided the stilt waters of IhePlutte, and on the right outstretched lay the boundless grceu of the prairie. The rider sutas firm as a rock, bis dauntless face looking straight ahead, and wearing an ail which seemed to say, It was all for the sake of Nellie Johnson. ' . , " tou maytalk 'of the Mamelukes, the Tartar horsemen, the savage Bedouins, and all the wild ilders, but what are tbey to compare with our American pony riders men who were fearleso, and w ho braved every danger, w ho rati the risk t f life Hi every mile tbey ' dashed over; wbo were expected lo do fifty miles' at top speed in day-light or darkness, hot or Cold, rain or shine. But the railroad baa done away with pony-rider, and we hear of no more such exploits aa that of the renowued Jhiiifly Moore. " ' ""' Onward swept the brave little horse, and at laat the station came in view. A uiiuule more, and home ami rider were at the door. .No relay was there to meet them. f Not a sign of life was to le seen, but the hoof track on the ground in every direction showed thai the relief bad fled, (living 1 the horse a drink, the rider mounted, and again waa on the way to Kearney.: Further on they came lo a laws object hi the center of the trail. It Was lliw western-bound stage, With horses gone, the driver between the fore-wheels with a bullet In bU' head, the pasaengers lying about the road, and the conductor hi the hoot aud wounded Unto death. One horrid look, a pause, aud faster fled the horse. Mile after mile Is left behind, stnliou after station is paed, and no relief! Will tbey ever get to Kearney ? ' Oii tbe pialrle to tbe right of them ap pear a host of mouuted men. They are ets of tbe Peace Commission on their annual marauding tour Turning with a triumphant Jell, ' they speed to head the rider ott'. 'Narrower grows Hie distance between them, , and the gallant borne re doubled, his exertions. In tb a-uii of the savages rides a tall chief, mounted uiiou a towerful borne. b!s plnmea streaming hi the wind, us lie urges onward the noble animal be bestrides.' ' Young IveX Call eitcHe if be turns back But, tio, no 1 Tbe sweet face of Nellie Johnson the shrink lug forms of defencetesa.. little ones come before bis vltw, and dashing the perspira tion from bis brow, Ute pursued ibislied onward J But a few miles more nd sucoor Is at band ' ' fi-r . Nearer eaini the .pursuers. Now ride, young lAeX, : fur It is threescore lives to ouul Speed, bravo little horse; ttraln niutcle, nerves, and heart, for your work will be well done ! , itidu young Essex for every thing is nt sUike. Onward on ward, rushed the hnrr, his hoofs heating 1 lime to bis short quick breath' ' The gap ! closes I- Twang ! A sharp pain id Hid : side, and the. rider reeled in the saddle , hut for an instant only, pending low ia tlie saddle, the whip raised Torxh tSr time, aii'd fuWr fled the horse. " S. ; And iiow the green ram parts and stnclcl " aded Wall of Fort Kearney came hi view The battled savages turned and set out rapidly up the ttail, while the ; fainting , rider checks the faltering steps of his. dying horse. One las', hist look at the . waving sea of green, ami tbey enter the ', gates thrown open to receive therh.' ' . Iu the - center of the parade stands a group of men about a horse and rideri V Tbe boise is down ; now, aud froru fab nostrils gushes the life' current, and be sides liim lies the rider. Young Essex raises bis head from (Ire arm that supported it and said.' 'Pawnees ofT their reservation McFhersou's stalfOft cleuued out oh, help quick ! My love lo to Nellie Johnson " And grasping the reins wltft stiffen lug vlutcii, the barbed slialt eatiyg out bin soul, be sank upon the amy'a neck. Tbeir brave beat ts have ceased to beat. PARTY DIVISIONS. A correspondent of tbe Missouri Repub lican furniehet sone facts and figures rela'- live to tbo exact status of tbe Forty-fifth ; Congress, outaide of contested - elections. Ti . .u ...... .l l auvio bio iuicis Tiicaiiuiva iii me oeirare . one from South Carolina and two'froih Looy isiaua. The tabulation of States geograv phicaily is ibns given: " - I'MTKU STATES SENATE. ' -t : ' Dems.- JReisrr. Six New Eugland States 2 10 Three Middle Stales 4 2 Sixteen Southern States " 24 ' & Ten Western Slates 18 Three Paoitio States 1 33 4t Republican ma). t IIUISE OF KEFKESKNTATIYEJJ. Denis. Reps Six New England States it Three Middle States SO 87 Sixteen Southern States U0 1$ Ten Western Stales 24 Ci Tbrce Paoitio States l b 150 . 143 Democratic maj. 7 Tbe correspondent above alluded to ssyi t 'It will be seen that the Republicans hae exactly the same majority in the Senate that tbe - Democrats bave in tbe I loose. . both political parties baviug precisely 13) votes oo joint ballot.' , . A Si-tour Mistake. The present Archbishop of Dublin, tbe gifted auJiof of tbe work so widely known on the Stu dy of Word,' is not in very robust health, ; aud has been for many years apprehensive of paralysis. At a recent dinner in Dub lin, given by tbe Lord Lieutenant of Ira land. IEs Orace sat on the right of his hostess, the Duchess of Abercorn. Io tits ' midst of the dinner tbo company VasstartU ed by seeing tbe AnNbiebop rise from his scat, aud stilt more startled to hear him, exclaim, in a dismal and repulcbra1 toth "It has come ! it bas come !" What has ootuo, your Grace?" esterfv cried balf dozen voice front different parts of the table. , What I have been expecting for twenty years, solemnly answered the Archbishop a stroke ot paralysis. i bave bea' pinching myself for the last twenty niiuu- tea and iiod myself entirely without sensa tion.' . - ; . ' , Pardon me, my dear Archbishop," ssld tbe Ducbess, looking Bp to him with a somewhat quizzical smile pardon mo for contradicting, but it is I that you have been piucbing." . . A duel was fought at Little! Rock tbe other day. hot, by singular coincidence, both tbe seconds were dentists, and tbe eonld not resist tbe temptation to draw tbs ballots before handing tbe pistol, to their principals, and still hofh parties live to or n-.me.nt twicty.Tutfii' MmU, Kkao WAn.-Sago fe is not nf very' l.et washings and dressings fr fb hair. Tbs hnir'shoald be carefully brush ed and braided in two firm braids then the roots robbed with a sponge dipped in luke warm sage tes, after which the braids d.1 be washed snd dried with a tows'. This preserve tbe color of (te hair and keeps tbs scalp clean. , ; . . 'Fatal AmbicNt. On Fridat last Monroe Rector, i yonne mn from Morgan Inn. ' Jumped from lb train bound We4. two miles below Moreanton, sad waa thrown undorjlbe bind abeets of tbs first-clss cotch.-Tbe wheels passed over both ftia just below the knee, lie was carried boms where be died in a few 'tours. Being some what expert in jowping from ears, while in motion, be would not allow. the emidnotor to itop for bini. SutrarilU LcMm'trh.

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