W M.N lS.W.....NO VV 23., 1877 , JK. DAVIS? SPEECH."; We present 'estraete from the excellent sppeth of the Hi-n Joseph J. Pavii our immediate reprcis.mtBiive in Congress n the for "the rSpeal of . the Hesumpliou gentleman from Now York Mr. 'Chittett- Ui-DJ baa Mid it was tieud end a alia hi. , .Who enacted the sham, and who (CI iw t t ed tlx fraud, tod upoiKwbour Wiw the tiuud pcrpeiraUdf, 'lbOijientieiiiau from New York talk about gentleman on litis aide speaking nonsense , and Living pm tiion and temper, I think, Mr. Speaker, if the gentlemeu on the other sido would he less angry it would be better for them. Why.' sir, these gentlemen are oiityitiad because with nno of their gold dollars they cannot buy twice nm much ax jou tan with fpocwiHperativeonthefirstdjor Janu- )()i(e ,eMbllckll . Ufa of the series of IimUv relatively in the market limn geld fa. If i lie Uoveriitiiiiiiti had uid , thai eilver blmulil lie lliu i-uireimy ii; wljuh ulunettie bonds shuoh. bo paid, Unit silver should be the money received loir :i!uie.s o importa tion!1. I believe it if as duiiionsiiatil clour a anything mil u ipioslion oi' , innilietniilivS that the smo jient lumen n In war lion bow liug for gold would he ci)iugv 'liive uh silver dollars 1,' For then i not silver e liolijzb, i f he ;?w'VjJ to pay ihejmm.rufoy 01. jeur, tln-re iit hot enoin.'h of it lo pay inierivd mi our " ii.it hhik I ' bonds.' Stiver Woiibl tic day bo wiiibiti.ro hut jnmllsj-i cnuse in point of value ii ii' ihoS-oarctVof r 1879. Mr. Dvw enter iimm Media- Wkieu ionf, kbb'proiuise tu py cuwiion fully impressed with a eue of the f 10 was.wprth 7,0U. ,M w worm, now culai;,aiW; which oppress bia constituent,, fJ-S0, and yet H is shirty rag. . sUri. ,..-.. , . , worm limning in eyes jaunuiBcu uy jciiow growing out of a uieaaure VM, p.eas- Nosir.iuy friend, .re angry beca use nHo a people etill retaining tne memory w f0 (buut t(J t(j.0 ft out f . f Iteir power of . metallic caireucy ; but a measure, iu t0 one of their gold dollaM worth two tbet.roAent cooditiouuf the country burdeu' of greenbacks; or iu other words to giei "110, " oi.pni..g,.u.li debt.ol, be,. S " 2. vficui b tW bo bold theedeuce. f Tiie tberc i;-inolbeP thing.' ' The geo that Jndcbtedneaa iu the chape of bonds tlenVuii from New1 York Raid )enterday that -lwi',Yalue will be liiiiiiitaiued at a' par it Waa a bteaun of faith--and that is a aery L'oht ralue if resumption HLalt be operative, seriooir charge that it wa a breinih of tawii liy, air. lie aia ti was .'repuuimion Again I point the gentleamn to tUis green back which I hold in my band. -Tliere it is Does it fix anr time wben it is to be paid ! . U dots not.. 15t it proiafaes to pay 10. j 01 but., he a V there w leuwla-. lion fixing when it bliould be paid. Jtut bow m thut leginlatiuii brought about while 'toe tdtrinkogo iu value of what all oihcfr clairiea powni whether in property or in labor, will reduce thene latter to a vumiitiou of Suauuial aerfdoiu to the former. The contest fa betweeu the two clashes ; and kw for the dcliveiy of I ho last that Mr. that they bavo more substantial imeresth to live furAhau pandering to sectional liosti ti -Jiut us b-uYg tik thsro oro olb"oe to e Cure aud "to tilf. as long as thei are frauds' to coiiio op and., coriuplioB to'toliocal, fa irngwiH lit lleputiicao'paity 1iiiri;oly-ior to.nl to retuiu iind to secure power. Ihe warning bus becu given lo the Do uiooraliu pally, . Jj it be heeded. , ... .-.COSURESS: f Uurilug the. part week. J tin uoht impor- "tank aCt'ivas Vhe pbwinge of the bill repeal It yen ; .(!..;! V !! 1 lu the Senate,' ,tjmo ,haa beouoocupivd Willi' the boutestW eases."' frouiiiJUuuiiaua peaka. ; ;..-., . ., Jf theefl'ects of ihe general financial po- Jt ,e gentlemaa fronil'cnnsyUania Mr, liey'of the govemiiient.Mr. Davis saysj KelJy tell..Jiy a, party eancuH, he i.H, .-..re ooliged 0,i Lee. Ad,r.bow jia, to. afl uemonetiau-j tliU faloeof the u,ot important nueMious 'ler pased 2 Iraud? Honorable gen which cua engage the htteulion of Congress. w-u" MJ one which demand t our moat crelul IUi,tca n,ucb n)usiJerUou, and tecau. I wish to aay some things on this subject which may at least serve to warn the public creditor ami the clp.'titliatauf the danger to them as wall ' a.j to tue mass of the pool l of the eouutrr in a finale iul policy which has brought bankruptcy and ruiu to thousaudi. ay. hundreds of tliousumls of our citiseus ; a Jkt- la regard to the effects of the different rnnde of contraction Mr. Davin shows,,-.. Now," Mr. Speaker, let me remind .he lloue that in Ht5. twelve enr apo.. the cireulating medium of the country was vir tually $4. 100,000.000, for nearly all the public debt was then used a currency Now it ii' nominally .: more than ono-lhinl ed to the tloie'riimeiit "JtartirV i whou it wa worth tbiii 30 per -twit, of wlmt Kjreen oacks'a'i e i'V w wortK 1 '' Yet they Kf !ott"t ! beliig pai'l in a ''degraded ainl-"iHrait!il enhencV ! There fa n'of Wie who jii wirnl--whi. flVnot !et wiity' eenta o. Lti 4 U Ut inoM biti he loatrwl: and t ih' jr t 'k abmit a'dfra(loil,'!eniwhcy b 'lhere fa not; one' who if he geta niuely coo is in the do! far bnt;irill get t narw .than'ihe Jb Where,' t.e,. comes in i.b. ii ou Where cornea Tin tbo-j 'VVJ L s'ijil haveaaid where coiuea in jthei"i'll'lJ? I Where come injlo iojulice?.sMeiii,jii.ve bf alirewd plicy and tba 'er if ,the lili bj put thfa thing on the sonntry, jint If country, rfaes np auA Tsavi, vTb ,fc? i50 ! . .. I ...... And conciuoes liev ahioh baa depreciated lunuoiseiy every 0r ,),a sam. and really 4iot ime-6fih . And vpi'iea of property except boude and ua J tet t,e j-ctleia iu aays it U all right and all tional Imua atucas; a policy wuicu naspara u g.nng ou wail )yzed.abor.maustry.au.l enterprwe, whicii iMr p, unitt Mr.. Chittenden take are the only sources of national wealth aud j , .. .nriii: . nulicv which has aowu Lover- ,er for ungenerous remark, as follows; r ...J atrii Lroaduast all over the laud : The uchtlem-n from New York made a policy which has brought want, and, in remark in a spirit which lean hardly think many iiunanoea. pitching hunger to families he meant when he said ' 1 " ..t' iliititstiiitd unit hniid r,U ni ihniiMi,.! of Why this frantic haste? 1 I am assured :.Kriiitr men whu seek aud cannot find re- by those who served here whew the geotle- juunerative employment. , men 'who now control the House and the Sir, has there uot ruin, certain ruin, been country were on tho other niJe of tho ! Vto irouU lo ihe country? Is there not d- mie with iheir guiis. tb-t no sujh hurried trf' The mau who has ears to hear, the proceedirwa were tolerated. -,n who baa eves to ace but cannot Derceive 'What M the meaning of that. :r?' ti.i. mnt be blin J iudecJ. mast be deaf Mr. Chittenden, i weuut it as a com iW. " f I'liweiit. What is the cause bf this? Evertbodv. Mr. Da via. . Iam clad to hear, it Mr. breaker, can tell when a mau is ick. a glad that bo meant it as a compliment. V.vervbudv can tell when the eoontif fa in I am glad that he did Hot mean to stir up .li.i ft rnuire. uu uiedical skill to do old Mrife ; that be did not mean, hyena like. ihaC It requirea no science or knowledge, to dig into the grave and .bring up the dead hverybo Jj can see when the body lies pros. irate with fever ; its quickened polsejmd t-arebed tongue tell it la about to die.. Hut irhnps everybody cannot tell what the re tnedy is. Kvervbudy can tell when he aces a aua reeling io drunkeneas and everybody can tell Ilia that if he stopa driuking he cao " get sober. ?ow if you kuow what the dt-t-ase is. if you kooar what produces it. what fa the earne, than it fa a vert easy matter ti apply the remedy. !et us see what fa ihe cause of this d'aeasa which has brought so muck distress upoii the country. It is body sod float upou iu stench. ., I aiuitlad that the geutlemao meant it as a compli ment, and not as intimidation. Mr. Chittenden. X used the wrong word ; allow rue to correct it. i meant io aay that I used that as a bit of pleasantry. Mr Davis, of N. C. .Well. I am glad the gentleman used it as a bit of pleasan try. I'eibaps if he bad been over tere at !uil llun. be would bave aeeu nutiietbitig moro basir than the ga of this bill I want to say to this House and to the whole country to the callaot soldiers of the JSortb tn U fuund in the financial nolicv now rre em aimy. a 1 know I can say for the gal- vailinjr. which ha euriched the few and im- lant soldiers ht ibt c5ouhr army, that ..wished aiilli.Mi. I those nieu who had cuus iu their band are - 1 :n: I a x .. .. On the tax of 10 per cent oo banks be w" -"" " rr- " lu ' I brine op these thmifiajaiii for tba i'Urpoe sayst - ., , . I of revivineold hatreds and of ibflaencinff . . . a . a ask.v.11 , t. sir. vnat baa Deen doner io ine !. .tun in aav vote thev may Lave to t'. a .i .- t- l t ; a I . i . r i t-- i . : . .... i . ... . . . w monopoly ii vsuaiua oasmeaa iu iu. i Mr. Chittenden. Allow MO half ft Wi tt mal Ivn'lhoMers, Ihts law, bf tax ot I But. 10 i.er cent, on the circulation of all banks m. n,vu f v, (J. , (Vrtainl v. . other than national iana, gives mem me too two nietHls Mr Di.vi pia-si B,i,lih r-ratfJ.n??y f.l the y ' f ii M MnWleVenl -oTimis. iui,, riing 'in m lSf.2 to ftltamf hlWirV't Irtf fH" i...Mrv ii tii.iti..4r w itf. nit, u ii iiiu.iL'm I t T.r..rt.,M..(.. - 5 i repeat, u, no, oiu, iia j who dewiiud payiic:'l ,f:' ,!J-r Jj 'oatlW y ,vU(n goio, wnen l no iioniss weru,ij n,)"!", currency r its pqiiivaleiit when " gold was (at a l.ifb j.reminm $ ysM4 LZa'&m kJarolini.Oir' lii-intJtt of Mr? Tbe.e fa not m of th'so men who lonn 'i'i' ...r.i'L ' to clLcfiivathu'Cottimittee bii 1'rivileiiea and Kloitiousfioiu'ihe farther euaideruoii ,wf those caais, ( J udgo vavis of Illinois, i-ud VHr,, S-y p. M'H- fy' uovef of FloridW voted with tlm Democrats, carrying the liiotioh ;' Tha HepuulkauaarK ilistresxed to find themselves for tl.e liv- ,:J.iT-V i'.it H.iJ. I "4 ..if' -'ft 1 :! iu j king every escrti m to get upjibsent ees, so that 'their power may b :fratuiudf,,i'J he mam ijiiestioii earn up aeaiu ou Monday. If ITuilti'of 8. O. le seatadi ihen' by his vote tho Democratic Scnattrs from lsuJ iaua,wll rm nj,U!(j tif ,fl.nfi ,. viTho bill. ina,kvog apiropriai ions, for the lVria Kxposilit,rajipaAed M tniutheiu delegation geneially opposing it. , Mr. Jteoie of N " C procured rlie a) option of an aiiieiiijuieni, rfuuinng mat si ica ruur vi (lie i oinuiisaioucrs snail oe racwtat gn cultarists.. j ; , . ; . ,.;t'. , I The lengib of othes srlfafas in thfa issue Ci'inpelsa curtailment of ConertswionaJ mat. tcrs. i ' i .; i j - ; . ' 1 the if AH: '''" Kara lias fallen Into the hands of the Kun sJaiM after an obstinate combat in which the Turks !os.p.00iJ! ji killed, "wounded and prbumrrs ..Armenia fa. now a fir way of falling into ihe bauds of the intadera. lu i'urkey iri Knro f levna ao fang in- Testes is ft .pan nt ly bo the point of surreo- de.A'U to the Kussiaus, wtio'seem to be ou "i -' , ... ... .,.Ji ,... ..-.,f tho Ji'gh road,, to.ncory everywhere. G rears is assuming, a warlike attituJe, to- wards Turkey. anl 8ervia seems oow at the eleventh hour ready to take active part with Rums'." Mouie'uegro ha neatly expelled the Turks, and the Crescent seems to wane. Ou the other band ,, Ei,!laiid fa becoming desperately alarmed at Ruwfan success, and active intervention seems probable, ., t. ' Great events are ahead. . . . , , , Morbh Front is building n Ten Penny mJor preulifust utMillsbor. wk okr for CASH ,r PRODUCE fl" di'P i,om it n:ij coticenil - fit) Cusfs EOOtS XiaCl 333.00'-..'.i:- ;-f vtHf it) Case iMb. YUli'l liS ami HA ; 4 Cases I' ready wade OiOTlllXIGi'V1 'T ',7 r. i' i Niiiionaand DlltlSb (jU('VS ifi ... i A.M.. II i f ' 3 4 k 1 f U f. I . ru'nTia''r'"samCTdtrtterb yrjr" C"Jt0 olXrOlfy i voto of Uti loiliy.i mpu.ai(aiia the dlaaudiew Knclaud States voting against repeal, u, bn bill, iiajc;t to ((swwji , .! ''i'il' ...I. ? -. V" ' The puhlie voice demands that there s'l tjl no longer be one money for be boodiioi -er nud another for the laboring man. " Tin ountry demand ht ;thfa dfacriinioation ball cease. - The country demajids tli.t the people shall not be taxed io death to p y a class of creditors who are riot 'theiuselr e taxed at all. and io coin" not fcaiiied in the original oontract." The coontfy ' demand these men shall be dealt tmriy witn aim no more ; and thai the debtor shall mt be rob bed fur the creditor." It deman.ls e shall ceasii to take out of the pocket of the deb tor from thirty to forty cent-oh the dollar to pay ihe creditor in gold when tue credi tors thruiselvcs are not tax-d. ' s '' One thins is sore and cannot ta-mti.d. Ijen'lemt n on'the ither i-it tul't fam e-,. phaf tonniiig ''All I hava KOsay yssi j it fa letter loJol itrnu.jiwjy to re main here M ft tnigh'y Alolee-fWimy ;he. laborer of tbnountry It isaiiii inai nJ tice is doi n to capital. ,0i'i t , !'" certain, lhat while evryi't'vV "p'co- -f pn.rly la deprceute 1 .the bonis liM ty tUe Ihtnilhol ier.s l.ave iv "i-ei m ja vi. f iiere um n iiiim r leu j , ; Whatever fortune Mr., Davis maj have in improving his view on Ihe representee lives of lie bondholders, he baa the satis faction of knowing that le fully carries out the wfahes of his constituent, and also' of feeling that ttcy apprcOaUe .,bis earnest, manly auJ able effort, ' - c . , U;t I ' 1- ' . . - FALLEN CRESTS. 1 The interview reported to have been LaJ between, Mr. Hayes and leadinit Kepubli Cau Scnators.'held last week iu Washiugtcp must take the starch outof those 'liberal Southern Demoeratt who interpreted so kiudly the tendenieesof Mr. Ilsyu towards them. Tlie distrunt we expressed last week I.OUI) Varus those whUAVir. . k Ul wfailteri i xl o X5 r o s- viiX lN t vmc milt mi Imr xrWEX iiWW mm-n xmzw.w- li, ooo llu-hels I'OTATOl ; " tvA ' v ' n " jo 000 lbs 3PCJCZ3L- Allki-idstrock KXCIIANGICDorSOLD. ..... b iro W N & CnP cor.w;issior. merchants,, ov. aist -. -r-( FARM -1 IMPLEMENTS Farm and Hoail Wagons. , FARMERS MIEXD TLOHS. OLIVER C1II1XE1 "PLOWS YOCXC. AM KH1CA .'... o-i YrW,S?(b.3flin . lAM JI-'.iKi I,,.,, it 1. 1 ,:!? Iudisneiisible to eicrr ft:adrof tock. MKTAL MNKD " CVQVMQER WhOti "prMPS.1-1 PATENr-WlLfFI-v'llXKES. The ('cfal.?a'tfd '' HOUIZOXTAl.' chCHS''' 111 Cireufara anJ I 'fieri 'fat' uf Churn sent loany addrrsa, Mngie (Vekle Screens, The iaiofaiiient wtil.'h will fake the Far tridjje Tea, amll ocile nut of Vtip;t, '"' ' Smith's Patent Straw Cutters, iPluiKX'rtafipgMr Km alltlM leaillnif rhiwa, hi u-f . fiiu.nitli, tulljih, and well fttlma:. . LVrul Termt Ac, to the TVu'te. ' t.ibmmw promptly wailed. ,- TpttALXV FACTORY FIXTVRES. V. ,.!.. T.il.irro SImist.' Itiih't. ItsiBil Tin. I'bt. Jtr.t in tlie Wtl maimer awl ral. y n arrant al'ioir oi k. .. ........ .HreKWii Mliiilrd, and t-tiuuttrs lor work, prisiiy lurni-mrii. II. M. aMITII k CO-, ltichmoml, Ya., t - ,'. i 1 1 1 1 ...s i i 'i ' ' " - ' 1'. O. IIox 8 . . .Vov. 22.' TllEGIlWATClfosixG OUT SALK. - - .nj iu. t STOCK AlU!',, DiJ HEDKCKD. Prkti JJetiu-eif o: ,Jy r torX; vj blurt, , liHu-k ilk Ut 6.TT 0)c, $t.$l,2 ,) , . ; i,iu. l,To, V, $2,i5t i,50, U,73 mid ! ... . ier ui:l:. .. , W klu liUvk Muiaijf jik ft 5e, -tr jiird woltU tiray mi4 "Ulawk JUlsvd fcbii at I.hi; . worth 1 biiirk auU itlue and' Itrown and f'.tick Striped miws jt ;; ,ier ).nl n.llhtl; " lrovn and hWk Mnil i. at Hoc, per yard Ultali una hil fUUails at 7. woilh f 1 r )arl; - J i .( ..' Lurk ami White anJ Jla. k anil 0 ray Mrqied Mlk at ,S ami Uc.'lr ard tawtli l and 1 (rramaitliiarK I'tnu ona aHV, .'d su,U I' S.issaad Uao; m -'i.- t . . . - f I'lihtrStf KiRHrelt Aid Slriiied lin'iwdmes at 4. Oh '.HM aU iw. r aiu woiiu mora tuau tlultl,le IB IHtfttrt I - - - - - I'.liH k Miijaillr.aeiiHaat liS and Ue. jwr laid is i a id S B.aii' H t !' M' 1 . . DlWk ,1,1,1 V. I fl'tll. " ... w v. N , WMW OT. nurtb Inc., atuue. worth W. r vard; tliitHltuuk. Umil lu. li f ami icl ' t daennel at iio.. jn-r f ard t.ur eiy imuiliorno Cais c. at 8, e and 8 a. s?r yardxUI W Um4 lliun in a MtMrsaa trnu; , ..t, t . kiinrU i toUr I'miiml tamUiuaat lib per yard ut tl ike. by mwm ; . 1iim4 tiiuichaMU. at S , loaiul li c oer yard ' worth 14. and Ibkc; pcrja.d,, . AVa-h t'oiiin. at bSic, I'luid i oiUnt at 8 Mriiml IvisliM-s m anu a fsrnii -.;dn. tKai : an kinOifl ' A t! V DMAS , t,U,'t'"' lr l.lle amlrliiliU'vus . Po'uI.k-VV lutb ISia. k Ah nwiw at t-1, 9o, 4", 4o, ii inc. ailuiUel.iJl-.r;iiril; -I ; . i. -Chimtrtt4'iutU at UH aud Joe. ptr)ard Mtita to iUHl M,jmr iud; . Ausrrah.iHlH'peat'i.1, An; lo umt TV. imt yard, wnrih if, prr yard more; thi l the ttajit viHtuiMin K'sxk mauiiiwlurol; Itufjiilii. in C-liii.vn-., tauiiwo, ItowliMxme, IhUiik-.. aud ullteT 11 rwi liuod II liable lur HMiairuiS)K;.i 'i ' t t , ; Lar Mrlied Vklorht Lavra at l'J.'e.rtU toe, . is )aj; . . t ' (lk Alusiins a IS ami f4. r J aid i ytU So :-ud 4c; Ileal r"i euib rHjue at . l. r yaijd redm-ed from 4 toitnim Turkey Ited Table Haauut (er W hie lH.isl I.1e."tr yard wurth ft: nxu'a iuali- tax at fl aal I J! won a ..m ami l.t Saildlery anil; Harness. LL ywwona waolhu an thing injuo alio'-e Va line will do wi ll to rail on iw : trt buy- iiijjel-rwherc' I can tieat tlie worM im v i : ' SADDIX AND HAPsNESS, Wti Ih n.t;ialiJ I.OW l'KlfK.. Citiiir ami we me Is-fore l ull lory. A took Will rv t j-t,n tHttlihiK, and a look, w ill auk you buy Iroui'me. ,t t .. . (i.i, , Betsy nvetvltKked. 1 nt-li lo - II ntiiu'wr of E. H. POCUE, Tobacco Manufacturer, of" bis berieversnee ir. well doing was cm , ,un. irf UKI. at h;il twemy-dve. ami , . -. - - , '- ,i If '4, j hi amid eondwwtn lur mitring.'. TtmaMabing exclusive i rivilepe of banking, and thistsx wa iuuoed solely for this purpose. It wa tint for reveuue. for not one cent of revenue Is realized. , It is an wnjoAt an l ti.lion diriminttio(i praveniing a.l free cotnpHitbni. which is the life of all free and healthful trade, thus piving to one class of men tho power to nun trot absolutely tie currency of tb coun try. Yoo eaay Lave your golJ. lot yon cannot bank upou it. You may bavo ymir land, but jou cannot bank opon it. You may have other species of- property other thsn those national bonds, and yn cannot bank 1 npon it and ranoot cct credit upon it. And 'yet the fentleman from Near York Mr. Chittenden who spoke yesterday said be was in favor of free banking, tnd that would ' Win relief lo the eoantrv. His free bank fa n lax of IU per cent, oo all other bank except national bai.k. ana nobnay to bank except those wboean set the national bonds. That is what tiy friend on the i ther side of Ihe House means by free banking. If be means there should be competition io this , as in every other business, and that it should , regulate itself by the law of supply snd d aisnd. there fa no difference between bio ami tntself Have ns front bis kind of free banking ! We have bd it for fifteen yesrs and it has laid the country prostrate and in rain. "' In fa-ply to protest of Mr. Chittenden of ,V. Y, gJnt tie set mi of the House, , Mr. Ifavisssid t Honest money! Wiy sir, are not the greenbsekt benest money? The gentle man held on one of thmn yesterdsy. I not thfa lomest n.ey? If it fa not, prsy tel me where are the wen who pat it npon Ihe Country r" Were they dishonest? J's the iren'temtn mean to inainoale that thfa Money, put into the bands of the people by an rt nt Congress, ronlsminatei the holder ml lhat it fa a fraud and a sham In u it Mr. Chittenden. I wish to say that if there fa any gentleman on that aide of the louse who supposed Ibat 1 mesnt in tlist allusion aoytbiiiK unpleasant. I withdraw, it, and express axirdfaliy end earnestly fiy re gret that I should have snid a word capable f any aiicb inlTprftati.m. .j U'u -s, ; Nr. Uavts. , I am glad Ihe gentleman has made this explaimtMMt. because hi lan guage struck meaa having been uiUred fur ft plirfHISO. . ' ' - : , i Mr. Chittenden. It est aie nothing to make this explanation, for it fa the exact truth. ' : . . . Of the effects of contraction bf Mr. Da vis lays: Mr. William II. Crawford. 8icre(sry of War in ISIZ. used this UnuuMga; AH inteliiL'snt writers enrreney gree that wbeo it is dct-roistrig in aliiuunl foterty and misery must pievail as lber ever a greater truth otfereI7 Hose it not ilofrate whit i now befall ing this country 7 O.ieaiiol poverty prevail everywhere; Is uot tnfaery efalkmg all vr this lamir " " " " Mr, Speaker,' I think that nor present distressed noaocui condition" Is due tn Ibe first ptaeo to exclusive privileges secured to i'ut national banks ; in ' the second pi cft to contraction, and in the last place to the de monetisation of silver. Oehtlemen say that all these looked to the early resump tion of specie payment. No,' ftnt specie psyment, but payment iri tfrM. ' These sre the tbniir that have brought ab'jut the pre- setit distress Knowing what caused the distress, Jet us ssk how the remedy shall be applied. W applied on the 4th of this month, so far as this' House is concerned. one powerful medicine that will go long wstsloreleive the country I mean the bill for Ihe remonetix;iion of silver, (fust here I desire to state it my opinion and I believe tbat every man who refloet hon etly ipon this (uestiiro ariil agree with me lhat, if go!d had been liemonef izl in tlirniM Ives. Corn. W'lwit iir other omnli-v nrodure Ulen in evrlwnge, r ail is aiswe ris-ir. . . . h.ouur.ii rfur. i LK.r.u Nov. Jl if. ' ' ' I su paying pr.v.le of f ullic debts? Tte,e-J tf uhw i,vcr mM U Wvf,!4 firmed even before our article i'1 'K"1.! loiy.wdl ptoar call ;aioii and eaa. 'mc for Mr. Hayes bss Had the first shock of coO- j flicf witn'bfaold party friondai and at ouee ahos, bis .readiucas to ield H 'f ''' prompt to exprcsa bis ileaire lobe in barni ny with the leaders of il o KepuVlicau par ty, and be thought that bia policy acted. as U wa in'enlel. to the petpelnaiion and iiiaiiiletiance of thai party, lie weulfarth.' er: and we wish to call thestteuticu of our " i. - . . .... eredaloua brethren to bia words: 'It was bfaeipeoraifanaml Uliefof thfa poifay (the policy "appointing Ueinm-rats looflice.) that it wo .14 promote i a coalition of the old Wing an4 other elements naturally opj td t tho lieaioeralm j-ar'y iu the Smt'.i, ami event ually secure rix or eight Southern Senators to the Republicans " ' 1 , , Thfa frank avowal of a Ireachefou par- po wili, we hope, opun the eyes of those whose siituiue UuifteraUirnls have led then to expect ikt. anything gwdcoubj come out 'bf NaxaMlk t he )ng baltevetl th ftl the creature of fraed could not be possibly aaUirated" with decelt'f who have believed that n born foe 'of the HomocralW party wuald specially shape Lis polfay to Concili ate that party and destroy hia own orgsnfa xation t who Isve believed that the politic Millcnninmliad come, when 'the ravening wulf of radios lis'u was to lie dowo nitu the stricken lamb of Southern Uemocrscy, Mr. Hsyee bss wilted somew'sst sooner than we expected . A d iccnt defence if bia Cabinet appointments was due to them anJ himse'f ; their sacrifice will U the next step in the movement, and it ill be yieldcj and then is stesdy succession will all those steps bsckwsrd le tsken to restore the an tagonism of the North to the fcWb, the only foundation on which Northern llepuh Iicanuin can stand. , r i Happily,' ill l Ilrpullicanu'ro is riot as formidable as once it ws Norlhsrn constfa lueuciessrd Dot so Mind to its wi:kedua at once they weie Au J Western u.eo 2nd OVrrtK.itotliebBiWtbe tHIr Ina braoda of A.NTKI.tr I.. II mm iMinn.inmi u ioiw LKUAfa .TKNDfcll, 11, IV ami f Incli.o, u ami H lu i .. RKDlllUUnud GKN. BHAGG. II luuli, HI AMO.VDnnt COMKT. Im-li, m Ih. ULDItlCMABLKamlOOLIllMiLLAH, Uim l.. 3 In Hi. ' " ' ' "OClt UtAMv" on.! MTTLrT FfXA. r"h 4 lii.li, H anil liltolU lu II Ibiad.lU-.- "hCN -CVKKIVf nml I'OtiCs-.rt lwl ," ft du ll. 4 to Hi. in 7 ll)..l.lin. , tiT" The I"- ssstH-tmeid id ttdium and l ilt Ti.I.hto m lli Mate. i 4 j t 'r SKXD i'H It IT. ICE I.IST.JLJ A.ianst I uiu. t Mrs. ' Miittic Taylor, ; MILLINKR" AND DHI-SM MAKKIt, At ihe Im it formerly iKcMjHt'l hyj. R, S n-nv neeivlng k.-r ' . FALL. 'FIT PLY OP ' Fancy Owl nwl liuthna, ,-? TKHMS C ASli. at.tVo fo'wet possible rates. she Is recelvinsr -klv the M.-f iiotrllle In V illi iu-i r Ac., frnin It fa-sf t.flet, sail ausran-1 Ifvatliat'hor work and lirr li HIi w ill n ine iii la Uw bialM strroiElii'd alamhtriU of la-le. Ite snr lo eaU uu Her lie lore iinimii? onn-r efsswheae. : uv , , t.mwu it If. 'wnii .ii i pi'iiMpi , i . . ii i m r i"1 1 . TIIK I'ndersigiies) will open ...,, mmS", U'AKEIIOUSK. Ae-'FOll TH K ii A isK O If, LEAF-TOBACCO On . ThurmtnV nml Ffbfai Nut. 'trt k'iwl. .. . . '- ... . ' i wguiar tie uay win be Tile.'?. WKlumUg, Thnrmpig , niul !!j Frulal of each weok, . ' 5 We have here five lVit'iviea and several Leaf !clrS. snd there will be n steady di mand for fartb ring and Bair.g Stock, at regular Market rnee. AVo will sen that those, who bring their Tobacco here shsll have us full value. K. II. IIMIL'K. A LU IU 10 77, , .... n. h a nil hk" r - - ! t - ' -'; - I MiJiCFACTtHf-U. ASl;jKM.tU .I's.Alt Hold and : Silver, WareY M.MOMC J EWE IS. HAIR JEWELRY. - ! ' . ' WATCHES, CLOCKS. Ac. Watch Ilcpairing and Knprviu prompt. v ly executed. , i l.ln.-u I'sio.t-a iuralallc i bHh at Jf. ), au, Vr, $i. .uvt ot to it fMH, a- l.lift-a liia.K TaWc l1ol!ifWiiiWi.ta'livewiaftiasj; Uueu tauMk .l.ai.at fta, , J tl. 1.24. IM aud up lu ft Mr il.i n; miim uI.u- ali'iitn'O is taiS. it to t;. extra saw at (t-l.oo worth ft wr i srs: ... (Jam VauMrk t ovists m.u t-' y (u, trtIo Lbsw 4hrn.Isiiieriwlr. ti bide, st fl p-r jai.i, iiiiiu-iu'4iiijj; akni, iar Cn iUiu all jlisljitnai'irsf aU,a bn-s aMtrrmri ti vxiu at akuul ball vl Umrvaliwn"-,t . f . ... Mourning l'4ilaars and Cons, llaMdherubiafa. ami U,wm U Kul at II, IS S and VW wurth U Jr rrW. mnrnt ; ..-. - Linen Unllmas at li , It , So and U, all very rnrat; ... ;. ,..,, All kmoSsr khi4 Um llnv asd ilsn's wear lbet'luuur-4 )cttB.'rei; ,.M.,.t, Kurn sunijt Omnia lur puntstiuan ia gr.wt varle'y at i.w priirs. i .tn ( ii(ir Nuts latr is at4isi y.iar 4iret of a- , per Sll lriii)-iour. Mn. !. at 1, lu, 1 , J.I."".. i.-.. m,il no tfi tff.Htx. HV ..!(!. t'lilii-m-fi.f,' Hlur. ilruwo, and1 Tor . i Peals, etc., made lo order. rU . KAI.KIGH. N. C msrrtl 3ft. ' Optvosits the Market Place. John H. Tyler & Co,' , ,,. Suecisori to ( - MITCriKLL ANDTYLKlt. ' . 1UU. Alain tlreot,' , . ' . .I'ltlCMMOXn,' VA; D!mmU. Wnt"hn. Jewelry. Silver- wire, runm nurt. om .". ail.yj'.it ni'Wt At'LEaV AtrATl'liK4 UKl'AlltKIl In Ihe best man v ner. - . II Al It JKWF.I.IIY MAIiKTOOKEFII. I TT rrmant atttntioil nsid U (nU r,H hiall i . ' - ...... m-innrrwisa, ;,:.,:," j t,tt'i U h it iy , , 1 i 1 - CIS. eOnV.RKK. V. A- FflYATTf , t, , tVlli)l.l Al.K U III K Kit, Cotton Buyor ... , , ,f i'AMi . Commission Merchant, ti t , RALElQIf. N. C. ' TTKJllrXr Trb-ea rnsranlel I . those lili 11 iiiik r KMir sun niinn in mm. filri.1 advaure lli l WUcu d. i('d. (i t. H. O. It. WAI-DHAN, ' Waldman & Schcrcf, ' . puactic.u; ! ' llillshoro, p. 0. 7tnmr$ Plimifjcrs, Oiu tilcam hlltcrt Wholesale and lletsil Dealers id Stoves, Tinware,' Gas Fixture's Lz ' IMSMain Street, V 1 "f . v,".; I :, v 1UCIIM0NH, ' VA.;-, ; Rfftwl Gntteriiip i,f SfUlii'J itntti(ly . '.'...' .". " . 'vttenilett f; i ' - - , i ' x :r ' Tohs.fn Hues and Itntnllnj a fpecialify. If. V. . J. It. Kllil'li. I',u,l,. X li:!):." now other., . 6 t H ta. i.""., ... m,ii no tfi -t :. , k.y l;.,l Knittn.s tutl.oi: lute Jl-.tihiji ut 1 1. 1 Vi hI.iI Wi!. tier aril: IUwlK.k .U.uoi st j... :!, ;jna ,B-. rril raney Jtnltina at.V. and W. pr jartl inrif ;.W . r iiii ,urf uwriM-aiirH juilln il Hkm. iw o5 -m.v en . mil . Carpels, i nl-rli.tb., Hup, Uals, Is-kvWs Hln. U-w PiiatH an.rry rlin,v will iuy..i well toexainliM ihi. M.H-h' tanking Vnr u in.. Flvnlirrr: . Nttlni;tMt fr..rnnil, ;!, lfll. ii.tl ami ii. to ti ! Jar4j ' a - I MarsHiwa i juiiu it f.v'ki tod to, reduced Trom Krly Jla.fa lrew U,1l-ln this line wa slH. lh .f sew, assvi led, and etieaiwali tlMia ill I llUM.il VI jirliV l.:.rnsnis ..itsb a Xl;ht (nwiH,l.he mw, t'rrastuxeaiiia. Uram-r.. skirt-, and Aproioiu rral an.., ml i nil k tsWea: " if.- . Ifsniiin. -fcs-tsftre 1eand rood .iinUir: i lim rwmm, iivvp PkliVt ami UUslIM, 01 tlie ' falMt llm . ..... ! . .. Trnnk. Hat. lsilea, l.tim-h Hs.teta, sruaal "Pi "in" nrap-ail a WW prtram; Itiimmi u.i.1 l.niflislii eiMikt Vaiirtvat Ilia l.iae.1 prt.o;' '' . . Hamburg rlltiR at 5, flf,J,!i, MJ, 15. - iW.Sjc.aiiU up lu $l.i ryai.l-lliemi -.1 oM,lanro tliirlj wr ruiiU leloMf reu 'nr prleva; Table I ier. hi ureal variety-some aa low a II lor al isih4 c.ierj f lsi . j IMarAfU teralsaMiVtnn'hM-siinM as low , a- V"1 , .... ., . rVb sml'TrtmhiliiK KIMn -h breM sssurt meiil,lM.hiMdpriv,vW4UeMslr; ' ol-rr.l rnnftilnif f.. af B. w.m1Ii 2. W'f l.trtf9Hl.t:m1ir..airfy 1 nmmMat fti. f.,r n ' ' iX? 1 w"r,M )sid, snd ho ml. Tieal l brand ftifliMo .n f. tor, ymm ' sril wrtkj ftp Var,; . ? ( " tVrfond l.meo ttmbmtktf mrdresara eta Wurlll . l'l'evsr.i,BtliennUWf , mU Na. hme IHI in hre IsslllrsM W; AN. sewlnx Maebliw r l ui lead. i -a.. T VT7. ,'t"lng.r Maabltsw .NewlUa, "'tth-men! '"'"'"'" " ladle, ami Sill U iv, oar ean imrnurnrture. real Wain.nt. f r Z' - i" mJl"t 'w't fl; hive only I'MWibslamabMiirwlMtiiw'M M ' ,TlfL Vm,!,Jm' '"' """aftrtv'ot othrr art hs h- to I mm at WwMleed prUva. naalIfcr?,M, V; I 1 10l7uJ 1013 M.iu alreet, A.'-!."-!.". lUCHMUMt VA.