U9 V UW Ugy JtWttWH tion then a lust for office. that prinuipltsof publio aud private v irt have oo! imsgi cotsatti:ssntt. h ayes' I ; AVefi,te advance of any action IB the tietly re-mtemblej Congress opou the ru. wored intention to test lb till of Mr. Ihye to biVt. by resolutions ta bt in Hrudxieed iolo tb Uoas ostensibly ,' t I'll 4 . ; "t s , based tijxm the dandier letter. ' llo Tfsoluti.jH art said (a n ta the client of jfP'fw'J lyfitypeschmeiit. nary exiswi.ee. end that between tboTJeiu ouretio and Republican farties there ia ouly tut iiffeMe.ljt$ef4 tba iue eudjtbtoots. If tbe people of North tVroliou are ready to retrace tbeir wearyttepf, .eULtw beeg tbe coubael of thene liberal joutituja. aud fall quietl into tbe embrace vf a regained ru tlicaliaut. j, 4 ,. - . ., t VACANT CHIEF JUSTICESHIP. As tbe appointment to BH the vacancy smtoMlB .irJrWf.r .ill prvbabl, baVetei filled by tbia aurh can..,,, U true, an unlawful icwm j,,,, f CtfV, y-; -fr tfcNtpf the Hi'residcney ibe metal net- . - u w v. 1 " -.: . !' ' t residency tht gravest pee- title eatee for tbe rebuke of tbe gravest of ufficial kids s and believing Mr 1 Uayea to be Jraude Unify ia ooaaeaaiuu of bU office, etepe taken at tbe rtgbt time to lest bia title would ie bad lb hearty concurrence, tot ooljr f the party injured by hi wrongful oce ton, bet of alt who regard rightful and peaceful aucoenston (9 . power a the aareet test of tltt stability of republican ieatitu Irani. . But that right time was offered to pass ammproved, and no the machinery of government ia moving along with ita ao nMoned regularity in spite of tbe diaeor dent clashing of partisan Dial eContent. We Would not bate thi regularity of ooremeat deranged fur tbe beuent of eoy party, or aaj facjou.v All cat affurd t( wait uniil re drew aowea with tbe wreb of time. There ia ta Ht prineiale to vindicate which is tot already admitted and obeyed. There u no irew trutV to walotain or asaert which is not already eaUbliebed, Aud we aiaj add, tert ere 09 reseutmenU to kindle which do bolalreedy btn in tbe breasts of tbe Dem ocratic party. Metermioed at all hasarda never again to oe the victims of fraud, ae er again to yield in the spirit of eompro infee sdeanlagta gained fairly end nnequi vVeall'tverioppoMtion so clearly proved in tbo eaiwotity-"' i- -- ' " ,Jk tat Anerioaa people are trained to habit of self control They will not reaort to violeuce to obtain what can be had ihnragb tlit coarse of law. If fraid sue ettdabajee, they will see that the victory is a siugle one ; but they will trust to limei to reaauew and to tbe fruits ef experience To da otherwise were to imitate tboee traves ties) f goverueiant in Mexico aad South Ameriea which have brought republican iat into auch dwreputt. With tbe people f the United S'ate. repttblicauisui is felt tWa reality, and while of late yeara sad ly tvotaDiinated. still retaining enough of vigoroas vitality to wave it from tbe ahame of taaatlief republics of tbo WeaUra ilea issbreu And therefore we protect sgainxt auy aaovevent that would endanger the public tfauqeilitj. Such aioreuieiita would bt ttteUatiooary. and that tbe country is1 ih4 readj fut it the interest of any party or anjtwawa jt va-p 'v'-t X.et o not add aa iota to oar confi dence in Air. Uayaa, We set not a defect custd it lis title t the presidency. We art ast ia the alighted degree waraied to hiaj' by the graces tf hi manner or by the fafir of hi acta. 'The plain principles of goad polity teach bia to eoftea the bed of thorns upon which ht lies.' It ia wiaer to dixerai enestes by sppireot kindness than to sm tbeat with new wespou by open boa. tilit.' Fee alt thw, we do not forget that bshJftocm bis rightful plaea. We may be od toaileoee. W eauaot U bought to praiatl Xebni Hood threw a glare of fac titious splendor over bis life of violence ly a land of rsds gallantry, and laviah gent tosity I yt b was nont the less the spoiler aud tht outlaw, - The hnigl.U of llunnalow llestav tret) tbt besrt of tender maidens, and the adeiiratioa of aentiwentat youths by grata f oaanaer aad reckleac profusion a tbt' dUpeeal of their ill gotten spoil, but an tbt lee was Tybera their goal at tht lt) Aad Mr. Hayes in tht prudent, yea. geatreaj tat tf hie onllsMed power, will ia thttaa" reach a g-ml morally as humili ating aa tbt fatal aras ef tba robbers' gal low tree.'' To tarb wt would ot nastea Lias, Nt Ut bias starch surely ea to tht saaf fed Heal tf bis own a seating tonacientt. . Feethig as ws do, wt bate wotbiog it eoojUiuQ witbtbst toervaivt demoeratie' element of tit Htalt prta which labor to aaaidaoaaly It palliate aad defeat1 ttpraSat and to encourage ; end to via tverjf poasU Lit to Ue isppert tf Mr. Ilayet that pet pit il aloeld be tbt aim tf tbe press It traia to tb'e'aioat determined eoodewnstioe ef bis eriaad.'1 ' I'alilatWa eaeane condonation and totdooaf ion ie tbt entering wedge for tht return tf that party to sa ivt eeatial partioi patieu iajhesKiirs tf North Carotins which l.ligfi?ed ftejrperity for at saaoy years, aod o en brow a with each difictlty, If tht Jteeaorratw party it defeated ia this tatt. or tf ea if it is wealened, it will be by lit force of eubei wbitb taeb that there U M dial toot ion between right and wrong, be tween truth and fataehond, let east good iteeBfti bed litlee, accepting steeeas as the at ly lest of tretb, aad persasding tbt j J le that tit long coallict for the mr Pre8! b,dMy ppljuiigh to tootinut tht diaoniioa wbioh a rwen "'' ft f t , 4-" i--vi-ig?aa "ia'tw)jj jg? a jry , The Re Mete draw a very jnbilant coin pariami loiaefit ths f xpurtont Wilmington awl NtH-l'iilk lor uionil), of Uesi eiher 1877, Knowing Jin t w bile fnm the Jwrioei were cUared tor foreign l$ yrt,i Jur'ii'g the uimiib 7 Kso.bo-;"H tSatisv raliimTinJ 8 teanwhlp with eargi uf ie value of 1.3M,7fr.l. Cmni Wilmii.gWuurtr cleared fr 1I1O aaaietiinel at:httbera, J brlga and SV tarirtei lwrg1"o"ileT uioe if 0 aw.,1 thtftcefpta rflhaaJHtav. , payvJebjlliibelieyed id a, ment nf ;bc tutuiueiee of the in vf n il- Uinii'ir the NaMnnal fuith lni at I lie si uKHiti now in prea atil kindly prtmiiwd by XTil, Jubl. i'i'nVwVtl WoViaVliil IhllibXI 5 US eoiiMiiik bde ..ti.WilniinMm a,iaisM ...1., V" ' ,W rUt. e aa, io b4. whIc rwiety lirf tut of the tlaisn of tbt Survrrfeg neuiberMorueWf i4imienl W wbhsh llie'-pl.' w 01 tbt Looit to select their presiding effi. eer. Kiauuoatiou'of' "tbe (f!nistituiiou of 18C8 very clearly shows thi fact thai the thief Juatjce is a distinct offioer. separated by the procest- of election or appointment from the other 'meuibere'of tlie CourtfArt. 4, section 8 aa'ja tlie upreuia Court a.hall consist of $ie( iuatice and, four Am ciate Justiota. Tht Otmerver shows that II tht practice ander this 'VoVAitntWirc cogbues this dutiuottonThe' ajiryviug meinbers 'of tbt Couri claim thojrig 10 chouse a Chief Justice out of their own bo- dy by virtue of the Constitution 0 1835. liich simply directed the OeuefafAlaitoi bly to appoint J udges of tbs Supreuie Court, giving tht members of the Court authority to appoiut out tf their camber to preaidA Judge J'eareon 'himself took bit pUco on tbt bench as f :hief Justice uuder cenifi eatc of election to that 'office, tu niimint This tbt present Supremo1 Conn it wall aware of. but it persists in the determine tioa which has tharacterlied'Tts whole exl teneeto foment ka much trouble a its' very . , - ... i i.--- , ,4. ingenious aad very BocrupuIoiu ueaihers could device. k-;s l'. - ) 1. S. Since tht above was in type; Colt Vauct has sppointed the Hun. H . N. H. Smith Chief Just ice of Jforth Carol iua, an appointment every way appropriate. tll , , retaersabK ly0Viiinth.gonf tWHet. (Hat WliilJ w yeara ag.i ft. r.Hreiuii liili ml MfWfi ?M.fH.-l The ertatU 01 pnipr.tan4 otUra ioMtoif nlll tliia.yarVegery iiiorenit ftatiHrtriy:"Tnt hhov ion iiinijiro nan i i men I'll fT npim rtie general lusinca f lic t iiy bt .1 : . ' . 4esrriii, .ar .Mho ftneitiiM gained by tlie..iii baifiHa 'of .tt.a' f 'tbs emw4HitW.riieet ii,h! wlth' th.Mi (iTt,Xetl ny r4iiM.ii i-u. rating mi far mt.i the cot ' t U.i'.J J J ... . .. v , . too ipci. i. W ilmiiigti n will posit the same at the mint to be coined iu to dollars for bis bencBt.' lie jfvgued that Ueruiany bad eemonetlsesailvef, aud much of If was brSilt irftbal ,uiry aTa rt luoti priue.! : U4d tbi eluuet jbetn allot td tut reahil itlie bill , the, tisruian Cover 11 inetitf could bring'; bullion to Hi! tonnir aeitli. Ktj wx laiUiun' .UrtUra-jib J icceive fifty niiUtonlherefoK lit Hikeof actn of IMo denioiii'liaii'g silver aa union aiitutionaf and vioiouK, and reviewed at some length financial legislation ot Uovera Wt ti.lreralwayad-leeirBoliiAt Uie ountryand tbt demonetisation of it de means Tbt Kichuond Whig urges optt Virgin ia tbt adoption of tba aystew iiusagun-ted by North arolina, taxing fertilisers, and applying tie fund ao created to the support of the Agricultural Uurean. The lawcer tainly works well io this State, and baa at- curod to tht farmers uot only fertilixer above the suapieion of fraud, but sustains a Dejiartinent created for tbe advancement of their special interests without a cent of tax- ation from tbcie, JJut this Dopjrteaent. yet in ita infancy. promi-e It be in ita full development, of nucb ineMiieabte value to :!l the productive iiiduatriea of, the State, that the far mora, the great tat paying alaaa, may very well direct through then retrt- aentatirea, epeeine approyinatHin tut en larging lit puwers aiil nsefoloe-a of the Uuresn abosld auch appripriaiioa bt funod ueeesaary. Tbt Departmeal istheiri tbe money is theirs and at tbe farmer hat ne ver before beta specialty considered iu leg ialatiofl. except as the subject id taxation. let bint demand a liberal support or an uv st it u tion created for his benefit out of funds contributed by Limeelf.lf be finds that suE' port ie needed. 'M "'-J 5 " -'; "' " ). s-tlt . It&t ! ' I Tbt IUvenue Amendments offered by Mr. Jiobbina of this State, proposing a ro dectioa of the tsk on whiskey fmtu 00 to 40 cents and 00 lobaoeo from 24 to 12 cents seem to meet with more favor than was an. tieipated ; an soiendaiit offered .ly Mr. Cabell of Va., sutboritea a drawback of tat on all tobacco whit h nianufactnrera uiy have on land when the amended law goes into' effect. ,Somt rodtnutt it teruin. The opposition tmnet from tht N4ih. " If tht reduction ot wbi-kry and tobacco goes into effect, it is snticipsted that at. first theit will U a delicSency ia rtveaat re ceipts ; and to meet this,. Iht revival of an income tax ia proposed.- Tbta tooches our thrifty Northern brethren. They pay to wmmn uiair WIIUS vurj Want 10 get. OB not free hi tht way of contributions It tbt aupport 'of tbt govcranienl j bat when it tomes It appropriations, they always de mand and get tbt lion's sbsr.; ! " Victor Kmmsnoel. King of Italy is d.s J, and ia saeeeeded by lis son ' iVrwrt .Ham. btrt, 'It Victor .belongfd i Ibe glory tf uniting tht lulias) Fenitaala iolt tot ro tolidaled jovtrament after a Hcparatioej ha. It hostile fragments' ainee lit death i"f the IUmmo empire j nod also of making JUmt tbt eat tf bit power, after Its posse saios for many ttaiorlet aa tbt ndiepwted eetrtre of tbt Komisb Cborcb j twoiventi amotig tbt naost rtmarkablt it Modern Ustory,' v"(i A. M Aiken a gratdaoa of lb flow. Archibald llarpby las,' beta elected by tht Couimiaekjetors of Dantill Corpora, tifrti Jadge of that City wit a i'aatarr id" U00. Mr. Aiken I a gftitlea.sa of la lent, colter aad character, and dec honor to lisdistingaialed lineage; '' ..,!' grow into a wtton mjrkkH wl far behind Cliarlfton and Havannafc ; and then all other buMne-s gteat oij-.tt w inierct aud euterprtst.. . , i T-' Aw Jllt4m ,f 2ui!furd eouiilj,- ra Veveatly ad mitred ft thf bar as t praevining lawyer. -after a ire.iliallt ex- play- v amitwit Ion l.y' the SupreioeJC(MVf . aod after Wg ergniiient t et t he right of n'owaa to practice law.,. Tbt Jud Ji.Ul that thrt w im (-artBiioiial ol.jcth.ii and abw was admit ted: ' ' ' -'..U,1,ril'h lhr lt"Hriuck: ',.,'lVnJ 'if ,t is pretty, she ia likely to bat, more suitors than sujts.; , j J , , 1 , .liu .vBl'ikwellwf Durham win nnnther de.U aive viofory.-t In'l.r Vuii' hWlhfcrell & CW'.'of llkhnionif. tril l4dre Judge Hughes at Alexandria 1I4 ediaiuw-.vaa sgiiort thedefvodiinta. ieriaeua)y afsin. tng lham 4Nia tho nae of tb Dur bam, sud I he eytnb.4 ibii h HUiwa l h i4 claimed aa original , r WecuiigfatuUteVjn ootheiesull, ,.j . ;,, warn- san i tune the people should not be deprived ot t'heir legal and conetiletV'ual righta' .i- Jba IIiasevat7it0.Vlik on Friday afternoon, aaed the Wood resulutiin fe" ported from . ,1 bt, . 1 qium it tee , am a v and Pi fot "Weefipit iove.iitiou bv ilit ?f'tt,mWHJ'trl?.W?ll.t.4il.4 ihi Atkins of (be. 'sppspri)ii)ii ciammittet , savsitbat tat aua rem lortiferat aa at L pr.-pimitoa tille.i will b'': yeaoy tu bt pre fC4t;Hv tu ptoat .wlewm)aM.ms 1 ; ti'ii' H'iii"-l,.-,lfr.ttiil at.-sit tin V - ' WAU iVKWS.na M-r ' 'St. rKTKitsnyMQ. ii Jen.,ir.--Grad Poke, wbolaa lias leWraitbd lha fuilo. ing tu the ICiuperof from; Iovtha, Jan. 8 1 1 ; am, happy to congrntuute your Msjeaty upou'tlie brilliant VHtorv gained this day (jen ; (Imletskr haa alter a d pert fight captured be whole tnrkih army (Jeiet:d- tng the Miipka rasa, coiisiNting of 41 bat 1 ..1... irt' 1 ' . . k Marhk Front is buildinjjfc (ii? Tek Penny : I Wails for Urcakfashili tkiVxborot WKcflif AGH or PRODUCE for whom ; A G A. tj -l tuny concern! 50 Caw Boots ixxiCL OliOoa Tt'asea Fine ready made tXOtl2a,lJ3LC'r M I V Cases t ,ti.Mis and D K KSS GOODS; r n rr ' ''.-,1) ifV 4 crate oxOols.enTi jT)....'1' U .ilrrU, ufi :ai,i;ii:iLbiiafiilUliaaalaae 1 hose who have not f. rgotten what ' ,(ln.!l I" - 4 - S- tai "" 1 fWl . Mmmm .) . lilt .-t 9 "V .'- iSw. l tt ht .' .v.u S- - t,mi 1 Mmm mnt .I I1 .-t 1 ' JjJ : 'I ft ii ' tt k..v, a ' laiMinn, aiu uiiiicricp anu one rrguneui 91 cavalry."1 Vrlnot ' ' Miivly' baa occupied Kriaulik.' (lew. JthoWlelT holds Sliipk. " llKlS.1 Jan.- 1 1 0.A lndoii eorrca- Ibe Winston Stntimd say tht will of Jadgt I'earsoa waa written in pencil, la one of his enlarged experience . in such matters, tht 'world , would .' look for', the aeifeetiott of particularty. It ia but aaotb erjif thimynaiteacieswhiub sotften mark tht act of great inds., 'B 5 15 ' I ' '1 ! : The number of failures ami bankruptcies at -WNol'Uf MmethiJg ; fearful .The Uirgrams f tbt 1 lib recorded aiatr eighty m lir4 Northern tiiiea,' aggregating many miliion of dollars.' - i . . The marriage of tht millionaire Thomas Lor J olf Ke w York at. the' age of 86 to a widow of 2 baa found ita match in Ala manet eonnty, at wt Jearn from tbe Ulean- er, til but tbt millionaire featart Mr. James Foster, sged 86, n soldier of tbe war of 1812 married' Jliae Kmily Cai arroll Sir Jlaje aa a reformer ia North Caro I. Removed fowert, of tht ' first Rett aut District, and appointed n trifling ot. V. fu hi place and stterwards under prea srtof lfcll Smith revoked tbt spuoiutment aad reioetated l'owera, '!. ' tUuiored VT instead,' who lad sti no tmpeaobaid reeortl. from the Colleoturahip of ttaiih dUricl ,, f .- t a ) .tit t- . Geo. II. 1'endletvn haa bee tleete'd 8t nator from Oliit to' snjwed Stanly Mat thews whoat ,1eror will txpirt Usrch 4tb 1873. id. 1 1 1 ;U tl avw . , va t will poblis n onr nest .ha titer tad oonvineiiig teaavoiwg of 31r Davit ta tbt warventy qatvtmri as ripremed ia a let. ter If Ksleigb ifer: " ' ; -jl .. (,:3 k'ffc ft!' I'll !fo tieniU of Corigtee who Vtrut to . lU.W.if ttaodiog army greaterihsaJO.OOO. m , . 'a. ' Eeeeipts of Cttns in lUleigh tt Fata day, Jst 17th82.7CO bales sfainst 33. 8,1.1 to mmt datt last ! year f deereast t78 bales, i ,,- n. '.! ii if oi ' . Market artirt titaing at 0J a 10J for ! . a a mmuiiegt, wnica are warned."' ' CONGRESS. M'Tlert 1 waa a full 'atteiidafift In both llneee at M rt-swemblirget tht, lOtba 'lath ftenatt.' smone ailrr K.nu.t. ing. Mf.Uefk, of Kentucky, ipoU jn fa. tor of rmoneix.tU4 of silver, though be did not faw the Mend b'.U a il earn from tbt Hons of KepreWnlsuvee-j lie tWtht tb Sehstt Cotaaiittee nt Finannt did right ia striking oul of tht Uousa. Lill tb clsiut i - t! si i: Iea ai-i asseal pondent of tht Maiicbeftef GmttdltM tele'- grsplia that- 'journal hat' he believea lx weeks armiariue ' has l.een alr adj sgreed aponeat buiaof tt'fotiUiW M " ' : : A dnpalcb fr t ouaantino'rdt t B.id tare mention a similar re J t-t tseui relit there, snd tbst military vteratiottt sre at- derl to be . supedi4 fraw lewi w'elock Taraday night, bat K tiers' agtol poinw out that these. fumora . are iim-essarily pra mature, aino .military r resent itwi a of ueiiigereuta . to conduct ag.41 vham bad not then been appoioted. Uebemet AU. who it was stated had . cone lo arrane armis tioa. attenJed tbe war eonncil on Taeday, Ibt Uaiiy 1 airgraph's correspondent at imna ststea that at Sblpka Pass the Rus sians captured Jrf.OOO "men f.OOO h 'rses, swciva uMinars, aweive siege runs ana eigv ty -IJ gnus 9 -9 ' The) Corsacks haTe cut the Tamboli tlaiT- A Renter diapateh'bas tht fotrowing t Costaiitim.de. January I. Encour aged by ibe .German ambassador, who In timated tost Russia's conditions of peace would probably bt moderate, and in ordrr to give Korope . proof of iU saneert dasirt for peace, the Porte bat asked tht Knsaiao tiovernment tt flat what wort tit eoodi. tion it would demand." Tht Manchester Guardian ha a special from Constantinople eoMaiuing the folhiw. ingt Fugitives are fwking bora from Pbilipolia and Adrianople. , Tliree crowd ed train arrired WcdusMlar., evening aod three on Thursday evening," )( , fl . "A special despatch ; from Tatar linurd jik tit the Daily Telegraph save s JUm Tarkf have burned the town f febtiman and in. tend burning Tatar ' ILsirdjik and otlier town in Topalniixa snd Guipst vallev. CoXSTAXTIXortK.' Jan? 'U 1:tibct Hory tbe 8cveutb of lb Reusa.' German ambassador. ! her and absolutely denies that he as'.d ht Russian conditions of peace would . be moderate,- tt mentioned in s Renter despatch benet... this mo ningall bs said. was tbst tbt conditions wunld It easier if Turkef treated directly witb Rus sia '.'.. , ' , iMtiixOEtXv fiArHnlKCtUNV.fctt ' 'B U O WrN..&vC:0-V.:r---i 1 " ..MMISSiqn.iMIIRCHAnTO, iNOW FuliyHKAl DRY COIIDS. 1IA IWJA VSii K VEUYBODY tirendiiiittotiuveonr atore tbnrwuiiUy r-no. vairtl and timiotJIIrd kWore II, e oiH'n.114 ol tua rnlR ' raoe, atul iswklaK an iiM,Mirtaiit rlianxa lu onr biiMurM, iirrwiiutrt tae ri Um ln t nf our Mork. ' kale. ih-. ma ai.irktsl tloaa IImh IN-nvta mf nwn.T art V-ax ia nnier t atvouii lish " wjm, -m r ri mm lll UOHorRIa lu . -.. i Mil I ...... .. .. . . 1 iBiiiPLEIgIS -ii,.ci, j w usttisaaMSissm1Bal Fartf;and;R6ad: WaoiiSi Bmck M.Iks nt flit, &i,..;3.i e, $, ami up ttaS lr jail-v!,ry,,Kii l4o Joo. rrnia lollie purclnnfr; Crram U.k.iyd WransU Sik al J nartl ftljo CokoeJMIkastslI ill lfl .J( ... I urlreaveaall sneHatalWaw Adrian' and Vollers, ','. WHOLESALE kMVQRIVit '" 1rOR every vwlrty of " ' " 1 ,- VTitotrKiwi, North East Corner of Front snd Dock, ' AinmigUietr jtork wltl befo'ind , Flour Sugar Meat Molasses. 1000 libs Flour, tf various brands, ' ; j:0 libls Sugar, of sundry grade. " ' HO .e M KAT. llama. :ulJfr, .- Side. Strip and Bll:ee, 200 llbda aad litis Mtdaaar. I Apples, ,! Raiain. j Orange r t'ilrot, , Jatmoiia, ,. Candy.it Plane, Cav . . avrauts. Aeta. Coeoe-Net aad. i L':.. 1 vau or oruer Oirrrt rr. awF Mlka. US ldt hHTeal l.rlrM vr ho...'. Bfasrh Hk trtaaiklna! t'rlveU kTA Jn,1 !.: W aud up U tM ear , arO mf n b l wr ) ard Cvhiml r-llk TrluiurHx VrKrt at f lo twt yard nJ". aal e (mistake; ilkwk JssikiU Dlil.W-T ittn B.HjCTorltasi3iVra at IJU-k All Wool BbMSrrea irf to, S3. W. .. f I , iaad M t ti H"f janWat p,e osatt. a. low ivslllar oriv.: ranr) lrti,MS. Wm1t fiii. w Vsnl-a W rwlu,4Wne Um uutla m IbiaclaM ol luV? ,J,r' ?knl w"rt Bl k Xlfa, iiiMs"wlth.'af j . 1.. alavwartf..alttkaNOrtBl. mm; u BnT fk k Ima lo tk: ir vird; ' 51 Iknvutt Kblriiiwal lo. It ), aad ue, lan yard Wlrne Wd Un,.,t ike. per yard orlk sr .; ab s mil liiw nf tt bile UaarU uo le ft prr vanl-all very rifc,.,. " " IUhI rsrriM r Uuiiri. all .hI. at . So. M. and rai Mills d rtsnmd. U iX U .a' t' L mm. tot arit-tmr rlwait -od: bin, 1-lai.i. inird an.1 rinil Opera Flan Hrl ia all HU.tlilm. aS kMs irfera: tain, I'laiJ. Wutknl Curtalu JitHlM-IJt varsja whh, at M, Z,rjRMB8 'FRIEND JLQWS; . '.i-i,, . t-.t. ... : . - It-. -1 1 -ii .1 't "TJr7 1 ft? OUYEKS CHILLED TLOWg. , jatitf. Cm. . ; -Private " Home ' SehooLr rpil Karat seasaMi, of taentr weaka, of Itibt 1 Noot ynn ladlea nip. Uwlu oa tlx , A lliuitml Nomlrroraoillswlll ftndanmVfaH abb hm aKaaiam, lurutUst uiidv tbe l-aiest HssMsnsjmmi.i , , . . m.j 1 , rr liiniMT inioruwuou. AUilrea . , L,,., So.and3.e.r)ard wurth Si, . auJiM ', -- snwatma) ev ): ' . ..1 i owu'soaw l-K lor r urtai. at W. It ,,. f snd ii lei r yard-all er muvit Uiuw rexnlarMire J ' t. k. lisaiiis k -sB4 llmke, mrenrtHna 'ateatrenwly Ui irv wum ut Urn lant bar. puiMrver uOrrnl; U'l romtture ewvarbae; and curtame st Mia-b hrtow regular prir ili'r,',' " "T " npwaraVv for ,.V, tllark tt slrnironfU suuarmr to wkat tiinine Itu-U tra-u A .K UK.Uaad Mte. iwryard. a.lb 1. i,, ,. j.yr txrrainary lrip(in. in ;AIU'riC Hat of. The M Tape-try tlro-rfa mi SJ.iT d; tbe 14 eUM snrSue lagraiu at m. -rtar.!i ; aba.. I axram CarpHa at S3, to, io awtl Lm ' per yard; ' - - Urtnp Car.a at 1 and IV. pse yard, and Ur. aalMht U4,J,.tsi and VeartUu CarticUt I'll t ham. hi all wl.hhs and 'iilj lias:, int I hub Knsa. all sian K ' VrlvH and fsMry Uup sal Slate at lower . prtrea I haa ever . . ,., . ... ,: .V BrU llkmkrta at , t.Maad np to tit a pair. . o(W nnilfrrr.lr,itr, barail,,,; Call. Co.Ll.table at $15,' $1.50,' tl.Ti aim 12 . Wi3'la,l7,r,,T4J, aaaeosatre4-at line earr uniairalM ItaraalH; tarpst tt arp-tbe beat aaaulatiired-ln all ec Uale ( Mi.Hi.or Cotton Yam-. all Noaat ft rr bo ad la m Srr pouiNiat . . prr iTT!: in,,,H'' t-i-aU aisea-attoa. prr poiiiol; . - . . " Wmstt M bine Kssdlsa st Jr. for ten; , , . , orn"?! " aaaAmeai sxsri.t Tbe lH sea ins. lfacbln CMUIarrt iMrttleaat tT&wrtn:' tbaVaasIZU is ii.'ULl i . a . . . " w wnWWV STBS , " l K-Tf s,rs..w a. woava saswaMBn. f Maarti:at rriaadU.Uaataii3 ipr J : I . tar' - tt t" arift :Jwawawaj r.,;;,;.YorsoAM Ehit?. ;Indiayeoible ta every ft eier of Sjock, :. tj ; 1 v ' - ! . j . a iv, KTA la ' M5KD i "," -. cvcvstncR-irtiOD tcuts. pATEaNlYELL FIXTURES. ZTJ.Tbt' Celebrated -"-)) i t. HORIZONTAL .CHUAX. ' ' Ciroulsr anJ IVict liaU f ibiaCbatw sent tasty adJre.- a4i-. ... f ... " iHagic ' Cockle f Screens,; The only Isapleaisat arklrb wlH take tfie Par trMjj Tea, sud t ottb out of Whtl. u ': initli a - Pjttentr. Straw.Cuttcra, i'riow'Caaiiijgi!. "4 ror;a0Uai ls-4b.e rbVwv"hi umI saab, lotmb, aas) wall SMio. . .. -. " i. 1 IMitrul Teevae ie ra TVwfr. J $i'aUb(tiea promitly maUrd. -' " ' TOD A VCO FACTOR Y FIXTURES!. : Tolati-ro hnprs, BIIMa Raad. Tln. ruts 4e. e.. M tbe beat mauuvr aad full ly warrant al'nar wntk. . t-irr.mndriire aollrbeiL and a Inula a, Ut wtrk premplly romisnrvl. T A I V . 1.7, . . H. 31. SMITH Je CO-. P.O. R.,t8 ' EicbmwJ,vi. Nov if ""-- ?rH. H. pocue,v; Tobacco Manufacturer 0" ,r"1 b"u fa bra a f ATKjS II nii.l 10loh.and Io Jb l snd II to II.. ai,W. Rflo II ' KD "J E2f BRA0' 'c'', niAKtoVlf r-utytKT.'o i.fl,; JJ f OU RLlABLR.nd(OLD buLUlt. ' 13 fuel. X In lit. TOt'll JWAaXK and llTTl.R TttXl t.nM,?,'A I0 H ,b "lr "MUN fUHKI and 'PtKll UKT I tiM-h, 4 t.i lit. In J II.. emMira. t K SHIk' lr at Mrdium s4 Tint nsvw isr t ttwf rm t KEXDitlil PRICK UST. Aumit l Sin -all i eeas-cE i , '.: t tWl Qf, itn I . 1 . . ivt.i a a.' a. . ..... 7 , I . ST varlnf V sail a bW Irtian- - a .1 III il--t M r Hi'ull fail Tr. ,ut-IZl" "T . . . . Irt wiTlTTf 1 ' a Kill Una . Hant 1 1 lot a," 'Ta I 1 1. : "'"" TM ami ifcarn; . 1 K oJll'J,,ta.irme.iaialsut rnttaa-y aaarf all SMUaHal S Miss pat ntfal a vurrtf WwfwV eVty ut, i.b aui. at rlo-lnt; aut isrkM. aa aa.k j M r-viarr.1 1 j Hat ,4 Mara.. Maktieuf ' , ""l'ati w aroVr.. tooda sent aVjir, ' "MM MM'"ir1'r he ' Administratory Police. HAVf xri -,),M 'a. 'AdmniU ',a,V lha r-Utr at llr. KraH4. emHh. derV. 1 "V ,M " tditura of Ibe ealato t Ho jsat tttrtretslms wHhitf tin- llmr i.wriUd m u aM ta ail rtsia.. ta tne u m make p . meat aT IbrU bid letbrsi. . . t ,, ,. chpel n.11. i1ee,2Cth,;:7f,Ct. 4 r.l I it-n I ., , t -.111 LIS BO SO, V.' C. " pIlK Mlova Xat end !- Ktlo-f Iff I B" t Iratibwa aw waftkd ba If 1. I7a. ( an pptle.nlin.'r :i . ! A t.ljfat.i a'l w n i'f :'t! . .' awl: 16.! I'KVrRROrilKRS rarribnOlv Main street .ftn..,vi. r.i Vii.ilu.V (, v A. ' - Mrs. AIiittle-Taylorr' ' MILLINKR 'AND ftlipAS WAKth" af iAe ormetfy wefrfei fcy .-J?,1 . a ,i umut. ." : jpnownHtlngW ... ? a, VALL SUPPLY OP!' r ' ftiarv Otumlt TERMS4)A1I, tbt tisteai toasible rle.' mikat tsa t aaai.a. Warn ei .ak. t " , '"d brr IM III- w iZoil ot k. lbs hi! rr,,,;,,) wndw. ml??.f f ' Hr stirr la al ua aWaw a luii tt. 'ftAl,l Sk.1 Otli.- tlf . . - ! . uyiu. uim pin er are, ; M 41)0 a IC.JMWELS.' - JlAM JEWELkY. .7' - - ini TcrtEs; clocks; i. . WaUb Kpairio snd Kogravtug prompu ly esrculfd, ' , s rfkHK!'4f ! rd,VT;. . . t BALKI0II. X, C.'V march it, aOpnoaiteiaau nket net. - ' John -;Hatv (ef '& ; Coi 1 '.i. j -.. 3 onceemort to .s ',, i ,.,,,,,, ... sMitciirxL and TYLtii. . . l-.s;-' ICW4 Main Street,-' M'" tas'TaK ' HICH4IOXD, VA.-' s t... ' ( f'trs.. ( il We, ; ool a jru .sit, vm arctTAtir WIf ,tK,i,KI1, be4'm.. i L2i . . Wl.n45 a- l ,','al . 1 J 1 . a... evil c. Kbit. r:Pdnian&Schcrcr," v:"" .,t -ai.4 pjucticiL ; ';r:,v. b , tt boltaaU jftj KatafJ fValeri !;";., , Stovesj-Tinware; Gas Fixtures &c JM9 Msin Btreat, .. ' t KICIIMOND, VA, : .Vtl;- 'fWf'- U1 0) f j; ToVsaot Flues snd I WW , Prreislif " u evjitMass. , .7', P , v, . . 4

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