tjillstintougt wntlM. V'BLNKSDAV...;.".JAN. 23. 2878 Til QUESTION OF THE DAY. 'I'lie issues of peace or ear never interest ed tli penj le of t ha whole country mora than that of tnfj currency no actively un der coiwiJefation. Ami it is so because never Las any question come more directly home to the eiperienee of every d life than this One of money It i one nhcre .I.- tif u.unLinJ rlliAfl nntiii i . i . .1 --.n .. . k. . ,. I In tin J tut working wan mil !e near ilain practical isMies and will not be Hit I . . ?, . , .. . ..... Out of these ideas, in wise bands, tlie eonntry will won rise from its fearful pros tration. ,J ,,f , ' 1 ' , v.u.JLw V v i- i IFMf WE MAY EXPECT, ; The organs of the money power eontrol iing the Northern press as they do, think they can control national legislation as welt, and throw off ati disguise as to their ulti mate intentions. Mr, Yoorbtes in bis great speech of last week, nukes the following Quotations from some of them : ''The American laborer must make up his min i henceforth not to be so muoh bet ter off than the Europeans laborer .,, off with abstract lsjuiittiHi9) r eentimeu tal effusion. It is a despairing demand, what shall we do td be saved iu a teuipo--ral sense? The issue is made between the bond hol ders and the advocates of a gold metallic basis of currency on the one side, and the tax payers and the demanders of a silver medium equal in dignity and proportionate value with gold, on t be other, y Oa the first side is arrayed nearly all the' invested ca pital of the N rth ; that Capital, too, in verted in bouds purchased iu depreciated currency ; that capital moreover exempt from taxation, and giving its (solders im munities, privileges and powers denied to the rest of their country men ; and oil tbt other side, all the labor, all the industry, nearly alt the enterprise of the country , shackled while the other is free, starting while the other is full, paralysed while the other is instinct with life,: It Is a struggle' not more for prosrity than ,for life for the success of the bond holders to chain mo ney to a single standard is the parent of uo imaginary evil, Last tummerthiseouutry. so lately the refuge of the labor seeking people of the old world was tbe scene of or ganised riot, of widespread combination to destroy property, ending in wholesale de struction of property and lamentable lost of life, for what? Decease of that remorse- er to '.hat station in life to wbicn it has plessed Cod to call him." , ..'.1, la other words, the laborer mast ap proach the lord of tbe mooey bags hat in band, and must be content with his wages of twenty cents a day, and happy when be tastes meat once a month tben he will bt even with the European laborer. And again: . , . V'j.. There seems to be but one remedy.0' It is a change of the eewfrsbip of the soil, and the creation of a elasajsf land owners on the one baud, andof tenant farmers on the oth er; something similar in both ease to what has long existed, and now exists iu the ol den eooutries of Europe., . In plain language, the race of free inde pendent land) holders the farmers of the country is to be extinguished to mske way for the new landed aristocracy, deriving their titles,, pot as in Europe by deeds iu arms, by services in the cabinet, or by he reditary claim bat by. wealth acquired ia fraud stained army contracts, or stock gam bling operations ia Wall St.-or other de vice quite as infamous. Are the honest land owners of the country ready to stand aside for these gentry ?,.. Then demand, the passage of tbe silver bill, or expect tbe worst form of slavery. A SUBSIDIZED PRESS. Tbe most alarming feature of the present financial struggle is the venality of the ci less movement of contraction which bad tj press of the 5oTth:' T; that pre tbe steadily encroached upon the means of sub- aistenee of the poor man , which bad psra lyied the business eapaeity of the merchant, which had closed the market to the manu facturer, which bad cat down the value of the products of the farm below the cost of production ; tlis too when taxation was in the full vigor of its exorbitant exactions, and when the bond holder was holding bis bouds ith tic determination to have them paid in gold aad when he was drawing bis bountiful interest free from taxation; con stituting the anrepullican eontrast of a pri vileged mouied ertetoeraev and an impove rished, aipprefved. laboring and producing class. Ia it not the first duty of patriotism, to remove this anomaly, if for no other rea son tbsn to restore tbe proper relations or republican eitixenshipf Hat there is a duty paramount to that of abstract patriotism. It is, to relieve by touie stroke of financial wisdom, a diet res participated io by the whole country sad iy all but tbt fortunate lolders of tbe goverameat tee unite We Lava no pre judices against these latter, and would deem it criminal to attempt to array pre judice against them as such. Their bonds, no doubt, Ibey earns honestly by. and arc euti.ied to all legal protection ia holding Ultra, and all legal vslue io enjoying them Hut it is because, while coming by them ; bonestly, they came by them cheaply and ! because, coming by them cheaply, tbe whole aim of their legislation has been to enhance their vaJec to unwarranted height, as if the nacriace bad been theirs instead of that of the government, or ruber that of the Us paying people upon whom the burden of in terest and ultimate redemption inevitably falls. Iu this conflict, tbt individual exis tence of the bond bolder Is ostentatiously obtruded, while that of the poor Us paying and Us ruined people U merged in Iht con crete idea of a ust tonal government Let it be borne io miod that both bsve individ uality, aad that the espeei'.v of tbt tsx pay er to suffer is as keen as tbat of tbt bond bolder to jy. That capacity to suffer bat been tested tjoeJ tbt limit of patient endurance. Where there it a remedy, tbe people wili not starve in the midst of plenty, they will not stand idle when around tbeta there ia C4 mack to be done ; neither will Ibey sacri fice their products er their taber for Insaf ficieet compensation, nor deey themselves out of fanciful deference to national credit the remedy so easily found in tbt restore tioe of silver le ite proper place si a itsod- ard of telet. Tbt relief seems tt be plain it Ike res toration ef silver t credit In depriving gold of lis monopoly of power in potting tbt bond bolder and the tax payer spot an equality wefott.lbt U j la equalising ptU vilrgee now defended by tbe one and de nied te the etWee in ebeellng tbe inevita ble taerea te farther eoMraetk te fruitful i.f rait to" all industrial elaesee, by repeal f lbs resumption law ; and nest, and per bspeqoitf a Importsat, Material modiBoe ii..uof tbe national bank laws, aad tbt irpcsl wf tbt tiaust tstiej fuU """ country is inclined to hk for leadership , because in it is combined so much of talent. of information and of political knowledge Bad experience' s to present all tbt qualifi cations for safe guidance ; added to which , there baa been each appearance 'of inde pendent thought and fearless criticism of wrong as at leant Io maintain tbe promise tbat jutiee, honesty and fairness would live and eventually, survive a genera! deluge ol corruption. Hut the power, of mooey has seduced tbe press, and with no exertion that we can recall, Northern jourualium is arrayed on the side of the money power as agsiust the iutereats of all the country be sides. It is impossible to conceive thst all tbe eonntry oatiiJe of the money centres is wrung; tbat all its intelligence is at fault ; tbat all iu sufferings are unreal ; and that all tbe remedies it proposes are irrslwua or dishonorable , The worst curse tbat has befallen the Ucited States are tbe combinations of V all Street, the (was of financial tricks; and curst less tolerable is that of s press bought to favor and defend them. To Walt Street we look only for rascality and sharp prac tice. To tbe prose wt look fur exposure of its trickery. When Wall Street and the press combine, then counter eombinstioof become necessary. The people look te Coegress te combat sod overthrow sn alliance disgraceful in its ill asenrtea elements. Well Street karris the people on to ruin that it may profit b ibe ruin ; tbt Northern press bounds on Wall Street thst it may shire in tbt spoil. Coo grass baa it in its power to thwart the one, aad a aonad public opinion may be roused to punish ibe other. . esv.x.v,,, Oar able correspondent Y. favors aa again with one of bis strung arguments on bis side of tbe Question. We might fear te eocounUr bis facts and bis logic did we not feel thst iu tbt main ubjeet of bis ef forts, be was aiming at tbe same end -we bavc always sought te attain tbe preserve lion of public credit. Kut wt know eneugb of the holders of the public securities le die eredit their sincerity. Public honor ie aoi wrapped np in their existence. Tbey ape eulstc not only in public securities, but tbey speculate on public feeling. Tbey bare foulsd Iht public long enough. , Now let tbe US payer bare n bearing and a voice. THE REVENUE AUKS DM EUVS, We hope Congress will make no delny in acting one way or tbe other upon the red no tion io the tax on tobacco and whisikey pro posed by Mr. Kobbins j The inert sugges tion of action by Congress baa brought the tobacco trade in aU its branch almost to I dead stsml." - Nobody can sell and nobody' will buy her sudden changes' ' jft "values may be brought about by a change in the revenue law, and this lull i business is full of evil-end hsrdship to a people alrea dy suffering from scarcity ef money and -A J "'ww Ana we do urge npon Congress tbe wis dom and the juxticc of giviua: relief to over burdened subjects of taxation. Such relief wi t, b cause tbe excess of tbe imposition will def at the end aimed at." The eon sumption of a manufactured article Is in' prOjHiitim toils cheapness. t li the tax is lowered the use f tot aeeo will .iuciease. If it t uut loweied, there will be a large i areaac in a practice already begun,') U tbe cultivation and ne by Southern plan ters of tobacco iu the unmanufactured state. Revenue' to that extent will le W. lien lers are init willing to give five pounds of cotton for one of mauufactur-d ti.lmcco, and ibis is their present relative value. . Manufacturers expect pay some tax. They are perfectly willing to di so; and they Mk the Us of 12 or 16 cents pre posed by the uiueudeJ bill i fair enouib, giving a revenue to the government quite as that ruined by the preseot law, because the occupation ,uf the bbxkader pe rishes, and because the reduction in price will greetlv increase consumption. Iet the reduction be made ; but ft all even's, let Uongress act qoickly ana cna uncertainty, , . . v v . , ; . , t. , .v...-. v t No room for war news outside of tele graph briefs. The Itusaians are steadily moving mt le Constantinople, the opposition of the Turks being very weak. TbsSultsn is ready to make peace. JJut in the terms of peace, the other powers of Eunpe claim a voice ; aud this is tbe great danger ahead. If Kusia ia let alone,' the I urkUh riapir in Kurope will be extinguished, or at least, pasereeutof the diplomat! family of Eu rope as an equal. it Jaaia im peiipurtivuali ty aggiandixcd ; and to prevent thi, all the rest of Karope Is noW exercincJ. leiinsn WA sftevSsrds took up a position near I'nillipopolU and oHered the inhabi tants' to leave tbat town j and that (he Kus sians here reached L'birpan and are inarvh ug oo Yen! Jlahlgre,' is "rorrect the re timing of the Only Torkioh field stuiy south pf tbe llilkaiis i in 'danger of captare, or of annihilation: before the armialice can be concldded !t?birpsn is about thirty , miles east; of FbiIlip)iolis.' and leas' than ten miles from the road and railway over which the Turks must pass to reach Adriaiiople. Lowtwn, Qe'n. 7. A specisl 8 to the SunJjrd from Constantinople says many remove are current iu regard to the attitude of the great' powers!, It is said that the Grand. Vixter baa assured ibe Gervaa Ans Vascador tbat tbe Forts, has determined Io make peace with Russia, leaving any pow er, mbich objected to the eotidition to settle the matter with Kuwie. The instruction cf the Turkish plenipotentiaries are such as lot make Ilia concluion ot an armo4ico ab solutely, certain.. Ger, Ignalieffis expect ed to jtaks.part in tbe negotiatiuus. It is thi i jnt pro)ible thst negotjatio'is may be held at Tirnuva Sn cull instead of Keuulik, wbbiU woull, accelerate multeity1,;, . L The j Standard's Vienna e rrespondent heats jfnu'n Jlerlin tb.t Vritice liisinsrck has waived bis objections to another Kuropesn oonfereiice oo eastern affafrs." " ' A telegram received in 1'aris'ststes that 'the Turkish peace delegate have arrive! m Ailrmnnple. Tfte Turkic- press is enjoined to" show the greattat" moderation.'" One paper has been suppressed for attacking tbe Cxr.; '' Lo.NDOX. Jan. 19 The Daily Telegraph's eorreMKinCents at t era state thai inn ion ise delegates met the Grand Duke Nicholas at Tiriiova ami preliminary notes were ex cbsneed. Tbeirsnd Duko tbeuannouiic ed IfS had decided to treat only at Adriauo- nle which should be immediately evscnal cL! Tic delegates having aeseoted, orders were telegraphed o JJjtiuij l asba to tvac j ate i Adriaiiople. ;... ; LoboN. Jaa'. A special to the Times from P. fetersbarg iay the persons woe helped to draw op lite armi-tie eondithms state they arc aueb as not likely te be ae eeptea by tbe 1 arse, ti ? , WAsntxoTos, Jan; 17. Tbt bill pen- sirminf .Mexican veterans contains a clause repealing, as regards the vetersnsl thst eUnse nf the general pension bw which dis criminates against those who t in ibe CMnfcderate army ; ' Marble Front is building on Ten Penny "... ; - v """ ' mm ' jm fllf .1 ' JSam for ISreacjast at iiuisooro. s s, - WE Offer for CASH .PRODUCE for 90 'drt for whom fio rses 2300ta azica. lxOoc ' V I 10 tWs liUl S. VUllTHS end MKN IJ A 1 ' 4 (-ses Fine ready pmde OXOt22JL23LeS',fcr ?r ' ' . . . v ..: i noi'vv fjiutnvt ,? '!!,'. r;'f' 4Cratea OlTOOlS-OlTyp 1" m Jm ' 'j;i00 Ysrds 1UCU DHKSSGOODdat OOiEs'X" of importation s .,.lMe who have not eWgotten vrhat'. Jp O 'aD'ir 't Cs CrOOC3.Cl. K11 flU.. W - A., rwl K -D .; 1.1 -tan JU-eaJSaM Hr ' 1.000 IJurrcls JPlOXTlTs 10.000 Hushel.OOIUir moo do jpt 33 a,-,.-, v 1,000 JUM.eis lUTAT'JKa; In.OOO lbs. PQ"R All kinds truck EXCIIANGKD or SOLD. BHOWN, & , GO,. Nov. 81st '77 conr.iiaGion merchant! tr. - 4-' v - ' . rf4 " lr jnl f the tmrcliMMer; per yard; Cream I'okuvd lirorsue frllh atSU north CulorrU i-ihV at all priees.we call aterinl alien- Read tbt tseelleat and perfectly iotet!i bio letter el ear able represcatativc, Ibe Hon. J. Davis, puVIUhed on the Iret pegt ef this issue" It is so dear and so Conclusive that tbe plainest eomprebeoslon will grasp It am so strong that tbt keenest ingenuity eaaaot refate It, ' eaaw aiasai eas ea m at) sea sn ej The SUtr says test sis ear toads of Is teres for the new Wilmington Cotton Coat press bsve arrived, and tint more tc corns. Tbt new cae will bt larger than tbt one no la ate. ' 1 cast a mm m Gen. John 8. Williams bst been etrcud Senator from Ksotscky, to succeed Mr, .McCicory. Ilrother Bouldin of the Danville Tiu$ thinks the practice of writing wills4n pen cil a good one. Of coure IrulW'B. thinks so. Is be not goinjt to iui.i,rulixe himself by bis life uf Jbu lUndolpb ? And is not ibst volume all written in pencil ) Wt know be believes in the pencil. aanetaesseimsasasuaaiin " The Beidsvillc Twei ssjs tSe people of LesksvUls sre moving for narrow gangs' road, and in connection with that to improve tbe naviiation of tbs Dan. We like lo see this spirit; and the Penitentiary bands will give tbe labor needed. , Work must be cot out lor the eoasUatly increasing number. . Ssmnel Itowles the distinguished editor of Ihc SprinpfiVld Kepobliesn, one of the most remsrksble Jouinsie in tbiscouotry in point of ability, has juvt died from psral ya'is of the braia. Tbt bridge over 8tsnton River, on tbe R. k D. rail rood, injurcl by the last fresh ct, is all right again. Tbe work of potting np a permanent iron bridge will soon begin. Tbt North Carolina Ftate Grange will meet in Greensboro on tbe .lie of February lied need rates have been secured on all tbe Railroads lor delegates It Is ttroagbt that Representative Wad dell'aVill te aU,IU tbt Western Jadies District Court of N. C. will pans, ae it bss met with no opposition In tbe Committee. enSjmem'cne'eeswcmTee ' Tbt Inferior Conrt of Mecklenl org at its Isst session sent sight prisoners te the 1'esi tentisry. ens"". i-s'sy en .mm- ; Heavy snw at Salt Lake tbt besviest for Tesrt. breaking down eoow alteds. Foor feet J rp at Sommit. , RALEIGH It A RKETS. Tbt tone ef tht msrktt, aa reported in the News', ef 8anday morning is weak, holders preesiog stock. , Middlings 10 j. Strict km middling 10a low middling 9 9. ' - North Carolina four C,50 a $7. Meal 73 .77. l'ork,i. I Receipt of Cotton, le date S4, 1 IS. a gainst 81.018, for same time last year an increase ef 97. with Ibt prospect of receipts tonslderall above 40.000 for tbt cotton jeer. IOXtxr. Jsa 18. Tbt glsndsrd Conatsntiaople diepstek reports lltillic- opus tvaevsted and ordered te be burned Ajsdf tad Ksrnsbsd have Kern bnrned . If ike dispVitb of yterdsy lo Renter 'a from Coastsntinnple. stating Ibst a treat battle wsf fought Monday between tstsr Kstsrdjik and Fbilliptmlist thst Ibt IgUmg net tteumtd Tucrds ; tbat Su LEFT mv houe thont lecal cause or nro riwatieu. im Ibe ftth day nf Iswmlernut, luv an. I.I!(ENZ(I B. LK. ftiid orenti ta la hi IfNb vear, alMnt Ira fees hqch. stout, thb-u nuiM. IImi enilexion. rrrri-u nine er, w ilf hair, no beard, la qukk spoken, aad cue-h ia nxillotr." ' - . Tbia.l heret-Vto arW(t snv snil allpsranna (rm harlmritiK or maintaiulne tbe aabt lwetaso H. lea. nr lor empkwtae. srollnr. csAbinx. aw otherwMe aidin; it. bU cinreal-nent uiidrr the tienalt If of tbe law in such M-e- imde snd pro yMed." ' CALVIS LKA, Jan-.WX at. . llurdlea HM. ft. fiOTICE. Adrian and Vollers, WHOLESALE EMPORIUM TOB every variety ef fl A1 . VJKOCKKIE8. North Est Comer of Front and Dock, , waMlNGTON, N. C. Among their Mock will l fntni , Flour Sugar, IV.eats Molasses 1000 line rlour. or various brands, 250 Bbls Sngsr. of sundry grades. 150 Boxes MEAT. lln... Sioalders, Sides. 8trl;e and KcUiee, . 200 Ubrfn sad lib's Tdolasses. Apples, ' Raisins, Oranges, fit roe Lemons..; Candy, rrunes. Cur- rants, ' Nats, Cocoa-Nets and '". Fic Crsekers. ''" fall or sroVv dlrert rmm . . AOKIAX A YOLLEK. Jaa. V, Dm. . . ., r MISS MANGUM'S Private Home School. rplIK nest mini, ef Iwentr weeks ef Ihls a. pvimmii lor loMus nunevnu. ueaia on ins X.HH J janwary ins A limited number f pnptU will todei with bom stlvaotavsM, bmuU(iii under tbe esniMf Miaa Maneuut. " tMt turtli'-r InrurMwUfl). jtiidreas , MUW 1'ATflK MANGUM. m . list River. dec. SC.Ct, s Orange County, N. C Administrator's Notice. ITAVIMi iilltlrd ae AdmtnKtniUsr upon XI tin eate mf IH. KmnH J. mA. eVr d. I kite nbw te all rredltors ef the Mate U nre- ent Ibrirebims tthbin the lime preM-rila-d f mw; ann in an oen nra i ine (aiun make pay mentaf VbHr btdehtmle".- " ;' m-- fit. I ff:ll tl . mr.L j-. i, jL-oapri .iiiii. 4m4 - iiv ' ft , ' .... ' a plr ZuZii ' " - Boarding and Day School. HILLS BO RO, N.' C. TnC sINweXasn ann Stls KiH.iotf arm re-opra tbebr Mcbool ,en rrUaj, S tUruari M. ITS. t r I nrnurs ajrwsrned en enlfeten. i tin. REST AND CHEAPEST WEEKLY, IX the south. New Features and a New Story The Weeiiy News. EXLAROtb AMD 111 HEW DRKSU. In addition to its Geaersl Ntas; Liters rysnd Agrieullaral Feat ores.' ' THeeumWW JANTAMX fii srltl eU'talil the HllblrBi(jU!rirf Hieermi(irKl7.IC 8TUKT II A RUT 8 I N tl L A t Ri lion to Mas liWl 'huiii ii fur anajamg dremea at a It SI iter aril: xlnMrltiiy tmritnlns m ttrlpeil and tlierked t eiika. f w giva urn tuuve riKs ever houww in theM- t.u.Hl; r ; , BUk PHk Triiaiidiix Vrlreta at f 1.11. t,flo, l.ft Ci and uu Iu Oil per yard wcrtb fl pes yard worr; Colored llk Trimming Velvet st tl A tier yard worth tlJio, and no piiMaks; Ubirk Mai.lllU ' ilk Veivrta; Doiil.W -Twilled A II Wor.1 tutored Caabmeresst cv per yard weetb tt; Itlark AH W wvl aebinorea at 6e. U.Tl.KW-tl. and up lo f I ht yard-U X4 per nut, be. Fsnrjr trrai U.hmU arem le te sen. ar yard a bl rrduvtiuu baa been matte iu Ibiscbos ot TIMNSI ' ' ' " 4 " Knh-keiborker nuitlug at ie. per yard wertb iec; Bik AH, dotihhi wliMw at So. si. oe. aud upwanl. all north ae prt mmt. more; faliroea at . C k and S Ht, lirr rani; BetfTk-kftmuBM UX.V. ia-r4rd; ' ' i! ' tbevutt r-birtma st lo. Uk and IttSe, per yard 1 verv rbran: f .. (ibiKhaius at e;1o add T. pef yard, worth m ant. -.f ' ......... - While Wml r Umirl, at iV. per yard worth X-'w.; al a foil line of V bile tannes. Up le fl . wr yard all very cheap; . Red rwilled Lunrl.all rd. at f-1. U, Si. and in to i.ic. pv-r yardall murb below rriuur urtreoc Gray lailird Ktanael, at It. So, It aad tip to l'Uhi. I'bnil. tnied ami fruited Opera f bin- uri-ia an quainirai low imrra: Wiirkeil ( iiriain Mu-lin. I H yard wble, at 11, o. ana aac fwr yarn wimu , to ana Soc '' Ibrrbeatmt ever offered: - . - Xetl luuUain Imtw for curtains at 13. 16 S, So, lie ana np e n er yarn an very missa beww miliar prtre : , Csr.-h-e. IU Hd. Loops snd Ilooka, Csrcnrtilns at extremely low prices aoiae of Ibe bet bar- niiMerer nnvna: Urn lor iiirniliira reverbts: and curtains . at niik'h nrlr regular Mln; Walerurnor I lot ba at So. V. tt. sad nnwinU l.ur 7ir, tllark WalrproarlaauM)rMr to nbst Hrueraliv snKJ at fl iwr vsrd: (irnuine kuit nHi at Itv 11 N, la and 16 e. ier vara, witnu ia. Io, and . r laril; Extraordinary Imricaliw Iu t Altrtrn. Ve of fer tbr bnC Tbrm 1'lr at tl.le tar Vaed . The brrt Taictry llruwin at l A fwr yard; tbe ue cxiri aiiperaiie ingrain at ev. per yard; aba. Irtwu Csrpet at U, So. to to and 73c prr)anl; ,,..'.-.,. .. ,.;.. Ilemp C'sriirU at S.I and IV. per yard, and bar- uaiHS iu ij-, t.ximi anil v enetian varoeta; (illMiKliiali wkkheaadatul tlra: I Ml t hrtb UlIC. all Ur: Velvet ami TaMMry KSfS and XsU at lowef rbea than rvrrj f j . ; , : s . ,. Red blaiiki-tn al ti, tM. 13 and np to U a pair. ihi wri wt owr unim-r,enii iMrKaln; wrsjs nunKns ai v nana ; at worth as st a north t. i - . Calb-ntHHriHlablea at $1,25, $!,&), $1,75, Wool tied Snreaats-the beat maaufaetured at CJ Ji and S rtb M: Whlls tfuilta at ia, ;. and up to lie. la thai line e (W smparaHed baryalw; Cariwt Warp tbe beat BUNiu&etMred-fn ati eo- nra; tut lotion, or Cot toe Tarn-en Xoa-el ft per litimlie of Sve iMHimH; fnlik-aibnl Kmllliij VoUon-.t! alsee at Boo. per pouun; ehurer Alarbine Seedbat loe. for Im Mm hine Xertlle Uf all other tu IiIimw eseent W ikmi liihtis, tea lur lie ftat by awll, iHMtae ntbl. ..-...!',.. The iet een ln Maclilue Oil-Urae txttle at , oe. iee liottle; , v SsoatfhkHiale styles at really Shaw h hvewdbsai variety at reduced nrlreai r I tin were nrver w kiw mm mm them bn arU t M t r K and CUare at tVo Ti hie and I'teiM tavern. Tulle and Toilet Mate In rrrat vark-tv and at btar brirat t'niiergarnieu for men, roun and children, and a lull line of Hoar and i -are, eiia ana m tulle Tsniand nvarf: llamlmre Kdainin snd Inaenlnn ii I. I I. I Pottery and all aastieial tor deroralla the name; AlmbMand Alwtle Framea, fklnrae end f le . tore frames" 1 . . , . TMimU.afsrtlrle.aenumraed.aHU be sold st che-lns. out nin-, as our Mock mtit purrbaM la-fore th aormenl t broken. . I'mmiit stlnrtlon tlvm Ut orders. Ifcasd sent Hlir."Jr ""rwbe. When ent by u, """t pwaga aauai acomMny I he e or i tnc txuTOh'a tikvexas, . . , BY P.XimrAN.'! , ,Of Middlegionnd,. 0s.. . nh"ililmifJsesrjlrentteonr,. AU.Ire, ' ' Xll.rXriLf.. hni2X"' esisuiuh, Os. f . y . i, ii jsn. 16. LKV7 11R0 rilKRS', . 10!7 and lOIVMsia street. KICIIMOND. VA, Mrs. Mattic Tavlor. MILLINBR AND DM'JHif MAKER, Ai uit AwMee jumrrln ttrotpitd by . J, J new ncetvlng her "' FALL 8i;nLY OF Fvnei Qouh ami Mj;,. TERMS CASH, at Ids lonest rossille rale Hot! U rTh m Meat noveHle lN dlllenerr .. from the laM boii-e., aort m,rJZ b lajt ber work en.1 bee fcooim a Ml Trinn n !ZJITZ ,'a r he lore ishm.nr4ers FARM IV NOW FUU CHEAr DKGOUD3. BAUOAINS VOR EVERYBODY' lutendlnxte have our store thoroughly reno vated and brautifled before tlie opuHinn ol Ibe hii iug I rmlr.aiid wakinsaH imnrtasi ebanaa) Iu i-iir bii-ineM. nweai'llalwa the reduriu ( ef enr Murk. We kavr. tneretore. marfcrit down the MrNM of hmiit art tr tea hi order, to arcuwhsh our ohjevt. vi otter aiat biiluceinenis in Black Silks at 00, (io, t bOSoc, 1, nutl up r tft, r yard a sava of fnmi lo to 73c. i EMENTS retina .. -. laiiu uuu ituuu , ii ctrtVUiJe" mm s mnaa cmas. ttMum asn sM vsa as mwmtm i J1 . UiilVClUj UlllkLtZU rjuti9.. , ' flnrn' Hih " 'Ifflllo. "' Indispensille to every feeder of Stock. ' METAL LINED - . . m CUCUMBER WOOD PUSIFS.' ' PATKNT WELL FIXTURES. Tbe Celebrated HORlZUNTAt CMl'nX. Circulars ani l'rica lists cf this Cham sent to suj address. ,m . ,, ltfJ Magic Cockle Screens, , The only itnibment vrafen wIM take the Far trklg I'rs, anil t ockte out of Wheat, Smith's Patent Straw Cutters. , TPlow Cartings. , For an the k.tUi l'tova. bt use. tmootb. tough, aud well Siting. liVml Terwui Ac, to Iht Tmtt. y ' . CaUioxtMM pronipth mailed.' T' " TOBA CXV FA CTOR T FIXTURES .V We make Tnbnrcn fhaiiea. llllet. ftaait. Tin, l'bitea tr. In the Oe-t ntaaurr and ful ly warrant aT our woik. ' t'raremnibiare aulh-itrd, and estimates tut j work I'rouijill) . ( , . II. M. SMITH & CO-. P. O. Boi8 Bkhmond. Va. T Nov. it. - t - . E. H. POCUE. . . Tobacco Manufacturers" HILLS tUKO. A. Ci ' - Q VFFJbMe tlie trade the mnei ls brand ef -AXTKlAJFrX 11 nnii lO lnHi.Saml 0 tolh ' urAiKit TKNUtK, II. 10 and Incli.S tl and to IU. ' ' RED BIRD and G EN. BR ACQ. 1 1 Inch. tn lt. ' DIAMOND and COMET. Inch, 8 lo lb. It i.l I A li Lc. aiHi UOLU LK)LLA It, ' 12 Inch, t In lb. , . "Ol'B RAN and LITTLE ELLA, , 6 Inch. H and It t 10. tit lb lb cad. I lev JUL'S t'CRKD" ami 'IXKU'E S BrWT.w v inrn, la id. in i in, ran n Ira. - - FIT The ht e taaaiit 1 Uedluaaaavl Irtra , . TolwroralheMate. . fcr ! KX 0 roR PRICE LIST.JL1 . He H AHLBH, - VAXCFACTVBER AltO txxttu m Alt, ' - ; ,j kism or . .- Gold and; Silver Wiire, : MASONIC JEWELS. lM , , , HAIR JEWELRY, r- WATCnES,CL0CKS,lc, Watch Repairing and Engraving prvmpU ' lj aiccutfd, ' " ' '" - Deals, tit., made tn ardar. , f , '. '--.ALWClCXla " march JA. ppnosite the MsrVet l'Ucs. , John H. Tyler-& Co, ' ' Surecaaors'te ' ' .MrrCIIELL AKDTYLETL ' - IWi Msm8treet, , .. . .. - RICHMOXD,, VA. 'DiimW. rTirfiaes, Jmttrg, STrVN't trt, FhiltH Wurt. . ofttn ad aiLVKft smTArt.ts. yyATt-HES KLPAIEtD la Ike best. IIAIM JlCWELttT )IAnK TOUREKK. JJ2TjHt PW le tinier, be malt . O. Jt, WALDKAR, - .?. B. tCTtKBXIt, . Waldman,& Schercr, mcncALi;. . lUnen Ptutnlcn, GiiSeam fitlcri Wbnlessls aad Uetail Deslsrs is Stoves, Tinware. Gas fixtures &c ' ' 'I.VWM.fnritret, .,,,r ,KtcHMo?D, va;, ;:, Fltctand I Wing thlUf. 1 inVot'hVr:'' u- Wim..,; . trpttfem, "