1 11K DURHAM ,,pLAf4TERS' WAREHOUSE" Col. JOIKV C. WILKER50N Manager, offer eitperior a,l vantages, to Altera., 1877. 1.7oO,f2UlfL WHMUJ fonHfa v 7 W devote the famt nagd of tins mx to no, lb product principally of the Wilmiivg tou Navsssa Guauu Worka. 'fs lit lAifutr ryxpftne3 to foTfjgn. port ,S6l 0 If Wofl aii.bjr.fa, 1 tfj.'jiin. sn iMHHit lrbaui ?tlf Uei.Uiie.isOl rude ries. h will tjpuy perusal V jto'rpeutn'ie, itch, rosin wf&ofwdSaiK ' : '' bnUeottun. v :. Tbe total exports of cotton fur tie year were 113.733 Menof which 50.13 were foreign, an increase over 1876 pf .lC.0G$, I ,l..n.r.iu i..;.-.1 Html AMMHWrf u4mm4r tetlMOtk. U" ' ,vviduij vnifl vtuvii llllv ra.BICOltl IIIU , o - r EnuMroKlsTll J.- n - li'.lRif rTrC. Mit.tt S'Vts Iii v"wnrmi ojth Mstrowlk. tbeooent poopleof North p'sce H lJ0r lhenl-as of nil over 184 of 88.208, showing a rapid ly growing oonseqtieuoe as a cotton port and Unngthjuinj4h omiwswn ihe-Guw j l'CUft uiBiit for prompt sod efficient pproprjl"QJMjj ' Pope 1'iun the lth fter keeping tbe world ngitated lor i.tsny month by concern for a. I I -1 i . ,A i 1 A - nis neaitu, is mi iwigiii aeati.j Having, .o-ieq! iiist, u tho KGihjyraj I" hi ge lid of hit buiit'iScal tuietL Xl'Vii h Uvity :aATa".veneof'ihe jwVu''W P;'"'' , . . . , t , ) . . Ilniievt niiiif tiMuinuincuteJ tol'irli.iiiieiit-" t kiamnuant in uiiHiernlii.-'HrYJ After i- i it i liXI'OItT TABLE OF WILMINGTON, We are indebted to Col. John J... CanU welt; (bjliUllijfMiAir&ip'iIr of tVeUiptA Table ut the lWt of Wilmington for the ear7l877iiii ti Wner gootlemen at W'iU linngton. for cnpioa it the same. ' It II mu bntr, comprebenxive and accurate, and bj eihibiting in comparison tile export tablea ofpreceding jean,' aowa at aglancu the jiroseut' oonjit'on ., of commerce, aud tbe ff iking grywth of at leaat one of its invat important subjects.- ' ' '- '' We wish ever j ed it or in the State cverj meui her of ' the leislattire, every uiember of Congress, every public officer, ouufuvee aid uJy (bis doemneiit; Then ere might hope to see's? i"tt stj priJe aronced then' w might'lio.e'to e a oonoentrttion' of"efrt ' to exact win tn Oongreiw jf t the,, I'nitcd StjiWs lat justice which baabeev deaied to the demand of a eoNnaauityltrft dependent upon 'its otn exertions, and eomptlled nlone hi light Its battles against prejudice, j Caolina are agai 'tlieebjrtctsof irtrtiir Ignorance or indiflWenee, although the witiat iairlryThej,r''clirgei with fruit f t victorj , would tiuit Id ibe-Wb7e oriinlnai negfigence' iu (Hviug mforniaiiou Va State, in .'.he srlwle iatnMiii No 'obit. '! the Life Sa vlng &rvice ,' b'ro'ai iuiifrerence toareo as w iimrrigton is, cao be regardca j in extending aid iq tlieump aortivors , ifa ihteresta, eitbf Jf ithjc robUitgbUb . . .1. :.. j.. . .: t c. ... .1... i. i .i i; j'tCV tuuc I'mUBlJIC.I w iu OWf llf JH ft" Jat.iun to, Rational. 9oien)S( r-wbtie tbe tUe ei hi bits a wonderful diversity of ar- tiolibf export aeeking tVilmington as their i,. ' 1 . v.".? jv-.t best and most aoceKibid point for aiatribo tion over ;be globe, it 1m exhibits a reatfU tieai iu foreign uetiooa to seek this point as one where sot only every variety of cargo ea be obtained,' tut aluo as one' to readily approachabte "from Ihe sea as to invite the inooistaut commerce by i' freedom froet dangers if eutraaeeor depaituri A Vil ou the 7th and the 3i event nnic most sii exigence of thiiteeu cenTuiTeit muvli "0 its nnlofcrv tht t'onptlom himv havt ooinfl to i b 1 o nj'i 0 ttibj euir rl .o. sr., bat tling with Lu.tili ooiii.UibUUijiViit ai 4Uiu-.Jaa.'iil tip ia,bil iiy. J i iUgkl. 'h i.he diMiitdnt eleiiients t:..-T ; . 7 ..... 7.. for ji.ce-M, luKbpr wprpremento.M,,BuubJ rou.'.,a ; ',eflyMJPW.rT.fi,f,S ouly are needed toplaoo Wilmington wtboi ,l..fr"f rfKKUtmnmt.Ttb pclxl foreoiost rank', and enable belf'tft feitr ihtb1 ilMf vf JWidibo0e4!iUiilloe effect the nredirfel! enterprtse'uf' connecV-' gMoUeratl.(n."eontifeiit i.iir lle"r WStn LTver- bv".' iVn.r.uL'r t MUk1ikxnZU&r toVMIW '.' v . . ''" P" "V 'Tn"l M,iJt i.:.tar;X' ft 'l:I,,.T'v b baa by the, id pf u rmureM iuki ii,?!ray'm,4ril.M,.nirV,H work, and 4lieone approaching eoroMetion ( j eW W-ttfWf 'hfO.lwiglfU. the eudccsnfal operations of hUh'iiruh:' whe''pevlVUo spi the dead and tin living.'. 1 W lui tiol w the incumbeney upoit KoVth'l'aroIina edi tors' fiiaenga2e1n warfare if cfei.ceTorT two has Vretwtbi,. Cwmor rtmri tXll an v operation oi wniiewanitiir. r wreckers I . . J ij inincjini nuniiiiiien vcivern lu-i.t I bore it thuir farm, the tton is their plough man, and too wreck it their lisrvescmTbo wrecker tf-('rrirnck' ! tibwon tfisn those of Barne gS t U Ue ' Jer;;''JoaU,, ' br those oothe norida reefa; S1 Mot so Lail Tu fact, for there is vfficis) endorsement ,o tbc huiuaxiitj.of tie great .majority pree&4 at SDI KnglaiMi and oilier Kuropeaii pnwyrSas iwss feared few d) a 'io,, Beet )(( J-etiri . ydei4 Jp Im CMitant utotile tad thai bao beau legatded a B direct- at of war ow th part i.f Kngland ; bn it in MuW given out that neitler Kuia nor I'm key ,m r j - , ... . . . . . ., ; bv tho terHSeil and fcelolM nM4i VVUS'Z'XrVVJ r" mineton liss been tbe convtririnff coint for f both lei ivi auiv vj isivistKa vugku vi a w j iiaJigabJenverMitsmioa. Imes of rail type.ofa'cl.ts:" if oexi&tef tt.t' ""U1-"" 'C'J ."fcpher.quar. roadsM it'm.y U .do a oooverging point there will W.lway. Ui ex,ple of lear? ,h -Tw-fof so cxteiiv. foreign UoeoMoteo if the leas gVeU' L lUy of. .lie ljecU of t'T ' V OeoorallJoverninet U m.de perform Iti hum.o desire aio lbr.,w oMoffoH of Iu,, Zt dnricit, and smnt iSmi' aids it has so eon- I txtverUbed men, wit boat mark or sicn wf ... uTiii.m .-Vin . -..t h ,h..m.- tinuouitly and so liberally bcfctowod . upon the comparatively irmigniioaiit ports along tha Northern cots and along the shores of the inlatid lakes. M'h&t little the Govern. ir.eLt lias done, it has done grudgingly j sod the appropriations mide have been so limit. edondiso diffused over disprofwvtiooate surface as piaotietlly td ainotriit to burying the whole sum in the shifting sands and the unruly currents of an ever tarring coast liue.t w e regent to see so ditconrsging t report jBisde to tho Chamber of Comroere nf Wilmington by the committee (o Wpect tho 1 Isrbof Iioprottments and which we fiuj In tlie Riuw of the Gib,' of tbeir ex amjustio made on theHtk of Janaary. AVkat had been gained in deptJk of jester i threatened with kxs beaoo of insufficien cy of appropriations; end unless something decisive ts soon done, the entrances most re vrt to tbn furuier condition. , . , A jut gorerumoot will aeo to il that its ioutttie or its suliv4ades are impartial ; a wise governmeut will footer any iutere! that gives it prosperity at homo and adds to its power and influence abroad ; a judicious government will make every exertion to add iu tbo-'allerctawts which attracts Com mere Into Hew channels, and to Si it by my facility which eowprebensivo states Mtabbipeau suggett.' Kvery forward mev lutt. of this kind adds so auuch more tho rational revenue ; adds so mnch more to the wealth of the peoj lo, and adds ao tnudi more to the Influence and frti-2 of the -, - if, - , .. . , ' ' ' ; ' - '," country anrnaa. nut because we are oui; era and have been "rebel, tba dm share i.fti.loiloo.iJrati isdnilmi.wniir tw" 1' ' . , ii.t Jtinii..1 tho uiigrese ' tbst w have tfal rights and ?'oal ' eta'm o pon tie eoosideralioajof tbe Government. lint to the table" vf which we are able to mike only a brief at street There entered at tk4 l'or nf ,' IVihaiiig ton duringhVyeaf!j77. 517 vessels ofall ctarset. With an sggaegato toonsg of 2C2, 31 tons. Of these, there were 104 A me ties ISteamef and It4 American swiliog ves-stt "sad i& foreign Vettels, mostly of tbe eiast of barks, of which there were IGI, There were exported coast wiao ft.l32. CIS ret of Umber, li.C.J.C3l shuijlos, pound of ere and miners Is, ZO.yit l.eheU peanwfs. tS.211 Vbhi, spi rits turpentine. f4W I.Ll roein.. 34.HJ bl Ui, .BIS IbU InrpentinV5 tV5U bales cotton. 94M bale e.4 ton goods, 4354 nate Jsr. besides large fstttiesof juni frt lutts, mf stow, lestbar nd bides, fo sin vil. ihtWMd, fin. ggs, fefetsbtc. douiesti lMot d wines, Hce. hominy, euro and meal, fl mr, oli. fruit and dried fruit, sugar and Molasses, bagging ''and ate, uuwl, rsg and by, psf-er stftek, mo- ownership." ": '''' ' Moch now eomplsTned of can be' reme died If the increams of life saving station's who can, if more numerou. act with seme sutburity in cow rolling iiuentioas appropri ation of property, and On force the Saving of human lifer ss the Braf duty:'" And the in. frequency of Ihesi ''aistiiins' u1 ject's'tle ervice to odium wlm-li d.ies nut tironerlt sttacli to it, (i Storim s (jot of thatooum dersl chajscter, whieh, (t ; convenience sake.: will oast n ship ; ashM ex If wberu its crew ; will fall info kind haMir; when luiioiis mtm len wr twelve mile Siar. H a Hnrlbfo 'fhav'aVUance'cIvii 'ko''nai at ' .... i- - ... i. L. ' . . . .t. . 1 Ji .i !! lone." .,--..itt.. A We hnpa the sugge-tion- nf Mr, I'snsum in the Senate. -aitd of Mr WaddeINn the lljuao will vrark veforisi in this matter. ' , t ,, ... ... . m Io tho lloeseon Tnesdsy last, n rote ws1 Uken on the proposition of Mr. MeJlah.n of Ohio to instruct lb Committee on Va)s and -Mean to repoitja bill fur' an iucume tax, but failed by tlcTOo vta toobtaiit tbe . .. smrue necessary. ...j H( t-.i . ,. ., . ,t Only t negative votes'catne' from Its South nod West, the majority of Begative Vote coming frithe'yorVV nn'd Km Tb representative, of tho bond Jioldew, who ecip taxatmw on thei bt-idx. dotlgo Istatiwo ns their ff'frtj, nod sliift nil tn burden of ftrWu tfMm tho working 1114 sea, nnd upon loJu.trie'slreJy 'pint: tit Vh,.l5oe'.r.J,'e 'f" sation , V ,' "glad, to M tbo 4Norgt Uarolio lelfgatio. voting SuJrtly for tho prvpwai. Hon. J, J, ilsvi. intnj-.wil a kill lartt meek '10 1 redim it taxation on brandy m. fro frultX P U relief ifc.VU if!), to , tho farmer tbrongboutlti oho nro Compelled to see millioo of bushel of fruit wasted ' ls csnsw they ceo m-dto pn.luble use of It Utstilla'too. at modcrsto tsiatiotfwill ons 1 tnern to ut ilixs moat of what is now l. ownvert.it into money, and sine peopl will eltiuii, o.pl kmo ookeoHiption, wbieb 4 n,Kl4i with adulterated Nortbori oi Western whi-key. Hl.lliotM of dollar would b spent at bomd wbkn if bow tent outoflheHteto.i .. I' ,'Andron f lb Mnisiano Returning Board is teen fund '"jjaJltjf'; fkojoryVe turning wiih u'verdiot after only few'tnu note deliberation., Jim Iko Jury made nf ro4n-modetio) to merey, what for lleaa ..Tlsf tiondr; forin W ursdsy t,hl lt ohicb tisifed flf ectW fas iccvmpy niediriili ejeloo t AngustaG. tihick. destroy d property t lb sis of 5o,000, diiiosl routs, furs, Lwetwa, tobacco, rough overthroititig koissM, ud killing s-trcrsl kUatOf, bjfvtcs, ttt, 1 taeon, fci- ' trOM' . ' ' f ' 'j'fl.l Jb. My Ji ig m Ut fin-.inir'- days- hef iee inrwwlit. I -TlieTVIeetinw i mU b lht'ISo1leuof Wrdiifahi. nf wtich jo' urn nirLii.ni.er mi, v..mYv; va rarely lull, oral teas. that iinmhsr I rarely or-li'lv tn I l t-loi.t,i ytni'lf-a ,-.t.e 10,10 e,fet auittoUan oIjjn.l.to hold lb rh-ciuiH siJy si Uomi-iiTbe contrary pi The feortiMTer of "tlU B .Wgt .VeVs tQ' '..-.!f"t i-t-'V ., -i'l i; it l time t consider . be uueetHm u( a Slate, Convent ion for . ,1 he mouina!iu yf , J udgea for. be f'opreiue and tuperir Court w'oo.ono. For. oua pasw we agrv that JanOiaiheiirue. si J suggest Ealeigh as tie plgee."'l", l"'if,",4, ..-n.. u-tioi vultocittv;.' (i.it y. The vote on the silver bill will l bad without a doolVthU wee'kfo'nies it is star ad iff by Couklin! .Who ' promts fonYa.e tb bigget sjvof, bl sllf ..gaiiuvt.io til. ,.'l t, wordy aliuoet.as Kvsrt. nod muatjlmv ot loMtikreo day toompty him self. - I!" H i .-l. 'sati ;( t Ir 1 I AiVUKlWI MARKETS. !.i The taeree of fundas mvrniag give Ua tbo !ulii,iiig - i f in" . ' : is i ('ntton. Middling If) cts' Strict .low Middling 1U.- lwitddrit.g' 9 n 9, Market.eory doll for low grades, bat better tieiitimi io untie demsnd. ) lil Viiribiir I(..uU a 17:'- ; -M '? H j SIal70oi." i' ' '"m .li tiroe iU't .ii ; w tii ii-i.1'-. I'nik $f4K.l a tni?ii s.it ii)i if i j. Utt ir iii yj.e .l .i -. . . ,'kj-t' , . -n n-A . ".-rrr r.i"7w oft ti oij, WAR M.W9.i s U i t6noxi FeV JS'-Th timi,W mil di.patch Ssyl st tb Conferentd'Au' trio will tnrl tm lx1n tb ex tl" limit tb Itutttt afe OWbf.s1i.rn bf tfofgarTa ab'f li lsnbm tottiessos:' Kacfs Btili Wiidl two delegateo to th Confer em-o.1 W i A corrfsfamden wf tbo Jwie frr. IVi lersosjrg eu the lee I nig of kuUiiiMi ib regard 11 be politiml Matssis vwm 't iliciea. ,Tbo tirt!ldo. MrtMctrsIf M. aumed by A not ri is m-w know, to all l -Thf Mme', Vienmt, iiepatcb osra lbat o , prfnm ol H uletmau (Mia a tnivos ar:till al Kavsls. jind, Imtf Ue-o ordered to em brk tr l,loni"a to sot agim4jb Greeks, 11 The D'tUg Tffyruj&'i .Vieona dipatrh say hat H.-rHirt f'ei4i has t een , inMrnct. d to tnmbard tb Greek port uiifes the Greek irm.p 'ar revelled. 4 'V , St. I'ETm-ni norVb. Ctto ri ject tbo peopveal to hold tbo ooolovenoo i Vienna, or: nay .other i great capitals It Oonsider- the tno-fodlilyof 0 mi ill town in on of tbf, mmor Histea, and,snthyrity tbst WOuli l' civs to the deliberation! in ilia franco nf 'tb Foreign, Mini-tars of thoj Mill be- powers hecewsry fo in-oting a fl, an pructk-al reeult. Moreover, liue-1. U iiev'. this Wuuld fscililat a ' 'stieedy 'dis-1 tastai i.y in onnierene or - tho important HesiHiO it tniolO net 10 9sl with lit th iaterett of n Isstiiif peteif Slid of humanity. , I-omioi.. Feb. 7. 1UAlirVtit . ...... . . ' , reaannj to beiteve that lite UoV. t tment ha received iuformaty uf il-a an. ..e if' t. i ., . . . ... . j ii i vi u uu-"iib ini ma i jhibmiim-i . ten .if know, ' Well- tor com. ,Mn X't ... ii , l.r' ZZZTT'.: - .wO-Lui'J" '.t !J' f", I"' '1 .'TV' v.,I'"'Vai.e' W Hisesaioo trf fhis Mf ;Ji0smart tubassy 'Tt fll-M'.' I I .'.lft.-' .... t,.., IUWTl."FeW. -l-woj spVefsl io th tkikfimf ftrl ' IVri tW 1 0 te1.nrt t ''ettr fool thrimii tbo KsjHlsr, slrcgy' bold lb BOtf Olt til Pafdssellns i" ' Tol'lir Uleai inloriua'.iun roiu Oountautino' pie the Huioiinn forces, despite tb oomple" tion nf the yre!ituinnri for p.-a'ce, are Ttlegi on the course of Husiii. nuouucerfiiiat (Tie Tui Rinb men of wr on th Dun nte liSve surrendered trlt ixsia. " I arbejTftH'0 Dail XtK- BtiAdri'ii)ip!(;.lLrelutei tin iu ervie-v with tHtrarnry,l had been mieled and ecourncedto 8 lit on II. ll&ll. lis d(J;Wf".l that La luil Uoai lieu huh i ji ... .. tt o? .r.i:'7it.r3r..-s a partuwu ol ilia liuwuiin iiUiiv an. .luin;0. ;i,lV Ml ommt. b -I.dNUON. Fob 8 lrieiYt4i-f pi visl.ssis; line af do'o ion iff C qt ilirinnf pi btt.V 4mil.di!.msntkdi9 aiid''tke gow prutighlijinoi tt;ityi .w !- xt.it it -a (('. Jb-ii-elin oj.HeiUi'ltkei J'imed ay' the eomif-utiMSHi! lirintuii.pleioregaiW as eoaiOitaliabed 4i tmponding, doo'tn roisott that Ijkoti Tiirkn.li iuni J HuJkOnwii o ipl.naats cannot sieiiytb iejueuiofmltold'vitn Ui term a4oxrmisiti4tiiu ttiuii boa .iLjfl w meets a i -mtmM dt irfJ ..it'iid c V fi J'f r 1 fer m? im jx c ariuisiK-e i-imuniouo lJie,lU.;-.iiL, WlU .OOs'? .... ..' t i.f t: l..' ; ...v Jii. i i . , V I i Srt'Crssoit TO lllCKKYNlJ8Ut'I.Krf. I Wv),iaieu,ll).l II sVSll D W A 11 E . 1)N S,t.liL, .. . . ... : ' - w "s"- - " IMlows.' Auvil-, Viae;, etc , , KKKI'iNOib LAHGKSTand most CUMI'Lim 8TOPK fof UU! UUlLDltRS' timsnint t'wml 'irtlw sopf,l prims ' U e . ii I it ei II tl.e Mei-Ml attention to iluildtra to this branch of our busiliei "I ... . .... , ' jrj "'"i" uj if us ri 'Wv 'sgrsivv jilt aud E.tjrouiii. . . The TAnihaabrji t'f luw'iiowors-aro still noraniTiuf r.tue, cudi- I.pt, Feb. 8.iOt6tlal i oformntitfrt from ft; I f IeMnrg!divvfnot,drli.Ted ,)ejid kWttVns ri ThC.eVojtnm'of RirR gsris into ' prii.i;.alityiti f'Jt tar indinn.ny aje (un'tt-iUI'.'-tuiit mn. Thir4 i Th ! IndepenJeiitO" of itittHuauls? Siervis and Monteuegrit, with Inert:) t4 territory for osch; J Fttiih i "Kefonns iu I5.ii.ia and lrtegovin.,(V(,J Au )t ......... L. :. ... - . i..m u.iwciemiiuuig oeiwern jiif .auiW'tfyoi The ev si-ttiitiou tt the iabuhiao fiirtaSk O ' , : - . -uu K.s-roMin. ,!sliiwv. Losixiv. Feb? A.'iTl'ie Pott svs; We imtyirely njMm wtliahalivornmvrT't now aware that. lit-it ib iwtesests h beeti dironiyttaeiiM exsi ! they wAl -doOtl ineaautM for tbea,delek Ihi-s Um! that the Cardinals 'will be. iti'iiolestcJ. and fredlii fheir'ttfleotioii of t fie i'op'e. '.' ' ' 4 mw f ut ..v. .i-'ili' f Vm. f-u wt! U- i - IOMMWi Foli. 8 .I'n llnhso of Cnmi memi tnMiiiibt passed m Weiitary Vote of 6.00U.0UU pound by S2H yesst 124 naj.' .y.,-1.!. . .-i i ..! Is i;fl -tilr 1 G7C'i! ' ' " " " ' " "! "' "iQT'Q 1Q4 0..M -..j v. -i ' ! -lo4o. ! WEBB'S , , .,V i.nl ( . Mtuinri' .ill Ml , , MILLSJOLQJSuC. i and , Ml .f With" FIVf?' 11XG Ksdries aiid-U'e la ;M lb UESTll!AKKRI4,lir!i ,.r.i.iii v iiiciii., ,,ia.prrF. arge Hmnkln Factory. wntiiit tnisyra ".MILLION l'OCXDS' OF'tEAFl''1 -.i. s a .f,Mi i 1.11.1m i Ti-,t ir Killpty (or all. Grade oft I( t t , tWGuSWCK uml SHORE KS i" I : f- fTlt',,' !(! n inGiiEST:;.:p.Ricii: Hung y uur Xi-bauwat i'ao ttotxy e,"ltrri' f4,!;;i.t ! f .1S1 ! . W tiro Le. it ji l-Mjielid .awoilad Aim:k . . , J,., i AND HE AT INC STOVES: .Me . . Iff 1 -I rtuOuVrlonu"uiVn1al CIhi's 8iov MtbY'wrgeaiod -Isoavioal'tii' itboimrboC'nW JarroAo VfroWoWieofl av a, liu H jCheipir Cook Stov..'.;; VAiit fof tJiijfmntVUun Fow'fer. 1 -?- ' " -. 7 Neiciiaul kui.pli-f at clomiligures Givooe sll,-StvttfetHM gusrunleed. 1 ...U'"',.,.,A 'tf. ...MwraLiBtruosge Jmrrtofttfd. bestowed UPOtt h'.. ! eit 'bMtia4.' osiieoof W! saw tibd jrttitois our brt effort to plas all who trade with us. ' -f . i-Ll. e H... " ' i m -w-. will r r'.-. ,' till ,tl W "Ji Ulo-fhitlni ,..Vmfc.U,F..-Ab9 & CO. MAM bKf !lii!l M bi ilmmJ'la Mtf ld.fr-oia. lrTwhwtil1 UH!Hl U"W una I j j. ..ssL-; lalH,-,,,,!, ' . n 1. ' T " J , . s A " -L&'XJSgS9 - Ur,.JV0.4i FOU .CliKA I' Dii V (iOlU& (ti4to a-Ji " w." .nwini to v iiAltuAlK FOIt KVEKYMODY' 4'0 aWlM I ii nli Oo4 ((I ' ; i il. I . .liiteuiJuiM to kMir omt t. ilmvuvaUy rvo vjll-Jmid drantitinl llor Uie Vni.ij( ol i.w KlirHixrsm-.amt iMkirtjt Sii lui.mrtam i-liau laiVtl.SM, tisvS4laleiSii reilm-i t al ane Mm k. , lifVS. Imit-nis; iu:trki uuu ba rlW M maiiv artk tf in. onler' l.i ati'ouiii-n oat at 4. V runner grt-al Mil nevmeirt hf 1 " ttmuk. bstkjjvMi V tsiV Vol tWOdo, l,'ainl Up t't1. ltiiOid-eU OVMt, frusai 1 iii soiM CVeaiu t .4..iJ Ui-va rtik H4ei woi-ib Viito Hpeeyitfnw 'mi it il i-iu ...( lion tn I lie li"iil ' SMtVVI lief n Kt4Mam..iieraMiMs so HtriieilMJ I'bwmyt riiK '"111 !Urh CuSiirO 5llk oeOeswe mill xwrial altaaw ti..a. - iiu. !;.. -i..t ... u. ... . .i . . ... iMMuiH.uaraMiii i. eiriieii aau 4 nwaefl Um-H piih cmiuitnir WIS et-iu wt.t. 4 ia s r ana m 4t 4 ir )n4-JMHk At r tun! Imire; , ' , . . Ci.h.ilr,lk Ttlnmhi,elvt,t trAiiUird .S.slij rilsiatKi.mi pIlM-? Itiw a JtaMIlm milk i .ii Ddbl.tled'jtWTiW?,bVa.ho OwMie yatsl wniillr """" ' yUkA1! i.ii4Muensi G, M,U,W.tu n vi in iij fit H-r aru 411 a- Inar mull 1 r orvHUNls iromrW'taaiitu Ka tMvib is-'sla- ftTI-WNt VS .Ws itt KUklarvmVfcsolHHhijr k 4e. pFr ta'rd woftk' Vjv-.xi, m ii-bhin i i -.h(-.i -u. lu'i di niura. uonuie Wl.ltn, at 4, , 3j4oo i snO aintsriH fl rth i --r er.il. wore; ' elKMWiO, 0 uOU'mu tNWvarOf tbetmtMilHlnat Iu. li and ltle, Ir varj M-aeW't-ln-sijii. Ut ul t. n .H . . i ti uikImhi. u sa.Jo. ami JHo.sr aril, utotta) 1 lo,lsH ami ll.K; , , V 7 . ,t White YV,-. ,nnel.'irt Ii!."i4r,ard with .4 am s bill I.mioI trna tautiewwptv ft ' Urirrwilkd'llaM.M-'lfail .l'l fit, loVaf, and Hi t;. per yar ll aim B lielnw regular ,. Wi;wst viw, i iM.-iw Sm I a.,i ...t mi Oray lu.iH.il rtjiia-l. at It. Is. and u to , Aoe. fcr)rd-tvVlieai a. o.!.; T ' ' I l"Uiu, rufU -ripi aot f nuieo upera ' lan. ' net. i.i all qualilm at H-ii-ra; ., m ki-tl t nrum ilu.liu. 1 , XAfiit w.. ai M. .r vanj, Wtxlb o anuioe-- fier i.nenu; ii'. -Porn &-Pob I swis II - . II -t 1 Jt! SV-... ' l.lS' . ''. I MSjtf.' .-un sium urr or urtaii al 1.1, ),. tm uml lir t0t peryant-ia very mudi Urlo tSanlar itrsra. I v aiai- .p,i JTi u, ... tor t. It wsy U'opeaml Hk.,forwirtliii! Hive ihi4 tint OrO har. ai tsueiiH'ty iv aslsa vr eel, -jii ft wWU jf. . . . r ai ill Ulli,, llUdU ; ll :ritiRtFJUEArti : woiFir, : 4? e ffttf-S 'JJ ftm etJVsl jnJwsnBBw--ae law-.rfT OLIVERS CHILLED TIW yocng' am kmca r-vsrja jtlj S4t i Ji ...HsMtl i - r:4M r-- udmponsibU to ererj feeder of Sto Vr,' SlliTAI . LIN1.D - M itvcvmtu u-oo ri -hfbiH PATENT - WELL FIXTURES.1 ;: Vr Th tviebrsted:;!,:". HOItlZOXTAL t'HURI. " fj, CirenUrs and Fric, list , of Ihit CbBftj scuvtoiny dJre:,, Magic; ruckle:. Screens,-;: The only ImplemciU which wilt take the IVi Irrftge I'en, and oellemitof Wheat, ; " Suu'th'g Pileutl, Siraw .Tultenv r . :: ' - Plow Cast ing: v frr;i.r : res stlthe te.tn Hows, In nm. 8n)Mb,'. lough, an4e0 Ktte' . ... .;:. ., . , ' ZZLPtful Term ic. f fJU JVforr.-! t'atamiriies promptrf Mailed. " , tobmvo rjCTonr fixtures. V W malm. TlnrW Miam ttUletn, HmmH Tin. I'Ulea e.Ar In tba iw4 manner ami fat y srrulr nr otk.. , , .. , ..x , , , CntraeiHtolra. Ur4r jmjmI esUnmtoa tut Work promptly fiirutnei. H. M. 8M1TII k'jiv ' P. O. ll.i V; ' ; v . Bichmoni. .Yvr; sNOwV tfaiey "' "'1vtUKs J w o) J . Hep, tunutwm roverimd ab.i. eurtanW'a T " k 9 r r ft mis-h Mow tegular irh-s . , . .. . , I I UUaCCO - E. h. POCUErf MilhBflitturer, TTZiJ rSl'lT: r- "i"H.:' 1 fx WWM t i f u 1 ail ,',';r' u.mjj,J KtkiS. t.' 21, .1..:.: i.mw'.uiimj vairjiiiiia lit tAKI xra. V. wil LI-XIAL TK.Ur.K, II, to a.xl fr. lerllie Ih-4 Tlirre fl .1 SI l im.. ...i. ! ' nt H Ul lit.-" J . The lt T.e-ry Itriwl. .1 iwr yarrl; 1 MMektrstmiirrnm- iattnilo mi i'e amlU I V lWgolsr Sale Kvetf " I : Sl'LCixt SKUi ill'.? o MarcC Patrdnize Home 'ireenaiues ,!l lliwe'nWfcea,'''ti.U r Hm,'-" ,MUIIiesofiUaJm1s.iT fmM 'Mmw.i imit WiBASKVIUU:,., ' Ilemo t'4riHa at 1.1 and IV, rmf t krd.ml hit. P tfAHwtil iJ-t.ivllnU sail k.t;.. a-. 1 Oil t l.dl.. la all I. in.. i ""'r 1 IhKkrfH llo,..: .11 " " 7 "vTS t. .. s 'I'VeKtO Bint 'iMry Una MtUsU at WUi .iZ 2. ' ri 2,-m' "P vl Unit. I ! Srtrk W e tiffer unnr. ...,l ...i.l i... ...... W ml IleO Sort 4' mButVtliret- hiie quiM. .1 -vv. ';,,.! ,0 n,'. j, '.x; toia.,aii.ilu.iui, . 7 T " V" f;f;Flounng"pM rpitrt well krfoiv'n Mill. 'ft'OTtflSifiXh n,l .1 tVtirKIS, at the well kmmn lh.r,..-. Villi site in 1'r-rv.n.f noBtr II ml. V'i. hifHiim, have reeeiitlv lieeu in m ro.ui.Me re. Pt. new fcwrvx new miltiau esli Hn.teveer an. inmm te flr-i .me vor and) ak Inseil stwre i.r pni.lie favor. , i;iMimr mn he furnMel rWn "Jjond ss es mmk m aav Mril m iktrMaM. .i.. , " , Hleil.Ml)NLA rillll'ltlt . , ti 1 4 ii H i, Hnrdle-allilL :;;Tiopji(pL?; EQUAL to ANY i,TIIK CITV. RKU lilKDand UEXi CRAGO.ll Wli, ft tt Iti. - ' . DI AMOND and COMET, fc liirli. M- IbT a. v;. w A ULK nod OOLl) DOLL. A U, r lf I a ail S.. II. . "OI H UtAXK nird IItTI.E ELtA, Olneli.n ! 10 lull,, in in ll,Ml,i. f HlfN-Cl KKIV bihI HittUK-! RClT b m4t, 4 M lb. fii TlW.rmMt'.' ' ' IV i Ue m srttaent e4 Medium smf rino ' 1 miwvv HI IIP -I He. ' ' 1 IHH MBtaMrieri l....l... CWoi-t tVao-itiM mnt tsim.Mttirtvlfa .N a. h'l"! . ... ,. fnttnr?. frtn V,rn-.h .VoTt t lir 1 tmmtiei0.mBiji.f. ' V . ft, .iT '"'',rKf H'! f"fHill ia-al3m). Miwer MaeUiim Uwblmi ewlleS Iteeillea W. for en': ' i far sN lOiaar msaiiliisi ,i The k,4 l,, Mii,B OH-larj bottms-ot ii lw. i; n.tliw i .w7 l,t1,l"v, ''.b.hl..nUe ebb-satasratlv " risml wrh-eat - ... V,f .7 ,",M,f i'!"!r wHj t rmlm-ed irt-h-ea: V. I rl It. ere m-te(ik.Mi tt. ... V.m.. . f lliem-fc M-t, 4,f Ji i-r f. i j-,,!!- rt . .Jj Uotsvr la llks ltrZT L Ti'ite sml I'isim luters. fi.lie. niiJ T0toi Wt. J in ,nm. i..ui . u.i ... . .... .. . - . , l'nlHrmewu lur men, I wbsmmi am tbtUi in and a loll li.m- ,4 .s m.4 Uto.nTr, ' iZTt' U.MII andlu.iM r.e.aii.tmrf. 1 Mi liainesint Khimmt l.wKi.,, at Vf w'a t-nffery5 sml SII mnrert .l mr itei-'oMlliT. lii',,neY . Ji,J,,,,,,""inf m rnnmemtwl, , u, J imrebas More tli.s.rtmeirt 1. 4. ' L1 T?w.l, '. Hen b, imb'r. ti. . ; k. i) jfji vjxict usrgj", -' sirrAtTfMi'.it jun ' tir.iikK i Att, si.vrm up i , GoIdnd Silver-Ware.- j-47ja jemiry. . ;v , , , WATCUSS. vlocks, j; steh Repairing and Kngnvin. rtimpt " , , . .. . - .. r , .,, f .,, .,. . . Ij eteeuled. ..,,,.., ( . t Basis, rne.V made t brder. 'V' 1 RALKIpJI. .V. C. msreb 1. -Opposito th Msrket I'Uo. - t 'iohn ..H.:sTyIef &.Co,' ' "to l.Bwesmr.,ttr ' MITCllELL ANOTYLER; ' i .ii mbih oireet. I .1. it n i '.ntCllMOJfD ."Va. "ri- ' ''"f frirre. " -4 ! nrcy Ao'anVeJ iia i if " ilALClCril. N i O - .i - .! I .'i U. i03I!URN.'''r jni 13 If. "'.- ' - 1'P.oliiiicW. ' ' ' 'r "1 V- i ri f ,;t I IK VWa.!.! la T KFTmrlwri w'bh..nl lASfea"!' IJ AnSitlMtH .m ft h Osy tV.Wlle W,i mm v f?ih, i;iii,i t,t n. i.r.A, wtatt.i n hl 1n year, aimul rive 61 liii'ii, atoiif, ti,),d iHllkt. HlllrSH,lSx.l,rti. mkS Mim.ml. . Thlj il. HeMlm si .j,,,,,! -NTi jjvers rem Nrfwirm r iwalotalslim tlieaaM UreoaM H.I. orl..r en.iitot n.. t..lli,...i..fi.(... ntlierwiwal.rmtif bis eimeesf nsr Omler 'the U peir Off fl. r.rdtnlle."' M pnsUlea of Urn tsw hJIehMnnV U "to "hZ!?. , M - , 5 -" '." -"-'- '' a si v- l?MaiwtrM;"'l'aR..WALIXjlt t, tTiiMH. II I LL1N Bi A U .Miktitf, M A K Kit. -i.TIV """"'f pt-CM;t(f W4,.U, a . i . . ' "'i'l iii oi w .in riTciTnta nrr l ""I'FALfBltrM.r fnr"- 'vi. t tb lowest pomibbtMloeJ I'lvlno e. tlr tne tate4 mtselnV t.' I the IlKtmst re vautaeil uutJZi 11 u befets moll In ' nriter ii tl. ' tt l ,( ,, . i jiai. i ii: ii. V fu , ' ' ' T 'I las.! 7 iwr lumber; Out Steam Fitter , ' St6 vesITin ware; Gas Fixtures etc . i j ! ;lio3,Jin Hurst, i ' - KH4IM0NU. VA.- " Toh.o Hoes ,M IWh. . Ppeclsli,;. ndInleI:,,,pfc'c,,, wwif ' frtitcn.. " " ,' t 4

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