gill toauijjjf .8nxift. THK BANK TAX. W bit frequently before urged tba re scinding of the impoaif ion of the ten per eeuttai oo the issue of Bute bsnka as Ike measure above' nil other pregnant .with good fur the South. We ere glad to bar au endorsement of our view by tb ablest of V JUDUK KEUU. ' V P'l . - KJr J. . r T .. IT., j lio aentiuieul from tie Minhtej?s re buka ndminiateied ta bitn bvh Supreme .. rv , t . . : J. : 1 4Bi'ATii DEMOCRATIC CON VKNTION WAR NKWSv 1-o'rt-fsjUh,ui!Mt.mpo4ed .npo.e y0llVell.ioU uominW tbV JmWeV'of t Driver eotiticred at the 9pAg ero, of g . y we $ j(js f .g V 1877 of Yadkin Superior Court fotWl AM h ' . aaaAsMaaa mB lis. bb t mmtle anil alimiili treatment of bit wife, is a manly and strong protest against the injur done hie cliaraeteCr aa a Jadajo,Wa.is5 wecould gibe card in full, but it U too long (or our space. It will be enough for our purpose to stale Itiea to bis wife of an atrocity and degree of nninmilj cruelty almost Impossible to be believed ; flint those acts of cruelty were oof eiiijU acta, cr i)ooe 19 secret,, but tliej' were many. and. ia the presence of wants?,, nlo hardened hrnto basing rw thaaie ia thex poturVof bis lleiidishncss; toil on 'a triuf.' me acts were oisuncuy proven iins a ow ueiere.K to uy n rrr-ni -fci.j .rhrtoeT T:.M,rw!ii...hii f ia m lV- . . liu. of Chu Cook soued,.arr1Avr Givaeae.ll., 'WacUongua ,,'noe:!h' iattV thTtTo.i ui a-.i fcU Iv. h... L .ouf.reuce Van 'fir ill nZui'fl fnVM for tl.e liUrat Vaitwa; fcVr.K tUvwal WoS ."ii : ftUli6it jiiry quickly returned a verdict of fumy 1" A hj ihma cuaM 1m aMamblLJiii , at mi lea into . tiie .backirroiiud. ' ' Ait' Auio- I'uVn e)"of irit'Wfiid's'nif tfrObib-e Vat W( efforte to aleeae 41 wk traU wiUi '. ; .'"V 'T"i .i t. - 4 - - 1 I , 1 ." v " ' fit' J .vf r,,-, ,l .,,, . a ' - n n, ,,i j i . t u ,i.n.V , ( m 11 u., . u j, l and tost lite Juiire .lliereurmii;. sentenced I t.L-'.t.i.i w... Auntruo alhjiic.l uo Miokni ul as a r (i !ti "" J n m i..ipw w4 d '-f . ( .J,..i)'J tba Primer' to iv.:Vr.afiJeet T V V 1 CKO."W."r.TvTIlB! 1'5b tbi lloeae.nd will b. pUdtp' MmUs me prisoner. t it -years eoaoueajeo ta I ainl.l.ii; of ibre dirtiiiel liwtrtot Wm 'I.''' v,n 'jJ'.-ew ' V'i jt ' . '- .- A. ;n the oonnf t il'J'S . H.ll .ivi - "'-.i .lAlut AVHMml Xf. . . ---"."' " - V Miuniui auci rrniUP, ,tnr , yil'ir I I ,Vwafwni(.iyj. 1 UliMUl.) Iir Uf Ul 1 II H MirliHi UH, I IIV J U 4 tii i fV frail fr'tln VTinnV T ftTtea M W l . w ej ja ax r f r M(Hi"htl r HiC'.M'. r n . ... f ." . 'i1' ".M .i I ' ' . a : i ii-r- - - - wrrirvr r -TvJ avi. ." .iM T TBMBMBB-e . , . . ... r SUM prws and by gent leaeir hroasHf mrarmdi)rtwr was'-tried "fer brwui u tba State experienced iu fiuaucial oyer tiuot. Aa4 we are speeiallj pleated to find aoufirawtioo given to tba soundness of oer opinions frooi tjaarter arbera toterest and Labiu Bjibt bate been expects ! to create tippoaiog taadeooie. la a reoent Ne Yyfk. letter ia ta Raleigh Obttrutr. w see qaot J d tbe reiuarbs of a promineut official on of the leading KaleigU National Banks. ' lie is.reprttcaud as expressing a hearty aonoerw lor tbe.roat oration of the old State . banking sjsteia, as one. among other evw aueadabfe featuies, bettr suited to the ha bits apd practKes of our people tliti au other butabor alUaa having tLe qualities f aooMoas ia asaaageinent by :wbyjbi;id h aivea to Tbe trprstious of busihesi at'roa Boaib! chkTjjM Us says 6al money codlii be easily Jostred by such Stale Jmuks at a rata of iutareet wot eiceediag aia per.ceot pr aaaaa whereas the Natioaal Ujuk eaaaot or" wilt not agree to accept a le-w ratatVaa it per 'eeotTberetra baujr reasoat fjr this. .Aiuong others, (he espj tal ioveated in tbess ia largely foreign ; coo aeqneMly Uiera is not the lightest lie of ayapatby between lender sod borrower Agaip, ibeae banks are' restricted by fbeir coaptation to circulation jiot so large as tkeir. eapital stook which . ia .frivolously aasailia) proportion to tba weeds of biisi isaa;uAeir'sbility tbersfora' to enlarge l heir powers of aewmawaJstionu dependent poa4e70Stts, j Depositors ftpoet tdrw ieerwft cfo tbav aaoswj, aad this id add daeaa additio&aJ ebarg apoo the borrow r. THa then, wkb te ordinary items o1 tfttm. ifetdat4 ; W tmaktif ope'rai loo , iaowasaa tba . Inability of tba Rational Bask, if it were their desir or policy ta do aw. ta aaak lvs at a les rate than 12 per ceatf"4 And tbi national banks do sot look aa niweb t loans ss tba iriuciiial source of teeir profits as to boymgof eicbauje, and such Optra t inn as were owe the peculiar province of ooinmii. m bouses. If tbey bad tb anoam of tittemy needed to give ease to tba country by liberal loans, it is not UK NOMINATION i)Y MTK. London. Fib. 14. The Smnrfenfe atlVlt WUitl W .f .'JM;y W,. ejf 'ri :iv-a ,-ff'.j - -T,--ti-V""'--- Waau.t agree with fl.a yilm"'Utf-1 pruwidtrhli , akulMT ufprpedia biawliaal ' ... ,ti ti; I s-i- 1 tSdtlosio. auici luttnd to wisiot on cJosntk the vunce that It is the ditiv ot the heir Mate t r . . . .- i . .. . , s jiosi'iioi os ;( a iirtiuuiuurj ct'iiuiuoa loins the tircme B JkJ(,J ,W,A It E S T O RX.-V (l fj , fUWPSKOUTO 1IICKKY ANttlTrlf.BTT. J1! I f .ilbCaan; srooi, jj.n.vrja.A ; ejpMjie in Cfrtam tlisirut.! the avveutb, eighth. and i II A (fi) D W A It E grating oi aiiuuiHior punageol ibr1'- A vpeciul to the I'liifs JuteJ St. lVtera- l.ia4 lMt ialtrliL llta laaaVMlllliiAltl fMitAl VAil I , " " 3iBifi;ittihJj4ilga, ,ajtdf Ube-.?y.-temiillfoj,lWltiuli2,bi) SuilM irfu.eiSuJtttk a "'I HTU il X ' ivu1j:5' A cUAUJI ilASol IV JMoiTM ATVItUL. vi rw.Mou, iuy iu u rfaojiri. lor mi poaitivaia lo gmot pnuugjuy ie janiraiii;?.! . , , lUluws. Anvil. Vim. eie. Whole State, and for fJw('re&Ti J-fnVWr?tu' l jfti-etrrn f jrjr ed lobe elected by 'geitrraf rii-Ttet.u "If ii ,.J liuyUuluwuJUiU'afipetnt aMimde UKNUINK MALTA UJUULK MK V.ih PLOWS, KOljk W.JO;.. p i II ..,... ...I. ... . . iMklllil l.Li'e'l,r'lf"..l,m!ll T1VI7"'"i1 Ju.lgi-s for-ttawTwU''TaqnaT1Ba f V. 4 . Partof hrUMOpnowUt.ieCoiMaiino. hiAU whuia iKoiile throuL'b theifrrnreaentativea .i 1.0 J..; t-v.u.iiJ.,'.'J jlJO.. . . . n , 1 ......... .1. 1. ! r a ... mm atniu ip aui iu. ricii aaivii'ui waavr ru w vwf't. -Ti'-i-'ii v.-iik.. n. .jaiemai.. n r r winMnas iki n afiai a 1 a isirt iiriaiiaiii 111 uiai uuauivaa juauvenuon.NMutbUJahoUU'bVvr ier the Stra..,r TnonuaVve Mf i f ,,,,'T J. utW.A -tiiL-i t&i inteiefr? i1 jl '4 ( j "IT'"t tt r I " ' '.' """J-" " ' 'f oceor. II tba troops .nuter l is i hougl.Tl i .iL'i'. ! T 3 i, . j -H - ' ? JLJ "ft I fjioiriet fruW wbieh WJuitgaaM iis-w-k; 'eTwitr buiilryhaWeif 'SrgUf m make applioalion. upported,by hicwil af fida vit to bnnf the ease before Ui ' Su prune Court. . , No notice nf such applica' twn was ever served npnn Judge Kerr; no' call was ever spade qpon bira to mke nt tb casd to hi sent np to (bat august trihu hal. though tba Aet of Aebily prrribrti ancli nopl : tut solely oVon TM'ertViaite? inent. the popreme.O'irt pmceeds to. set asido he verdict, and rcbakes Judjrn Kerr for inflicting cruel and oousual '- punuh. ment'' . '"it,i. - 'cu.ini ; In their action in this ease, the Supreme Conrt (roes back npnn pta own,, ruling .A correspondent of the Raleigb 0Hrrtr cites the ess (f the Sut via.' Kay. in which the Court Mti'fba ttfitement of the' tiresid- ing J adf ia, in oar opinion, a nbtitote, for 1 bill of exceptions which sets forth the errors eoaapla'mad 1 :. If no smo, Mstenwint Hat it W0..II baaitradidifiiwlll nntlif lAfltt HE ATIMG STOVES. r r M.tM)atablirb even a shadow lb. Turkish . CZ . J . i .. .T . " I 1 . 7 V7. T ..I.. . . . . LA..L M ana aaaviwv 111 sua iMrtitaw iiau VS. ' ratiteed,, ,u , fioutlu-i i JO.""" 1 V ' friends .- r"T7 T -V"rr 1 rHi,rni"hli a ' a i Wa are tfarinVd to' aninnMe ' that th titaiid gilter liitt sa 'ameii.Ied in Hi 'te- . . ; . . ...... j ... Mute, tmtuHju that budv afier.air a'l nijrlit ,M,H 1 ,. Jill tpI . ..' . , t t . seMpa t ; 4' vitiyK pNiurqyiiierning ly s Kote uf.aKjto S , mid govs-tujlia IIhi (! utii:Arroow iu jIm ainaadiwaliiK if ,tha S watt tfwill-vf rotirne'bitw the llio. '. i...... ,j . r 1 . .. . .- .. . ' It i!t Mlo Oti-r 'the 1'resMeiirh tetdi'ior 1 lltiHiiMi ol vote, two' ihinla of 'the whole uaiuW of , 'be, jjeiijiie wwre t ,'veii. yet tliut umu'Ff can eaaily be "bluim-d., Scii i tor limiaHiit WMioVuiiied Jmm bia et by sitkn'eiaa ; Harris and Pallsrxm arer abnnt, and Sba run can le hnd if needed. '" So tb bill is an awured certainty. A ' glorious victory fr tit people of tiie Wt and South ir the boHilhulder( ,t jNow fur jhe repeat f h bank iax.ul Jif aill.U gi ven to I"Wi-iiii4.' ., av-l.. hiit !t tj.l I 4l4la 1MIi,;l4i,liM.I nofiitnif.K'Amm fn iipnifomi ins i-iii..uchi ui ui ' - '-' ' i r , r- , rtl , L A 1 iiialeriar ill the s?iiilillu la'uidFe furiir'. Yiiiniiiline lo hnva ur. alurti' InftreilChW H-ae .-t...:'M V''Ml.aai-iad iM-MUiOMvi iM-iuia lit oiwuina ui iim .1' ,. .'. "1 bin ma 'I raU-.aiiil niukiitaaa luinlaiil cIihiik In 1 US Mi.liww avraKailiilaBSbasiiliK'iMtetuurJ FMnrk. u hnMiiiHeiiM, Marketl ! IImi 1m ostastinoe. lirii TL flfet''jliro'iifit) ih ilt 1 Ka that1 Inere pnwrst ! ,. uijj t (jrr ,.,1 ,kIiitiiivi' i f tb r)uaVum -'."I be Umc k iiiike ut UU.C-i;! tW and rtp Tba action af the Fopieme, annthrr item to tb lnad f infamy which maiks rbe exigence of t hit body,' anA fans the impatienre with which every one looks forward to the day of it liiutiin. We hope the new Chief Jimtire will re. lieve himelf of all participation in so dis livil to llw llul daOaalur WiU ' at - itiiir m iirr tarn: crniuent ' ciinuiuilfd meet the ne'cm-ii fr of i !;,iwi('.nd l.iii'ilecTre'that lhevill s entet f lf. .vrtiaaa U .mm id im 75a. f,'. t'l.r miM.l8rbl dfet '".W WV?, m banceVhi.nM ihey dw'au ww ' yT-l.Z'i ItV Therlofit?ndtioli'lf llie flet i ai.i li W'irtva4 oilkaat all .r call ucL3att,V I'rincvw. IUiKl.' ia ike1 S'l-f Marxirs4;l iiiilee soiiflr of CtniAanriiiopb -liien it is reorted fnt;ludiulen4 So oeeapy. i ,-v-Mkiiri.' r"eb. fl.-IIer'Mjetj' tug Kort bis 'arrK-ed beta 1rm Ftnme wi'h a eatgrt if WKitrbslMrpediea- Thetwrrat ahip I evAffiwr.'- , -tbeaaaiid nine Hundred and wim-tf toajn; i1 uUears Malt Mi)yi ani anetber ymml , fcaq bmo aeeompaniee the snpeal. and no error hp tiaar in the reenrd. lha inih'tiipiit ' !tl t.a I " " i i .' i auiilhrr njrut' Ikki fmm IU 0Brt sdds I "icijiii jAirtrf at,, aioot ;t hornlls .. .'T.-..l t t IV -i j 1: ' L;.'- 1 ..... ...j .v . .... J. 1 oe B,,Mnt Ten(lerinf nf ,B W,m, If whole system t. ik4 W Wtnony tiitb the j h wl1 M rt,K iv kmiwn. . Ia euaUiinsofotirasrlion. . ! , r.fruc.i.. W ib. Sopr-mel t'onrt; . jnta,na 't-Uba r.eoola are revived trtui.raU 7m thi that will recall '.he boiy 4ht eaae ioi.i ex- istenea i l8Cr k&d with two veat f frau dulent life id Jet tort.' has lived a Inrterul snd-aaigU lata bad itaabnaea.' Kxpriarte af tbeet in therr past bistory would probably avoid a recorreneaof them sboulJ they la reviyedL, jFur thin, tbera i an urgent do and. Wkh tba resriodiwj of -tbeiaX wbieh now tvpraaaaa tbess, they wmld apriag gala' into existence. Tbey would invha a eapiul, the boardings sod th araing- of the thrifty who look for safe I'leea of invest sjeut. Tbey woald attract the eapital of tba wwra prosperous, which hesifaWs ta ga abroad, which is d?trotful f saaaafaetariDg ventures, bat which will not pat auwaJsaoe ia tba national bank, owned an4 controlled abroad and eosjpli atad ia tba destioy of all similar iutit. 1 tiona aver tbaaonatry. aU trewbliag as oord at ana breath af disaster. aU shocked ly tba aaaaa aalsmitj wtkb assail atty ana of them, evsa tba moat remote. Tba StatW b ak. restond ta tbeirlegiliajsta fnncUwiia.' wonlJ isu their awl ewrmocyy discount liberally aa tba chief soarc of their proBts. and at one give rrlief ta tba people of tba Cutn, af tba wl.l aoantry . Sonposifig tbaf their notes will Us Utile belo ptr'; that will not impair their capacity for I.onie vttfalaaae. sad ta the traMmiaaiun of fdnda abroal, "tb 'jpratiaideaiUded "will "la fsiJ mora fawly than praeat iakk Wow aandatKma ara now bad This re serf ru'cowaWtionVib '.if 1 4 t..-'! I bftaaUff - - w of the silver bill would at em to oar einupr. beasloa 'aVI that is needed to restore priispe ntj to tba Soutti." A large. etrcuLtuiM wa sustbave. sod 1 tb.t, we. will oemLare. aWpeodeot apoa tla natioaal bsoks "slooa. ' " ' .Ji.:- - , :i .1. ..... TB Wa?,. ...t . 1,1, -m . s ,s,t A w wrtte, Ikora in ao mucbiotb onraaafaatKsB wkib a fw days tall dr. tcmiina, that wa will not venture apow any avajinawt a pew tba dariaiee act af Keg Ubd iw fsesmg lb paaasga vf tba HrdtiTle wirb bar iron !d feet. r the 'iiJTy' doi. afva not wf tba' armed vecnpitkm if 1 WaattAiipta. To , t Meant sr('wsr wWe-Ij btwen Etjglsed aji4.1liujif,.bnt Utwaet Keg land and Aaetria and Franca aw aM alda, o4 ft asst. Gatwany, and fnkMj Italy sad Donaaark af. tba axber. Jtwt dir!mnev yst jnsaiH ateiJ at wast aalaaiit a a generst t Kuropesn w t. Jf fjw ka latest Ma as af twWswasaMarft. ' - . t Tla text of tba Filter bill at j( paUd the at ia tal at it. , and bated exivmce of -n fears, i con. atant menace to liberty and a oonatsul ia jproaeb U guud trverioenX; e i ; j n . , ; nt , 1 ; t4 a w ""' f)'i;vy) t t. , UTHB-WKSTKltN DlStRICT . . W hareaVoiJtfd bUfaNknration in the diettittsrtwVLl Itea .wsricej'up'Vohiaiiy of our Lretlren'of 'jftfiijm the (.oliiou t of tba Western l)itii:t. W bavjbo'jSbd t,he terrified spectstor of t ha tragedy. Otb- there wa sottwient taadeney in the- Dssms-J eretia'pra of tbsf Stat fo 811 J anbyeet of dies'greeroent on raifoiiaT as "welt s tuc'al iaeues tbrougli wb ich the waning furl aye ol tba Jirpbla parly nigbt.,ilr ttew in. spirations of h.tpe. without the introdnetioa efanorfief. whicVlt of sll,' ougfir ti a-' eoiii th ncbsrscter 01 factions scriaiony. It ugraiite4 that tU aftiira of tba, Vtrn Dial fiat Uv Icon rJidv (n worse) ad miniatered by tba Jadge. aprMiel or offfimivety con(liiTte(r l.y ihe officer 'If tfie fotirt,, tyrai.ic.lly or eruelly enforeeJ by iha oiuiisiera of, tii jaw. , KmT all which tbrre baa go p a load wry for redrew or wfe.H''tt:,'l i-HrtMit ,fi L.i We Jisd suppoMid that th bill of the wa inUrtdocsd I ,( tb luost Jutpo-..i, in thod wf irsaaag thebtteatioaof the Adaatay isirstinnnd of Con-tre it tba f rirranca 'iM.lin7do and ttiat'a hearing bivin lru obtained. iLan rrmedie w'ald l"y pliad by boidiug tba oflfcading fir of the Conrt l i.wr,.. To tba tuUl aUlliiowof tba Di.trict, thre tcemi to U m brain and swell well founded olj.-tlion, ' tlisf v'a' if tb j.lTuJing parties are ao Immediettly j iumsissc.s. saeni W(r to lesva Um ,141 Ibe trorSinfs af pallia opiatm.- liattar t r fact fix thtr gnilt apoii1 Cherry witlout rib sbaJu i(f a,. doubt., !Jfjlifie f,yerh wa A ease Jot the, preeaf4 aotiuaj 44 fvyalff, seatment, this is it. !iut. the Jaw wUi take r Iwlr tM.nifriilMfad prob.biiUlea' of It aitizatioo bytfi Voree f Ui aVia'oiW Ion or ib opcratioM of.tinie, jbaiilo rn'ti f tba risk of dimension by urging a mcssure in wbaib rl m ev ideal there ia wide divav ify'of rlesr. Ta destroy tba Coart to gat ridof iu 'ptefDt,pl jccliiabl officer is mneb Jiki berniug a eusily Was to 'get rid af nvraiiav . Inara'ar other aoede of p rikWasw tbaa If dewtraatiow. IfaHrhatwani wwt Im dvM ban tbern out. . , ft long sod it feci bgh, abjiib iuta il & feet above big b water tuatk. ad.Mi tie tUmill RtghUr, Kalr.iOiu) iMiKaiiix m Nrlimt sHd.t'beled I ril;.r.;kU ii f S- .t j tuka. We iie ilia luweat oivaer kouwa I ' J 111 1 new smHJ, ' - Beirk Mia Trtinmiiia Vrlieta nt 11.3.1. lt,Ji, 1,7.1 ri and up to J wr yartl wtrtn ft jtr )tid CVIolrU Hlk TliiiimiiiK VrlvH at II. H-r vard ka aorlk WSjks unUaa pat4ka;,Ularl. .Ju.ulkaJ 1 mi'u; INili willnl All- Volored I aabinerea at' a. ..tti K.rtMM . mm; tidaaa.u.jAB.L J1 Au. anmerraal eo.,1. ..?&r.fft. .. . r 7 ' r - . Bau inardrtnl: Jat Vrl.v i)(, bU wife on the plaittttiiiiuofAV. 1 .lkinMi (aim lit. ed dnnig the war at Uiekautt s Mill in ibis W'Bi,ty'.)' 'iW 'that account Was it. tjpn, the AVi;ive u tht liirtitmatlnn of the r- rest of the murder, a negro' named Noah Cherry. t'la murder was one of the uiott brutal h re..rd Tba. murderer, about I) o'cloek at night, entered the hme of Wor ley. 'who waa sitrin y tim IWide with hie i wire, their three little chilJieo the o'dest 5 jey tlie juungest teo months and told biiu lie, jUd ooiue to kill lini and attuck bin will awax. .. .Worley atspgored out of (he bowse, " lid- wa followed by Cherry who dwpitwb'cd liiu wad letV the body by tbt chimney, fiVrca dog in the nieaiitiioO civ. iirg , Cherry .niuuti trouble." lie 'tbeii return-! AiL r .'l . ' in " S-i' ' a . I W,v i r- t trid,i IM bc violated her, end, jheo. kill ii boM I Taw piincipal witness Iwtiianwfol deeds wa the little girl TildieJ wee wta avaitabi) evprWiMMrWaviesJiiMstraugthrtinii the avaww fihaWiipe.iindei 4' iva. Apical llornwy will, join tae.UstalstunM,,'j t I . Lt. ii . 11. u. :i l. iioauviii rm 3 g-9i w ' mi ra a teteyram fn at tiM Jiugladi , CuuseU at Cbswak blaUsraV alalia ow Iu )af dsOf Ue. 23 uiileesuuib'WaraViif UaUipuli., confirm ing tha .report of.tbe of six flips of the UntiKli fleet up Miaits . yrie;dy. The Turkish I'ab hm4s a .formal protest at Chaoak Klai but no active meaaures were taken to prevent, the passage, ,The Aduiiral'e orders were to enter the straits with or without leave and make arrange ments to secure h'n rer. The slips were prepared for setiuii. l - a .m,irr-w-rrrni;i. a hi..' lt yt J A M M AU.UIrS. U H .XVI VJUkL. ( racial Dispatch to lha l!aleigh anta,j i UoLtiMmrTy Vrm.'4ft.Wat AVorlet aid LUVrT ftrbfre) wrj aawtJeiZ f" . - , 1 r i -1 m . i ... t Tl.a latent item c wif lbartbwt MM ,M 'Vm '1 , nl GrM.V.NKb'nTi.'r.lf.'nter'Cofinm its eoarse.elop IU'clfly todiatxeewblyl .. ',, I .naiUH oa nsilf i ianl i he Uosphoru.' and tla' lonMob Tiiae ' i ' "t"!' " 'tT- f - ' - h i . Hunk pece may 1st le presorted, CaecD JkUN-tt Knlauaiid aft ? I'll l'i(t VII.K4it:J STt iKXTt Tli Mast IliliaUaro fieconler wnlain h following parsprspb t lin ' 'N " ' , " l'der;. tb Act ? of Assewlly, tie Univepiiy i sqtb'ri-l lureci-ivs and e '11 cute on viudenl frnirt each eonnlt free 'of all charge for fiiitiW. strrant lire,' Ud pr)iapii some iitht-r minor charges,' Only t eoniitiss In lie Hist hate stsiled them, aslvsa of the privilege nVh tint' sll? And w!iue'itniiV.t' all the eAdnfiet adopt a sne gsstinn ws made sums time since to provide for lit board ' of one wadnl front v county ellheenunfy tlsts. selection taba aude tit tontpelltivt exsmmatiowf . Shall we(iVf'ir a reply, and lawlmg? i'f f "Thl liiigWlon of lURthlriMf it a at 04 Opfwtriii on'," ' Wby 'cannot UutiCO-nhs, .';, " 1 .; 1 ,., Meed every eonnty, keep ona student at tba Caivereitr all tha time ? It will only coat Iiu to ia-r tarii all II l-t ceut. be ,a ! n-autar llk-es. mMi aa 4i.,.A rsnry iiewUmiia inuu lo IhJmw. er )anl a ' Mt mliH'tam ham la-vu matia In lbieaa of Jini. krrtN-ker fc'iiiiu. at, j-tf , rhf tpU BU h A1aeaa. UoiltaWwi.hli,ati.13u, 3. toe. and ii"arl, ail worth a N r cent. worc , .. . I'aMVia a at I, and Sr, r Jarrt; IWahhsg'Cox, . Feb. U.Tle silver bill was rrmiiKd, Jones, vf Nevada, speak ing in tie Jaw .-v , oaior t nke. of Texas, aiade a str ir p hil srenmeut in favor of tha lilt." 'llr argued aj;-iiit the coiiitati.'irat power1 of Coiii'rer lo Ju'Uouet'lx? silver, and ssid it wss a eoiifttit'itKmat Hglt of lid people ta have a rurreiicy of both 'gold and F kilter. The eonat it utW haelf oatsllishel bt M..i.trr. ...t.rrl aw n i i.J-s-. S tirnolne lui-ti I m-h at to. UK. Jsand IWe. r. : .t o... .- . 1 P-r vartl. north la. in, and Or iwr TsHI " . After a tr;erdiscossion. tk beware tmsaH -f7 L Kdn i-ow,., iu rnti'r.' u. r. i ... ! . j.u.;te,lM.. L. .... au. I. . ti. u. a. ... . . .. MM Ta-k lr. a swo S.W. Una taiil t-:ea'l1r: "ia SaJ" "M Ifliijjliam. at e, to sod Ii . per yard, worth I... IX and Ibke; Mkile W md KkiniM-l. at le. ier jarj .ta J.V .: al-o a full line of Whit Unnrla ti)i,to tt . 'jrrr vM-all vevjr rtrir; ' i. .. : Itrd tVilM rimiM-l, all wool, at 11. o. ti, lad U t.i ;.k. our j ard ill mmli Wlow rrjnUr '- rtt: - lirsir I'wilM Klamifi at 14. 1. i'$ ami tin to . r aiU eiy rbeap Hi uds ' IMalii, 1'lMd. Nrteu mmk I'i uted upcra Flaa- lii-la M all auaMHsa at kW Drkaa: . Worked I urlam iliiMia. I It vard wills, atj.1, ' So. and Xje. r varil wmlh , to ami ioe Uierbupestevi-rnflersd; - ' Jiotlii twlu tare fur curiam, at M, IttV.ln, V . and tii lo f 1 vrr)aa all aery luncli oclyw rrsular H-ir , , , , C'or - ire, ha ails. IM-ssd llook, lor rnrl .ua ' at eatrvaaelv tMW araM-tijMt4 lite tajat laar. KBllM war allr-rXHll '- t r lr riimltiirs roveriuf and curtitna at ' I aim-It la-low rexiilar iii: ;l ; Walerirrouf I lutbaat Hn. J V. tl. Slid UDWards '.J IA nm IW4 . Farm : Road' Wagons,--' FARMERS F&1ESD ,PLOWS ., OUVEIiS. CIULtEl), HOWS.' YOUNO AWEJUOA St f ' 'a at i ip t 'aj ii Qora " & Job Jills, :a : .) in...,,.. , .ur,i.ii,,j,t,ii CCCUMBER'. WOOD 'TVMPS.-" PATENT"'. WELL FIXTJJKES. "',;T?; ';Z ' JIOrJJZOXTAIi'. CHUUX.-i Circulsra and IView lists 4f iLta Churn sent to any address. r - 4Vi 1 r.a t Ll J.' . Churn d the' House' j-iiwt reeolutlsn deeiarinaf that the redaction of lax mi di.tilled S iriui expedient--)ras,' 40;' ta vwr 9i Mtmm Car IV, Mlark Wat-rrWrr w wastls ' snwrii'v anm at i pwr anl-, . a tec Uar iaira; Tlaraa frv al ll.lo lirr lai d; Tlw lrl 'I iert llriwkattl.uaieraid.lla be4elrt .uiwrHi lazrra at Mr. lisr tar.1: I 1 alt. laxram C arpet ut Si, eu. ia nv alll ; j JialJe eOWirti Ustrl.eS Wa, lL...i.jiU,iW,. . XI ...(,.., M It. 1 Henin fariirta at J.i and IV. rr yard, and bar. UetiltMV WcVtaaryj mltsuMavgaCv J , , -M tui,. sa t VjiHiaa Cariietsi lUndotpw awd- laaauawtNsUlig Mi, lie, nvg.t I'd t ldla In all wmMIm aiyi uiMllwa; , vcvv ,u a, ..w.Wan, iUyt. JsIiEb'L. f, i" 'v ' 4 ,., i ii wir rnree eniiuwn wi werw ow nopse wiina portion ot bissrmy. LuL iIIXaUtlbtw erw-tot44rt,Jiliine.,a ww aa hmi auq f g1 w o; ISO mifrfp srUb b aneiit nCiJbe a4isn, L )l Sultan remember tba Tr4a Immpm, f 4 it Thk Britkb fleet as nutlet isaasad fold jary liia tee emjabeUed and- na gone t to view the kVaJi; IT Hii mm'i, Tit w)uide wss a wf tla ,Mtt atmci, o4 iaj tk amial. oCnriatawi The, hnsban waa (lend )ijf a Wat ten fact from lis Jog eabin doaewiih hie lead rut to piecee wiili aisie.lli wife was.Jyiug jnt,out if lha bark down he ws,f ideut I v choked lodealk. ihnigh bvr lead was badly IfMia. ed fruiw blows fitbfao axe,iuf here wert p-Hil of Wood around esub presenting wie of tba mirt bt'rribj ehe ever wilneased.' The ullnst chill, when asked y. who rl rat k your pspa Y said i IWle Nwl, tusan iiig.Ni'sh CJieny, n olil nsgrii man who ws engsgsd ge"in stave near bt." The Coroner, Ir. Kirly.'wiib Ibe'jnry who are bnlling tie iiiqtisnt. will remain iu "esion all iiiglt. ' , V" " '""' Tie etllsuca, tlm' far, em t slow Noal CLetr) a tla tuarderer.' II ts in UStody'.4 , ' ' Mirt.i...; The nan Impfemcat which will lake tba for tout le, aaul ackls out of WUea . , ;. , i5mitha" tittent " Straw "Cuttera, for all tlx Iradlm l'loaa, bi uw. Smooth, lough, and well aui a. . , , , l-i VMIxnt Terwi Ac. to fi Tnule. taUlojiue pruiaiilti UkuU-O. TO DA Ltd FA CTJn K PfXTURFJ. , V mal Tobacco fhape.. lilltef s, ttsnrlo, " Tin. 1'latra r. r. In the Ih-4 ummirr and till ' If wvatiantal'uur wmk. , tr t .areMMiileHr soli. itrU, . aod (Minutes lor work prusnulljr fumiieil. - . . II. 71. SMITH k CO-. IVOrt.xg . l'.ichraouJ. Va. i Nov. it. ---'' itobacco Manufacturer HILLSbUtiU, A. Ct . ; OrTW4tlrlA(Ua"rjO Ini brand of 1 WWaWlfJWjs 43 tt 4 ttsJMt4 4, ajf-t -.ay A XTKLOr K. 1 1 and W tneh, land lo lbs LVXjA L TKSDEft, Jf 10 sud f lntb, . nantniatti..f ...'" .! -..a. . . KKI) lltKItnwitOKN. lilt AGO. II rx-li,. ito it..; ; r-' ...f di amovh ami coMtrf. n iiiri; st. no OLI ItKLlAULEandUOLUDOLLAtt I2liit-h. 8 lo ll. Irt'H KltANKandfT.fTTtK ELLA, .4iKls.n" rit iSflirtidn.-- , VtrN-tt'ltKlVaml 'fOtll'tJ btt i 111111. tit in. in 7 in. fanmen. trlH and Viatiy' Hrsl lUeaketa at ti. SJo. S and Ui t-i.tlia iNrlrj I fJT The U t Ttiri'rnt et Mrdiusj and Flna 1 tollHsaiachwmwlk-e nurrxiirutl fcarKin.rfToiiaa m fba Wjte, " " ' .' - ' - - w - w-wf- w a, - - ... i .r f as IhpnfrtfVrmm OtlASGKCOUM t.' ISih'TM. v., la, juninjf.n, aun r. o , u iuu- nagati. .les'd.-llam'irr.""'""- " ... ..t ...... .-...s.j.. ,-, thu.a.ii oho If, fiinnagii,' Jarnet J. l1iinttsVa.' and a:; ; t t. . ., ;Wm. hrd t re-il llw bet maaursrturvd at " J.a ami ttrrtrtbai!1- - m.t. . ....i.. . ' . . . . . . ... n nor mi wo, i ir. ami up in (is, ja ISI I line ir iirVf nttlarlis4 tiarr On.r . ,i CVri f rii-lie best Mouiula. n mlhl Maa.l i' ;.; v" ' ' niiw i OTfm, nri mirw vara an So. atfl Viet imndy of i s fMHtno: ' - e-! L'ntileai bitt KniUIng I'etiaa-all 3g. i prr is.ini'l: . . '. at singer Ms-titne !tseil1saat frie. tnt ten; t M m lillis iiYHlU-. f.,r at Mlier maetHrsm ever 14 IVlh'OV a tiMitx, tea ir lira rwrt IryBMII, fKiklai UJ. ' The lat sralof Slarblne Onlarfe Mtle-al Iw. JarT Isrlthi; .i... - Mt I krk. ,d lt rrxnfJaalilidlalM stvts at ttValle rntibsd prw: oi. : rt.f Sliaa l In rudle VarVtf St Veif m-ed peVvaf KritMarn- a"ver -n t.iw are nnw 4rl thoin-nirt ast a urn r rK end IkHr at tj la tter sixids In like rroMirtkM; Tj lite and I'lano Cover, f nflea an I Tilht Mat In sivsl varlHv and at k.w irlrs t'mb-rHJiritwiit ir mm, wmeii aiid chlHreni suds litU line of flow ai. iirir" ' ' tjtrr, Mlk snd Mtl.lia Ttean. SVarr.r . llamMsH r..qlri S.l r.srtl. at . a, B, le14.r.aaylMntofl tortarttaAaboLt ' bull ir. lor lla S-wl-i lr "nT Pollsty and all fnr le-rrth the nme: Mmfwi4 W-du r ramea.l'IrtorM antU?. , snivrua. - fSH Tb'Majrt ef srW- not snnmsMtsil. all t to sold 4 rtofit "Of f"As bat f,if ssst t rms,H4a tM Id a) startii. (A. to mJ pnrrln. Mrstriaiirrtmeiil t briiken. . l'rM4 atbeilisaa clvs rr. IsimmI aetit hv mall, et armor olheral-e. Wba lent Irr , I.KVlfBHOrilKIWV.uM " 1017 and 1013 Maia street,? n.f(T.S! - " KICHHOSU. Viw :.,;.-nAJlldEBf;r;.! JtascrXctiKtii 'ayJo' 'dkaiU is attv 3 Co! d ;and jl veriWre, - ; ., jllAIRJEWEMY. ( Walca mirirg sad Krfjrsvlnaj towpt ;'- ieieented. ia .J ceais, wig., maue 10 order, - . r RAI.KIGII. N. C. march tfi. v' Opposite tla Market TJaca. ;r.iohn:HTy1erJ& Co, -. ! i- aSuceeJUtoVrv.;.: ,': MITCJIKLL AND TTLEIL, ' ' , f '."U' ," Htraet, . ".. - iticim(s5ii...vA. i . atvire. Htt& Hurt. i ooi.t ii'nitva;a e.r.ti At ma. WATttlta ItrfAIRKM rto toatniss if f tier..' ' v r fAia JfctfEf'.ttY MAbr: TftOHKEH. ' JewMetteirtron lildlulli(W.I. matf MotaseWam . , n,Ora.Illr. nt oobm. a tea i n.versny pratMJea.all .nry a.jwnnag.rj nn wss.. J,:! MILUNI AND Dni' MXlaku Other expenses Cen't one aoutity atb..rU f JV.umV "ru I'f'f .nh w! all A sWim vrmyn.uvl U J.-R iU.i.Lniifa.i II.'d.:iilt.t.rrlfJ ' Uutttf -Aat.lJa'Cftistl I- p t. wpn hAm .,a;i;saea X ri,' ' Tj'T. 9f . "ur .!. s. al B Jlary I M l Ii . intl lii tart nrirMM WMaMl TV, O. Ildokst osllWaitorrlbrn'to tba fact thai be 'aefla tb-a CKl.fcKKXTKll l;AX tnr.rU'$pxnttii trxo 'si iha w rsta of 6v tea cent packages' or TWM. Tf JTIVK, fliNTS.i U; , tbeu ao4 flaot tbtml m.s Iri mi..lr4 St.l'.' timr)) Hixttn un.t Hiond lo .11 l.r al mv no Ids tmhifor f Stairh ICasmt Mrttef an-. TKK.MM ItAMll al it. I....J . :t I..11 e. aat.aaaa Alaa ku.a.alJdla mJ I.. V .. mr wnj ivw rrttpfnsaerwv w a ie-wtfwj w tvm ajiwrwt- a , i t j ' v rfllUlN. im II n (jt iitafmnnt will In v Ivnt t. train si I tPnittosg M(lf 1M MrV4tli4a-niaM?ita sya.VkalklV V njwl VI Vyw1Ve. r 1 wwffp ysj Ten, in but. . T'afaUaw IkI It lots maklPt orrli-rs llkwsbaa. ' , Vkril li alto & Scljfrcr; WbnUssl!, lUsil iUleVw in StovTsf'Tln Waff :Gainxturc4&tf - II." 15.'.!-M.lri Utrest.' a - If ooMjr Gvtterimj u,l Sp,,nJhjprornplfif Tol ne sad riiimlln fpefjstiln iiVt,,li VIZ' f ;r irrt nw '. i i ,