it . Till DURUAM.f'pLANTERS' WAREHOUSE" JOilXa.WltKKRSON.Irtuager, oflorabUiwrioruavaiitages'to wllefi. 1877, 1, 750.736, Rnd etill . iiicrewiMg-- Jjiluuotflugg $utnriM n.8lkiriuk.j.i.i)ifc; ... . - ... wwUXvw. iJst ' ion of imgrwi ujwi 'raltter "so viullo WKDNKSDAY......MAR. 6 J878 iu iuteresu th.t ii cooool piileotlj eon- aider the pretexts for delay. U be sugges lions if a ebanga in Ihe tax. has! acted like a brake upon buiues, and (progress or motion is brought to s dead eUnd atill to ,v GOV. VANCK- V V Rather prematurely,, we cannot help thioVmg. tit Question of the Senatorial election has disturbed tha etjuinimity of some of'.our, onUirnporaies. Since th a question has bead farting, we ara at no lose to construe tte motives f the attack upon tha aduiinlstfathnt of Gov. Vsuoe. seeing that those attacki ara at tha bottom of the purpose to oppose hi election . Last winter tltera were friends of kW Ei- callcncy an far crii d awey J eothu-1 misiii as to insist mat no enuuiu us uumi usted to the place now 80 worthily filled by ( Matt W. Rausiitii. Wa opposed bi pre cipitancy upon the ground Ibat tha people, i with unwonted expression, bad called him to fill one office; uue. in which peculiar adaptation toita duties, were ascribed to bim. - A auber aecoad th-mght appreciated the souiidumsa of our views, uud Gov. V'auce. duly installed a Governor of the State, catered bis oflioa with the full abrega lion, both OR , bis pert and that of bis friend, of all alienor ambitions project. ' Ho ia now in the secoud year of his term ; aod apart from I tie opposition of a csptiou jouroalum, be ha not abated one jot in hi bold apou tha sfFectums or esteem of the people. Both (ova and respect eoter Into the element which give liiin bis'wooderful hold upon the popular roio J.1 Without the first, ha could not have 'aroused tba oeree Mate of enthusiajm which blasted aOoppc aitioa ; without tba second, ha eould Dot bare retained what he had gained, if reae tioe bad exposed weakness of foundation. It is tha peculiar merit of Got. Vaooe that those light and amiable qualities which ap peal to tha affections, areouly the graceful oroawent of a solid structure tf worth whose stability becuiues tha mora assured under every-test of ite strength. He lias proved himself, not only tha popular wvin. iut tba safe, pruueot, sagacious and expen sive sAfeawi. -: K --"J;'" ; The time has coma when ha shall enter into tha full enjoy went ol long deferred ho nor. North Carolina once seut bin, with lull recognition of bis honors, to the United States Senate, lie was foxed to stand at its doors as a suppliant, and andar tba de cree of a bigoted partisanship, was exclud eJ from his right. i When ha coo Id bare been bgi imatelj returned and admitted, most untoward eoui lioationa confirmed hie exclusion, and eon- signed him to olariiy watil that time whea tha people, with spontaneous act, lifted him to the highest pot of popular preferment. . .... The wool bare bad bitn. or will bsvb w o bad hiss, for two jeara Now, let the State bat a bim. grateful for tba past, apprecia tive of tha present. It can derate bim without rrproa.'b to other. Hut a nun whose ebsracter i national is ectl'.led t an eJevstioa where bis capacities can be dis played opoa a aat'iai theatre. Vaaca is a ma the nation want Let him be seut to adorn tha national councils. ' DEATH OF MB." WADE. lnjamia Franklin Wade, late a Sena tor from Ohio, died yerferday at Jefferson, in that State. He bad been ill for insny months, sod lis death was not unexpected , Mr. Wads wa born in PpringSeld. MaM kt. tl, IH'K). speot biasnmmaia in tha field, bis winter in tha a:hool-roomt got bia law liransa in IHiB. and took op his re sidence for life in Abila!, Ohio. lie served tbraa terms in tba Suta Sota, waa IVesewt Jadgs of tha Third DMriet, aad in ljf ws eleeted to tha I'ci'ed Ststes Se si Hate, in wUicli be sat tnree lull terms, lie reiJed over its deliberatiowa after JJr. LtBewla'a aMasMnatiosi and Mr. Jobasow'a rleratioc o i be Chief Magistrsey. A abatrman of the Jiot Committee on the coodact of tha war it favored n vigurou policy aad urged tba eoiiaWatkm of all pro perty of leading aecciofcita lie waa a tcdy opponent of aJsrery, V lit waa noted for bis profanity and rough manner of rt prrasioa. From Lis aiik bed be erot out Lie lt maMga of hatred la tba Southern peupk Soasyi lit Kaleigk Ubaarvar JTU favsnaah .Vnca says I Tba Sooth . Carolina Ltgislatara bss psrd n taw pan isbitig barglsry. rspa aad arava with death. rWiety is compelled to punish lha crime moat aererely to which tt is mat aal jeet. In many of the Ststea arson in tba Crst da ret ftdVp areaiJMd with deth. It the loss of tba whole country. Una has only to sea tba city of Kicbmobd, tba center of the tobnoco trade, in it present state of paralysis,' to realise how important is the action of Congress. ' Tba suggestion that tho amendment to lha revenue till be i attached to tha general tax , bill gives no satisfaction, because it only: postpones hat. after mil is altogether - uncertain. tl a kUow at once whether' tha Us is to be 24 cents,' lC eenta r twelve cents. What is wanted is certaiuly ; either vf the beM or tba worst. , . . . , '.,,.. Wa ask for tba 1 passage of Mr. Bobbins bill.1 A diminution of tl , tax eonsousot to reason and to sound political 1 economy. Twelve cents comes nearer to' fair pro-' portionate contribution levieJ'oo , tobacco than any other sum named. The. average of tobacco is not over ten eeuta. U much often goes below five eenta than it exceed thirty cents. 1 Where 'was it aver before known, that a producing nation taxed its own products ty an, exteut double . their intrinsic value? Tlii i exactly what the Government does ftnr tobacco; and in doing so defeats its own purposes by compelling not ineouraging the Uivaiutuf , larga areas in tobacco in n shape . that . taxation can never reach ! If tba ' natural tobacco region ia not nudoly oppresied.' artificial forcing in uucougeuialecnoiis will not prevail. Tel it! certain that when the cot of a manufactured articles i , unnaturally enhanced by oppressive duties, every effort will be made te get tven with such false legbdation. Tha revenues of the government will suffer ; tha great centres of production will suffer; but a large cls'a of consumers will, glory in tha fact that they fiud it jWilU to circumvent tba government, and enjoy ba weed lu then own fashion, duty free. ' But whether the duty is to be high cr low, but let it be determiued at once, that tha wheels of .buiuea may again ; be put in motion, even ifibey do move heavily under the weight of oppressive duties' Million is better than staguatiou. Tba Savannah Aevo ss vs : It is said thst Mr. Ilsyea aud bis Cabinet are macb excit ed over the conviction aad sentence of An derson, tba returning board conspirator, and that at tba meeting on Tueeday it was pro posed thai Mr. Hayes should addrea per- wmal letter of maumatrswew and protest to Governor Xichol Is . - ' ' It i very natural that the men who were elevated to power by tha fraud perpetrated by Wells and Andennn aud their confede rate sbo-jlJ feel a lively sympathy fur them now that tbey ara about to be putiiaJ for their crime, and no doubt a heavy pressure is beins: brought to bear on Governor Nich- oils to iuduca bim to stay tha baud of jus. tice. JJut we will be much mirtaken iu the man if be permits himself to beswerts4 from tha Una of duty- doty which be owes not only to tba outraged people of fouisisoa, but to the whole American peo ple sod tha cause of jurtica by any each aerconsl remonstrance or protest. Appeal to bis elemeoey. to U respected, should not noma from the beue&eiarie and purticti crmo4 i hC crime to be condoned. Governoff Niehulls will no doobt judge. and judge rightly, that tba offense of which Anderson ha been fairly convicted waa not an ofWa eiu4 tie laws of Ioisiana alone, iui n eriwe' e'gaiimt tha people of evert State in tba Union . In snch a case, tffectiag tho right and liberties of every ehiten of avert State, ha will , require mraothirig tttyitgvr than a mere protest from Mr. Here to justify Mm to setting the cnl- tint r,a -Governor XicUUs rnigU with propriety reply loMr. Havae remonstrsnaa thst the offeueaof which Anderson ws convicted under Ueiiane law tea natiosial offenea, and that if lha Amrfca people ara prepar. ad to eaiidotit sach crime sgia4 their rights anJ 'liberties n 'jrtnl reaolntion of Congress tt Ibsl affect, would ,M, etitle to bia respect, while it would relieve him from n responsibility which he was nnwil- ling te aasnmf. t '' "" ' TllB rAltW KXl'OSllHhN. A eorre.4pondence which we find publish ed In tba KaWgtjf' Naws between Gbv.1 Vance and HoiC H. 0, Mr(Vrmirk. Com niMbioiier-tieiieral for the t'uris Kxpooilmn, develop bow guitt a fraud i(ii whole tul; ne U far- a it relatfcS' tu jhe American people. Co:niniixiiner Mccormick ans wer the iiKj'iirie of Gov. Vance that un der the act uf C'Oigreso. grautmg an p propritioii for tie displxy of Aiimrican x hibitsat this World' Fair, the lituo for tba reoepti n of applications for space expired on-tba ItHbrof January t- otW- wbiaVtiwe contriiuti.iiof iitrieultnml products would be rtNwived by the oomiiii.ttinner of aricuU ture'at Wa'xningroir toi one inontli up to ion jviiib ui reoruary. I lie uni proviu- ing foe Anievicait's reprexentation at I'aii passed CongTaemm the , Ivtb of Poccinber lat. Of oouna such a thinj s . represeia. tat'mnof N of rh Carolina' prod rtcw under lhee Wcimi.titiieeru out ol the 'quoMion. Tbe time ha passed end our jieople knew nothing shout it. Charlotte Observer. V -v ,j ii t -. i e-w j. ,,,, ,Tlt K ilHgh AVsrs ) i We have re ceived ! lUrx.rt uf Hun. Kemp Uatlbi, President of the Uniwaiiy of North Ca ru in. in the Matd of the Cniveraity and the Normal' Scbool.' ' Tha showing which he un.lp of the prugVexs of T.i intitution is full of eiiouurapiucbt for j Ir'n-cds who ara leiou. L'o to the present lima there have been 137 matriculaiea. The 1'resi- deot speak in moit favorable teimaof the deportment of the student. Only Mxteeu Cioiitiea have availed tbenmlvesof tliepii- vilj;e grau'e.1 )y seuthm & f .lha act pf the general A'somlly of Fehusr) l(th Itj7, to send esch u 'student to tbe University free of charge for tuition and ri rent. The report on the Fnlveraitv Normal School win ue reuu witu loicreM. . The threat i made in 'Washington tlat no bill fr Ibe Texas Pacific Mailman, Lui. isiana leveee oi oilier , laouUiai a iutra4 will be signed by Hate if bifriul in the New Oileaua eustotu boue and w the re turning board, to whom he uwe tha Prei- deucy. ara seut to the eniieuliary; ' Maj. J. W, Wilwm.', preideut of the Western North Caridina Kailroad, is in New Yoik fur the purpose if loiyiHg iron- He expect to have the road finished to Swanannoa Gup b th fif l May. Bit. William B. A ar ha juM bought for $10,000 Gem-ral lliiliips,' a borse wLkh haa woo many races in the Gulf States, and which the Galveston News predicts will hi at four yeara old lha fastest horse of his age WAR NEWS S Tbe lUleigh iVetcf say t It ia aanonae ad that the President bt vetoed lh silver bill. Holding the opinions be does t'sere wss aa other course left to bin. The veto T - I ... . , ,, !"( l.L . I ' m only a short ste? le add burg Ury te lhe. j u M -u-. The anrial eonditton of South C.rolina tow htom9 n is w .. ep..w . . i fueb at to require Hern jutiee.. ' The S aays i It e a tery Butter like speech thst lien HutlergH ol in the House yesterday. Iking remhideJ f n fellow member chat bis own nerk fctbt be ie dsn of the M bite House. We are glad oft liver vato. It wri'lt bring a golden politi cal nsrveot fr the Democrats. It ha teen freely diclared ty Hcpablicaa members of Congraas that tba po!u(rsl eftWt of a fete will be to make it doubtful whether lha fiepnbliewn party eonld carry a eingle StsU Err aara in uiiiiciaai srsn arni, im t . . . i j:ut'.er replied (hat h w.s rand; fa ttke t wm 7 JVJ- Lie cliaoce with the rest, abould the lamp- j fXe Georgia gold mioea yield $20,000 po4 Lusiucs begin in till couutry. J j f ojycth , according to her Stat Geologist, Mississippi has no national bank, Louis- iaai has nine outside of New Orleans,' aud Florida only one. ' d " " - ' - L. - WasiiiitOTOX. Feb 28. The Presi- deoi's weaeage,' vetoing lha silvel bill, was laid before tbe Uuuaa by tha Speaker. -Tba Presideut says it has bean bia ear nest dasiro to concur with Cougresa ia tba adoption of this measure to iucreaae tit sil ver coinage of the country, but ao far . aa not tw impair lbs obligation ; of contract either public or private, nor. injuriuuly affrt the public credit. It wa only ou tbe conviction that ibis bill did not meet ibst essentisl requirrm'Ut that be felt it his duty to withhold from it bia approval. Tbe tuesMge further states that the capital defects of ibe bill is that it eoMaitM no ptv v is ion protecting from iu . oprraiioii pre exUting debt. , la cae the eoiuage winch it erealea "ball cvtitinae of leu value than that which was lha sole legal lender when they were created, in the ju Jgo.eot of mai kind it would be an act of bad faith. The standard of value abould not be changed without the etHiseut of both parties to ibe eootmct. Ibe nlion romiies shonbf be kept with uhiliiirhing fiueluj. lie could not sign a bill which would anthiwite lha v'hthtium of re4 obligationa Tbe oh ligation of the public fait a trsneoded all queMSMiia of protit wf pablio advantage. If uaq'taativaalle maintenance wa Ibe die tale aa wall of hosMMy aeofaspadieacy and hoold ever be CaretoUy guarded by ibe lvxeeutive. by tongre, aud by the j-aopla, , Defore pnweeding to vote on the que lion ".Will the Uousa, ou recoosiderstiou, psss the bill f ,- ... , , . Mr, Cob, of New York, msde . the re mark thst the meeasga wm a ". ctiirge ul fraud bf a fraud, on able, bi colleague, Mr, MetVok, made a point of order.; The Speaker decided that, the remark waa mue out of order, and that it sLvold not be printed in lha ttecortt. " " The House tbes proceeded to Vote, sad the result was yeas.' 197; nsjs. 73. Tha Speaker declared the till a psscd, ard tbe anaotneement ws greeted witn gen eral appUuse. j ' '' Tba 1 loose then took op the bill lit pen ion tbe soldiers of the Mexican and Indian war, and without ajtion the House ad journed. -'' SitsATe. The Silver bill pssed. the Presidea'e vstootwitlitsnding-.4(t to 111, Mr. Hill, of Georgia, voting with the ma jority. ...-. ' '.' ,- Willi mq toft, Msrfb f. The Csliaet to-dsy directed Secretsry, Shermsn to put the mints in fall operation and Mr. Ktsrts to write n psrsgrspb to all countries com posing what i called the Lstin Union in viting them te a C-onteotion to regtilsta the respective state of silver and pld. ft i thoeibt try tbe middle of May ibe rein? of silver dollara will be al tbe rat of millions per moDtb. - LoNtx)5. Feb. 28 The Per oorreopnn denr'of the vaity Tvlvjntyh ay : " Toe pretended struggle ovjrr peoa conditions is a mere 'cloak for ltuo-'f jrkUh 'alliance. Th$ rulers of fdikey have thrown thun selve intir the aruia id'the Kusaians." Ku aia will make reai pretence of eagerly de fending the conditio helore the powers but will finally yield enough tosatiafy them, and then arrange a programme for ilmwiian protectorate over Turkey, Kurope and Asia, acoording lo the terms of their seorat a greemeol.. ,' . ? -t , - IiOSlKisI Peb! 28 The Pren Aancia iTon'Mya't1 It liTeonddeiiiTy staled that forty-dve tbooaaud inmp re ready to start from Bombay at short notice. Au impor tant MiniMeiiul statement is expected to be made iu tha Pailiamont lo-diy, (Thur dyX: ' , ,., ,..:,., - sTbe ienn correspondent of the - Mai. cheler,f?Mirfi(K telegraph ai fo'low; 'The. praiitiou sppcrrs io .be .extremely critical 'N'li'htiiduig the tranquil Biug utterance of the , Ministerial', piper the Conference is regarded in Government cir cle ss adjourned ie die." , , .,t , , Lo'SDON. Fib. 28 Six hundred sets SeM aiitbiilsiice fldings, and 301) ton nf bayont-t steel huve been ordered iu Shellied. Tlio Woolwich aulhoiities have purchaed 500 iuiln of trlograpb wire fr their im, will) tirH'doe and iuaterU.e neciary to cotiMruci temporary railways f'.r the rnn veaniieii storea, and nuiunting heavy gun iu i he MPjie work. , The War Office has ordered thai no soldier shall be transport ed' lo reserve dejHit nntil further order. Tbe Puke of Ciiilridie will apeoially iu sj'eetircruitsat A Idershot on Friday.. A St- J'rtrrftburg orrtoiidiit of the Tim says the ataieiueul that Uiiwiastipu latCR Y ir the feiioi ofaix ironclndssnd the payaieiil of the Turkish bund in full to Uuaoiau bolder is certainly faU. . it ; .' VtrxsA. Feb. 2 --A Constantinople dUpatt h to the " FolUiinl Cutftiomleuct naiuiaius that the pue in the negotis tion ' is owing to ltu-sia inaMing on the restoion of tbe Turkish f rohclad and ibe oc cupation of ConMsounople.' . ... i, , ... ... n j.-i , fs Lonuox. Feb. 28 The Tmes' Berlio correspondeot telographB that Uuasia prw-pt-tM 10 ; appoint M. lialabaruff, a Itul- gsriau, Goteraor of Bulgaria subject lo tha control of tUe Uussuu coiamabdaul.' A meeting of tbe . t mifereiico is mure doubt ful in euhaenuence of ibe objectiona f Aus tria aud England to Kasaia'a proposed lirnr tsiKmuf its programme . - ' lo.w, March 1 The Timea' editori al article, after pointing out tbe elemeuU ofweakne-s iu tba r.inpire of tba llap burg, in the antagoniam between Magyars and Sclavs, and leaoirg of Iba Court, to ward tha latter, aud ol Count Andrassy'a toward tbe former, wbich antagoniaiw ia hardly kept, within lou bondsol the Dual Compromise by tue iutelltgence, patimoe Land contempt for race, and jealouio of tbe I German l'rovincu of tbe Kmpirc, con- eludes as follow ill time for Austris. lo emerge from tbia vacillation. There is much to be said m favor of the Magyar policy ; there is much tu be said for Sets policy ; but there i neither dignity nor safety in the overruling uocertaiuty of Vienna. Let tb Autiran Government speak a final wore and England ss well ss Bussia will known what to expect. . It svs tht it interests arc tbeso of ibis country , but before we can act in concert with Auntria wa must have a precise statement of ber viewe end her in tentkms. Tbe present vacillation is moia daneruu to peace than a clear lesolu'c ex pre-aion of military pnrpeoa. lx)!tro, Feb. t8.-Tbe Timet Berli5 dipaich reporu that Germany le preparing to send eight Iron ' clads to tbe Mediter ranean in the event of war." '' Tba Borlia eoiraspondent nf the kind on SUtmiurd aay. "The Cnnferenca project ha, aeoordi. g to thciqiiniu of puinsciaas here, entirely failed." " ' r l- , vt "I f ! ' ' ' ,,t . . -TT.t .. . I KAt K IX CUBA - - Nisvr Tome Feb. S3. A llmni let. terof Feb Wrd eaysj The insurgent chiefs having submitted to the terms offer ed by tba Sonbb Government ; of which fact there is no longer knydonV, there slorstion of pesce on this island may be re garded aa an accomplished feet" Tie J.'itb of Ibe present nionin bss been designated aa the data on whtcbibe ineargenta shall lay down their arwa, and on ibe 28th pesee will be officially pioelaimed " Ga. 1 1. GotiMlea; of tbe Splh Brmy. wsb n psssenger ' in tbe st earner ' City if Washington, which arrived lat bight from flsvsna. tic eomea here ss commissioner to trest with iheLnbsn Jama ba term ol peace. -' - . i - - New Tonic, Feb. 2ft. M.' Villa verdo. a Cuban here, he sdviee from " Havana that the HpsnUb vnlnnteers were In n stste of almost riot eoopqrt)t nrmn a report thst lha Government bad offered ltmv of pesce to tbe Cuban-. Ibe rolutileers insisting that tbe Csptain-Geiieral should force tbe Co bans te Is down their srms unconditionally Senor Aldam. th t'nbsn Kepresents live here, ; bss no such informal bn. bnl nothing i allowed to ba telegraphed litre . Aldanu also sys there have been no peace nefotUtions proposed by him to the Span ish Minister, at Wssbhigtoa, ' ac reported' ,H A It D AV ARE S T O HE. ,. ! r v-lj.-F. VAS5 Cft,;-!; u SUCCKSStHl TO HU'KEY &D8UIU.KTT. !' . i. . ,uie and Ke.sil Denlera tu - H , " . V '-. ... .... f ,v II A.; K D XV A It E ilOV, STKISL, - . J"; t-l-TIsKUY. AC AICD ,YAC0N MATERIAL, . I - ' . Bellows, Anil, VUe. ate.' - 'GENUINE MALTA DOUBLE tllOVKL PLOWS FOB 3.50. ; yt lvKi;p;XS the. LARtitEST and moat COMPLETE 8T0'K of BUILDER? UAKDWAltE in Daiiulle. we are able to fi l orders promptly and at the loei cash prio., V would ell the spreinl uitontiou to Buildera to ihw branch ul our butinese if tly woiiid Uh.k lo their own inteie-t. t '"'., We also keep a lrg rnJ awrled Stock of ' . :" ; t .DOiJlt.V-SAHt? UUXDn COOK: AND HEATIWC BTOVEO. Our Mimuoieiitai Cook Stove is the largret and heaviest iu lha market, and warrant ed t give enure saiistnvtioii. f e also have a liua of Cheaper Look Stoves. A iiiiu for tiiNuit"s Gun Powder. i ; ... , i, , ' ' Merchaiil supplied at do figure , Give us a Call. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' Thankful for ihe liberal patronage ben tofore bestowed upon n", weaolicitn son tin-'' nance of i he same' and proiuiMi our best efforts lo please all who trade with us. " - ' ' Feb f 5m. - II F.. V'ASS A CO.' Mr. GEO. W. MAYNAUI) 1 with this House and will ba pleased to serve biefrienda 1 'Suppiww we p:is a law." said a severe father lo his dauijitela. ,lhal lio glrl eigB teen yeats old, who can't ciok a good nieal shall ct marrixi nntil she learns how In do it jr lit , I hen, wv'd all get iu triad at seveiite-ii, responded lha girls in sweet chorj.""'" ""- 5 ----. .; I . FARM -III EMEUS Fariii "and Uoad , Wagons. " FA R ME RS FRIEND ' PLOWS. GRAVES WAREHOUSE PASTILLE, VA. . FOR THE Sale of Leaf Tobacco. .4" , WM. P- GRAVES. !tLrrh C '78. Pioprietor. SALE OF LAND JOTIt't. Is kM t Blven tLar. In oirnanre of XI a dnw rrti'lrn-d at the M term of ln ik hurii'r'ar, ht llw raw nfTboMM tVeWi, a A lrn'roM. )I. LalliiHT aN .VnaB W. lor ila sndmlH-ra, I will ll at the Court House Uoor iu HHl-twro, hi ihe , Flrd Mtmliiy April neatf, Tb-rt b-ltts tbe aW dr of KnW G. Tb fnl. kiwnig pa-c nlbnj, to-wil: I be tract wl).iuiiiB tbhmUof Win J. KrwUnd. Hie lata Jusiali Tlirorr and nlli . Mlppnarl lo eontain l'4 act, it ueiM; tlat M kuvwn as No. 1 In Ibe di-Vi-fHrih HwHrar Utrailr II. C. MJoiMaad s-iKneillo h Juitlsa and itLr; ami aU. aa umlusli ksN iatsr-4 b) ttM to siji.iuiug tba Srat aaiard. sopoumi to contain 111 wres uU- Jrt I iba d'iw.rr rich! of Mr, allv Mr.tol. 1 be aite sale a ill he Bar Nsr.Tbirn aB ami tbe lailaur upon a cmllt tu lrl teotitb ami tliHmenl iilitiltiai M)usvutol tbe purebxe isjoury. hawst IJ SI. t. THOMAS WEBB, Ador.,., , and Commissioner. -Mareh I '78 ids. . . SALE OF . Valuable Property IS aaaFdirnrw to ssnkr M ra Mirwrb 1 aiwt, aaat t Btaka Hal K t-ue awU Sue m) bm-hU nf uVIa. I a iH .--.. lomfcr fA laf daw ofAnrB IHTn Sll tnr tnllawiax kml Ku, as the praoerty of 14. One -U.rt Hnua In t-prt Illlt. an Sfaln iMrsri. adalns;llKf M si;Mrs. liaraiavw snJ Jba HuUbiu and at pnraaut occuoied kV Jar. Wsaver. II. Tbe WaU Tract Inelmline; aSw wbtrh at tanw a a tbe t urtrnav Tract, aa suppoartl to ennUla lj .miu to UuJ of doba'C. KlrklatHlaadliMl'a.mpsTrx't. . III. AUoi list lluauulow Tract noteonvev ed te W illiaia Tuiar. asinine tbe iaoJ wf UniiHit L atb and Ibe Uace Tran. Jl Tbsstr.uJ.Tra. aiumt thasjajaof w Iiliai lloktea sua otbrrs si) T iitiLiiiiaJ loewn lata thirty one em V. Lots Xm. IM, V ami l m tlm PUn afln Tou i Ililuboro. , VI. Any tinr nl.t-t f Jn.h.h Turner r. la Knl K-taU sm4 banstofiMW svU bf ass. The le est tha Prr?t islbiosi llillwth be ml oa Ibe pre mssa, and sf tar utber Tracts at lbs CtHitt ll-s la JiilMwm. . H.UM-m.,oU cuati asvj IwUaee at IS and iSmoNib, whn IMerlrm aav elsshi. Bale t 11 si - KVASS TUKNKR. Ada.V. ' ' ' - nn tWmissivner. ILIIsboro. March 1st Ids. . , v. WKBirS WAREHOUFK, , EegvLir Sale every dy. , . , , SPECIAL SALES every FrJ-f.j, , 1'sMies srenrgsd tobrinf their Bright on Frldsy, Bring font Tabseco in good order and, Isrgc parcels ind yon will get good price, ,'. ', . A. .MILLION pounds winled by our Fsetoriec. K. 11, tVGlZ k Co. Msrc'j 3, 1878, . . . SCLbO kQUiLUDl MRVKK KXCKLLRDt ALLISON & ADDISON'S, tun COMPLETE MANUIII5 rot TOBACCO , "TAkOAItU (iVARASiTKKb. Ilf K ara bsiIiIm aU- a. i . .. . ' v sst tasrftal renlttssr Sr T-.lwr. lu ... win us u onr Merest lo mj K aw tsar vth. thh yrar. f "ti1, iT?,fe T r nertrare, snd r in llw San tM..t..L .-.I r..i ' MWUt SKttKi Mli ll la "v-i""r. ana i. una t'bniUl of Lime nVrtisdfr.,M Ismo-f aMiiaata. 1 lK.--,'.!,, ""1"" " '"H. iantlnm ana. aad laKlinr. It starts tbe plsnl t,iib-klv aad swatains li u m.tnrtir. Snw"T nrrsrsk-o i. . u . .. : . . - WM-Atmit H bss l-WaVtria Z? yZ, hew I mTswT- Hinure." 'Tbe frto-s low and lrm as lltnl a rtoe ot 71?lano.rsJ. t,kw Orada r.rtlUse.aT., Wr.suHrtt rnnrpatpinags-. ' r ALLIUM & ADDISON. Manufacturer of TIIK STAB BRAND CMPLI.TKMA. 'IKL'RKiJ, : . Biehmmid. Va. Brnh Ofllos, 4 Petersburg, VA ' SKKDSrsSKKDSJ! jm,outl ntleU ronieets with oiifhu.W IT? i ALU3UMMsy. to4rl,f JlkLmoudVc. OLIVERS CHILLED PL0W3, , . VOCXG AMKRIOA :Qora:&iQob gIlfe,Mf Indispensible to every feeder of Sto:k. ' " 1 METAL LIXKD CUCUMBER , WOOD PUMPS. : PATENT, .WELL FIXTURES. The Celebrated ilOUIZONTAL CHL'RX, ' ."" Circulars and Price lists of this Chora seat to say address. . - . . Magic Cockle Screens,' The only Implement wbWfc wilt tsle tit raf triAgr pre, aad t oclla out of Wbrst, ' Smitji'i Patent Straw Cutters, ; Plow Cnstings. ' for alt lite lrUn Plow, m tts. Smooth tuogb, auU wrli attisif . ti LVnd Terwt kc. tu tht Tnute. - taUb.gis pramptljr nsain-4.-: -, , , TOItAVCO FACTORY FIXTURES. Wa Bask Tatar f-kaprs. ItlttHN Mat,;. Tina. I'latr Br. Brn In In neat maaarr amj iuU Ijr warraMt af snr work. . - S 'sxirsorMMiaVara .la isl, and mr wsirk rowilT rumWsnt. - - II. M. SMITH 4 CO-. P.O. BotH Kkhmond, Vb. Nov. ti. , "..-.'. E. H. POCUE, Tobacco Manufacturer. HILUiUllUK hi't i ' Qrr-KKJ talhe trade the Bdlot r brsaoa at AXTKLOI'K. II mid 10 Inch. 8 and S to lb LEGAL Ti:MElt, It, in and t Inch, &. wanilRtnHh s ' BED BIRD and GEN, JUIACU, Inch. DlAMtrNDanit COMET, t Inch. Itn lb. OLU ItKl.lABLKntiwUOLUlJULLAU. lilneh. Sin Hi. . iii: j - . , . OI.H UASK" and LITTLE KLLA. & incll. U nod 10 lull. In ft III raddln.-L7t-t1'ltKlM and 'l-OtlCEl BE-STf ) Inrh; 4 1-, lb. In J IU rmldira. ' t V Tbe hrst ssrtoM-tu at Medium sad Flee Toi ia tees-tit. ' ' '.:.,' MTVKXU FOll PRICK LIST. 3 A-ilst I iai. - ; - , MAKt rACTl stltH AUD ' liKAlKst lit ALL 'Vi' . RtklM Of" '". ' Gold and Silver Ware, - UASOMC JEWELS. . : ;. HAIR JEWELRY. Welch C'psir'i g snd Kngrivtiig jruapu Iv eieeuled. " Scils, etc., made to order. 1IALK1G1I. N. C; insrcb JH.' Opposite the Msrket Place.' John. H. iTyler & Co, ' '' cidreeswra to ' ' ' ' ; M 1TC1 1 KLL A S I TYLEIt, , , i ' .it 'ItHtt Memjlrreel, ! RICHMOND. VA. , D'umuwU. ' Wutihft.' JrtetUj,' 4(7eer . tr-frr, pMtd B ore. , - , , " ,'.oi.r asi fii.vr. sricTAf Lits. WATUIM JitPAlKtl) lu the bta..i ner., ... . , , . . IUlRiewtLTMAII.TUUJtKtK. or aHbsfwa, I j t Af tlii n . n. n-AtruiA, . i : t: kM 7 'WaWnian & Schercr,' . m. fRAimcAL0r - limicri Humbert, G,t Steam FiHeri vt;l1e aad Retail IVslerc in , Stoves, Tinware', Cas Fixtures &c : JAAfMain tjireet, ' 'f -. RiCHMm, f A. ' " - ' r-ti m - ' ' I vtitmki tit. TUm flue, snd iWMttg a Hpreish'ty. fn 4 Miis: - "i,fc' ti,,r j'iw