'TXIOTtniHAM p L'ANTER ffAV AR EH O U S E'MWOH JHJrWI. LK Kitsap. J.Uiager;fL wjwiut ,THRKK niESlPEMTS. . ... .-,. . .,,.. - :. In oar Ideal of Duine (o eminent, we accept' with faith end reverence the doctrine ; of TrWye" coiuuiinglatnent of equal JoeivUiloline8.'ef)iil omnipresence. M eougcsLl4tb.dui-tui.jipou cbriatuu,, bullion that obedi'Bce Mt in grtw , fully accorded A Triuitjof Ouini.oioi.ee, i a Trinity of Omnipotence, a Triuity of Love," Inexplicable though it be to human reason is resolvable by tbe c mot, oue "which 0 to wake up perfect an 4 loving faith, 80 nieeh for Divine Government) against which,' uovCrcn the -world rebel jet tili. wilt look to ii for authorities of precedeube J we refer ,taVwjtu reverence.' , ' , Hut set what absurd expansion of free republican ideas bat built upon HI 4 A Jiv Deration from tbe entanglements of republi ean institutions by the erection of 1 trinity of in irUl president! lJ'.aspbemous uin imitation, it i fouodiitioiile as a. banian idea I fur nun is w far below the ideal of reric?iiu. that in tbe use of power be na turally falls into the demoniac idea of the absorption of. all con.rul iuto individual hand. ' , . r - r, i,l; A trTamvirate of Ibime, a trieonsolate foe France were propped as the test of ba nian virtue., . Tho let failed ; fur man will fail and fall when tbe bigb awards pt am bition me in tbe reaeb of tbe most daring and unwrap a Ibus. ' ' " ' ' ' Sti ;k to' oar constitution. Give us one President.. But elect bim fuirly and see tbat be u inaogurated honestly. And then we will need no arbitration of a presiden tial trinity to keep as iu tbe path of safety tideutial chair, as -Hi Excellenev. tbe Mr. IJeje out of boue and home. !Wdeut.MLTe ee, Mr. Hayes it bo inoTef 'JV'S'? WISrSi WM then" Mr. Hayee. Aad when we reflect geJg rJ rrJSz; bow much of ihame falls upon bim rudivid- '. ;fL.ll32t '5 u.llv. enmd.tr at tha hold una eiUb which yv ''HW II -T-i- - I imniri II I .1 l..t . I tl.li.lr I U.. I llHV low. " A MEMORIAL PAY. . i ! t Tba JW say tbe New VoVk Sun i ter I WAIt XKW8. (v I 11)ilTorir.(t frotbaNewS'ork'SM4inniU'.Mil', because Ueff.i,t.tivTtuuda.tn ? fjONlio... ManTi.-7At.dispBtcb'ifjou1 t.A 55 f- I and Sw.nn and Beiuivk (,'ufdo.u 11.11 and I Uiwtunimople uf der d ue l . .Maruli, otU. to iU innara crinciDlet of opposition to tbe II A livD WAR K S T O lfrE l I i I . f 1 .1 odiulilra''.ioH of IlninerfohL W. ,Ua; Like the Svn, wo bare uerer. beenbbj addrofs tbe unfortunate tenant of the'i're- aTe,il,e w 1 eta - this to uerst a. 1 uuu are covermy territorial ciMuh. io- luiiiir la CJiou couucruiiiK tiieterruaana per oJ ursyaieuv rtf ec HMW.W W-i ous. o guarantee w npulaiil, imr i bre anutotuaj ptuu or iiul fiA nlitrtttlaa htm fftuim. . . ... ; . . , . I .i.Mi.lnH .bVHl 1 ... : . " - ...T : ... ' - ver. but when mt raw w called 1 wi.'l an. Jf uali Anuuiferw ;ntgo.UTOMrm. - f-t', liyV,L Vi. , tnu to 'be Mtated-In Miea Miii..4r W . " ,. , "T, r.f. "". , Jfcrm i-'du, 111 i .u,i , - . uuey are a piroreotiteiii.tit.io t-ttimn-. anil sle h ly stole into 'the reeeaees'of the M .. . . i.. .t ...t - . .. t .. uiuuiitMiiis and brought out specimens that , i"-T' ; , .! r 'ikh"v .v.,.f,i ,i ... , ... ' '.' "'' 5 ' 'undrc:i. an-l drfrthrin to do their a 86.' nngni te, ine wooaer w .twiuer, : now . jutia , , ".. -''i t'V" 'n. "IMVj did tbev effeotthw Wnse.of ltWi VV J IV1'" V''A! ga)iaa(triVW Jl)' fwiwu fluot. The I rent T kimvlv state tUt HuMiia ud Tor- mp .!Miii. --. flTTaViailii BaiilMil aUJi ai ajn -aj-aama'fPQBMMawaai alm(iiiutl V about lU agree Hrol lailll ttm.ttf iuigorai;f lea AutnuirffpWaY 1 ro.l(irit' DRUMMERS LICKNS1-3. We copied from the' Charlotte Democrat last week aa article refrning to tbe tax f f.t()6 inipwed by the South Carolina Legis lature, apoQ , what are eopbomietically known as ''Cuntoiereial travelled ; in old Amerieaa parlance yclept dramwera," and in tbe Knglnh praetice spoken of as bag men. We eat little abont the nome. It inthe effect opto mercantile burin e gene rally, and opon newspaper existence fpeci ficslly, that we speak. Ia regard to tbe Brat, we think there is no boue engaged in tbe dimemination of it busmen tbat will Out admit tbat it is drawn inta a headstrong, ruinous eorrent by tie forte of example. - Tbey find Ifceton, $w York end rbiladelpbia drummer to say nothing of tbe Baltimore lot, who especial ly, io North Carolina, have been driven to goober peas and persimtuons for sobsta- teaee. if tbe Baltimore Bulletin is antho rity running io closest coataet with the dearest rigbu of niereaatila life. " A drsm- tuer w beg pardon for tbe sse' of the ternr comes here, opens bw sample truhl. Mlbi net only by eauiple, but actually e!l supplies to individuals, and goes tbroagb tbe Stat as a parcel merchant when tbe tnercbant himself, who pays taxesasa nier chant, who pays tase ou sales, who pays taxes oa porch asm - U made to believe tbat he is sating a great deal by dealing at eond band with New York. Boston, Phils delpbia or Baltimore when in truth hs buys more ibau be aeeds supposing be not proof to tbe wbeedbVg way of the com mercial trarellere, sod be is recognixing a class ia direct opposition to bis lest inte testa. " We have many friend among tbe elaas of to called drttismers. The luiiuess has giveo place to many North Carolinians in their iadoaraiuble purpose to find employ ment. Tbat slemi also find friends with lotel keepers and rail road agents.. But are tbore two interests to predominate A we have said, tbe mertbknU of the North wiU to break up tbe syttew. Tbe mer chants of Baltimore wb-b 'to break it tip. Tbe KicLinund mercbatiU bow under aa In evitaule it nicttoQ and would delight to see it broken up.' . , As a representatire of the Southern pre, we apeak, becaaae It itjrres our LuSneM. We are But ashamed Or afraid to berpeak ia behalf ad tbe Heathers preaa when ii is oppressed ly a mottstrous, unoataral and unpopular growth, the ereativft of example, and the neceVity of example. Let texatioa tide it, and legitimate and ecvuoioical wsjs will be resumed. Tbe Purbsm Ptut4 wfst It is now pro foed to ran a road from franvilte to Yan eejville. from tbenco tie Uasburg to Kox lyro'ssl lien to Putbam. Such a road would open up tbe Soes ectiow of country ff Nurib Ca roll a a ad woatd do of i&calca labia beaelt. I are glsd to lea re that C. II. Wis" hss ealtated IB tbe cause ad is working bard to get the plaooo foot. Tbe people of Danville will . eoatribwte largely for the building of rotts read tod te. ole all slotig tbe jMjwe d route Bill ei'gage eniLuiatica!lf io (L wtk. laid abide hi recesses beyond ths lecordti or time, those beautiful iuprese vi irrir giu creationwhere all was pure, radiant and bright, and w litre Jerked, up by tbe, SUuip of an age where iuipurtty was hi-, deous dream of a rfismal future, they eame forth to bear the gne of tbe nineteenth cen tury, tbey blushed and darkened and told by the breath of a degenerate futnre of that wide difference between ereatiou and txy sire to mortal eje' '"The' time haaconie when the broad age between ' an uii fathotnublepwt, and an exisiing .present is to band. 1. We welcome it, t W go back into tbat p.t f we do weleotue tltat preseht ) Can Mr. Hayes' 'ufS u'i hUtrt 'Viet abaiue. and dirgrace auj forfeiture ,of all obi igatioos tell tue Suuin where. JJr. lisve has been? . We telK-him.uWV have got nothing but dUgraee'. We bare been dn ven iuto the ground. : ft have beeii train- pled upoQ. t Aod now. that lie basen fit to recognise,. uj we shall , out recoguixe ' FKNCK LAW." ' ' We take from the Haleigh Stic, tbe following information respiting statutes iu exixtence on tbe Fnoe Law Tear ago we submitted : the qnentiun to the- people. but with tbe full knowledge tbat old habits were uot so cuaaged as to make tneo tiie adopt io pi such a- measure,. practicable. Now, We are satisfied tbat tieeeeity u mak ing It imperative,'' and" that nothing bur a knowledge of the fact tbat, counties ire em powered by law io set without, farther leg- irl ... ' 1 .. , ininiia4ipf T:'vef,.!Vo jr cipij,.io front aYadkiii wbiuh -baa recently orsated , etitriitrfiy "botveta theSnprame a- d I . I!.. j. ana wrr winie., ,,,.4 ,(f t v Oiwaieu eonirOTFrny bo.-tii ine oprm Court anJMue Kerr.' hS tated bt the Ha. fclgh ftfiviSttyti negroi" Tbe'pnbnobiid Ciiii unuer lliB.iiniire.t.xioo ina tnvar anu A eonience-trickwi.BiS;K;;an has ent $30' to the Secretary of the (r'nHHj. The cenMiiem-e fund ia ripidl'r inrreaHiig. some por limn, tnnohed with teutonic, adding to it alm.uit daily." ." t .1 - . . '..wwww..i... u ( , Th RiilelBli" iVev-e wiv!!t)'ii of the ne groM Imnlicated in the Wortey murder hss made a 00 Jfeiin. which removes the Isst stiadow of doubt ai to the perpetrators of that hellish deed. !.ir t . .11 . tt w otimated that the white population of South Carolina has increased M.OOO dur ing the 'past yc r. ' 1 ' !" ' ' 1 1 ' The Bextlgi!ature can't 'evade tli sul'ject of a dog ia as easily as the last oue did. .i. ,,.-.i "1 , .. if. , , ,f- it ;t, owf a faf - J . 1 , At Kara tne bly Iluwiiins JnvideJ tbe iipspiia' and pluudered the sick and wour ed. - - .' -. ', ........ ft 1 , ., 1 1 1 l lift a ia aod Nieiios. All Butgorian fyitree ar. W Wiaiied' Vui jieTai Siri"ttJiiH' 'wfthdra'wu'X Miilitarv rJaJ will U eita- cl for ti e Ottoman po-ti lii'lelegraph; ' paBge'bt,'trlo.B" wbicb.'toever,' I'm ni liui make artj eoiiaideraolu hUf while pasaing n urouglrthe wontry. " M uulmai.' tway reiuru'to Bulga"riM2.'''Aiy Breperfy 'vr tbe luaulmvllS,,(wllO, have wot. returned, wic!l' the; ley nili(4 of, will be sold affer two veava forth betMhwf wiilon at orjjtiirm" tt.Md; Ji Arreaw of tdxa io iiueiiia ami lWsvHiii ere to k;ruiiii-d.- ,, Rev enue uuti IJv i tut le aj plied to iiidam- ij uity for tb aWMren by n.urf,H.niii. , and provM far luol ued.n Auat rutu and Ku siau CoMmiMiiuneht iUatbirate iu ail dw puted claiiav .H )."lt t .i .l. ' ,L()S.tHV, March A fwrrespitiiueiit a I'oinu i.f the Tiiuei 1 t'elegraba'V"4 The" Miii' ntei hav failed to vmn to an apfteiuenf with the Variou 3 i.nlWut larl la KitiMtarr W gitmpft Tlie'loefriimVui la liktl'ite (iefeated iii' aii elvctinri of fretndunt for Ibe Cbam'7.e Jd.: pufi' "l bw rertiH' wiH t proi'ai'tji le a dtnluiion uf tae vuamber and a new general electMi."'"') -j-.tnn- Rombv Mch'TXttiiebaM f'oun.' cil yeMrrday, 9 ijjnnr Criif reMgned as MiuiKter uf the Iotri Siznor D-'preWnr rrenident of the Counoil and Minister Vf Fore t jiti A flair. Will provinHially admin inter the depart nient, ' S'pnor I'hrispi ane eeedad Bnon Nicotora in the Interior Un pertinent after tie larf erWa ill (he hop of revoiinectitig tbe - Ll'ueral arty with Ibe Cabinet . it ? i. in 1 .vii .h i.T ''-r,: ' - - '' . UwtMiNV IarcJJ.-The I'al) Mall Ga xette'a Home corrto.detit sal 1 , ,$ii:nor Crifpi' reaignatu probably ( preaaye the Cabiiict'a fall. Kinc Huml'ert'will probv t 1 . a a . t . t uisuoa is Deeueev to taaae ine example w. . , - f 1 , . . . 1 I ' cagi, . waw iiiuini yemrruaj IHU( a Mectlenbnri. Csbsrrmt and Kowau tbe iU 0e,w Buet. .ne Lm-thrU or f.mr BBCOVEBV" OF TIIK' BODY' OF1 J. Mt c,nmmWipu ignortCaivoli . and Zf - 1 cl a iA f.tWM aa SaiinTaif eaf A eajl,ttt tavtl vint aa vsa 1 t wt we j rm -a gvernmeut 1 iuipoille : as the left refoie tueouipromtae, . .. . t I -? ! Ii bi.ll ! r Home, March 7 The speech from the Throne as to lb Holy M reads as follows; L BKOWKIt, .Special CorreKpoodeiice of the News ; Wklimx. H. Ct March Ath J7. Th bly of ibe Ret. Mr. Brewer, whose Sad abtath by drowning, occurred here over rule of tbe Btste.' 'Fence laws save the timber, improve the cattle, and hicite to higher euatore of land and tbeasi ro, the first objects of good farming A p 1 We thank tbe .News for tbe information which we were upon the point of patting in similar etape fur the bentrfit vf tte'pWde ol' Urai.ge; "Apropos of the Be-fence Uw sgitation, it may pot b generally knuwii that there are How SO counties, the I jwlnpi of which have, at any time a right , to tote on tbe rjueatiun of ei or wo eo.'. For the convenience of oar readers; we hate collat ed tbi acU autborisitig auuh Vote,' aa 'fol low. ' : . ';;';i!;!:,: Br See. 7. ch, 131, L 1 82-73. (tie original act) tbe townabipa. of 0; evuntiea, 1'eraoo, Orange, Alamance, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg are cut it led, upon application of 25 ' farmers; Io aoy township. 'to' the County lomuiieaiunert at any time, to an order for an election eW ibe o,oAtkm oj fence or no-fence for aueh towiinp fif tu, 83, lawa 73-2' 71 the pteiiook uf the act were emended so to embrace4 Hyde 'county.' " ""I . 'M's- I By ch. 77.,l4tw 187l-73 tie provi sioe of the above Act arc .further extend ed to embrace ii other coetrtievi, w.' Ire dell, Caswell, Cleavelakd, Bertie, Chowan, Gates", Hertford. I'erqeiuisn. l'aafjuotank. Camden, Cerrttuck , Gaston, A 000, Traw al) vauta,;Burke, fjniuti, Wayne. Richmond Randolph, AVabiiigton,' ijaiitpiwn, JJuliU atoo and Tyrrell. By tblm. Lawa U '7j, 3 countiee. Anaon, L'oioii, and .Gail ford, are entitled to ibe benefit of . ibe act a poo the wpplicatioa of 10 farmere w a tewnahip. This lat Waa autseueotly i'. meuded in eeitain partieulars,' Cb.23i, Haws'7C-,77, ; It will be notTc tt.i"tt' townships of wp of tbe count it, Aaaon sod (JaduW , already bad the privilege of a tote, requiring however tbe application ti farmer in a lowoabip,' wi ' " w, 80 out of oar 9t counties ihr are 80 eouulies, the lownabip of whSch can BvW at an time piocure a role oti tbe question. As to Ibe other eouetiea, we MppoW tbe next !egialatnrw will piebably giro dees the same right, bat a troie bjf the tewonrpe of such couotie wJulJ be illegal (ill such leg'nJalive saoctioB has been obuioad,, fc' ' Beside the above ecu the, Legulalur has ebeulwtely nstablaheJ witbeet a tote of the people, tbe we fewee -Js w 1 m Caabie Neck Bertie coast; V t0-'".' Law I873-,71, and ia a Bart of 8cot!and Neck; Halifax couufy, by Ch. 2CC. Um$ l73- i S ; , n f 1 I f. i , r, ,' f,,:j I f Oertf exchanges assy Mibly readet e eeptslie eerviee to oar f aimers by briagiag tbe above summary of (IHawstm til sub jct to (heir ettcbtioo. mile bedow here, y Mr. John Delerrv and a colored man, named Hjll Huberts, , Mr. .' Ue berry and . lit companion were goiiig down the rivet io a canoe, on a' gunning expedltiou. and when near the point above mentioned, tlieir attention was attracted to an object 011 the northern or Northampton shore of the 'river, whiph. 'exsminatioa; they di4reredtdbethe' body of a white man . It wss found to be lying epon Kme willows. and bad ed lodged as to be securely held to them. Without dlaturbifg the) body further than to ascertain what it was, tbe men returned to W'ldon and reported their discovery4 to the authorities '- A party thea went down and veorred front the rcmaina the followreg hrtkle t A fine gold watch, a perdtnifo, w keys, two .lead- peuciU. a comb, iNteket map of .North. Carolina and ftiU.Zii in "Biota; j these article were brought up and placed in the beads of a Magistral,, , The body; will be properly eared for, s ,, r ,k: . t... m Tbe work on the iron IruHre of the Sea board Railroad progreea niieiy ; three hundred and twenty feet of it ia op. end tbe builder ere,, tbi inoruing. placing tbe' heavy iron columns upon which to erect another span. , C Sk-11 j. hi,, W W-umxcToK, lsrch 7.Jodge Slarls member of the jauiian 'Electoral Col-b-gej who hss been here for, some weeks in tbe mtereatof the IUturr.ii.g, IWid, and who departed for New Uilranala.t f ridat. faiegraph frum there' ibaf tlte'motiou fur a tiew trial in 'AdfrWa eae ' ha been pt poned for two-' weeks; in lbs mraotime Gen. A aderson teinaio in Ibe l'rib pri son There is no hope. Judge Mark says, fof a pardnW " ! txhftt i f: I he new dollar will only be uci at pre aeot in eschar je at par for gold ceiu a ad pnrcbse of titter fbullnaa at the market prioc i lt will not be issued ? for current expewaoa until tbe coinage U sufficient to treat all tibfartially. f(),,.,, , $ , ... , ' llft;t?K-T" bill.to supply, fli dtfi- feiaocy or , temporary clerk iu the Trea ury IVpartrnt-nt wa dit uid all day and finally pacd. , It contain an appropria tioii i.f fc tiv00) forth clerical force Io bring into the market public lamia io (he State of Arkanaaav LowManat'MiaVaippI, Alabama and FloiMa. WAniXoToM. March 0. 1'eraons' in. terested in the I'aion aad Central 1'aciGe Railroad cooMder that a bill will be d by the Senate Committee inimical le their interest. It provides in enVct for (he pay went into the aiukiug fund, of $l.0O().W(J yearly, unlii 1D0U, with inUraea dfrr ed payment. ' ,i , , ; lit ! Ii ( Nr.w Yohb:, March i 7.-Tb'e Trihane aeys Ibe demand ' for Government lionde ba been untius!fy great f the pist few days, the sale f a single bank for the neck aggregating three and a ImfT siiillimiw. moa lly tor invest went. Fully e-fourth of thia Us been for four pet" eeuts'ef the denemi. nation of $r,0end ff 00. The daily nIs of bottds by one rwnk nosT averse t milfiaii; It Is Mated ' that lw city capitalist who hit been loaning wirtnev en stock kt four per ent.bv withdrawn their capital, and yesterday invested ?30,CWin Gotsra tticut tvuo. . IS , ., , . .) I , 1 ' . .. Uveuter Siis that lb treat bear the tit e U F, I ,fiii ' : ' 1 ? Raudolph attended M .lata dinner at of sHrmLmW and coW H M fUCCKSOU TO IIICKKY AND St'ULKTT. : t -; , , the While , lluu-er. .oj, f e.u'Mij. j e r, Wf tQ AUko ' dIlO, ' sS'OOt, IDn33.VllXO, "V lerslaud :bu M.aation.T IOomJmi a move, l and Bulgaria. 1 ho iudewuit bt fi.sd ut , , V . ft-i1iJ,-?Hd tUi.il De.Ura iu V ' " V' V V ment on foct iu Democratio crVleaojeat MlO.tKKMHMl rouble, but 1. 100,0011,. , i . T" . . ' - . ' ?V. I UK I .au ... , 1- ai r a.ttiu ta raniitriu f. vas & tMT'rmr vvr II A It U W A It E .T I t ttTLkltY, TOOLS, AND HUT IM r-.'M CA fTt H.a0 3 , ' l11". Anvil, , Viae, etc. jM,.V :r, p GENUINE MALTA DOUBM. fcliOVKL FLOWS I OU li.llTLj i.4 ' . KKKFiNtJ the LAll. II A U U M K n DntKinewo are wbie to fiiMCrv ttraatH-edHUrtheibiaaiarf.eaakv, eeulifetlllhiiifvial uiteuttotrvo JJuilJor. iw tbta branch uf our btuiuesi . prima ftewuia'llHl'VpcVI ulteytiotiAO JJttiluor. tw ,f it,, p -..t.li.l ? ,1. ... i . s: i, .We al. ke.:u Urvi Mi-.td riiUk of COOK AHD HEATi::a QTOVC i 3).:: 1 Thankful tuf the liberal tatreuag horHulure be4owed ipoo'nvwe solicit aeontl W uwlee of 0ie afttie and protnimr our best effort tvjleae all who trade with .ui ' ....Feb. H.i'":W,U, -U F. VA'SSCO. Mr.GKO. W: MAYNAUpi. aith.tbia II Men I will bplaacdlo sivsh)frienJ' 4 Oar MoitUaieuUt Clwk t!ut 1 the?wrgeeaud. hvi ri1ia market, and . sd to giv aut ire NiHJ'uutioii.- - t"e also be a Jiu of Cheaper Cook Stove. 5 ii A gents fur piipoiit'at.Uuu I'owijer. ,' t'.::';' f ,".t!K" '" Jj 1 f n,'MeroUa'MfaJopplio i ai clui niure. Git u a sal!. Siifacfi5i'suranieed. 1 . - .4,5 t WKHh'fi iWAItKtlUU6K xjRegular kalet ivvry day.' Sf&CJJL HALLS everv Friday. n ji'artiea are urutd f)t berf, Blights im FfiJaylfciiig' )ouiwTbMvco1iu.'g.Md order ank.iutar,itarula amd .vou.'wUl cet goou prions. A ,.ITLL10 pounds . wa7rteiI"Tiy oijr" IoioiieJ." ':k. i 1'uGUKit Co ru uiixiLi-FuiF.sn pious. ; Match,; f i,s;n. t;;t- GRAVES WAREHOUSE: H mi. U tt IH'.IU 1 ! ft .It ' 1 l'OU THE ' " ' ' ' Sale .'of laearToLacca;:., a j Mari'h G 78 t. if F .'pnewir ..: ixa SALE OF LAND K K J berrt y Ivu tbat. In iiiruaiic of JL a tliTM rviiifc'ivil at th liA Irriu of t r;ti: KHrUir fomt, iu tlw ra ofTboauia We !l, m Ailoi'r 'f . 11. 1.atliiwr yint Nnb W. lor. it. ami ollirr, I will -ll at the Coliit.' Jtuue " Uuwr la IIUMiore, en the.;., 1 mm tfrd ilmuUiy In JmAntM, That bliia Hit? rt'dy ef Xjh'II t; ' The H4 Parra , audi KoadBVagPDLV i; I'ope no the' I A, after jfoteramg theloaoix (- oiUinl.t.wlt: rhetrart aiuing Chun-h t..r ihiHc.im.a4MM, hi. Jmmb.UJ l.rer wail M m . rrerbitii, IK. Ule J-n a J ' 1 Ti.mw. . ...1 .jiu .ii..... to the tomb regretted end veaorattd, .The rites of eleoii g bia aaeceeaur have been performed in perfect Ireeuowa aad without uiaturbiog tlie trenuuiiity of tbe Stat, tbe peace of eottrtiearea, ef tbe ii4endeiM-e of tbe mioiatet of retigion. ,.Hf mainjainisg our institution aud reconciling respect for religion with, a determined defence of State lawa.and principle of ciiilixttou. w prove bow great are ihe .fruiu of liberty ,W areconGdrnt, tbat in war Land Italy will not fall Iroio ber exalted portion ' '; ,. IXDoX. . March v. -A Keuter fr omi Trieste says ttia the Auatriau Lloyd M ea rner j.hei.ix, '' troiu "Cavallo', with iVO .iraxiaiHi vu board. 'canehl fir , 'and went aaliore near Cape KiU7" FIvebuudte3 lire were lot. in 1 The New York Gfitpk eoond the note of returning cwnfldeM. . ead n ' revival of busiues to tbsswiaa-t 1 be 4a of abrtok. age arc iver. Ilia sale boat, to parchaae siai.l f'loda of prenertf l, any . Mod, as there a a eertain'y . that lb market, from thin time forth, .with slight exceptions, will, be a ruing m ,Tb-e who lake advantage of presaat prices are certain lo, reap a ru b reward in the nut ditiit fu'ure. ,lo out buy traah, ,nor U it aoe. ,aa y.t, Ao '! io real pKlale. Ileal fete is the la-t klnJ 1 - - , - , -. v.- . 1 01 nteal property to go oowii in taiue, aiu it is also tbe lt Io feel the VftVcii of a ri-1 w.g market., There !e liitleir.p'ect, tbere ! fore, that land will be liiucb affected for ' the next year,'oV fwo Buf 'wer'ssyfo" all who have money : l!u j 1 In vt ! K'mj I labor Tbe tnerkel hereafter i lobe a ris ing onel'Trud. Iher will be bank filar and tavyitme' tree. rrt rvfa.raiioii bare yet la go into liquidation ; true, 4 bona and, of " tasine 1 men,' crippled by the hideoorly stupid nnaneial pdiry we bate been punning, will n4 In able to arert their downfall, even witivthe aid ef filter let for tbi who ere wot iiipldr, who hsve money in hand, akoae nredit, ia on ia paired, ihiais the liiae lo lay tba foouda tiow of fn I ore fortau." , .; . , i ,r . , , ( -' ' I ' ! 1 t . tJ.taf . ' ffhrlaMMttrlaMlRMrir The ItalelglM OiMKftVkit anyat ,Thr Ibmrd of Dlrtwinrs ht tire luaaue Aaluin ntri yeteTilaj .inoriiiitg at Ibe Asylum, and canitluueil In seaalou until a . late hour In the viiIimc at fr bleb lime the baud adjourned to mental the .fJomnor'auffk at o'l liK-k in; at which hour l rr-a-aemlle4 nml citliiuel , the dlouaioii wlib'll bad Kyude4 III dy'e torebrti -fli.l ff titer cbnllott. of U , fliljxjrliiei..Jt)iit, Matty-ertnfllclloaj kga quevtlmi were prrafntcil t tbe lbrd aa tt explratloiiitf lit. OiIwiniV let in of tiftW, tlialgfiiile man rUloiing lohil.'l tVr;r ''till I)eriiiber SI, J7.S,, .The oj.ulori Vi preaaed lliig f BtMili ncMiffliding nature M ti riiiM IMAblllg but n V"ialiili.l' IlllKHlhili lnuwe of an elvt-tloii fa beer HiirlnlHioVnl, a coiiipniiiliHi waa vflw tifd al II o'clock luxt night by tlielbainl m.'kliig riih-ctlnand Dr(lrlintit nhamloiiiiig lire dxlrt )-r claim of oflb! and aoi-f i-llux Hie foiir yenr terni'wlticirwill continue Mm fit ibrln titolloii a lie uilnteiideiit Until lire Slat day of JJcvtUtUr, liSl. Turiirf and utlw a, 'uiiHMnl t contain o ai-rr, it Iwioe tiie bit buu n m. iu, 1 in tlaaa ill. j.inii t IIm- LniiN t II late It, I'. Mroiol and a-iiit;i Xnah Jniilau and itler; and al an ntMiitMlrd baa iulerl Iu to Ivt aojulumg ttte ttrt aaitmL MiiiiNuwil to eutjiii til arm. ub Jetl l i the miner rlsM of Mr. Sally MruuJ. 1 ar aiteaa Will or fur Utie-I airnjt.aU and Ihti lialain iimiu a cr'dt l twrl'r inwiitb and lulrtrarnnl oliUI lh Imit anenl o ' tbe uurcba Monet. ,(-.! at 12 . , , . . TUOMA WKUIL jUmV ,'. . . 1 . m e s 1 and Commiasioner. .M.rch !'7atd'.' ' ' " ' :"t .SALKOF,- , ! Valuable Property. ' ' 1$ oWIrore lo' "order itl' tiranjc tiiM-iir Cauil. aa4 t make Ib-aJ K tale vm:U lor JKt) UM-nta nfUrbt, 1 will ,,, , . . , ' Homing Uu lf dajf ttf April loTS . ' ,f (t B tlirtnlbmluii Hrm MhI, Mibe nrwlivrtv of Jo.a Turn,-r, hf. OeriMiint. - ; M. Uoe More llnua Iu Cbaprl Hilt, aw llfria rtn-et. aUlHm tbe lot r;M. linrxravw .uU lluubiuaauj at prrmn eeeutilew by air. II. Tbw Watt Trare bH-tiuRnt. a!n wrltWtt I tiu a a llie otirtrnav 1'ravt, aaal attninianl tt niil.m tlSamM. wlHilof im lal of JtiaU. Kaataml ae law l'hlllM Tmet. ' .... 111. AH ol tl lluiitio-loe Traet m eatwvtiv. ail lo W illi.. Tiiih. U".nittW tuuitawf L-hhuI l.tm-Ua.tt tbe ttan-Tra.-t - - I V I lia Mrou4 ;TriH mfymtting tlx b.H.1. of wiliUiw IliimVa ami rtlmr anU-MtotMJ Uirv. tain lliirljr wuaarrea. t V , Ua Km. I, m ami 11 m the Itaa of the Tawnwltlwlabnrw. " ' -.- VI. Ahv other lattwt fif dflah TwrwerrV. IM Hr.1 tM r not hxrHofore Ml. I by w, ' 'I be reia tba lr.ttr in hil f 111 a th be aiadw eu tl pre ni, and roe other Irart at II .Mtr llfii-r door I I iilMa.r. 'IKU.mm:-4hi.iI1m end ami btunv at 11 ami f mnnrhs w KH mtrrvat rinm Car efMbj. akatts M. i t KV AN4Ti:il.NKIl. Adn.r.' . . Bud Coluiuiai,inav ' ' re. MarcL l.t 78. tds. ....... ! ;.".;'-. ' ii i i j ml . . : lliilsbor er.i iMiJi :iVAl.r:ict;rit gxtr.UK.o! ALLISON & AUDlSOiN'S, n i'f ... . . - . IHI U Kl BBAKD : -a- , I.'--1 . , v COMi'LKTr: MANl'il B fou TOBACCO "i eTAKlMUD Ol'ABAXTKUl, kV""' WK art inttla. :U W tWuVin lo he tba tbe mark..u Ii nM X. ijyour lotere to u J It onivrrr.ir.ilii )rar. , m . UK('Af;iliauui.cbveairriemd and Sim. le tbe mot laoroiM.nd mi,tm. ' , II lM..ban. and ,KAI, Imi IWbaletfUia tb-rtvl Ihiia lmtlr,.rfi,IH,. 1 II hi At lit arlinn U I'l.dVl.f r....,' ' mi", and Idtlaa It eUtiftlbe l.koit uub klf win. ii i.i a..iiiriM, ,, , ami i SiM'Ai'v I '! worn out land. I'M Al.Ktt baalM-ra nrlilil f..r fi. im, d II rner.ltrr.JM It It a. nil Ha mimTbj. I,; f eW ZVf fvtnur..", fbe i rrta-r Kw and -VafMt aaiflie'rai U' lba tt ',l,7 hh bratla VinZvm? - Mb ronriMlremti.'. . S ADDISON ' -i. . an m . ..... " WbMta'rrddf THB'STAH HUAND COJll'LETK MA - t'l NUKia,!,;;! lUdnnnad. Vn.a. lirancb OfTwa, . ;,Flrsbprg, VA r,bla2 'C t ZV rw "" f : rrhri4.ta onbt aenl it. i toif bara miJL j N.l I w, wlttrb am pore ,) , ta t,. ,i,y. d .r m ri,iiw, i ffin.mmi,q''M mil ... . .. - - . oni, v aU, anlyecb i.hi e. V. h b r r mtt 1 -f. . Kkbuobd V. OLIVERS CHILLED PLOWS. V1 ., i( 'V '! "I tOafVI , ,. , Indispensible lo every feeder of Sto:k. : , METAL ;LtNKD( f " CUCUMBER. HOOb-PVAlFs." PATENT "WELL'.FIXTVREgt; :Xr:,;TnWtrated ; , mt HOItlZUNTAL CUUBX; wf CJreulaM an! frice. Hats' of, fbU CharB rent to say address, ' ; a i .( i .:'.t !' ' '" - ' rfiiu..nv aiiiglCf ; Cockle r Sere ensA'r: Xt nlr imobruarbi bWn win aka tfav Kl trtdgo 1'ra, ami t ocile aul mi IT beat, . , SmithV; Pttlent ' Stravr Cuttenr;- , t ; rrtPJaw'Casfin rm"atftbe tetli lbw, In uoe. 8aaMth f tuajih, and writ mtlag. ..., 4 Xf6er.il Teme lc. fo'tte rmTr:' f Catabtgiie tM-ouiitfrjr nattw. 1 v. r, i ' ' r(?f.i tto. fa cron r rrXTVnr:. ' tt'e make T.bar fbrx. Itilbea, tHa.ff, Tin, f fate e.. In tbe not mamaer ana (titw,. y awmlil'awawt.o'i . ( Mt.onVur aolirWrit, anal eatlaantea for-, work romilly fumMw!. i - -'' 1-1 P. O. Hox 8 ' Richmond. Va. " 5; E.!i Hni POCulfSi T o b a c c o M a n u fa c t u f erV'H JllLLSLVHU, a. L, t Mt tt Of KKIW la Ibe trade tbe Iblwt tng ftratMtr T K ' 1ttm: ANTKIIPK. 11 and mtiieti,ftandtni' LlJAL TKXDEK, 11, Itf and IiiHV, 6 nml M In III. k ; ' , -...w,4 . . .'-it.lt ItKD BIRD aod CJKX BllACG.H Iwtfi, DIAMOND and COM KT. 9 loot. 8 t-tTblT. it OL1 J It KM A ItLK au.l UO LD KuLLA It, lilndi. tljlK.,ri ,1 . . VOI'B KKAXK" nml LITTLE KLIJl, Olliflr.n Biol ID to ll.. Iu IM II. rad ii , i a ftrN-CCRKD" and 'roUCE a UICjI f. I w w ff ejwg aj l UW wjpnffi naruk i fI'f To r AiiKUt ft vK u tMK I'liicK LIST. 3 I3m. 1 I II 1.1 i M III Mill , Un M All L E K, ! XAXl-rAVU'tlKIl .AJItl l)KAttV IITl ' l.i Ktairt)pt .itjiii Gold, and. Silver, Wariy;T MASOSIC JEWELS, ..." 1 ;).Mi?ifci;src2fi Watch ltepsiriiif and Kngrevinf ptwrnpt' ... ly cxeeutcd; .i ' i Seal, etc, made lo order. ,lm .KALEIOIl. - march 28,:tOppoNte the Market Taep., Johri H.' .Tyler & Co., 8uceeaort ' ?,-'J,i IWUt Mam Street, , IllCHIOJtD,i,VA. r aOiViwowj, Ifulrhet. J,vtr9, SHrff-t nin,A.M silvMh 'iricf ltiKV- t nun, tf f ITl'ltlal lltllill..,. a" ..'1 ' " HAIR frMtx .nVMAnKTOortKEIt? - 'IH .' i wunea.tr.bi i53.inuiai.Ti Stoves, Tin ware. dasFixCures tic ' " 1 " UttMaUftroat, 1 ' .-."1 ; T-nariDaivn. v,;: U . i j s t-. 1 TqVa.o J'l-,- and i lunbi... ,f I aii.r'.Vs.J;," ;4Ji-i-U-W-iLV u iH0Sm. ' ' '