711K DURHAM "PLANTERS ' jVARSHOUO'lf ? Cul JOHN C. V I LR E tioUN M9iKjPyer? offers kUor advantageH to elrs. .Sites 1877, .",1 (,0,725, It, tiitl .tilt itwittfcfo t ,,. 3 7 T ive CJt ; (complete twnbinattoo of requisites. A ueu j of bright native talent, it bis been entiivet- W!JDXUAm..MAR. 20... '878 in i i ' i mi'm ' ' l ' "liL i '" '" rATPBEM K COURT 2!OMl, ATIONS. This n'le!.. present itselto hi peo filt of Northj Carolina with gravity it lias nevrtf.hefote, poKsessed, The experience o'Tten ulhsappy years iai illustrated there ctUhe i.tviUtm of Sot: Ca rolina to influence the " happiness of the State j jprlta liberties to embarrass it Kruiuen," to tiWk p r"gros to'aully its purity, and tiTnegrade its character. Tim waft,' when thin Court, erected at the ed to tha highest degree of adornment. !lwyer, of nigh attainment, hit tore of learumg receive uany accretion, una, villi largs and hrUtiuot practice, keeping hi ar mot bright by constant use. A man f the purest character, bit firtiiel vtrong under eteiy leirf, in bun msy be expected that ffrmuene and decision without which learn log will avail little iu the defenca'o? right. 8o much tor tbe Kast; snd for the cen tr in addition to the' tame of Jon II. Dil- very palladium of law'and liberty, the t tial report Id which justice was always to be found tbe lofy tnb'unli in Whioh,'ghU , were inflexibly defined and irrevocably e- cured through that ui, tf. learning ,nd nprizhtnese which Vaa warrant both fof judgmeut and justice, wa. looked 'up to with reverence aud a ficc '.innate confidence, . Wrong and error were inipossiblot weed profound lesraiug was conjoined with un M II ted virtue. That time paeeed away when judicial prefer-neni becsnie the re ward for political service,, and he wss pro iiouticed the iuot competent incuuibeiit of the bench whit dad beeu most befouled with partitan slime.1'"" ' " " .' ' Tbe fact'lia s'ood before the people with appalling, dbtHictHft uT; jrcar past that .their liberties were iu the bauds of the So . ireme Court bench." ready -al any and aft lime to "twite ' writ la the worst purposes of an nnrupulou national administration, fertile of devices to' prj.e.tuie, unconstite lional power; . or always readjr to side with the poeers of the 'hational gavernment in any work of tvriiny,or oppression, either to Mreiigilttn its political forces, or to re venge itself for th Iom of power, pawing away froiwl liaeds. 1 pMlkioe after deci aion haa gone forth, Mreflgtbening tbe hand of tyranny, and telling the people with fear ful distlnctue that the guardiaea put over theie fur protect iou bad turned agaiut them, r Tiiere has been enough in the ac tioq of .the Supreme Court within tbe last two year to convince even tbe mntiiicre- 1 1 !.;jt"Jv4m,'aCl. Pot: eJ with enviable distinction. . We preautti that oetweeu these two gentleman the choice will lay.' Whb either, the Supreme Oonrt will have attained to its eonipoaitioo all that luigbt be deired.r7"j:. ' ; The. V eat seeuia almost unanimous tints preference for Jue ' Scbeyeli and. wiib I eitberjhree of ibese jeiitlejiien, the State wiu nsve '.be assurance of a tribuual wbi.b wil recil tbe perkd when it was adorned with such leuiinaries' of teaming and such illustrators of virtue a Daniel, and Castou, aud Kufliu, and Nasi, and Manly. We are if lad to aee tha interest a-ro'winv . - . " . .... . .. ...,.,,.. r Opoulhe tiuKirtauiiiertitHi, aud epeciul- ly so to note the eoiKwrilano of views ex- pressed by thtt ,indt- jourtiuls of )ih 8tate..o ' We aregiatidedal.ito fiod ourW sitlub In Wgayd to its stttnSV'.f rjiriniary 1esiirtwbu;lroiniuaidfttte in-t trauce lie dirvctly .. the fMt of the po tiutt Jhua occupied, aud as these works are oienvou laud aido, the llijNiui) diave .the jiwer to march iH al ubf ooinent aod ekiao, (be entriiue Jo I he Ulault fcea. As our ;Yeriasl orreplet obNrWiticb' wo yenient dovri not Uent .ealcalated jto idispal it HAirD 1F"A'R E "ST O R E 7 - v; .!;"H. p.;..?A8iX.ea,;; fr; t "1: K f n'CCEStfUK TU I1ICKKY ' AN1) PUBLKIT. . ' , hole and Retail Dealer in e t ' ; ; m . . " FKNAf OU M KKRtMON. ''' . . , We scarcely presume that the expressions favereblo to Gev.. Vance which we put forth some weeks since will be construed into hos tility to the above named gentleman, or in tended to revive the antagonism which once existed between them. If so. we have been misunderstood... Admiration for the quali tiea and services, of Gov. Vance and reaeiit meul fur the treatmeut he had received at lbs bauds of the nstional Senate iml us to demand that tardy justice, the strength of which no lapse of time can weaken ; but we ssk uot'uiiigat the expeuoe ef the character of A. S. Merrimon, who took his seat aa a United States Senstos unstaiued by any in. trigue which wigLt have Sillied his honor, untrammelled by an pledge which might embarrass his action, ntu Ifeeted byany eonr bination which wight affect hi prty integ rity. , We believed ,Mrt Merri ioi man pare, nprighs and faithful to bis party ;when be wae elected, and we were prompt to express the moat unreserved eonfidenoe in )ii!ou, that thw tribunal, the laat strong- ! uia fiJeIi,J 'Word of bis whole pt4i Ileal life. - - In our issue of Ie. 4th 187 J, we faid bold of an. overthrown Jarty, baa nH it cxptrifig j ear for tbe full exhibit wa of the bitterest revenges. ' Hut tbe end approaches, and we are now called opon to tke tbe most careful and watchful precaution against the repetition of a disastrous past. For mouths past, the pres of the State, expressing the pullic sen tiinent of the various sections, has brought to eonMderstion tbe names of geuilemen KiuieeiK for, lesrning, ai d eonopieueus for cbsraeter. We. ourselvee have not been wanting, aod in the month of Febrcsry of 1 tion cfcliiie.- ' - .. And again, in the next isue of Dee. For the F.ist. we namtd tbe Hon. M. R. ' Kb we said, iu connect ion with the JSvos- Manly. or-in default of. bis inability to ; j0rial ele.tion : We confess ourgratitkHoo at the result, since, as our own person:! wishes (tbe sue cess of Z. 11. Vanor) eoul j not begratitied, no one stood nearer than does Mr. Merri oioo to the first object of our choice- The honor of North Csrolint is safe io bis band, lie will carry with bim a reputa tion for the poesioo of all those iualitiea which once mads tbe name of the Mate so thoroughly resected abroad .above .all, that shining virtue and inmrratitible iuten- riiy which will earry lint thiAwgh all iceip. tat ion and throw hint bat in stros:'ooutrast flectMnf endorsed W such Wrs . the -.Milained.Uat tbougl. vn. i i i iiTif Vvl ii ... uoere,Biay i no sevret. treaty, a tacit uw Mils. oWceunJ thriUndolph AV.vi derstandnig has been established with IV tutor. I be latter, very properly nbaracte ky bich may inVolye srrangeweuts most rises t lie rcbeme- as . trap laid .by a well known poliiician fas fulfof promise to bim aa of danger to party unity and euWss. j Botk .! Uicw;tnlkimfl h.w,ui & .'' ppaiubej!?'. otjtdbst, i tfi i hi' f ' cbror j .of ybicb aueovss sjo 1st has Vh aobieved, and fsr. ha KoOM retaioini. . T abandon snrb wia- o'liuevy now fur W nntrfe-l vtstein is'toMilt irin in wSlfaWftyMutt) Oiirsrlvea' if walefteve that ihat'iMUiY'lsl ueau w r; siefjMttn. , lie waiciiva rwn aieeplenn :ii)ijaue, ready to priugwitb desoly lores w),on Uia exposed weutnfssvef lii adyeryary What that enemy ( is ;,,we have ful! tv.ii to remember. '' The preiw.it Supreme tVurt.' tbe surviviuir uvobuiuenl' of a pait terrible , hi-tory, is w f anding warning againt (he reHorn..H of radicaU' isnt. Ii is a fearful treachery, 'V' which no atress (if .individual exiewy en esue , that would iuvitViu return by the'iiiiimir-.l . ' r .t '. ' . -'..it.!..-' ." '':.' inein in inn Mrmirin 01 IAniicratl nrifam- - , ' .... ' ............. .5... t ' " latiiiii anil ibis we say emphat.tually woold be done b the sdmbiu.of the primary eleclius) synieioa sytem utterly irrespon sible, ntterly unreliable, without the pale of lh law. shield! " by m wfpguards. aniebahle to bo pt'ua'ties, open to all frauds, A "... . , Uut the sugperihm of tbe subject ought to bate the g.md etfert tit arining alt conn ty organisation til action, and m-e that tbe f riiiuij meetings fur the Iecti.m of dele gates to county nominating Conventions be filly attended and fairly constituted. If this is dnue, then sm-h Conventions will fairly represent lbs views of the whole peo ple. Let the people then eouie uat iu full strength to their townbip Niceting. aud we wi I Uenr Ho more of pa.krd Couveniions, and Court House rings. , H A SIX n XV E V a . fc , . . .. ' i against tbe dark back ground of corruntioa st tear presented o prorences. appor j .hfch h u obieiirtj i.,, j ' ionlng thein to appropiiste claims aud lo- tioM." ' ' serve ly reason of the approach of sge, the I Ion. George lvis or Col. Hubert Strange. Tbe aouina4wn of Jeege Manly has never bad a second ; the Hon. George Deris tui positively declined, and death hss witli drs n Col. Sti ange from a contest in which Lie prawmineiive wf talent and virtae would Lev give bint formidable proportions. For the middle we named tbe Hon." W, X. II. Smith, and for the eeuue, Jouh II. Diii.rdFr,:; Tbe desih of Chief lost ice Pesroa aa tndSed onr estimste of tbe qualifications of ' Mr, Prnitb, since be ' wai jtnnie d lately appointed ' te the vaeswy. Hut Mr. Smith wsasppointed witbvet rsfereixe to sect ion 'j and that sectional selective) will evidently be held as the rule of action by the Convention. What is no to be tbe elate! - ' ' - u ' , We are free tf eonfe-e that oer estierateJ st Chwf Justuai fith is tuach cbatiged nines) tbe decision of the Hepteme Court in tbe Driver sww It is true. Judge Foiith wss not present at the rendering of the npSu iwi ef the Cort; bet in n t n so abhor resit U every sentiasHit rf justice, so viwl tive of every sound prweiple of law, end so eurcestivf of personal hatred, it wss ineem- Lrnt ajxHi Jedgs ?m'nb to late come out "Of one thing, we fJel the alroneest as- euranee that Mr. Mernmnn was rcted wit km the rnMutest spproacb to bargain or understanding mi his part ftf (bit of bis frieads wko the lUpnbliea wing of tbe L-gislature. He accepts his new honors onUtnished with the sw-piebsa 'bf inlrigae. - Theirs (that f lbs lUd'wals H a barren eietirj eneniing snlj A tbe de fant of the esaou eendidaU ef the iUimr. vativea. and brings fheei M wsore snhetsn lial fruits than ir Uor. Vatice bsd bsea elected." -',,.'. ; - The eonfidee we lias reposed has been fully ataiiied ; the etimale we foruttJ of Mr. ,MerrimoNs espscliy hss been fsr sur psss4. Tn-day he steads the peer of siiy man in the Seitste. indestiiowe the die charge ef duty , originative ef great men. tares. Isboroas in claborstion, elwrueot la dieosion, niJiticbiag in ellegisnce to par ty, ioeorraptibl in adhesion te 'principle t above all. remembering hie Slate, end wateiiful of its inters-sta, ' . ' . eaj this nioch in strict justice to one whom It has been the pleasure of, some to I kr.nd wit'j the taint of psrty treason, end to bold ap as aft example te ell who bad the temerity te accept tbe aid of the opposition. Nothing ie'asore strongly conviueive of tbe parity of Mr. Merri m-w in tbe transact ione connected with his elect ion than bi subse. I S . a f,- ..one his aaaocistes. t.bsvediKlaiai. l01,0,u, '.' . ! free- ed ell e,pliciiy with such oVttinee. end J,M" " orpositioij to have jested sgalo the promntgaiion ! -7 ly in the f stars, it is of such optitKinsi He hss wot done so; and! ew,',B ,U North Carolina IsMavewaetv- b. bss tseitlf aeauiesced in so " rrimo wits s-l strous pfTpwi'in be tnuH abide tbe.eon eHewcra. While be has not sullied bis tmrawnal purity, the tsScaJovi. demanded inanly Smrness end decisive indepeodenee j and ae vsi. tWi baa been made no eak bition of either. ,-. ll assy locTewr otwhj i "wi in.,.,.. hsks w-i . eW. WewillbesetisfiedwiihtbeJIoV iwj.ui.riH t(l.iyi u.LstUp.. ,; ...t .1 it:. - t .l . i t ... sonny, anw toss in a is nanus me Deewerstie banner bss wevir bees trailed in tbe dust. ' . Xe definite action has yet teen bad 00 the tubseeo tat. Mr. Kiddle, of Town, bss introduced another bill f xiag the let e wbiskej at 0 eeoti end on lobseco at Ii ertnc arm te) rpresft will Wake other de-w msu ls. Numbers of evsilsble Baoies will 1 presented among tbemTuomsa 5, Hill ,4 Hslifss. Jedge llowsrd of Tsrboro, eod t! IJ. Clark Nwbein. We uubesitst nly pref.f tbe f mt for wLIU bolJieg trie oHer l-o 'ft!. irien in ILf Latest resr-I, Nr.w YoNK. Marth 14 The first silver dollar ins le it sj.pesisnse in Wall Klet this morning, and being Jn limited ewnnsnt the enppfy as soon exbsustse the dewre te obtain tteni aa lokrns being fenersU and beyiri pay leg t friction at-cre fit ia ; Anderson has now little ,lKe of escaping bw 11 term of penitentiary servn-e. Even irXiuhols bad been ever so wiurli inclined to paruon mm. pontic ot.iina was toe strongly r..ned to be ti ded with. Why slnmld b have ieeu pardonedi The New Orleans Ihmocrut. commenting una letter of Mr. Converse, one of tbe jury who convicted AndersonJan J who ap pealed to'Uov. Nichols for mercy to tbe criminal, and wno says in bis lector -tlTe law and the evidence In tVe esse being so con.inw'og. there could te rio other result. ' Jr "a ot comprehend tbe quality if mercy abich falls like n benediction np on the bead of n men whose intelligence re alhwd the enormity vf bicrfuie', and whose wesltb placed bim beyond the necesMty of crime, and wbicbjKiura no kindly dews np . on tbe ruined lives aud. hopeless prUons of poor wrelehee whose orimes were prompled, net bf native deprsvity, but by peverty , misery aud want." 1 "'' ' " , ' . Of the character of the man. tbe JDem ocrut gives os the following pki ure : .The felon bite been n diahoneat man from bis youth. . Ia hie esrlicr manhood be Won the soubriqnst vf 'Ksno Anderson' by awiadliog at cards, for nbicb be, was ban isbed front respectable society in llapides psrib. . A few jears sgo. in the beyjsy of Ksdicsl power, he obtained frointhe.Leg Ula't are an appropriation of eighty tbouMind dollars for tbe improvement ol liiyou Cro codile and Bumf, m the western portion of tbe Stsle, nearly every dollar of wbichv he stole. For years pei he ha hren e leading yuu in me naimi ih.i Matting, tbe oiga nixing ef negrw inMrraxtiwu, and the I.e. turning lluard frauds, perjnries and forge, ries, wiiiire. bsve nearly ruined this tt4, and through which its people have been plundarsw w last yeare wf more than mi bendted millions ef dollsre, hvery at ol bis life shows that be U a lad Kin ; n wan ready in any iked cause, aud for any evil end, to defy the law and erei rUe the public good." - Think of n national edminisirstioh and a great jwrty making evuimun cause a 11b auclt n Cretcb , ..,.1. WAU JiKWtl. ' LoXDO!, Msreh TneTimsshsslhc following frees St. l'etarbrg The ofGci si .World here egain sMtevtaMte grave ap prebeneious of serious sMiiplieatwn. Men who bsveeousidersblc inflaewee in ea using of averting cvsett whioh lb profess U forssec, say tbst It is by no mean certain tbst tbe Congress will meet, and that if it doe, it is not very likely te succeed, in eehsei.ueiiee of the Austrian and K..l..h jealony of Kussia'a socceiw. Tbe .Vstber Lloyds etates fbst KngtenJ and Aulttti hsve agreed todemsnd the sn. cetstion bf Theory, Harassed M-edoi,ie to UreefS. if ier.i.ts ii. the eaiaa. tt.itari.' A l-euter's.leiegrsfli sfs'tss, the fwllow. mttertaf to the deviMun of tbe other 1'ow- 'eteHt is to id presumed that "the terms of tha treaty will provide for Ilia evacuation wit'im a-tuoleiate tinte of the ' hole of I'uuiituTia; siid cobsequeiitly any position nna; lield nMKiiVltlMto4eJtfuL.nB while the f.iot remains that liuia baa e-'- taidnbed herself on the Hwj.lj .t'u and as out o-'trespondeiit ohervn,. only is there uoiLiiig iu the "recent luoViitriiis of tbe Br It bw- fl'et ' t jsi ify i n . ml vsiire'. but ther iv little doubt that ii must have en & pW.jpiior to tboee . nvovemenls. snd .in de( eoxlsM y of thm. It wool 1 nave been iijiuiuli; for Russia to adopt a i-orirmt less lely; tujsvuciliste the gold aw i 1 1 tf Kor pc or..AbU.waiitry.!'j j! ,?. , lt ,.. tpiSfAIarcJh i.3,:f--f At thai sitting of ine suo-cuumniiees ol lite., liungfnau tfe legntmu, Count Atdrnw-v slated that the goveru'uicnt bad been throughout dipoeii to revogiiixe'lhe iiolrpenJeiiue, but. not the neutralii), I'.f ltoumaui. " ITtsir Wshrtiiau prolenteit that the llungariau rie.efcti. u Waa Hot tilled by a. war-like ferliig. but ealin'y hnd seriously devluted it's teadnecs lb iiiter Uhiu war,' it unavoidably nece--ary. seterai memiera expressed their Concur rente io this view.' . . ..' ST.l'KTKttsBVKM, .Msreh 2 -T)ie Journal le St. I'eivrkbutg deviate uuton able tha reported Englii-h detuaud that all lh Hiiut ot the treaty eliouid. be submitt ed to the tVngres4. If tha ew.i.Hi ..f the Congress is to roult in peace, subjects not of 'an European character and which might lead to excited but re uiile.s discussion, must te set aside. - . ' i ok box. . Jlanh 13 -Tbe Standard announces tbst the Uriis-h fleet bss arrived iu the Gulf of lamed from Tooils 1 : Tbe Standard's Berlin dispatch says : It is reported I ha. Count Audraiwy informed the'. Hungarian Budget Committee that Austria would never consnt to lbs exten aioti of Bulgaria to the JEgeatt sea. or to the Rut occupation of tbe province for more than sis mouths. tUTLERV. TOOLS. ASD COACH AXD WAGON MATERIAL. vt U J . . T )Wllows,! AnviU, Vise., etc,: ' v . GENU INK MALTA DUUBLK c 11UVKL FLOWS' FOR KKKI'INU the LARGEST and most COM I'lJiTB STOCK Lt BUILDER'S lljklV W A K B,,!,. Danv in c ar able u 61) orders prom pi I) d-l the lisi4ash ' pritit s e would Bill the special aiientkm to Builder tu ibka bunch v( out iuaiueat it tin 1 .Would, bade to bHS wwn mtere-r 7 COOKs AfJP HEATirG OT.OVEO.; Our Muoumeulul Coos Alofs lathe largui and hnsviaal iu tbe market, and Warrant ed io give enure sattaiuction. .. tVe also have n tine of Cbeaner Cook Stoves ' A dulilii T ika-.ttB.- l!t l...l. v . t i.- ... - f ivi v "wifi m vwia uvmgs, i . 1 1 1 ri il H '-P0oiLi?;hii,vBt!sp5, - Merubaots iwiiihlw i ai fclos tie nrS. G.s as a sail.' SniUfuoiioa iirniaJ Thankful for the liberal rstrvuage beretofure bWwed opon t'wao'lieit a eotttla Usnca of the Sams ind promise our best efforts to please all who trade with as 1 Feb m.. i'.v vv-'V--1ei-.''.'r' '',,r V-5 K rY. VASS & 00 : : Mr, OKU, W. MAV.NABl) is with this llousesnl will be pleased to serve bisrtiends-- CoNSTAXTINOPLK.' March 13 Prince Hawan has relued to obey the order of the IVrt'e to evacuate ' Varus, declaring thatbe awsita the Kbedive'a orders. , Tiere'u some agitation in Stria in favor 1 6f tb.'biiUnxatioa to Er'j pf .' ' " " " : lx-KX, March If. A .speeisl fron Berlin to the Time says : I be Anitlo. j 4utriaan demand that I be bole of the Buwia-Turli-b agreement ebsll be sub mitted to n Congress srieS from the belief that a special and eecret arrangement haa been entered into independent of the prin cipal ireetjr. It woniyle clearly Wfce to examine the latter, vnlesa Rursia guar anteethatit 'contains all tbst baa been done." rr ' 5- Imixiiox. March 14 Tbe Cbsnerllor said ii the lloune of lxrds ihst England bsd sgrecd to go into the Congress. The Chancellor almi said tbst be could not en ter Into detail b'lt be might ssy that in the Con'gre-w each power would maintain liber ty of action. It wss not intended thst tbe majority should bind tbe minontr. Eng. land will maintain ber views in tbe Con gress and will require before entering it thst every article of the treaty of peace shall be placed before tbe Coflsress in ucb a nisnnerthstlbeCtrngreascsn judge wheth er the srticles ere la be neeepied or not. lOXDo-e. March 14 The Diily News bss a special from Fly month, ssying "Th. ' item, n l arret abip. bnin for tbe Hontb ern Cunfederacy. but detained by the Gov erameat and ever since moored in the bar ber, hss now been hroaiht Ic the Dsvim port d.k jsrd to be prepared for commi. sion. '- -m ltl ... ,i , ,.- , . - , . Mrs. Mattie Taylor, ; MILLI.NKH AND DItKs MAKER, At Ut Aonsc itrmtfl$ viXtiml by J. Mr J8 now rtreUinf her j f ,(., ,.,.( j.i -.- frl.i:fl flTPLT OF 1VTTT T a-FlTNTlIlJR.-Tr FARM:;:lMPliEMENTS Farmland Koad Wagons. ifrl R21ER3 FRIEND ' flQ US. .H. - v . . fit ill.... '.V . v . ,. i'mcy Vos Kii f fiutivut. . L'oiiiiriloa a atiek larawr. mora vartml anil rai'le Imiutilltl tb.in anv abt baa r ver bad. and onVrinv iuilmuieiiU to lbs hi.lii- of llilllHirn. an.l nrrooiuliii' e.111 itnr wbleli will it their ehobT. end mike rile." lo oilier ptice aho sellier linneteiwrv. TEH MS CAMI.'at the lowest possible rsteaj Mic b reeeivlne w.t-tl.v the lnlet miveltles In Milleuerv An-, fraui 'he bteS bne, ml eiMraa. lee tbst ber work snil ber lilXilO- ill e.Hti up to the liliihel renKul;iil staiidanls f lata. lie wire la call ber liektre matin nnb-ra elwwbeje.' , marvb. 10, U. GRAVES WAREHOUSE hamuli:, ya.. ,,., .. . FOR THE t , 'J,.' Sale of Leaf Tobacco. IVJI. p. GDAVES. Mareb 6 '7. 1 , P.e.i rieior. SALn OK ' . "Valuable. Property. IX de-diem t wrdH w umitpe 'Mperb t'wiirt. ami t.i make Ural Ktaic arU lor pam.-ia nf.ia. 1 wiitoa Mumtrtj Me dog uAitril l7g sthe tidbiwlnt Meal Kate, sstbe prvoerty of Hreet. su.lawx lb be) ottrm. llarsrara and 4.ibn ItuuniiM and at preeaut onapa-d ler ilr. weaver. . II. Tbe Watt Trs.t lorlmtins al ibleb U inewn as tbe t ourteaay Trsrl, anal suppnaed to e-MiUlu llSseres U oiHinatlie lands uiokuV. KlrktandaudlacPbriHiMrraet. t... ' III. All ibe lluMUiujlun Tra.e not esmvee. ed lis. n ilium Turner. mUoMwa; tba i-udsW lliiiwl .j nrk ana lb Itace i rarl. u m Tro.Tr-et ad4la Ikslamls ar wlttiaiu lluluVu .iid utaer nririiiinimcl can biia Iblrtr ineiH'rr. . V l Sm. I.sj, J. aad f 1 1 th plan af fW Ton orilUMmro. , t.' "iIUrr.2" Jb Turner r. In Meal M.ite md benSolnre said by nw. Tbs ale l tbe fropem bKbihel HHIem .''"'l ! 'Vf P" mw, and of tb 4bse Traets rtJ.t?'..?mt " ibbr. TtUM:H.,lo.d eb and Iwlanee at t snd is immib., n kk Mem lrm ibry ( le. . cniest J J. ,:' . EVAN'S Tl'RNEU, Adn.V. """"v, tin;s IK '1, Wi. sKttKIM :tCALEO! OLIVERS CIllLLEDrPWWS. vouxiTamkrica A ludispensiblc to every feeder of Slcok, , . METAL LINED. ..1 , ; CUCUMBER WOOD PUMPS ' - patent well fixtuiies. Tbe Celebrated HOItlZOXTAL CHUR.X. ' Circulars anl Price list, ft tbu Cou'ra) ' sent to any addrem. I v. . Magic. CMle Screens, Tbe only Implement wbh-n will take' lias far Uiite I-ea, ami t oekkt nut of Wheal,. Smith'. Piitent , 4Strnw. Putterf, Plow Gutings. ' '' ' tutta, nd well nttiag. 1 .... btrul Ttrm$ ke. to tht Trwtt. CaUiluxoee rply aulh-d. TOBALXV FACTORY FXTUJtksV We make Tolieco Maipea. Billw'a; ' Man,!', TlaOruie. a lb, nest MOTfr snd fill, ly warrant a I war ararb. mtKmtri aad eatluuies lor " " nswvewjiiw laaT l tsIfsr. P. O. Box 8 . Nov. ... H.-M.SMITIU'CO'..' Kivimood, Va. E. H. POCUE, Tobacco Manufacttfrcr;' u ills bono. . a. v, ftf I? ?llHUm4 KN,BRAOO. 11 tnch. ii - -'&nniiuui,D UOLLAW. iZlncli. Sinlu , ,-, . ; tCH FRANK- and I.ITTLK KLLA. JWti" W '",h- W emlilws.- S hiefi. 4 In . M ? II- .a.si ra aj a aa v Waibkiotu!. Msreh 13. Merrirmm. of North Carolina, inUodmd a' bill to pns vide foe and regu'etc thernwmuig of voles f'ir iVesidait and Vim Preshk-nt, and the deeistofrnf the ieclMj sris'iig theteon. Hefurrwl to a special committee appointed to duMider the uesti.Mi f counting the vote, and Merrimon- ciprcaned the , bKi that llie rej-Kt front the romm'rtee would be sisjo nsd. as lour motiiba of tbe rsWoit bd saj, and act ion should I. e h. it .a. I tbe matter at tbe present svmxiou of Con ;,. , a c a u d. T all who are suffering from Hm ernWe and liill-ritbiisfyoutli, nervous weak fles; ea'rly 'decay, baw of tnanh'ssl, Ae; I wIM svimI a recipe tlutwilleureyou FREE OFCIIAKtJK. Tl.le great remedy wna ilimmvcretJ l.y a ruUbuiary ,ln Buotli America. Knl a aclf-alitreeil envelnpe U the ltrr.Jm.rpMT. Ixmaw, XlutUm 0. HWU owsf, .Vce YwkLV. ly. IhXtiJ, MottUK. , A, A. THOXmoX. MOORE. (ft THOMPSON, COMMISSION Mt'SCJUAS TS, Italrub, S C.": , rErl A I. attention imld letbeflsle.ef STAH HMD lgt Coneisniinople.Jlarcb. iib. vT,e Keasiane near Boolair have beta reinfore- CaJ '" ." -J : " , . The Times, in a leading editorial says t Oa Monday the Rassians not otrl hredpied eeversl village, round Constsnituoplci bet tok possession of a point a the edge of tbe wiost northern Irlsteatt rn'nnlne dMM . , , ordi lb ealrsucc vt the poorus. h maf., 3ui.. : .R-thiah, X.C.- .i Coffrwi. " Crtrn. " llonr. ." ' '. iinx' " : . ,,- :;'.' Boiler.' ! . ...... r,,-.. 4 i Foels, 'Ae. Rtttt ttt-Cih Wi$ NtUioniit Bant, LLISON ft ADDISON'S, j COMI'LKTK MAXUIIB r.m TOBACCO , , i TAJHAHD tABASTH:U. ? tv.mn--bi reilli r Uw Tut, Z m.ee.-'n'.Vr" i''U 'mior eron tnn tear, . l', ' "" by svpertrnVed audr H-Hitbie men. ot the taMWWsTwsaaJf "".V" trZ wnsb aa.renl iHwner. Phn7aM; anS UVj! i V " a iT' ?. wKAI. bone I'b.i-t.lule yfLliua mi. and lutlntf. t kfaria Iba nUnt MuL..ki .Hi M-.ln.Kt..n..t.irrr 1 ' U'h,' KwSwfcsw St - WamTty t's laTi eveV T00 Manure.". -Tbe I'rb-e. a hiw and term aa liberal as tlioa U VTewllrtt t.Mir (wlmnas. , -ALI.ISOX k ADDISOX, V iNsnaiseuturers ef n. MxnLER, MAXCrACTlKRH AXI KALU II Atfc - KINtrt'or "' Gold and Silver Warer .; I MASONIC JEWELS, 1 JJAIR JEWELRY. .-- WATCHES, CLOCKS, kc, Uatcb Repairing and r.gr.vin prompu f ' y ? ly exeruted. ' T ' w J ' 1 (Jcnb. etc.. n..4e to ord'er. ' 4 : ' BAl.kfGH. N. c." "!l warcHS. Oppoaite (be Market rUcc. VK W.1STB MA. it Kiel.rn.md. Ve. wnnefc OAS c. ' 1'eter.bnrg, VA' .1 sSKKOS! LEEDS'! -t h!Lff v ,w K"ti"a of snr iT?lm 11?" r,EM "MA" seM .n V'r he weaj n.,y. XZ TI?' I?'1?' ewmmmleu.w anlb eMsrt, oesn ul!eta rum nH el ltd e.ir l,til. AM.Moy A Al)i)Ua)S. , ... . 1'ikhHMwid Va, nsr f If or. Richard h;:i lewis,;: E"f I tht 8f,tmtk iMltnl Co- V PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE ' EfY E-tAND; E :.A;RV . RretotMluie)fllcalBlrtsndsetk John H. -Tyler; fV, Co.- . mweaaora.to '..,-, illTCHKLL'AXDTVLKlC 1 iwi;'W.ieilreett- ; BICHMOXD, VA. i - fvire. rsWes) WVe' 1 OLIl AMI nittrf.H .PttTAUk. - ' ATCJIJ IkTAItW In tbe Umm ' '"j"ttv Uhbt, to emu'.' ':l ! SALE,OFl,ArwD - sniwart' t oiirt. to tba ell rJiVJ" m ' "aW' A"bV&".m tn'i snil m hera. I iaLa aan n , lwe ... tVnmSiXXt "- t-rt Uous - T. , ir I" Apr nerf. . ib. ulFZf'Jzy: VriLi Zrt r;Mu Tiin ... ...T T rhe Me J.utiti, aM. W tZlLrVr Min-eeJ t s.ui, m slid r Ksph JrS.. !Lj ' ' ,n"'' sn. a la t . ' - "! rniwai, a MlL,. , .S Mote;, f.ie )M T h t,,'rrj'e JHU-1A3 TVnUIt. Aim't. ,