I' a I '.J i 1 1 I THE DURUAM ''PLAUTERS'AVAREHQME; CoK.JOHN P;.Wn. to!ie. &Ui 1877, 7,1 50,726, lie. and still increasing VEl$F.b!)AY..;.; MAY "l..i879 Th election of a United States Senator next winter i question likely to enter into the ensuing campaign for election of niem tier of the Legislature; end if wo, to ope rte prejudicial I j to tbe harmony of the Doiiiocratic party f possibly to th redaction of its majority. ' For if' either in Dontina'. i.igTveullouronn"tne,"pr6ifresi oflti e campaign,' candidates ere pledged to mp'port erne or the other of popular fevoritaa, nwhat restraint 1a put nion the minority whose preference f ir one favorite over the other are trncKruerable? It- b as well to faoe the fact now as well as at any other tme that the two"aamec prominent for the a eancy in the Senate are Vance nod Merri inou f and 't recognise the other fact thai both of tberu have their warm "partixuis in every eo-mty in the. State..- I,. in .county tmventMn: candidates ore irrevocablf pledged to rote for one orthe other of the. centlemen. the friend ni tue preferred in dividual may enjoy a temporary exaltation,; but them on the other iVifcnoi likely to ntequiosee itb much- cordiality ; are. more likely 1o fill Into listless indiffeieneeV and then comes the opportunity of the indepen dent, t . . .j . ; m. j . " r Office seeking is j(tt at present an epi demic. ' The Mock of men willing, and, iii ..their own estimation able to serve the peo pie. was never greater, Their , wits are sharpened, by their eagerness for position, and neither modesty, patriotism or party in terests impede them from thrusting them selves into any "gap' nuwarily opened for tbeiu. j They are willing to toko any uine or any gnixe; but we recognise tbem as iu tdepondent, pretended friends, but real foe ; j-seu Jo Democrats, whom it wilt be safer to I re4giixe is real ltadtcsts, with whom they will be compel led to net because distrusted by Lemocrat for unfairly obtain- ed socAIm. ' -- -,ti ' ... This is' the clac wbicb till take advW . tage of opportunity and make tho interests of the Oemoeratio party suffer for its un warranted ar.d premature departure from the first principle of unity and of legality. It is tbe duty of the Legislature to elect its Senators, not the right of tbe people . It ie not right, honest or polU'w to in pose np ' on the people the burden of contest when tbe laws have designated another theatre for . its decision ; and it is a' needjess, heedless and wanton exacerbation of party feeliug to transfer the conflict from its limited and legitimate arena To the stupendous forum of the whole State;' Let the sncceswon to the Senate be settle I hi Raleigh where it be longs sod relieve the people of tbe rpon ibility over eager men are trying to throw npow there.' ' - NVtbin should be done to imperil the Majority in the coming Legislature. It i ., quite as importaut as it has been in the past to retain tbe ability te adopt addition. ' at amendments to tbe Constitution; cu are imperatively needed and will te Insist , ed on anI adopted if the power to add tbem ... is isotboadWly thrown away. . , Tbe people and the politicians too, will be wire if they keep their winds fixed upon that fact ; therefore let tbem exact tie' pre oifcture pledge hiving only the adjustment of individual aspiration for the'i; fulfilment.' If tbee be a bar to party Lemony or to late welfare, brweb them reinereeiea1y slide. Noindrvidoil is of such cwosejnenoe as to coatj-el tbe sacrifice of tbe welfare or interna of the great body of tbe ,-eop1'. J,eave)or candidate frefi in that regard, otity repairing from tl.em thai tbef shall be tiue to their party true to the principle embodied to its strstfture, and men of such perwM.al charsTter ta will bring bo diwe- dit upon tlieir poi-iliont and repairing ilia I ' : . much, is rwiuiring all tbat 'cati be Jrgitt! ' ' won lately easeted. ... ! . . .',., . : Mr. Ilsrrw of 1Vin. ba inlroducel i bill to repeal tbe tat uu tie circulation of State lUnfc nmm. In the srly pert f the suasion Ifon. Jo. J. lvislo Sntrodoeed a bill to tte a a. i ioient. YYU'ever tnay be the dindvsnuges ff jbo k old syrteu, ss sagested by urctteipoiry of the Char Hte (VirKt. there are none so great as . , tut to be ewK-eptjbUt of rvmt-dy in the light SUFKlJME COURT JOMINATIOXS. Our attention is attracted by the comma WtoatioRof "Truth' in a. recent number, f the Itsileieh Obterver 5u which the fitpess of the ILn. Matthias E. Mily for a seift upon tbe Supreme Couftjlieuch itf fjreibiy por Vjet.,. yuuge iauiy never waniju for warm friends, attached to hist by bis personal character, end appreciative admir ers, regarding him with reverential respect oiV atooantof his professional fame and abflU ties ; nor have these been wanting in repre hension of the partisan injustice wbkb in- signed bim, in advaiiced " life!, "to the obscu- lity aud labors of privaie station ; bor buve these boeq deficient iu Jemoustration of d. termination at tho proper time to repair the injustice", and restore bim to bi well (de served honors': '" h: ' More than a year ago, for all 'the eon siderations the Hecouder' uiuied Judge (Mauly as one of the three (juuli&ed by cha racter, svvjwes, abUity and learuing who ought to oa ai pose tbe regenerated tribuual of the Supremo Court ; and the ' lteeor del bas found no reason to abate its estimate of J udge' Mauly's"qu'alifiuatious". But "iu"the a arm of meritorious men who "were Vud denly presented for popular acceptance from all parts of tbe 8iUevl,iilig .lUcorder found no, or few, endorser ti Judge Jlauly. Aud iu the lamentabte beat to which the coolest was iofl tnied in the course" of tht'preliaiine rr discussion, vhe. Recorder did tot renret .bat tbe name of a gentleman , so lolty in sentiment and so uncelueb in purpose was not complicated ia the diircrediuble wraegle.t ' That storm baa beed stayed ) the waves of piissioa have gone 'dowii ; and il is tew more possible than it' was a montb' agd to Calmly consider . the ouestioi of nomiua (ions, and to award he, choice Jo those bct qualified for thf bonoibl poitipa.. Judge M ialy, 'coining wSb tkaeitdrseiHut4f his section and with' friend everywhere , uiiv 1c heard moh favuraLiy than in the , lUVKtt AND UAUBOtt lilLL. Tbia bill puwed thrliouhe on the 2ini "amid lurhulenee., feti wbiel we dot i.o wonder, eoiiitideri) tbe grct pruotiireiite giveu to little mutter, utid the (rifling con sideration extended to gret:nes.( XVe'eii teT into thepirltUlie' e...n.i,e;it of Mf; Cos of New York ou the appstvpi iation for a Kentucky liver s one wbuh jauld only be made a thoroughfure by being mauada iised'; wad oiiKeir ireaiMt'ilia'eould not afford a dam by mill ipbt, aiid eould not afford a mill by a htJjWleH Je see the pitiful allowuuee made llr the Cui jur river. , inns impmveuxiit gets .. (Job.Hud, the real' vaiiaw'ni '$iliM .v ..-.i; L t.jW J. .i t'm i , U n. lliialsat. so tnr us itxiiijeeins iMthtnal ia- terests. almoMt cue4iu tbe category tf Mr. Cot ' while the Cape' Fear' Is VViillt of na- c '!. f ! !'-'t I ; h! j , . & tiotiil MiTjiirUiuoe, wild ' recognised as sueu by the efforts already ,;uud, tpjmake it mouth al."aja,.aud :aafl, ieeai4ble, r.Je dwarf apjpriatiouwi w ,SalHMt.t(bi'o away what w done 'fqk tbs'nUiar'e of Jlba ohMaeles t6 be surmounted is sucVf tbal prompt, vigorous aud tonceutruted at-tiouts teatiuL.tot sueceirs, . , . ' , The .work. im-e,done(. emd dona.,,! P! becomos permanent and effeetiveL s y tiller ed awy through the effoit of amall appro- prutiotis and interrupted labor, it stands a work. Mill beginning, never ending a shnuipful'f jamj.je ot national' paraimoiiy, KtIaking public, opinion ty leaving fact! out of the way baa been supposed ju be an art in which Yankee outrage nianufacturers ware conceded to be without rivals, aa well in mendacious' audacity as 'in the thrilling tragedy of tbeir coucoct ions'." Hays, "The ex-Coonectieut pcdJler who fired the Nor tbem heart so fiercely and who was able to barry tbe Slate of Alabama with federal troops by the simple foundation of a bullet hole in his own bat deftly put through it by bis own hsnds, wss a cpecimeu brick of his Lt. .2lut tbe following, which we clip from a missionary, report complaining of tbe hindrances to tbe spread of tbe Gospel in China, beats Usees in hie dwn art. The paragraph iiuotes fronj a Chinese anthor, who, after a sojourn of three years in Kng land, poblisbe a book after be gets borne, arguing against ibe elainis of , Christianity to aceeptaaee by hie countrymen, lis says: ' ' - Why do run think the Zoglih are- so anxious to convert tbe Chinese to Chrlsti- snity I,, Tbey kUl tbeuT aqd'tsk their blood, marrow i, from various farts of their bo dies to make aiedeeine, giving , tbem great skill and quickaewi of mind; I myself saw bow they make' en ointment front tbe Wyes vi a uewij coiitericu viiiiipiuiii. i.rij ilaropean who anoints bis eyes made with i Ibis ointment gaiua tbe abilitj so see tbe motion of tbe aura of heaven and 10 d co vet the treanores that are' onder the earth. Aiiotber tnedeeine made by them if in tbe shape of pills from 'the marrow of a Chris tianixed t'liinese youth, which iuiprovestbe memory and strengthens the mental facul ties generally, J lived three years in Eng land, end eaeb year the Queen gave me a priooese td wife. Iut I was nnsbbtto live lunger in that wretched land(a) I bey let me depart first making me wesr (bat I would , not tell at borne what., I bad wen jiatwnuj neglect, or national iuccrtitude, of pUrputM .; .. ! Ji. ; jilj; i. ttt ii We hope - tbe Senate will make such amendmeuta as will'oaeuie to the improve ment,, t0 the Cape "Fear rive!" which ! have . .k i .. f , T S ft lwt I i . i . r heeu o.s:r'Ug'y urge! as asitiiiidj!a iblei both by tbe yimuigtou pbauiber of Commerce, aud, by the U Ji.j .Engineer ii. r charge of the works. t ti ! . "'Ml-Lin, Chairman of inv Florida He tern- ring Hoard h'sViritieA'au iffidsvil In" which heaiystie is'convlui-ed ile'wai'iii'iVeJ in tbe coiiut, and that the'tate' reVy went for..Xilden; by from .50Q "to'feoo, vo'tev " lie wrs tkMetf by a prouiue of Nuynt vf Ouie. the agent of II aye that if be would stand up to Hayes.' 'he coald bav any reward or preferment h wsuled;"' '"'' tl':.t-f ' fe can Dow outy refer Co this 3 if grace ful sut ject, .1 here is no iloutf of the eon fesiou of Mt Lin,, nor : cau there be any doabt of i: truths : jir.'ilaje-i iciwiH:lud ed to be elected ly the Klectwral txmimi To6 ;"n'ot ly the K'.eci'rl vote of Klorids. But ss the action o? tbe former' vrJi baed upou the awumed soibentioity vf the Flo rida returns, the validity ut Mr. ilijea ti tle falls at once to tbe ground wbsn. the foundstHMt ie destroyed:' If he still retains should have falleu ill at this erilio.il juuo tuie. . Tbe ltuesiuua ate doing tbeir best to streugtheu their poeitiou and advices from varioiis side, evflvur thav there are eouib.ier. l.o moveujiiU of truopi tow'iros tuiwuu tmupleas wilt as littllipoli, : f !j ocoi-Uinjj lo a teller in the i Vie n rulisfrabe. t;t)efiiiaiieiiC kum' fobai'O11 J abauV tinny jmUeaboribweat lioiu Comttatv tiuople two ! thouaaiid suppers aud eight tbouVaod iiifauiry are at work tbeie tam ing and eoiutiletiog the liues tbroan up by tke J'uiks-.jahMigrtha. whole .line truni. iiauemaoi to verses on tue dimcs re t. 'our smaller redouUts, have been eulaiced aud five new oUiM euustructed. There still av t hhiuhiii a uiuu) uVuiiv ut iLia tieca iruua be I r- ... tiAKUW .Vtt K in Uinvi te. we are aoie io mi oruers prompuv o at ie iwwem eai i sumvieut lu armitlieVexIMdiidiltoiks, but r";'" " . . . . , one hundred ha.vy gnus and thirty mo.tar. l!? W.peUidt.arme'fon,Mde.,a,tl U?Jl ? A rjOUKiJ, AMl' HMXD. ? ' 4 vIJON,UON,lAprir!2A.-ln a'" violent gale f 7 Uyw-'IJL-iT --i r-,' T " -'" x a Turkuu.- ovtvetie wkb-nmelyuiea,, M JJ--"'J- W-LOlOU! X . . - uw .i u. VvffPK3rjp;HEATi::o cvgves. ." i f tiV - -,' !c-if i; '.-i'r't -4 .;., t-j Our lti'iuuieiital Cook Move is the largert and noavieot iu the mirketriiid warrant . Atlanta, Ga ; April A speeia' ewire'a.liJaiitt..' AVn'lau b-ve a line of Cheaper Cook &vi. I to the LWitution state' that the eyvloim ..l.L.A'.tUnlUJir V - J 'l i. f bivk tiMtsed over the soctiitiiuf the count rj wae four niik't tfrem-.I lbut, Us Vf Waiod eyefytbiog as t w?11 jo f r aa beard from eight personseielnjureJ, end sever al biiea and mules" weie 'billed." Tree three feet'iii'diumetet' were 'twwitd ever auU ewept away , slid uiu dwelliage yie bbiwu down.', The path of.lbeayelone was 3UO yards .iu wit'lb,, paastuj ;(ow aouih weut to northeast. ' 'i Counvs.. Ga : April 21 CcJ. Vil Zaliabury. . banker. nj-r , jio. tern ; aud owner of tbe Jrj.(juirer . tuo , m vmuiubu, fas JiitaJjy shot i the back. while, ei.terinp tho tn(in,l Scale,. Ala'. fn hatarday si 10 p. m ; by Pr- K 4 M. 1'a liner. . The fatter IrajJ sipt arsbfyJfir'f,fi$ff.(HH dnmagea to wjfaarler hy pubbentioue, and the "jury bad swarib'd kin one eeitf ,,,, Sli"hury died to-day.; ij'almer ho fled.. A. 'reward of $.U0 is ('ftered for rhe anext of li e mur derer. Great iudignstioa is : felt, or the act. ' . t, ,-, .. 1 New Votit. -AmII ii.- nen. '.Wm. Orton,' lenMent:,of the' Western I'nion Telegrspb Co3psiiy;rspireit tan maraiag at seven 'eleei. of swpexy,Twitb wbieb be was struck at II o eloce last wight. Memphis. Anrif iS.'-iA? 9 o'cWIt Isst niuht a rain and thnarffr storm set ia srd continued throughout the night; ?i in ches of rain fell. : Hjim Csyoeo oieifeerd and awept away tle(i ride at N eood street. WAi-niKeTow: !,Aii)' JS.Hrecii.l a genta of the Government vepott with great ptmitivema that Ijontsiana and Tbrids ne. groea have been kidnapped, and are in sla very in Cobs, and it'is r ly in ti mate! that persons in in interest put "the 'sneer in LeoutrU a sonp. """! ' The Democratic Convention, te nomtaste a candidate for Solicitor for Ibis Judicial District.' wilt meet ia the town "of Durham on the 1 1th. of June next. ' " ' i tl ere it f ( v inform our friend of the Chsr- , .j brtte Olrvtr. that we are not oblivions to tie pest valuable tvic of that journal in advoeatii'f tbe aomc of legil advertising ; or furgeiful that other papers in the .State Lad exhibited warn juteteat 0; tl.e wee sore ; or orMniartfal d the faet that this ides had been intrndueed several times into tbe '0yU;e.1i' fH IitirJaiureof North CaMitii since tbe war, JevenW WH a4 sumtiiaruy siaaguierei joraii oi wnicti w hav very Uiatiact and painlul recollec tion. '. -t . -i . -. a til ,i hit seat; he does it with Ibe full knowledge tnal'Vt does it witbjutlegsl rl.jht:"'"1 . , e nave become wrsried with tbe tele grsms.in relation to tbe Eastern question. They indicate na progres in affairs. t One day war is i rum went j the - next, there is prospect of peaceful adjustment,: and S9 it goet on to i weuflwuie ad infiuitu'm." Defi nite result wilt probably be" announced suddenly. Iu U mean lime, we omit the usual iteSegrama, unless, ater this writiug ametbing important occurs. ; ,(l I 1M ,,.... W, J,.V ;.t j i The whle K.Mh trrolma delegation is firm. (reposed1 to "re r-peiimt the lreidea-' tiat question on the basis of Blair's sagges tion to try the title iy Vrit yf Ntrf'irfitnro. Hut wbatow, after, Mtlvu'scoureMion that Ftoriila voted fr TiJJeu? And Florida's 4 eleetiiral totes iurned JienMmle,,fur llsjes. t.,n s Mi ia wi-fc.-.i "Anoihrr revoluteu i en (out in Meice tobierbrow Die 'fie' wilt be Jumbied o'utof bisaeat befire be deceives the'Vee-g. nit ion of the U, S.'g'overiniVeut, whiobwsa made iui a little too late, ' 'J.'"' . The bill repealingthe n-.nktupt act is now, a law. thn Uoum havirig lHi'pssd it land itgoesinueffeot immeJiaUly.j " TUB KASTKKN QUKSTIO.V. ; niici-niVrinM i if-ui.v t ni:a. 1 "DuraiigV Ktiruiuatie ltewetly." the great IxTERJtAt -MediCIk. will positive, ly cure sot ease of rheumatism on tbe face of the earth.'" Price ft a txrltle. ail bot tle. y Sold by'all Wholesale and Ke- tail llmfreint.' JMn'l fail to send for eir enlar to llelphenrtineA Itetitl. Drnf gists Washington: D. C.'i ' " 8m.: O It E fr.fr: vass & CO., frY': -p !l. f- StTciWoil TO HIKKY fSD SC P&7r,J I ' U At ! 1 i i .1 Wlmi. ai,d Ketail Deslers'.in i r I -: . . :! bos, :ku W H . . , ! . COACU ANDWAGOS MATERIAL, ' ICTtJ X 'ifcllows. Aniilr. Vfae:'et&-.- fT:M V? 'iv-Vi". r i. OBNUINB MALTA DOUULK 8UOVKL VLOW3 FOtt t3.50. KKEl'lSOtlm LAUGWVand moat COMl'LEhrTrtClfeJf..CtLBlTir3 eioluals aupplie I at sloes figure. t Gie o a ..U, Satinfactbu tasranteed.f Tbankl'ul for tueJiWral atruimgrj bcrrtifoiu Ine-tomed wpaii r, wehuit a contin nance of the same and lHrvrnM tnr wstUvirta to iieae alt who trade frr. k. i Feb 6 dm. '-'-" ' 't 1 ii ;F. Mr. U VA). W. MAY&IKD b Willi tbia, Toum ami will he pjkseed te irrve his friends i81.--Dissolution. .iElTi riiTIIatmer ,T. A. TAct ie Tnrv?.wass Mill t revs, rru county, 1. . T 'ttt M V t,'!f r,,T (' f f , " n r ARM IMPLEMENTS , h. " T- -ft ft. 4 W . ja yfci tt 1rtrt.tC,TltrTrW!tt mi,cimt. AtJKST KOH TUB S-AI.E tr ' THEHANNlS.DlStlLUNG C(?? McEilTErera -1SV ..Hmisiiiile Pure Rje''73v Pure Rje IVJ.03U X5U TAJw I'AiD. Hi MltA'wffw.I.TIUii Bnindleg, Gl, W7ie, Ac. No. 42 West, Lombard ,!t. eppoaitC V. S. xt.U.TIUORK. mairrb If.. , i? . MD, XlUYERSCIUJUaEliJELQiis, JAM KIT. tJlOOKK, , , .,A. .THOMPbOM. "T,.!! tit M0(jREf&tJllQ310S0N, Ralrisli. ft C.. . , v FECIAL atitatkm t1d to tne rale af - Cwtien, '.! i ' t k'i - , !- . flvwr. ,.,.f '" ''' Ornin. - '-; itr-si -:! trt - n'. ' ! . liatter. ... ' "Enk In, mar, 20 5m. !;"-, vi''i. .v. ! " Jorn 1 & - gob '.' MilLV il lediaperrreb.!; to every feeder of Stock.' METAL LINKD . . cvciMBBR . noon , mxpsa PATENT WLL , WXT UltES. , . Tbe Celebrated V ,V iouizotal ciiCtti;f ;i . Ci.-enlars and I'riec listed tbie Chore sent to any addrej. ' " ' ' ";" Miigic Cockle St5rcch The only im-'tanrnt vrhiiii will liile ibe 1'iar bidrr J'es, Md ( eekle out a( Wheal, j", Smith rtcnt. iStraW 7 Ciatcr, Plow Calings. ,', for alt the tftalkMr Pi lit m. toiojk, iHlelimirn. XiVml rerratair. lit Ttke.. I'ataVixiie. promptly m.ttOtf. " " TOBACCO FACTORY FIXTVRES. We liMke Tulare' Fkaiw ttllM,' Hini; Tin, f bim tr.Mr.. la Ibe keaX saMiavf aud luU ly warrant al'iMir Mki i r. ( m rr pondrnr Mlirlieti, ami f liiaitas ior worn ireawpUy faieaS fcit. - V-. h ,...., ... II. M.8.MITIU.CO-. . P. O. Bnx S - i. - likrhmoaJ, Vn, It ie tlieapparently permanent impression of nsst experience t end wbstver tbe merits 1 of tber4 Scfests Of on ear ' oorjtniporarier. Ait$ April W.' Tk'e',: Peters. burg torrecporitentof the Herald telegraphs that ibe German and Austrian an,bedors st tbe ItuMiaii liitpeiial court give it aa tbeir settled conviction that the Congress . , i m, - ' . a am now sMcninie. . a n in iniurmatiun Was from interviews had i.n Faturdaf b the two ambaMwdors by n prominent diplomaliat st th St. I'eier.bsrg I, court. , IS KNULANII ABOt'f TO ACT? ,.A ompsKo tp H.e. Vaiiy, news, dated Contantinoplett,Ssturdiij, ssysMr. Lay srd bS Isken slej to put, Engl iah fol.cie To all who arc sufterlnt: from the- enmra and iitilfvcretloiianfrnntli. itrrvmm weak nea. early lleear,: katanf manhnnil, &e; I will seiwl a reripe that w it! cure you Kit KK OK CHAHUK. . This great remeUywaa lincnvered l'C a mlwlonarjr in. Houlh America. ' fVnta atlf-alilreaet envelope to fliw RMr.JnnwHT. IXMAW, tjfaHm l Kbit Hosum, Mm YvrkVityi . !y. ' - '" it A nnt tfp." ' In Cntwnrf ' Ctiureti," Trlnro, ' rn ' the evening of Ihe 23n! of April, ty the Iter. Dr Cheshire. Ibe fatlief of (he bride, Mr. Bamuel 8. Kash,' fortrerfy of HllUboro, and klfes. "Annie O.Clteelilre. "" " Ontlteewettinn: of April 17th. by Iter J L. Ossrte, rat Ike realdene nf Dm bride's falhet, Jotin L. Wilson mwt Mien. Cornelia Wllnon,' troth trf Orang cwurilyv " t rK,fTir.MK"NT v J :; ' .Tbeolldwingiinea have bennaent us for punlieetmn - by ear' friend C.'B. Cooley well known' as msfiufaciurer t f furniture; bedslesde.. njsilressl. j Heing the gen oral undertaker of fbis vicinity, bis, stlen tien waansinrally attracted to the following nnirjoe' Kpitsphsi '"' ' An "InrVripiinii Tor the should be simple in style, sparing in words', niodet in eulogy. The lone and glowing , epittph it seldom red " Glowing eneoulomi are re ceived with di-Jrurt, ', Kxee!e prs'r,- I . i tl ii MAXCf ACTrniM 43D . f vratklt iw AIL kim or ,.rit. '.iL..! It.r.1. .w.im itaiflrantiie and tbeir influence in oeterrinr irom sui-m i .,. u a,: : w-'A' .;' ..!-!: I , " 'l'let " WM " prP"'w. his goyenimeat.. It is consiJ-red in well j ' 1 we do so with the hope that knowledge hss .'informed circles that this step judical an Tbe ikrae At" sailed from Cl,erlesion been aerjuired by f revmns dbuW which '.r'J 'bdral (.rib Uritiat, ambasMdor. tavt week wit! tVllsrgw ett.igrani; for I.M tt; Ul ' different' results ami that ,! . -u leria. If f wb'io were from North 'aroli-" gre ititelligentpuilie' opinion , h jbaen - l-ofoost. ApriJ 2..--The grvwing big. lief iu the failure tf , the mediad'ou iu the DB. ; i niit'ir i ri'" "V " uvaaeuvv, :a sae viiwvivi ma i leswjo. , If lb I 'ter, the n groce most find - it u it fo ihetnaeitws, ter Ibey will not be 'lev anytbiag tbeir teal white friend will . , fcelltbem Our information of Libeila aa t-efies that It is no to'wl a paradise for the 4 Au.erin negrn tbaii It b f the white men. llut tl farmer mutt bey tbeir own et.rlscec . ; giod oa," the dfeat or abaodonit,bt should not be eoofeased." ' ' " W ropoe n ret.ewal of tbd effoHs ant) bop for lb .er-opersiioo of Jhe Observer end ear ether friend a heartily and ably a wben they discued tbe proposition in all its frtilaes. fkk onr fliate and try Spain. " .y . S'erri trouble fyiitinne to jlerrer the s'oek markets, and tber ha been a geoer. si fall in prices,. lieMisq securities arc down one cent. Tb negiriiatimj eyardinr th (?ongre snd withdriasl ' of rfi IritUh",lIeet end Ruaaian troop from near Cn'nstsntinople, have led to no result! " ' It k considered eery nofortunste that I'rioe Biimnrrk ;and frinee tlirHiak'i.f paieome aivaja, eins Cfpectsiiy so wnen heaped o u he dsd "J1 " ,-; lVe! on tomb sre Irilfes vainly spent." A uin'e f.nxl niue tstfs brstiuionunteiil, -Now she ia desd. she esnnot stay, , , ,t And frmn her elsk dun fade tb fuse ; Which of nsnext ebsll fallow ber. ,,,, The Iurd Almighly only knew-' ' " - OA' AH ATTtrfinfiV iAT'LAW. t v f ,re v Mn' Swab, ' : Attorney at T, ; , - Th Devil erie-t 'f- '"' '"(lirra ha yoe'psw ' , i ! - 4'!" Jolitwab ' ! ' s' '?. " Alfnwtefst l.r j rfr, '"o it nnttASiOAL LrtrKinrtn'. ' " A tftliine fk'nitlb dwl nf laie, Ai!T did arrite at iff seen' gal; ' ' , lleatood withnqf,snd would pot knnek , Ltcias t feieant to p'kk th lock." ." t . ' ' ( v ' GRAIS'WMHOUi Sale' or i.eaf Tctactu' : .': , -; ...'J ii .f.f !..,;. . ; - . ! . WJ1, ! CEAYia.f , March 6 T8. ' '""'' Poptiir. j SKLUOX .'it ALlr KVKIt kJtt kiUKO 1 ibLISON&'ADDiSONU i , .. ..-. nVJ "' ' ; I COMI'LKTK MAM' 11 If roTOliACCO i TAbAK l VAHAhrKk.O, . , -. rF.sreaMklux ait we tfMVvts Jr be tb II (iimaH-reiit I'ertttitrr tnr Tlrrle Wie markei.. Itwathepmirlrer4tue It 'Mi tmir crop lhl )rar. KM ATffc M awrtf hv eenerWerf ami rex Itumilile mra. 4 Uir nel VuMrrln aDWh. sad in tite mini leoroiialt mt nrenl piauta-r. ltM'AtKMI It H 11 In AntmonUi. ffc.tithle rlcwtilwUi. anU Ii KA I. ! trtwteplutc c Um oVrtinl iroiM bne of aatnnU. . ... , ... t Hfct AlK lt artiott to I'liOMpT. CMilltra. ou. and l,eltM(. t eiatk iibnl nuhkly Soil o-tslii. It Iu nutiirllv. w ' 1 ' km v tor; Kbi rim! e vM-nrm tans , HM. AlMC H Inn lrMu tr blal for a enr, and Ibe seiwml trtilirt l; m U k n-uee Im. jtlK-a' Atin1.WeTelwe)Jlwi(M., rl'he W I ever tf4.': t I'rhi-fi hue anil l-rma s IIIipt! aa thw of siy njiHt MaoiHnl, ML-b Kraus Kmilnu rs. neilMt nir vriniage. i :s . t i ALLION A ADDISON,, 5lanufenlnrer nf . . THK-STAh jilt AND COMI'LKTK A . " Hivhniontf. Va. 0L llraLch OlKc.' ! "; i'alersburg, VA ;v:.,sEKDsi..sEEDsi!.,;;;- . WB In ell Ike Kierkl alKHlion of mir rrboa. Ill North t artilliw. In nnr liir".rt. ITT'."' rir.Mi and ora K.KIJ. uliiek arepwr n W Hie neat cinalrtr. nd 6r aa asrk-ouural anmml rtr-ripiiva .f ' . T 'tUraaiiil crrt.orMiJn MIU ellf-n, oinll SUUet rnmeiM iH corliie.". tmm. : ALLIUM ADOIMIN. )f I If. r f .KiobmondV': "" "" 11 " ' . - wGcld and ; Silver. Varc, . if asOxic Jewels: " 'si 4 UAtR JEWELRY', ' t - ' WJC. CLOCKS, It, V sleb Repairing and Kngrsviug fiurnpt. ly eseentfli.' ti Seals, ete,; made In erder. , , ALKIGll. .N. C. march ipeie tbe Slsrket llaW i: t t (j'corgo Gibson, - Jr.r I . , dueanwirlo s ;.. KKLUXiQ eiUDdOX.V4 f .; Importer and Dlrie .'.'!.-( Cna'Giiss- Qaecasn-are, 4, ?., ... . as u, -J-- . :; - JIOL'S Ir t L'UN I S 1 J I N' (J COUW, i ' - - No. .12'7 Main Street, ,. . . 1. 19 I. lliCll.UO.ND, VA. john t H. -Tyler & 'Co, ' ..j..i nceeerMHt its w MITCH KLL AUDTTLER. " -t . KHa's sinSireet, A i t '-f- RICHMOND; TA. DUtmmnU, Wulrhn, Jtrtfry ' 5ft'er- wvirf, J'hitrt W ar. - . , orttp" axb siuTtii arrvtAtiw.1 WATI UU KLl'AltLt. hi tkw aest man If nee. . i. , HAirt jKwrr.T!TSfArrToiirtri. IJT l'r0)t atlaatiun pa'xt to f Intern V mail orviicrwlw. rt,:i Iv. aOrTtT)!!-' i: it n t 0 .. (in 7) "; s: o . tiVJ- MCi ,.J!rs.rMnttlc.Ta1or,;r MILLINKR AND DJtKMrt MAKKR, At Jht Aotgie furnpytn wptft.bj . iV, OiUtit. ' ...'.".(. ' ItHoWrirervlnrfW ''-- '.' - " " ' . M tl (n'.J ' "- '' JrHI.0 ITiTT.T OP'.," ' '" J-Viw. rV' M A'i,o.. fompeWnir a r fc, rv-r, ?nii tarH snd lnrv bii)ljn1 INuiH sue he baa rve h"H, smt off.'rttia liiilm-onK'i-u in I tin Mt of H'.iMinm. nil arfninU eioUe will Slltflr ! iii'k! K. ie .4 Alto .cDwr Miiiu-wary, , ' J KHMr (MPU. t the a f ' Vr.le. -h l rerlltti w.H'ifr i' - .iie In jii.irn.iv . fKifutirt- v.i !,-,, u,i truxnin "" w wt nitci ner Oi'M Wi cune Ul to " itijrhp Mnt. io tfu e-1 t.C:'t- h '' ernerl el-earn.!,. sj-iiti. ?i tr.

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