THE DURHAM "PLANTERS' WAREHQUSp". JPWA FK-HvrW urrior Jyantage.s to hollcit. ( Atc UTtj ,7,1 50,720, ito. tuA't InctcaMflg. nature, gave independents such a les- ; of 0 ,veuue8 f ,;ef , tlj ;ilistiai0ugg. gwnritr. eiemawaw-aam V . WKINKSPAr....UAY I5.'i878 1 M.L: N ICU'A L ELECT lO.VsL. , We have no'.locd will ui uch t tisfaction that in til the! tnuiiieif.l conftistS fought oul with uiortnt Ictsvigoron the first Mou tiny f this month, the Democrats held iheir "aiVuj not ily lelJ their, own; but ia place-, (Jolilnboro for instance, made sab ickiniJ gain over IkVpublicau oppositiou jiui oil lor lllklRll' WU an uiJ serve a tMlCtu. , V take tli w m mi iudici'.ioQ of the tern j er of tlio poople'everywhere, to treat the ludependeut as 'neither flesh nor lowl nor good fed Imrritie;, hut M neuter, without political virility or jplitienl cuu-iideration ; men vrorkjug neither for party,, people, or cduwtry, but only for self; full of bouuliful promine, barren of neful performance 1uV riierceuarj, untrustworthy ; conscious vf dapiicity.'always ready to sell out to the . oppoauiou j faithless to paity feslt; com palled to Keek oompauioinmip with former foe. ' t -,"' " V hopa thaf the wiulfeaxationa of the Municipal elections ia b , forerbadowmg of . what iuuepemW.g ire ,to , expect in the county and) 6"ate ' election. ! The eoudi tioil of country is sueh that it ia essy to impose upon the people.' to long suffering . and relief so long postponed ; and it is easy ft independents to pretend aa ibility te do what atriet party discipline haa not jet effected, ' But let 'the people hate Vet a" little more patience, lutbie Sutetbeie facie of, radical rule ; are yet upon us. Thej enunot bfl disposed of in day. And iu the National Government it fctetill worse, beciue the Democratic party hae control only of eve wing of a tingle one of the ' three etf-ordin.le brandies , of the Govern ment. Remember. that what bss been dm' towards amelioration ia the work of tbe LVuiocratio trty." Whatever tends to tie eiaiuteuauce of high, , taxes, , to op pTeieive. ibterual rereiHie 'exsetiona, to de rangement finau-.. to ' sesreity of cur rency! la the' work of the Republican. They tot Mily "do not try to give relief. They glory iu adding burdens. The De mocratic party proptwaand urges measures which will give rel ef if they can be car ried out. ," Jodrpemlent thwart the Democratic party, - They give aid and comfort to the lcpubiicn party. " Down with the iude- pcDdeiits. V ' ,v ' ' ' . '' ',. TIIKTOBACX'O TAX. , We are glad to X ab'o (o say this much on this vexed autgoct On Monday, the (Jth. DMrtion tsuend the rules to take up the bill to reduce the tax on tobacco the motion Wing so made, a the bill did not coin up in t's regular t coarse on tbe eabriJer.-5-fiWd toteeeire the rewiMtf two thirds majority. tat the tote stood 120 lo'lli j and as the bill. ' when taken up. wi',1 ikK nped a twn thirds ", vote to f sss it. its page by the llnone at least au-y he regarded aa rertaiw. Aa-I it ia believed it wiil gaia tmgh' l-y diacoaion tf its merit, and may go front the I!ouc with aiioh 'strength as to iinprt event hostile fenate witi favor. , it-,.-. -! . IWdiw this goes to press ' fsible farther anion will be had. T1IK ' WltLEl MURDERKr.8.1 -' We are gfad to And that eouiderati4o for liumai life operated in tba abwvw a-8 U Make the eu-toassry ap eal totkw ijaprene Oourt( the wain ob ject nf' which is only delay. Th la w Was unlv too wirciful that it pemtUed to them tbe forma of ju-tka. lha people wereouli too paUeoi tuat tU; (ave theia lonucr Lear ieg than they did fcir wretehtd victims. For tie bonoTof oorlawt. we are glad they had every advantage of defence, nod oppor tunity t diaproie their guilt. For the ho nor of the people of Wayne, are glad tbe did wot take juitke into their own bauds. . ' , -Mut the trial being ended, and I heir in- !iomfl pull proven lejotd the shadow of doubt, it would be an outrage on pnblie feel ing if any farther shielj were interposed between ll.eiu and their doom. I theal perub, that Ureafur crime nay point to a artiinr ' 1 The Const it nth siys the Denwcrats in Ui.gre are getting to be eitreuxOy ean ilwus alxnt ii'Siitutirg n inteiatios into the Flotidafraedt. Caution U quality to be greatly admired, and nobody eeuld romplain if the people eierrise caution In sending mm of th cautious Congrtas. mew UrkJ. TLcre ate scvrral kinds of can ion.- . . i . ' Vt iih rttooghtnn st ft. IVmburj. Kas u at Vienna., Soyes st 1'aris, and now " ' THE BANKRUPT LAW. J We notice though aouiewhut, hie; an r ticlo en the sul'jeot tfsving hern Crowded out Jjft week tbe action of Congrtis- upuu the ISjinki'upt Act, It will , be remembered that tin hill for re pout passed the Seu ate by u almost unabioiou vote, and ws then traiisiuitteil to the House fdf concur rence. Tbe House passed the bill with some slight amendments and aunt it back to the Senate. ' u In the mean tiuie the opiulon of the IT. S. Supreme ('ourt in reference to the llouie- the debtor tbw ocoaaioned very gentsl alarm as it waa aeon a produce very wide spread distresan The prompt motion of Mr. Mat thews W postpone the operat'ob of the re- pealluutit the Brt, of JatiUur 1879 was Hiscucsea auu was lorcioiy susiaiueu vy me two Senator from North Carolina Jlansuin and Tbe fortutr espeoialiy made direct atd effective appeal to tbe Se nate, allowing ; that hie constituents had sud denly been deprived of a protection guaran' teed to theui by jrepeatcd deciaioua of their own Supreme Court, but now authoritative ly pronounced turn lid sad unontntitutional by a tribunal of still greater power; and that tbe combine J operation of the repeat of the liaiikrupt law, and the reversal of previous derisions of the Couit of North (Carolina were full of disaster to his pco-plt.V;r;Vi.::-:-v :4! Tbe recolution to refer the bill as etnend ed by the House to the Judiciary Commit tee waa adopted 4 and the Ikukrupt bill' i not yet the law of the land. ,. , . In another article in this. iue( we re ferred to the efforts of nnr Senator Rau som and Merriiuon - to effect n postpone ment of the bpetations of the bill uutil tie drat day of January next, , Tliis was aaked upon the supposition that those , pertoua for whom tbe retroactive fore of tbe Home stead had lost'it virtues uuder tbe recent decision of tie United Stales Supreme Court, might still obtsin tsoine lueaaure, of relief and yet sevure their .homealeadj by taking the benefit i ff the bankrupt law, kept alive by the postponement of iu final repeal for some mouths longer,' I , ; , ,, Our Senator telegraph! to the Baleigh dailies on the fitb last that Chief Jumire Waite baa ruveutly decided a ease in Vir ginia in Which he declares tht the pro vision of the bankrupt law making exemp tions against old debu is unconstitutional This wiil be maintained as the doctrine of the Supreme Court, and if this be the ewe. we fail to sec - what good wiirbe accom pliahed by fonder resistaoro to the repeal All that was sought by delay , wss for tbe benefit of tho-e prijulieel y the deciiwn on the llonietesd. Judge Wslte'a Vir- CPl'lI'Vil .1.. I ll'lH'VT ... I I4kl mfflLmmjmvMfUUMmSi . Tlwaeniemenw nf bieStaeA-eWthentei i H.tUpWaH !Tmvmvi1leTtw-inribl WBlTWJersYroiiifirtyl'i'i'J "t Ilia V icXh stebw put viva v.e. an.f lost.Odit atou was then ,f fMfr'' T3' .Cf - L..e;as.or,,,prop U fj.jj l-u,-xV "rrK?w b.!ortii;don,tosi iMimrg,:can. j jh i uij "'i z!'l ' lHrMhn not W'oiterw'iSe' than In tSecauae of S i JOLCll? tolOlSSOCLi XL,ntI.3Q. : TUWNSHII' MKKI'INU.' At a tueing of the vi tera of llil'sboro Towu.-hip lield iu iht) Court llou-n 011 Sa turday, 1 no lltb'ut MJ f'0- 'UiCttt iirg wo calieii in oiuei by Josipli C, ubb, jl.'liuir man ol the Kx. Com J , , ' On itioliou W' Uj UorJou whs mudt Chiiiriuiiii. and ii,-U,,Tylur( ainN'f. J,' ('roelnud ana reiueied u i-t us feo'y. ' , .Mr lioidili, oil taking ih'e tJlian, .11 nouiiceJ ilia object of the Sneeiini which Whh to appoint deWute to the Oouni v Coo- veatuii. w fca hld u HilwtKiAi!' in-'Saiuiw day thn 18th iiist. no noiniuuie cumiidalea or tbe .veuaW an-l flour of ieprHeaia tivta, and County ,OiW.raC I A Jt j Inid ti Vailni which mo'tutu jirev.iloif,' and the foiniwiug drtiecatoi' were eleeted :" ' Arch k Dicksou. Wifciu" JUiiAii;' ISI Lews. O :org Walter:' D.J It Cr.rk.'Juhn 0 Huif, JifW. O.ub.iu J. Y. AdttUis; lVne Jonrs. S. ti. Sttajhorn. 4! .f . " tin iiioiioif Mr. 3, W.-irnha.; itwns reaolved thai uj.oi the rjilureiHf any of the alKive named del-gt-o atteid the Coun-: ty ti-nveiiiion. tbe next highest in the lint of thood voted for ahsll ha uoxdarcd i ligihle to fill such vukNim-y or vacancies, . j - The following ; gentlewten .re-Mved the next Inchest votea after the tew who were dec la icd duly elected ; and their utuieii are, placed in the order ol precedanve of num ber of votes east for Ikem : . , W. J. Freeland. 8. U. Nelson. T, M. Cheek. J. Pratt, J. M. Hlatkwood, J. Cheekt J. K. Jones. 0 V. t'rabtree, W. H. Lynch, Jan, W. Biley'. , .. . ' O'i ino'ion of ll e iu geutlentan. it was rrsolved thaCthe Set-ret. ries I'umh rreileu lials of apiio'ii'iiieut io tlio gentleiteu de-' claied elected by the meetinir. . On motion the meet ing aiJiourned '" U. li. Ookdon, t'buiiman, C C. Tajhir. " ' " ' T.' J TreeLnd. Serretarie-. ' -! l THE KASTERN QUESTION. St. rKi EUbBino, May 6. The Journ si de Si lYiervbuiit ssvithe t roi er inter- ipretathm Jo give.- to t'uunt fccliuuvalolTe viit 10 una city n time tbe iA.ngoua.iuo negotiation Le uioied a umia prticioe LpsDOJ. Iay 1 Q Twe'vt' numlred Miirtiiii Henri rifles have been ordered lobe shippoil Uw Malta imuicJiately,- probably for the Inoiaii contingent. Jt js tatd that a. tujtunal convention will big ei) led 'in I .no a on Ve protest uaiut war should the government - take further mewtnes likely. ii "the opinion of the Li- iicra , ru icao to war- .HARDWARE STOKE, if-y'.S -V : f. ' vass,,..p i t- 'i i: l.T - ... . .. . .... . ... .kit ill UK nltliS l tm 1 SUCCESSOR TO HIBKYUNDSUHLKTT, II A ;)H D Whole and lietuil Dealers iu W A 11 E KOX, STEEL, . CUTLERY, TOOL3, AND : : -'.ft m JI V f i f lAND WAGOS MATERIAL, Sellowel Anvils, Vines, etc. ' GENUINE MALTA DOliiLI! SHOVKL.lLOWSiyOR t3.50. I'LfcTB STOCK If DUILDKR'S Tlie Washington eorrernondent ' wf the Raltiinore aaysi The peinal friends of Mr. Hayes will direct iheis fforts ta ease of investigation to etilarge the scope , so as to include variouscollateral (juriMaHiM the porpoae being to prutrat-t tha invetig lion that it may be made praetieally ne lea.f The Butt-administration Republican will doubtless find lit t their iutereat to asit in this plan of tact its. , Jtnmorabavf beenfiing ant-jbd for lha lat .lay or two to the effect thatomesstnnditig dHcloiiie were toeome frpm LouiMana, which would be of much mora iniioMniK-e invalidat ing Mr. Ha vt a title than the Florida dis closures ' Even if ijfie tiateitieuta reald be traced to any reMpn-ihle Hiarre." which so far has uot been tbe eaae,' it is question able whether additn-n-Ji Uim-I sures are needed to piove that which few people now care to deny." ' . . . ... . - . .W'AfilllXaTON, May 7 Eiffhfy thous and dollar iii silver em fie. ten of 'the de nominatinn l $2H, for isne in this . city, were received at the Trees urer'e office to-day from tin Bureau of Kngravii.g and Print ing Jlieie w iii ce tbenrst certinctes is gin.a decision them that advan-ae, ; uei bere. Very few silver certificates are and nothing remains but to meet manfully j being paid out for silver deposited, ' there the calamity attache l , t hopcIe idebt ednesa For we sew m protection against thw nrgeney of milium if they are die-' posed to press their claims. . ' ' ' A Vabtogtoo sjveul to the ITiiladel phia 7wes naya 4 new bonanta of evidence in tha electoral matter baa been discovered. ahich wi create such a state of filing aa being hardly any demand for them. ' 'At the Cabinet meeting to-day tbe prin cipal topic under eonideraii-.n was" Mex'i can affairs 00 the border.- No ' new move menr) -tt th part of the govwrnmeat 1 wero determined on. Secretary McCraryshow. cd severd) disp.Uhes received wiibm . I he Isst day wr two front Uraer.l Orl.. indiejit inf that affairs are acsuiuing more ,prace- ful kcts. ' . ... . The legation Uere is spprWd nf will render the parage of the quo 5ranto ' tbe d,ppch t American watt re -f thro bill certain, (t begins to apprar ibav the Tilden mansgetn bad aometbing to do with tbe late wterview in the WvrUI. and it , further assertsd that the Judiciary commit te willle ptaced in paiewioii of informa tion that wtlj startla iLe country and foree a re-ef eviog of tbe preaiuealial qutwUott. With tbe opinuii of Judge Waite before tbe-n. debtors r-ltouli heitate, i( the bsnk rept Ijw is kept in force some time longer, to seek ita help ; for Lex ides the costs its machinery entail, it r gives no aid in the way of extrientwi." tn fact, it is jumping out of the try ug pan into the fire. Green Wo Patriot says the f rpect of the repeal of the b.akrapt act has increased the LaaineeS of the bankrupt court in this district. We oi.d.rii.d there were four toeu applMMitioiia fi e I the prt week. TVs Cowref Jnnat is sssrtled at Rut ler'a aatMium-eaient that Le is made in the ioi.e ol bis ttakef ' . LITTLE lUVERTpW.NXfH P. ,; Weaie farnir4ad l-y Mr. John Tomer, f eeretsry f the township meeting held n Saturday fur a report of 4h proceed iogs. We has ly room for a list of tbe delcgaiM which we give, te wit 1 John TerrrlL VV, W. UiU. Ch.rle, R. V4U1f,, L. W, 11.11. 0. 0. iUv. A. I llo'dfli., John V. I)wn, Hall t and ihe fl lowing were namwd aa aJ- teruatae: Thomaa 1111. V. Q. WiUon, H. John WiWa. r. 1t., Walker. II. Rountree. John Turner,; - Dr, John Jlerry R. Hill and Sain. Terry --. -. . JoilX Y. Lyom. Chairman. - -John Turner. rc. . TL friendn ef Wiixtit T, pATTekaxnt Tacksid Consul at Ltverpool, the Unit- j propose his naror f. Karior Court Clerk, ed Kiulee will bate first class Returning j subject to tbe action of the Contention.' UwarJ fraud rtprtKOtetiou abroad. j April tie I7ln it. a additional Rus-ian stemnt-hips filled .With Rus'ien officers and sailors, , , ' . a-WAWitititsToift My G. The President aent tirthe Create to-day the nomiiution of Mr. for United ifiaiaa Cvuaul at LiviiK.l... Thw pjaiiion.hss jilwaye been cotu-idcred cue f h utort desirable iu the gift, of. the gvki i uiuctit .broad. ,, j u arrepl it, however, will t.ciMtaie the withdnwal of Jr. l'tk;'tl 'finiii all, participation its lxui-iana poliivaf T'tM, i hat ih n'i Pack ird wing of the iblicin parly of FOuininna want, and the President I.i nell hn fr sme resn leen i'ixn.n tu get .Mr. Packard out of the country, as he' long sgo offered bird tbe choice of several posi tions io the eonsulsf ' and diplomatie eer. vice.' Hut with Mr; Packard it was the New Ot leans coltectorship or nothing." As Mr. Psckard is no, howcrer. broken, not rraly in spirit, bet In peeler, it may he with him as with the spotheeary in Romeo sne rfaiief. racKsra succeeds lueius Fairchild , of Wmcnnain. who is transferred to the onnsnl-gcoerslahip at Paris, Alfred T , A. Torbert. of Delaware, having beau recalled from thtlast named city, ' lie was appointed to that position about seven years bko. end wss first ionly entiaal. genrr.l at Havana..; (Tbe salary of each eummtahip is C.iw jer annum.., Tbe . fses, however, are my lrget , . . WAtntXOTON, May 9. Theetimmittees of the two nouses on the revision f the law fwr lite election of President and Vise President held a joint meeting to-day. and after eoRsidcrsble discussion, the eomtiiu- tiowal amendrntnt proKised by the lleese eommiltee was rejected, . This amrndment us lie rsri'exptain the teni er kiid views f the Enklihh chvernme'iil aiid" .eo t : more effectively thiiA Could ''.We'oiie' ' in' con ea pbiiden'eet 'A change in phi lie epiufun if Kum In a peaeernt directmii 1 fsul to re very niurked,' and to be a Vefgr,iiion of the serious eoa.Jfijoenees ihht would Ineviltlly result from w new war. 1 - t t , .. , The Ciar is psiaiMislly directing tha re gnthttiulis with the ': sHiist.nee Of , Run h Jomaini. The Cxsr'e predilections are tn- tirely in fa vol of enoe. , .,. . 1 .i k. ? . ' uo. May 6. A. Looaon dixpatcL says tb baais of toe arrangement which the poa era desired to submit tu the Cur ! haa been agreed - upon ' The arrangement ia separated, into ; fiveditisioa. 'I he firtt propoaea that the two reious tf Uulgaria sitwatcd north of thw Ralkans, anall hn ceded to Uus-iu. and tiipelaie ttht lb Southetn portion of Rulxaim bU, remain to a great extent under the authority ol the Sultuu; the sccoud relate wilely to Aaiatic com cuit iuu, w hich, it is propuxd sliall le reduced to s Hi 1 it 1 mom ; the thirtl rehtlm to the .traits queMiuli. and " will la aiini-geU 6erealter; ihe foui lb demai dt a definiuve selilrmeiit ol the war iii'leiuuit)' ; uncC the fifth division it is proHsrd ihai butb The mily and Epirui: sliaii he 'amor Jed ike right of e'f-gutcrukueiit. thus securing lor them ihe piotcvtiou o? Europe ana their tiatii-n-al independence; " .)'', -m It seeina to be ' the'1 general imprewioa that Prince Gortxhakuff will ' not be abie to rem me tbe cbaoceilurrbip. Tbe preaent esxieavuvs are stated; to be diiewted to seonrwg aueh an wudeiatandittg between England and Rusoiwaa willor mil the Bjmb'iug t.f the aoncresa wit aunt thw cortainiy of failure ,, To hisjiid direct oommunicaliobn are passtng . between the two governmrnts with a view to ai-cert.m-.ttg what modificatious in Eorupe and, Aiia would render the San Stelauw treaty ac ceptable. , Without such aa nnderslanding IbektTj will le no congreaa. , . , London. May 11. -The negoiiwt ions for the surreiHier ol l-xirtaties and tin with drawal of the KuMthHi army from Constan tinople aie rcpvrtvd to be progrosaiug favor- A Times Belgrade despatch reports that BeKM is in a state of great agitation. Toe inaurrectiou spreading, and tl luurgeata lores all the chriatiaua to join tbew or bum their villages. The news from icnna is genera. ly war like, end seems to indicate that Auwtria doea not regard bar prospects improved by ihe peaceful tarn of begutuimas bat a ecu England and Ruscia. ' ' '" Lo5po5, May 1 1. A diiatcb to Ru lei's teh-grtim company fiom Rerun says: Emperor V1ll1.1n . was reluming fiom a drive with tbe Grand Duchess ol Ra leu. several leports from a levolver were fired at him in avenue I'niu iHmliitden, No oue was hurt. The pe.sou who fired the shota wss srreaied. ..- ., , v nt t m t . ;i f, ,' Wasiiixtox, Msy 1L The House spent 1 ho d.y dircuAMiig , the bill reported Irom tbe committee on Commerce to teu Lie interral Iranp4rilkm eu lailioadsand to prohibit discrimination intfrtighu.n No reialt was reat-hsd -- f' - ' - - ; ' T pmiwiim wMirjmr,i i nirnwiBPni John P. Loekhsrt. Wstey Galea and K. . j p,0po-ed to elect h popular vote and to COGlCx AND HEATUJG GTOVEG. Ojr .MoiiunieYiial Cook itovS iathe hivestaud ki:avi.t in the market, and warrant, ed 10 give siiiire MtiMaction. , VVe .Uo have a hue ol Cheaper Cook btovea. t Ajjiinta lr Dupout's Gun Powder, i . ? ; ' Meiohaut sti'plie l at eloso figures Give us a e-ill; Sa'isfjctiou guaUhiecd. - Thankful'Tor iholiheral yatronwue beretoforu bestowed vpou os. we elicit a tobtin-" ounce of like simo and promise our best etforts to pi ease ll who trade with us. ' 0 Feb 8.0. 4 " ' ' vil F. VASd k CO.' Mr. GEO. W. MAYNAUl) is with this House and will be plowed tu'oem his friends , . . ,i. JAUK W POYI.K. f IKKDKH. IfltKIIAkT. fBoyle&;Iglehart,: AGKSTi roll THE PALE . Of THE H ANNIS DISTILLING GO'S A VIM Yfircn Pure Rye, yPureRe W II I S K I E S;.; t!- ' IN KUM ASI TAX rXIl. ,ikl And Importers rf '' ' 1 Haudttt, A7iw,' Wneit kc. 1 UKACtlW fN U)E ytn.KKY!5,, No. it. Weet! tvibn.rdi' 81, ilfP'ife.U. S Puhlie Store. u BALTLM OR E. JXt t. !M1KK. A. A. TIHkJIKM'V. SiOOREt&'TIIOMPSON, comimiox fiERCjusrs. itaieisWIii'cr" FECIAL aUeutioa pohl to tbe Sale of v Cotton: Cm. -y 1 .( ft 'f n 1 n a . v r . T; it 1 ? i ... -. - ';- i'Htter. , Fowls., le, CfMiVamews $Jk!trtl. JIijlut ytice Jfte Iv-CitiUint Kuti'Mud IUimk. . mar. 20 3m. H,Ueijlt. B.C. GRAVES WAREHOUS t -.DASVILLE, VA. , , ' ' ' ' FOR THK'1 J i; ' ' ' . Sale or Lear Tobacco. q WM. P CRAVES." March t, J8. . .A Punprietor aKUNJM fcQVALKlll ' XKVKR! A IsLlSON & ADDISOiN'S. la . - '1 .I 110iIESTEADtf FOR BALE. ... ' Wool awarding "NEAIt - ' ' Onh, hntti ' Vnunlir, X. 0 allow each frsetioo of the ttatf vote in proportion to his popular vote,. The House eommit'ee adopted, .a sohatituie for the Hen.te bill, the principal future of which Is that in eoiitroversiea arising over Ihe Selection of electors the deeiinn of the Ftafe shall stanil oMeflf'ehst.ged l-y se.tlon of both Ilousek of Congress. The original bill made the deciaiou of the' State ahantuff and ta This ehune' is ' acceptable ' to several Senators on the committee at' least, and the indications are that the lofeftittte will bo adopt s4 aMbe nTt mee4nf.' OfR Msebtwea are new In .Vvt4i)id ortVr. and we ate preonreuto 4 work Ibat caunot be rcfllcd in Hh- Mnl. We have a Iturrer and Ticker atfaehnl to nr Marlimr, tberirf ravinttbekior ol I trklut; ttad HurriiiK oil Iwdire orlur; ns It fur t aro int, tiremr rurwMwd U oVMrnl. ItraimMortiuit tltat U'wl nliouM to w.4erl and rie(Jf,re U-injt lirouvil to lite iisrbinc, U-till one tw)iinl 1 ; lre-a to l ew IU ot wnH . UJ TKKMKl-Tmna brlnirlnx Wl, will to ehanM fcighi txnta u-f pound, or one KUlb u tbe Wtjul. Colored Wrxd will to rharaed Ten rents IT ItronjrM to tin Machine. TImxw emliiitf It more (unknlfrt In do m ran leave lln-ir Wool at O. A.fiirj". IlilMMinK m with rett A 1 boMi-wkN, ami W. . fowler A lira, Jt-hnnlll. . W will reeelve It at either ofthne pkwt and card ami return st, Tw eenta mt twimil u white, sim) .Twelve end Imirernl rr colored wool. Wtrtkexecuted with deiafeh. JU.W.UOItK(1. , Xsy We tt. i oii,t s, 4 , KOT. SOLFVET. ", '.MY STEAM..; 1" - WOOL CARD1XU MACHINE CEDAR fiROVE, ORANnKCO Pf.C- VRB now tn . m1ld twdet. snd I sin itmr ad to do wmk, HiDt enntknt toeaeHIrd I bv a Hiirrer and I'b-ker atto lird to mv )laebtn, tHerehjr saving tlis lilni ut I'lrkln jL Hurrms ronr W d la-f-in- brln.lnii h for Card. Int. - U b. imiMH-tant that I tof W nid imnld to wanfMdsnd cieaed tofore In Ilk lstuKlittu Ito Maebliw, watnx one mmd ot Urea- to Ten -mii. fit Ww.l. , TuKKw "T White Wool. KiKht et.or one r iftb Colored I WmdTwelveanda hiKeent,, . . "..??"! Wo", r"n "l " " tr mnd. wirtoMt l".Vorn, T balk tit I tar 14 knm, and tolly prsrkdW to merit tlMtN la tl future, cunaii, ,4 s tZ tiiiiirmre of tbe p.iron, o( tlie ip.ereit Tnd spproebaive pnMie, . , , WJ7 (.t.l-rtirukV. tTA emo" COMPLETE MANURE ron TOBACCO 1 HTAKDAIlU OUARAKTkblk. 't'Ttr K ar trnkliK atol a I., k iiw. V V C'uinHH-rvial rertillar aw Ti'ImctwIn tur inarkM. It w,ll to to jrwur hrtcr-M to ue M H kk. rar. ., ' lit t'AlK II k hwih l-r esa-rwimr4 and rea. fonibte wm w.ifl tba U4 wOrrta'a k a. and In ito ntM tmi:b tud rarWui ruiiiiirr. RbC AIK It ! KU ll lit Ammonia. Mnble arS K A I. brme )'l).hiite ot tome OrtUrd In.m IkHkea id aiiluml. -, , l!i:CAl: It. action I I'KOJIPT, faiili-ia-on. and ..vllni. It M:uUlbc pLint otiiekrr and .it-M,it, it tu wiatorilv. . . JIM A tK it ia a rmilt M worn out lauds. WM' Ali.K. it to toett or trial U nve year, and Hie gem-rat verdirt at; "t all Ha name im lilk." A t omiilrlt ToUm-co Manure." Tbe tot I ever ued.' I'rlera aa Inw and lrma aa It tor 1 aa tknae at anv nltor Manilanl. hlub tirade t ertilUer. Wr.ndK'lt Tom-pntrtHMiie. ALLIfON k ADDISON, Mannfaeiitnrers of THE 'STAR RRAND COMPLETE MA " NURES, Richmond. Va. . Rrsnch Office. Petershnrg, VA SKKDS! .MJKDS!! WB to m entl tbe t-trkl .ueution m nnr frn-Mda ia Nitb Camliiia. to our, birKe Manrt- rr2i- !lifUr" rm'l d KAK . era init ami l Ito toal onailie. Md mr an avrieultmvl annwal d-rtilf if ""T f""' totbraand eorrepnilnrw antb ""an auiipxt ennierten win, nnr bni- AI.LtmO AHPI.HOX. ' 1 4 . Rtchmond Va, neaa.. mar I lv. i Ccorge Gibson, Jr,,- KELLOGG it GlRSON.., . Importer and Dealer in ,1 , C,,1fla Glass. Queensware, JIOIJSK. FUKN i.NO CCHIbS.' . No., Iiu7 Mam Klreal, !2i 19 ih KICUMOXD. VA. A FLNE PfCTL'llE KllEE to every lady who sends us .'( wt,ti f,,r a fmnkags 1 of CiLhi Wsi Jt!u.;i frotiouoo. td the best bluing ever made - 1 Mt. Airy, N. C. FARM IMPLEMENTS i ,. i.i aMaatSSMaaaaaW Farm . arid Koad Wagons, fMXE&lJMESDJLQn-S. CiilLUlTl'LOWS. -h,i fVOl'oTATlKRICA u n Indispensiblt to every feeder of Stock. v " , , METAL LINED : CVCVMBER r WOOD PIMPS. ' PATKaNT WKLL i'lXTUIlES. :. The Celebrated'. , 110UIZONTAL tlURN. Circulars as J price lists of this Churn sent to any addres. . - . ( , , r4.. Magic Cockle "Screens,' The only toikhiiweat wbirb will tone tbo Tar triilire I'rs, and t octte ant oT Wheat. Smith' Pflitent Straw Cutlern, Plow Ciwlings. r aUtbe leadbtc riows, in mw. Smoetb, toujjk, and well mriojj., .... , ' LPttml Term$ At, to fht Trmle. " ' Catabkxue prpmptl maifa-d. - ' .- TOKA (TO I'A CTOn T FIXTURES. We make Tnlmwi Mm'.' Mitel.,' IIxh.I., Tina, fbtea kr. r.. to tbe new anum-r aad Pi U ly warrant at' wnr woi k. la, !( ndra,- anlitileil, and eatloulrs for work prwknjilly rurnl-la-il. IL 31. SMITH A CO p. o.. n.x 8 , Rkhmono. v. :, Nov. 22. VASirXCTllikK At MCALfclt 1 ALL ,- KltSIM ;. ,-.'t . . Gold and Silver Ware, - IIASOMO JKH'ELSj k - - ' ; UAlRJEirELRT. ' I , WATCHES, ClOCKS, Ac, Watch Repairing and Eogrvmg prompt y..; iymuted.r Seals, eta., rwnde lo i.rder. - ' ' KALKICU. X C.1. msrrb i9. Opposite Ike Msrkel Usee. i John ; H. Tyicr;& ;Co;, ta . .8 veeare i0 ,B,,-,; . 3J1TCHELL ANDTVLER. . -10U' Msiutitreet, . mCJIMOND, VA. Di'itmiifU, Wulrh$, Jnrrlry, SUctr tttf, FloUH II We.,.' OIL ASI atLVKK srKI TACI.Ra. yATt Hti HiTAIRlri la the WHsus HAIu'jtWILUYWAl.tTOOIiKKH. IT rmmtd attention paid to tndera bv mall lie. ' oroltorwbaki - rt.: C5( VM: !; n ir: i: n f, n . , : ii:4kM; :aC ciiiarj. i 5: c t v:.vimiigna,fyi. " Mrs. Mallle Taylor, ' SJILLINKIIANI) tMxf f AKJ'IX, vv - oat.' S now rteeivlag kr ; ,.. , .,.,,,, .-".I,." ..rr" """f. ratlrd and sri't. "t. aum .1. J I" 1 OBVrtot hwltvamr,,! tlie t-l5t- ,-.r it -..w -HiniiHKiMii niiHirr vi, .-. .u - - . 1 - ' ' Will n MM'fr ehk , mi 1 IH 1 V. A..I.U... ,1 rttwriw..,.,,., ' r.rr ' " e"a Hill ' ""I"'" "- fV .r., , u, , toe-thii l. r iV suit I,. 1 1", u f T"fl rtoat". h" e-wwT B M'il. 'it II.