i'i A J. ..Y.tVP. '. -n (i iiw'r V f.V f r i . . "ii"t ... f TUDOLDTO.BfS CAUGHT WITH""-, EJowingr : Machine.' It b m hn-V fa iwM'nHflM sod ton m . , eatiit)iiiiiruiioifijtt. i Mr U ka I'm ftiatyd, H-reltbtmttt, ear h frrnnl tj U, with I . wkkbduM Itut : cluuigosa Ute bolbiu beeunM-arxluuirtril. - ,4tf tt pniult n miijutltOH, and It , oiubtarii ncnr itrvirablv liiiprmrrmmt. v Air l.rcrj Ilachiur U K-uiaut ready ft asr, ttftrr pcia (At-mffA fa1. ..., r NxwtilMtaiHllMa lh KRIEAT BEnrtTIOSI IN riill n eonliiMM to bm the brat malrrinl ; ad eicrtou tna grvumi can in tittU aiaoulitctant. TICTOR REWINO MACHINE CO., ' wartM ttaA Oft HI wad KUbsa Ct. CMup. H. TOSSM, 07113 Scl toaheto!, C414 Ow. H inni hmmimi r1 "AI1.W!'YBA?E.SV n.'i'Jistt ikdnlnu 'hi . ,'AT i As .:''.' w s V. Lumr Pncet (hut atmr known (re fe Blurt tlroa-dralu 811k1 at $1 Worth Sl.tV si f worth fliu, at f worth ilsi at l,33 worle fUo.nl l 50 worth f .!; Colored eulke el I-:. tfh-,l. $l,l, end per ynrd-lli'ehewiel ever seen; Hriswd eflk tstj H Uuc td H H-r )r4 all rr) tlMsii(i; I'teMl at !, air. ami l uc brio trpt lartHk-c; i t : . . ; HbM-k AluJcal Il;iu. lV.aiiJ up U II rr )arU. Ihiii't lnr juur &ps l loin tii lomx mirMmi; ? ;im:k A .1 W t t huwm t h. 73, V. f I , liitl tli br govtl tor lb amiH-jf eer trrri; V", ItU k AnlralUtt Crc(4 at 4o, (u,o, mJ 7) )am? '''-'- 4 CvluKtl AlwMat ISk. t nd S. ief jarj, uiihSo, t-J3i-. ryiii; Vah lVj.l.u. at b k . 81a, la anil IS K . per vr.l; I'.lack OluilitMn-Mfiv( l kK U-ecaiii'd. F.iH-v II H(X ntOfWat In. IS V. 14. M.io. atui li'lot rr Jiaid (ctMiMr allul tkeuowltH-a .!! I til'l' VI4 CimlilTrtl)lt' ainiKwiiifiit waicreatwl in oneof mir rlorai. llie" oilier May, by lli pcrfet lly elf ni, ou It litu to be before it ct"rt b UftVil.V'The Captain was imt In (be Kuliery fii'ii) the time he1 lett the JiiKiiorre rt.vjif until he failed for tlie iilnrtogrMplw. It iHoneufthoite tit ran k freak b tnliii)ult;l iitiio.'uMIJ laiii ill a frilled tap aiiIJ lo ngest llie agency of wmielbing utrt Mwdmlt, over wiuit an conaiuer, Htruni; ruliilillioii f the niaryeloue. i' A .; ganlvner frleiul or the liii)-Kec)tr iitt xvcvhtijf' prtaeiited.; Jilm ; ;WJthi.j tt,"')i,1 Uioullieil ImHIIv tiuitaliiirig . larit) VIICU-II-; niortal, but this U (jiiestioii for atieiitiflu ineo, anil nr Joi'al reporters, Who are HUp)Hwe( toknuw nothing about Hpiriiaor anylliiiig of Jhat kind.. The facta ar xiveh ainl can Iw aulmUntiated by a vWt iiuiliaH at iv and I3. per Jar J worth 1! V AU kiud l UltKS-S (MM DS aultabW tr mourn- ) alU- wubU t rUtaft at Minn . I l.iiiiu lMiia la am I rk4i) , ' . ? rraial CAJ.tCiiU t4,i, au4ie. StJ uu.Ui tauiUiwai UJ, a4 lAe jxr )4Ttl; . - t ; V M-"-- r f lurii.4 j'Uraat i and lvt.1 fattX wort If la aud IS$ ' ..- ' ia JJi. at to, Wi , IA, 10 V, aad , )ira.Jlitlii4WMcii;.. t'brrU.I NamwNik al ii w.wtli r jai J; t iM-rkid , JltWia-Ursu ptrti'- S1- "in '.:-,"-''', ! - t ' ' ' - i i Vat.iiIjnu t I? X, pi lcS,S.anasie. r atil at! etxp; : ' - ! CUrlM:trlii.Mat U. Ill aaJ la. li-r wd wifth S , 18 ami Jo. wr rsnl; llcl In k at K . lilt 1 4 -."J ik-. r rw; - 't Hrtiml aa.l )4lt AilH Ortrk tfl all qiWBa-a :! likackrd Miarttnsat Sic x yrdala a..; ' ' i 1M t .'iitdrMhrtf hrvtlns at tfc. per yard werth Fuiuytb rfnir-laa (Vtton at li St.'wort'h t Jr. -1 rarrt; -' V ' ' hi. n.-d and riittcBa Jhirtiiu rrtsiu-d t Ibr loitpat prim. rra rf it i k-m than rot. W 4m-I aUnftlM; Ur UifwU, u b M It'blir. I5rd-Cbrtk and r ata? SJIII1 In all ttttulittrii; Cai lm In f rrat larW-tr, nam ankl at tea Ui4ii oiC ana to ?! nlittb rutin atnrk; f Mns. 3Hl.s MI41itlMi, ttawarka. Mlndnw. ,ftWK U,lu4uwA.lMUua aad CurUUt 'lx u.tiii.Atad a k'Ntatoav lUada. aitd Umm -alt erj earap; . aod Intuit kir farnltnra covering and l.ainlm;"juiii, tbrraeair tvef awn; M'hiir XbiiuvUIn ailiualltla,noM lUVctotl. Ir yard; r ......... . A lull artinMit oTTwilkHt, riaiif, Mrtitrd and " l'Ulu Colored Mainn-U. the rlwapcxt jt l uf lrdi Tl'l KM. Mipktna. iMUrVtnrkry til JiaaiMk, Mnrtt CrumlM. Mh, Jawi L, aad . alarr arMrlra for tnm4uivtM. W Kta Um tvv prioaa Um bnt artlrirt Itral Thread HoUtdll Ktla. I arda la pkxr, Ibr t'm, worth 4iv w jrard; - - t'rarbftt M)(lnf IVn. lur a pirae f II yardti, ortlifr, w fantJ ...... (h laH filarial at We, fat ptaw of 11 yard. J.rrUa.) fcailiUk-it Trbaialttgt alia-, h $ nhr mtwrit ) ril, worth loe wr yard: llamhdr Mm at , 4. lib, l, V. atiil Up to rl lr atdi in tlir aitod we are oltrrmf tbh tit lrigiijjhrr knnwa: rillnwt ar, Valaiifr., tuny . Torrhim, tiilb purr, Polttl, and Marr law la Ktd tarkty and attlMi kil pih-r; Kntllnabam Larra Mrt urtalna at lltk, 3i. and up to l f yarJ-llie cU-t err writ J 1 '". .' 1 TnlH ata In grr.t vaiMyt . i . 1 Wlra at tf, i. 4., ! Up U tbl llu4 tiimlr; l l.lrtr (HI, laritt Wtb at Inc.) l lillH Sn-4i, I fr J V., . , itt Krrw h WarklMt it , aaMil W.t Mior. II it. llalr.Ckitb, Kail, TutU, Vrtvrl and tritk. Morn, laiabrlr. and l!Unt If.indkrri'bh- lu rrm4 ark ty .for inru, ttewiru, and cb'l ilire, -' ... Wr rniimtrttU but a liw art Mr we krrp. but !ata tlxd h i I ha larerwl and lwl arti d Mm rr nlfwil lf any ottr hmlwy till War. - I'mrnpt Bltailtlort" alvre to onlara, Ktiupfea .df! hidoifiJ 10IMl.ralrcjii mrch27. KtCIIMO.NU. VA. P (UTJnm.TTr.ivV I r" " TT TT.-T11 z-MATIOSALcUOTELjii ACCOMMODATIONS EQUAL'tp ANY'iK TIIRITy. DtU-jhlfnUgSiluuttil kejttoCti!tl S'jiune i 4 af ' 0. I OSIiOUX, n 23 if. ' I'I'ttrH'itiKTtm. ji. 'm"'.. .- . .fc - " I I ' 1 . ; . t Pi AGENTS WANTED FOB THE, ICTORIAL . HISTORYwTnsVORLD KMKItAC'INO full and aiitbrntle an-oiutla t rvrrv nutioaof anvirnt and imxlrn liim-a, and Inditdiim a hWeiT f lae K aad titr of Hie Orrrk aial I:ai4i KjapHt-s U '-mI of the ti-UInn f mnih-rn Ktiriiir. thr tnUhllr ace, llir ilinT.n- and M4lktniiit of titr New World, rtr. It mntaina tfTi tnr hWnrir.il rnr.t ie and JJiil hrsr d'ltilrH-eoluinn imaf. ami i IIm- mo-t r.imiM llMrtry ( Ibr Harkl rtrr iiitiWnil. ItM-lloal i.'lil. Srml for rrlnirn inland rxlra Irrm, to Acmta. and rr Iit It aril fa tr(taananfnltrrMMk. AMrM , 3kATHSALl'L'Bl.l!IIIM I'liilaitrlplibi, V. A. W. GRAHAM, Attorney at Law. MLLSBORO.- A. C. tkRACTKTJ in thrrmintleanf traecr, Ala JL tn.iiM-r, I'rrwn. fftjtbain anil l,ralllr. t Uim rulbvtrd In ao J part iillbr 1alr. NOIITH CAKOMXA Al" i:lT,(J. GbTTVS Ap.lk;atHtii arc constantly nia!e for eopioa tf Tiik 0BKvt: toninnijj the article in rrgird le Ike onndaiH of Xortli Cawlina irwjif at Gettyaburg ' The num ber of reiuet for lbte. from Ihe Xortb cm 8tate especially, baa latterly Imwui ao great that, being unable to aapply "win o'Jicraine, it l-a Wes deterutitied te ub- I'u&t litem in book form. Tie paper on I be aubjtct, on both r-i-lca. will be reprinted jt aa they apneired u Tiik Ochkuvki:. hiiJ will uiaSii a volume of ami two bundrel pagea. Tbe book will te printed on fair white pr, with good, elear type, and in paper cuveta will U auld at2icent; to dealers nil einrawera it I5 per butidred. A library eJiiiua will eta b made, priute l oo auK!rioranl LiuJuuiuety louod' l.icb will be..at f eaub; to dealer nd caovatacra at tbe rat of $G vt buu dred. Single cople of either eJition mallei poaipaid onrrc!'t vf the price. Tie book will he ready for Jelivery in a few' week. , Older acoompabied will ( t ... .... ...... .. eai r aolieileJ. . AdJrct Tiik 0hevkr, . ltaleigb. N. Oj ber tiitt a cui'ioaity tothore li;iiornntf4.titourViiiory, where llie tieative how It fa prutluivd, but," like ; iiiiiMl1i- i niyaloriia, aiiiipleeuotigli when explained. The taittle in ofemirmi placed wer' the embryo pickle when it - ie biiiuJI ami kl lowed to reii ain heaide the- vine until the growth In completed- The old lai!y tiail never neet, or head of any thing at the kind, and ahe fttood before it utterly dazed anil bewildered with uMoiiinhnient. First ahe would get oil one aide, plant her ftpee iHclea liruily, take u long look ami then draw a deep breatli. She would then re move her glunxeii, give llieiii a tiiovougli wiping and try it again, remarking in a lilgli key, with much emphiutia J " Xi.biHly lu the world kin ever make me bJlieye that la ft giiiooine cowi-umber in I hut liipttle It' Jint noine kind of a aeum you've citt over my eye !' Then die would get over on the other nide, reaitjuat lief njieoluclee, wink several time' wltl botli eyea in thedrullent luaii iieriiMiinpel tueieiUHion, ana uwu take iuniMlllie leillle, again, cloning Hint one, eye e"d tlieit the other, with the aumo re eult aa liefore, when ehe would repeal, the remark, and shake her, bad w iih lu'.re- iiully ay ahe abiwly t xpreaned her double aa lo the reality of lite apeclacle. ' 'lHiimloif beiiiir to a alight-i'-hniid nhow when I wai a gnl,' kite went tut lu nay, an' a fe'Uef ciime out an rteinlel tube eaten' cotton, Wleliiu1 . tire, an Kpimiiii' riblMiiiH, In-fideii fiyin' eggxiui hat, at.' a lot ' nire-iHMirnH' an' loin fmttery, imtlti niHrakixtf Itla glllill' llv chickeiie out'n a loaf of brwid lie had fiKind In the limn' oeeronat hh-HW; but them aa lol neeir wicli thing before an kiiowetl huw it ' vm, alt faid it wasn't more nor leHe nor aham, an' all lie Jtad done wn to put atH Uiu over iteople'a ey. wtie'n lieemild tnakeVm beliete a tree- load war bird of paradine. if he Wanted lo. An' that' iirt exactly what I think aUiiit that cowcumber. Take away the l-ll fioiuoirn my eye, an I dewiy the bottle will turn out to be empty. Il a rea tutoriainiii', ihougli, . an' I ose there' ltea w fulka jlxt fool enoliph la believe il'a all us teal niil'lH-ora to Ite, buH iu too obi a bird to' git choked ou chart. JMr .SaudeM, aii' you cau't fowl nie worth a cent' ' Ho nayiug ahe jpalliereil up her J'artla ami ilcmried with many kuowina: innUof aallefaction. CiwtnmR lircakjiMt Time A MYNTEHIOL'rt PEVKLOl'JIKXT. hiVKttsiot ok Tbamk ritoM Nkw YrtMK. Tlia N Verk Time y tul ne men aaaert (Lit th dry zuod jobbing tr.iJa f faat being taken ajr from New York eity l lb celatitititiiiien of jobbing liiif in Cbimpn. I'incinnati. St. Ixmia, luiMill. Tolr.lo, liuirlii an4 othrr in lerlor citi. Tbt aalet of ll'ieM, I.ieler & (jo j of tltlr., laat year ! mount ml la over ft 7.000. (MHl. an iuereaa over tbe prrvio ia yrarof 7,0lH.0t0, auJ llmM of other bouae i the rilic mrntioneJ, have brew in lik proportion May nw bonne ba recently aprung tip iu thnee ptntea and are doing well, nl , A. T. Stewart & Co. bve thoujilit ' it worth Ibeir lo MaMI-h branch in Cbieago. A larg prnj-trtlon of hi !uinr ii drswn, frpin Nt York eity. (n lb wlber kanJ, iu January I ao Irw than eight iinportaiit New York coiieotn hat gnn out of bnai nra, the Wt brintf AJriance, llobbiM ft 'd lw fild on WrdnrtJ iy with ftabtll. liau fatiovelfd it 'S.'OO 00(1. 5 and Jamrs ixhyr gfherf jobber nd Importer of woolen $m4t, alio failed on lh fame nay rtk iiaiiUti! attCUDliiiJ to $130,000. About two wrekangn, bay the Ketlalia (Mo.l Dcmoirat, t'apt. It II. Moeea, County CM k, took mi mid daguerreotyi to liaiiiur'a gallery li be mtleil. Mr. Lalnur waa Very huny and the Cuplaln merely aaked liim it h timid repnulnce the picture hi a pholngrapl. IWng In- formed In the affirmative, the Captain btld the daguerreotype' un a table, ami, orderluga half diwit Copiea thereof, iNimeil nut without inforinibg Air, Lntuur a to whom the pictures Were iuleuded to repreeetit. Homo days after, when Mi. lntuur was pretarlug for a print, he look up the daguerrwotye left by Captain Mn- aea and took a good look at It without leiu able to reengiiiM the features of either of Ihe faces (there were two) on the old ulcture. A iieualive wa takett of the duguerrcotyv, aud Mr. Iatour went to hi darks riHi.n to develop IL While ap plvlug the acids he would look lh rough V.io plulo front time to lime to watch the development of lite picture. ' When It wa nearly finished lie looked through, it lioldlug it up betweeu hht eye and tbe lamp, and to hi utter aaloiibdtinwit be beld Itetweeil and junt over Ihe two faces Iruiiaflrrcd fnui the dagucrtnety i a kt feet picture of Captain Moaee, aa be a iar to-day. Tlie licrvoui syatein of Mr Latour received UUenhck and he came very Bear dropping the plate, but he finally calmed down aud flninhed up the ncga live, from which he printed the. Iialf-doxcti photograph" Tlie face f I'ipt. Moe dimy oulliiK'd, even, appear un t'.ie. phtdogfSpllS. .' ,: m The strangest rt of thia whole aflnir trauaplrrd whew iSnptain Moaes failed fm the photograph. whn lr. ljatouraacer tallied for the Ural time the parties wh set for tbe old picture. It - waa Captain Moses and tils brother Ainem, who was killed by ileaprrudiws l" thl city In iMSfl while acting a oue of A niaiahnl's kms altetnptlog lo elfi-ct their arrent. The daguerreotype was taken alnnjl twenty ypMi agd ami no one would Le able to tr. tig n lie In th6 plclule. Intended forl'a lain Miwes then, one familiar feature aa h look loilny. By what sgeticy w tils face produced' The plate uftod watelr the negative was anil the original daguerreotype c ch 2b seen FACTS AI50UT THE STAltS. If the dignity of a nelencev is to he mea sured by the f liability of .the human mind to comprehend it leaching. Agronomy in eerloinly the : imblent of all. We very niu'ih doubt if any man tenily ha a clear ilea of all that I implied when thedia- tauwauf tlie plaueto from the sun are dtartedp and it i hardly less difllcult to uudeniand all that has been discovered In relation to Ihe sun Itnelf. Hw much can we comprehend about a place where the illalneter of the earth -would be a con venient measure with which to uncertain the height of Humes? Have we unyjimt coiiiTpliou of the luleiisity of heat nil Itl ciciil to ' vajNiriA iron ? It in, however, when we in Imagination, leave the Solar Kynteni, and atait on a journey toVhe star, that we Itegin to umlerataiid how iimigni" flcaiit our earth really In- It might nerve o measure the diameter of the star, but for the distance of the very, nearest nl a r known to ue. Alpha feaiaurt, we must take another measure 1. e; the distance of the earth from the mm. Alpha Centum I hi more than SiMJ.lkK) time the dinlniice. and if tbe render wishes to teat his powers of comprehension . let him attempt to grasp the imHtit of Ibis stalnncnt. Jle may be aided by cniiiparing It with things familiar to uh. Fifty mile nw Imur i very fast time for an ex pies train; but at thi seed the journey to that tar would take over forty iniilbni of yeanr The ve locity of light i over Phi.Oiki mile a second; and it rcijnircs over Ihree years for the light of tlie nearest star to reach lis The brightest star vbrihle .o n is Sirius. which i at live times ascreat a distance from us a Alpha Ccutauri. It ha been calculated that thl star give outSOUtinics as much light a the sun. Now, we- have no mean of knowing the siie of Sirius; but if tlie light if that star Is npial in in tensity to that of the sun. It diameter must be nearly IK times, aud its inassover 3,aH) timca a great., It Is sswiide , that ita light U more iulciise than this, but even if twice a bright us the un, it uiusi be li Umeas great lu diameter. -Even thi diameter, over leu millimi of mile, is beyond any thing of-whicu we have an actual idea. Au expre train, at 60 mile an hiHir, would rciuir more than seventy year to complete the circuit of audi a sphere : ' '" ' ' Tlie next star to Sirius In Brightness, as tvn from the earth, I Caiiopne a star which cannot Snt seen furthtir North than the most southerly portions of the United Mate; Tlii star is between one half and three quarter as bright as Slriuw a il show no displacement from the an nual mmiou of the earth, we are forced to tbe conclusion that it must be larger than Sirius perhaM many times as large. The distances of only about leu star have ever been estimated, and of the other visible, we can nut eveu guess at their distance or sizes. All we cau safely say is that they must be bodies of enormous size In comparison with the plauets. Doubtless maiiy of them ate far larger than the sun. Even the stars, seen only through the nntst jsiwerful telescopes, must be large as compared with th earth. They may ap pear faint front Being really small, but il would seem more reasonable to upMe that thry are, as a rule, comparable lo our sun, and that thry are faint merely from theeflect of distance. E.X WlIATSI10ULlU14I.NVmiGATKU We do: not autleKtaad Jth Jistinetiou made by Mr, Potter a to what frsadssliould be investigated., io ihcuii anything . more than a ilisiinuiiou between fraud committ ed end fraud 1 stteiiipteil.4 8uppOte'"it i said tlmt in a certaiu Slate a prcot fraad was planned,. wn uttempttd. but wa lievei roiihuiiHiiuteil. f What ol'ji.' Why investi gatcitjf.lt ws defeated, slid that is enough. The inursl guitl of the prlics concuroed liiay be just ss cicnt, ' but it produced no elect apow the rights 'of others, ili would srtem lo be a purpose) wuate of tiiny and mouey for CougrciW.to pursuo uuub investi gatiims. '' ., . . 5 ., We understamf. new.' however, our es teemed coutetuporary, the New York Thnei to charge iliui the State of MisaiRaippl wus tarried lor Mr, 'Tildou by ji fraud-i S)'e io not btsilate. to ty that if such an , aerit- tinn i seriously made, and basod tipon guf ficienl legal evidencd, the truth ' should be Billed for, no matter bovr deep the well at tbe bottom of which i; lies. - i- Fraud already defeated arc slrcidy well disposed of Fraud temporarily successful should be invcaliguted to the end that their trtnmpn may tie reuaerca r-iuon-uvcu. anu tbst they niav sow be defeated. ' , -' The Kcpoblicso sre ouly st boys' play iu Irving to load down , Potter rrsolutiot; with unmeaning ainniiilmeut but if there are any consummated fraud charged anywhere whhh they seriiHialy desire 10 have investi gated, let thsia bate investigation to their hearts cnuteiit, and upou the first sskiug- ew lori Ah. 'it'- . Tlie aged Alexander 11. Stephen. Ufon whom Hayes has lavished politic attentions, snd who ws aiuotig lb first to do . houiuge to ppaieiitly amcisul Fraudr profcre to tbiok l'.iiter icrolutiou s mistake, and ha written an impertinent letter of re monstrance and dissuasion to the Itrpre' sentstive whose aauic is associated with it, Hut the day is , pal when Alexander II, Stephens's approval or disapproval wa s matter about which sn lionct man had any excuse fur concerning hiinsc'f' An old Whip, a professedly firm adherent lo tit I Iu inn. be grabbed at (lie pruHtfro-l Vie- I'rrsideucy of the Southern Confederacy, ami proclaimed that the corner stobe of the new Government was human slavery. It is s part ol the (itue of things that a man with thi record i-liould be found in the fore-front of thw hypocritical defenders ol rraiid. Anywhere else Alexander II Stephen would be out of place. New lurk bun. ; ASOUIIKBOP TUB Citoss ox aFi-r UH uh. 'Joluuel tleorge W. Fowler waa stsudli.g In the sijunrc at Wsterlon the other day , when he spied a farmer w ho, some weeks, ago, had sold htm some very "crooked" hay. The party lit question Is an active professor of religion, ami a most Renlons worker for Ids ow n NN-kel. The roan's prolessloti being in such marked contrast, caused the Colonel lo eye him Willi dislike. Wlieu lie came up the Colonel charged him with deception In the matter of hay The sklnrliiit stoutly denied the charge- The, Cokiiel drew himself up tt his full, height, auddiadalu fully observed: I ant soldier, sir not a liar!' 'So am I a soldier whined the promoter of "crooked" hay, "You 1' ejc lated the. Colonel u atone dtsgust; 'what kind of a soldier are y T j'l'm a soldier of the crosa,-said the skinflint. with it tlvlesUble .fliNirish ofllie band. 'That may be,' said the Colonel dryly, but you've been on a furhniglt ever since I anew you, . ,,s . ,. It' bad r. 1-gi.iii. tlpH make us bate the wliBioii ofotltri. Miii;e tti'ssi ans Com i so A Ilillsilel- phia c&nestiindint of the' New York Her ald says ; That two more veasels uf the same character aa tbe Ciuibria are, to be scut to this country by the Russian govern ment They are both Geriuso merchant steamers, and one of thorn should now be near these shores, ss site; is already over dso. i Tins one. which should now be look cd for every day, i the Thuriugia, She contain a large number uf passengers, cou sis'iug of officer ami sailor from tbe Hus- sian :ivy, who are brought ' here for the same purpose as those on the Ciuibria namely, to be transferred to tbe vessel lutcbaed io this country by the llussiao government in tbe event of war witu r,ug- land Tlie other German steamer will si so arrive on the coast of the United Stales in a short time, ami will also be uuder the orders of the Uu,iau government, by whom she is chartered, snd will bring a body of sc.nien from which to drft crew for the Humiaii cruisers or privateers. Capt. Sch- metchkin is cot reel i stating that Kusaia i purchasing vessel in Ibis country, not chartering theai. llewia i chartering vescl from'Gernisny, but in th United State she is pureossiug them. Salmon ix Cinw-trEAKit Hay. The Fmithsotiitio institution received or Mon day last a fine Atlantic silnott, weighing '.i Belinda caught ou tbe preceding Sua day in a drift ntl near iHsiitia island, in I'besaprskc Hay. nearly optmsite Wk river. Numerous esses hive been recorded during the present, season of th cap'.nre of salmon 10 the Merrimse. the Connecticut, the Hod son. slid th Delaware. Th salmon now reccivrd is tbe first to indicate the return from ibe sea uf the salmou planted iu th puiKiuchsiina sevcrsi years sgn. hvery thing points to the probability cflhetrium phaiit success, on the part of. the fish com niirinns of the general gnvrttimetit snd the Mteral state, in their eiideinr to pn papte this moat Vslusble of til the fisbrs. urt. c.. ' - rsasu. em. I "I, An Kihtuk Kilu His Max. Wh inttiin, Mo; wa thrown into unite an ex citetnsnt Ust Fridst from the slmoting af. fraf betweta Col. John ddH)n, Ue)r aedTkoaiss I. Itiegs, editor of the Frank liacoaaty O'uvrwr, wkkb nulled i the talk of Colonel Clewn, ahile l'ifts is ie Auite a precarious condition, .. Tbe r-n counter w caassd by publio remsrktoa ou snk4 soJ prmal artwlca on the other 1 i aSwiW'WC trwlei- ,f ' 'j - ( vretting is a sort of religion sworing at tronhles. i -4 i , What MiMWouM ruin any tfld? Miss ntanagsinsnt. ' Mm itibumsoity io mau uisso ccuot- rM tboussuds dirapptsr. WOM AN'3 WOUN DED A FFWriOXS. A tbe dove will elop its, .wing to ita side and cover snd. conceal tharrow that is preying upon it VitsM, so it "i the na- . 1 if . .. . : I"- r .1 - .11 , ure oi woman io nine iroin ine worm me pang of Wounded affection.- VYiin her the desire of iho heart bss fuited.' The great , harm of existeuce is at etid..u ,Sbe. selcW' 11 the cheerful exercises that glwldeo thai. pints, quicken the pulse snd send the t' Jo of life in' healthful enrrent through the ems; Iltr rest 1 broken : the kweet re- frehktwenk ef s sleep is poiwmed by inelan- lio)y dresai ; dry sorrow driuks Iter bliKI, uuti) her fecblo frame sink under the last external assailant. Look for her after a little while and to find friendship weeping over her untimely grave and woadering tbat one ho bot lately glowed with all the ra- liantie of health and beauty, should now be brought down to darkness sud tlio worm. pU will be told of some wmtry chill, some light indisposition tbnt laid her low : but no on knows tbe uiental n'l'alady tbat pre viously sepped her strength and made her so easy a prey to the spoiler, . IT IS LIKFi ALL THKSB f IIINCS? Love is like the devil because it tormeut us ; like besveu becaune it wrap the soul iu bliss f like suit, because it i relished ; like pepper, because it otleii aet u oq fire ke sugar, hecsuac it is sweet : like a rope. lecause it is often the death of a man ; like a prison, because it wsfcesone miserable; liue whie. because it rurfkes V bappy ; liko a maa.i leoaU it i here to day aad gone to-morrjw ; like a 6iaso, beeausc there is no getting rid of it ; like a beacon, leeauso it guides ode 16' (he wished for port ; like a will o-tlic-wisp, because it Often lead one mto a bog; like a Sere coarser, hrcaase it of'.cn run sway with eae like a pony, be cause it suible ufcoly with tps ; like the n:te ol a uiad dog or the kiss of a pretty woman, Lena use tbe both make a man run! mad J like agonic', because it is silly ; like rabbit, because there is nothing like it ; lu a word; it is like a ghost, because it i like1 everythidg aud like nothing ofied tslksd about, but never seen, touched of uuderAuouV' ' ' '" '" ' ' The Vet. ofr Tobacco The us -of tobacco is doing more lo shatter the nerves snd underlain the constitution of the American people to-day than all ' ether csnses combined. 1 bonsamis Become Irnnkardaby attempting lo nniet Ibe Mick ling in tbe throat,-' caused by the t&o of tobacco. Never tell your secrets in a corn field. for it has a thousand ears. ' " What is su old rrfsid ? A woirtan tbat has been made fur a long time. Wben yoa dispute with a fool, be ie very certain to be similarly employed. - Evert other aid hath arnne pleasure an nexed to it, er wilt admit of some excuse but ehtj want both. ,,,,,, Show me a land that bas mountains with out vsllejs. snd I will show you a man who bss joy Without sorrows. A man tellintf hi wife about 'aclab with homo comfort. f wbc'u she sighed; ' Alt 1 1 had a bum with club comfort! A mob hanged a horse thief fa Ksosss; and pinucd the inscription on bis back; ibis man wa not the aoVIest work of God.' The young man wnu used to sing so de- vinely, Oh, bad I the wings of a dove U satisfied aifh a toitlen leg. She is niairind- Talking about the ftw of deslh. ex- claimed a mao wbo wa living wi'b hia third Kolding wild. 1 tell yoa they are nntbing to tbe jaw of life. A Western editor, in answer lo a corns plaint of a person that be did wot give new enough , told liiui hew wa scarce, te lead' the Kihle , which be had no doubt would be' newstobiin. The cup of hnmsB bliss i about a full' ss it can ever become without strtioing the goblet, when the tiny, blight eyed little' toddler bids gmd by to guwu aud lather and finds himself iu bin first pair of pauu loons. A man oat West I being derribM' being so tsll that be eiie a ladder to" shave biiasclf. t Tbe same imlitidaal ovf trouble bis wif to set np fot bin! wben ha is out 1st at Light, for be ran p.t bis arm down the chimney and unlol? tbe' street door. " " 1 - 1h Wise daughter s ine pride of her father, yea her winlhsr dmhdsllSlfiu b'er'; bot lh foolish mairtetl brinpfth sorrow. 8b hsagt tk on th front gate psM tipprtli' up bcr bat over ber left ear. Ur aye w roll of the Old Mick. She glanfetk over ber shoulder wben she rroaichalu mi tli street . We bite got In practice1 the iHM rigid ecoti.imy st Mh h a liifc ss thi.' rSntarksJ Bt itl th other dot to acMwd on Ike side Wslff, liars r...pd afl lie parVra fef Which I fmniwlf aulwrihrd. Slid d m l buy cndy. lot snd sw-h trumpsrv for te children : times tr btd . Come is horf fsed take a dritik.

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