THE DURHAM ,fPLA WTIlRSK WAREHOUSB? fcd, 8'i4fagte $hiifJJAZffiir IK iWeawaff. 4 , I! i ! f i 1 1 1 15 - aVeaajaaajajaiwaaaaiBWaaa kfWN The IWmkWof V)sw Dfc.v WgSft it Iwbots, Vet cy ij thW writ-. w kuve aw jDfkHrvMtk'vniyiWiwg, as it hadatt villi Wi are soatewAxt aerprwe to End Mr ' tiukjeea lot vary, level headed' &leW of & OiwrlstU. bmwcinf nuM ihe in vVwigalmw aa wangaeaajaj anaS iiataaliig-Jtax bantrr..d wwoeeenn ry d MBali ed fey Tb iai eebef) j the position' jsranKdk hv Ibe; JfcbuWiwn ' opaoil , of fbo paoaMira awl oie, tbcn know, the, Dtvmcntt i aa fcr retooved aefrom tVe aa fipodct. Tkf lttaiM have a aeatiaMOl : eyeporpoee waWW f Wat .? t 1 Bow tai iiijbmeantt aoa Jb .'th BTeawt?.JJe VVWr1 Wc.e tomIvaalW,t&owrai.t jarty get rally that bhy turned Rawcrwtie tie fry into trftttrrjiug defeat; and mtmwed for lour yesA igT is tie coot re) of auk lie aflair a ebrroit1, elatnavagan1. ail oter- ....... ,...,. ; . . . frearmg party fairly exacted frtw or by the erteel of Aw bo lot, lp d4 WJ ligrant fervwraion el'im deaiatob;., Aavr irbeo fat ait unity fc' Ibnot tbe Dtfiaocrats tor spae a "irny,a1uaa- joua ani ft tedieDPiiVlo" ifs Sleds kutfc vyoa BrDt lime enj ajnia lutsre how M H td its expouajitilH! ;t. Jt ftJaamValtallj cWlWiU to aakt ita comitftatl reitaia4 aaoariiena." 7beej jonicipnts la t)ia icmei of eriu (teBta- attne 'tiw) WoiarJ'itidrBe, the? actoall j ILiuat taeir ttathaoDv in tbe iaee f lite tioeTtWaH i,' tod fori be fe-t of aiffbarHf , Uieia ia.Mjf1m Aineroa wretOjU; tiooary Marircba into Um ,aecrft vf.tke, AamoiVW ia) din)e aonepKicie b trhlcfc 'a weraartil Wctd. aai mat gTa bV uiettjr iwtVerieJ, we fait to m it, , Lilertj. ' sot worth fjeien Ipg if it i Mt vwtk ea4uif fur. u Tb VaJWaaa4 tea la W Ike ativkt far tbe tipreniva of tk pi-Re will if ita akaon amy wot b ia- ttlred "into; 'if "rt faTsefy wroevred dee'f tioni ooit not te rectified. H baterer u reo. JatioDiij r daogerooa woat cvme Irom.tbt fartj,. wbiek mkiog fraool aocto-stoi, eliog eVrrate!j t" ita ill gottoa actoiai tkn, aad eon jure up tbe ipeetre of etrife ao4 tlwl to terrify tbe timid from inui- urton ioto poiwewion legall and norallj aotenatle. .Tbe revpooaililitj tut yiulecee la tbctra, wtpnru .' . .. , 7 . Waat Ike reawit el inrestigatioo way la a p.o tbe fvrtaaea cf Mr. Ilayea we are aot rrerired to m, aoJ eoafet we are tome vbat toaiflereot. IT e are mare concerDed fcr tbe viadkatioa af (be right of ibe Aosa- rtcaa people; wore lutamte ia tli full ipmare of a rcriea of anparraltcled aod ilaujerw'eriiiMrialitj, tuall in tbe f-erion at fortune of any one raao. We are not pacially eeeerc4 tar tbe devatiea of Mr. Tildes to bia let dijnitiw, oor for tbe it- jMMtbR Mr.' Ilje frtrm tbt to akieb La baa Mejigbtfnl claim. th we are con- Mroed e Ike cateitt of tiabiog fatnre pro- aidrrtial eWetiona ao aafe faota friaffulaot practice If tbe es) More aa J ppnWlmantof tbove rroten gniltj of tacb practice So tbe f tbat tbe people a aH tiir ballot ta tbe eoofidem ar nee tbat tbe will be t ig lafally eecireJ. , sj , f r:f.. ,'. I eatenderiitg tblebatgeeX tbe BaJteaU fbat tbe loteiirgatMW of tbe fraaJ apoe tke featioioej fTrcd ipoB tbe ittefttiOB e Cow great, awl wbb raTolottonafcbaraete'i !t aatt apoa ibe graa4 tkal.tha atfeiowe) of tbe Kleetoret C-giia area a balky, jreclading all aftef rt1t of Ha aetkm, we bate oa tt toefeV UtkYAci erwtiaf tbat Coainiaowa) ta abow that tU enactoiCbti bad ftmbliiarfationvfj t, n kciioaJ f tbe fotelaH tetkaja I That .fcotkirg'ia tt'M act etTallf U Mi to f'n or aCecl atf .igll Jia; eVififng 'ndcr, tie C.titetia4 la V to. ejtieatiom feeding ki (be judicial eoarta of tba UaiiaJ Ktatea. tbe rlgbt or title -f tbe ptnrn wim la1l ie ictareJ ed wr who altall cfaiui to be t'lewJeol lTumtoMM of Ibe t'aita4 fiatovifaBj ilti !gl.Viirt ' ' Uaiet tbia aactb f 14 Uf tbe ojttaavioii r cma'iM opta aotit ekwcl by the ranlu of tbejrcrft Inmtlgatloo. Akatbat ittfea. ligatiao'bi ,Cbts(c'aVvDlf jiOl Ha (Ta tgitiBMte cw4 . bt f'oheoeoeeii wbat tltfjr aSajr . Hia InregDM eoaolyMoa that Ibe niictl4rJ meawtw raaaaae lU tke M aeWt tl.ej bare'fovaM kffiaieht ta tbtir part warfert..TVx, cao ,M,fil fait tkeaKiieaof otter. 4 It if Ibttf fre a wnet abat ia idto Uatai4 to tot tiliate tient ty tctnieioiia tbat art beltber tvaaly la tieiblt A, Lot reopooatvc id tb otitraf 4 aeotiibtiit of a dcfraaJed people. Ut tte ttMmjtfei '? full enljtMtMkt bf tte wbvTe remotratle MVMMKKS LICJbNSK . . Tk Rileigb JVewa baa l ean e'givfing fee Mtrcbaetr ef. lUleigky. aA oi4ttia$ fWir iewa aa t& tte? aaljei a( 4eteaaw tiea apoa elrwMi. 'bt repnn)j are aocb U oiigbt kaWeeespectd frdwl th verwmwelWarri;' giving a repy froa a j etoa"aoirtt of i. ?)m' Xtrgar weKhMita adoeata i beeaaia tile iuttrpOMlios el tbe araforoi liag" tftlftt eotpetitioa witk tkTagVatir' tt m whefoaale'trode 5iey exaected ta witro tkewmlve; tbe eaaller alealeraopposs it ke jreaa. irwm, f ney are dm wining i recagmie tb faeiktica oSbrel by tbe boaie wbolb&le dealer ar We rW pretig' tney gaiel ky b'wyiag tlww ga at'tbe ieriki : . ' l.jiT .! .(. 1 J( H ....V if' iHit'Mr wrg4 tbe mpoaitioo tf raereaMd. ta kweaaet f tk iajaatiejeVaa 4 ika bone wboleaaliadeaier wko i awkjaeted to k tke karden 'of taMety of "Stale aod eoustj taaafkmf''aD io ieaea all the1 ben1-' e&e tk4 oacht to Wirored to him by ibe WwpwU! rf ej bde rowtwb!c be baa; .escape, J bwt,! adfauUeca .are laaaenai if Dotda bayed, by Ibe praaeaeeaf ftneigb ageula wbw ratadv Ike profita pf tnt i busraew 04mJ Mr very eyes by tbe KkertW attalea'fw'ailVerl atigM tai;'ti.iir W 19 aobjecte. Tbe towoa of Jtrfk yaruC ba, wbicU aig iObtt,wiia- bacuaae ceiiucs of a wbiiUaaie bMaeas rt tfcrteby rttaita exl tfi pro'melal eobdilie6 w8 tV 1 oig tbe fir' Jo Imitate1 teeecit? w Wave iot C"geO Pwr icw aa' to tbe right of tbe 8(ate 9 intrewie tW tailor o tb wltiaaala kaacbia tWWd ftm, (w aoeU'iuraae. 'Hut ' wa-t- teaMiuljce tbat larje a'awbcrj cf Suatber yetnlg men are engaged W tbo voeatin of ruwrarnz ft liiwe when enployeut ja jrery dificall (o fiudi wheaj bM. of mployrpeiit, aucb aa baigbt folio aw iocrcaa of be tas upea Ikeia, troaW throw tany of tkem belpteaa ftpbD tbe world ; bud wtiea we lean, aiore over.'tbat'tbe tax'ulrtaaatrly litobiborue ky tbcw, eol. by tker empLyeia. we for Ur aay, arge, tbe .subject onlil aock tieaea aa the reatorat ion of baioeta ac- trrity will jaatiry ki- 8 " .- ' "- :- -iifi ,.i ' .Vigreaa appranlikery to adjbwreewtbe 17th ins: and if id, to go boiue without baung"pe'rfccted aey oweV tbe'ereat mea aures to wbirt the coouary has so earnestly looked fur relief, with tbe exception pf tbe remonetiaalioD of ai)er. , Tbe other uea tioaa relating to tbe eurreney and baukiiig will te left incomplete ; tbe tariff will hare bad only partial discowion ; the interna! re venae laws will have teen' left aochanged, and tbe tax on tobacco and whisVrj will re om'id aa it it, with all the roinons con'ie quatcee f ita inafSfCtaal agita(ion) fbe Meiicaa reterana era agaia left witkowt their penwni ; and on the whole, there wit! be preaehted aa the1 rraolt of ffceWig rea- aiun the frnitle.a blanls of wa'atclVoornand ' '1 , . . .., profit IcaaexpenJi tore of tbe public moneys esbibitivg M tbe only efjuiIeat, tbe aaa ly eftort of iadiaiJoal aaembetw to perform their datiew to ctiritkictit, and to pw4 through important meaaurca againk'tbi Id- dolent indifference ' of the ' body of the . . ; !-, fl 1 1 .,, 1 ,itj i!s'-.f"-"." .mm -. n tu justice , to he ruewbera from 'onb CartJiaa. we etqaiUlteaa f any af tbe abort comingi of wbkb aiigreaae s whole may be chargeable. They hare htm inteot ai earnest in their daiiea intefligcnt Id their prcce jrtion of tbe wanta of their cooatitu auU aod of U country r able, eiofjaentaud learned io adrocatwig them, and . by high loaci .omdiet ad urreet bearing bare added to tbe credit of tbe State ibey repre sent. ' We honor then, if we do criticise Coflgrea, which, to aay the" troth, ia bain peered by tbe oppvaitioa vf , ite eawpuuent laaenla. aod by tlic anomalous poaitiuu of a da facto l'raiilcut. ,t . ''-trt.lm'- . f i i-m- mi 1, f . oar friebJa whe , atood iai ai atoutly for Mr. IUyel.c?aoaef bi'Foetl rn put icy, think ofi wear, wbedi hi ia running Tor aafety to the arml of lie1 tir icrert fuea the Jwbrra i'ftr lie aM vativn to recant every word be baa aai(It to aitwU every dead tbat Jhi baa dvbf t ia order tbat the moeiiUioe uf people' a wrath aiay not fall opon Limv . aiii Tke Iltf'iUt Waaklngfotf borfevpnodent , eaja, are'akinf of Wr. 1UC in "W f rent aapact; 'be ia bare aiJ to a friend witLio a Wbok tht be foaad ,U impoaili to carry awl bia idea that at wa uMaaaaty to aw-oaerate whh wt warty and catrr jrat Varty detfladdlf; that tie1 hall gtine ilTaf aa proaenct warranter, ana mai nprK.iriiKin 10 aooe pf, tia idea' bal . proved to 'be too atrobijjetereaiat-d , f,l, , lr. Ilaye ia proving juap aueh t W tr ae we have el way aaeribed t kiat . Tbe InrtiUlUma of thie ojntryarc bee cdtirnatike priaripW tkat ibe major Uy eba'l t9,RngUlkfj s ni',tt m iei .f H'!ot ao did An tkiok rrVtldent Graat, JiUuii!!.'.) "KoJ" ibvke re-'iMcr ta4t tke rijdi niMre f yrtljag Ilia ae ii rh late aiiKfliHiacjb ft ika-jtvhnNrieulinnj.. diafr.liii.ijj rmicS fcrj-lim-yw vwy aenaililediiiMnwtiob-of iwi !iviMioan And rak wrbAaWW'M t) (en4(ebrbry rcel K.I whwt Ke J"t t wbVfrVir he most fenttihle reforinv inimhrnr tle awwnile-l C'niHtitBtiiin.' IrrnteH men' will eonvkfa frtnirtbe" jiila,., wirSj rSao stepek of K ..' .-it . f " 4 " f . voiinemem ami uimio iitenvjibd .MtJO' the chew ec are in favor of lbe rtomfoa Ilea of IU. IL F.iAri.f.:dbf Itateatille fal lec of ttt. WM. Rotln. no re- j MNi.titg tL J ll Cvt - git kul IXilrlit. ' .i.wr;l.t.i. f i" f,tl le'bialBfaKed tne hcer.3ney of bia party by tbe oae of tbe army. And jet (Be r.tpotlieaD look ppoo Grant a their com icg fmiJaot,," Wba Joen Veconn? of tbe prineiple "the oij'rfity bUo!eX', , traljS br hir i4 eiia teacad vote. the deeJ jpf tbe law bkasib aiUaBb.',J ,4 'The army kill fiat the standine triy at ' SO.OOtl ftj-llenMirli fr onW'W tectum. jtrat eiHu aijlw V rowtjc trHjty Tbtaxwfy Vbb va ed, not tUtltkdani.bitiiMweraair Democrat!. .... AllhimrtthrmewwheiB tended aaiootrta liieanf wWoiife-d tbeir aoibi...'iM tttii (! aww '..! i Som of the paper ywwpbeo toeofwoainr wordViiieT to?make: tT.iritmttmm esiirew Ibe idea of nvvejtijMf it M artili- . .n"Mii iw. atji jr.m, A' ,I..J cal .cri.., 7e word a 110 new owe n raw k4 wary infaaaiHk waialbaaee,l)b wbwt do'itt aain iifev i Lebtbe ime trgator Bud toolVief woJ t eipTcbi their' idea- "a mmim .i '' rtx-ia-jtaJt. hn. vi ,itb- ,f Tke .JVleiah Beratr Kopone an eay kh , itflf ijii. U i bp?'jfiitueft i, awe mew ae JacUrd aficajwand thare,' lwuxia. Akty 28; --Tba affaiiat Con stantinople look ldM dngcreuej ThdhcfcoI tk ; kUiaHiaaffeavalay lol lrltiu.rwbMw tua 'ftuka under.4taH tewoa an ttctitpt te bkijw rirgda,' wtik vievf 1 riavaotiiitba rok tu awavali. !ruis4V wbc-ordereo Ibe occupation ol firing, a 4e elared. to buga exceeded hia- authority and ,vmuMttMi au MMlWiretioii. The UhJhuu iu withdraw froiii I'iiiaij." tJ!env,'lfod ebeib1rroModingly crctO jOa-' vent abytlwtfj aw tin moment wbioh wowld Kuejbi&Wbif tfeate irritatb. The ttikdwwrfrm.Viri and the nee from. -Ttrukt id' tho Aullmi'.aiiil a ihui'.Ut at aiuallvir 'f y.ii'His mil, li.vtoUi puHieAnHU Jfl'l-ijt'.' t) MViJe.!l.ithi.lvybHV1bitt,dar-fl JW viooa teneio thai dktlr fa V .f. f DWi .milieu, yi aaciiai eoi.ii9tH4Juin tynf ndj Va,aJitllfi:eiare txdiHjgfng'ii) pleaaure Qiow, , bafcfcwHrk,(ion rti: V.B W.rSv'V ;ki'b.J. 1 ., grea will bietain Bbrliw to Aunxm. thf mental minigahtt tWrcuk wit boat KuiiiliBttjota.Hu)a ri tot kjiektud. kui Hay b.y7Tlm.WNarft in-J t'l -UtmiavMbVfMJ-rti 'TlAie i( i laaiin4rtoriayi may befaafety'efivA ocaidad tbal the twOiHHitWwalw 'miwe miefel tbaa bitkerla. hot mw bt) iiittbcHtrrarit . b .. aa... ..... .1. J pwjnia aat awNKtiM HveHbcinvai!i9f1 arw final If Iwaawf.ei 'TW'Titbe" dianalcb IratU Athena njparb that the CretaiW hae refuwedi the baaneetr' eared rtiroo-rVf Hhel Beitbik Cunral, bbt'oSered to acoeyt a re"f MNDps, May .SOkr-lt ftow win., pro- beble tl4f tbo aobeue (ur Uritiah broteetobv jk i . f. . r. SPf' aaniibRay wa,rtbuy pecft put i4enty aackw vlt X(tUa)' f.mya j fof f ard by "jtjiea ,AJimaiar( W .4 1 tWltPfeteeT wllVeoba'w8!bV tkit Knell K'-wA Hl.l Wy fco47on. be wiU aora dkwiMto all fnii'awlwtlK-tflW LimX'tlia'luely'rebdVoito WgtercT iay be content Mr, JJaye has, Mgi4ieuMbawwt!iivit Ktview leiorin fuvbamtWaVjeramoweakl '.Jj.hfjwao C. Avery i a;:fxaiaebt law ycr tof lkkvke;wtMrnoiwnarxl hy faw Jadi clat tyoTivMitine) hcM'af Hickory W WeJ ii&jful'tvr' Ju di' of "iiiw' kin Strict.' Tkii ao extelicut , boiuiDatioiij for, be. is learned Ulrnied, incwrupiiWe. firsa and impartial cotiil.iniag all tbe bal biatcrial for b firat rat JuJge. ' " ! ' ..!-JLj i '!$. In ''4 ' The rorrer)Nlfnt of le-?l., Y.'8un did find that f5M Mon'tiia in "hail jbeen'.iiplit open, be craeka being fffff lUwudred feet long, aix or eight wide, and of aiikiiowo depth ; bal il wa tbe aattwtt p( water, oot of Sre. and there ia no hm of a big tenia. tiou or a tg acare oat 'of any aleetiag vol- tailor' -?i.t -tit I , ... i Col. Wm JoLnawi "of Charlotte an nooncea ttiiViai-ff a"a candidal for'tki no mimiiow i (ngreaa fro a tbe Mccklrabarg Diftriet id f rxwitiob to Col. W. I Steele, the presebf memW.' i?'ii4""l'j ; , WAirnxo ros. May 2 Sksatb- .Mr,. MclVin,of New Stn-j aubiuittcl a rCMluti"n declaring that it ' ia ou'w'alid iuexptlieiit tor Cnbgrra at ihe present act aion toVhange the exiaiing 'rate of1 tef oa oanuf4etorll''lobaeeo(, II aiked fvi rtla treaei)f niia'iiIeratioii I of tli rdiiTfnif. nut obJ.-ci1.Wi baa' tnadehy Mr 7hherf t Viriinl and it Wae later wvcrrt,w", TI18 Honae ia voting On the brmyi Will AH r.oeodmerta bvbviding for 2."iiK aafa were voted down and ibe pronaaawdrfV 000 ordered, i i i ii i ih i.a II. from tbe- IWdCot CtMn aoUtreopfte4 fawrably wb the, bill for tke pwHalavuig depowtry.i. liefortd t Ibe ef8jmi(tffU.e w bole, i, . A Ivjo. iVota bly on bill itili wncen.nMiUior akip botwten the t'ined.Sute and iiraxi lUferrcl to lie Ct'mo4ttco (, the ,.y( , .The bill fiic, h k i eal of Uiikry pji act eatna, oj, and ? '': fl :Vr., Krjiutjje Senate amcnJtiien'a were Concurred in The bill now gnea- V the l'reaidnl. Tbe rrpwal lake effect.- ept-t lb.i!aiiw all caw then pending kaliJt jrva:ed tltn ( mI 1 1 ab afaaeabaat ttaa rl anrkW ihatll a-At i Jl'f Jireeiibajcrk; ffrrfeoUiivea befJ a cancnaan tiiji anJ rfJyejieafat, tnf aojourniiiuituoii; aqneciioo raieiiyn the bin, repi'irtefi bvlfie'' commit fee lib l'M1tiyi W -Cnmif 1 w.adedV afiekinlndinenrii fo aundr v elviT aliVot.rt. UrveiviratirOi tio lllf.1i,f.irbiJ"iliat'ccr1iffti'rs of the Treaaury vTlial a'nf tuor' tltil fhr re abinption porpoaeaf Mt a in ttt mt-tt 1, .fMI-M LaraTVl'i? 5 Wsiil3iTO. May . SQ. 1-U iu the llouae yrBterdyf,wUre('V tie llonar. placed jt nflt the Bety"pf Ibeenatooh thc.fiUfMioo of adjournmeiit, ta widely de nounced, The jpenfnrra'le of He Seriate "5llgnenflTy ppior( a concSeenc ln the norjK amenrlniel't to adjourn on' the 17th, ancf ah adj.Hiriitueoi' on Uff daf tecin im VrotaUe. 1 " ; -'A Pf MMTitKK. Bedford 1 iraa entlfjettd' khlh'rtriTif Teinim. of Krickingliirtn aperter Oirt;of biftkway vohbary and aenteneeJto 0 yeafmpri. ombt'i tb "penrtirTlary.e ' fliilaeaoeiit facte have MaMaiked kw ionotMav- The Judg, ihe Huliei'or, the prowutor and eoonty official all onite in tbe epplicatiim fot bia relc'ta. Kvery kind bean fill re joira whb bim on bia, gaining, hi .liberty again., Fanty ihe Vitterneaa of Li sorrow. U1.0baerver, , . ? i(t . , Clkvklaxd, May 23. A foor men were clearing pit i hey fell , in and were li!jtd by He fool g. Alt ourriJ tb aVtititxt mad dy tbaiiiHMiiB..tWcaa. i-nya tht tue otiaiitry Jlatww Sb Btfniiu and Ailriaijoplf Ja, Meediib;! jalarioua and, li JXJU tuMWk on that ituvhavwdWd myatly fie Will,w -Pmutbe il' ' --rf . '! t ' v. l .. "; ToiUK. iUcSa William Culleo liryant after IwabJoi cxjHawre tt the aub at the wnveiiiiig ol.a , of Jaum. full atriking ltb bawd lea viiy nnd jbeoawa ju ebaible, t Jl rcmaiua partially nneobciouaa It Wa imporaifabj at tbt ailbb to . jlj( of the loj'iry..weMr,ilkjautreUed every effdtt Jo examiae bia by pbyvMol cowtacl. During the nkjht he , waa vetlaa ead in an only partly o.o--iow tate. not appearing to fweogniac. the pmow bboat , bius . but evidently having plenty of will, power and boa physical aUewgtk -at :ki eemutandj Hi friend Nr.'v John A. Graham, who reiBbiiKd at hit aide aa a waiehar. attempt ed one or twlao t fobl knr naUe. bat at each attempt be would draw bia wriet away, and finally wkhon Npcwoua aea'arw tbrvw Mr. . .Grahaua'i bond fruna ain.u ' !W-pirU-l i' 'm. ir. Sir 5tepbaa, at Caorgia, nnd Fnatma. teMirmral Key areeut u-dy -ia lerr. Mr. SUi-beo talk why he Otbaid Ibe Hot ter reanibtion aad favored tke Hale amend went bud again lalkaabont tbo Meiieani- xatinn of ihe JrepabUo. !- Wr. Key'a letter m wnai mtgbt btMpecletl aaJnoe holding a Cabinet aoauio wader Itorubliearr pro. aiden; . lie awya for the 8otb In endora the recent eond net of tkeir reireeit!itvee a aw woiwit tbo trwtt of Ihe chargb that ibe people of ihe twntk war : inotbWia; I thn welfare of the Uaieodiwiho dwwafbll of tboftpablio. and woild rejoice to awe it again-iuvwivew in otfil wri t .j ; I asked, baiwowajthera. ta-daf.oleadhif. eool-keaded. tnflriRwI'Mi Demacratio naam ber of logrrm whb.ho (lbiogh af Iheae letter. ..Smiik9 IhaNe talked! witk a deeen DocaeeafM eawbikam- tdaw to grd to 4 kern., and they all agreed wiih vne that tkooal e&eet of Key' iettet will ii to make the foayde of. the Sooth think tea of kin fbe Jbwyi Aid k Nje.; StephenV ictier may bwve ewaao ettect at HM ' .Vorth. where ikvl lkbk kd it ataramb.- hot will not hurt ae oil the tSooth.' '. -Tha MuwttbbUioa ptedietioti bmuaeo wvew, date MrMoretJtcbaaood Diapwtcb. tm.m I :"CaldiVcll;iDstitulii (Mt.K ANiyr;MAr.K') " ; Tnr rttnn!'f lhKfcho.A win or-t be Utf btbb waail . ' ; .i td iua; tfjnls mul Omiimi. woWia Hr. f J'1 K ed fiiMi to lb, -Tbi; Oiiti b m (jnartorara ajtMbi)eatiwa. wad 11 nMiiiar yaeUi lbare illrr"':iir iitai k- d allrnllDu. , ,f.:.UiSVbW&;'' ' ir:"-' - 'YnINn at 8ia J ''Kxeclletat llMr.t . or pmticiilaia aiblrrMlbw tVMl J. I'. JSAi II. . i t .t ,wfT t . ,f. l. lb lanh4Wfe f .aw f-aH .f at ' 1 I , ' - v i w i-w,f, nawtirri i?irrrrr rtiv I it mam.l J tbabm o lij .0 . . I " AofiCrir St 1-rU - i nt At a alo line of the MmMraN r ih a-,. of (ri ns;. Vl,l in Hie Conrt lion at Mill !airo on Xoniray; Juri Srd H Waa nriMrr I lit t rot. ma wrwnmaa aw).iiabil la lb .w tawwutb ,V" ,,n,,Jr ,b ."", Waibb.nJ: and Itv.l II m mi ii i Ha l- ,trf i.trliit T rtiatf fr M Ibnt aMwrll. ind tftat hf f . tea' i vhanard la Jieluwn'a J,n-h-t. .n. lie Jiivrr Towil-liln: aiul tlul nulrfi.-.ik. .jtt.. aaiifeh?if)fati1ih-irplon of M. v.,Hn HimO lb lan irt la) fnlN h t HtlMierb "jTka Vt? " t-,n"M- . ...1.14 "t-lliif ,-.! la Snaaaaanr t0:! ror t : K V.UAJQQ -G I BSOJf . A " t!"!iiipitebtd DeaTer in. y' ' ' Pinna, fitv nuecnsware, a'. IJIUOde LI act .(' - -'''.'. ! ytffirr ! f .vf.5 MlOt'SB-nrRJtHlllXfl tJfKJps: ' i Wo. Iity7 Mtn trt; ' " inClMy llUCH.MO.NyYA The AnKifilhe Cloud. jiNEW'KUllf'ON.' j tirj-; bavi'just piSTk'tieil ft'&'MK C,ikvolW t ealwlimti'il V"f"i. H'y tbv htlxrhiiwlu W. mniillillMH a. ju iowir himi ror- Fl(IK-if. wtlUtlii- (lilt ki..M. bijio. Sinter VolmitwiUio ' i.' i ii i h' tL june 5. 1Z MurrJ.ew both t O r p i iuliMia. smi i n. en .1) JCO J .'i iier d:iy lUiide ly ciiberarK. Khl-ii V'B ou low liuaUuuavVfMlwilVenaifM bK any woi Kt'f or Vliurt-M-X. H:in-lii utt'V una lowuave. i Hi n aulur mid anuiplei wmtii ti tree. Improve rour ayare liuan'nO KfW hiiKimwii Aihftm Sviamuk ct tol VortluaU, JaUiiWrf :3 JOT "fiJJ&"iJflls'. "t Isdi.ipenalble'tijr evryfilrf St&kr' faf .Tnl vviiin iv...iri i iivl I VMt1Slt iilJV no kum aw . BLUiyu sua coriXT.??iikrxVT02ctv WK jr.. miikuHt Wf IwHcf' fivb Mar ftwat ft'oaMarwaal. 'erliliairi: bir 'V'aianaiK I lie Uki krt. It wilt In IJ JoOLbitkuM ! um l m vnirrrrop lhia )tr4" , " t bKl A lii i.l wi.Hb-bv esiH-rU-kiTil jnwv wonaiVle'mMibt b beta ui.urfcV -wunwaw aaavt In tin jhw biriiHtlJitmvt luaunati . Khte I I! 'M AuiUMMaa,lM.ttill -4 ri'lvoa hn bnn ManiinoTM i , nna. Mini A irfbLs... i Ibe JiUltE bivf.i,' and MHabta)ia biBHluriwM .i .! - i-r.i a a r. m :imiv;.kf ra vaMriwMrt bum IlKdACrwK ariwa naeat ar( aiaaaw yaa , and i ne wwrhVnlH-V a."rf b n w nmtw ba at I ever nanl oiJriete Tornreo Jlannre." ;"fbe 1'riren aa low and teruia aa iitrrnl ita Ihoas ol any ill ber, Mi.a.Uinl.ttixt tiVae) l'WaM li X Mutant tmwmi.-J aajajayjij imljipB BaUaaS1" aWaatiaBiianjp eji-aj Jajb-atwt" MiinDrHCuturem of FARM I "-ai Farwitudlltoo MFLS!fSNTS FAnxEESfMiDA loirs. OVNGAMIRICA ThClebrtd ,yi iiuki. :.,Mi wiLit?i. CpuLrn oi JViv of tkia Charo tout to any nZiiti. -. . w T7 out i'ra,iteiw-it li) li U Irt-a i aaat I ti ont of I , Ob tiw-riir r ko)vBVbIb MrlalamIUwlf",",,,51' WNi'bta, k w- .Wotbv TmcV,.b rVTTtofe.. ' Ciaw-ijwnpllv anjilfi. TOOpJrACTOItY FIXTURES. . 1 Tm ' ! af . : i t rim viao??i ; Tt Mb Tubarro Sbaja, 9ltUta,' ftanda. Tlii". J'tilea ia na'Oe maarraad fua- lt ,w aiaant l ox - . rBoVT 'bariWNrt), uatT ewtlaiaiaa for I. O. Bb Tfoczz: Kavkmobd, Ya. 1 f Mfrtl- ' KlrVmnnd' Ya'.4 ' JWb Offiew., .aa ft..r8i..rf,TA. ,4 I Z !.w l i w av aw r aj w aw MAttCrACTVILIlt ASD MiUI 1.1 All. tfe.a-bi wtaj latlebvbaa nf Wht j ICTMaf 'nr frit-iiriV til Xtfiii t'nrolina. It. or jr I l. . Vio-i r-evr hklHi.l.iLbrt1aiid .rfrtM.brafii:.litv. "W" Oil CI llUfC . 4 . J 1 " 1 eiin for mi ai li-nHiirul UWHytive rl lbae grNDF. H tWa aad; rirrnHHiio wiU-1 rlUft, wa.f awfikcla eomeeliMl Willi ic I.iu4- p wea. l ALLtrbiy . AUBtH)S. Mr.,!ttn , ,i!ri KMiaaond V, I Uran Acwy ti-Ural worn fir VAaa 1 aii)tliin ria rayitai bol maiinaH. wa w ill xlart j on tl per iliv at bona- nwal- l. tbe inihi-lrioiia. Jlrn. aroniaa. laava aiul icarbvawt rd f lerjn liar? In w nrk for u. Ji'xiT i t!w tmie. i.ffy onfftt and lit lire. 'AddrcaaTm 3 A M5 Tf BOTt.1 i. tV.Ktrktt M t.rti AftT? a. tt itu Boyle f & feleluirt, . AtiKM. yit I 0JtUt.or( THE HANNIS DISTILLING C0S i"-l f-tJi t' ' 1 f t at 'm't ! J..a. e w.m s;. 15 ItuNll AKI TAX I'AIU, And Importer inf t t ,,Mraiu1teAt 'Gtuf llwica, "&cV HeAiKtW 1)1 KYK vVHlKEY, 4 No. 42 West Lombard JH.' nppoaite tT. S. rnhlie Store.n BALTt.MOKK. merenritf. ; ' MD. , J NOT SULD ' YETJ MY STEAM wool CAntma MAcnntk . . NEAR l I CPDAR ,0?9 VK. OUANJE foX C a. UK bow in apt. ndid nlcr, and I am arriwr V. rd lo Co Ikat nm,l I ex.vnVd. I bat Umrew aM I'bkaw atbtHaM a WM Uarww lanrrti. m wm tb laliu of l'UMnji aS Murrini! )nr ttm.l brf-rc liHin.-ini H frt aril. Inn. II la imnortam I hat Ibn tVaol -b-oiM be weaW avail inaanwl brmr brine bawnial ba tbe Uai-ltine. w-nig ofl jvimd ot inr.i- to Tm ttpiind. of wool. - r:KlM-riiii Wool, tdjjiit eUor wae riltw t Uliirrd t n. Twelve aa.l ball emt. , I am im Wool wtl at Wi cmw-prr pmiitrt. will I In exrbanse for earditia, UWvbi It bmt or llanm. ..... ..... Thankful lor t favor, ami fntlv pretaired lo merit Ibrm la Ibuf le.'t atanaVwil)' a-b a rw lniiMrHof I Ik- tmtrHaxef tbe iiM-rona and ai'ltrrcbili riol'la. ... , AUXkXIiEltWll.KCUiXA May tin. CnUr Ur,f. , .. l.U.a tVU j WaUJ H J i 1 4, ill Ve rail? afabileVa.' H.i. .Or'fA-tTtiiiHU w. -'.yvj-i I B iM 1 -VJW4NJla 3Mafajn5ra-a i j t-rA " " at S V I te.i. i aw IitronlzcJIoWd aictlhinjcs llWUebftbfkakbjabaa .orwiab,.ifawif. Wit wn. t.fbitni ir jen vis Ji'tfirc aTebwwww w V WM r ai aVUf ( , WJTCBtX clocks, v. Wbrrh- Tir j and Eagfavln aromte. , ..! ly .eeaadyt..if, i- - tVwas etCM- mado to Oadarav. b marrh tf. tppr4i the Market Flaee. : John H.; JjM ilCo, - M ITCH KLL AND TYLF.r.' ; m, lUUi. Alaia gueet.. , V w , ... . KIC11M05P; TA.' ' ; Ditttmmih. Wutrltw,. Jtw9fff, Sihtr- ' ' "-.11 . "r"1.'j W't. H'ure. ; ' " OOLD AND ULikB tf tTAI;J.C.. ' y f war; . - - t -. i -, IIAIK JtwrLBT4rTTOrtirtit.' . tV IVoaJtat attewtbaj paaVtbatb-eVaabr aaall or aibarw haw. . 1 1, n i j4 r txuU Jjr , TO B t J.;.jiuit. 1ST fi TTil'v (n sir tc ii c ,. i . - ySli a MILI.INKlt A.N1 DRKSfAKRRr At Me. aWitaw vrmtHf tijned by J. H, Guttil. - . Ta now railing ber s ,., 5 . , ,. ta ... aV a - t- . . . , . gi'ittG -sriTiaY. of . TVTTTIIITOJiixi."y l ; i-'iwrjf &or4e oaW AVafaorfa.-wa rnmprWnf a hrprav Varlett M, mora lntitwl Ukw wv aba- baearaf bl. ud orVrlriff IniliM-amenta In the b-llw aT Hilbbom. awttanrroimilinw fMmt .hl,-h -aatn a. tu. chobe.evMl mli wrdnr te oilier place alio. tEUMSCASUit U foiwf pwHf nlr. uf.!1 B"if'i, "'1! ('a Uli-4 boirliM in MUlMwrv ., A whI Ik U bouM-a, etJ auaraa te. tbat brr Wolli and hrf UKilM ii roHM p lottnlsbrt.1p(lw)rt.l.r!lif tajJ. t lie ur la rail bu fur hkm u.kk. .t. "kefr-v. w-'vm. . w-J. tf, , ikxfA T.'woonw,"" a . irnftwraoK. M00UEf&'.TII0MPS0N, - I'Et tAl. atteuliot bakl to UbJ Weff . " ..... -. ...... . .t. X Grain. j fr t.a m , ab,., a , kliBUfr.t 5,,i Cotton. Corn. .. a I' t74C4 euMlJ.4?-4w)U.- V mar.'Stfli. t.v..b,,b m (J. - 4 mmm ..(... nmt'1 HOUSE hi V . i .... i ".." . Iicaiirr. II tin) erewf bby .H im twee it. , w a, wrife r ,! Uu!ar to 11. Illiuyr tp JorMd, A -CT myrrtzrrr.r, Jon tiik;, wm. r r." . . .1

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