VKl.NrAI... JlN i. !878. THE nCCODRER. VM(V KI.HKDAYt BT ilMNim utua, or . . lor i laotrtbn m Tmcxs 0 abrMSTtsixv, r AavsaTteaarm eereuiiif tavrrled at II annate lor the tint Ian- rtaia J JO rents a square tirewhndiUib-sal work, Tm UiwsnrtoMiMdw a utere. 1 moan 3 nsuHtlk ." mduUm li month fl 3 f 14 g ' tH-V-d . few llalToniittaa S awuttw 3ft nu evli' wo column i outajJ , mo. li1 ner. fl'ie - 8Jim' AS UltJ) iMl'ROYKB&f r- r ,-r .j-1 A writer in the Kami World gives tb following louijitmr j of ik afia-tfebaen Nttt is importance ere the relation of Wj hesbandrj to an improved i)ta of egncn'tnre. j. imm' :eouvidersius fpij mnoa leas lo simply paatoral husbandry, like Ut of California and TexsJ, Um to sl.eep taltare panned m a trench of a mixed nasbsadry. fcbeep aro ' tba oul nuimals wliict dt net Ssanoat Vbf Uu ap on which Uiey feed, , but permanently im prove ii . Ilurml eauJe--epeciIit mows la nilk-rty wtineed paiing, nltimste'. cxbaoat tbe paatorta of Uteir pbostiostes. la England the pastnres of tbe eoantrj ot Chester, fsmoas aa i nebeeee district, are only kept ap by tbe coolant tua of bene dust. Sheep, a tba other band, through tba pecalur aatriUousoea of their manure and tbe lac-Jity withwha-b it is distributed. are f'md to be the f attrt eooaomical end eertaia uteana ef wwataiitly renewing tbe prodaetiTeaeaf of tbe land. Nr. Meebi. tba BMt fa atoaa of the liv ing soienti&o farm; of England, estimates (bat l.aOO sheep folded oa an acre i una for tventrfier bear, or 100 sheep for fifteen dsjs, woald minora tbe bnd tufiki entSf to earr it Ibrousb four vears" rota. tioo. 1 In tbtf eeatrtte of Dotaetaliire aad fiiML where the Down eee are fed in aumiaar the hill era darinz ' tbe dav. and at nicht are folded on the 1 arable witbont food, the talaeef (Benanare ueU down at one fourth tbe taloe of the aheep. Wf the rwaihiaatiun if akerp koabaadrj with wheat enltare, hodi in bwland which. in tbe time of Eiisaletb. 'prodaeed. on an average, nix and a half boabeta of wheat per atre. prod ace now orer thirty bsahela. For these reaMNia. tbe recent practical writer of the Joarnal of tbe Royal Agricultural Society of KucUnd prouoauea that, while there ia ao profit ia growing ebeeep in Ko laod maolr for tha t mutton and wool. hrep hoabiiadrj ia etill an indispenaible ttavaaaitr aa tbe e!e .mean -of keepmc op tbe bnd.' FortHoatelf we arValle to fiud recent ilteatralkm at buuie of tba point above eetrted Aa fanner are now about employing help for the aeaaofl, there are tarioaar qaastioue to be eoonalted in doing no. Cheap baad are (widow prontalle. As laemcMnt, Uveal r. tart tee or vanooa man is nut 6t Id be treated with baainepn. j Hire known, or wbe owe renmmended bj wen who are competent toladce of their eapa .eitf atd dtfptwitiow. Hire firrt the gool bands tc. tbe neighborhood eons of f ovd pareats. Blood It jH ss important in a aaan aa in a bone or bor. Hire all tbe Wp that will be needed for tbe season, so ss net to bo compelled to rely o tramps nader say wrenmataeees. The past sea' eoa are safikieat east ion, ia tbe brnUlio . vaainne of property and persoo. to warn farmers of the neeeaeity of rafaaiog to give , aid or romfort to such men for a week or even a day.' Let tbe word ro oat from all parts of tbe osratry, of tbe analterable de tomisanon to prs tramps wo raerter. Combine bj co-operating with yoir netrh bui to do sock work ss joa bsve formerly done hf biriag temporary relief.- A far aver bad Utter toil half tbe aigbt la bar- vest to seeomprum bis work tbaa to sit ap aicbU to watch bis family, km hones or ban. In Via address oa Plwirr Wore tbe State hvri of Agriraltnre of CouBeciioot, rroremor stock hribt said t There art two kind of auil on every sjmb fana the ag riealtaraj roil aad the sebaou. lb ag ricaltnral noil may be two iwebes deep, or M may he nine, hot it is not twenty teot. t is ne deeper than tbe air can penetrate. If tbe BErWaltnral soil Is tee sliallow. it may be gracnally nVepened by . IMting aa loch of the snheoil at each plowing, brmg big it np to tba air aad enrobing it with manure. Our agricultural society commit ice, by tbtif prcminms M Smoolh, ahiay. fiat farrows, bavt done the com inanity great bar.-. Sack plowine- as often taken the premiam is tbe poorest kind , of p'owing. The soil is be- plowed whea it is moet thoroughly crushed, ' twisted and broken,' with tbe od well covered, tin somS kinds of had 1 wowid have the favtows Ispped an tncb. ss 'be Canada - farmem plow, r. Let tbe air aad water have a chaoee to circulate nader neatb the snrfsee. light laod, however, ebesld have a fiat ferrow. ,, Axperitaeac am ions nre regarosa oy we fonmuetrootitriesef Sarope a lodiiipea sible to tbe welfare of agriculture aad ibe stats.' and ere aeceptod as the mot sfficient f nxilisries in promoting tbe progressive and rsmnneranve a eaitare or ine som, withauading nearly every state ia oar own ennntry baa ananally made liberal spprur priatwnsfor the eneoongement of agncul t are, in the form of , bount i to weie tee. premmma on sperifio product in w. appro- p nation to eolleges and other similar ex penditore, yet tbe subject of establishing experiment stations ban not receive! that attention which its importance demand. The Slate of Connecticut bg the honor of having, in 1875. established tbe first ag ricultural experiment station in America, though not until July, 1877. was it work thornnthly identified with' the ktereats of tbe 9tBte.c. : , ' v PIAWOOr-ORCAMC New. 7 M ISf New.' 9 Sn.,. $(',7 New. 7" f IW New, KStop,.. 1 Mintllva,' -rm nVw," "liWMt rrle- rter iriwn." ' b hww lh tr war mg, lm U' DA 1' K tUI hM tbr aXit and mm ant ttH ! llir mrnft nemtRTx-inrer wno Ae rrive rtrtrnWic witn tlMmlmji 4irn,i r nn HUt! lmtrunHita. aVinl r.pnall Otter, anil firm bin expin4nx trnud nf I'ttmix and . mm Tnw. , l.llI)KX im'M. Wholewte riM aad ta-:iM nabr, i 1 favaMaah, li. SWEET HiTI , . ArnrM lyw arte at OaanU IxsmMm - mrnMr. jw tm wta mn nmn mm rwv aawnVaVwTfi saw iwysvan sjsjeafij aa? 9ajaJ aAreaawaie d)amj fifit , tmmy rkm. Moid r mH iwltifc Sm4 w mmW ' w CUT fmmm Site, Son rnmtmjTfZ CEGAN PIATfl uiifl CneertOrand t'n4ffl.Son. mh f .. Snnrrh mai fttBMr rinnosnwtfl.loa onKr H'X ;Ki.nrpris:ht f tin. Cor So. mil Sl.iV X, tUrtl, l'n. riBM 1-nnlMiSSV lirm. ' ttom.-,3Ay. rj.Wtrh (irvmH. Ill nUt. mat WHO ih- f U. KfonMit 7A Mirror Tni Onin ouL ". Tiiucii4.ii ftirrhW in rlwr Mil .ent Work. Xrw StrtM fartiirv mm to I mr I..I. JjMrr ith mnrb M.n uUm amt ef rnaoa muu tut K. itiMmw I'tMM, r. BEATTY,' t - WaiM;toa. jJew JiwwV. I CURE FITS!! Vrhra I aav can I Ha bk! mna mk t -. tavm tnr a I fiiw aad turn aaVr lima return aim in I ami a raitim eiirr. I am a repnlar aa)lctaa aad nave mmtrthe thwiwc of ...... a lifc jw atiidjr. I wefTMrt ntv rnilT In nww the worl rani. Branny .rfhrni harr KiiImI hi n mm tor nt now rrrrHh, n. "I lo iim at ! lor a Tit K ATISK ami a Krr mwfir urn; iniailinie mnnlr. tiirerxprrw pi now. It eoM von notblrii Ihr a Irfeil, and 1 win mi van. AtMn-M iv. 11. ii. iri it. I.SXrVariSt ewVork. 40 .MIAMI t'ARDS. wile nam 10 renK Annua onim inr. L JtlX W A :. Kaiwin. K. T. 25 Both seienoe and experience prove that seot is a valuable fertiliser, especially for the onion tribe. . Aa a tp-dreiag to gra its eBect is excellent. ; Un peas, ssi aiaus strawberries, aud udeed on nearly all grow lug emp tbe application of eojt prodaees marked remit. When sown broadcast sums of the ammonia in it e-capee into ths at mosphere and is wasted 1 It should, there fore, , be mixed with . water,., say at the rate of twelve riaarts of soot to a nogmtead of water, and twed as a liquid manure. A mixture in the above proportion makes s very powerful fertilixer. s " J . SuadK IS Pastukes. The only real srgnuient sgainat suade tree in paatuie 1. that tbe animals collect there aud depoait manure where it is not wanted.' JfbU may besvoidedby erecting ' temporary shades that can be removed from lime to lime ' to differeut parts of the Geld, end thus to double duty, affording eonifort to cattle a swat and manuring land. isese lemporary ahades may he placed on barren kaulls sad the pnoreat spots in the tractor, having tbe effect of indexing iavsreaaed fertility where most nee Jed. : - 5 Clover ss s green crop is onr best fertili ser, mellowing and enrich ig the lend large ly end well down and . at 4 be . same time crowing profitable ervpa- Hot i takes lime. For land that require immediate enrich ment there is nothing equal .to the pes, a rank grower, ehading lb ground, and thus favoring , mniid ore and mellnwnew Tba pea bere meant iaibe Southern, or row pea. The farmer who applies fertilixcn te hia crops aboald seek to foree hi plaats te take aa mack of tbis fertiliser ss possible each year ; for otherwise it will require a large capital to lie idle ia the ground, and iacrease the charge en ieveaiavwt. beside tbe wsate which ocean from ;be washing of the soil. Mi-" i -.. fa eMa.iiMiH an ,mpw4m-m , fc t j? . - ,j ., . The raiaing of bay fur market is increas ing ibrongbovt Vermont, and expeeially ia the famous grass renew f the Cbamplaia Vally, where farmers eUim that good crops eaa be raised yearly u stuck are kept from tbe meadows many of which, especially tbe 'clay farais, bsve not lees s-eded for twenty years, and yet yield a (ir amonnt efaay. .,.1 rlrrt t'ar.KHnmfti. taiKk. AMrt- ed In t vlm. wHh aniwf. In rt. K , AaMut'arJt .Nawau.X.Y, DAI lo Aurnu. rnnrawini: ir I r fur DI Nib- 'lailTltW fmm. ....I lil'Tri niiaina I . U I It. HI,! I SI til . Atij, Mr. iDtKaictixTi larHa ClTBSI lefts film, W.ZWklua. 11m I nZZmimml'lX," '". Plnfnl. timfw. simI Irrrvabr Xnarauiiv, "MstmI iMhl mmmr. SmmI aMsl (ar4 apRinprilrc.vitb tjvslrasnt.mrr' iinrt nprtit m! Sn.at HmsM MMM.iniWSRTM S SAIJ.4 KH, A0RIKF Tnii- on Viihwoaare Dieaat' wil! be seat reus In all aiidit-artf. Addmw, . iw .lli li. Mosrs, C 1 I'ortbmJt M. Npw Yorki .1 l ' I !)! rt' ' The Best Magazine- - rf k" ' .! ( - 1 ; Cvnlinutim 0 the LttfHU.th Elf DEMOREGT'G ILLUSTRATED ' MONTHLY,-, Tbe Model ParloC iMagasins of Aateric. I'oiitaluslb eiweatlaleoi aHoltwrH, lucluilii g nw lMTt w att As urpnrtBM'fi. Tueonly lillalle ratiHu maUllM-M detail . Tlw butir aad uUlitir f Litcvalnre, I'm try, Skrtrlir,l.rln. Muslf, KW.rU-nitur, nu every tinmen erentertaiutns' and awful rvadina rak-ulalrd teenlivrn and -Vvfn rtrlv ami uulw uur htmxe' ailrm'tive, tawfiH ami sappy. TMannmaknl MaKaxiae will roiuMrare tin Kixirnrta vrur wkb JuDuarT, uffaad ahem ti(r. or new IKcrarv, anlrr anting aad arliil uli)rrt I wWa K W devot d. , Witaeaefc Mitasuv witi irnuna aperfc tflltMTit rahtnet pkilire(worth tire , whole co4 oi the XsR.isine,) in oil, mounted on mat ready luenaaHm' ..- . M.mu. Kverr aotHcriNar ad three brthjr Is Will ltd Ia is aeejetliiu ml m vrensimn ol fwbira lhiie arr rk'Mera, ilfltvrm) or hH-wnroVd IuibmsIi . tely imraeedofineaulM'rlptloa. Kvrryanu elenflereil Uol Sr mUHy, arlwllM Hnnk. aai aaj' one world tbe 'prWe of mhwrlptloi.) Cfennao from Olvbraled fstatlaaa aval eqiM lo tburii:inae, ol larice ais aad Miilsbt fur any parlor- Pork took Move; MeleM UrewUiittlne, (ihl reerhrd the blHwt r. tranhdawariUlverl'bitnl Ware of all UmUj Hattoaary, Linea Marki-r, nr, h, , . jun viit.' r. VTr kave tareev and mora vamatdr preiaraw", la-ludinji Book ot all kind. Mrnr-rutr.! Wa e ll- a.4i sawn. friiri4. Sterennrot'. tinnan. Tahw. WilfciT.v'ha-ka. Ailjntahh- TaMe rim loa HarnmiH. I BUM, inaner ana 1 m w. anu RtniieroiH oilier driral!e arta-h-a of wha-H a lnllll-4 lllliiiralftrdtMi aMdirajmn lets puUborr. a ewnL w.v s-sra . eikamaraa , ( - H, rfftiV liilio 1wn1.11,. , i ' , 17 Kastjsth Street. X. T. , M. PAKK8, W sgent for Demurest. 1 r 1 Inatossl d keeping1 fsnnysnf mas are for moetbs or f sart inheapa. exposed to rain, aa to often tbe ease. Voelcker recommend its immediate spplieetion to tbe scil ; that K whenever the osudilione of labor sad team admit of it. tba maaors sho.ld be carted oat to tbe field, and sitber put iate tbe soil at aaee ar spreaf aver it. la tbe kttor esse, ae loss of say eonaeqaeoee woald be snetsined by evaporatioa : wbiU tbe eoteble matters weald. If rain fell, be mere )y vasbod into the nil, in which they would be aeearety retsiaed antil required by tbe erop. Voekkereppean to aonmdertbat it is better to let tba rain vaab tbe soluble tsstten into the suit la a aniform maaser tbaa to plow in tbe first mtours at once , lie bejieves tkst ea elsy soils mtnare asy be safely spread for six asoatbs before it is p!owoi sa t bat eieaaraa on tery fxiroas . sandy soile it is preferable to spply tbe mes s's, previoesly well fermented, shortly be fore tba tims it is required for tba erop. ,'"' 1- r-wr--" ... ' - '.........., . ' ',. Tba sow Ss a assebise tor secreting milk, and fbie meobioe sboald be developed to tbe ' greae-4 perWa, A poorly devekiped aaisssl eaa not bsve iu aseretory tystem ia a vigorous sad setive state, llarisg been M meaterly. its dif estiva stwtsnl ie'eon- trnetod aad wanting id espeeity to famish snfieiest sumsnt for Jsrae mUk prodastioa. Ktefrtbirig depend fr$ lbs rwtngefthe 'keifar ealf ia defeimMbig ker eaefeiaeVa ss a milker, f A steady p rapid growth frees ealfbood shows all hr secretary argaas ia tbe greatest aetivity, and digestiva orpaf m a 11 a a .. - mast aava aeea wen oevetopea saa aerive ti bsve prepared so mnvb food for sssiaiibv . t on uto ti h r id (ruslb. One great esaae of fai!nre among the far ere of this eoantry liesia saddealy rab- ing from one bnsinea to another, witbont giving any branch of form oeooomy a fair trial. - " , Taraipa eaa be fed ia eoaneetSua with ether food to much sdvaiders. They should be boiled end mixed with some mora con cent rated food ia fattening swioe. FloeaeeOreelay once remarked that yea might my juodJbiBgi ef pavlie man daily fr sitteea years ard ret no lhanks for if. bat cap kail wMhshalfeolsmsofsrtticim, aad yea beard from him instantly and were made to lee tba weight ef hie amplessara. As a auto ef travel oa foot th r merk of the tramp who was begging some thief to ant ia ana of the best oa reeord. tie wss as thin, he said, that whea ha bid a paia be eoalda't tell whether it was s sto- seb-scbe ar a boek-scki. . . 1 i i - A. W- G R A H A M, Attorney. at Law, ' lULLSB0R0. ltTC. PIA(TI';r, in Iheeonntleaof fMsee.Als . at a -Ba a.. .sulilsiuilU , ajjsmwj a 0 1 nm?W a iwam ranwos m avu narrriir . iBMia collected m aa t part elthe Male, , i , i t 1 1 DUrlNHAM'3 wttiASTti trr a wiaft, Ako. riiirn scs.m.'sy. raa.vSjai'n, CfrtfS, tass, fa. ; I ST : if 3l iHnpj?lfiS, sfin! !jifp ?5!s Isfe ml'w III Tbe South-Atlantic MONTHLY XacMiae devoted In IJtera. . Inn. rVinieeaad ArtJ fHilaaVd in Wib attuKtna. X.t. The ennw'of eonrrlwrtur M eJiHle eeveeal f Ike av dMtaxnMied awthoea rike I're-eef day. A eerlel Mry I'nent. ael ehes Kevanra, Driealinr aal IIW-nV.il arik-le win appear in every annua. 1 ae xaeaaine wlUeoeAamaaiveriginai yiersinre. . , bu been pt ion ooa ysar to. Single aopy li eenta. Advertising Terms t I psge $120. i para tl 1. ; 1. fi36j I pegs l insertioa, J. vl0; , . ,. . 7 .! III. .11 .t All eommanieaiiona ammiu oe nucrcssra to Un. C1CEUU w. maris. ; ' Xditef aad iVnprtstar, v vYilmingtaa, Si. 0 VICK'S ILfX'STRATKD Montr LY MAGAZINK Km-S Knmharewalams Tkirtv-Twe I'aae of reatline. many ewe weed t ut iiiisniii.w, and oa Colored Plate. A heautMel l.artiea )- Ilae, adfrted ea airfaait fMper, and I nU as wAar nwtHMft, la KacHh and feeraaaa. rrice.Sl) a Tear; v ( wnjmwm ei.v. Vk-k'a rmwwr Sad Vetetahwittardea. Ut acute In rwnee eavor: h tlemttt r kia eover tlaJ. Vn-k'a CaUkittt. Son llln-tralbm. enly le. Addieaa, tAHKt v IvH, M"eaetv, sj, 1, PVin:wAirTtoroaTHt ' ZCTOUilLX. HIST0Rr70RLD KXfiRACiJiO tiitl aad sutbeMhi aeaounu every natfcie of anelent and modera times, tt4 hwlihllee a noderv of 1lw taw and full of I he f Ireek and Kotawa Kinplras, tbe r,rnwib of Iks aatioa of modern f.urnief the witdille ate, the dNwrery aad sHtleaaeat of the Xew vVinid, ete. It eoalaln Ct tae hlHorksl eairavlna and Itue Uree oViuMecoliima end the vrH cowmiete tlhry of the WerWI rear ewMMied. II sells at sIkM, Send foe ielmra pares and evtra terms te Aienta, and ea why n wlU is ter than soy other book. A"Vlree KATlyXAl,rt"I.IMI)ffl CO, ... rbil4rliU,rs, OLD, -aja - srr . e..i , , TEDSD, - 1 1 sjn TRUE. .7 sjaaoteaaS teas ,iwaa lbs aaaSsi lal SMrMasf I.TKXTCAN MtAstaiig " TiiriiTnent, m XAX UTD SZAST. Tan Balawwl aw t asrsesMy 1 ilali I ta Aaawi ea.warlllai lii'iMabiln rtsialatrar ssjsapaaa iillSIs Sav m antr 11 ' aseeaa Sna. It Subs ass sssa spendls tat SI Tt, aaan asw at lain iliiaaaS IS illi atiSi e- 11 mumj joeaU lain ssl niiSis asad BessU A abkjl bsana seteaam a aasasa a' 'sseai'ssotea. bsstft. tadbw bsea. neaS, sascofViis Hnnl ami.af iurf sasda(seaseealsaa4saaaB. sane eearr eaaaaaat areas sf basss. an Wbaaavaaa. anaubjs, aaHaay, istslsi, tiaa lie, isderiM-aAte- t ( smmraewarlS far asetSrata esearrlae m tba HmttT,Jm aaaeaca a yfcslHss. ess a Saataad attSasje weeaSeaal by HI 1 r MeatotrralasblemaUa. . . moiaiiM b aw wsrM. "lisUnaa KssTsaa IJatm l a eat as m eane eaawaf uwin. eaa Im aeaa bsam I n iriiiia aiiwaiamm , s.mmjsbna WesHsesMairr.lt Wt-UK texv im lvftlS--rth bajpljaawine wWei.-FBl .jimmmm'mlt!' -swab. J . -m!. l f f -At .V UUUlKiiU yfi" T.llml LJ U a.4 . "tr-irj. NATIONAL HOTEL. ACCOMMODATION EQUAL w ANY THE CITY DtlkUfmBg Sitmdml mtttlv CitpUU Sqmr sa 23 If. ' ' pRopKirroit. In workmanship Is equal to a Chrorrcmcta- Catch, and aa iesantly flnishotf aa a tlftt-ctesa Pisntv It racolvod the hlsfae awards at th Vlnn and Can tennial Cxpitions. IT CSFOURTII FAST ER than other machines. Its capacity Is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACllin DO sold In the United States than the combined sales of a!l the Others. THE WILSON telSMOIa ATTAC:i -T, for doing all kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATtt.&Ca given mis with each machine. A CertiScats Is ehren wlth each CSachlnee guaranteeins to keep it In repair-, free of charge, for five years. It requires no special Instructions to leam how to use It. eatisfaction guaranteede'or no pay. ttlachlnee detiversd free of charge anywhere In the United CUtes. ; i : .,, . . i . . . .esnd far trkatrtttal Catalogua, aneJ nafe for ammota f maeWins;, , and our Circular No, 197 for further Instruction for buying macMnoa , wpon terma stated in tha Catalogua. iSTd. VILSOtl 3E17II1Q MACHINE CO. 837 A 829 SPOaVtway, Mew Yer Maw CWamem, ta. . Cor. Stata and Madiaon Sta, Chicaa, ttla. an San Frnncasoo. Cai, JTor Sale by all First -Class Dealers, -a 1846. TUIKTY-TIIIKD i'EAll. 1878. TIIK HOME JOURNAL, ' mruureu n qvality, ' '. ' liKUCtKD IX COST. THE HOUR JOURN AL, takea the earned oeeasbin of Ihe resHllement of uUsinswa liuwa tbe Siieri. leads to retura te H old miWrlolton rate h-f re the war, two dutlarv a year, Tht. sra. n pe" oitnaa cieaeiyiae eaur. par) m lheed tondiiptr.. 1 WILLIS and U f MOIt KM. Tbe rre-iit redneflna m dnall tr tbe aarantasyat ileAahseeibrn, bar anmle the rale a Ilia same a year a (to, the sua ul lae pspi-r ba rrn uerrea-eil unit a I mm. a variety 01 near ll- tnrarv al trs.4 kins bsA e eeeaathteii, wRb a !VU review of the new. or In wn-iely al aoasr ami abniHl every were, making n.U Ibe pre nasi aimeM naaniaajHray iMciarea w ne. " Tk0 Best Litem f ami Society Fuptr - i fa JmenenJ' .r Tkb atsrked eaia U the aMIer the nnb- llsher are KratiSed ta lie alile lo make all bout Ins. lo lbenle by reanoa of lb present btrae ebw-wbilissi ef lbs nper- n lbs saaw dlreethm tVv eunt e still Rieater adtaiitagrt. to llww a ihsrrils-rs. eoatantlv laernednc Hie Value af the psixend radtielns tfl prk-e. tan keeping It in ineaiuir a n n urea in ine peer, uw , 17WC'AT A Jilt k tlKArrjiT t exiMwenl of riniiire ia Ine In ml. Tbe leailina depansaeutn af tba Janrnal enmprbja Mltariais we) tiiinrs-H ires. is)irivii siriiiisn imnssn and I'ortraltnresof Aaieriraa LUe; Kdllarkal Ite- vbw of new evenu la Ibe work! of He-iea-LeW tees, rsiutina. heiilinre, ernmre, Nit-ss. ami tliebnmu: iniglaal Iumuts: Ample fcveerpt from tbe best Kiuropesa Writers, hpsry LeUer rrom 1 orrespoadenls m an Ihe area laptuieal tbe Worhl; copioiis Kursrts from New Ha; and raey sreniml ef asylnpi, haplsmings aad dome ia tbe Ueaa It-mite; eltstirf tbe very replied Mailer tdmier4Mtbiemiutrv aad m Kurnpe the whole completely mirmrtna, the w aad wbntoeav the hneane and pal tees, the news and sparkllaf somip at tbe limes, . terxs. rtr.t nr riNToa. rt ft r t The noma Jonraal one eopy, one year. a enwee, eew vear( Snlearneea a bo arUb U bda wkh the lint llsrper'a Un Jonraat anv eae of the ieeillnt perindlnibi tide llsnier'a Miniise: Hsmer's tieeklv Ltnoia- out a, niarawnml s.ine r.nilha Ui'arlerlles rlr, mar do n at the redneed Me off) t tor Ihe fcinr dollar maeastaesi en ; for LaUeH's living Age; aW t . S a . t a . a a a a a m BV aasj ajar Apiv" 9 jnimu Atttinw j AIUKKI8 rillM.II-S A CO.. 5e. I lsrl rtsee, New Tort. sua 1878. THE NKW YOKKs 1., 18?. VH the timsapMai lie. fnr the renewal afanb errlplbMHi. I UK US would remind Ms Htend and weflwUn-r every where, ta-d M I a nm s camlbvate for their earn-fcbrst ions aad s-iinean. I pwe rerord be tba pa lea year H rviH an- a eoaunaanra m ine aeany svmiMrtbv paraUn vtbk h have blUerV btea rxlradcd ta K frvm every sarter af Uw IM4I. The IIAILY SI X b.s foar 1 8 7 8. inn 1 FOUR : QUARTERLY REVIEWS ' Blackwood's Magazine' . ; , Tbe Leonard 8eott PnW'wbinf, Co, ,. r. 41 llarclsj 8t., Ksw York, , ConUane their aaiAaeiaed eWnetat ef the , j VESTMI5I$TKIVIll.ViE7 (LiWr.1. ' LO.XD0X tJUAUTKHLr KEVIKW '' ,! ' V ' ftWerval'ive.) :' BRITISII QlrARTKRIY RKVIKW I , . , , 1 1 w 1 .mm n - a tftvapeeliear. , 7 .eh,V')irAcKwiwi'3-e4 . Edinburgh Jliglzlnc." JT These Kesri nls are oat WUsn: Ihe (ive the orbdnsK la KnM, and at aiwut ene-thlrd the prlre of Ibe Kniltsb M low. The ndeat aih-anre and iWmri b-s hi Ihe arts aad ariraoes. the reeeat atbtitlunt te doner Mrs b every depart meat of literature, and all Ibe new p'ilill a tle-y bsM from the press,' are fidfy repneied aad dsewad In the Mes of these perlodirals. In bngtisre at eaee r"-r. foe. rilih and eoMtnehea.lirs). The arteries are ens. manly nweeeaadon feed ftiH ot Butter tbaa tb amt(a beii ef Ibe periud. . ST. JAMES HOTEL 12th, OrpoalU Jlanti 81. A Ca'iitol tuare ' ttlekmMitt !. . 1 Ta WatleeiiBiaScra .' ...n . r l'oriToa. A new sad tn4 els If .del. furnished tn VGt equal la say ia Ibe farted "tares. The Prnprle tor assnres enmfurt te 1 he f ravettlng pnMle. . t'bsrse redimed M, 9tM ana fl per Day, ar, erdine t tlx anil bwatinn nf Keore-nhb nnl ermity la every other respect. KeeevabeeS eJ a emmnn, price tie awn. pust lkl, S4 evulaa BKxita, t pj per yesr. Ths sl'SDAY eeWm tat TIIK Kti'K taa eWbt-psne sheet of Meetomas. While glvme, Ihe news of the day, al Uo renlaiws a lane a- monai 01 inerary aim Mrriiine nwltrr n TIIKVHAV et JIbe. ijrJtJT.e fctr IIRS(ridiaf toagt: rsisaLa TBICTLY IS AOrAVCIC For aa ana Revise . 1 .. $ I 00 a jeer Fsr any two Revisws -?.... 7 00, , , Fof ss tares Reviews , f 10 00 . ! rursll foar Reviews , ., -u ,tW. " For Black wood's MrxiDe t 4 00 For RIsckwood and I Review .7 00 , . FerRlaekwouJsfld 2 Reviews 10 00 " For Rlsek wood and J Reviews 1 3 00 ' For lilackeood and 4 lUvieei 1 j 00 "" i'.a . - . ,n, -hi. .' '" s '' CLUJIS. ' i-r A dtoownt af twenty per eeat anM be tlleared lo club ef 6ur er otora pereaav Thus! fear ei4ea af Ubn-h wo 4 or af aae Keikw a III t e sent lo me sdVtrew r f IS.itH: Sir swpienaf 'tS nr Hevbwa and UUik wood Sa- g aad aeea Te !nb ef tew ar nsar, le addHbta In th a bove dUnnt, a enpy pah nut he sUowed to the grtler p at tb rinb, JWEXIUXS . 1 5ew aalMenbevs (apptytae early) for the tear '" eaay nave, a kbMd ebsras. ibe auwlrs hiT tba Inst iwrtor4 tin; ol eteth jperiwdivaia as laey bm salowrtiie for. - 1 w instead, new wlwint . U any e, three or fooe of ha ! pertortWals, my hare of the our tlevb-we'Sir siihsrrtlera ta U ave arty ante t we af the Ytm Review,' ar one set of UhrAwend Macs e W'u 1 tenner premiaaas ta.HlMcrilx-rs aur diseouNt In rlulnean he allowed ank-ss Ibe moaey t re. tree ta eluh. r in eemra preminaw II WHIP neeessarv t eially ll! K. REMEMBER THE DEAD. 1 ukl x n American & Italian Marble ; M iHimenli, umt, Ilwufilimn, . Liners! Inrferemenfs efferc to elans, sad aa spttiestioet will braird it)gn$. At.. Of vieitlbem in fcersoa. S. C- ROBERTSON, o OtrtSI. 0REK.NSRORO,2l.C.. r iieetMred VMh sreat uwva. 1'aH ladd ft M aisar. - TilK WKKKLT HUM ' Who as not know Til t. Wr.fcn I.V It rtreubrtea IbrmialMnt the L'alted Mates. Jt t anadss, and neyoad Sinoty Ibnwsml lamllie ne. a wsasmsj pswe weea,aad regard H m tlie HKbtef cnide, nmasrUor. aad Iriead lu news edlfnrtel. agrb-uHural, and IHerary kv psrtiMenl.ai.ke It vrnllslly s bmrasl fur lb bmilyaad fireside. Trmt iiKK IM I.I, A It s yaer, p pai.l- This tiri.e, qimllty ennkred, mske H Ibe rbes4 newspaper puliKdied. Vt etnimaf lea, wnbSie oeh, a wilt aeadaaex- raaoyiree, AOOresa ( itl,lt!((l, u,,i.itj . - rUDLISUKROFTHKfcUN, , '' ' .. ' . Knw Youk aty, X V.' Sartusm'a InfailiWa ' PILE CURE. lrUar-.Cufc,Wu..t' s nws s 1. ult f- ' anlsTTiii fcniitiiss.iiiii.il,. opiar.lv 4 Vareb las hsSlteer.4. -iffamnistsirvMiFt, ' .. 4 fc M 1, a a ., Smst Cs,is4 make early pi.li..n. a tbe stoek avaibibn) fer .Tits Leonard Scolt Pub. Co., 41 RsroUjIt,Jlsratk. MrMi'i" 1C3TTS 1 1 isv.12 et.scmrin. ii J tt LouHt, Mew ft hi; . r 7 ii'n Is mm mM sf a PM V-M kwk sa). n4 Sfcj Ss , S.M , Tha PHYtlOLCY CF WACJIACC TharsiVATI MCSICALAOVItKhf 1 f" s)ssw). s.s, rf 1 mi ,s-w P'PlP',HsrtJ'T' MmiH TknlMMIMIi -Hlril'1 b-e-e 1 si ny ij w-.. ....i .m . ... . . .j - - . - . a'-.voi.tiif a I I'M, 1 Ml. II Mil Swrtwi IM.II... ISi HSWt'TW.lM,!!!.-.,' s Is s. ss. sf .wiieim,'i mm. ) . A m km. W ssss.1 aw hsi rmiai f wl. Si. .1,1.1.. s. a. a p'iei sM sit y' " IS. St I,., Jm.i wat. 1.41.1, . enet-ua raeisi-m e ' lIIiS tdl ... -,J sii, -l w yoma Mssi w esM.s fT fM I SlrflMSl Vss...l77 W.i.h..j al,4 ,i ewsm kf. .i,.l n f ,,.?! j frsis. fr. ar. -. . ,., ""UK airett, I, -4 h-. lb, lit L IImss n, .