Ml tlu", JR E AM SLWARJ- HOW SEi "vmri-r 'ttu. r,5 I a ill r it . ..; , 1" 1 1 I ' a 1 I fa 'inwn ill ! MI'r 1l ,- ii - . .. -.! . I t , , , . ! Ig' f -si'- ri " a Wrt ' ay-lr" V, ;J. 0." CAMERON,; EDITOR, AND PROPRIETOR.)' v4TRtJTH,P(EBS tjIOvPO,E,, ttr: 1r.i io t- -" ' " "" ' mTTnnTmn an ii ii f i i ir ii i (TERMS $1 50 a YEAR, INVAKIABLY IN ADVANCE. HILLSBOROnGH. H. C, OCTOBER 2, i878L ...,01i Series,1' M 58. ! a. m o b , II A VALUABLE INVENTION. the world nEWownrn : ' ,,l'UllSQfJ,:SEUirJG-,r.,lAGIIirJE; cia elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received ; Sltlon. IT CSW3 OHE-FOURTH FASTER than, other 1 machines. Its capacity Is' unlimited. There are more 1 VIL8C.1 MACHIrtEd sold In the United 8tates than ,u the combine! sales of all the others. The WILSON , ,-5 MrrjDiriG attachkient for doing all kinds of repairing. :, . WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. .oai viLSoa seviwg acih;:e go. j .627 A 629 D roadway, New Yorkf Hew Orleans, La. ' ' Sutg t Madito. St Chloapo llls. and 8an Franclacof Cal.' iff H G E I S E It . ' S ,. ...... : . -I!,.. t. If - ' t Patent Self-liegulating 4 pit :St I ' tm ii w m .. 41 I I mm' KKV NOTK HVl , HENRY N. BROWN, OF ORANGE. tjf ' If i , GRAIN SEPARATOR. ?-CLEAiNEif and BAGGEIt f; j - r " 1 : ' " ' IL M. SMITH' tX) ' . tclimoiiiL Va. it .. ... . . . . i:.. ' w .l. TkM. MwIhnx May N. wMifd .! I , . Jamea Webb, jr. 4 Uro- 1 1 f . .. . . llillUro.; f John I.1 M.irklmm, 4 MinMiniMt , Kurbani. 1 W. C. Morgan, : I : P. C Urltmi. - - " F W AriUhelJ & umsr. f ueorjjc u iiiio I f.i: W. S-Karnell " "Mini i ih wtij. W. London, j -I a 1 . i, 8 BURNHAM'o, , WtttAfTTV imi"',M" w A; W. GR AHAM, Attorney at Law. ; HILLSflORO. A'. C. l a Aim kh W ifc imhi w rf I iwm, 'rrNi, t MM. .ml UrantHte. . 1 uut nlth. II. 1. II ato Rot-on. 5j. 19 EOor. Saw Ikr4 lw4 M ftitfM f JH 5 iwy wtawiM.' J 0"-"'lj 'H lhy b mi UrorM4 f lib ill. M""r lUt ki wovli rceoTer. . MiarMii, 8pt. It. jmr7 m im Dr T II . ? ' "f Ir l.. l !- Ag4.. Cli r..i. Cm I) Ltmlrnm. iuiii(i4 mm of lUr 8 lMllrlm., Df tlifatu VK4, of liifioismtl. 4iJ f!.i'. tbiff IVIiet Aulwy I nnit' NottLK. fi. 19. Th boarJ t WUk Mpvrt aiorwii'l! ! Joftrllo. ta I7i. bfc i ib mm lo.liiy rf oi'J w0- rr ioul rcporui. ti, 89 aM of ff Stasia, art aangorouaijr ' ''Tff STOOPS TO ''CONQUER. 'THEK.K. K. I'ULrtTAXD pltE8. Comt to Jj hltHluy nt i Ride hjh. Ociol er, tht Tuvlj. - FietiaiwriTtaRSaf; t'-- fJ. w i I at IK. nlntnMi( f my ariy frk-mUofThf lnHfiit(Wt Rrputilfanii," (Im Kiwllt-al nf tHIUboni. Hi m clltil ltnfkaliflli RixiiIi, klaiidiiiK' fair anl Mttiaiv HiKm Ihtt ' itatriii f my ' iwirty. I fly iki Um tilonr" 1'iilay ftu! tune lo oalcli w dwivtf liul JT4IM, If I lit cIlixeiiH, mutkiHiwiuy. hialury, uy t I Hill l"k Uhmi aiyM-lfa not Uw in II I t .li"W it if iipml I M-atter; IIUivk, thru I .in in. enemy iiHiiy iwt-." 1 1 kmhI veil rhal,' I It U my Duly low aa (Jod giv m. tli Mwvr lo ili. MU;iitlt men" 1 1ial, tut irtliirr men, an ancestry, 1 befii laitKlit and ivaied midf r i-tf lutraurniuiidiiiKa. ' I 1imv Inhtii ediKalnl In a kIiimiI Wculiar and it ia iHii lu U aruudrrod at If I am , irculiar and rrcrii. (rk Uut d nut allow luywflf li nay wf Ura lby arr"out f Iht wiiira'' (eeoeii- lrk'1 1 iruM I Mave livvtl to M all mvii bava linth jxxJitir'tiHiiHln Chunh aid MiUt. ,VU 1 iiuawJ iwKlmtUilaliiHiwry, la uwinf l njy lelathiu t Uit nngr rerrv Our family (mm, laay, iullaf. fvi.lliH to Mm myrui they aariiiHl IImi ' y Umki- ;m4 Uaiidra!' 1lila Itfca Imitm. Tbey IunI im Hrr- au -r mark) t d(aUtt(bk frwaW al;f daiiUUM mryrwm. They tw lit Uwflr tnlglit, in Iih Mirrctktii awl cilvruiinalifd all nty UMlliM''a r.Uttvra rxor4aH-w linhtn ilnl itipw prtwwM'Vj'A'llia waa llt w.rrk if HHiltMmnL My graftd hint hrr a. rul tied ul h award. i.claliM atmiiniiwioim1 liy bub Uil Uwyn. id IkUlliiHirr, ami ly th 6a Wi CmnHil i.f JS'iiriiilfi; ly fraud and fiKry "lriji f Utte imnKMikHM ami twite pmliomd NurMk. Tu rrt riralM IVlrraburc lall that wa. kfl ta lu-r. JttfgKwd aitd i MUMrrd ilirr4. ! raUrd me, and why ifg fffnit lnitir (fit negro ? In iriau crtfe, I, Hir day. old, au:kl lhbrttliditty lrar Unit lier who had lk4 for Mfefjr Mint rtrtflii ffwrii Nn1Ih liiiinitnii nrgrr "Nat Tuiiipf'a Itnud." I Rft-w ui t m-civrd limn my father, (llir.Ar(ir f lUlifiix wh lnH ImImmI liwuipiiltai. irlvaleln a volnii terr Cmnianyl-fniimiir "aTuln, ld wd lial-j hi ; Turner ami cm (any wera huuft. the owiiwny dlvhh-d iMithUlilJ ami chithva, Hia.idd wm4 hat WJ !d my j faihr lot; ft$',tttd l he liwnrjr l Ilf 4 liamrjnwi whb u,' mint I IhiM It a. aVitaey. Mm het, for the nl Kn UmyMid; Ilia "kin, (Ida hi.le)iiiy fatlivrmakeu ilrnf I.MiUniit of it for the C.lit.lA. . The liumlde luail and hi- niakernf IltlUUiro d wImmm Jidin vf. Nm wwwl aaid at Caldwell In U'i, wImi maddened I'Y not undemtaiiJIiiir ft did ind refer ! him aa the tlrrat Leader of the Drinoctattfl 'Party), lint lo lilnt ? TuimOwh wbtt BriM l""el ralk-al, hennderloiHi mere va m tn.wi aiid dllar l'ariy l)tiMi)ta IHaddlcan). That Ihrrehad riot lived a detWr or more InmeM man han my father.o rrjlfh mmnki. He . l"aken. That fathrr,he"fl4 ela-a" leef f the I iMnttot tfVfv ekn-i iweetlnf T hlaann. I he man who t Una educated, who, if il had flieelt wdered.Oittt, liaveAod Mlovrfor krro) ataltdf IterK t wflllhit. ready, calMMleomninwhuMHl to lead and lnlack untrwtl-'rh'wTIrr pninC wa wl.h to make la XhU fa not a tme man to hi. rw, wlien trnteil Ihe aonril, 0"n tempt end Ignominy of hi. rmn when lo, lttrr taught than tliey, raleil tha"old flmt" th lay PvlV Iwckeni, tlld the Ban 4 Bier, tut which ha wai coned and damned, a Lincoln man, 'ami traitor hi Wa. he not a true man, a frl.n4.who leed frwtu bla alwrt duur lo raleff that . , t, r, HI . , .ri.1' , f I' ll U I 11' tj J , flag hvel the Chii1 llmie dHr in JWtt cohiiiiMaiiel''1iy lloldenT'. Wa be jiot, ymirlteiA hh-mt,1 Wlie'nw a't""ftikUiiwi Im?" drew tlieiaiiiculil fJHK,Ni K? K. K' Liin and Nnr.Hl twan hr.a frk-mli Jin jil,riiihi iralior", to Ida.. ow when he, with hta eyeij wide j en Tn tu i 187!,' followed" that jwiiple ' to nihCttrtded ty,'Jw.l.,iiMvh;aiid hittiaikint? Yea; kii(iwlnK;lKHlliitrfwlliitf,tnnHiriiYfif over id. root Im aanrtileed alW' Ye; m hui lie owi bk(2albl'uMitl MhraA do hhj duty aa lie mi w: k;and .Umliheie t oil.yieiil n jtly defeated in Polity ami hi Kunliiewii "I liy whom' ? AWweir ut the ' I lnC ami hdd the fruit of the pant in, ftjiKJ., euimniioiM and exemption of oiorw hoii'Hr than a rnt In 1 Omttle.; of more value than l)liimondi" mime men .ay the neKroe. are fool, for waul ofreiiee; hut IIimI OimI I. liiHiee the Oetil 1 aHk their vote., ' toadnt In undoing the fatal blunder of dpi'. DavU and hi tMM-ker. Fiwni JWil, la thU i luair, i Ihejl baveiiid liowu, a I 4-i jtrove, (had - I the timet tlieiutlve iw8 nor, hupruveil uimiii their foial ini'leMillmc.iif 'HI; nor will they do It. ' Tliey riiiiHd.'lf Ihey would; theyar. Mind. The fmit f thai Klectnnd llmi miMtloii may prow yet to be a I'andora Jfaix of HI" and evili greater than aecee .lon, jhe frulpf ,hf And great .liliimlerof the imi called great men of the Nation, "the Miiwourt C'Hnnwiil." I am no Ht.te.nnti i, mt .diticlaii, l.o tmh tail law yvrjonlyn tratleMnaw f HI!Wro; m who ha Ml , and k nowa what dire evil, they, the povkIM Ht.teman, p.lilk ui and bob tail la wyera, tj can jnit upon a ileople, w Ihi can " mdyj be lel, ''by wrevkeiM" 'ittvkrd Coneentkuilnl., and Oiftimiitee -andl.lMie for oRtve. L)dt well lu j otir vu( hww you ant It In N -endier., Myt advice,, to you,- i r and lray-a I did ' in 1(4 at Ihe Unioo Piayer leefug at Ihv Mrthlht Church in HilUUno, (uriiic ihe'war.) the Lonl o blew ami ifi hUoor native land ieacf, and nucwn ewy t tin riykt; you do a ofi.u before tint 'ovm hei KlevliiNI. n . I Irll )oa new, my dciMoewio fri.oJ. Cpt. Turner w ) ati ibd 0 b eaitl Birind t'upt. lavw .ml more : lii backer. areMinyittf ami Iriny tUe mmm tbn that if ) oo io not pal down the I load ft; yto ie ibew fall ma-4o of the (eneml tlnveramenl. Irt them re rtrxpmj tmj 40 m.J.iriiy in Conrea aJ the) aid ToTk TbcmHilv. pay Uit tbair negror. Are jna yniag taetaad thU fm pour, wrlii'e men .ml nerne? are y'un pn'njr to be tax ed ta pe 'i.M ni.ider' fr hi former lave ami .11 iuat Hate. the g t ere. tor, of tbe yafty of lie eppowtioa hi th tjitrit. eB aaw.V, ea undo bie own . . . ..' A- ' work. Nark what t tell yon. Ton way bt I 'to i lake a clioice i'f lfi. demoeratw frieM, n have . we true gave gKal raaeuna by we bate been no intitor to tmr rtt. Hat jnur frtendrfeaertW wbea otbti Jul nut do tleif duty. , ''Jni'here.'let'mo' wy 1'wvnhJ to 0ol!iliHe tbeir wbuledaty .ml act it fit . uiy piaio. (rare i n wJeuiti duly riauhy ujhui tba christian gentlemeu of the cliurvb and 'n'j' (my friend avy brutber.) yon do well to bait if balto4 by a K.ilical ; one of wloin tie HtJiyb A'rtr .aid alter the '.'eeoaveatkin elt'ction, tlioae who voted tgnlnrt it, were benvefortu to be ktmwu a. nfjni thereby vicvUing tb work KriJitoiwl (n my opiniow) of lb. Stitwliir.l. , The pnlfit waadnmb in K. Kl K. lime not o in eouetMon, Vhoie ni) brother bt na openly defended him, tbe new man ? The tHupl.'e e.ndidate foi Con I te-a of lb 4 tli ditrkt, ttere kot a tiaie I Joif ? , Ua that day pal then ii'anvtyoar daty to do an? Ur wnat tbt yellow fever peKtilenre, ninl wf and f mine nerve jou to act 'your dut j to jour Ci and country? I wait leac jou act in the November election. Jm4 bere, t ek , baa not iba lime eoni trhea yon nflbe pulpit oiihi to nrnltt in re union of 8t. and Hot off yoar confrrenee rerorda. North and South when will the politwian doitf il )oa let, them firat learn there i in (Ule aat ion no North no South, an Kt! or Watt ? ' Can you not aid u in llotiuf out all record nf " aiiten judament" men, the authdn of lh Miaaonii and Kterloral Cenimbwioa Compromiaraf ' Ltl Boot Urn Claime be naraed and looked after if N.n Man ; foni jeara i long enough for pn mail to'go io Cungre there are lr picking in Jtotitberu Claim for beltail Lawyera. Heed a tradernaa to ktok after t.taa. The Wreekeri and Thief Killer the altie f the ti tionf. who Maad ready, with wil ling miniod handt. todeatroy, to engulf. the Let vettlge of civil and religiou liberty J unmoleateil. and letwees tLeui, auibunlied under Hut-1 ler'a hand they ftaiid to kill .Columbia, the" n)tiierwofffeiime,J(f, key cannot rule. Xs Jo them In power fU I M. The hope of freedom die, ;Te tbe reeeue freel J. i' i-im ' t When North Crolin. redeemed by her sond men her holy miie have acted aud w pray id. they iuy no act in thia erinia of the. n(ion when they bav placed tUem aelye In accord i;h tho habit 0(5,00 men who look .Mfion tliem.a die aviouret of rhhH Mition., vi bow will ta tbo btgiier law. we my hope to ask. pray, (not demand) that w a .have Ihe tijrht if(Jbank ieue.,- tod.y tied oat of eiHtinee .( a war .exigency, i Fe'low citiiflo. I luve tried in the lnguge of ibe Bewhler (10 tell to ramble. aimle.; poi'ttlei.) if I have failed, .barge it. Id our lUdiealietiv Mot to ihe Pulpit and Pre of the party vf all virtue. bum and intelligence. To the humble tradesman. , The New Man' The tieo- plea candidate for Cugrea. of tho 4tb Dia. triot of North Carolina Htm 0Hiilemen, when yon vote on the 6 h November, give JackKin'a old Pantalnou to the (OWrvw) Ilaeker. IJ-X the Thief Killer hold thetu. September tiri 1H7H. j ! ' e l -;-! .4J A ItEMINISCEX'J; OTHE WAR- It wa i day or ao after the battle of 8liardMrtr thai Lee, liavlng ned ti Ihewnilli iddeof the PoloNiiie, and h hitt ing to diawiiff portion of the enemy in hi front, ordered J- E. B. rjttiart to take Hampton' Legion, .even piece, of ar tillery, and a irtlin of the SchhiuI V!n gtnl Infantry, In all" atMHit' fifteen hun dred tnelir' and recroan tho Potoinaent y7llt!.nti.jiort, Ml' id.- t-4 ' 5 Thia force wa expecfeil to make a da iiKNintraiioii aa if it would 4tta k the Fe demlUtantr the rlijlii ami rear. Otrwe tartel (11 a gay, gi.. Iiiiom, Ktnart, like Prinoe rtu;ert ofold, leading tlie van ami eeody forn trhle.'- ..I ' .;i',!," T'Rnmly for $ riife withSluart, that prinoa ofgay eavalier I Who would . not have hew ? He would have rotutaaudi-d the "Six Hundred," ami rkhlen to the death whh a aoiig Mmri lib and n .mile in hbtgladanrneeye ' 1 Fear, he knew not. Alan ! brave heart, he aleep. Ida laxt ateep 'neatli the ahade wf Iteautiful Hollywootl. and 1 parlhig ttream. In rndcm-eaofl ami aweet. aweep by hlaailetit grave eeeniiiigly miiginga ierettial Ming to hi meiiMtry, then join Ins It. waters with the turbid Jaiuea it doeNward to I he eu. ' ' ' - , We have no difficulty in forcing a paa .age, aud . nomi eent the : Yankee guard whirling from WIIHam.Mir.t Our liuea extemleil fryoi the pntomao river ndown the Hagi-ratown pike, aoni thrve mile or ru ire. It wa thewiltera :ortune In lie .tat toned with Stuart on tho extreme left oftlMrliw', and every rune and then we wiHild drop a "bell amongot tho Federal picket Jti.1 to keep Hp a gnod f feeling. Another uleoe of artillery f cumlng ii w e ihvn mrninanileil "nection" two gun. . Major Va Borcke, a gallant . Pmaaian orheerourJtuwrl .tatr. anhrown aliitiwt n heavy n Hollath'a apeaf, deter mined lu make a reconr.i4i.aa nee, and he moved off In front of our gwna down the nmd Mime diatamw. Preaently ho atop mn! at farm houae, and hitching Ida home to a winging limb Ite walkH luto tho how to get dinner. ' Our gnna were idactedrMM toeornniatid tbo roadjuatln fmul m tbo wren liow. Tile diatanc hud beaw rantfully atefpeil otl, the fuae cut, ami a daugeniu looking "eaneahot,' ciMilaiiilng uliiety-alx unieket Imlln, wa Jmd waiting In be arnt on It mlimlon of death. A clatter, ailanh, and a hearty clteerla lieanl n hiumiI d twenty-Ave Yankee ia even riding down thoromlnt break-neck -peeiland within a very abort distance of V . lkucke'a . .toed, which waa rearing and plunging lit a 0101 violent manner, acemtug to appreciate tint Hiuatioii. Von Borcke I uahen out of the houae, .but hi tbo hurry of the moment forgot lo unhitch bin home Ihe bridle fortunately break and tiff daahee tlie Prumiaii not fifteen yarde ahead wf the enemy, whilst the little puft of white .moke and Ihe ringing report of a doieu enrblnenlohl of danger to tho gallant officer who watt making race time to the fonfedcraie tine. ' ' Jut then nor ,,laiiyardn In pullet, and awaygue the "on allot For an in- atnnt It eeem. to hover over the bead id Von Boit ke, and then It exidwilea, acat tertng ueatnaud ileal ruction ou every hand. ; . .. f , , . , Tweiitylhree out , of, t tweuty-tive of Ihewj I. dd 1 idr have been kiilod ur wouuded at one hot, an J Vow llorcko kt once more aafe la tlie (hi federate linen. The MMivewout baa , been, eutlraly auo aoeaafula oorpa of tweutyaflvo thiruml men baa been withdrawn from Sharp. burg, ud our plan I. lo keep them bttay until eight and then klip over tho liver ibo ii to bring our gun to Ihe li ver "wi we 'limber up" and follow-; him with our ide.,' and hot our 'eection,' a ; he eel- donlly Inlendedt.; ? .fft( ,ty ,We rewfi the river aafl the Omfedera tetare cnamlng over an rapidly aa Milile under the dlreclfon of , Htuart A a we were uUmt to ordef our ''detmhnwnt'V "ovef St oartVery" jierein pt.irlly J orlet s u to Iwck to Hie left atid bring that otliergun tki lherkref.'''j.w l.v.i-l i w-vdjil1 4reat :Hea oenia I , Tlireo mile to the ford, ami the Yatikceaotready wHhlntwa. i!,,,?,,,, 3r"rd?.Sr. .,tt . And 5 now for priMon, inoupii ye; nnwever, we muni try and rtiti theg.uiiltei ' . ' ' , 1 k i rijHirrliig "Old Alac,"our 'noble eteed. (ooiiccrning which Genefal ClUltoii pro. fanely remarked thrtthe tilled the bill for a Hergeant' lioraej we dabhed lf for tho other gun. 'Limber to 'the reartrot, march T' and otrwe4 go 'Twas a dark a Ercbuaj'and not a Southern foldlernn the north aide of the Potomae nave that aingle gun detachment. But the dark noaaaavftl us, and for thrve mile w tmtte along with the , Yankee-they to catch 8tuart and we tnget to bliii. They evidently mint 00k ua for a .Yankee iwt tery advancing, nndaakeil un uo(ueationH. Wc were imt overly nuxioiia for n couwr- antion . UMin reaching the fond a Yankee bat tery wa hi iNMitkui ou ellimt eido of the mail and Ashling Htuart'a artillery on the, wiutii i;let of tben Potomac, Ve very tjuietly went in Ix'twceu lliem ami in a ehort time were iu'lhe (.'onfeileratelinea. We think thia I the Mily iiiKtaiiceof the war where a ln federate gmirdetauii went matched literally "iu eoluuiu" with Die enemy lor the ppuce of three mile. and then, aucceeeded hi getting away. iSav.iinah New. Itwaageltlng neatly duik; Hunitoi TX)XT. chit he ho tailor tlie Vtl6l 11 A MO f AITtl IMTUK UltKKN- U AcHfcK.. " lr ain-'t no uae budueriu' aid ma.',' aid old r lo Amu : 1 auiell nood' round tu dia naboihbod an I'm game let teed uij aw oil hit' lore aundow.' liut ahwr the iiueacfiin,' urged Aiiiom, Welt, Auk, leuk bh, boy, I'm) bin outeu tou anVbeiu't been readttt' de Ubil on de ivilytiahun lately, Fi on ermuu yer. yon none abdeW Jreeiib.ekera'f' ' de kiue ol Itickeliuiuble kurtcu- -An rail fordet en'oMan'a der w pre jioiui' tr ran 'gun do'; roeg'iar Dituuto ort noiuyneeir'.-'., . ; -." '. D-t.d tt.lebe'a on!' 1 ' 'An' be'a' trjin lei .u.prw on do 'publioaiutde ueeaooieily ob Wahxin up to de pule, an 'purtm ou blm for tor beat daDtuimocr.tki''. , ,.!. , . .. , , Auytbiiig ter beat deoi T Well, now. 'ior I'd go inter dat'range nient, I'd like !er bah ue 1 jedigoe ob d.t lireMibacker er liule 1110' ' aart w ' dan Pee got it now. I'm leor'd , bV on oh dese cruei from er independiut outeu er fore head. . 1 like a tbererbred scrub !' Ifat-, but be' jrid us lioW. 'sbo t ' Widyr now? Hut whar are be gwiue ter be aierde 'lvaahua ir W bender come lo ax him fer ler atau' on yer utrr. wr rmt tnl next week, whor'li yer tree 'mi at? Now, leuiuie trll yer new Iralulcd lireeubavkfia u hka unto uo-e tuiiiiner lisiardH dey'a grec-u on degraW but when yer run. 'cm outo er 11 duy ' ci grey a t'onleJeni j.iaual An' dey'e got no elmuo 'gtbatde limiuourt prty. Yep beah mo I llii'a like b'ar meat-de 1110 yer vh. on hitde wgger bit .well' - " " Aud Ibe old mun felt of hi aawfaod am bled .way. AUanhi Cvutlitittittu. Dnn'l Jmlire a man byllM weai. . tiod . uimle one, the other. Don't judge him by hi family eounec tmms for ;atn belonged to a very good family. -.Don 'I judge a man bylira failure in life. for many a man fall, because lie la too honeid in Micceetl. , Don't judge a man by hi. epeech, for the parrot 'alki and the tongue U but an In- atnimentof iound. " ' Ikni't jmlge a man by tho hou he Uvea in, for the lixard and the rat often n habit the gramleM atructure. , Im't judge hlin by, hia activity in . church atlalr, for lital ia notunfreiuoiilljr j iuapired by hypocritical aud aellUh mo-! ttven."Trt' ' " "' " ' - I Ikiatjudge him by bin litck nrdicplay.1 for the bmg eared iteaat hi tbe hiitnbleat of allium! but wh.u aroue4 i terrible lo behold. ... , . , ... v Drni'l take It for granted , that becauao he carrie around lliotutribiukHi-box be I libeial; he often paya Ihe Lord that way, and keep the currency. , 5f . t;i!.t ;)- r Urn THE PUILOSOPUV OF ST1UKW. Vt here are ywuguiag aitb tbe pupbiea. my little man? aaked a genilcmn of n .mall boy whom he iuat with three pap iu a liaaket. -'" HJoin to drown I hem. waa the reply. '1 want a pup lor my liule boy play with ; what do joa aay to letting n take one nf thera? I'll will yon cue, rrnAe up the buy with true American enterprise. i II eeir tow thm yalier one for half a dollar, the blauk one lor 75 vowta, and tho kiotted one la worth a dollar. I ibink my boy would like tbe apot'ed on beat, but Ton ask too much foi it. Yott bad tidemied drowning all of them , But 1 II give you I rent and aave ton tbe tmalle of drowning tbe spotted one. 'Iwcntt-riieteute for that spotted nip; exclatuicJ ibe boy ; ;t can't aUnd it ; laic 1 high : rent U high ; gnwrric i high ; ml 1. down and goiug lower oh. no ; I can't take tern than a dollar. , . , , Hut you intenJ todrvon , Take the M.k one at ." crnt.' My little boy wouldn't like the Hack on. Take the jailer one at half a dollar, and be' dog cheap' I don't like It'meoloi. Well, then, you'd better tell your little boy to flay with hi toe,' and be continu ed on hi way to the river, remarking that No party en dd bt hia way ou m the bard time. - Among the )oong ladiea who at at the teeeipt of custnm in a Western church fair, and retailed kixxe at the '.aloe of ten eebta eeh, waan vinegar vigd old manl , who bad arowded boraelf ia an tho ganty preteitee that rdia f.U it br duty to do her ahar toward helping along the good 0.UM. W ben it came time for elonitg the jAung Isdie turned over to the church treaaurv from Ivo to tea dellar apiece, while IM ancient female handed iu a toli tary dime, the v.lae of one hie that ah received from a blind mn, who ws M vitiated by tobacco chewing that he v unable to detect the imposition. Datibnry Nee rietMUMk Hilrm(. The Chatham Heoord say. On the night of the .lot ult;oiue brut In human foroi eutcied Urn .lanle of David Turner, Eei; who reside about one mile fnim here, aud cut and uiulllated hi tiue stallion in a mauner loo horrible to meiitiou Hutn cieiit to ray that bie future uaefulnea. ia entirely deMroyed. A ' begro, hi some time ago wa the horse', groom, but had boeu drcharged, wa.arre.led aud bound over to tlie present term of the superior court ihi tlie charge of having committed thl. mutt diabolical outrage ( t TheEtrlof Kellie wa relating an ao xiil of a sermon wbiua be bad beard in Italy ; aud in which the preacher eWibed the alleged miracle ol St, Anthony preach mg to lb fidiea; and in which bm bearer were ao uiucb entranced by bis elcuieuco list the actually held their head, up out of the watof. 'I can behove tbo miracle.' aaid Henry Erskiue, if your lordship at cliurch.' l wa. ceruiuly there,, repht the Karl. "Then. said Er.k'me, nbcre w- at leant one 8h out of water. Fob de Lord,' Mid the oM colored wo man yesterday, ' nebber bord of doe yer niigaha bad bin' 1 be j dlo later beior. Utmof tbo new auboul explained Why ot t't Ve all de right aud privlijum of cituciM, aud ee jest going' to hab eve rytbing like white folka. Tbat eeemcd to settle the iiieftiou. . " A country damsel, dnscribing her first bis, told Ur lemsle frteud that be never knew hew it bappoMid. but the last thing h remembered wa a sensation of fighting for her brctb in a hot houe lull ot violets, with ventilation clicked by blosh rose and tUlip. ' ' ' ' .. 1 - ! ' 1 I ''l A pennrioo character invited a friend to dinner, ami provided two mnttou vbopa. Ihi remwvmg tbe onver he aaid. Jly friend, you see )our dinner. which but friend im mediately (with hia fork and kuifc) look to bimaelf, remarking, '1 do 5 but I do Hot se jour. " A little Cincinnati girl, when asked' what Uod bad made ber for. replied j 'To we.r a red fodder in my b.t. Many an older pcisow 01 ber act bus. to all appctaat-e. pretty muuu ibe same ma 4 Ilea- Vri,drlgln.. In hi lt secb Kearney deoorated ca pitalist, bwudltotdets, and kimlted crea ture, with e'gbfy-sil distinct sreUra of luaihsomt epithet. And it wanu't one of hut good evening for vituprattou at th.l. After a clergyman had united a happy pair, not long ago. awlal aletme ensued, which waa brokan by an impaimnt ymitn. who exclaimed. Uoa't be o unspeakably Wh'n ... , A exchange aay that a pretty female lobbyist, when she commence, to neep, generally win a Congreema over lo her aide. From tbi it appear th.t oar tW grene i partially run by water power. An editor out Wh. with nine un nani d daughter, recently wrote an editorial lea der on tlie Demand for Men.' cVter.l unmarried person called to ak what bo mcu't. Pa. aaid a little four year old, there' a poor man out there that wold give n thing to see you. , tVbo i It, my sou C 'It t a blind nan.' Shakespeare truly asy Every one can uiasicr a gnof but he that t.aa it. W hen doctors disagree-well it's likely ' tbe patieut will recoter.

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