.lit....-1-l-lTlMMa....MMaaBBMMBB ' . '"" " ',M'MMWW"W,I""WMWMMMW - " " '"""' " , 'J"'8'IA II i I IIMa .. . . . - - - 1 .!.... ..j- - , mmmr.,ram.n, - ...aan n ., M, ' - , , 1 . ' : 1 ' N j I --" I ! -'! 'fl i ! -; ' - - 71 ... ...TtL' - :'TM-.u;-. f til. t ca.. . y , . . . ;,' - j J . , - I t : . . - I : 1 . tit'-. --:t,V. j -j-f-.L...iU!- 1 I. ; it .-M ! : Established in 1821. . ' r '; ' 'l rc.it : rr? Now Sorica ITo, 665 Th Coos Iri Wkxxxt at OHEENHBOnO, C Hr, Filr, Centor-lect iroa' 2T T&da, rtprvuau aa natJx propertj ia bit Own persoa M all thi mt of I tfuSute with !U C2C3 ltiliblUnU. jcalta;eb'ftrala?a:tq XbodlllJ f tola; :, 'HrnAT. ' " , . -3 3 tr roriLiij; joctio 1 e r K T R t OT kb ?iJZZ22 la cf A--.;fct- to -Scrticrv . There now, tb Strf i2 rrsseli of ortz C04tooi bardan la Tbej will bave ta tbt port of 'Wllala jterfT This doea their own axcrtioot I cot tfitlcida rlrar tJnocn. of a Cabinet eQeer. t . We cntaa tbat ciany nerabeci of tbr Lfjislararo art in a qaanaa do oorkaow bow to help tbbyTJ' bave : . i.'t .r ' SEiTATE. : .. rV i T"; t : ,. i depend oponJ . . A4A, , .v' r: i 11 h''f!J l.W,KJ.w.f'vi"' 4 W W '"- 6 m 11.W 1'2-M I ia - I " 3 " - 4 " - r - i col IK T.U; li-CO 1V0O 4U) 8tlt3W30tXH 6w't2 00,13 0010 1 5 .t - wm X4 00 30.00 40.00 C5.CC c&OOi 30.00 34.00 40M 4.00 Oa Wetisasday.ia theBeoaU.l . Hon, 1. 1. JJaris. Ci R. Tbomis, ProC 0,117 exso totbft Booth. era Eu tea got 112419. K-CrittkitoheriittouW; Cooke; CoL If. B. Short, C. W; MIo-'-r:. ip0.tpon.d -ii,Re. IX.D.; " ' f i ! iVi Rey.J. T.Stewart. Hon. H. rCrainjer, i. ... TOt ,l t0l8.,:, , , -n-V; 'Mi, -wT tllt-lT S. MeD. Tate. . n..-.,.M. ... -Caput IUdt, wbt bailt lb. j .iCT. is u P" If ' to t .r. ooUorm ni ; p.rmnent W. ' ,2rr.t insert k. pr ItM for el ab baabropt law. Hon. .W.X.! Steele, XTcU S. McD. Tte, Hon. Lewis Hano, Ceau; ' R fti JVance, Joseph WUluuns, Esqi . ' L . . Additional trustees, ' tern; expires No vember 30th, 1 83 1 : John D. Cameron, ludee Georee V. - Strong. . -The ibllow- i t Bent UacrUd tot Um thma )B Jt.r.. Ha la a smart nan, bat be If Main gendemen ta 6U unexpired terms Th nni!mi U.tlf.. r-tW.fi fiA ! llklT to PL .1 CUSea Dj UCaiQ ; i-T. lj. a. .jrc, aatbt national debt. : It baa aad- tfAnoe(i outthe Pamtlanv r w HoiinwdL 1 i,: ertienup jfcoi ""T dlid ba eonntrr alrr ai t with debt I ki sa.tf : At th 'daiislv. k -n. ...ut r-i Lv- ttlff MTMUWlnyw wmmtj i . .7" . I hiuvuj ..11.' I iuc uujt uuvik ujfc wviw "- " Tr.t.at 4TertloU pJW ia 4- UC9i r otiffar wnU Admini.trt.ton route-, tx Kki, 3.50- udwrnmet. of five bandreU nlllioos of do! lira. BaaFraoeiaooaeemallkalj to take baule the FaruTUni aro Teporteai to ba?e loat 7.000 kilUd aod 2,000 Senate bill 279, to - require the Public Treasurer to sell certain ; bonds and ap- tcil ntf foi doubU eolamn Adtsr-lirtucl. . - 1. thm CMWlsLn I (Via was I tlr the broceedt to the common school 1 1 .4 M la. a.. W l9AtA I DllvUUVIVl v - I in. p.a vMiu . . - - h faul! Mr. Rkbardson. , Senator from r.iiiti hra pannrtn ina Lniri vw . . tj Bina coaplea bare been aabltcbed doxlnj the paat jear. ?ery haarj. both side. Greensboro Business Directory. ' aprlewltural ImplemeaU, lli rUrr are, Ac. lUrtii Ac lTippn. South El t." W. M. .VaktU!.! Jt Cflw, ttoAtl. 1U tU , WbAtlub 4t WU-ftoo, " I . iXaokaandStatioaerr CLa J l. Yt. South E1 m . Columbus, the author of the bilhtook the flrwir in immwt ef the measure. He Oo:Toeaday, Mr. Willlamapn, fce . d hearta j-. from tba 'oommittao to whom waa b''pbpiiar demand' for in referred a re80(tattoo rrtatio to educational facilities for Wpoor Jndre Schcock at ramlleo court. rKiMren nf tKa State i that there was now sold torn 8ootch land company, aod maa port aatirtlr txoneratioz the i"nA 0( u,. Treasurer over - a.. . . at . . I J i ' .1 J. aod tbey wiU t lotiea oat to a coi jQ(je Scbenck from all blatae ib I $20o,ooo worth of bonds and securities anyofSootcb farmcra wbo are com- lhe premUea,. and ' aetUag bim This ia a land I , ri. Mneerninr tbatmat- worth millions to Uiaaonri. 0. " .'.. htar A bondred and fifty thaoaand 1 acre of land ia Ulaaoori bare baen inr OTer rery eoon. laasor which will doabtlaaa bo : raVjjaxtay Viniqtilslie d. 1 Loxxioir, - Jan. 21. A. . dUpatch from Bassos Ajrta, 4aU4 Jab. SO, 1 aati : Th ChlllAns hATA- r AttAktd . Aod eompletelj dttnuA tbtiPcrurlAn Irtay at Uiraflorea. Pleroii, FrAaldsni of Pant And Com-: aundtr-ln-ohlef of iho Army, has fled. Tho ChniABa octopid lima, th espits!,' wllhouSnaistAXMe, oa tho 17th lnt. Gen ITjotAlAi's Arothtr Ad iha rorVyiAn Ulni iAtot o War wero Uken" prionr. n TL PoruTUa Iom ia tho battio At Chorillos U Aid to cava boon 7,000 llHod'aud a.tXH) priAoners.' Tnenty-flto ,thouand : Peru tIaba- ATnsasd la tho AAttjo at lllrA 4oroA ThoChillAa loA in both battles' waa hoary L j Tbo diplomaVio WodJt Lima to urxod tho ooseluaion of jaaaralatlco aad aaV that'tho parson of 8onor Pleiola bortapooUdV :-' -' Tba ally of LimA, whth has 'for tho socood Uao fAUan.Jato) tho hinda of a ChiliAa Army, is tho capttAl of Pern, And Is situated oa tho Rirer Rimc,At tbo foot of tie CordUsraA, soren miles from CaV )AAVit9 port oartbo Pacific i It WAa foand e od Jan. C, 1635,by FrAaeiaoo Piiarro. who, in eoaaacmorAtloA of tha dAU- (the fea tlral of tho EpiphAay.) called It CuidAd do loo Heyea, (City , of Kltgi,) a name wkioh Aooa (Ato plAoo, howoTor, to Lima. It waa first aaptsrod by tho Chilian, on dor the command of Fan Mat tin, on July It, 1821. : Tho Tiotor WASproelAiaiod Pro taotor of indapoadent Pare on the 28th or tbo aamo mouth, aad on July 29, lb38, tbt iababitaata rorolUd rjinat Gan. Santa Craxv f Lima had m popalAtioa in 1876 of about 100,009. ' f Xlevada. belonging to the 1 fund, which, as an in vestment, added but little to the current A Ntrada aorraapondtnt of tbo Naw York Timet proaonta a f laomy and naplaaaine pio tare of tbo Sllvtr Siata. wbtftapoa tha Edi tor "aame op" aa followa--hla ,'eloainfr re mark ahowing how hla party 'mad At least Senator Loan'a Bill' to Pen J O. " a ! . . f, ; sio A u-enexRt uiani tcit i U. Sv, 8E!f AT,f Jan j24.Tba calendar of irural vrtlero beinv 10 order Mr. L teao asked Bnaofraoda eonaeut to tako op the bill to ralireT Uan.,Urant. . ...., .j Mr. Tt objected, . j V Mr. Losn thva moved-ta-lay aside all prior orders to take 03 "it bill. . .... 1 1 Mr. t Bayard soggested tb. pro-' priety of deterring tbo coosldrraudB of th propositiooin iew of the probability of tqo early actiea.upon general: measarea;tO ; aopply what j be regarHbd aa a Or Ocieiicy T 0 rt vidtag a peoaioa jot our jbxITbw--danta. fiJo boagb tbat provision for; the, sin elo- iodiridoaf nametJ could be amply covered in a.gencral law. I . , I , ., - J.t Mr. Logan aaid' it!waa"triio. the proposition was an fic?pt Tonal dnev and proceeded to sbow why Xbo bill should be passed " ' . " Mr." Hill, of Georgia, said be was not prepared td Vote 00 the propbr gition to-day,' and would ttbereiorr vote against Mr. Logao'a motion but bis inclination waa. to -vote 6r the bill, it be could do so consistent with bis sense of doty to the pabiiok He would' not do so, however, foi the reason given by Mr; Iigan iO its favor, aker stating-bar, tbr characterize aa the tbreo gre epochs in American history, n imp ly ; , The settlement of the coloniea, the establishment of oooatimrional government and the revolution be ginning in 1801, which latter bad accomplishtHl great resulta. c:-j . Mr. Hill aaid; be regarded. Mr Grant as a most remarkable man. which' events of that revolui ion bad developed, aud injiiajn-lgmont bnf. mau without whom the revolution would not have been sopprt-atfd. one mistake, ia lie legislation " The mine ara Imimf tirmlr nrofiable. and the I This hm aitid.waannt A haT Of ill school fundV and, in' the lace of disasters I .aiottnt of oro prodocad from them ;acarcely considered remark. - WhareVrV bio 1 Banking llenae. Nsti.tnal Bank uf Gwoaboro. K Els Ufj Cioods, Uoota, Shoe, Ave I - KuU IWil W. 11. !Uart, Wl Market at. V. t. Ikit. Eaat Mafkat. Uio-o A 1 ta tie id. fcooiu Elm at. W. E. Mo.-rsy. Et Markat at. C V it. frUf-ldtr. Et Market at. Ovl.il A C-. Sooth Elm at. Becratary Sherman waa We learn that ' the Board of 1 the Benate -FInanca Committee on Directors of the '"Horth Carolina the funding blllJ He fa vera betide at. I Raiimad ComDanr. at a meeung redeemable alter nre yeara, sou beld last weak at the Yarboro payable in twenty years from date w0u TTAn..:J.Trl IvI-nd of alx I nf ixanel and to bear interest at a I fund which bid overtaken other securities held I aaffleoa to pay expeoaoa.' : The famous Com. inr tH linefit r,f the afbool fiini offered I aLoek Tods baa ao far deteriorated in value j no special reasons t Inducements for this that a working farce of 100 men le aofficjonf . . A. II A to carry oa tae proaens mining opemiua-. Tha nrtnnlatuni oftba Wffion of COUntrV . di amount to be further held. ' To distribute this amount to the schools of the State w. .1.1 1 reedy enbaladng on the Comstock Lode is d.addvery materullv to the school ooond i. 1 number of, peo 1 of the several counties,' and conse- pU my u u u tipportlKi by tbt work merits or demerit, Gv-unral Gran; outd take hi place tn..uistor as a great iepriNMnrativ'nja'iof tbr revolution of 18GL, Bimult because, from the peculiar , circuni-tHfeei that Rnrrouuded bim, he would ' be regarded as the. oue man '00 either side of the line without whom iha revolution woold not have breqenp three per cant, payiblel rate to be fixed In the dlacreUoa ol e poor dren of jbe serial counties. u rtock.;h.-. W bgared,; j . UrugSlats, Clc W. f. I'arU A Co,, Sootb Elm at. . ... I . ,; .!! ' t,a I nnenttv in tfi eWiri tlnnal arn tare of I . ' . mi ..ki pnwtimMiiv., ( 1. m a r . hk. r n rannt m. .. . . . . ' v a nrp4iud. Whfi her this reason WOUlrt prompt bim (Hill) to support Mi, LoRanfr bill or hot, he;win unt uQf prepared to say. .-In speaking a lid, be did not! deaire to cater trr tbe opposite Ue ot tbeAcbumber, uor did bin re'marka meaurH tn tb'e' slightest degree any opiin he miaht en'ertain ot General Grant I Ueulc r In Marble, Etc I.tat., 80a lb El at SuoU company. March 1 and three per cent. Bap- the Becratary of the1 -treasury. tember 1, 1S31. . Lieut. Tbopson.S'youBg 8cotch -The British goTsrament Is atlli P.orer, rteently sent out onder between two fire, aad , the issue an.pld.s of the Royal Society , , ai. daj bo the establishment of a prae- ter , baring made ao expitloD, tical repablic For any concessions with a forceof 120 natire a, from t inland la the matter of Zaonbarte lake Tanganyika, re landlords? rights would neceaaarily porta that Central Africa ia. barren ana aesuxuiB wmoicsomoo w m.v,- The fund could not be increased, ' and htf I M(j raaalu ofover-tradiog and ovcr-apecn doubted the propriety, and certainly knew J mK-Ma ax everywhere viaible.. In this of no necessity, for its being continued in I driaad aad . impoTeriabed 8tate there hai its present sUlasv He desired that. every j lately beta a sordid contest for toe unneo available dollar which could be spared for I 8iataa ftaaatorabip. Tbo man with tbo long- the education of the children of the State I cat pure, baa won tbo prize, and a popuia- should be Utilized for that purpose. 60.000 poople will be rtpreatea la ki'i .v. k:itltka Sac t b baira ot monov. .Tbia IB S - Jil moiion oi mr. KKaaiiuun. , ; -. - . ao I rult Trees, Tinea, Ave LiaiUy, Pomona Ililla Vr ib city. Furniture, lite. a a A Yi K. Forbia &. Vto., Mcxioo Nr.u.b kllaa at bare to be extended to the tenantry of'EDgland, Scotland and. Wales, la tbo . present aspect of affairs a revolution la - threatened, t and ' the civilized world can but hope that It noose, I will at least be a bloodless one. ws ordered to be printed ' ind made the special order for Thursday next, at u o'clock. . llarneaa and Saddlery .outA. Sootb E!a at. HOUSE OF BEPBESENTA ; f j TIVE3. ' - THtmSDAT, January 27. Senate resolution of instruction to members of, Congress to support the bill Io the Senate of bar !LegUla now before Congress, known as theedu- ture, last Tuesday, a lively debate J . I Jobbers In .otlons, etc. - J V N:-.(t A Cu, booth Elm at. f jewelry, Sttser-svare, Etc. Jiu ChAmU-rlsin Sootb Eioi at. Law Sctioola. . II DUUrd ) I aQi Eat MAraet Dtroo. li.bu P. Iick. j Proresalonal Cards. K bt. A Kard. Attorney At Law. S.otl A Caldw.lt. - 1 tiuUcalennd Retail Crooera. IlontoQ mad Dre., Sootb Elm sU J W -. A Cn.. - - : Wagon JIakera, Etc A C Lewta, Koatb Elm at. them tar use their influence to ' have the 1 Mr. Dortcb, ol Wayne, to lery a . nf tpJV. nn MriABi encacod in . .i..i.w.r..ftM UU ao amended that it shaj all go to the hiring or employ log !abor. to beyond the limita of the State, ngwiA: To amend by Messrs. Bernard. Spears, Hla pies. . ..... m The report recommends Clirv Qlenn ani Wbitaker opposed .,.- - . j . VI OS NVM W1JV.V " t the bin : Mr. Williamson, of iuge-1 House proceeded to the election of f, u ia .ne vear. It may be noted for combe, appeared to be its principal I Trustees of the University. Result see ibe benefit of the oninitiated tbu a "count" ..ia fof-ether With tbo author I c-natr. ' . ' ' h . I Is a terrapin over eevon Inchea in length ; v.. I . - ( . I . - - 1 J V nnnV.. Of the bill' ' The bill had not come Mr. Carter obtained leate to introduce and tbat -counts .are " C' a'aa a . I asianlsif TPIklll m I It LU a a Am HVAVHI w - tnormng tne appointment 1 ""' " ' f RaJeigh Business Directory. , Clottileru and Hatters, 11. B AtMlraw. A. Co Ko 27 rayetteviUo aad SVi'.miertoa BU, KAlotga, n. u Commits Ion Merchants, Wtrt tiu a. Cot. l!aK4M4 Witolag t.irl 't'e- Richmond Business Directory. lTholesale Grocers, Jtc. iiiMlia Morria. I9tb sad Dock 8t Confectioneries, Ave, J rta.iet. HJi Main Ptreot. would make it ralaable to the com mercial world. ! The natural wealth of interior Africa, which has been so long-a mystery to geogrsphers, seems to exist mors In Imsginstion tbsn reality. The annual report of the com missiooora of emigration for the year 18S0 waa completed on the 24th plmce on R km iDlroduced by The total number 01 paaaengera ar riving at CaatIeGrdenwaa372,SS0. Of tbia number 104,20 came from Germaoy, i C6399 from Ireland, 33.7C3 from Eogland and 10,190 from Italy. that Congress mske soeh laws aa may bo required touching immigra tion, ... . Brazil lasnrursted, about ten years sgo, a system of grsdual to a rote at the close of the report, emancipation , for its slaves, by . With leave of the cbsir, the Pa- meaLB of which alares would eesse laicrr will msks a brief speech on in 1900. A large number of plan- thla matter, as follows: This exo ters roluntarily frsed their satss dus buslteas wni settle iteell aatis- and Lbs movement waa popular for I factorily, if let alone. Bwhllei but . of late a reactionary oartT has rained strength, and the ln.v. our sentimenU when it sajs cases. reauU is a fresh agilation, of ths a-there seems to be 'a- considerable Messrs. Manning and Day favored Mr. nSf-.r. I railrnAxl tirr IO idb p oisir, auu . . , . '-Z - I .MMti Mm en thick aa weeds in I r -qeBtMAgsoiAJt-rntia.wB? othcr utjoB, msds tbs csusut in South Carolina, w 7, rTr makes an emphaUo denial of a ststa erea as the traditional weeds of ent attribotsd to blia in a Nsw erll nature are said to grow. Thsrs York per complaining : of ' the are two things which sre.probsbly Ueatment be received la - Beam urmiy iwiw 7 Carolina. He saya he experienced fir, thst the State la not to Ureal notbieg bat conrteey, which 1 baa In new railroad ventures; ud soxj been fully acknowledged In his ; re- ondly thst the policy estsblisbed by port to the census c3oe. adoption 'of Ibe general railroad ; taw will not bo departed from, bat v ji. great man ana amau ouy : traveaty ot gottrnmcnt. The BtAte 01 jm eta do. waa organised aa "a war meAsnre," io give two Eepublicon Senators and one Re publican Bepreaentatite to the'compar.titely new pArty. Netada U ao appendage of CaII fwrniA.' To tbia poeitlon it aboold be rtle gated by the act of lta own people. , A Senator Supported by Ter v raplns. AUAntA Conttitatlon. I hate ieet beard of an instance .where a iiraonaIlv. .11 -4 i ' Mr. Vest said ne naa onjecwa 10 the , couhideiation of the bill on principle, and be ws tqaally op nosfd toativ lekislation ou the antt- ject of the kind suggested by; Mr. Bayard, tie Old not prope 10 yr draceed to day into any partiaan itiscuHHion io regard to the war if he conld avoid it. General Gram frniiifl. hmid! euext ton. pans into history as the grent General of that utroegle. lie (Mr. Yesi) tntertatn -d the greatest; admiration tor tba and be dle- srhs op'posedxo thbill.iecaasO hs thought, there- was .8ornfetbing eIsi for the. representatives; ofitha ;peo pie to do tnan to provide places ior n:j)w c matter how Idia the rtmtlersa ilngoishedwhp bad tafcen chance's of political life? h 1 :c Mr LofcaO xpreseerl his "resret that a tiy. Senator - aboold attribute- a partisan .motive rto the proposi-doofand- hr saidi this .w.th.rithe, gtter mphaaut "becabso it j was oaor which -j.rre AbimReJf-,had baaeq si mi(y upon Gen. ' Grant's distlnf traUbf d record.1 Sb Far! as' the kill ed aud wounded .-wertf concerned. the liepublican'j5icle bad tried, to do well by hirrwn. t .itow iw. Th- reinAxka i of Mrt Xoimn were u t Jshort Jy Jtblk iexoiratiotl oflhe) I theiresponsibiliti,.-Tbey eaoarely tpresanted .tt'J:to,tbee.? Leginlatdrej . wnote mcmucr ara acvuunuiuiv to uio tmptrtinc rtrttr tti tf til aitothe ruml i'ellerts Let !tbo Cotive&tion'e; plan be tried: if is falfa, let cs try somel tbrng elsev'sJi ?J j-t a t III IX P. . 9atxoo',Nwa,AT3f 28tb, 1881: Zi HJ TTC' I .la ratinnal hill, and nrovidin? that if the . . . m I a uai j... " w - I y . . . Will wjii a tk ik. ,Ka' f,,nA I Tt:..j o.... R,.tnr ia snDDortei bv terra- erenerai s military eaiii. r I v ' . . . ..taimt-d ah v. intention to ..otter--a snau go ; to tne common, scnoois, tnen or pltta. e-na a-. . -- - - . . - y. i ar - k t am ri m iisb a ut ru a s v -i h b.d'tor'Phfriot j--Tbe army ofotv jecuirs ia very. numerous; while the ataodard of originators uas lew 101 (owers. Tntf former '..dof everything to diHcouraee the latter in all great icii'i lus. . . . i;-ft r. .- i. I v The moat imoortanronestion now belore Ibe pjfopieis Prohibition. It is conceded .by :a ,IarBemhjority ot greatly benefitted donld-thi terribU corse Jbeltoro op by the roots. ! lrew men, good or Dad, nave tne aarait hood to deny This propesitiou. . . It requires iuteliigencB and pains taking to originate j any ! grumbler with little exertion, may find faolt. Lt na name aome of the fault-tin-ders.We have: ll::.' ; tt'tJ; . Lr The mau who manufactures or aalts intoxicants. . lie' doeai not ncrnple to create false public Senti ment and deceive tern pet ance men. His favorite: misrepresentation ;1S i hat' Prohibitory Laws everywhere are failures aad .cause more drnnk-rnu-sa . than -existed before 'their passat! : and i yet he does . all he can to prevent their enactment, II ' ' ' a. UV V W k.. . w v - - dou'i oare who knows it. I i Si i : '3 The man wholikea a drink and Ti ty takes tt behind' the door, and jfnat aa slyly crotes against prohibi tion. .; i .'f ft A ' ' rnllrk 1 h i' The man who drinks when he " a 4 ! I ' B.' wants to, and lets it aione wnen ne. plesseA. He thinks temperance men are troubleome fah'atidsJ -f" ": " 5 The Bible scbblar,1 who wiqks with OiiB eyev p'olichei y 6u ipfty fl xLeUia,and..quotes Paut tOTimbv bvi But uae a little- wine fprlby. uipi&r k? wiaelyt?faitti0g he other parts 01 tne yra,.o knows them.) !. 1 "fl ' v't'V 6. Tne por drunkard, wnoae mor al aense ia binoted and who would nell bis soul lor a drinkf whisky. 1 7. -The politlcisn, who sj afraid hs j agitation will . ruin liis! part. Ie generally expects an 6filce, 0ris afraid ot losing the one oh hae.rfl f 8, Toe doubting member of the General Assembly. Ttiii msn' ls supremely selfish, caring mors fot uia own aggraodizemeut ftbaa, for the pod of rbe people. : He wisbe to consult' hia constitncnt ;7 and rhiii i the only Question upon which t itxver - wan known to ask their Hia sufferings are now land pot down water. Tbia pond nln farm, orobablt. In tbo world, and la the source of A beaty Income ; In It terrapins are raised for the market, and It la aaid that 1 i ' f .A.ntt tavd lieen over tweite inuuwui . --"- ipiuion aMnma.ox siarjiauu, j - - intense. 1 t., has ebon, twelve acre, of word again-r hlav A man wbo regretk the OSS 1. a pond that i. fed by .alt 3- iJtdf aodmakeetb. largt terra- evidenced ff" ' SSSUp thfuJ. the & w. w- tbj w gjfA aa.Tsst affprtrards. he went as aGeneral to I stand-it. the Sonthern 8tatea and reportel 1U Ibe timid fan, no;Kl mau'of tremeniiofe il, coupled! A to the President theondonbted toy. the Prohibitionists .ask ..fojl tyo j J g iiafeuLn f j j aire anil uninuiiBUj i iub - i iuuuu. , -- w-r . ; . " " neoole, Erery Southern heart beat xnia man imagines every repTeslatei LtheJ voters ! of North! Carolina !as: does ther Genej-al As-aemblyThey-grappled with thej stppendous.questioo, tally realizing Ol Ben- P. . ProblbUlpjoi si r.i. i .i,"1" ' fm 1 .Editor 1 Pafftof ?lti artheranee of :the object t& the trfeods of pro- Jiibliion. and ior ex en rl 6b of the nr. Lerjot Vxe-nseeung to citizens last Monday- night the.i following perr eons KaToJbeen 'appointed to solicit signers to tbe . peti.tJops, to be re turned to our Bepreseutativesln the legislator by the I5ib day of Febru ary, and to exert their inflaence in arousing attention to1,' and interest in; the great Temperance movement cowstirrlntrotir people from the sea to the motrntaias.- j 3 OJr. R. W. Glenn; D.tW. bow. Kev. rli. it. teuton. A, Jewell, W . H. r McCor m Ick, S. A. Howard, Bev.lA.-jA. Powell, Bev. 8. B. Jobnatony,E. Walker, Bet George r Hunter, -in.' Greensboro; Charles Hi JPisher,- High! Point V JjrM. ' WbartqnJ and WJ M Wiley. Jamestown ; Albert Peel. Kew Gar den; i 15. liiair andM. li utoato; Summerfield r D'e. "Ectoir, ! Friend ship j - Eliba MendenAsll, IDeep Elver; Jesse Bsnbowr 'Oak Bidge; J. .M. .WsrtLI j; WiaOoe, JUavid Hodgin,-JohobrBahkinv Bobert K. Banner, .iD.i; Woody ? Bey. Mr. BowmanaJer. Mr. i El wards, Ber. W. B. Tjdball, , Bev. . C, ! Alexan der, Bev. T. B."Carpen ter. ! ! i; . - a A 'ill a' al . ! All tne aoove ttno: aiLotners wno are willing tdcircnupe tne pet i hod a Will olease call nbo'fl- W. S. Moore and D. W. C Bdnbbwwbo bill be provided! with copies td supply all. '.' ' I JKS315 11. LilISPSAX, rr'-:; -31 jjczj-i ,l;U A Chairman. i , , .a.-t -T-rsr-TTCt Tr-rrrT-r- NortliCaxolina'aSoldlersead (TbaBaleigb iVnt andQlmicr eats- Hon. j W. T. Dortcb on Tuesday (b,! iutrttdncjed V s joint jeeplataQn. jn the Sensto which Io' of it' spial impomnco It prsvides for tie pub- lica'cioi of 'Is' conlpfteilsterj 'ol die KnrhH arotoa SoldfefB-bi UteJaraijCor th r Cooled-1 000 of these troops! There is do printed ;rer 1 1 cord of tb3 nlmis'oftBo pr?ajea id the ser-f J vlCO2 from-'ftlo tepAifd;he tn y reopnlj -tion.orJeesTUe fesojiuop. roviaes lar pe. nti-ttatinffVf tfie wbrk'of'oubTicatiun to that Uiented geotlamAo,?,M; ''Jobo j W. Moore who will e-rtatery'prore au able c mpiler tf such a rsoord. Tbestet is td be I complete i ,n n.t.l . Tft aae tbat its njiblica- fioa hi aneceaeityjiie-iVi express a .plain fact, and it w aurpriAisg that oro Ujis aome such: step haa! not bceS iakenitor perjUstoate the memory oi the heroic ...deii -And Irving who bate given North Caroling to bright, aj gio- tioua, so imperittUable a raot4. Ataj Moore will bring te the work bisjbest ability and kbowlodso ae a Soldier aud ax a bistoian. jv i 'f: .1 4' c, ; : , 54:1117 ' ' I' ;'. P a ; Sketches of Famous Persona POPE LEOfXIlI. 4 I'l jPopo Leo XIII; is'.descr, man i 01 impoaiue ibed aa a? presence, tboroaghly "regal;r.fWi f? aut ' tarirn crr-ii. la market tbey reUil for About a resolution au r ; . ' I It OACb. toinranicc . nre w HS ' . a , .v. fM.ble reatao Pr1.11! b?! !.Btaar.a.;tAtll.60.pl.f. one terra W. W. Holden, and asked that it shouia .bUb .iier terra- rtrn man interoo-ed a single ohjec- be pUced on the calendar. Li- --- -old at lower Bgnree, but all bring tio . ana wben, at Cairo and other ' Mr Webster inoved to refer it to the 1 fijruret aoa ro " diamond " backs in ,,oiotv attcr visiting every Sonth committeeonpiotxsitionsandgrkvances,atMWna.iI1 Bamo.; There are several prn state. General Grant attested The Baleigh IVeirs and Obterver which was : appointed especially for such Urrpio-penda In Maryland, and tbey grow tQat the people cf the South were H . ..in U. UUTI1UU I a 1 n V It I III 1UD UUUOIIlUHUil .... - mm. " r a ic ? . f coufideut. He" speaks! dignity and ffueney, ihd with loug almoat hexametrio.ccftdence. Hey oirAal .lho - imnreti&iou of Deing itl it .it i (rrHtiinde to bin. When the Hpecial otflee was created tor bim. witn tne mua pt, gcutii bush to afraid ol a hiAr. I and Dei 0 2 everything, accomplishes notning. r 12 The man wno , isr .uiokit:i LOUD BEAdf)NSFIELD. I saw Lord Ba bonpnVtd last with Prohibition and asks, f Why UlalUabO pejsaoat-aw ( io-a t-- i i- 5 1 IUhJ vf it tin af-fctS rrrAaQti irnnld like to weageu witn rroniomou u t . r' -.' Kftaierhof. OPDOS dont yoo temperance jsopl en- jierbofop fiireathe law 1" I ' Ll U 1z.aa un 15 Thn man Who kLi-J ir all bia own wavI, and if he ii J -,!, i - I .a-1' July! 1878.dunurith UOngreas ot. Berlin. ! lie was stay nig at ij f toJ1 Frince Uif-i Ilif-was the at and Lwhenr, from;; hi?1 1 balcony ibfe looks across to hia great nei fi Mr. Glenn,, of Stokes, hoped that it to the appropriate committee. Mr. Carter -raised the point of ( order, that as permission was given him to intro duce the resolution, that its proper place was on the calendar. . Mr. Webster said that when the reso lution was introduced, it was the property of the House to be disposed of as the House thought proper. t. mora and more popular fiAP aa the people of tbe Borth, the I bhtb liv.ro. . - ' Sonthern peotfe again evinced th Tennessee. i aBAWawSBa The Legislature ' Succeeds in Electing I proVided for bim by the repr f. S, Senator, lives of the people ; wb-n be rnr telcrxaph to tbo PatrioCl 1 K..UV.... Jn.aJ.-the thirtieth ballot iif he (Veal) o.... .tawi Jackson 70. Mstnard 23, ,.i.mild srand by the hZl Suae 1. Aa soon ao Mr. Jackson was de-1 up e!ared elected be waa lifted out of bis eeat sd eeoorted to the atand, where be aaid Le said do whatever lay In bia power to allay - w- . t i i it if l it n aai.x tinn lu aj ici M . cannot, settle8back in a corner aua DridebTmAert on having at, ..n.ia ' Mi ia discoutemeu, sau i - r;- i .r- rK ....i - ... . A f.iT. itiro n pian r.n '"v-" : : : . - . I tuoirwe, wruauoo 6m -7i l .uia fc.lnnv weraolacea. DV loud acclaim ana tneir gramuue tu i rrn iumuie-uy yF.Yp. that testimony; but when uenerai AUuy Grant deliberately lelt ine piacr i fBeuiiont presenta-1 njvna wn enter- ; Let ed tbe arena jot parti-an politic ;l Mvetl -.1,.. ha rrwitt th cnaucea a wu"-1 eiaim-to ; iw '"IUU'! -f , -,- uari acmTmifl heM thai -a advocate; ana w, pr ,u . mbJiw tt,e uomew- - ' a. t i j . s .. i MAtna i ouu ot . r . a . t allllllVJ . . ala I -' 1. . L J. of ! tbe Thin: therefore, was uo urmn crane tuneiali It belong t tu i.nhhcaii -ide of tbe,H uer to The chair (Mr. Sparrow) decided that actional agiution and bring prosperity - -r laJ-s.J k tr rrter I u, the ooootrv Be woold not only repre PATENTS. lmpoctafo ire aro ia tiled Art ot.e uav be au tctti-uj are cooataat Vtuti The mal!at aad are -fta moet rem o Derail pt'ti is eaaeniial, A 1 worw thai ccbo. Tb intrnlko and reallixia of ibomobly prepared pa t j a.Mu CHAIILESE. 00 7h St, Washin a Mr Fua'er baa practiced btr tbo Pat- e-.l OUctj over J years, anitfera by -rrci.i.ia ta lion. J.a. Uoruoo. OriA, at.l B. rs Dsbill. CreAoaboro. N. The position of Grant ia very much like that of tbe boy at the CbrisS maa party wbo was blabbering. He Baked why be did not eat some a tor, oad. In to of large . . n "ZZ got sny pnck.t. P -They puot being I already," was tbe tearful response, intersatad io I MTbeo. what are yptt crying aboatf BeeanaeI havant get aootber pocket. 7airrffa A'eva, v . uu. w V. . l.va;.ri.r ;l hv Mr Carter to the ooontry lie. wo.ia 00 00.7 private citixsna may build then rrl. "TaC-T Mr r- JSSua . . . ' . 1 I Waa a wit UmU. . tigui iuu kv-" Knaiiniiw iw m a. .naiw nvn a . ... h n.a in the own raiiresu. i w wu was apd to charges without qnest on. :We chairwas .ustained the House. The rhiirwas sustained and the resolution shake haflda with all and would pXed on &c calendar. tik-A tn im the nsvinle ent a cirdle I rr ...nr.K. .nmnriaU. ehieflv - . ..." . a a . 1 ..w ' r . . w 1 I a- t v- w- w m more, and he saw ne waa inu op to d ;h aQd bsTft -4- net -pxohmitionj were "presented, and re a A t I AA IT aaiaale Maa I -t . - " - 1 a A . A . DlS CBin Bireauy. " umn a Be- pohliean side nt the 11 uer 10 pi vi.le tor their Plead m Hie Ute polifi eal cobflict. When tbe corpiM- ol Geo Grant wes dragged from tba?l blood? arena In the city ot;Chicagt the funeral and ol-eqiiiea lielongtnl Good Farming. laUleigb News And Obaerver.j . learn ' some interesting and : fart in regard to. the yo work of a-ol rails, aftocding trios- fcrrcd ; private bills presented, and other rofits rcalizcd by Mr. A. F. Biz- SrO full I . J:i..- . J ..-1- ..n; I -rM.rlne rntvinecs'transacted. I I 11 f T aurinhurtt. on lUS farmnO ponauuQ iNiiiMcs tu cictj i . iStf w. v.. o fmm (IherokAA tut CjurtiinCk." . I i t... wnrtr.d for the cUnse I U,v . ;.- r. I . Uv of them raht about tueir, own 1 hnr thiv aectiv IOITI j - ! I la ilwi48 reco; : Uv hii AAMiciatet: ana as.i- fantt.fi.mler iai enQally well unown. TheformetH trusted by h.a riinwh: I while the, latter.; at though sometimes sudeessfii! in the hh) race before- list eyes when pe .L- Z0hZu opened : bia'door;.id the mbrniifg. Toe .traigfit-forward isitlv:maj yg thw.,nellii;piz,i I jtqet htm gniz-n auu ppi l.hAarrow tootpith between tbo ciate:i ana tne two i . , a ua i? -i. it i.t to the u-mocraMo.8iui oi iu-i chamber. Ws j have ' IfoneraU lo,,g rob is hotooi .om tuju-. enough of our own, (laugher), and dence of nseu. I - h If we nave oar own wounded that we TU aggregate w sdom-oia large we uac uui , . Tn i efimnoned- l f some Vr ...i u. Rware that t.T L.r- the best men of the State, vrai ;rTT. -Al.l la " " .. i iLrniKt k tbl M.i.Ar nu BiAisi iis-ntav- un i us ar u r , flower-bedsas MTW k? going acnlss the square to the Uongrew, feaoyig nn the f arm .ofjilj-r secreiarj;, ir. as so neaf; to Parties la tbe senate. ! Tennessee Senator: 7 2cll,ofIunnburg, onmsiaxm..u - on a rMjeIlt , which we produce for the beneiit ()Ccasi0Q' by )the partisan preen of Probibit of those who believe that "farming w)QUtrv;wi,b the cry ot --iehl.r, ujioued Klnntairne CiartV him'that Tonld look ttraicht ifito his" lace.'; r-Hta steps were slowbe looked weary snUlL aud almoxO ir ri table. Over exertion was eyidrut irt every une ui nm wuuiewawi abnArMtffi-3 the -deeo. and ?v were "m . . -. ; ' " for absolute I rf 808011111 eiuvHyuo -"f ion; aod , rti-pecuoiiy-- PC-1 i:annat mnrAmeht of his blind declared . Mr . . I - , , , I in tne texi oenaie voere wu ui OSTER, Wilson I card, a darkey of this I er4l m4 tU MB Bnnw of r-pubii D.a ,h Oneral AsstimbiT to """l"'' wliYi s .Ai in.J hi in luucru r - . . , i iiiiia riair ' - nut no I i.rar va . iwt s .av- k I 1 1 VT (AfU Ull II " . mt . ' - - J .1 ttaa 1 nM I LI U IW --' .. .7 Hon1. HowVlI E. Jackaoh has been will not pay- He cultivated hity ,uur,COI18tr4cted Dr m.-cra . and p aU mpos yfPJ- psie and baggarrfjface, Iinvo nhta- , . , ir.H Mn) . iv th three muiCb, 1 .1..., a...r-r nt a si eraasi " muuinii.i -- . r-pi.i t i .il- thnncrtir. 01 Bit oUi cowuiv - Itooe.tobo.oww.llund.rat,hst eieneU.nB use o -n Bit Wo, SosH, time a. b in tbo text Senate tbero will U 37: demo- tee.1 ' He is a Jjemocrat sou - -""r" . T." a ' it .1 -aid in ! reeord ' to thar dtsio perhaps this was noi im V -hVnta he had ViperTenced tbe bko- ', wooaasncs -i" a nd UuH bed personage, Joba Brown Ual Wbocan preaeu a; beer.ja.: and torment 4e had sn&ved, seventeen miles) cotton seed and K"".. h-en uroia! chare ar;obleclioM . J 5M -ShloftrconTace With' wiieh muu,.---.-. - H.-fl . Jal"ri. aWrtistl rvlana. ,'Xnei P"" T. : . I .L-tii T' .TM.nt at iiarper o a ci'jh mere mi uj "'rr-, tt. j , 1 k htfl-mnrntMieo over meiu,im. ; JiUll V BJ S a- ,1- htr nf tbe "debt-DCSlBg" facUOO ot county, says the Concord Sun, is ca... with tbo AddiUon of Judge" DatK hl party -in Vtbe Stste. He was seventeen miles; J?g-.ki fnat h maldae a tMiwbom ,Uiaeat dif f-riS: 7 'J Si;:cke the Impcriail Be.t 5c Cigar Mado Als.- 8ttnAarJ )acke Tnt-Utrr-. , Whi Ah De!icioaritoe aJ Wsrr.oud Free frioa all Dalo- terlnes aabaiAOOOa. LEIBlMClII A II ILLHIAXS. Vlaa afaetorar of Tim Cifrs, 1-V7 Masia Bt, laicbaoadTa. . Oct.2S-w3 tilling sAsafraAS oiL Hij distillery is near Bill Richard's residence' In months past, he has netted a t-m m O cAcr sooor -rjac cay last wccic. Wilson toolc 300 lbs. of oil to Salisbury and sold it for 37 cents per lb. This is a low price, as he tav fi ha freouentlv realized An ctnts Dr lb. for KU- 3. - Wilson A fTWui- dBuut 01 Jka a cu cents per id. wr ius ou. y uson boan bM ma:a Uf dtbatoa t. ,Ura mt Is known OYCr the County A3 ."he Ford s Theatre in vVMMnrUn. with ast it-'a. ' -.v. klla.- fc -U dtaaocraU, iA Ut. IJahons, of TlrginU, read aatrr" democrat, who Ja reported to bote declared it to bo bia priaeiplo over to vote before going to ' tbo polio. Tho Senate ef tbo United Statea. haa sel- dotn, if aver, been so equally di tided o party isaoeo, oad aover before bas it bed to eaooaaUr tbo ebAxmlag uoeertalnty of tbo two odd BAeeabero. . 1 , 30279 there tOi auy hi u ai rj men oi th convention Patiently and -i. ' . asnaL.eav ri m - A am-. OJBeW I . II .rS i aJ n OA OSAWas HVHrT IIIMUUeiNVU pre- 01 tne couu nVb. .neihslons. defend every tcw " ana weiguet 1 . S a t ai aaamA f-AW rvun.1 PAlr.thenswNsvsdsSen. gatnerca, uc ' p,rtisau - ... .... i,.M-ni nnnnns di iiub wjhm.i - iiurinni in i nruu J i - , .uh . ..u -tnr. baa tns pieaooju I r. j ".'wr . j .....n..i..ohim m... ..mi.lnnt tro boiae. i tucuvi- IddT-aaln eve man and boy he bales, wetgmng 5oo iuuu . jhD Browu? auu to v.. . i ..l.' L.ana-aui iwi n ten. Tr..sii u . fiuinifti in iud tuitiu i rim. 1. 111".. j ,- - . i 1 . jiw 1 i i . t.. ..t !v.irntrcira iug evj, .it.. v: '.s.:- u.ZA'A fion hiish- 7., -a rfi-loval to the stove mmtB aa mv son," no usuri w- CCS1UCS 1,,... v ' " " ; . . ,t- .i.tiwl nan hm Invarit)! V saVS "OI 1 narVed G.OOO DOUnQS oi yum. i iuc - i party, msdet io open couvruwu - a wUbfS. .iiftnfrht. of his Pennine sympathy Vlth the comujoii : peopls whose canse he' had rdefebded, jlafld Jvith i,a ADnrMMMil vacoo wmcn nc;wa never ashamed-aJO belong, fand i I ' ' tJT --."as .nM.n bi fnrariblv aavs "myaesri j --arlfed 6.000 pounds ol porK. child,1! . Hs Is a very I stherly sort of Hc Quld have rCalizcd, at low acitixon- '. a I nniaa "I theei..croT5s alone, over 5. : a,.w nu $t ?no to raris- at the. present tnoocnt. is M , atTd for ... iith a terrible craze for cacxvumi w Trv . IT.. k. : J ) 1 i ! hid brvcadej-old rstufSaiid cxa-proiacricj. 4 old i a country that i is. good ; only j to tialgratelrtMar.-J 18C0, when game man as they atigmatized. the a- criminal.! " No ' ap l-O UI-.U -v." 1 . . J it k blmiia Vnnlll tl( prenensioii o utu - fer him from discharging ' bis ' duty 17m had no ho. Sity towarc'Qentfal riviit, JUat jtotlieirleadslyi?. growlers I . M. 1 h cbmneiled Bou ibey'expected toencoantbn Bttheon. "T,":iY press:' and I saw him an at ooc in a rririTi 111. a .n . 1 m r. a - l. . : -tw .a r'aA ppoaitiou, even iiyi-u.y..w.P- more attractiveaoa, laeai ig.mf . i t able foes. They were ao" aBlmostagainstimyiWill, asieaK frdm their purpose by the fearjOt gf tympalhy look posaessiJu of fierce nragonum; bor , will theh- -Jarge ?Btie .nritiBents.tbepeOpUi,fatir iin. .rjA:V.Ml .1 i . i -7 ' ' . i 7-k :- ". . ; -!. v i - r . ;r v ." i i !- . U '7 '! ' - ;p -'f'V ' 1 i- - ' 'u - I i; ' " t

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