: 'hi: i ! f a I 1 I i I I'M-- - r-: ft i 1 " . " I i i " t 11' ! i -fl II 11 II II II u a- u i I Ml .i Established in 1821. Ojrffnsboo galipot IuCBO WlKXlV AT tJItEKN'HllOICO. IV. CJ. . ': vn Suib Lin tt. 1 I. rr.irif, Iir til fr.:. . ' .sitn:Jx3 $oorr aaeuea; $l.or . . . -:L : sotenu km Cirt mooih. free " Tk!OTtt!v:ei Deta ncratieaewv NwM'i CM-'--. a. l" cmnlattoa n large ' t , - :.' etc r0 ltrlillf pur- - ." t.- r !. and t!!n mtrual:aJ7 i - 4 . 'I 3U 7 i. ijj-J -! iff w; I 0 I.i -, j ! Ju l 4-1 I I 1 B. tif- ljcu, ;t liifr firn 4Jr:i-n. Iv crt.U f lite f-r ! ak- rnirt ibcrtel for Ie ihmt- ' ! Wi t J-f. fix k, 7. Mj:iirto ,c! r ri a..uu cvluma urcr I ' CrUnsboro Business Directory. I i;rluttural luiplritieuts, laiuure, ic. Humi ri.p.""ft. Siutn L!a it. II. rr.-M Jt Co fcutb Mm at. t IlooWannd Matlonerj. i ! CtU l V Suaib L'ni at. 5li. luiualHK iiam-. .nal IU f (Jr oabori. . K'm K Urj aUaHHla, llouta. UoM, JLC. ; : Lr UU l-rtt. i V. B. B.,frt. Wr-t Market at. W.t.rW:. Kait Market at. S A AitotrW. Sou lb Kin at. H. R Mura. Market af. , C- A M. rreiMdrf. fcUit Maiaat at. ; ; M i-ii .4 a ra. ;: A Co., (sutb Llm at. i j " ri J j Ilrtisslala. l-tc. C. fwftr a Lo., Njaib L.iu at. ' U-alvr lu .ilurblr. tic. t. It 'tt't-i. S-ulU LUaj SI i t tull I rtra, tluia, ikC. J 'u Ln -.). l'waiuua Ilia urxeri I biutlun. Lite. , shi 1 1 r.i"i i Itttt btM 44UU uulu j. 1 ) ! Jubbt ra lu .otluua, AiC. L4tt ittool. Jij. II IiiUaia ' aaa t bt. 1. tuck. Lt Market S;rvt. I'rvlt-aluuui turd. luiil A r'oia. Aliurui-j ai L-ar. t aV. (.uii lt. ' Jrttt-ll), Mltrfuuic, ft.lt:. Jl? l.hj ti Iaiu rsu(U r.Uu (. ItUoUaale uuU lU-tall (.rucen H-uton aad 0ro.t Suuib rllut at. .-. I A. t.'o.. Muuu Jlakrin, lite. J. A C. Le i Soma Lid at. r Raleigh Business Directory. ; llothlem und Ifallera, , K. B t.itirla A . N 7 Kairltejll J atiti U lluti'itu.t .a , iv-t.nU. N. t Uoainilloo lercbaut, aVc. 1 Wrrt UroV, Cor. Harwell an..U"iiLim tn Strata. Richrhcnd Business Directory, tattup..i A MJrria. lh aud D xk 8i If loufectlouerlea, AvC toaia J. li.v-.rai,1tli Main Sirr-t. PATENTS. '.A3ua.j t An iutruior, and io at Hua s ir rtitar.t moier' of Iarg VrtCta. TLcnjia!Irt td cb-ajt aific!r are of tea not irronDrral I v. Kut a kwmI r't e. nt:aJ, a bad putrnt tw in,; aur,e use. TLoe iutcuatrd in u trnttoB ! rvalluia Ilia iui poria'io- 4 H1tori.:.!.,; frj-irrd j-jIa t are iniiel f ' U a!jir ( CHAIUiES E. FOSTER. : XV I:u , Wnal-n'''!', D C. p Mr t..tl .ilci!avl Uf.it tbPal f ) t' ('I'D ..-r rmr. aJ ifrra bj h ML.'. t.. II.- i J p G.i G .rj;ia. ' ? -a a,'. l.btra, Uraob.o. K V. - , , in- r vt. I.-mi Smoke tha IiDperial Best 5c Cigar Mado ' Hl" ' .-'UVr F rl- au.i U rT.j,r,U reeir..iM ail LKio- LKIBKKMt' II MIl.LIIHKS, itn.Utoiar. f V.r, I.U.r a Si, UiiLu id, Va aa - - It is noderstood from paztlec from IUIeigb, tlist tb tab-com mittee appicted by U8saU and Uua Jodiciry Comciltuej, to tke into eootideratUa propo itioa to eublib cHqIaaI circaiu (or iLe Stat, baTiag dc!!d to rrcotamend a Mil, to tkat iffcct, tba Judge to b pan by i b Bute. " MlMll ef ftthtBM tkM Will NDH lhM- Utoiv, &a4 tLr)7 rioaalj, if aot fAUHj, Rumor ba it thit CoL L. Jj.; Polk, receatlj elected Secretary ol the Kortb 1 Carolioa AfricaUaral Smiety. will aooa begla the pobli- r4i!oo of a mootbly jooroal, to be devoted to tbe Apkaltartl, ile- cbaoicAl and Mioral iotarcsta of tbe Sute, ia Eilticb. Co! Potk ia at , preaea correapood- tag editor of that excellent daily tbe Ilaleigb Xttc$ d Olurter.. The bouse which Dary Crock- tt once lired in at Lawreaceburg, Ten a., is aiill sUnding, and divers r,WDS ia tb6 neighborhood posaeaa 'gal documenta written oat by bia x urn band aa Justice of tbe Peace lla bad a intlPsear tbe bouse, but i: U said, went off banting and electioneering while bis wife took e ire of tbe grinding. Mrs. Crockett wai a woman of great atrengtb, and i-oold handle aaeka of trraia witb ease. Tba anniaal cumber of rail road accidenta thia winter ia doubt less attributed to tbe excessively bad weather and conaeqaent impoe- fibility oi keeping; tbe tracks in stood ordsr. Tbe proportion of railroad cseoaltiea in 1S50 ia report' d at one killed and four injured iu each 1,00,000 passengers and rmployeea; or, stating it another ray. out of 40,000,000 perseos carried one mile, one is killed and four injured. General Uarfleld baa a much 'agher job of barmoniiing than Artemas Ward when be undertook to moralixe bis animals.- Hefoaod be greatest trouble to mak hiHamoofio litle eoa' of a bear witb amity ia tbe cage of a dis reputable lion, whose bent was for rwarioaud dining from the joints f hi less bulky neighbors. Tbe p trty expects its chief to harmonize tjookliag and Blaine, who don't iak : Grant and Blaine, who itm't eieak ; 8herman and Conk li:jr, who donfc speak, and Foster, I with nearly all of tboe who refuse o speak to him. lie might aaake i of the mute alphabet to keep be peace. Tbrogb the Senatorial dead lock in PenosylvaniAStill continues, 'he election in lennessee settles ilje complexion of the next Senate, which will accordingly bare a Democratic majority of two (instead of ten) whenever party line are irrictly drawn. Apart from tbe ao- cldenta of absence, sick n eaa, and death, however, it Is doubtful if i bia majority can be counted upon except for organization at the out et. Mr. Howell E. Jackson, the Senator-elect from Tennessee, prom iea to be a member upon wb )m the caicua will have tbe slightest pes- rible hold. Our information ia tbat be ia eqaal intellectually to any man now in the Senate, and that though well past middle life he nev er made a political speecb or took the least active part ia politics an til last October, when be waa im p-lied to make a canvaaa for the Legislature by a conviction tbat aomething must be done to stem tbe tide of repudiation in Tennt-. He bad no tboqgtjt of abandoning bU legal career for a political career. JJo such man," writes one-who baa knawn him for twenty years, baa appeared in national (or State) pot J ic from, theS iqtb ainc tbe war." If m unurot-esary to add that his U'-ido rac5 bait nothiog in oostmon wi h that Southern isriety knowo B'uibon j but we akoald atate Mr. Jacks ) n ia highly esteemed by ai-n of both partiea in Tennessee, in wptre of his being a patist la tx Governor Scdtt Iodioted. B Tel'jrapb to Ibo Pa' riot J ToLDi. O. Feb. 3. Ex-Ooraroor R.K. Kott, bo bat aad killed Warran Drarj. at Niplava. Obio. Ia Daeoaibor laat, baa Uo ifcdiaied fur aaardar la tbaaaeoad A jjrro. We agree with oar contempo rary the Wilmington SUr when it aaya: Tbe Legislature abeald rt- oore tbat abamefal tax oo book. It baa driTeo oat the American Tract Society, silenced tbe colpor- Uara, and preraotaa! tba miaiatar from aelling oaafal raligioa books. It ia a rreat reorocb. Tbe idea of prereoting the free eircalatioo o literatare ia Kortb Curohoe is ao oatrage. 8ocb legislation can bate bat ene tendency to keep tbe moai ignarant Btate where it is. Ilpe tbe law and offer e pre mi a oi for ia- UUigtBce by raisiog the atandard of free schools, extending- tba. term, appointing good school boards, and allowing eoaatry boards to select tbe books for the schools under their supervision. Sinking Fanrf. Of Uiiajc w are pwtlj w'l coavinc!. Ut b4t lci4lia Biij b bad. r!atir U, tla 2fartb Carolina BaIlro4, tbat a vast ma jority oi tba lataUigvnt ppl ia tLi ctioa cftb8tataat leaat. arlik acl tired ot $uJc9 fd aaj tbe mslta )hat aimoai ia variab) flkw lb masaging ef tba fund ia tbaaa. Had i I not baa lor iobb fuad aad tbe actloa takaa ir tbe Trotra of tbaaa txada of tba eon paaj tb Nvrtb Caro iiaa JUilraad would to da j b worth not 1m tLaa 1,000,000, aa eaa aaailj ba mad ap Tbe Slcamabip France reached ew York last month with the largest importation of blooded a lock tbat ever arrived at one ttm in this country. Jt consisted of an Arabian atallion, called Peter the Great, thirty-seven English rare horses, mares, fillies aud colts, eight pure bred Jersey heifers aud three bulla. At Kinston, Ifew York, the temperance people have a bard time of it. The wells and cisterns have failed and there ia no water, al though tbe whole county is covered ritb snow and ice.' Tbe farmers hare bad to melt anow to water thsir cattle, and as they have no convenient pane for tbe purpose tbe process la tedious. It is ea:d that tbe principal occupation of hun dreds of people ia melting water Tor sale. A new industry under tbe aun. i The Amendad Bible. According to statements, ao- offi-ial, bat apparently aarbemic, ihe revisers of tbe jNcw Testament have made alteration whicn will excite aome couttttruatiuu aud Lot a little rrgret among all those who are familiar with tbe authorized vr aion. In tbo land's Prayer tne con cluding pt tition, Ddiver u from evil," ia changed I info Deliver ns from the evil one." II all a doz n ol the most familiar texts ia the New Testament will disappear altngnb- m i ..a. . a a - . er. Tne question "vnat tnaii it profit a man if he shad gain tbe bole world ana lose uis own soul 1" ia tnetsnjorpboded into What doth it pri'fitla cjao to gain the whole world and lore bis own life V nadea' Is substituted for "heir in two well-known parteageH. Tbe inscription on tbe altar "To tbe unknown Grxr will read "To au Unknown God.n'Apert from tbee text oral alterations and omifijuK the revisers have abolished tbe di visions Into chapters aud vert.? and printed tbe new version in paragraphs. Vail Mall Gazette. Why should consternation or re gret be excited T Tbe mind tbat wsa expressed in the original lan guage ia piecisely what we ought to want in ours. The pious and learned gentlemen, or England and America, who have wrought ao K;-g and patiently at this important re vision, are doubtleaa worthy ot our confidence. Aa to tbe division into chapters and verses, it ought to be abolished. Such division was ar bitrary and capriciou, in many in stances making unnecessary diffi culties in the way of the commou reader. A division into paragraph-, according to the sense, (preserving marginal references to tbe old, chap ter and Terse diviafons,) s a 4coni sumation d?optly to l1 wished." Misery Lowe Ccmpny. Froaa tb Waabiotaa Repahlio. Wbon the Ber. iiooiy Ward B sec bar taet Senator Conkling lat Monday for tha first tima sine"KtV..rj lu tl . ttn lest of tbe orna Canonsbtt be il said to bave looked at him eomieallj aii trxelaimei: Xov, yoa know how it ia yoaraolt, old mma.n Executed by Waskad Men. Bj TeVfT. b to tbo Patriot. J GaLTBOTOai, Tix.. Fab 3-Adipatcb to tbojfraw from Albaiqqaiqaa, Na bit-x-ia, raporta tbat Per Barrea aiid Califr aia Jc-a, who war arraatrd for tbe narder of Col. Cbaa. Potter, o: tbo arvoj, wro takati from jail Moiulat slgbt by mask ad toon aad hanged vo tb farcb of tbo baildiag. Not a ward wi- pakaa, sod It waa acarcolj fifteen miu atri frooi tbo Uaio tba band approached tbo jail oatil tbo nan were dinpoaed of Tbo aboriff la on tbo track af fiiabo, tba priacipal la tbo etata. GREENSBOEO, NrC WEDNESDAY; FERBUABY MMMMM - i ; - I ' " T . - - i Some Faois For Oar Leglala. tors. Editor Pafriof: Judging from what I te4 in the, papers,- aa wall aa what 1 bear 'from Baleigb, , tbe majority in both branohea of the prem-Dt Legistlaoro aeemstohave run stark mad, on. the subject of Internal I m prove men ta. This in to have ane ballut'iuaiion aeema raken ptxtaetmioa of their aental (acultieri. and ruq not with their rraeou until ibey have settled dowo m the- abourd Mief t'aat they can, without danger, uud with great propriety.graut as many mammotb overgrown and o urea trie ted char rers lor K tilroAda and other corpor ate comjiauiea, u may be asked for by any our, or more peraous either in or out of the State. 2io wonder tbat eomi of the best, ; most prndent and conservative men in the State stand acnast iwhen they ne two aud three roada chartered to run paralell irh each other from Guldeboio to Salisbury, and all in a tew Giles of each other, j Also from D-tnvitle directly across . the State. Wuile this wild wreckleaaneaa ia granting theae Umttms and unre stricttd lUilroad charters, ia it not ntrange to see tbe same parties behind curtaios, tbat are having hurried through tbeae Hail road charters, feeiajt the ableet men in the Srate. crowding the balls with active and poisiitent agents to in duce thrt.L-giolatnre to cany out tbe propo.shioo made by the ayndi cafes of bondholders, banker and KDecnlators to tbe Commissioners ap;oioted bytbe Governor to sell be outstaying Construction bonds of tbe 2torth Carolioa Itailroad Company. It tbe ring manages to C4ry through air these mea sures, toen ma?. we surrender an hope of i rer aeeing our ! people re- ieved ot their present burdens or their mental or physical contsito tion imj r.ed to nny extent in tbe uture and Icabodmay ba written iq glaring capitals over all our material it?ereats. This ia k tlootnv picture, but I am ar from belifingit ia a dream in wo rotors, I wish I could foree my self to beiirve no barm would ever ciiue to th State ; our people End he wotke t witernal improvement. now in (-iteration, liat 1 cannot or rav litr" how the saddest dis- ati'ta can f ill speedily to overtake uh ui a State. Tbe tffect will be leculeiMv work than that whinb folltiwod it) dividing the Kaieigh & Wilruii'ctou and lUleigh & Gas on Iiirofd and makiug two ival cm -por.it ionn ot that one road. ra not tp,HMed to granting char- ers for new K m.U and incorporat m-ttty i,iTt)uirs to improve tbe 8 atauJ develop her resoorcea in rea,ri, aiid tinIer prckr restrict tioriH. I5.it I can neither endorse r rfpp.v. of praiiiinp charters "imply loanable outKidtin to play with the irhtrfers gr tute 1 as dice, fo enable thetn ro force conaolida tion with other rtadf" to inciene their o a n t rrttoes ai.d favor other linis of i.mIn outMdejof our own Statv. It i.i bih time to cease Ifg iNlating. fur the exclusive benefit ot r'apitanst" ontsidt of the State and ngHio.st.our owu people. I Otho. Greensboro, N C , Feb. 3 Sketches of Famous Persona. CASQS I'AURAIt. Canon X'airar ii -kH little over forty yenra nid, ihuugh iu reality he ia nearer filty. 1JJ ia a grave, thonghtfi.l, eiudiou.1 looking man, with a by reserved meaner, who is led by, rather th in Inadg, the con verict:ri. In warm summer data In ii i to bt fu.;l wiib I V. . -La of retereucf bt sido bim, t:ndHng iu i be Miir-it-nt t-ioieueri garden ot VestBiitJier Abbey. THOMAS CABLYLE. . The corieondeut of tbe ITilii moio Sun Ii-? eeu to :eee Carlyle, !.o worn a "bUck. velvet; bull cap, wbich dit! not improve hia ap;-ar unee, aud rouad hi8 body hd his Uvoriie plrti'l haw. I am not ill I iievir wia ill.' Mawl he in bia em phatic at;d brond Scotch' accent, Komr bat. pettishly, if not peevish It ;'I am only going going going i;oinw I' And bi.i ejes lost their cum tire ot -xj ri-ssiui, his eui pbario, ia-oing voiyi F'll iato u lower tO'ie, Hiid I ;it j silent befon 'heo'dy I i v : f nn worthy ot my Mletiee, lh o ily mini when dead ever wonb of m lou'i adtii!rativ.Mj ! Ti! room waa small, and rbe fire tnaJe ibe t eri ure ippreBtive, er 1 1 o icv in.nrer V,f tbe 'Sage ut Cht-lfea' rflievenl the aimoipt)erio oppression on I lie lungs. I HBa chirtty in tbe Ger h aii lew lKka man lai'jin '?e. A rnM bun of William ol Orange aud ote of Peter lie Great urr loiilv discern able. while au engtating 5.1 two of Scotch u,eittut:'u i f h eiosrt 1 aud web ;ieil rntn Iu taking my 'leave f tbeutfMt old tnttrhe Kxid feeblt: Go '., n al vik witb all todr will dprt or error.' 1 aiakik the feelile 4til Uil it-tied b.tnd, Hnd left Thorn a C-ir't le, ivh, injtiirt dab ma KiHui lea but iu the spirit wiit ever rrui-tin. ItlSJIAKCK. " i i ; BiMij tu k nan -'i; In Mr. Towle tit I i. in 1807. ! Ha wa arem ami naught , wirli j cle cut hair, latK aiuiot terKMU0H libt ee, i!rotg jv, qtMle hhonldepi, hnd atolid, a Hi tugu be Uwiked wiib ontetiiit tipou ti;e ainHHeuieota ot th FieiicU people.f U is not a treat oral or but"iiu fflVctive one. Hi- voiif ia thick, hi movements clamy, bU face ia Hashed, and hia ejes are stern, e van savage. Beta ooiaana aaxcaatic, ; LECN QAHBSTTi . IL Leoa ; Gazabett ia - fat t his complexion la tbat of an Italian : m una nair ia aprukueei witb fray; a. 2 A a a . . . an ups, wnica are 4 reaoiate and corapretaed, are abadowed bv black, tnoaatache. and he Jua also a I Bbort Cay bearsL UU dreaa ia far from being that of a dandy t but he weora a white flower in hia battoa hole. . When be speaks be makes bat few grstures those vehement. 4 - vicx)S nuoo. " Ue seldom pays, any jjaita, bat bia friends and acqoaintaneea arc always welcomed by iim ia tbe evening. Ther are-ten-irallv re- oelved in a large parlor' decorate with yellow aacS red uneatrr. Oo a pedostal in the center of the room rites a matter piece of Japanese arc. ! ao elephant raising ita throating ptrcoacta aocp carry irr a wxr-mrrat oi: ita irntr. A Venetian losur hloga-ovsr it, the arms of whlah. or variously colored llate twisted into- spirals, are decorated witb bright colicate sewers. A hture cabiuet, inlaid with pars tin. stands oy tne ore wuee, its deslga band aomely executed, representing some fabuloua aceoea of the Eoman de Reoart." Tbe life-aized portraita of Victor Hago aad hia dead wife by Boalaoger two maaterpteeea nans; from the opposite walb- An admirable clock of tbe Louis XV. style, representing Time stands on tbe maatlepiece, to tbe right of wnicb is situated a green velvet soa, the poet's ordinary and fa vorite seat. lYenck um of LetUrs. General News IToUs. It ia aaSd tbat tba eomalaaiooara to eodi- fr tba laws of North Carolina, will probably ba Cafoael Tbonaa Saffln ef Origa, John 8. Handaraon, Esq. of Xowan aad'Jadga Byaum of Uatklanburg. Qraaral Joaph E. Jchnatoa, af Yirgiaia, aaijAoguftua Bcball, of Kaw York, wera Wm1 .r.iilin f a tk. WapIiI'i Pt. i at a maaUag .1 b. Co-miaaloo ia Naw York Wadaeaday. Tba V?ilaiington -Rar of Fab. 3d, aay, 44 Ton r Karnela,' regiments unknown, ar- rived at Baleigh at ono time. Naty' Mia tor." Tboro ara no Prirataa now a- daja, bnt let a little broazo of war aprtng np, wbat woold become of tbeae Kor U9lt,n (!) "Jlajora'' (f and Captaiaa" (T) -i Tba Conmiaaloser of Agrlcaltare at Raleigh bra aboot lfiO paekagee of juto oad, If ponnde tc tho package, which be will distribute to parties baring land a! ted to tbo growth of jute, sod who wrl promptly report to aim the reknlta of their, experimeate ! The Prohibition ooaation eeanie to hare aroaad lb people in araey aaetian of. North Caro'ioa. Nolioaeof meatingi, and the cir- (ulalion ef Paiitions appear in all our Etaia papa'a. Wbat will tbe LegU!aJure do t TLata tbe qniation. Daiiy Patriot, Feb. 4th. 1 KInlchia and Iavdioo oi Hoaor. LVpt. E. A. Small, aa Deaty Supreme Proteotor, Instituted Greensboro Lodge of tho Koighte and Ladiee of Honor laat atoning, in! the Hall of tbo Koighte of Honor of thia city. The Lodge starts with a charier membership of 3, and aa ike Deputy will keep tbe Charter open for 3t! daja longer, Knights of Honor wbo failed to join laat night bavo still tbe o port unity of doiag so, by the aymeotof the nominal fee of $2 00, aad pasaing uc- eosfullj a medical examination. Kaigbta wbo h-tre paaaed a tneuical examination, bat faiUd to be preMat at tbo organiza tion laat night, alio tba Knights wbo pane a medical examination tbo coining week are rcoausUid vo preeeut tbomaelree at thn TfMll ; at the first TesTular meetirg of tbe Lodge, next Thursday night - at 7 o'clock, to bt obligated. , ' The following ia tbo liat of offlotra eleored to aarve tho preaent term, ending Juno 30th 1831: Edo'd A. Small, Protector; Mrs. D. A Robertson, Viea-ProtecUrj Ke. D- E Brntoo, Chaplain; Dx P. A. Robertson. Traaanrer: II H "Cart land. Hentetary; O T Tfi-tsll Vinaocial-eereterv; F. S ET- diitge, Guid; Mra. P U- Bruton. Guar dian; U.J. V31iama, SJentinal; w. K. dtidge, Pas Prateotor and Lodg Deputy Tba following haa been sent to tba prtasof tba State for publication ; Tba next kin vt J. A. Mason, formerly of North Cirolioa, wh diel ta th Parish of Kdis.n, State af Louiaiaua, will kaar eo-n-tliing to tbair adrantaje by corniauaietia witb Faco Loyi, LYickkburg. Miaa. Lorona.l I ntellijience. Senear BauMtot baa accrp ed an inTi tation to deliver Iba address bfro I be liv eiary soeiatiea of Daridaoa Coilege at tbo next commencemont. . - Judge Jam-aE. Brown, a hrotitrof the wide-awake Sonator from Georgia, reach ed tbe Conn Hoiiae ia Marietta Ga . tbn otbor day. thirty miaotea after court should hare been convened He had beeu delayed by a railroad accident. f! apolo gized fr keeping fbe jurors, witbeaaea aod lawyer waiting and ordered the cleik to an ft a fine ef $5 against tbo be lated Judge bimaelf. Tbia incident abowa that Jndga Brown appera to be Mti?rientioas. bat . if he bad iivipoeed a fine against anybody olae unaroidably de taiuad by a railroad aeeident the act woa d be regarded aa unjaat. Seatrr Allison is tba only Republican Senator on tie Demwerati) iio of tbe 8 note Chamber and be told Senator Hill that aftet March 4 bia seat shall be given to the latter. Perbapa Senator Al lieoa axpecuto ait on a Cabinet stool ( tar tbo moatb of March. i . r 9, 1881. Tbo Daokrj a?7orfr of Fabraaxy 3d ijtl - Wm laaxa from Mr. J. U Tasiot tbat tko eonvietaj at work on tbo 'ea Fear aad Yadkia Valloj Eallroad bavo gra oaoauloeetaoGrooiMboro oad of tbo road beyond Waiant Coto aiaoa tbov I mo rad , tbat la food work ia tbat rough eoaatry, oonaidotiag the weather, one Mileiaaiaonta Wltbronlr aboot ticbtj baaaa. i Ca-arralk Or-gmn.! aa Ua ta. P. H. D. writing to tbo Kortb Carolina PrubittrUm aays: . Sov. P. H Daltoa ai4 Eldar W C Deo ay, of High Point obarth. organisod a Preaty toriao ebnrab at j Jama town. Gnilford eonnty, on Jan. 231. Twolvo naaaaowara aaroliod igkt' from High Poit ohorah, two from tbo Oroonaboro chareh, and two by oxaatnatiotk. Uooara, W II WUoy. JVT Tfkartoa and Dr. J Q Ector wro eleotad oldars, and Ut. J 11 Woatharby oboM. daacpn. Tfo have a it oo as wo got a liUlo balp from tbo Cbareb Ezta&aioa Committoo and from a few par sons who have prvmJaod to aid na l Uiw Telegraph Company. By Ulagrapb to tba Patriot. AieaXT, M. T , Fa Ik 4 The Contra! aad Booth Amoricaa Talagraph Company Sled artiolao of incorporation Taoaday Capital, 15,000,000. Tba linoa ara to ma rrou it Xora to Texaa, tbonao to Max loo. tbeneo to South Amoriea. Jonathan Edward, Jamoo A, Berymaor and A'frad PeU. allaf JTgw York, aro tba stoekhol daaa. ' ' - I i an., trr . . . . . m a.aaw nuravt w arabub WasaiaoTON, D. C .Fab. 1. Tba Uaiiad 8tataa Coamiaaioaar of Patacta, in bia an nual report la Coagreaa givaa baaa Curaa ; Booaipta daring tba yaar far paUata, eopiaa of raoorda r drawinaa and otkar source, $749,685.32; axpandi.urw.Sr3d..5,l?, War- iag a balaneo cf 210 820 15 orar oxpeadi- taraa. On January 1, 1880, thera raaainad 1 1 40,806 &S to tho oradit - of tba patant hind, which, addod to tbo' 'aurplua f 1630, makaa tba amovet to tba credit of the patent ?Bf OB J"?" ' ?f 631 6J6 ?V Th viar iuwe)oj va tue vuaero aa lue yotr ist suuiuar iaad aa t'ollewa : Number of appiicatione for j patent tot inantin, 21.761 i applieationa for daefgna, 634 ; application for rei-euea ofpettaata, 617; total, 23 013 Nuaibar ot patenta isaad during the yaar, 13.441 ; pa tamta raiaauod, L06; patenta expired, 3 781 number of trade marka and labela ragi'er- h1, 533. Of tbe 13 441 pataata iaauad dar- ino the year 12.635 were to eitizana -ftbaj Unitad Statea and 7ct6 were to foreigner. Diminutive Sispatobes. An'ar&lancbe sear Wevd Bivar, Idaho buried foar men in their cabin while get ting their supper, i Tbe Bay frtato Print Works, inaelrent. at Fall Rirer, blaaa , wera aoM at auction i Wednesday for! f85f J3lX, io WVaver Oa borne, of that oity. ,' Hanlan baa returned to Patney, baring ' i , i . . dene good: work at Southampton. The Thanes ia entirely clear of ice i Laoock ; ia doing good work tt bontbwick. . - I . . i ; i '. i . Mrs. Jahanna j Callahan, sged seventy, and hereon William, aged thirty, were burced to death in a fire an Commercial street, Boston, early Wedueeday morning 1 I ' Antsts and impriaenment of chiefs and aobordioatoa of poblie department ! ia Cnba accused of fraud coutibna, the government be-ipg determined to restore honest administration. 1 1 : ' 1 The Women's National Anti-poly gam v -Saciety met at '6alt Lake City Tuc-day and adopted resolutions atrocgly 'indors ing Governor Murray 'a action io leaning a certificate of election to Campbell on the ground that hia opponent, aithout.h reooiTing the moat rote, ia an alien and a poly gam let. r Too Funny for Anything Th.T Vint in atid cantlv broe tbe I newa to bar tbat her huebawd bad been ran ovot by tbo oars iad bad one leg an t off. H.t griel waa te title ' ihm GiHid beavenf r she cr'rtl ' b bad ba lu-kt near traa;ni oil aarr ! are IBt i .polled I" fiertea fctt. j . If atMrr.iojicMl : Tbwre ia a vau ai arpu'i Lt. il n" i not t;r. ait ui. t tba intait laiuarkable trutbx uii irJtJ He te-sle ajK- tb cl-angvattle ii ! u DAetA. aud i!ln irts V- ." '' -1 t VufA a mail to g- oat iu " ; ' M v i Law a oeUii a.d lur Ui-. r-s ; Lii.i ba coo d jt hi o-rf- ! .0' u Wlora be 9nl i ba er id ;iito :be ! ! hetrvaefttig. It ia aiUlof iai ru.j'! oa to ba a lie tlorida &un Tweeeleflum and Twcedled-a At thr. enil bustle of Bull Ru'i a Michigan rei nent. in n-akinjc a cbai go of pornnor cine nion a t.oiiledarata ldier M"i-ie aao ,de .f a Fed-. r2 - b S a aa 1 il j t i bek Ki:b had a firm bod o Ibo o-b r at d Thither onuld break tba hold. Aa tb i.t ctp e.me'op tbo rab waa ikrD i" a -4 ... h. Yi.nk aroaa be waa ku bo 1 eame t.i be anob ,o fit. ' VL;. I ca tnrtl tbo biam-d Jobttb " i'o ( replied llieu how jdid he cosae t' J" ,rl'' That'a wist wake ne'o interna' mad " ahonted the!b(u-ca6. H- captoed toa the earn time I did bim. and hn h wouldn't town op to aeo wbo had the bul-el He'a no gowjlj-man "no,j air, bo ait't V' Florida &m T A Politician Who left A Fortune!!- The estate of the late Fayette McMullin,' of Virginia, i estimated to be worth -. $200,006, and his wife and daughter are the heirs tottils snug fortune. Few mcn in public life have left their families ia j such comfortable tir cumstances. His daughter is quite a young heiress, being only six years pld. M -sty- 1,' The THoznaa JexTertoa tloan From, Forney's ftegreaa. j There is no chapter in Aaeri- ean niatery more impressive than the last hears of John Adaas and Thomas JeCersoa, the second and third; Presidents of the United States. They bottt i died .on the earns day, July 4Mb, 1823, Adams as ninety-one, ana JeCerson aa. a a Z aaV aV O. t . ST aV" ' ; - 1 'J-"" wrsai prepara- rLJifS,560 B:,bte the first fifty years of the Dedara tion of Awericaa Independenee, which occurred oo that very Foarth of the eowmittee tbat draughted that great paper, John AdamJ waa eeeond on the comsaittee, Jefferson died at one o'clock in' the after noon, Adams at five the same even- mma m .' .P" viih wm (latum ! the simnltansoas death of twoillna- trioas men oo tbe same historical aaniversary. Tba effest of thia angary waa heightened into a sort I f aapernataral awe by the fact inac mat anniversary waa the exact half ef the century: and as saen remsmbereet that the sen of one of these men was President himself at the time, the whole event rose into a kind oi aeaaage from Heaven to the American people.. And just before the news of this call 1 from God, as it were, cams to Washing- ton, President John Quinsy Adama I tne nttietn. fourth of Jaly at the I that nftiATh KAnrth of Ja v at thai' I V..;l 1.... .w. t-s-'IT I r i umiiiuj; signers of the Declaration ' of In- these letter aa follow. : Mr. Jet tersoo'a ie in the freest stvleJ Mv father' is aigned with hia I own hand. Mr.: Carroll snoarentU written with bia owu band, as are Mr. MawliMin's and Mr. MonrtVa.? Toe celebration of the fiftieth Fourth of Jaly ' took piece in tbr Hail outhe House of esreeDta-. tiveai at the 2atioual Cayital : but it van nnr nnr.il thm firh i.iatanr thui the Pieidst heard of the death oi a air'' aiw-a awn a miww auair l nomas aieaoreoi tbe 4 b of Jaly which be Styled M a Strange ' and I very eltiking eoineiduOee.", There I WAS no teln?rat)h fiftV four veaia I ago, and while' the President wa thinking of tbia i arrange' and startling coiucidenee" he did no; think, even on the 6ib, that his owi father bad afao died on the 4'.b, at his borne, at Quincy,liaaaachasetts. He did not hear ef hia departuie nil r.be 7th of July, wbeo on hie way to that place, having received uewa uf bis latbnr illness )nst aa he haid of the death of J.fifereoo on thei 6 b. A gentleataa came irom Baltimore, aad met bim at Waterloo, aome diatauce from Wash ington, and gare bim tho sad news. Aod this is how President Adam apoke j of j ex-President Adams. , ' r Wba( an inspired prayer I ! r - : i -. ' My father had nearly closed the cine- ty first year of hia life a lif illustrious in the annals of bis country and oT tbo rorld. He bad aa r red to groat and useful purpoao hia nation, bia age, and bia Gad. He ia geae, aad may the bleeaing of Almighty Grace have at tended him to his aaaoant t , I aay not, w mm Ukt .nil hm lika bia!' it warn I mm.mj J ' . - 17 I preaainp. ooua. Tho time, tbo manner. the coifceidnce with tba daceaae of Jef- feron mio viaible aad palpable marka of 1 D. viae favor. 4or which I would humble mjattif, in grateful and silent! adoration iiefjreJthe Kuler of tbo Universe. For myself, all that Idaro to ask jia, tbatl 1 1 may live tbe rami aa of my daya in a man-1 per wormy oi Dim ior wnom x came, auu. i at the appointed bonr ol my "Maker, die as ny father baa died, in peace with God and mnn, apod to tbe regions of fniatity with the bleeaing of my roaow-uieo ' - I 11 proeeede'd o hi -hum ' M aaarbnaf?ta c; ho id tig QVe!a mi his iiurixtv. Hie bo!- oait. an in aanurti 1 . av i tig. Ad m and J I-. ' hv t't1 .l Mntvr! i'l v o.:-r. 1 1 h uxn-h uiv.ji-u ife'cdrtt ii. T'i iu old. . ITit 4llr: f-Ulltlktf t"f " Mi the eme i'.i ciiioatnrl! ii. .-v-r waa run a I'at fistt eliciv rv.-iiT-l "p it r :f' , 1 .' ' 11.11 )i 14 r i. - ithti ! eaiiut:'a! i-t'-4 v t.'jtf !;ajSt ti-ji ?.e h V' eli. 11 iMt. ho.:htiu . ' WiA 1 1 h.i: rb' mrveSlttu I . i - ! I ' . .1.'. I t 'Mi rn. e:r uu-'j.? ou into fft- iftji.ilt. ,P;J?l'Urat PDd mUKU - f I tfioi'tl-d tti m'euui! nup ilj titij wo aacud -graves. North ,. d j soaf b j bowed atj the earn ..,(. The j grat Fednalit4 of N-lB gltd, aud the great. Vir ginian, laid down together iu tbf A.rUM bed on th ame day Ff y b-urfai MoleVll-Ut We fi v b-qrea'ra afrer tbia remark ud tttarLaVHama at.u J. fr-rswi re arid mrtre jy pabene i- J in m-try j and in their ro?tii y than tfcey wern 10 tneir late ye;iie and fi-al eail. Nrafly all, the gramtehildreo and great graiidcldl dt'eti of John AaaniH are goring njw with tbe party ef Thomas Jef feraou. The moverrent in Nw Y oik to reet a aanfioeot rotfiiu meut to Thoaaa Jfraon in a new irihntp of the nresvai to biaimmor il dnnrrinea. . It is Drbposed toafb a.isranc from ail the States, old iftfl naa. fntwi the Oee.idaut and tbe Orient, from the oaat and ( the mountains, from the valleys and the fillaeee. Ifrom the cries and tbe country, (rum tbo rieh and the floor. from the trades, proiewious. and It ... 'i ii i y ijM.lrVi rifwT.-t''! ,i:.n!aTr Now Scrica Ho. 'Glfo n. ' aaienwa, from the women andtliL; Z men. no philosopher or atataxmaa ; of tae rarolationary ptriod. iiotea kxoa tae ciauoaai uapv.;.v .1 ka vai a. rii ! taU. ICxrotpondonoo Anson Tiaaa.) ' :. I iatorviowod wU kil I otkar day eVraft Soaator' ItoIJaSaLl'o I marriago. That man Is kaown as fCosU i ; i . 1 i eotDickw-HtndMafrr:bnUtkajrMPiok Brigkt-Mdh. is'SergaaaUvamsf g.nat.1 bm I, nkoy toU miyour oldorly Indiana Soaaao. ba. iniod b r daaby and fla.br yowidow & J. 'iMjUiviVi .i!ld' , Is nly Cl-aba fa 47; ba has kaowa bar iv an her family for many.1 yaars,' Ska is v on of tbo flnast ladlaa la tbo laad-on ;' tiroy worthy; of him, as ho la of harJ Ho aesed aoaalblr in marrying aayonr 'own " Senator Yanoo did." And I labtidad. N w " i aaaaiaa. Oh MWOHea A (print h so) for likaly ho w it) aver, moat probably,' ma old man mi navar ae it) mada ' 1 a appter, ar, io au raapeou. amor . 1 Il - f ! ..i I ' ' 1 -' If proper matrunoaial ' alHanea than dlti j yasoo whan ha iayadod tbo -"Blao" ! mi ' icjfion" of Sontneky, . I dara sot tall all ! Iknownabontlt. ' j .J I Ti fatly to be regretted tbat this , aaaajon will Iprobably sloao Saaator Mcv i ponali'a poblie life. Ho is ono 'of tbe ; poroat ana i aniost ataioamen of tbo day, : aad hia abaenoo from tbo Katioaal eoan cila iwili bt aorioaalv 1 fait. Bat Voori Daa ia h-tv av ar x-aaaiatioa, aiorneraon ao N.K-J.t v. lLI'A . . . " i ,i , :: ; --JJ1"J wan tba great'' men of ' tba oreaanti I l.iU k.U.:i!J O. LH : . t 1 I f --t4 . otd hare ! been wvrtuj oi wo American eenato eveaJ is ito palmieat and brightest daya. ' i. 1 : A day or two go while prowling aroon an rieuato Library 1 oaeouAterod mah of dutiigite beat inK ioakisg o oo abent IftrW- lira to Ally yeara old. whcmH had ft qdeni Jy eeenj about that and tbe otbar libra liel,4 and had a! way a noticed th batineaa-lilto air wbich ho bore. U bna an exceedingly tellactual eoontenanea : waara a baLev - browbiah mouaiache and dreea in excellent iij f'f wo1 whi, in the ! . to; a few wordpof oonveraatien, and I 'aaniKl that be was tbo Honorable Kurd von Sihlozer. tbe Garman lffalataii T talr bilk to be 4 good and able repreaentatiTe. o Koeerument. r Wiah hM ''take" me to be ! a rtght good follow and inriu e me np to ! hia prioaely rvaidfnee aome day,,' but theu ho a too smart for that. 'Tie seldom that' we eet a sight ef tboacj diplomatic fylks, tbe crallerlls ' in both huuffec of Congreaa reaerred for thetn ' j iMibg generally onteoaated. Nbw and tha)y a friaky flweliug in the shape of a dark br 'i ' . . "-r. m?T (1)hiU t wrt dont ereato any marked Sen- ,on' I ' tx 1 A . J .t c: t i im '. ! 7 , , ""v" n -WBT 5 f-Tr f n?Tni?n fob'e a specimen of British manhood ,aa h nJ 8 fortune to look np. I tae x.ngusa minister, taxes a seat in tbe gallery, and aa a mark ef politeheea and ro- apect, I suppose, seems to be interested In tb proceedings lie' must be near 70 ; jlooks aomewbat like 8enator Kernan. of Nee- York; ia straight aa two! at rows; ia ipstaa- tic in bia bearing, yet pleaaant and approaicb ania ; waiaa ten . muea or mere every day on bia broad-bottomed ' British shoes a aa fi " ' 1 (frequently, I learn. 'accompanied !by ! uil i. ! i...niir.i -.L.i I i,1 i T .UlWUJfll,U ed it.n.tit.r. 1 and, j, ia probably; tbe moat popnlar of all tbe distinguished aguish gh'wh am' eoi diplomats asaenibled hero ; though' tbo Japanese aod beat baa Cbinea ' Oome around, which they very seldom do, tbej create a aenaatiou and receive mucb at 1 1- i teat ion J m UrtlcV r i JTb fott of Jan, 89',b contains an upoa tba onbealtbrolnosa of tbe capi lol, Hftd mentioua pbe fact tbat many of jtlie cauiiol itolicenten there are, includinr Uf- 1 . v i . . - I I V- i nci-raatiu wauiinnap, aoout r Dirty in unn- r) me ii)ff rbttf with rbt'umuia'ui. eMW (a euwuiiia &r U eoutracted in rop ( e cil bow you pui.t ha t ' ' ; 1 1 won 1 iuHt. uiiw uniiii.m l-i iiidnJiri iu pr 1 u i jimij lira? anfi). fcieiui neatea 4 a li;lf jy - .eMilte.trnitlihit 1 oaro Iv o If I ! . ?iv 1 an-: in hriiki4.-r iM"r! itt-ttiiaefl 'i 1 . " ii ' irttri !j s 1 I' afr UI IS at lin 'i. fur?.et"a'a d unit au'l I r I i Kelnwr.! .' li v. Kti'-t-rut n i Vi 9 . .1. ' rtil; .WM i:rr , Hi tT r t 14 vr f- Tt nii-at; ii-v ivify 1 g t Of I cui wt D mecru- ia a.Diti the KMftete) about, given uj all baiter bow.! tbough MahtiiO I cail't WliMVtf thaf bt- wil Jua liO. Wilmington Star. IT; The Lgiutpie baa been Above one mouib, art eeesion would finrt'p an editor to tell what imptirtant legfalation J b-d doue. j The. rt of tranaenrgi tiea wiel, eeonoinicallyi pni it, isf cieau rone torever. ill tne law allowed Ithej legiaiator X4 -r-roaiu at. Kaieigh at thn ezpe'iM of the eiple uuiil April we verD be lieve t bey ; would baug oui Stx weeks' were more than euooRb, aud ia a ptoot look over' tbe bane proceed ings. Gosh, nonaeusd aud dVmagnguery cost no little. . Oo to work uiiou !miHrtant meauii,and fiiiiabj np :and ,go bom'. If tbe L-gtalatui e doeK uo good ,w e hope if, will do uo barm. 1 1 j Tmc Fruit , Crops. i?rea ! 1 I 1 li rersifT of mud ion prevails aw ! if. c ! - iff Hit of fl lm severe weather 1 1 ,i the feach a;ud p ar trvt. 7? it-