I Established in -1821a- -' r . , 'c:rn3boi;o:3rjot.-' ". . iMapWwitT T . t Off as toah M V 0l joC- , ' m Nona OwhM. It r - v h Urrr LVr M a3le ue--.9jrt JT- i t - i - - . - - -- x.'- .. ... ... .. rt I Jtal 1 M i lid 4tv. 6mu He- tH -'tJ KU.!tiai itt. jh. :.( 3vt'?l tr.'nun HOUil en 4U-f COOT lu ta W w Hum j5 .aJ4Uj 0 ' W i: m rvI Bolicra IS cnta p lioa rW ical Jrisen. W ciU pa lis f-ra M U i 1 - k ; : - ; : . n - t - ,oif'r wk Adi.i-irMr.' : - t4!I rt tot doabU col ana adrtr t(3ai : Cftnsboro Business Directory. ltrlcltural liu'plemcali, ". llardrarrt .c. 1T. U. WlaM A Co-, eoa.Ui Urn it. . iiak and stationery. C!u P- VU ttOB. li'Bi ' Uri Umi, (U(Hr, .c. V. B. &f W ! UJ kt t. !T. E-H-il. lki- & AiBiBcU. Dumb lu:aa t. CAM. frwieiur. tU4. ket sU " Drugsiftl. Llf. W.C.rUf A Co., bum a Uoa st. ' Dcalrr in Jiat bl. t-lc. I rail 1 reo, luc-s a.. ' ' Ui Mllkl f. t.4 .Vim II JabUra lu .wltwa.v. i 4 Jt-ii A co. Owatk . at tl. t'uiaiu rrleltfautl CrUa, Vat. A r'tufU. Ailvrarj at La. Acait A 1'aMlartl, JrHrlr,Mler-r, . ' a J4a w&atarta4u dvta tuu iu j , , Wnateaalekad llrlall Crvcrr. UJuwa vd Uto., bvaib Llui at. JU-. Jon A Co.. 1, Vfasaa JlaKrra, k.lc. J. A C. Law ia, ovata turn aU Kx!eib Business Directory. C lain I era land Iluttara, I ao4 M UaiuaUHi b , Itawnaa, A. w CanamUaloa 51ercnuMata, aU:. "etf bra' a, Cr. XIargwUaMl.Wiamu j Ja atrwata. . t Kichfflond! Business Directory. - j TBaleaIaj L.rvtfcra. Ave ' Dareapaf i A ' ktatTta. Uia aad U-ck t. L Caatectlauertea, AC. IaJ.rWUaa.lllx Ma. a KrrC Uttoiixct at law I lliea Putx. K C. friU aractica'ia Stat aad I'adaral CoaXta f tr CXIlacUxa a Bo-aJlT J 1 f . . ' i Saioie the Imperial. ; . Best c Cigar Mado Bra a Wk;v A-k-lVli. mc 1- !. aia m rt. tu.1 K 'Mt'HM a Q i-m mil I U LIBFtUlll A-UIU.H14F.H. aaaf cia,ra .f Kiv . ii.t,, (Vt . 17 Maiafei. K. Luxi. V aj WEAVER Bti03.. conuissios novirs atnj dealrrn in aaaArj, WtlaitagWa hv. UXIXIGU, H. C. New Orleans baa cetwltbaa .iwfal calamity In the ?ol which baa nboHtMl ltt extending over ibe gre'aier portion of the tUj' and robrrcibg the .suburbs "and the braalifat gardens at CarroUtoo. Aa oar feeder federally know, tbt rlty ;ituafed lielw tb level of be riteL;d depend for . prstec- tjIB Of I .tna levels confiaiag the Hr.r vi'Iiin et-fictM Ilasiia. 't'l'-r Ur" hTi betH Ijfokb ami i- - - i . . Lit ih'ifoctKn to urotierty oil " a ilitr-ct rrnalt troa bp caoar, apprt-bruil that tbi Mraaater ilt tt lelt'atill more a4-rioal3 Irrrulirr, ar aitbont tlooU, jrl- Uw fTt-r will bf enf odml dar It jC tb- KUQiiuiT, and we may antkv iMtt (bat I mill ' tt1i-ikalvtif Ml. Jialrijh Xevi ad Obcrxcr Fth'y 10 b. , l . jaj . A bill baa been Introduced in lkngrr4 pruTiinDjc that DO two oroibrra of tb aarae boMneca e fartoerKbip aball ba eligibla a di . tectora of tbe aame nitlooal bank ; tbat do money broker or private banker, or director la an j private banking boaae or aaTinga Inttitn iloo, aba!! arrre aa dlrectoraofa national bank located io tbe aame city or town,' and fartbtr, tbat when any natloaal bank director ceaaea to own ten abarea ot Ita iMk, or otherwise becomes disqualified, be aball at once vacate hia odce aa di rector. Col. Baford, mho abot and killed Jorfgt KJliott, of tbe Sapreme Coart of Kentucky, for deciding a ce against bia sister, baa been ao qaitced of mnrder nnder Ibe plea of inasniiy. Wbereopoo we wish to rrmat k t 1. Tbat any man of fami I)," or wbo baa Col. or 31 j.- tacked to bia name, in tbe sovereign State ot Krntncy. oay commit murder itb impunity, aa tbe annala of tbe Ina. eccrt of jemra will anbataati ate. 2L Tbat be plea of Inaanitj, no tnatirr bow strong tbe cirrQin a'aort of .tcaeditaton and ma'itv atriJbooah. -may Im depended qmij to avll all gtlemen "wbo com uudrr theabov c'enrj. 3. That ibe mde ot tiial b jnr dit ordiii balf the ietpec btjtow. d Din i ! b frvfatbern. , If lb- fc-itfv j ry u capital iri Ittl i ir ;.- rcoorb to klKiW , ft. t-ii iiuM . acrt ibe ierre to du i. i Jui'p L. ! . aid Uoni bare a f t-. ro uit litidr hi juri-diet too . .O i. Ctifiid vbowa fHMl tenj- Ir and good retiK in bia trptiew to tu- !--"( at ion wito wai nm bim aiib aira to ftttttd. W'b'ri tbe In diana delegation ot Kepublirjm went tu Mentor and inaiatetl on tbe ttettuwttl l a rabitif-t appMo(aeiit nion M4imtauu of Indiana because br vote elect el uaiCHd, and re-mitidf-d the Pieaident-elrct of bia obligation under tbe cireom at ancea, tbe General la reported aa replying: ! aw under obligations to my district for tending me to tbe Stare Senate. 1 am ' nnder oblige tiooato tbe people of my Congress ional diatrict for sending me to Coo gnn ao often. I am nndet obliga-ti-iLS to tb State of Ohio for elect ing me to represent them ia tbe (Tutted States Senate, and lam oodrr obligatlooa to tbe 4.000.000 U-pablicans votera of tbe U. S. for electing me to tbe Preaidency I bare more obligatiooa tban I can p-y. Gentlemen, I am av bank rapt, wilb more obligations than aaseia" An idea baa latterly cropped out, oo tome occasions, io tbe Hew England newspapers and speeches, tbat constitutional 'States righu' ia atill regarded aa orthodox in tbe ogion of down Hist, It will be re membered tbat Now England once tbreateued nullification oraeceaaion fvr a bar abe considered federal in teiftreuce with reeerved rights of i Le States. Tbe moat dr finite io ;imation we bate aeeo ot a revived recognition of Scales rigbtd ia iu tbi paiagrapb from tbe Boston DtraUi Lti a:t qiff;ioo atif tonchlo 1I.4U iu'elta a autl Ibe rOplrt.t X- E tfUtt'l iil WJ P0.atbar ,b-y il)-e iu S ate titita M tht.r nt'l . aa eu ol (bt If friioa ri -X i " ti TJi ion. Tbe Sou'l mi.iI r.A ; ol.ia-d o'liif. iu hm ii.i fia ajtt tuiuie, Udlrf ii b1?- un.s a ; !!. Lbe aa'uiia oi I.-i.i t ti ,1 Wral. M-Mit of tb E.;ti. mutt d utbllj Sta'ea tr Mtra Uilrbt a!ea txloie lb. rfe jwir'i l ibe Union. Tut Wea'erM Statee bate uu tiaditiwi td aucb a prrmd, tat are crtaUou.H of 4be iepiblic Toe former uj ui ally b-lieve in S'ate rtgbta. Thr Utter kcow or care little about tbetu. Tboaiaa C&'jl Cd .at t'i kcM la Loa rtaat7 6h. lS. ,n wm kora . I Utt ft af kte doeatkmJ tftm m la EJbkargB. atUra tk taaiost Zdwpti fiX a fVUot Ma4eak aa4knairsrd Mwci wlik klailitleatf4actiofa aebvHjl M-lf: " IUIUm 1i"41) fnytatbet iid bit aahrWf taikJ-ie tol fcijWffjt aaia er ol lW kltk l84'kBI - h4 BMW tbB4 I b-4 atttuf w' .;kiJr at thai, I Vl'kT4(fb "T Idj Jkra .klrk 1 Vud tl 'ofui 'tkkl I ktu'4-aow UxxfMbf ikrsg f f-bv'B dir hK tK Thn it na for 'W'Uit'r 1 lU I b taiJiiWiUi J' l ua dh brtktliUpll kor b4. CJf I"kttw tka atn I cum fwrth glu i w'm' iU lb' a'irtia' riBBa tlm wma tka .aiUrab4a imi 4 a dUbolieal arrangement cll4 a tBMb Tbaa la him C3ed yar hi aaatmUd that tkrgb v A trm toaa to f b wrhlaga. Ft 'erlgtBalltj af "iBeagbt aad vigTf tjU hm BeeBptfd. Sa Balhor. a b4m f fi i&tlDfcxkahitfca tanftlBtf Eng Ilb IhcrBtsrt ' AaMBg tba crank j opialoaa akh Hg!aaB4 aa nock la tL aa tk hnim, wbb. tbl It U ib sick and B( ika well wka ara aoaaciottalj rnwar of tbir Btata ) tkst ika pn atul &aa I b'mIT aooMtoqB aa tbrtrB a tW d " All ibta talk, mjb ba, " abvat tba boprovaBMet U tba aga, tba vpirit vf tba aga, tba aamrah of tk Utcllad, Bad tba profrvaa at tba tpaaWa, la avldaaaa of aa asbaaiib Btatf, tba pra caraar aa4 p:cKBUo ofatill wraa ktaltb." IlaBoa tba rtitaratfoa ia hi writiaga tbat tba wotla la atada ap af abaata. Tba brCHaat pfcetanala bia "Franea Ba volatloa," aa4 ala - trIadck tLa graat ara alBboratoi to tba. ai'aaWat d-tail fruta aa laiBaaa bum af aaetomparary aarralivaa It ia rvcaaxkad j erhioa, tbat bia daaertp- tloaa of aaapalgaa aa4 batUaa ara azeradad bj aatklag la a&Ultarj lilvratora ; aad viaa-ed as paa piatarta htvtof bo aaal ia tba laagnaga. ) Wa giva a loach of bia atla aad apbit la a rwaaik oa Baaaparta : la kba ba aaaa aalj " tka graat higbWAjaaaa of hlatory, wka habit waa ta ala.'cb kbg or kaUvr hj, ika tkrwaX. aad avaar tbat If tbvy did aot ataad aad cVirr ba vaaid biaar thir kfalaa oat ; aad what did a pcafirakla Uadt at ibU aart M tblf aatil aaotbar aiaa. At tba r, dak af Wi!iagio, wba Lad Pat aad tba trteC, ae aadad ia aiaieg htam, aad ibatv wai an mod ol him. Praoa ta tba aaba of koaat, akaofd. fc- .d old Thtaaaa t'axlj U I j Kfwapaper-Adrartiaing. Nrvs.Mpvr advert IsIbc la no rec-'iroix-d. by bx-Mruvui men br fattl, i iKir .-kuiii fjrti aa t ht- . ..... .w - m ' ffrci re an a .i lor caring for tbrir g.vJ. a etd rtC )gnttioa of thtir m-tita. j iief.rp-r adver.li-,ni;; coueU i'.qauy, and, wbeit tb art .! i6Tr ed ia ol gol qiality ao-i at a fair 4rnv, tbe natoml rvstilt I jncru-id Newspaper advetitiog' ia a per manent additiHn to tbe reputation of tbe goods adv-rti-ed, becaaa it ia a (termanent itiflauce alwaja at work ia iheir interest. ' J ' Newspaper advertising ia tbe most energetic and vigils. i ot aaleaaen, addressing tboosanda each day, al way a io tbe advertiser's interest, and ceaselessly at work seeking cus'omrra from all clas. Newspaper advertising promotes trade, fur evsn in the daileat times advtrtiaers aeenre by tar tbe lar gest share of what ia being done. While tbe advertiser eata and sleeps, printera, a team engine and printing presses are at work for bim, traica are bearing bia words to thousands of to wna andbandreds of thousands of readers, all glaocin? with more or leaa interest at tbe message prepared for tbem in tbe aolitode of bia o3se. N preacher ever spoke to so large an aadieoce, or with so little effort, or bo elo quently, as yon, gentle reader, may ao, with the newspaper, mau's as sistance. I And after all, that $250,000 has been talari fur General Giant. Mrasra. Usckey, of C tlifornia, Jj Gcnld and William IJ. Vaodnbilt each subscribed $'25 tKX), and Sid ney Dillon gave flU WU . Grant be losga to tboea fellows' no and hetrsfter. Tbe tuouey j ralne ot a man like Grant may be said to be l finitely wscertaioed and fixed at : qaatier ot a' txdlihta. Vand-r otir and Gn!d think bim cheap at ' hr. : i The cynio. Oft" W muc of icaUlf n, wrrl a- d ) . uiaid.'ita. Naa aah)iM. ! Vf -IS, CJt-a :wt ; Ja l loa auu tn tto 11 rwiTrd ihs atittat. lla BiB tblul, Iht IU4t4ua Oil Ut9 l-r lti A Jut J U -h (p?Bii to Bi-JIoal xuta In N rb l-r lia. aad aW-Mit 10.0vJ all j told. La.- Jut kaat pat la llf paaltaatiarjr fr bia aaia- daada la thai aad alaaUar liaaa. i If . the members of Use" itL :bt Legisikitue-.wboara ;rotlrj .knd uiVrwcse exmics. tbesmlrrs 43 iprraj-'tne "galariri :'mid XZz' d Kertaia i d -la'a and tbe" cTcri 'foitW-'4h. iarr,l"o ofSceay tacf only T8s.tHi ipn pajoiio uior:niocir. con stkcp beroreihe day of eJecdotj that r iey -Intt-nded, if elected to eore -fr- tba 1 1 n crease " in aalaries and-'fret, as "tbej Lave, aid: for ac ratniyg the clerieal feres ix;s?Ula dep3i I (neots, aa xiey rtateC.t ared df fneeringat thaitoraot urmere l gieiauon; some cx, toem it is certaiQ would ootbuldtbe vats in ibe General -Assembly they wow do. Tbe Tery liberal eosrse 'oey nave sxauea Ana -6jrccau.a, may be exceedingly popalwwithin tbe walla of the Capitol, -and per haps with the leadinirdemocru raiding within the City of Oka. Bat, tbe laboring maxae those who earn their bread bj , the aweat o( tbeir facea are cnmlaukably io. favor of rigid economy. Hence we always see emblazoned in glair lag capitals, on all party banners. Retrenchment and, Deform' . and the farmers in tbe last Legis lature we're fools enongb to carry oat tbeir promise as to retrench' mnt and reform to a limited ex tent and thereby incurred, the mor tal en mi tv of thefold tfident and ex perienced functionaries of the State with many of tbe members of the bar wbo delighted In pocketing tax fees. Bat when these axe re- f or bed to tbeir pockets tbtfir patri otism will cause them oo-donbt to desist from denouncing. the. ignor ant farmers Legislature j .'! An Open Letter to Col. John It. Stapiest Mr. Dortch and j other atrong friends of the farmer, advocated a a very atrtcgent measure recently for the benefit of the producer, but hecaase they were defeated I hope ibeir interest in the! Agriculturist as not dwindled.' j - The land ".er. end fJkry nIond are tnrr.itelled (and it ia all right for uy ti.''ue.are the interested par- tiee) to build all tbe; fencea.". Tbay own the land and the timber, the ar fuakes tint laud sexnriry for tn eth a n lea contracts. Now in tbe name of justice let: !) present Ih gialatnre pttasa stock ((vi- iir th- State to go into tffVct ea-b county, tDvensbipe, or de- fibid ciHtiicto cr heclions,wbenetr t'in.j itity ol tbe land owners wbo on ti n ranjoi ity cf tbe land in said couutj, tow nhij or district aball notify the. (T'missionera of tbe county iu which said lands are. Tbs lauds (if fenced at all) most be dono at tbe expense of tbe owners. Inu't it right for them to deteimiue. tbeir own way of fencing tbeir own lands, and aay on which sid of tbe fence the" atock pusJI rat.: tor It is tbe' atock that annoys and trespasses, tbe growing crbpa distorb no body. . .. . Lawyers, doctors and merchants are not icqoircd, to consult the far- . - - . . mers how they shall conduct their basin ess, then why shoald the land owner a be n-qalred to coosfilt every body aa to how they ihall fence ibeir lands t . 1 I do not want class legislation, bat desire to see every class of citi zens 'enjoy the privileges of their own property, and not be dictated io by others who bear none of their hardens. ' " '' ' No other class ' of mea ' would bare botoe such oppreaaion ao long, none other ia ao legislated against. Will the friends of the agriculturist now In tbe legislative halls enact ajost law allowing this j large cla&a of citizens to conduct their own business in their own way f D. W. a Bksbow. , Green hboro, N. C., Feb 10, 8L Resignation of Judge DllUrd. Honorable Jcbo 17. Dillard has reaigued his place upon the Su preme Coart bench, of the. State. T'.is luiormation will carry with i pr!autd regref, not only to the boot t ". ual friends of Judge I) :rd ua to the entire legal pro t,si.u of i in State,' and to every oie who vatofs the character of aa loij-iitial tid upngbt jadge, and aiuiueH tba peificuity, U-raenesa au viiujiiicity with which beeluth d Li?' judicial opit.iousJ Weunder atami ibat Judge Dillsrds realgna tiun uaa 4MUvd by a cotdition cf HI bealtb vrbicii juiWitVird, aa he ettneeived, v.itb a proper. aid aX'm totUbc di.-cbarge "of the very onerous du lies of ibe bench. Gov. Jatvis has appointeU Hon. eatsd tiets: qaall2cIZiav.3 dxtzzttr of' Hn liunp1, t,v9 Icetd'caly sy ttai tbe ei&xiUe baa fallen cpon ahopli-j era .wcxlhy to wrzrit. Ciaothe days af LIi -tflsrtrioto father ibe jadiciat ermine baa graced theiSaj Xieitet- frcrl Cnttry ticuntyv ( I : Uobnt Airy, 2J. O-'i f . Frbrttary 10tti''lSla, Zlitcftr? irizt fOa yedneiuiay tbjt h. ct JanuarV last, oar fellow.' citizen, --JaaJ Scbaab,; wa nnitea In 4 be bnlv Jtouds of mstri taony ta Hias Alice AshbySjII of iiar iuwu criruuui wa ucr- formed. by Eav.-N.dl. Coltraue, of the IXetbodlat Episcopal Cborcb, ot this place, It waa a qolet affair, no bridal tour, in the1 programme. instead ef that Jm tied his coat ftod went' Into his Steam Tuning Fautorr and weni to work with re newed v igor. ' Bat, Mr. Editor, ere the echo of ke tuerry marriage bell bad lost its sound lo . the disMuoe, tbe alow, tolling death bell waa raug oat inronrjnidat.., We, regret to have to announce this death ot Mis. Ilary. FaJlenateln, .', the , youn -'eai daughter of . oar . worthy citizen, Robert 8. uutrrr, and wife ot Mr. E.' Fallenatein. laUi of this pUce. but cow a resident of Bcbnleuberg, Texas; Mrs. F. died in Schuien berg, on . Sanday, Jan. SOib,, and her remains were brought ta'Mt Airy and. interred in tbe village cemetery on last ouutlay, the o n nst. The-funeral services were condncted by. Rev. S&iiee Foy ftnd Rev. N. Uoltrane, from tbe put pit ot iu- Presbyterian cborcb. Mrs. Fallenstein waa-aa'amiableady, rone knew her bat to love ber. The family of the deceased, has the entire sympathy ot large number of frienda as waa shown by the vast concourse of people, both - white and colored. tbatfO!lowsdTrre re mains to tht-ir last reatingljaso. We also have to announce the death ol one of oar eonnty-meii, Mr. Charles Atkinaoi, who died a imM two weeks ago at bia . home near Low Gap: He leavea a wits ana one child. Mr. Atkinson was an independent Repablicnn candidate for tbe lower branch of the tinner! Assembly at the laaLNovrmber election. ' I ebeot twu or three daa tbw week op in the roomy of Patrick, Virginia, on a booting or guuniug expedition, made my beadquartera at the store ot Air. u. w. Taj lor, wbo ia felliug gtKMla on lh farm one owned by Aicbibald Smart, En t who waa the father of oar gal- . a ar aut and brave ueuerat j. is. u. Smart of tbe Coufederat. Army. The old Stoart homestead was barned don several years ago, bat still yoa can discover aigns of tbe flower garden, sc., .around th oouse place. Aieo ' many Isrge cherry trees near by :ud o bought In passing tbem tbat I coo'd imagine fbebrave.Gen.Jrb 'wheobut a small boy tripping from limb to, limb wo those trees gathering tbe frnir. Not far from the centre of ibe plant ation, and near the banks of tbe Ararat River, stands another old time mansion, built many years ago. where once lived a tnau by tbe name of William A Letcher, and in going from tbe bouse to the stable yoa paa ode grave fenced in, there fa a brick wall bailt ap aroand this grave, atd a marble slab laid fi at on' it, with this icscripMou upon said slab: 'In memory ot Wiiltam A. Letcher, who was. asMainated In the bosom ot his family, by a toiy of tbe Kevolation, Aognst 2d. 1780. He was about 30 y ears ot age. Drop a tear of sympathy ou the tomb ot the brave.')' " From what lean learn, I think that tbia man Letcher was fbe grand' father of Mrs. Archibald Htnart. He was a brave man, died defending j hia home and family rom the rut bless bauds oft be toriee, as did the gallant and brave greats grandson, Gen'l J. X B tituart wbutellin aeieuae oi ma coenuy It seems from this, Mr. E-iitcr, mat ra!ition hands down good blood rum generation to generation. The old home atead ef tbe brave TtcUer. and nf Archibald Smar. Kto.. ia now owned by Sam'l H. Ta lor, 8berilT of this connty. Mr. U.j V. rajior aoa mysen spent several days together in bant ing, &c He is keeping -Bachelor Hall,0 does his own cooking and clerking; he baa his musio (aben not boi' waiting apon hia mauy co8tosaen), npon the banjo, the con certina, and other musical instru ments, j " '''' It Las :been reining to-day, in ceiuntry, since Hbfot 6 o'clock A M. What is the Legislature : doiwg t Ttey are always eendirg bills to the different Comtutt'esbat tbey serm to stoo there, and stay. vv do to they may pass tbe prohibitory liqaor to.ii:- --' p. q. s. Jat oatsiae tne.pi u walls ot Agra is a tank of water in which tealarge number . i t iresn water tortlas. jTms prison is aiao ;ne rooaiibg place of great numbers of bine bigeous. Tbeae plgious most drink at, ibis task, bni every at tempt incurs tbe rlak of loaiug their head, fur the I or 'lea he in air. just nuder Ibe aut face ot :ne water, and at its eog. wai'j headless bodies have beeu plcfcni nu sear the water, sboWiag the fttcf tome of them, prtnfi Ijwttjtcsca on, . the person ct iicna pcairzlr j floef legal ability tbtA Ti:ctiMaSa jr. ra hre. 1 . I Eible Since TycUfTo, rk - - . aSBBBBBBBBBt- t S ' ( - j i.-:revl 'a tHafaayllaiuarifarcbl fT e2HOiilrMri itArif1at.ia rismi i ...i i 7 - aja aa'BB a 9 U at fa rr'rT ike!ev Streat !hnrli.. Ltoo aoae,Tery ineeeriing Umm oa this five hundredth' aubivcra4r of oar lEugliah Bibie: whinshi to awaken wde&er and grattsodefib every one .whQ'pnrjdera bfsa, ,7 Oompxring mudeinwiib sacieini methods of making Bibles.' it a aW 'stared tbat the lares' U-iiriiritit. Mu. lir . . v MP On nan' paa w 111 lumw l4i OO Jsl tXpil H XU the book ot Psalms ererv-bmir. e 25C0i otiea, ofijh eiiMrv Rihlm At weight . hoarn ' day SfXftf -yi n J the yr, r h preaa . rtr gi ve ttr t be A oeia 4,uw,uwoopu-rirtti-Bitii,-l wbl e JUnnhdaiMritolljfiehhiise iroAbl'witereftrthffittn-, making one. The American lilt- iii- T v 8MSrerv Ibis vear baa ih-HI 1 V A:ii f 43S BiUleai br r4r on'fiefitJibJa ior avery .tnirty secnuda r u 1 1. Ure year,, Tlie Ei.glih and Atu' f" lean ? Bible ' 8-ciefieHFtogetlirr - iits aendiog phr art average ot.itir ery every , ten. secoti da. To vx h ir r , i brae ngarejs. lu . yet mre s artlixg on. viaai,' 1 urrr wa eowu a jt roii Irawiiig ill . cop ist in rfi.tear ivOvf is'ionousiy rraiiscriofug tin Bible with pen and nk. bud. v ins aids' an eugravtrg t tbat iruiinpn ot ,mfdftr t inveti'ioii and ajfctiti ally of GolVtrnib -(V Hfetrien 1 1 ; 1 'In regard to the relative. ci. 1 the Bible 500 3 ears ago and lo dat. it was araxed (bat while) Th! Utur lng: man ; iu tbe tlaMof WtH ff raner-glre at least the serviced d.. years for a copy of rbe New ITeaa- menti and fifreeu years tor the ,111 ir B ble, ' rhe laboring 'ran ia England today can bnv the Ble for' slxenne, and tb Triu-t 1 nstrared for a 'ia-iin. TH Meniz Bible, tbe tJisi piintd Bit ut lisbed bi ' .Gn'-.Hurg, -aold i long since for 2 tH 0. a bile c i of the ssiri- Miof iu 1873 1.1 J.HK) rjisin the table was a ' inri-e i . ihhh eoiuou, large Iqaarrn. of W ? ft V Bible, Htid lying niton it iwu mii n. vry we!l btiaad txaik, sold t.v b' English Bible Socieij 1 be! one. a TnrtHm'tit for twoeeiila, a no Km other a Bible complete tor, tuty Ave cents. f The United States' Supreme .;. ; j Court. . i Waabingtuu Stat. To begin with, th re is a drgree of dignity and staiel bvariugaiHiur the Court and its members bub permeates even to tb most bum hie attache.! f There Is a: quiet in the court-room which tecalis the Sab bath of the - Covenauters. ,Wl.ru one enters, the in voluntary feiing comes on that tbe room is set ande only, for tbe contemplation of tbe sober side of hie, and , woe to h,m wuo jiben or jokes in tbe preseuce of the Court." Th- Court la opeued abont thin fashion. At 12 tfuUmk utHMt) i t be Jnsiiees come in from be ronsu'tibg rmim snd lake their seats on tbe bench. ' Away 10 tbe a' a- aja ' a . . "5 a . ell 01 ine cuamuer is seen a ouiu- ul fficer. wboso bosiuesa ia to catch ibe first! glimpse ot lb ad vancing Judges. Tui ti cooieit three rspa with a pondeioua gnvel by tbe same officer. This is meant as a signal j tor the . auaiice 10 iW. Tnen, with trt Cniet Justic ii ' vance, the Jadges eo er Iniu tlit right of tbcft amber. To rb f-ar of 1 he J nst ices' wea's is an aisle. 1 11 ibe cell 1 re is anaruhtnl eiitrooe lor ibe Chief Jus? i.e. Tbiough this aisle the Jude file and lake ru lious right aud lett. Noue etuVr until ibe Chief Jo;.. ice emerges t rout the centre euiiance. Alter alt ii iVe filed jn 'ibe Cbiel JusMue uiUkt-a a graceful ubeisaace io-'Iih S anding audience.' TueMtbe Jua:icea lake rents4 a stroke of tbe gavel ia mide, aud tbe udieutM seat" 1 self. Tiie opening ot ibe Ctiutt tails iimni a yooiblu t ffl-er. ! is alter ibe Ui E'iglisn foiui, O... y.-e ; ii, -B eie , and coucl Odes 'with iliea.ids, 4t God bbss ibe: honorable Siieice Coo.', ;Tbe Court is tiow-j t.iy for bpfioeee. AH I be Ju-liCt- l Clad in bbrca elk g.wns Wiih an ecclesiastical car; tbe dt-pa en of basioehs tbe Cbiff Jaf-t-e i q.iie expeditious. lie 'is V e Irady with a I it-ply q'j-'i ; " and j eminently satifTao wy. i't.f Juh'ic-son the bncH .oio !ii tieo ai t odes. Just.ct M;:o sinks down iu 1 i tiinii, iltlle ran "tie ru il bliti ie top of bis bead! j so al-o d. Jf tiee BiMdley, j Ibe. Cbiel Juii:i eits erect most ot ibe ;iuir hi. not heating and aiguniot, lo it consulting the',' calendar. Jolg Harlan is tba west si riking m ap liearance ot any ol i be J udge. U is tall,1 ell limit. sd its ei e4. : Itema of Iutrst UA knife witblDt hfad. ai. lately sent to 1 be P. iuce ot U les on bia birthday. . . Mreiechaam is not j- r flo sea weetl,? as the word iuijMiet. but is a cimpositiou of aiiicu, aatet aud magneaia.. ' Although long pat eighty, ib bld'o ian Von Bnke issitli at woik on k tJoivt rsity Histor). j Brzihn grass do- not ciaje from Brazil, or even grow tu Br-z 1. nor is it a grass at all. . ill, oolislai ot strips ot a palm Uaf. au if ivdi'el ly-imported from Uub . ; Tbere are li?,ono 10 fersl. IMl 1 1 ia-vee in L 00101. ' au4 ' Ik wttibblitieS. lTbepuM5ei later II Ui brM 1,WJ0; SO I here i-t o.. b irl anil ooe flub of a tbiel to eac: m ih- UaU. x A BeauUfdMiiofJent-'' & in.rtrtara tb tll-Jatedf stearaer iSroaraitbal-a wasj one. f r,h ; FiV uviiiy singers.' Before leavfuaf 10 ibe mercilesa, waves, b Ct w lv fatenedrpsbmajelf aitl wife 'Muej ireiShrT-ra. s Some . one If iiai.d fiiiaijloa fc'ajeiioaldera. end Tn-iaj uereuBUauev siren gin or CieU9c exhaust rd. ahe said- I can ,rtHd,.on no longer r Tty klilile iiMmen-; was cna i-rxpanso:aC2.tbr '( arielift and r aonird , hoaband. - let f ain5 jBockf Jib? ? Abd rars or ice ' aicziagaatd t lit; tle dH thkwwc sweet tUE exS of .Isjaejajiian tHey C"nfrte'd is fir r 1 -w, .iter be ex bacatetf ones Weii n" raiding their' htfaiabtivj, the, verwbeimtbg .waves,;!) nuiag wit b a (aat) tart.lu this sweet, elyiug. Iei nioHi niae.i u xaea z i With tbe tNngf Seemed 'to Com-j s lenjf' h ; hihii her aqd yet a no be! a. et-MUtagd 10 reiiea'eti "effort. Soeu, ia be ditaK a biatFwas neeu appttMehing 1 ' CoUtd i they lioiil put a Uit'le luagel f $ingipg stilt, tiny Uietl,- and S4Miu witbsn peibsaiau sLteugtb lani boltf of tlo tite boar, npiu which' tbe ' weri horue lit saftjiy to land f Tula ia nu tbiinuf; H was related by ibeaiugrr siiuaell, wtHf aald ; be .'belie Vti Ttiplad'V aw. et . R.ick' of Age's' saved mauy lanoi b r beaideH nioi sell ami wile.7 Afrxoo American Ll A Voudp "Charm." A geuuem.au , brought to oar of ij!.e other day a cbim,"eo called,' bat was drawu out ot the Meli a colored maa.' living on hm place, a bxit ' lrf ' eUpjMised - lo' have la-eit plact'-df iber1 by biie ot bia-oi-tr-ndt d ' coloted : ' te'ghtnsJ wlo eituis t ih , a coi juier. r: xue "'cliarui" eons-sfed of a imjuIuu ot m toitck Ua, a beul pio, a Sb.aH Mt1cle ot coi too, thread like rooa ot Mrj)e kind about two inches long, ami a pi neb ot hair from a. negro's bd, aliof wbicii was wrapped tip iiu uiail piece of dirty cot to u clot n, i bat bad beo aaiurared iu some kind ot greasa .or oil. It' is qui e cotumou to flud thtse cuujaiers smoug the colored' people, wbo ctaim . io be able by the uieabs ot ciiaim" of oue kiud and auothr to put liogs, lizards, snaki s,: antf the itke iu cerraiu portions ot a per-! aon's IsKly. This is dode, .tbey1 e sim, by placing their charms 1 U'tder ibe steps of ibeir victim's bouses, or by placing tbem iu tbeir wens or springs, jr by sewing tbeui Up iu eettalu portious of I belt clotbj lug. Tue great mass of tbe coloted people ate cieduious euougb to Oej llrie the coi jurvrs possess all the power tbey. ciaim, aud are generally careful not to ' provoke or offend ibm.Andertvn8.Q)lUUigcnceri Her laust bleigh Ride, . ; Dtroit Frea Prcaa J . Ob. utammal ia it snowing V v.Y's, darhuu has jut begauH" l"u' it uimltmmyou" kno 1 sauted io Hve tu bear tbe sleuii briia again V Uuab my cbiui, uiamtr will out let you uis. . No ai iio, you sball have mauy sleigin tiOrs yei b tote you idieff ! Nj, ijui mauy , oi4aiin4 ; .11 1 could have just cue io womd ba so uiCe." A iliiie glil wuo bad seeu. tbe' suow otue aud go uine times lay dying in bet uumole bomoou S . Aotoicr s feet. , Weeks abd Weeks tbe tVver Had buiuett wiibiu ber auo i.s tierje the eUoed tfse.t iu tbe deep bio e,ei a. ol I Of to ety, lunHJei;t fae. Tbe ui itliei. 1 an ever v oouatajtir aatcber al 'tue aufl-r l' Hi'oa m.i uevel fclVeU up bope, tui Hie cliil. attb tuat knualrdae h cu ari iii u couie io ail before leant ; kn tuat a:e would never ; jotu bef Ouet t -p a uiaiei"over " ou "Ibe acbyoi gtouou. D iy by day aa ibe teyei ouloetl sbe . bad WlaUett lor tbe aio to iue, aud Wbeu tb wbne ti ferf led i lie o.ner Hay b'e lovijiig ,(, iui i !cb iged "the cln fit's pi-.- i.'ti., HMt nuti Qiiin, uowarueO. ca cn loe I fl'sl gniupe ;f il;e tl . c. oa. Tne cbod gi-zt-d ou i4. . . u duiied air long; ainij euiuiM'U a.d Ibeu, Wueu lUn pin tbde brr Wl Ube, she. tut tied an up p- aiina' o it A to the sadr tacetl oio uij and said: -Bat, mimui'a, 1 .1 u'. believe I shad ever j b'ave ..wii. i u igtntdert'Now'prooiii. ui" ;ibi. it. r ibis suow . ia oujib' Ki'Miuti wbeu I dier you'll bavem .r ta carried to the grave on a i. igb."r Why , my sweet child, a n do yon make such a request f You sball not die yoa will groa rtier to-morrow." i-Bar, uiamuia, ptomiaM ; me, will you I Pieaer, unuima, please." Yea, darliug, a." Hii, tbsnk you, . mamma. nai a. nice. See, it ia groap.g Uik oU side. Pad tba bed beairt ite window. mamma,so ibat I j can e tb afreet lamp Tbete, see be diaee by gltateu j Ml ik dlaOoo da. 1 1 a ill be a etbJOg I. . e utuiug, ui-tuitua, aiot 1 n.i.. tear tne bells." LilteJ ibe siloa fltke tbat tsds upu iu wim farib she meirl away ai.d uo ou. Knae wbeiber abe wufce to; beat JUStC aud tiella oo that IU urn I tig ae abali ! day open ou . ey j Opoo. A few days alier paswts by tnrneo .. . ik Ml a small tuuelal piOCrsa loo, aud wondered wby Ibe Ubdei akertiavl pit bus hearse u'pou run .rra so darly iu tne acaaou. i : r i - i r : . . ereti.v;qraggea4awyjnat or,iyr write, leaving her .without bope, X: WUi omM'ellegf t-iK-rtua--'wud. j TniaUe'd:,;) pliciu he r ' A i 4. f: A ai A . . .Bl-. I ai ' r Froauis; Amarioaa 0. &paV&zs. N'j ! 1 aaionajaky" laiaVc t'a? m " l?r waisHi f :'c 1 . 4 waa-fotaeswamp with his.dograi)d .'j i axkei Tbe" dog4'iftWu",vaooaf ' rp" prowjadg arnarrd in tbe-:wuoda pud.... pitched into it for the sake of gfati. ft jog (he -gVheral autliiiitby flogs nogs )r nave rorcoocsHTia a lovetaey aave r Ui BJtjityg. :Toe;aVaa' .llH'd Xt -wratti AtM ro havo "si boar wirh ifal j lajQral iiemles; bat mad diatot . siratipus that eHiviucedMi . Stew-1 . art that '.be coda! .not tM.an. bile " specratprji.iTni dog made a" oith- 1 '''? y r bided attack -r-ueiu"fi oil one v)iof r i"V lqq rear anq one circietrarimuQ gnn-i ffally td dlstractjtbe aiovalledato atblch atidaid bWtbe objsori ve ioint. leberailLjqn.axird.btmaellilrrn aud ari(lj; one blow of 'its rbfbt paw . kiteeked out tb eyeof its front as. : . saltan wbtcbirnorallxd biui-.ahd sejlf bia AalrnglrttS ieatLI, A r 'iralta piibe tear assai'afitVTplantj i jd,jiji -; stiVr'f b inj ibXburr 1 of l; bat obi,teir,aiMl momiui d shoe riugoi ir J -piair catiia wtotiyelp- ' went f for . Stewart .. before be bad f ime to reahz- tbat.hia liwf'e: were efeated j y it h a rub he dasbed , Miaio uisjieg. aui art'U uis treiui ous tdas ripped Ibe tough, leatb" r of bia.b.or from ibe toiof 'his' eg to the soIh aud iWQied bim f to i ei rest; jUooney tulglir, t lieu nave scspWf, jbatj winhing tr makejaure a jvicjiiry ;it followed ibe tJ.iug 3 e watt, alio ciuif U(hoi nis axe, ibdgiasrii the heive fl mf.VwhWl. rl tiiiou ibeiriiraged btu'e and cleft is bt-d In twain,, hil I . , i MeJms. M axlv1 aim 'S iike 1 the the ureal eatigelinis' hye f.oin r. gene'r- ioui ot r .S'iu i Fi ancisci a t iou ger job it bau tbey au tici pa( ed and ibeyj have been comHlled , lo jr. o-ego ja visit to KNw Orleans. Nxi s::tbmer they wiltgo lot pleasure.; ji.-ji', U.'-'j.fU. toE ie -.: 1.9- 5 Thi Religion of Za oaster. J Prrbaps few more remarkablo t'ia have been revealed by 1 the t : k 1 . J . . i . . I A ' . 11 .-I. l icaiiexaminauou ((or uou-yuns-iau systems i ban ibe highly spirit. ual character ot ibe ancient creed hieblit'is asbal lo call tbe religion I Z irpftkei.; O ily witbto the last tew years bail the progress of I rati i 4u"stadiif's!made it (Mjssihle tur gain an insight liuio the true meaultig of he textof ib A veata popularly known iua ihej Z-nd Avests which is toJZ Vroastriauism what the. Veda i s to Bf 4b in i b iam. Tbe knowledge f has olifsiuel has made. It clear that cqu le m poraoeousl y w i t b J uda ism "an nnidolatroas and ' ruouo- hefstio form !of religion, coutainiug a high i mmoral code and mauy points of reseeiblance to Judaism 'itself. was developed by, at least,- f one iirancb j of the Arau race". Jor does the certainty of . this fact lest on the teat imxtby of tbeZ roasrrun Mcriptures only. It ta attested by iiunierous al'usidiis lu the wriiinua Gteek and Lnio autbdrsj j.We kuow ftbHt tha father ot j h story Himself, writing about 450 years M-toreJibe! Christ iau era, said k f t be Persians that "ic is.uot cusipmary Nmong tbem jto make id da, to build leuiiles. sod erect ultart: i bet even njibrHfd wi(h folly those jrho do.! 1 1 The; reason jot J this U .rodojus dej f clares! to lej tbat.y-lbv Pel silt us do j ; not believe the goda In lie dke men. a; I lie u identify the whole. (eeie.uial ctrcl with j the, Supreme B Miigli! Ave that C run tOe, Qr at, kuowLtoo, .1 .1 bo biust have been a Z rd.iarian, -Vinced great s mpil by ,'wji.b tbi) JeWhjj! aud was. sryted. by Isaiah . he hgh'eons one'' (chapter, xli. f: 2 ) f ? be Siiepbenl! of the ' Lord" ( nap'ter idy. : 2) 'the Lord's Ailoioted"! (obapier xlv.sj I,) Who aa commlKioiied jto ' Uar,iorm l Goti'4 pleasu'ie'' and 04iry! out 'UjS tecnVs iu eganl t ii the reSidildiug .f ibe teiuUt and ibe tearor.aUOii of rue Cio- to;itt io -Ueli! iM'iva aii lK Moiier W'illidms, UsHti LtRtuy ; U'J1 h itA'iw. k i Alvioe to iYoung Men by Gor Qo. Jarvia, lo kia inaognraj adJreaa, aif-a.tba f'iltuariBtf axcvllent idvica to lb uauk vrnof tke btalo, whkb tbty'woild la acll o oUaidr. Baja ba: h ! ! I -lhefe la l'H great a ..tenitener. I ftiar, xniong oar jaug nin to lev tae fnuiaa aud amkaLoji t tba ooumr ; a m for railjjinriit in what (buj ibiuk ttm tu ra iinoutnbo vocaiiuiia in uiaa and fow ia 3 ttbeia mara aaibliioua, for Ilia aupi'ea eM'aiid aloji of prvfssional Iifaj; Hub.! 1 . . liiiioD ta not aluigeiber blaaialata f.r ioU jtui't4ha jtud.abould haatea ta 'cor act it fJr it ofieff laafla Ibeta Joong men; atf . i4irea, aud fat I a res ioto vice. ' Tba me ' cfaul l'arni?r or uircbnie ia Bona ba jiaaa laMiIirabla and arfu ibn tba' anneahtal jrror dcior ; aud bw incomparably teraaier ia b iu eitkar ibau ba wb jfaill " Ol hm . prwfaaaisu. Jl CailbOt loiba - to tklifeuiiDeeiiyu. lo mler la tba xaiiijpa ot Xyoung friend of mine aa wu tbjf iiiiita-j tion, aua to aak )oaug BiaoH at ud- lti " AiibuBah a iM of a dmtitotBiahed t-8ai ireuia Court JaUga aaifra uapbaw of oua vf tbaiMaia'a tuuat oatful (iuyertiorf ba fraot into a Worktbop aa a boj woikM at J - a a i '' . .( ....!. liia traue, aita ia now i am mavioFuiMciiiiiiat ,f a Kailroad Uotupanr Too szampja of - aoli tuna ia, raiuacia id any :ouiiiuniiy i ' . 1 1 7. . . I . I ' Liid will aivo to labor iliadigb iy and i-CMPct It dearvaa i : . . .. . . - e nua tna lovcaiarancat cai y . ! m x i .. . Mtl an tw bulla will geatty bip itiadva iiiauuoiiiiti oi iiauiiiriaii ii iut tna lp.n f : l ebiifly hltr tea u pra,'vt alia taait U.H1 lr i r miti uetuuou i u i .. i - . . i ( - ii mIh a i.l u-HKoiria i.ir lux mrr.ttlin -5 ii --: .... -L i i si,d" iiari a t tit. w.r. ahich of riicbtl lil.u liai anu pa-1 1 1 urrij eiua JUaiair a tn aiorvt fvallb !! i "b'Dorhla o all Oifeo lLe Ui4U wi(. la Hie wrni f bia l.tliW, ui'Mn I be huMii p 0wlll-a i to u. ll j Mill a 1 iba air,; u-.ilti .a Ol' Ii on n bra aii.df roiia ita Oaoca. to it'or" ibe iiUiu ot d ej cit n.or wu; a-i iaiid fuiii ?, iraumwiea iln r.inab. ra liao arHJa'le uia -sr. or, i f 'I ail, aliliifaitbar triiJ.riu- th Vlo MMtl.-jf -r ; aua Ria'a all ibtrn tui.da b -Mata ami- oiCoaJ and tha iu-tal d creataa ttia waaltb ot ilia -lala ';.i Cf;! ,41' ti hi: i i - . . . v 0