$ j . " i a f i . . . - . i I- --J--iN 1 ni-!vi--v;):li:.t ijH;-h "V uq 7 ct:" iVf f GEEENSBOKO, N." C, WEDNESDAY, MAECH 23, j 1881. Established in 1821. 1! u i . -. . : ! -TfTI Xx v Mil . .-- i Cs S r. il i i xr . Mm II II I I il JL t W Z- f-J -rTA W r . V iC v ) I -luii jr.-. iiujiRD : r r tfHi! i fl it 1 1 I ill il rr . i ? 1 i ! if ytjv c- n 1 1 w y i 1 t , n i i . i rMii i I v- I i till is ii i !' - u i t riiiT- tm" n n I ' M 1 I II.- 'vY-1-' il"".' f . . l II -I : . - ' -)i . ; J : t-l'f- - 1 - - I' - ! - . ..! . , .i t ',. .ft...-,. i 1 a i JiSCIO WlIILT il (JIJIlCN'HIIOItO. 2. O. oo Soatli !a St. 1 ' TrrBi el ,j--cri6cw $a ooprBaan ; IM a4 sooC .m active nl iBtcUifcci por- if c i XAie. I k i ma t mo 3 mqi 6 ! 6 ! 1 jr. 1 ta i " ' '.X " k m 'LA flSjOO tin cw ia.x li-oc 20.00 30.00 I'J.UU WAV liXl) 1V0O 24.CW lit) 30 30 0U 3 w. 7.0 34.00 4 u 40.00 40.0Ot C0.0O Iu i4 ii W',3J.CW'40. Ci.00 110X0 15.1 i IX 6.Y0OI 150.00 I - ' AJtrrlitcest ltertJ far ! tLa ? .ot v. . Mar week. '.; Adminutrmton :4 fat 2oab! colama kMr. lUfi' Vmrtbtig tht LaU tBrm ttxtin I-ch-TB r-ur, rrrekoro !v4 i4 Cfeensbcro Business Directory icrlculiuial loiplruietits, ; llariluiirc, Ax. Jr. II. WuV l A Co., it . I lTtoLi uud Malluurry C- 1 Ttr. Soail t'u tu .(i tljoto, ii Elm 8i. t . Drj 4;u AC. t VT. C. Pcrter Co.. ..... j : -,. - - - lrorct!anaI Card. ttl A CMell. "ctclry, Ilcr-war, Etc jwbu Cti'nUf!'n Sooth Elw t. HholrUleand llrtall Grocer. J. W.tkitt JL Co.. . " f Ueulrr In JIarble, VAc. L. Hot"0. ;vall lllai SueU I rull Tree. Vines, A.C. ' NVa.r tlv VilJ. llarneko nud Saddlcrj. Jobbers io Xotlona, Xc. J W hj;t A C South Elm at. lMr cUoola. R..V.. 1. Melt. S Richmond Business Directory U liulemule t;rucer, Ac. 4 uMle-clluuerle. A.. 1 J. I; UK Sii '. S500 Reward. '- of Lirr Ciatttal, Djrp. Sirk 1'.;m.(m 11 u cut cor lib Wi" V -ut.: Lirtt !"tt.. wtrti lb tfirvctioa lel.ua. uii I 4'rJ L.mm UwX coo 'ia;i. . h it, cui Vr jr l IJ WyJ'i. i" UT A t.O , 1 b Pil Uch-lA 1-uWU.Wa Sl.Cbio .f rn t-clil t( 1 J icot lAp. ; is pralth. Dr i: C Wni'i NrT and iiri Trrt btrvMiwB. Lo of VUsnorr. ePtiator- 't l'oirnrj. Involaatarr Eaiai&, I'rrsuiimt O U Ar. caetl Uj over aitr- fii. ! vr wrr-lcda)jo,wtib Wtt aiirfT. drc nd death. Oa t.l car teceat nwi, AAch bos ton (. mnth trtaniit. Oo dolUr Wl,Mtt bote fjf Iir doSrv; Boot b u..: ri.4i.J ra rteript of fxieo. Wa - rMitr it bxe t cat any cam. With - - - wo. u lor BX OOXB. I a.-taiata Li Ue ui:ara. w wtllaed C0800 cplooa, Pppr, BakUg powders, tie pnrtfaaer or writtea gaaraat tar- AUo Tobaooa and Cizara. tarn tla ssooy if tb treatmrnt ioe not Haying boajrht strictly for cash, I am 5uVear- Car l-ae4 by W C prepared to oi-r tbeat at Low Prices lDSIt.K A CU I estate. GreoneUtro, 4i her tor easb or rrtr. Oiy aao a eaJl U, sIimU ad icuu (.. Ordsrs b lore bayisg. East Mar tat .8lret, f'f p'ptaluaUoo. . OioaasrO.N.Ce WANTED ! 1,000 Bushels , CLAY FOB B A.LE LOW, 100 BUSHELS llonntaia Apples JUST BECEITED CAR LOAD SALT. HOUSTON &BK0.; . WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE AND FU3 CUTER3, Greensboro, N. C. Web JIG 11. REMEHBER THE DEAD AXD CaXX OS L. HOUSTON, f ho U rrpr4 to faralah ToahMoooa ad AtoaoiMata ai Snt Xtiet. Prioos Baaaoaabl. Work GmmrmmUtd. Oaattry PrWaeo tahaa la zahag at bbM vaafkvt n.in.. Olra bm a salL CraoiBboro. H. C. Haj 14. I' Harness and Saddle Establish ment, . tOre iioirarov at bsc store. V tr... U...tulmr a' ul JW b all kiad T 6addi. Hanaaa. BodU. 8a4- dWrr. lUrdwar. Blaakata. o,Kr a - .a W M Era alaaa work. Tli KrillUAU dam at abort aotio. Orawv fro" archaaU BieiUd. J. H. P An K MaoaffBr. MS! Mi 50c, C5c., 75c SO., OOc Ql. Traco OHaino 50o pair WARRANTED x COT SAWS 55c. per Foot. No. 7. Cook Stoves, $12. 7; H. WAKEFIELD 6 CO, OroMuhor Dm. U. LSdO. W. R. MURRAY FALL. A.D Tf I If TEH. STOCK OF GOODS, t whk-b ho watd Bioat rroetfa!T lnM tha Bttoalioo 4 ail r-rxa woo wtaa 10 ... a bay Coda at aa LOW PRICES aa tho aaaac alaa, agWacaa bBol4 b aaj oao. Urn atoek, aa aaial, will eoaaiM c f Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, XltVts, ClotliincT, Carpets, Eoor Ofl Cloths ad a Eao lot of IiADIES' OIOAKS, aai LadWa', ICaBaa', aa4 Ck Ur'a Fur:::a u:::nv;arr, bb4 a fio BWtloa of Droaa Oooda which ao ot kmiUI fallta aro brr hayiaf. Call aaJ fcr oro!f. Oraombaro. Oct. 12. 10. W.J. BLACKBURN .with W. E. BEVIIL, RETAIL DEALER IK STAPLE Dry Good. Ilata. Boota. Ehaoa, NoUona, Hardware, Crockery, GUaavaia, Woodoa War. Tib war. Powder, Shot, Kopoa, liU Graaa. Tabla Oil ClothaoaB. Ala- dta Oil; Qroeorioa oaalUas la 8agir, AS Si 0DBLL A,C0-i in t ! XIAV2 02T UAHD .... . A lATgt Stock of Lidiei'i Mdsoue--cloaks. m ! TFAicVlir ore offering at ' nEiv-Ycntc coot . AJ30 Large Stock of CLOTHING which thej will close oat At ORIGINAL-COST. QrooMbor. Fb. 23. 181. CHAS. D. YATES, j greeKsboeo. n. a. BOOKSELLER STATIOHER, And Dealer in MUSIO, ARTJ&c- A full.8tock ot SCHOOL BOOKS k alwaya U atora. Ucladloff tbt Dook. Meoaasdod by lh 8taU lioaru m jwucb tioa aad appfa" 7 w . 7 Ordoro by mau BOiciiw yJSaS aid TW. which will U ptoaiptl fiHoi at Uweat aart aal rUa. Aof. 14. 1890. WE HAVE RECEIVED tha jraatr portioo of oar SPRING STOCK OF NOTIONS, SHOES. HATS,;&C. fSrClaimtag to have the largeet and eihaafoat etoek in th eity doea aet snaoaat WaaytLioX- We Invito all to call d oxaaiiae ar atock before buyiog. and we bops to tn aks it to jour tnUrtal w do, so J. W. SCOTT & CO., ' o,H C. March 11, ltl CENTRAL. HOTEL. GBXEaSBOEO, C. Seyxnonr 8f tele, - PrePr. Rales Reduced to $1.50 per Day 17 Local Ion dealt able. Accommodation aa (ooa ao may ia ita eb. 19, Vl-d-w la o. J XaA.W school GREENSCOViO.N.C. j i . : .... ... .at., a no! f IO . C v llimwi.1 . - r r J01TA n DILLAKD, Jaa 7 IS80 EOBA KT P DICK. 3ZL 3D- STEELE ITTOnifEV a T tlw ILioa Poibt, Jf. . C. i "Will practise) la SteU and redarl Courts. am - rCSilaaa8prltyLl Dea, 3. 1573 1J" Tho Eanla IUftandinf;. A National Cant la required to parehase the anonnt of jlfa capital in Uolted Sutea bonda, to be de posited at the Treaaury in Waah- fngtohjaa a pledge of food faltn, aod secatityfor the proper naoase- nent of the bank. The bank ia al lowed to iaaoe circnlatio; notea, amoaotins to 00 per cent, of the amount of bonds dapaaited, and no more. Thus, a bank with 9100,000 capital, represented by 0100,000 oi bonds, cay issoe 100,000 of Its own notes for eirealatioa. Whenever a national bank desires jprttlreJ?jote. it dare-Its with the Treasurer of the Uoitsd Sutea saf3eient "lawfol aaoney of the United States to redeem its out standing circulation. The amount is placed to the credit of the bank on redemption account, and the bonds deposited by the bank to se cure the payment of Its notes are then re-assigned to it. A bank mar in this way withdraw a part or the whole of its circulation and receive back a proportionate amount of the bondi deposited as security. The principal cause of the j late liA-A between the banks and the rovernment, waa the provision in the refunding bill, aa It passed the woo w - - w Senate, that any bank desiring to ;.m Ira Hrenlation. instead of ,Vi .rh dnnait of moner ska a aa a a aw svewM f - m S.I.B X . La rTMAaeiss aiVAttM call in its own notes, awaiting the inevitably slow process of redemp- tion at Its wn counter of the wide ly circulating notes. This was rooro than the banks bargained for rfcan ttidv orrntwl charter under -ii Li...f.. .ti.ra - IUB Uiliiuuei uauaiu now, nMl,v pon, many ill np m UHMnuru kui m ike their deposits or money in the Tressury, in redempiion of their circulation, before the bill should b - matured into law. Seventeen mMlinn and over were thus re- mu.ions nu deemedrand would, of course, be a . y L ms l. SJVAU IVIULM a a w at Vbw - caused s Vuo in the great aVAft ffrsmff traWt f mm al IRIinn. ID H financial centre of New York, iiih w-aa nnlv nrevented from ex - a B a - V g . I . ' ' tending oyer the country ly tne " .... failure ofthe re-fund ng bill under , , V T..atl..t'd M Another causo of .dissatisfaction .auvkuci wou w.-. i . - M.i.nn amoojr ine uaoaa w uiwi isivu f the bill rrauirlntr that by the 1st 01 me DUl rrquiriug tusk wj i"" of July one third of their bonded Mar.il at on flarviait at WaBhinfftOO Lhrri1d be converted into three per U-nt bonds thua forcing ! a re- fnndingat the lowest percentage. The course of the withdrawing a - W j Kink fa. looked neon dtoidj h contumacious, and advantage has been taken of the ptfjudice'agaiust banks to Increase popular dissatis faction. But there are two sides to The question. ' A bank is made up of an j associ ation of etockbelders, who organ ize under the provisions of the nstionsl bank acts, for the purpose of making money. Everybody knows this. Now7ifthe party oi that nflVred the ine uist p inducements to bsnkine. shall kaowao cradnallv throw trODDu the . . original regulations such re strictions and impedimenta as to convince the stockholders that they can do better with their money in same other business,, they have an Ququestlonable right to so with draw it. National bankV are not government officers charged with the duty of issuing Dins on ay con ditions that congress may impose. K.i free man woold enter Into any nch engagement for himself or as . Ahr- A man is no irusieo iui - ; mor bonnd to be a banker. ondrr .. . , w than m rnn steamers rna nana at.a ausiis tv - - lava under tse uv.g..u , ii .mBrlrBd-bv a COte m ii ia wc I - nrarv. that the banks owe no duty n ..Mint nlttxll m tne uoyeruwcm i" ... rnm nrnw isaiuu ai ay a. a,aav - .a :.a m t is aa van. !!. i..hino-artat and the object uu "-- - of these acta is to permit the carry ingOO Of the MbusinefS Of banking lv fliamrintlDK uu ' j u:n. -. nromissory notes, oraiut, u...o .,M,anra. and otber eviuenceo - - debt : by receiving deposits ; bj buying and .selling exchange, com, persoaai dcv-j , Ing, issuing, and circulating notes .l- ;Dna nf tha law. onaer me , No bank, however. U obliged to k" ; j all these things. ubJ " them it pleases. The business of the banks la the making of money ti ronch the acnTmodation of through tne accommouai public on the eapitai ,K.m hr their stockholders, ine t,.t afrvrk holders. ABO object of the Government s connex- ion with them is simply the securi- SVa I . W B iui" j i f thii unbllo against. loss." rrk. hanks should not submit to v " er r . -,a th inatramentA of any psrinentation on the public credit. The success of Government loans is thetusiness of Congress and the Trcuarj. The safety of the funds of I J own bank is the business of eax'i bank ofScer; and he has no rir' t to be patriotic or public spirt tec with other people's money or at otl :r people'o expense. : ,7e have thus collated some of the practical observations that have come under our review, hoping they may assist in giving right direction 'and steadiness to public opinion on this important matter. In so far as the animus of the banks, in withdrawing circulation. h3yave consisted in an attempt to" bully CoogTesVHS the hasrj4wl,,orcatinVed ffort in behoof he u . ' T I eanae of ednL-atlan. It aima ia Miahliik nhrasA , roes, it wa. wrnnV. Tn K W 1 O " S3 far as it was a prndent and legal attempt to save the stockholder from loss, it was riebt. We print to-day a very inter esting account of the Centennial celebration on March lotbl which we take from the Raleigh AVtri Observer. Col. Olds, the antbor, is an excellent writer, and during his brief visit to our "City of Flow. era" he made many friends. We trust he will visit Greensboro again in behalf ot his splendid pa per. The dry goods trade in New York is m4 wa KatatP efnttAVa Swwwfsi wAVt iiua ibi hi aa war vu a wmo w paratlyely qulst and dull. Calicoes are U moderate demand. The prices of ging- U firm but dress goods sr. alaggish. What it Costito Kesp a Cow. The 'Hon. Geo. S. Boat well of Massachusetts, who retired a few roan sen from the cares of states- i . . . . ... manehip to tne recreations 01 nib manehip tO the recreations Of Mb farm, makes the following report Of l soma exDerimenta made bv him in J.-1 ! I " ,7 - - - Scretarv of the Farmer's Club: unrvroN. Jan. ii issi. , - - y J Attu Aa the relative value of hav ana weii-cnrea corn ioaaer as ioou f v .1 I . ..i- i i . v. .ni' r IOr CablltS UHO uccu tug buuiivhwi tCt of discussion and controveraity, not only ln our CIuDs t,at in lOtner agn- cultural circles, it may be of impor I a, r.iBmAeo r v bnn xb t IS aa L1UCO IU UUl AO UICIO IW BSuaj- a,ua. "suits of a recent experiment upon .honld not claim that a sin ele 1 anfimnt a conclnsive nnon the a. a-V. O mmm tmrn w I m a - 1 question or value, oni me result ia I r ..AIa!aM i nrr n n iA tf W Q V f fl r, T auuicieui. iu"r r..tk. Inv.at natinn ami tn at mil. lUtlUCI III . OLIflBfc,w I . I - . . ... late the cultivatioa oi tne corn m.. u t,;.i,-T Kapa Clop. UlClliUU buivu uo.b I .n,w (n k.rPMtlnff rnrn nnrl in uuisutu m u . - preparing the fodder for use is I t r frk .h momUn rf th(,clnb b at a brief statement m ay I . u v intiilliahla tn Un The COrn is CUt at the ground as soon aa the seed is partially I B a. Xfc .eaka Ai1 AllAtTCn gtdmu both the ears and 8taigg are ripe and fully seasoned. Tha corn is tuen nussru m the flM 'and the corn and the fodder put under cover without delay. The fodder is cut for feeding in pieces about one inch in length, then put into large boxes, where it is mixed ith pfih mpal and saturated with rater nt thei boilintT Doiot- The boxes are then covered so as to be vered so as to oe and allowed to nearly air-tight, stand, say 11 hours, before feeding. The-experiment was maue iai D ecember. At that time my stock rnnaintiHi of 49 animal of various hnt PRtimated to be enaal to A It enw. At the time the experi gXlVaj St -v sjsew I m a I ...nrli.M mont waa made tne ieea oi iu aa. .aa, a nr tw t n aa nriTfPiiiiiM KOCa - Jicx u-j Sa weeks bad beJo SF uSS Corn fodder, 460 pounds, valued at.. $2 30 Hay, 300 pootMl,iea arjj tbiuu ...." Cob mal, 200 pounds, valued at. ...... & Total. - -v noon this estimate the daily . Afruul fur Mph animal was. trifle more than 10 cents. a th timt the experiment wa j t 01 oun-R in milk ot .....ia o cth and enndif ions. ' !' lV...lnM ':V III 8 t tlaV oi U6- . tlid u.iirtnt- fill .ri .. .Mn,4 ft . Huiiila . nt- liu o 1 o i" - c it i ..f n.imlMr. th bi 8 1 .nKriMitHii l -r e'r hoy wa-ur . i nnt fne nonnd. . but in an urr. Ln-uiiv. t - . ..I a. I. .1 imvvbbbw raaaa rifi-i ia. iir a - - - ' - i . Th. hair hr 400 DOUnds anailil int. 1 1 II II I aau.o. - t. m - --was CUl, mixeu ' rr. nnantitv of mal as was need wir- "Ji 1 ftn(1 fiQbjtfcted in - I . l. . ..mitrAi' i avsrv narticuiar io iuc ,auMv - i m an i ur psiuiw w - -- i . . rnu ma nnnnnrv ui ui hay aa before was furnished in ad ! - t e8dsl. the 15th of DH 10 Ceitificatee fromleoanty toperin b tbeyieldofmilk wa8 Jo o TkjIIIIUB. a IWoa r . I rri tha ifith. the nne of eorn - 1 iuu1Bu.j,-:::;-. - - , . nr frdiiM wan n-Buiurui "-v"- v...i,.tum nf m --m3S2 poandB, a gain of 23 pounds. Ooe experjment is not umcieoi , tna i uv " rather for the purpose oi provuaiuB ftnd encoaragjDg the ap- I r nthar tPJtta. If it Shall I pucauuu - if win oo .ppear in tne 1 .;,.e that well-curea corn AmVmoSxlJ treated forjtnimal f$ J'-j,- pound for round, witbgoo4 bay, there will no longer . rnr onlmal .! T.atr tharn will no longer the X 5rS a pretexl for neglecting esxia s f in vew. - ; I "If . .. 1 nAtn(T . i f Bnnnortino: XilS) uaiij v- -r i opon hay wa!, . Fr 760 pednds hay at f-; fvwt J . V .awiasav I t-ov Mnnil. ruiV -meal...... . i vo Kar 7bu uenDui uj r-- - . . r T . v.ii n.p T.n . A M V. . W. . to De Total io o)e osf ex - l - ct 2leeat isxeow. Public 8chools. I " Baleixh VewaObaarrer, Alarch 16th. The moat Important act, next to that abmittinr; prohibition to the people, pasaad by the General Assembly, rsj with out doubt, that proTidiaf for pablio sehoola. It ia too loos for publication by1 as sntita, bat we print below a earafally prepared atatemeat of iu jproTlaionaj which will, perhaps, eerre a better pox poae, as far as the general reader fa con cerned, than the publication of the act. iu fall. It Is, we leain, entirely acceptable to the excellent and efficient Superinten dent of Public Instruction. It 4 was in a treat measure prepared by Major Firijrer, one of the most thoughtful,! intelligent and thorough of onr publie men. and re ceived the hearty support of Air. Aferritt, to wnom tno people are ao greatly Jndrbi- cause of education. It aims to eatablish our public schools on a broader and more enduring bais, and ita adoption is highly creditable to tb me aa bars of the General Aasemlly, 1 as it marks an era in the his tory of our 8tate, From now onward let us pursue the path so nobly marked out for na by the -present Senators and Repre aeatatiyea of the people, and ever striy to pnsh on the work they have Boadmira- bly begun. - ! i ' ' i j . 1. The aot provides that the State Board 1 of Education shtll recommend a aeries of text booka, whihshall be nsed in all the publie schools of the 94ate for a period of three years, and until otherwiso ordered, the State board to regulate the piicee. -' ! -j I , ' 2. It providea for trarellng expenses of the State Superintendent, not J to exceed $500, and for a clerkahip to his office at $600. j-' Ji ' I ; ' ! T X It abolishes the office ofcoooty ex aminer, to take effect from and after the first Monday in Jane, 1331, and substi tutes therefor the office of county super intendent of public instruction,! who ia to be elected on the said first Monday in June by the county board of education; and tlie board of county justices c jointly. ' The I county superintendent! is required to ex aniae candidates who desire to tecb and i - I pass noon their nualificati ns to yiit and inspect the public schools in tb county; to adrie with teachers' as tn the'bHt methods ' of instruction: ton suspend I UJO liUVUO for want of qualification, 7r . i jmL and notlfe tha school com-I miUee of m5J ;, sio rtf . . atfa- th; ..u; dbtribut. blank, w school eomi mitte.men and teacher, i collect 'school aai 1 : .T ,1 i i. . L 1 I a a -1 tietica, and! raceiy report from teachers heretofore mad to county treasurer ; to countersign all order on county treasurer for school ' moneys in payment of teachers salaries ; to hold and conduct frfcchei' in- a'itutee snd to exerciee gt-nerat suprvwion i . 5 ! I I orer the puolio echH's vt his county, aud to i , i i . ' - i i p - ( j - I nnaltv on the firet Monday ot Dtct-mber to 1 . . . j 1 - ' - I- I tha State Superintendent of Public Instruc- . . , , , . tion. For the., dut.eshe i. ito rece.v. .a com Lnuiih. nfiTtOO nerdsr for each daT en t Kafed Ao be paid out of the anapportionU I r.mA f tti. MiiniT ; PionittftL That be shall not receireln any one yeamoie than fir per cenium of the entire amount of I a ! t i( 4. it rrquire. that the .chJ coanly shall be .pponioned .n ud of the county shall be apportioned n the.nret Monday iu Jtnuary in each year and aha' I be based on the actual amount -money in the hands of the county ! treasurer, and not on the amount levied on th tax lit as under the old law. . . ' . j The county board of education may an nuaily apportion fiw ui vi iu puuno school moneys to defray the xpeiiMe of . . . .wtsi . L l . .1 V l : Umchr, in,.Uate.f nd where i i dmed s:.vi.'. --u-i.ii . nu,iLr t cun- piacticabl or adrisabl a number oi coaa tie. may unit in on icftitnt. 6. The school year is cliaid so as to correspond with h county fise ii year, aud will therefor end NovemWr M in eacb yar (: i I : 7. Twelve and a half, cents is levied on sh S1Q0 valuation of property for school 30 in eacb l -f or more schools in' each; district ofj the i cnntj for four mourn in me je, r(tlinlv 4 of eaucation is required to county Tya special tax to meet the deficiency Said special tax is to be distributed by the county board nnder such -rules as in the jadnment of .aid board) wil aeoure ajfour- month achool in each diatrict, a requirea oy article 9, aeetion 3, of th constitution j 6 Additional aafcguard. are thrown 1 . .1.1 ..j . . ... around the colUcti- n, bsnditpg ana ais- iurseai-nt of scbiol moneys. - -u-d school o..uimittemen are, required to take deeds for I sohool house sites acquired by tDem ahicii must be recularty probated, recorded ana aepoeiieu u iu np7 1 . L. .1 ruu ani-ar fnr Hafe keeping. Blank for aid deeds are to a nam i v aa - ''sa." I fnrni,hcd lo the said committeemen , - . i ! I be county ec.i .au.uy..u.. 9 School committeenieu are euinorizea ro obv full coat of building, rcpairiDg and tuiuwuiw - j i nntaKinv rthsVll hntlHr lDatlestd OI DsUI i .1 rmr ii tin trusiBi. sm a aw , the coat, as provided iatb 'the old law, thU co8t to be paid out of the school fund cf i ... j;,,4-t foe which the house is tout Ldenl. will be valid ii the county where I iaaned for one year -iiuui , I , .,.i .im i. not t.-cner c.o u. "r :" t Jr. M , , , 1 . . ..riihKtK 01 nrorr uaie. iiu.-i t" r iAJt & oo per dy and third grade $l.r 00 pr bjonth for rvicef. Ko teaci.er pau -iu k-aa school term than ot nuiutb . ' i ' f.r a 12 The State "Board; of Edoontion is re quired teapportion 00 the firt Monday in August all tne acnoei nouei I State Treasury 8u T the . I i , L.i .1 ... .,.,1 i, Th.r. u aiaa . bucciu mm I u -. j i the uenerai Aasemoi rrUu..f..ft - - - Board of Education jto.i. dart - thi. ear thi; Uolted gt bond beiougtrg to 'tD. .ohool fund, and nd to distribnte tbei.ro Aft I i. . ..-, nh lhM 40 -tu. together wnh dierntutin i " - school fond now iu tb ie hands it tbt ntate i Treasurer, to tbe Bev'eral cou ti f th 8tate. on the basis of scho p f oS!0' C3 j This fuad to be distributed thi y a will I amoaui to aboot 8i30,CtJO Th- e t e school f aud lot tho("r wili 'reiabfa reach half a million daUara j .v-j i. -'.' I In additlaa so tLo arptvprUUsfis tsd in 1877 for aontal sahools at CLxpal CZ and FayetWville, . saetloa of tis ' set paaaed at the lata easioa ofthe Central Asaembly making an appropriation ta thi TJoiyersity appropriates I4.C0O for othei norms! schools, p.COO tar ' whits' toachar and fS.OOO for colored taacheta, pray idlnj that net leas than four aehools foe ael color shall bo ewtabliahod. The location organization and -maaa,einnt; of the sehoola are aoder theeaporTialon and aoej trol of the State Bar4 of EdacVtien. From the epratioa of theea . aomai schools we expeetan Impetaa will bogiye to the cause of educatloa in every localltjr f the 8tate, because with; better teacher will oeeeeearily eome better sehoola and j in ater interest ia edatioa. A few yean of earnest work will eooa prod sea aaott excellent ecU ia North Carellosw Let u hasten thia conswmmation which we 11 ho earneatly doalr : .! !4-woaaa ParswKraptM. . i I I : I --! ' j Tbemae J DeJarnetU, who was eon) eiauid of the murder of hia aiater. llolito DeJarnettej ia Danville, Ta., last yefr and sentenced to bo hanged, aad who.ap- p.ied to a higher eoart fox a naW: trial. will have the benefit of another trial ill the Corporation Coart of Danville en tie lit Monday in next month, April 4th t which time hia fate will, in alt probahjl. ity. finally be'dacidod. fr-;r :k-i rA ' i i t ' i ' in ; f! ' ' ; j ' I The Washington JZpM&&s ssys t 8ma- tor Vance ie yery jovial, and enjoys bearing aa well as relating a good etoryv Oae) -day, conyeraina with aa English Mtienua about the legal fbrmalitios la English aad Aaaerieaa courta, he iasUted that eertain xorma wsr more strictly adhered to ia thia country than in Englaad, and related tha following etorj: " Judge Jones, air, ia aa gwa) atwklerfor tha forma as any maa ia yoar oeontry Cjae day a soldier who bad been battered eoa airiarahlv in the WU WU brOOSht IB SS S witness. The Judge told bins to Bold n hia right hand. Can't do ttair:aai4,ts man. Wh-r notr 'Got ahot In that arm. etr. 'Then hold up yonr left.' The iaaa sald.be got shot in thst; arm too. Then,' asid the judge, sternly, ' you mast bold np fonrileg. No man eas bo awora. air, la thia coart py law ualeaa he holds np something.' "j ' Senator Mabone is just now the T?i.nh1iita.a i-m'kif.tiia Walk .at Washington. He visits Presid Gaifield I every day. The ; sptM corresDOhslent ot the Baltimore Sun of the 15th inst, says : "Gen.! Mahone makea almost I1U1IV VIMim 141 I UP ,, Uilu M.IIPVI ami appiieantM for VirgiuiA oQee ee-ra to tniuB rnat an inav io neceaarv tor suct ia to obtain iii8 .aiiH)ft. ilia q irfera at (the Aitiiicrtoo are crowded with people ul inn f.ir It tta Qvur. 1C lrt ail very I ovely jbst now,bat jLhere is always nereaiter.', ami iu . after is generally HGen. Maiiorie, to sucn men 11 at or Edmuada ft Waahington on! Wedneaday nisht for a viait to Florida, and Senator Vance baa paired with, him for(th r. mainder of the seasioa. Judge tdmunaa h.. tnr aona tima bean troubled with a ibad - ; ., 1 1 . j rnlH and now seeks a warmer climate id or COia Ana PVW Btrwavsi TV awaaawa wssaaaoaw T j a!rl .a lwaawiCavt JaVniTtir of Itaf ta4t Tloping Into bronchitia or possibly settlbg on bis lungs, j ' -l :! rj - 1 11' I Supreme Court Seoialonsv1 i Raleigb Ne w-Obervr smith. c, J.: .. u' I Stal a Allred, fro 1 1 Randolph No e ror. ir Ml . ...nri.im ' aair uimee ban ire for h porchaoa money or a pais ofshdea- jTho money 01 ino proBBBBV" loaey of ho proeeear by any frandnleat repr ttoa-by which, ba WS -:.V I. : Wr damn It at- waa not ebUinea sentation or practtoe inaucea w par - i-j , pear that any iateat U eheat or Aafrand entered the mind of tho defeadant bsforo he received the! prosecntorV aaoneV. .r.i -J t.ilt.aaMnt aadsr Batil' induced to part with It njor aooa j is aa indistaasnt nnder Batile'e Bevisal, chapter 82. aeetioa 68. aaaoot be lurreiw, .... . T , maintained. A verdict of was properly given. r i n. ' ! Smith, C. Ji lTH.U. ! ' 1 ! l "' nLttfLrl Undanhall va. Boabow. froavGnilford. r ; . i ' 1 1 - t- - .1 s i . u.J.t t. iU taal. egement ef hi. rait to -avert hi. tWatprf. land, into asset., be wiU Wot be bsld,p.p 1 ,,. ..ki .u.K I... bit hate IO IT mwuvwurai - -v j I ' I j When joint estatea are held for purposes w 1 ' " - . - !sl trade, etc.. snd one tenant dlee. tbeTsslale of partaerabip 'property oatil All the aeoounU of the partnerahip have ioe.n !aertaiaed. J'-f-t , ill -': -I bl I r takeh and tbe clear utoros rrr . ! YV hB what waa dao by ord.r or, oori, thr eu U no devitwit jor BiiMpplieatu ufaeseats iu that npct ! , O . I I That is So- m .A . e.. T..l .aas rlaVlltV.1 4.Uflf SSt vso-aBa-v-- - pi , Evt-rj ltiBUinre that ijias iu iiiib CaiohtiM, tri tbe flsij ,hJ Im'i in..;n-ir. habenoorid' ! he- tBt in; i-ive, n o'ch m . , itnTi .iaXl raVaall loe lsta 1881, oty ibui, qv . sjilntieiff SM ,l, upr wora 10c u. 3UU -.uie better itig-n. I Use far Senator xVJahoae. f St Louia PoaVDurpatch, tHmA '3 11, rat Mahon . 1 - .k, ot the RpubliBe ia the 801 .:. . ... i.j.'. .v. VaUil arB-ana 1 t ie will 1 raoi !" --rp 7: r . , ,t 10 t iat oar 4 . tl a - it- Tha Status or tile Dc.t. j .M f Fayettsvills ZxaAUer.l j: JL. -il. sm4 -U.v . y- l'.'l-i !l ! k! Thia ia a. r.rnraaitiTA Ba. And Tvrt! Psrolincpi 1 1 progressiva H WQ8 VI iir.r i:i.r UUSC9, ailltji tsrdar all the edverra circsnttxacea by ..which, she .is .surreubfledy . ta7 jbakiss fair' progress.' For a long' i. 1'aa . a s.w. . - . a. Time lae uog, wica ia next, w ids cuii-jeariing is-oae oi tne greatest Xrie?ds to our t newly enfranchised has occupied an uncertain iiositioD, . - a '' . a 1 a a a .. i' . i soir as me rignis oi nis owner were concerned."-! By numerous de cisions of the ablest judges , who have; ever dispensed old and absurd dogmas from the Bench, (he dog hits long been declared to be proi ptttri i ma far aa to aunnort 'a civi. saltffor his Recovery by bis: owneri and nof property whenever . aa in dictment shall have keen found against the kaan who steals bib. A dog worth; one ' kaadred i dollars (and the market; ralue of .pany ;of them lis far greater) might have been stolen (with impunity iaUorih Carolina np to the passsge ofthe. late act of the Assembly. STp w under act to steal a dog, ' which bas been listed for taxation is larceny1. HThe old dogma of the law on ibis sub ject is reversed, and' U one steals the smallest pappyf oi the eater nsX parent of i said pappy which parent is herself a dof txa) and said pqppy or its'flaid ' parent is eh the tax books, he does it at bis periL Th0 stAtos of the dog. la . therefore that of, property to the fail, sense of the! word. T.".;'L; v-"lh:,-;.l!l - iflad our legislators" gone one step furthe on! the dog question and imposed a privilege tax oti '-tbe owners of dogsjunning at large, they woul4 have add,ed to the State re; vends, and given encouragement to sheep husbandry, two things pinch to be desired. This they tiid not do. Thfir vote 4 however in. toe Jiorusa, on this question indicates the growth of a conviction among the people cf the State that such a measure 'j is necesary. We; hl l(iat the next General ' iAs?femuy will pawtbismucb yeeded law. j We 'hope so too ? but thff ext eneral Asdcmbly, will n0d4a if. iia1 rk thwpri joMo-u Ed Pa triot ; I General News Not ! 1 . J Tha fdt-rena t.f I ha Albumsrle SCCUOU of I -I 1 " ' - - t 1 7 1 ( ' thia Mtate;bave organised an immigration , ... .-. -p . f ! i .-1 . Society for t puruodo of promoting im the 8tate Itia good move ia th tht I j i diecti.in The Wilmlasti.n'AW "nya that one 'O W. iThompaon killed J w ;:cLod, an Kxbresa aarnit. at AbMtta bqio l.wt li . . 1J j 1 ; a . 1 l J' ... hu. fl I tn Hurt! 1 1 anknown Andn tha asm dav iOldeotl t RXoHm. eolored. fell from tne ear .i i rajiroei 'used for carrying timber t" he liver near Elizabethtown aad w4 ou b ed; to death by the wheels. ; 'pie B-l-eigb Paiior say a Mr. O, Maey.or'u,. jriy oigh wen't oat to Jonee A Powell's mill- pondon Wednesday last and caught on hundred and twenty nine wbiN and !-; low nerch. and Eli aaid it was not a gooa da y for jBthing, either.. The editor of a a V L U. 'v' .' it a ail -Uaaa4avtlv 1 XUIOIAU r injwr a uv f i y ' r aaaao. aKnJfavn'ak TwrfAOt 4TtF whifiK tWaWal .laUd by a rooster. -The Grand Juryf Meck-j lenburg county haye reported a Xrn biU! sgainst John Partington tor themarier or V.otariiv fTa.rrwr. a lew weeka IgO. '" ' Cpl- Sharp, purchasing agent, baa cn- tra '..U . ...III..-. ....Ii- ' ... ' A'l.i.-. .i ' Ga ... ir.. . i - K Ir.'.n i-fei Im kTimni.4 il t. f- h i fliiivilie. M-tevtle & Ho lb ITlt-Jlf; U.itr. .il I.. I ..k..H I. .r.( . I . . !l. !.J . : I. I f! ii 1MB dtfiirtfji Wlill.iW e. .1' I Aa-M- i I J 1 1 4 Tho :(itroi !.:-. 'rjc cjaiionj bM duel iot t hild N j gran jl'proi eonveiitlo. iu nxt.JXnB toryito be known as .1.. .1 .. Haleigb bii lb m 4 Lb e votera ioi the i t?r VanC Ctuatv are j, . : r 7- ,. v i-- to -decide by ballot on the 24th bf May to -decide toy Daiioi on inezsin pi iy; wbe(b;r theJ want new bounty: or; 1 0 thofCon-! of radUtll, weri adopted by a' . M . .1 II j- .L ' . L...JI ' Ll-1 j , i L,Jrtri,L' ,l tba Section!! recently i.rM maji ,Ut fc., -.E; AU. f trae- arar af the Arasoiot 8vi. ES B bk of Win i the chester, N. H. ia a defo terr to the amount of i7u6,0lH). He i j aipiomineot .awvei! and w lately Htae or. I !w'f , r i, n , ii lit r n T . .... is.. Survey of Anotner Kaiirpaa. Mil William Cats, who 1 wa ployed fast aummerW fall In making Eha frvey of the Western NArth; Caro lina Railroad beyond . Asbeville went op I 1 - ' 1 . r .. ! L J. . T Ll:L.J I..i Vt..X.wi H. mr.A f'.l.t J wwigns, wo , i , 5 o-w ,!a J A. . a- it. aT'kaia.raaaB jt I ai i 4 I noif Warrow auKe. wuj meo ui o. .The ob jet iato-Xeaacroa a Btaln into Kpiib' CaroiinAa jarj-y ;m rBilioad which1 fsa teadj doing acood busioeii. thro' part Keiimck and Tennessee, ' enn Ci Mg saaj Uta fcialo; 1 -i with tbe .Cheater ltirtr! '';$i nw ; OahAe, or thoCa'po F Vai'kil i Val-H 1b Rai I roal m at which1 will tr.yer-e likely tb tnt er J. 1 1 L I the State, p-esiPg I7 ttM of Wi net on atitt wreeBaooro hd Iu .di biiltoric town ol F.jet ktleeJ 1 ..h: in dwetr ?ifc V tinungtoi. I t - 11. . project, in th; baud f , U i4 FrJ - , .1. 1 r . t a i. . ii e I VIiIaVI aj vwi avi."v-iv .i sion to eii i re rnn . !. Cp.:F,tj&fYH, I CompaiiV It sbi Ji r eoin plated 11 win l t 1 .Mt i r. i, -I" It' 1 4vt4os of.he Stat ' ii j -ji I j . .! ! neediog a-jre.pi'oi il'lf tiountain pKksji rwarc'" of ' r :.b I f f t 1 tin- ;,!, r,1 Wu'm i , w u 1 if,... Ai -. ;:.i 1 I CSV. ,a, i