j- -i. b I ii - 4 , f I: w , :, ;. ; si , " Ik It I I 1 I I ? I III III" III III III I -.1 MM iii ii i j : !t I , -II s s - I I . . GREEN3B0R0, X. C, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 4, 1881. VoL2. , ' V ' No. 268 "II I i " ! 4 The Daily Patriot Publwbed daily (except Sunday) at GREENSBORO, N. C. 02co on South Elm Street. i: lBK PaTKIoT l ielrU L Cn-ml to snUcri'-ers in tlw.Citv at TEN CENTS PER WEEK, payable wel. only to . the carrier by wbom tarred. Prices rort Mailing. Single copy, lw cenU; one week, ten craw;, two. weeks, tveiy cmti; three weeks, tXirivetjUj; one CioLib, Utrry-Cee ernU; two months, seventy tenU; three months, one dollar; six months, dolUrt; twelve month, fowdouart Postage prepaid by tbe Proprietor. All subscriptions payable inudvanoe. Thk Wixxly Patkiot. Two dollars a year, postage prepaid, with inducements to Clubs. The bet and ch.apeat Jonrnal Tnb!ibed in tbe Piedmont section of North Carolina, and of aniTeraal circula tion. Mailed to city subwtnbera for two dollan a year. Tnz Ghucmsbuso Pathiot U tbe oldest Democratic oowp- er in NArth Carolina baTinbeen eatablUhed in 1K21, and pebutbed continnnn?ly uln-e that time. EJLTE3 OF ADVECTISIKO. DiXLY KDITIOM One Square on day,.. ...... ...... " two days,... $1 00 1 50 2 00 2 &' U 00 60 5 00 6 GO 6 00 8 00 12 00 20 00 three days....... ...... four days. fire days,............: One week....... ...... . Two weeks............ Three weeks,. ....... One soontb, . Two montb.. ........ Three moDths,.. i 0t Mix months,. ........ II One year.' 21 00 .C Con tract JLdTertisemeats taken al proportionately lew rates. Local Hotloe 23 ent pr liae. Special Notice l.rcna pr lin for tbe first, and 10 cents for each sabqant insertion. No a'iTsrtisement charged for les t!un 10 y- V . . Ten lines solid Nouparell type make out square. . Transient adrertiaeaeaU payable in advance ; yearly advertiaementa quartarly in aUrsoce. ALMANAC FOR GREENSBORO TO-MORROW. 8nn rises & f0 uukm.no Ban icti 6 2J I Moon sets.. COO , Day length 12 hoars 26 minutes. Ikleteorolocicuvl Itepcrt. Indications of the thermometer Green&boro, reported for the Patmot . W. C. Porter, 2c Co., to-L4y. in by At 8 A. M .... .. . .T5 decrees 12 M. 53 t 4 P. M ,. 41 Homo Happouings, Federal Court will begiii in this city to-morrow at 11 a. m. -Thermit crop in this Mention hss not Wen seriou.ly injured ly .Le 1a' e eoid weather. . Grand Opening tule cf leaf tubacio at tba Enleipiise WaJebUM in this citj a Tuesday Aptil 12th. Qy and Lear Dr Crtvan to-sigbt. n sddieeee ibe YUC A in tbeU K Chair b at 8 o'cleck. Batist, Machinery ( lierals1 A Tsxaa preacher and hie eeagrvgatloa Aada fAlllog out, and while at daggeta 1 yeiau tbe tuiaister reot-ived the apjio zaaat ofcnapiain to the penltttttiery. lu hta farewell sermon be took foi hie text : I g lu prepare a place fr you, so tkat where I am ye may be also." Son (to bis father, who bad atked him where bo is in his class now:) "Oh, pa, I ve got a ruch better placa than I had last quarter." "Indeed ! Well, where are yon t pm fonrteenth." Fourtenth, yon little lszy bones! Yon were eighth last term. D you call that a better placet" !Ycs, sir, it's nearer tbe stove. In oar notice of tbe fire which recur red uear Greensboro, on Tnesday mornicg of last week, by whi h the reidmce ol Mr A R Heath was d-atroyed. we tattd tht thl i. M Heath was -Bliuiatri at $ .0.'. kud we weie mO infuilUrd, but it apuAf. I bat our ibform iot wh in errr Mr HrtU drtircs as to ute tht his en tire los did cot amount to more than Tue Anniversary of the Woman'a Missionary Socitiea at . the Methtdisl Chorch in this city last night, sm a vrry fiae success; the congregation was very i - rh exfrciita cooaiited ,in reading tb i i t rportj by tbe Secretaries and Treasurers if tb tbree societies, and an essay fy SliM Makepeace, of the College, and. a rear 'ad Jrcys ' by; Eer Dr Uobbitt: after which Rev D R Drnton, tbe pastor, dlirerel the closing addre and raised 0 collection tbe Riaount we did not lsrn. Ths whole occ?ion was a grand nucoes. flie New iTevcnue Lnw. We have received i a copy of the new I i Revenne Law as passed by tbe Legislature at its 1st session.; It : contains very ebacs of impottance. One ef iU pro visions require those who retail spirltusus sad malt liquors to pay $G0 pr annum In advance, and provides that no license shall be issned for a leas period thin twelve months. Mortgages, f. deeds of trust and marriare contracts are sot tax ed as fomerlr. The Tjj ceum. We understand that tLa meeting ef th e Young Men's Christian Association last Friday nlgut was rsry Interestins;. Tbe literary fssture has been uccessfullj in trrdaeed, and under tbe auspices ofsnch an oranIstion,bIds fair to hscome the) io struraent of mpeb good toour cemmunity. The following Is the programme arranged for Friday night, April 8th : Original Essay, C. D. Benbowj Selected Readfofft J. W. Ram pie. Debate lRtoliedt ''That the lata legislature erred in net passing an absolute probibitoryTiquor law" . On the affirmative Messrs. 8V: B. Adams and A. P. McCormlckJ On the negative Messrs. W. S. Owen aodN. C Eaglisb. NnmM ofXeW 2Vlcuriitrsitee. List ef Magistrates el$oUdPY the late Legislature of 1831, for Guilford county, ii for a term of six years in tbe f ollowicg bw.!p' .-t -i. John Cobb, Washington, D P Foust, Crek; W U Thompsen, Gretne; siehane Apple, . Uadlson; Wharton, - - mmm. . Jrltfrson; Jos w uiimer, uiay; J w vvn (UrlBI( UV4 XIV.V, UOUIJ HIUU Monroe; L F Davis, Deep Riven W D Wbtoo, GUm.n J A Or.y .d J W FrU man, Jamestown; John Tucker, Fentress; W N Arm field. Friendship; George Don nrll, Morrbead; J, 8 Ocburn. Bruce; F 8 Davis. Sumner; DAvid: Jordan, High Point; Jessee Benbow, Oak Ridge. t 1 t I ' ! f k i nn isauimrf ana unto wnp no J train A iih utnmond avxia XJt vllle AchIu Triumphant. The Richmond and Danville people, sns nesting that the Baltimore and Ohio roo)d Ldearoer to . obitruct them by a flank movrment, went to New York on Monday and made all preparations to anticipate the time for completing their contract with the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line. was to have been delivered to day (April v -r ..I ad.) On FridH the deposit of fitX,0TO ninn.in oin ine pirrs an signra ' 1 7 LJIS Hid sein i of tbe road deiiveied. AWnut tw bums afterwards an order of i. iunntiou, olitained by J. W Garrett and ur, waA served ea ik All Line mgin too UU Tb- Rirbttioud a d Duville p-e pi- m till ahead.- JitcAmoma ihtfOtCM. Jjril Id, Mil Olahsip Warrcu Vltit. Otsbep Warren, a distinguished br ef bs eollege of Bishope ef the Uetho- dut Eplsoepal Canrsb, a native of Pens vlvssla, though now a resident of At-1 " ' . ii Ckureh, tbia eity, at 11 o'clock a. am. Sun day, te sutte a large eongirgatioa. Hie text was : 1 would that men would pray every where, lifting up holy hands wi th out wrath and doubtlnsr from Panrs Enistle to Timothy. His sermon iras I ne erextraoratnary power, ine language exceeuingiy oeautiiai ana nis oraioricti powers are srokeu of Jinbe very highest trrms. The congregation were delighted with the visit of tbe Bishop. At 7.3J p. ! I m., be preachec to an immense coogrega iiu t the Methodist Chnrcb in Warnera ville IJUhop Warren made a very favor able impression here, and we bepe be will ntHu for Greensboro with another viii. 1 1 Prompt Pajnent j .Air ticbl O Donutill, who was killed iu an accidvnt on tb North Carolina Rail- load early in January Iat, was a meubrr of the Knights ot Honor of this city. Iii lite was insured in tbie org sanitation tor 2.1X, On 'Satniday lat bis widow re- w i criTrl a cbok for the amouat which Was t large, and thwsiagitigby tbe choirJirtt-ciat$. I I - -IB ' ' casbed to-day. Oiri Troupe. j - i Tbe "Jhveniles, passed through Greens boro yesterday, and took breakfast at tbe Mc ldoo House. Tb"v ara a bright little set, and 6eem specially salted for comic opera, j They are fall ofjfan and frolic. After breakfast they , captured Mr Mc Adoo's piano and b&d a royal old time eingtng, and rendered some-of Moody and Sankey's hymns In a manner that would have done credit to oldei beads and "big ger" singers, "Little Jencia Dunn, the 12 year old prima donna, if a little beantj and bright as a ) ' Endge DaYid Schcnck waa in the city ior a snort time jsixeraaj. Col A D Andrews, cf Raleigh, passed through Greensboro last evening enrouU for luohmona. . . Mr. W.B. Glean tks able and popular Senator from Stokea favored s with a visit today. He is in attesiance upon Federal Court. . j I Ex-Gov Vance passed through tbe city last evening enrouU fot. Washington, so aa to be present at tbe opening of the morn log tes!en of the Benata to day 4 Hon Rebt B Vance, oae of the most pepniar orawn nK" State, spent Sunday in onr city, Ueni Vance was on his way home frost a Yisit to.Kew York, and lft iMtning for Asbovills: Tb. piwHal bti,T.ie. hrilri th. Methodist Chursh choir last night waa that ef Mr. WaltsriD. Simmons of Rich- iwo4.V. ItirM a TlnW ld to tU llt toI... of tb. eholr, d ir. hop. to bear him again on his next visit to our town. nf T1II I. 1 . Senator Trumbull, of Illinois, who served fronil8Crao 1873, and was regarded as one of the ablest membera ef the Senate, once said to a young lawyer who came 1 . . 1 " I A I ' ntnt appointment : ?1 presume you earn haYr tbe place : bat before 11 Uke a step .. in that direction, 1 feel like giving you dob woru 1 CUUOtDt. At JUU la.V UUiCO III Washington, you will rnln your whole life.' Yon will never know how to live without office afterward, and no pffloe can feurround a man with tbe fortune of a gen tleman. In his speeeh at 'the Union League- Club dinner in New York on Tuesday night, o f last week, Ex Judge Albion Wt Tour nee said: ' Toe time will come when tbe let blood of the coun try, will come from the South. It may not be in my day, but I believe the time will come. When the North is over-populated and old, then the strong men will come from tbe Sontb. I know not of what r. or color, nor do I care. The negroes down there are rspidly growing ntrong, a are aluo tbe poor whitm. who ue d-t the bal lot,' to teach tl-em that tbev ro, men. Even tbti oid aristocratio element, the m . r invnlwitif nl all l l tvi nivivl r rv its cou- r.vr; ' ,r T , i - pr rial Citu I ?tnas. uui mrm atd handsome f m- pttivementa at Nw-ia b'a Diting KMinis None but spli- ed nid pelile Movants' sapteyea at fi-eewmh'a Diuin Kmsb i a & w i Fre.h Otirm. Frvab-ribad and 8iHcklrd Tfont rse-ived ever day. at Nwcomb'e Dining Uooas. 5 pMrseasaMenditur vait and the Public gneraii win Bud U re their 4vmufe to . - . i e Ki . . . w - sv i Speeial todae-tar-uta iff red to lvgoUr lHar jrm at Nowcvmb'a Dining j Romi, Ccert House bquare. j No head-ache or bark-ache for ladica who drink "WINE OF CARDUL." ! For sale by W C Porter A. Co. "WiNE OF CAUDUi " cures irregular. painful, or OitilcuU mcnatruation. j For sale by W C Porter V Co. "WINE OF CARDtti f four tiroes a day makes a happy liouMrUotd. ' For sale by W C p.irifi A Co. "WINE OF CA'-tOUH makes rosy cheeks mud etc at cuiuplexion. , j ' Fur U V I I Vnluub Suit blc iiy Property lor tt : Ctt b. bought a )- i i-Lie r tuuif by Gf'ftis'r", N C . r Mpplyh e to :be nil ir if h- ParKti'T, ot&cf-.i G-i- lro is tint r.'Vtiii.: miw is tiio tiui in vet in ict entMt. I I olch li-tf. LooK at the Fisures.-Tbe pur CQU list gwva lu iuo vvuuijr xt-gisirr, fsee Patkiot, March! 30th.) shows that J. W. Scott fe Co., bought! several theutand dollars worth more goods the last six months t six months f-No time redue- or leou, loan sdj oinsr nouse in itont ati . f odir. Oil 1 1 AA ln standing, we were, durine that time reduc iDg our stock and baying as few oods as possible, to prepare fbra change in our buai- ness, as our copartnership pired by j limi- tation, Jan. 1st, ItsSl.i Used goods, at low pricss win ssu. anu ice iaxiw win leu woo sells them. The more goods we sell tbe shorter piofii we can afford to sell at. Very rsspectfally, ! ! i J. tW. Scott & Co., Grtensboro, N. C, April 4, 1881 WW AdVOrtiSODieiltS. Villard Hotel Lottery Postponed TO APRIL 7i 1001, pop. a ! "PITtM DRAWING-. IfpeE DRAWING WILL1 TAKE PLACE I X at Louisville, Kyi. under authority ef a special ast ef the Kentucky jLegisiatare, and will be nndtr the absolute Control of disin terested commissioners appointed by tbe act. LIST OF PRIZES. The Willard Hotel with ah ) ton AAA its Fixtures and Furniture J v Vow One Rssidtnce on Green Street, $15,000 Two Cash Prizes, each $5,000 10,000 I Two Cash Prises, each $2,Q0O Ig Cash t Prizes, each $1,000 4,000 5.000 2,500 5,000 5,000 10,000 1,000 500 One hundred Cash Prizes, each 50 Jm - rtiw 1 Qne Fine Piano, f I I Oae Handsome Silver Tea Set. 100 jw uoxMViQi.rDonwnujqr,jo ."?r.a1 HSPBHlT I m ri w v W - mi mm 'Am a m 1 400 Boxes Fine Wines, $30 j 12,000 200 Boxes Robertson co.. TThis ky, $30 6,000 400 Boxes Havana Cigars, $10 5,000 Five hutdrsd Cash Prizes, ach $10 6.000 I Amounting to 0309,050. I M I Whole Tickets $3 ; Halves ?U ; Quarters $2. 1 Expresa, Postal lYoney Ordef or Ee-lstared AIU. ! . i l l ! p" gwi r" Pm": T V A' ill ? T !V1 - ii J .J lt for tickets, Address i W. C D. WHIPS; Willard Hotel, Feb, 2-wltd2t i j I Louisville, Ky. Amusements -B-E3jT-BOWI KLAXjIj. ONE NIGHT ONLY I I ' I !! TUESDAY, APRIL 5tb. LIIIsES' JUVENILES, I A Consolidation of HaverlyV' Juvenile Opera komP?J i "w "P!8! company; ana MileV Juvenile Pinafore Company, in the Charming Upera ' " CUIME8 OF NOIIMJLNDY." " - M "If ' I ' ' I : 40 WONDERFUL CHILDREN 40 H in tie cast. - r I if ' 30 FRESH, TRAINED VOICES 30 in the cboius POPULAR PRICES. ; I ! i i A dm is km 75 cents j No extra charge for Keervrd HeaU at Xate' ileok Store. Mar'eu 3tdtt ! KIUE LINE OF PB Ana's ELEGAHT EASTERl CARDS Just Received And for; sale at Souk : antr V ' .- - . 4 , i i 1 If i Green, coro, Hch 19, 1881. i . ; - ' hxt. oVvimw. ' We have made; arrangemsn s with ono of tb most experienced auction buyers of i Now to f nrlish i f&ii (im.j to t!mir ' 8ncn bargains as be may be able to'secura - j Bucn jpargame as ne may oeapie to securvj at forced sales fr cath. When, the price of I ftn (icle ig ivln in tbu cnn !t j - -1?, . J, ' m. L J U . jy '" ,eiur rea l tan column first, the local items'- nxt!,' and then if you havl time, the editorials. ! OFFER TO MERCHANTS ONLY SIBFSWOOLESO -- i . at; 06.00 a C7;0O. AIM AT f t i 612.00 a 515,00 o z o n Greensboro, April 4th, 1S31. - ftvvCkW &r. C1-' Ci f rs -1 I i - iti I imr m i I Ml .--! . j f :.t . ' ' . ' ; . : . ! ; " i . i ; -f " :' ' . ' I ' ,.'..' . i j . 1 i-J -3 " ! - . : !!.' - ' Vv., j 'I . i '! .-. S , . r ". ..' 1 . .' l" . 1 , . i q) gJ i 'i i - .1 -.-:J-- . '1 j;-;. -:;V ' - t " ' J ' ' 5

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