i : ) i " . ' : ! - x i-- X "! TH --(! .! : ):.! ! I " . T''-' J . .! ; . " i . '. 1 . : : ... h,, i .!;" :- v J . .-: ' i , ' ' " ','.'- 1 ' 1 1 1 ' " ' ' ' : 1 t ' ' VoL 2. The Daily Patriot. L T. FJLGHjU. Wto :i Pnpr::!-T to aUcritMr in thd Ctry At TEN CENTS ,PKK WEEK, payable ntLj, nlj to lho crcirrB by whom rred. - - PxiCk ro ifAnJxo. Sir.glacopy, he erXi; ere wok, tern ct Is: two weekA. tvtntf erU; throe weeks, thirty cents; one ""tnonth, tXirtyfvcrmU; two montbt eijr emu: lure mon I ha, cue collar; six moninff. 'ttcdoll&rt; twelre months, our dolUrt. PosUge prcpsid by the Proprietor. All subscriptions payable in advance. Thk Wkekly Pathuit. Two dollars a vr?r. rrt" nrnii1 with Irwlnronmnt toCinbs. The Us! and cheapest loarnsl pabliibed in tb Piedmont section of tion. Mailed to city subscribers for two dollars a jear. Tiik Orcboro Patriot Is the oldest Dexnocratio newspaper in North Carolina caring oeen etiauusnea in i&ii, ana pnblUbed contionoasly sir-e that time. RATES OF ADYUmSINQ. dally iDrnon, One Square en day......... ...... $1 CO two days, three days,. ........... four cLaya....... ....... 1 CO 2 00 I 1 to 3 00 fire days. 3 50 One week.... Two weeks,. II 6 V0 ii Three weeks,. 6 W Oae month... ......... 0 00 m m m Two months, 8 00 Three months, .. 12 00 Six months, 0 00 M I ii Oae year 22 CO ' CTOontraet AdrertisemeaU' -taken at yroportienately low rates. Local Notices 5 cents per 11ns. Fpcial Notices KonU pr lin for th first. and IUcdU for earn saserqoeut iasrtion. bit aUrerli cement charged for la than 10 Teo lines solid Nonpareil tjpe make one square. Transient advertisements payable In advance ; yearly advertibements quarUrlj ia aavance. ALMANAC FOR GREENSBORO TO-MORROW. eun rtas .r iu 1 morxino I Sun ets.... ....6 27 I Moon iianU:15a u Days length 12 hours 4C minutes. Ieteoroloclciii Kvprt. Iudicaii'Ui uf tbe thermometer in Gftrvtisbuiu, rfpuritnl lor the PaIKJoT Ij W. C. Porter, &. Co.; to-day. At HA. 31 4egrea I m , 4-i 4P.M... 4S 4 Homo Happoniugs. Full proceedings ot the Federal Court in to-morrow. The ring of tLe hamuer and trowel U heard to-day at ssreral point iu our growing city. - wen a ociifi nas acceptea an invi- tion to deliver the Literary addresa fore tte l'bilnruatbru Society at Oik xtidge, in uaulord county, on the 24ih if Ma,, Especial attention i called to tbe ad. venisment of Lvy Bro'hrr, Riehmod,' Ya. l"hi Ladies are already prlty well ae eaaioted with this excellent firm ; but w want them to continue their acqaalstaorr. When you think ot making an order fr dry goods, dress goods &c, oouide of Orer.t bsro, send It to Levy Biotbsrs, they i'l treat you riht. The Juvenile Oera Co will appear here to-night under the management f Messrs Willis 3L Nicholson, and as they en dorse only good parties, this is a suiBcu'tit guarantee that the entertainment will b first-clasa in every respect. - Beth old aud young ecj y it, and as the adniiasi ju f.r children under ten, baa been plactd at cents, ws trast all tbe little folks will t allowed to hear It. Get seals at Ytie ' Rock 8tore. Freights are so be.ivy cn the Ricbmm.4 A Danville and North Carolina R.ih.-U that tr.'ius tiauj oiling are iuu iu e tions: fr tnelance the regular freight, train leaving GieersUro. moving E.ei On Sunday evening was divided Into tb re sections of about twenty cars each. 'TtifM trains run on schedule time, and nithitt about fiCeen minutes of each other. Evt-r prdcautiou is taken eo ai to avoiJ dents. GEEENSBODBJC), jNTJ Fedsrnl ConrU , . L TLt federal court for ths TTsstern j dls- trict of North Carolinji conrensd injthit city this fnornifijrrHoQ i P DicV, -Indf, prtsidlnpf Uis Honor wan rery brief ia DMcoargio too urana wary, xi jwas, howsrer. concUs And to thd point., "ft tonehed open the postal laws and called being ths'prine object of attention, j lrv , rr rXax lUUtTftlcarw for Guilford. t 'It ibis ciesllcg T.Coiiaty.CcjniicJ!ja ers, Held in mis cuy yiruajt vaq lowlnjr persons were; appointed ta list; takers fsr iest: C A Tickle for Wash- lLZton Townhip: C A Boon, Rock Creek; A G imiclc, Greene; Mebano' Apple, 'Madi son; W P Wharton, Jefferson; J W Gilmer, I Clav: F 0 ChtfonU, Monroe ; A P Ectel; bllmer; W D ItaVdin,.Fntrcs!;J V Win cb"lr Centn, Grore, J W Albrigbt. Morsheadj F8DaTis,8aianer; JLOgburu, Brace; k H Lindsay, Friendship; J A Gray; Jamestown; Charles Case. Oak ,'Eidge: L F Da is, Deep Rirsr; R F Seohreat, High Pwint. ; i j t ! r JDri CraVsn's Xeotare.' Tbs lecture of Dr. Craven, befsre the Yoang Uen'a Christian Astsclation last ereniag at thej liethodlat church in this I cltT wu ff Attended, and the lecture was all that could hara; beta expected I frtci the distlngoiahed dlvlae. Ills sub Jeot, 'fThe Machinery of Morals." i waa bandied in a masterly aianner. From the beginning, to Jtho.. dcsePr.,17raYea kept the audience deeply interested In his tuh- jeet. We expected to publish full notes ipposed time for to-dt ts paper tTuueral f IVIrw Ecliel. Thm fnri.rlh..rir. f Mm lfarr E I . I i . " . I V nUM fm lh raldnM of the deeeaaed at 11 o'clock this morning. The Chorcb in this citv. asoisted by the Rev Dr Uubbitt, conducted the exercises. Mr Uruton delivered a very beautiful and ap t ronriate address: ffivintr a brief sketch ofibI fe of ' Mrs Eckel. This was f! l wed with prayer by Rev Dr BoUbiit. Fnun ; the ri-idpnce rb remains Vere t.ki-r. to thn MtthodiAt Cemetery where 1 1" laMt aad riffbts attending tht burial of f H. rlvfi.l ta Tr form A. AWnnnmbfr of r. U'ive and friends were present.' Tbe f '11 wit;g gentlemen acted as pall bearers: Mars Charles G Yatee. James T More- k mi. K Gretter, W D McAdoo, B ;E Kergpatit, J W Scott, James W Albright I atidUW Alley. i The Clyde Syndicate. : Philadelphia Times. Mi; Grkxmvillv. 8 C. April 3 It is stated h-re. open what is deemed to be nnques 1 1 tl .ed authority, that tbe Clyde syn,i. i 1 . controlling tht Richmond and Dan- i!lnand etbrroad from Kiobmond.Va t AiUuta. Ga . have 1 secured control ; o! ih tipariaueb.rg aud Union Railway, an ! H i I 1 isaporfaut road ruu.iogfrora Spartansborg to UolooV in this gtate. The partiea are rdetvoring to keep the matter from the I publia oaii) to morrow, when they expect I ti beoemi the purchasers of the 8patan. hnrg and Aheville Road, running ! from Si.4tansburg,S. C ,to Asheville. a thriving town jla; the extrnme western part of N'rth Carol! na,lm mediately on the line of the Weaterc North Carolina Road. another brauoh operated by that syndicate, which e tmg ipnned tnrougti to lenneasee. Tb" statement that tbi first road ha pass' I . . . . . . . - i Intrt th Aitnfrnl a-if tha R fhmAeri mvA I pArieille and that th latter will be pur- cliaeed by tbem to-morrow excites oonsid ral!e interest in thi State. I J- - it I Teltgraphio Nwa NoteB. f Y'tida; Liid Hr fi M wa tbonght tt In tuipniving -Jules It el,' tbe tiifer of Pri is dead. Tbs 'dead l.-ek in tbe United Siatea Ktnat entin- u: ewrua' Msaion waa iMed in ii.wirgap KidlelMrer. the Uepablican I iiiuumn)r oriti tnanui. Alter a I vly tiifcnin 8euatr Dawen, as uusl, 4 43 p. m moved toa!joarn until j nooii ! today. I : ! of the lecture,, but we have beta dixap I voi jao u owipies.ci nia i,iei(;on iut voe nunarea i;aan rrizea, each 550 pointed In 110 1 receiving tha-rspori, eTiulog for WilkesbcoWhenite appear. u0d Cm TUES PAY EVENING,; 1A.PRIL! 5, 1881. rcriil IParocropIisw lln Dr W A Wolltn, who jhai beta isl Hd relatirs and friends injtbe city, left this morninr fr 1 er home ai Kandle man Hills, KaudolpU Coanty. j Ur w. B. Murray, one of tho prominent MferchanU of Greeoaboro, Is jt home agIo, Hla goods will b in shortlj: i K1 til S tut eriliecous ia uo jtaiiui iln Gaifltfld,. wtov speaks Fteoch and German finsntly, is iid to be the first President's wife able Va talk with foreign diplomats in tha cocjt langnag of En rop. Her bcsfcasdis alto accomplished ti German and' French. ' .1 j. . .The following gentle men of the Bar are in the city In attendance nponjthe U S Court : Hon JobV Ilinnicjf jP'ittaborb; Hon D II SUtbnck, Winston, Capt E S Parker, Graham. N. C, Aadrew ill Joyce, Danbury,N. C, and Col'W A Boyd, of Wentworth. . . ! . . ji Col T IX R Taloott; -f the Eiohmond fe DanTille Eailroad .Company, ia general manager of. 1,450 miles of Eailroad in Vir- ginia, North Carolina South Carolina and I Georgia. .This includes all the lines un- I der the control of the Richmond Ce. Dan- rille Rail rai Company, . A little Iilineis girl recently wrote Gen Hancock 'a childish letter calling hit 'at tention te the fast tbt her birthday waa the same a his February 14 ; and .the Geaeral wrote her eaaaatlr In reply,; saying among other things, VI know one gentleirutuwbo had four children, and fM. temt n mf tn!i.t'wr Knm nn hm 'M ,w TM...tTn .WMJ 4tbef;jely. This ii vrtat I call a patriptio family." The 4th cf llarch oaght te be a good blrtbdsy for tmart children. ;.;! ; Danville Railroad C- mpany In ite aixit emta. v j iicl 't ruicx i6t agaxnsi . " ... - - 1 . 1 it.' -1 me -u iviuroau ; -euucproiog m Presidency of the Wfcbtern North Carolina Railroad, which is to be heard before JUUgO oejuiour, uu xuMpu-, . . . . a' flu....l A-il k Hon G N Folk also appear. in the same . Atrial Citij -Qums. Call ana see the new and handsome im proTemenU at Newcomb's Duiiug Rooms, j .1 : 1 None but experiei eed uci polite servants employed t Necoojb'a Diuiug Rooms. Freah Oj sters. reah bhad and Speckled Tront Yeeeived every day Lining Rooms. at Persons attending Court and the Publio VMCUge to generally will fiud it to their ai get meals at Newcomb' Diumg Rooms Hpecial inducemmn cfiVred to regular boarders, at Newoomb's Dining Rooms, Coeti Uense bquare. No head-ache or uuv k-nche for ladica who drink "WINE OF CARDUr." For aale by W Cferui a u'. , -WINEOF CA.tJL'w." cures irregular; painful, or diiiicult menstruation. ( For aale by W C porter & Co. IM Vir&OF CAftDUl " four time, a day I ! 1 I . make, a happy bousebold. ! .Fcraale by W C Porter Co 'WIUE'OF CARDUl" makea xtaj checixand dear complexions.' For aale by W C Porter dt Co. Vnlunblc City Property lor Sale fceveral 'dzrabla lots tor iei - an rm hnrlffht Sat mV .fl - are8 .bv eddresioxr Lock !Box "H." Greensboro, N. C or applying to the edi a . a 1 Tl . m ua.SA .eaAA Xa.mma- boro ia improving; now is tbe time to in vest in real estate, j ; j Mch 11-tf. Lr OK 1110 I A I JKiUlt tUli ViaiVQ Utua- , Look at tbe Fiffurce.t-The per- chase list as given to tbe Couuty Register, Patriot, March 3Jib ) sh ws that J. Wbceit A Co, boubt'everal thousand Uullara wottb more good tb las six mouth, or led J, than auy tbr bu io the t'iiy -x-CvptODeMesr Odrll t Ci ) Not with alAudieir. we were, duntg h-4 time te1ne- im our stock and bovi'.g as few -goods as poaetble. to prepare for a cbai gin our bust aese, aa ur eopartneiehip expired by liml latieB. Jan. lat. 181 Gud eooda. at loW prises will sell, and tbe lax list will tell wbe eel's theas The norf ods wo -sell the eborier picfit we aa aff rd to all at. 1 m . M . . . m . m . SI a I Verj reeptiuiiy. J. W tc TT & Co., Greensboro, N. C, April 4, U31 JUL l I. nn-i i-l.-i-i.nnn-rJuuiAr J - f- - . whiiIman Plffr"! LsVLP V LiC- fHlOIUPiP P i . j a: a v a W. Hi Wakefield & Co., You vill Save Money by so doing A lot ! of Grindstones ' . , ! j i . 'Jait received by I ' : ' ' I hi.: I ; W. H. WAKEFIELD & ' j Greeahoro j April 5, 18S1. CO, Hard Hotel Lottery Postponed TO APD1L 7, ieai, FOR A ;inilali DriA7IIJGK mHE DRAWING WILL TAKE PLACE X at Louisville, JLf ., ander authority ef a apeeiaj-ast er toe Kentucky Liegisiauire, and will be under tha absolute control of disia tsrested comaiasioners appointed by the act. WiIlard HoUl iith all VC25o o00 itJ Fixtures aid Furniture S I Oae Etidnce en Grseii Ctreet, $15,CC0 I Oae Residence en Green 8treet. 15.000 Two Caah Priiee, each t5,C0O V U0,000 TwoCbPrUes( each Ci.OOO 4.0C0 Five Cash Pxtxes,, each' 01,000 4 5 000 Jive. Cash; Priiu;. each" f500 ;; . ; 2.500" 5.000 10 000 1,000 h roo One Fine Piano. i I One Miodsbme HilverTea Set, 100 j I t.i tj . nu T Ttru:i ;' orr 1 -v wi vj iuivon uSK7i 14 400 10 ttaeketa Champse i:si i 350 il,nnJ V ps.. f..a, sin I r. nnn 400 Boxes Fine Wiqis, $30 i : 12.000 00 Boxes Robertrori co., Whisky, 30 6.000 6,ooa 5,000 4U0 iJoxea Uavana Cigars, 10 Five huLdred Cash jPrizes, each $10 . ! AmountiDg to 03CO,S5O. Whole Ticketa $S ; jlialvea $4; Quarters $2. i 'T j I : 1 ' .' Remittances mayW made by Btnk Check, Express, Postal Mousy Order or Registered Mall, j ! ; I I I 1 i Rfvponaible sgents wanted at all peints. For circulars ifivinsr full information and for ticketsi Address I W. C. D. WHIPS. j H Wl I lard illfetel; Louisville.-Ky Feb; a-wltdt ONE! NIGHT ONLY I ' j TUEftDAV, APRIL 5th. MIIsBS' JUVENILES, A Consolidation of MaverlyV Juvenile Opera Company ; New York Opera Company and Milea' Juvenile Pinafore Company, in the Charming Opera I " Chimes of U"ormaoty." 40J.WO.DERf UL CHILDREN 40 i in tbe cait. j 30 FRESH; TRAINED VOICES 30 j ! In tbe chorus. .: ' j POPULAR PRICES. Admission 7fi cents No extra charge for Reserved Bents at Yates' Book Store. Marou 3i dlt ; A NlciE LINE OF PBAHGfS ELEQAOT CARDS Just Received and for aaie at '--!.! : s . j : M y ! ' M EAStER : i i ; I ! i j 1 I ! " i M 1 I J I I . . I I VI tvtrt Greecacoro, Mch 19, 188L No. 2GJ . i i - . SivaVV &; Co !! i I We hare made arrabremsata with, eta ! ef the most eiperierce.d auction buyers cf New York to furnish us from tic;a totica, inch bargains aa he may be able toaeeare at forced tales for ctuX -When the crieeof J! Article it Uen in: this coliian, ittZ UrUhviU value: Therefore read tlla column faslt ih local items next, a4 then if you hare time, the editorials. WE OFFER f TO MERGHANTS SIEN'S WOOL 1 1 j AT 06.00 a G7.60. all! itjo; ! M " I i: CADGI-XCCE, I - a !' AT 012.00 a 315,00 e ir X o 2S en ..1 " 1 v Grtcsihoro, April 4th, l3t: . ' 1 1- :U J -i r 7 .' ; K . ' . - g : ' , " ' ' j , j - . l ! 1 j- . , C 1 - 1 - l -. '- I 4 :- , 1 j ' I " " ji : ' iY 1 i ' ' ' : " Ml :Uf: ,-h.-, h. :.J .... . -: i T,. . 1 . ! " "n.r ! I f 1 II' II U f 1 i till I m ' V'-'i ''ii::---:. - :: . - V.-..I- u' '.' '".f"' :': . j' . Qnnnn.nnnn- . - 1 . - a . . . s : h'j -; ''.:;- -S - ONLY 4 X ? ' . ... ' v' 4! : V; . !I 'IS 1 i 1 . -