, ; ; I i , 1 i; -I- i if' ,. II';.- i ; : r- ii ! . .; i 'i t j I i J I X if j . ... - : , - ..- GREENSBORO, N. G., SATUBDATEYENING APRIL 91 1881. Vol. 2. No. 273' - - ; : 1 . i ;r j ? . j : ! m ' i ! . rl- . 1 : . i, - ; t -.. i!KS'---;. -IPrri. ViV' :!'-;fH yfN' .. . J mi ! 1 The Daily Patriot. Published UUx (except Sandaj) at GREENSBORO, N. C. Oflce on 8onth Elm Rtret. Tfio Urjarnotto Tnul Tbe Daur Ing brilliincy of whoo nocUl reiga at.be Uatjlla (V)! oftbUmcVn. White HoaseU.o well remembered. H HoaiVeSa'rT s It; I now beliered that thU on, althongh only fifteen yeara old at J ; j so mnch jintereat in this com- th-. time of bis death, kid riron minr ' Special indocemente jeffred to regular ftvUcAV! COW! 1 O.rXxxvi tril, of so mnch interest in this c6ra-I the time of his death, had pi re n man j nimonitv, will certainly , be commeoced I eridences of possessing extraordinary in tbe Hasting Coort, Jadge Aikeo pre-1 roenUl power. sidiog, on Mondaj. jit is understood that both sides are fully) prepared and ready ITor th.m lenltentinry. . fur the iAjae. We h.ir tbit mrj&nelorl tv -t ot,r vr-u i-ta ti to snbscriber. in the City at TEN CENTd I l,na hanired mea jh" beea "mmoned connty passed tbron&jTJreensboro fnronk PER WEEK, payable weekly, only to ! rrnm wwon: to Hlect a jnry, including for R.Uoh .harinz!in chartre a notoriens CU.Z1Q9 0! i iiMyiT.ui. uenry ana nail- hnTtlk ftMr n ' n.Tid AtlHn. iax couniies. f j 7e have made axrantiaenta with ono of the most experienced auction bu vera of possessing extraordinary j 4 G. Will. Armfield will bo at hone soon. wTorkMlBmiihiu.m jUe.tQiBi- wait for his grand opening and bay new I inch bargains fcs he cay be able' to escort u aiuuioiajgiToa la taia coicaa, lsvw r ir &2mb fil lain. Tlip.Tvfnro T-- V4JA Beauty, health, and happiness for ladies' I column trt$ tHe local items pext, aa , the carriers by whom served. Prices for SIaiu.no Single copy, tvo cento; one week, Un eenU; two weeks, Mrrmy etnU; thrre weeks, thirty ctU; one month, tkirtf-firtcmU; two months, $rretj cttUt; tore mootbt dollar; six muni ax. tvoaoUan; twelve months, Jourdollart Postage prepsid by the Proprietor. All subscriptions payable in advance. Thk Wkkxly Patriot. Two dollar a year, postage prepaid, with inducement to Club. Hie best and cheapest Journal publUbfd iu tbe Piedmont section of North Carolina, and of universal circuU- tion. Jlailed to city subscribers for two dollant a rar. Tiik Gkkkxsuoko Patriot is the oldest lriiucrktic newp.er in North Carolitm having leen rfttablitbed in 1821, and p ubhohfd coutiDUuuly si''- that time. 1 50 2 OU 3 00 3 00 5 U0 5 00 6 IK) 8 CO KATES OP ADVERTISING. DALLY KDITION. One Square one day,.. ...... ...... $1 CO two dy ,...... tbrto dajs....... ...... four daj s....... : ti ve daM.. ........... . Oua week.............. Two weeks............ Three wek,. One month,......"..... Two months........... Three months, 12 00 Six months,......;.... 20 CO Oneyear.-sv . 22 00 CP Con tract Advertisements taken at proportionately tow rates. Local Notices i cvnta par Jhie. ' fc?rcial Xctices iruu pr tins fur the frst, and l0cui tor m-.h sabdMuent insertion. .No slrerir!-r: irr ?r tUn -JO .,Tn lloei nolid Nonpareil typo make one square. Transient advertisement payable In advance; yearly advertisements quarterly in aavance. tt ' it 4 4 in WINE OF CARDUI." eenvictsd at the preseat;termJof MsDowell court of horsestealing, Ac. IJndge UcKoj snthim'to theState's Prison for 20 years, C I aad Sheriff Nsil will place htm there to- then if you hare time, the editorials. X3eath of SLierlfl Cunnlnfi;ham 1 t At 5 o'clock P U to-lay, James Canoioghsm, Sberiff of G a 1 1 f o r d J day, Atkins is said to be a man of very County, died at his residence in this city. I bad character, audi was thegleader of a His death m not' unexpected, he jhad I regular; bandoff borse-lbleves operating! palniuL c I III '. r 1 I j i- a m t i m ' ..I . urru in nnu dsjn, aud at ,' an early hour murning his condition was No head-ache or back-ache fail ladies whodrink "WINE OF CACDUL i For sale by W CPortet&dI3 - i j- j if! "WINE OF CARDmr' cures irregular, infuL or ditlicult menstru iM oni t 1 pcenmooia for several In Ea-t Tennessee and Western North For saie by W C Porter &f'Co1 V X this Carolina, dining down on the Western re- North Carolina Eailroad yesterday portrd better, but with flight hopes of I Pheriff Neil asked Atkins what he thought recovery. Soon after Vi o'clock to-day about the sentence cf-IIis Honor Jude it ws very apparent that he was McKoy. Oh well,",sayi Atkins "the rapidly pasting away. Mr. Cnnningham Judge isja 4rery c1qy, ' oU fellow, and was elected SherilT on tbe Democratic he gave me the limit of the law 20 years ticket in Nnvembaf last and up to) the but dn him he couldn't add one hour i 1 A." i. : "WINE OF CARDUI" four time- a day makes a happy household, j ; ; For sale by W C Porter & Co. i dato of Mi .'illneH in ado a very elUcient Hud Ui ib Tul cfticer. At this hour we baro'ut the timi to write a more extended and e of more. age. Atkins' is about forty years of MS.- , j notice. The deceased leaves a wife mx children and a very large circ friends to mourn hU Iots, . , "WHiE OF CAnDUrlmakea dieeka and, dearjcymlexiKU. (tt.jh For sale by Vi C .Porter &, Co. i - .. . . I ' i i i ' r" '-n . oyj sr vr t ii 1 ( I, Another Consolidation. At a eonferenoe of the directors of the Cape and held Remember that at ; Samflk : Brown's, U1 Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway opposite the Pdx OiSce and Bank is the' best i!JcJJLail Fayettsville and Florence Hailroto. pace 6 buy fcf;iy that is to b iaori , Mi atFayettville.N. C.t Wednesday, the Uy motto-Iu.,t slyJes-rLowcsvpripes 'l-ilpJ? M it., -n 1 1 ..j t.i..i..i! .'in e -l. ii. i , a . u .i I In. t rut t hnlH.r. rt V. r. V. LI.L L iTHAMi T J . .711 I I 5 r e Cape lar snd Yaakih valley Rail wni nnhti... iv irt V j.I:,." i j, ih,TTii s e.t;.. L.n. .- Compaby.waa iheld.inNthflr town 'of to the amount of SICO.OOO will be iesaedJL. t .ilirt..,. . i ,..jff - Lli-i.'- ;.tltii uvi;.'.; : imti fi.i: a and In thirty days work will begin onhe-L. r r...'. : . i M J J si? ALMANAC FOR GREENSBORO TO-MORROW, ounnsee. ....... 5 32 I morixo Bun aeu 6 31 Moon rises 3: 9a ra lays lecgto.12 hoars ID minutes. AXetoroIocioAl Xlepcrt. .Indications of the thermometer In Greensboro, reported for the Patriot by W. C. Porter, dt Co., to-day. At 8 A. 11.,... , W AI..... 4 P.M..... 42 degrees 47 i't Homo Happonings. 1 An Iron key large size has been left at this office.; The owner can get it by paying for this notico. At the cloe of the Minn tbismonnrp tbd IfniUnl Stales Coutt itdj-jumed ovtr until lloniUr r.ext at 10 a ui. Cape Fear& Yadkiayallej Ttnll- two reads consolidated, the Fayettefille Snd Fair dealinr.,'All.for Cash..!,,.: it ?j rnuf MfjiLf roud. - i " j ' I and Florence. transferring all rights: to the Salesmen J. -T, rrockman, James Ran ..- , ., j Tbftnnai -iinr fiha lchM.i other company, nbjset to the approval of J.'W. Stf J.' C. Brown and a m of tk nlAd Pat w-w i-J.lfU A. J extension of the.Flcrencroad to Florl -w.j where it will oennect with roads ' reventcd. &ftst th'. orariizatlon.: Mr umbla. Charleston an! tha 'whnU Inltn. i a i a K I I B A A fy v . . W SI X. I -1. - j suumureainis ano.ua! report, wnicn "was I -wi- jiuTtuicu we,. re-ul.V !orj4 'Te feportsf thAGen- Pil telegram u -.he Fbrr eral Suprintendebt. Secretary and Treas-j Is la'the main ewrit "The stock h urer, ana oiowr uuisere were also reaa I y VF x cmr u xua.in vaaiey xaii f. ' 'L"?r ir v i II H f r j f - ; 3 He.i i ' . 1 3 uu .ojsia m V,' 'Ml ?tt: CJ h aud adopted.!,;:.. ; roaa company at tneir late meeting unani-1 i i ; ! rl f .:j The following diroctcrs 4'on part of -the mou'y approved the. action of the joint Qf AuVOrtiSGDlGlltSi Siate were announced by Dr'J L Sm road Company at their late meeting unani- to'Col- f 6ktIe.yferaX7 jdesirible? lots 'foi "resi-j oiUf,:i: ! ts ttiuifiilf ft:; 11- j ( south; drorjsr !-iri 1 htP -! H H K' I ana in v1"" vlO W; cur ' r i I ! 1 . ' 'I i 1 1 LJii . : t . Herald i0.5ll?'5AI? ti waera i-VMt in rei iKTrfrr.tr: M V Hi l-: !-rU ' . ... 1 i tb, of conf"nce, and it is understood, that the Alleghany, the State Proxy: Hon C :P "ockoolders ef .the tFaysttsvIlIt ' and MendenhalldGreensVore; Dr W AXash, of FJorenc Hailread will held a meeting at Stokes Co,; W A. Moore. Ut Airy; (Dr J L earl for Pn of taking W. R. MURRAY, j EAST MARKET STREET, Harrell, of Wilkes Co.; and Hon Zdmond Mtloa ln P"mises. It is believed that Lis now receiving a large; land ele- Jones, of Caldwell Co. If. ' ; ; : I After transacting the usual, routine of business, the following officer were eleo ted for the eBinlsg fiscal year :' iThllui .A Gray, Greeasboro, President, and Messrs A A McKetkso, John D Williams' A P nart and E J Lilly, of Fayettsville, Di recters. ! j ; ; The reports ef the different ofScers were very satisfactory, and the meeting througbunt was harmonious. they will, also, unanimously agree to the Unf of Qnrin J arl'!.Q,i nnniAlMitlnn r ihm. t J I . i . ! i gooas, vrnicn lor .beauty, style, General News Notes, j quality (variety and cheapness, Mis. Francis Kerr, aed seventeen, dron- surpasses any former stock that he - . . - . . . . I t. j it. ' i ' J ' r tti pea usad suddenly in tbe cloak room of I nasever.naa uie pleasure oi cxmp the Model School at Bradford, Ont, itimr!, A cordial invitation is ex- TL. J mwt m tm j f i 1 iuiuwij moruiag, -The Tennessee Ta-a 'a - i: U-.vL Legislature aHinnmAil at 1 nVl.V "'u'-u w vj to r Thursday afterneen, having passed all finc j display of Staple .and fancy Altber the adjournment of the itook- necessary laws to previde far the interest dry goods, to Call and examine an holders meeting) tbe Board of Directors cn the State debt. All work in the i ri f jo, i met and re-elected all the old officers "of Fryer Hills mines, Leadville, has been LfitirGIV INGW lOtOCK! suspended, because of a fire that is raging , ! 1 , ' i foriously in the bowels of the earth be- dre goods. white goods, ladies' tween the Little Pittsburg and the Car- skoes and fancy slippers specil- boniferons. -Oq Wedneidav. xrh fi riA mJr?i JA the Company. Our Clmrclien 'l.omorrov. vf .c m'.! t.' L-M in lb Churches ofthiw 'nty to-ui.rroTr a follows: At tb I feIj lenati Cbtirch. at II o'clock A M. a.d 7.15 P , by Rr. J. Heur uitib, Di.. Pi!tor. At St Ane tCarholic), bung the tec- otivl Siii d i if ih Ui.iiith. Mjss will br cvlrUratfd at 11 o'clock. A. M , aud v pTM-r jei will be held a 4 ocKck. I tx . At tbe jmotning service (it being Palm Sunday) tbe bleesidg ef palm wili take place, in memery of our Saviont a triumphant entry into Jerusalem, w,her the multitude strewed palm braucbes bt fore Him, lor which reason the Church on this day blesses and distributes palmi to the faitbf.il.' Rev. Father Moore will official. Seats free. The public are in vited to attend. At tke Methodist Church, Bev. J. B. Ford. DD., of Tennessee will preach at 11 o'clock A M and at 7.15 P M., services will be conducted by Rev. D. K. Brutoa, Paster. At St. Barnabas (Cptseopal Church) Ko service in the morning, At 8 P M., evening Trayer and Sermon, by Rev B B Eotton, DD.! At Baptist Church No services. Hall of Y M C A services will be held in the afternoon at 4.30. The publie are invited to attend. Personal Paracrspht. Sir Julius A. Gra, President qflthe Cape Fear and YaJkiu Valley Railway Co. murted from Fayetteville latt evening. General Johnstone Jones, Adjatant Gn .-ra! c f North Carolina, aud Col. Pa-1 H iUaii c-f Conccrd, wtre i:t tb) city to day. I ' j 'j Col. A B Andrew. Supt. oi the North Cnto'ina Railroad was in the city thi burning straw in a field, near Gaston, N. C, the clothing of Mary Falcon took fire, aud before tho fUnics culd he extinguish ed he was completely roasteit to death! iicdnl City m$. latest styles of hats. i i .f First Class Goods, ii Cheap lor Cash. See and .be convinced, j Greenibbro, N. c! i.pril 7th. tf morning on court.' f ' s return from Wilke Grxilifl Opening if Mi'liuery and Sptiog (f. xi Ou 'edtt-fday 13tUj we expvet to ff r for ale thtt lre eUeuou uf Spii. g Millinery, bought iu prsua by Mrs. Mooie, ill th N'olltirii l Miiibl. .i,i,ai.ti.... . C ;.rit V. If fir-uAnn C.n..:.i.nj.i.t r I . . " b m -r--j--. ... v... ...t .juiiiHcuirunu giM WU.DJ iMivelilrel lji urYf Color ud ihi Ricliuoud &. Danville Railroad pssievi e'yls aud at hm ib liweit; possible prive, hrourh Greensburo Unt Ar-nim Ati M ,tf kcu r naia. Special u rm to waj to.Raitigh. couutiy Mercbkiitrt. My general stuck will le in also, wbicli 1 tb;l ell,! low fur cash or Old Joha Brown's widow is in Washing- good bsrter' and prompt pay ; am haTo ton -kiug a government clerkship' She JZ pAld7lVd r 1 Teal b viot-..uip. ouo new thing added to my 5 cent counter. is a middle-agej. woman, of fair complex- W. S. Moiik ion. tine still : wears mourning.) I Her Greensboro, N. C, April 9, ldl-wlt-dlw Lome is near San Jose, Cal., where she has been living with an unmarried daughter. The latter has been obliged to work on a farm te eke out a scanty living. 1 Mr J, A. Odell. of OJell & Co., and D. Cnrtis & Co., merchants ef this city re turned from his second visit to the North ern markets this morning. He tells us that be baa boaghta magnificent stock of goods for D. Curtis & Co., the retail I None hot experienoed and polite servants establishment; and has added very largely mPl0Jd at NewcombTs Diawg Booms.; to the stock of OJell t Co.: the latter firm - ( r . ' '' sells exclusively at wholesals. Fresh Ojsters, Frtb Shad and Speckled -vJir V:.i. . , A :. Trout reeeived every day at Nsweomb's laoiKw iuu " erta contains wo ieug I Din in" Rooms. i i j obituaries on James Buchanan Johnsten tin AmA In Tl .1 f I r nr. n. lf.w.Y. O-. V tt. w.w v- oiu. iao I T- .-Jt J .1.. ra'ti. .4 f xi ' t. t ' I "oviii BiiruuiuL VVUrk toil iuv XUUJIO was the sen of Harriet Lane Johnson, the generally will fiad it to their advantage to niece of Ex-Prtiident Buchanan, the St meals at Newcomb'a Dining Rooms, j j Calico at 5 cts. per yard at Brown's,' j Straw Hats, expected this week at Browk'8. ! ! ! Cal and sse the new and handsome im provements at Newconb's Dicing Rooms. i j A NICE : FBANG' EASTER II . .-'! ; i 1 ! I J IN OF ELEGANT ft 'I ' it?. TO -Jr !-f- MERCHANTS I; ONLYl '5 ARDS ust Received and for sale at Grecnscoro, Mch 19, 1SS1. " AT ' 1 I v .00 alS7 f I " rJIEW'S ALL moQL CASSI.TIERE, AT a $15 00 esr iD oxen Greensboro; April 4th, 18S1 : hi . I- 'i