, 1 ' I i 1.!' I : ! r ! i . . -Mi ! M 1 ! : n i f ' , " ' ' M .r"t i . i - VoL 2. k . I i ! ' ' , MBBBBlMBBBBBBSr S1 WC MsWsstslsSsMsESBWsWsWsBSBBsWsBSsWB ; .j t ' ..... ' i j , i. w , A I 7 I II 1 i i "Vr T 'III I ; I r . II I r ri I 1 111 '"ril I- l H.U! y w m m m a a - a i v i it . - - r i i : - , ; - B 3 f . I; The Daily' Patriots. ' Published daily (except unday) a GREENSBORO, N. C. OS co on South Elm Street. L T. S dit:r ei Fhjriefcr. Thk Patriot ! served by the Carriers to subscribers in the City at TEN CE?T8 PEK WEEK. payable weekly, only to too carriers by whom served. Pejcxs for Mailing. Single copy, tv tcnto; one week, ten cento; two week, twenty cento; tbrte weeks, tkirty cento; one month, th.iriy-f.tt cent; two month, tettnty three months, am dolUr; six month, Ik dollars; twelve month, four dollar. Postage prepaid by the Proprietor. . All abcriptioo8 payable in advance. Tiik Wkeklt Patriot. Two dollars a year. poAtae prepaid, with induomeats nu "r:1 r" Korth CArolina, and ot oniTerssl cirovla - tion. Mailed to city subscribers far two dollars a yar. Tiik Grkexsboro Patriot Is the oldest . Democratic newspaper in North Carolina having ltrn established in Itfil aud published coutionously fcir- that time. . KATES OF ADVERTISING. daily kpition. Ono iriAro onu ...... ...... $1 CO tO Cl.iJ- thrtfo itav a....... ...... I Jfy ' a (xi f.ur )u....... ....... 4 t II tt I f Dun wt-ek, ...... ...r Twu wi'cktt,....... Ttir3 wefk Oot moutb, ...... ... Two mouth TUrre mouths....... Mx uiouthi, ...... ... One year, ........... 'J 00 - ; 50 6 CU 8 00 12 00 '..O t'O J2 00 CyCootruct Adverriitomeats taken at proportionately low rates. ..Local Notions 26 crtits pr ttae. FicisJ Notice l.Vrnts pr Hoe for the Grit, and lUceuts for e"h subrqueot iurtion. No advert! teiueui charged tor Iss than 10 )ITLG7i4rrt ou pafell tj potnake one square. Transient advertisements payable hi advauoe ; yearly advertisemsnts quarterly la advance. XlUkHKt f OR GREENSBORO TO-iJORRO W. 8an rises S 32 MORHtNO an sets.... ....6 31 lfeea risM -3: 9a ro Days length li hoars S3 micalcs. Uaievoroloirlosvl Jtepcrt Indications of the thermometer in Greensboro, reported for . the Patriot by W. C. Porter, A Co., to-day. At 8 A.M., .CG ieirrMm 12 U 4 P. II.... Grt Home Happenings. Bcsisess booming. Bead the ailvertijjenu. To-day week : Easier Mondsy. Who will be bberiff of Gollford Coon ty t Do not believe all yoa hear, nor tell mil you beliere. The sweetest thiug in Easter houners irill be a pretty face. Don't forget the opertag of Enterprise Warrbome to-morrow. t-Several cemmspicationt ate aecsss axily omitted thlt.avaing.W!f Lm.Tia't f&tl Va ii " Y, A A Afun. ; - . 1 Stgials of Leaf Tobacco, at. EnUrprise Warshotse m thii l.city to-morrow. 1 .1 ? Coronor J. w. Aiwight is atprssent acting as Shsriir.f p.iifrd oeouty, owing i W m.-m- m.-. at , , - . . Ti - - 4 - I Mr. G. WBl ArmSeid re'tnra's.1 :Vmm the Northern mar keu this monbr. Judge ivrj and hi. wife .pent yea- i. . . . .1 tsrdsy in Greensboro, aad left this morn- inrfornnisboro. . v . l a : some aeaiu oi id. late jacumosni, ana prosecutea wiiQ rnewea,Yi;ox; cnu. pldted.ln'EuTdpeandLbteHcarIt . win ae eontinair until ths rtgoiataeetbg; enthusiaimlj ji l8 possible1 for ODy'tcJshef iritthe" of theCosnty Commiasioner8,.cnthe, lti Teaching is not; only a ecience, Statefto'Atte'ncrthe:co-ibb session I Monday in May nsxt. ' k but aa uU. The; normal Bchool. will nf ff The progrsmme of the exereise. to be organixation and diicipline, noth lisld at the next Friday night mteting is of instruction, ( the relation of asiouows: ungmai isayas r McN.il; Oath, aflrmstive, Xfsssrs J HaUhsr and II M Alford. Oo the negative, Mesa is I t h M DauUp and Gee 11 Bulla. I .rvcru ciihKiwm if uuupio j xc uio, i Ortll IO TOQai mUSlO ; Special in 1 ? xy me aaviee oi me Query hleh affords tht greater field I MtmctiOQ for advanced Student r a I Bod ef Commissionsr. fox; eloquence, the pulpit or the bar T feriro of lectcres on the.geologV of I notice is hereby given, that Funsral f3ervIceof IciiuesCOxui valnchsmi . 4t j - . - I- The faneral serVjeet of Mr. J. C Can niDgbam, the Sheriff of Gailford County, were held this monjiog in the Presbyterian Charoh in this city, by the Pastor, Eer. J. Henry Smith, DjD. lfr. Cunnioghaa died last Satarday afternoon at 5 o'slock, ng for, a week or more from yy.UU. j ' ' At a few minutes past 11 o'clock this mornisf the remains were brought into the Church ; the following gentlemen act- leg at pall bearers : lier. w B Farrar, JnoA B&ritiJrfer. 1 Jot M Xforebtad. 'j N Nelson. Cee H Gregory, J W Scott, 8 liilehell and W J t , Blackburn. ) of the to pay kd. ry ap- Alare rumber of the citizens i ... town and eonnty were assembled to I the last tribute to the respected dead. Dr. Smith made a short bat very a p- propruta Uddres.i ne Pokt of tba 1 great lots the community and the ennfe I ht snaUined in the death ol the deceased He felt the' loss of personal friend, khe thechurch Would feel tho loss ot a wor by v... X'l c.vV..u u.ui luc lu ucr( ua ui yumu ovuwi vt su wculd mis cheerful helper, the bust nrsi circle an enterprising citiren, the city Comrnxfltiocers n valuable eowuiker I and the county at large, the great lo6 bf a most excAjtan t cfilser. n coaiiuetidtd, in tesntffot term'i, thesfilictcd familyl to . i , . , i . ths cars arid prwtecticn of an alwie and I rraclon Providence. Afcor the services I in ths church were concluded the remains nre removed to the cemetery neaxby .'it i ' i j aud Interred . The deceased was a native of this conn tv son .of the. late Col. John M. Can S ft n I nioham, hervas bora on ths 14th day of October, 1841, and! at the time ot his datb was injbis 37tb year, die received Clerk to lisjr Jas. Holmes, eemmandant at Greensboro. After the war Ur. Con - I olsgham esgagsd in aericu tural pur- I suits, and continued in this brAeh of in. d us try for several years. In llay 1863 he was cnarrisd te Hits' Jones of Pittsylvaaia Cenoty, Vaja graadaoghter of the late cpt. John Kesn.l 3 . Ij la 1871 Hri Cndnlagham told tho fan en which he lire and roaoved to Grasnt- bora to i.gag. 1. 1 m.handlxing. it; was a larg. cootrictor with the BicLond & DaaviUs Bailroad Co. For four year. u u .v1 , be hat served the el tv of Greensboro as I Commissione , ' i ; r ii i. , l isioner. Last fall he was -lectad shsriffolthi.couotybyaflatt.ringTote. wn ca position pa. r.iniied aii tbe expectations ,f his political friend, a.d ha, given nut versa! I satisfaction by hi. .trictinugrity.iadustry and the prompt attention te his deties. That ho was re- pected by alj classes wa. hown by the large and varied assembly that gathered about his grave: the ftich and the poor, white asd black, those in high walks of l:fe and tbosti of hnmller psths all gath- crrd to do Looor to the memory of James C. Cnuiiinrbra. The sympathies of the entire county are with'tke afflicted family. i i: it 1 1 University YNormal SchooL The following is the announce meot forlSSLhjeii yre arereqaes ,xne fsceuj-acuou. or nej uener l ... l u..Mki. .n..J.i. . I 4"4 ?yuV waii- jjiniy-ji -v.s-u Uutvertity ;2formaV8chool has 1 1- fet-u 9A,ihe,publio mind of the State. The eatsrpme willtaccqringly ;be riorrnore Be,s-uereioiore, unaer .. '.I I . , . .. I f h ehrrA f tr i n rAf b . V. a I b ..a.mvik., uv7i " years have mads methods a study, and bava Irad large practi- U 1 , ofTr.,H'"JK' ni Tse scneme of instrnction will I AK;:rrrV - J.rrt X ii ft l F c oa for. students, includiqg daily recita- tt.osand lectures; dally lectures bf fora the who la sehool. an r.shnl tencher, parent and child, stc.;dai- North Carolina, by Professor Kerr, bet State Geologist ; r lectures by I UlattUgUlSUed educators and Spec I n. jiltinfil fdnnif nn anrt frr a I m w.a m. I nlon n nil HI! LM HUII1I unn k ' KihJ , student at llnity College, in thit state, commatation tickeUl the railroad Pih ,Vwn-l7aUTO?ys ClTe VfOTT jLUe cuatatiou Uck-1 1 ! w u i a l a i "t i a r. i M.-tAMt) je n a " ' Hi 1 ii miii i mn swsa i n ialists of orth Carunii'atjd other States. Y'"' In order that the iachers of the State may see :n- pricticalJ bpera- tion a primary schopbrgantred and cond acted. accord ibn tf the1 'most approved methods, uch -a tchool1 composed oi cnnurei, iroa jasper Hill and its vicinity .mll'ba organ- ized and conducted V a teacher : of experience in the pllz coolaof j A" distinguished 'tr CI ClocaJ tion and reading wil i .iva practical j instruction in their C Loth td the? 8 entire school aad to: ;&aced class es. The faculty of aoi'Universityi will co-operate cordUlj. by occa-1 8ional lectures a cm oihertvise, Mn lorthering the icrests oftht school. ;;V " The Teachers1 icsociatioD of ih North Caroliua wtjhcld a regular d mtetiog during-'tb zesioa,1 i : r mf. t i xtr , mi ; The school will -V .a" on Thurs- day, the 16th of.&i.o next, . and will contiuue sir wt . Ic will be and laboratories. llere will be no choree for tuition, dormitories in the Uinverstty bQUiugs will bo free to male studeui' who however. most furnish rheirowti bedding; Table board cm bewd m private families at the rat (3 tt ten dollars per mouth. Arraugushts'for mes- siugJa Ca cbeaperuate will be provided., lClli(iC lor cooking will be iiilbrdetl 'io:3! bringing thelr.uten8ils Las year jsome of the normal stodeutCuvfed 'comfort ably in this way; &Cout dollars to I'llite dollars per mtb. Halt fare, 1U 80m- C3 less, will De granteu uy mo Hlrou.a Oumna I etS mnst be obtaVed ffOm the 1 agents of each road traveled 1 over. I lQO ticket agent at besUtlOD.ana I not the conductor orithn trnin. has authority to issue he SO tickets, It it hoped that the railrcad trill tQD t0 Chapel Hill b tho opaning oftbeechool. It nolpropcr direo- tions Will be given. rcilitiC3 will 1)6 fivQ -bottOXl OT pSTChiZ fh b0 " ' JCd' Lrfthi pL? ?L "L . 2 j Uo110 fand. supplemented fir the Board -.t1. .? . . .7.; OI -uucauon, pecuniry am win oe I ian r. It kia pay their own expenLt. ! Applications for pouring pecu- niary aid should be c de on or be- fore Jane Ut nexti0 President Battle, at Chapel Hilwho will lay them before the boar). If the a- mount applied for dok not exceed the fund at thei diiosal of the board.all traveling exjenses will be paid, so as to place t 3se at a dis- tauce on an equal ooting with those near at hand. Applications should'be aCCOmpanid DV cerlifl- Cates from O Judge, iiUhairman of fht Knftrnnt I ifintirc l ynmiiiuinnor a-aajienor uourt uien: or amem- br-r of the legislatuk -vouching for the good character!) I the appli cant and' his inabilitito 'jay bis own elpenses; Incobclnklon thollard nf "Rrl- ocation assure i the tellers of thy . . . atatetuftt tne normal school '' 'will IDiiy responap-tne I idreasing' de nmand for better educa onl 'lt'wfll exetapHfy bVUdeory tirr ptsdlce" the best method of Intruction-ciiiJ w" exceeding five dollars. Patriotism . . . 1 ...i ana B el I'l tele S t BIIKO CSll 0D0U ui. ahow their appredatidi. both' of lll8lr ' own .prolesaion ttnd Or tne t-f tK RHufJm.nr i nMjnaB-Ul8 DWWiqc behalf ofedacatioo. ' " . rrr ... .. , - -I i iJptfiat Gity llji. I ! i TO THK ClTIZLM OF OCtOKl COUK- i i attorneys of the I ! I of Gulibrd County, thj vacaccj in hs cfice of Sheriff of oor Conaw.caased by the death of J. C. CannicjUai, will bo filled by the Beard of Comnussionsrt at thfem?thgion tbsfrst ,Monday l Drif B.A. j Cheek havUg decjiq to ooalifv and el ve bond as Coroner,, that of fice will he filled at the same meetpg. ' ii ! r J I WILL. IL,8T WEE, ..'iii ii ! Cleric Board of Coviviutioert. i . w ' St GrensborN C, April 11, 1681. dwtd Grand Opening of lliUinery and 8prluj Goods. pa Wednesday 13tb( wo expsct to great .many Zveltiea ' ia ; new colors and styJes and at.fron ths lowest possible price, to $15 each for, bits. 8pecial terms' to eounti'T ilerehants4. Mr general stock will bo in also, which I shall sell, low !&r cash or good bsrtsr and prompt . pay ; tome baro net yet paid Please dp so. A great many new things added to my.o cent counter. GrseDshoro, N. C, April 9, 1635-wlt-dlw j-. . W . l ; - : ! r . " - -"!. 1 Li Call and see ths new and handsome i Ci pro veaents at KiWoomh'e Diuing Roems. None but experienced and pollle servant) employed at XsTcweomb's Dining Jioomsrj Freh Oysters, Freeh iiLjtd und Speskled Trout received every day atf Ksweomb't Diuiug Koorss. . ) ! ' ' fi Mi' t--"V -. i,,-. - - mi ' i ' ;1 Hpecial indnoemeniH bnvrd toregnlar boarders, at Newcomb's! Diuinff'jiEooms, 9WYe Square. j . jJj.,- ;, , - JJeauty, health, and hh i jXqgzdiee-, iiiimir Aanmti'tl p.- . ' i iwT- ' - J No "head-ache or bac-c1i5? ladies ' ! woo juiu& " romcur y uu- in. ! ar tab bjWCPjtHsztifo.l, (Wi:JE OF CARDU1" four time a day makes a happy, household, j For tale by.W C Porter & Cm, "Vir.'E OF CARDC! " makes jresy cheeks and clear complexions. For sale by W O Porter A Co. Bsmember that at Samplk Brows's, epposlu tho Post OfSce and Bank It the beet place to bay anytXing that ; is to be worn. Ely motto Latest styles Lowest price and Fair dealing. All for Cash. i Salesmen JL. Brockman, James Rank in. J. W. Stafford. J. C. Brown and W. D. Brown. Respectfully 1 1 ! i BAMFUC D. HRQWN. Tnlnnble City Property flnle. Several desirable lots for for reai- deuces or j stores . can be bought at low figures by addressing Lock Box! jMH," Greensboro, N. C., or applying to the edi tor of the Patriot, at this office. Greens boro is improving; now it; the time' to in vest in real estate. I I Mch 11-tf. New Advortisemonts. L 1 1 " ELECTIOIY" NOTICE, f A WELECTldtf 'WlLLjtiE 'HELD AT J, the Mayor's office in the City ot Greens boro, eta liondsy tbe3ud dsy of Mar 1881. under rthe previsions t the. City Charter, upen' tne' question of extending the' City 1 l!t.enk fos'ttli of a mils each way.1 J 7 4 i ! Thole ' wEV 'favor) extension, -will vote'a h printed r or vfHtt'd ;lbU.oJ i " f?P',i-i' TVTOTICE J8 H EBJSBY GIVEN TOITHE i JLl TPterti residing VmWde theoforatt limits bat embricedl'utn bounds intended to botsktn In f tEitfollt will i ha opened. at the CottrtUohit4ai.Gre.ipjtKro.ion hm Jud day of Hay, 1831,4that.Jther mayaye . aa Oppoiluniiy (O eJiprvM wiiriuueaM on said extension, xnossaesiringui oe em brseed ia the " corporate ' limits ' will vots a vrrittsa .' or printed !baUot-f' ,ExtensipB,?V thosa oppostd, a written or printed hallot " Ka Extension." VYlPY' JV'"' "t ; J."A.Prltchett in& Vt, PjHoghes nave been- appointed poll' holders for the 'County. -1 ; J. W ALBRIGHT. Coronerl April 11, lSdl-dwUl. j oner for, t si tnat iarga t$ieuon. ox upnng Illlllnerv, ht In person bj.lirt.' lioore, in the uortrit Uarkets, consistlns ' of a I i i j .i xnpse wno vppose We exieqiivu ,nui th m 'printsa or wrntsn hairot'. 4iN Extnsioh. P 4 J.i i'CTODSONUayor ' ApnUli;183r-wtds in u:Aii. i-it of tho "mott Vxeriettced' aaetion btiyen bi "kew York to furnisi ha frok timejtotlfd tuch bsrgiina tjsjjie feiy ,h sjbtowaJj V.. . . . L - in u ii Ai i iorcea sea.wr WA en uJt"c?4J an article is given in this' column, itcwt; he far Utow ito ''Mksor;.tBU- then if yon have 'time, tho edit srbh. I I i t 1 1 1 tro r I.. MERCHANTS! T T"?TVT5C!l linTa tVT I T3f A JfilPl - 1 . . . . ; . 'tft ;n a a a f f i LJJLalu'tS 'AL-Ls-. u j.o ir 1 1 i !t .- -N '4 if t i I:: or I O' 5S O Ti 1 -! I ..... I Gretnshore,Apni 4in 1681. ntY i n 03 j I nVi I '" ' ' - I ' ...-v ' . ... . t . .- -r? ' j x ' ' III . ' f., . Jr. '" . . ! - I - " fit: I . ' fT a I- I : i , ! f S . . : - , r.- , . l If I Ml J U U LJUU UUUU- t . i I i " I; .a .!... . t I I . I 1 ; . ! - . I : . i : r;'. 1 .- . '". "-J-i 4) . I -'!! ' I i 1 . - l l ; : . ! i i T t j - " ; ' i ' I ' . I- I f I i i. . . , . . i ' r

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