. J . i 'I ' ' ' . f f - ' f 1 ," ' ' " -' : i- ' ! ? ' ' i. f j r I I -j : - i I j i ! - ! - -I - j f -f f J : I i; . ; psv- n.V,:' - !.f . j- I 1. U.V ;. A.cn- !' t : i i J ' X ( - i -j 1 - . a - -i , - I , l-i VoL 2. GREENSBORO, ! N i"o. 27G . !0:, WEDNESDAY EVENING; APRIL 13, 1881. - I V The Daily Patriot. GRTEKSBOIIO, N. C. ' Oflee on Booth Eln.8trt, Tra Txtxiot Li Mrrtd bj the Cnlcn 1a nWribtn la thi-Citr at TEIT CEirHJ PES TTZZZ. pajfrU wwily, alj to Peicxs ros Uailiko. Clc-1 c4pj, tmtntf ttnlt; t.t wela tXSrty etzU; C3atbf tXirtf-jirt cenU; tw ntathi, MUf.'thrM cstatba, tlx nctlo, .lv62Zars;..tvtlTa .noatii, ftvriilUrt. aft ft roia prapaia aj ifit rropniwr. AH aabcrlptios.a pajabla la ad tax ecu Tu WarxLT Patriot Two dollar a Year, poitagt prepaid, with i&dooeceata V Claba. Tha bait and eheapeat Jonrnal Tablitha4 "ta tha Pltdnont aactioa ef Korth Carolina, aad of cnlTtrtal elroala tlon. lialjed to dty tabaonbars for two Aollara a jear. Thx QxxzaaBOJto Patsxot is tha oldest Denocratla &awipavr ia North Carolina having bea esUblUhed in 1831. and published contianooaly ainra that time. RATES Of ADVERTISING. daily xvmon. One 8qoAra one day,... .... $1 00 two days,.. 1 50 M t M i thrta days,. ........... four days... ........... fire days....... ....... Ooe wnIc, . 3 00 3 Ui 3 00 3 W 5 00 6 CO 6 00 u it Two weeks,.. Three weeks,. .... Ona month, ...... M Aa f V v w wt va Mafteee eeet t w w Three months......... 12 00 aiz months, 0 00 One year, S3 CO 8 00 taTContraot Advertisements taken at proportionately low rata. Local Notices 25 otnts per Ess. ' 8pclal Notices l?ents pr line for ihf Crst, and 10 cents far t&eh sabtsqsent iaiertva. Hats." - , . . . " . . Tea linea solid Nonpareil type make one aqnare. Transient adrertiaaaenta payable In adranoe ; yearly adrertLseraents quarterly ia aaTanee. ALMANAC FOR 6REEHSE3R3 TO-UORRD'iY. finnriaea........S 37 I morxixo Ban seta ...6 33 Uoon rises i8p a iays lengin ia uoora 10 minutoa. JkXeteoroloc?lcl Import. Indications of the thermometer in Greensboro, reported for the Patriot by W. C. Porter, dt Co., to-day. At 8 A. H, . . ....63 iegreee 12 II 4 P. XI.,... e ....70 6 . Home Happenings. Hypocrites are now called oleomarga rine Christians. The enereisfnl opening of Enterprise Tobacco Warehouse, in this city .hi been the subject of much favorable comnoat. To-morrow Is Holy Tbnrsdsy, which s the annlTersary of the day on which tb aaceosion ef our Saviour is commemorated, tea days before Whitsuntide. Rumor has it that a gentleman ofsufS dent cspltal will soon erect anothsr ware home ia Greensboro, for the sale of Leaf Tobacco. Go on with the good work. Wo hare been shown a pretty speci men of leaf tobacco whieh was said at the Enterprise warehouse, to-day It was ralssdly iir. J.C. Casipbell of Gall ford county, and sold at a high prise. The Lexington Manufacturing Com pany will open a large warehouse for , the aale of leat tobacco in that thriving town, ca Friday next; . Deat forget that -Soaday next la Eaa tr sad by.' all aeaae prepare acntthlag ier the little lolka : the Easter Egg, a hanisesse Chresao, or eeaea appropriate book. The laitsr yoa eaa fiad at ear friend TstVa Bock Btera. He haa a splendid as .rsrtaeat ef Wantlral ehretnae. Go aad aee Cheaj aa4 be sara ja Hy. Tha aalea ef tobaeeo at the Enterprise TTareheaaa to-day were largely attended. qsaatlty cX tobaeeo was aold, and prices Tanged high notwithstanding tha fact that all gradea of tobacco are compara tively low, Mr. David Seott was the auo- tloneer and rixbt well did ho' perform his duty, Exrrybodj: wiibet tbo JfUrpru tneceat, lid it will attain it ' r-CcI. V7.C Can p, with his prnlicant show will jso in Greensboro early in' the PaUi IIlj elrcua iraTa two "xiIllt!c- ia the ! city lxte lut tsaaon aa a Tsry faybrahla impression Col. Ciap was atdae tfjao connected with the Prerj. Bsxnsn. 1M beaa. an EIUr) Rohiaaon. we bsllora, fcxs baia aa ' Edltcr. It eppesA that tW propria ten of allj tha promises! ; tkorairaTa, be eeascftfii with thi j.'ji . ioot capielty, Ccaa nontheas wa aaka4 CoJ. Coop wh44 itora . tasd eaoh eaeoeaafal ahewmsa f Bay the Ttkej are ao c4 at turning aomeTtaalu.,' Chssp Hiktaewior OsUm. It will be sees from the followbztslcraa that parties dsslriog to witness the interest ing Raster Scrrio at 8alcm, ea Bonday Beat, eaa Ig's and retara from tile poLst for ene first elasa fare I Rippf oxdJ Va ipril 13th, 1631. Ed. Pitxiot: Please glre aotlse that the Greensboro Agsnt will sell tickets on 8stor dsy, P. U., the 16th, to Salem and retain far ene first elssa fare, good until ilenday tha 18th ef April, j W. U. GREEN, Bsp't. f Jk.noth.mrJTir at IUcH Xoln t. : ill It Our neighboring town, High Point, was visited by another fire yesterday af ternoon. 'About !4 o'clock a building, used as a residence, and the dry house belonging to Mr, S. Perry's spoke and handle factory were destroyed. Both buildingsjwerethe property of Mr. Perry. The fire was accidental; loss estimated at $1,000. No insurance. ! II List or. 1 Lkttxrs remain In r in the Poat-oCct at Greensboro. 21 C April 13. . i , 18SL r, .-1.1 I U vr,:,'r bcth BrooicSjDan CarT,NormanCarl, Mrs. litnnie Cook, Louise Dl Edwards, John E. Field, jMaiy !Ai Green, Henry How ard, Catherine Johnson, Samuel McDon ald, Nits J Jennie jMast, OtU. Salzman, Thoi. Yail, Mary C Woody, Miss Lbu. Wood, Elira Worth, j Persons calling for any of the above lettera, will please say they are advertis ed aad give date ef list. . I 'J. D. Whits. P. U. flew Garden Temperance Go- clety. j I This soolsty met at New Gardes, April 3d, and , reorganized "by. electing' 8J W. Ii. emllhjprtsldent: aid j. J. Cox, fieo retary, pro tern. Capt. J. 8: Ragsdale, Rev iir. Edwards ' and lire. Sarah Godard of Halne, addressed the meeting upon! the great sobjeet of Prohibition. Mr. F. 8. Blair of Summer field High School, . also made a very interesting epeech. Hejre ferredto some pointa made by Capt JUgs dale, especially the one advising yoang iadiee tojjdemand jthe tame high moral standard of'the young meD, aa the young men require o mem, ana 10 irown aqwn drinking intoxicating liquors in every form. !.. A resolution was adopted, appointln committee j to suggest, names of suitable ierione for officers daring the ensuing year. J E Cox, A G Eirkman, A Brad haw, Levjn Stack, Mrs J E Cartland, lira J W, Brown, lira Dr Ector and lire Gideon Coxj were named aa the Committee. The Society will meet on the 1st Sab bath in ea'c month' at Kew Garden. ; ( Hr. Albert Peele jwaa appointed a dele. rate to the State Prohibition Convention, to bo tela In Kaielgh on the vth day or April, hi j After the transaction of some other!. matte re ot minor importance the meeting adjonrned. j . 1 j ! Cel T. C.palUrcf Ealelsh U la, the ejty. . ' Ur XT2 XT. Falli ef Tjrh'zi la Tliiili g iafis5l,f Col! ,Cipbs. .. ..'. I & PJX Ctr? I-h, citlxriaa cf tie ZrVr U. wtan ci taa 1'caiuauary . . . r. .. - i Frcm thei banvpe..Vc trs fct phjsdaa cf NcrCi Cfrcllr, is a vrUtes la the Dejarnetts case. . . . i The Baltimore St of Satarday last, says LThe jwidcTr.'cjf thelatc en 3tcae wall Jackson and her daughter called XrA-emnl T " " 1 1 plaa at the city hall ' Saturday 2nd paid their respects to waycr Latrcpe." rornn ; Senators Vocrhets ;.nd HQ shortly will be presented with rold-headid canes by the yrithens- of Petrrsbu'rgi Xs.,' in those gentlemen to while ifahcie. Eurene Gruioixi, S:'ps'intend:hV cf-the Asylum for the Insane ,i llilir . Is .a witness la the Dejarce t? caw tow' rtiaj on in that dry. Dr.Grislora hisa'&xticsal repuUtion. . Papers re.J by "him pslpre medical coaventtons. in difTrent partscf the unloa, and his". cciAroversy .witix tJn Hammond of New, YprV: put htp la , the IXOnt ranrs oi fcicniir:c men. i ncumc onlv man in the South ,who baa been ienoretd by an honorxr,;membenlilp . Qf - ..'.. . . . I ... 'Ml.. dents oi tne insane.,. ... i. ii IT0T70 in North Carolina. The Annual Convention of the Protes tant Episcopal Church, in tnts1 State wiU be held at Christ Chufch, in Raleigh, on Wednesday; the lEth of May. - From the Wilmington Star, we learn that the Rev. Dr. Thos. H. Pritchardhas no idea of accepting the very flattering ! call extended to him recently to "become the Pastor of the First Baptist cHureh '. of Savanah, Ga. Dr. Pritchard, as Presi dent of Wake Forest College,' is doing a very important and certainly very useful work, i - rTHn1 rWn f rira. ; C. Ci Cor: 1 1, will exhibit on Wednesday, Thursdsy' Fri-ayr-nl Citr; day cf this week, tr - I -rsa-iiana soisest 8tock of If ;r Lrauht to and see iu : 4 :. Greensboro, N.C.,A)rir 12, 1831- wlU2t ' , ' . i. I : t . i . . . i i Easter Z2irirt'-T7. C. Porter & Co., of thia aitv have ia stock a alee lot ef Peae Easter egg dyee : oaly 5 cents a paper. Go and get a supply before it is too, lite. Greensboro, April 12, 1881; d2t. , To m CTTizxjrsror Utjiutoxd Coux TT : By the adrice ef the AtUrneya of the . . . ... . : . Board ef Commissiunsrs of Gallfbrd County, notice is hereby given, that the vacancy in thaeQee of Sheriff of oor County, caused by the death of J. C. ' Cunningham, will be filled by the .Board, of Commissioners at thsir meeting on the first Monday in May next. " .; . ; Dr. B. A Cheek having declined to qnalify and give bond ae Coroner, that of flea will be filled at the tame meeting. -' ; WILL. U. STEINEB, I j Citric Board of Commissioners. Greensboro, N. C, April 11, 1681. dwtd Grand Opening of Millinery and Spring Goods. On Wednesday 13th, we expect to offer for sale that large selection of Spring Millinery, bought in person by Mrs. Moore, in the Northern Markets, consisting- of a great many Novelties in new colors and styles and at.from the lowest possible price, to $15 each for hats. Special terms to eoantry Merchants. My general- stock will be in also, which I shall sell, low for cash or good barter! and prompt pay ; some have not yet paid Please do to. A 'great many new things added to my 5 cent counter. 1 A W. 8. Moore. Grecnsbcro;K. C., April 9, 1831-wlt-dlw Call and see the nsw and handsome im provements at Newcomb's Dining Rooms. . None bat experieneed and. polite servants emnloyed at Newcomb's Dining Reams. . Fresh Oystere, Fresh Shad andUoeskled Trout reeelved every day at Ifeweemb's Diaiag loome. 8pecUl iadnesseata 'e?red .o realar beard pre, i Jit 2reweom'a . pining .-eoxaa, wears aiepse itaro. H , - Hasty, health, and lisppines for ladles r -- . . .... , r Ha hsc cr back-ct: fcx Xia SBSBBBBBBBSJSSBBSSBlBSaBSBBSaWPSSBSSSSSSS; i Tex aala by W C PcxUr l Co. ' . 1 1 - , .- - - . " v - I . r Y.T Or CAnDUl " enree Irrtgnlagj rainfoi, or dilicoit penatniatlc . 'j , Per aaU by W C Porter & Co. f 1 "ytM 0F CAnDUl M four tinea a day ' makes a happy household, f " 1 tor tale by 7 C Porter &Ce.V : ? . " )1 . ii i - o re.t h: a " e? i rt!r ceiJiag. .fax ttt uas a f rtvi,',. Erspettfilly 1 rzIS-rrrCmril .desirfhls.,laU,.f?r . rtjir dsstts or ileree t can be boht aVletr ,Gmst5eror.ll. c,r cr trljxi to t?.s eiir ter of the PatxIot, at thu l-ce.' Grceas boroiaiaprovisg; aew is t!ie tl:a U in vest ia real estate, v U-tL Jer t J r JtieT7 JSJLECTlOtf HOTICE. AH ELECTION WILL J3E HELD AT; XX the Major's eQse In the City ef Greens boro, oa Monday the Sad day cf May 1E31. coder the previsions of the City Charter, open the qeeetloa ef extending the City limits ene to art a. ox a mile eacn way. ,, , Those who favor extension. Will vote a K'nted or written ballot, 4 Extension." ose who oppose tke extension will vote a printed or written ballot, " N Extension' ' ' fi. C. DOD"ON. IT.Tor. I -April Hi 1631-dwtd. , j ..j .,. , TVTOTICE IS HEREBY G1YEIT TO "THE ll votere reaidlng outside the Corporate limits bat embraced ia the bounds intended to be taken in; that polls will be opened at the Court House in Greensboro on the 2nd day of May, 1681, that they I may have an crraortCiltr tjr express 'i thsir sentiments cn said extessi jn. These desiring to be era- Iras;! Ia the trrporale limits will vote a trntt.j cr. rrintsJDallot-r-X-xtssr'.sn':. Ubrit oyrof d. a written, or print r l.btllot Ne Extension." f :.fy. rf'-.Xf j J. A. Pritchett and W. P. , Hughes hare been appointed poll holders for the County. j. v. a LiiitUKiU. i y uoroner April 11, 1831 dwtd, -wv s:'hoobb ' ' ' GREENSBORO. N.'C. ' f Dealer In General Merchandise,' i. 1 ', J I- Milinerv. Conn try tj rod ace. Raw Furs dec. Oreans and Pianos. This elegant Organ only f65 and freight, 6 ft C inches high, ten stops and Grand Organ Swell. Good Pianos from $150 To $200. j Circulare free. tOar Spring Goods will be in 10th of April. i i :t. Greensboro, Men ztHiwtr s I- ! WHITMAN I - ! Hi- - i OOUBLE ,GHOVuiL W. H; WAKEFiELD & Op Yoii uill SiVe Mcnsj JiV sd Sdlnr .w..- .-.- . . .i ..(-'4 Jut reetivad by 11 I MEFIELO fi CO, Greensboro, April 5, 88 tl;a t try tx-XLsy 'tijau' t 'la Uiro. iiavertisemento i 4 I ".. 1 r ... 1 M I i i fsrfSM,rsMsMaswMwse jtJutTt aid Jtrrrrirstata t vrith jtrT ef tha ne:t erptrlcz,t:i axsUca baycracl Caw TcrS: ta frnlaS ta fexl tlza ia UrJ it -if.r'rio! fjiT3,St?Jil,"jiib; titl Xf - I ;- : ! ' r i- ll . j i i iz.y.'y Il.bnbiMi'I! n bi:n sal. ti bd lull k! or tUuzi' rior .iyiI.o Ltit kudsfol jniin Sole ipfs to a Mil 4: Y-5 For thio IVfarixot iaartislala circa la tl1 cal-3;i. t3 r- w a sbsmv x - - ea - er t tl . -'! :-'-i"---. ; "r M-' V'T'I w TPrTn StititiIt nf nil fliVo '.r L MM. -f'J f t - f Ik- ... "W33 rTATVTE ;.r1 I; i t A SPLENDID LINE OF Beautiful Assortment '- 4 I i 4 .u 1 I 1 1 OP t; "A '1 Jl, ... Gratasbore, AprU IStn, xwJ ' v i 1 Bpool o 5O0 Yards. .! r ; f i ' : ' I " 1 -i- h :"- -Iv:.-"' of I 1 0 . - - J- ! I ! i