til U W VI 1 1 l . . . , . j '--,.'- i 1 I - ; J . ' - . ,, J .. v. V. t ...... ... . 1 " ; !. 3 j . . I - - -i -... ; ........ . .... ; ( ' I f ' . ;?-- ?! - ;-, . ; -hi"i; i GREENSBOEO, N. C:, WEDNESDAY APRIL 27, 1881. Established in 1821. lit 1 i : ...: . :,,.M -..a :,- i : f New Series No. 677 I t lUCIO WKXSLT 4T ' OHKENSnOUO, N. O. OSc os Fob tii Eta Su v . - k..4t tirriian : St - iTBtnTiaitiijimDBocratic jl'wYjl InoTno.i nO 6 o I jr. 1 u -t - S " 4 - I - -J Ml. - ii'ii rvv tt fin 1 10 00 115X0 4.0C d.00 10.OC C.0C I4.0U 12.00, 00 30.00 3C.00 3.00 4 00 12X0 1V0O a oc ii.oo aoi' 4 00 40 00 600 10. CO 4U00I CO 00 IU) 00 20 0C!3J.OO,40 0.4 S0l4 l5.0Clii.OuU3.U'iOXOl ... t.i 1 Had Mf liM for first IvMrtlea. 10 eoU jxr lin for Mh iak- jra AdvrliMCDai IimuJ for hw Um Ct ir. i week; 7. MtrU f eil rtr fat 4oabU colama Klrr- , Greensboro Business Directory Agricultural Implements, , Hardware, c. . , W. IL WftWlJ . Co, Sooib Elm sU 'C.0.TMH .1 I Hooks and Mutioaer j. Ilanklns House. Ki!otskl run or Grveoaburu; S. El St. ". 1 n 1 r . : Drj 'Ciools, Hoot. Mios, W. it. &jc.rt, VmiI Ui kt t. W. K. Jink. I . OdI2 A. Co.. SoatU t 1)1 Uglt. I.IC. I: t ' t 1 il'iofeMlonal lrlv. Jetvelrj, kllitr-ure, lUtc. ITuolcsaloand RtUllrvcn UasUtu tad Bra., &alb tl J. W. $cn A. Co.. " " DeAler In 31arblc. Ilc. L. IlMUia, Soatb Kin Suel. i i .... ! Trait Tres, Vines, Jlc. J. Tta. XasJUj, I'oucu Ilul Narwtri s : Harness and feaddlcrj. ' Lt I l!)MU)i, fath Elm t mmm mmmmmmm mm mmm i " i - - - Jobber In Motions, .c. J W Sk-U A. Co, ftoota Elm t t 1 i . i . ;l ur cbo;." 4 S Ei UmUI 6UI. " Eichnjond Business Directory; lYhoIevalo Urocert, c. tTtaport k ilortU, 10 ta aa4 Dock 8i tiVlLJtOJaX JJHil-CrXOliY. f fJmttft trmi&s to aal from Orea Wo e all lbs ILkilrMuU: SSCg MOSO AXO bAXtltXX SAtUtOAO. Arrives from Eichtuoud, p n Lea"e (or Kicbmood. 7.4j a n AmN frm KicbatoDl ' 9,.'4 a a. LMfMfc; Uicbmoad. a.17 p aa .Kuarit cuouxt KAiLaoAt. Atrire from CbarUtt, a a. . Les for CrUjtta, . s.4 Amtra (raai Cbw WlM, 7v4 Uve Cbrlott. . 10.W Axnv frnta IMUisburo aoi fUleib, VO p in and 7,30 La ivr G!lbro aod P P P P KIi(b, H.ui a m aad 5.W S4ATH WlTlM K. C. kAlUKOAD. Arnt frota SaUoi, 6.1 p u Lmm ( r Sesi, Iu.Ij Atrrjmm float Salem." . .tO k Leve f j pIrta. lu.lv a m Greensboro FostOHlce Diresiorj lo mi, jr. t "yi? m !! T r 11 ' a. .".. yuiiMtbuirk LoTO X C&'iHiudA kiiSrk Caaip. Uei Tiilt ad l'ra a k C at . Wed'j sod Vat'd'i Cm Lf mluim mt. rttHCi) li r at A.l at i CxM 30 D I L 0 1 bltOi dr- oi Amr. Bjadj boar froai l4 to S A XI, sou tut lA.ll A. M. J. i. -j;ttk. - S.OTD. .BOYD & JIU. V. tlStllMtJI, Jl ALBEKTS05. AtTORNEY.-i AT LAW. rvrt.e is u aiats Sd TltmX Coarta. COADttSCD TinC-XJLELE. North Carolina Head TKAISS OODO SLAST. Jfa. 47, Ixa. 43, Dallj. 'Dmllj. Ko. 19 Dally x. Saa DalAAprll I.'Si. Lears CbwU?w 3 33 aa, 138 pes Silaai & 41 pat 7 .mi-J li rviB 60ab 10.ta 2.45m - ilb Pwiot Ajt Or ibuea 7 DB SCOpa iv uj mm 111 11 aa I a . &0Xp Arr. IlUUburo M DarhAaa " lUWb ' Arr. OeUeboco liu paa 11X34B 3.G0aa P" . pai No. 4T Cobbacu at SAlUborr wUb W. ft C. K. R. fur aU polnU la Wrun North Car 4iaa DaDr af4 ttoadaja. At Ofa4i wub U R 4k. D. K- K. tor all polau Nortk Eaat aai WnI. At Goldebora wilb W. A W. K. K. for Wl'mLniTWfx. 5. 43 CosmoU at Graaaabor wilb lb R. A D. B. U. for aU poiaU Kortb, W rsAins oodio wkat. I No. JSf Dait ix.Hu DataApril 1,'dL 7v 49 5a. 42 DaD DaDj Lmt Goldaboe a Arrive KaM Laara UAUib Arr. Dark am - lLilbro Greacabars Laa's M Arrive Illb Point " fiAiabarj M CbArUHJa IL40na L2.10pca lOJOpa IJUna A7abi 6vl7pca..Mn.. 26p 9.15p 10-00aa 10.35AO1 U2ab9 1.47pai yicai ll.trpm lJUaaa Ka- 4 CoBBacU a: Greaoebora witb 8a Urn Braaftb. At SAlUbarj witb W N C BE. At Air-Line JaoeUoa witb A. 4c C A. L. Eailraad for aU polaUSoatb aadSoalb weaU No. 12 Connect at Air-Una Joactloa w!U A. A C. A. L for all poiaU Soaib aaJ Boatb waat ; at CbArtoCta wilb C, C. At A. E. b r all poiaU hoalb aad Soatb-aaat. 3A1.T1M BRANCH. Lve GreraeUora dmP.f lrriva KeraannUa M SaBB LeAve &Um " Arrive KerarreeUla Qiwaabors 10 12.00 pa 1.00 aa 4 40 pa &.30pa 4 61, a Co&aU&ff at Orewaeborv wilb traiaa so B. Peeping Cars WiLXtmt Ckan Saa hoih wsra witb traiaa Noa. 44 aad C bevwfva New York aad AilaaU i Kica eaool, Greaoebora aad CbarWHt a, aad batweea Uraeaabor aad AorfusiA : aad oa train Noa fc 1 1" btr-"a B ia aad dseaaaab. Ale. to I be Grri.brir WKite Salpbsr Spria ri lUTUACAORoei. CJ Tbrwab TWke oa aala at Grarae bura. iVia. UoKkbora, eAiiaSary AA4 wkArlotte, aa I at all pnacipal potau Bout ieitbwwt, Wa4, Norua sad Eaat. Fm vsiCTAat rmtra to poiaU la Arkaaeas aar rtaa. ad Jra A- PUPri, O. Faaa. At. . . sf,m:;3i::l isdwiiogkiss AT FkEEMAN'o UILL4, Gciuvso Co. N. C Price? Uat of Custom Worki CAfJibr aud iiiiDiji wl alrvadr hTeaed 12 eacts per posai oa net wool eeeaybl Crdiagc m epaatn( waul already freAsea a-tkir4 tmli ! aot wul aroafhl t arditn Afd epiaalsp weal wfcfob I r,reAAe 4 ei u p-aad.r lull tbrea-Aigbiba. Ceriair. epiaaitif aad waaeiDff Ane, I araUbisa- bo tua warp SOaeeta per fari. r tw Ult f . OKiriur wool ar jars 12f tents per fHbd. CoatBra wul enCor siaca lea loaa la ewbt wbe tbir wool ia wall cUaaod aad lie tt B bsrs. sly blcbiaorT ia fa rad oriar sad run hj if bol exprieaevd baads. I will e b e.s ire civih ar tbrcaJ for wool. 1 will taka Is wool sod ret sra thread r aotb. FartM sUppler will be szpacted to par freiftteacb wsj. J. VI. IKLMIA,!, Freom aaa kl ills , N. C. April 13. l931.dltwls PATENTS. . Any on may bo aa lartstor, sod In- reotiosj ax oosstaot aoareos of liffT aroCtA. Tie emAlloatsod s be s peat arlicUe are oP.ea zaoat femanerallvs. Bstsrood patrol is esaeoUal, bad patent being sra tbaa boo. Tboa 1 uteres tod to loTeaticas sod reallliiof tb baportaaea of tboroogbJy prepared papars ax loTitod to addtaaa CHARLES E. FOSTER, 500 7th St., WaahlDgtOD, D. 0. air Foster baa practlo&d befor tb Pat o&tOSc orer 23 years, and refers by patxrlsaioa to Hoa. J. U. Gordon, Gaorfla, aad R. 8. DAsblell, Groeosboro, N. C JocaVG. l.HO. A VALUABLE C1DXXKT OF UINCKALS, GEMS. Ac FOE SALE. . - Tbera.at!ecAbint ! Minerale liee,As hrloofrirp tolba lit Prof. J. T. Hssspbreys, i la oar baad for !. Tl - clWtioa eKil'e af all tbe liiserals S.SOWB. klBT ae diaeavered arlb.irex trtire atade kwr., by Prof Ilaatbreys. incloiisg spe mea af Basil PIaao Qasns, my an! Uqatd IWarirg Qgsrts. Tba eo.'!rt irnt t-f Qaarts and Crystals and O'Bi U tepuled to bo tbe falleet aad beat cbowd to hcilUts. Uaay of tbe flsaepeel-a-is wer coMecUd by tba Profaaaor wbea ia Earopo. with iL rbBet le eon see led a collection cIol:sa Eeli-s aad Zoological 5pciaeas, ad a very v.sWle Mieroacopa sad Libra ry af Books af r-clea-. ivm was atade at trsst ei .aaaaaad r'.hat reeoareb aad labor tor atscy yar by Prof. Hsmpbreye, Ait will W- o Id toirxber as a wb-!a. Tbe attrMMHi ot Utleeroiuee ColJejree ai.d 8ct.i.ii6 ea isct'Wd to tbis sal. Ws aUb la ell aa soon SS poesibU Call oa or ad-1res as st aa early data. ScuTT 4t CaUwtlX, Uuermrjt ml w, April S-.-dwlBB. GreeMboro. N. C. ELECTION NOTICE. AN ELECTION WILL BE HELD AT tba M ?' OSooia ibe Clly of Greoas bo. o U.ndsy i bo 21 of bUy. for blsyor 4 Pz CksMtoBfe, to seres for twalr Ljot.lL a. it eo.oior. J V. rnsstS, Tho. Etna. April lb, 111 dlOs. THIS PAPER may t moan eia SI- at oio. r. Kovi u, A Co s Ins- 1 KatrM flO fpraea ik i l . brre a.tYrr tlatas mirttM may 1517 wait K la Tho Little One. j j ni. I t J.a tba rViilil ran wsk. 1 1 . ... -rA thm atalra. I H Tba flovars sad I saves a flory tabs, Tba roav II kt s splsadpr baras. mm vm wmm . I' M " w ' w Tbat osver asora tbe9eya woald saa. If say sweat one war g ons tram sua. j i i Aad wbaa stare tbey watcb and wait. T fold saa in their arms aa w una, Uy bardens. whether small or treat. Arm abanaad away by Solas doligbt And sbatUs j oat tb world, I lira 1 ba porsst sBomaats Lis eaa fir. 1 Bat wbsn at bad U in a rsasd saskooel Ws. tandsr. IotIbj. whit robed forms, Witb bsads npraleod la fond appaal Ab I l ba are bashed Ufa's weary storms; Aad boavaa aaeniB tott Dear to ma. Witb a v awaat d at liar round mt kneo Boilon TrmmMript. IpSttMabroius. THE GALLANT TABS Who Inhabit the Stated Old North A Trip Tkrwgl Kort Carolina JU clottt a State Rick i AU the El tvunU of Qrcatnas, Whote Woods are trorth the Millie of Colo mi Sellers. (H. W. G. la Atlanta Constitution, Raleigh, N. 0., April 2L With out making any special fuss about it, North Carolina is moving abt-ad in natural development at a p.tce not surpassed probably by any Southern State, and equaled, by none, if we except Georgia and Texas. A hurried run through the State haa astonished me no IiUle. Tbe Dress of the State, first clas- in rranv iespects. Goes not uauui " m 'H practical questions with scoie sad enthusiasm enough to give tbegti- eral public ao idra of wbatisbint( done in tbe way or progrr. ,uj every side 1 have seen a tbnit and earnestness tbat bespeaks careful and well directed work, aud in the departments today I find fbe roost abnudant evidences of the results of tbat work. I j j North Carolina has a range ot climate not equalled bj tbat of any otber Southern State. Oo a map showing tbe mean temperature for tbe various arrtionp,: I noted tbat the southern part was turn Led bo decrees, which is the isothermal for Mobilrt and tbe ganconr.wnne jm northern nrt of the 8(at was m6r!; ed43drgrrei,htchlatbei- hernl families, rooted to the hoiI tr geu ofPortlaud, Maine The State is thus orations and stubborn of opinion, lodged between tbe two zjnes that cover the continent.. The most no table example, perhaps, ot tbe ad vantages of climate is tbat North Carolina baa m larger variety; of woods than any two Staira in tbe Union. Of tbe 23 vailnieaof os.k in Amvric, 19 are found iu North Carolina. In a one-mile btretca on tbe Blue Bidge slope there 'are more different woods to be foond than in half tbe territory 01 any otber State. ( ; ; I went tbroogh tbe museum) to day with Prof. W. C. Kerr, ;tbe State geologist, a witty man of science, witb boundless energy,' a stenorous voice and bsppj, practi cal torn. Lie exhibited tt hoe ot woods tbat is simply marvelous. Among others waa a f block of per simmon, a wood tbst is in gieat demand in tbe eastern part ot! the 8tate for the manufacture of shut tles. Tairo waa juniper s.nd C.v resa, tbat ia sold in great qctnUiies for telegraph poles ; aDiocaot cam- quapin, two feet across ; mottled cherry and finely grained walnuts. Tbe cherry, which polishes beauti fully, grows,! am Ioiormed,in groves of a mile or two in length and breadth. There is a growing Inter est in bard woods, and mills; are being erected in vsrious parta of the Slate, getting out blocks of wal nut, poplar, cherry, etc, lor ship ment North, to furniture ana piano factories. Professor Kerr Is very bopeful tbat the hard woods ot North Carolina will aoon come Into nniversal repute, when they! will yitld an enormous revenue. Wher ever there aretactoriea in the state, working in wood from axe helves op to furniture, native woods; sup ply almost tbe eutire prodoct, aiid there are considerable exports oer side. There are several gold mii;e. scattered through tbe State, bat I judge investments in them must be speculative for some lime at least. There are floe specimens tf marble ia tbe geol gist a cases, but it brs been impossible so far to discover whether or not it can be found in auClcient qaautlty to quary il prof itably. The iron interests ate being developed, notably by General Iloke and bis associates, but ; tbe treat wealth or 2orth uaroiiua is in her forests of Laid woods,' as tbe coming jers will show. Agricai- tnral Commissioner ilonttura jltv Gehee. a moat competent aud tie voted tClcer, lutormed rre that the r cotton crop tf last ear tit Car&::;ia amounted to 9100,000 uLd that tLe area of cotton culture bd been ex tended twenty miles fotiber j north than tbe suppoaed limit of the cot ton belt. The- tobacco crop j was 52,000,000 pounds, ortb in tbe ag gregate about tO.000.tKX). J j One fit m, BUck well &-C0., ot Darbam, paid COU,000 lasc jear lor govern ment stamps alone. Iu Madison county tbe finest t&bacso In tbe wotld la raised aud the county crop of last jear aggregatiug 1,000,000 pounds averaged twtntj fives' cents per pound, while the average iu the State waa probably only 12J cent. Tbe tobacco area of tbe Stale' baa nor than doubled since the war, Tbw iutrodac(iou of upland rlcebasl which haa not Jft achieved the dl added a new eoarce of rerfjrue sreneral farms and tbe county lljde now produces as mucb rjc was raised . betoro tne war on tne (Jape Fear t alley, wbere aloue was considered possible to raise The pet industries of the commi&s loner and his most t-racient aMlst- aot. Mr, P. M. Wilson, are grape CQltore and wioe maaiog, mere oe ioz seven or eight stations which produce many tboasands of gullons ot wine an nn ally and silk culture, lor which tbe climate is admiral), j adapted and wbich is rapidly; be coming an important indnstrj.'The mulberry tree grows in prolusion throughout the btate and as good j silk 18 made as Can bo produced t iu hrinrA The Agticnitnral bureau of Koltb (Jarolinais organized upon a more liberal scale than that of Georgia ns expenditures running orer 125,- 000 a Tear. About 15,000 eacb is given to tbe geological surrey, tbe fish commissioner and tbe experi mental farm, and half as much is I devoted ro the cause of immigra tion.- Tbe bareaa is supported ; by a special tax or gjuu levied upon Mcb bran(j 0f fertilixei sold in the State. Tbis takes the place of the inspection fee sjstem of Georgia. rron, uis Tl sL!. 1- ai rSj. t goes to tbe agricultural bureau. In m sa. v. a a v a v v 1 uvuws vo n mvu Georgia about $0,000 is realized from - tbe inspection of fertilizers and yet tbe agricultural bureau is pinched tbe fish commissioner works for notbiog tbe immigra tion commissioners tbrows op bis placo in dingust after working two years for nothing, and tbe geologi cal surrey, alter being balf perish ed, is abandoned.' Such a penny- wise and pound foolish economy will be apt, to show its disadvant age in a contrast witb tb piogrt-s made by Carolina uuuer a more liberal administration. Of all tbe State of the Union North Carolina abowH by tbecensu tbe lament proportion ot native- born popnlatiou surpassing even tbe old Nrw England States in tbi regard. It is a curious fact in ad dition to this thai tberis a larger proportion of perHoaa Ikuu in zorib Caruliua and n w living in otber Sates, than of any otber State. Resides sending out so taauy ofber natives, he riijd tier own m(miIm tioufrum 1,000 000 to 1.40U.000 in tbe p4t 'en jearn wbiKb tacts et lit v to a strict at tntion to bu-MehM luthe part ot her families, and the- ouickeuimr iufldeuces ofber climate. TiiH lareu not r ion nf sleadv muu cbanffinz senlimeut slowly, - baa given a conservatism to me char acter of her people that implies both prmleuce and strength. Theie waa in 2oith Carolina, for lutttance, noue ot the enthusiasm over, 6e- cetwion tbat swept tbe neighboring States out of the Union. Tbe real uiment of thepeople was for the UV.on tnd : a compromise in the Union, 1ut after the war became inevitable tbe Cue sense of love of tbe soil, the pride of tradition, and tbe strong local anectious, put the old State on her mettle, and she J tilled more Confederate graves than ny Southern State, aj tbe records how. Senator Vauce put it strong, if roufhly, when he said at K ch- mond in a speech; "ortb Caio'ina did not ap.tte with Virgiuia iu her ideas on secession, but after V ir- tinia bid 8eceoeu anu ine war was upon os, she put her baud iu ir- g 10 la's and stood by her to tbe last and tbere'd have been ad d small war if be hadn't H The Largest Farm. fecieulifio Ameiicrn. The wheat rauch of Dr. II. J. Glenn, about twenty miles above tbe town of Colusa, Colusa county, California, is perhaps the largest and best known in tbe State. Tbe Chicago lrxbune says tbat on being asked recently why be raised nothing but wheat, Dr. Glenn replied; "It is the only crop tbat will bear transportation; it is tbe only crop not perishable. I must not raise on my laud what rnius me, but what is profitable.77 Dr. Glenn's ranch comprises about C 0,000 acres of laud, and ihe num ber of acres in wheat each year ranges between 40,000 aud CO OtHl. Reckoning an average ot from 20 25 buchels to the acre, tbe ag gregate crop each year amouu'N to something more than J.OOU.UUo bufhels. This enormons auiouut of grain reunirea vast nppliauce for. plautiug and biiugiug it to loaiket; aud the capital tuveateu in tnacbiuery aloue sums up a con siderable foitnue. Duriug tbe harvest lime there are employed ou the entire ratten 500 men. Dr. Uleun is gem iai-iu- chtef of bis frev, aud the ranch is divided tor the convenience ot operatione, lulo blue smaiier ia:i ches each with tiweliiug bouss. barns, blacksmith-shops, and oth r uecescary boildiugs. In charge oi tbtse are eeVeu foremeu, undn whom are sixteen blacksmiths, four teen catpeuters,-six eugiueets, MX machinists, five commissaries, and numerous cooks and servants. Tbe commou woikmeu ar-divided into gangs, and detailed wbere 4bey aie needed. There are 130 gang plowi; 00 bearders, o wbich belong 18J wagons; 6 cleaners, 100 harrows, 18 M-eders. 0 thrahhers, o eogiuea. Besides, there are many mailer instruments and vehicles, which cannot be c!asified. Co operating with their bumau bielhreu in the labor are 1.000 Work horses and mates, with a kinship of 1,000 hmnd mAres and loaucer stock tol nity ollabor. There are 33 dwell- of I ing boa sea. 27 barns. 14 blacksmith as I shops, and otber strnctores sod- I ctent to swell tbe aggregate to 100. it I Tho . machinery . noa Id not be re- it. I placed for 9125,000; tbe work bors - 1 es and moles areworth f 110,000;the nrood mares and voansr stock 075.. 000, and the buildings oo the place - i f iuu.uw. State Board of Agriculture. Ralsigb Ksws and Obaerrer. This board met on Toesday,April 19 in the Executive of&ce at Ral eigh. It confirmed the purchase of tne national Hotel property, and appointed a committee ot three. composed of Gov. Jarvis, -Hon. Kemp P. Battle and Col. - T. M. Dolt, to superintend the remodel Jug of the, building at once, Tbe amoont to be expended in this way wa nxed at f i.oou, aud tbe 'eom- mitrta vu inatrnttal tn solanr n architect and any number of work men needed to hasten the work ot remodeling. Tbe committees on sheep hus bandry, fences, new industries, etc. were reorgsnized. Some exceed ingly valuable reports by; ihre committees will be published iu tlietaltatin and. in the papers ot tbe Stare. An able and foil report waa made by tbe Commissioner of Acricnl- tnre. Tbe State Chemist read oue of much interest and value. The State Geologist submitted a repot t bicb was lull of useful informa tion. These reports will be pub lished at once. It waa decided to remove tb chemical station from Chanel to lialeigb, and give it a place in the new building. Tbe recently purchased building ia to be known as tbe Agricultural Department building. In it will be tbe offices aud museum of tbe Department ot Agriculture the offices of tbe State Geologist and tbe Geological Mu- heum, and the offices and labora tory ot the chemical station. The DeJarnette Murder. Baltimore Gazette. Had DeJarnette killed the man responsible for his -hister'a digrace, the unwritten law that justifies such summarv pouinhtneur, would, and witb some teueoii, probably have refuted to bold him to account for tbe ctiine; but his brutal killiug of a defenseless though untortnnate girl was a ciime against' humanity that should have seat the slayer to tbe sea Gold, or at least consigned htm to a life-lone imprisonment. Tne insanity dodge was resorted to by tbe defense, aud with such snc cess tbat tbe prisoner was acquitted after a brief deliberation on tbe part of tbe jnty. The jurors do nor, it appears, express any opinion as to the sanity or insanity of tbe prisoner at tbe present time, but simply find that be was insane tbe lime tbe crime was committed." Tbis is, of course, ntteily absurd. Tbe story of tbe murder showed that DeJarnette was not only per fectly sane, but tbat he planned the crime with the utmost deliberate ness aud executed it in tbe eoolest mauner possible. Tbe criminal re cords of tbe country show the per petration -of few crimes equal in atrocity to that of this man; and none probably where the provoca tion was go slight. If DeJarnette was insane when he commuted this foul deed it h safe to assume that be is still insane aud should be con fined as a dangerous lunatic in an asylum. It is deeply to be regret ted tbatsuch a mau should be allow ed togo unwhipt of justice. It is evident tbat the insanity dodge still holds its own as a means of influ eucing tbe average jury in capital cases. Henry Clay's Heel Mark. Lexington (Va.)TrsDseript. As old citizens of Lexington know, the Sage of Ashland for a long time occupied the brick law office on Short street, next to the alley, and now occupied by L. P. Tarlcton, Esq. " In front oi the office are several locust trees. The one at the corner is decaying rap idly, and the brick pavement near its roots is sunken below the gen eral level. Under this tree Mr. Clay was in the habit of sitting al- ways with his feet elevated and nis heels resting against the tree about four feet above the ground. Few men could sit in an ordinary chair and reach so high on! a tree, but Mr. Clay had long legs, as well as along head. So constantly was he in the habit of sitting in this po sition that the pavement was sunk en, and his heels gouged a deep hole in the bark and j outer wood. The spot has since decayed some, in consequence of the abrasion lrom Mr. Clay's boot heel. Who can tell what thoughts passed through the mind of the great Commoner when thus sitting and ruminating ? Perhaps in front of that modest otti ce, "with bis heels levated, he formed a part of his : great plans, and forged some of the thunder bolts that' shook the American continent. It was in this same office, too. that Mr. Clay was sit ting when the news was brought to him of Jamrs K. Polk's nomina- tion, and beaten " he exclaimed, "I am Sunset lne following paragriph, says tne Aew Orleans pcarcd in the last cr revrcw issued by Washington : " : "The characteris rhpnthjy weath the bureau at ics of the sky i bunsct. as incicaitve oi latr or foul weather for lithe succeedin Iwentyfour hours, have een ' obr served at all signal service station Reports ; from 1441 stations show 4,441 observations to have been made, of which ; 20 were doubtful of the remainder, 4 cent were followed ed weather." ' f 412 or 4t? 4 per by the expect- i It attracted'the attention of a re porter of "the democrat, and awakened a desird to learn the "characteristics,' and in search of the information we called udo.i Sergeant L. Dunne signal - officer - ,at th,s Port- nd.'j m mm obtain- ca ine, lonowin si ns fori foretel- ling the weather o the tnext 24 hours A deep, angry red at sunset fore tells rain. -'-Light red indicates fair weather.1 A yellow sky 'at sunset aiso inuicates tair wcatner, unless there are numerous clouds of a deep yelJw. ; U'ncn thunder itorms may be expected. A jc bn sunset indi- bates fair weather, of clouds in the wes tell rain. Rapid c Ileavy banks : 5t supsct lore langcs of the color of clouds at unset indicate rain. When the upper clouds move in a direction different from that of the wind then blow ing, indicate a V hen. jthe out ,ds are sharp, lines'of cumulus cle jt indicates dry at rnospuere, and therefore presages; imp 'weather- bmali inky clouds 1 fcrett rain. A scud j driving across hazy ciouus indicates wiau ana rain. Remarkable cleanness f the at mosphere near the horizon and an unusual twinkling of the s itars, are indications !of approaching rain IJew and log; are indicatio ns of fine weather. ! I Uducatinfr uyst irs t 1 And although it ti a t' f n u.Mio - ed that hu ojster uaf 1 l),e( so far iuvv lij"i)u"tster aeon in to it in 11 PubjugaiMl as to "1 bp and down Btairs.' tvhieh niiohr' he aeni live prg endive stp towatd uhiruat !e f)tfd HH past. ts in 1 1 he ; use v:i z;i ion. at ieast hecunling to'';L'w,-s Hf-siiln Stmlien," oysters ari susrtpritie5 of being educated to a small evtenr n the treat estal:iHj;ni-'i'rt on ! CoaHt ot: Uitivados, teach i oy ster to i Closed vsrheu ont ot which ineaiiH thi iq-ior tet airtrd keeps their gilis min, :.r. ti!v Jtrive: lively in i r dii-rt)j! lns. wor ; in ot el ' is 1 his : N" The proue'hs inny t teuMvy r.ubiicify ; sonnet is HMOvsrer 1 sea tb'ati it closes rs aejls, atd certttin hw Opens them after a from fatigne, it is 8 aid, "not n.a:f prob ih'y beeautv tu Khork it i' into the an, to- contract, Tho Calvados ceiveil lv retnov eaoirlt:! it - muscles has passed away. men take adv.inrj ot j tnis to s, ...! niak- exeiciso !the 0.Hte them aceosfouit 1 tol beut ot tne water, -by! lea vin- t: eat s a tly iu the atmosphere fir .)fiiier fliol longer periods. IThis !i.s -i ileSlIt'J et-- 1 .. feet the welt eviao..iei tu:i:u.sx Keeps its door elor d ar leat l r many coinsya' lve hoar. and- Its gil! loiiff as tin shell is OM'i are kep nio's? I j j -: - - the Year llovnd J. T. DeJarnette xn tlie Irig'ine. Asylu;ni. Ittleieh Ae?f tiiif, Observer Ai-ii 21: O. Fuday Um jame.-T.I). Ja; uette, who iu July, kilted his Ms. t in ; vjlle, Va., and who lSS'J, Slt rti:0 , b SilliJ tn 1) m aonttet t -ihes clliiie. Hlier. 1 n tit tls.was piaii.nl id thelo.- ine A iiiin hete. ue watt vu u a I l . a. . do i' DrJ..r. . . v ' by hi? con si nT Mr. Jas. 1' liette, aiu! p ac d in chir Grissoin.j V. st erday we DrJsrnette. lie vs tba sin, the mur.iererl ia ve p or nr. !saw Mr. y q : its . hei has beeafor m iJ There is m nttr lick of ; uatioii t'f ci)iivtfs: For few moii bs after I tho .i.s hl3 sister, he; talbetl Ireei.r his-retieenc is ifmark tUtS, dt-Nes and .sleeps occasioniill rotnp!;ius his bead, Ii Sti .S to t health,! in t-tur lobdst. In :tyr i;c i : n ti 3 in 4 ,f 4 ut -oW )!. lie Se"l, n:ii - p itu in in tl'iod height he is about hve b et Lfcn lul't e, . d it ,g toUt es lac-, iibo'.i' klieW O tli-' m tiJUie. wiiu Oial'i riA a tat her i;n nust s 1 TIh doplines to Fvf a m va ---- 1 - 1 nyvMitig tho kiiiwi f Lis .staler. He that he wai to be, aa lum though Tlie x Id esiul t 11. i tv r to? hi:a. 1. -' I s eoii-.'f . ini 1 t fo a 1 11 l-'s iC.IU il aln.-:flt'-S nd. i s : J.a Dr. Gl 1 iii.-ra, ue 1.1.- hop? of leni otina his tn ! llf A' lll- mate ol :the as!u jit ui;l lirt 21 ieaf. ot age oil i 1st ,f J il fS - D ' i'liejite I J i 1 1 t4 m: tte yjist' 1 t fdel i:i flt q lifted iu D uv uiifi in enio: ii ti ttiH ;'to-llld of We hud ex- ... r-.i-al lus.t i!t.'' not h a a) e that I. 'i)r. Ml tudt-il Jl tr'l itigt" ; cfer of tr. bt Ii r i sf!i! h It I a t ni V be dan : UJtC" hel isur.-s . a j bee otiu rte hail better a 1 liOt Ii: duce to quaran' i . t ir on 'he ;i ; ol the Poiomas. tiuhmoua &aie. 471 i - " i TT7rt k rrnva i t Ow.' 2 i SW V V . I I It a ' I wo Errors. IT ! Cbspel Hill Edaeational JonirnaLl 1 In'newspiier reports of the North Carolina CotiHtiintio.naJ Conveitipn if lfcGS, a muiber waa reported jB8 Hiog, lu debate, that -the State whs naned after a Btitish Qeeg, U nd in- MftiiteithV ComprahisjFe Grgraphy, page 100; Charleston in said ro derive its name trbmKing I Uharle8 I; ot England.- i'if Brh statements are erroneous. In thw .feeb'.e and infamous 'king" if, France, Charles iXi qotn- tni!ioned hu exjwlition to Atperr- Vit under Jnuu Kir.an'.r, a irroteet- aut.vKibaulr. lauded at Port Boy'af, 4 tid Teft a colon? of'twenty-six iper- soiis. ."to keeoi Dosaeasion of the iun't i tied t j 4Th ey n a m ed t heir slBt- tiemeut f rp uoaries, in honor , Of Vnaries I A, and the country iwas cUed Carolina. Tbe colon V-toer ijthed, hut the name remained. "Munitionem Carolindm de reqii no mine dictum" it ' -' Thad the) two Caro!inasT hate their naniH from a Ftencb kingj&ud not finoi a BriLish queen. . I , u.riarieston waa enf onlisneal tA t ue Jtfrgrin as a village Ht a place ratne'l, ac-'urdiog f B tiicudrJviil. w', pagn ib'J ntfer th rnigning KUip wl.o In m 1i;G0 to 1GSS, was Chat us 11. liemoDS aa a aystemRenova tor I I The way to get the better j of; br.Jious system without blue oil Or quinine is to tale the juice of dne, two or three or more lemons, as the appetite craves, inasmuch Ice-wa-ter as makes it r)Ieasantto idnnk without sugar, before going to bed. in the morning on rising or! at least half an hour before breakfast, take the mice oi one lemon in la goblet of water. This will clMir the! system of humors and biJej, with mild efficacy. Without ; any of the weakening effects of ; calomel Congress water. People sjiotild not irritate the stomach by catjhg lemons clear ; the powerful acid ot the' juTceAvhich is almost corriosivc, infallibly produces inflammation altcfr a while, but properly diluted, so that it does not draw or burn me thcioat, it! does its full medical! work without harm, and when the stoml aclj is clear of: food, has abujidltt opportunity to work on the system thoroughly,; ; j " 1 . racts. Wilfriiugtoii ptar April 21nd 1 have published the lact r;iuv, but it win near repealing, himi this: nrn cMJtormiiT. ioriit h!ina : makes t bet in average to r toi-i any Southern State in Hie production of cotton. Npw Theu again feU uiejuiber thia fact : that North Car olina raises theruoect tobacco P A'jieiiea,' secures the highest p'Hfeg and gets less icfedic .abroad .itbjtn any other Stale in the Union. North Ciiiolina makes more money to toe acre, or to the mule, or to tbe baud in .tobacco-raising than any Other S'-aje.. BM suie to remember thfttl North Cabili'ti'a makes more rioet of a first rate quality to.thc acre than anvS other State. Facts are facjts,- an; the above are facts. Judas flurned in Effigy.; I . 1 M ! ..1 ! 'Mi.-io (San J.se, Cal ) Dispatch ;A lar'ze 11 umber of people gath ered at the MisMou tbis morning; to witness tie lime, honored ceremony of bnthiug JmJas. Almost thj nj t i re Spaninh, Mexican and Indjan ponlaiioit ot the sut rounding Joiitry came together this ear to pkrfieipaje in this relio of old f'cle sLsic auxtpms. An effigy of iherai tor was ti'ist banged by: tbe neck tpa rvifi'irih ' nnle. atouud which was heaped piti'ider. that naa jjatheredlduriiig the niht. i ---' -- . v . . . i . ' Web. Aftief- V' a ( . 1 . 1 . .. he! was taken j down, fiJHl Jr i f II! bombs' ib cor a ted with nre- jrackeis jaioj burned, while cruris tUloW Mhneis of ail creeds ftud c oiipiexhms stood, by and eiijosed t,he specf at:ie. : 4-T D.ath of General Lane. Pom land O'fgoriv April -r.. J usen'i' Luie died at his 2ft hoW e Ros-burg' last night, aged HO I Mli'irn in Northf Carolina u lSbl. In his fiueeuth year be h4o lie- (Irani - a ctark in a mercantile ,1 Iioiiaua, anl h 1822 went 1 e toiibe legislature, serving with occss tonal interval-. IL- participated ipifhe Mexican' war. and President Polk aj);.'iiti d him it brigadier gj-nerjd. In 1819 he was appointed GoprWar -if me Ten it 01 v of Oregon, fl(nd pn l8jl was elecred a Delegate jto Conor-, and retained, bil4 ni iWii ;i' State. Then be wjent the S-iiite and 1 server nWtil fie ran on the tic&e th r it Ig tor Vice Presiden Iviinin Iote3. , :Onr.ri(i 8un. April Knhrliim Tucker isi a luck kn, 11- sold1 the '"'her day to Ndrtritfro , -1 . J .... l r A rA 1. i n tr the I'l rn .ix prtiierty, for wo. This is the way onr ld rands sell. ! '! '' - An Ment of the Callon biil og ..... ,.rtt- i . hen lookinrr tofihis ia' ..t.t infrt-fitf. wmcn rTpoapeu ?.'! in cieat quantities a .d was t,, r..stullv oi.rrated before fche vJ. ir. Thia also adj libs the P It (Q 11X id is ! in I the great Cantra;! old belt of Cabactus. 5 . aw.-, i i ,i 'A ww ear . - - 41 u a IM I A 1 1 1 1 1 L-' ' "'f 9 the . 20th -insti , says : !Lo?an Harris has a ajloog railroad !arti- the -New ,Vork Timet in in Vhichj he holds the Dempcrfti iS j i ,; 7 "7 efesVVI W- WS sponsible for the said of the VVest- North Carolina Railroad, etc, Logan is' coriyeniently forget- etc ful L that ! more prominent Demo- era: s; than Republicans were ar. tively opposed ,to the alef. land that the measure received ! almost the; unanimous sanction ofj both parties, art the Legislature land thrpughorjf therState.1- He I dwells largely Ori the' change of guage- of the; Western 'North . Carolina t w Rail- I 1 ! road,' and forgets to say that (the guage had not beeti chaheecl. bulk! would necessarily have been. rd ken: kt Paint Rocld and at Salis burythat is, at both ends of the road. Any company ownintr the road, left frxeJLo eaderciscits discre tion! would probably seek to make I if3 guage conform . to that i of its connecting lines.' '. North .Carolina and Virginia originally had j the standard guage, but to the south ward the brpaeTgtijige'was adapt ed, jtnd ks the bulk of the cotton came front tfteSooth the RichmOnd and( Danville early Went to Maho met and madd its lines a practical continuation of those whose busi Logan ness it sought to, Attract. ,is pletty good on railroads, but is apparently not much of ia sea-far- ingnan. He says, : "All freight I - - L ! : ! I .T i " wiui oiveigq at Ureensborp nd be forwarded north by Danville. Wafer facilties frorri Morclieid are ' meagre, ana win never ' a" erne be much better until an earthquake or some other convulsion shakes up and de stroys the rocks that now make the Hattcras coast the jnost dangerbiis on the Atlantic $ hore. ! Conse quently, all freights consigned to ! the iRichmond and Danville road ' willnot be j brought ; further eastll than Greensboro Unless specially ordered." The. water facilities at I Morehead are excellent,1 the best ! on the coast between Tort IRoval i and 'Norfolk, and th ..is. . i- L , .. i . .1 L . e rocks of H at- terai are myths. ganj I ; - -if ! 0 ry again, Ld- Beware f Lottery Swindles. The United States official Postal Guide for April, reports the exis- tenqa of 297 fraudulent hrms dqiug bnsihess in this conutryj Of ttjese , twenty one are in the South and 2TG are in the North. Of those in the South, , LewisH'Ie,' Ky., lias seven : Covington, Ky., four;' New; Orleans, La., two ; jllolsron, West Va,y two ; Cbarlesfion, West ya., 1 one; Abingdon, VaL, one; Grafton, West V a , j one ; Baltimore; ! S Id.,T wot Atlanta Ga.L : one. Of j the 276 Swindling establishments North theitnajority of tbem are in; ' New York, Boston, PiiMadelpbia land Chicago, and are conuected : with all departments of businessJ from universities and batilts down to sewing machine and quack I medi cute companies. : 1 j. ). State Prohibition Convention. H 'A stwiod trip tickers will fssaed at tbe usual rslocwl ratea on all tbe railroads iij this State to delegates who attend the State prohibitory convention to be held in this city. he 27th insr. Parties will ask (tor he. trip ticket at -Thtjir respective depots. Those who send j their names to the comm ttee prior o ibe meeting of the convention will have homes assigned tbt m. f , AH peraons who feel a- sufficent nterest in the cause of prohibition to attemi the convention will! he admitted as delegates. Tllej con vention will assemble at 3 n. in. the 27th. i'--.1 .1 ! Trios' E skin.ee, Chairman Prohibitory Coomiittee. Raleigh, N. C, April 21, '8L I ! : It Does Seem So. Charlotte ftbierver, :) ii VTbe po icy of turning o.J I "tbe oldj Grant gang" ini North Carolina,1 retSimraended by Tonrg.ee tn Prep i- iieoi Lrarueui seems 10 nave iu)u- a ' . i ' 1 a i' " f. m an nuil I Th '-if 1 CI ra ri t. t trtt n o'l was once a prettv etroner serin tho Slate, and during the days U theii; power would not jbave sopmitted to being turned on without a bowl now win it oe now j 1 Okchards. Manure your Orr! an Chards heavily, and cultiv ate1 n ba'ly. and all Corn, potatoes, buck wheat! root crops nay ofcciipj the well manured orchard, but ion nO considerat'toa allow tbe growing of oats; Oats are almost a sure death to fruit trees of any kind. ULmeri can Agriculturist. 1 - The Arkansas Lfgislatd re cently passed a bill making it. a! m sdemeanor to sell in that State a dirk, bowie-knife, sword-cane, b ai t : a ' " . L . si- a? !1 i' 1 1 rasS klinckles, or pis of of aoy kind, except such as axe sold for nse id the army, ntivy or militia. Nobody won!d be worse off, and a great if such thanv lives would he saved al law prevailed id every State b in1 the Uuion. IfOgan Haxxi&von. Railroads. $:! M S ri IK: I Vi. 1 I n I a 4. LI Kii- t I is-- .5 : ft :I 1 1 r ! 1 i i I !

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