1 i i II J U V .." "A' ' ; r 3 v.l alllA Tl, t- E.st-t!)lishea in 1821. 1 ; f i.i I i'c K.rC.;:::TVEDMSpAT; TONE, 15 1881. '.. i 74 ! ' ' urn tjilij. iHow Scries No. 686 (' 1 -: !"rfi' & m 1 1 . - li il . J r ( i l" -III II B ; v U M i I M HI ! " 1 l;i 1 I c s I 1 II B II n , i I Ml III II I I II If II I I II I I II I I ! ! II I i II ! II I I II 1 I ! I .1. II If II II I i' ! II I I I II I I II I I II H II I All II til' if ? ' 1 1 t 1 1 II II If ''41 . T ,...:.:' t ...... -M- Cm w . . ... . f iJ 1 Ml - r-v - . i tfrwnsboro jyaii;iol. r t 'V i hit T ;!i Elm SU .1 i , rc t, ..e. t t C-rr taot:K tt :OT. t sr. v v . iV. b buoi 1 jr. !- i' J1 C'i 4l Oi l ,i t ? t iv, C". ,'tls).u3 1 itrLnf fr Crt it u vr:tJ for lb ,1 t , 7, JIitrt" '.: Aimi&itrtor' "xim mJrart. - .!, f. i !. Cntnstcro iiusinoss Directory . zt it iiitni.il ;iiillrmrnts. V i., f iath Kim I 1 i 1 N t 4 ' , t t. i .::. tuta i.uiotiorj. ... W ' -IL - 1 1 -t 4.. !I iit :. i. : ". I I" .4 . .1 i" -! Li Jiuciit, -i art', UlC. 1 1 : Mail .rtcr V.lm 1. A L. I t !! li i liu , Jh.r Jot. 4 .11 t. 1 io(il. Si1" .n:I 1 1' .'i.-.'s: Directory, "c si OfCt? Directory . . : u u J 17 r m i at .1 . .V. r m ac-:l T .' r . : :i iaim r 1 - a ' r I "v';!Sj IiJ r M li A t it Haw 1 ; -I r-iJ"jr 6 r m -.,. tjr Cm .- ,;i'J, 1 ,! rN - .1 f w U A Ai aJ . ! 'VHiri- r. m f t f "ai: 1.. t. t frwca tirp- f .-. p n !., "" .ii a n r .?, . t 'J'JfS n ;, " H p n v., . trl u I", " '.4? P 18 j-. Tr'.7 p at t',-U IK .. v ! ;i ar.4 77 i t .' ri adftj f."i" p lit w,- '.. m 1.. SCHOOL -"! V t..' I 1! MLLAKD. ' , if l A a i i -r rr...i,..". i. , New Ycck, Jane C. lSil, I La J the pleioird httT njtelluc: Col. Wfcarton J.' Green and hii daaghtcrcf- Tclaj, 'cear FjctteTi!!ef fwrtl3'"rJ Use,. t?a Tbnrsdaj !aat. I am glad id 'hear that be is more than tatiaSed with the iQcct9of bis tinejard ni3 tbe the po polarity of hla . leiicioaa wiaen. .lie be I teres, am I bare be UeTed for nearly sixty years ipast, that tLe Cape Fear region Jj. des ttDfd to V the finest irioo -iTPdoc-ior nectioo in the world; aid he thinks vhat I neter dared to think, that . the, b r r e n. sacdji c( that sect ion, will some day be worth hundreds of dollars an acre because of their adaptability to the grape caltarp. Tbd fodus trioasacd thrifty Sootllih popola tion a boat there toa ;aja prored that tiey era aooof: the beat laud for health End wealth, not for acccanlaticg wealth suddenly, bnt very rnrely. CoL Green's wine isthe best Scnppcraoai; I fcrex tasted, and I hope yonr . advocates of "prohibition will not bernde me the plratnre of glaaa of it now and then, iMor bo other reason, for the saClcient one that is tnevpro. doc: of North. Carolina aoiL" ntfl- Ited by N'orth Carolina enterprise and fkiil, and cbeerinf: the weary f pirits cf North Carolina hearts abroad. " - I ha vi also bad the pleasure ef seefnp Mr. Jnlics A. Gray,- the Fiesident of yoar Railroad, who I think has Inherited some of the great Railroad capacity of hie fath er-in law. Got. Morehead, for be is devoting himself to the work whlcb will jet bring ont yonr good old town. He has the will and tne j energy arid the ability. He is - the ripht man fn the right place. Major Tan n ah ill, t the ; popalar North Carolina President ot the Xew York Cotton Exchaogo .made hi- annual report last week of , the daUngs in cotton during, the", pas; twelvemonths. Of snot cotton the aales were SG1.07C bales. The sales' of ,fatarV agrigated 2C,721,S0O bait', about four aiid a half time ai rrccb as the whole crop of the Uniud States."'' " ' Cotton has risen aboat $3 a bale iu tit lat two or three weeks.' - The iai migration at" this port Is unpjralli led. During May there arrtvt i! 7CS12; and tor the past five mouths IS2.103. The old woTld is in a. fair way to be depopulated. All thee foreigners bring mony, some mure or less and they bring pbjKrul !orn to develop onr booiHlfesis waste. . . ; On a short experimental railway la Berlin, one and a half miles long the cars are propelled by electrici ty. This it all very well, but when too Kt t?ty motor' gets to work, atu! a iaA cf water i made to do the tainc work, steam and electrici ty will be ' nowhere. And there many belierera in this motor. , TLp population of London by the lat rsrnj.us i 3,814,571, an increaws of5,f00 in tea years, reopleare now Ijvn- wha will see -a Isrger popuf.u:jn than that I a .New. York city, vsitly larger if -Urookljrn shonld bp nr.nexed, as Uoubtlesa u will be. There are vacant lota in Ilrorkli n alone to accomodate a million or two. j . . ' Cmjiilfon is the life ol trade." Ncfea!er, Booksellers and Tob- li-hem will be clad tu know that an rs:abfthrcent stmilar to the Ameri can News Company has just been oprrf d -n Chambers street next door to yrewarts' down town store. It is cilied the United State News Company, in Mid to hate ample canitaf. and is maoged by W. M. Cbamaao, who has bad eighteen year' experience tth the Ameri- ra 2- c-ompany. aoo laurr, , w m . rr- r a a having had n monopoly of the bosl-1 iiifjr luany years, is saia to count itsnccnmuiations oy muuons. ft Tilt - - It i Unh reasonable and proper, therefore, that 0 competition should step forward, and tor one I hope that it will secure a fair share ot the rnormoas ba&tnesj i that line.. Thp following is a coodLyarnT at the expense of the episcopal Prajcr B.xk: IliV ib vou dike k the Eplsco- - ... 1 J T I Never beard It" replied Fogg. I frntmil In ut one of the charcoe ti-t Snr,r: tt qun eany ana no I becan reading the, aervice,- I didnt rrad far Ihoagh, .before I r.viml out that il would never do (,ir nc srt I cane oot. Hhy hat was the tronUt! foa many coilecttonf." "Too many couec- liaun!" Yea. On alraost every no it Rikl collect One collrc t on is all that I can respond. .to. Muit W awfully expensive to bean ?- - - . Episcopalian." . - The will of an English wife U civen m a model, as follows; , 'As I have laug given y oa 4 my heart. and as all ray teaderest all actions nd focdest wishes have always been yours, I have notblng io give bat my biartieat thanks .for the rare and kimloe'S you have at all tiroes shown me whether in sick! or health, for which God AI-i mizhty wilt. I hope, reward yon In a IH' Iter wnrm. x wc, ivi form'n skp, I hereby give ted be- nof-ath tea as follow Ij irst, tne . -r W-a f t IWS !0J left me by air u. u. ; the jCiTO a s ear left oe by my fata- j tt; the Urge gold cap ana two less er gold c.LicoU:e cups and stand, whfeb I wuh ion would sometime look upon in memory of my de-th, and of the fuadmt and faithfollest friend vou ererbad.,r ' The -formaP portion ct tne wtu W A , t I would certainly be a re ry accepta ble lorra to most people, ; ; 11. 1 1 f .7 bf ; fib t, fit ; xfcepFri 'Vhvfi n&eitlQneu; sa id1 replied, "I1 r'w liould bet' mu'rriKl thlnklh it l,6'.onId- ge and a baby should be bora TO Trie,' and tt.a babv'shoald fli into1 l t IX firp : Tow bad rlfhonld feelf-" we coranerm tne,:ory to tuc anui- - ? . " I - i .1 :t.i tioas eatJcnao vhb wrltef "nearly three cola.n pf? dreary'- snppo?i--Mod anrcbj.erl5ns to tbe-'Phibl-' tcry,Las-r Wittnole tva"'1 :'JI1 f 'I fixate 'tne'aboVe de.'fctabMJ dVriTftca tbr ' Vdtii'iBekttc- Ground el rcstprdav. ua taat oarer r..-f.fecaTa reader.! If . :sa wbatri s; ect has its editor for fem inlae delfcacv! "I rentnre .to 'ay that there u no? oaqln ten", ct -it naU readers who can' pernio th abov! story of the tcung lady tfca s.tt by th,! 1 firr, without J IhJs sbrckfvl bv its oa!ctapttu!e rtrtr cnrardonable vulcaritr. "Yet this is the brcan var excellence, cf rnorn reform in vNorth 'Carolina! Why MrEditor, I 6we and cfftT yoa an voar reader an apology lor ever qootlag this vile stuffin an article for the Dublio eve.' Mr only rea son' for noticing It ot'afl is to show bowthls" 'particular Advocate f moral reformation attempts to meet factand dispassionate argument by tow and contemptible and vulgar ridicule. e commend tuts story to the ambitions centlemanl &b." No. slrl von 'need" not HjommeiKi'1 any such fetori?! to me If ;to me yon refer; as' Is clearly the case. ' I cannot consent to tato lessons to blackguardism 'even- from -yoa, adept iff the art as you hare nhown yourself to beJ: .- " "4- 'And pray why am- I called an "ambitious gentleman!1'. Is it 1 be cause I sfgi my teal name to ' my letters in tin? Patriot! I have read rifany' articles favoring the propos ed Prohibitory Law. to which the nsmesrof the writers were sobcrtbs ed". Am I disallowwd : thf piivK- rege because rdo not agree witli them! Is' It s your1 purpose, Mr. Bittle-Gronnd, to'Uwtraciso thotte wbd honestly differ with 5 on ns tf theteerhs of tho?Lawf -t Take ere lest Jon become diiervirjg of 3tra cista yourself. -If this l you plan jro Till make a f ignal f,ilari, ' I6 stead of r winning- the1 undecided and wavering", yon wi!l drive them farther from you; Ostracism in deed! sodal ostracism! ' : " ! See. Mr. Wltoil ; - ". i "It doh ltiid Xh Harrrtr orl.l " Lilt m Ctwi.i; ml pcrij mu:i WaIW mtvrki4liOKnIrL'a.cd atwnt , To t4 itrMitri Utuhtthorttlvi f ravri. Nov in th Btori of l lL C! tt L'pan wbAt adattluta iblinr C"ae.ar lr.i, Tbat L is rown 3 gti l' - ' If, ltrr Battle -Groarul, yon warJd effrct any thing tor the , causr in which jou prufedi to "bp Ti-.td, treat your adversatlcj wlth'ri m f cl especially thiwe who arp,iot ie ally your ad vert ariose bat .uwrv.y dtTrr with you !a ojmilca ' uVi th best meanS'rrraiOT-mptrfJsittg thf same eud.v :Metiiargt::iJit:t b m ;umenttil in your pof.r to do . If not be silect and csuift your aelf vanquished ratbt r than rv sort to vulgar ridicule,, in ntter ter'disregird -of-' female modesty and manly gentilfty. In the.ftfe-t'rPtfBi.bf ; tn day, e Iltb, appears a .c :it( uipti' li nib, tig otd ,"S.txkpah.iw," i: the in which the writer does inn tin m- iustice to attribute to mt evtd-nr 1y to mc-io my article on t!i. Pro hibitory Law, na expression tunt I did not use eutlrely nolil ar,y- tbincrthat I did sjy i In '"-this-he is guilty of falVhoKl,'premedlta;ed and maliriotriirilenilf calls, me a rgrogsbepvx2an,1. thua i agaiu t-U'- tentionallv vtoiattuir tue couj- m aud meal. itThoo t bajt not Iw ar What Is he t.A man who stab.H iu the darkan at assin jwhi treats a iaak lo coiical bk frfte M h;tl lie tmbruea bls handst iaonu i:i it blood., The mask is, an txefl'erit protect!; lrh.iv p. vc-d mmy a roati from arruntltucIFrnd ou the gibbet. ,. ! ; UX agaiabavettiia:,ien)Ciityll.Mr. Editor, to ubscrit ru.fKelf, Your iFriend ' ' D. O. N!!i:LLn: 1 Jucelli'Sl. ' ' ' ' JI ' irtCotnr or Carrying tt -:;-,:, l t . : MHtoi i i m irhU4lpbU Ti'. . -JSrniKapiELD, Mass., Jotii $ Digbt Kidder, Jr,ti.i fatally shot his half-brother, C, D.Kidl r, was to dy-4MJJia.4!u.l: .of 810,- pgd .1 er xamia4,t ioa.t XK,t,,4f day. Interviewed by A Union report, e? tc-tlsy the prisoner said": "It, ell comes of. carrying n pistol. I have carried one for jears.; If I had a boy. who cariied one I would break his . neck.? i Tbe. prisouer said hia mother over heard the mnrdercdEaa.sayingshe wanter his father to die, ea.ibcoald get $5,000 insurance .ou" his life- The prisoner asked him if h o. He said he did.1 The prisoner threatened to kill bim ir th remark was repeated and was pnfc out? of the house. The prisoner ran ; thy half biotber pwrsuinl and htruck iicvand -he ptUonet rdtbc fu tal shot." The deceased was a prom inent local Democratic politician. ...? ' Lady;- Before I Vngage yc u, I would ' like to know wL.u your re ligloo is." Cool: Ohf- rrm'am; 1 always feel it ray duty to bp of the same religion as the faaiiJy", is. ' Fuck ' i ' ' 1 .i , 7' ,h - " . ? M - 'Au't-PixnllItion. CmwiU uutf J'mrff to tJH Mmentl M j i'Siis ,t Jurj-tutdt. L'wvyk Jiome- ejub- iXliUira ao4 OLunrcr looa 10.1 The Eepublican State committee I cact In this city on .Thursday.5 and agreeu to.iiwua an aaaress io me people of 2orth Carolina, taking ground against the bill j passed by tha recent legislature to-prohibit cr rtjttuon. . r, . . . , , t Thursday, this .meeting of the eaairairrM Va. i.-I. n4i it . th most inharmonious ol all their as- pmbllea.- The sble object was to taptfrt" tif.' nii.nrihiMnn tnnvo. ment, which had been discussed In the latter parr of. May. At that pirating speecues were maue oy .j J. Xoing, T. 1 B. ; Keogh, D. A. Jenkins and 5V. A; Moore,- in op - w ruvsiu iuo nuirnr rbibitloa movement, aud by J. J. ilott. T 2. Cooper, and , W. P. Canaday on tba opposite side. m . . A sub-committee was appointed to be present ai tba meeting of the ant-prohibition conTention and see whatwould be the best plan foradorv tlon. It was undestood that this sub committee 'stood .".three.." to ' two agains VUMng; action. , , '.' . t Bat there is so .much dissimula tion' oa the part of these wire-pull ers mat it is dimoult to tell what it is np. and to feo il? Is that few ot iuna rpruugxnis matter Auursuay, and.took a snap' judgment on other members of the committee. . We learn tbaVfof , the eleven mem bers i of the committe, . four, . all opposed to taking part in the move menty were absent. These lour were Y. A. Moore. D: A; Jenkins. Mansfield Thornton and A O Hicks. dn-nlnif W H dorsement was, it is ..whispered, as 1 - 1 rr- T .. - , toiiowa : For w. P. Canaday, J. J. i r:.--' .u ViiVk- . T TtT Mott, T. K. Cooper and. John B.l F abe the rage. The Eivea: aratnsr-fr.frYTmnf. T. It hhaES? ply shows that the in- Kecga aVid tJlintRtfgefa - It appears, thatTJr. Mott, the new hairman, la termed by some mem- bersof the committee, fa little too previous." lie - Jsarted a -circular. ia-"advance of any action-of the committee,, calling: for funds, and aurnHinclag that . the Republican arty was solid for ami-prohibition, aud that the committee endorsed it. (This he did with a view of solidifying the negro Vote, declared tinmner ot prominent Republi can last eveninV. Sme of them cxpitted'great anger at the whole proi eeding, which they positively ccJared was in opposition to the ktiovvu view of the executive cwtciuie- of the. auti prohibition uij.,, Aue. worus .tiiey usea, in- lisnaiitly: xo express" their views ot ThnrsJav's action of the com- mtfteei -were "snap judgment." Jr. Mott comes io for a liberal ahare cf abase. ; . I ,.:...; Tutrp a ero some big rows iu - the committee Thursday, is is said, and .couii:utd fcnrliug. The over- . uIuaI uiembcrs are said to bo iiustd at the way they were eitdi by one Vote, . when but a b.ue majority of the committee was mfOt. .TKJ.i r.:; Vv? c.'..,. -i. Tuis iwbat -the Republicans as sert, liow much .truth i there ia in liieir-dtdaraUous, time aud circum- otancea cau alooe ruveal. . t. Isirteoli' ItsnssiHatiott. Oa lh&-ubjtl-of tba assassina tion of Mr. LibcoloMr. Davis writes iu hia-biokz rrft,v-r-, t-,'! .; . , !We . arrived at Charlotte ou April IS,- lSGa and Inhere received nl, the foment of dismounting a tolfgtam'frora .General -Breckeu-rMge anuoacctqg, ou ' Information received from 0eu. Sherman," that President Lincoln had teen assas sinated. ' An "influential citizen of the town,-who had cotae to welcome ot', was Htaiiding- near me, and, after temarklng te bim in'- a low toic that I bad received tad intel ligence, i handed I the: telegram - to turn. ' Some troopers encamped ,iu thn vicinity bad collected to ce me; the called to. 'the geutleman who u4d Ihtudispatclt ia. his. baud to itfiiU iu no doobt supposing it to be rw news. ,Hs .complied . with ii...r rnjui-fii, aui a icw, uuiy iaa lu'ia, iha fact.but6t appreciating lLa. ev it. potteuded cheered,, as ai uatujal,.atj bows' of the fall cfl oi:o they" considered their mC3V powerful foe. ' The mab who l.:teated the story of my having read the dispatch '' with exultation had free scope for his, ' imagination, as he was not pe?nr,"aod had no Chanel fd 'know wberebf 'be bore wi!c.!i-vea if there bad been any foundation ot truth lor bis fiction." .'! Money In. It. """:'i:KJ.iAvtile'Tiii;ea"june Shh'.l " 1 Brother Fulfibora of the Greens-j boro ralriat has not, found any moaey - in ProUibilion. Money is very scarce in anything to., editors. Tbev must not expect money. The! glory.: of advocating what they think right j bettn than money, though it does not pay fori a, roast uf bfcdf at R3t the iof to boiling. If wt though i there waamccb money in fiK)sioefjrohlbuioa we sbouid have serious doubts of being ia the riirht. , Brother k ulgtiam. Las been Ijnrenourh. an. editor to i learn to do, without, moaey, . Iti is .a Tile stuff. The Press, would not be the etherealireatnre it is if it had mon- fj.' Aw.ay wuu.'iue tnouguu xv is of the artthy earthy. 1 1 4 : 1 ii t v f i-1 . r-f f. c r " : ir-r Auq Bowt, Gen,. Beauregard is nitiag a history of. tho war.. . . Glass Eves. A reporter of tho Chicago; Infer Ooear has been, investigating tho trade in glass eves. jFrom the leadiD dealer in the West, a firm . . ...... wcica cas sold glass eyes for many I years, he learned that there were I as many as 1,000 wearers of' them in uai city, ana that from COO to SOOejes axe sold there every year The best eyes are made at Uri in Germany, the manufacturinc cen- the business. - The German eves .rn?cfn ean eyes "bstand corrosive acUon of tears f, j 8?crtlons better than those made in France. 1 A u n are made also vast anan- eyes used by taxidermists m nounung birds, animals and - iJ,, .uuiiu , uusbury epocimens I besides a superior quality of glass J marbles, known to boys as agates. i t iu oruixciai eye is a aeiicate sneu or case, very light and thin, and concave bo as to fit over what is left of the ; eye-balL The shell is cut from a hollow ball or bubblo of glass, the iris is blown in, and then the j whole, i3 delicately re coated.i ..j ' .'"' ' ;. .'.';' .' - : " The trade in Chicago has under gone a .'curious change. Twenty years ago there was sold . a great many more dark eyes than light, but from that period on the sale of I I ark yes has been' perceptibly dy- I u.. ?Ji.iuw uuany au are; ugus eyes, ay iwenty light to . one dark. In Boston the percentage is even larger, about thirty-five blue or light eyes to one brown; while, on the other hand, New Orleans fifty brown or dark eyes are sold to one light Begirding the change' of rt-l-l" in P.hin. rrx -v4 Mnws o ohi-vn taS'llOthing fodO' With it. Nd OUO haa Vfit that 1 Uu of rwpuiaUon has .been from t .t J -Northern Europe. - ; -: - Sursidal operations are Derform- ed much more skillfully than., for merly. Time was - when it was deemed necessary to take out the eye entirely. Then the artificial eve became a fixed, class v. . Rtarincr . - - 9 U W O object. "Now-amputation of por tions 01 tne eye can be performed in very many instances, and : the glass eye fitted id the stump, which moves quite naturally. .. Sometimes those who have lost an eve will keen two or three arti ficial substitutes. Ihey V trill' use one for the daylight with - a .. small pupil, and another for - night with a large bupil to oiTset the dilation. The Word "Stalwart Inventor. and Its - New York Tribune. Yin the spring of 1877 Senator Blaine, being called on to make an energetic protest against some phase of President Hayes' policy touching Govenors Packard and Chamberlain, concluded a lengthy telegram to the Boston Herald, of April 10 in the following words, published next day in Associated Press dispatches : ; , " -"I trust also that both Governors know that the Boston press no more- represents the Stalwart Re publican feeling of New England on .the ; pending issues than the same press did when it demanded the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave law in 1851." -.The. advocates of the : Hayes policy immediately' tossed the word "Stalwart" back and forth in terms of ridicule, and made merry .'.ma1 over it, as tney thougnt, at Air. Blaine's ' expense. As usual, Mr. Blaine stood his ground, and his phrase soon took the political nomenclature of the day. Jit was Mr. Blaine who first used it, and it must be exceedingly gratifying for Mr. Conkling to strut 1 round in the borrowed plumage of the Secretary oi State. The Trttth. Daubory Exporter, Jnne 9lh J The very best thing for North Carolina is that she sbouid manu facture her two great staples, Cot ton and Tobacco. There is nothing that will build a town so quick as' tobacco factories, look at Danville, Va.,ReidsviIlet Durham and Win ston in N. C, and if not satisfied with that ' just watch Greensboro, Kerneraville and High Point since they have taken hold of tobacco. They will go forward. l t . . TTZZ in Important .flatter. Several counties have already appoiuted their Registrars aud Judges for the election to be held on tba .Prohibition question : the first Tbnrsday in August. Tut attention of the County Commis sioners throughout the State is called to the fact that the registra tion books must be opened thirty days before the day of election ; hence it will not do for Commis sioners to delay the appointment of Jndges and Registrars until their regular meeting in "July. It will be necessary to have ealled meet ings, we think, for this purpose, except in those counties in which appointments have already been znade, '..,. ..... . ; -'it i . ' i SuprcMtte Court. ,After a two j days examination the; . following ybaDg gentlemen were, on Tuesday j licensed by the Supreme Court; to j practice law in the several courts of the State : - j pharlesi Henry SArmfield.Tredel Mnk.a if i I , uuuuiy. il .. ,,!-... l . . , David. Bell, Halifax.! Claude MelnotteiBernard. Pitt." Eichard Leich Blount. mans. i -. i . - . obert Baxter Boone. Person. James Inrr.nn , Tr-ll; -r - i -. 3iiy: onagers, jNort- hampton William! Ballard; Couneill, WaJ i i i - i Dunlau.iMoorR. tauga. XeillMj Mills Clarence Etire. Gatps. James AdgerForsythe, Transyb vanja Robert Donald Gilmer. Surr Keedham Yancey Gullev, John-J StOQ. .Hugh Whitfield Harris, Mecklen-burg.- ! ) f. ;. : i Edward jJohnjHill, Duplin. Theodore Eranklih Kluttz, Row an ! -j-. - I J , r-r : . -! Joseph Thomas Langaton, John ston.;, :-.!( i j- .4 f .Archibald J fierce I McComick, ouuiu uarauna. "i J4mes Purdla McNeill, Bladen. James Shanks Meritt, Person, j I William Desatur Mintz, Ruther: iora, y h:. . I -., , j -Lawrence Virgill IMorriLPitt. Pascal Paoli . iforfleet, Edge-- comne. .. ; I . i k j Herbert; Edmpnd Norris, Wake. Jesse Lindsay Patterson.For3vth. Patrick Murpbey Pearsall,Sampr son. i : : Daniel Elijah Perry, Jones. ; : Walter Troy Reaves, Harnett. Henry j McDiarmid Robinson Cumberland. ) James Walker Rumple, Rowan. - Wiilian Shappard, Pitt., I ! George iHenry SuiitUers, Bun combe. Henry Leon das Stevens, Sampson l,JnvIn!;. Pn J William Oscar Temple, Pasqno- tank! - Samuel Do well. Jcffirsou - Turner, McJ ! Wa8hin field; Caldwiell. ' r s Francis iXarioin Wil iams, Cataw- ba, I . ! - Fdrney Wiilii BUden. Robert Watsdu Wiistou, Bertie "I Told I'orrl So." General order No 1? First series. ! M Rp3i$ RepJ Ex. Com.,1 ;.. X EileighJ NL C, June 10, 1880. Dear SlEv Tao liepablicaa par ty, ,;tbrougb 1 itii Stao executive! committee, takes grohud against what is knewa as the "Prohibi tion?' movement in thi State, be cause of tho legislation it contains against citizen r ghta, aud in favor of rank audjclas i-3. . As a parly, w cannot stand with folded armsaiid .s:e- tho liberties ot the people subverted, 4ud one 'class of citiZL'US prefened al.ve another. Thejpaid e mi is tries of faiiatical er ror aud political bickeiy combined, are about to ba seat abroad in the State, to help fasten upon our peo ple thi4 dangerous euabtmeutof a Deuiocratie legilaturp, this wolf iu sheep's clojthiug vrohibitiou." We;'iubt meet thea emissaries with the overw helming arguments that can be used aaum this s at Liberty and Progress. If :ou feel 1 disposed tp assist the party iu this ip'jft, scull yoar cou- tribution to me ajt Raleigh, at once 3. . 1 J.J MOTT, i; ; I Ch m'a . Rep. Ex.. Com Why are Democrats everywhere aud under all circumstances so unwise! We have lost subscribers heir bacs i . - I ! and men have : turned on us because we woal 'not put a stick iu the bands of oiir adversa 1 ries. I n i i I J i ' - - Income of Moneyi Kings. Oar town iiiilhonaires mfst feel poor when cj-mpar'ijg ibt-ir wealth with that of thu fnr rep u'eil richest! man iu the owiL snmaUro suppoeed .work!. Tho ' to bo tho inconies of U-ur of tbo great mcciey kings of tho Iworkl ! Dulfepfj WetEbinst6r. Senator Jonea of Nevada ! i $100,000 000 ! 5.000.0WO 400,000 15.000 - 600 10 i Mackay., 1 $-.7r,ooo,t;oo 1:1,-50,000 1,000,010 , 3i.t'00 1,500 25 Capital.. . ,.5SM,00,CC0 Per jear. Per hiotiUi..--Per aay.... .i Per hour....!.. Per binuto-J-. 3W.0OO jlicoy 4o0 S0 .1 ! KotbHcbihi. Capftaf.:....f2U00M.0C0 Per Jer,... .. f'j.COU.OCO Per month.. 8'P.eoa Per day.... Per hour... 2.,Ct)i 1.0C0 Per miuutc... 20 The ricaeat miu in tJia world ia suppos- J ed to bo Mr. J. tV J . 1 -:- 4 T ...1 ....1 r-f---J one years ago was a p 100 r voy iu ireuuut Twenty years ago he; trareled through the ITiiittHl States a4 a ebecnlattve salesman; and cTenteen jiar fego wal a baakropt At ilm are of 47 h4 is the owner of the - . 1 f riht silver mine that has ever been dis covered. ' I I'ttcoiistit tit tonal. h- i- I I (BaltiLord Gazette'.) It i3 only a weeks since the prohibition law of Kansas went intrti-fleet, bud it has already been nronoonced uneoustitationai. lne District Court . . . . , ai liaavQuworin cas done this ou the ground that the law: attempts to confer judicial PrnhafA! flnnrt and Dowers on the prohibit khe sale of undertakes to articles 1 wbicli tue uonstuuiionj only gave thu !! er to regulate. ejlLslatuiie the pow- The maiter will go to the Saprede Court tor final de cision. ' I , ' - "7: ; . , 1 . , , . 11 I 111 ; - 1 I II in 1 i -i 1 1 1 f ' j 1 ''' LYorkTilli (8. C.) Enquirer) The best of all rules for ! success t ful housekeeping and making both ends of the year meet, is fpay lis you go." 1 Beyond all countries in the world, ours is the one in whieb the credit system Is most used and abased., j Pass books are the; bane and pest of domestic economy, fa perpetual plague,; vexation J and swindle. Abused 1 by ! servants at the store and the; house,- disputed constantly by housekeepers anil dealers, they are. temptations to both parties to do wrong. "11 nev er had thatj" "We neglected to enter this; "I forgot to bring the book;f fNever mind we will make note of it; and so tt goes. Bit the worst of it is that housekeepers are tempted to order what they have not the means to pay for, and when the month or quarter comes for settlement they are straitened. A family can live, respectably; on a moderate income, j it they always take the cash in ! band and j boy where! they can buy to the best adl vantage, i They j will be careful first to get; what is necessary, j Ex4 tra comforts will be had, if they can afford them. But it is ;badt policy to buy on credit. 1 No wise dealer sells so cheaply on credit las for casb. ! y i ;, j-, , : i -j , -Y- j j ! The table is the place j fori econo my. Good wholesome food costs little, compared with unwholesome luxuries. ol.-'U.... . , ! ' . The dress of a family is so much a matter of taste, that it! need hard ly he said it is just as easy! to bel respectable in clothing that costs 1 lifllo oa In that: ivfih ia'afnAnftfvA I Trt drpflA ftffrrr!tncr tn nna'a mADi I ...i.v " f -1 is the! only respectable style; 1 .r r: i. j , i One must have ! a home, and in every place there are dwellings suit ed to! the ability of the purchaser. When the rent, the food andt he clothing are kept! within one's (in come, the margin for benvolence. margiu .ur oeuiu for Idxury, and for P easure, may be measured and used. I i In I these, as in other matters, "Pay I as you go.' The JVegroe Irouied. Demanding- Recognition in the Be- stomal of Patronage tn Norm - Li' 1 l Carolina, Special Dispatch to the Phil. Timfca. Raleigh N. C. Tune 10.-A few week: ago the colored j politicians of this btate held a conven tion here for the purpose of calling the attention of the administration to the fact tliat. although 1 their race of the vot- composed seven-eighths ing strength of that party i State, few or no offices I had in this ever been accorded then. Under pis state of affairs the present Post master of Raleigh was jappointed. Most cf his clerks are young white men. The negroes have been l6ud in their denunciation of this prbs- cription of 1 their race in the selec tion of j the; clerical force by the new Postmaster. Yesterday Jesse G. Ball, a delivery; clerk! in theiof fice. resigned, his. friends say, put there seems to be a dirTerencej of opinion as to his departure. The the appointment of James Hartil- for fame, aisuncuoa, nonor, great tn r, nr-rm. who is recommended n8. they would have jups and J T--O ' 1 .11 - j. I 0 1' ....1 . . J 1 - city. Ihe darkies say tnat nere after they intend to demand, full recognition j in the bestowal j of Federal patronage. Unless this is given to them, the colored politi cians of this State boldly declare that they will no longer give their adherence to the present adrain .. i ' !. 1 It. li ii-' istration party. ; known' that the have insoired It is quite well fripnds of Grant this . movement among the negroes in this Statd. ' ; i '.I : : . ii : ' " Ihe Hon. A. II. Stephens, ayB th Hew York Tribune, ia said to be al wji mora or lees depressed in departing from Washing- ton at the close of the e.ioB.! It ia rlat l that Jwhen fall of foreboding he wjent Snath after the adjournment in 1859 he followed d! with bU eye" aa long :as po8bl ne of the capitol. "Ton are look- . . I. i.: J ,a'L- 1 tbe dome ing at that 'I suppose." aid tome . ne, "thinking of the time .when you willj re turn a Senator f" 14Not at ad," anawered Mr. Stephens 'I am taking farewell of it knowing I shall not aee it again 'n til I am broogbt here a State prisoner." tlia was literally fulfilled in the latter part of October,jl8fi5, when he passed through the city a paroled prisoner i on hi way Lome after spending nve montas in ion W arrcn. n Irresponsible Prediction. From the New York San.l J j . i I- Ml .1 No penitentiary; has yet bejen built that will hold Dorsey, Brady or Elkins inside the walls! for Star route frauds while Garfield sits the White House or Blaine remains iu the Department of State. If vou wish to show ! that you know that it summer in eiitd of the thermometer, you musij write to your menus on me stationery pre pared eDcially for the season, and ornamebted with flights of dragon anA hana'anH hlTfl A in ! th Kill m ner of each sheet and card. I Mrs. Nettie Cloninger, of Dal nger field , Texa, hiie fibbing on Uaghea Lake pue day rccently, was attacked jby a eion in a mohtj savsge manner. She threwj it into tbe lak, bnt it came back and fougb her for blf aa hoar before she killed it. IXTte Republican forty lie" , f JL'rontottiott, i 'r 1 " t i u 1 ' .j . Wilminston Star Jane tfth . A special telegram from Raleigh informs1 us that the) Republican State Executive!' Committee met in that city yesterday and resolved to ' issue an address to the people of ' the State against the bill. li;, - prohibition - We need not isay to those who . have read the Star carefully of late tost tbis action is no surprise to us. Vf0 have felt donfident for soma tine that the question of prohibi tion would Inevitably (drift into politics, and that the Republicans, as ia party, would take strong ground against iti ... j i -L f Whatever else" j maylx be said - of this action of the highest Republi can authority in! the State except a State convention, it insures the defeat of prohibition j land it re mains for those I Demodrntn love their party better jtban the empty, privilege of supporting a measure that is doomed to over whelming defeat, to look his que. tidnf quarely in the face; and deter- mina nnfafelw i1' iah. 'u uugub to pursue, f I Great Haul of Drum rish. Oasnoock (Ea8tern,S.hore) Virginian . ! fr. vvucox, 91 1 vninc.TrOteague Island, on Tuesday made a haul $hat Astonished the natives", anfl I r tir; i r '. . ' threw into the , shade all Ithe fis trapping of all the-factories put tol gether. ; Throwing out his seincs;- t,- ? A;jT r I -i 'li' s nu iusl in li in e ior an unnp.irn if LtJ-:i ! -e j: - Jl . i ,1 ,iM w w-uooi 01 arums, wnicn usua swrhi! close to the bottdrril buti thisf instance wcre near the surfaa Hisjdrews secured between co o and 100,000 large! fellowsj loadin two schooners. 1 Mr. Wilcox trave tncra away to wblte and black and ai larke surplus remained undis posed of. TT. a. X'orktowu Cannon Mull, j Baltimore Sun, j Robert B. Shaw, formerly i Preside Justice! of the County Court of Bucknh ham county, Va., has a cantton 1 ball, wetghiiig eight pounds, which was throwh into the American lines during the siege' ui luiMuwii,! m ifi, ana was laicen home by Mr. Shaw's grandfather, a sol-i dier of fthe reyolution, who was present at the; siege and surrder of :Cornwalh6. It has been a "cherished rehe" in the Shaw; (family I for nearly one; humtrcd; years and will be exljiibited-at! the York- town tcntenial, m Odtoher next. That latest neWo outrage noa ;Reidsyille, North Carolina, should warn people living! in sparsely set-! tjed rural districts, against leaving: their yives and daughters at home Unprotected. Rapje and the mur-' der of jwomen when left defenceless one of the natural results of "teaching and practicing political and social!' equality. Richmond ptate June 9th. I I The Hon. Alexander H. Ste phens, in an address to some young! men at Augusta, Ga., some months , leir stnre Irintfna r i.aal wrfr Ihnl lh a n.i i I I HAWII th -BBrin-j. a not a steady incline hpward, bnt a rolling way,, now up again down, with a general incli nation toward the tup. He advif'M all you be men to f commit Grav 7h Fisieey." and liurusr "Attvice to A W .... iXoung urieua," to mim). ; - I: low who had been- to th Circus spoke of his!! girl's cheek as a splendid side-show. I The grocer sets a good I egg sainj pie In tne window. Tuose in tbe m . 11 rn - . . I l basket are often not so good. 1 i i ! I; .11 . There are some then sojtalkativd that nothing but the toothache caii Inake one of them hold his jaws I j Why is the money you jire in the habit of giving to the poor liko u liewly-born babe? Because it's pro- cious uttle. j j There is nothing worthy of thd pame of education jwhich is wholly! apart from religioiji. Every -child has a soul, which makes him con sciously akin to the) unseen and thu I .! ! . - ...... I l.li'i eternal: ana tuis jsoui, loiien m Adam but reaeemea in utniatj must be educated in tho truth as iti is!ih Jesus" ! ' '' I S j A? small boy of Bath, 1 had ust!gohe to bed, when he began to dijeim jabout cows Soino I slight noise woke bim up and he said, i'Mamma, I saw some Icows." "Where?" she aske l. ,4Ub there1 , said ho pointing to .tbe- ceiling Bs mother remarked that; that was a queer place tb see cws, uud the little fellow got Islightlyj acrv anosaia " yeu, a gufces tuey couiu be angel cows, couldn't they?" 1 ' -u .tj-i! .!': f- 1 -ih i ' r " - The footprints of a barbarian in the 'sand prove the presence of a man; tol that sametheist who de nies the existence of a God of whlse hand the' jrhole.' uuveio beats the impress. j j ' ' 1? Mi ii -: i V i , '. i I V- lf you wish to behold God, vcu see hiih ih every object around; search n your breast, and you will find him there. And if you do not vet perceive wnere ne a wens, con- i j 1 1 4- n f 1 " 7 fute me, if you can, ana say where nets not. duenmsiastQ, . ' ' 1 a V r .. j i i. - .. . ! I i, i t, i I t 4 1 1 i ...... (. i

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