' - ' ., ' - yCL OP . ' Established in 1821. . :. H; , i " GBMjaTSB.OBO,-ClAY, JULY 27, 188lJ I - . -j T. T: '.'.fill: ; l"' aHo 'Clt t i i I ! I I r . ..-- i . rccnsboi;o atot ttllilllD WUXITBT jAHES W. FORBIS,. Trustee OIU2EN8UOUO, O. Ofiea oa Sotb El at BL Term of tcri?Ou fuopt cr ii Moetfcs; mu Igr (bro T PATRIOT bdMoUm Democratic: att i North Ctfsiuu. Its drr-aiiDoo is Urg 4 ( h koM octrroaad tatrUifa poV no f tt Sct. aod Ocra jc:if- to adrur, o i nol 1 jr live ISO 4 Suuiia.OD 1 - It U t - I I - . f 3 O-l $ w I 4 Off - Iltf w,o , OU 4J Ok SIS IV .U4U.i9 4J 10 0 I'l.OU 12.UC JQ l0Cj I & UU SU ouj iol I l If ljlUy4 0M liooojii-oo 20 00 4 00 9U0O 4J DO Co 00 fl ocJ 84 00 I 30 00 1 34.00 43 90 a oo 1 100 uoou f Portal nlic t2 tiU pr for firtl . iriit. lo eu pr lis fr ck aa- .. Airrtiwl lbrid fat Ua llu Lm k. corr. valtu r. caidttxij. ICOTT CALDTTXLL- 0HEOSU0E0.K.C. TT7TLL. TTetllm UaBctrUr Crtoi Iff Galiiord. A1umm, IUa4o; DrU a rTv, jwwu, irau m 9(aui la U rdrai Coart at OrMMVcn ai Hutmrill; la XUaknpity.and la aovru tCaaab. SpU) axtaU gra t loaai af Uri4 aa4 atAr MamriUaa, ! X. BOTO. no, W. 4XBX3tTOjr, BOYD & ALBEETS02T. ATTOIUIEira AT LA7. Q5aat i Crwjrt W OdUm, JT. C. fmiiM la tha 3U aad Fadarai CoorU. EL 15. STUJHXaEJ ATTOUNCr AT X.AT7 Uioa Pourr, V. C. fTUl prtla (a StaU as4 Fadaral CoarU ty CUacaana a 6yoIaJty3 D. X 1879 tj- M lrrii-aau payaVla la ad i. . f.r rk Adailaialratora' I D i.fu? rt foi doabla eolama adrar r. Q. C Ortrorr KESPECTTULL7 orrxRS iiis PROFISSIONAX. 8EH VICES to tXs Ctiixena ct Grtcnxborv, FEES THE Mine At TUOUE CJwjrpd bj other Practicing Pyfioam oT Us Ciij. mUmllit fiad a XAUlt IZsvu llollla bad 2UU ram iTaa alack aa a rabbar ak Aad avarj vhr tbat Jiolil want Ua aalraLad to. i i TTa waat wiik kr (a abort a a daj Tb folki bUarioaa rrav . Ta aaa klai walk daaiaral - lata Dmou JLlUa'a pav. i Tba warthy daaoea qaUtij 11 Ilta aoiy paaaioaa ri, Aad Kara li aa aaatriatlaa kick Batwara lta cobarry tja. ' I - ' ! TbU Iaadd nataty la tba alala, Tb Dmmi follow! ft ad raiMd bia foot inla Bl aa! Um ts kUtk wu tb last, h t For Mr. abp rJkad alowly baek Abost a rod. Hia aaid , Aod r tb Drtoa ald ratraai It atod kUa an bta baad. I ' I . Tba eoBfrf atioa tbaa aroa j Aad waat for tkat r abp, Bat aTar! dlracUd bniU ! Jaat pllod tbaa La a bap, 1 : 1 Tba raaba I tbr airfltvay for tba - door : j Wblla nam rwek lb bladainat at 4a Aad abot blai tbroafb tba crowd. Ever CUattrinT fVuAiaM. Sixteen freely Dcared orca the for-hH . . . . . . a I VTi etf 4m - t, n. ;..V.t:.:Z. . -I tTixrrij to Om Pu I 'oa. tor saddooe. would applied p tio wrltU'a&d -vaklesJ Th f .1 ,wrTi; aad0rrrthetoeh:'and aa eooo J ,oU-owi?f w prepared on a. tharstlrnt Is ahfa ta aarallor. iaewV D7 Etcellencj, th Children tbQ koxt quantity' Siren Lin at p!c-:ro brandj aod water,' or whlsiey and. water; or any other tinnteat" coaresfeat. .The effort to latrodese fiaids Into , the itoa- ach css&Ilj glres riie 6 ToaitiQg-, which s co cuidrantae. and forernor: Executive Dspabtmeit, i ALEion, N. 0- Jo It 19; l&JL I i the People of Xorik Carolina : I waa charred br the laat Oenor. u. As-eaoij with the duty ; oti mouRtrare thefr absardiry. Tit rpvolorione tbt jbey make are n. obviooa until tbey hare ben r. irrded through a aeries of yea me remtiilne Bode of weariog the oir a present i a fair illastration. . - o a ar i n.i n w am vrvnnn m mm a oca aa me paueas, is aoia . to I n Z t Tu w f,eB,or wallow, howerer I a perfectly, bta restoration ny . be coofldeatly expected la a period of an hoar, or Sunstroke Csw of : iXe Dit 5yw p totu j and TreamenL i Creensboro Business Directory igrlcullural Icuplemeatta, liurdHBre, Jlc. w It Wk,iU'J A C. Hoatb Elaa KtiHuhiV Wbtt4a, J. :nl Mu 1 1 on erj. "ci... I, 1 - b i:aa at. TOTE, 9ous Funmhing Q ooda FaUy Urooeriea, aaofMiar- of Tit WA3E Ttrylos to tlx hoars. It is thus seen that a sunstroke is not only eTident In Its approach, but well narked la its character.' and that any one can apply the simple and coareaieat means which are adapt ed for Its cure. In waiting the arriral of a physician some time oinally passes, and this time fre qacatly nakea all the difference kstweea lile aad death. Therefore when an Individual is unnstruck," be should at once hare the advan tage of the remedies used for his restoration: and any . one of his com pa oion s can place him in a farorab'a position, pour cold water upon hia head, and endeavor to give him brandy and water, and continue this treataent until the physician arrives,' who will take charge of the case and attend in detail. !' Roods aapc2r. - r. lUii.Uin. IJuara. ... tU . . UcbrtN rt. Eli Urj liaala. htiaa, Ave. tUUd UmUrt. W. B B-UAft. VCt Uiikd aU V C &, L.l blrk4tU PW. EL Harms, kUt Mxkt at. Drugglata, CtC. W. a Ptur A Co.. So lb elaa at. I'lvfrsklwaal Cards lbi 1 I'oaH. Ailor at Law. irivclrj. allt erivare, Clc Jaa llo)iUii SiB Cloa at rlbolraale aiad Retail Grocer J. W. Scott A Col. Soatb laa at. I ruli Tree, fines, Aw J Tm liaUUf , Pwaiaa Hill 2arri N4 to Ci'y. A Washington doctor contrib utes the following timely article on aaatroke tol the Star of. that city: 1 j Uoostroke Is known in medicine by the technical came of Covp ds boltil? and is pronounced as though ft were f pelled "Co de Sal ale? The literal , meaning is a atroke of the sod, and is similar in its effects upon brain and nervous system to a violent blow or fall upon the bead. Its effect is that of eoocuMiona or shocks, and for the time being saapends the fanctions of the brain, and renders the indi vidual Immediately insensible. The Insensibility; msy terminate in either gradusl returning sensibility or in rapid death; and a favorable or unfavorable termination depends upon the degree of the stroke and tbebsbitsand constitution of the Individual. The ! temperate are mach less liable to suffer and die from It than the intemperate; and co single caoae, operating upon tbooe whose avocations and pur salts expoe) them to the direct best of tbe sun, so much prompts or Induces a stoke aa Intoxication, , -i . r r-.- I nr thm frmnent and habitnal drink. I neatlnci stoics nnc aooes ana r ancy oup- of alcohol is liauors- whiTe He took small etaTloorJ and Uied PCrS. aien S nCW OiyiC XiaO. I . M . ' .. tnmmnnM o. er tnmatlmi th W. R. MURRAY Is exhibiting an unusually Large and attractive Stock of Spring and Summer Goods FINE DRESS GOODS A large lot of Fancy Lawns, Prints, Cambrics and White Goods that is well worth your special attention and which you should cot fail to see before buying. Il&mtn of the TZareeillaise. Tbe Zlarseillaiae was inspired by genius, patriotism, y oath, beauty ami champsgne. Ilouget de Lisle was an oHcer of the rarriaon at Strasburg, and a native of Mount Jura. He was an unknown poet and composer. He had a pleasant friend named Dietrick, whose wife and dasgbtera were the only critics and admirers of the soldier poet's song. One bight be was at supper with bis friend's family, and they bad only coarse bread and allcea of ham. Dietrick, lookiog sorrowful ly at De lisle, aaid : "Plenty is notour feast, but we have the courage of a soldier's heart; I have still one bottle left in tbe cellar bring it, my daughter, and let o drink to liberty and oar country P Tbe young girl brought tbe bottle it was soon exhausted, and De Lisle went etsggering to bed; be could not sleep tor the cold, but bis heart .was warm and full of tbe heatings of genius and patriotism. Jobber lu .otlona, Ave. J n u a Co.. ib Eiai at. Laur Schools. - II tl!rd 1 1 4 iU ILikt Street. ltt. P lutk. Richmond 3usinesi Directory , N Uoirole lirocert, AVc "yr.Jk Wrfi. Wia aad Dock e Creer.shoro PoslOfllce Directory ftar. at 'J6 4 Maod 6 17 r ' .- " H 4 M and 9 ji r it a 'm ,,u " 9 3o r. Dd?ra r Urp'i. 3 4 M ood O S7 r Wffc aii. . 7 07 r M ,, " !MfM fm "ml. 1 'Jj f M 'u"i." y ij r m v,r " r .iu 4ut5sodavby6rM .- .. " e a m 6a ..r v..., ad Sat'd'j 6ra . j by 6 T t -4ja al6ra ( ' 1 !.:' br do ll - t 1 1 - It. m. r 9 A L, J. l wiirTK. e I "AlLJtOAD UlIlfCCTOliY TV. U iff Ubio'abow tb MDUBf lt ' fJu to aad froaa Uroaa I la ITIfwda: j0 4St 04XVILL B4XLJt04D pers, Mens new ityie lists, Rcady-Made clothing a good stock of New and Beautiful Wall Paper, Linen and Paper Shades. First class Goods Cheap for Cash. See and be convinced. GraoBaboro. K. C. Aoril 23rd. tf Call on J. F. YATES & Go. FlUILY FLOUR A EPD:ULTY. Wkptb bet ajod la tba Unltoi MUi. Jaly th d tw. , W. J. B LA r KB URN with W. E. BEY1LL, RETAIL DEALER IS STAPLE Dry Good. IlaU. Boor. 8 boo. Notion. Hard wart. Crock try. Gla, Woodva Wara. Tinwa'a. P-wdar, Sbot, Rope, AtUGrMf.TbUOilClolba.tot. diaOil; Grooonoa oottitf la eafar. CoAVoepiooa. Poppor. Bokiaa; powdr AJe Taaaoo aod Cir. tlaelag boKht atntly for eaak, I asf prtoml to oSmt tba oa at Low Priao rtibar lor aab or Bartor. Glra m a aH Ktor boylair.-Bt ACaxkat atraot Qroboro.N C. ValuaHo City Property Partio drains- to rarbt lot fJr tb rt. of Cotioe or Toboooo Factor. Tby Wtb). or dtUiaa-a la tb OITT OF GREENSEOEO, weald do woll to call oa lb aadrtf aod. I baerl very daarbl Utm wrll lo ood for tho pnrpo-oa aaauod wbib I will II at rafU fl4ro:aod apoo ay toraaa. CVC P bfDKfB4lX. Graboro. N. C. Jaa , 1881-da-wlw 9,40 p 9iU a a MS P iftu cmuit atLa40. 'n'it.mi;Lt::it 9.30 a '..-o,.,,.,, . 9 41 p f" Uj.b.xi aod . 9.4) raJ 6.25 "t tMUS ji. c BiLaoz. Lm.'rf:" 7 30 p 4,.r. , . 9 61 p IW fUou 1B.0O. s I KKbo-uud, :r U-ciiuutttf. a. 1 THE ORIGINAL AND Genuine Durham Long Cut, . 2 Durham Cut Plug, AND DURHAM TWIST. Alcohol, of all kuown substances. pouesea tbe greatest aQnlty for tbe brair.; and tbe peeoliar imia tion wbicQ it excites prepares that organ, in tbe moet inviting manner, to receive aa attack of sunstroke.' The approach of sunstroke is foretold by an i"deecrlbable feeling of oppreeoioo and dfpresioo. Tbe resptratiou becomes labored aad deep. Tbe face 'alternates with reduess and pal'or and prevent an expreesioo of fatigue aad drbiliry. Tbe ejrs wrar a dull look, and tbe bead fet-ls bor, fall and giddy, with (ceasioiial brp pains in tbe tem pi, a. Tbe bran grows trrmuloua, weak and staking, and the pulse onoaiural and irregular. A tired aetisa'lon pervades every limb, tbe bands slightly tremble, and the roicw becomes faint ami bollorw. Tbe tnutcular system of the whole bod gives unmiatakable eviduc ut au extrordiuarj! degree of ner vuoa drpreuioo, and it tbe wamiog uroclaimrd tv ibree Simutoms io uubt-drd b) thte boore expotH-d t tbe brat tf the nn, and an tfloit is made to otk 1 ff these bad feelings, all of these symptoms are stfoo aggravated, and danger and death are irrmioent. Tbe person instantly, and immediately becomes inseoalbla The premonitory symp toms last from bait an hour to a day or more, and when prolonged I bey usually snaaide at night, and m. . a a mnrn during insuay, wnen me caoae is brought to act upon the brain. When an ), Individual is sunstruck be ties mot ion Iras and inetib!e. . His pulee is feeble and irregular and tbe face wears tbe deepest expression ol puiuful hag gard newt. Tbe eyes are either partially closed or shut The teeth are firmly set, and tbe power of swallowing is lost. It flaid is forced Into tbe mouth co effort is made to swallow it, and it passes out at tbe corners of the lips. RfIiratioa.i sometimes attended with a distressing moan, and the! extremities become cold aod are' covered with a profuse and clammy sweat. Everything 10 bis appear anre iud:caiee immediate dio lo tion: but. fortunately, even from ords were comDoaed first some times the sir. Directly he fell aaleep over: the Instrument, and waking at daylgbt, wrote down what be bad conceived io the deli rium of the night. Then he waked tbe family, and ssng his produc tion; at first "the women turned pale, tbea tbey wept, then burst forth into a cry of enthusiasm.' It was tbe song of tbe cation and of terror. f Two months afterward Dietrick weut to tbe scaffold, listening to tbe self same music, composed under bis own roof and by tbe Inspiration of bis last bottle of wine. Tbe people sang it every where; it flw from city to city, to ever) public orchestra. Marseilles adopted tbe song at the opening and closing of its clubs hence tbe name, "Hjinn of tbe Marseillaise;" then it spread all over France. Tbey sung it In their houses, in pablio assemblies, and in the fttormy street convention. De L'ole'a mother heard It, and said to ber son, "What is this revolationa- Af liar. Richard PiivaII !. i n the town of Kiuston or at his grave, three miles from tbe town, and a small but inadequate appro priation was made for. that purpose. . An association, however.' mm. tfosed of public spirited men ; of Kiuston and vicinity, was formed with a view of increaaing the food suQciently to secure the erection of a suitable monument, and upon their success I agreed to use the State appropriation to build tbe monument m that town. By the persistent effort of this association, and the liberality : of the people, a suScient fund has been . raised to secure quite an imposing monument. Tbe 3rd of August being the anniversary of Gov. Caswell's birth day, the association has desig nated it a the day on which tbe monument shall be unveiled. Senator Vance, at the request of tbe association, has consented to deliver an oration on tbe occasion. Bsveral military companies will be present and participate in the cere monies, and it ' is hoped that tbe IXasooio fraternity will join with us in these! services, in honor of one who held, tba highest offices in their order. - . Special trains will be run with greatly reduced rates of fare, so as to give the people an opportunity to attend. X hope to see targe numbers of tba people there . to witness these interesting ceremonies, and to. do bdanr to the memory of this accom plished surveyor, able lawyer, skillful financier, successful soldier, profound atatesman.devoted patriot and benestiaan. It is fit and proper, in these days of tbe eesassiu'a greed for the emoluments of office, that men should give a day to tbe memory of one who served his country without stint and without compensation. I therefore invite tbe people to mske tbe 3rd of August a general holi day, throughout tbe State. j VI urn, your obedient servant, T&OXAS J. JARS is, Governor. X4. wore ago, wnen tbe rage lor phrenology had brought high forebesus into vogue, tbe hair wss brushed back from the brow so as ro exhibit it to its fullest exoanse t one LXirtlu A man in Illinois, having sent to a Washington journal a phorogfspb of fivelcf his children . who I Were born on the same' day, I assertinit that oo other ' man cab show n picture of five," the - newspaper quiets him wub the following; statis tics! . t . j . , ( ! Insfsnces r have been i found where children to the ; nbmber or six, seven, eight, mue.'aua itDf. times Sixteen, b ve..; been . bropgtr forth at one bir h. Tbe, wifU o Emanuel Gago, a laborer bear Val A favoritn vererable with xtinnh i-j..' . r. . j'a i. Tii -T ;' I't ! J-j j- I ' j- 1 1 Ii ; Now, hen, what is R.ioe Conk ling going to do for a livitig ? s There is one erone poiiit about warner aiiuei; ne wmever resign, U General John 6. Pemberron died Jalv fh 13 h at his hnmelo Pena syivsnla, , j Tbe fashion was not pretty ; it gave I ladolid.1 was delivered tbe 14 h wume0. ooid, masculine, staring fxpressioo ; but it continued with the interest .in phrenology. Tbeo women began to dress their hair reasonably, letting it shade the brnw, as ft ought tor instesd ol puahiog it off as jjfar as possible. They have of late been wearing it lover and lower until many now bide their foreheads with it alto gether. It is not Uncommon to see well dressed womeu whose hair. natural or lise. l cornea down fn their eyebrows,1 while others draw it forward in such profusion as to give them a grbreeqtie aptearauce. Mo8tot theKew IToik women who make any pfeten to fashion look as if they bad no brows, these be ing jj invisible bo account of the peculiar arrangement of their bail. Tbey are not content to depend op on nature, eii ber. f Tbey . decorate inemseives wub front pieces of di vers; patterns, and bv their aid look as ill as tbey well can. If tbe) knew how tbey! looked iu tbe e)e of good taste, they would, we are sure, alter tbe dressing of their oair. Hiding !tbe(r foreheads iu that manner bestows on them a eery, insipid, not to say imbecile, expression. They migh', with hair and e)esbrows miiigliug, be mi taken tor bleached South Sea Islanders, and candor compel us to say; that tbe intelligence of sown or tbeirj faces deH nor need toning dowu. New York Times. ? of B. Y K rkmsni of Ysdkin coan A. '! o ; ' . L - r1 ry, nan a mule to die of bydropho U A man character fs like a fence.' It- cannot be 1 strengthened by? , j White, vesta, are , blooming, and I patched heels of: stockings show i' Jane. 1789, of five girls. . Tbe cele brated Tarsia (was brought, to lbd to ,tbo seventh month. r Arri reull, near Paris; I7f h of Julyma. of three beysJ each Idarteen and n half inches long, and agirl, thir- f well np in low shoes. reen tncnes. Xbey were all bapr fixed, but did hot live over twenty four , hours. In Jane, 17D9, bne liana Butx, of Lucena. In Andalu sia, was aaccessively ' delivered j of sixteen boys, j without ' any girla Seven of them were alive on tbe 16 h of August following. . Io 1535 1 Senate diflVr muscovite peasant named James! taonse-rtrap ; It i '.: a t " i;imi umu uao iitieiJb ed a jpostal card; with a; pocket attachment to inclose a stamp for repij. K ri ff and bis wife were presented o th Empress of Eussls. This peasant bsd been twce. married, and was then Seventy ears of age. Q is first wife jras bronght' U bed t went) one times, namely, four times of tour bbildren each i time, feven times ofj three, and ten titue f tmo, making Jn all fltty-eevHu children who were then alive. Ii)" iM-cnud wife, who acc mpauied bim. bad been' delivered seven rimes--once of three children, and six times of twins.! Thus be bad seventy two children by bis two marriages," Boscoe Conklinff mnat be satisfied by this; time thai the Uc I ted States somewhat from a' Is much easier tb get on t than it is to get In. - .1 i H Alcohol wilt clean out the inside of an ijiksfand. It will also e'ean nt the tin aide of a) pocket book q ifrkrj and m m thoroughly than! . .' - til i if. i i ij. 411 t tuirjz (VI reo irdi I' lr is paid a car in waa eonatrdk the 8. L n Mo., The JYevo York Senator. Hood it, Ae HevivaltMt, Guiteau. On statement ! having appeared in the press that Guifeuo, tbe assassin ; a ' m or toe xresidenr, naa Deen a co worker with Mr. MiKwij, the evau- geliir, and bad leer uied under the aaspicea of .be Chicago Chiistiau AstMiciation, a reporter cal'ed on Mri Moody at bis htime. In North w a i a . . f . ur-ia. aza8.. io aKcerisin wnat ne knew about -f him Mr. Mood) srated that be bad known Guiteau for; ten ) ear; bud fierer had an) confidence io jbimj aud thought bim a bad man. lie bsd more egotism and ascurSnce than any Warner Milter, elected recent!) to tbe Senate for five years, to fill tbe vacancy caused by Piatt's re signation, was born in 0wego conury. New jTork, in 1838 , He graduated at Union College iu 18C0. nd began teaching lu Frt E I- ward Oollegiaie Institute, but wheii the war broke bur be entered k private in the Fifth New f York Cavalry, and waa taken prisouer at Wiuchesttr. jlle was a member of the Legislature of New York in 1874-75, and Was elected to tbe last Coug:eaa from' his district.) receiy- log U 055 votes, against 11 633 br 1. iirowu, Democrat, and u.llrj tor H. Lewis. Green backer, and re! elected to tbe present Coogressl He is a paper manufacturer, and was the head! of tbe opposition tb the removal of the paper tax at the last session. Ha is a very ordinary other day. and stje went and leaned hf head agsinsf ;a block ofTice until her tem-i perarnre was reduced to its normal states- j : " j J-lf -T;,. . iThe deaths Jrom sunstroke in Citteinnati from Jo v lO'h to July id, b inclusive numbered 264 and twm excesMive best 1 150. Deaths T 7 i 4 ' . 1 a I " ! i rrom au oroer censes in tue same time were only 10 f li - The circuses of late have gained some incidental advertising but at large cost. B-trnum hits losr a valu able carj b fire. Conp bus had a train wrecked, r Ode's tents ! were abredded by a whirwitid, and Fore paugbs'elephsnts killed a valauble trained horse. I It ifi-if U - i .-! ; 111 f .3 And did your tare husband die li ! in hope f a . blessed immortslity, Ulster vyigginur tt qalred tbe new minister w boras' nakiug his first call ou a fair widow gation. I Bless yen ffnAn r rt rs I raannnoa luvuiuiuf ivairvuovs Chicago 1250.000.' It is of bis congre- no,' was tbe Tie died, in rumored that the Pictorial Foetal Guiteau, Card for maujbe knew, and be thought be was p't e tirely miaud iu bis mind. At) tbe ojreiiing ofjthe meetings conducted bv Moody and Sankey in Chicago, 1876, Guiteau present ed bimeelf as an uwher. having an enormous sum of two bandied and fifty tbonsaod dollars has b -en sent ! man, and has made no mark In pubM 1 Ce uammtt ee of tbe lio li-e, H.s election to the SeSarH JT De1 ! A"t lo e a . I . ' . I nuui in ifjrrvinif rhu fir at a anilnat from the great; State of New York is a sad commentary on the drift of politics. He is better than not bing, and can fill a acancy ; that's all. : Toe vote, tor me ciner-vacancy stands about the same, it is singular Prohibition: Think of ir. North Carolinians! Mouey ta corrupt tbe good people of tbis State I f-J a :l , ' 'S Tl V J H ! ! . 1 jTbe Smithsonian! Institution hAs ... 1 i w3n. .tii- l.'L. ircritdi iiuiu JU'-i pciwiierie too District Attorney Gorkbill, as well as Geo. Crocker, warden of the latl. eontinna to reeeiee mail matter directed to the assassin, immense rea.wnir ana moe rosette that Conklingj on Friday, put h announcement of tbei dkcoverv bv Guiteau, but be does not get it. on ;t beiapei 01 nis cost ai.n h pa too pride in bis pocket and went in pef- oiB) gt. Ailn Arbor on1 the 13 hiust. in nis naini. o bimui air. aioimv Mn to tbe White lioose to loonire 1 Aith. h ki . .v. i a I . . . r J . . . ! i wiiiuc uiiiui wwri Hru OUIIEI IU five bonra of risbt aHceusion and This morning tbe District Attor ney received tbe following: G B xxitbtjbt, Ikd., July 10. ! District Attorney Corlhill: Dkab Sib : Please deliver the enclosed card to the brute in human form, Chaa. Guiteau. A Democrat, J. W. DtTJIBAETOIf. Tbe enclosed is an ordinary postal card, and has on tbe left a gallows, marked "patented," from which dangles a human figure, beneath which Is the word, 'car rion," and above it are a number of buzzards. The legend is, "Here hangs the carcass of O. Guiteau, theologian, boarding bouse desd beat, &o." Guitean is addressed as taw j bim be had the rotetfe and baton taken from bliq, and refused ro j pern it him to ac as an usher. Two or three times be bad him pur out of the it qiiry room. Guitean wrote several threatening letters to Mr. j Moody, saying khat be was a lawverand would prosecute every- after the health of tbe 'President. Tbe bsughty Hyperion has bent bis prond oecs, ana numoiea nimseit in tbe face! of the people. What all tbis means we do not kuow, but it seems not nnlikely j that he is seeking either or to soften forty eight degrees ! five -a a"La . a:'fa norm aecuuation,! ?ni -";-.! " 'a i -a ' . j motion stow uortowesu n m a nuies ; daily Some human beings who by hook to make bis fall easy, lor br crook work up from the dust the bitter asperities l aud ashes of life iuto the lau Of body connected with jibe meetings. I growing oat of tbe quarrel bet weep I fortune,; remiud us bf poor, horses ;j '' j himself and tbe President, with a fattened !iu a clover' patch, they. turn sncn roots ana put on o mttuy alrs',it lis difiS;nlt;ro cit't-h I tbem The Governor ot "Texas a it red. Cera-1 view to secure a re-election. assassin, and be is informed : "For ry bymn.sung by bands of brigands I your benefit and pleasure we have! with wbieh your came Is mingled!" een to mucn irouoie in executing A ifat Mcetitg in Dallas Ttetohe Io Give Tkanki at the Hccovery vj the PresidtnL 1 j ST. LrUIS J'llv 20.i-The Ttepub De Lisle beard it and shuddered aa it sounded through the streets ot Paris, and rang from the Alpine passes, while be, a royalist, ded from the inf oris ted people, frenzied by bis own words. France waa a great amphitheatre of anarchy and blood, aod De Lisle's song was the battle cry. j There is no national air that will compare with the Marseillaise io sublimity and power; It embraces tbe soft cadences full of tbe peas ant's home, and tbe stormy clsngor of silver and steel when an empire is overthrown: it endears the mem ory ot the vine dresser's cottage, and askes tbe Frenchman, in bis exile, cry "La belle France V for getful of tbe torch, and sword, and guillotine, which have made hia country a spectre ot blood in tbe eyes of nstloos. Nor can tbe foreigner listen to It, sung by a company of exilea, or executed by a band of mosicisns, without feel log thst it is the pibroch of battle and war. i a correct picture of yourself as you will appear in public date not yet fixed. Should yon ' desire a few extras for your friends (boarding house keeper) send your orders early. Oar services sre free, and you will not have to pay for them. which will salt you. secial losed of men polit:cal parties and creeds. to protest of Governor Ucnn's DaIUh ( IYx4) A marts meeting, com 'tf kll was I held last night against the -attitude Roberts regarding bis telegram to Gov, Fosrer, tit Olii, labour a dat of thanksgiving for fbe recover) of jPresident Gtrfleld. S leeches were made by prnnrnenr citizena. and tbe followiug resolution was AUs Siltks Bill Sn:Ha2 Te ticca Ar Maafotarad ty my E II. POGUE. Darbaa. V. C For olo by all doalor la Qroaoiboro. April dlat MEETINO OF TRUSTEES OFTHE UNIVERSITY. SCHOOL CfUlENsiiOttO. N. C 1 1 t . apply t. Ja J lyfi JOits it riLLARD EOIiAvkT P IXH.ML Tbr will bo a mllf of tbo Trastroa of tb L'aivmalty of Nonb Corolla, la tbo FaaMvo Ofio. la SaW-icb oa Taoaday. tb 19tb Jalr. IS!, ot 4t 'lok P 1, at vbtab a Prof oT Karl Hiatry will ho ab-OfO ta ibo plaoo of Dr P W &atods tei;fd aw oeeoaat of 111 boaltk. Arflioatioea baid bo idiaod t PMlXK!kT B4TTLS. Jalyt,dw-w. CS-polUiU,h' U. tbis extreme cobdition many escspe death aud are restored to besltb about either the I mind or body being Injured by the attack. The treatment of tbe premonito ry symptoms consists in tbe Individual withdrawing himself fiom the influence' of the direct raja of tbe san, and iu keeping bis beau cool by tbefrtquent spphca tioo of cold water to II This, added to tbe qciet and rest ot a few dajs, will soon remove ail the QOpleaaaot t-ff-cta prodooed by tbe Intense beat of tbe sun. The meana uaed tor the treatment of an actual attack are fortunately very simple, and easily applied In any place, and readily ; procured fn almoat ever) l4llty. Tbe sufferer should be placed ar once In a cool aud com ftt tal is position, with his bead on a level, or a little lower than hia body. Pitcberful after Liichcifal of cold water should be The year 1831 is an arithmetical curiosity. From right to left and left to right it reads tbe same. Eighteen divided bv 2 gives 9 as a quotient; 81 divided by 9 gives 9; if divided by 9 tbe quotient con uins a 9; If multiplied by 9 tbe product contains two 9; 1 and 8 are 9; 8 and 1 are 9. It the 18 be placed onder tbe 81 aod added tbe sum is 99. If the figures be added thus, 1, 8, 8, 1, it will give 18. landing from left to right it is 18. and 18 is twon!nths of 8L It also reads tbe same upside down, tbe first year capable of being so read since 169L These are only a few of tbe arithmetical curiosities of 1S3L j Five men boarded a train in Kansas, killed the conductor and a passenger, shot tbe engineer, and robbed tbe safe, getting from 910, 000 to $15,000. This was p'etty bold. But three men in New York drove up along side ot two men in another vehicle who had 9 COO in greenbacks under tbe seat, and 1 1,000 in silver io a bag. Tbey were taking tbe money from a big brewery to deposit it in bank. Two of the robbers Jumped from their wagon into the brewer's wagon, knocked down the two men, who struggled to defend their cash, bur were unable to do bo. One robber jumped into bis wagon wi'h the greenbacks, while another attempt ed to take the silver; bot as it weighed 60 pounds he was forced to drop it. Then the robber whipped np their horses and escap ed. All this in open day, near neon, in a crowded street of the greatest city Of America. The train robbers must look to their laurels. adopted : Ruolotd, Th las will spend rbankneinng at onr j Prf-sideri Texas are invired ! it tbe citizens of Dl- be day! net apart bv other Stares ss adav of jubilee and ihe recovery of O her citit-8 of o dp likewise. The Heraldi Timet I and Gazette are eerere iu their rrir:itms ou tbe actlou of Governor BoWrrs. i -- i r " The university. Col. Willi.inj J. Martin, Professor of Chemistry f nd Natural History of p4Vidon College, j was nnani motility elected Professor of Natur 4l iHintory, irclnding Geology. Mineralogy, Botany! ceo. at a meeting of the ". Trustees of Ibe TJniveraity, held a f ew date ago. Tbe f ffiee waj onso ifted by bim. Col IM-trtiu H well known to-.our people for diMtinp.t'shed scquire merits in M'icn're. He was tor ten toor PmfeaWir of Cbemia'ry in the tJu'vorsityi We notice that tbe North Caro lina Fruit Growers Associatioo are sending out circulars j to persons iu all parts of the State, asking for auswers to questions propounded 1 elan vu to apples, peaches, pears. cherries, plums, mulberries and grapes. The pucer of the aROcia 1 too are : President , Ji M. Heck Secretary, S.O bo Wileoti, B-tleih; Treasurer, J tjues M. tLtnb, F)f et rev 1 He. Executive Ctaiuiir;e, Prof. K-rr. Cbmmissioner'McGehee and Col. Polk!. Any person interl ested in Irnit I growing can become a member of tbe aasociation by pay ing one dollar. It is by associated ff irr, by a tree interchange of opm- 100. Dy a collection oi iacca sou ox tails frim every part of the Stare, and by the statem nt of actual exj ieriebce by intelligent and skilled observers, that fruit culture comes to be best understood and informs tion is disseminated as to the brst varieties fori growing. MM 1 North Caroiiua ought to become a great fruit otate. soil and tbe ex moist 00 the ot piedmont aud and we are sufficiently near to the: great markets to supply them witfr perfect aud wholesome fruit. Alij tie attention paid to this branch M industry will be of incalculable aq vantage, r.ot only in suppl)iugonr borne tables, but in bringing read) money into the State.' We wish tbe fruit growers' association every success in irs endertsking. lor the bridle, MoEALj Never get a ' I! a" F'l" ' too big for jour; breeches, or you might 'bast tbe biler." i j ! i -! We lesrn from Friend 1 bat the1x)iii tioft IT On; tbe closing "Always pay aa yon go," said au old man to his nephew. "Bat, ancle suppose I hsve nothing tol within 125 yards of tbe The Foxes have Holes. Y.x. D. J. Rogers, cf tbis county, while silling on bis front piszz4 last Sunday week, saw a large fox rrotting across- the yard with a ehicken in his mouth. He at once followed it and succeeded in find ing its bed that bsd three young ones in it. In a short time sffer one of bis field hands came in and reported another bed with fonr voune foxes in It, Both beds were dwelling. of North .Carolina. ol tne jnauiuiion ue was transferred to D4yidsn,where he j has sdded ;ro hia ainady nign reputation an a ae.hoiar and sac cefnl teacher!. Ar the outbreak f tb wsr. Col. Mrtjn went into the j Confederate eerf ice. and be came the coJon'e! of a !Nrh Caroli na regimen. !Aw0rrer. Don Carlos ht Spain has been ex nelied from France. Various rea aona will, no doubt, be alleged to dept. He Orphan m he corner stone ot 1 be new; budding! for the b)s at trie Orphan As)lum bere- idorerau bounced to take place the 27 h iiiaiant bas beeo poftponed. The posiOrtement bHS bt-jfM caused for 1 be wa-it of Hd4-qiatetranifor-ration tmm lltidrini to Oxford. Tbe O. & U B. B , was exacted ru be completed bv tbe SSltb inst., on account of unexpected! delays it will not be completed until some time next month.' 3 tin -'A - A IjTbe Cojikling people at 'Albany; aire making a desperate jt fl irt to prevent the elecliou jol JudH Lap ham to ;Cbnkliig' place, b bough they have long since given up the - idea that Conkling has any chance ot election;.- Ot tbejl8th there was a great deal of akilfal I dodging on the part of some of r he stalwarts bat; election. ) thing I HD&. fbe stalwart ecbm uow eeems to be 10 crowd Judge Lbban uff the track aud get tbecredr. of liamiug the man, well knowing tliat some oue muat be chonen- w tbopt .mocbi dre delay1, aud tbat pbmtone can not, under any cuvumsuuees be Boscoe Conkliug. ; i 'MJ '-j Against the opinion of every else. Guireku has beiii I bat tbe V-T" . o uTo iUr wbo n-d fluuDed lo MUletf ou 1 posure, rue cumaie, utdAV lld .u-currd hia I ... 1 J . t .. I ; 1 f - -,: ,i ... - il fast. uu uii iu mr T,M. oiiiiIH .fT.rtl to tin "hi, rnnnntaln aontiona. I . i . . i. t TT. ... w 1 nni vnmniiP! iv ii um i iiml k.iii .... -Tr-r- one first bullet hied by him wsibe one which HeriouKly wounded tLe Pieui- explain this sadden severity. The of jbis wratb, and wss-so tferlectly was so ' near tbe ol jct' i T flirla who know bow to work to make a hoe case, fr) a:chicken, sew on hirt buttons and make tbeir own harnev sre the; girla in de mand for wives b) men of sense. booting for a 1 help-mate7 tbrongu lifei Parlor trnament Girl fit nocie suppoee .A uave ooiuiuic mj i wiiuiu xzo yarua tu iur uwrnniK. uio -.. j. - - , mf - pay with t"Tben don't go." I Agood find thiso raW. ' for nothiug else-are j at discconf, I seems, issutd pjoa ftfttr. immediate one is believed to be the fact that Dju) Carlos and bis wife attended tbe Henri Cinq mass at St. Germaio Des Pres on f bursdayj. In'tbe church; tbty were leceived with royal honors. Seats of honour were reserved for tbem In front ol the altar, and at the conclusion of the service- tbe officials escorted tbem to tbe door, to tbeir manifest annoyance, calling out to rbe pea pie who clustered around ibe porctj Hits off, gentlemen." What barn) uii th! nui la not verv antareuf. . .i t - .. but tbe decree of expolsioa was it I rtnM ,ro taix ior cool, .that be could baiqiy , have mihHed rbe exactj ngute of tbe President, but. sunixjhii e ibe Presi- detir to bafe swa)eoj to oine j side, ij I aSjUUiteaQ says be did, alter me first sbot, it is easy toeee that even a well-aimed secoud! bullet might miss! ibt, j iutei dedf ptdnr. I Tbe PrMdeut now agrees with Goiteau that the first bullet made 1 He seri ous wouud, Tbe opiutou of Secre tsry B aiue, who is! aal I to have beeu ! remarkably, uooij uutmg toe t-ceue. would be valaable.i but be Utottngtr publuation. v ;1 - t 1 - V:" "."A

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