. ' i 5 . ..." . . - : . ; ' ' . I : " ' : : ' -:' V '. j J " i . j - ." . i;t. ' : J - r j' jj j L: : I - ! ; i - V GEEENSBOEO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3 1881 1 - ... i t"- ' 'I'M I '4AUf U-! i ! 'i 4: ! M i i WOV7 iiSrin Tin. Ki!l - - in ii i 3 t s - ;i : o . u i - '. . . - i . . i . i " . - - 1 - S 3-1 i 5 1 T . -: - t T-J -w WW WAT 17 ew i nv I I . (reatsbinp 3iitixrL PUUH WuilT BV JAMES VV. FORBIS. Trustee. CZc on Sooth Ela 8u Term of aubacrfptioa $oopcr as&ara ; fx.ee o froeiu ; 50 cetua foe tare wia. gw Tfce PATRIOT fa tL eUtst Dcmocrtuic por is Nocii Cro&a. lu circmlaOott U U-'t 4 tfiof th Bot( actrrt a&4 totelhf t por f t Stat. a4 cScrt eitrfcordiaAfy mo.i mo luoi 6 BO Tj?: $4.oe.S4.o 6 00 10.00 tio.oc'tisxo 15.00 20 00 10.00 12.00 20.00 30.CO 24.00) 34.00 30.001 40.00 12X0 l00 15.00 20 00 COO 12.00! 18. 00 24.00 40JD0 &3J00 19 00 00 30.00,40 00 6S.0C uojdo 15 WJ AOCiia.CO SO CO aooi IS0.00I hitl Mti IS eeaU txr 1Ib foe tni IbmtUcb. 19 mma pt Uo for mch 5 idrrtiwoMal iaMrtd for Um tha Traiat adrortlaanaaU paysbls Is ad- t&; jai!j adrartiaaoaU qaarUrij is advaca Catrtxrdara. is wacka, tj, MairfatraUa sttca, foar voaka. IS; AdatiaTatratotV , sattcwa, alz waaka, XoO--a MMMCa f pcll rata for doobla eolaata adrar- tafraut Crecnsboro Business Directory Afrtctiltaral Impleoaeata, , Umjwaur,oVc W. H- WaiaSald A Oo, Soata Em Wlaxtos A Wbartoa, " " C. 0. Taua " UsokiandSUUaarrj. Ckaa. D. TaUa, Soeta E'ai aU UaakJnr Uaoiet. Katioaal Baak of Oraaaboro, ft! Elaa It Dry CexMla, Dots. 8nees, AC . ZttmH Drnlm. W. B. Bofart, Weat Market at. tf.CL BU. East Mark at sU W. 2. X array. East Market at. Drugf 1st, Clc. ar. C. Porter A Co. Sosth Elm at. Professional Cards. B-bt. A Foard, Attoraey at Law. SeeU A CaMwell. - Jewelry Silver-ware, Jba Cbambetlala Soatb la at Etc Wholesale and Retail Grocers J. W. Ssott A Ck, Soatb Elm st. Fruit Trees. Tine, Ax- i. Tea. Iisdlej, Fomoaa flill Karverlaa j ; Star tbe City. Jabbers tn .Yotloru, Ax. J W Scott A Co- Soatb Elm st. Law scnools. Jao.ll DtlUrd 11 ft&4 Lat Market Strict. a-c p. Dick. . 'Richmond Business Directory. I I Wnelesale Grocers, Ac. Oaraaport A Morris, 13tb aad Dok 81 I f Creensboro Post Office Directory I Jj-rwei mmd Depmrtmr f 2tils. ". from sortb ar. at Far dpu." Fnwa aos lb sr. Far - oVp'ia. Eaatera aiatl sr. " f- -depta." oalaai m ms. 9 26 M.nJ 8 17 P m 14 a M aad 9 W r a. 9 30 a st aad 7Mra 9 31am aad 6 37 r 7 17 r m 9 40 a at 7 30m 9 40 9 at - !boro Mar.dailTexV Sander bj 6 rv , ,dpteM J - ' - Cs w . Seew Cap, ieetee Tsaedaje sad Fndeje ' 6 a at Caa p. ar. Wed'ys sod 8at'dya 4ra aga Mills sr. Uetardaye by 6PM " dpte Satardsys , ttlrv t ' 111 atalla cloao 3d saiaae before de wtee of carrier. ada beara from 4 m 9 A M. l; UIU.1L f t ' J. D WIUTK. P. M R-.ir-ltOAJ 13I1UK4TTOIIY Tbe t&ewiag tsbieabows tbs raaalag f ptmtzftt trsias ta aad froca Oreeee aaUtbs Eailroadsi fm" fron Rkbmond. -te for Ricbo4. ire froio JOcbmaod, -e tat Kkbmoad. 9,40 p 9.10 e 9.26 8.H f OBTB CASOU5A eumtOAD. ; itn, ffow Cbartettew 9.3a HMCkilolW, 9.41 . fmrre from Cbariotta, 77 i f Chariot:, 9Jil m ' V Gldbn aod -'cb, VJM p is aod 77 p ' H Coldaboro aad : 9,40 a as aad y r tu w arras sr. c. aaitoAi fmit, from fUlem, 7.30 p tot Saka, 9,51 p ; f,m fj a fealaaa. ; , VJLO m fr UrnUm, 10.00 a SCHOOL GREENSBORO, S . C. r iai w asWa sa le torat, e apply jornt n D1LULRD, HO HE ST F D1CJL J7 . i (mm ll wk.l I 1 la - 1IXJD0 12-50 1 - I coo . i - so, c.oc , 4 - j 3 00 T.CO . .1 - I 4.00 00 i f i - i ' i grcffssicsil CurSs. SCOTT Jk CJXDTTUXJL. OEEEXSBOEO,K.a WILL. pretl Is tb Brr Ct of Oaiiford, AJjbui, Hwjdo'-S. Dirli- Nirf . AiM Is Is Baprvsi Cotxrt sf ibo i u; la Ut )-dtrtJ Coart at Umubon a4 HtaurrlCo, la Bakrapt7,aAd la nm tlLUaMf. Sceil alUattia Ha to loas of siom Mon$fp and alr earltioa. lbll:ljr. B, BOTD. aOrV. AtBBBTSOX, BOTD & ALBEKTSON. ATTO IUrUYS AT IAT7. Oon 4 Crwajoart mmd fTraJUHa, JT. C Pratioo la tho 3tt sad Fodarsl Coart. Jaa. 12 ldei-lm. 30. ID. I'Ml irTT! ATTOQ1CY AT L1T7 ilxas Ponrr, K. C. WUJ praeiloo la fhaU and Fadcral Coarts. 0a. X 1879 1tM4V D r. K. C Ortfti OFFER HIS PROFTSSIONAI. SEBVI0E3 FEES THE SA2XE AS THOSE CHvped by other Practicing 14ayi..tn.ly. TOTE. ousa FurnMing Goods PawUy UrooeHea, MaMtr.r of TIN WARS a (peoay. P . W. B. MUEBAY Is exhibiting an unusually Lartre and attractive Stock of Spring and Summer Goods FINE- DRESS GOODS A Unre lot of Fancy Lawns, Prints, Cambrics and White Goods that is well worth your special attention and which yoa should not fail to see before buying. Ladies fine Shoes and Fancy Slip- pers, aieas new sryie riao, Ready-Made clothing a good a a a-.e - stock of New and Beautiful Wall Paper, Linen and Paper Shades. First class Goods Cheap for Cash. See and be convinced. GreenaUro. H. C April 23rL tf Call on , H V A'T'hR & (if) U . I m I ri i ImU Uv JUm "For CWvce Qrrocetx, F1IIILY FLOUR 1 SPECIALTY. Ws keep tba beat mada la tba halted Bta tea. Ja!y8lbd2w. - W.J.BLACKBURS witb W. E. BEVILL, RETAIL DEALER IK STAPLE Dry Ooed. IlAta. Boots, Sboea, NeUoas, Ilsrawsrt, Urocstry, ULsaaware, nwara Ware. Tlawts. Powder. Ebot, Eopea, Axle Grea-o, Tbls Oil Clotbs.Sospe, Ala- dia Oil; Gr.ioertee oaetsuag ta eager, l offeeSpioM. Fepper. Bakisg powders Aim Tooeooo aad Cigars. HsTiog boKbt etrieUy for aaar, 1 ass prepared ta offr them at Low rrioes 4iber for eaab or IWter. Giro sis a sail twtors bayiar.-East Market Street Greeaeboro. If . C. N. 4,lH. ValnaWe City Property DBXDI BALE. Fartles deelrloa ta parbsee loU for toe I ereauoa ot Cottoa or Tobaooo 1 aetoriee. Tobaooa Wareboaaea, ar d walling la tba Cm OF GBEENSBOBO, woaid da well ta sail aa tba aaderaigaed. I hm.ru aeveral verr deeirabie lots well lo- i eated for tbe parpoeee aaeaed wbieb I will Mil at rseeoaebie Bgaree : aaa po muj terms. Ctscs P. Mbsdsjihaix. Greeaaboro, N. C. Jsaa S3, lS8l-6a-wiw THE ORIGINAL AND Genuine Durham Long Cut, Durham Gut Plug, AND DURHAM TWIST. Also Sitting Bull SscMarjTcticco Are M aaa fee tared only by E II. POOUE, DmrbsBj. N. C Per eelo by ell del-re la Greeseboro. April 22. dim MEETING OF TRUSTEES OF THE UfllVERSiTY. Tbers will be a Baeetisg of tba Traateee of tbo Cslverslty of Kortb Carol la a, la I tbs Exeeatire OSca, la EaJeigb. - oa Taaedsy, tba 19tb July. 1SSI. at 4V o'etoak P. ll, at wbiea s rraior or natarst History will ba eboeea ia tba plaae eX Jjt. F. W. eiaiooda, reelgaed ew aoeoaat of iU- boalU. AppUoattoBS abeaid ba addressed to ParsipsxT Battxb. JtUy 9, d-w ' CbapsiUUl.lk.C. Coins Up tmd Coming Dvm Tt!Uaaimplon2. 'tJalroo Iff sob rt an aarar orar-aloa , An 4 rat 111 try an4 scatter through j A lit Ua plaea cf foo4 adrlea. . Tbao litUa, poiapoaa friaod. asd Uatu , 1 If aTcr to bout of moob raaova t For fortaas'a wboal is on tbo torn Aad aomis g op, aad aosia 0 down. I kaov, a yast aaaoaat of atocks A Taat aoaoaat af prids ltuoroa, Sat fata baa tlckad so raany locks, I wsalda't llks ts warraat yoara. Eraaaibor, tbaa, aod Barer apora Taa oaa boat baad is bard aad browa ; For ba is likely to r p. Aad joa art likely to asms dswa. Aaetkar tb!r ycaNrill atras Tba trath as ay ss walUbo o a (eased Tbat - Cod-fiab ariatoerasy." ; Is bat a aaaly tbi a g at beat s Aad tboaf k tk Cab is larga aad atroaf May seek tbt little oaas ta drsva. Tat tabes all, betb great aad a stall. Are goiag ap aad comlDg dowa. . , t Oar Urea are fill of ebaaee aad cbaaga, Aad ebaare. yoa know, is sever aore : Asd 'twere deotrias new aad straage. Tbat alaeee bixa are saoet seeare. Asd tboogb tke fiakle god aaay saiils, Aa4 yUl4 Ue seeptre aad tbe erevD. Tit aaly for a UtUs wbils Tkal II goes ap aad A cornea down. Tbta wvrld for yea aad ess. bit frisad. Haib aoaaeibiag mora tbaa poaads aad peaee ; Tbea let me bambly reoommead A little aaa af eoaimoa aease. Tbaa lay all pride e plaee aside, Aad bavs a oars oa wbom yea frowa. For fear yoa'U sea bias galag op Wbea yoa are oalj oeailag dowa. X7k Una of the Trrld "WILL FT COiTK THIS IXAB f B. J. Bardatta, la Barllogtoa Hswksya.1 Well, yea, anxious, troubled ques tlonrr.it wilL We hope yoa will feel satisfied to have the matter definite ly aettlad. And. we can tell yoa positively that it will. We know aa much aboat It as Prof. Proctor, as Professor Bwift, aa the Smlth- aoniaa institute and the national observatory, and more than tbe TJ. a, signal service. Yoa have been tormenUd and tortnred, no doubt by Mother Bhipton, and by the eomet, and the Canadian farmer who built him an ark and had it all ready to launch for the 19th of Jana.be caa go into the ferry bus!- neaswitbit cow. or sell it to the Mississippi Barge and Transporta tion companyand by ; the Miller, itea and one fool thing and another, an til your mind is distracted aad yoa can't sleep, and don't think it wortn while to nay yoar debU. All tbe same, yoa will have to pay, or rv Utta vi uueiuceo. auu it tu world should come to an end at ten o'clock to-morrow morning, opto 9:45 a.m. money would be 8 per cent on gilt edge paper, and cone too easy to get tben. f So yoa see tbe fact tbat tbe world ia coming to an end won't make any difierence ia your business affairs. It won't make any difference in the shallowness of tbe strawberry boxes this season-, the good berries wiU all be on top the same as last year. With eternity staring them In the face, mankind will go right on, swindling and lying and pray ing and singing and swearlog and dealing honestly and doing tricky things, loving and hating, laughing and weeping, antil the end cornea and the lips that cursed or prayed are hushed alike la the deep quiet of death. For the world is coming to aa end. And the comet can't hasten aj,d! a million comets can't retard this year. There Is no help for It. I If it acares voo. we can't help It. We most tell the truth about this thin?, sioefi' von have asked us what we know about it. And In deed, wo know more than we have told. Tbe eod of all things terres trial is cominf to-morrow, and yon can't stop it by elimblog a tree ana crawling into a cave.! -Every aay and every hour, the end of tbe world cemea to aome unsuspecting mortal who is only thinking up his plana for next summer, or studying o? er a H hoes trade" he has in his mind for next week. Every time voor heart beats, the end ; of the world cornea for aome one, and just as aure as you have, or more surely, if von bate not paid yoar subscrip tion for the paper it is coming to you. And good subscriber, teanui and troubled about comets and many things, when It doea come, if it catches yoa off your feet witn your business raveling out at tbe edges, your bills I unsettled, your notes protested, your subscription not paid, yonr pew tent dne, and your pastor running into debt tor his living, with, your conscience burdened with wrongs and. your life bristling with uncorrected aod unrepented faults, yoa won't need any comet cor any long procession of perihelia to scare you. Yea won't think of the planets then, good man. Ion will think about tbe horse with a spavin yoa sold to poor Greenwig ; yoa will : think about the aboddy 94 overcoat you sold poor Hayseed for 913.75 ; yon will think about the quarts of strawberries yoa sold every year In pint boxes; yoa will remember tbe seven cent print yoa sold to old Mrs. Thistlepod for 14 'cents you will think about the firkin of axle grease yoa painted with butter and sold for 37 cents for table ose ; yoa will think of the mortgage yoa foreclosed oa poor Bagweed farm after he had paid yoa IS per cent for the money for ten years j yoa will think of the loads of three feet cord wood yoa hauled to town and sold at fall market prices ; yoa will think of tbs sand yoa sifted In the crown tsgxi jca will re&eaber bow joa gold 1,700 poaodi or coal fnr m. tnn fin wilt thfnk Af (ha rva per yon took for a year and a half aau ucTcr piu lur lfc , ju wuiib tneraber hoir cany Unesjoa voted the republican ticket, and tremblaj yoa win recall a tnoatana iiuie meannesses and.: weaknesses oi wbica yoa. hare teen entity: yoa will think how yoa made.yonr money and how precious little good it ia going to do yoa in the country whither yoa are going, and. poor man. II 'yoa hare fastened your faith and trust to nothing bet ter tbaa Hotter Ship ton, or Yensor, General Hazsa, or some celestial tramp of a comet, the aound of the trumpet, the voices of the beasts, the seven thunders, the hail and fira mingled with blood, the dark ened sun, the t vials of wrath and the voice of tbe eagle could not add to your fears. When the end of the world comes for yon, that will be tha only end yoa will take any interest ia. It will be awful enough for yoa, if It comes before yoa are ready for it, and unless yoa know yoa have a dead sure on 87 years or mor, and yoa don't know wheth er yoa have or not- yoa keep oae eye open all the time for the end of the world. Bo, don't yoa worry about two comets or conjunctions of perihelia or eclipses or the spots oa the sua. Yoa may not live to aee the world burned op, and yoa pass away in tbe great final dissolution of all things terrestrial, but yoa are go- and don't yoa forget it: That's all Joa nave , to ao with 11 xoa go ome now,aod quit worrying about prophecies. Admire the comets without fear. Study astronomy for its wonders and beauties, and cot for fanciful and Ignorant and super stitious terror. Yoa go home and sell clean goods by fall measure and honest weights; teach your clerks tbat a 35 inch stick doesn't measure a yard of dress goods ; don's weigh yourself on the hay, and the wagon by itself make your ton of coal weigh 20 hundred, and cut your wood 4 feet long j be honest and square In your dealings; pay your pew rent every week, and your newspaper subscription in advance; read the revised Testament of tener and go to church regularly: go out and club yourself every time you suffer yourself to vote the republi can ticket, be manly and pay your debts aa fast as yoa can, and live so that yoa caa look every man in tbe eye when you meet him; give op swearing and try family prayers as a substitute, don't b afraid of any man tbat ever wore hat, and always stand by your own honest convictions, and tben, if some night a comet with a tail like a torch light procession, and the perihilion ot Jupiter, and an eclipse of the aun, and old Mother Sbipton should file into your front yard and kick and thnnder at tbe door i We want you, old man P Yoa would hop cheerially out ot bed, and shout back, All right, wait till I get on my trousers P and go out to join tbe procession without a tremor. Bless your timid soul, the other end of the world is nothing, if you only shape this end as nearly right aa yoa know how. Tie Brave Little Ctrte. A long time ago. In the Indian country, two little girls slipped away from tbe fort and went into a hollow to pick berries. It was Emmy, a girl of seven years, with Bessie, her sister, not yet six. All at once, the sun cashed on eomethiog bright, and Emmy knew that the pretty painted things she had seen crawling am one tbe bashes must be hostile Indians, with gleaming weapons in their hands. She did not cry out. cor in any way let them know that she Ko Ttnr .ho InnlrmA ell bad seen them. But she looked all about, aaw that aome of tbe creep log Indians already were between her and the fort, and went on picking berriea aa before. Soon, she called aloud to Bessie, with a steady voice: Don't yoa think it's going to rain V So they both turned and walked toward the fort. They reached the tall grass, and suddenly Emmy dropped to the ground, pulling down Bessie, too. " What are yoa looking for V asked tbe little sister, in surprise. Then Emmy whispered to Bessie, aod both of them stole silently and quickly on hands and kneea through tbe long grass, until .they came to the road, when they 1 started up. TBU awuuy W tuo ion, ue-c- j. a . a. dashed through the entrance, am iu uau mc gate safely closed behind them. Those girls are quite old cow, but they remember very well tbo day they saved themselves, the tort which their father commanded, and tbe soldiers and other people in it, besides. St. Nicholas, Tartnnc mlcid in Diphtheria The topical use of tartaric acid in diphtheria has been successfully resorted to by M. VIdal, who in one of the foreign medical journals, remarks npon tbe oece&rfty of thus making use of topical agents against tha falsa membrane, as it baa a great tendency to spread by a sort of ante-inoculation, comparable to what occurs in certain cutaneoas affections. HIa formnla is ten parts, bv weight, of tartario acid, fifteen of rlveerine and twentv-flre of mint water. The acid acta upon the falsa membrane, converting it Into a gelatinous mass and favors iu expulsion. London Lancet. Lap-am, Senator elect from New York, is 67 years old. CuiKauitt III cell. Kept in Ignorance of the Presidenfi "-y yc. k ,Vm ,rTST Jn,y 9 "This is hell P , said Qniteau, ; peerishly, It V ne Pced P and down e8,tToatea under! that title, there bls flve-oy-elght cell. Yesterday fore i Merely an assumption based uo asaea b gnara to tell him wheth er tue irresment was detA or ana ll aitvo still, what m ti.a cuaacesoi ms recovery. Uo reply was maae to him. He than A en lor. ed that he would not tell anything more. to any ofHcial vha thnnin visit him unul he should be allowed ZTZJWrr xuero is general f" u.": hV-r?"-Xr.T:. "Mf TT ,6I Vw. ..-v "UU.U w mat news paper reporters should have access to him.that his oninions and doings should be spread abroad and that he shonld be allowed to feed hi love of notoriety by gloating over the papera daily. Instead of this no information ia allowed to reach him and no one allowed to vinir him, save the law officers of the government and district. This seclusion Is the worst punishment that could be inflicted npon him, and he chafes under it A company of artillery is stationed inside the jail wall, and a soldier is constantly on guara in tne corridor In front of Goiteau'a cell. One' of the deputy wardens Is also there constantly, but they are forbidden tospeak to him. They are placed eo that they could aee and instantly frustrate I There any aicempc ac suicide or escape. is no possibility of his breaking out or of a , mob breaking in to him. The outer wall of the prison is three feet thick. Within that is a oorrider eighteen feet wide. Then eomes another three feet of masonry, and inside this are tbe cells. - HO FEELING OP REGRET. Gen J. S. Crocker, the warden of. the fail, said to a correspondent to-day: 4'Since be has been here he has never manifested any sign of regret or remorse on account of his act. He takes a pride in the notoriety be thinks he has gained, and wonld like : to talk about it eon stan tly if he was allowed to do so. He was very inquisitive at first in regard to events outwide, but no one was allowed to talk to him or give him any information, and he baa stopped asking ques tions because he finds it is no use." "How does he pass his time !" Timet He lonages on tbe bed a good deal of his time sometimes he walks up and down his cell for exercise and he reads about half his time. After he found tbat be could not get bold of any newspa pers he asked for some reading matter. I mentioned several books that we had here, but he did .cot care for them, end said he would rather have a Bible. He was given one and said ne would read it through by sections. I suppose be meant that he would start at Gene sis and go straight through, as tbat Is tbe way he seems to be doing. He eaid to me that he had been a close student of the Bible, and bad once written a book called; 'Tbe Truth,' which be intended to be nsed as a companion volume to tbt New Testament.; He said tbat h bad published tbe work, but ueari tbe whole edition had been destroy ed by fire 1n the printing bouse. He had re-written and enlarged it, but had not been ; able to publish it again." ' i "Did be say anything about bis religious opinions t" , I "He eaid that he was a Christian, bnt tbat be had aome peculiar views of his own. He thinks that the second coming ot Christ took place at tbe destruction of Jem lem. He also holds tbat people at tbe present day get inspirations from God jost as in tbe days of tbe Pnnh4,tJiw I Propoeta. Gen. Crocker eaid that there waa nothing irrational in Goiteau'a manner or behavior. ' Ho displaya a retentive memory. He haa never shown any signs of fear over tbe consequences to himself of his act. Gen. Crocker once asked him if he wanted counsel, and he replied : "No; not at this stage of the proceedings." Although be receives no information, he surmis es that the President is still alive from the fact that be is not arraign ed. ' i Hope ot Woman's Hair. t (Froaa tbe St. Louis Chronicle.) In bis detail of Indian horrors tbat came under his notice Mr. ..w. . rawinlln TnHian I ., r . j i ioct v. killertstated that In 1867 he gave an Indian a hair dollar tor a nair rope ten feet in length and about the size of his little finger. He un twisted tbe end and found tbat it was made of red, auburn and black hair, which from the length of each hair, waa evidently that ef women. He questioned the Indian, who told him tbe rope was made from tbe hair of tbe women and girls slain in the Mountain; Meadow massacre, for complicity with which murder John D. Lee, the Mormon, was tried and shot a few years ago. The place where he pnrcba3ed the rope was at Paleronagote, sixty-five miles from Mountain Meadow, where tbe most harrowing and , brntal massacre of modern times occurred. The Ghinese have brought lepro sy with them into California. The hospital authorities in San Francis co have shipped forty-five infected with the disease back to China. A good many people don't know any , better than to use pai ior matches in the kitchen. Imaginary JAnet. iiare always contended that aristocraev in thlH.n r ul "rmcoaianot exist as a reality in EepcbHo like oQrs. Whatever is - on ine! most? perfect system of t snoDoerv. TherAtarA man ka. I erer. woo assemAl fnv th.mD.i..,. . Ifpecia caste if n proportion to the I pecuniary means swith whTi th. have been blessed! by Providence, I regardless of knv kmnmniiKhman of head j or Ijear of which they wis as, UTtX? Z lT2 - -- - t 1 1- LO assume thati a man ia better in any sense merely because he has ? ew dollars bore than his neish - oor, would be to establish thonsanda Dor,would be to establish thousands upon thousands of jdifierant grades or society in tour midst. In fact tbe ridicnlons line' of division would soon isolate society almost entirely. Take examples. 1 1 Suppose a man owning ten thou sana dollars assumes an air of superiority ombis beighbor whose bank account jdoes bot reaoh over five thousand, would it cot follow that the man owning ten thousand wouia soon learn to look: with I contempt upon his neighbor worth only five thousand And in the same like reasoning would it not come to pass that the wealthiest man in the community would have no persons at! all with whom his dignity I would allow him to hold some intercourse. By this mon strons reasoning, Yanderbilt with uih uuuarea minions would oe a poor individual, because his social isolated ! condition would render him an object of pity. j If there must exist such' a term as aristocracy in our paud, we insist triat it be applied to those, who, by mental cultivation and exercise of Luc; qualities wuicu fsnouia aaorn tbe true ! gentleman, have risen to the i ladder of jfame in tbe many occupations! of lifej It is tbe groundwork, of government like ours that men should be measured by merit! and, to place such men at disadvantage by comparing them with those who have no recommen uauon oiner tnan mat given mem by the possesion of fa few thou- Harms or paitry dollars, is an insult u tue spirit or (our institutions. I we aa not intend to undervalue flip worth nf mnnv. hipnansn. nnnn I . -' - ( J , 1 C it aepenas people possessors with many instances' their mental quali ficationsdo;ndt justify, is one of tbe ridiculous things at which all men of sense have a just right 'to langh. ! T I ! -: Worth; should make .the man,aBd want; of, it the! fellow! and in our opinion tboae ho ac upon other standpoints, 'dot so more in a spirit of tawning I j hypocrites than from houest conviction. Indeed that man is tbe most proper subject for deapita'Jon atlthe bads of "Jesse Holmes, who dreams for a moment that ftiendsbipj drawn towards him ou account of bis wealth is any thing more than a flimsy thread to a a Ii broken "at the first! appearance l.i dittastjT. aiistocrav. If there must be an et us have! one of heart and mind, not subject to the muta- tion of Wall street "bulls and beai s." Visitor. Hie llinister'e Cote, : An cxchuuge'tella this droll story of a clergyman's experiment and how it ien'drdj : j j Horn jenta ago there lived in Cutral Tew York a vjery worthy atid respectable divine! known as Father Goes! He had a hired man iiiim'fd j Ifaap, who always obeyed orders without question J . I Father! Gj)8s bought' cow one day which proved refractory when milked, refusing to surrender tbe lacteal fluid, although jlsaao used all the persuasive arts of which he was masre'! He finally reported her delinquencies to his master, j Wellj Isaac, 'said he,' go to the barn and get those pieces of new rope." S h . . I f Isaac obef ed;ithe cow was driven into the stable, tied with a piece of the rone. Iwben the reverend came out, armed with! a knileJ row,7 he exclaimed to Isaac, l will gel pu iut) cuwh uaca suu m. L h.ni.iH h tiion I xt a iro on with yonr milking, and i mi as) lu w a w j i Sbrx. ajwauuw is with mv weight on her back she most giv dwnjher milk." j Inaac Obeyed. The feet were tied, "tbej pail got arid milking commenced, j f Bnt bosy 'objected and plunged Wildly abbuL Tbe stabje was low, and the Rev's, head was fearfully thumped.! Oh, Isaac, Isaac," bawled h, 'fcutlthe rope." I Isaac sf izfd the knife! and cnt not the rope: which tied tbe master's ieet, but the; oaej tbat tied tbe cow., Tbe stable gate jwas open, also the yard gate, ill ! I Away darted the frantic cow, the terrified man on jher back, helpless ly roaring: fStop her, slop herP !. While madly careering down the road be l mlot si parishioner, who excitedly called: "Why! Mr. Goss, where arei you going V I "Only God and this cow knows!" groaned he; "I don't." I The aaimal ' Was fina ly caught and tbe mad released, much fright ened bu;;unhurt. The Kentucky jState lottery has been closed by the Cou;rt of Ap neals. This! is good news and now let tbe NJ Oil concern be; served the same way. tne prosperity ot the it would open up totbe world the Woa B,maaora T TfKoV . wUti. t of all lands, . but for .its magnificent northwestern mofantain It ; i to strut the; stage of life section of Uprth Caroling Itwouldj!a nf :"CZrtVn Z , 1 a rs of sUDeriortv. which in make a e-rial: thornnirhfVrS from 1 rr,iV? jr-"7V 2? 1 - . . . J 2 Great J'ew IZailroadJ . A conversation, the other day, wita that accomplished gentleman, Gapt. ,Wm. -Gain, developed some lacca so interesting in their nature, mac we lay men oeiore our read erg. The Tinsalia Goal and Iron Gctapany, a wealthy corporation which has extensive coal beds near Bristol, Tennessee, and of which Uen. J4 D, Imboden, is Attorney and Agent, is desirous of reaching an outlet on the Atlantic Coast for its enormous orodncts. and with I that view has in process a thorongh i survey or a line of iUallrqad, extl ll, ; OMe J?1. 'tW - w ait-powerfal l-tean ivaaoeriana esniains. via iiriSCOiTf I and Elirabathtnwn. 'Tatitipiia I thmncrh thA T?ina r.mm of f f!nnv, 1 Gap. to Boone, in Watan?aonhtvl I HLliL. and rhnKw waw7.f T.n4 I K C, and thence by way of Lenoik Taylorsvllle and StatesvUlejto SaTJ isbury, whence the line will! probaH Diy be 1 extended to Wadesboro.--1 The road is now under construction from Big Stone i Gap to Bristol, where it will connect with several other lines, and a survey ins oartv is now on the Road from the Gap to viacmnau. - ana anocner irom unicoi io iizaDetntown. land a T i M . TBa . . . I 11 m. third party from Elizabethtown iq luib uueunuu wwaras oausoary : .r . a r-i I? l 1 Wadesboro and Wilmington. A perfectly j feasible route bis found through the Cumberland Mountains at Big Stone Gp. and through the Blue Bidire at Cook's! uap, ana uapc uam caa made a a"! M rfe . . - . ' - - ? horseback reconnoisance of the line from Lenoir to Salisbury. 1 and makes a highly favorable report of I its practicability, v.f jl f uen. lmooden, we learn, Js very much impressed with the Salisbury rente, and will warmly urge its adoption by the Board of Directors, and it will! probably be; put under accurate survey within the next month. All this sounds almost too good to be true, but it is a fact nev ertheless. . t , ! ,i f : , 4-:mm- The Tmsalia Goal & Iron Co.. is abundantly! able to do all this, and needs the outlet here indicated. We need not say that this rotd will ment of ou people alone the? whole line, and that aa far an Rneran and 1 staniey counties are concerned,they will be willing to extend 1 every l moral and material aid in their pow-1 er to insure its accomplishments. 1 ouch a Jioad would be of incalcula- i hl n.A van t a ira tn Wnrth rarlina I . MM WM A.WVU V.VIAUHf the ' Northwest to tbe Atlantic. It would build on Wilmington, onr own seaport! It would pass through the richest mineral region in the world, and by the cheap! coke and coal which it would- lay down at our doors it would stop the destruc tion of forests, and set North! Caro lina; ablaze with forges and furnaces and factories. Salisbury Watch man, ll- ' !' Ill- - i The JVorih JaroMina tain road, ! jj rom me report, oi ijoi, jo. i n ... ... J . 1 . tn I Holt we gather the following Items: Receipts from all sources f 271,-1 340.85. Expenses for the r oer -ra -.t. . i .... rear. inclnding amounts paid in settle 1 ment ; of old claims, expenses of directors, finance , committee, Slegal expenses, and amount paid interest on debt, 926,706.474 Leaving a balance of 9244,634.33, which has been applied to payment of! divi dends, &c. .. i ii m.. Total debt of the company reported at last annnal meeting waa 8795.7018. The presents debt is 9377,203.33; from which deduct assets as shown by the Secretary's report $120,002.12, and we have the actual debtthnprovided for, 248, 14L26.1 ii ! I-lit I- ! -.j.-'- In the amonnt of 9377,20338 debt of the company is inclnded 9120,000 dividend declared but not doe antil September 1, 1831, vlbicb will be paid oat of the semi-annual rent due by ; the Richmond and Danville company July 1st next. Of the above amount of 8120,- 062.12 assets, 95,195.60 is cash and cash items j amount due from -Rev. N. H. D. Wilson, former trustee. 922,703.50; assets in hands of Ifajor Jhn v. liranam, , trustee, l4 40, makingjft tota I of f 17,350 xx,vw.m,,ou ,u i l,JV; w..m.,, - . - , - T , reoort. showing then financial v condition ofi the company. The report of Dr. T. ttogg and T. J. Sumner, experts, shows that the amount of bonds issued nnder the mortgage are! 9900.000: cash and bonds paid into the sink ing fund under; the mortgage is $667,180.90: balance mortgage debt not provided for; 9122,819.10. 1 Ten Juration Bates in Texfrs. The New York Cotton alluding f a tha tmlendid nrosnects in ! Store for TexaaaS a producer of cotton, states ; that all its " advices: from Western Texas agree that the open ing up of the? country by the pew railroads has worked a revolution in mon'ii minds as to the adautabili- tyof those enormous! expanses of country for; successful: cotton Cul ture. It is found tnat; tar iromi oe ing almost a desert, the land, is as fertile and well watered ! as any in the South. I Texas Is only waiting for men to produce 10,000,000 bales per annum in Its own limits. Who says tbe sootn is poori ; Russia's debt is 92,449.929,500, besides a large secret rational d.ebt tha amoun of which is unknown. rJB8' j Tbe factories, in the North can't supply the demand for hoop wkirfa. 1 It is said Blind Tom plays 7.000 up a new one .1 -H pieces rand ; picks every day. j i 1 ! Conklincr is rein 2r to rusticate in Europe antil he gets over the shock of his lay out. i The Bladen county correspon. dent of tbe ; jyezcs-Ooscrver states that his tounty will go for prohibi I tin by a two-thirds vote. All the eblef French lighthouses will adoa ;be HElby electricfty and trBmoftta for foff titfnali. r :i I ! i-.Ti-.t. i i , I Twenty five JTorth Carolina sol I dlr He. burled hear ths Con federate I Pamem nnnv 1 0r?!DePPer T! l - Uouament Bnveiled last week at j, Bitting Bull was induced to sur- render by a Canadian trader who had been kind to him and secured his confidence and influence over- him. n - I- Concord,' N. C. has organized a ! cotton factory and stock taken. The 180,000 of the company ! has the privilege to increase it to 9200 ooo ; J.-.- M . Last week was! the biggest week : . ' ' -.. It. T 1 t it.f- . of the Patent Ofiloe. Four hunt dred and twenty-nine patents were issued, aad yet the Americans are not 'an i inventive people, say yoa t r :. U .11.. i . Tbe tobacco ctod is reported to be larger in acreage than last year. especially in Maryland, iYirgiaia and Kentucky. The prospect of a good crop July the 1st was very flue.! ! 1 U " - The men of Nebraska will rote next year - on a constitutional amendment allowing womea to vote, and a systematic agitation of the woman , suffrage question has already been commenced: there. The demand fir labor at Castle Garden, New 'York, exceeds .the supply, in spite cf the lartre arrival of immigrants. There is an order for 900 men, at 99 per week, that; f w U1BU ii There is a man in New York who maices nis living oy turning red ooses I white. In thQ same city there are several thousand who mate their living oy turning white noses red. J cient pause for removal. -T I Harrison Dockary, ox; Wilkes ounty, has been arrested and is ow confined in jail as one of the urderers of Misa Caroline Tbomp- on, ot Alexander, on the lUth or une. i The 7)arham JSecorder' reports he progress in! boring the artesian ell In that nlace an pood. It ia that place as now over i LOOO feet i deep. It is xpected that! water i will not be! cached under 1,800 feet. I ' i ' . r i .-j . i . i she was decorating her ; room With pictures, and shelpirched his photo up on the topmost nail: then sne sat down to apmire ner wora, - i. . a . : j i s ' a . remarked Quietly "Now, everything is lovely, and he goose hangs high." ; Judge Kobert8on, President Gar- geld's appointee to the! Collector's office of tbe port of ewi Xork, qualified as such a I few days ago. His bond is lor c;:w.uou and i bis sureties qualified 1 for i twice that amount. justice. Nathan I Clifford. of the TjL S. Supreme Conrt, dlid at Got oisb, Mo , a few days ago He was one or tne two democrats on me Supreme Bench and was! la member of the Electoral Commission oi .1876. The Jboom" in Eailioad stocks is going downward. There never was, any good reason or the 'great and sadden aav.nci advance I in some; stocks which recently, took place. ; Fresh hands had better be carefal when eiperieuced specu ators are sending up prices. I; I Eli Perkins may now take back Beat. A correspondent of tbe otL Times Wxittath be htd one - bait nis uver snoc away in Mexico and the other half ! during the late war, and that be never knewjwbat perfect health; was until he lost his liver. ! Strange to say, the gentleman signs himself "Ru fus Hatch Livermore." j : u -. I N 1 - I The Wililmantie Spoo Compa- ny of -New Jingianu, nas made arrangements to tafe iroin city to one hundred girls from iti factories tq Atlanta, tia., : where they, will remain during the position.: The Wiioie proccBs, ui making spool through; with, appropriated thread will be goci The 'company I hasi $20,000 lor the penses of the display. reporter Of iladelp Times, who has been making some icauires into tbe condition of iron manufactures in that ciy, writes! that ttirme iarge establishments' are run down with! orders, with no prospect vi a lanmg uu iu tueir business. The Distons employ 1,300. men in their ftitw -works, and although running) nightj and day, month behind in their supply: the Baldwin Locomotive Works, employing t . ! . M 'i: 3,000 bands, have Mexican orders alone for 200 locomotives, I and their contracts ill run into 1882; Other factories tell similar a tories of the pressure cf trade. n . i . . i ' , 1 I " 1 1 J. Til.-1 a WHViwtMwvvtj e vaaavnsy if HI 1 SW aiaasM,- . i n the p1 V 1 .4 t : i i - 4 '4 V V f - f r.l I is t It-- I. : v 'Ml -i V a 2 I I I i i 7 1 I ii v 4 ! i ! s Is t, ! 1

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