t i 1 z7 -7 Established in 1821. GEEENSBOEO, K. C.,' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1881. Now Series I?o.,69S . ' - J ! 1 - - i ! I- . : ! ! v ' if y II I r II I I - l .1 I X A. . . A I i t a W I TJll; . . i - ' ' i - :.i i . ; - m : -j i ' S ' . - " i - - - I i ) - ! I j- h - , - I i i , . ? a t 4 n 1 1 TVMUSSXO WKXXtT T JAHES W. FORBIS, Trustee. OIIEENHHOKO, 2. CJ. O2oo on Sooth Elm St. Tcrma of aaboertpdoa S uepr aa ua; fix ft us mo-a ; 50 cecu lor uireo moaui. trao 1 Ipo Tba PATRIOT U ii cdri Dctoocradc aca-a ta oru Unas. luartootturjt uuxtf acti aad iatcUifcot per taa f ia Sxaic. im Cert cxtraor&AAry afiaauft to adTcruaera. fjtACO 6 mo tjt: 11.00 txao M.00 6.0 113.00 tlSJXS 110 4.00 6 0C lO.OC 1S.00 20.00 aso 3 00' 4 00 6.0C! 10.00 12.00 7.00 12X0 1-VOOi 20.00 24.00 30.00 34.00 8 0OI1S0OSOO0 30.00 43.00 COXO C OU 13-00:1300 24X0 43.00 la 00 0 00 30 00.43 00 ci.ooiioj t$5 OOilSO 0O - t5 MJ iS.CiOUO.OO'iOCO Bpetal BotSeoo IS eoata por liao for first laoMtioa, 10 eaata por4iao tor mmch aa a- araat laarrtioa- 5 adrrrtiaamoat lcarrtl for loaa Ikaa dilr fraMat aJrertiaemoata pajablo la ad ; J rai I7 ad raniaemaa U qoartor I j ia d . Co. f : .d-ra. ais waoka, T, Ma;Utratoo - a-. Mr waoca. k AaaiDiimiorr ik. tx woaka, XiO i oJroaoc tfn : ratoa foi dooblo col am a adrar- Greensboro Business Directory ' ijTlcultaral Implements, Hard ware, Ax. W. H- Wkfild A. Co Soata Elat WUrtoa oV Wbartoa. C-O-Tatoa. " " IJooka and StAtlonrry. a. D. Tato, Soatb IVm aU Danklar Uoiuet. y:toaJ Eaok of Groooaboro, R. Elaa 8i Dry Hood; UxU. 8bo, c. W. B. Botrart, Woat Uarkat at. W. E.P-.-U, Ea-V UaxkattU W. S. X array, Eaat Maikat U ; DruTts, Ctc r.CLFortor A Ox. Soalb tlm tL j rrofraalonal C'ard. thL k ioard, Attoraay at Law. faott J. C-UdvaH, M aaaaBBBBaawaaaBBaaaaaaaBBaaBaaBaaaaaaaaBaaBaaaaaa Jewelry t SllVcrrare, Etc Joka CbaaboiUia Soata Elat at tUtaleaale and Retail Grocers J.W. Scott A Co Sooth Elm U rrtxlt Trees, Tines, ite. J. Taa. Uady, Pomona iliil Narwrlaa XaartboUty. Jabbers In Motion. Jtc- J w Scott A Co Booth Ela at. Law Schools. Ja.IL D,:ifd sVftai 1U F. Dkk- t Uaxket Street. Richmond Business Directory. TThoiesale Grocers, Jlc. f 0 Jk Uorrio, 13 lb and Dock 8 Crwnsboro PostOIUce Directory wvtXtt ml. at' ft 'tfrpia. -Frwa atb ar. TT - d-pU - E-ir Bit.J ar. " -dpu.M -o ar. - 3 VC a aod 8 17 r m H 11 a at aod 9Wr 9 30 a K aod 7Mm 9 31 a at aod 6 37 r 7 57 raj 9 40 a at 7 30 rat 9 13pm - dpU- iobora ar.dailj ax'p Sanday by 6 r - - dtp'u- AM 8w Caaip. learoa Tawadaja aad Fndt-a 6a a - Caao. ar. Wad'ja aad 8td7a 0 F at UC'a kti: ar. Satardaja by 6 r at " d-p'u Ratara'aye at 8 r at all nail c1mo 30 mtaoa botbrt do vtaa of carriar. , . r boara froa U to 9 11. 1 to 11A.M. J. D. wniTF- r. at RJX-llOJkJ3 UlUECTOItY Tla Ll!oig Ubtbowa ba raaalag tngtt traioa to aad from C roan a- aU tit EAilroada : f" from Eicbmoad. ota forRi-havtd. -fram Richmood, -a lot Eicbmood. 9.40 p 90 a 9,23 a rld p Sorra CaaoLDiA aiLaoAD. na from Cbarlotto, tot Ctarlotto, o frpea Cbarloita, for Cbarlotto, from Goldtboro aad 9.30 9.41 7S7 9M aa.,xb, to p n aad 77 9,49 a ra aad 6,25 1 TH WK4TTK-I 31. C BAIXJIOAD. fia Croa gAlam, 'o. far 8Alm, Com 8Altm U f-c Baiem. ' r 7v30 9.St 9.C0 10.00 P P a aa 'I.A.W SCHOOL r . GEXEXSBOKO, N.C . P . ,1"uia aalotorma, Va apply la JOIDf n DILULEO, ZQULXT F DICX. II - J 4 - I " -eI 4 - 1 n m. corr. valtm r. cmmi TOTT Jk CAI-DITELL. 0EEE5SIK)i:O.K.C. fILL prcUe Is tL 6afrUr Cl ol fcorr. AIm la t& Saprm Covrt U Puu ; la U Fdml Crt at OrMMbor aai gutaarla. la ZUakripter. aa4 la an Splal auaUa rim l loa f a Mar and i&r atvitiM. BOYD & ALBEHTGON. ATTORirEYS AT I.A7. OfUm oi (Mm, jf. a Fraetioa ia Ihm SttU aa4 Fadaral CoarU. Jaa.12 13S1-1 ax. HL 3D- jdTX'-Hl hM.iTn ATTOQNCT AT LAT Hi oh Poorr, N. C. Will praotioo la 8taU aad Foiaral CoarU. ty CoUoetlofls a 8peialt73 CW. X 1-C9 IX. C Oresjorr RESPECTFCLI.7 orrz&s his PKOFESSIOWAI Sim. VICES to tX Citizen of Orsentboro. rEES THE S5AJTIE AS TUOSE ChArged by other Practicing Pkftician of tks City. W. B. MUEItAY Is exhibiting aa unusually Large and attractive Stock of Spring and Summer Goods FINE DRESS GOODS A large lot of Fancy Lawns, Prints, Cambrics and White Goods that is well worth your special attention and which you should not fail to see before buying. Ladies fine Shoes and Fancy Sbp- mar a - a w a pers, Mens new style Mats, Ready-Made clothing a good stock of New and Beautiful Wall Paper, Linen and Paper Shades. First class Goods Cheap for Cash. See and be convinced. Oraoaaboro, H. C Aaril 83rdL if Hco.sono.l3lo Goods Tba abaenbar Car frail aana. iiaaaa, fp i poalora. rraaa bladaa, braaa raaarai aaaoftmaat of bardwara, tiawaro. woodoawara at low prteao for eaaa or rooa bartor CI1AS. O. TATXd. Oraar, 8ootb of Foatofloa.Graoaaboro, S. C-, Aug. 3, lsSl,ly. j Call on j J. F. YATES & Go. "Vot CVvovet Cttoctrvt, F11IILY FLOUR A SPECIALTY. Wa kaop tbo boat mada ia tba Uaitad 8tatoa. Jalyt3li4Sw. W. J. BL1CKBUES "with TV. E. BEYELL, BETAIL DEALER IS STAPLE Dry Oooda, IIaU, Boo ta, Bhooa, NoUoea, Ilardwara.Croekary, GUaawara, Woodaa Wara. Tlnwara. Powder. Shot, Bopoa, Ixla Graaao, Tabla Oil Clotba.8oapo, Ua dta Oil: Qroeorioa ooaUUag la earar, Coao fSpioaa, Pap par. liakia powdara AJao Tobaooa aad Cigara. llaTtngbocfbtstrMjUy for eaa", I am prvparad ta orlar tbam at Low Ptieoa aitbtr tor oaab or Bartor. Giro ma a aall bolora bayiay;. aat bfarkat etraal Graoaaboro. N. C. Naa. 4, t-H). Valuable City Property JFOIRj S A TiTTl. Parti aa daairioff to parcbaao ioU lor tbo araetioa of Cot loo or Tobaoao Faotorloa, Tobaooo Waraboaaaa, . or dwalliaga la tbo OUT OF QREENSBOEO, woald do wall to aall oa tbo aadaralrnad. I bayaaoyaral vary daairaUa lota wU lo cal ad for tbo parpoaoa a am ad whiah I will aall at roaoMOabla nraa t aad apoa aaay torma. CTECa P. U d3IHaUU Graoaaboro, N.C.J aaa S3, 1881-ca-wiw HARDWAEE. Tiawaro aad repair ax for iba tbooaaad. Good boary, alao oommoa tiawaro, by raUil aad wboloaala Ail ia waal cx gooaa la my liaa aboald aall oa ma bofora boj iaf . liaapaeixauy ioara, iBfaat 3, l3SI,-ly. THE ORIGINAL AND Genuine Durham Lcr4 Cut, Durham Cut Plu& AND DURHAM TWIST. Uoo Sitting Edl Sz:I:2Tc:i::3 Xra Ifaaaactarod ooJy by E. II. POGCE, Dor bam. N. C Par aao by all daalora la Onaaibaro. April XI. dim MEETING OF TRUSTEES OF THE UniYEHSITY. Tbara will bo a maaUar of tba Traatooa of tbo Calvoralty of North Carollaa, la I tba ExaeaUro OSoa. la Calo!(b. aa 1 Taoaday, tbo 19th Jaly, 1SS1. at 4V o'clock P. XL. at wftvoa a iTBiwur t Hiatory will do aoooaa ia iao piaoa r. W. Elmoada, roaifaoa o aoooaai ai ut baalU. IppUeatioaa aboald bo addraaaad W -. 1 TTItt AT f Jra for th Old .Tien that Thar, da(btr, tp aeoliinf t Don't worry asd frat, 1 Ab4 work Toaraalf Into anek Ira ! . I Jut a boat all ibo aonfort Jour fkxber eaa Ii a amok by iha warm kltebaa ra. Lat bia aaaoka la tbo ooroar la poaoa. If aa eaa( Taoora tboaloadaof tobaooomay aaoka; Tbora la a. ana oaa lalL bat a loaair old 1 w w , How maeb oomfort tbr ia la a amoka. II. Iika a frae bird that flyatb from limb aata - urna, i ; t Taar roetlao of laya yoa ro tbroozb ; lad aome of tkam look Joat aa foolih to blm Aa amaklaar looka foolith to yoa. WoVa aoaa of ma porfoafc all tbia yoa bo ay a Oax liyaa aaoald wiib ebarity abiaa. Iika tbo raldaa tbraada that tba waarars waaya . Ia aad oat of tba dark datifa, III. i Sbcald yoa lira to bo oldthough yoa may ayar maka- i Tat I'll warr a paaoy or two, To will bava aoma , atrooic babit to taaaa otbar folk. j Bad aa tbla that ia worrfiDe too : Lat blm amoka la tLa ornar io jx-aca, If boeaa. i Tbooith tba aloada of tobaoeo mar aboka; Toara a ao ooa oaa teu. bat a lonely old mao. ! t uw aiga etiiion m hub ingt. T . . t 1 IT. t Dal amoka f No, aot II Nor woald I adviao Aay yoatb tba bad babit to rat : fiat wbaa aaa U aid, aod eaa's atop If ba tnaa, : I la It wladota to worry aad frat f Lat blm amka la tka aoraax la poaoa. If bo Tbaarb tba aloada of tobaoao may aboka: Tbara la aa aaa aaa tall, bat a looaly old aoaa. - i IIow maeb oomfort tbara ia la a amoka. T. M Not lour will tobaooa amoka dally aaooy, Booa taa pi pa aa tha asaatal will lay. lad faibar will raat wbara tba worma aboil doatroy.' : i Tba taaaa (J aaa b dy of day. Lat blm amaka la tbo ooroar ia poaoa, if ba eaa, : t Booa ba'U fall baiora Poatb'a a tardy ftrafea I Tbaa yoall mlaa tba alay plpa, aod tha laahia aid maa. lad wlab yoa'd pat op with tba amoka. Reasons Tlftu- Why does boUIng fast render meat hard T Because the excessive action of heat causes the albumen of the meat to set solid, crisps np the fleshy fibers and prevents the interior. - Why. when a good soap or broth Is required, sboald tbe meat be put into cold water! Because as the heat la developed very gradually there occurs an intermixture be tween the juices of tbe flesh and tbe external matter.' The solable and the savory parts ct the meat escape and enrich the soap. Why are stews generally health fal and digestible ! Because, being con pounds of various substances, they contain all i the elements of nutrition, and, as the office of tho stomach ia to liquify solid food before digesting it, the previous stewing assists tha stomach in this particular. .1 I What causes tbe crackling noise when lard Is put into a frying pan f Lard always contains some portion of water, and It Is tbe expression of this water iato steam, forcing Its way through the fat. Tbe heat at which fat or oil boila ia much great er than water. When the crack ling ceases the water has been driven off from the tat, and wbtn the fat begins lo boil or babble its heat will be very high. Why, In frying fish, should tbe fat or oil be made very but before the fish are put in T Because, if the temperature is. low when tbe fish is put into the frying pan, it becomes sodden in tbe steam form ed by its water; but if tbe oil is very much heated the water will be at once driven off, and the fish nicely browned by the scorching oil. i ;; J Why shonld fish or meat that is being fried be frequently turned! Because, tbe turning assists In tbe evaporation of the water. When the fish or meat ia allowed to lie too long tbe steam is generated under it and the surfsee becomes sodden; and the caomeat the steam is driven out, the surface catches to the hot pan and becomes burnt and broken. j . j Why is broiled meatsojaicy and savory f Because the action of tbe fire, hardening its surface, seals up the pores through which the juices might escape. It acta in the same way that the sadden dip Into boil ing water does upon the joints of meat, bnt more effectually. To tarn broiling meat never use a fork but tongs; a fork opens an escape for the juice, and wastes tbe best parts of the meat i ! Why is cabbage rendered more wholesome and nutritious by being boiled in two waters? Because cabbage contains an essential oil which isspt to produce bad effect; and it is recommended' that it sboald be boiled in two successive waters, and then it is soft and digestible. 1 i i Co 2ns are now made of piper, according to the Paper Trade Joxr aL which Journal pronounces it as M rather running things into tbe ground." i There are a number of tbe five dollixxold pieces In circulation that are counterfeit. Examine them carefully before yoa take them. The counterfeit coin is not more tbia half as ttavy as the genuine. Th JLxrrr. Dr. Bliss and his contetaporariea who bare-lcea trying to nake the President belieTt that if the ballet struck his lirer he will hare a close hare of it know very little about that organ, or else tbey hare enter ed Into a conspiracy to scare him to death. Bight here in car State of Michigan one ; can collect a cart load of addarita that a man's iirer is about the most worthless orgao in the human body, and down in Tnrfl.-i. k . . "" V c- all w m w A4KB-k wi- a av - - 1 it kucjr cau ueiu tu war curies- I pondent of Lansing writes : Pieaso let tha President know through your columns that In 1872 a boy fired a big agate ' marble through my liver irom a toy car- non. I stalled ud the hole with mu old hat and after the third day I co aid attend t my business as well aa ever. The irjjary rather bloated my taste for New Orleans molasses. but aside -from that I have noticed no serious effects.' Oar correspondent at Mackinaw eDds down the following. ' Ibe President need pot be alarm ca aooat cis liver, ijost tail my a B m. m mm mm brother got In the way of a blast at Lake Superior ! mine and a atone weighing a pound was driven clear through him, carrying portions ot his liver over 200 feet. The doctors pronounced him: a dead man, bat in four weeks he was able to plav nau DAU ana Mn norof nn a. oase ball, and has ti.a4.K. . T 1 . L 1 - - - stone which knocked his liver out as proof of-my 8temfcnta., Oar correspondent at St. Joseph rites: j ' In Jane last year I had a color ed man named John Baker in my employ. While driving a mowing macnioe be fell to the rroaod and aa badly eat op. Among other wounds be had his liver cat slick la two, and a council of seven doc tors decided that he mast die with io two boars. He is now a well, healthy man, chewing the strongest kind ol pine tobacco and drinkins hisky which kills ordinary men stone cead at thirty-six rods.' Uar correspondent at Grand Haven says he knows an Indian who was ripped open with a bnzx saw and his liver hang upon a beam forty feet away. (Tbe doctors sewed him up in audit a harry that the lost organ was forgotten, bnt the red man has suffered no inconven ience whatever, j On the contrary, he has never been In sach spirits. He can drink twice ag much whis ker without cettiDe taneled: it is much easier forJhim to swear; be cured of the habit of snoring; his coat fit better in tbe back : dried apples have Improved in taste, and be would not have the old thing back again under any f circum stances. Tbe entire sash, door and blind shop in which the accident occurred has been forwarded to substantiate the assertions ; and tbe medical lraternity are invited to call and have their doubts re moved. Free Prett. Tfte Benefit ot Ztttghter. i ! Dr. Green, In his "Problew. of IlealiX? says there Is not the re motest corner or little inlet of the minute blood-vessels of the human body that does not feel some wave let lrom the convulsion occasioned by good, hearty laughter. , Tbe life principals, or tbe central man, Is shaken to its inmost depths, sending new tides of life and strength to the surface, thus mate rially tending to insure good health to tbe persons who indulge, therein. The. blood mores rapidly, and conveys a different impression to all the ofgaos of the body, as it visits them on that particular mys tic journey wheal the mao is Isugh Ing, from what: it doesat other times. For this retoa every good hearty laugh io which a person indulges tends to lengthen bis life. conveying, aa It does, new and distinct stimulus to the vital forces. Doubtless, the time will - mm come when physicians, conceding more importance than they now do the Influence of the mind upon the vital forces of tbe body, will make their prescriptions more with refer ence to the mind, and less to drugs for tbe body; and will, in so doing, find tbe best and most effective method of producing tbe required enect upon tue pauenu The ltxnUla Ilant. The plant known as the vanilla, or more commonly as dog tongne is getting to be quite an important article of export here. About seventy-five bales (about the size ot txtton bales) were received for shipment at tbe depots in this place during the past week, mostly from Magnolia, twenty-five of which were to go to Hew York, twenty five to Chicago and tbe remaining twenty-five to some other northern city. Considerable quantities of the plant are to oe round in me neighborhood of Wilmington, and many of tbe colored people make it a part of their business to gather it in bags and take it to persons who purchase it for the northern markets. The Diant is said to be a very prolific one, the leaves which are broken off being soon replaced by fresh ones, and is valuable on account of its medicinal and flavor ing qaalities. It is also prized by housewives, who use it to impart a pleasant odor to tbe contents of trunks, bureau 'drawers, etc. IFii. iar. ' I would rather cherish affection than indulge grief, but every one uzz follow their mood, ; Opposing JUonopolie. The Xew lork Chamber, of Com. tnerce Disciuies . Corpora tion and Freight. ..w Augasr y. At a mef'tiug of tn Chamber ot Com to-day Charles 8. Smith, F. is, xnarber, Jacob Wendell. John r. Terry and Osgood Welsh were appointed delegates to a transpor- tauiuu conierence, to be held at utica on tbe 18th instant. The call was signed by many prominetit larmers tnronghout the State "to consider whether our government ia to continue a government of the people, for the people, by the peo ple, or whether it is to be the government of corporations, by w.jjuiaiiuua. ior iao oeneut ot a favored few. a. special committee on railroad transportation submitted a reoort on tne cnanges which haverecento a a - tasen place in the freight and passenger rates and parsed resolu tions thanking tbe managers of the trunk lines for the general redac tion In west-bound open rates and declaring that the only discrimina tion jastioable on tbe part of h common carrier, either as regards persons or places, is that based upon "cost of service," and upon tms Daais asking the trunk lines ri make a thorough examination and if borne out by the facts to claim an equal rate with all other sea ooard cities, and to remember their often repeated assertion that the amonnt of watered stock has nothing to do with the cost of transportation. They also depre cate the practice of making excessively low rates during the season of navigation aod unreason amy nign rates during tbe winter a. a a . a , a moDioi tnat tms is not only a discrimination against the State, which, as owner of the canals, cannot afford to permit this prac tice, out it is also detrimental to the best interests of commerce generally. Another resolution de clares that reasonable, uniform and pnblio rates of freight will best serve tbe interests of both the publio and tbe railroads; that they willingly concede rates which will pay liberal dividends upon tbe actual cost of construction of these modern highways, but that stock- watering is a crime against the publio which should be prohibited by severe penalties. Phil. Times. .Vrte Jlailroads in J'ortn olina. 4Tr- There are a number of new rail roads under construction or now contemplated in this State. There Is one from ABbe county to Sal in bury or Statesville; one from Eat Tennessee through Watauga coun ty, proposing to co operate with tbe Cape Fear and Yadkin Vallej Road from Greensboro to layette- vine. There are also in progress tbe Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Road and tbe Western N. C. Road. Then there" is tbe Midland, running from Danville through Winston to the South, and also lh North Car olina Midland, which Jir. Best is now having surveyed. The Oxford Road is completed. Another line is projected from Clarksville, via Henderson, to Louisbu'g. and thence to Raleigh. Tbe road from - . a a y i a a Uali rax to Scotland xieca win oe finished during the Fall. It is contemplated to begin at an early day tbe Raleigh and Rocky Mount or Wilson Road, pushing on to Tarboro and Wiiliamston. The Wilaon neoole propose a branch of thH Wilmington and Weldon R ad to run to Greenville, Pitt county. A coast Hue is projected to emer the State in Hertford county, tul South to Gt.ddboru, ttmce to Favetteville i aod tb trice to Florence, S.1 C. The Elizabeth Citv Road is being pushed on to Edenton. while the little branch of the N. O. Road to the N. C. Univer sity will be finished this Fall. Salt for the Throat. Tn these davs. when diseases of the throat are so nniversally preva lent, and in so many cases fatal, we f-l it our dotv to say a worn in behalf of a most (ffeotual, if no; tositive cure for sore throat. For many years past, indeed we may say during tbe whole ot a life of more than forty years, we have been subject to sore throat, and particularly to a dry hacking cough, which is not only distress ing to onrselves, but to our friend nri thnaa with whom we are brought Into business contact. Last fall we were induced to try what vii tue there was in common salt. We commenced by using it three times a day morning, noon and night. We dissolved a large tablespoonful of pure table ealt in abont a half small tumbler full ot water. With this we gargle the throat most thoroughly just before meal time. The result has beeu that during the entire winter we were not only free from coughs and colds, but the dry backing cough has entirely disappeared. .We attribute these satisfactory results solely to tbe nse of salt gargle, and "moat cordially recom mend a trial of it to those who are sobjec: to diseases of the throat. Many persot-s who have never tried the salt gargle have the im pression that it i unpleasant. Such is not ! the iC;e. On the contrary, it is pleasant, and after a few days' use no persou wlo loves a nice clean moutn auu a uii ibic a a m t J ACl m.. mm 2. sharpener of! the appetite will abandon it JEr, : I , iMiana ia 1 im iBiiumi 1 laMiiianiMi U strange Sensation. Conductor A. a. I'flriror. nr f ha in Battle Creek. Mich hr . a.t I dent Inat o lor V o7:,: - & - u- uuincii oiaiion. j.ne membcra. xArorM ircm tbe body, were left Ivinc bv tne siae ot the track, whi! tha oodyswas conveyed to South Bend ior medical assistance. As soon aa ne recovered conscionsness he be gan to complain. His attendant, knowing his arm was many miles away? by the side of the railroad ..ov-., yaiK. ug Btteoiion to , nis complaints, thinking him out of tFanrr! w a i 9. . a. a. - . io uia ucau. xxe buii con tinned bis assertion that the fingers of his right arm were doubled lander his hand ; and asked his assistants to end jand get his arm at Stilwell uy bis speech they saw that he realized the accident, and a tele gram was sent to Stilwell; to send iuo uiuiuaieu arm to its owner. a. 4 : I . i. . The request was carried out. and . I . . r . : ' lUB -m Bei io mm oy express. Ho nuwu aa ii was eaten nn nn tna ground, a few moments after the telegram was sent, Parker remark ed to bis assistants that his arm was all right now, that they had f.icKt a it np. Every time! a person rook 'hold j of it along the route JL'arker would speak of iti and crv out wjtb pain when it was roughly anaiea; and wbenever any of his attendants touched it while it lay in the next room to him he knew it as quickly as thongh the arm were still attached to his body. The messenger who got the arm said that he found it just as Parker had sai l it was. with the fingers cramp ed under it. This is one of the most singular, .yet well authenti cated cases on record, where a man could feel in an arm which had been ;cut off many hoars. The pbysiqians are baffled to account for if, ami can only class it under the ead ct the unexplainable phenom enal mysteries whieh are some times u:et nature. with in tbe s udy of tJonftaence in Self. Rely on yourself: take! it for granted that you can accomplish y our plana. Never say "I tan't" they are ignoble words. He who does not feel within himself the power to conquer fate is not a man in tbe true sense of the word. Of course it is a misfortune for him, since he can never be any! benefit to himself or anybody else. Heaven "uelp the woman' who marries himl Somebody says, "Oh, I don't like these self-conceited folks P My friend, eelf conceit - and self-confi dence; are two qualities as different us light and darkness, and though tbe self conceited .man may; not be tne most agreeable ot companions, we infinitely prefer him i to tbe creeping, cringing, craven-spirited fellow who is never ready, for an emergency, and wno, like Uriah Ileep, spends bis life in trying to be "amble.77 The man who says, 'I will do It r who says it from his heart and means it, too -who beuds his whole energy- to the work, almost always accomplishes it; and then people call him lucky and successful, and all that sort of thing; when, in fact, his luck has been brought about by his own persevering efforts, and by his confidence in himself. Fortune de tests cowardice; andL the man who will not be conquered by trifles is bi-r- prime favorite. .Yarrow Escape at Itherille. On Wednesday last, at Asheville, Mihn Bettie Hawkins, of Franklin, and Miss Sallie Carter, of Raleigh, were rnjoying a pleasant horseback ride in tbe suburbs of that! beauti ful little city, when the j former made a narrow escape, and but for her wonderful presence of mind and bravery under the most trying circomatances, tbe angel ot deatn would have claimed ber a victim. While descending a steep hill they discovered a double team attached to a wagon coming in the rear at fnll speed. Failing in the attempt to escape on horseback Miss Bettie dismounted, but lound it impossi ble to make safe ber retread Hard pressed by the maddened steeds, death stared her in tbe face, out ithicalm deliberation shje threw hem't upon the ground, when tho horses passed over on either side and an instant afterward she was clasped in the arms of her j friends unhurt. Such was the fearfulnesa of tbe scene and tbe anxiety oi friends that, despite ber j earnest protest, a physician was summoned, they believing that she could not have escaped without serious mju- w M.ant Aitln rv. ID marveious cHCatiw ixiu uuij - . . . .a . a . a? be attributed to tne intrepiqity oi a brave woman and tbe kind provi dence of an all-wise Uod. 2 Useful Hint. When von wish to knd what and the weather is to be, go put select the smallest cloud iyou see. Keep your eyes upon it. and if it decreases and disappears it shows a state of the air which will sure to be followed by fine weather; but II it increases in size take your great .a a .Z m- coat witn you, u you are going from home, for falling weather is uot far i ff The reason is this : w ben the air is becoming charged with electricity you will see every cloud attracting all lesser ones towards it, until it gathers into a shower; aod, oo tne contrary, wnen - . mmmt ! -jM . the fluid is passing on, or amusing trself. then a large cloud will be seen : erasing into pieces! and dis solving. IZobber. 1 . tiia vT "" " i xxonesc men would do wen ta keen a sharp look oat for thieves and h well prepared to ahoot them Anvin In their tracks. Too many people are trying to live by stealinc? and bv anting th raol " i www aHMtij SMSiaaAaJSl 4m CIBUU tllfllllMV CTKM w. i tens or a negro man who was aa I - found under a bed in the dwelling of Mr. D. O. Lunsfordi by Miss I jjuusiuru. one save tne alarm, i wnen the black devil made his " w m escape through a window before Mr, liunsrord could reach the room. It is to be hoped that he will be caught and "salted dowhbv Jnd?n Lynch, as the law in I such cases amounts to almost no punishment at an sucn rascals do not mind going to the penitentiary. There shonld be a Bob Potter for everv I . l renitentiary. to whom all sach anonntiroia .hnni a mwmum W-a Whr-mf UI UVI over hen sent to the penitentiarv. f xne same paper says a man broke into the dwelling of Mr. Alexander Williams and went so far as to touch the arm of Mr. W's niece who awoke and screamed, where upon the rascal made bis escape. The third case occurred at Mr. John A Barnett'a save the Herald. tne particulars of which are not . . . . . - made public. ! - j A fourth case at Mr. Sam Poin tera near Roxboro; the object being to steal wheat stored in a room. The crops being short we shall a . . . near ot wnoiesale stealing soon. and persons who worked and made something to eat had better watch it and keep their powder dry. Farewell. JLard: Ifelcome, Oil? The eating world will have occa sion to throw np its cap it the discovery lately announced that cotton seed oil ia "a most satisfac tory substitute for lard" be con. firmed. I hope it is ' true, for the sake especially of the many house keepers who are sorely tried in their cooking , by that product of the swine, which, like butter, varies in tbe quality, and whose odor. wnen sizzing in tbe frying pani awakens in the imaginative kitcW en goddess visions of pent upj garbage fed and slimy porkers and perhaps a notion or two of trichina snugly ensconced in j the cozy vesicles. Ho one is afraid of good vegetable oil. Its impressions are! cool and historic and agreeable. It whispers of dewy meadows, refreshi tag ureezeu, sweet aromas, auu hu on. But I lard ! Everything it; suggests is heating and exasperat ing. However, more to the point : Col. Nelson, of HantsviIIe, Ala.,! says he baa repeatedly used cotton, seed oil at his hoase, aod finds it equal to the best article of lard. A hotel keeper at Memphis publishes a statement to tbe same enect. it has been tried by several citizens of Tuscumbia, Ala., who ! say that they can find no difference between. the oil and lard as an article for cooking. Tbe best thing about it; as most economical housewives will say, is the cost, that being now not more than half the price; of the pork extract. And should . this discovery tarn out a fact undenia ble what a revolution it will pro duce in tbe pork trade I Aod what an impulse it will give to the cotton interest, coming just in time to speed the revival of industry and enterprise in the South. Everybody mast grease the pan tbe bvgienist for his roll, the beef eater for bis steak and all ar - will heartily welcome the sweet, translucent distillation of nature. N. Y. Tribune. - - j Cuiteau and the Guard. A Desperate Attempt to Kill One of the Guard at the Jaiu Washington, Angus! 17.. A report was current here tms moru ing that Guiteau had attempted to kill one of the guards at ! the jail, but it was stated at the police headquarters that the report was without foundation. It is learned, however, that the report was true. At an early hour this morning, as W. C. McGill, one of the guards, passed Guiteau's cell he noticed something wrong and entered the cell. He found a knife in Gaiteaa's possession, and demanded it, but Guiteau refused to give it up. McGill drew! a pistol, and a strug gle ensued. Guiteau made a des perate effort ( to secure the pistol, and succeeded in getting it away from McGill after a severe struggle. McGill regained possession of the pistol, which, being ! discharged during the scuffle, brought other guards to his assistance, and Gui teau was disarmed. President Garfield Interetted in a JVorth Carolina .Win e. It may not 'be known generallv, but it is a I fact that President Garfield is and has been for several years a North Carolina real estate owner. He is' largely interested in tbe Beaver Dam placer gold mine in Montgomery county which has been and still is being operated actively and successfully. ' Why, sir,' said a client to his lawyer, yoa are writing my bill on very rough paper.' Never mind,' was the lawyer's reply, J io will have to be filed before it comes Into court.' : I i P ' 7 1 11 1 1 1 m 1 1 JVE TVS MTEX&' The ears of a man are happily since there is a great ds&l to be said on both sides. . L 1 I Many preserve , themselves by I humbline themselvest the ballet I fllfs ,over nim tbftt stoops. ; j I H!n-iL k'J;ai.. vin..Ai.! t J !r I Is.. .. 1 aaa.K' la.M. a.Ai k.U.J ,u TV T uu' aua-ui-iwi, uy- uaaB, c"i"iH' ? I o eiepnaut naa ; ; 1 -IIJ.1 a. . " ' the strength ot I forty-seven men, j bat iits trunk wnld not be big enough forcna h i c 1 -. , j i I 1 :t Enterprise and energy climb the steep stairs to the pinnacle of sua cess,; while lack goes up in an e e-H I rator.' n - jii I 'l' ' ' ' i t God! Abernetiiy I-i-A Burke county steer was struck by lightning and bis tail and ears tern off. Wllkesboro Index: We are ia formed t hat they j had considerable frost at Gap Creek, Ashe county. a few days ago. ! a ; I f The Ohio Prohibitionists have nominated a full State ticket, com posed of both Democrats and Be- , publicans.) j"i ' I ! j j; it; ! I I ' .- ' 1 -!!!.: 1 : A coin said to be of the reign of Marcus Aurelius, was recently dug up at Fayetteville, N. C. It is over When): yoa think the world can cot get along without yoa, ! pall j ft nair, from your bead ana see it if makes yoa bald headed I: ! 'I , Soaking; calico just previous to the first! washing in a strong solo tionjof either salt or alum is excel? lent: to preserve the color. -: uis makes about as bad a ' record as her rival, Chicago, in the ! murder line. There are now fifteen ; murderers in jail there awaiting trial. Ah Irishman who had ont very ragged coat was asked of what stuff it was made. 'Bedad, I don't u, a uuu a i of it is a f W ' a. tow; a tnina tne mos ade of I fresh air The Indians of the West are fast becoming civilized. Their chiefs now; kill! ons another as coolly as if theyr think were : white men, and never ofi calling it murder. iL I I i f I ' i Milton says that "beauty is God's i handwriting:77 Milton didn't know! anyf hing about palnt,powder, balm, oang8,oasties ana iaise eye orows,or ne never wouia nave written mat - r 1 ill. j cotemporary observes that it is very E easy for home families to imagine! themselves at the seashore. All they bave to do is to eaten a few n j-a a es and Stick them in the but ter. There is nothing like a bicycle to put flesh on a man. A Mara- thou man has had bne only about a week, abd !his left ankle is three inches; larger around than it was a when he first rode it. ! 1! ' ; number of children were play ing under an embankment on the railroad in Newark, N. J., recent ly, trhen the bank 'suddenly caved, burying three of the children! two of whom were killed. i An eiderly lady has just been . i poisoned to; death in New Orleans by Rough on Rats." ! This shonld warn Our house keepers to be care ful how they handle this useful out dangerous vermin destoryer. In reat Britain, moxe persons were killed during last year oy jborses! than by all the railways of La -ar a - a yf i ! ' rTL : 1 tne unuea ivingaom, xne aumi bei ot violent deaths jregister Ll , iiuui ai bauocB cavuu UWv A new material has lately 'been . compounded of leather catlings soaked in hot water ' to remove the eill The! cuttings are then dried, Y ground to! powder, pressed I in to moulds !aod used for buttons, boot leels, eta Solomon gieth and Ways been rheaniug.i a saying, "There is that yet increasetb has al i wrested, from its original j He had exclusive refer. ! man who mannres bis ence to the! lands a; tbe rate of forty loads to . !l ' - I . I the acr A volcanic eraptioo took place t Idaho, on the 8th inst., on a moaiitaia ou tbe Soata J?ork; ol C(ear Water, sending forth a vol-1 time of fire' and smoke several ; handred feet in height. The shock j was felt for a distance of twenty- five miles. 51 ! i I J I .11 J . f M Charlotte Democrat: Judge Brooks,! cf tbe U. S. District Court, ooi.ria thuf nn fnnritv ran iatno a legal in tbe wjay of a county i subscription without! first obtaioing aispecil act of the Legislature aa- j rborizing a vote of jthe .people of the county to be taken on tbe.qnes-, tion. - j ; ' . . . i stated that the trade; in pine Ml ' ! : I j It is sfraw, which war started in Wil- mineton.N. C. about two years ago, hits increased so rapidly that tbe demand! cannot be supplied. The leaves are much used in the North lor stuffing mattresses and other M I pEx-Gov. Bagley, left f 5,000 in bis w! of Michigan, Li for-a water fountain! and only 500 for a mono- ment over his remains.; We do not wish to1 insinuate anything against the ex-Governor, who, we have no doubt was a very coect old gen tleman bnt tbe average male Mich igander a ill find after he has closed OP bis accounts, mucn more use tor a water : fountain I than for rioaamect. Oharlot e Democrat i 'A i A if S ft 1 i k- - IS: : I I? If 1. i 1 ' ar V a- a.- 4 1 t V j; ; i .11! l i y. iti! Ml II! Hi -I . MI : . '!! i Mi :

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