- I ' L ; ' - . 1 4' i ' I 4 " 1 ' : ') ' - ! ' - - -1 j ' " 1 i ' I j I - 4 .."4 ' I-. -" 'J I j - h " - I 4 1 -'" 1 , ' ' ' " ) 1 ' ' " ' - 4 . . . . S ... ..- -4f - j j ' 5 1 mm : I ""VI-r. Oct. 19, 1831. Mrs. C W- Oibturn is still my EL tebacso warehouses arc sJeat. " r 1 Cot Anirtwt, ef the N. C. R. R. pais- Bp tie rwd Sunday night, ; a.esihrr taptixiaf occurred at-Oakdale ' on; keat fa now in rdVr, aiihcu j:h ivjscxl eeeda?y dry. $cmct wi3 beiicU at the Methodist -v.n-k every n.rai iru ! ora.-naclon services were held at yb-xlst charch Scnday. the Mr. J- B Crtttrriscst rain after a I Ir. Perbcw is b-a.1 I;n f a new btgjage WSy?!- ice showers fell Monday afternoon eics'h t Inst to lay the dust. 1 t 1 1 .TVo luUai ah violin and harp we re iauwa last eek. ifie Graded School is full op. re 3 numbers over 2KX The Ko new caes dlphteria have ap- J pcired. ; t ' , Th chZHr watermelion is still seen on tl streets. t'.en. M- ni Taylor and family, of W3-Bj-rtoB, are at the Benbow house. There is a rumor of a paper beingstart td ia our Beihboring town of High Point I . . - .. " Aa estra train was run between Creens- iofo and Raleigh during the fair, leaving kere at sia in the nonuoj. t J1 take at least a week's rain to wet h rruund thoroughly, and still more to sef any account to. the wells. father Benson, well known to the eiti- irt dirt ith friends near here last week. ; ' Tke Grand Lodge of Good Samaritans f cet ia their hall in the Mcndcahall build I i-r Tuesday morning. , t Shenf Gilmer reports slow progress ia I c&ctiag Uses, lie is at D. P. Fosti djiy. Tie dJerent chorches were well at trtied Sunday, notwithstanding' the heat aa4 dast i ,, i VS L. Steiner, Register of Deeds for CjL--rX county, left for Yorktowa Sunday gaoratag, to see tae sigtits. . s s, j llasy f the delegates to the meeting Uie Grand Lodge of Good Samariuns amed in the City Monday night The azuadance is large. Tie seuon of our Hoard of Justices and Ccvajy Commission crs, in making pro im (jt a supply of corn for GuJford cstfisty, is highly extolled by the press of tie Jute. Cea M. Disbn, of Alabama, brother IVltw to Jade Settle, spent a few days is the cry last week. , CoL Duskin has mta'Jy been confirmed as U. S District Azoracy lot Souihern AUbama. ' , Trsa the present outlook, " there will aJt be many distilleries in cperation in llsrovnty the present season.. Corn is U4 scarce. Those that wJl run have Lie arrange men 3 to ct meal . from JUaaood and other markets. ' We ere shown, by a nverchant of this jiace. a lr day agj, a Confederate sd r half dollar. -,Cn!y a few hundred dol Ln of sjih curriney as Lsucd by the CpJL derate jern.7ient Tlse coin is a " arjr pce of work. , i . , t It is prrd.ctcd that corn wiJ not aver art rer Co cents jr bushel this winter. U las bee a ascertained that a very large sio3t of oid corn is on hand ta the sura gra aeries more than enough to sarpfy the fjrmand. kit. C. N. Mc.doo, one of the oldest , saost bifrhly estetined citixens of Cflrrsslora, ul celebrate the 72nd anni , rraary of birth on Satard.iv neat He raterUia a few beads at Wood- lava, the elegant and hospitable home M.s. Naan.e McAdoo. lt!re more days, and the hun 'wn w& be turned loose on the birds. The t, iekb n-a be full if every man who owns purp" ia this burg should engage in V iotrtctkm. We advise them to be . cafrfal, as very many farmers have their ' potsed, and somebody may get into The ea trance fee for the glass-ball I sWxinj at the New Garden Fair is $ l.oa j Jketj can be had from Mr. C. W. Og- Wra ia Greensboro any time before the La ce 03 that day. After paying the ex . s cf tic has the best shot will get thirds, and second best one-third of tVees trance money. Twenty balls will toed, f . - ' - Ctr. '. tjw jennies. "A genuine circus . aasg some time ia November. -in rwrc t ie cScials of the United SUtes Court 'tUaaday for Sutesvule to hold the --ttra of court I j j ; f k cViver of the Benbow House bus titSaaday moraing at the depot, ticj;g oit the pole and otherwise de it JELraT tmjty g jds boxes, barrels, &c, cai rn any way to obstruct the side- tij El thi r.r .V,..t.t k. rs are a nuisance ? I I, I h t WirtWwet ; e cf oar ciitiens are takin g out the cf their wells and digging them 71' Etry wea in town, wiOi only a . --rf-, gone cry. aur,i Dmt. T 1 . . ... j J a new cewiung dcm j l-iTf o about completed.; It is a 1 --r-l ar.d emtly busldinir. and occu- ' tf l-c jwucst sites in the city. i a, rr y- G. K..;vT:.haI ,,or.c of our Jewish I'w Mans Friend- has 'it d.il second-hand clothing. l-'o zn iJ rn'e that did tausc cf 'American t,Jfnr 4' 'jC U::Je t.f tZuiIfnl Court i 6c-r r 01 thi conty raised ! 4V , P f Fathcs from the same trees a-.-l Tte fir crop a Large white s Clt: ia Joe. The second . m pcAch-ripcned ia October. 1 i :! - 4 Wetfc. ! k R look out for cold weather. a m m . ; c. ;T .U4 Ccesewere seen Sun k iTt tfccu- ay southward. This urr . . : uLT.r 1 ptd as a sure si en of an- f TT' wuitcr- ; : .. ,. : ST f Yrkiwa ir.v.u, v-Tn, ci tnis r:ace, but recent ly connected with the Westers Un ion i eiegrapn tympany at Charlotte, hat been as: med to duty at Yorktyam H,.-.- v v.;iuwi. iic icit i nur&uay mora tuflasL . We hear tome of the doners La this district refuse to run this winter, if the Collector insists oo sending them a Store keeper wnovoteu the Prohibition ticket. They say prohibition and the manufac ture of spirits donl work well together. tate Fate. Greensboro was well reoresented at tKo S:s:e Fair last week. Those in attendance J "P exhibition a success. The raong ana cxiubit of machienry was ex cellent. The crowd mas immense. Dust was plentiful and water scarce. " laralr4. James Donncll. an old citicn of flull- fcrtL midir three miles east of G boro, was stricken with coralvaia bt ! Thursday. The hole of the right side is affected, and it is ith ereat dJucvlt ! that he can speak, his tongue being also paratyxtd to some extent ; Beat Eatase Hal. Notice is called to the advertisement, in this issue, of Real Estate for sale by J. A. Hosluns and F. S lilairy administra tors of Joseph Hoskins, deceased. There are fifteen different tracts of land adver tised, all of which is valuable. Persons desinous of investing in such property should read the notice and attend the sale. Prices at the market thi wetlc run as follows: Chickens 1$ cents; Eggs 18; Butter 30; licet steak 10; Roasts; Mutton ice. Pork Utf : Sweet Potatoes ter bushel $1.00; Irish Potatoes $1.50; Turnips $1.00; Cabbage per pound cents. The market b very well supplied, with the exception of chickens, butter and eggs, which are always in demand.,. KaaM mtmmr fciwtii We thini it would be a capital idea to put up sign boards or something of the una, at tne street crossings, riving tne names of tne streets in the aty. We venture the assertion that not ode person ; in tea of our citizens knows the names of the different streets of the city. Why not ' be a little more pretentious, and paint the names of thestrcctson, the lamp-posts ? Jul ltri4kal AsumIw Hugh Peters dray-horse "Bob" had one of his periodical attacks again Mon day, He ran about two blocks, but didn't dxnugc the wagon a great deaL The harness was completely demolished. The horse attached to another dray near by also became frightened and attempted to run, but was stopped before be got under way good, the driver, however, was thrown from the wagon to the ground, knocking him senseless for, a time. Old "Bob" runs away about every good opportunity. Fall ! kc. There Is an old darkey in this place- Edmund Eckel who venly believes he is full of snakes. He says they remain quiet during the day, but as soon as night comes, they commence moving. They go up and down his legs, round his back and breast, through his head and arms, and all over him, being under the flesh all the time. . He says he was given a drink f whiskey last summer by an anti- prohibitton brother which, after he had drank it, turned to snakes. He wants to be aA open and have them taken out, but he has not yet found a physician willing to accommodate him. lie honestly bc l.evcs he has been "conjured," and wants to ir diet the darkey who gave him the Lqior. ! Trmmpm mmd Brggar. Mayor Eckel wants it understood that he is iwt the president of the Richmond Zi Danville, or North Carolina Radroad, nor it he a satined oTicer of those insti tutions. Debars and tramps seem to think so. Almost evcrj" one who strikes the town. vis.ts him for the purpose of rcttinz a free pan to some point on the road. People in town are in the habit of! sending such persons to him when tney know he cannot da anything for them. They only do it to get rid ol their impor tunities for help. The mayor is getting tired of such work. If people have any thing to give inese miseraoic creaiurcs, rive it and don't mislead them by such delusions. i Th niliiwry. Se eral rrulitary companies passed j throurh this place Sunday and Monday, tm rtmti to Yorktown. Sunday night the Winston Light Infantry came down. They were met at the depot by a squad of tne Guilford Grays, and escorted to the Grays barracks, where they remained until Mon day morning, when they took the 7:30 train for Richmond. . The Salisbury Rifflemen passed Mon day roorninr. The Charlotte company, thirty-six! strong, passed tnrougn buncuy mgnt. The Salisbury and Charlotte troops each wore the State uniform. The Savannah Light Artillery passed through oa the 9: jo train Monday morn ing. - - TlM TUrUh Crfl Arvtcwlfwrwt By Act of the last General Assembly the "Experimental Station" has beta re moved from Chapel HUl to the Agricul tural Department budding at Raleigh. Wflh spacious quarters and vastly increas ed facilities it is hoped the Sution will be able to do more than ever for the ad vancement of agriculture. The work of the Sution will include, as heretofore: The analysis of all fertilizers legally on sale ia the State; . - The analysis of agricultural chemicals, of compost and home-made fertilizers; The analysis of sods, marts and mucxs; The examination of seeds with reference to their purity and capacity to germinate; The examination of grasses and weeds; The study of insects injurious to vege tation; The analysis of minerals, ores and min eral waters, with the permission of the The analysis of drinking waters, articles 1 of food, &c, for the bute uoara oi , Health; - Practical experiments upon different crops, with different manures, are con ducted upon an experimental field; Numerous publications upon these and kindred subjects are mailed free of charge. Correspondence is invited upon all sub ject pertaining to scientific agriculture. Address Dr. Chas. W. Dabney, Raleigh, Ce t List or Letti remaining in the rot-office at Greensboro, N. C, Oct 19, Miss Bird'Anderson, R J Bailey, Pres ton Ilxsi, CaptTM Cook, J C Cooper, Mar) L Coble, J C Cook, Mist-Jessie P Cru.p (2), M:ss Sarah Gamer, MissNel i;e Graves. Mis Laura Hayes, W idie Harris, V J Houston, Miss Maggie Hun ter, Joseph A Jack-son, Miss Emma Mc Cranv A Morris, Albert Moore, A F Pur cell, "Mrs M J Rankin Miss Mncv Reed, W C Ridge, Jesse Wilson, John II Worn ack. Wra M York. , t . Persons calling for any of the above letters,' will please say they are advertised .. twiwm Hal of list if. D. White, P. M. 1 . f tr s.fiv U receivinc a large stocked" .. . , I-. I Kr tail an wum.. j,---. -p .. 1. market His appear seat week. coorrr i notes. NORTH AND SOUTH MOXXOE. North Monroe has two schools for white, and one for colored people. None ! of them are now ia operation. The pros pect for a good tobacco crop was good, but was damaged greatly j by the frost. Most of it has been cut and housed. About one-fourth of a , crop of corn will be raised. People are'now sowing wheat. CXXTRE CROYE. j Corn about one-third of a crop. Tobacco crop sma'l; not injured very much by irost 1 nere are no free schools in oper ation in the tnwnship, but a fine subscrip tion schocj has been established at Hills dale under, the management of Miss Lou Winchester, a lady of rare accomplish ments, i 1 j- - J The corn crop will average one-third. About half a crop of tobacco will be raised. One-third of the tobacco has been ruined by frost People are beginning to sow wheat, although the ground is very dry. Thera are four white and one colored schools ia the township, but none in oper ation at present There is a splendid academical school in Suramerfteld under the control of Mr. F, S. Blair. There are also two dry good stores kept by H. C Britain and G. J. Smith. I - ;: . .- OAK ! JtlDCE 1 has two colored and three white free schools, none of which are now running. There is a fine academical school at Oak Ridge under the management of J. A. and M. 11. Holt, with a scholarship of over fifty. Two splendid stores by W; O. Donncll and A. J. Balding. This is a splendid neighborhood. Something near a third of a crop-of corn will be gathered. Tobacco was badly injured by frost, but hall a crop will be cured. 1 DaXFfclVXR. j The yield of com will be about one third; tobacco the same. Upland tobacco was not injured by the frost, but the low ground crop suffered materially. There are three white schools and one for the colored people in this township. One white school only is in operation. L. F. Davis, a very clever gentleman, is doing a good business merchandizing. FliEKDSHlP. J " None of the public schools are now in operation, although there are five for white and two for colored people. One- third each of corn and tobacco will be raised. Tobacco is not hurt by frost. BKLX.A'SI LSTTKB. No. 4. AUTUMN LZAVXS AND FLOWERS. These rollicking autumn ' winds are making sad havoc, and I notice that the cautious ladies are all having their flowers brought ia from the reach of the winds and the mischievous . fingers of "Jack Frost ; I hope we wUi be more success ful in preserving our flowers this winter, as we nave prepared their quarters more snogly. We were rightly served last winter for our negligence ia the loss of almost every plant Almost every day one may see a party of young girls passing on their way to the woods to gather autumn leaves, and they always return laden with bright burdens of the exquisitely colored leaves which, pressed and varnished, make beautiful ornaments for our winter palors. OYSTER SUPPERS. I am almost willing to hasten the foot steps of winter that we may renew our acquaintance with our animal and vege table friend, the oyster. He is beginning to make his appearance, though slowly, and I am sure it will be to the great satis faction. Cf all when his season is once more established. Oyster suppers will soon be in vogue, and no doubt the Good Templars, who always head the lists in such enterprises, will soon call us to a tempting UarK&iet ,in their hall; they never call" in vain.' . K rORTUN E-TELLERS. I heard some very startling facts the other day that made me think, though this is aa age of cnlightmenf and civiliza tion, that we have the dark: and mystic rites of Egypt" being performed in our very midst I heard that there are quite a number of conjurers in Greensboro at this moment bU(k and wkiU ; w e can no longer complain of having no fortune-teller, and if any have a troublesome enemy whom they wish to obliterate, they will have no difficulty in finding assistance or advice as to how to make him " shuf fle off this mortal cod." j ' BEAUTirUL EMFtCES. No, we have no other architect in town than Mr. Swaim, and I ask the question : Why need we desire any other when we see on every , side the many beautiful edifices he has designed? For example the new houses of Mr. R. L. Vernon and Mr. L. M. Scott, which in themselves are sufficient to establish his fame forever; Truly we can say with heart-felt fervor. THE MARKET, (t Ask me not of the M Market Square," rather ask the matrons for information upon that subject, for so far as I am con cerned the Market could as well be in the Antipodes as here, as I so seldom fre quent those regions. However, 1 hear that all are prospering there and good beef is" rarr." I THE NATIONAL BANK. Our bank is the same steady old insti tution, but beyond that I can tell you no more as I am ignorant of all its busi ness affairs. Mr. Ellington b still head clerk, 1 do not think he will ever lose his place, and Messrs Jesse Wharton, Jr., and Haywood Alderman seem to be estab lished there just as firmly. 4 h Mr. Alderman made a recent visit to Baltimore and returned , with a joyous light in his eyes that could ( be seen in those of no other whose ; mind is not at rest and whose eUstimy has not been sealed. HUNTING, &C. I . This is the month for hunting to begin. We betide the unwary bird that flies across the range ol the visionary organs of our huntsmen, who, in their modern skill and opportunities exceed beyond all bounds that old fellow of so much repute unroa. A Darrv of ladies and gentlemen went out one morning last week on a rabbit hunt, and I have been informed, were very successful, the ladies more so than the gentlemen. if; BELLA'S rRIEXDS. i Our popula friend, Mr. Terrell, has bought that neat little cottage next to Mr. Hildesheimer's place, to which he and his family moved last week. ! j ; Mr. K. A. Foard has now a large and flourishing school near Greensboro. I hear that he is very popular as teacher, and has made many warm friends there. His trends in Greensboro rejoice at his success. - ' ;: Mrs. Nicholson still sings as sweetly as ever, she has a large class of pupils whom she is very successfully instructing ia vocal music Greensboro is very proud of having so sweet a' songster within her borders. Several of us were, indebted last week 16 Mr. Peter Yates, now of Baltimore, for very kind invitations .to attend the Oriole celebration held io that city last week; a great deal of money wi MTjended on it and it was of course: a grand and brilliant affair. I .Mr. Yates never forgets his old friends here, and I never mv M his old friends never forget him. Mrs. Hunley, after an absence of six weeks, returned last week; the greater portion of the time she spent in New York city with her son, w ho is ia busi ness there, and the remainder she spent in and near Richmond with relatives and friends. , Mrs. Hanky's absences are al ways mourned, and her returns rejoiced over. i Annie and Mattie Jones whom we knew when little ones, are in Greensboro a short visit I -hear that Annie rrown weary of her name and intends changing it shortly. Mr. John Kernodk, a former student of our law school,- spent a day or two Greensboro last week. Jessie Gray and her cousin, Kerr More head, (of LeaksviHe.) are At home on a the j Atrurk I have been told that they hiehlv Dleased with Peace Institute. The family of Mr. Sam. McLean, late ly moved to Greehsboro, are occupying the residence of Mr. W. S. Moore. Mr. McLean is the son of Mr.- Fountain Mc Lean so well known to our fathers and mothers who journeyed by stace to Chapel Hill. Hillsboro, and Raleigh, to whom he always extended the kindest hospitalities. . BELLA. Greensboro, Oct 17th, 1881. HUtoric&l Poem. CvocladLag with' tkt Cylswlntl 1'MkMWB, bt csoaoB a. iTDaJrr. Ta tlaMS primeval ooea a hero ld Hi cohort to m faatooa strait, and said t liar la tha limit to tha mortal round Proclaiming that tha world's and ha had found I I Tha oat-mostjtratah l Jv'a irwsn earth -. was anB 1 Its plus mltr. and ia troth kia own. Tana apaka ha, f aaiaf oo tba flood that lay Before ota. sue ten tog WMtward leagaea "away. t Ta where Atlanta, whea tha day Is dona, Clasps to her jjwal'd breast tha tatting saa. Lay wa tha volume by whertla ya traea Tha Roman or old flonter'a warlike race, Lay wa said tha plaaalnr elansie para That breathes of. warrior, post and of nags, Of airgM long, of battlea loot and won By 8parta's braves or bias of Maeedoa, Of Plato reaa'nlDf , Solon's wiae decreet, The takieg-off of dear old Socrates, Who aeorn'd tha aid that plana'd by stealth ta fly, t : The hemlek draagkt prefet'd, with day to die. I ' Of heathen Jaat, who elfu'd the anfrlanily shell; -Bt then adlea to iheee : my mnae atsv dwell 17a longer here, hat tars her lyre to lays Of aliiriog eeenee far leee remote the days. Now wander we the laad-lock'd sea along To that fair clime ;f sunny skies and song." 1 Of rala'4 temples, shrines, and gods of eld l m . .4 a a aa sua Bina ia eupersuuo e sareimeasaeio, That OeeMeee mere dear to uajthaa all. nor naiu toe mose cerloox'd ar fail'd to claim - ; The homage dae hie eoadjastrlx fame; Exaltaa C'lie traced her name aa well Wrote on the aereU, ; Immortal 'TaabeL Who has tbe time ta say of what relates Ta dUqaisltioBS learn'd and she debates Ua apaeree aa4 U4ea. u carta Da cat or "round. 1 1 If lead ta w eat ward, aoald or would be foand. j j Ia preud Caatlle, ere Vet tha daitlng sail Bore to the Old the New World's wondroua tale. I f ; niatorie fleet I no Ion car sew delav'd. Tbe eberea of Paloe oer the! water fade. While matron, maid, with eyes that tears anffoee, - - i Tall o'ertbatr heads and waft their sad adienx. I 1 Oh I pHrfomed galea that from the West- laa bore Oat tbe tides a premise of the shore, '- Ob ! joyous birds that from tha Westlaad new 1 ? Tbe Import of year flight ye little knew. Where dread revolt bad meaaoed to o'e wbelm. And doabt'a oaarplnf head to seise the neim. Of mana'rlog rills and grevae and meadow creea. Not all jour song oat e'er tbe wave, I ween. Of empire vaat to riU la daye afar. Ym eoetbly piped ; tbit like Judee'a etar. WLW-h o'er tbe lowly bora at Bethlehem bone. Should make tha tyrant tremble for his throne. 1 A promised lead that none denied sheold oe, Where man were man, aad of a right were free 1 T Wbsre mind might raage the gemot of the creed. f - And worship God ae ifielinatlen leads. 1 O bird! O wlndal typee of oar bread domain, , Aa frte u day aa than Jrour glad refrain. I , . Snob vonr inheritance. Columbia's son t I Real'd by he martyr blood of Lexington, Oc Concord Bridge, or uaaaer xmi, me fray ! 1 Where brain pierced iWarren, bleeding, dying lay ; I Guard well thy heritage I 'twas dearly boogbt; I 1 . - What spectral forms t arise within the thought! -. Adewn tbe paat, like far off echoes heard, When from repose the alnmb'rlng valley stlrr'd 1 Hear 7 a the eabre-claeb, the eannon'a roar, Where Stirling Eg bta upon Long Island Shore, i ' Where gallant Smallwood holds the foe at bay, i " Where Freedom weeps to know dlsaster'a dart I 1 Behold joa lurid light, midat crash of ehell. :' That wrape Fort Ulffiit ia tbe glare ef belli Hear ye the widow's moaa f the orphan's eryf 1 - i Bereft of him atrstch'd oa tbe field to die. i I t Tarn hie fry 's page, what an n ale of a clime I'e more replete with yal'rous daede anb- lime i ! . Than mark'd tbe days that tried the eoale of men I - ! 1 On God's green earth, Ob t tell me where or when . S 1 gay Lodi's bridge, the dead and dying forge; : - Devotion moet the'eamp at Valley Forge. Oa Southern' slope, nor leee sublime tbe seeee i I The warriors charging hade with gallant Greene! ' . Be Salamle,ThermopyIal, tbe boast. . Tet yield tbe palm to Freedom'a UtUr'd Loet - t Am aabla sight pnta en her darkest frown Joat are the dawaad o'er the world looks down, ', Oar aires eauee a gloom, the deepest known: Bat see 1 the clouds a cheering light die- .. eloee, i Ae when beyond the alsntlog cummer rain, We see tbe ekiee take ea tbe bine again. Lo I on the wave, where York glidee to tbe ea, 1 : 1 De Greece's pennant greet oar 80a them he, . Where Eorland'e boat defile la stern array, r While war's hot breath benight the glare of day. Now ehal the Lordly LUa la hi lair, . Aad scans tbe ware; no 'gleam of Graves ta there. Now rains along bis line tbe msrd'rooa ball; With ton en t force the frenchmen fierce assail; Colemb'ia'e sooe now charge the grim re doubt; ; Hie vet'rane fly; be bears the rlctor'e eboaU Tbe game is op 1 tbe bndof earaag auy'd Aa eo tbe air tolls oat the foe' tMmmdt. Tie done! Proud Hector of yon eapUve No ram ft eye car rescued shore along Ya'il wave the aooding pi a me. Tbe die is eaat ! Aad vlct'ry crowns oar father's-cause at last. Uprear the abaft! O favord spot of earth ! In travail aore, where Freedom owns ber birth J J ! Where peace, with folded wing, broods o'er tbe eceae; " And York's bine waters roll tbe shore between. J Uprear the shaft t la other, days to be A shrine, a font, tbe Af eccs of the tree. feZMers, October, 1S8L' - - v - At the residence of the bride's iu, uy js.ev. Air. tsailey, Mr. u tuuui, ui orecnsDoro, to Miss Cora vveDstcr, 01 Aiacuson, N. C on has . ' : j DIED. ' On the 14th Oct, x:83i, ia Greensboro. N. C., at the) residence of Mr. John Chamberlain, the child's grandfather, Heiuy Augustus, only child of Oarance M. and Lida yard, aged 20 months and 24 days. ' : , j - On Saturday evening the 15th Oct af ter funeral services, this "(Lirlincr Jnfont" in are was laid m the ETave.liust one week after it had been sealed in christian baptism " surrer Uus little cine" to come unto me." j " So soon thy little feet have trod The sky-ward path, the seraph's road, That bid thee packrvm man to God.n Yes, thou art cone i not lost, but flmm Shall I then ask thee back, mv own f Back and leave thy spirit's brightness? Back and leave thy I robes of whiteness ? Back and leave thy heavenly Father ? Back to earth and sin ?- nav ratW Would I live in solitude I I would not ask thee J if I could: But patient wait the Wh decree. That calls my spirit home to thee." 1 : J. H. S. IX MBHOBIASI. At a meetinz of he Facultv and stu dents of Greensboro Female College, held in the Chanel 'nn th nth u , -- "f." '-"- following paper u-as presented and unani mously adopted : ,J TRIBUTE Or RESPECT. How impressive at this solemn hour the words of ScriDturei-.' We all An hA- a leaf our life is 4 vapor that appeareth for a Kttle while, and then vanisheth awav man cometh .forth like a flower and is cut down." M i Surely in the death of our eentle. nure and loving Katie, a precious flower hath been cut down,1" whose faaerance was a rich boon to her teachers and fellow pu pils, uur Hearts pay their mournful tribute of respect and affection to her who richly deserves their choicest offer iags. I ! - .j In view of this sad disnensation of divine providence j i j Resolved. That ! we how with kiitnHc submission to this indication of divine will Resolved. That in the death of Katie Bynum Warren, I of Greenville. N. C. who departed this life on the oth inst. this Institution has sustained a loss that is felt to be real and manifest in that her exemplary department and dilieent atten tion to study gave j satisfactory assurance, that her life in its mature develoDment - her Ue would have reflected decided honor upon her Alma Mater. 1 , Resolved, That We who were intimate with the deceased have ; sustained a. per sonal loss of which; we are most deeply sensible, in that our lamented friend and sister was possessed ot such, lov liness of character and such I sweetness of disposi tion, as to endear her, in no ordinary degree, to all w ho came within the circle of her acquaintance Resolved, That we have great consola tion, satisfactory nund, in believing that our beloved pupkand schoolmate in pass ing from the trial 4 'and sorrows of earth has entered upon the bliss of the better land, and while our hearts are sad at her absence, she enjoysj he raptures of a hew, but glorious and eternal home. j Resolved, that wtj tender our sincerest sympathy to the parents and family of the deceased, and prayj that sustaining grace may support and bless them in this their severest affliction. 1 1 ' Reserved, that the Raleigh Christian Advocate, the Greenvill Express, and the Greensboro Patriot be requested to pub - lish these resolutions, and that a copy of the same be sent tci the parents of the deceased. Mi ' i Resolved, that, in token of our sincere erief. we will wear the usual badre of mourning for thirty Jays Done in the Coilega Chapel at Greens boro, N. C. I T I T M. Joxes, Pres. ) Wf F. j Alderman, Sec. October 14th,! 1881. Obitwarr Tctlawewlal. At the meeting ef tbe Board of Direc- tots of tbe National Bank of Greenaboro, bcld October 12th, 1881, tbe followinz minute of tbe death of Jed. H. Lindsay, was reported and adopted, and it publi cation reqneetedja tbe cicy papera: Tbe reeent deatu of JKD. 11. LINDSAY. our associate in I tbe I Board of Direotora, calls for tbe expression of onr feeling nf sorrow for hi loe. nd for some fitting and respectful tribute tq hi memory upon our journals. VT desire to place upon : re cord I I 1. Onr teatimony to tbe cere and watch- fulneea which be eonatantly exercised over tbe inetitution in which be had to guard the interest of other beside him self, and to tbe! excellence of his uig- ent on all questions touching the man agement of tbe j Bank and tbe safe and proper administration 01 it rands. 2. Onr high estimate of the personal worth of our deceased associate and friend, whose whcle business lire, from youth to ripe old age, was illustrated by strictest integrity and honesty; whose social walk and conversation were marked by probity and honor, and a promptness and candor ol thought and expression commanding at enoe the confidence and respect of bis aeeoclate and of all with whom he had to do. II was a man- to be depended upon, whoee life fomiabed tbe aafeet example to young men commencirg a business career. 3. We also wish: to express onr sincere sympathy with his children in the loss -of tbeir best earthly friend and wisest coun sellor; and do reolve,! that a copy ef tbia teatlmenial be signed by tbe several mem bers ot the Board of Directors and aent to each of aia tnree sons. W. 8. ITiix. I 8waiaf. ) Com. Qente Hand-made Boot and Shoes in twenty different style at 6 Aalr'LE S. KU W IM 'S. Oct. 19-tf.' ' II Silk Cord and Tasa'el and Colord and Black Silk Fringe for the thousands at BAMf a. liKUWA'S. Octl9-tf. I I One Thousand poller a worth of new Clothing opened yesterday at Oct. ISMf. Sample Brown expeel to receive to- morrew a bandaom line ol ladies e Shoe, mad eapeclally for him and war - renird by him. . r I 7 Oct.I9tf. W. B. Forbi k Brol.WholsIe nd Ee- Uil dealers in FCKNITOBK, Benbow Corner, are daily adding! toj tbeir, already, larg atock, tbe latest atylea of cheap and riMS FVKJfrruax. 111": They have three large floors for display ing their elegant stock and are now offer- og apeelaJ bargain ia Uieir line. Oct. 13 4m. i I - i IUelaitiBi. The firm of Porter 5: Gretter, insurance a cents. Greensboro. IN.' C. nas Deen disolved. W. C. Porter. October 12th, 1 881 1-4 w. Bate l'erktewsi. .. . On and after: October; 12, round trip tickets between Greensboro and Yorktown via Richmond 'and West Point, good to return until . Oct. i$f will be on sale at Greensboro at $10.00. A. Pope, Oct 12-3L i . ( , O. P. Ag'L Capt. L. M. Hawkins, authorizes us to say, tnat alter tne rstn ot ajctorjer no iur. will be delivered, except, to parties buvine 25 lbs., or upwardsi at a time. . 2t Mavos'a Ovrrr Lkxsbcro. Ya.. April 19. 1S79 pleaaure to testify to tb creat virtues of fnnv I nTanMlIBl..M f it' -'a gia and aick headaeh. It ia the j" . - vuraaiafiua - inr inn con ot nanrti. best. remeay ror tneee most drntreaelne com plaints I have ever hmmIJ It ahanhi k. in every xamuy in tie country. Ifavor af LMahnrc V Sold bT W. C Tnr(mr Ar Pn N. C. f Aug. 3, lSSMy. j , f Sample S. Brown, dealer in Drv Goods and Notions has one of Coft & Peterson's I aonderful "New Patented Exhibitor" for shoo carpets; A New ork wholesale stock can be seen there in a few minutes Dy simply turning; a httld and prices are as low as tne lowest 1 tf 1 I I . : I W.1I. Wakefield & Co, advert laea "Man'B" celebrated axe. SimWa wimn trd eroes-cnt saws, and the! famona Roland camea plow. Farmers and ethers will maae note of this.; j IXOKIDA AND; GkohgixJ For informa- tioo about these Statea read the Uormng Jfewt. . Wctkln fro am moth 8 mm t a as. wv ah w . aw; m year; uauy iu a year. Tbe beat papers in the South. Sample copies 5 cents. Address f J. H. ESTILL. Savannah, Oa. ... 1 1 KaNXIW AND McL.KAN. ''Wholnaa.lA and Retail Grocers and CommisiionlMercbanta, bass uaraet street, Greensboro' N. C Keeps constantlT on hand a com Diet a aioccox tancy and staple groceries, which 'hey will sell low for caah or barter. Mill Feed a apecialty,! I j bp 21.3m Ureensboro market. Corrected by Houston & Bro.; Wholesale Grocers South Sink 8t. Uctober IU. aacoB, a V uug ruuuu,.... k ni L -m ...lb 12tal5 . western sides....... pork stripe ..... I 'hams 4.--.... ' ahouldere Pork, Butter,.... Cheese ..j. 83ff tm e lltal't lOallf al6 8al0 5a8 : 20 25a30 15a20 610 Candlea.... iCalo 10ia20 20a25 25a30 15al8 CoffeeRio 1 Lagnayra..L ' Java ..i T VfUltwBtyu9faa.9 m e Mb Flax Seed... 8oda..i..... Tallow..... Cotton...... .... . I Yarn 75 a80 4alC CaS alO 100 Sheetinea,... 7a7J 40 r aethers...... FloorFamily,... L.!. I ! Snperfine ..J.;. CT3 Meal ..'...."..'.J. Graia Corn .... ..p. Wbeat Oats........... Peas.. Flidee Dry . Green : ........ 750850 1 10a125 100a! 10 ... 1 2ul 4a 70a 80 90100 10al2, 5a6i Urd 1 Uolasee ...... ...... XUslS 40a70 Rice. ..L . . .. . Kereaeae Oil RedU' Oil SalO I2ia20 45 a40 30a40 4a5 $safrs oil Rags eotton . . .. lb 3yrnp,...... . ... .... .... naiid,.. ........ Saltcoarse...... ........ I Fine .... ............ Sugar -yellow ) CrnBlied .... .. . . Whit. Potatoes Irish j : Sweet t COal 10 1 85al 90 .4 ial0 ... 121 al5 ... Ilal2 .. , 80al 00 40a60 ... 15 18 .. 5060 "y - ft Oniaus, per bu. !al00 Fioh Mackerel, per bbl I ' Kerritg " Golden Millet Seed, pr bush ... 6 507 50 . ;.5 00a6 00 ...3 00&t 00 Leather, Hemlock ; (sole,)..! .U 22a25 ...5 507 50 . Clover seed, per bnsb ...... - Orchard Graea Seed, per bush ..-2 50a3 00 Tea . . 40al 00 Tinezar, per aal L ...... ... 20a40 Blackberries ....... Whortleberriea.....! .... Cherries .......... 4..-. Apples ......... . I ... . al2 10 1818 36 ! Market, for all kinds of produce, a c- tiv and above pi ice are readily obtained' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS iT;;s"TAToia82 ! COUNTRY GENTtEMM t : THE BKST Of TBtj ! agriculturAiI wikEkuks. XNLAHGEMENT FOfc 1S82. The i Country Gentleman ia the leadinc Journal of Ameiicaa AgriealtureJ In amount and- practical value; uf contents, in extent and ability of correspondence, in quality of paper nd styje of pnblica tioo, it ocenpie the; first ruk. It is be lieved to bave no superior in jeither of the three chief division of Farm Crop and Froettsei, Horticulture and Jf'rvit Graving, Live Stock and Vainvng. wbile it also ia- elndeat all minor departments cf rural interest, such as the Pen! try Yrd, En- tomology. Bee-Keeping, Greenhouse I and Graperv. Veterinary Kepn-si larin Uues- tions and Answers,: Fireside Beading. Domefitio Economw.l and a summary of the News of tbe Week. Its Market! Re ports aro unusually completejand maop at tention is paid to the Prepocts of the crops, as throwing iight upou one or tne most important of all questions When to Bay and Wlien to sen. At is npcrauy illus trated J and is Intended to supply, in a con tinually increasing decree, aid in the best enae ef tie teim, a j j Live ' Anricullural Newspaper. ! The Volume of the Conn try Gentleman for 1833 will be Largely Increased in Contents by the. addition of a sufficient number of pages to! meet tbe growing demands upon its space, but tbe terms Will continue as follows, whei paid strictly Four Copies, $10, and, an additional copy for the year free to th tender of the Club: Ten Copies, 2Q, acd an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the Club. - ei . a ' r 3rt f ! ah new auDscnners iqr io", paying in advance now, will receive the paper weekly, from receipt of remittance to January let, 1882. without charge. e J, ICJ Specimen Copies Free. Address. I LUTHER TUCKKR!& SoN, ; Publishers, Albany, N. T. , f Executor" Nctice, TTavW inalitied as Exect tor underthe last will and testament of tbe late Jed. II Lindy, of Guilford, this i4 therefore to notify all persons indebted o the estate, te come up and settle; and j those holding claims or having demands against said ei tate will present them oner before the 18tb Oct., 1S82, or this nlotice will be pleaded in bar of recovery.! i ' Jed. II. Lindsay; October l?th, 1831-4 w. TVarth Carolina. I n 1 GcijJfobp Cochtt. I in mi superior iour, injur w vt. Louisa A. Saiith and Robert C. Dick, Administrator of M. D. Smith, WJ 8. H ill. Ci N. McAdoo in bebaljf of tbemeelvea aad other creditore of J. Ri McLean who will eonie la and make thefnselves party, Plaintiff. I 1 1 Against i Cyrus P. MendenhSll. as Executor off J. is.. McLean, xeienaanb MOTICZ TO CPEDITOKS thf S, abo Tnlurnbi; 'l 1 : 1: issued against twfore the Clerk oil Uu llcrd superior Pnnrt.hn tbe 5th day of December, 1331. all creditors of James ;R. (fcLean, dc'd, are hereby summoned and notified to ap pear before the Clerk of GOilford Superior I'nnrtst hia office in Greensboro, on or before the said 5tb day of December l&jl, and file the evidences pf their claims. At office this otb day or Uctooer. l&ei. ; J.N.IEL$ON,C;S. C. Scott & Caldwell, Plaintiffs Att'ys. TillDeo.5t,15JSl. I SAMPLE' I I triri5rs ci DEALERS BUT AND NOTIONS, READYMADE CLO ; ISHING GOODS, HATS, lr.mV... - ' a larger atoca- tna.ii Tr hrrn ept 21-12m I LEVY'S CELEBRATED i RAPHUA POWDERS. A Sure CHILLS AND FE After having been teated privately for wngie rauure, tneee Powders are now offered to the public! as a safe and never-fail ing remedy for Chills and Fever. Whilst itjia a more certain cure it leaves none of the disagreeable effects of the usual hill remedies, which, Tin uiacy instances, make the "cure worse than the disease." Ranhna Powderi ! not ohlv enm th tnilulT. hut give health and vigor to the frame. Compounded of aimpleS, which1 would not injure the most delicate, it has often been given to children wijh tie beat result; in fact, is ia tbe beet tonic and invigorator ever offered to the Diiblie. IRanhna I P.i.l mi in thm aafest, the surest, the moat reliable remedy fir Ague aid FevEr ever produced. It w ill atop the Chills; it relieves from fever, it strengthens it invigorates. Read the follow ing from the numerous Certificates in the possession of the Pronrietor and. laathev are from persons well known in ; the city relied on - - if J, , - . . I This ia to certify that for twelve months Fever, and on using two hoxes of 'Raphua can with confidence recommend them to Capt. E. J. Law : ;!:! ! Dear Sir My dauabter was eured of Chilli and Fever bv your "fever ana Ague rowaers. , aney are suffer. - ' ' 1 ii ; : . Capt. E. J. Lkyt: I Last fall I had a very severe attactof reeolar Physicians without obtaining any ders.Hand was speedily eured, aad I shall with Chills and-Fever. I . To avoid imposition be sure to obser wrapper ot each box. N i i For sale by all Drutreists. frice 81 fer m Wholesale Depot, 1019 Main Street, Riohtqond, Va. If your Druggist does not keep it send to aept 21- 3m. S.H1-- W- 0- PORTER & CO-, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! DRUGGIST, OPPOSITE BENBOW HOUSE, GREENSBORO. H. C. Aug. 31, 1831-1 y. W. J. BLACKBURN if ' ' :". with i . ii :. RETAIL DEAlERJN! Staple Dry Goods, lITat. Boots. Shoes. Notions, Hardware, Crockery, Glassweie, WoedenWare. Tin ware, Powder, Shot, Bopee, Axle Grease, Table Oil Clotbs,Soaps, Aladin Oil; Gro cedes consisting ia Sugar, Coffee Spices, Pepper. Baking rowders. Also tooacco and Cigars. . - 1- 4-- if Having bought strictly for caah, I am prepared to otfer them at Low 1 Prices either for cash or Barter. Give ma a ' call before bovine. East Market fc treat Greensboro, N. C. i f August 24, 188l-ly. C. W. THORN & CO., Wholesale Dealers i a Hats, Caps, Straw GoOds . and' : - ' f ! . j I -: LADIES' TRIMMED DATS, and Millinery Goods Generally, : 1300 3IAIN STREET, j B I C II M O X D , V A I This is an old and reliabls honse estab lished in 18G6V , sept 81-2m - W. p. MENDEKQALL, C. A. BKYNOLDS, late of the firm W.C. ? J. R. M KSDESii AIX. I Petty fc Co.. J . i I W. D. Mendenhall & Co., I j' MANUFACTURERES F j DOORS, SASH and BLINDS, Mouldincs. Bracketa and dressed Lumber or an ainas, GREENSBORO, N. O. Snecial at ten tioo paid to orders, which will be carefully filled, shipped promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. We also run a Corn Mill in connection with our Factory, and guarantee good meal from jrood corn. ; j. Aug. 24. loal-a. JONES BROTHER'S m 1,334 Cary 8tret, RICHMOND, Va.J Wkleamle elere Fame? Grerira, CaairetiBiairie Tavctairea al Clear. -- ! Prices guaranteed as lew as Baltimore and New York, i Se"d for Price List. A. L. ELLETT & CO., ! JOBBKRS IN DRY GOODS AND NOTI HS. 10, 12 and U Twelfth Street, RICHMOND, TA. Airents for the Cbsrlotteville Woolen Mills, Cassimeres, Cheviots eke. A I sptzim ; j ' ; ; ' - 1 If - . ' GEO. P. STACY, J305 Mmim u4 3, 7 9 Seaith 14a Btreet, "RIOAIOIN'IV "V-Al. NauaxT 40,000 SQCXEK FKFx.oor Room Steam Elevators o all parts of the several ' nooses. i .: i i LAHGEST HOUSE SOUTH OF NEW YtKK FURNITURE. I i ! i ; ! -i MATTRE3SES 1 AND STEAM DRESSED . ! - FEATHERS. i S Call and examine before baying. Re member the place. " l ' sept21-2ia f - ! 'T ' el' ' ' S.: BROWHil, sRaETAIxid ! - i U IN. ! ' ' ! '- 1 HING, GENT'S FURN- BOOTS, AND SHOES;'; j t. - vuatlUj( aQbltU luuucciuenis to country . . 1 n r Cure for f several years ;in fauddreda of cases without a ! j of Richmond, and elsewhere they can be j "-; . - -A- t -1 f- ! j . 'RicnMOn, Va., June 22d, 18C9J last nast I was laffiicted! with nhilla and Powdera" bave been entirely relieved, and thpe who are adicted. - s I 1 : Thomas II. Roberts. KichmAsd, August 10th! 1369.1 1 avKUf L 1 the uae of one box of samiraDle and sboald be tried by all who XCRKEJt BtCHABPSON. GEoRairdwji, ri, . C.,Augnst8thJl869: . t -i 1 I i Chi!s and liver, and applied t several relief. I then tried vonr ! "RanhQa P01 certainly recommend them to all snfTerinfr i - I If. J. KOUIi: t 1 7 tho signature qf the Proprietor on the ! Ej J. LEV V. Proprietor.! , the propilotor. It will bo sent Poatago free. R. P. Ri rdson & 901, E. ITIaia Ml reef. RICHMOND. Va,. i -1 - I I I'. Offer a new and large Stock of choice and carefully selected patterns of CARPETIfJCS, AXMINSTEftS. MOQUETTEf, BTRTJS- SELS. TAPESTKY. THREE PLY'S, ljlUiNU&I.i LIN OLEUM H 0IL CLOTHS, ill wrvn d .. . ' I. Also 1 ACE I ItT lIXhi, 1.A.-tJUItKQr;i.M. COICVICI. Hit AUKS, Ulc. Swlr. ALL AT LOWEST PRICES. R I P. RlCHABDSON, & CO, Samples farrlabed wben desired. sept U 1-4 ml GERS JlMOm Sole Acents for this Oldest and mobt famous brand of Whisky in tbe United States. This Whisky wart first made, by .(Jpa;nd dexter fn lb,!since which tim it Las held the ioremost place pf all brands jin tbejGulf Statea. being the pnly brand of hity ever Quoted on any Merchants' Exchange or Board of Trade bn tbe same footing as other! great stap'es. . We are intrWnciisg this brand in thi Ecction of the Siuth, knowing it will son iave the Jean id 5 pluce among Wbiskiesrif bnly from thi fact taat its uhh in the South for rifty-four years ibows that it ia purer, inore wboleaotr ea d noroi reliablti than any Whisky nidinufi RturtKl n this country. I sept 212ml I J. P. ROGEUS &. CO. I CHAS. L. TODD; (laiS . oy i- j Sti-oet, I BIOHMOND, a 'i:' WHOLESAliE GROCER AND Commiss or Merchants; Also shipper of Grain, 1 Hay, Meal and Mill-feed Flbqr, all eradvs, a specialty. Correspondence Solicited. 1 sept 2l-3m jno. o. bpottSl KO. GIBSON, SPQTTS & GIBSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS And Commission Merchants. ' II 1 si j I , ' Ncs. 115 and 117 Fourteenth Stree KM eer.t 21 -'2 m IIM05D, VA. 1 I wm. n. powaasJ arj. BLAIR. DnWTT3C! BLAIR & CO., X U I I Xi LVOj ; ! i- SVboIesale Jr & CeBitMimin Jier- cbnnt, I4"1 ia;V'-el and So. 12, 1eakl j Street, RIl fI.VIQ.-VIi, Xm. A fnl! aud conj plete stnek of all iroods in the Grocery:, 11 be Sneicial and prompt ' attention given o orkleisi ' -..- ! ;i - ! Peraonal alten ion raid to consignments I of all kinds of country produce. sept 21 2tn JOHN AJ KRATZ, TlaHafactariHi C'arrctiitrr 4c Whele- Sruilcrer, No. lipq iSXREET, FOREIGN AN Di DOMESTIC 1 ! ' FRUIT3 - A SPECIALIT Write for price list. sept 21-3m ; T I L. !' Tbe Sobacriber offers frni cans, apple net:lerS. irraflis niaues, oras kettles, and ja general: hsb oilnient of Lnlw-re. tibWare, woodenwara at low pTins for cab or Jrocd barter. I CHAS: 0. YATKS. Corner, sontn or rotoince, ureeneooro, N.C.,Aug.3,I881-Iy.i 7! - 1 la s si 1 I : 111 J. P. RO ;& CO., ,W are tht r .3; It 1 A : t ' SI T ' . 1 1 - t