nr. i i.- i f "iViSirKO'IK loos GREENSBORO, N. C, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 18B. NEW SERIES NO. 820 " Y .If , niit MIST VSK STSEET. hrmr&M of rWn, fil M.l l -IUCK It ia2. I j ' - i . xlrTT mtm t " i-,t girt j :cr t" J 4 of 1 1 r f ' 4 ; i a . " ; r. it a koown thatf a judg es loses iu t en on t.e at debtor anJ U barred mU-iUonv There Ua jjgmt nts on hc dock. tie-.: "t dropped it causing it iece of tbc deadly mis ; Joe rhil!ipon the arm. ntul Aesh wound- The n jcrct! icet io jke air. tcp of the telegraph office capt- ,Icnry SmUh was rskand, thinking the im- Rf-se cu t re undins in an aborning 11 A Kicci;il tt'1cra:;i from llal rih is trt the elTect that the 4-Xib- eraP concern Is about to collapse It all cU pemlH - ont Hubl)oll. This!! I double loaded to at tract the attention oftte Raleigb ' - and Charlotte newspapers. n on the roof, rushed oat With the nception of trousers, caused t ifl i daikey's h7m:) . lnothurt. ' TheT0Ba'-maa bo "sbpped-Dur- .soactime SO and left his bad m Wh'was amstcd at .SpaiUnburg, ? C. rnterd.y. Jle jumped the train arCtcorJ this mormng. and is sup-. i y a' vvwiji .cij rnet ia ia jtnLiy. Thet k, Hf. Ur thousand members. 4; tvi tle reform of church - ' f J i:h .operatic , i:n al;i rs and induce the adop- -o r;, vficpf uavcU on the com u ;.- Of jjood sinking. A .'thirch music is impcratirely us back the old fash- 1 d to hav e been tually mjurctl. i ne -.XI a, bcaviiy hand cuffed and leaped t-Vousa the -indo whilst the train was a fall .nred. The train wis iramcdi- ,!l Cur counties; which are I tel j stopped and the deputy shcriflT in uic and wul be lost to charre itarted in pursuit- mied ta at once: . ..nTnow. Accordins to the Patriot's anounce went Geo. U Kveritt made a speech in Craham vestcrday that waked up the inakes. The court house was weu ' tl I and without any ceremony nc puucu oT hts lemon colored "kius, ana rent to rou-inj. He brought the wool evtry time. Finally it got too hot, when Hardin, a d:in;uihed member ot tne Keogb-Cauy combination, rose to rus fcet and th a hickory about the sue of Everittc's fore kg,, threatened todemol ish the jouni,' man. hventt gTew hvid ith ra r, gritted hu teeth, spit on his hands and ordered Hardin 10 seated. Hardin left the court room and dared Ev erett u WIow him to "the big road," prorating to "spanlj Mm all over. Wearing a pair of sky-blue summer trou- rrs Kentt declined with thanks. -At this juncture an eye-witness inarms us, the scene beggars description. Everybody w as excited and a serious row was imminent. When quiet was restored Everett re named, greatly modifying his remarks. The sjcech, throughout, was bitter and insulting to Republicans and well calcu lated la provoke personal violence. Ev- eriu claims that he said nothing thit the facts did not justify and that his own seIf-rc5jHCt did not demand. As w iden- h t the b ..SJAxt. Kano!ph county, Aug. 29. iUr.n. 3IclXwcll County, AagJI. i -ic. c, beptJ ! 1 Li'vitUn ccunty, 5ep. 5. Sc pt . 7- 1 t. 12. J k.t. Coke, Ch'm Dcni.'KC Cora, ! ,niv. di it it h rcUlnce nr 1 i I I r- nd-hlp, la, nl.t. J 1 : ,VftrttV.e :vt, near IWn.ja, Mr. J f ared in thd Patriot k i iLijs 1 l'i effect tlut Mr. G. 1 . ifiklui l j.-fMov aljireonbu. jKt. l.r J-', I up by a n -, J'U'j.... J t n intt u: i in an v i n-arh in Krniili!trar nnrtv & .-- - - - - f f 1 K i!tulc In due Mr. thy ynticrr.aa ta t !. L The i!m waspkk- 1 ' Vit effort w as a success. f Kvetitt swears that he is the STatesT' iGeo. II. .....( ti. 1'iTiinr 1 1 f . 4 c Now is the opportunity! to liavo the central dome of .the great column of material adranccmcnt erected on North ' Carolina noil. t The ofijee of secretary of theNorth Ca'rolina Agricultural, Assoeiatiou is vacant. ' f : The first .school lionse south of the Patoinac was built in North Carolina. We have inado verj- lit tle progress in school house arch i: tectnre since that time, : t Tlie lawyers of Indiana, after mature deliberation, have decided that an attorney's duty to his client does not require hira'to co'nmit a felony under any circumstances : . t, ; . While the lonff train of ages is gliding" away, tho people are anxiously iuqufring wjien the cen tral organ of tho great Kepublican party of this Nation is going to get np and prove that there was relief for the toiling millions In that Ke publican caucus bill which iropot ed to rejcal the tax 6u bank checks and patent medicines. . ' . i " : , Col: Henderson, secretary of the llepnblican Congressional com mittee, says that no money i was ttrned-over by the committee to the North Carolina libcraF whom report said got 2,000 and made personal use of it! Washington Mar" f -i - , The only error. in tho statement is in the amount received, suggests a man at our elbow. 1 : ' a DAI.L ft KEOnU. I ' W, S. Ball furnishes the National Hrpkblioan with an account of the Kepublican meeting at. this place in which Ball's speech tlgures con spicuously. The fact is incidental ly mdntioncd that Dockery made at speech also. The frpMoicnr report i understood 'to lc a double-back- iirnni?i,i,i..Ti. " Could the curtain of secrecy be lifted, wo should see a "vast drag net of extortion thowli .out by the committee from Washington over tho whole land from Elaine to Cali fornia, with every humble oflicial laborer froni those- under the sea at Hell Gate to tlie weather observ "era on Pike's rik entangled in its- meshes; aiid, bus' among them, for their prey, a series of tax extor tioners rauging down from Hnbbell, tho great Quastor, to little 'Hub-! bells by tho hundred, each paid a. commission ,on his collections in true Tnrkishi fashion (to which the and cnibrace any width; length or thickness. ' Unlike lumber, how. ever, narrow widths are the most costly. Thc straw lumber . may be ripened with the baud-saw or the buzz-s;iw; may be run through the sticker for the manufacture of moul dingsj and takes a narrow or screw about as well as ; oak. Jt may , be finished with varnish or with paint, and Is susceptible to a high polish. Itis practically water aiid fire-proof, being manufactured uuder 500 de grees of heat, and we are assured has been boiled for some r hours without any apparent change of structure. ' Its tensil strength; is large amounts extorted beyond reg- grater than that of walnut or oak, There n 10 iet!c t n Mr. Rkhard . We urdcTtir J that tie 4 n ication U. created that ixpressica. d thi Utricnt is mad. in tar vindxa 1 b people from At rmintiesi Court con-.mcnutl V j ijr and up y Tuesday noon tey. f n:inc5S Uv hec- transacted'1 -.i?wer full of politics, and HH ' i I 1 1 St- ) ii.!.t best toj adiOurn the Cume -! .-.csday r.iirning. Mr. 4foH v it - ratic ca&ilidate for the scnatj,, ' j 1. 1 nee a nd t hat ha m lead off i n h a t 1 dieu4Un t Ihe Iemocratiit"ni- made t gcxl impression on rlinbination he ha lickled the adminis- ttition and swears a he will die in the f last ditch-" Sff ;ime ago Mr. J. V. I storekeeper, living loved, and his place a was willing to tote Xtiy J s- f lannigaraDplaled to 4 Tlf. X r Jaii -Wtitngton .ud ..i ,-.nent ordered hisre-assignment. "-P . t: .J T" r . - s iteu io LTcnu yesicraay lor me ieys, showing Ra urn's commission. Ev- 1 m r T . anniean. a gei 1 1 Craham. .lied bv a ma- re!-.iMon it was announced thai was in the court-hous, ant in U r l ritt refused to deliver the keys," Intinjt ng that Raum might go to a warmer di- oatc than the North pole, and that be, eoT D. Everitt, was running the collec ts office in the 5th district. fTanoigan eat nr-nTnleTtntni the following commentv r .1 ' . The Sorlh State,' published at (Jret'usboro, has long- taught lfe mblicanism to the people of North Carolina, but'it is not doing so now. In is devoting itself to the one sub-" ject of temperance "legislation. It is a blind guide for KcpnblicaTjs in thi.t eMttuign. Tbere ia no ticket which represents the views of tho Aort&.State. and yet the tendency of its course is to induce ' Kenublt cans to withhold' their Tt rSteH -froc the Republican ticket. It dis ctMiragiug enlistment mur.harbor ing deserters. - We am sorry "to" be lieve prefers-" Bourbon suo- cvw to that of the Coalition ticket. but that is. the irresistible 'conclti sioii drawn from its course. 'We exnort iho reconsider. Any man hlar plunder rafes are added.) These miuions, book iii hand, are haunting tho oflicial corridors and 1 tracking the public laborers. They mouse around the bureaus for names and salaries which, all high-toned officials coiiteinptuously withhold Neither age, sex, nor condition is spared by these spoils system harpies. .They waylay the clerks going to their- meals, lney mint the Springfield arsenal and the Mississippi break water laborers to their humble homes. - They obtrude their impertinent faces upon the teachers of Indians and negroes at Hampton School and the Carlisle Barracks." They-dog navy-yard workmen to their narrow lodgings. Thcweary Kcrub-women are perse- cutedto their garrets; the poor ofllce boyd tiro bullied at their eve ning schools; the 'money 'needed for rent is taken from the aged father. and only son: men enfeebled on the battlefields are harried in tho very shadow of the capitol: life-boat crews, listening on stormy shores for the cryiof the shipwrecked, and even chaplains and nurses at the bedside of the dying, are not ex empted from .this merciless, mer- c e 11 a ry i . Jihclecent conscription, which reproduces the infamy of Oriental tiix fanning. Av e know of the head cf a family who hesitates between defying Hubbell and .'-tak ing a meaner tenement; of a evening School black mailed of $3 while Avearing nr suit gi vert in chari- t-rji-wmHrf-wm iuisrjyol of .cl' -wKu funiitrrm .of tho .mother he snpiorts was in pawn, and many have consulted ns as to the safety and . its weight About one-fifth greater than the fonner. when dry. It is made from any kind of straw, including hemp and flax-fiber in fact from" any material that will make pulp and a ton ofstrWwill prod nee 1,000 feet of boards. The. pulp is rolled into the sheets, a number of which, corresponding w ith the thickness of the i lumber desired, are 'placed together with a peculiar cement which' is .claimed to be water-proof, . and are " then rollel uuder a pressure sufficient to amalgamate -them into a solid mass", which may be worked with a plane if desired.: l j i ! I When it is remembered that it takes one hundred years to grow a tree to maturity, suiting it to com mercial purposes and a tree pro ducing 32 inch lumber will , require fully twice that time while.20,000 feet per acre is a large yield under the most favorable . circustances, it will at once be realized that where 3,000 feet can be taken from an acre ' ( I ! of ground. 'for an indefinite number of years, the process which enables such' a result to be accomplished, and which will yield, a really valu able lumber, is . one of vast im- portance.: We loot ior;vaiuaoie results in. the future in the Tnanu facture of lumber from what js prac tically a waste material, but which will be produced in endless quant- ties so long "the United States maintains it chanicter-W.jigrsiiii- pnxlucing country, j ' j , v -Kveritt uow proioses to up the administration. It takes three stout men to hold him -7- LiivorU North f Carolina; Very recently idea that the jgijind old party .does Ikw-thJViU)ewid-thattheere., both Chalmers and Leach have business exclusively on principle is From the peasant up to ihe kinp.j . . . f , . t 4m I i, - ,- , .I i. Has a diflerent U& from the tale I f Deen uenouncea - oy xienuoiicans 1 100 anuqnaieu 10 ue euuuraoie. for all! that is mean and vicious in is jponey thai makes tlie parr. go, But lor mf-iand Us iwlitics. How 1 is it in Virginia ? anJ as no one. who is imt interested iXiZlZhi But a little while airo the .Demo- in a job caref to -..contribute , to ,J ft under degm nght, Of . : ;. r , -i i 4 i . . - - crats denounced Parson Massey as the maintenance of, . a lot representing all that was base and other jobbei4 this cojnmitte 3 can despicable in politics. 2s ow. he is not? hope to jsueeed if those most tell. Aad a different .song'rcKsing. eare n?t a singid fig rone or am ncrit for the waker dog, - the Democratic candidate for Con- directly benefited byi success - are gressmau-at-large in that State. unwilling or ijeglect to ahlj in a He is now pictured by them as a substantial taanner ; It is pretty "grand old man while theKepnb- hard on a grand old party Jo get ifeniU. vchn in tlm davs of Demo- dawn to where it cannot live with- cratic abuse, saw in - him,, all that was lovely, h a ve discovered that he is a "seonnlrel, a forger and a taito.,, Democrats denounce "fu sion? iu North Carolina aud sup port it in Maine and Michigan. out robbing1 tlie families of junder paid office-holders; still, facts are facts, so Assessor HubbeH com mittee says '., toeaciij office-jiolder, it; is uoieu iiitib: : oj'v icuiiii ii you I know th&t the oild-ththe great big world Will never a moment stop. f To see w4iich dogjnay b in the faiilt, . ' But wiiUhout fqrthe &g on topj . v . - 4 . . a ' I : 1 But for me I shall pause Jo ask ' f- . Whicli dog ma be inlthe right-t- "- f For my feeart will beat, while it beats at all, For tlie under dpg in the fight, j - 1, . I I j t : ' : Ferchance what Iesaic I had better not said; Or twere bettertl bad jaictit tmajp.. But witflt heart anfiwTith jglass filled chock " brim ' j . ' I - j ' . Here i-luck to he bottom dog! 4 S i -,; . '; I IIrrible Uecideat, , 'iLasjt night," by an unloked ,for movement ot adtft of cars, Jlrj Jo seph ilee, ofjMartchssteri met with a terrible d(ath. Jlr. (lee, 1 who to the 11 : iL imifm.T Ji.;kii was employed 'ta': watch j the 'cars will sendia voluntary con tnbu- A , ' f1 -; : ... Llwi t;ai.. What has become of the principles tion equal iotwo per; cent of your mond & Danvillfe' railroad at Man- of the two parties f The policy of annual compensation." Wnat the Chester, was2 at the time 'of th6 ac- "fusion," or coalition,, which is so old party needs and cannot do with- ciderit in conipajy with Mr. Puck unspairingly ienounU in some cutis at ifasl, two Wand a "de States by both parties, is readily uau irom every omce-uuuici. embniced by either wherever It may FI(3ft j OF t..k . ac tend to success. In view of such All lit. ouvu XIONS. 1 ? i II f ; - j One of the worst results' of the chronic andj bitter j fight between tactions of --the its depraving glaring inconsistency readiness to grasp at' any means to attain political power, is it surpris ing; that the otd party organizations are! falling toj pieces. -And 'if the Democratic combinations in Maine and Michigan embrace the worst I has thi eplor elements of the two parties as does n J il -, - .L i.i..- the fusion' between the Eepiiblicans the two principal grand old party" is influence upon public morals. ,T:tiere together a .heaty shower ; of rain forced them to sbek shelter, which ' theyl found under two cars j on he fraclf near the factory, j .;. - j I 'These; carshad -been landing ibr hlne5monthi.f The two men were in their place of shelter but a short times! when suddenly from some an- . W T-f Y - Jf 1 1 Known. cause, airam 01 cars uicru- hi RPiiriVfivtiiopn a dav since the cr uii the track!. broke loose and disturbance began When the1 conn- camethuntUirindowd the .heav? and Democrats in North Carolina, the Isoonct the disintegration takes place thelbetter. . " ; .t: clean of keeping their earnings, which when the ICeogh-Causey j combina they neea. In every case there "is tion is mentioned in his j presence, - L 1 1 1 11 i.ii'.i! ". - -. : - - t 1 able effects! of "this demoralizing' agency.."' j ' .. (; f ; Scandal has succeeded j caudal in such rapid succession tha : thc morf al atmosphere has been jconstant- J. C. Black, of Moore county, lv impregnated with theft tid odor has been nominated for the Senate of rascality. Tlie Republican house- from Moore and Randolph. The hold divided against itself has Raleigh dbterver says Mr. Bhvck-is washed it dirty lipeii eviry day in a native of Randolph, aud remov- the weekL'liSunday not excepted, (xi idiout seven vears aco to ur thage, where! he has established for himself an enviable reputation as a uian a citizen and a lawyer, lie is a goodf speaker, popular with his fellow-citizens, of a pleasing ad- demandsiit in the name of decency and the kteam from its kitchen, like a drpad miasma, h is j settled ttown on thli face of the v hole land. ands a warfare, a -1 j A nausjbiited public dent cessation of this kind o crraae ' 111103 tneiiwo unuer i theyf were seated. Bdtlij men aU, tempted to I jump froni under- the l' 1 car8 iWime jneys wero in motion, tion J Mr. Iucket gotutbut made a s narrow escape. fThe wheels cfcughtandj severed te skirts of his coat. Mr. (ee, being a large manfand igt solictivel was caught under the iiiecls ana dragged a great distance, (ho wfieels passing over: his bolly sbveral times. Jlis deati was lnstajitanebus.; The de ceasjbd was! one bf the most popular citizeh3 of pfanehestejr. He was a brother ofnjonductori Gee, of the le Company, Jed Sulphur vass. i n dress, and will make a capital can- jilui iu the jnterest of all classes. A letter fronf Richmond to fr. W. n . 1 J i J.,. a! 'fit . . T! . . 3. I ;-- ape, iwho is a Richmond find Danvi who is now at Itho Snrinirs. I ! . fr.Puc;ett,ithouga bruised, was ' not,! seri(iuyy-lnjttred.-----Richraond ? . ' State. r - K these brethren must fiht, if their j.A1sop, pf tjiis plab kv iVar is tJ be oiie of cxtdrnnnation, kinsmanofthedeceasji 1VORMKTIIAN DEMAGOGBRIV- I" '? 1 f 7 . T 1 ' 7 " . 7 wusuiauu iuuwiwwi, owiw iuhi. Leach told som5 ceuts at the de- " tuerc can De no lec-up ,nn iue on the night m question,' was pot he didn't want but October! to last mai isj in.the.last ditch, decent Wjftching for $01116 thieves whojiad ucui, ocica u nt h " v . peopie iiavu. rigub w. ih:hi?uvi iuMj pDeen stealing la Draspes irom so' qid t to deser le what t( do till then; he's trying. belligeUit:adopt su ;h meth( make a boom on what he did:for f f :i , senv :iihe was in the Con shall iiotj disgrace the wh methods olc; phere tJtfie lasting injnry of 'the!; yoriitgen who are" coming on the fear of removel or other retiliatipn. Pages could bo filled with such asesrfroirl the reports of citizens. A newspaper before us gives that of ahiborer, with a family, 'earning ItiO'a year pursuelliy a harpy for 8 !, and also that of a loy of tiurteen,jearning 1 ajday, with another harpy after him for 3 CO. To women and girls no more iriercy is shown. Darman Iti Eaton, in ybrtk American Iterieic.i , in town and has telegraphed . for rthcr instructions. It the meantime Lireritt hnLlt fh C irt in.t c- v. SiVll K iissed- if he don't stand op for hi. rights. Jhob"le8 again jt BourLomsm is Dockfry's campaign speech a . rieh The combination say that other changes icat mwrtv nn.l n.atinni,! .,m4 ir ewr ork antiquarian offers him a -After reading ah account of objectionable to Everitt will be made -by Raum, and that be will finally be forced to resign. . i ! Al in that direction. In. . .. , i.-.utesthebu I I.n; was full and rut.. .- r'.t ...ti Urn Cur ? I a v. .KXiirietl. and notwithstanding the , 71"'- - and Milbcatinff heat every ran ; Thc Daily Crecnboro Patriot is one :-llm .-rouril throughout the srch. ! f livUest and most eaterprisin,: dai- powerful i,c ,n tne ingni, sprigniiy ana liberty the Xorth State will not move nlona witu Jir. i;au and the Republican party wo rather think It will find that it has separated from four- fin ha of the Prohibition Republi cans of the State, t'fu!l hours. fubulous'snm to go' to Egypt on an exploring expedition, j j Fronf the New Yprkers letter we infer s that he regards Dockery as the onlysur- vlvor of a pre-historic race. . j : Ike Young got lover-dosed with uLderalismn and the "festive IS whi every body fsakl. The j aUa) UP to time, we always read it. tkiur man ith his electric light as -rvandasa oart of bis business made .I cnt warcli for the Liberal" jurty. as nfj: Dy way of variety CoU u stead announced himself Greenback rdij.uc ft r Congress. 1 Tho wheat hrrashiog is tot yet over vaa) means.! No danger of an body arm- after such n immense yield ot heat. larrJrs bo have heretofore fvd onlv about aobobcls,riow have So lot. A r. an who has been running t:in Ur viklyestetday that Jou bush- an average crop. renrm' There i no discount on th.- tu t that rn.n!oro i!aling from the sleep she i . i.l i H slept - hmg are, 3Iagett & Co W. A. Blount, W.C. Ayer?I R. T. Whitehurst, Jolin W. I'iery, f. B. -Yager- It was the devilish work of an incen diary. It may b her second :j win a.-.L V-r i '. I, or now pnt it i a Ld growth Ih'r warehouses, r fict.-ies. jlwrr wholcsaK houses and r 1 1 her enterprises have told to her d.t ir.J profit in the U:, 12 months. ' h of her brami musclci and money :Wl of bemu idle as it wis j years ago i .nes:d in entcrpns which m ill ' U ant; expand thcrr.elves and give ol)sJ cnterpn'. ;Shc is gird ' h r-lf J K th- arm r with which in the rce of progrr&s. cotton mills by the v f her (!.idv C"tor.cs and let the t v : of both jnirl. LlrnJ and float to- . K r. i r.iu ,s -jy apire to be should j,ne Kail road fa- l-K and raore in t!ecar future with t !:aimn con enK-nt tboth the tobc- vul cottoo belts hy S,UJJ tuci, an iration 4 xhc d'ca.-n cf a iionary ? Tbr'braf al pljck aner A.'c- Is""' . Charh-s Smith OBMBltTATIONR I.f THE MOUTH. Gen. Dabne'y II. Maury has writ ten an interesting letter to the '-In dustrial South," Richmond, Va in" wnicn ne tietaiis ins ojei-atioiw du ring a recent extendetl tour through tho Southern States. He states that everywhere iu Alabama, Miss issippi. Georgia and South - Caroli na he heard of the glad surprise of the people at finding that they can raise grass as ;t paying crop, thus meeting a want long felt: The rais ing of improved stock is also being extensively engaged in. whilst the mm and coal developments in the I ' 4 - .tlinui-fN-C.Andwhy! ' With ajl of her i-sent Kj h- ctM-y. -iTart-s Smith, ho l rtt a V-' a?o from the stock ; C. ri Y. V. R u Jud f Camjhoi Ca. 1 vti morning in Itc ; lcrVV, I'ullmaa's . pt Kli-uh and had V rtb and V . ,rl nes broken. I: iori ts current that the S in charge the location the Yearly MTt. High - foint. In anv , the meet in-; will bcl.clj rx aja n ceit ,ugust. A I.wekf Fl. Some hands at work on tbc railroad a few miles from this place, patting in sills a few days ago, found a "five dollar gold piece imbedded in the dirt around one of the sills. A Mialrrl Ilnwt. Judge Nelson, chief of police Rees, Candidate Wheeler, and o'hers have gone out in the New Carden neighborhood squirrel hunting to-day. They carried along a huge vessel in which to cook the game, and plenty of ice, etc A gentle man just arrived in town fiomtbe "hunt ing grounds, says Judge Nelson shot at a squirrel while running and accidentally hit a candidate fur the legislature who was standing tn an adjoining field This gen tleman says candidates are more plentiful than game in the county rt present Tfc Kverlll-Havwiw Rw. There are one or two corrections to note in the account cf the Evcritt-Hardin row at Graham Wednesday. Evcntt was not invited out into tbe "big road to be "spanked." When interrupted by Har din he told him thatwhatcver. he had to say he could say outside tbc court house. Hardin was hissed by th crowd, which enraged hiro. Everitt wore peart colored trousers instead of "iky blue. He passed through this morning w ith a jaun ty feather Moating from his Mackinaw. He is. under th impression that he has given the "combination" h I, and prom ises td keep it up while there is wind in his attenuated anatomy. - . i r TtM Rwaw tw B Bail!. Tbe stockholders of the Virginia Mid land held a meeting at Winston yesterday. Among those present were J. Turner Morehead, Maj. Hairston, Rev. W. C. Wilson, Jos. A. Kelly, G M. Bingham, A. W. IJooe, S. A. WoodrufT, J. P. Johnson, J. A. Williamson, A. Leazor, J. S-B. Thompson and J. M. Vaughn. From Maj. Morehead who passed throuch this morning we learn that two million of I sheriff was ufter tlen. faury when the bonds of tbc company will be issued he passed through Xorth Carolina, at once, and that all the money necessary Gen Maury could hardly, have to complete the road will be at once failed to note the progress every- tucre now no oarner m the xrhoro evloVnr in Vnrtl. r .r,,l Tho fateel town of Plymouth has been, visiteel by another de structive fire. ; The loss is estiniat-H cuss?' baj l,ietI himself off to Cape ed at 920,060. The prjncipanoosers May . .. 'The nian who c;in make the next J3tatc fair a big success," is the sort of i prodigy ivitnted for secretafj of the association Ap plications still iu orderJ . - t . ! . Thfijririt nfjhe Age laments BallVfall. .'pn the other hand the whisky organ at -Raleigh announ ces his coiiYcrsioh in great, flaming head lehers: -In the , meantime Ball's grip'on the ofiice; of assis tant district attorney. grows firmer. All of this illnstrates what Ball meant when he said in his sjH-ech the other dayj as a moralist I am a Prohibitio'uist'as a partizan I am a Republican. J- r i . ; Dowd was renominated for ' A addell'M iiaper starts well, but neeIs a little . "exi)editiug." Tuesdayfs paper was recei vetl to-djty It is as free from blemishes as an initial niimlwr could well be. As a healthy indication we notice vthat it is brim full of yglitteringnew ad vertisements. Its tone isjemphat ically democratic. ! " : --The Cliarlotte Journal pub- lishes a -siecial" from Washing ton under date of ,Augtist 2Jst as t . i follows: I I i. ! There is quite a stir in Republi can circles, over the tact mat ex Congressman Leaeh, of Xorth Car olina, has received about two thou sand dollars from- the .Republican campaign committee, rendering'1 a rplea that he was using- it for de featmg democracy 111 orth Caro lina, whereas it is said to have been traced to numeronsjjreditors. . This statementjis denied by the secretary of the Republican exec utive c'ommitte, as published in vestenlav's Patriot. It would be curious to know how such a report, obtained currency. j A correspondent of the Win ston JSen tinel who has Interviewed Dr. Tyre York, of Wilkes, states by authority that he will not run as an I independent candidate for Congress in the 7th district.. That means Robbins' election beyond perad vent are. j ) " '" I stage or active lift federate Cougressond cites a case 'people and poi soli the moral atmos4 wuere ue liuu one i.uuuuowj;jen Davis whose sentence Gen. Scales had. approved; see his miserable ilemagoguery; can the public stom ach take it! if so they Should be tap ped for dropsy and held over a slop tub. Reidsville Timen ?; j ii . 1 s f ; ! If Leach made any, such state ment he oight to bored for the simples; Ih the first place a court For i itha: self-evident ftictt that while tli;e kiir is kept full of villain cats in tlfi iMiincliestfer- yard,' got uhde4thecars for the pui, offconcealing himself. Thedeci. 1. 1 f 1 - I - ;' i ' wits a highly wspectel young mai.. 1, : ' .(;-.( Grdtiam Gleiner. '; ' '" Gen, Scales! caiiie next ami was received with 'crreat cheerincr.1 He martial is never signed by the brig ade commander. The sentence of a ous scahdals,! while tile press of if Kdeseryety popdlar for his np- ; j . . j.T ! I '. I ii ii right conductl and '-unswerving in-. : -each faction is accusing the leadt rrJr v ilsir. f r; nrli. i itvnv ! of .tlja other faction bf briberyj glad to see hirju Heimaile a f good ruptibji aud every species pfW speech' to: all that cohld get in the j ri ers corruption auu every species ot po litical scioundrelism, wh lemen who HI- ' .-'- r- i I have fillejl the highest 1 laeesiu the nnfidnCi. nf ihd nnnlp nr hninr court martial is reported to 'the ta: nomninn1ow Anil 1 v Y 1 1 k r 1 i : : ,1 . . . , 1; . pamted for the- gallery of eternal proved and sent to the commanding . s . .. " , - . , - 1 lnfamv-while this sort of worK is na if api,rovea Dy nun an thelea(1ngiudastry of 4ch faction, the effeofit on -the deueral pnlj- lie is siniilar to the influence of a court.. room. , xnere were many more who wanted tdhear him. but L ( could noti get In. general ant order is iss tence Xq officer of lower rank than a corps commander has any- thing whatever to tlo witiLtne 'sen tence of a court martial. It may be positively asserted that Leach nev er saw the name of i A. M. Scales Brig Gn Sed to an order direct ing ia deserrer to be shot. lie has drawn nion a very active imagina tion for, hisf facts, at the expense of his knowledge of military affairs. WlIATlTIIE GRAND .OI six-month,;, perusal of t ie Beecher- '7 Tilton fcc-anda! on the inmates of a girl's boarding ischopl. Eartlien jars.' charired with pow der anhjjvarious i chemicals of most offensivie smell were formerly used andgrenades ebster' des- iem stinK- iontrivances in yeslqls of war as lu iu boafflin ships.' The Xesroj. wwd twe r?rwe-ttni?;, il &MsblroStii'coloted. : - j -I I'Tliat orti)U of the Xorth Car ;; olina revenue! ring I who hate for i tne past nitee?i 3-eam rnieu ana corn trpled thfy negro vote of the State,! seem determined toj continue: thei mbnarchfal sf ay or ilamii thoparfy Their dirty tricks tp delude, ; be : : aijjd defedt the Colo, ed and lionet white Repubficans of this distrid: ate unparalleled.1 Summing tip tho matter wo arrive ac the conclusion that all tiis dodginjg means; gootj for nithr the colored men of tho PA 1ST V northern counties of Georgia. Ala- r. ' : i ' 1 !. i.itii.. n,i Miii.i ;T J . Congress in the Charlotte district bam a ana Mississippi is simply , . , .. . mant lous. Gen. Maury savs that 3wt?nlay on the ; 22nd ballot. everywhere throughout the South he found evidences ofgreat energy and prosperity that "the vast rail road developments are carrying activity into every department of industry; regions are penetrated ana developed hitherto unknown with all their treasures," aud that it Ha always a recurring surprise to see how progress iu all commer cial success keeps along these new arf cries of commerce." Gen. Maury adds that there is not a town of 10,000 population in the cotton Staes without an ice machine, ade quate to its cheap and abundant supply of this necessity of comfort and of health: so that they no long er depend on Xew England for ice. Gen. Maury is a close observer of events, and by no means au enthu siast, hence his testimony to the development and proxjrUy of the South will lie read ,with interest and pleasure. Baltimore. Sun. We would like to know-if the Recent reports fronOVashiugton seemed to indicate that Hubbell's assessments had been so successful- ly pushed ithat therq was. money 'enough on hand to take care of all the doubtful districts. Bnt some new demand seems to have dropped upon the Republican Congressional Committee for a new circular, headed with the names of Senators Allison, Hale, and Aldrich, Repre seiiatives lubbell, HiscockRobe- The apple-jaek crop of Xew son: 3fcKiiily, Davis, ! Page, Calk- Jersey will be unusually large this ins,' Rtan, jWashburn, Honk, Van year. The usual annual average Horn And Tubbs, and signed by is 120,000 gallons. Xew York pro- Secretary D. B. Henderson, reads dnces nearly as! much of the same as follows ii U . .- ' " lightning, and it needs put Washington, ij. u., ug. 10, ioj. rr- t SiRf lour lailure to respond to kind of I 1 a brief meditation in Steele, Rowland and Leak were the contestants. -I i . .: . Since tho engagement at Shaluf, ; Satnnla3, the Egyptians j have left every position they, held between Suez and Ismajiia and are retreating in disorder towards Zig zig. The indications uow point to guerilla war. . ; ie country chnrchyrrds near by to show how large a proportion of the inhabi tants get struck bj it. l! Ii 1 In Lincoln county Alexander Brevard has been nominated for the Senate and Dr. W. L. Crouse for the House. i ' iHTnitr i.i'uncR. . i , ' - " Frvvt the American Architect. There can lie 110 question that ttraw lumber is admirably adapters to many kinds, of finishing1 work barrels, table and counter tops, fine doors, and ornamental work; and we are assured that It can be 'pro dueed and old in competition with the finer grades of pine or in, com petition with wihle walnut, at about one-half the price of the latter. The standard manufacture is in of in a. -i wayoi me roaasimmete comn etion. t-i . . . . 1 and Mai. Morehead is sanruine that i f? l C. of thiriy-two inched, a lenrrtJr- wOl be done with all the expedition pes- C 'n hc V- t t t vc feet, an1 n ti.ickne. eorres 1 I Is 2orth Carolina s niisfortini'' JL I . . An.. .1 1 . . , . t -wv u uu wuic Auunn? i s - ki ; " n i nr nri ni'f i i uwn . S J ' vy 1 pill i.ivi . . -.- jl " ''t'lisjiM'V ::i.iv 1k V;ricl to o - - .. - - . than at any rime in the hutcry of the ignored, when her resource bo advertised j PAQTV DISI.XTEGRATIO. 1 i i It is assumed that the mongrel" izing pf KUtical parties iu differ ent States means the disintegra- 1 1 tion of old parties. It would seem that the assumption is; abundantly sustained by the facts.! A glance at the different political combina- tions will interest t he reader j of enrrent politics.; In Michigan jibe Democrats and Greenbackers have ''fused," nominating a ticket com- posetl equally of the two parties. A like fusion has been formed in the State of Maine. . j In Missouri the Republicans and Greenbackers haye "fused.". In Mississippi, 'VI ginia, Alabama, Xortlr Car,m and Keutucky tho Rep1a,ul Indeiendeiit DeintK1 "1'6 if,18T ed." Tlie Rowticant denounce "fusion" ioXrfai ne and 'lichigan, but cljirfor it in Missouri, Xofth CaK5l; -Virginia aim Mississippi. "Fort Pillow" Chalmers, the 1 most obnoxious. Bourliou Demwrat in the State leads the "fusion" tick et in Mississippi. Ieach, who lias bleii the most ultra of Democrratic !arti7.ans, leads the -movement? in the the cifculail ofMay L, 1SS2, sent to you by this committee, is noted with surprise. It is hoped that the only reason! for such a failure is that the matter escaped your atten tion owing to press of other cares. Grejat iolitical battles cannot be won ih this! way. This committee cannot help; to succeed in the pen ding struggle if those most directly benefited by success are unwilling or neglect tp aid in a. subsantial manner. j ' 1 ; We are on the skirmish line of re m . f 1 a. 1 al . -i?v4, fwitu a connict ueiore us, 1111 fall, of great moment to the lie lici and you'mut.kuow that next X'residential wip11' - ' , Unless you thin,t S oh! party onkv"1 to ,3Uccee1 be,P it now xPftvxx t0 buiId "P a new Sp"'in i'11 there shall be, . flitt "V-th u. Fra linllrtt mill !l cfir cfuiit, and to-maintain: such liold in the JNortli as, shall insure gool government to.the country It is hopetl that by return mail yon. will send a voluntary coutri butioii equal to two per cent of your annual comiensation, as a substan tial proof of your earnest desire, for the success of the Republican iarty this fall, transmitting by draft or postal money order, payable to the order of JAY. A. II UBBELL, Act ing Treasurer, Post ofiice lock lox 5S0,rSVashingtoii, D. C - jThat settles it. The j "grand old party" cannot win battles "in this 5ays that is, without money. The cribes them and calls t pots."!But suchTvile are . no I longer 'emplojf ul in any navy. I-WI13', then, wilj thesbSght ing factious insist on the metaphor-' icaluseiof theiiif I j The" latest scandal hast in aline of hundreds reiiresenxs Mr. Conk ling as fhe agent of monopolist try ing t tlie districtInor party." Beware of tfaie Frui. ho Republican ; L "I ' 1 j; ;rr 1 ' 1 1 bribe Governor Cornell to sign.Cettain bills that he could not honestly does wouh at Conkling orindirectl3 approve.. The country not lielieve th 1 - . 1 ; : , either directly attentpi to" do so shaijieful a thing. The oojintry dpesnot want to be lieve Ithat Governor Cornell is a bribable man. The scandal is an outrage on public decency, but it is not a! whit woise than many of its almost; numberless predecessors. ! t Each j side in Xew -Yorkf, eacli side u Pennsylvania the long drama that Chici eachis that ft each side in Jculminateil at o two years ago last June, de in the deplorable contest qllowed the nomination of 3 Spirit of t fa Age. ; f To; capturd Prohibition Repubi I liansrimd make them como intcj M tile supprtof the 4nti-Prohibitionif i I- i'fkztj thVy '-vtohi that the Pro-; I .'if hlbilionib , Jisin the fit ture i of the cp- ;a toibignored, and i -that, ... ,: if Jiodcery's ,behlg, .'the-'Ai:. ;-iobitieh cutndi'date, hef ' 'is thei -liiii jtl Jiea ii-; ca hd ida 1 1 " that the4tcp)blicai)arty h iuik ' i nlng the fyimbaigu-uK.n ; otlu r is- Ns :'sfles,!&cJf';." , -i - 4' ' ; v' That ia thefkind ptvpeciou.- :-.r- J guinent which the Fire-wtil?ora .1. vMug to riake men stultifylNJn : selves, eat dirt andj turn and liv. the handji thht smite them. - r V 'I All the arguments which can bo invented by ophistry and .political qunn.ingcaniot blob out this facfj ahd don'tj yoh forgdt it that XfT j 1 0. II. Dockery is the nomii,;; j i 1 1 tlie Anti Plohibiilon .rnJ ,r "'-J j ! I ' IT n l rK: which CoU P fercP and Bev J. C ' v2tffXe Birne, fought, so 2nTly. l f : Col. Dockery stands son as.collector pf Xew, i Roberj eachSside iii ii1 thonsjviiil m?st iCl'iUMt-iisiuic iiu.- he othej 2 Capulets j"a plague o 6ur houses" tp change their rctidst Must the public ...mind be 11 ' ! ' ; , . ' ' At ill fx :n.: : ' iar wuu some iresu victims 1 always getting famil iresblscandajf; Inst, of this; maleyplence bej oft'ered up everj week! jMut tljis jfamily linen be altviiS'S flapiiug iu the breeze I Mustlthe tleadly exhalations from Bepn t(l ica 1 i wash-ket t l(s poispn the air for all time to come? i JTli Democratic half of the Amer ican ?opl4 iias borne this afilictioti as pat enflyjas any qjtiiet household could, hear the incessant brawling of a aarrelsome faniily li ving next But jpatiencJ is well nigh on 11 phere, If, therefore, the fight the Democrats will in- exhaSted. mustgo on, sist that the Pirensive earthen ves sel Islitjbove njmeil bp abandoned in hat there mar be a -'.possible. eljfance of a, cleanei -Washingtoti Font. moral atmos- iht whete he did last year,: on the Lioiior maUorin. He has: not changed iof combromised; but j mounted on bis pj-ramid of 'whisky.," larrels,witli a flag on which js 1 printed a tili house 1 for a motto,-! waving ovpr his heall: he commands, j si;id Id, some! of the boasted chain- f pions of Prohibition, fall upon their j knees and! Wwrshin th mn'nf and I lUU I1K1II IVlillU U1IC ll'ilt 11J I I II . 1 - l aI?'- y u.i'cuireu yuf on 111c ucvn .i fj Brit, thank God, jail are not. coy ards aud political drt-eaters Then; I re mme ttuc man'Ij, independent .. Brbhibitioh Itepuljflicans who can iieither bekcketl i 1 nor lx s made ; fb eat dirt ! Some who love ' tbeJ'0 race jbettec than they do tin r4 ty some, who cannot be 1 some; who;p'-wii h. '- ' to that party, led by Lpt .-. Co., vhichlfloiuinated Col. () Dockery."' j Jl 1.;-. Beware of the ticket; AVe' , kmi tluifcCii 'Dockervistht' T.i l)ealers calldidatei He is iu ! t' Jjepublieaaf candidate. 'And ;.:,y : ll'rohtbition Repupiicpn who vote s for him ofl the ticket which litv j heads simply sellsjhhirself lor i le ') than a mesjs of pottage, to the An- ' ti-Prohibitlonists.l ; ;. r : Beware f tricky r - 5 .- j- " ! i Where! life is more terrible than death, it $ then the fctiest valor ta dare to live. SirlThcnms Brer: : 1 i r 0 s X !