V. r -a M .ir.' U !)J i- 1 V:'. ,r ( -) i :; i 1 " 11 " ! ' i. j i Tti---pr. -M-""h:- .tig.;.. - "rn R J ' i V t ESTABLISHED IN 1825. i f i I : f.i : - 5 i i ' GltlEENSBOItO, N. C, FRIDA.Y, D ECEMBER Jo, 1882. NEW SEJJIES SNO.'8'35 blSrfFnsliorn patriot PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. : fT Entered at tha PouoSSca a scoed-cUs es:trr aJ naiied to nbcntcr, frre of po- C. (. lya (xr aanata, or At th um rate fe any Sotr period ol time. t rcauctTiuN ornca; fatr':t b:iicixs west market street. The total revenue derived froni tobacco in 12S2 was $17,501,. 0S3.91. Tho largest item is chew ing aud smoking tobacco, which alone yielded $23,033,741.97 in 1SS2. "The Ways and Means conira is pursuaded that the time come when these taxes, which oppressive upon the tobacco grow ttee has are : ADTttTJI 10 . RATtl.-Ona lach one ia rrcoa$too; for each tubeqont tasaruoa 5 crat. Advcruscr most coatracl lor special nift ia order to frt tha benefit ot such n tt. 1 Srvi atl-rrrtrteiMttU ara charged accord id r .. rates ad by Uw an4 wax i jou.i n. ncaiKT, the are GREENS BO HO, DECEMBER 15 iS3r era of the coantry, especially email planters whose places remote from the popular highways of travel, and therefore inccessible to licensed dealers in leaf-tobacco, khonld be repealed.,' The bill pre- sented by the committee, if it be comes a laxr, goes into eCect July COXGnCM TE1TE3DAV. From Daily Patriot Dec. 7 tk. Iu the Senate the bill to re-es-tablish a uniform system of bank ruptcy ras dUcussed. The main point disenssed. was whether the courts or creditors should control the distribution of the bankrupt's estate. This bill is before the Sen ate as unfinished business. cess. If a in a 11 rngas.necanin uexasorUoI- Cleaveland'. opinion, not the! least &shioible and totellint IhdiS? orado, where he often loses his en- important lesson taught! by recent Austin.! She came with her son, tire herd from droughts. If he de- Xntk 1. .kU;. 1, and asked the price of tuition. 11 sires to grow oranges in Florida! Uiam W, tn ' k . i U ilol month" re- r hv frnif. jL.r : . fo.T - .V"1 yonmini preceptor. lia a1a 4". . 1 1 a. w vu uiako tar luura iiere 11 v iruiE. 1 vA..:.. Ill thft TTnnRA Willla f TToti. I . ' . , . Utuii,) , ......... gruwuig. 11 nc goes to aig goia m ment1 tucky, ofTored a resolution direct- California, he can dii more money but m ing the committee on civil service j out of 'an raised by assessment or otherwise from Federal officeholders or em- 1st, 18S3, instead of January 1st j ployees for election purposes, and R. R. i Ki-iz has been elected attor- ncy for the board of count jr commissioners. I ; A tock law election fcas been order eJ in Deuce's toacsLip. H. C Brituia has been appoir.:ed register and Jess McMu&a;!, Albeit Walker, W. O. Hop- . jar aoJ H. C. Barbara, poll-bolders. F.ie election be hc!d on the jcxh ol Ucccmbcr. The Bruceites are confident nf c-rr)ing the election in favor of the U-. - : Mr. J. T. Turner,, of Indianapolis, who has been on a visit to his old home ia Randolph county, has concluded to re iain in North Carolina and will locate in tireensboro. He interuls to open here a itrst-class famUyland fancy grocery house, ovd is negotiating for the Lindsay build- now occupied by the PreUfelder's.' Mr. Tumrr is a fine specimen of Hoosier nanhood, and e shajl be glad to wel ! come him as a citacn of our growing town, ; iTh-r consiitrAtion of petitions for U- !cr.fce to ret.l I q-jor presented to the botM cf crun:y C jinrr.Usioncrs, was post jatJ wit;! the mecit of the board ia February. iSjJ The delay . as had with the expc. jo., that the Legislature would rnoilif the Hoit Chapel law' and ia that eent there i'l. be no farther "bh- t Acle in the way t f granting license. 1SS1, as originally provided. The President advises Con gress, in the interest of inter-State commerce, to look after the rail roads. ; I Messrs. Latimer, of Wilming ton, and several New York capi talists, propose to ertct extensive if so by whom and what amount was so raised and how the same was collected and. expended, and whether such assessment was not In violation of law t Also whether any Federal . oQceholder or em ployee has been dismissed or threat ened, with dismissal or deprivation of any right or privilege by reason 1 -A lafcll Eaacalloa la taa Caaatr From county Superintendent Whartons report for the year ending November 30, tZSz, we rrake the following extracts: The ntmber of lit grade teachers exam ined aad appioved, 101 2nd EraJe. 601 3rd grade, 39; total 137. Ninety schools were open tor the whites, and 3a for the colored people during the year. The en rollment was 3.723 whites, 1,757 colored railing the total enrollment during the year of both colors 5, 4 So. This b an in crease of 12 per cent, for the whites com pared with last year, and 26 per cent, for the blacks. The total average attendance of whites wis 5,655, while the total Lr the blacks was 2,567. The increased average attendance of the whites over last year was 24 per cent., while the average for the blacks was 28 per cent. There are 94 school districts in the county for the whites and 35 for the blacks. There are 13 school districts for the whites in "which school buildings have not been erected. The school property in the county is valued at $15,175. Teachers institute for the whites and the blacks were held during the year, with a total white attendance of 73, and a tota colored at tendance of 25. The report shows that the females of both races are more zeal ous in the -cause of education. While the enrollment of males is more than 200 in excess of the females the total attend ance is the same. The a vera re lenrth of school terms is 14 weeks, and teachers are paid the pitiful sum of $20 to $22 per month. I Superintendent Wharton thinks the cause of public education in the coun ty is progressing. The standard U higher ill be entirely managed by a com- tee on appropriations to embody in since October 24th. 18S2 now man it nas ever oeen oeiore, ana tne signs of a more vigorous growth still are everywhere apparent Teachers institu tes, normal schools and county teachers associations are doing a great and perma nent work in th elevation of the cduca- ien, wune tne tew who do succeed ceive j it. One thing is certain. : i a 1 . 11... . r . . ;.. r aciuuin urn 10 quaurupie tneir spc- pthat the people well understand has u larrre I farm here r 1 1 Aw Eaacatianal ItM ! Texas S if tings. Jheir power, and! are determined i A yjST man of 29 years! of age- to use it whPt. ,aiw WfJ ""f private scaooi in vustm iarm nere to nA it rt,Q.. i-wJ j pcucu. ouvhio scuow in kvnsitn he can make as much on it by stock . " JT Jit "XL Qne ofe first parties to briig rna ' ... "V"T " viicucu. ! ap iur. mm a ; scnoiar was one of the mst 01 OUr tODUlar MVem- II i "Wht VOn must hfl rrnrr: : Vnv A lesson of snbor.tinatA at mujch money I can hare hfrn uoteworthv irnnnrtnn U th taught jby a teacher who wears rtform to coquire whether at the Guilford ean.v. .rrr, 'mtr in Li.T.f!?r .7 01 ."e coronal e,econ mooey wa, nap.in. O.,. be called it t turn. ;But our young men and our and which caused 'it to ftlfl man will ittrt oil V. I tlx. y - ... t,v .iim uuuissaucMuiu power as soon as reform . is reached. an era of Such an. era A Kentucky correspbiulent of the Person conuty Xeic relates the following: 1 . :' .!. j In 1839 .the congressional caii vass in Onilford and Stokes dis- mct was conducted bv lion. An remaining theaselves always titi. absorbdl, he. advaricctl as proof tit' their identity; with the i Unnnm berel nations of promise. H quoted writers who say the earli ' est inhabitant! of Ireland,? Walt s and Scotland fverej: of Uebrew oV igin, usil Hebrcvf words in pro fufion, :rtnd that Druid worship was similar to that of the Israelitea. He said ; the early vocabulary, of English Jh;nsbahdraan was 4large-, made tiptf Hebrew, and that tlwv language furnishes the . largest number of roots .for the English vocabulary, t HaltimnrA .9m aruwia1 v v otu.A i . - - I rt I" r woo wnnnTAn r says:, i j . n-oujuicu m xot oj our. lis arrival gustiue Shepherd, (Whig), a.n cm The controllers of the Richmond by th1 uts ot anscrnpnjous pblitir inent lawyer and an old statesman and Danville railroad say that cians figuring as "statesmen." wai considerable ability, and one utnaw! inaiiuuo uoes not, register i aeiayeu or concealed until in 1882 I ; " i5uiuvii;( nu w;ure a share of stock; that the election th rJnl Lii uL J an annnknown to the political .vv -uv maricec, nis main iorte was in hand- that Mahone I could not be "1 on1 8iroKe 8WeDP away the.men ling the j bottle, the potency , bf 9 m m a . ..I 1. 1 A a a ' a vw ' I tvhinh a -J A. JM 2 - 11 presmeni u ne wouia. ve notice that i works at Livingston Creek, about ofbU refusal to pay any assess .wenty miles from Wilmington, on mado n him or waa i,thc the C. 0. Railroad, formerly be- intorforriwi i uh irn.u r Mr. Drake says that In Boston "there was a time when it was law ful to get intoxicated only at a tvX who dared to oppose their will. By I hich he Understood in more! way s arinenii n tr tn trm mMinn.lnf than one The result of the! eleo- pe.p! those polka. I sthe IS a , mm ' I n w m smm w vuw IUVJ Ua W V UUH I v i Ma K V W 1V1 tU cnurcn ! raisins', and. less than a LiL J. . , . . . i aftpr Hi hrimi tTit t Jnrnm, i i hii in i ii ikiprm i ii mn in m im c?ran i --t- a wawaa uiv v uaaju b a au awa w-u, a a a iA.aa.aA utiuiiiiii'M.iiL I ..(. ! loogins to Messrs. Cronly.S Jlor- Iowa, oljecUil to the present con. cetnry.e the omission of wine tion." Ujs Mr. Cleaveland "is not WJ9oyenimeiit money add rifor the manufacture of fib sidtion of the relation and.lt at. fnneral would ha? called-for on&fnlln "par Lsl &Sgk'&?t& fmm nnr nntlr flhmna nl.tnfaJ r 1 remark tinfc nt nil fliifffln'ntr tn (ha . i.. i i . w "uiancj uuu uuuu iije j to be the ont- iworjc for them. ;s v; i 5 t i i among piners me cotton staia, anu civil service reform. -"' tucueuu. r growth and result Of party princi- for the manufacture of cotton seed Caswell, of Wisconsin, offered a lThflfniw,,nBi.ffl.t,.M nlm, Kfpn xrYn ikA I ? . vaBauawi. nil. TTia bivi tliA hnainpa I i-.i Ai n I. ' . ... 1 t L J a. ..(..1 f! A farmer hi V Slfik flf: hifl nnnriA in- W - .mw vaava aa. a waw VawaM-ww I rfXI 11 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 II II I 1 1 II Tt 7 I Tl I llH BTJ 1 TTl TTl I I I MAAtl w A 1U 11-.-- I W f art Tf k I l0 B 1AI1 11 All AtWiltA I J T T a7 a - v-w w m h mtmm v a r u - aa mi a a I rrcx-.ll I ' I 41 I I a.- I I I lllll I II a VI I I till TIB I M u AWaauaa Dllllll lia 41 M I. L I W f III I II . . K m i i a . .... . . , , I . : r """" "" r . . r : r " me eastern part or uaviu son couh-i uuiuujcuu w me peopie not; an ai- ty. ' He had prayed long and I ear- pany which already have a factory the post-ofiice appropnaUon bUl a 2C0.941 Oct. 3lJ Hlpmnnt n ministration in successful operation iu Brook- clause reducing-letter postage to 2 rMrnn t?.1o! v! "n nnmaiA which shall t. . .1 . f rm. "t.i I j I " -1 """"'"" I ( - ,--;-. nunat. lyu. wne oi tne Livingston v,reeK xue reuiuuuu wusauupwu, weighing and package filling" ma- the r wants and useful to the r puK ifvi J V , i ! Z x 1 " i' factories is now in process of cn and is in accordance with snggea- rhi,gj. P f g. Uses! i Th tim.hL . . j i . . . -r. , . i j I r . f 1 ---' , wi aviuaa j tuts - umua SUW tne tionandthe others will soon fo - tions contained in the Presidents 2C7ll62 Nov- 7. Isaac P. Davi of the 'party are dear to me. If nien slauffhterinffho-H. He watch. low. Orders have been given for message, There is a prospect of h-L .k;a ' hmiperiw nnitA t U.J i.i ku ed the.broeess with iu n sr. Whti . . . i . . : I ; l.-r ! 1 1 af : now in process of creo- and is in accordance with sugges- cnjne' r o -- . -t - the necessary machinery, and skill- cheaper letter postage in . the near ed superintendents and operatives fature. !' are expected to arrive at Wilmingt A bill refunding to the State of ton soon with the plants. Georgia the sura of $35,000, ex pended by tha State for, common ty. alon0, but' a party f nestly for peace of mind and at last: aDDear adeouate to l" aa, been rewarded.. The Holy - - ; . r . : n i i. - j ; A . - t caiiie ana, sac . upon . nim.- iue iime-uonoreu uoctrines ber across the fields h sawi the "NVe learn by private advices from Washington that the views of ffaau ta WiSa J We are "m receipt of a letter from a gentleman hring.lirjkitcn, who wants to rent or buy a smallrm near Greensboro. Considerations of health require his re icoval ta the South. A stray copy of tne Patriot bavin g . faljen fhto his hands he a once subscribed and has been reading the paper fur the paat six months. Through this medium he has (alien in love with Creenshoro and wants to lire here. The name is at the disposal cf any person who may be interested. ' tional cause. He can see in Guilford dis tinct traces of these invaluable agencies in the promotion of education. - The Greensboro Nimrods, consisting of W. S. Hill, Levi Houston and others, returned last night from a hunt in Rock. ingharn coanty to meet the Duke of New- have immediate consideration by di8cassion. Riscock, of New York, strong support on the! Democratic uuue. i ucj uruuni nome i one duck, iu o hiiu jicuus tujiuiiMrc five immease turkies nd a wagon load of After tho holidays . the committee birds. The Duke will join them in a will submit a bill, taking as a bai hohday bunt. . - sis the rcrwrt of the tariff commis- I ' ; II. i .'- i - t . A l! .... . Greensboro, turbine water wheel, honestly applied I know the affairs ea tne process with in U n-,st., 2C728S-Xov. 7, Albert W.Wal. of government w,ld fittingly TdSSK. ker. Clemmonsville, fruit drier.- and honestly administered,' and I idea the porker vas killed tha men threw Ah wa believe all the wants and neetls of to be bsii)t(sed. He w.is not be -riierJ Ther to go to , the creek, .be-HideS the j people . would : , pended Dy tha State for. common irom wpsnington mat tne views of . L ( i k 1 - ..i;; water waSWo!d viiaif h to frteyfe -The tar ff question is to , , ,i .4 , . , Lu 1 -w 1 : . have sum ved all changes. ; Let us u i lvlA ' i Ji E , . i 1 . . . . defense in 1777, excited an hoar's the tariff commission will receive a , . . .fo . . him. At the scene ot slaughter plead the statute of limitations side of the House. asrainst the claim. Hammond, of bers ore also stron Georgia, thought that it did not wiping out all comport with the dignity of the which they regard as a war meas great United States to plead the nre aud inflicting onerous espion- -Frank Leslie's Sunday mag statnte of limitation airainst a claim "Ke On the people. TheNorth Car- a rood niairv farmers 4re sellinff their corn and other, produce now when tho price is low, arid they realize but little from it, sThis is wrong, and'should, not be done jiuder anv circunj stances, for in a great many in. stances these yryjiuen will have to buy it back-Sgain at an enorm ous advance, sd whiit is the use of such a foolhardV transaction T This is not the! season ! pt the year to sell corn and other produce, f Wait until therd is a knarket for jt; and then 8ell. Donft let it scare yqu because you have corn in your cribs; thatis th jilace for itj Aiil next spring, when j you find that you will hav etotth to go through . on, and alsurlbs J sell, and. yon will find that yoii ji have realized more than if (you had sold obt the most of your crbpihtho fal. Hold on to yonr . .cotn by all means. Don't ffivf it I n-ay now and pay two priceifSbr it back next year, if .' a !' t ! J I ' " ' A i. Don't flirt. :i I. Don't ta;lk slahcL Don't pint on airsJ pert. Don't mother. Don't aa i j "yes.'? Don't irtald beaux. , , f I Don't make a to be in thi prn- ia .Don't arrest attention. -I f Don't ldurri to jbp icrauky. S Don't think it's i nrettv to hi - Aiake, a, drudge of your saA- no r wnen yon mean If le With i ir other ieople's To UaallaiU Xilad. - J fcioi). From the Duke of Newcastle we learn that fox htntiug in England is quite a cos;!y ami seme nt. There are 14,000 xiue, under the ed 1 tonal charge of I which was indisputably just and horses devoted to hunting; it costs $100,. llev. T. De Witt Talmage, com j honest! The bill passed by a rote 000 a year to feed thi dogs; aS.ooo mences the New Year brilliantly of 90 to 80. The sin cle other mat- t.uiu ,mcu. a Bcrcu u ubi, uu ict tnere was au abimdaiice r of I hot na nnt. I fnrn-at. thai, an infAllirrotif I nrafnv I WlmliAoitnta i..U.a , Southern men, people UHcik to hTp rWilan CS So .ugly, in favor of 'Jn LwertosupWtneirTaiious would do it.. When the last fvnflSi internal I taxation, und wan.'f 'dulm ttv Ltt",L '.SS as a goodfriatirecl'icVcrean s ,r j . , j 1 r I lUBiruuicti j.o uii up iuu truugu w no 1 - y whi6h keeps pace with the develop-1 hot water and bring to the hdusei nnri,f JX h , man'fa LrsA ' 1 A miliisf Arbnji RPnt. tnr WJiAn all h MU" r!Te!iUP ght of 3purself ling fashion. 1 picking upr. street! oung maif, .good-natured icja cream frcez oliua Congressmen are solid in vor of abolition. i fa- Com, lak:aMall , ft em Uauy fatrwi Dre. jtk. From passengers on the Charlotte train this morning, we .'earn that Gen. Leach was assaulted on ihe'streets ia Lexington" yesterday by Mr. Heitman, a lawyer liv ing ia that townj Leach and Heitman taet on the streets when angry words passed between them about the comprom ise of the case of Garrett rx. R. & D. R. H.', mentioned a lew days ago in the Pat riot. It seems that Gen.' Leach was not an -attorney oC record (or Garrett, and the I clerk of the court refused to accept the , casts ia the case when tendered by him. Hdtman, who was Garrett's regular Xl torpey, bearing of the transaction was , looking for Leach when they met on the streets. la the j course cf a quarrel , , that ensurd insulting, words passed when Heitman jdrew -a pistol, and ; waj only prevented from using it by the Interference cf bystanders. Parties from Lexington in town to-day think the affair has' not ended and that bloody results ' may be locked for. ' -1 Alluding to the H it man-Leach dif ' cu!:y in Lexington, the Diju&k says : ' ; i Qurte a breeze cf excitement was raised ; on ur streets last night by an encounter 1 between two prominent citizens. Hot , words were used.' a pistol flittered in the starlight, and a hasty retreat was beaten. Nohody hurt, j ' The Disfalck does not seem to appre henl a renewal of the difficulty. -Ir. A. Foard, Esq., of this county, 'has been elected tnajor of the 3rd N. C , j Repment. I I t ; , ; . j Thm DaWa mf navrraalla. Frm Dauy Fattut Dtc. ttk. The yo-jng Duke of Newcastle arrived Vr the city yesterday and registered at the I McAdoo house as "J H. Northington, j N'e Yoik." It was only an accident and 1 not till late in tie day that his identity j was known. While playing pool at Dick The January number, is a holiday I ter of interest that, occurred j was the minority report of the commit tee on Ways and Means against the reieal of the tobacco tax. The re port is signed by Kasson, Dunnell, 3fcKinley, Haskell, Morrison (and Russell. They are of the opinion that so long, as it remains neces sary to collect any portion of, the revenue of the government from internal taxation, the two sources which can best support the imposi tion of a tax arcdistilled spirits and tobacco. Dunnell and Haskell also filed a supplemental minority! re port, in which they favor the apoli- thorough-bfed horses are engaged in it, and an amy of whippers-in attendants, and others who care for the dogs. There are 5,700 couples of fox hounds and 245 couples of Stag hounds. The Duke him self is the owner of more than 50 ot the finest hounds in England. He knows all about dogs and horses, and in an hours talk with him on various topics we (bund that he was no sun-flower. A t arw. ; , Editor Patriot: I do not seek a controversy with the Rev. Mr. Maboney, but bis card in the PATRIOT demands a bnef reply and explanation. It was af firmed by me in a letter published in the Patriot jst before the election, that Mr. Mahoney in the course of his sermon at Gesthemina church, on the 5th Sunday in October, advocated the election of R. f JafT.-rrl tn K rftr nf .hn(T in f!niL. ford county. I understand Mr. Mahoney skecthes,. essays, poems, etc It) except tnose on malt and 8pintoous number and, affords delightful, ed ifying reading. The first of a se ries of articles on j "Religious Dcj nominations in the United States treats of "Methodism : Its Chart f acter and its Attainments,9 by Rev. Dr. Curry, D. D. The editor has an interesting article, "Who was Thomas Guard V Paul Past nor shows "What the Monks Did for Early English Literaturejf other contributions are from the pens of Mrs. Jane O. Austin, O. M. Birrell, O. McDonald, LI D.f Edwin de Leon, etc, etc, and con Alministeriwas sent for. 'When all which lUeps in sight its! landmarks TXtJlAl and;yet observes those things which final word 'amen was dronhed r which will the bottom of the troujrh. i The!mo well ment his tMHly touched the water! m ' r a. ia. a. r tv .1 ue it'it mas ue was passing tnrongn Warden. W. E. Anderson, Grand Treas urer. I ' .' ' ' ' j .- j D. W. Bain," G mud Secretary, j J. II. Mills was elected superin tendent of the Orphan Asylum. are I in advance, and . -The Grand Lodge elected the continue true to the people as following officers for the ensuing J as to its; traditions,; will be the dom yean j : I , . . j inant part.v of the future." The true Robert Bingham, Grand Master, key-jnotjj is struck here. If j the Chas. H. Robinson, Senoir Grand party t4 which the Governor-elect J "TT ' n,ini8ter could not hold his subject m. 1. Kennedy, junior urana yypy WY , Harosa like -a tornado, snorpn our mind to ix; sweet on Everybody's brother exO cf pt your pkn. ! j . :' f nil down aourlady friend iej t's a mightyi has no" g you.? Dou'tr ! ju meir '4vpseni mean traiM .. , ; . Don't rjiSity a finau who ft rmnarrrjiriftn - ntirf hrthn timti hd . . & 1 ' T. . 1 "r iIr"rV V Y r7 i .1 I Love anq ! starvation are p ayety was sure he had landed in hades 1 1 It 1 if The friendihad forgotten to tool .Dontis Xoll. ,etrt onj I Dar-p the water and it was as near rinian w, J Artt H, hair in the hot as watdr ever tacts to be. Th Lt.i.nA L v 8 i i lui'imi, uor icmj ii uicii;. country jhave made for it iand its ! like a battle horse, and blowing th DiinciDles. it must be a oartvi not water tront nis mourn ami nose who want Iwivesn wait patientiv and vou will iret oheJ I I. i . i i . Uintuons Bcigium leads the J i L...ii. rblurtetl out. "Hell and damnation El world in tbmlincr: F tia Konn noo ' I n ai Anninan ro l: m . ... w.. m. . . ... II ai .r.r KKnf r.a nnn rvut .? of progress. Their opponents Murder! I Whoop P' Aud as ihex are coinmiucu toj several vicious iaici mm on tne ueu ue souiy uiurj political and economical doctrines mflredIn) hell at last, just as I ,' . , "-r1 . J and practices, but they' have-falso . i. onginatetl some good measures dn- has awared the congressional ap- . , i. A i . a,.Ji nugr their tenure of iower through rironriatinn of C57.000 I for the ex bi i . i 1 . , i - : i . ' I r iron f t Inr rim niAcr nmrmtciiro expected 1"! tpc If sistof admirably' written storiesl tion of all internal revenue taxes, lenses attending the late Presi: he .n!nejcenth ceniury. Daala For Ulca. Don't judge a man by the do he wears, for God made one, tailor the other. li . . i i to deny using any language on that occa sion succeptible of any such interpreta tion. I claim to understand the English language, though indifferently spoken soevttimes.' The language used as I re collect it, and I am sustained by others who were present, tmsUt the church, was this: the Home Pulpit is a discourse by Dr. Talmage, The Popular Christ, Those interesting features are con- tintjed "Personal Notes and Com ments," Editorial Comments," and there is a large, instructive mis- liquors, tobacco! snuflf and cigars. $27,500, as follows t s .... TIH.44. ftff.500t-to Affnew. - Mr. Cleveland is ofthe opinion that lives irirfo the lizard and ratsdme lies1 the! annually consume hbbut 0,000,000? quarts of alcoholic liquors. There .t is an average of one, (public house for every twelve adult male Bel-; giiin. and fn 'soijie parts pf thet eountry thealemantl is nearly twice! as great, fitry thc'demar reat. JJ- ' f. ;rf . ; ; i M- k ter. v ill call no names, but the man is in the pulpit now, and it is not that man, (pointing to another minister,) nor is it myself." j 1 tbiak I have given the exact language. Mr R. M. Stafford was the other man in the pulpit. (Did Mr. Mahoney mean Mr. Stafford Of course be did, evervbodv n the congregation under stood. It j would be a reflection oa the intelligence of the congrega tion to assume that it was not so un derstood. If . Sir. .Maboney can ex plain away this language it is incumbent uton turn to do so. une or two oiner matters. I was present and bas e not re ported Mr. Mahoney sermon on Hearsay. I recall an incident which will serve to convince Mr. Mahoney that I was pre sent and was tnsias of the church. After services were over he stood in the church door a"d in a loud voice said : "Brother Weatherlr has lost a five dollar bank note and if any man, woman, child or ftmalt ma finds if, please return it to brother Weatherly." 1 was present and heard V mm 1a rrtt rim Srttsv A 4 ltkr Vll rrl it Moore s panor rcsuurant the secret cf , w,th meas to its meaning. It .... t r ji cliques, rings or conventions. There cellany Price, f -.a year, single is one good man among the candidates copy, 13 cents, postpaid. Address who fceiped some Udes in a cnanty mat- Mr,, rRixir LesUe: Publisher. o3. DO & 57 I ark I lace, 2eW lor a. thcra a av lor Texas. Is-i ichtactowd num ' J I a ai M ft Dcnng 40, iTOfn upper, aiecurnour ma f wcr Bliss, $0,500; to Agnew, fojOOO; to Dr. Hamilton, $5,000; to Dr. Reybum, $4,000; to Dr. Boynton,' $4,000; to Dr. Susan Edson, $3,000. The allowances for the! physicians art) $8,000 less than the amount coina west. i I Tha Immigration boom has become fairly appropnaui, uu iuo vmmo.- started, aad every dar or to squads of men and aomea are seen rrouped around the Air Line depot, waiting- for the midnight train to carry It will be noticed that the minority represents non-reveune 'producing States. And herein we find an ad ditional demonstration of the in iquity of the revenue laws. North Carolinians here say that Gen. Scales will be their next Governor. Washington corrrtpond- and so j cTtf Richmond ( Va ) Dispatch. So they say down here. , Fanny Always who recently died in Pamlico county, according to tho Kcw Bern Journal, was 110 Cabarrus took their deosrture for the Lone Star State, and tbey told the reporter that oth rs were lo iollow them la a few &r. CManWit Oi server. North Carolina has populated se ven of thy largest States in the Un ion, bnt it seems that the drain is to go on forever. It Is useless to ask whv. .It is human nature to lowauces are about $11,000 less than the amount available, which will leave an unexpended balance of $19,000. To tho White Hou attaches a gratuity of one month's pay each (s given. . f E. Stone Wigging L. L. D tho democratic party leaders must know how to reject unequivocally what is jbad in tbej principles j and practices of the republican pUrty; adopt loyally whak is good, and exhibit a disposition to develop the institutions of the country along the lines marked out by . the constitu tion and the irrevocable ivpelit history. his ! inco? escaped. The report of his presence obtailctl wide currency, and soon the biilard saloon was filled. A nunber of prominent citizens were intro duced to him, and but for the lateness of the hour Mayc' King would have formal ly tendered the hospitality of the city. Ia person the Duke is strikingly hand some ?nd waV faultlessly dressed. He carries a lordl air, but is modest and cotrpar.ioriab'.r, and talks without the slightest a5cculoa. He plays fine game of pod and is k crack shot. When the anajuncement jwas made to the proprie tor of the McAdoo that a live Duke was in the house, be was engaged in the dc hghtful diversion of tacking a carpet. He soon appeared, however, ttb to do the honors' of the occasion," An ele gant wine supper was spread in the'even ing and ye reporter had the distinguished horor of toasting the titled Englishman. The ladies of the McAdco presented him wufvan elegaat boquet of flowers which he sccepted wth womanly modesty. The Duke will rctarn ta Greensboro in a few dajs and take a duck and bird hunt with Dx Moore 4 nd party. CkrUiai Wtaihrr PrUiUa Look out fir Christmas eggnoggs and fire-crackers jon the 25th by the 26th anyhow. The last four days will be the worst ever s4en. Thousands cf gahons of blood wilflow through our streets (in : bodsj, horses will charge wildly about crashing ImSc children 1 tbeir mcthcrs haven't got sense enough to keep them in the hauie) and men wi l wa'.low in the was too plain to be misunderstood. 1 have staed facts a-d the public can draw iu own conclusions. MANYVOTERS. Brown's Summit, Dec 7, 1882; A gentlemau just from Wash ington informs us that Joe Causey's appointment as collector of this district is among the . certainties. i The Xorth Carolina members of Congress arts n unit in demand ing the total abolition of the inter nal revenue laws, The census bulletin giving the statistics of illiteracy in the varions States shows that there are 367G1,G07 persons iu the United States of ten years of ge and up wards, and of these 4,023,451 ' (13.4 per cent.) connot read, and 0,230, 954 (17 $cr cent) cannot write. Of the white people above ten years of age 0.4 per cent, arc unable to write, and of the colored people 70 percent. In North Carolina the percsntage of illiteracy is 43-2, in Louisiana 45.8, in Georgia 42.8 and iu Mississippi 41.0. The States in which the percentage of illiteracy is smallest are: Iowa, 2.4, Maine, 3.5, Kansas and Ohio, 3.G, Minne sota, 3.7, Michigan, 3.S, Wisconsin, 4. The most illiterate population in the United States is that of New Mexico, where CO per tent, of the people are unablo to nv. J. years old. live always. She did not want to an astronomer ofOttawa, has no-; tified President Arthur, that on the . . .... f 1th da v of March next J on Sun e.kjs aAmAthiiifv nhsoii nnrrnp rnnn nr. 1 t . . home. Men apparently doing well lue 00 wtff UI " ot nnA ItrAlr nn sprpr tlipir ties. ue V destroy their household goods and has at push out into the great nnknown Edgecombe county last a .set of Democratic officials. AH the Kepublicans electetl failed J surroundings than they have at to give bond, except the treasurer and constable. home. It is this principle of our natures which causes men to leave home, with its comforts and ties of kindred, and seek homes in the wil derness, a way from ci vilizatiotywith no neighbors but the savage In -Tho Wilmington Uetiac has dian, and no mnsic but the howling - Tho Simonton female col lege, Stntesville, Is advertised to be sold on the 5th of February. wolf or the shriek of the. panther. They go to Texas to graze stock, to California to hunt gold, to Arkan sas to grow cotton, or to Florida to raise oranges.! They go with the suspended, after an existence "j of five years. Editor James is confi dent that 110 daily paper, erer pnb- lished in Wilmington, has had so irrr n, circulation, vet. he says. no dailv morning paper can exist expectation of improving their con in the city solely on its merits and dition. That failure is the result iu its receipts without some other nine out of ten cases makes no dif sonrce from which to draw in cer- ference. There is a goal Hying in tain contingencies. We part with North Carolina for every honest, in the Review very regretfully, and dnstrious i man in the -State. No trust that it may see its way to an man can succeed without labor. It early revival. The difficulties in is the condition of our lives, and the way of publishing a daily j pa- without it we cannot expect to do per in North Caroiiua are almost anything. The man who owns a insuperable, and only men of, the home in North Carolina, however cast-iron mould are daring enough humble, If it is sufficiently large to persist in so perilous au under- to employ his time the year round, taking. In our own case, the laoor is certainly taking targe ouus is so great aud the profits so small, against fortune to leave it with a often-times we feel like throwing delusive hope of doing better, j The up the sponge. , Bat we toil, on, tales so often recounted of men who working 14 hours daily, waiting g0 oT realizing large fortunes in a for Greensboro's growth andeuter- few years too often turn out to be prise to demand a larger and bet- myths or exaggeration only. I. very- ter newspaper, uccasionauj tmnj gams in size uj uiswuw, u light breaks iu on our clouded vision this is never more apparent than and fortune seems almost in our whca great fortunes are attributed ionnialistic grasp. Tho I'ATKiot to the distant. e uo not uv. w . w l. a ja. - V. t nays its bills promptly, ana as long those wnoso lortunes are urecsw, as this happy condition oi tilings Cf uroicen neaitu, ot in-ams - last the daily edition will be iub el children aud ureaking up of lishetl. Nolongcr. , ; I uappy i.wmwr. i..rcrr "No vessel, whatever her dimen sions, will be safe out of harbor, aud none .of .small tonnage can hope to survive the tidal wave and fury of this tempest. As the wind will hlnw from the southeast, the planetary foree will be sufficient to submerge the low, lands of the American coast, esjecially those borderintr on the Gulf of Mexico and washed by the gulf stream, while the air currents for several fcnnrlrr! miles aloiitr the east side of the Roeky Mountain range, ow ing to the great atmospheric pres- anm in those recions, iwill spread nnirontfll ilpstruction. I The New England Stales will also suffer se vprolv from the wind floods. Nc point i ontside of harbor, in the whole area or me Atiaunc, cajw ally north of the equator, will be a place of safety; for this' will be pre eminently the grandest storm that has visited this continent; since tue day of 'your illustrious rst Presi dent.f ; " N E.YSIBLB POLITICIAN OBSKBVA- TIO.". . At! a reception given to G oyer nnf..turi. fimipr Cleaveland. cf AJV'A a . v w - - New I York, on Tuesday by tee Manhattan Club, the guest of the evening made a speech replete with sensible observations upon the re sult of the recent elections and their relation to the,1 Democratic party. Mr. Cleaveland is of opin ion that "the late demonstration did not spring from any pre-exwt- ing love for tho party! which was called to power."; It jwas tho out come of an intelligent; regard had by the people for thVir political concerns. "They voted for them selves and iu I heir wu interests." If the Democratic party does nofc deserve the confidence reposed in them on tho 7th of November they need n-it expect to continue to re- r facts of Hi OF JO HIT II. ITBEELBR. From Daily Patriot Dcc. ltk ven- Col. Jphu H. Wheeler, jhef erable "orth Carolina f historian, died at his home j Tn j Washington citjj yesterday morning. North Carolina! has doubtless produced greater intellects,! but has bever given bith to a m)an jmore nnsel flshlv devoted to all her interests . . 4 s than Joi5 G. Wiieeleb; plany, yea"rs ago he . married a .Philadel phia woman, the sister of the art ist Sully, and removed to tVash iugton, Where he has since resided. He was minister to Nicaragua from The. estimated! cost of iun- , Don't judge him by the house he 1D pe cltyof lbiiaclelphia next - ;. I year is 0iafiu. jf f we principal f times inhabit the grandest struc-U itemsare-f f l, 41' 1,1,1 or tue police, ; , , tores. I . i .. ii,tM,ooarpr eeppcaunn, ou,uuu 4, ,f Don't judge him by his speech,! r pobliei u aiimogs, I bll,7U2 tor . for the parrot talks and the tongue! MV 4.y,i4Ujor the lire de-; -3 is but an instrument to make sound. partment freen;Ktoro. taxpaycrs ; Don't judge him - by his family i ought to m i bappyi by comparisons 1 counectiou$, for Cain belonged jto ajf ; ; tba oia nan." - I i very respectable family. I j J j00 u,yHrd write! of (jeneral ; I Don't 1 no ere him bv his success I . In;i. Ul K;..t 4 in iifo ifnr that ia mtwli nftdimH tlin! .1 .TV' li.Jx 1 ... 1. .' . - u ......v.. ". - .. J liru'ini f.r. Jlx . ITlflST. Hin III I lOIIR Til II . i: result of aicombination of circjum-j cie, larg JnterMted in affairs of" stances with which he had nothing:! moment, fhilaily contact and night- i Ha t-liniW .r Ilia Anrn mArlf ! it . : . ' a . . . 'J IU UV, UU1 MJIO "Hii UIWII1 I J Don't juugo nim by his failure inf ' J i.!lJ 1 LA..-! early Some Iected the Unifed Statesl and in one of the insurrection's that took j place there hq narrowly escaped with his life. During the Jate war hf .f was sent to Europe by the State! gov- ertiment and was engagea tnere in ( f- . i mi ?scumg from oblivion come impor tant data pertaining! to the history (of North .Carolina. -valuable information was col which hjas never been in print, ;j but which has been carefully preserved for the State's future use. "Wheel er's History of North Carolina" is his life j work. r For a year or more his demise has bden expected. His condition for some time; has been extremely pitiful having partially lost both his physical and mental light. .He was 77 years old! a few days ago. Already the cry is heanl that the public roads are in a teplora ble condition. It portions ff Guil- fonl they are almost impassable in places. Tnothef counties the same eompla int is heard. The system of road making auI road working is a failore, and otight to be changed. It won ! worse.! life, for uiitny a man : fails because! I . liiL. Ll Ju.i . .1 ' i i J ue i too iiuuusb iu Huuceeu. " ! Don't judge him by the show' he makes, uran average turkey-cock In a barnyard can strut all aronnd him and not half try. ' j t i Dout judge him for his lack of displayfor the long eared beapt is' the humblest of animals, but when aroused is terrible to behold. j Don't judge him by his activity in church aliairi, fbrthati3 not tin-: J frequently inspired by hypocritical and selfish motives. ! I j Don't tike it for granted beeaust he carries; the coutribntion ' box, he is liberal.! He often pays thellord byseryices in that way and keeps hi currency, i Don't imagine the Creator der any obligation to you for; the; Quarter Vou rrive to convert ! the! heathen; that is ouly a small) fraq- tion vpu owe for turning your; au cestors i. away irom meir wpoue gons.r f - r' Don't imafrine heaven was Iciallv created for people who bH i a - l. si Here jast as you were taught tfU and you don't know whether thev who taught you were right or -nor Don't carry vour h vmn Ikkk hi your hand when vou go to tlie house off worship and your, ledges in your head. The Lord can 8(t through Tour head. Tho Lfnl c:ii see through your skull. Don't when in chnreh ch bacco and spit over the floor, would not do that in jou)- ovi house, and should not do so in the house you ought to respect ev i ' I . s "fl ' more. w U Yoi ly . intercourse j itli rjienof, talent aud financial brnini he finddl it nec essary tofc0nformjiimself iiore to the dictates of esstpmary guise. He wears j nih fslilld hat. fashion-1 ably cu overcoat j and neatly ; blacked bootB. His beard Is more carelullygtrimmedJ his moustache ? is lined a lii motile and lie bedrs him-, r self modCsjly as jie passes along 5 the stree&f I rjecdH the tinie when 5. his preseficevpurd hsive "attracted 3 the atteutipu of thousands bf jieo-1 pie, who would have cheered him Z to the echo and! followed him for ' miles. 20w as l have siid;it is rare thatfbisl cbuiitenanee Attracts the eve of one whof knows fiTm." ; " l Tf j ' I-, j - : -Drf Frank Jlamiltou. one of -the consittingjpl3j8iiiaiis in Gar- field's cse i)vn asserts hat the ? unfortnnate President was dosed -to deatlwithinorhliie by direc-; tions tfr.. Blisses fUr thq use of the drugiiad been1 prohibited by a-, eiuncil of the4nckical attendants.- .HI 4 .? Ir. ).I V I j K w .j Tfra Caaat 4' C'ros. ; -i The Ss Louis! Republican, from wusiderfvble daU jwoich it regards as reliable, estimates thisyart cot- 0,430,000; last year kind C,5S0,Q0O x . t bales thMyeaf befprtj. The largest' . crop raised befortil the war was that ; of 1 85000-4,861,000 bales. The - work oflpickirjgpps going 3 acti.yel3" A It'UtV i l.UCTl? 10 eatlSvajr UI j d be difiicnlt to make it any Every material interest in: he State would be benefited by! i I f au improvement in the pubperoadsj The Legislature; has a plaii m I a L .1.4. I periorm iu mis mauer. j duty to -iThere sems to be needed few fast route agents, f i keep up with fh mails on the fast trains. ? 1 : - r - . r -- The l.aal Trlbea af Israel.' A lectin er in Baltimore last Tne&v rla- !rfeiiinir discussetl 'The Idenf- tityof the Ten Ixst Tribes of IsHu l with the Anglo Saxons." The says "that he claimed there wertr bfews, Ibut only the thret whk& cdiistita'tetl the kingtloui of Judej- firwardi rfter improvement works ojit'theliiSiiier Mississippi takKj'' so manyi laboj-efs that the steam boats iin getj al supply of hara'-.' only byivpayjugl S7U aj month fits j them, and in; (some districts plai: ters una ii unpossiuie iu feci- r. , bands fox pick'ini., (The price i ' ; to' 60 cents ahunjdred, and in a;ii . localities 1 jlr hundred, v.it.'t; . boani, pt whih!irat gxd 1 ' Ueri ; 'can-, nitflte $3 td $4 a j day. 'W.cn- this does not bring bnt the 1. cos. sarv supply of labor', and a cot.sid- . m !' . . Jh a.. 1 1 f . .' . t. .- . cranio Piri ion w tne cnip on u;c and; web not classed lot, wrfe Iwer Missisisipid will cm tin pick . ed. . Although ifhe botiutifnl yield, the Jews, ne argued .Tron proplf 01 tne staple is amaucr mwii wuicu Aiiv.Tl.jfMhe An-Mo Scxoris are the i tne oontneru piamersj mn v descenaeiits of these lost thildiefi gratul:ted, ihtf mofetj satisiac ory f bf Israel, for whom! it was pronH teaturef is that he Spresentcotton ; t iid tolAbraham thut iu these lat crop has not bei ii raised to the'negv , j davs tliey should become tiunnni-i ci ki'wihi . i - i . . . ' .1. l.li rmi'inn lwred iiations of the earth and Ml thej globe. The exteiisut of jtle Taking heed of the lesson taught them by past e.perence the plan ters p41l nioitiiinentionjio uivcrsi ni mi nt thn l.IWr!lII kl',:iC. I as 11 11 1 ua a a as a,ai -v - 1 - - v ii.g people, their military brdw, Ui crops than vcr beioje, and f :f? oblerrlince of the Sabbath absor ji-J large eotton crop Is ?tfompaniCl.: .., tion of other nationalities wljit I by an nnpreccdented cjreal harvest, I v, - I It it '11 ? Is

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