G REENSBOliO, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRURY 2, 1883. U i NMVV SRRTEft NO. 841 ESTABLISHED IN 1825. Gbrfirhnsbflfn patriot The great disadvantage of a country editor's doing his own er- rand and sweeping oat is that it gives his rival a chance to slnr the first man' paper by are. at VlW or aaaom. wuiIm tana raxca I RaVlnr? 1L la (Hlitol Iiv tho nf!, lv- . " " .... I m " v - a-a V V a-aa W W I Warn aJtswt-1 ra-rtrw4 aif ts rwtm I v PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. tTT'Eattred at Ova roatoTice ai secoed-cLua :tr aM mailed to aabacrtber, rr of post 's i ' rrwjcaTi urnci: MTH'ST BUI18I5 WEST MARKET STREET. i AorttTlsiad Ratev Of inch oae la Knoa l oo : 'or eaah tabaqatt Inaartioa 5 crntv Ad-Jr wart con r ran 'or ipecial r ta order 10 crt tfia beaeit aoch ra ra. USxiai aarerptrmcra ar- cnartta accoremr to rate filed by la aad aa a aji m Tbey found a crazj man in the Stat43 House gallery, the other lay, and the attendant respectfully said : "You'w made a mistake, ir. Your place 1 down 8tairs.,, The first shipment of Sonth era era in in bulk ever sent, it is as acrted, from a South Atlantic port to Enrope was made last Tuesday from Savannah, Oa., where a new elevator of the Georgia Central Kuilroad put 20,000 bushels of Ten i lessee corn on the British steamer ilarec for Liverpool. The Savun nan ieopie are indulging in ict duuable rejoicings over this auspi cious event. jon.i b Kai iiniKr, St Praarklar,' GREENSBORO, FEBRUARY 2, iSSj. ! Fifty broi marts for Dr. Btnbow'a stock Utm bate arrived from New Yoik. Some of them look as if they had bcrn bcxi..n orer crcit kves. . i--Thes far the IgisLituie has enacted Iwenrj -rrrn laar that are mainly of a private or local nature. I Raaia'alpa) Poa-fcar. J. C Skcert killed last artek six bos whose wei,hi ras 1850 pouncla. Gkleoa iticoa killed i t ahoe wiight was 2940 las., an 1 Micjjah La&aiter killed 3 wbos weight was7i6lbs. One of Mkajah Las saer's pr puUed down 360 lbs. and an- ctber lit lbs. I "Uncle- Dawson Steed salted last week a pig that, without salt, palled down jtc lbs. II. G Lassiter tripped 7 shoats whose weight agjrejated I7jilbs. Hope Democrats kill and eat," says our friend. Cricr. LiaMiaa y. t A Guilford man has named his favor- ite dog Cy Watson," which suggested to our peet a; theme worthy of his gen ? .. 1 Sweet dog, my blessing goes to thee. I trut the ideal dg )cu'U be. I hope your jaws have wondrous miht; Your teeth are strong and sharp and i white; I Your fore leys heavy; hind legs lieht Your eyes much ciossed, one green, one ! black; t i our tad cut off, near the small of your 1 1 v 4 imuk j That's the soft of a dog for me. An Ireilell county farmer, t . . . u.vsiiei vy iro mules ana one hand, , made last year 21 bales of cotton areraring 450 lbs. to the bale, 373 bushels of corn, a fine crop of oats and plenty of wheat to do him. 31 r. Adam sued an 0we0 paper for libel, asking for $10,000, and gets $5 This is a terrible slnr on the pajK-rx, as it would in dicate that when it went in to lie about about u man it could only damapj bnn 5 worth. The Canadians, always lov ers or winter siKrts, are navlng a merry tiuie of it this year. Be tween skating, curling, snowshoe- iug. toborganinr, sleighincr, ice trotting;, ice yachting am! the play- The iedagogue is the best antidote for the demagogue. The Richmond Dispatch Wash ington correspondent sajg: A sen ator said to mo to day, "Vance is making more reputation in this tar iff debate than any body else." i There are signs of bloody revolution in France. The ice on the Keuuebeo rir er U 18 inches thick and clear as crystal, and men are busy from Augusta to Bowdoinham harvust- iugiL Missouri has a phenomenon in the form of a, child with three tongues. Of course it is a irirl. r . . . I In tho name of humanity we ing of lacrosse and other games on hope the bill to prohibit the sale of the river rinks they are makiuz intoxicating liquors within three the long Canadian winter one J miles of Mouut Misery will be "This is the kind of pork New I lengthy season of delightful out- passed without a dissenting The disaster record for 18S3 U a frightful one already. Eight hundred lives have been lost by five of them, and property valued at, probably, 2,500,000 destroyed. Nearly 10,000,000 has been .expended on the census of 1SS0, which is not yet complete. About the time the work is finally wound np there will be a call for as much more for tho census of 1800. That is the way your Uucle Samuel's money goes. t Ten ; thousand Republicans of ono State will have the same representation as 10 times 10,000 of another State in tho Republican 154 convention. But it won't make any odds, provided the Dem ocrats make no mistake ' in nomi nating a presidential ticket. Gambetta died poor which Khows his inferiority to j American Statesmen.' ' The bill creating twelve ju dicial districts has been postponed. A bill for the protection of mechanics and laborers, providing that no property shall be exempt from a lien for labor performed or work done, passed tho Senate yes terday, j - door amnscment. wood is Kclling in eigh at $3.00 K?r cord. Hal Sweet dog. 1 have advice for thee: Go madly in far deviltry; Rest not at morning, noon or night, Till every blessed sheep you bite, Making their fierce a horrid sight, By neatly chrwing it up. And kaing them a wreck complete; Then a popular dog youll be. . Sweet dog, I will emplain to thee. Why you so popular will be. Man is haunt brute, you know, ho revels in his neighbors' woe; You've tortured each man's s? erp, so Hell pass your bit'-s on his as jkes. .And love you tor hurting other fJks; So ) oa'll be popular, you see. f j tkwkr. . ? I am sorry to say that 19 out of every 1 so members of the Legislature and its emoyees arfaveUng on free panes. dvl, tf Orange, Ta Km JBat. law ! ' Rbtk Oi stiver. A northern paper al!ude to Mr. Vance as the End Man" of the lX-m- racy. WtU. Scna'o Vance belongs at the end the bi nd. ; By way of rWrenching expen ses, the c:ir record office of the 1L & I). IU B, in Charlotte U to lie dispensed with, and only the mi leage bn.ainens and the trace agen cy is to le kept np. By the abol ishment of the cr.r record office six clerks will be thrown out of em ployment, kind ouly three will be left. This change goes into effect on the first day of February. I Judge -John A. Gilmer will preside at j the next term of Dur ham Superior Court. No man iu the State has a stronger hold upon the affections of oar people than Judge Gilmer. He will be warmly receirevL-7irrAzit rUnt. I Gea. Scales is very unw?ll in Washington. i A bill to allow tho bank of Greensboro to wind np its business has passed its third reading in the lIotUM. The "Stonewall Jackson So ciety hi Boston is an active organ ization. Ita raemlers are ex-Con-federatrs who followed Jackson during the war. That such an or ganization should exist in Boston seem almost incredible, but it is a fact nevertheless. Alluding to the fact the Boston Jlertttd says: "The annual meeting of the Stonewall Jackson Association was held at the hall of tho Bay Slate Associa tion, Sons of Libert.v, Washington strtVt, yesterday afternoon. There was a large attendance of the New Cngland members, including ladies. The hall was neatly decorated with flags. ' The president, Capt. Ron aldson Parker, welcomed the mem ber j iu a short speech, and then followed brief remarks by D. C. Weston (a native of Boston), of Kenfcky (his first visit home in 10 years), who was an oQcer iu the Confederate .army, and others. It was voted to send a delegation of eleven to represent the association at the unveiling of the utatue of of the late Gen. Robert E- Lee, at Lynchburg Va., in June. Resolves were adopted relating to the death of the late Mr. Rhode, a native of Lynn, and for many years a citizen of Richmond; The recorder report ed that the amount received during the year was $I,J20j paid out from the relief fund and other excuses, $1,011. The old offlcers were re- elected. vote. The Legislature of North Carolina owes this much to the people of this great commonwealth. The debt should be paid ungrudg ingly. -The I Donaldson academy building in Fayctteville was burn ed yesterday. 1. J. Wilder Atkinson was thrown from a bnggy in Wilming ton and painfully injured. -There are 230,000 school all. nonrs. Why not a tax commission t The Legislature was in ago ny yesterday. Let the people decide wheth er they will be taxed for educati onal purposes. W.J. Best is lnthe8tate, but keeps close to the coast, appre hending that he may be kidnapped. ' 1 -Not much absenteeism in the Legislature. " ;One member indignantly re fused a railroad pass, and then re buked himself for being a fool. -What is 1 the cobr of the county government elephant f -Shall we go back to ."Repub lican simplicity, and have three more judges t -Judged by its work it is a first class assembly. Raleigh Ob Mcmr. J udged by the record it is what! f-Are yon going to Mardi Grast Railroad faie. $37.55. i The eldest grandchild of children in the State whose condi- Charles Dickens, Miss Mary Dick tion, so far as education is con- ens, now nineteen years of age, is j ceraed, is little better than the about to go upon the stage. -The New York Catholic Re view announces that Pope Leo XIII has appointed to the vacant See of Charleston, S. C, in succession to the late Bishop Lynch. Mrr a 0 w savages. Who is responsible for it ! Tho Boston Putt complains that the process of settling up Best's Pacific bank is too slow. Perhaps it is feared that if the story of tho rottenness were made The editor of the Star does not feel like reviewing North' Caro lina books because he says that a candid review raises a howl. Ral eigh Obeerter. And there is a dog-ged sight of truth iu the observation. Forbis is opposed to " more judges and less worn,'' -and dis claims being a demagogue- i Who do you want for magis trate" t Alfred M.Scales and Julian S. Carr. Next. Garnet mining in Burke county is a profitable industry. Doyou want exemption from taxation f Petition the Legisla ture. . , Welcome Dcsjey. Original: Only three more days in January. -France had a bad night of it. I The Florida Senate has an iron-clad prohibitory passed law' - The tallest man in North Carolina resides at Riitherfordton Northrop, and to the New See of general property the shock would Grand Rapids, Mich., as its first 1,6 100 Gt, and the moral equilib- Bishop3Igr Richter. j rium of Boston would suffer. 1 A panic in roses is reported Tho apin of theNev Jer from New York with a correspond- 80 uoase mixes sarcasm with his and sports an altitude of six feet inc downfall in the prices of other rjerB, anuupeueu wiesessiua tue cieyen incuea m nis stocking ieec. T.o.fntnn,n Tn,.. other morning as fellows : "May - There is no guessing what I a1 . 1 . 1 a. a. I L a 1 .-rvra a. . f acinth bulbs cost $0 a hundred. incsc assemuiymen so act as to es- mav iniervene oeiore loou to crip and now the fragrant spikes pf MP6 e necessity of explaining to pie Senator Ransom's usefulness; hite-bloora, which they have nursed into yielding, sell for only $1 a hundred. ,, .Lillies-of-the-val- ley anil other standard blooms are sold at almost as great a sacrifice. It is estimated that there are 10,000 dogs to every subsoil plow in the State. I People who hoie to get to heaven return land, under oath, at five dollars an acre, when they woultl not consider and offer of $20 hu acre for it au inquisitive constituency how, but! should this continue and in- leaving home poor on the meagre 1 crease we should hold, as we have We have received , a letter from Princess Louise on . board II. I Reo. W. Swepson is paralyzed in his left side. An elopiug party left here this morning fur the South. The lady was heavily veiled. Her escort was unknown. A word ouly : The success of an architect's plans depend very much upon what construction you put upon them. I Richard Zeigler, of Winston, passed through yesterday em route to West Point, Ga. Living at that place is the wife be married when he was 4 slave. Soon after the - marriage, she was bought by a ne gro speculator and carried South, where she has since lived. They have not seen each other in nearly forty .tears, ami it will bo a happy time with the two old darkies when . thiTinreL They supposed each other dead until recently, when ac cident discovered each other whereabouts. Correspondence was begun which rejulted In a promise of the wife to return . to laer first love. She wrote to Richanl that she had accumulated a very nice little property and had a good home of berown, but if he prefer red to live in North Carolina, she would come back and live with him. Hence this trip to Georgia. ' Richard says he will bring "de ole oman back, sure.' The passage cost him $13, and he evidently , parted with hi bright silver dol lars reluctantly. The pedagougo is the best antidote for the demagogue. But thirty five more days of the lh Congress remaius. It is now perfectly evident that it means to maintain in force tue odious and needless interference of the internal reveuue system, with the five million dollars worth of tax- eiting oGee holders and its spies. In this connection it is interesting to recall President Arthurs mes sage : "I venture now to suggest "that unless it shall be ascertained that tho probable excnditures "of the government for the coming "year have been underestimated "all internal taxes save those which "relate to distilled spirits can be "prudently clro$ated. Such a course if accompanied by a simplification "of the machinery of collection winch would then be easy or ac "couiplisnmeut might reasonably "be expected to result in diminish ing tho cost of such collection by "at least $2,500,000 aud in the re tirement from office of from fif teen hundred to two thousand "pertwns. Tho system of excise "duties has never commended it "self t to the favor of the American "people and has never been re "sorted to except for supplying de "flciencies In the Treasury, then by reason of special exigencies "the duties on imports have proved "inadequate for the needs of the "government. The seutimeut of "the country doubtless demands that the present excise tax shall "be abolished as soon as . such a1 "course can safely bo pursued.". . - ,. r - The Senatorial question is setteld. It is not definitely known whether tho Legislature took the C'HttVr'i opposition to Ransom as ajokeornot. It looks that way to a man at this distance from the camping-ground of the Solous. Atltboro Courier. , The President threatens the tariff tinkers with sn extra session of Congress An Atlauta company has invested $300,000 Iu 30,000 acres of cypress timber which it pro poses to make up Into sa&h, doors and blinds, as preferable to pu.e. In a country such as India, here deadly reptiles and wild an imals abound, aud where the na- rtivea are in the habit of going with bare legs and feet and with no weapons of defence, it is not strange tbt many casualties should occur; but one is scarcely prepared j to leant of the appalling - sacrifice of human life as giveu by the recent official returns. It aniK?ars that during 1SS1 no fewer than 18,670 human beings were killed jby snakes, and 2,759 by "wild ani mals," while 43,C00 head of cattle were in like manner destroyed. As a set-off to this terrible loss, I we learn that 251,003 snakes and 15, 274 "wild animals" were destroyed, and upward of 40,000 paid by the Indian government 'for their ide struction. f . It is related as a singular fact that fat men never commit crime. it does'ut seem so singular when youTeflect that it is difficult for a fat man to stoop to anything low. Little Delaware will continue "to fight tho devil with fire." (She ba decided to retain the whipping post as the best method of reform ing her criminals. j Fifty acres of houses in Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, sink. The residents in the vicinity of the disaster were startled out of their rest by a roar resembling tUS thun dering shock of an earthquake and the rocking and trembling of the houses. Shock speedily followed shock and the crash of falling ceil ings and the noise of rending, wood were heard above the screams of the women and children. An ex amination disclosed the fact that for a space of nearly fifty acres the ground had been cracked and bro ken np. The damage is estimated at $30,000. - The Auuranee Journal ' pub lishes statistics by which it appears that the average length of life of a theatre, opera house or music hall is 22 years. Up to 1879 it gives 252 theatres as baring been burned. Of these C were burned before be ing opened, 70 before having ex isted 5 years, 33 lasted between 5 and 10 years, 45 did not see. their 20th year, 27 their 3otb, 12 their 40th, 20 their 30th, 17 their COth, while 7 lasted SO years, 8 a century and only three longer. M. S., Dido, Charleston, S. C. She "regrets e ver so much that he was disappointed in not visiting the old Guilford battle ground." '. She has a vague impression that the 44 red coats" got wal'oped in that impor tant engagement. We hasten to assure the distinguished, lady that that, impression also obtains ; iu these parts. The - Princess has missed a great deal, and with her. we regret her disappointment. Lasalle, the baritone at the Paris Grand Opera, receives a sal ary of $2,400 a mouth, but, is dis satisfied with the contract and threatens to strike for $3,000. lie was once offered $100,000 for a six months continental tour.1 always held, that the length of his term of service would constitute no valid reason for his dismissal. Landmark. Who is your man for railroad commissioner f - It is said that Gov. Jarvis i would like the presidency of Trini ty College. rme. Only six bald-headed men in the Legislature, not counting Mc- Leod, of Buncombe Messrs. Senators and Mem bers, drop your infernal itch for popularity and do as you think right whether it seems popular or not. Tom Aran. ! They met at Joseph's, and- I iombfe of the has been ' re- Tbe toot on Charlotte Obscrter stored. ! J. F. Ross & Co., Salisbury, have failed for $22,000. The late Ben Hill was i DSATn OF GC8TATB DOnC. Gnstave Dore, as original a man in his line as Durer or nogarth.'is dead in Paris. It was a rare spirit, that could wrap itself at one mo ment in gloomy grandeur and stalk with Dante and Virgil in the in ferno and the next day ride by the side of the chivalrie Don and his faithful Sancho, or sit and laugh cheek by jowl with rollicking, unc tnons Pantagruel. Self-createld, the pupil of no man and almost without followers, he passes into art history as the most prolific, original and powerful illustrator of his generation ; ; as a ; painter whose grandeur of conception wis not equalled by his powers of exi ecution, and a sculptor whose work! n. uuv ui uic uiguest quamy m lis nobler flights, in the lesser on wa possessed of much artistic charm. There are very - few edi tions of famous or popular: works that Dore's pencil has not adorned. The Bible, Dante, Rabelais, Don Quixote, Fontaine's Fables,) Scenes in Spain and England, Tennysons Idyls of the Kiug, Nursery Tales, and many other books have been illustrated in his peculiar way by Dore's prolific pencil. The death of, Paul Gnstave Dore adds another distinguished Frenchman ! to the list of those who have died with unexpected suddenness within tie past few weeks : Gambetta on the 31st of December, Chanzy; on the 5th of January, and now Dore, a man as celebrated in the world of i . 1 art as Gambetta was for statesman ship and Chanzy as a soldier. I ! - ' ' ' DA9IACI.10 DIIAQBISaBSTt. It is undoubtedly true that, con sidering the number of churches in the country, there is as much har mony as in other associations; yet it is true also that disagreements in religious organizations are ofn bitter and hard to reconcile. Where chanty should control there is lit- 1 1 duced thereby on the people over brief of the solicitor-general in be whom they aim to extend the id- half of the United StatesThe fluence of religion, they would facts on which tie prosecution was probably be startled. No church J based were as follows : In 1877 four can prosper under a load of inte?- citizens of Tennessee, supposed to nal disputes, and if members, iri- J be polored men, though' not so de- stead of fighting evil, fight i each scribed in the record, were arrest other, they would accomplish most ed by a deputy isherifly upon war for the general canse by suspend- rants issued by a justice of the ing business altogether. 1 neace: rin erimirJ.il eh jirrfvu. the niS- The organization of which jt can ture of 'which ii not! set 1 forth ! In not be truly said, "See howjthost) th4 proceedings hi the United people dwell together in unity " is States courts. Whiief in jtke ciis- not a progressive or effective or tody of tho deputy sheriff these f ganization, but the reverse. I four prisobtrs were attacked by an Tf church people who feed iscai armed body of men,1 of whom the ' t dal would think over these matters defendant! Harris was bue, and so ; carefully, it would be well for the severely beaten that P. M. Wells, J one of their number, died from the : effects of iis injuries. Harris and' church and for society also. CUROKOLOCICAL CAPRICES. . i . .1 . ff i ... I r 1 i Once upon a time there was a f B,s associates were indicted by the natural amphitheatre of the forest I grand jury or ttie j Luited states a nnnvimtim. nnimnla I a ...1 I I rpitir Pruirf. fitH tliA WVatnrn Tilt. a convention of animals. 1 ' And a gorilla from Western Africa -camfe I tnct of Tennessee; under section in with his club and pounded "Od- S519 f the Revised Statutes, der !" aud then sat down in a chab charging them with conspiracy to of twisted forest roots. I- And thk deprive the fou prisoners above ilplpfraf inn rf ftimla no m. ili anil i mentioned of their! due and eoual took their position in the galleriek protection of the) laws of Tonnes- 1 of the mountains anjd in the tree ? luei1 "g"1 to f Pro j- tons. And the delegation of reif tected frofn violeijQ" while 'tinder-3 i arrest. The defendants demurred the valley and the tiers' of rocks tbo indictment ou the groundsel were oeeupietl ly the delegation df ?rst ituah0 e-?8?8 crcatcd h t a ... i 1. I aii'ii(in .-k.il li iit run ; iiavKNi .-r-i. : animais. Ana mere was a trreat I t r r s " r."" r ? m was a trreat ;w Iaa.,: .i Ta : a : . i i. i-' I xuies are not consiitnuonaiiv witn- ouaituiu uiiu it villi ii-iuuuj u('' I i 11 , 5 ' i it. thrVnPh which came monster n thc jurlsdictWn of the Coutts pfi H ofthedeen.i On a fable were four fhe Vnltft States but are cogniz- or five primal (germs and in Li cul, able Sfl pf"al8 only; and, ; j was a quantity of protoplasm. j,- "rT' r"1! Ti.n.i,u .11 r a fr!,. Ha so far as it creates offenses and forest with his club again pounded )mPpscs penalties, ik in violation of ; "Ofdrl order P Then hctcriei the federal consniion nd; an int out : 40 ye : beasts and birds and reptiles and insects, I have, called you together to proioso that we fringement of the rights of the )Be7eral States and of the people '?r case trial of the he;: Circuit Court to agree thereof. )LTpon march nn into human race and be r ruuS;s -. i i hr :.i At n 1 i ? hon.fs nn Innwr. Tm lnnir . all UiemseiVOSi unauie ready have we been hunted and as 4? thc I constitutionality of thti catrwlandharnesse.laudhinped.f sect on of the Revised Stotutesv i r 1. 1 i 1 iL :.!tjiii -?(..; At that speech the whole ;ohvenH f00!6 reifretl W au ceruuc"1 tion broke out in roars of onthusi ipne8tlOM l? tUe f"! V" ,or- I tic' or no charity, and where, above ... . . . i . j U ftP(.i)15nn Thri netinn la a : ivaI:- : -! 4, :V. j ' ,L J asm like that of many incnagenea P . I 1 section is as ioi all other organizations, thereonght i" 3 Ws - I i , i : t4l all other organizations, there ought to be unity, there is discord. This is not consistent with the princi ples of religion, but the opposite, and members who are r - ' - . . for the strifes that occur )y capable of appreciating age that is done to the cause jby the1 envy and hatred so often ex hibited. Of these organizations it can not be said, as was j once re marked of the : early . Christians, "See how those brethren dwell to i i T gether in unity;" but, on the con trary, it is often said, and with; a when the keepers feed them,! am it seemed as. if the whole conveul tion would march right up! and -I "If two or more persons in anvHf State or Territorv 'consniru; or at i in uisgnisq on uiq nigiiway,jor oir I . t - A I t. . Jt M r.L'u itneanuB nn fit I nu u'lri i unii ill i . . n r .1... . ' responsible I .v l'- "1'"" w "j v i uc preiuiaes oij utuouier, lor 1110-4 .' 1 I Ia lirtmon tnaa T?iif-iM sitl lintf I inrtn i$ (lotim-i-i tirr niftier lJvint '''.) are- nam j r . i.:.fw:il Ivor! indirect 1 v. Hhv person, or class thedanl- . - - 1 . I of .wrsousi of tlie cnual protection r -i many.years. Aim wnen mai oia i.f u , .L'U ,, ; spoke all the other beasts. hmmiuiitie4 undeii the law, or for were still. And he" said: Peace It he. purpose', of preventing or ,hih-f brothers and sisters of the forest I think we have becni placed n the species for which we were in tended. I think our Creator knew what was good for-us." But In sneer that facts iustifv See howipr0cee4ed uo further' for ie con sneer that facts justify, See hpr 1 broke out in an1 uproar oi those people who proiess to lanor ...1S4.. , i.L0 and the frogs croaked their itidigf for thc good of mankind quarrel among themselves, and speak evil . -.i . . i.. 71 nation, and the bears growled tneie j . ... . J ii contempt, and the panniers snant ed their dissent, 'and the insects buzzed and buzzed with excitement! and1 though the gorilla with his there) wa4 Referring to the fact that the Hon. John K. Kenna, of West gizeu yesterday. Too late. enlo- VirginU, will enter . the United States s Seuate at the early age of thirty-five years after a career of creditable service in the nouse of Representatives, the New York World ays it is of good au gury for the new Senator's future that some of the most eminent men who ever sat in the senate began -Preacher Foy says "this is our country and our flag." On; re flection we believe it is. f -The Legislature is waiting for Valentine day. -1 Green Young has been J.de- 1 i liered. Charlotte Journal. m The Senate has treated (the dog question with unbecoming joc- of each other. People acquainted with the history of jcb'urches can readily recall , tue nam Den 01 organizations that has been rent and their usefulness severely crip pled, if not destroyed; by iureriiid discord; and this evil,: fori it is fan evil, is traceable to causes that; in business circles and ; by business , , . ii iJ ,i 11 . -a- - 1 i-a. and a plunging of beak and t men would be too trifling to merit . . ,.,7 1 i ! J n m nnlni. till tf clMilrwwI US it serious COlisuieiaiiuii. y auciu jta less common sense," iaidj an emi nent church member,'"in! religious organizations than in secular socie ties with which I their work in that body at a still ularity. Oxford Torchlight. earlier age. James Monroe, of Virginia, entered the Senate at the age of thirty-two and Franklin Pierce at 1 the age of thirty-three, and both were graduated as Presi dents of the United States. Johu Jail and see the Patriot's new and beautiful organ. ov. Pattison's inauguration cost the State of Pennsylvania just $23J0. j r -neury Brown, now in G reens- J. Crittenden was barely thirty I boro iail. has determined to reform when Kentucky made him a Sen- He begins by subscribing for the ator, and the "Little Giant of Ill inois" entered the body at the age of thirty-four. Hayue the antag onist of 1 Webster, became a Sena tor at thirty-two, and William L. Dayton, of New Jersey, at thirty- five. Albert Gallatin was made a daily Pjltkiot, -A cold wave is coming antt is traveling at the rate of 144 miles per hour. Annan at our elbow; suggests thatit must bo freighted with scandal. I -The Greensboro Pjltbiot Senator at thirty-two; William n. very happily characterizes C. B, Crawford, of Georgia, at thirty- Watson, Esq., as the "Sunset Oox five; Aaron Burr - at thirty-fire; Rufus King at thirty-three, and Robert U. Walker at thirty-six. These, the TTorM adds, "make a goodly roll, and hard work and loyalty to sound Democratic prin ciples' will carry Mr. Kenna as far as he needs to care to go on the road to influence and public con sideration." to Tue line of the first railway be built iu Persia runs from Teheran, the capital, to Reshr, a prosperous port on the Caspian sea. 'it is iu charge or rencn engineers and will be 225 miles in length.1 I There is a veritable Russian nobleman in Chicago whose father owns Six sugar reuneries and oc casionally remits Lis son a hand some draft. Tho eccentric exile is now driving a small-pox ambulance at 50 a month. of the Senate." There is appropri ateness in this, for, like Cox, Wat son possesses a large fund of abili ty and learning, to which his wit and humor serve only as accesso ries. Charlotte Journal. ! ! They are after chief-clerk John Bailey of the nouse. He has been fooling around gas metres too long to be caught by an investigation ifimroitiA. au aaa a a w It is the imperative duty of the Legislative to devise a method for equalizing taxation and secur ing fair assessments. It is a mat terof supreme importance to the State. ' !-Joseph Davis, one of the Texas cattle kings, sold three thou sand head of cattle at Anstin the other night, for which he received cash down " in British gold. Tho trade was made while Davis was smoking a five-cent cigar. " ; j am acquainted. JpalnnsifM ami 11 n worth V Suspicions - . --r- t . . : prevail to an extent in the former! that can not be found and would uot be tolerated iu the laiter." j 1 i I Is not thi3 true t Are there -liot cases constantly pecurring'thatj af ford convincing proof of the state ment T Upon this point we do not care to be siecific, though it wpijdd be an easy: matter to specify, and not go very far backj either; and it is doubtful whether many sxich cases have occurred . that, conld; not have been fairly adjusted by a com mittee of fair minded business men as mercantile differences are set tied almost every day in the wrek. But in churches it is usually nuider- taken to settle disputes by the par ties thereto, who are full of preju dice, and who aim not to adjjust matters in dispute in a spirit of Christian charity, but to fan the incipient fire into a flame with the determination to rule or ruin. j , If half.of what is said in church disputes by members of each other were true, it would be evidence that such persons are out of, place In any church. This is j the j way the world looks at it,and the object of this article is , to remind church people that the world is looking on, taking notes and reaching conclu sions. j j '".'.jj . The church is a 'progrc6 or' ganization. It must go forward or it will go backward." jit cannot 8tud still. Wheucver it reaches the stand still point it begins to de cay. The harvest is before it, and if it would care for it properly, it must work and not quarrel, j Dis puting workmen never accomplish much. I This is true asj applied to secular affairs, and it isj of course, especially true of those spiritual affairs which com prise the mUsion of the church. ; I I If church people, could have brought fairly before them the ob stacles that the scandals to Which we refer place in the way of church work, and the effect that is pro Sillj- have club pounded "Order I" no order, and there was a thrust ing out of adderine sting ah da swinging of elephantine trunki tean- ll.e convention would be a massacre Just at this moment at the dooj of this amphitheatre the curtjiiu ff the leaves was lifted and the up holstery of the tree branebesf wafs alio vihI baek i and there appeared Agassiz and j Audubon and man and Moses. And A cried out:-"O, ye beasts, studied you; you al ways were oml olu-fira willltA hearts." 1 "".7 . . ... ff i J 1 bon aimed his gun at a bald-headed eagle, which dropped from the gal lery, and as it dropped struck fa serpent that ;! was winding irouiid :L i ' i . . I one of the pillars to, get a place. Aud Sifliman threw nf trriar' formation at the " - 1 mals. And 3Ioses thundered :f- : . .. - "Every beasc after its kind,) bird after its kind, every fisbj aftr its kind." ! - j 1 And lo ! the Parliament of wild hpajtts wasDrororuetl and I webt home to their constituents, and tie! lizards slunk under the rocks, and a hungry wolf in passing putsMe up the pnmal germs, and a cimnsy bear upset the cup of protoplasm,; and the lion went to his lair and; the eagle to his eyrie and the whaler to his palace of crystal ami coalj and there was peace. Peace in the; air, peace in thewaters, peace in the fields. Man in his plane, thej beasts of the earth ih their;placis liriiiP' itnf Jnnnl ' .intluri'tfp of ahv State or Territorv from criv- Is jag or securing all person with-; ?i an rsnch , State ojp Territo.y eqiial$u protection bf law each of such per-lt U jsoiifi shall )c puidished by fine of? -: not less t!im $500 nor more thair $5,000, or fcy imprisonment with or ; f Svithout hard laboij not less than4; isix mouths uor mj)retlian six years, 'j f j or by botlsn'clt fm$ and imprison io ?i menu J ". -I t -J - r -.!' j The Sui?teme Cpnrt decided, ;nf jj ter an elaboratq jreview of the? H whole snbjeet, thltl there was no n constitutional authority for the eh-j' ' f actment of this section and that iVf . . ' f , j J, ' , f i) is consequently; Moid. The court i examines pno by. oiitr the) several '."f . amend uieiits to iinf coiistiiutiojf 'f passed since the mr. and ! declared i . i -at. 1 that no warrant e : g - - for .the section in ists under them 1 question: and ? with equal emplufsfn denies the.au''-; i thority of j Congress to plaee sufclif I legislation u ion ihestatute-ltooki 1 1 easfs And lighfr a roe k i main derived it stood III onenses j by virtue I joi any iower from the itonstitiitiion as prior to amendment. The which in this ca s it was sought to j if punish inia feder d jconrt are puir- ! ishable umlerlhc laws of the Stath f f 1 where coftimited. and as yet, thei Supreme j Cour pf the United States decides, te authority of thei f federal tibnnalsjhas not been exI j tended set as to &ivp theni concur;- P H -r-lalmage. STATS AND FEDBRALjrHIIDIC ! -TION. - j : j The decision of the United States Supreme Court in the casej of thfc United States against R. G. Har ris and others, involving pe con stitutionality of section 55i9 off the Revised Statutes, has already ieen referred to in the Patriot. This was one of the four orfive-so called civil rights cases which , wjero sub mitted to the Supreme Court iij the early part of the October term pf 18S0. In view of the Vacancies then existing in the courtjthc pub mission was Betaside, andthe cases were ordered to be argued oraliy before a full bench. Thejcasef just decided came up for argument n November last, but 110 eoun?e op pcared for the defendants, ahd it was again submitted on the printed rentjurisdietion. "he decision, f'ol' lowing that in thicfjruikshank easef in wuicii 1 1, was uem mat tue umi u ed States: courts had no jurisdiction f i in offenses com n it ted at State and municipaT electiflnsi, goes far t0f f wards restoring jihse jurisdiction j t State and federal if i v ii i had been nartiallvlf i : J - T' i J ped ott by .uhcoustitutional en id boundaries of tribunal! which Wll actmenti. The Court has just section of the IRci vised Statutes which the Supremd declared ; hnconsti- .i I tutional was aimed at the ku kln. ! . ' ) (J 1 : .Si .; f and similar organizations in the South, dial was designed tdpro--, tect newly eniranchised citizen from personal jyiolenco j o injury caused jby-; oiillical ."prejudice )asstoni 15 The ;:r . Supreme , Court, however.hold that the tribunals, cf the State alone iae the jurisdict! -:i to dealwith such offenses, and Vin there ii no constitutional wa; !!,t for the intenVntion 4cf -fed.t. In such i.', pf tjic N ases. I11 the I courts i a it " T" a. guagepi T.no tew ioik Arc; Post.-nhe decision Retu;s the rein ? i ft 1 t i: : that thu four amctiii foreve nient merciyvifis 1: "; upon I State haction j; ihr already existihig j in th. V.VKtU j- 7 tion, (e. 7 g.j thfej, clause foxhidSh Statesjto iunuiir . he obligation of cobtrbt8,) and dpes not, as seem- , ed to be thought: by some people when It was passed, change in nv way the fundamental strocturer of , - 1 i j . - the governmept. jj ' r I ' 1 tThe school tax last year ; amonhted to S121.499.89. Of this amoufit $lC2,Jk,88 was ; collected from fproj)ertjy A fair valuation would have dohbled this amount