biu&mitsljoroOatrip HUS5EY. ZAioe md PrcprWto "GREENSBORO. MARCH J. J r o: she openly r... fiint)lis!-f t tiin::::tr cxteut. or at IfH"t thouLt nbe aliecouM not io.ibly i.tlnrr fn'm a -iniiio Infjrtnation ba been rrceircd in wo ovc?.Urin? f ruuanu in M-d rid under iwculwrlj l" e'J balloon In MdriJ, before" concoan 01 ic'i;; Whru the Ma jet a Iairoene Jnturj 23tb. rrnr the trapeze w. Ken to brrak jud the rrfunurr .t bu bold. " bUe in the air be turned r"; many time. Hetmck the .tone vmcut au uriwRoteejdd ma. A moment later tbe balloon cl uing tb other orenpaut was a"" to dtacmd with meuronc I and It crashed witb terrible force ,ant oat bead first. .Striking a veraru!Jf tbe man waa tirevipitatcd to tbe cnMind torn, cat, am! nian rlrd to ncb decree that be dird ialW momrnL Kotb the men ver nnder rnenient to IJamatn, Bailv, and Ilntcliinwn. aud were to bale performed in tbU city on March 2Clh. IlEULIX, March 13. Tbewlvap steamer baa rctnrned from the neoftbe wrrck of tbe .twiner Ciml.rU. The direm rrtort tbt number of bodiea of tbe victima am Jammed amount tbe Rear ofa life boat on deck. Tbe entrances to tbe cabins are closed by a compact nut of bodies. To aare iuc Co three deck would bare U be rrmoretl by explore, and tbe ex iil,ion would shatter the 4U0 corpses in the hold. j She knew, knew, that incur auy flirtation," be was considered as an IT nmn I . II (Hi IliC nticientotu question, their en-e-mcnt was scaled in the customary way, with an elegant and coailj cloiter, beautiful in des. and Clitterin-in a.rancr. To bin, her bancbtineAS was inmsletl witn thousand aoft- aud rwleannff qoalities, and indeed often seemed J t.K in h.rWp. His content .rf-t. aare bis anxiety ftir tt. aJriral of the day that would - - - t ; . it. The fnrrri- d!1 rtsrrved l'r .nd thy temerity .Umied an insult. fc-ifteto charactenxe rom-p'l !WCll AS and Tet. no even in who der l Theirbt of about one thou- wlDMuramate matters, ibis w r p4 out Luced and bet bridal outfit made, jwbe tuongumo - T,.th nronouncetl as bis wife. In tbe meantime, however, during bia pe riod of devotion to her, be . bad been receiving oecwional riaiU from a wealthy broker of Cbicaso. Tbe trut of her prcMiit lover wa tiw Implicit to allow any jealosy to ari or any suspicion to c.iue complaint, lie was considered to be tbe fortunate one by many or her LouiMviUe friend a, and already mJny of bcr minor admirer baI yielded all bopea. This centleman nade ber an informal call on bat -unlay before the ensuing elnes dav. tbe darof their marriage, aul in tbe courre oi iue cwr. be made knowu ber inteution. The rounc man was ao bewildered that ,e momentarily lost all reason, and vet. without complaint, hU leave. jnonuaj- uwiu.u, called apin to endeavor to affect a mnmniiu Mild du xb bis cuue. Tbe servant annonnced tbe lauy absence, twit tbe younc man enter al tbe parlor .to await ber return. The door of the room across the ball waa partly opened, be bebel k. .Lining satins, an idea seixed him. and it was carried into eff.i:t. I shall delay this eventful day, he muttered to himself, and forth with proceeded to collect uu oi me articles made for tbe occasion. On the return of the lady, some few hours after, slfe discovered the absence of ber- dresses etc-, and nion inquiry learned of the visit. Ah snotted bira. Infuriate! she aent for the chief of police, jrave him the facts, but np to the pres rut the younc man's apprehension innnt lw olitainel. She seems to .utly inda cA the res flirt vrit::c ? to resent vrh it be 5o lawyer vrni Mr. La- unentl-niaiily, f.dr minueu iierwni. -mon- lawyers wlM mu- !?; a Tit wh i haVaWl in Son tbe witness stand will re joice at Mr. Choate'- rebuff. J But the leaiuiii Inrk in Mr. Cho Hte'a remark artcr this t -rehan f. Iswult-Ifa tbe J take any-ueh ease ontside of tbe conrt boose." Why abonld l'J rfbisl Manifestly it is because be knowathat in a court room a wi ness may not Jnaalt a l"? rver the lawyer may nay to him Rut whv abonld tbia be aol Vk b.V ahoold it be contempt r court for a witness to tell a lawyer ho lie when tbe lawyer i permit ed with impunitv to say tbat the witness is entity of fraud t Two nf do Sot, of conrnc, make a nfflit. aii l to tH-rmit men to bandy epithets in u court room would eqna ly.of mrse, be out of the qnIon The remwly for fie evil lies in pun Milnff a lawyer for V!t4nJ,,Li7 court every time be nsulta a wit ness. This would brinff abu! a nredeil teformation. 'hat Judge will bejin it f Thm Drt-Barr VTaaiag The brides cifta were shown only to a few intimate friend. Amoiitf them were the following: A aolid ailrer punch bowl cold lined; r frro:it nize and leant a cf climate. 1 tared. - II1C43 t eseaiKJ exposure, uow- to ex w c riMtia.tbetic ..with I i 'Hit' .1 iKit esailHJ n II n - - ... - . . - . . W F' ! M 1 L 1 r 1 . ' - Ctrl iiiu . j " - ; . a.i willinir at last rhan a w rui oi ieui- -Sd .Vfcalm. Air without any v witboutany ciouu. m-- nal snrin" title without any winter. I make protest against the V-nnora and tbe Wicffinaes, of meteoro op- ical pretension, who ereaie iluucm- in n" ' rii xo - ri i" " ' ... ... t ..i ... ,i;..f;..n Tli onlv Well UllllUt-l iiruiviiui.. - renable prophesy for a lonp wiuie fclad U tbat which i founded on Scriptural data. Uurricane and enn lydon are to be laid away in s .a ft TXl ni n rUl LAt&tUl wairi3 fc41 " . - . , hcrp in to come in wnicn cn I hrin VOU drt ixiiu 1 ihall be paradise regained, yeris wo m re I : will he lifted "Certainly l ? :.Ivtlc-r:irs Jones dial tsvi. was - . ... -,n v,r?i n lumse on jour i.eind. and be i b? t. ma vmfort. you. -1 you mu -.w - Viole litr voil now aj v " t " -Dear Mr. Peterkin, I am ao r r. ivntwhen Dr. Jonea and 3Ir. Z'AZ i "i r.J. ,v dear Te- a creai- f y merkiiKwas very calm and aelf . ?:?ZT "And will you Coniaii" . .i, l.jir iv .iin wlu'ii that law- pnnnse 10 " ----- rates the same tr-inv br the ioana of the bqeansa tetiewed int.nm liMltll Will UC liitt from tbe tropica, ana tne iofc add lifteil from the Arctic, and the uncertainty lined from tue temper- ate. Ail tuai is lun-imu, c... times nnder one phraseoiopy, u Kometimea under another. Twelve manner of fruits, and every month a production. Fountains in the desert. Garden- awathinff the earth with deep color of full-blown will, with all my heart aud soul." " - tr mx arm, my 10 Alien wui -- -- - ujiii . .mm shine tbat kiiieu l Vlr."Tr:"7w death of Bright, iw v f - av WallStteet AVtpj. A nn Of tOU irom wis .. ......i.i .-o.itliur nf nn. . ttiia Sfjitfi eil- pK-M. iiiai iwiuni I wooftsy couuww t broken loveliness is coming as sure- a vUlage jewelry store a few the Bible la veracious, au i days ago, after a wait oi t mi.c, aud aaia to me proiiiir.. prevailcilt T ... t'ltvl i- I I I many .onkr rf . u,r ti.Av at the same figure. ,! : S diJtion that the d not f5 firaiiv imuiwliate ease?" tlif LmrkeS. Atout n.H, th.; i.oni ShI wt.f..r; discount f iMl -er were advanced one half rn'toaevrii ul 5 1 f for single name pap . v neven nr double name. r sstHte mM,t of Hvera,esm ...r. - for last ween "... v ftir this six day. lirin-irmv . . . - .... . i.i ri the reserves, wincn uy quire- hall kepteqn tur cent of the desits. V " 1 r- .1... ,...,-fWtMtIUlllr Last year iw u v.A 1 wt-ek the banks ot me C87.825 more man m- The present attributed to the overuow i v. rency the AVest an - sets in every waren, M..t- r r gan mnrl, earlier than usual this vear. Tuere i " t51l, : :.. i r.irt.r mid mercantile circles that money has been locked up by simulators wim uesire w feet the siock .luarKt-i. , tI;r.t-do5 ca tha Tu h:inksexhiuitei I - iuwi in nrouiM. lder ordinary eir fillinir ont -t bisteetli, , m : - i i mil iiiiu'w . it tasrei "wi "r . t,jet aH-ay, turn --sf- - j him in a nrli be suouiu . every 1 , 'i . nt ready t minutes, ami "r ' ,Iit.r arms -.u dXl indul-l timuiK. v-.;;1.flwihiry--4;ir- e filig:ut:..t nir't2Mt made UIIUi , l.lfll ailfk. u? as . ut hkr.i'-L Jl...nhl aie, he felt as rnouu - HI,a rushel f"' v.",ewr,,wf and- dog to uirowii i- . He said e every tinn u t he irin n - . i mi:.. her! kissig au-" -rr- jj, al in too 'or nil1 ...lAvluil alM,er.lri, TboCT-;Vr; lirace mm "i- i-' I'" S,T th not morning every pnit- , tomtbea uwi u.. - flMIHe . that repfi.cnie ; ".tbingS ,ey am -i- was M. ottnr?. tasked i ninth, ami ue le ns t-M tliM aeasous can contnd them. Alwut that weather it is Rare a bundwl or a thousand years before to make announce ment. fr. Talmag, f'r Le Vn?i wtfay Magazine for April. final Iresideut Arthur recently re ceived a dozen bottles of whisky, with a note from tbe agent of it raqaestiiigbim to Ute it and kind, ly s-nl his opinion of itt quality, to be used as an endorsement. The agent rtveived the two dozen bot tles bv express two da) s thereafter and a letter by mail from Jlr. 1 mi Ur.r lips, the President secretary ,tat. ing in somewhat satirical language that tbe President was indifferent as to tbe merits of the whisky, and declined to sample it. j KsUiek Otscrt-cr. j The interest ing event which baa been so long mooted in the news iur and about which there has lern manv conflicting report, is now. as the French say, "one affaire accomplie,, Judge Davis U martini. Mis Addie Burr, the bride, is a charming lady, eotnbiu in" elegance with rare cultivation and remarkable for natural grains no less than for those accomplish, ment which reflue woman liooU Her areot are of MassacbusetteN but for some years have been resi dent of Illinois. Her father, Mr. James Burr, bail a sister who mar ried Capt. Charle Ellery, the fruit of tbe nuion being tbe presrut Mrs. Wharton J. Cire-n. After the death of Capt Klk rj', her widowed aunt martM'd (ieneral Clreen f this State, who bad by a prevHas manias had a son, ?ol. Wbartoa J. Clreen,! who inter ma rrietl with Mis Cilery, ami with whom Mis Barr has rrnHletl. Thus it came alMMit tbat Jndge Davis found bis bride at Tokay, oae of the mo4 boa.Mtalle mauaioiis of tbe Soith. Judre Davis came through 1UI- eijrU Iat Sat onlay evening In a special car, ai-cimpanied by some friends, and arriving at FayetUs il!e waa entrrtainrtF by Colonel Greene, at Tokay, -which is almt four miles in tbe country, situated on bluff overhanging tbe Cape Fear. ': The marriage was very qun-t. in accordance with tbe taste of tbe irrntlcmen and ladies coucerneiL J udge Davis was attended by Judge Oito, Dr. ami Mrs. Cook and Miss C.k, and Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher. Tbe ceremony was performed at tbe bouse by Bev. Dr. Jos. C. Huike, the rector of St. John's Kpivopal Church at Fayettrvilhs. The welding gifts were niimerons ami handsome. Tbe party, after tbe marriage, proceeded to Fay etteville. wbrre they took the steamer Murrbison, which bad !eeu ei'jccially provide! and ar tistically decorated in acoonlauce with tbe elegant company she was to bear. From Wilmington, it is understood, the party will go Sortb nnd Y est. j LurisviLLX, KYr. March IX With an idea of general applica tion some author and man of letter has very truly said that Novelty is tbe great parent of ideasure," bat more jatly Into ea-h Ufa rajn mut rail." This nor elty has produced much mortifica tiou and grief, and put to work the envenomed and foul tongue of go wpmoogers. The reputation and standing of tbe arties conecteI with this affair of roniam-e and re . rge is of such au elevated char ncx. - -v to make tbe" press think it wit . -itbbold their names. Here regret tbe loss and has telegraphed the Chicago broker, "don't come on Wednesday, will write ion iarticu- Umdf Tkr tb VTii Gen.Thos. J Braly tm mtmm. took the sund ami testified tbat be was a tmiinted second assisUnt postmast er general in July, 187C, and retir ed in April, l&il. He "ever bad tbe conversation with Walsh, as i.r that witness: he never had the pronusorj' notes referred from Frvsi.lent Arthur; a gilt am friu li clock and diamond mhr rin irs fnm Col. Green-; m 1 1 trn -1 mklace. ear rings, pin all amterb, wUUstuiea of large size and great briMian-y rMm tliM irmnm: a set of fifty vol imies of standard English authors, bound in tree calf, froni Secretar.v Frelinghuysen; two silver an.l-gold ... ..r... a iut of knives of sol s i -m- .-ifii Mrred i handles of III Blitri, . i .. lelicate design; four scs of ailer .lessen and dinner spoons; mother of liearl prte mnuaie, band iwuit ed and lined with white aatin; a set of gold lined coffee spoon: a fan of mother of iearl li ml ostrich feathers; a diamond brettstpin with five stones the. latter jthe girt of Judge Huni; a card receiver of hammere! gUL The proom it is alsi addded, gave ber ;MXJ,(XK) in Unite,! States bonds Then- were multitude of minor gifts filling several large -trunk, and having come from all parts of tbe coun- EEJLU. m The elegance of the br!de'a trous seau was notable. There are no less thau fifteen est nmes, of winch rr made bv Worth. The entire tnmssean was Xhe gift of eral Greene ami lrs. ioi bo March of fM P.wli k. Va!1i. and he characterized 1 i n-n Th dresse are as tu " , . . CUVIU1""" . m Walsh's storj' n a lie male out of fn0WR. Kcception dress of nse-.- rloth. with scarcely a ii -nv. trimmed with shaded M - . - ( WlVft - wonl of truth In it from beginning t.. cnd.w He had very little to do with Berdell, ami be rarely came, iuto his office. BenlelTs story slout a set of books to be shown tbe House investigating committee was also a lie. Tbe witness knew or no such books, nor bad be any knowledge of the tabulated state ment spoken of by Berdell with the T. J B. 33 ier cent, column. He detailed the method of mak ing fines and deductions, the work alwavs being done by the inspec tion division, and be kuew nothing about them until the papers were i.t tii hi in tor his signature. He never received any money for making remissions, tior nid be ever combine with any of the defend ants to defraud tbe govern me ut. In reimrd to tbe pressure brought to bear on him by members of Con gress Tor iucrease of mail service. Gen. Brady said: UI generally had a matinee every day in my of fice, members oi Congress and oth ers coming around to urge increase and ex-vdition. Mr. Teller ami Mr. Bclford were eiecially persis tent. We thought we were doing a good thiug for tbe country, said Gen. Brady. We thought so then, and think so now He vigorously denied tbat be had -ever received una cmieuation for increasing tbe service. His only interest was in tbe extension of bis offloe in do ing a good thing for the country. a ei olvserv skilled " flnubir g eutiou. er the ire, tbe rejwrtem have to be thonNigbly M e art of flirting is the l icii of a woman's edu- tr.f ts titac rue greai- r er ailmirer ami iter will be tbe . Knfort to self, and r uer spuianiy .ex. She often iicces acts and conqi.ei. thinks t:"; g ith lh --Pi n ct.rni-i- e ber MWAkj irrvsteciive of truth and iamtii- and without pausing t om-idrr tlie result, she meets each of tbe devotees to tbe acquisition t,f her lovs with a bland smile and -I au awfully glad to see yoo,' f. Tliere resides til this city a voon; lady and gentleman of high etiual stamliug. The young laity in her reneral bearing bad assume! and bv assaming, bal won tbe tre- rofrative of indetwmlence towanb ber rentleman friemls. Tliis ut traction, in connection with her anrtvAAsinr lieantv symmetry of fl gore, grace aud elegance of man- ners, lonnei a very sen'mi coniui nation, and soon served ber pur poe In converting a mmt friendly feeliug into the mt anleut affec tion. Yet afler hi declaration was tw pr "eU Sdtntc Amttuan. The Coast and Geodetic Survey steamer Black returned to this lori February 14, from a wiuter cruise for deep sea exploration be tween the Bermuda and the Ba hsmas. On the 19th or January, in latitude UP 4lf N longitude GP 21' W" about 123 miles northwest or St. Thomas, there wi.s round the greatest depth ever measured iu the Atlantic, or 43CI fathoms. The pUoe was alout eighty miles M.tithwest of the place where the Challen ger made her deejiest siund ing, orS,SGJ fathoms. It was in side a basiu that is, many hun dred fathoms down it was inclosed bra ridire. The teraierature of the water at this great depth was 36 degrees. It is a cn rious fact in connection with audi basins as this tbat the water of the bottom or them is or exactly tbe same ternierature as that which runs over the top or tbe ridge sev. eral hundred fathom above. The specimen of the bottom secured at this sounding showed a soft, brown ooxe. with evidences of rauna. Lawrrr.' Klltlc. t'fVf Yrt I lei ml J. Surely an instructive lesson is to be learned Irom the repon oi tbe proeeelings,on Monday, in tbe case oi itiiam w. iiuicummi against tbe Stock Kxchange. It Is recorded that Mr. Joseph II. C bo ut e, as counsel, said to Mr. Law rence, president of the Stock bx change, who was a wUneas : Ier- bai if voti had lieeu a company of lawyers you would have steered clear of doing such a gross piece or fraud as this." To this Mr. Law rence replied : To speak of our action as fraud is a lie" Mr. Choate, who is, as a promi nent lawyer and orator, constantly ticfore the public, noted for tbe finished elegance or his man tiers no less than or bis diction. His repntation as a gentleman is ma inferior to bis fame as au advocate. Yet no on who has studied court room ethics will be in the least surprised at his accusing auother equally reputable geutleman, who bail tbe misfortune to le a witness, of gros fraud. Custom has sanctioned such language so long tbat lawyers, even wbea tbey are silk, antique lace, ami iiower, j entraine dress id old gold satin, with overdress or aiiai.ish lace a dress orgreeu silk, irirame! with creeu velvet and ostrich tips; a dinner dress or lilac satin with Muck lace sleeves, the entire front heavily embroidered with lieadsj a colored velvet, tnia- n,ed with terra-cot U .velvet; tbe r.i,t nf it embroidered creiie; a .,r tink ervue. with white j lA.tiw trimminirs: a dnss of VIM lllf.u -. - - r . lilac velvet, trimmed with chenille r-;.rr... a reptition dress or white ill-, th entire rronf embroidere! i.. -ilfc. and overlaid iwith horse hi of iiearls. trimme! with lace; .tr nf tea-colored satin, cut in with dnen floillKreS of ntini " ii 1. ;ir a dress of olacK -aiJn thP eiitire front band painte! with" wreathe! flowers; a dress o black gros-grain adk; a tress oi ecru silk, trimme! with blue broca ded silk; and a. dress or green vel vet, trimmed with satin. now THE BRIDE VTA" DBDSSED. Tbe bride was married In trav elingnlressor brown silk and plush trimmed with pomjions, and bat or brown velvet trimmed ! with silk r same color ami br wn ostrich feath ers. All tbe other costumes had bats to tnatch. There i was also au Miitique Spanishlat ovenlress with black satin skirt and dainty wrappers of blue satin and red sat in trimmed with velvet, satiri and Uce. There were no less thau 12 dozen pairs or silk stockings, near le a 11 hand-cmbroidcred, ami the h.iti.iL-n-hiefH - were marvels or beauty. i ; A Trry Dgr. Cmmfrflt. Among the first lot ,xf standard silver dollars reivived at the Balti more sub treasury from Cincinnati was found one f the most danger- n ciHinterreits ver seen. ! Its da nirerous character Is shown by the fact that it was dated 18711, and bore evidence or having pass mi thnmHi manv bands heron it reached the Cincinnati snli-treasu ry. Tbe weight unl ring were near enough to the genuine to dtwire any one. Something! in tne ai- pearance or the iiece, MirticnIarly the milliner, excited the suspicion or the coin clerk in the Baltimore offlce, and he tried the test acid, which had no effect on it. He theu duir into the piece a little and ap plied tbe acids, when the spurious nature of the coin was discovered. Ou brine brekett in bait it found tn be coiniMised of a mixture of some banl metal and glass, cover ed with a very tbiu coatinjr of sil ver. Beports from the Treasury Detirtmeiit state thit this s very danrerons counterfeit has been l sortl iu large quantities iu Ohioand Indiana. Ann. i cmthiii cia. There U nothing more unreason able than a cold in the ueaxi. xi should, by all rules of reason, man ifest itself principally when tbe weather changes from warm to cold, out with the erversity of all things evil it insists upon starting tinder conditions exactly opposite to the rational ones. More people are now flourishing handkerchiefs 'and uttering startling uneezes than there were when tbe thermometer was below tern, and they are sure that they don't know why. ihetr family physiciaii, if it was to bis interest, to tell tne iram, nroliably explain that the warmer weather uai increase Mi that a draught or a uegrec oi tnIl hardly preemptible in severer weather i now likely to arresr. wie i.rMMiImtnrv nrocess. with tbe usu al results; but bow can explanations comfort a man with a coia in ui head! The only relief is in re- ..K-i..i nnt tn i-atch cold atratn so Pfrn iiin mow , ..-itv Rut this resoive can onlv br watching changes of weather as if they jwere a lot of bu :gry iwimcians. -EiiiVr falls on the 23t March this year. The last time it fell thus early was in in io- C3, IC4 and 1731 italfell ou this date, and the next case win oe . Wkr 411 f M 1S94. lUoLLtWo, Lio, iwi,", 2114, 2123, ai91, and so on. Perklaa mt. Some twenty" years ago I do not know how many exactly, but it waa some time during tho war I bean! a story which a soldier waa reading in a newspaper u a little greup around him, to their great enjovmeut. I shall tell it only in brief, tho I remember well tbe filling iu was a good part of it, which will be missiug in my re cital. Mr. S. C. Peterkin was a ros leroua vouugish man of business who got ahead in spite of his con stitutional modesty. This was in his wav Iu society ufore than iu trade, lie was arraid of women more than men. For a long, long i time be had set his heart uion a lovely you n g lady, whose sweetness was like heruame which wa Violet. He had often called ujou her, aud resolved again aud again. that be would make her au offer of bis heart and band, but asoiien unit heart failed him. Through the whole of-the evening be would sit and ! "Cae noon her as a star Whose purity and distance make it tair." and come away without any pro gress-in bis suit. At last ne be came alarmed by the fact that the dahiug Captaiu Latham, of .one of the Sound steamers, wxs often at the house, wheu be called to see his charmer, toe charming vioieu At last be4Jould not bear the eus- leiise any longer, and be veuuireu. with luucli Hesitancy uu a.wuiu uess, but with do-or-dio determiua tiou,task her irbe would be his. itli remarkable coolness sne re- plicd : . , ' I OU BHOUIU UdlD orvm... "" . T f I....... LAitit mi. ago, jl r. I'ererKin, uo uw gaged to Uapt. lamaiu ioruu: time past, ami we are to uo mar ni vnrv slmrtlv I am sorry to a a she t!- uru in tlm oia woman been disputing for the last three months about eight day clocks, and IVe dronted in to have yoa settle the matter." j uten t f uTi, n-nman sars an eight- i. a clock . which runs 8 days if you forget to wiiid it up ev which takes you eight days to wind np ! ' i "Your old woman is right7 I.T.' alia t f 1 uzua t Rliea irotthe best of - UUV ' . , yon in this case.7' "Waal, TH he shot ! But An anr crowiuir over tnt iiMnl that her bnither is ,i.,,f on,l hpiiiir she's ahead the clock I'll keep the news to myself to get even with her.77! j Am lalliM rlar, j I Ttxas Siftimgs. imnM. 'xiioKnii voa was ter miss. art ma in on i in'. datpnre piub r dog 1 8200 for. how much would yon gib me if I fotched h:ick to ver bouse on Aarin tinA r iiskrtl Sam Job using. "I expect I would give you $10, replied Colonel Yerger, thought fnllv. ' i . ! . j lirt'Ji .i.ti hniu ie.Hs hand out a aio ri.rhtnow. and yer won't A,Mt in d fust idace. Hit 111 IP" 4. --- " , . . urill sAlie ver a heap' of anxiet The most singular thing was, that the doir. which is a very imeiigcm animal, cocked bis bead on - one o,i linMl attentively; to -ho RAm .Tnhnsinir had to say. and from that day to this be crawls tt.u iiniiA when he sees a Uliuci mw . ... l 1 colored man in the neighborhood him ave- disapiHjiut you, but we will be as WlbM W www. We bare recently bad another proor or tbe imjioteiicy or human iironhesv. For a loug time we were told that on the' 0th day or February, ISS3, tbe land would be racked with temiiest, and lot that lay tnniel out to be' tbe mildest an! most reaial day or the wiuter. Because bv study orttbe laws or weather man may come to a good mesa concerninir conditions or atmoMiibere two or I three days ahead, we have now pretenders who jmifess to' trifle! omnipotence or its secrets tor two mouths ajt- rroximsti. The valuable premising that ad vantages the shipping ami pots tbe world on healthy gnanr is dlscred ited bv tbe wild gambler in weath er. It will tiever be j well for tbe world to know . bow long ahead what will bapien. Part of the discipline of life is the disappoint ment fcbat comes frum tbe unex guol i'riemls as ever, and yon must come lo sec me just iu same, x o captaiu will always be glad to hare your company." relerkui went away sorrow im. But a brighter day soou dawueU, for within three mouths after they were married the capUtu fell oil the steamer iu a fog on the sonud and was drowned. Now Peterkin took heart. He would - have the widow t A year of mourning wore slowly away, lie Kept uis eye ou iu- widow. but wouhl not itisuit me memory or the dead by proposing until a decent interval had passed. Tbe year ended, and he laid his heart again at .he little leet oi v lo- olel. bhe beiird him quietly, and quietly remarked, "my dear Peter kin, 1 am sorry to disappoint you . . ... . . . : .1 ugaiu, out ior tue last six mouius I have been eng-ageti to ur, joues. It was ban! to make up my miud bet weci. him and. his mend the handsome lawyer Bright, but Dr. Joues was so good to me while l was sick in the winter after my husliands death that I promised bim I would be bis at tbe end of tbe year." So poor Peterkin retired ouce more; tbe widow Latham became Mr. Dr. Jones, and so remained while the discomfited Peterkin whdied the doctor might take enough of his owu pills to make au end or him. Time passed on. PeteTkin waa walking down Broadway one day, while not very far ahead of him he saw two men, one of whom he knew to be this bated Dr. Jones. Blmm 31eeb- An linneKt man is the noblest uursuit of woman. A fastidious youth; of this city nlAin that kisses are better en joyed after dark, because they taste better than they look. i Th railwnv status of the lab- A. i.jii f icrsirette-smokitig dudew ha. liin fired at last 'The Cleve land Leader refers to him as "third class male matter." i . ' niw.rv mnsic teacher, who hA YttH-n snhiceiiaet as a witness ttt!flt that in fi-e years he had tan.rht 1.500 bovs to play th flute. Tliti court immediately let the pris oner go, and sentenced, the mnsic- ....huii lnh tinnir. ' . The minute is to be revived at fashionable dancing parties in-Kew Orleans, and the Picayune says it will then be proper for any yonng lailc who alwavs must be dragged odr tA KaV - Oh. ma.' please let nm bmp one minute longer H OM Mrs. B. caine to town last week from Indiana on an excursion, and when asked why . she was in such a hurry to leave she replied : "I've got to; 3'ou see as how I came A. . ? A . 1 lilt' in on an exeriuin-irain u v iekt nresnires to-iiicht,7' - v nnnir w idow to the marble- onttpr.- Tell me., must I- put on th tomb of my husband the words Eternal; regrets,' or simply 4Ke gretsT I "Ah, madam,"; replied the marble-worker, with ibis most charming smile, "that is for you to decide. ijDoes madame think of marrying again soon V ', ' "My mother's awful fickle," saith little Edith to Mrs. Smith, who was making a calL "When h iuv vou Miming up ! the street she said, There's that horrid Miss Smith; I hope she isn't coming here;' and a moment after i she told you she waa 'glad to see you. Mother aa3-a I'm fickle, but 1 guess I don t change my mind so quick as that." A six year old Trojan has ad vanced ideas. He has a doll which he calls his wife. Recently he was telling his wife" his future plans, aud remarked,'' and -by I shall become a Mason, and- then you won't see me until 12 . o'clock at night." " i ! TATE NKWKV r?oiiVh AVir Obterrert The companies iu all parts of the.State are full r Vigor sine; "rTP or the new law giving aid to the State Guard. j What we saw yesterday wai a set of twelve cups. saucers ami cusiar jimwi--delicate cream rolored Cliina.Mrnade I.. New Jersey! of kaolin from JJortn Carolina; all iu mr.Mcco Each of tbe Tiecesof tin exquisite set is handpaiiited, the designs lie- iuc marvels of ueiicacy aim s-. Birds are poiseu isvc utvtr, .j pical iin si acts of the South arede picted, and bits of .dianiiing f.diage is ;.:.. frills Kuiintifnl set is the pmperty of Mrs. Goyera or Jarvis, lieiiig presented her by Mr; Marshall Pat ks, of orfoljc. Kaleigh Farme- and Mechanic: At Stnggvillej wnue imiwk . Duncan Cameron, on Mr: "Jack" ISnulnstc, or uin "" liel a ter a vey lrief illness, i Dr. Pritchanra uauguier, ijr,ri. kins, cresiteil a considerable sensa tion, when sluj sang a solo jw'the Lsmisville clinreii; ami, o. Mrs. W. C. Morgan, of Cbarrotte. has done the same thing in jac sonville, Flomta. Marion Lamp Tost: lest .; friar inortiiug Kiizauein Emanuel Ls-wis, of Ilalltown,! Mc Dowell county, comunttei siiicme by shooting . hcrscii inreugu mo heart wih br busbamls rifle. . j ., L II. U1....1 2-w lieme " were plentiful iu market esterlay aftenns.ii, ami jsoiii at w r oo ci Hr pairto the tiucKstei-s iier riiiirA were selliiiirat 12 ceiitsjiier bunch to hucksters, 10 ou a bit rich. Kaleigh Advocate: Be v. L.Y- Crawford' of Greensboro, a.! writer: On last night 1 cloaeU ine tmist. K:itisfactorv meetiifg 1 have 1 . I N.a ever neni. rr ui. w weeks it eontiuned without inrer runtion. seventy nve penwns have alreaity given n e incir uiiic as applicants for chnicli niemuer shin. I have no me ins ut ascer- tiiiiinr definitely the iiumlier! of convertions. Rev. D. Yates, fn i . . .. u i .11 111 that no '-, -" Au.MA ,rt?..r"7;rdTe dhln'twant VI nthlaid lie should never feel any better in the morning. 1 be anie io i - - Hlilli, 0f .:!.,.., .rMttinsr sick. M tliiiiK pi hui" rt . that te; If I she that aftenioiu t getting sick. To thins oi '.uUnilgirlkissiirgtlao r. a l-V 7. V. MltENIlALL, is : ;0LD3, J- K ItNDEKHALtfi V D. Mendenhhll fitGo. MAKlTFAirrUMBttjKS niton m. AU Hlld QLilD, i Mouldings, Brackets and dressed Lumbal ." : '. jjREENSBOKO, c: r j; -; L:J attmtii-n t)iid ta orders, which ..ifnlH filled, shipped Drompttv Will uc !..-- I ; " :i and itisfaction "1 i r r b ull. . i.' THE .;- ;4-- ; 'i - t; ESTABLISHMENT j ' ; i: OF Ll. iL.J amoved to j. W.Scott & Co's KU Ufcfc.i old stand- ) .-n.vITI - ! iron Parm i lit.- :4: boon farm! on hAw river, A one bile from Ridge Institute containie tSo acres, 2 hcrc bottaf) it'-tii rri acres tliTDCr. i ' ; i lanu,, ip ,rcce npvnnw: -U: Oak Ridge, Guilford Co., N. dogs, he would famtf Ohl see and mat mj j kt,el he nut a fence around it, to keep tne . s - dogs away driiik.''; Give 1 tile another .Vlfclr an t""1'! K r HoANtJKE, VA., ling thereiMfrt"? JT"1 . j ier i-eniin4 V, " , 1. r. fa L.j Hale, age! years, manager tory f Capt aliout S twenty-six i . i .w. Ill j'lic iuacw,i!' M. Will , hH bonie and attempted, to cut sister's throat with ja raior, but t . i i... l.i iii inrs went to his wa H then lreveliTei o. " g --, - . attempted to cut ls "" indicting a wound extending sefr al 'inches. He wajs iifresUMl and cifined. His action is iittributalde excitement cause! -py t"? the particulars of the flalwin-v ax- T . 3 .... .1 a. A 1 . ji tfHl. kins trageiy wiuie en( e of :iupior. i 1 IIImI V mm Texas Stft ngi Acituenwlio laxeiy uii - t a resiieiit- t'uy iwing a fi iend t jiroiigh it, and. en everything bad been ""tic1 -iiiitiuil. be askHI : we i, dolyou see where jyouj uld im- ve on it v' "ies, i'"11 1 error right at fhe jitart," wa. renlv. Being asK -to expiaiu, ;j:FOt7 : SALE. , c Valuable City Property 1 ,.f o if a 1TAHLE 1 ,rich.Vwn as the' HP Greensboio, is pnerea i The in CITY PROPER. Residence JL -ri, lot cuntiins six acres. reidi..cW is commodious and substantial f; 5iktilucture ann m good order, sur. n undedj by beautiful grounds, ; & HA Valuable Fdriri t 'J J i.;: w;ti in eiht miles oft B ori'sl Summit. on the R. ecu is alsd dflcred for sale at a i, bargain.-. Abou dne-third of the larm is heavily ; timbered with the native Kroth.w.: For terms cppjy to iRR. : 5 At J W. Scott & Co S.ore. . ilt-. . Greensboro, A it- I IkyGf'na nTSenp RfCiedy. se sli w 6 "jra mor'XfiettMafttm, Gout or js euratj j ; r heiwntinu-!: "lou iuve no iy .Uiv in frolt.,, But lididn't want one. Immydiate Relief Varranted ; i. .i t ; i 1 1 . Permanent Cure Cuaanied. Firei vears etabmhed 4 . 1 1 " . ! Well, oerhaps. I . . rti .... when vu are running ior oiu an1! tile baml comes upto sereiiaile; you, and the popnlifce Icalls foi a spee h, ym will either have .to go to the rof oi come dwn to the ground to rcspond.j A balcony is a sort of milUe grmiiif just high euough to escape makihg pleilges, ami not 1 too high j to promise all sorts of reform. Ought to have a balcony, sir regret it if you don't." : 1 is " kisakia tb BITn Tkwwnd and aererjr KIWlCn if a n o '- v-, -: IW'ft not; buti chronid. Kefe to all prominent pny $ gicianB'md druggutMorUt itamtnyh.. i ps tSatyylica. j hkchet: ! - ..".Tm - THfi ONLY DISSOLVES .OF THE POISONOUS URIC JAQID -wincn EX ISTS iA THE BLOOD 6F RHEUMATIC AUD GOUTY PATIENTS. Tlrslp. I the pastor, is seed S Clinto Caucasian. We tepiel into the clerk's o flee one evening this week to have probate! a chattle mortgage wh'ch we bad witnessed for a friend. Durr ing onr sUV three other mortgages- were brought In and proven, ana clerk informed us that he bad pro bated 18 that day. i The register had a deputy at work: and they lacked 31 mortgages of being np with their work, besides several in the clerk's hands. We had hojied that the mortgage business was on the decline in our midst, but we fear we were mistaken. A TlM Ummmj SlmrhmU New York HeraU, ! 16. The scarcity of loanable funds at at this centre continues, and mer chants who need, immediate dis counts are in many ; instances sub I jected to great inconveuience and even distress. Kamners or city banks are in such a position tbat they are unable to purchase this class of paper at all; others prefer to lend their money subject to be conducting a series of meetings in .baeiiton cjireei Church in this city which we noiie will ivKultin a crracious revival of religion. V TIim Fnvetteville cotton mills a i-e i success. ' j The North Carolina State Med ical Sciety meets at Tarboro in May. . j - 'f 1 "n Newbern brags on green pea blosioms and strawberry bloqus. Maj. P. A. Viley, or Raleigh, will establish a hew bank in Ddr bam about the 1st of April. j A new steamer, huilt for the Norfolk and Southern railroad, call ed the Martha E. Dickerman, ws launched at Newbem Monday. Sfie was built to plyJietween Elizabeth City, N. C, andiFairneld, through the Alligator river. j Lanrinburg ! Exchange : Oar schools number 250 white aud 140 colored pupils, j 390! Pniportioh atelv to imputation, in there a plac iu the State that equals Lanrinburg in educational interest f A cut ting frolic was fugaged in. bf five negro men at Hamlet last Sunday evening. No -serious' injuries; re Kiilten. The sheriff took the blotaly. gang to Uockiiighafu Moinlay ami lodged .them iu jail. Bad whiskey as usual. . j j , j j Charlotte Journal : Solomon Griftin, if- Mallanl Creek tumialiip, was working in bis uew gnmud oh Friday, when a free fell uihui hini and crushed him to death; ),'.: j A conesiMunlent of the Blue ttdge Enterprise, published at Ui&rhlauds. iu Macon county; givew tluit. iisiimt a lis: ot the names ot 13G persons, living in that county, who are over 70 years of age. A vrvnt manv of them are I over 90 vears if agraiii! one old lady mini; Ders 104. A lit- enure population i the county liemg only 8 tKMl, thf aliove ageLlistj constitute nearly 13 4 tier nt. of the whole Kliij-. latiou. ; . i Tarlsiro Oude: We" started a hirth C4lumnn found it wHild coi- sume our entire space am! desisted. We now have a daily line of steamers betweeu Tarlioro ami Washiiuton. 1 ' . called at any time, ta stock brokers A larire flat stone was being hoist upon railroad securities, as collat ed to the coping ofa new building; J eral in order to catch the high in- the roje gave way; it fell ami in- leresi current in an sireeiv aiany loans wens uiuuc. at. mo oiock. x.x- stautly killeil the two men. Peter kin. rose to the emergency of the moment. For the dead he could lie of no avail. Ilia thought were on the widow, lie turnedj he ran, he tie w, t her abode. hen she entered the room where be awaited change yesterday at fifteen per cent upon first class stocks as secu rity, and none of the day's transac tions were made lower than twelve er cent There was less excite- meut than on -Wednesday, wheu lb DB-Kiias GlrU. Chicago 'Itibunt. : The custom that some young wt? men have of kissing iioodle dogs is the means of driving many young mn to d'ssination. On a warm evening last week a young Chicago man went into the I'almer nouse IW-rooni. at Chicairo, and.askeu for, a drink of raw whisky, with nerfumerv iu it. lie had a wild look in his eve. and the bartender set out the whisky and asked whit kind of perfumery he wanted iu it. lie said: Any thiug! Put in sonie bitters; a little i kerosene; squeeze an onion over it.jina run tue eigo cf the glass with some assafcetida. Bah !" And he! spit out some iui- nriiinrv bad tastiilfiT stuff. . The bartender nnt in several bad tast ing things, and gave the glass bo th ioor vouuer man. He swallow ed it and asked for Limberger cheese. The bartender gave bimj a piece of an old. overshoe to chew and be seemed relieved. . 1 After be had become calm be told the bsirtender what was tbe trouble. He bad been calling on a cirl. aud she owned - a poodle.-- All . the evening she would kiss ! Boston Transcript. At Ciloffue. Joriu L. Stoldard and his photographer, Mr. Black, visite! the church containing,! among other relicsl the bones of eleven thousand virgin. Mr. Stoddanl was determined to have, iihntnfTratiliH inadel of the saintly skulls and bones, and secured the sacristan's jiermisjoou by a goodly! fee. Unfortunately, however, ns the (.hurch is dimly lighted, a long exposure of the photographic plate was necessary, ami tnei saerisiaii agony of mind lest sone snjienor should enter and discover his lax conduct, together 1witl his frantie efforts to'sbow tne reues io a huuij ber of English tourists without placing himself uu- the traveler liet ween thecjimera aim tne virginsj ghastly relics, . fairjyj cn vulsetl both lecturtT ami pltotpgrapuer. p !- s -4 -4 - Akat NiaiaBlli-Babr. N. Y funA Mrs. Mary A Appleby sued her InisliandJ Charles Aimieby. in the Supreme Court fnf limjted divorce ami separate . uiauiteiiagie nMin ine gnuimi of cruel j tivatmetit am! abandonment. The charge of cm? elty waa withdrawn, ajid-the only e videnc f abamtoiimeiit was giv en by Mrs. Appleby's lather, with .. . ii i: I wnom me panics ;uai -iivcu bww their marriage, that they had dis agree! alhMitrthe ! naming of their voungest chihl, and mat air. Air pleby said he could hnfr live there any imger. our rinic ueur Biiun time -expresse! Mis intention jo make pnivision folr the support of if his family by a stated aum of money. Mr. Apjileby asked his wife to lea ve her father house, and offered her- auother home, which she declined t .accept. After their separation he reueweiliiis offer to snpport, q.v letter to ter lamer, in wuicli m re-p uise was ma:ie. -r Judge LarriMiiofe, oerore wnom the case was triedL at Stiecia1 Terni, vestenlav'gave a deciliou dismiss ing ine tonipiann. iu uis piiiioii he aaid : , i i - t It is scarcely 'comVivable that persons ot assured social osiiion, like the pArths! to this action, should upon so slight provocation invite notoriety and inubltu criti cism in matters affecting their do- . i . i . i - mesne, reianons. xnere is noiuiug in the evidence to jnsiify this ac- action. No proof was offered Of any act of. cruelty or unkind treat ment on. the part j of the hnsbaud. liis liisistance upon mi right to name his own children, even if uh- reasonalde. is not the judicial interference. not instituted to reg trol all the minor differences of do- I. . -li i . .r t t ' i . mesne reiaiioiis. j Judge Larremore s$ts in conclu sion that difficulties of this charac ter are not within the; provinces bf legal adjustment, and should pe relegated ! where! thy belong to the forum of forbearance and so cial propriety, j I ; SArrtYLiCA known; as common fene q retnedy.ecu?e it st ikes directly at ihecausej of Rheumatism, Gout and .NeuTaiBl whiles. ; many so-aUe.i ipcifio and, sup: oed panaceas ; n only treat locally the effects.! - ' . i ll hasj be o conceded by rmlnent scientist that outward applica'ion such as rubbmf witl. y. oils. oinenen'S. liniments, and "hing IptioM wUl boJ eradirate thse tlise'ses which are the . result of the poisoring Mb bloody h yrtT ;l "sALl "IYUCA works with marreloui eff-ct on i this aciduria so removes th disorder i It is no f exclusively used by a0 celebrated physicians ohr, Amerirajand Europe, ttighest Medical Aeade . j mr of Tails reports per cent, cures m sumyz KKMKMBER -i -,).) 8 Mi I - "ii :: that S LICY ICA U a certain cure ior jxtmr tism. GoUt and Neuralgia., line mosi,mnra p..ins are subdued almost instantly. , !1 " Give ip k trial. Relief guacntaed. or mop refundedl j - : . . $ ',. ii --r,,i.H.nH. rt tfttimonials sent on aDnlicatiob $ia Boi. ' 6 Boxes for $5. M - -1 Sent Uri by mail on receipt of money. - ! . -tf AH VOUR DRUGGIST FOl IT j -But do not be de luded Into tak'n iniiutionl or subs itule I or something r commenced a ,Tjust ;jl as rooo7r i insist on ine-gruuinc wim ure r. of WA sHBUKNE ft CO.. ion each box. which is guaranteed chen.icalljr pure under our signa ture, an tndispensible requi ite to insure tuccrss in the treatment. Take no olher or send toais. F r sate-by CAU.UJ.t-BROS & CO.. and all leading! druggists.' -.'.' i f j WASHRUftfcC & Co. PrtrieUrs, 887 Broads aV.roi Keade St.. New Y rk.. For Sale' by POKTER & DALTON, And alilcadu.g diug stf. 1. t Dec ll dwi ft WUiT I us ,vf ' USB thecrfebrat imm .Mea-ej. Mickal BUmt. -. ft4 Saun Mw wi tH. rwf "7TC Mtnuv 2 a. .V1j iri 1 I it? TTIIE acauaN.a.TD Tiiiiborsand Woods OF NORTH CAROLINA. . 1 BY PETEK M. HJUL.K. 1 VbL., 12 Io.x0LOTn, 81.25. A 1 Tha nuhhcatmn ot men tact in a shape that mates them accessible, is the best service that the public-spirited then 'in the South can do their States. JV. ;'. Worm " .: :- 1 r 4,ThQ vry thine needed. A very im- i 1. c .u n itr c.. . "A timelv and valuable publication. -';- rf 1. . s ; - . ........ iMust grove of great service to tne, Mate." -CkaitoUe Journal "Mij Hiile has done the State, a great &TVice.rJSWtcaiiecorae.- 1 Ofl sucli thotpugh excellence that it deserveji the widest circulation. 'V-A'aM- vilte LnmbetmanX ! 1 subject 6f Conr s were date and con TheE book is well punted on tinted pa per, is handsomely bound in cloth, con tains 27? pages, and an accurate and beati tifullylexeuted map of the Stated with all ill It ... J.r I I I '! 1:, inc raiiruau ruuics ucuncu. si : ;.' Jf not to1 be had at vour local kcrjlc-store it willbf trailed post-paid f on receipt pf the price, by l I f ! f ?t. J. HALE & SON, - Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers, Ne York; or -P. M. H.ALE, Publisher, Raijcighj, n.c. i- fr 1 B1 Y VIRTUE OF A DEED OF mort- eaee made to us by! D. S. Rainey, We will sell; to the highest bidder for cash at the court houe door ih Greensboro on the 23d day of March next, a tract of land t-nntainini; 1 100 acres, tnorc o less, aa- oini e the lands of, P. Fl Hiatt, Isabella Krwm ana tne lanas lorrneny ownea py llowei I '' ? JOHN BARKER & J A. SHORT. I -2-22-tdS? ' I ;(:':J 'KOTIOK. BYjVlRTUE OF AN ORDER OF the Kutxm ior court of Guilford coun ty, I will sell at public outcry to the high est bidder, on the premises in Greensboro onVnoJicfot, Jpril 9, i883,?at o' clock j p.j m., a valuable house and lot,tbe property of Jks.j E, Allen, dee'dj' situate on Astb boro street opposite the residence of Cdl R. M. Douglas, and adjoining Dr. Marley arid J. A.! Pritche tt. Said lot con tains wol acr s of ground, Iwith a comfort able and w ll arranged dwelling,! with 9 rooms, w 11 of good , water, good f tables, &c "JPrsons wishing to purchase a nice residence in a healthy and desirable part of th4 city, should not fail to attend the sale, j Terms: one half cash; balance on a credit pt six months with bond and ap proved security and title retained- till purchase money is paid. I j . t ! ; Jas. t. Allen dee'd.. 3-3Cds. I. 5 . I. ,: . . - 1 s . v. .-I' ll

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