I , , j if i i - i I . . ' . .. . ' I . i- ! , ! ESTABLISHED IN 1025. - : : ; - - - r ? 1 - '? i i i GREENSBORO; -N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1883 fjuSmtisborn Patriot PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. E7t rtd at tS Pmo&c M Mcood-cUa C. u S.IJS per u. or M ih mjm rat for My khorxT pcrko4f tii. rrBUCT" rnc j MTR 31 IllltlxS WIST UA1UT STUIT. had and who Anrt TMIa RATS. Oa lh cm m ritn i orrW to r bHU of Mcl r r Jim k. nrtiKT. GREENSBORO, APRIL 2a. iSSj. A postoGce ba been estab tished at Salem J a action, with - J. Van Lindley ns postmaster. Now when our enterprising nurseryman is fatigued with the labor of the CLaj ho caa rather himself around a kerosene lamp and while away an hour or two reading the postal card that parses through the 6a lem Junction office. Happy man! Frank Payne, with Lindsay, Harm & Co., iRcidsville, made a narrow escape yesterday from a serious accident. Whilst crossing a bridge on the road between Reids- villc and Madison hU horse fell throagh4njariog himself, breaking the sulky and I throwing Its occo- pant some distance into the stream and aortd rather too rapidly, below. Fortunately he caught on rj. u bat ,t woullrnt nia tee in nis oeacensana sustain cancU Ileeae Blalock. Thej warrants for both Trircbard Kath Carpenter, hU mistress, waa ulso in the hoase. Pritcbanl, who waa a powerful man and ana- ed mad no attempt at resistance, bat sail the woman waa too aick U. be taken frco tbehonse,and asked G Bnr!eon to go for a doctor who Uvea half a mile away. .Scarcely had Unrleaoti gone when Pritchard mzwI a ran and snamwl It Ht - Jaxnea Dnrlesou. Qnick us thonght tl Utter fired and nljot him in the braut with bis heary revolrer. The im4s of tbe firing brought back Etlwartl BuricKOU, and both broth ra opened fire nnon PntchanL 11 fongbt like a demon, attempt ing to club out the brains of the nstah!e with the gnn. The wo man aidrd in the fig it. Pritcbanl waa shut twice in the bend, twice in the hrcaaf, and diet! on the fioor. Doth constables and the woman were painfully injored. A CxtaXT IIosse Occasionally there is a horse that are ms to be crazy. At timea ft will be all right, and again it will be all wrong. Such an animal belonged to a Cockingnam mm awhile ago It was a valuable one, coating the owner -Cfoo. It had always behared well until one morning not long ago when he waa driving it In a baggy to this city. The horse seemed pretty i mi nil I' "' j JEW SERIES NO. g53 A new French gun is twenty nine feet six inches long, weighs fifty tons and costs $ITO,CO). It is wire-wound and U expectetl to put a ball through fifteen inches of ar mor, heavier than any on our mon itors, at a distance of seven and a half miles. Postmaster General Gres bam has reached Washington. The trappings of mourning bav6 been removed and be is now ready for business. It is predicted already that bis administration , of the Post-oQce will give blra the Presi dential nomination la 1834. lne volume of the Conare thnal Kcca d that relates thedoings, the white population of Hew Engl land. It will alao be seen that th' and more eiecially the sayings, of percentage of prisoners in South' me x oriy-seventh Congresa at its Carolina, including both classes o For years the Massachu setts Sate almshouse was run by the highly retprctable 3Iarsh fami ly aa a corpse factory, and the Marshes gatherrd shekela by the aale of the products of the factory to medical achools and other custo mers. In 1870 the highly respect able legislators of Massachusetts investigated the almshouse and whitewashed the Marsh family. The men who managed the institu tion in which the insane the idiotic, the crippled and the sick includ ing hundreds of yonng mothers and tht-ir babes were hurried . out of life, aneeml at and rvvilrd Gener al Butler as a "bold, bad man," wbe election to the chief mugis tracy wonld be u9 diKgrxoa to our beloved commonwealth." " What a revenge the grim ohl man is get ting on bis enemies by turning the lights on the diabolism of Tewkes bury. . j . The New York girl who has been sued for breach of promise, be gan her letter for a while: "My darling Benny," My own dar ling Benny," "My own dearest second or short session alone will contain more than four thousand pages, exclusive of the index. Of these, several hundred pages will be taken op with speeches that were never delivered. gle to escape her captors, cr, more iiKeiy, to save uer boy, for ; the iuuge aireaay lay dead, and she then, poor, weak woinani ntterlv defenseless herself, was bell' child's only protector. Io trace of; the boy could be discovered. INo fim print cf his j little feet - could, be The monster fish yarn of the aejixoti is wafted from n Florida fish ' pond. The President is're- ported to have hooked 10 five-pound I yesterday, j The main point of dif- her population, is less than in any of the New Kugland States with; the exception of Maine, which -has' an equal percentage. If the white! nl anywhere upon the fgroitnd. population only of this State bd YkiSJ!!? ePjaiPwl: . 7i When the bnckboard waa stopped iuo ireonuigoi pTisi oy tne fait or the horse Mrs. Mc- -The Lynchburg strike ended oner Js 8lx times iTater in Marnei ot5as ondonbtedly seized the lit- trout Sunday. The department of agricul ture reports that the winter wheat in Ohio has suffered severely from freezing. .East of the Allegbanies the condition is good in the north ern belt, declining slightly in. lower latitudes It is not up to the aver age in any part of the South. , The average for the crop is 80, Last April it was 101. The most observ ing reporters have .examined the roots, and in - many cases found them healthy, while the plants are brown. There is good - reason fur belleving.that the real condition of lereuce was the payment of job hands from the wages of roll mak- ere, and was settled by an agree ment that the operatives do part of this work, the manufacturers agree ing to pay for the rest. -In view of the popular dis like of the new penal code which is in force in New York, the Wall Street Areir has bnsied itself in get ting up a substitute which class- twenty times greater in Massachnl setts, eleven timesj greater in CW necticnt and Rhode Island, anil seven times greater in New Hamp-' shire nd- Vermont than it is ixi! South Carolina, . ji The startling contrast presented by these official figures will donbtr j less be met by the assertion that in the Sooth the pan ishment of crime' is less certain and in New Nncland. unfailing 'than! and that 'the number of prisoners reported is, tie fellow and held him to her lo som with the desieration 6Ti de spair, and wbeu finally torn from tier arms he was placed and held upon a pony or at once carried away." . . j. : j The tribe of Indians who are re sponsible fotL this outrage have been fed and clothed thronrh I the winter at the expense of the Gov wnment.5 They are a hieackful tttDe as long as one- regiment of soldiers is covering them jwitf re peating rifles' and another ladlinir ifles; certain crimes according, to therefore, not a fair indication ofl on 8oaP to them but as I sooA as u !, , m lD,S ctTial crime in the two sections, fashion : SU-aling upwards of t5r Tbis to a extent b oufor 000 000, reorganization; upwards unately true, though the advantage of $2,600,000, great financiering; of vew Enrfand in lthi u wheat is therefore less unpromising upwards of $1,000,000, financiering, not nearlv so irreat as manv nf on. thau it seems. Even the sleepy-beaded old town of Salisbury is talkiug cotton factory. - - I upwards of $900,000, softening of MendA down paa, plflim anA - the brain; upwards of $800,000, haps boneaUy ..beUere it to be . Cek mismanagement; upwards of $700, tonlp ifc 11 nred that th 000, misfortune: np wards of $C00, these civUitis are dispensed Irith the slaughter begins.; , Inj solving the Indian problem the Govern ment should always keep: in jriew the fact that a dead ; Indian gives no trouble. or isr el no other ' injuries than some slight bruies ami a good ducking. The ho IX was; bailly bruised and the sulky demolished. -i-A valuable farm is offered for f ; sale in to-d.y paper. See adver tisement, t --Best's Uwyers are now pop ping suits to him fur fees. lie has been sued by bis late partner. Judge Carmth, for $10,000, and by Gatlin and Merrimon aad Fuller, for $15,-000. The recent lottery drawings ditl not prove remunerative to the ticket holders in this community. -Rev. 8. C. Alexander, of ' Wade nbo ro, N. Cn has receirel and aeceptetl a call from Busk, Te xa-i He departed this morning for bis new field of labor and will move his family in a few weeks. ii i i Car No. 5, alluded to yesterday, was built in lSC7,by Mr. B, E. Ser geant, f the Sergeant Manufactur ing Company, of this place, who , then had charge of the N. C. IL B, Hops at Company Shops. Four other cars were made at the same time nuder Mr. Sergeant's supervi sion and direction, and these cars are still in us and are as son ml aa anew silver" dollar. In 1S71 the N. C. B. B, Cx, bail three cars built in Delaware. In seven year time the Delaware cars were tori up and thrown away, leing literal ly worn oat. The home made cars ' c-Mt $3yS00 a piece. The Delaware cars coats f (L300 a piece. It is - easy to make the calculation in the difference between Sergeant's bome- made work and the Delaware work. Encourage home industries and men who do honest work at half the price of the shoddy. J. C. KiDg, who has been con fined in Guilford county jail, and who waa tried and convicted at the October Term, 1SS2, at Ashevill-, X. Cn for robbing the U. S. mail. , was to-day sentenced to one years imprisonment in the peniteitiary at Albany, New York. ,4She wouldn't and she couldn't sad she wouldn't come at all," is the aong which has been partially, hot in voluntarily, adopted by a Greenslioroite since but Easter, and the aourat of his voice ia rever berated from the hills of Cumber bnd county, j . mmmmmm The Federal Court, last week, devclojHl a clear case of forgery of a ; distillers bond. Zimri Foost and o'bers, of this county, were sued as the bondsmen of Green Wharton, but the evidence of Mr. Foust and the other allegel bonds men eub)ihed clearly that their sijrn&tures were a forgery. Green Wharton, the principal in the bond, i ded. C4nlactorDo!sonreirts sum mer weather in Goldsboro jester day. : .A DC3PES4DO KiLiEDv A hair lifting report reache here of the shooting ami killing of a denperadn by the name of WillUtn Pritchard, nearILikeraviIle,Thuralay. Pritch ahl was a notorious outlaw ami for five years has been operating In the wildest, part of No-lh Carolina, in the lofty mountains of the Bine Bulge. H shot seven men, killing one, has atoleu horses and cattle ami counterfeited money. Three yexra ago be was outlawed, but es caped capture by alipjHng from county to county, liviug like a beaut of pre . He baa repeatedly been nought for by United States and State officers. Yen ten lay two brothers, James and E. Barleon, both constables, fonnd Pritchard at the house of his brother in-law, mind the bit, and before long it was on a wild run. liemenioering a tobacco shed by the wajsKle that usually bad a door open, the driver determined to rein in there, if posible, and he succeeded. Of a sodden the runaway horse dashed into the shed, where fir men were at work upon tobacco. They were astonished, and so waa the horse, which had fallen among the lath and rubbish. The driver and the buggy were unhurt. The men got the horse on its feet and led it out ofthe door. But its tantrum was not over. Nobody could hold it, and it broke away. It jumped the fence into a lot, jumped a stream that ran through the lot. and finally, after one leap, landed with his head caught in a peculiar ly shaped intersecion of two branches of an apple-tree. There it hung helpless, and before the men could get to it it bad choked to death. There were no mourners. The owner would not even go over ,o nee the beaut, much less to claim him I Michigan advices state that as far as heard from there is a plu rality of 10,065 for the head of the Democratic ticket. The Iribune ilarling, "My only darling love, lays the responsibility for the re- "My darling Ben," and then drop- cent. Republican defeat at the door ped down to "Friend Ben. ---Blackguard Ben Butterwortb of Cincinnati, has been appointed n pedal United States .Attorney to prosecute the South Carolina elec tion cases. lie voraciously swal- Iovs the dose that was too nasty for Dick Crowly. The Georgia State conven tion compromised on Henry D. Mc Daniel as the Democratic candidate for Governor, and he was nominat ed by acclamation. It was found impossible to nominate either Boy ton or. Bacon. ! Georgia reports allliabilites met and a round million in the treasury. No wonder so few vote the republican ticket in that state, didates, and also printed and dis tributed CC0,000 State tickets." It is of general apatby, but the Lansing kepubl'canj not willing that the party should be lulled into a false security, repudiates this idea, ami says: Circtilars and letters al most without number from time to time were sent to the chairmen and each member of the coun'y committees. Again many thou sand copies of this paper, especial ly prepared, were sent to every Republican paper in the State, to all committeemen, and to the Re publicans generally in every local ity. In addition to. this work, which was commenced weeks ago, the committee undertook the extra work of printing and circulating in small quantities slips for the can 000, irregularity; upwards of $500,- 000, breach j of trust npwards of i $400,000, defaulting; upwards of $300,000, embezzlement; npwards of $L00,000, peculation; $100,000 dishonesty; $50,000, larceny; $23, 000 of under, thieving The pen alty for the several offences is not designated -by -the A'ew, but we take it for granted that the indi- nly it cannot be urged that the difference of the certainty of pun ishrnent of crime n the two sec tions is sufficiently marked to ac count for the enormous disparity between the number of white per- sins imprisoned for' crime in South Carolina and Massachusetts. j A pleasant feature of the census figures is the fact that the percent- age of prisoners to' population " nr South Carolina, including both1 4 vidua! who kteals $10,000 or under races, is much less than in any gets such a dose as will cause him to wish that he had been smart and fortnua e enough to steal $5,- 000,000. I ; . TOE tf. . 4c T. T. B. The editor of the Chatham Re cord -attended the stockholders meeting of the Caje Fear & 1l ad- kin Valley other Southern State. It is even more gratifying tq note, that the percentage of white prisoners Jn South Carolina is far less than in any other Southern State, the ner-i ceiitage of white prisoners in Texas being thirteen times as great, In North Carolina and in Tennessee! seven times as great, in Arkansas and Louisiana five times as great,) in Alabama, Florida and Missis sippi three times as great, and ' In Geeorgia twice as great.; So that South Carolina, which so many people insist in regarding as tie enant terrible of Uticle Sam's fam As Oram. The Pelztr cotton factory at Greenville, S. C-, has be gun work. Water was turned on the wheel for the first time last Wednesday, and within an hour cotton was going the opening ma chines. The Pelzer it one of the finest mills yet erected in the South. The electric light has been adopted, and all the latest improvements and inventions have been introduc ed. The capital of the company is $o00JD00, mostly held in Charleston, aud the mill will give employment to several hundred operatives, the most skilled of which have been brought from New England. Before the Patziot reaches its centenary anniversary---oot many years distant we hope to see such an enterprise successfully icangvr a ted ia Greansborcv The President narrowly es caped the bite of a venomous rep tile while fishing Wednesday. But for his agility he would have felt the fangs of a Florida snake. In his leap for life he knocked Chan dler from his perch and' be in ' turn was rescued from the jaws of a vor acious alligator. .The first comptroller of the Treasury baa notified the Attorney-General that the appropriation for "fees of witnesses' is entirely exhausted for the present fiscal year ending June 30 next, and that there is only $190,000 fees of jurors available. A circular has been ad dressed to the oncers of courts notifying them of the deficiencies and suggesting that trials lie had in only the important cases. : i The familiar green three cent stamp will go outt)f fashion with the leaves next autumn. It will be succeeded by a new two- rent stamp, with the noble face ofl Washington upon it. The green stamp wllll have had a run of 13 ears. ..;. plain that the g. o. p. in Michigan is in the last stages ! of consnnp . . 1 i tion. ! ily,1 is really a very jpropcr sort bf member of the sisterhood of StatesJ TUB LATEST INDIAN Bl'TlUERV Ohio, as the October State, is already astir. The busy note of preparation is borne upon every passing breeze. We I hear the ar morer closing rivets np, and soon the mailed and mounted warriors will flash upon the field. We can not say, with Patrick: Henry, that the war has - actually begun; but the next gale that weeps from the North may 'bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms. The En- quirtr says, "let it come. It will 1ms a merry note to Ohio Democrats who have right, justice and the god of war on their side, and wouldn't give a dried apple to be insured against defeat." Alluding to the Tatiuot's Raleigh letter discussing the ber na to rial succession, the Stateaville Landmark nominates 'lion. R. F. AnnfieU suxt JIvR-T BetruetL The ZadMr well says: "The State knows Col. ArmfiehL He 4s one of its most majestic figures one of its bra rest, aad brainiest sons." It would be hard for the Lamdmark to say anything in favor of Col. Arm fit II thst the Patmot has oat many times' said, or that the Patuiot would not endorse. But .Arm field is a Scales man. They have known each other from boyhood's hour. They fished aud played marbles together on Sun day, thus cementing ties that time and separation has never disturbed in the slightest degree.' It is the support of such men as Armfield that makes Scales invincible. In calling attention to the importance f bis nomination so early we did not 11 ,-ud to forestall public opiu ion, but limply to refiect it. There are scores of wise, and brave and true men in the Democratic party in the State, but we know of uot one that so fully meets; all the re quirements of the situation, as the potiiicitl horoscope now reveals it. It Is unnecessary, to say that the Patriot will support the nominee ofthe Democratic party. And we shall make every possible effort to save the party from the irretrieva ble blunder of making an unwise nomination. - , ..The report of yellow fever in Charleston S C is denied. i-Mr. Reagan, who was the Postmaster-General of the Confed eracy ami who now represents a Texas district In Congress, Is lying very ill in W ashiugton. lie Is hardly able to talk, an seems de spondent as to tls recovery. The Democrats will have to take Randall or do worse. From the present outlook they cannot do better. ! -About the time when Bout- well. Dawes. Hoar and the rest were making the welkin ring with their shrieks or horror and manu factured "Southern outrages,w the bodies of men, womeu and children who were permitted to de of want aud nerlect in the Massachusetts State poorhouse, were being skin ned and the skins., tanned and manufactured into; kid gloves. Horrible, isn't it t -----The Republicans have made a clean sweep in Pelhara,' N. II., for the first time since the days of Somebody ha sent j Jay Gould an infernal machine, Wonld rather be a poor editor than a rich man like Gould and be eternally in .-Tippecanoe and Tyler too." uretvu. ui ujiutmiie. l.icnes rani bny peace of mind. Bettea iuaure your life and die a poor but happy man. - 1 ' Work will be commenced to day on a monument eighteen feet high, to be erected over the grave of Thomas Jefferson. It goes with out saying that this cloud-cleaving shaft was provided for by the last Congress. The Baltimore Saa "mashes" Justice Gray on i the bewitching Nilsson. Canada has it now. Great excitement prevails in the Dominion over a reported explosion of dyna mite in Castern Block, and the re turn of Prince Louise his been delayed in ronsequencc. No dam age was done, and there is a differ ence of opinion as to whether any explosion ocenrred. Detectives are investigating the premises, and un less they find as seems probable that a cat baa knocked a jar from some cupboard shelf, poor Canada will not recover in a twelvemonth. It doesn't take a Northern invalid very long to get well in Florida. When the first week's hotel bill is presented, he generally says, "I guesH Tra well euough to start for home this afternoon. A disastrous fire, caused by a qnarrel over a game of cards, in flicted a lata of two lives and over $1K),CC0 of proderty in the towuof Westminster, Md. Grumblers about the weather may find some comfort in the news from Minnesota, One of the worst snow storms of the winter was in progress in Minnesota Wednesday night. Street car travel aa sus pended mid railroad trains were delayed. ' The weight of the snow caused the roof of tie Minneapolis skatiug rink to fall in and general discomtort prevails. If, with us, winter "lingers, etc,n in the West he has evidently, not been yet un seated. , .. . , A Democrat who has been eating green-apple -s pie, " .breaks forth in the following, melancholy strain : - ! "I have studied the politics of the world in evcrr ace. We are drifting as other" nations ''dri'ted. Aristocratic, and class feeling, fos tered in the growth' of' monopolies, is pervading all society. The liest of our public men'are slowly yield ing to the inevitable tendencies of the day, because they wish ' to be iMDnlar; to go with the crowd, aud haveut the moral courage left to attempt to lead the people aright. Look at the parties. I dismiss the Republican party with one word money 1 The Democratic party la dying of Inertia. The principles that once stimulated its great men to grand efforts for the liberties of the people are forgotten. ' The pa triotic Instincts that were Its breath ing spirit for forty years are smoth-ered." The investigation of the Tewksbury alms-house nianage meut i continued and further dis graceful transactions are revealed. Railroad, at Fayette- ville, last wwek. ; We reproduce his impressions as follows : The earlyj completion of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad seems to be an assured fact, and we way reasonably expect to see the cars running thereon between Favetteville and Greensboro be fore the close of the current year. Two 'important meetings of the stockholders of that road were held last week. )'"- Of course MlvJulias Ai Gray was re-elected president, for he is the life and mainspring-of this whole move- men and without him at its head it would joon collapse. The directors will hold their next meeting at .Greensboro, on the 3rd of May, at! which all their plans will be definitely arrauged. We cannot expect the work of track laying to begin until about Septem ber, but when begun it will be vigorously pushed forward. It will require two or three months time mortgage bonds will be printed, traveling in jan open and then there must be some delay The butchery of Judge McComis J obtained in these andhiswi.e and the capture bf at only a small pe Al !. 1 Ll. . ' i meir nine uoy oy iue xnuians in New Mexico is the by the red devils, and ought to t how the Government th temporizing with past. Judge 3icAjomas was ployed by a mining company latest outra i at the time for the Indians lis ! eni in in seliitur the bonds and -buying the rails, wbiclrtiro to be of the best steel. Work will begin simultane ously at the Gulf and pushed to wards Greensboro, aud at Favette ville towards Shoe Heel. , When completed, this will lie the longest, and in our opinion, the most imiotant railroad that has ever been constructed in North Carolina, jruuuiiig iu a diagonal direction through the State for a distance of two hundred and fifty miles It will run through a coun try that is not only rich as a highly productive agricultural section, but whose water imwer is incaicuiaoie and whose1 mineral wealth is varied and inexhaustible. Not ouly this. but this rxkd will form a part of a great through line from Cincinnati to the seacoa t, for by this route that erreatMtv can find an ontlel nn tliA Atlantic coast. 112 mile nearer than bv any other I The character of the gentlemen who have undertaken this great work, is sii h as to, inspire confi: dence in the anccesaof their under taking. They are all native North Carolinians, and men of successful hiiaiiiem exiterieiice, who have en gaged iu this enterprise with the ability anu ueicrininauoii w nut ciHMl. and we cannot uoui iuai snccess must and will reward their efforts. So mote it be! professional capacity, and was on his way to Pyramujl City with .bis wife and little boy. The family buck- i i board drawn by tw;o horses. Tliej Albuquerque s. ji.) Kerietc iurv nisbes the details of the butchery,, and they are horrible enough? Mr. Wells, onei of the county commissioners of Grant, was among the first ou the 'ground, and be states that McComas was lying on his face, with his) right hand ex tended and the left drawn back and resting partially on his back!, lie bad received one shot through the right wrist; shattering ther bone , completely; another ' through the uYshy part of the same arm oeiow DBVKCT1TB RITnODS CATION. aew England claims tq be! the parent of the present public school system which promises toj pervade the entire country. Of course New England started the system many years ago, and has enjoyed ! the largest opportunities i to profit by experience in' the methods of teach ing. And yet New England pom plains of her public schools. There must be soinej inherent weakness in the system. In Boston loud com plaints are made that the! children are loaded with books and studies, and yet they seem to be ignorant of the very things they shbnld have been taught during the ehrli est stages of; the education ii term. The complaint is not confined to Boston, nor to other communities of New England. There js an 'evi dent baste to get what is ;called a iiigher education, tue consequence of which is a neglect of fundaneu tal exercises. I Dr. Leach, superintendent for many years qf the public schools of Rhode Island, but voice's a gen eral opinion when he say : "frite fact seems to have beeii lost sight; .3 3 ' k-.I.il. schd fen ever enter the higher grades. "The theory is, that; children! ter the priouiry, are then advailcei to the grammar and the High schools, and the whole coarse doubtless provides for an excellent education. But the coursd in ithe primary and intermediate graKles is not thorough enough, and pro vision is made for the too rapid fad vancement ot scholars to lucgier irrades. The result is thai there is not that thoroughness iiiiiinstfiic r t t tion in fundamentals which ought be secured, the primary ieaclers leaving it for the teacherl in jthe grammar ana nign scnoois to snp nlv the deficiencies in their instrnc eYeryineignuoruood is while in the aciofj shooting a sheej killing cur dropped dead H-Almost enjoying a mad -dog- excitement. Itis well euough . to shoot every dog running a large' Uon the pre sumption that lie is mad. ;-: Mrs, t i'eter Fink, Cabarrus countyltook arsenic for quinine and died from the fleets of the dose. She dosed lie husbandwith the same drug but he survived j James Lawson, Danbury, was the rear end struck on t he ieg by of a mtile and will be a cripple for life. The led looks hko it had been struck jby; greased lightening. The Salisbury people are talk ing earnestly about u cotton factor ry. ISi J. Holmes oners j to give 4 acres of gruidfor th site, and Mr. Uelerick has gone itorth to in terest Northern capital in the en terprisc. If J -Lawyers 'Erwinarid J. P. Sinclair, of the McDowell county bar, had a fisticuff in coiirt this week. ! Neith it party was damaged seriously, j The were fined $50 each fpr contempt of court. I 1 1 f rood The rail; B. Yates an experts, Major J. " . W. ! M J V&4 W agree iu their Ireport upon the con dition of thqf A. & N. C. R. ! "1 1 Newbern s two weeks ahead of Norfolk oh early peas, j ! j I Tarbord -. .i to pasture. that there is of that all the education masses of our youth and f as been turned out Dpssey Battle 'says not enough enterprise there "to beln a two-da v old half- dead kitten to wink." ! i i Bear Creek townshio. Chat- ham county, Waltzes to the front with a hen egg d inches long and I of an inch ineircumfrence and it resembles the figure 6. It is! al ways safe township. The factory is to met on Bear! -i -111 Newbern oyster canninir d6ing a fine business.' j' AI. tnaugular shooting frolic j took plHceTfiii Newbern between I the ren ols, age I f en-1 f Judge Green and two other parties. Jndge Gnen!kvas shot through the thigh, but no ; mortally hurt, i . ' it I i . -: .i - ;;i j -Ashevillc Citizen: Mr. Branch A. Merrimon J a native of Ashevillc. ut who Iiasl teeu traveling for the bast seventeen Vrnm' ftr t)m ImnsA f j j J of James Carey & Co., of Baltimore, jlietl in thiji place on Thursday morning aftcrja comparatively brief 1.. i i" t ."-..LI .. ! . unessj lie was about 40 Years of. Journal : Mr. J. .it ay three barrels tion. while these latter take it sfor i it I: . j granted that -these tundiuneital matters have been attendee! to! in primary schMls. ingly graduate Scholars : a'ecMflil from otil high schools with a smattering of Latin, ia TUB IOCTU rnst lEfTIO.Vf i So much has been said lately, observes' the i Charleston j en- Courier, as to the alleged "lawless- ness in- me oouiueru owica iu many people at the South bad come . ta a to believe that alter an we musi really be worse than our Northern neighbors. But the census tables. which nobody will assert were pre pare,! by Southern men or in the interest bf the South, tell a very different story. I The census of "the defective, de pendent and delinquent classes of the United States in 1880" shows the number of prisoners in the pen itentiaries, county jails, city pris- ous, workhouses, leased out, mili tary prison, insane hospitals and miscellaneous in all the states io have been 59,235, this .number em bracing all who were held in cus tody. ' Ai table giving the popula tion of all the New Englaud States with the number of prisoners and the percentage of prisoners as com pared with the total population in each of the States shows that the percentage of prisoners among the whi e population of the South is less than half that reported among thaelhows1 another throusrh I Oreek. French and German titini both thighs, entering from the onr grammar schools, with a con right side and passing- out at ' the left; unother enteringat the point of the left shoulder and passing clear through the body and out jat the point ofthe right shoulder; ait other entering the back near the right shoulder blade and passing out near the pit (of the stomach; another cutting the flesh slightly IkjIow his right breast, and still an other, cutting a gash in his left side. He had bled profusely, and a stream of blood marked the way liack, from where jthe body lay, j to .i point in the roaa where he had either jumped out jof the backboard r had fallen out upon receiving the Indians. fused and imnerfect j knowledge! of certain ologies, all of whih tliey find of no practical use in practical life, while they do not, as Ja nile, know how to keepj aecouijts, are deficient in he knowlwlge jof fun damental principles of arithmetic, cannot reinllso as to be intelligent ly understool by others, citjn ba d ly write legibly, an are unable to write a fair and intelligibly bi si-ness-letter. When th is fcan Iks fairly said of a large proportior of the gnuluates of these schools, it is easy to see how very little pnic- by Newberki Jonri them shipped Frid; f spring jtiirnlps, the flrt of the ras inougui -inai ine L .... . I. 'I ; . i easou.- peacnes J in sect i ou .were! all T f killed, but Mil Charlie Mallett- of Of Riverdale, informs usuthat his f rees are pnti.V lull. i I j, Raleigh! Xmtori A main will come of uear this the lstj 2nd ahd 3nl days hext, between Mr. r alcbn, tleton, ami Mri Holt, of A countyl Tljeyfwill pit twenty-one f cocksf ami fiJht for $1,000 on the xld. K Ra iiarts of eil cocking city on js k)C May I of Lit-1 amanee i all Qbsercer : From ill! ' the State our exchanges f give ns' good news about.their fruit. I It apHars to have suflered little if any from j thej sudden and M-vere ; changes of the j weather in March, j In this wectidri there is every indi-; atiou of ii jR he jprop of frtiit of all ades ut precedent n ilia lor T kiud W i i f il a r y all iu this pechpn is almost with Time : The rain land has! not ng condition for a si'uiatr tiitin i :iiriMf maci atifi npnura are very niucluehiiid. " Lexington mutpatch: Dm to Usndileii death occurred in our town ! .. . i.t 1 I . .. I ii .-.! t last Monday iiyoming, .Mi-s.uzzie. wife if Rev! J.hV. Cecil, and daugli? rliH first shot from The blood in the buckboard showel that he had been I shot before jhe fagi benefit has bceu receivetl git out, and the quantity of blood m me rou " J - vontl, ffllo; bv force of circi m- rore, or immeaiaieiy aiier, geinuj; r out he had receivea.a uangerous, u siauces, uyo 6. ,,wu.. primary and intermetliate schoo .- STATE NEWS, -j . '. The outlook is for a fine peach not mortal, wound. His body waa found on the roadside, stripped' bf all clothing except his shirt. The horses had run but a short distance before one of them was shot and killed, aud its fall had partially turned the buckboard around to the h.rt before it had stopped. Here was presented the saddest sight jof ton and Newbern . m a .A. f Mr 1 my my w m m Mm W r w m . All. AOOCl ten leefc w mo iir v ter of l)akid heart disease at -Mti Ai Armfield iry son Ks., and one tiious farmers Moftitt, died from5 about funif o'clock.' Monroe; CVitrs: Mr. of Isaac Ai m field,1 of the most ! iudtis in Surry he s crop. ti.M buckboard lay the dead body Mrs. McComas, her face downward and likewise stripped of clothing, with her skull crushed a little above the riirht ear. evidently done with a pistol or gun barrel. There were marks or two oiner utows uiu been given on the back of her head, probablv with a pistol. No other mark of violence whatever cohld be discovered about the person; her ftA rested somewhat on the left side, and the blood had flowed! in a pool about her face and mingled vrith her disheveled hair. Her shoes and stockings were lyingoff a wav in one direction, the shoes cut from her feet;' her corset lay j in another direction! from ner oooy; these were the only articles of ap parel to be found. Her footsteps before her shoes were cut off cojild be seen in places on both sides of thA backboard, land some were deeply impressed in the soft eaHh and ground arouna oi ine ueei j w toe as though in a despearate strug- Steamboats now ply regularly ou the Neuse river j between Kns- At ati early . . . i i " mninmcation between ixolua- boro and Newbern will bj? estab lished. ! U J The folly of sending a small boy into the woods to cut dwu trees is the next thing to i cn'me. A. A. Rothrock, liviug near ex ington, sent his 12 yearldjboy out to cut down a tree, and iu j the course of an hour or two went out himselftanndtheboy' crosheii to death under the tree. j The Grand Lodge of Odd Fel lows meets in Raleigh oil tnq sui of May, and big preparations are being made to receive ami enter tain them j i 1 The" Charlotte graded school numliers lMO pupils. J j Newbern shows a legless and armless babv. and it is doing Jrell. B. F. Suencer, Hyde county, county. lied of pneumonia at his residence near Low Gap on tbe 8th uist. Raleigh Ofoerver: One of the- purest ,bred cjolts' e-er foalecl in (North Caroliua, was" lorh at thq stables of peofge W, Wynne: last night. Sex iiiale, color sorrel heiirht'i thlrtviiiiiie aud I one-half inches form ierfect. The dam was and Sis tne proiHrty I T bred and fastest maret try. The noir Chief, "Mombri pity- -;ryau ft nest- ie coap sire of tho -o'r ish'T by "Idol V Ptche.ff atjcfi-!!,' : In : I i..Vfi of The ihc The ; Wnippiy Rev. Dr. Waylam N Ihnai Jinptikt, Flili!'!pi:r., re. a paper liefiu-e the wecUl.f nrf-liug ofthe New Ydrk Baptise) miiUKters Monday. He said a notaiji fcutire of mrxleml laws for the pioshm-jjit of eriininals whs the agits .ion p r the refunj ttfthe whipping intl Moses. Grrotingand wift-beatn are so punished in England, mid that most juHtiy," said the shaker. Alter telling ti brutal instance of wife-beafing tjiat came under his own observation, he said t "I don't j know of jany thing that would j please me; more than-to see that iman flogged dntil uprlo his ankles iu blood, i To talk; ot dgraueing Of I such a criminal is like talking corrnntinif the late Mr. Tweed. shall favor thp; whipping-post until tue ixra makes a greater icuauge iu my views than He usually does.'