"" - -- ! i ' ' " i . ' - r" :' . , - ,.r S i i i ' I J ESTABLISHED IN 1825. : ' e j !., j u &REEXSBOHO, K, C., FRIDAY, APEEL 271883. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. IT Et rA t tha PottoAc at ceo4-cUs Matter a4 BUfJ to iitwmbffv V of pott- f f- 1 50 per aaa. or at Um iun rates for u; timortrt acrV4 o4 Cat. rrsucT. omcj MTI3T IIIICIXS WIST MARKET SHEET. Saxon of some of the Jitm?town leple and tbey are hunting for a man to beat Johnson for major lit the approaching election. The town ia now hnrteletalr divided in to two faction, the "Annotating" and the "Antl-Aunointing" jwrty. pbabet, bat lh.it was the extent o hi knowledge. He wouldn't prom Ue to master the language, unless there vai u greater necessity thau he could then tee. Presbytery was anxious to ordain these learned and able men, lait there was the book . t AotiTiti9 Rat Ci. O tacfc aaa ia prtxM $ 1 00 ; for m6 ivbaeq! laamioa --ar. A4vcrun nut! com .rrl lor pecua rir h arrlc m rrt t&a bea6t f tmch re . 03iJ adTrtrfa 1 arc ch-rl accardiBf t rate 6 ted by U a4 mm si It fU im m2- jmnx ariiKT. GREENSHORO, APRIL 57. iSJj. TIms contest U growing in warmth, of dbwiplin preacriblug the lie brew examination. A Second iu ply of candles waa ordered. At this juncture a certain divine, who is famous for hairsplitting, sug gested a way out f the didculty. He read the rule which requires .a ? t . Ripr tvn t ,rT,,. n. tne examination, ami ixniueu wan destitute looking colored women invat aolemnit to the fct that the came in on th.niehm.ind train thhi mieuiau'a require iai ue caimi- M',Mi. .it . r t ? Km t -m I date for onlinathm nhould have (uiui ai4 vu r w a w u ai both sides being . about equally aiatched. It is apprehended that the election may result in a dead lock, and in that event the James town water-wot ks will be iniper. riled. TLo President, it appears, worshipped very industriously iu Florida on Ganday at the Epijco pal c hurch in the morning, at the Catholic in the afternoon, and at the colored MethodUt in the even ing. In this way he not only show ed the breadth of his theological grasp, but furnished proof that be wag not out fishiug. . ' - ' . ' MSPWpJJpBpjMppaaaaapaaaa NEW SEEIES, NO. 853. " I run tha nacln.; fTl. . wide extent. It Includes, more or less strictly, all the Churches of ueen ine pastor; The rcconstrnc tion of the two former branches as the Protestant Reformation, save ouslrand S .aTT" tha n.n.i. fT?i.i -A piously and happily effected. As a Latherin arah Id Europe, 'i fonnd 'nri,iniw . n;:! -mbly alkdupoD theeharche, . g- - . SurJtTOi-lon tT..11 1 " " to.tat theobject of hi, Moderator gave out ,tho bautifal lie allaiicdj to his own peagre hymn beginning "A charge Jo kecp salary, bn not in the spirit of corn I have," which . was well sung, a plainingV iThe field in conteinphi majority of those present taking tion must j be- occupied, and that part in the kiuging. . L . j speedily ojr If wonld e too late. Kev. Mr. Isler,- mcesengqr from A preacher, with a big bnnp ot itiuiugvou ; , I'resojiery, j oeing I eii ueniai anu energy; woum at- Great Britain i ro conmnntA . Tni im r - . . - s : " r . i "ti. ; uuiiiujq Ut I nrasant .r.c t . t Unmn rfnni 4lt. Tn ,, France, and 'Ireland. In The piirt on the N. C. Rail road where Engineer Gaylea was killeil on the 17th inst. is the same place where Mrs. Zilpha Alston of this city wan killed iu 1803. i David Y-lker. a. of Mr. Al bert Ylker, who lives Iu the Hills dale neighborhood, dropjrxl dead last week evening. He was in ex cellent health and bad not the slightest premonition of death. While walking across the yard he fell and before any one could get to him life was extinct. They were accompanied by nine children who were in a condition of emi decay. The feet of the little ones were rotten with sores caused any VnovUdge of Hebrew. He said that a most exhsnstive txanimatio had been made. Dr. Wiley and Dr. Phillip were ordained without -Maj. W. II, Malone,a promi- ff lt avails in the British . uniutes mb weu as in tue United States. ;It uumberal3.500churcnes, 10,000 ordained ministers, and 1, 200,000 communing church mem bers in this country, and more than 30,1)00 churches, with as many rain isters throughout the world. This doctrinal system is called Calvinism, not becansa it was de- that fieM.j The mission.! After a few preliminary remarks opposctlthe grouping. The nent. North Carolina lawyer, has written a treatise on "Ileal Proper ty Trials," and the book, which will number some 700 pages,' is now being published by W.H. Morrison, Liw publisher, Washington Citv. The work is highly commended to the profession. In its preparation the author has had free access to the libraries in Washington,; and every question pertaining to the a . . , r he stated that Wilmington IVesbyJ j tad j b0eu languishing f for; NT five miles along the X. &i UV coming year. The contribution was made, largely iu excess of;th6 SSSS tr'tamma- Uountrr xtendine abat-.wety-i wo,ldlFvoJo. The progress bf the Church 'since 1879 has been gratifying.; The 'liti tie one" of 1CS3 has become a thousand," and vastly more: nd a small oue a strong nation." The elder Mr. Crry church- by the bite of a ioisonoas insect furthereeremony. Dr. Wiley, who mhjvct matter of the treatijk Uex. learued( and gnlly John Calvin, of chnrcbe ; tlf la r,l In a VW Th-r r I of strong, practical com- haustivelv treated. Welearn from tbe "tee"th centUQ-, but simply The Christian Advocate says Dr. Bobbitt is a born presiding . elder." Enjoys a good square meal ami never falls to get one. We regret to learn that Mr. John W. Thorn has been stricken with paralysis and Is now lying iu a critical condition. that la foaud ia Africa. They pre s-iited a horrible spectacle. The women went from Cabarrus county about two years ago, and they tell a horrible story of suffering and destitution whilst living in Libe ria. With the assistance of friends in Concord they have been enabled Um get home, and all the gold on tbe African coast could not tempt them to return to that land of can ibals and savages. The Mjltcii Gm The Bing- to Greensboro with Mr. Geo. Allen to the Orange Presbytery. Neit her Journal. J. K. Hall & Co, of this place, made a big shipment bf their cigars this week t Montana Territory. ham School Base Ball club arrived last night and .registered as fol lows: A. L. Vanti, short stop; J. D. LeK, 1st uase ; u. H. Hmitb, Jr., Educatioxai At a meeting of right field ; G. M. laughter, lea the executive committee of the field; W. C. KuCln. center field, II. State Association of County Suier- W. Jackson, 3rd base; W. H. iuteiMlents, he following member? fs a man of strong, practical com- haustively treated. Welearn from mon sense, is uot an enthusiast on Maj Malone that it itf essentially a the "higher educational theory of North Carolina pnblicaUon.especial the Presbyterian church. labor and attention being given to The Fiust Peas. Mr. U. a North Carolinalawon real property. Mac- revived a box of ieas. trrown B tho waJ ,n the investigation of at James City, on yesterday, which inestion, the author says that t. i i m,i- the decisions of some of onr North Thev were crown from "Mace'. Carolina Judges notably those of thousand years previously, had v:f ,.,i f r,..i r-,. the late Judge Henderson, are mas John Green daims that he ahinoed tcr-piecea of judicial lore. ' Judge eloquently set forth, by the renown- ffV power tor gooo. The rres John Ureen claims that he shipiieU ,.., Ui An.Cn. r i Afrw I bytenan Church has a noble histo- ther box on Tuesday. Itasa . Lti.- . Li..i ry a graud futnre.-!VaJfc Lttlief i r I UUUlcU IU OLOer OLaLCS. ilUa. .Ik vUu v-tiiu ,uw.wcu iu ciauuinf i provingly so by the most eminent ing these teachings in a thoroughly Sunda!f Magazine, logical system, more satisfactorily ill lived, aud they The hardest thing C.; in the world to do, he said, was to Railroad from Goldsboo so as to kill a Presbyterian church. Afttr ii take in the towns ' of Kiuston and longdiseussioiji the question was put La Grange, ceded to that Jfresby-j and the! sentiment of Presbvtery tery by Synod, nd asked this! was unmistakably in its tafor,the PresJvterv to aid in havinir the resolution itfihfr uAnuteA hv a vntn visetl,or constructed, or thought blCCntCnary ol ithe Chtuch shows aforesaid cession granted sit the of 23 to 13 Reidsville,-Leakitfille out, in the first instance, by the M"b"w "f10-" ojires, uexi meeuug 01 oynou. aua ual forest were then grouped, learned and godly John Calvin, of T nuw:i, o,44 x(eporrs or tne scatei ot reiigioui and a committee consisting of Kev. iuc Hixueeiuu cetuurj one simply ' vuwuuuu ut mo oaooaiu air. uouusou anu Aiexanuer. tcss i 1 , , . 1 CantS. With n. FtfITi1n-.afnn1 fnM I i i .'..S J . ! . !....! L I .. -r.' .. ! , wcause, amoiiu me learnea ui vines I ' wiw KUuu iu mo various citurcues i iiuiuteu io church purposes and benevolent tery were read and placed in the! urge the acqulesence of these con- enterprises showed, for the year hands of a committed who will I cremations 'in the action of Pribr. : i i w " , i i r - : i in 1 . .... -I - . 1 it . i I t of the Reformation ieriod, he be- -me contnonuonaj for within tbe bounds of this Presby-! and Leaksville 'congregations and came its most distinguished tueolo- gian. uaving adopted, as most consistent with the teachings of I Holy Scripture, those views of the doctrines of grace that, more than eudmg May, 16S2, a total of D.- 25397. . ' The Northern and Southern branches will be reunited in the near future, making the church a " ; mighty power for good. The Pres- make a report thereon to the! next meeting of Synod, Presby tery then took a recess " nntil 3 of groupiujj? the churches, andjthe o'clock P. M. Tlie special ubjectj actiou of Presby terjin tbe premises, for discussion at 3 o'clock fill be is deemed jimportant as indicating Miue groopmg or cnurcbes.7 - Presbytery convened: at 3j p. visit the Bethesda tery.v f I The discussion on the question vtW hnAv.r. with nnlrfimr ouw:S, .uu r i - - j - - or five !eas in it, and was shipped J Camlle, 2nd base ; C. L. Summers, SraeblyrxchangrtlovercoHts ditcher ;W. 1L Tucker, pitcher, with Elder J. A. McLeau at the The Oak Ridge ciub arrived this church Wednesday night, and got morning, accompanied by Prof. the best of the swap. Of course Holt. The Old will be played by it was a mi4Uke,butthe loss of the Messrs. E. a Cude, pitcher; O. L, overcoat is all the same to Dr. Mc- Martin, shortstop; A. L.Kirkman, Lean. ! 1st lase; Will Peele, catcher; T. -Col. John N. SUples will de- O. BnnlaeM, 3rvl base; John Dick, liver the literary address before left field j II, a Holt, 2nl baaej B. T 1 . mm 1 WW? 1 mt the Kernersville High School May "gui " " n' ire neiu. 21, 1SS3. A Preb3terian can now mar ry his deceased wife's sister if he can get her, Rev. Geo. Summey is the youngest minister in Orange Pres bytery, and is one of the clearest beaded divines in the State. were present: Rev. P. R. Law, Rev Jiw L. Curry and J. R. Whar ton. Hon. J. C. Scar boron gh was an present, though not a member of the committee. ! The next meeting of the State Association of County Superinten dents wilt be held at Chapel Hill, July 4th, 1883. The programme adopted by the committee is as fol lows : ' ; ' Address of welcome by Rer. A. W. Mangum, D. D. Resoiise by . The route for delegates and vis iters to the Southern Baptist Con- Rev. W. B. Pressly, president. Elder McAllister was reported yesterday as not being excused for tardiness in attending Presbytery. He was excused. A YormFCL Mabbuloe. Rer. Jacob Guyer, at the youthful age of 70, was nnited in marriage to Mrs, Mahala Beard, a supple and active widow of CO short summers. Rer. James Mahoney adjusted the noose. All of Guilford. No cards. rent ion, at Waco, Texas, on tbe 9tb of May, of which mention has al ready been made, Is as follows : At aula to New Orleans via Montgom ery and Mobile, then from New Orleans to Waco via Star and Cresen route to Houston, then via Texas Central to Waco. Leaving Charlotte at 1 a. m. on tbe fourth of May and spending Sunday In New Orleans and leaving New. Orleans, on Monday at noon will arrive at Waco on Tuesday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Papers to be read: 1. The en couragements and discouragements of the practical work of the couuty superintendent. ' 2. The examination of teachers its method, scope and purpose. 3. Discipline of "be school room. 4. Personal inspection of the school by the sujerintendent its method scope and purpose. 5. The efficient superintendent. j Pkesbtteby Notes. It is nip and tuck between Iter. Mr. Alli son and Rer. Mr. Primrose as to which carries the most avoirdu pois. Both are fat and preachers. i Orange Presbytery originally extended from nsnover, Va, to Florida. It has been si ice 1 off un til tbe territory covers only a thin str.p running from Mt. Airy to Washington, Beaufort county. Home mission work and the sostentation question, will be dis cussed to-night. It promises to be toe interesting event of the Pres- tue party upon by tery. Revs. C. H; Wiley. C L. there. Beall-Srttle. The marriage of Mr. V. P Bealland Miss Net tie Settle, took place at St. Barnabas yesterday f in the presence of a large and; fashionable attendance. The church was filled, and stand ing room f was in demand. The ceremony was an half. hour earlier than the announced hour and many consequently, failed to witness it. Rector Stubbs officiated, and the ceremony j was impressively per formed. The mellow twilight, blending with the soft light of the burning tapers invested the s.eae Vass Watkins, 'Alexander and wuu a jit-canar soiemmty. The other prominent members will par bride was simply but most taste- tidpate in the diaro-skm. fully dressed in a faultlessly fitting The Rev. Dr. Smith of Grens white rbe. The attendants were boro church is indisposed and was II. Ueall aud Mia Mamie Settle, compelled to ask to ' be excused W, W. Scott, Je.. aiKi Miss Bettie from yesterday's session of Pres L. Reid, J. K. Hull, Jr., aid Miss bytery. Maude Urent, W. W. Rankin ami tteT Mr. Curry, Jr., U poiuted Miss Mattie Sloan, R. D Reid aud out to strnn-rs a. hliiP- a. roonf ff . W a aa. . I jiiss Jiatnie lienuow, eil tiling ton and MUs Ida Sloan. Messrs. Frank Dallon aud Charles Vor hees acted as ushers, and they dis charged the delicate duties of that trying and conspicuous service with an exquisite gracefulness that caused every benedict in the church to wish heartily that their necks were in the halter. - After the marriage the bridal party.atteml.ints.and a few invited guests, pirtiok of an elegant sup per at the residence of Judge Set tle. Tbe bridal presents were numerous costly and handsome. The bride, and groom left on the Soothers 'train for a brief visit to Lenoir, the former home of tbe The Republican party must b4 in a pretty bad way when even Private Dalzell gives it up, and that prophet who has always en joyed .great honor in his own esti mation, if not in his own country, makes moan as follows: Where jolly I is tbe great grounds well to come from that is to make ns mount up to the skies once more t I have always prophesied great victories for our party it always surpassed my ex)ectatious. But now I con fess that my only j hope of future Republican asceudancy is in the tender mercies and blind blunders of tbe Democratic party." The groundswell seems to have lifted a rock and left it writers on real property. The book will be ready sometime in May. That veteran correspondent Major Ben Pcrley Poo re, has been looking over the stock of Republi- can timber from which to construct a candidate for President, and has come to .the conclusion that one of the following-named gentlemen will be selected : William B. Allison of Iowa, Chester A Arthur of New York, James G Blaine of Maine, Roscoe Conkiing of New York, Gerogo F. Edmunds of Vermont, Benjamin Harrison of Indiana, Joseph R. Hawley of Connecticut, Rolert T. Lincoln of Illinois, John A. Logan of Illinois, John F. Mil ler of California, Johu Sherman of Ohio, William T. Sherman of Mis souri and William Windom of Min nesota. This classification leaves out W. E. Chandler of New Hamp shire, Judge Gresham of Indiana, U. a Grant of New York and W. II. S. Frbthingham of Massachusetts. Murderers are always cer tain that they are to be passed on from tbe scaffold immediatly to Abraham's bosom. JiuTreglown who was hung in Morristown, N. J., Wednesday, wrote on the day pre vious to his execution, "Before 12 o'clock to-morrow I shall be in heaven." People who have always lived good lives and who possess uiccly balanced consciences do not always feel this entire confidence in future bliss, but prison chaplains seem invariably successful in giv ing to condemned criminals a vast deal of faith. . . ORANRB PBESBTTBIXV. Rev. C. N. Morrow Wil8 m. excused from attendance upon this meeting of this Presbytery, foi reasou as signed for him by Rev.' Geq Sum mey. Rev. C. N. Morrow was granted and perspicuously than any of his com peers. " And tue wide tmblica I tion of his "Institutes" led to the lhe -tli semi-annual session of very ceueral counectiou of his I 0ranS Presbytery convened in the uame, then and siuce, with the sys- 1 resoytenan cnurcb at this pjace j bounds of this Presbytery six tern itself. ' last night, Rev.JP. R. Law, modera-1 mouths. A call from Lexingtou The Presbyteriau Church in I tori preaching the opening sermon, j church tor the pastoral services of me aiscourse was the Kev. A. L. Crawford was read ration of Christ." I and the church was Irfauted ner- kemie, a Scotch-Irishman, and a j Afler the 'errnon Presby teryj isras inission to prosecutethfecasi befbrei Psbr a wholesotne departure on the part of the Presbyterian church ; from the cougrjegatioiial idea. iu the opinion of mapy Presbyterians the church is crippled in, its usefulness by the pretlonlinancy of Congrega tionalism. One conspicuous in stance is mentioned vin the; North permission to labor frithoaf thej Carlinsf Stnoil. ' Rev. Dr. Wilson, r irst JreSbyb;rian church, i Wll mington, receives a salary of $4,500 and lives in a 810.000 house, a sal- eater, perhaps, ; than I: Nominations the crres preacht Presbyterian minister, came to aec,area ready Amarus ill U'AI. nnrl RPftlwt In t of business. Somerset County, Maryland. The church of Rehobotb, on the east ern shore, was gathered the same year just two hundred years ago aud is the oldest Presbyterian church in America. Gathered shortly after, and in 1705 Mr- CraiS was declared elected and the Presbvterv of Pbiladelnhia was duly installed. Rer. P. 1L was oriranizeil the oldest in Amer- La antl Eldetf Mere ica. In 171C. this Presbvterv was elected temporary clerks, whenlthe divided into four Presbyteries, and Presbytery adjourned until 9 o'clock A call for J. C, rch was tor tbe transaction I Cnnnurd Presbvterv. the pastoral se vices ofiRevi for moderator were Alexander from Greir'lchur in order. Rev. p. J . Craig, of Relds- and docketed. vine, anu wuiing r-iuer u . o. ram- It waa movei and adonted that rose, of Raleigh were put in nonii Wenworth church be granted liber- uauon. ine oauoi, resuuea ;in 41 1 ty to emnlov Rev. C. Miller hali Others were votes for Craig: aud 7 for Primrose. his time on a of3od. all ichers in Wilmingjon j combined receives groom, j . EXCITKMEXT 15 JA-ilESTOTO. Jamestown is stiried np as never before in its municipal existence, them all throuirh the day and not - -1 preacher of great pnmise.' His turdy Scotch face shows a strong ly defined character, and he is cred-it-d in Presbytery with possessing a vigorous intellect. Rer. C. L. Yass, the most cler ical lookiDg divine in the Presby tery and one of the best preachers, will preach to morrow night. Elder McAlister, from' Ashe loro offered as an excuse fir tanll ness in reaching Presbytery that he couldu't spare any more time from his business. Presbytery re fused to accept the excuae. Rer. C. H. Wiley tells a good story about his ordination. He aud Dr. Charles Phillips were ordained In 1870, and not having passed the seminary curriculum-, they were subjected to an exhaustive exam ination. Presbytery sat up with The birth' of an eccentric child is Turkish-Kurdistan in an nounced by the Diarbekir newspa per. The infant, who is an object of interest not nnmingled with alarm to all tbe neighborhood, was born with a beard and mustache! a ierfect set of 32 teeth, aud with no fewer than 40 distinctly, formed fingers. Its behavior from the mo ment of its birth has been far from satisfactory. It is excessively noisy and violent, and, owing to the cruel bites it inflicts on all who come within reach of its mouth, it has been fouud necessary to ex tract all its frout teeth. At Harvard college under the system of 1734, corporal pun- Uhment was a privilege of the in stitution, and offending students were gravely whipped into con sciousness of their faults. A sys Um of fines was tbe next device to tame the wayward spirit. Abseuce money whilst second assistant post-1 from prayers was punished with a master-general, for services ren- fine of 2d; for "profane cursing" a dered in relation to a contract with fine of 2s Cd was imposed; for grad tbe same United States witnesses nates playing cardss Cd, lyiug Is as were just mentioned. It looks Cd; going on top of tho college, Is as if Kellogg would discover that Cd; sending for beer, Cd; fetching that tbe mills of the gods, though beer, Is Gd; for going into the col they do grind slowly,- "grind ex- J lege yard without the proper garb, ceedilig fine." the Synod of Philadelphia was constituted.. During the "Great Awakening" in 1740. and afterward, the minis ters and churches divided in respect princiiMlIv to "the Revival." The New Side," as they were called, in 1745, organized the Synod of New Yoik. The "Old Side" adhered to the Synod of Philadelphia. ' The breach was healed in 1753, aud the two parties came together in the Synod of New York and Philadel phia Thirty years later (1788) the sixteen Presbyteries were distribut ed into four Synods. In May, 1789, the first General Assembly met in the Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, The Rev. Dr. John Witherspoou,Hne of the signers of churcb was Emitted to member this morning. 8caa4 Dar. Presbytery convened this morn ing at 9 o'clock! The session -was ojened with prayer by tbe moder ator. Rev. T. N. Fancette aiidlrul ing elders J. B. Smith, of Red House church J T. J. Wilson of Winston, T. II. Hughs of Euo, Geo. Allen of Newbern, J. W. Gib merof Alamance, R. B. Watt of Yancey ville, JJ Aj Woinack of) Pittsboro, J. J. Irvin of Reidsyille appeared and rendered satisfacto ry reasons for tardiness. Revj Hj T. Darnell gave through Rev. Dr. Smith satisfactory excuse for; his absence from this meeting. Rev. C. Miller having! presented certifi cate of dismission from Tans Th application of Geneva; chure.h for the services of Rev. J! Wi Prini- rose for one-fourth of bis tiirc on a salary of $175, was granted. The application of MiItoi church for the services of Revi T. N. Fan cette for three fourths of his time on a salary of $000 w;as granted,' and upon motion this fcburl'h was advised to enter into the pastoral relation and show at the next meet ing of Presbytery why it does not employ a pastor. ; . s It was moved ami adopted that the clerk write to all the churches under the stated supply system and request them toshou- cause why they do not enterinto the pas toral relation. I i The afternoon session yesterday Noj suggestion of- this j sort waii developed by the discussion, but Presbvteriaus are talkincr about the matter, and the younger and more aggressive element of tho church manifests a very decided tendency towards reform in that direction. is . ji ,-Htgal Saaslaa. Pre8ljytdry o'clock nntil 8 J night 1 session itook a recess from G The business of t jc was preceded by a sermon from Rev. Mr: Williamson. of ihe ninisbbrar church. The subk discourse was thtf " Treating the faet ject of "Resurrection i i-.ii" was devoted chiefly to the' discus sion of a resolutioirottered y Rev; Mr. Allison, grouping the churches of Yanceyville. Bethesda, " Tbe sensation iu Washing ton is .the finding of indictments against Senator William Pitt Kel logg nd Thomas J. Brady. The grand jury tame into tbe court and reported that they bad found an indictment against Kellog for re ceiving money while ; a United States Senator, for services ren dered in relation to a.contract with the United States witnesses, John A. Walsh, James B. Price, Joseph Cot-brain and J. W. Brady. An indictment was also found against Thomas J. Brady, for nce?ving the Declaration 'of Independence, n reached the sermon. The Rev. Dr John Rogers, of New York city was the first moderator. The Church was greatly enlarg ed during the next fifty years. Un happily, very serious differences and untatrouisius. both as to doc trine and policy, were developed from and after 1817 -aggravated hv the iauti-slaverv affiation of that period, j As a result of the controversy a rupture took place iii the Geueral Assembly of 1838. Two assemblies were constituted, Old School and New School, divid ing he whole church into two rival organizations. At the outbreak of the civil war (1SC1), the Old School branch was divided by the secession of the Southern churches, who, shortly after, organized a Southern Gener t their absence ship in this Presbytery Rev. P. H. Dalton, D. I. Craig, J. M. At kinson, C. H. Wiley, J. L.- Currie aud J. L. Williamson gave satis factory excuses j for last session. j The moderator announced the; fpl- lowing committees: On Narrative to General Assem bly of Synod Rev M. Atkinson, D. D., Rev. P. II. Dalton, Kuliug Elder W. D. Woods. On Systematic Beneficence Rev. J. M. Smith, Rev. L. C. vass Georcre Allen. On Reports of Sessions on Sess ional duties Rev. J. W. Primrose, T. N. Faucette, Elder W. C. I)on uell. I 1 On Sessional Records Four Sec- ' U tions 1 Rv. T. J. Allison, Wder t-v: o p.,. A r'niriAJ Elder G L. Walker. 3. Rev. J. L. Creek andlGrier's, under One pas torate. -In response to thej tion for further delayj iu summatiouj of such jjan ment Mr. Allison pleaded earnestly and eloquently 'for jthe Spread of Stoney sugges he con- arrange- tfco of the resurrection as esti hy the tt'stiiuony of t he Apostle he said it proved the ilivjiJity of Christ, t je existence of Heaven it sclfaiu he immortality ;of tile body . In tlie presence of this great Ctiristiau truth, death was robbed of its sttnu mid the . crave ot its victory. I Tlie tireachcr 8jM)ke witlj-' out notes, jand is au earnest and fluent talker. After tie sermon Presbytery was to! ion the gospel ,9.9. a ft iu tins .destitute neiti. sjfid, were s, ld. - . ... .... . a! I - al Assembly, which still .couuune- mson Elder Jdo. A, Wor, a. fPl ir.i XT I 7 i ' Geo. Snmmy, Elder its separate existence. ine way was thus prepared for negotiations, looking to a re-uniou of the two Northern branches of tle Church. Both assemblies met at St. Louis, Mo., in May, 18CG, aud, for the first time since ttfc separation, cel ebrated: the Lord's Snpier togeth er. Resolutions were cordially mack. 4. Rev. J. A. Houston. On Treasurer's Account Rev. W. S. Primrosej, Elders T. J. Wil son and R. Lea. j On Minutes of Synod Rev. ji. S. Watkins, Elderl Wm. Fergnsori. On Devotional Exercises Jlev. A few days ago one "Iicv. M. Bar naul" made his appearance iu that place ami claimed to be the fore rniiner of Christ, and asserted his power to work miracles. He carried till the candles had been burning several hours did the examination show signs of a close. Finally they were examined on Hebrew. Of conrse neither of them knew A young lady friend asks : "How can I tell an editor when I see himf Why, bless your sweet, sparkling ' eyes, it is the easiest thing in the world. You can tell him by his august air, by the perfect fit of his clothing, by his eleganct of manuer, and his profound silence when surrounded by the com mom herd of promiscuous society. You may recognize him by tbe way he spends his money, scattering 9d If that system were in vogue Dattsed. bv each of them, for the today it would cost the average j appointment of a joint commission J. H. Smith, D. Lindsay and Dr, D., Elders J J. A. McLean. student about $150 a day to live. ' Tbe search light is one of the most novel of the wonderful inven tions of the nineteenth century. It consists of three Edison electric lights of 16 candle power each, in closed iu a hermetically sealed glass rase, which is , surrounded by a glass globe; and capable of resist ing tbe pressure ot the water at a fifteen ministers and elders from each branch to confer on 'are nnion of tho two bodies. This com nissiou gave much time to the. whole subject .during the next three years. The two assem- blies met at New Yorlc in .aiaj, On Installations Rev. J . L. Cur. snme nf the churchcs.he 8 threatened with spiritual extinction and rnless! the actionjcontemidated it:ih taken!, and taken now, they would lauguisn eyeq and that speedily. bytery to prompt unto death lie urged Pres- aml decisive ac tion, and begged that it ponld no 7 i . l & f a longer lis of delay. authority but firmly en to the oft repeated cry H. Elders J. LJ Wilson and AY. B. 1 tO, Carter. Under the head of "Stated Sup- read a good many calls from churches witmn j tne bounds of Orange Presbytery, some and . . .i. nnnii i .iftiinm flskimr for one-fourth I ana ai eugiu ui"'" ' , lt 4. ! joint overtuWs, which were submit- others for one-half of the time of ted to all the Presbyteries; adjourn- those ministers Whose names fvere with him a gourd of oil which he I anything about it. Mr. Wileyjwaa used for anttointing purjoies aud actually asserted that he could re store the dead to life. He lubri cated a uamlier of sick ople in the village and they were - lifted from their beds of sickness and pain as if by magic ne gavu open air ix-rform.mees anil so wild and blasphemoas were his utterances mayor Johnson ordered his abate ment as a ' public nuisance. Thl actiou has stirred up the . AcIo- onder examination. He told Ires-b-tey that he knew nothing what evrrabout It; did n't know a Hebrew letter, and wouldn't, promise to study the language, pleading that his time could be more profitably employed in something else. He waa pressed but refused to' yield. Dr. Phillips was then put on the rack aud the thumb-screw vigor ously applied, ne acknowlecged that he did -kcow tLa .'Hebrer tl- l great depth. It is proposed to' sink greenbacks as lavishly as shavings the lamp aud illuminate the sea by from a rdan nir marh n. H ren. mrningouiue uguu T erally drives a dcnble team to a park buggy and makes things hum. He also keeps setters, pointers -nd a pet boll dog with a brunette nose. He is decked in profusion with the most expensive Jewelry, aud snorts a gold-headfed cane with a rose sol- tain in the centre est as a school girl. But the chief point is, he always speaks the truth. Follow these directions and you cannot xnitai;e. ,. it is expected will attract the fish, and a net ten feet in diameter at Us mouth placed below the light will be drawn at the proper time, and the unknown fish of the lower wa ters will be caught. It is an im provement on tbe method of the ing, to meet again in November, at Pittsburgh, Pa. The overtures have then been affirmed with a won derful unanimity, and the result was hailed with great rejoicing. The two bodies then dissolved, and a jubilee meeting was held in tbe Third Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh. ; j - The first reunited General As- Phil ? " U who arcbcl tbe rivers .t semb.r met In May, 1870 at Ptol- ;. b.5& usbt ..me with . buruins pii Wia. Pa. I. knot in the bow of his canoe and a spear in his hand, but the idea is really stolen frcn him. 4-min rM.nroii nf which Itev. ai- tciiau . . w y bert Barnes, whose. commentaries had been the occasion of precipitat- mentioned in said calls. .Each call or application stated the salary they were williug to pay and the amount of indebtedness, if any, of the different churches. j Upn motion; these calls re docketed and wll be brought up for discussion after j the reports of the agents of the sutentation and evangelistic funds shall have been made. At the conclusion o the reading of the talis from tbe above mentioned churches prayer offered by Bevjc. n. Wiley. the conclusion1 of the prayerj the was At Presbvtery had the and it should be wisely exercised JL j Rev.S.C. Alexander dimbted the exigency aud polcy of the ar rangement, questioned the ability of the chnjrclies to pay a salary that would secure the sevicei of a man esiecially! fitted for ihat peld of la bor,and cautioned; Ptesby tery to go slow in inaugurating a IdepartureJ that meant more, perhapfe, than ap Dearedori the surface of the pro position, j . Rev.Mr.Dalton rallioi;to thesiqH portof Mr.Allison abd g4ve the dis cussion a good send off. He raad some wholesome arid timely obserJ He hail i -been is asked, he vations. said, "Why is it you Presbyteriami don't spread the Gosjk?! T77 in an swering the qhestin he said tbd membersbip of thej chutch was ad much to blame, if the ministry and co deeperj iu its Docket other to practice noro He thought that this growinj in the -pjhurbh. served at this session off Presbytery a larger represeutitionbf the elder ship of the church ;thaut he had ever noticed beftire. This I was a hope fill sign. (The clouds Ivere lifting There were streaks plainly yisible. A briirhter ira was church. By. a unite mined effort the waste hot more, than urged the one ta , and the t gelf denial snint was He oh , iurii s V" f r er, and the docket- regular order. !i Th' - i ' .1 ! i L j, Aiexauuer. irom called taken call for Rev. J lluwfield's jchurch,- elicited a long discussioii kipuu the interpretatiou of the i nks governing the calls'.. Various Jind conflicting opinions were expressed loth elders aud ministers. The single point iu the discussion that was not questioned j j. j . :. i was that Mr. Alexander kuev bow to "run a : jurih." Uo was a f'fiel hand" audi Uawfiehs wauteti antl him wanted him bad. For the s:iuie rasoii ElDer OiHsple, of the BuK faloe church, said tlie Buffaloe coil him gregationlj waiited (o retain! Mr. Alexander submitted a state ment touching! the icull, and asked tue Ha ivflehrs congregai ion to wit fit- draw thu its rurtjk- iiiiiiuaiio; can anu desist; iroui prpsecution, under au the Xa rd ossi hi 1 i t y of his acji'ptaiice, should the call be placed iu his hands Commis sioners iilisonl and Johnson declin ed to withdraw thecal!, and finally Cross Roads church chipped in and wanted II man pi ied in and "of about .brother of daylight better and davtning on the aud deter places could be built Jup and J Presby terianisnl planted firmly and iujmovably. It was a spirited and timely speech) interjected in thejdiscjission at t!i right plate, aud every lick hit the nail square on the, head. . n i L. . it Alexander's iucbes.'V There was a special wjork there for j bim to uo. it was finallyj decidn .to cite the. Buffalo stfid Bethel churches to dp pear before ail adjourned meeting of Presbytery at this place iaA show cai se wiy the m storal rela tions of the Rev. I. (J. Alexauder with tho te churches should 'not j be dissolve inliciitioii,1rom l'lttsbo-.-- I.' Jbr the srvicj?s of Kev. P. 1 as st atea supply , v. docketed. Annluiitiou of Vn for the kervicesibf Rev. A. Cun ie I I i .-'-! . I it I- i- 1 one-foufth of hi U-'imo. h wdary ifiel'l church j. a; Wit- of iiS5, juras gra. Afteif prayer Rfr. kins, Presby teryj at 1 0.30. adjourn- Jf I ' - i ed until this morning- at 9 o'clock. i I i ! i Tafr4 Oaf Jfaralaf "alaa.i -f Pres tytery met & at 9 o'clockJaud the session opeiied with prayer by the moderator The -miputet of yestenlaj's meetlngsj were readjaud approetj. -itpoii motion the Trad ing of the mi notes of the la$ ses sioi of presbytery were oiuitted. Eugene Jlorehead, elder from pur ham, being present gave sat jsfac tory reasons for tardiness. i Applicatioii for reduction of pas tor's plary- from j Grassy ' Creek churci, was resui aml granti d. ' - i'j - j i . : ' CONCLUDED 05 4TII PAGE.