ESTABLISHED UN" 1825. GREENSBORO, X. C., FRIDAY, MAY4.: 1883. i "v.V .IlVi-Jdool,' , . - - ; ; -i . r --, . 'mrnsboropalni-t rU BUSHED LVLkY FRIDAY. C7 Em rvd at A PotoAc ms xtnin, Mattrr -vl aund to b nbm. of post it. t $.150 pr unn, erutiM umi rva foe a thorr period o uam. MTI 1 8SH?tS WIT M-1UET STREET. Adtiimi A corajvany is btSiiz formed to bay a road engine and wagon and wtablish a street-car line. In re ply to I don't want your paper any longer "the editor wrote: "I would not make it so if yon did. It would inro.'re a new press." ui me iuu lornauoes re corded since 1795 there - were 1C4 ia the Southern States, and o these 30 were unusually dei trac tive - RTtV OtM- Imch tm lm I A Gm'Us!)Oril l:l!v- n I J ..It. MnJr n c r wcij auccessruiiy raana ges a 13,000 cloth- 1 n. im rdr 10 rt t-S bwfit of uch ra e. vswiu -i"TTvmn r- en red ccoe'iar to 't Ird by Uw a ad muti t pU M jn b. arimr. ing establUbnient, and she is one of the brightest women in the Bute. The rardens in town show headed lettuce, pea h1, green strawberries, radishes, and lan vines in bloom. A few days of spring weather will gire u plenty f regvtables. Capt. M. Jordan, onnductor on the North Carolina Railroad, lirmigbt up quite a numlT f white erch lant nlht, with which he intend to atock Home of the lNtida near Gri'ensb.ini. The white iwrub ia a ni'wt excellent pan flah mimI angling fur them ia fine Tt. Dr.D.R.8chenck lavea tWay for his new firld of labor in the ilillatlale neighborhood. lie U4tn at JeCTeraon Me-dical College a-me weeka ago, ami la ayaii man of decided talent anl greut promiae. Ilia grandfather before him Dr. D. V Schem k, of Lin edntnn, wai a great phyalciau. Dr. A vrry ahrv wd tra-eller Ialiel I Scbenck had a valttableexirience led Ids trnuk Hlynandtcw ao the I with a practicing pbysbdau before baggage men ociIInt aling it I his gradoation. We can aafelj about cirvlcssly, and the scheme I commend him to the IlillMiIale eo- worketl ivrfectly, aa they refuaed to pie, and trust that hia wijouru even take the box into the car. GREENSBORO, STAY 4, iMj. Tlif enicert for the. benefit of the band hxs bo fixeI for the 4th of May. Why not organize a oompany in On-rna-oro to Unihl railroad cam T Why not, Mexara. S-rgiHnt f A loan with a piml fyt tit bui limn Myn (i rf iikImihi ia thf liiot eligit.l? pl ii-r in the Stair fomiMi nrrtnring. It U eitiiiiatetl that enough tnottey iuidout hi taxeaon wate lanIs iu Guilford county in tea yeara to build a cotton factory. 4DoVa TrneTurf Oiria hiKh ly recommetidetl fur aortu, burns and nouuda. It cure Iiefore otht r lemiiliea l-gin to acL For le at GIetina dnig aton. Srr iidverti . nirnt. Sia.a pp rnosrciiiTY. BukI nes.4 of all kiuda is on the increase now in our city, nd in n few daya we will have a reirnlar boom. " The eatablUhmeuta of prtnluctive in dtry are running on full tfme. Tobacco Is com'ng in rapidly and our tobacco factories will soon be In full blast. The trade in dry good and groceries 7a beginning to increase and on yesterday sever alofour merchants w-re exceed inly busy. The firm, of J. W. 8ctt& Co report th4t they were very busy yesterday, and hud a tremendous run of custom all day. I chaps. , , . , , - I -The youngest of Delaware s 1 it iYW nrl t tarn fMil on ttilcvat' I , , ' . - ..... I judge, Associate Judge Wales, is 00 3'eara old. Chancellor Sauls- city, ana irust inai me enorra 01 , . . , , .s , . - ' ... 4 , sit 11 bur3iaC0. Chief Justice Comeby 19 iv. tjuugt ivuuibcu 19 near- From all accounts the State baa been damaged nearly half a million dollars by Sunday's storm The in Guilford county alone ia estimated at 140,000. . The latent sensation iu Phil adelphisis a base ballclub compos ed entirely of one legged men, who will play with a team of one-armed v. John King's mill dam ia the only one in the county, ao far aa heard from, that was not washed away, by the fr-sbet. King was n member of the Legislature, and the flood spared him. . Mr.Tboa. Dick, a venerable citi zen of this connty, died at hia rod drnce in Hock Creek township lat week, in Ida 83rd. 3Ir. Dick was an nncleof Judge It. P. Dick, of this p!ac,aud ia well known and highly esteemed in the county, i . A great numler of sheep were drowned in Sunday's freahet. Mr. Gretaon, living near town, lost 22, 31 r. Utitbaiian 32, and Mr. Perry McLean hi entire Hock. We hrur of other lobars, but have not Ixen able to get the number. Everyday aild somrthing to previously re ported lo.ra and damages. It i said that th water iower in Dfrp Ilivrr has been very mate rially afffctrd by the sand washing in the river. This is caused by denuding the stream of his timber and cultivating the lands np to its batik. It ia apprehended that tbex aautl bars will ultimately prove formidable barriers to manu facturing, i A woman carrying a little child was on the trvet this morning sweating .vengeance) apiiint the colored rare She said there waa a pl.icv fur them ami they had to go to it. She did not intend to stop until t3ie raked the lsst one out of Greenboro. The woman. is un doubted crazy, and the little child was in a moat pitiable condition - Wharton han fixed np his bo tngraph room.), and they look aa neat ami as bright as a iw pin. The floor has Iwen covered with a new mrpet and the walls and fac ing have Ueti delicately re-touched mith paint, and altogether it is quite a cozy uest. Wharton iaone ofthn liest artists in the State, ItoAscMing the rare gift of making homely ieopJe look pretty. Tern cottar aaid a country worn in in a IWton tore, relat ing the name after the clerk. Is that the French for cinuainoa V Xot that I know of, madam, add .-d .liemiling a;deman. 4La, yon neelnt laugh ; I've known the color Wont 3 on was Umi, but I've never heard it called not bin but cinnamon brown," all of which il IntMtrd the folly of attempting to get np any thing new in this be nighted age. i I e cotton manufa taring in the South payf Kmphatirally ; ea. The proof: Hie annual reiiort of the Gran iteville Cotton 3tannfactnring Com pany, at AuguMta, Ga., for the year jnt chfcel, nhowa that the cotnpet ny earned 21 jercent. on its capi tal, after p'ig all nectaary peneaiHl the interest on it bond ed debt. The past haa been re g;inle a an uufavora le year for profit in cotton manufactnring, and the (iraniteville utovkholdera think they have had hard luck, be cause last year the mill earned 30 per cent-, and 21 ner cent. Is re garded a a minimum ivmuII. But it i qaentin ible whether any cot ton mill in new Hugland can show as equally a.iif.:tory mults for the pit yenr. Dti iug the year the Onmiteville mill consumed Kvj0 Uilea of cotton, and I hi amount of rw material was turned info about 18,O(X),(X)0yard of cloth. The Increase was Ci0,000 3srds over the product of the previous year. ' It's a clear case of big pruflts, Uu'titt among then will be pleasant to both. up prove Greensboro and iucrease their reective fortunes may- be crownel, with abundant auccesa. We bad rather bear of fifty men becoming wealthy than to hear that one bad failed In business and become insolvent. We hope the day ia not far distant when the products of our northwestern and southeastern counties will come ouring into Greensboro over the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad. Theu yon will read in the eyes of every live, business man the word KlCELSlOR. which will I Hi reflected from Ida aoul l3' feelings of incrn.ei! c tivity and redoubled energy. Let all Micawbera wake np and cease their inactivity. j Bio LUCK. Messrs. Tom and Bob Vernon and Col. K. A. Jenkins, all prominent and well known rail road men, and ohl hunters and ex lrieuced fiabermen, U'took them selves yesterday to the muddy wa- Iy80. Ostrich farming in California has received a temporary set-back, some blunderbus having trampled npon the necoud egg laid and broken it into pieces. Aseach egg is valued at $100 the loss U something more than a trifle." "Forget other eople's faults by remembering your owu,w is the horrible advice of an alleged wise man. Don't you do it I It'll make you miserable Forget your own faults by remembering other peo ple's and be! happy. Some of the inhabitants of the the thriving village of Jamestown have receutly become superstitious, I tersof IlufTalo for a little pUcatnrial which is verv remarkable, as tlv I fun. - - In Alabama, two miles south of M Mirgomerv, lives a man who haa 220 mulberry trees and 70,000 wonns at work in the first and sec ond steps which which terminate iu silk He expects to make $3,000 this year, i . : Only twelve Texan legisla- tors are natives of this State. -Senator Authony, of Bbode Island, has Bright disease, and is critically ill TOBGBBATaOCTnBq!CTCLO!rB The latest estimatesof tbeamount of damage done by the' great cy clone of Sunday last show that it was much more destructive than at first supposed, swelling the to- BEE BIHIXG- Editor Patiot : Ih the boo'; of autiquityi honey is ment joinnl as one of the most ancient articles of food man's first ! source of mmr thmeut. We are informed that W. W m ... " tai or tne casiwltiea to 300, besides when "the ihorniug st ira sang to j , - v..... wm, ow piiira Ol UOOSeS ami Other nmnortv lAplrS tm 1. . w I i i . r ,,,8M!au 01 stroyed amountinir to several mill, of new horn VhrU a.U - : - - a " ..musu mum previously stated. Scarlet fever prevails at Roanoke, Va in epidemic form. The pnblic schools have closed. Sev?ral children have died. j . ; - , ,: The great question of the day i, shall the poor dogs be al owel to suffer for mutton t Is all I hnmani:y and patriotism dead! 10ns in value.' The area of its rav. ages is as remarkable! as iu vio lence. Des "Moines, Iowa, More- head city, N. C., Americus and Sa vannah, Ga Chattanooga, Tenn., uis siouHe were presented with a garden filled with Supernatural fruits aud flowersj ' There, reveliiio iu the precious nectar from the glory clad trees, shrubs ami flow- cojintvj bridge, next to"' Deep Rive r was serionsly damaged. The dam : age tojtho farms, especially u tl loTr.Unds,, is almost incalculable ' Ilad the low lands on' Deepjj River Uen aj obstructed as they were in 1805, tjhe water would have been tnnch liigher than then. Upon tho whole it is a cause of profound gratitude that the damage was not much greater. i iU-idsville Times: Rockinghani S1ATB iVEVVS. Beauregard, Mississippi, and many era was the little ' busy bet, cath-1 is t1"11- big Ike in this new ilis points oatside of the limits of the eriug sweetness ur the tiny but vast tract of territory which a lire unmeroug family about to1 spriug trii't and will uame the next Dem- tly -Two missionaries were recen drowned at New Zealand in sight of the agonized natives on shore, who were threatened with a famine, i ! drawn through the places named would inclose, besides hundreds of towns within those limits, felt the great meteorological commotion of the 22d of April. It is unprecedent ed in the weather annals of this country. A report on "the charac- 1 9 i into existence at its little! limned Little did itrthink1 as it flitted from leaf to leaf and j flower to flower, otratie candidate! Balance all. "l-KrhersvilIe gathering their honeyed treasure: that its foal would bej used by gen- ptt niiiies, are dying with a disea Anttimitl rot nnluim Tl... rtl.!. '? I ' ! m , .1 k- I i i -jv wiu. uc m. yistciuv, 1 sunuar to murrain. for CongressVv uWirs ; ; A great ' many cattle 111 thtj heighlirhool ot; Richland Creek, near Guilford cop. The proceedings in the Tewksbury in vestigaion, yesterday, were enlivened by the production of another piece of tannel hide, alleged to be that of a human be-ing. In Virginia and North 'Car olina immense quantities of tobac co, cigars and cigarettes are await ing shipment on May 1, when the manufacturers can avail ' them selves of the rebate allowed by Congress. . ! . ! . - - i 1 - . " ; : L . . i i .. T- 17 I r-ariotte Ivmocrat: A littlo wrr vi six nunareu tornaaoes, pre- quite extenMvelv as nn article ot ehihi bf Cant. T. .1i T,i newWr pared about a year', ago for the diet and in j preparing their food. I Ifnvfr, on the 18th inst., fell into j water ami wu have long been noted for their qui etude of mind and unbelief in signs or necromancy. The visits of a GreeusboroitQ to that town have been accompanied or followed by great and sudden changes in the weather which interfered with the 0erations of their various voca tions. II is first visit produced a tremendous snow storm, hi second a terrible freshet, and the a fore id inhabitants aQnn (they do not swear) that if they receive intelli gence beforehand of his intention to pay a third visit, they will have their double-barrel croas bowa pre-1 rowly iiared to do effective service. They Once say that they can stand two (too) much but cannot stand three much. One of the largest petitions They were well equipped vp presented to the Bri.ish house with fihinir tackle and fowliuir Pr " w recently handed Piecea. and their facea were all "3' &ri wilium Ji'Armur, or 9 i " rather by hia messenger, for it was too bulky for Sir William to carry. The petition bore the signatures of OK), 1 43 Wesleyau Methodists, who prayed for the closing of public A man running for congress iu Idaho seem sure of election till mi let himself. get euchred on a lone land.'aiid then he was beaten bv a f remendous majority. They knew ied disgrace the territory in Wash ington. ; ! ! weather bureau by Sergeant J. P. Finley, ofj the signal corps, gives in detail the history of all the cv- clones that have occurred in the United States since 1795. From this publication it appears that the most destructive tornado 'of. which we have any reliable record is that which onj July the 26, 1375, killed 134 x persons and destroyed $500, 000 worth! of property j near Erie, Pa- -Second to this in des true t iveuess was the one which on April 18, 18S0, 1 swept over j Wisconsin, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Illin ois, Georgia, Indiana laud ; South oiet and in preparing their food. oimvu, wuo nveu aoout tne time ol the rebuilding ofj Jerusalem, men tions honeys as one ofj the necessii- riesof life. The, earliest mention of honey as au article of commerce a jbtniket of hot scalded to death. f-48heville f7i : NeW York: ers and northerners have been nr. , riting iu large numlers lately. Mid our city presents quite an? animal ! is that the Jews j were engaged iii e! appearance. They expres)i them trading it at Tyre, that old and delighted with oltr city iu . tiL !.- auu secuou. mail ut Limit? Ill i UieillCIH. Carolina, killing at Marshfield, Mo., as many as C5 persons, wound- ishing 200 10, 1879, On the statute Ibooks" of 'ancient nations, lays are! found for the pro tection of jbee4 The theft of a swarra of bees according to the old Saxon law) was punishable with death.; Xo historian has trans mitted to our day a description of the rude hi va provided for the bees that Noah carried inio the irk, nor are weinformel whether Abraham's bees were kept n log gums or Imix hives, but it is frecorded that: the land j R where Abraham dwelt was aglow iu anticipation of the day's Sxrt. 2 umberleas bunches of fish had been engaged to different lar tiea, and their return in the after noon was anxiously looked for. But alaa! what dUapMiutment. They did return, but came around the back way. It has leaked out that they had several hairbreadth adventures during the day. A huge stump was hooked and in .drawing It to the surface, believiug it to be? a huge catfish, Bob Vernon 11 a r- ing over 200 and demo! buildings. On April Watcrborpugb, S. C. suffered from A Massachusetts temperance I rt cyclone which killed jlG iersous one "Jowing w jth niilk and honey i.uivri ou.m ur imuuiiigaa iiuu- I It urra III Illlir 1', fiUIU COIltO isville, Ky on 27 of August, 1854, was struck by a whirling wind storm which killed 25 persons, wounded (7, aud occasibced great man has discovered the cause of Lucifer's fall from heaven- "Hum did it." This discovery that they have rum in heaven is likely to in crease (he efforts of a good many leopIe to get there. If bees in irude make a land flow wita houev, what would such a country be filled with our modern improved bees hives. destruction of projerry. all its houses on Sundays. Tbenurn- A single bee, j with ner of storms, indeed, which -have j try aud eue'rgy will collect The State boinl of medical Now that all the sheep have j deatroyett from six to twelve' lives been drowned it may be necessary is surprisingly large. Kansas, with 02 storms-heads the list of States in and indus alxuit a sea- n lulu- escapeil a Ulth. Eriscorix, C!oxvetio. The convention of the Protestant Epis copal Church in North Carolina, will be held in Charlotte this year, enmmencingon the 231 of May next. The If ector ami Vestry of St. Pe ter's church in that city requests that all clerical and lay delegates throughout the State forward to them at the earliest practicable day the names of such persons as ex pect to attend the conv lit ion. plunge it was safely laud- ed and critically examined, Jenkins said if it was a cat P. was unlike any other cat he had ever seen. A pott mortem examination was made, in the coarse of which the fish hook was extracted and stuck in Tom Vernon's thumb. exam:ners will meet in Tarboro Mouday, May, 20th. Without a liceuse from this board, no physi cian who commenced to practice iu North Carolina, after April 15th. 1859, can collect his fees by law. Applicant forliceuse will be exam iued in various branches of medi cine, aud inust give satisfactory the dogs. evidence of food moral character, aud that thev have attained the to call an extra session of the Leg islature to make some provision for the poor dogs. It is a very sad case and calls for prompt and de cisivenction. Were the Governor's i : - i ' ears open to our stentorian voice we should not hesitate to urge the advisability of such action. Every moment of delay is disastrous to the relative frequency of its cy clones; Illinois, Missouri New York, Georgia, Jowa, Ohio, Indiana, Min nesota, North Caroliuaj Pennsyl vania, Texas, Teanessee and South Carolina, following iu a decreasing series, the last mentioned being credited vith 17 out of the COO ob- age of years. , 1 1 The tornadoes that on Sun. dav swent throuirh the States of Aiier tne excitement attenuing tnis M8Jjliwippi)i Oeorga aud nxlx Carolina left a track of devastation adventure subsided a wild duck was discovered in the branches of a tree near by. Jenkins said that he was a dead idiot, and, to save the reputation of the party, insist ed upon the first shot. It waa a new sort of duck, said the corpu behind them. Details of the dam age to life and property show th storm to have been the most de structive that has visited the South iu half a century." Over one hun dred and fifty lives were lost in PUZZLES THE DOCTORS. Two months ago to day young Alley waa accidental- shot in the bead, and was supposed to be fatally wound ed.- Entire paralysis of the body ftdlowed the shooting, ami with but a slight twitching of the muscles, and at times the slightrst reatora tion of motion in one of the 1 gs and fingers,' there has been no change in hiscoudition. lie suffers a constant pain either in the bead or knees, at no time being entirely free from it. The body, is dead to all sensation of feeling, and nature performs its functions only as forced to do. Dr. Check, who Jus been inconstant attendance, thinks there is inflammation of the spinal chord, and has very little hojcofj an nltimate recovery. ; The dctor Is much puzzled to unrmine the whereabouts of the bullet. The wound h a long go healed, and all signs of the scar have even disap peared. The doctors all agree that it is a most extraordinary case, and are puzzled to know what the final outcome will Ik. lent Nimrod, as ho turned it oyer, Mississippi and over one hundred carefully examining it long black wings. jVernon suggested a turkey buzzard. Jenkins was horrided, but finally acquiesced in Vernon's judgment. Adventures followed thick ami fast A squirrel was ob served playing in the branches of in Georgia. Iu South Carolina not many fatalities are reported. The injured number at least four to one of the deaths. - j The Durham Tobacco Expo siton managers are grit to the back bone. They decline the $500 "do nated" 13 the State board of agri culture, alleging that its accept ance would make the Exposition debtors to the department in the suin of $ 1,000. After" the exposi Con has passed the experimental adage it may be! able to give the agricultural department a lift. As matters now stand every tub must stand on its own bottom. The Ex position will take place aud .prom ises to boom the enterprising Dur- hamits for some tune to come. served in mer is mouth the last 87 years Sum- the season, and-June the : . of 1 though no month exempt. greatest frequency, of the year is The great majority of cy one teasjKKMiful of honey in i i !. son, and yet more than one dred iounds of honey often taken from one hive; S i Does not this -met eneh us what great results may arise from the "pnVper iiianaemeit of lieeS," which willj be Ithe subject of my next article. j X.' Guilf.rd rovifty, April '2$, 1883. S 1 4 - .:i RAVAGE OP THE FLOOD IX RAN. D0I.P11. From reports deemed reliable we glean the followin 1 . a- Tlie storm seems most disas ; I Morganton Mountaineer : rTho ! Black, Roan and the Grandfather mountains were covered wifh suqw last Tuesday .morning and , fears were entertained that a frost would follow and kill the fruit; but it has soj far escaped. - i4 -j-N bxford Iflrchfykt : .t Tlfe plan bexl question is more cheering : this week. The fanners tell lis they are kmall but plenty of them in sight; now. Theyj have gojt to; get up aaid go aloiig though, I o inak connection with the usual seasons in May. .;. '. It - 1. H;' r-nrprganton Wade: AI terrific! liiiilrstprm passHl; thrpngU a por? tionJbf,Bnrke county last week", in eluding Silver Creek and Brindle; town' tiiwiishipsHandj ohlj' citizen sayjlhe3' never witnessed lis equal. Two; days afterward the hail could. Iks seen iu places from six to twelve! iii jijes oce. : j' . I ; f Golds! Mro Metsniqer ly.yir. V:. jSwan Iihs had a very nrofltablt) - season so far in liipiiugj aspara-; gris' He has it'alized an j! average ofj 810 imt dozen bunches. 31 iv j- Seth Davis, wholiasinanvjfeiatives aiitlifriemls in this county, died lakti 3fr. tV, residence Of Monday j at the B. C. Bowdeip in Duph'ii conn ,v.. -tNe wliern Jourun' jr Nearly font in clones occur in the afternoon, and move from southwest to uorthwest The cyclone, as its name implies, is a whirlwind having two motions movinir forwanl as well as whirl- ins: abou 9 irons i and eastern part o The waters inUwha to have been the northern the county. rne were er- haps higher than ever known, es pecially in Trin jt, Talemaele and New .Market townships. The couii- t an axis. The Velocity of tv bridcre one mile south of Trinity MJsS .1 J. i droibniiicr fnmi ;tle .trws, ill cnise-? huialred boxes of jeas wifo ship:' l peiljoir-Tuesday, and a larjte iinnij ber 'of packages ot turiMps and ! cahpages. Mr. Jihem hhiieI pn(; hunjlred ami forty barrelsj of calh bafir's, thirty-five- of tunjups and thirteen tnixes ofjpeas . " Ias sold oi the wharf at &V2r to 4.40 per lalxj Kev Wni. Calllhas the riariwe given mm! at vp?pmauo Court .House, r onj thej occasion (eii . Lee's surrender, j i-Winston iLntiLu TIip ilv pljiyiing havoc With tobaccjij- plan(4' iii;pm'tions of Stokes comity. MOsmX oi me iriuc 111 lllis secuou : s progressi from 12 tojCO miles an v, a0V........ ... "I i tli(j LTentlemaii savs. ouB ot ftVt . . I . ...!..,... . I . -x mrr ni r wr 1 n run I -. . ... . 11 I 'llm mill . I rtt fir .- . . . Hie veiocil.V 01 lu w uiu yt ituiu ms i w a Utll icil oro imii I l.UUOreU llVCSi cloud vortex is variously at from 70 to 800 miles an hour, the Grayj Kennet average beiuu 392 miles.! It is au Fuller & Phi interestins: fact that the rotary broken. estimated Messrs. Payne! Welborn, Miller, edy& Thayer, Pieree, hillips and Rush were ten bushels of i he doesn't expect1 iHiif - Aarnif !(. Rumor also says To-day the whole drift of public education, of example in the a tree, j It puzzled them to identify J worship of wealth, of making haste Collision Between ax Eoi:xe iSDiUK "Red Uouse." The town was thrown into a whirl of excite ment to-day by the apiiearance on the "varmint," and they gtvw somewhat snperstition, hesitating to shoot it. While in this perplexi ty the squirrel juna-d to 'the ground, nd they took after it, chas ing it nearly a mile. Twognu barrel were broken in attempting to kill if, but it finally ecaed nn injured While 6u the chase of the squirrel a friendly sow found their lunch basket and made free with town hospitality. Altogether the day's sport was full of thrilling adven tures, j On the next expedition i hey promise to carry along a short band rejsirler. i Imagine, if you can, the mis ery of the Chicago man wheii he hears it said that Col. E. Taylor once mld the lake front iu that city, including the site of the Pal mer house, for $1.50 an acre. Such is the fact. Col. Taylor went- to Chicago way back in the thirties An to le rich, run in the direction of celibacy, and of small families. The result are equally distant and cer tain; they claim attention only when it is too late to remedy the evil, yet it is quite worth one's while to ' ask whether, in his own way and sphere, he is or not en- couracinc: the tendency which in its final issue, every Christian and patriot must deplore. Uow is it with you neighlwr f as collector of revenue under the streets of a roadeng'ne. Capt. drew Jackson. The only settlement White held the throttle aud the great unsightly thing weut puQug and blowing through the streets at a speed of something less than CO miles an hour. In the neighbor hood of the depot it collided with a fence and at the same time threat ed to do what our town authorities have been unable, after repeated efforts, to accomplish -demolish the Red Uouse." The d let far nienttot its inmates was rudely dis turbed and they fled with terror as the monster approached the doml riliiry. The scene was -very ex citing, but thoroughly enjoyed by the spectators. Ouee under the trained hand of dpt. White it le h ived beautifully and had no further escapades, such a ia chronicled in the "McAdoo meadow." he town was a wooden fort ami less than a dozen frame houses. From that small beginning the colonel has keen Chicago grow aud wax strong, until now it fairly rivals Greens boro in point of businessand wealth aud heat it in renpect to popula tion, Hrk, leer and divorce suits. Col. Taylor, during the first months of his stay In Chicogo, sold gov ernment land to the amount of a half million dollars. He was a simple,1 honest old Jackson Demo crat, 3o Le didn't steal a cent of it nor put up a job ou himself, j lie locktMitlie whole amount in a big calf skin trunk and notified the Federal secret, ry f be treasury tti take it away. Col. Taylor is now over four score years of 'age and in excellent health. That his ougb't to buy it and put it to work I mind is sound is shown by the fact where It will do the most good. It is to be used for sawing shuttle blot ks'and bardie auu spoke tim ber for the factories here. that he still continues to vote the Democratic ticket. lie expects by the time he haa ' been dead 100 years Chicago will rival London. John Redmond and Ids two nephews quarrelled about a bound ary line. The I103-8 attempted to move the fence when Redmond's wile fired up.n them with a shot gun. They fie!, but subsequently returned. Hardly had they begun work when Redmond himself ap peared 011 the scene' brandishing six inch dirk. A fight ensued iu which the elder Redmond was killed. He was shot down by otn of the boys, when the other jumped ou him and' beat his, brains out with a club. The land iu dispute is valued at 50 cents per acre. What beasts and savages men be come when inflamed by passion. -There is nothing in Mr. F. A Richardson's letter to the Balti more Sun, touching "North Caroli na Politic." to warrant the Char w lotte Jou-naTt contemptible alia siotis to that gentleman as a dude." Mr. Richardson is a gentleman and a journalistof high repute in Wash ington, a fact well known, doubt- leas, to the editor of the Journal, He has been at the head of the Washington! Bureau of the Sun for manv vears. coverinir the time of editor Waddelfs congressional in cumbency. ! Mr. Richardson's diag BAII.BOAD BACKRT. The ' reported injuriesto the W. N. C. R. R. have been greatly ex aggerated $3,000 will coverall the damages. Trains ran from Asne- ville to Salisbury yesterday, 2ith. On the Pigeon River branch a few trestles have been injured, bu, not "swept away.": Both tne wooaen bridges over French Broad with stood the freshet. Major Wilson says that the team of hands working from each end in the Cowee tunnel can hear each Li l-il- 1 .!... ,r.L lia OOH oiner s iimis, mm ih.h- uh ui May, day light will shine through this long tunnel. It is 800 feet 111 length and was begun on the 1st day of last May. Private energy accomplishes in one y ear what oc copied State management, on other tunnels, five years. This Is another of Major Wilson's great, achieve ments in engineering. His fame is already as immortal as the rocky walls of hi mountaiu hoase. Tue 75 convicts, provided fortheMur- phy branch by the last act of as- sembl-, are being transported now to the west side of the Nantahala in Cherokee comity, and will be grading up Valley Kiver mountain owards Murphy by the1 10th of yinythis is 40 mites from Mur- phy. The outlook rortue euergcut. prosecution of the work this sum mer is very hoieful. Arrangements are being inade Tor iron. ' Col Haskell is pushing the Ches ter & Lenoir Narrow Gauge ou to wards Newton. It will be com pleted to that point by the 1st of July, according to contract. A third rail will lie laid on lue W. N. C. R. R from JNewton 10 Hickory and the track laying will continue right along to that place. This summer will find all the rail- roads of the R. & V- vigorously and energetically car ried. . . The i Georgia Pacific j is being .. .vi.l I - .mil nleted and will reach IIU!J 1 " AN. ,.H levee of tl)e a mill'' washed out. West abdtmeuts of the coy ered bridge much in that ured. render- irovement is invariably from right j Dunbar's bridge wak also injured i ,i . . 1 ( a -.1 i to left, or in a direction; opposite A. a. 1 S At. 1 . . m . .rl i -k t in tnnVi Wl,ia u " uuu. Thirty feet ofl the Thunder ed lightening cmmonly 1 tiQ anenu ine ueveiuimicuk uu ju ti gress of cyclones. It must not be supltosed that the northwestern States enjoy a monopoly ill the pro duction of cj-clones of a destructive character. New York and Geor gia, it wijl be observed, stand high iu the list of States credited with storms, tjie, former having 35 on record to the 33 accorded jto Geor gia Meteoroloffista i-ecoiruize, iu- deel. three areas nnalactive of C3f- clones; the largest lying- west of the Mississippi, embraces Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska. The next in extent crbaps is that of . Georgia, aud the fhird New York. Each of these areas is ca pable, "during the recovery of the atmospheric equilibriuin," ot gen in iMirtiotis Of Davio comity euu plain of tobacco plants Ih-iiI: scarce audflteds of the same in apery uilt favorable condition. : I iail an. last was plateait Lemur Topic The nmli nf t Via witltfa1 tiitnntfon in IIUOI4 W ,MV I I - . h atrfctlr Rirmincham by the 1st of govern . i.. . v.- I K.r nf tliis vear. and will be ready been made. At least there isnoth t transport the coal and. iron from ing ia his letter to enrage anybody. I that wonderfully wealthy' region. erating a gyratory movement 01 the air wliich speedily develops in to a cyclone of wide extent. ! pkof. ilANCim.- Editor Patbiot : Iu an arti cle in a late numtier of the Patuiot, referring lo the presidency of Trin ity college, you state that fit is un derstood that Prof. Mangum, of ChaiHfl Hill, will m-cept if the ques tion of salary be satisfactorily ar ranged.") Permit mo to say that, while I feel verj' warm interest in the matter of choosing a ne president, and will do whatever I can, consisteiitl3V to promote the prosperity of the college, I do not desire the presidency and lean not conceive how the opinion; you pub lish originated. You must excuse me for saying that 1 consider my self aggrieved by the statement that my I course is controlled ny 'the question of salary." i I Very resjiectfully, ! A. W. Masgum. Chapel BUI, April 2G, 1883. Of course we didn't j airirrieve Prof. Mangum formation was obtained from what seemed a trustworthy source, and the impression is stili current members! of the 1 II ivs 1 f9 " - - board of trustees.) Intend to The in- .Egyptian troops are about to attack the False Prophet on an f - sides. i ing the crossing nnslfe. Naomi! - , I i 1 1 . Seventy -five feet bt the bridge carried away, add blacksmith, shop, Wagon and! tools gone seaward. WORTnVILLE &i TEXTUAL FAMJS. Wheel liouses ofi cotton mills rain storm of week before central over the mountain! and considerable da ma ire fresnlted', t-nMr. Nelson MjCraryl one; of oiir lilacksmitlis, Jn shoeiifc a horsp 3 ears agoot a point 08 a horsy sli(M! nail driven into the trat joint ofj I is ring finger. Soiml monfhs ago there came an absces on th face of the fin'gef. I An Rxamiii: tion revealed i thef veritiible nad poult which had been 35 yesirK. working hs way out. MSalis'Hiry Watchman: fioolel drift. and fil el With sand Mr. A;P CEDAR FALLS. Small lr dseJ demolished, roads much cut Up. Water rose one foot house! ahfo flooded the Sof the store. County in cotton basement bridge unjnjiird height as in 1805. FRANKEIXSILLE. Small bndgell damage to the Water same wrecked. No mill but small ! 6 f ... i rjiee.i Count v bridffe is 8 i a damage to safe. ISLAND FORD. The water was about three inches higher than the fr The waterj rosj eight . feit foilr inches aboye tlfe tiiift fhsr of the cotton mill covering all theiooius on that floor, but t le warps and beams were all Iretnc ved from the rKtus lefore the water enteral. Some dama'geat thehead gate, j COLtTMBfA FACTORY. . . j High waer mjark lj inches be low that of I860. The water was five feet three ami a-half inches above the first floor of the cotton mill, about three feet, 111 the lapjicr boue and'seme five feet in the flour mill. jThJ stalls above the flour mill andthfe small bridges oyer the race were sweptaiway;1 After all,1 thecott4n mill owners were much gratified that the daln age was so slight. A11 the mills were doubilesf mnuing in full blast by Thursday. ; I PoiB CAT CREEK. j The flams; of lessr. Coble, IIkV - i a i - ... j" . Branson, Davis aud Curtis all broken, and the lower i ' l ' -''--i y - n were 1; although it veH' pietty; A. M. 1.1 . - Gralber, wio, ,' some ' wef-ks ago, while, afflicted wifh P:'tiail inan- i. tyf, attemptetl suicide, having fully i-cilvered from his injuries has sold out his possessions inj Rwan nnd imied couny. AtKbe U over Hill mine iji ltivinjr iij tpthc cast from he ;ioutheil drift, Galliinore shaft, nt 13t) fcet, tliey cut some Lgood ore. j jThis 01 e is! being openel out on, and is look- ! iiijr Iweil. The ore on! the1 whole ik: gdssl, but is hardfyj as hsiS been re ; por el, excee!!!, nc has furnished some spdumens. Jjiii a L-Durham Pi nt : beeji making Jueparations tohavb twd elegant store's eiecteJd on the o&l Auier corper. he 1 ronts are to of iron, with plate fhi.s. and frWnbe description shoa i!', wiU siirass any in' town, i- - T r.erd f Is astJtute in North Ca.j iiie-i thnt imposes a heavy penal, iih ativ; onel who-kills bird, foii ik wild tiirkej' to a sparrow. beHveeu tJu? Istkif April and jtha lstj of Octo- : tober. -Th4 heavy r.uu Sunday nibt did great damage m reabouti." T4 mill dams at 1 Iudsoii', Strfud's, Clay ton. Vrf iley's id Pitrefoy's mills, iji Orau' county, weie all swept a -ay. J All t Ih? hpiilges in thejneiKhbirfifMl, o f tr; :is heard iroi 'shared! the sauiV fult. The wafers' have uevcr leeu kiUwn to be SO lgh bfcie. . The lovj gnmnds iii-e all iiuux'.iud, and mnblufencin has' bceiiK . ii oyed. The wheat in many i phUes U st-ri oiisly damagel, j the ko I having . be4i washelifroni the rjwrts. j When thd dam broke atrstrovufs iwinj malivfish wjere left in the- corii. fields, and as many as flye or six bairjrels of them wereiicfc d up iy Ihie who chose i to ?ade in the mul after them, some f the white or silver iercli weighing as inncii as three lmunds.! The long wet sneil has creatly delayed the seed ..iJ imu uiul ilm farmers an f row. 11 jj 1111 ,-. ...... - r - - - f iu anx-.ons. 1 ! I it t -