ESTABLISHED IN 1825. - GREENSBORO, X. C., FRIDAY, MAY 111888. f . i f . i , .,...-.. i - . . a i . - .- r - . r. ' . n- i """" I . - SaATTlS flEWS, .!-.! I .': f, ft 1 b ir . fa f fir f rus fa o ru Ia tr id t PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. I iEnieml at th Poaiofftca as atcood-clbs nn-rr d mailed to aabscnbers. frea of poit ac. $-ty per umb. oc at th uim rales rrsucATioy orricm j MTfT3T B'JIIPINS. WEST MARKET STREET. AotciTiitsa RATH. Ona Inch om la- .run. AdftniMn mu roa tract for pedal ri-riMcriivfiatn ir. i-Bnt of ocn rara, ' rvti! aJrrrtixmeaM arc charged accocrlin r lentnfitrdbyU and star J- jon.i b. ncaaacr. r.KKKNSnORO, MAY It. iS3j. Mr. Tilden Is in excellent health, thank you. nat new paper, the Cor$ett ia said already to show signs of a but. The New York -Legislature ha passed a bill to retire ami pen ia school tc.u-lrcrs over TO years f ai'. The I lookers are preparing for a Democratic victory in 1SS4. Am in ISSO, Indiana is the pivot in l In Presidential election. Three factories in the United State consume nearly two million gg a year in making a peculiar kind of pajer used by photograph rr. An Iowa chemist recently discovered an explosite believed tu be 10 times as powerful as dyn amite, but the secret of its compos ition was lost at the time of it dis-i-overy, together with the chemist ami tuott of th gta&s in town At lat we have our light ning" newspaper correspondent. Dnring last Sunday night's storm at Greenville, S. C, Mr.C. B. Lewis - -M. Quad" of the Detroit Trt r,r wrote at midnight a two column newspaper letter by tho glareof thelightning. Wesbouldn't d.ire to go home after Julling that atory, though. ' Few people expect the con viction ami proper punishment ot either of the principal star route thieve, and few people hare any adequate idea of the cost of these star route trials. They will cost not far ; from 1,000,000, which, added to the millions stolen, makes horsey, I trad' and Company about a costly a firm as the great -Republican party has yet set up in bmincs to prey upon the taxpay ing citizens of the republic There is an interesting fact in relation to the great fraud of lSH-7, which is likely to become more interesting as the years roll on. The reader will catch the idea from the following: Zaraartea t aaadW. Jam K. Aka. Una lak. of the Florida falsifiers, One whose name tlocs uot occur to us, ii also dead, and I.. II. Hayes, if alive, i keeping remarkably paiet and in the shade. -Mr. Tildeu, many times reported as fatally ill, bids fair to outlive every one of those who, were engaged in or profited by the counting out conspiracy of i;-7. A Ti wksburr witness swore one of the nurses iu that earthly p.iradie jumped on au in-hat- Httitnarh six times because the or wretch wouldn't take her inrUit iiie. Thcatient was wise to 4inl it rather than take the med- irioe .Judge i'arrett of the New York Police court holds that pros titution i v agrancy, and ret n rued a iiumU-r f abandoned women to I'uou. This strikes us as seuud law, ami, in the interest of deecu- -y ami gnal moniN it ough; to le rionmly en force I here and else- h re a- u ell as in new York. The mt-ret of 1 Lin ms renig uatioti h.i leaked out. lie has made arrangement with the Lor illard to take complete charge of their leg:d btisiue.ts, and particu larly of the collection of the tax retuteoti toliaccQ. This work will keep llaum buny for nearly a year, and will be worth 1H),000, which iu itself is iudncemeut enough for hira to reign a C,000 position. His knowledge of revenue affairs ami the exact irujort and meaning of recent department decisions is ex pected to make him valuable to his employer. No loubt thisiuform ation, so jiecifically statetl as to preclude the jsibility of its be ing unauthorizeil, will be a grea relief to Kveritt and Wheeler. oeen reutcu ijy private parties. 8o tbe deputy sheriff returned for in structions. At the time of his first visit a main was in progress. "When he returned two hours later, the ugais m iue mam were at an end. lie was admitted, and an arrest or two was made. . There were seven battles fourht vesterdav. all d els red by the devotees of the sport to bo interesting. The riDg is near mejaugea' staua and is roned oft The first fight was won by Halifax, as were also tne . second and third; me iourm. niu and sixth by Ala manco,' the seventh bv Halifax. The total number of battles Tues day and yesterday, of which 8 have been fought. 5 were won by Hali fax, and 3 by Alamance. To-day eignt more battles in tbe main will be foucbt, completing the main. The first becins at lOuJO, The chickens 'entered yesterday were medium weights, beautiful fowls and fought well. Ye learn from another source that after tlie arrests wero matle the fair grounds were abandoned, and the main fought out in the pul Ii roa4i near bv. toe final score - w standing Halifax 9, Alamance 7. A press dispatch this morning states that the parties were arrest ed on a bench warrant issued by Associate Jnstico Kaflln, and were bound over to "NVako Superior court in the sum of 84,000. Now, if any law has been violated, the infractors should be punished. The State has been disgraced by a cock- Ingmaia fought nnder the very ssadow of the capitol, and on the grounds of the State Agricultural Society. This may do for border civilization, but the good people of North Carolina will feel that the State capitol has beeu dese crated and the State disgraced, and some will find in this occur rence another reason for the remov al of the seat of government from Raleigh. A Xl LIuU QaM of nr. Sanaa. Charlotte, May 3, 1SS3. EQtar J ifil OUttt. Mr. Oreen D. Ranra, latetom- missioner of internal revenue, re signed his office to take effect on the 30th day or April. The fol lowing letter received by the dep uty collector of this city will per haps explain why that functionary resigned, as well as throw some light on the methods of that de partment of the government : STATMTiLLr. K. C Apcil 30, 13 U. W. WiLU.aa, Eao D. C: 8n : I mto a fblV-r from WlMiita rat4ta4 om taa a April froaa WaWinti "lrf. Kaam vM ta riftxpt taaaaiattarwa aa4 mIwi la eoUia thr rlaUna fur rvbata. Hm tkm iU ba rwnuU. Parao-M vitainf km wnka fa tba fuikrwma om tbmtr rlaiaa: iirtmm B. Kaaia W aweby wvapiari an4 aatiMwtaaa ta ruwin thw tlm aa4 renp fur drmft iii i i ia j mi L TaaanUactor y fi gira taral tai mrnia af lain fact. oara, htrn4 T. Giki. 0aaAcalMr.l 1 It will thus be seen that this nice little scheme -was all fixed up by Mr. Itanm whilst still commis sioner, by which the officers of the revenue service are officially or dered to serve the cupidity of an ex-official now a private citizen, and to effectually prevent any oth er person whomsoever from acting as agent iu the collection of these claims. Mr. ItAum " being fresh from the commissioners office js presumed to know all the ways and means of, aud to have pecu liar facilities for collecting such claims. A telegram is received from "Washington' (from what official is not stated) and the uCo lector" wishes general information given of the fact, whercupou each deputy collector is notified official ly aud said deputy importunes each claimant to endorse on his claim authority to tho outgoing commissioner' to collect it, he prom ising that his terms fhall be "rea sonable !" i Can anything be clearer than tho fact that the department is thus lending itself to the enrich ment of the. ex-commissioner- br a trick prepared whilst in office f In nine coses out of ten persons will be disposed, to believe that the authority to Mr. Ilanm ii a necessary preliminary to the col lection of what is due them, and will sign it as a matter of course. When it is considered that the amount of these rebates will reach anywhere from ten to twenty mill ions of dollars it will be seen at a glance what the 'reasonable'' com pensation of Mr. Ilaum would be. 1 I feel it my duty to warn the manufacturers of and dealers in to bacco in North Carolina, that if they do this their money will mostly be a present to Mr. Ilaum. In nineteen cases out of twenty no attorney or agent whatsoever will bo needed. In fact in no case will such aid be required except where the facts are disputed or there is some suggestion of fraud. Wanks aud full instructions how to proceed are furnished by the Treasury department, and- the affi davits of the collector and his dep uties will be conclusive in all but exceptional cases. I Respectfully yours. Z. It. Vakce. Prof. Blair's school at Summer- field closes on the 22nd of this month, with interesting public ex ercises. A town that possesses the su perior amateur talent'that Greens boro does ought to be independent of travelling shows. Tite CoscEnr. The band con- High roiNTJ The town has not cert last night was a success. Fi- stopped growing by a jug full, and nanciauy it was a .oig nino me tne I'olnters are talking seriouslv baud. From i k the refreshment about borrowing a column or two standpoint it was something im- of the Patriot to do their blow Work began Monday on King & llenbow's tobacco factory. The buildinr. when completed, will be ISO by Q feet, three stories. Tbe Stato Dental Association meets at Morehead City June 12th. The Stato board of dental ; examin ers meets there tho same time. TW RaUlgk tMk risk. Among.nporting mea for weeks the main of cocks between Ala mance aud Halifax, for 200tbc battle; and 1,000 the odd fight, has been a matter of interest. It began at the fair grounds Tuesday, where a reiwrted one battle was fought, won by Halifax. There was rumors yesterday that the law was to be iuvoked to stop the main, aud in the morning a war rant was sworn out by Mr. Z. T. Rroughton, before Justice M. B. Barbee. The warrant was placed by Sheriff Lowell in the hands of deputy sheriff James T. Rodgers. About 1:30 he went out to the fair gronnds to serve it. At the gate the gate-keeper refused him admit tance, saying that the grounds bad A rnfmlal awlaIWr. j HW TtiM ritiarrr.l j A man registering himself as A. II. Winters, of 'ewburgb, -Sew York, stayed two weeks in our town, at Jarreir. In dress and manners he played the role of the genteel Yankee, passing his time iu the South foi his health. After trying Mr Elwood Cox and perhaps others to get cash on a draft which he drew on a Xewburgh house, he finally accompanied Mr. Jarrell to Greensboro National Rank. On the cashier refusing to honor tho draft without endorsement Mr. Jar rell (whom Winters (1) had previ ously asked to keep money and documents for him in his safe) sign ed his name, and . the draft came back yesterday, with 103Ji3 test fees due all included decamped on the Xorth bound train, last Friday night. Mr. Jar rell pays the draft Wiuters Try "Dove's It is no humbug. True Turf Oil.' . Judge Steiner hail his toilet set and wash-stand nicely washed yesterday. He says these annual cleanings are a great bore to bache lors. Conversation : "You say that Snaggs won't pay you that note t Is he embarrassed V "Well, he won t pay tne note ; says ne can't, but he didn't seem to be a dnru bit embarrassed! Never saw such cheek." Chaple Hill commencement June Cth and 7th. The address be fore the Literary Societies will be delivered, by Hon. T. C. Manning, L. L. D., of Louisiana, and Rev. A. D. Hepburn, D.' D., of North Carolina. A number or nortnern manu facturers will pass through to-night going to South Carolina and Geor gia. Won't somebody apply for a bench warrant and have them ar- mense.. Musically it was a brill iant affair. The hall was crowded at au early hour, and the many strikincrlv handsome and distin guished looking women of Greens boro never appeared .to better ad vantage. Tbe evening was warm enough for full -summer toilets, and white muslin never looked so charming before. Everybody voted the concert a success before the first note was heard, and were al &c, &c Of course it is not expect ed that we shall mention any ing.' :A11 that we caii offer is choice and vigorous English and a large and intelligent constituency. The town has agitated , itself iuto fever heat on the graded school question. There is strong opposi tion to tho school, based chiefly on the ground of increased taxation. By special request Col. Morehead addressed the citizens in a public meeting last night and talked grad ed schools and schools that wern't graded, making a deep impression. Tho audience voted it a sensible and practical educational talk, and ..... - 1 A. I 1 -1 : ; . fc. . . I Al V a a . . . a uamcs, uui Buuiujr luaiuisa mo uuu- i luougut iue seeU , UUU : UCen SOWn cert performance by saying that it that would bear . graded school was up to the best professional stan-1 fruit, j dard in every respect. And of course '.The Toiuthasthe politest and we shall do nothing ot the soft, most obliging railroad agent in the The vocal solo by Mrs. Merrimon State -Capt. Tlatt D. Cowan, a was touchingly rendered, and went Wilmington man.V home to many "a weary neart77 in an audience that -seemed only gay and light. Cornet duet by Messrs. I Alderman and ' Griffith ' gave ' the audience time to get its breath and draw a few sighs. The appearance of Miss Katie Scales and Miss Liz rfe Dickin a vocal. duet was the occasion of the ' first genuine out burst, of the evening. Howard Griffith, Callnm and Howlett were all in splendid voice, and sang the 401d Oaken Ruckef with geuuino pathos. The Missea Alderman showed the hizrbest mnsical talent Pickett & Co. are the leading tobacco manufacturers They oc cupy a large building and employ about j 100 hands. Among them are a number of respectable young white women, who earn from $2.00 to $3.50 per day. ; ine Jarre ii store is now occu pied by two euterprising young men from Stauly county, who are building up a fine trade. We shall have the pleasure of introducing them to our Randolph and Guilford readers soon; Mr. William rartridgo has re Orawiac Ttmpcraac flta New York 8ua. in England, no less than in this country, there has for several years I'aav uccu fciuwiug senciment in NEWS. Davidson JJijatch: Mrs. Mol lie Bean blossom i diedf neaj Silyer juui iu iew uaytf ago, ac uio age or 97 years. Her mothet died at the fayor of temperance in the ; nse of age of 102 years. don Standard exnressea it "fnrtha, Aue. Y arrenton c;reports first time , in the , history of this 2e.?a"!5 W ln V plantation bridges and, the wash country, lutoxication. - irresnective .The rtolendeney of &fcJ' iue uav." it nans. ia nrtnnaiwi f n i . . - s excessi ve drinking i &ueV entire flock, drowned - The House i of 'Commons Jast "V 5,8UIDe Vf last ornlay. week gave a majority in favor of I Newton Enterprise Thfe wheat Sir Wilfrid Lawson's local option Pron aInff the! county road that resolution: and that is a very sis- ieada froui Newton td Liricolnton iiiucani siep. n iurmsnes another WM cAtccumgij uue, anu iarmers irooi ; oi iue increaseti lavor in which the temperance movement is held in England, where once the few : temperance ? agitators were treated with ridicule by all classes. Now, however, even , actual , teeto talers begin to be numerous among tlie . most i n telhgen t . men, , and in the more cultivated society, the quantity ot wine ana spirituous li quors used has much decreased as compared with the past. iue same tendency to abstinence moderation say the prospects were never bet ter. v e think j the same may be said of the whole of Catawba and Aiineoin counties -4We hear general complaint that most of the Dees died last winter, leaving hard jy rne seea. uifroni; every part oi iue county rwe near that the apple trees are blooming inbre pro fusely than for several years be fore. --Last fall Miss 3Carv Mc Corkle,one of Newton's besi; known young ladies, entered the Boston uuservatory of MusicJandpias dis- or moderation ia nhsAr-Ml j 1it and among the people .who ! were P ed talent of jthe highest order. never influenced by the wild tem- unt we 9an say fiothiug more com- perance agitators who treated the Pmentary ot her than that she drinking, of anything alcoholic as uas.been chosen a member! of the a veritable sin i against GodJ ;The ci0ir of one of c hargest churches dude, of whomf we hear so much .f that musical city. At the same rested and keep boro a few days. them in Greens- and training in'playing an intricate j turned j to the Point to live, and is Some gentlemen went out to North Buffalo yesterday to fish for carp. I ney semen , tue creec irom Albright's to Farrar's pond and caught about half a ick of good and far surpassed French duet. It was a finished per formance. 'Now listen to the night- en gale. A highly intelligent socie ty gentleman from New, York said &ivav nijyUi luub silica .smv singing compared favorably with the best opera singers in New York manv who had building a handsome house to live in. . . i . - That railroad is going to be built, for a fact. Then the Point - will have a boom of its own, and will keep on booming. No doubt the town has a bright future. sued pcrcn, catfish and pite, be- national reputation. This Is very sides about 1,000 little fishes, which j complimentary to Miss Scales, and hey at first supposed. were carp, but which proved on close examin ation to be small shad or roaches. From the discoveries made by them they are of the opinion that-the carp recently put in Farrar's pond will turn out to be shad-roaches. Capt. Neil Ellington has been elected cashier of the Greensboro national bank. Mr. Julias A. Gray, who has been cashier since the or ganization of the bank, resigned ou account of his official duties in con nection with the Cape Fear& Yad kin Valley Railroad, which will now occupy his whole time. Capt. Ellington has been in the service of the bank for ten or more years, and for the last two years assistant cashier. He possesses the highest business qualifications aud his pro motion by the directors of the bank is a deserved recognition, of his capacity and integrity. is fully deserved. She sang "Wilt Thou Leave Me," and was just hoarse enough to trill the nigh ten- gale into shame. , Miss Settle, quite a distinguished looking young lady, a. -a l 't gave a recitation, snowing a uigu order of elocutionary talent and recalling the vehemence and elo quence of her gifted father. Alto gether the concert was a brilliant success, ana ought to encourage our home talent to greater efforts in the direction of dramatic enter tainments. Memorial Day. The following ladies are requested to meet at the Confederate Cemetery on the morn ing of tho 9th of May at 9 o'clock to decorate the speaker's fctaud for Memorial Day : Mrs. Huudley, Mrs. Dr. A I ford, Mrs. Nannie Mc- Adoo, Mrs. Jos. Reecc, Mrs. John Dodson, Mrs. Thad Coleman, Mrs. S. A. Howard,, Mrs. Levi Houston, Misses Mollie Smith, Bessie Yates, Etta Farrar, Clara Albright, Mary Swalm, Hattie Robbitt. Rev. Mr. Crawford ha been invited to offer the opening prayer on Memorial Day and Mr. James Yates ha been chosen chief marshal. . Newtox Normal School. The third session of the Newton normal school will open June 2(th, and cla-e Jnly 27th. The board of managers have seen ml the service of an able crops of instructors, and cau assure teach ers in every part of the State that the uormal of 1883 wilfbe of a very high grade. Prof. N. C. English,' superintendent the of Greensboro graded school, will be snerintend ent, and the faculty will include Prof. M. C. S. Noble, superintend ent of the graded school of Wilmiu ton. j Western Ixsahe Abylum. We are requested to say that pat ients carried to the Western N. C. Insane Asylum at Morgantou, with out first obtaining permission from the Superintendent toN carried there, and complying i "i the law and regulation will uot I admitted. Tlie law requires that about 100 patients, who have heretofore been confined iu the Asylum at Raliegh, shall be the first to receive accom modations at Morgan ton. After that number is provided for, the authorities of the Asylum at Mor ganton will use every exertion pos sible to take as many of the out side insane as they cau. The Su perintendent aud directors sy m pa path izc very much with tbe de mands made upon thenifor admis sion, but they are doing all that is possible to do under the circnm stances. But remember not to carry any one to tho Asylum, expecting admission, without first making the required arrangements with Dr. Murphy, the Superteudent. Odd Fellows' Hall. In com pany with Udd ieiiows, Murray and Harris, a Patkiot reporter visited the Odd Fellows' hall yes terday, nnd must express great as tonishment in SAeiug such a large capacious and elegantly furnished hall. It has recently been refurn ished, nnd painted, and is indeed a very handsome hall. .An elegant and costly carpet, of beautiful de sign, covers the entire room. The imitation granite walls and the beautifully and delicately painted ceiling, is a fine piece of work and reflects the highest credit upon the workmen, Messrs. Golding and James The stands of the Noble Grand and the Vice Grand, made by Mr. Mock, of this place, show superior workmanship, being elaborately carved nnd pannelled. The Noble Grand's chair, upholstered in scar let rp,-is an imposing piece of fur niture, and was made to order in New York. Handsome chandeliers are subtended from the ceiling, fnrnishing 14 gas burners, and lighting the hall beautifully. The lodge has spent in the neighbor hood of $1,200 iii making these im provements. Tho work has been done nnder the direction of Odd Fellows Murray, Harris and Cart- laud, and it has been well done. w On the arrival of some furniture, which is , daily expected, the hall will be thrown oieii and a public reception given The 34th anni versary of the lodge takes place on the 10th of May and it is expected that the reception will be held about that timd . The lodge was chartered May 10th, 1849, nnd numbers among the oldest and most flourishing lodges in the State. An invitation will be pressed on tho Grand Lodge of the State, at its annual meeting in Raleigh next week to meet with the Greensboro lodge in 1834. Washington Lodge No. 1, orgau ized in Baltimore, April 26th, 1819, was the first lodge of the order in America. Since that time tho or der has been established iu every State and Territory in tho United States. According to tbe last re port of the Grand - Lodge there were 48 grand lodges, 33 grand en campments, 5,480 sub-ordinate lodges, 1,512 subordinate encamp ments and 512 Rebekah degree lodges. The order sprang from the "Ancient and Honorable Odd Fel lows," which had its origin in the latter part of the 18th century. "Dove's True Turf OiP will euro tho worst burn if applied. Try a bottle, at Glenn'rt drug store. cents. instantly For sale Price 25 Churck Iattlligrart. Christian Advocate : The good work is still going on in Toisnot, accessions un to date. Durham circuit: At Orange Factory-church there have been 31 accessions, and the interest is growing.' Greenville Reflector: Sixteen persons wero confirmed by Bishop Lyman at St. John's, this county, last Wednesday. -The protract ed meeting in the Methodist church still continues with unabated in terest.! ' : The Shelby Aurora records the fact that Rev. F. R. Hall, so well known1 in this city, has received recently two Jersey red pigs, weighing about 150 pounds each. He paid $84.40 for his fine stock. Perhaps he is uot fond of poultry, though we have heard of ministers that were. : ' Statesville Landmark : JJev. J. T. Harris, pastor of the Metho dist church,! not content with hav ing lifted, since the first of Janu ary, the debt of $1,150 which he found upon the church when he took charge of, it, now has plans for the 'building of a beautiful and symmetrical tower at the right hand corner,' tront, noc oniy to uoki a new be.ll, which it is proposed to buy, but to add to the appearance of the building. ' New -Orleans Advocate: ine first Metlrodist conference was coin posed of only six ersons. .It met in the old foundery on the 25th of June, 1744, and the following were present : Johu and Charles Wes lev. John .Ltodges. Jienry iiers, Samrtbl Taylor and John Meriton. How marvelous the growtlfof 139 years! ine lime company u become a great army. Methodism's morning drum-boat is j now heard round the world. i Baltimore sa: "The annual renort i of the executive committee of home missions was presented by the secretary at their meeting on yesterday afternoon and was or dered to be forwarded to thejtteu nr:i1 Assembly, which meets in Tvinfftoii i Kv.. on the 18th mst. i This report recognizes the growing imiwrtanee of the South as a miss-l ion field on account of the large additions being made! to its popn- lation by I immigration as well hr on ncconut of the wide destitution sti'l eiisting in some .'parte of it: territdryt The Southern Presby terian church covers fifteen States,1 Including Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, and all South of them. The report states that gratifying progress has been made during tho past year in the work entrusted to the executive committee. One hundred and seventy-three minis-) ters hjive been aided in preaching to 450 feeble chnrchesj 30 weak congregations have been assisted in the erection of houses of worj ship; 30 churches which heretofore, required . assistance have become, self sustaining; 70 evangelists have been sent out into destitute fields whoso labors have been greatly blessed; 11 ministers (10 of whom are colored) have been assisted in preaching to the colored race; 23 uged and infirm ministers and 89 families of deceased ministers have been helped in their support in these days, is a very : slight con sumer of alcohol. . In fact, absti nence from excess in the expressibu of unction and ideas, in ' dress and iu zeal, as well as in eating-and drinking, is necessary to the main tenance . of the . character. ; : The dude most be moderate .in Jail things, even to the . total-: sacrifice of snontaniety. i Busmen of more virile ambitions are uot less abstemious about the use of4 alcoholic beverages in these days men of leisure, men of bust ness, professional men, and. work ing men, we are glad to say. As it is iu England, so it is ; here. time Miss Liudal i a bury, entered the same institution aud was at onee assio-nefl to thn highest grade, solos at several and has been , pr finest performer institution. Rumple, Of Salis- She I has ) played public concerts, oiiouiiced the very Iii th'ut renowned 4 4- Wko will SacceedjRaaiti. Baltimore Sun. 1 xiic 1 resiuent is stui engaged portion of each day iij listening to the appeals of ex Congressmen and their friends in , the liiatter of the vacant internal reveiiue i'nm mis sioner. Senator Conger.! who! is at n v rxa-a f 4-1. a a ,Is A ... 1. Drunkenness is notregardedas the ver3 anxious lor the appointment pardonable offence it was once held ,f ex-Representative Burrdws, told to nave tne place i to be. It degrades a man.: land casts doubt on his trustworthiness both socially and iu a business sense. . i And the people .of, this .city 'f for instance, were never so prepared as now to sustain a sensible land practical movement for the regula tion -of the sale of spirituous li quors so as to protect the general welfare. The great majority of the population throughout New York, iu every ward, would gladly see the number of rum shops re duced and the political power of the rum sellers lessened. ecause that State in the past had been given so little of the good things about Washington. The v isconsiu Sen atora have asked the 1 President to appoint Irving M Bean, internal revenue collector atf Milwaukee, who is one of the oldest and most efficient collectors in the whole ser vice, and is said at the same time to be an able and adroit politician. The politicians ro vry much in terested in this appointment, be cause the patronage of the, bureau can be wielded verv effectively to The most hopeful temperance wmpass pouucai enos. . . in a very movement which has ever taken " w u,"",l"s iwua uine ineseiec place is now quietly in progress in tion of delegatef to the upxt Re both England and America,; for it Puuucan national convention win is based on good sense-on the b madf a,ul thf machinery of the (rrnuln nr,n -.Vf Jm,. that i. "Ueniai meUUC UUITail tCUU OC W . I . .1 1 1 t.l W a S ... . .-.W-ak at , 1....... ... UlilUC IU flat.) illl, .U-l'lU l ! 1''" l Ml icKlla Clafc Plillaaaphr. "Am Judge Perfection Smith iu de hall dis eveuin'tt asked the . president, as Le laid aside his gaiiel and looked; around him. I : If , ! es, 'sail',': answered a voice full of fishbones and shingle-hails shak -en up together. - Ij. , ''Please fimbulate dis way,5 , The judge ambulated. ! , He came up confident and smiliiigj expect j tig to receive a goiu meuai lor invent lug a mosquito oar, catches rats. which 1 ISTt: -1 $1 style an ! "Judge Smith," said the pre debt in a solemn voicej "dar atiij a few little things I desiah to sppke to you about. - You waViat de pos'j oflis de odder day to ; rent a box it; $2.50 per quarter. AH de mail dat! you receive in six months wouldn't ngnt a. Kerosene iamp ien why! uis attempt to irow on ap on agonj.72- ! "ii rtim't rent oue4sah "I re plied the culprit in a weak voice. lew aays ago, - continueUrthe president, pi oberheard you trottiii' out a presidential candidate! for 1884. YoU had your biggest vficeJ an' you Iras flingin'j yonr':'4rN about, an' one would have thought yon knowed all about it. I Jfidgo Smith, you will have ho mo' to ilo with de mkkin' of de nex? presidqiit of de Unitied States d:in one grain of sand will have in makin'upide great Sahiry Desert." ! f j '2o, 8ah dars so, sab " rl S "Let dis be a warninj' to voulsalii. From dis iime ou yon have hq can didate, doan' want one an' j take ih interes' in poly ticks beyond hvhat can be 'sheeted of ebery eiti t-Imi. ii a man axes you to tell him who am to be de nex'? president ilohu joudo it! Keep dat jiufonuJtioii locked tight in , your busum.j An' a day or wo ago youj 'denounced yourself sas an advocate of !a jtarifl". Judge Smith, do you know what tariff is!" i . . i--. "N not zactly. sah. but I was gwine to fead up on it.f, J r '-. "Jxactly ; an perhaps you d bet terread np ou how td Ikeepl ypur mouf shet on what you cloan'jkuW au' what doan'' affeck ybuJj Yoii ant a purcy look in' advocate-vou am ! ' Wljile your wife! needsfshpes an: ue cum en want clothes you walk aroifn' de market wid yer (old i white obercoat on to tell del world dat you doan' believe in dis or dat or dat y oil am wedded to dis theory or opiMjseu to dat one I "rze sorry, sah. rlldrapdo hull i - ' m.h l . . ft uizness right ony p f . all rightTonless a man am ' m v ! a a a 1 . 1 ' moutns lmhuuu on ins rent. tnnes am hain't sbiherin' wid cold, litdiv ual opinio il ia count for nuflin' when de individual can't raise cash 'null' Go an' dangerous stuff to meddle with." Am Kmgiu mt Fall Spe4 Daakea Arraoa aCbaiH. ! I - ' morning, Hickory Pr. At C o'clock Monday engineer Jack Edwards and con dnctor Maloney left Hickory with fifteen freight cars for Salisbury, aud entertained less fear perhaps, as to the condition of the road bed than any other crew on the road, but wheu about five miles east of Hickory, they realized the .situa tion better. The fill near Mr, La- faj'ette Miller's had washed out, leaving a holo about 10 feet deep aud 18 feet wide through the fill, and nothing but the iron and j.cross ties swinging over theholeV A geu tleman knowing that the freight train would be along early in the .morning, very thoughtfully started up the road to wave, it down, but he had gone but a short distance when he met the train, but it being down grade it was impossible to stop it in time; so in a fewj mo ments Mr. Edwaids on No. 15 a 45 ton engine was within ja few feet of the break . with no earthly power to stop the train. As a last resort he threw the throttle) wide open, which gave ns such a sudden impetus forward that it broke loose from the train and went across the chasm with almost the velocity of a bullet. The boxcars, one j after another followed, and tumbled in a confused mass'into the ravine and on either side of the (track, making a complete wreck of ten cars. Fortunately the train being long, the rear cars were stopped before they were thrown from the track. Capt. Maloney, who was in the ealtoose, had quite a lively tussel with a saud barrel to see which would stay on top, but we are glad to note was not hurt, and MrKdwards receives the sincere congratulations of his many friends over escaping what might have leen an untimely end. Perhaps nothincr bnt the creat speed with which he rnshed over the danger ous place saved his life. lair FliMla Stria wra 3lm4e- The following facts relative to an industry of which the general pub lic have but little knowledge have been complied from the Mhnvfae turcr's Gazette and New York A'mm. The name "catgut,7' as applied to the animal fiber strings used on musical instruments, is altogether a misnomer, iue cat is iu uo o it in the South and West. In 1880 Mr. John Sherman, then - Secretary of the Treasury, obtained tie-most of his delegates to the Chicago con vention from the South, atid was mostly indebted ; for them manipulation of the nue ; patronage; 4; 1 la mn was a Com m if Urant man to his iiiternnl reve- ssroner aud I a Grant delegate from Illinois, but ue iui not iniericie wmt .r. ouer- m an's oierations! in the Soujbv Watal ia the Vs mf Maakea f his very interest- akes,! writes of s follows : dislike Unakes Wliati is the use not with- Iioih'J appear in 3" It iis work. were things habit araeiy, The receipts of the committee dur- resiwnsible for the string, and, til" IUU IVai " 7 i r- ... shows a gain of $13,402.73 vr tUe the manufacturers refuse to) utilize and of 3S,317.4G dur iirr (h nast 11 vears. wheu tho present secretary became connectet with the worK.: CSrtllas a Wifa fcr AJrerlal. I ! rrhnrlutte Journal. VT f .1 r:irraw:ir. a CltlZCIl Oi Polkton, ! this State, put au adver tisement In the Baltimore Sun few weeks ago wanting a wif?. A day or two after the advertisement appeared, uoi. uarraway renc.. , a letter irom a liauimore iiu, closing her photograph, with a de scription of herself, and he was so well pleased with it au tuav uc wii - . . ti.1i! nriil ru ata fnr the suimlv of their mate,- V " M. I' V J rial. That disposes of the Jast ex cuse for the existence of thi cat. Aminadab Sleek, amended to ac curacy, -should speak of they who scrape the hair of the hors upon the bowels of the lamb' -njot the bowels of the cat." Catgut is of no use to anybody but the cat; hence no consideration of damage to valuable raw material nefd here after stay the hand that burls the avenging bootjack at the nocturnal serenader on the back fence, j Vio lin, ernitar. and banjo strings, and, 1 in fact, all sorts that come under the general head of "gut," are . . -. . a. . nnl r0 S iJ ;" ne t UM mode from the entraiU of lambs 'heturved .lie i niM lirAiiMit tbe ladv home with mm, i useu lurtwniug brought iue lauy uuiue rouni having marrie! uer ic . J i i Vl2 . ter he first saw her in nam more 0 .C. Hope7, iu ing work on "cm their usefulness 5 "Persons who continually ask,! oftuemf Thatthe.rarb out a use will, in the course ot t neeessarv to preach t h4t all have, their um I But iii one that offended Lord Bac)tn, 1 of 'going ou their belly7, lies luie of their greatest jises, ljeeaitse that together wi t h thir i inertia 1 1 forma tion and external covering, en ables them to penetrate 1 where no large earnivoi'ous aijimalj eould veuture, iuto d4rk. aifd noisome morasses, bog jungle, swamps, amid the tangle! vegetation of the tropics, where smarms f.f the Iessr reptiles, on which so mjmy ff them fted. would otherwise S outbalance Iic Jiarmony 01 1 nainiv, uw, produce pestilence "Wonderonslvsuid exfilllSltt-lV COn structed for their habitat, tfiey e able to exist where tbd higher ani mals could not aud whilK they help to clear :hose jiiiacles.ible places of the leaser, vermin, they themselves sujy foo for i nuin ber of the smaller j mammalia, which, with many carnvorou- birds, devour vast liumUers ,of young snakes. The hedgehog, wea sel, ichneumon, "tat, p4ecarvbal ger, hog, goat jarnl Jin immense number of onxis Keep jsnaiies within due limits, while thf latter part among the and all right when a family j, am , two dW.- to get a patch ou his boot. sit down. ose a miu to reform.?- w a vii a-a a y a. r ay j J - .Iiulgo Smith, ! an 1 doaii t in startur on de Ma i The I.a4 Aalul rwl Fi.a Sec. 2, chap. 308, lad follows: f Any person keep, or life, or 111 any way nected with or interestel management of, or shall money foij the admis$idii iierspu to any place kept tor the pui ing .any bull, bear, iu the receive l" "T.V of used IKisejif fightjihg or ba f. s lac. im, is lis wliO Khali be con- ahd cock, ! or other crejiture; uiid any ersoju who shall. encourage, aid, or assist threin, or who shall pei nut or suner any place to Ixj w) iisedshall upon con viction thereof be crui fv ot a mis jlemeaiior.T ' . Li ! ; , See. 11 ijeadsr ITmhi eoniplaiiit under oatu or aflirmatiin: to an magistrate authorized to issue war rants in criminal actions,! 'that tue eoiiiolaint has iukt audi reasouable cause to suspect that jalny of the provisions un law reiaimi; i or in any wi je affecting animals are lie uigjor aboilt to lie. - violated iii any. particular building or piact, sucn magistrate! shall immediately issue and deliver a warrant to any per son autheh-ized . by law to niaki- arrests for sueh offender jir .offend ers.' authorizing ana uirecting niin to enter and search such buildiia or place, a id to arrest any there present violating! any laws, and bring sueh before the nearest magis competentjurisdictio!i, with according to Iaw.? person 01 said prson rat iif to I if' dealt 'roMPraaperla - I.inliur- Hr.ri .Notwithstanding the ance of rain throughoij atlakrb. prospects : thiitsswith which, owi lare llatteriiig; for ever the exception of ig to the ravage perform their grain-devouring lesser creatures. is the balance of naturjfe ed.'' hmoijg herlhvoroiis Thus beaXitifulIy muintain fiy hud backwardness is j thought will be fr per cent, short in com ove AiJril olit f nil 7inac 1 ol the ants, it 25 to 50 rin wijth IS IOOK belts. . . , L.: A Tria- . 11a r.l liw Arm Arriinil in V Just no: ami lokl.ioh ! veryiilly: And yet at Iwing thus inl)incfI 1 " 1 a At 1 : - ... He rail my hn'l. atd bent hi? i-liin Most reverently low to ki in One little km it w o in I . To tell the truth 1 jlil not nfi it. j Tl.un -a T lumwl mv nice toward hb i Our line were near jnone to ftfrbki itf Sometxxly Kbcel S i ne-wvuia i. 1 ln't esartly kwf who di it. r - " A Caracl 1.1 Tr. I Cincinnati Cume(iaL : Some medical I students in ond of the colleges of this cifjvdssectng a female subjecjt a few dhys ago, found what is fcalleij injdoctors' parlance a "corset liver. 1 Whii tight lacing has been practiced through severatyearsf a permanent dent or hollow is prfxlucjM iu the liver, which may be seen very plain ly after the woman isjdeai; and her liver dissected out. j Thil kind of liver occurs s4 freqiient y in wo men that physicians jhave given it the name of "corset Uver.f In the subject mentioned the hollo w in thc liver was large enough for the wrist of a grown mail to be laid in it. Young ladies who don't f ant their livers put into leWwsiMpers niul made an awful example ot round ! after thev! are dead, had letter v i ------ i m i i;K ill IMIIji. ! 3 last year' crep. Wheat inVrrine. asd more was sown this year thai! last by ?aoutf - per cent. Wip" a favorable season the oat crop will .lie ' some 10 per cent, larger. T le corn crop ft ill le birge but Jate, ns very feirjiif jour fir iners have finished planting ylt. Thenotab! ;rop will li' Unusually. large, while clover ami thj grasses , will be vetfv hue, muc beihg frotii IT to 20 (Irass is l'ing cultiva more eve3 year, an put more mei-s won I iii , gra better than growing baeeo anil; grain. would pay ;thm miitli la lUllialioiai .11-lfcaa,iiu i i-r of! it- now iiiclles high. ted mi ore aliid if our lar-: if their laud so much. to- ir achers7 meet- is a spirited f i I llnltiDKtre Su; i J At the Methodist pi t niir vestcelay thereiw diseiissioii on the quesUen whether ori not tlJ recent changes Jn the order of worship at touiiti Venioii Mi K.' e.hiiieh shouhl llV ilebate! in tltv meet In''. It w?a'ilefided i the aflirmtative. and Ihe I huest5iii was set for next Mon ualism Mlthodisnij? formed almost the wle (topic of (Jon klayj"ls Ifit- The sulilert Mjoiiiit i - rem'C tev VGrsatioiifuiiong ministers after meeting, land much din opinion was expressed. m - i Pelton, pastor of qh nrch, was not present; L -!U- Li lt Is said tbiit his war paint, and is tage witlf Anthers dispensation the- of Mr. Lga i haon jin a towering Venioiu i IS I! 4i tJ i'i 1 11 - i 5 n J5 i- 1 H - it ir y 3 if- 1;' : i'i .13 .1

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