j)Ar. V jKSTAlJLISIIED IX irr.usiiEn i:vi:rv Friday. !- .!if ! mi.jrvj to abcnbri, Irr of pot- ,;. ii . 150 pr annum, or at live umt rates an vtof :rr prnod I bM. nnuctrios vrrtcv; C;TS31 S'JILSIXS WEST MARKET STREET. 4 i Tiii; RTt. On inch oo ia- -it va i x; lu rxeri ftubeqat invrrtioB' c va. A imrruvcrt mmi coatrarl lor special if::fiin.Jf tofrt tha brarfit of such ra'ea. iQkui icruiaais ar cnargvd accoctfiai joii m. iirmiKr. .Ki:i.-l:R'lt X. C, MATKm " . SutiM t Cox is taking in To- kav today. A Cieorgiu farmer has made a profit of Kx ait acre on straw- Utrie?-. Tin U""vry of an oil well in Watauga, county is reported. What next I . . . - akr ctainty will now try I In r.iilnadtax in broken closed by tu iithipA. Over 1,UX) people bean! Congrexniau Bennett at YVilming- on memorial (lay. Urn (.rant mother, Mrs. .It n- 11. Grant, died at ber home , in ,li-r'.v city, Thursday last. The SHithern Baptist con tention. Thursday, raised .3,000 f..r the building of churches in Mi xico. - Tin Supreme Court of Ken- tut-ky ha decided that a wife may rtttrr nioiu-v last bv her husband a! gaiuhliiA-f. J 1nJ placing by minoni is i nun inhibited bylaw in Pcnnsjl. J -! T" I . .k lu.ii . I f - i ruriuvilinn .f I tl-..,l .V M llllllllll IU1IH T III lll.tiMI inaki- a day. This is better than In-ill;; nurri-d and removing t e t...t t 1.1 . In r hniiaiids hair for nothing. -The eight railroad lines bav in their termini in Boston have carried over forty ruilliou passen ger the ust tear, with only eight fat.d accidents. Congressman PbilThonipson i now on trial for killing bis wife's seducer, lie is defended by Sena tor Yorhees, of Indiana, and Con gressman Blackburn. Mt PnlitTar rft1,aZt T YM I l'tut.f)ipitckr has pnrchasetl the New York UW.f,at ?I0O,(M. The Worl'l is zn property and Paltt- z. rhaHgot the brain and energy III HUIIll ll lip. I . . i Marriageable women are jwaive and high in Utah. Elder I i in Wood ami Susan Stotldard of Ruiurliful c-!-tializiHl in the early irin-tiiiie. the elder giving for Suau a ia aud a load of hay.1 f ti.i!i.ilioii incaii! polygamous lli;trriar. Tin 'harlot tejwrmf makes a liiiM-I Ktiggestion alwut the Ni.itli Carolina dead at J Arling" ton. TIm- liily source of appeal is Ihi'iiobtt utimi'ii iT our laud. We rt-ptodMcc wbat our ciitruiorarj ..'. hoping that it may touch the Ix-att .T fi-iio- iM-lf f acriticiiiCKit Ji- III UMltl.lll. The n tiinis f the progress' . tin- tUoii planting idmw that ..rL I.it r than usual in ever' Siatr. and iiiilh-atr that on May M 71 p r o ut of tlapniocd area n.io p!.uitiI. when the usual pro--ili.;: i N-dd t le HI K-r --nt. In VirgiMia and Nrth Carolina it w.i i r late. The icr rentages wi-re. Virginia, 15; North Caro lina :kV Tului oi iiianufacuturer an piMaly pntitiii against the li.u.M.ijx t which buinei is U i:i tibjt-ctitl Ikc;iuso of the utter l iuadopiate siipplv tf revenue t.iiniH. II it nd ml. i of thousands f Hiiind if tobacco are now ar.aitiug liipment for want of iii-i-.irj: utamps. The dealers de the r.istingitns.tion which K MTionly aCTi'cting the trade a iin cu.iblo and outrageous. Michigan new law for the antr-mortcm probate of wills pnv idet that the testator may goiuto "oiirt, giving ntictt all concern rd, ami hae hisown will prolwitel. T1mm who tand ready to assail hi-i minify or M-t up., the plea of un due intlifeiice must npiear and con froiit th testator himself. The contiiit of the will need not be divulged, nor U-como matter for : the court to pas on, but only the HU'stion of the capacity, "jouud mind and di.osing memory" of the ttator. The story that Major James R. Wasson, a paymaster in the army, had been robbed of $24,000 while in a slipping car in Texas, has lieen followetl by tidings that the rogue was none other than Major Wasson himself. His ac counts, on examination, showed a deficit of $3,500, and on being tdiarply questioned he confessed the whole sleeping-car story to bo a trick, intended to cover not only bis past thefts, bat a proposed transfer of 13,500 more into bis own pockets. 1825. ih rival iiewnapcrs of Stockton CaL, differ seriously as to the best method of suppressing as . Cambling in that city. The Mail says of the editor of its contempora ry: "A man who would whipsaw the acc and attempt to- call tho turn by puttiug (as we bavo often seen him) fourdoUars (his week's salary) Sn 0 1. . A a ' vii . um Liibb was as ueai as Thompson's colt, is hardly the per- son to discuss this rrea't question intelligently. To this unkind cut the .llrrahl says: "A man who would let his money (borrowed from us, lie on the jack until, said jack has passed to tho silent ma jority, and adrunken check-guerrilla appropriates the swag, while the plaj-er, with bis eyes on another man's bet, fondly supposed ho was coppering tho queen, enters this im portant argument considerably bandicapicd.w The May returns of wheat to the Department of Agriculture make the condition compared with April averages materially lower in Xew York and Michigan and Ohio and Illinois. Further. injury was wrought by frosts early in April and in the more northern districts the real damage by March freezing was more fully disclosed as the cov ering of snow aud ice disappeared. Tho average for New York Is 77, for Mich igau 83, for Ohio C2, for Illinois CC Further loss is suffer-' ed by the plowing up of large areas in Ohio and Illinois. "A reduction in Missouri from 83 to 80 is also rvitorted. In Indiana the condi tion averages 75 and New Jersey rejort 101, both . the same as in priL All the remaining Northern Statessitow.au improvement since April report as well as the Pacific coast and nearly all of the .South ern States. ! TMK BAPTIST. The Southern Raptist convention met at Vaco, Texas, Vednesday. Six hundred delegates are present. Dr. Mell, of Ga., elected president, and U. 8. Senators J. K. Rrown, of Georgia, S.'D. Maxey, of Texas, Dr. Furman, of South Carolina, and Wtn. Williams, of Raltimore, were electetl vice presidents. Drs. Rurrows.of Kentucky. and Gregory I of North Carolina, were re-elected j secretaries. Dr. Topper, corres-1 ponding secretary of the board of I foreign i missions, read a long re- i donation of itT-VK) from Mrs. Ehu- I ger, of Tuskegee, Ala. The report tuuws IUIUIUU BUtUUIlS U MUICV, l. : ' i ir r i Brazil, China, Africa and Italy. The total receipts for the past year were $34,000; balance on band April 30th,ngC,000; disbursements for China missions, $1,500; African $ 3,000 ; Rraztlian, $3,000 ; Mexican, .t,000; European, $12,000 Dr. Tichenor, of Georgia, corres omling secretary of the home .mission board, read his aunual re Krt, covering the work done in tho Western and Southern States and Trrritories. There has been $78, fxx raised ami expended by the State loard. Thj? total receipts were $43,000; liulaiiiv on hand, $3,018. $ lWl.lKXI U ueilctl for mix ki'oii work in the South.. .'The statistics placo the number of Baptists in the world at 2,S00, 000; in tho United States, 2,000, (XX); abroad, 800,000; churches, 1.1,400; preachers, 803,000. TAMJl HAND. After 4cool consideration" the Buffalo Courier is disposed to think that Gov. Cleveland erred, both as n governor and as a Democratic leader" in throwing down the gauntlet to Tammany in the way In did. The Courier is one of the ftouiHlet of the New York Demo cratic paper, and, moreover, is tho pajH-r which first named Cleveland for the governorship, and urged his nomination upon the Demo cratic convention. Its views arc therefore entitled to rniuch weight. Yet we cannot help thinking that nt the wortd the governor but has tened a rupture that was sure to come futoner or later, and in all probability in time to sTiouly em barrass the Demociatic party In the great contest of next year, liie Democratic uirty has been defeat ed time and again by taking this treacherous and corrupt ally Into its confidence. Can its open enmi ty bo any more harmful t This matter is of great interest to the Democracy of the whole conutry, which is our only and sufficient excuse for meddling with it at all. The odor of Tammany hall has per mealed every State of the Union and in every one of them votes bavo been withheld from the Dem ocratic party on account of it Let it be once clearly understood that the Democracy ot New York have cut clear from Tammany as a mat ter of principle, and that the Re publican leaders have formed an alliance with it, as a matter of spoils, and we shall have no solici tude as to where the voters are to come from to place the Democratic party in that position which it has been striving to reach since Abra ham Lincoln first entered the White Douse at Washington. Turf Oil. It is no humbug. The outlook for the C. F. & Y. V. R. IL is bright. Rob Gray, of Kaleigb, is tho youngest member ofthe.C. F. & Y. . syndicate. - The C. F. & Y. V. syndicate adjourned Friday subject to the call of tho president. A boys brass band is to be or ganized here. Dr. Grimth has been employed as instructor. It is said that every member of the C. F. & Y. V. II. IU syndi cate is a native North Carolinian. A "number of farmers are in town to-day wcariug store clothes and bavo a done-coru-planting look abon f them. It is understood that the di rectors of the N. C. R. R. have de- clined to purchase the old Gover nor's mansion in Raleigh font de pot site. Dove's True Turf Oil" will cure the worst burn if instantly applied. Try a bottle. For sale at Glenn's drug store. Price 25 cents. Chickens are a luxury here. Ve pay Richmond prices. It is fun for the hucksters and fanners but it is death to the town man's pocket book. Rev. Dr. Smith writes from Newbern that be is steadily improv ing, and hopes to be greatly bene fited by his trip. He went to Eliz abeth City last week. The Patbiot is assured by members of the Capo Fear & Yad kin Valley syndicate that tho syn dicate can raise all tho money it ants aud that the road is to be built right away. Reuuettsvillo. S. C. wants the Cajw Fear& Yadkin Valley R. R. to switch off in that direction and give Florence the go-by. A dele gation is here urging the change of route indicated. Capt. II. W. Reid, of James town, is entitled to the belt as the champion snake scalper. In the last three days be has killed and skinned 50 huge moccasins. Trot out your champious and beat this record if you can. . I Thacker will nnitn nml unihl a larreaml uanJ someoncra ball over " their joiut buildings, their praises shall be the theme of our song for unnumbered days. Seriously, gen tlemen, it ought to lc done. - The funeral of the late Sey mour Steele took place at the Meth odist church Friday evening. The body was borne to Green Hill cem cteri by an escort from the Biieua I Vista lodge of Odd Fellows, and there buried according to the jm posing ritual of that order. A gentleman who.has traveled around -through tho country con- siderahly, informs us that corn oti the uplands is up and looking well, and the. pro-ct for a g:d crop of wheat is very encouraging. There will no doubt be a plentiful supply of fruits, and If Mr Cu mn ntn plenty com and karoa. Tbcy will kmd their ixra ttill anhaken. A gentleman from this section who attended the. meeting of the Grand Lodge of (Odd. FellowM at Raleigh, returned last night and is spending the day in town. lit says it was j oppressively dull there that he took the blues, and imagined that ghosts wore haunt ing his every step. Old's can't charge it to Raleigh whiskey, for Greensboro whiskey is fully as mean as anything Raleigh affords. Frof. English, or this place, has been elected suieriutemlent ot the normal schools at Newton, Franklin aud EliraWth City. He has worked himself out by the "rule of three," aud finds that therein not enough to go all around. Con sequently he Juts been comielIed to decline the very flatteringovertures or the Elizabeth City and Franklin schools. He will uonnalito for the "Dutch." f The deeds for the property sold the Government for a public build ing site have been signed and de livered to District Attorney Boyd, who will examine the titles and re port to the secretary of the treas ury at Washington. At present the papers are pigeon-holed in the district attorney's office awaiting his return from Asheville. Some time in the distant future work will begin on the building. Major R. M. Sloan, well known in Greensboro, where he belongs, has been re-elected cashier of the Reidsville bank. The irrljrsays "the president In his report to the stockholders paid a high compli ment to the zeal and efficiency or Maj. Sloan, as the cashier and prac tical manager or-the bank. We are rally persuaded that every word said In his praise was well deserv ed. He is our ideal both or a cashier and a gentleman," Try "Iovo's True GREENSBORO. C., FRIDAY, MAY 18, Aucnc wuuoui any yoiic has been placed In our museum, The "little boy' was 'making his utvimsb vu iuc egg aim wueu me discovery was made be exclaimed with great astonishment, "Mamma mamma: this egg hain t got any yallerP An old gray-headed man, 70 years old, was convicted of horse stealing at Surry court, and passed through here this morning in cus tody of Sheriff Venable, sentenced to a five years' term in the peniten tiary. In all human probability bo will end bis days there, and fill a convict s grave. Such is life. With a view to being thorough ly posted abootthe growth and progress of Greensboro and the middle section of the State, four of C. F. & Y. V. syndicate subscribed for the.DAii.Y Pateiot. When tho first rail is laid aud the first spike driven we propose to fire a salute that will be beard all over North Carolina. -A doctor living a few miles in tho country claims to be a root doc A , , , . tor and says he uses but three medicines. lie calls them hiboba- Iorum, lobobahirum and hilobns tern. One is a cathartic, another emetic and the other a "rank pizen' which will bust his patients open. He makes the first by peeling tho bark downward, the second by leeling it upwanl and the last by leeling it aronndJ Removal of Freckles. Tho careful application of a small piece of the ointment of oleate of copper at night upon retiring will usually remove the freckles. Tho oleate copper ointment should be prepar ed by dissolving oue drachm of salt of oleate or copper in suffici ent cleo palmitic acid to make a soft ointment. The C. F. & Y. V. Svxdicate.- The syndicate was engaged "all day yesterday and up to a late hour last night, and is engaged to-day in finishing up its business. We learn that Col J. S. Morrison, now of Richmond, Va.,1 has been elect ed chief engineer and superintend ent or the road. Work is to begin nt once at Shoe Heel, aud the force employed is to be divided into two sections under the management or Col. Pryor and Major Atkinson. The purchase or iron has been au thorized, and the work or opening up the track and laying tho iron is to begin as soon as the iron can be purchased and delivered. The syndicate does not feel nt all cramp ed Tor means and everything looks propitious for the early completion of the road. Daily Patriot, May 11. "Tw Ever Thus," &c Two widowers from the country, aged respectively 84 and 74 j-ears, met on our streets yesterday. Sevonty- fonr complained of being afflicted with rheumatism,' whereuion 84 of his remedy, "kicking it out," ho process by suggested a trial which he said was: and illustrated jumping up and cracking his heels together live times before coming down to the ground. Seventy-four said ho was too stiff and old to practice that remedy ; 84 asked if he bad a wife) and being 'answered n the negative, he replied, "then what in the devil makes you com plain of old age." Seventy-four hen nsked 84 if he had a wife, and being answered no, remarked to S4 that he had a daughter who was sittiug in a buggy u short distance up the street, whom he could have for a wife. Eighty four went to tin buggy and after taking a good lN.k at her returned with an ex pression of she-looks tK old-for-me, on his face. Taa trer than from cLiklhooal'f hour." A Cow Boy. A of the Texas Cow fine specimen Boy passetl through here tbife morning heading for Washington, whither he goes to intercede with tho Government for the paidon of some of his com rades. He was a wild, devilish looking fellow, dressed from top to bottom iu buckskin, his Iong,black, coarse hair hanging down over a pair of broad aud shapely shoul ders. He wo;e heavy cavalry lioots and a regular Mexican sombrero. In a broad leather belt that en girdled bis body were two fero cious looking daggers, which were displayed without any ostentation whatever. He occupied a Pullman sleeper all to himself. He break fasted at Capt. Hawkins' eating bouse, and bad noj trouble to catch the eye or the table servants. In stead o whipping out his jack knife and taking the Captain's scalp along withj him, be pulled out along leather purse, well filled jrith gold, and paid bis bill like a man, at the same time com plimenting the breakfast. He was ogled curiously by a number of people, and seemed to enjoy bis notoriety. He was banded a copy of the daily Pjltbiot, and after hurriedly glancing over it, ordered a copy to be sent to Col. Noa Zukertort, El Paso, Texas. lie was a gentleman, but evidently disguised. Assessing Pbopekty. The board of assessors for tho several townships in Rowan couuty met wun tn0 county commissioners on Monday last, and adopted the I loiiowiug resolutions : Btsolted, That the real estate in each township shall bo assessed at its true market value, so that equal justice may be done to the tax payers concerned I Ecsolced further, That the expres sion "true market value" is under stood to mean the market value in cash at the place where tho real estate Is situated at the time of as sessments, being the price which could be obtained therefor at a privatti sale and not at a forced sale.' i ! . Meaiobiai. Day. May 10th was the 20th anniversary of the death " , ' ,UI- "n,Cik80U fin(l 18 "f ! observed throughout th fen the Southern States as memorial day. It was observed here by a general snspenisiou of business and appro priate 'memorial exercises. The 1 rZl ZTii 7 memorial j address, delivered by - nu UtiJlA . i i place, elicited marked attention. and was a masterpiece of rhetoric. It was jchaste, ornate, simple, elo quent, dignified, patriotic, and was A. ! ' . most impressively uciivereu.. rue most captious could find nothing in it to carp at. It was free from bit temcssj It was manly. Its senti ments were lofty the honest senti ments of iv tried and true Confeder ate soldier. We listened to it with profouud satisfaction, and hope to i lay it before the readers of the Pa triot: The day was superb and nothing transpired to mar its ob- servanee. The Late Seymour Steele. The burial of the late Seymour Steele took place at Green Hill cemetery ; Friday evening, in the presence ;ot a largo concourse of sorrowing friends. About .14 years ago Mr. Steele came to Greensboro, a poor loy, and was employed by Mr. C. N. McAdoo as a clerk in his store. He was liorn and raised in Guilford comity, and by his own exertions made himself what he was. He was a man of great ener gy and persevereuce and was num bered among the public spirited citi zens of the town. He was a mem- ber or tho S. $U E. Church for many years and was a , faithful aud effi cient Stewart of the church in this place. He was an active member of the j board of trustees of the Greensboro female college and was alway s solicitous about the success of the institution. Ho was com riiissiouer or Greeiisboro for sever al years and worked zealously for tho advancement of the town. For the last two years he was the lessee of the Central hotel, and was well known a the public in that capac ity. His health was j shattered by hard work, andall efforts to recover it, siiicej his retirement from active business, proved futile. Iu 1858 he .was! ; married to Miss Mary Barnes, who. with two sons, are left to mourn an irreparable loss. 1 t I. O. O. P. Baffl. ' IPuileiifh ObmfTVcr. A bauo net was iriveii nt the Yar- boro last evening by the Raleigh lodges of tli is order to- visiting .1 i members. About 130 were in the dining hall. Past Grand Master Bagley presided- The programme was as follows Invocation. By Rev. C. T. Bai lev. Regular toasts : Our Guests, the R. W. Grand IamIc or North Carolina A star iu the system nt Odd-Fellowship; may ir shine as brightly iu the fu ture jis ui tho past. Response by Past Grand Nash, ofTarboro. I The Grand Master of North Car olina The David of our choice; the Jonathans of the order will be with him at the stone of Ezel. .Re spouse by James F. Payne. Grand Master. i . . . i i The Governor of North Carolina -Nowrepresenteilintheierso.ofi a soldier, a statesman and an Odd- Fellow, jj In these characters we nave couragc,ieiiinnif niniuui . benevolence. History will write op posite his name, "Success," but Odd-Fellowship will write only the word "Brother" Response by his excellency Gov. Jarvis. The President of the United States Whether Federalist, Whig, Democrat or Republican, he is our Pres'dent. Resioiise by Past Grand B. F. Bullock, of Franklin ton. i j , . The Sovereigu Grand Lodge : The centre of our Fraternal sys tem, givjug light and life to . all. Response by C. M. j Busbee, Past Grand Master. The Press: "E'en iu their Ashes live their wounded fires." Response- by S. Ai Ashe, Esq.; Our Retiring Grand Officers: "Well done, good and faithful ser vants." j Response by B. H. Wood ell, Past Grand Master. Capo Fear Lodge : The veteran lodge. (Response by Past Grand Penny, of Wilmington. The Daughters j ot Rebekah : "The world was sad, tho garden was a wild, and man, the hermit, sighed i till woman: 8miled., Re sponse ty John E.I Woodard, D. Grand Master. I Ancient Odd Fellows. Response by Dr. R. B. Haywood. The Grand Secretary. Response by J. Ji Litchford. I The Patriarchal Branch or the order, i Response by J. H. Masten, cr Winston. The President Reponse by W . H. Bagley. i 1883. l ! - : i. o. o. p. Blac-Uas af iha Gna4 CadccaT tbaS-taie, Rakish Obaenrer. secoxdjday's session. The Lodre met at 9 o'clock. Grand Master Woodell presiding. f The committee upon the Seaton Gales' monument fund reported that the lodges j had failed to re spond to the appeals and an insuffi cient sum had been contributed to carry out the plans of the cemmit tee. It was the decision of the Grand Lodge that the funds already contributed be refunded to j the lodges. I j A charter was granted Con ten t nca Lodge, No.j3a. j An amendment to the constitu tion of the Grand Lodge was bfier- 1 hr Tiaf nn,ia t?,.cTkj Vu T Sdiff?J? meetiS oiMhe SSdS tthe next meeuug 01 ine JOttge. The committee on lodges not re- 5G and Cartlm Vn lin I i SfKw K' f ,? i THW'athe,ne?l?ir,f tiwiWS wwrf 4 ?n?n?,!C n ,C J Thl? lectareV intended, the Grand Lodcre rescind- ?iHim-0tr.Ufor. a T"1 0rdfr for the night session, for exempli- T ZTmSSSt' i 1 r Pe O" "is kft were Joseph Black The committee on next place of bum, Senator Daniel ViMirhees, meeting reported, suggesting Win- aml Genera, i,,,:,, r in!s:1V! J?n' ston, which was adopted nnani mousiy. The committee on W. and O. re iHjrted, asking that article 21 of the constitution be stricken! out and the following substituted : mat each subordinate lodcre may in its uiscreiion set apart a I una to bo known as the widows' and orphans' fuud, under such rides . . a I auureguiations. as eacn lodge jmay prescribe. Adopted. The special hour having arrived ior me election pi omcers, Aiessrs. Renn aud Ferebee were appointed tellers. Grand Representative Bnsbee placed in nomination It. W. D. (J. .Master J. v . Payne for Grand Mas ter. He was elected without oppo sition. The election of other officers re suited as follows: RW. D. G. M.-John K. Wood- ard. 1 It W. G. W.-i-H. G. Bates R. W. G. S. J. J. LitcbfordJ ,G. W G. ltepresentative to Sov ereign Grand Lodge B. II. Wood ell. , The committee on the office or secretary reported asking that; $50 Ier annum be allowed the Grand Secretary as rent for office and, jie be required to observe office hours from 3 to 5 p. m. ; The committee on legislation re ported that hereafter each county having oue or more lodges within its limits 'shall constitute a district, for the supervision of which the Grand Master shall' appoint a Dis trict Deputy Grand Master at each session of this Grand Lodge, the districts beiii'r numbered as deemed most convenient. Adopted. The committee on decisions re- commended that the decisions made by the Grand Master be affirmed, which was adopted NOTES, The Grand Mxlge need tiev er f ar financial ruin so long as there is a Penuv in it. j j The citv is full of Odd Fellow good looking too and it has jjm- pressed even the urchins. Two of the little lellow passing along; the street hist evening saw a half-grown Imv near our office dozing in the suiishine. "Savi Jim" said one, "there is a 'nod iellow, eh F I - The Grand Lodge visited ithe Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute in a lKxly vestenlav afternoon by in- vitatiou of the priiiciial, Mr. J. J. Litchfonl has been elected secretary of the Grand Lodge for the thirteenth time. A faithful or ficer. I.---" Grand Representative Biusbee says Adam was the first Odd fel low. That was po, but it wasn't long U fore he got Lvc n. HcMairillc lietaa. rWeckbJ (J. I. Walker. Esq., of his county, gH?8 to Winston next Mon dav for the puriMe of engaging in "the leaf tobacco business. Our military company hope soon to be in imssession of one of the handsomest flags in the State, n - D iSc. A' e,. ,. from lour former tovvns- des of Staten Island. of Douglas,and Smith, of Stoneville, spent several days in our place last week. The lat ter gentleman has serious thoughts of inoviug to Reidsville. Mrs. Wavt. who by the by is i oue of the most accomplished mu sic teachers in the South, is malt ing arrangements to favor the peo ple of this section with one of iher inimitable concerts at an early day. A bride und groom passed through town last week on their way to the home of the groom in Guilford county. They must have a very warm affection lor each oth er if sticking close together is any sign. Leakaville Items. rReidTlUe Waekly. Mr J M Gammon of Bethlehem neighborhood had his house broken open last; week and robbed ofl $40. There will be a scarcity of to bacco plants. Farmers having to bacco ouhand should not be in. top much hurry to dispose of it. I , James P. Dillard was elected mayor. A colored aspirant; was announced-early in m the morning, but received no support j ! ' iRss Phoebe Ragland is now teaching a successrui pnyaie school near Centre Meeting House. jjllaaatar Bakr r tlm t I rChatluua Record. 1 A colored woman of this place has the largest baby that we: have ever beard ot It is three weeks ttar. and now weiffhs lOO V-W , " ( pounds. J. Younr. They spent one uour iue;ir on-iin!. there most agreeably and pleasant bave three looms n their actry, Iv, being entertaineil with cxercjses one for ingrain caniets, otuf tor fag i- tua i i cariets, and One for woolenjluiseys. i I i S t - - - ! , - . - " NEW I ' - - -r - I Haekodsbueg, May 10. The trial of Philip B., Thompson, who is charged with the murder of Wal ter II. Davis, was continued hero tolay. The weather was delight ful, and the little old town of Hat red sbnrg was thronged by country people, the streets being lined with horses standing in front of the store On the sidewalks groups of men engaged in earnest discuss iou as to the merits of the case, which is the great sensation of the time in this section! Kentuckians always take an interest iu court proceedings in i ordinaay cases, but this j one was invested with extraordinary interest on ac count not only of its tragic charac ter, but because the actors in it, living and dead, had lived hero aud ; Trial .frunMu... TL.... living uuu ueau, uau u veu Hero aud Veen known here from their infan- ing middle aged and elderly men. i .Ti1frriinrtAsA TTor.lonr.oS.ii Judge Charles'A. Harden presided. The jury occupied a eorner of the n-.i u"w ..iu anorneys and members of; the press. There re seveM attorneys lor the prose ofthe most youthful looking men in the court room was Phil. B. Ti,nmi1... i i,. I at tuo tabl, with a cigar in his mouth, look ins over a morninir m! on his right were ex -Judge R. P. J&cobs and Thomas-C. Bell. Phil lip B. Thompson, Sr., the father of the prisoner, sat opjosite his. soil. The testimony 'proceeded: more rapidly than had been anticipated. The ladies who have been sub posuacd as witnesses wen1 excused until later on in Mie trial. Several physicians were examined to prove the fact of the death of Davis and three eye-witnesses to the shooting gave their testimony. Thei State rested at almul three o'clock in the afternoon. All he other witnesses for the prosecution, aliout thirty five in number, were reserved for user in rebuttal. j Ex-Judge Jacobs made the open ing address to the jury for the de fence. While relating the incident of Mrs. Philip Thompson being ih- toxicated at! Cincinnati, the; accus ed was visibly affected, dropping his paper, removing the cigar from his mouth and bowing his; head. Counsel emphasized the statement that Davis, j iu registering at the St. Clair Hotel, signed his name "H. Davis," using the second initial and omitting the first name,? Wal ter." Counsel also dwelt upon t lie allegation that Davis' was nt an other hotel iu Cincinnati Iakt No vember and registered as "Walter H.: Davis" and when asked J a diiy or two later ! where he had been t jie night of the 28th of November ie prevaricated, both as to hishvhere- abouts and also iu regard to Mj. Philip Thompson's departure from Cincinnati. I ! I f Tln utmost silencH nrevailcd in the court house during the opening for the defence, and the j'.vesjof many an old man among tlje spec tators were; filled with tears is counsel dwelt upon the jilleged wrongs milicted on the accused by the deceased' To-morrow the ex amination of witnesses for the- de fence will begin. I A "lew KarlhCaraliaa IillrT. i I iCliarI.Uei Journal. i Messrs. FJ. Kramer and! I 4a- cobsen, twj Gerujahs who receii I.V established an ingrain cail t ic- tory. at All Healing opi mgs, in Oasu-ii county, last .pni. cainio the city yesterday to exhibit sitiii- 1I" ' v"r YY . 1 4 ney nuu inrcu no.isj, , y dwellings aim a iacioQ, ami upi to vork putting in tlie machinery j.1 i i : j. . ta ....... g - - They have just now fairly com iiienc- ed operations and have tineu-f.ut enough carpets and l.iiseysjto our jeople what t!.eyia;ap; Ine of doing. The samples exiuuueu consistel of half a dozen jiatterns of ingrain carets, onejt rag car peting, and a bolt of wdolen.lin seys. The ingrain carjH ts-are par ticularly handsome, and itfrcqnires au exiert to detect any iffereuce between them and the Philadelphia made carpets. The Dattprnslare briirht and pretty and tlic colors are well laid in. I The rag cafpet is somethiug on the stylef of thsit made on the country IooujsDut is more compactly built, more artist i-. callywmxMi aud j decidedly hand somer in all resects. . I ' ; The goods are not only the equal of those produced by the psortjierii mills, but they are cheaper; fai.d there is no earthly reason) why an other order for this line of goods should be sent North by Uny Jmer chant or citizen of the Ojd North State. Here is oiie factory right at our door. Its work is equal to the work of any Northern loom, aiid it is as capable of filling rdes as rapidly and as satisfactorily as any Northern firm can do. -, The proprietors; Messrs. Kramer and Jacobseii, are prefessjonat car pet makers, both skilled fn the art, and are lately from Iamburg, IJprmanv. It miffht be to the ben efit of all merchants who read this article, to investigate tlie matter, and see ir what we have, stated in regard to the! quality or the goods is . a. rPkn -ill filt-rncli nnt. rnrrw-t TUeV Will lUIIUSU samples and prices, land give all information (desired oq ap plication. ye earnestly deire to see the enterprise prosper, j - i -u f- j . Harae Wltk a Maaauwae , AheviU- Citixen.! I There is in the stables of Pen land and Smathers, at pigeon riv er, a handsome iron gray ihorse, irith a fnll.l well developed - and ojiir-r mniiRtache. I white! with riclH golden tingp and which raiy well be the envy of the boys! what crave in vain for what tbe horse lias by nature. The animal is I not fat all conceited with his novel possession, but performs bis daily duties with obedient humility. L i 1 , i m SERIES, NO. 850. a r mm -piarr ! iaa urpaaiiraai wimmm. tRiebaioBdKVa.) DUafebJ jit xnere is a mammoth; black snider iiKthe northern Republican dutnp ling the proposed iiero national convention and it is amusing to see how the Radical joirnalsgag at it. As long as the negro's demand iui umsmu via mts spoils was re stricted to tho South he was a inan and a brother entitled -to and -qual ified tor equal rights and privileges. Theu nothing delighted the stab .vrart journalists and their audiences more than the song of ithe oppres sion of the negrb, and j we could Imnlly pick up aj Republican piijwr without seeing a lament over the manner in which! the negro was de nied his lair share othe boriors and; emolument of office. iBut Iiow circumstances alter cases. 'As i i l i soon as me negro Degins to act up on the ad vice of hks so calletl Renub- Ijcan friends,- aid . show that no pent up Utica cobfinesjhis political aspirations, whatj a disenchantment follows ! . Not only is Jit suddenly discoveixHl that be is not so much of a man and a rothr after all, but his qualifications as an office holder commence to gjxw small by degrees and beaitifully jess. His requests regarding free-school priv ileges are denounced a?a unreasona ble, and he is grajrely informed that, considering his educational status, he has. received hiore Ithau is his due. A few dayjs since one of the leadings exponents ofl Radicalism attempted to thipw cold j water 'on the negro natioinal mbvemenjt" by declaring that tlie most advanced negroes wereuot in sytniathyi witl it; and in its issue of Friday ,tb Providence Journal saj's: "It i not an exneriment that the friend of the necrroes ftbo i Renublicai party) would advise them to make.') If all ; this .means anything, if means exactly w4hat the true friend 4 of the negro tile Southern whites have seen all the time : that if he denended uuon the Renublicaa party for the enjoyment j of his pq litical rights and privileges, or hi moral and educational advanctf ment, like the iidian sind the Cht- nee, ne woum iiaveiojgOi ;c uriner than inaiiipnlatiiig himi against the Democracy of tlic Soujh the avei!- are lienuiiiicair nas no more : use for the negro than a frog has fb side-Kckets. - i e makes j very good sauce for the Soutfierii gooise, but ; ;very f offensive dressing for th? -Northern gander, and I the i !soon'4, the negro realizes this fact the In ter it will lie tor ins race in ; ever, particular. f 4 Jralaaa af Her Prir I (-. If ; Tomito OripJ i i i A Youiig Man,1 fell Desticrately in love with a Beautiful Gii'l. and havinir Screwed un his ('ouiare t tlie Sticking poifit lie-asked her tj Marrvhiin. and he wasia Nii e re. Iqw, with a sweet little moustach and a big Balajice in "thefllank she sairi she would. Now; Deal est,'' lie said, "before- jvq priwee Hii tlier with thus Venture, I wan to ask V on whctlier you j will I'rom! ise nic one thing V p'Anythiii! you choose,'' slle refilled, ;losiug her I.osebml Lins nponi thej Tip of His Kar' "Well, dovcj', the young mail said, you must proniiso in that, when we twain liecome one flesh,! you will I&fVaiii i'rom' silting (IOWII lll. IIIU UUUI JICII J " a Tiirht Boot, for as much as l alore vou, Ifeel that any love would ere ! . ( .1 -1' a m i i- a I long be transmitted to gan iiittei tress, jive, even IIafred,NIid!I level behold you Sprawling aliouf on t ho Floor in tlie uniramlv inatincr that I have seen iny, fcisteis eut up whei in a similar predicament. Ay all yov promise me t hi ! It ii. essciil ia to my haiiitie4' that youllMioiik abandon this (iiectioiiabIi Prac tice. The beaiutifiil Girli would hav blushed if she lia Immmi able aiid as she stobd Pondering the matter m her -Mind, she for several minutes. At spoke and 5ske!l, --Is it was Isilcnt length sh lAbsolutely indisieiis!jbh4liat I should! prom isri this ere we can be'nnitwlJ?-i"Ab a!c renlicit the - voiiir iiiaii ithe "Then," said the raaidejn, Mfn fl.an rnlinnn isstk mm fkf" I 111 lew privileges of ini sex yhich jhavd not lieeu ruthlessly destroyed, 4 will so forth and become aiKuii.T And she depar ed and imarnel Butcher.- Antl Sorrowful, j the youiig!iiva;n was : r Mi) UAL. . Girls should he more" Careful o 1 - ii i oflwhat theV dp iu theiri brother' Presence, for youiig Meri are no all, of that c'asH who, having Kara Lear iior, and Jpyes, yet see noi. jj j i- I ji Xuwd.ith tli-aiiler iik1o. , t , ' Ami get hli linoa in tnnirh. r ::i , ' Ami front aire rt danulo. ,,' , ' And iroodly Janiruatro inantfle, . Aod guiltle fish new lrilei j And with niiike pfion ctmnKla. , And with the truth ba'll wr.nKl ; When telling ol hi angle I i : , .;;!;. -4 f- -J-!!-, : . :. - Paliticiaaa mt thm Wfcltfi II .. j i ;l j-i tCafcimora SudJ : ri ; -j - ! Ii The White House was overmli with politieianjs from all i quarters to da v. 'Dr. Mott, one of .Hie coali j tioir bosses of-North Carolimi, aj-J com pan ied by M?v O'Hara,5 the I : -ptiblieaii colled - lteprentat iv elect from that State, and :t hers, occupied some portion of his valua ble tiinewi-th .relating the' progress of the CaIitio i movemeiit n Norjh Carolina, amllurged hiii not to re move Iiiterinll Kevenue-Collector Kverett. of that Statej ami rein state Wheeler which Uijited States rafshal Keogh, with fears in J is eyesj besougJit hi in to do when here last week, men came several l seed ieedy , exvUeifreseiitatives, who up b teiljnj- hu I Low ithard-np" they j t, JJt wHiigj;e88 to take ::T . . i i i most anvthMitr ir i theil way of an oflicei The able and eloquent Iead- r ofi the M trvland Bepublicatis, ex-Seiuttor ( reswell,- also had the President's' ' lar for quite a while, and gave hi n some Valuab ej In for mation and ool advice. -I - Chatham ReoordJ ... 1 '. Some Indian graves? were wash i i' ed out by tbii" late freshet ! on the low grouuds of Haw River, aboui three-fourth of a mile above tin? nay wood bridge. In the graves ; were found he skulls and bones o three Indians, a lot or arrow-heads a tomahawk and pieces or potteryL One or the skulls' was well pre- served. T

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