I liniii iriKiLN iMI'liii - . i . ... , ' - : . . : i : ; . k . 1 ( ' i i . , - . . 1 "'" - i. , i- 1 1 . . ; : . 77 ri s . : KSTAHLISIIED EST 1825. : aaaaaBaajBaBBiBaaaaaaa Iir5rfnisliotijIa!riot GREENSBORO, X. C, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1883. NEW-SERIES, NO. 863. wi:i:ki,y i:itui Tt:-ow 1A: hi mtU 7 mtii rr ftml al taaj.rtaa U raWria- m vm ail nMw. tvttii RtfUOM lark mmm 1m t-rtr M4 vMriUiwul rataa a rUr a jonrr b. itusset. Editor and Proprietor. ;kei;ncro. x. c jrLTXiwcL If, according to all indica tion's the Wheeler crowd is to ban die the coalition dragnet in North Carolina, there will becaughtsome mighty mall fish, and a few at that. f Tbe mention of Judge Fowle's ii.une in connection with a Mahone movement in North Carolina r ivnt s "an emphatic aud indignant dt-iiial from the Kalcigh Oltrrrer. Next. I. The editor of the I'm inn Krywb'ira sayn we hare knowing ly mi -.represented Dr. Wheeler. I he iilit'ir in question was one of Whii ler'ji utriter and was a men diraut upon In bounty. If he ruM api-ri.ito the utter contempt in whrh ln i held by most decent two pie. In would understand how tilth hi inoh'iit bravado affects hit tipiatiimit priidi:vt Arthur TinrttrxL. Dsllb Wheeleb:-As is well known to yon the collectorship in yoar district has been at yoar dis posal for some time. We both know how it feels to be kicked ont of office under charges. My heart has yearned for you ever since that little collectorship affair of mine in New York. You doubtless remem ber Secretary Sherman's letter to me, dated Jannary 31st, 1879. I was then collector of the Tort of New York. To show you how fully you have ray sympathy I will quote a sentence. Imagine my feelings when I read the follow ing: Gross abuses of administration "have continued and increased "during yonr incumbency. The 4iexicnsea of jour office have in "creased, while its receipts have been diminished. Bribes, or gra- "tuities in the shape of bribes, 'have been received by your subor dinates, and jfi Mare in no case "supported te effort to correct these abuses. Were these charges true V Determined to crush and dis grace me this same Secretary Sher man, when the question of con- will not hesitate to give it publici ty. In a matter of this sort Dr. Wheeler's politics has not the weight of a feather with us. We would not knowingly misrepresent the meanest political foe. i A POLITICAL MACHINE. Asj administered the internal revenue bureau is a powerful and dangerous political machine. It has been unscrupulously and reckless ly used in North Carolina and other Southern States to maintain the ascendancy of the Republican par ty. The service has been made in famous by the employment of spies and detectives, and the people have been plundered, harrassed and tor mented. Until the whole system is torn up by the roots it will con tinue, in the same way. Take Vir ginia as an instance. In that State the five districts have been consol idated into three at the dictation of Mahone. The districts have been , arranged with n view to strengthening his political power in the State, The New York Herald's Washington correspondent says : ' Among the collectors retained are James D. Brady, of Petersburg, of the second district, whose new district will embrace five of the ten The Ktalwarta Top. CUrUU OWrer.J In commenting upon the remov al of Mr. Everitt, and the appoint ment of Dr. Wheeler to the collec torship of the fifth district, which uas been enlarged by. the addition of several counties cut off from the sixth district, we asserted that it was a stalwart triumph, and that it meant the re-organization of the Kepublican nartv in this State nn- der stalwart leadership. This view is also held in Washington as we gather from the correspondence of me uaitimore SSun. One of the conditons. it seems. upon wnicn ur. w Heeler was ap pointed, was tnat be and the stal wart element with which he acts should give full adhesion to the coalition movement, which the ad ministration expects to foster and upon which it largely counts. . In fact this programme had been en tered upon before the appointment or v heeler, and the warefare be tween the contending rival factions led respectively by Dr. Mott and Thomas B. Keogh, had practically ceased, Mott recognizing the fact that Keogh was on top in Wash ington and Keogh on the other j Randolph Item. I Courier. The Wheat crop of the county is panning oat well. Mr. Rnfus Frazier of Central Falls improves and is able to be out againj' One eighth of an acre of land The Xewa. IDaily Patriot 27.1 Tl. TT 1 1 MlUU II. AIPT3T1I W PAlArAi I ATVi , WJFT plicant for admission to the West 1 oint military academy, has pass4 edan excellent examination and been admitted. The condition of the queen is much improvedj at Bandleman on the North side of Der majety was able to walk from! iuo vruiu w uer carriage on tier ar iiie river sow a few days ago for $50. A few years ago this land would not have brought one dollar an acre, h 3 -The Worth factorv narrowlv escaped a big fire last week. A bale of cotton in the lapper house caught fire from a match ly dropped, but was discovered in time to, prevent any serious dam- from Charleston was turned from the main track into a siding by d mis placed switch,, and collided with two loaded cars, which were stand ing on the side track. The engi neer, J. S. Smith, wai instantly killed and a colored fireman; Tanl Washington, received injuries from which he died later in the day. The engine was demolished and the en- rival at Windsor from Balmoral gineer's body cut completely n two. age. The i i Jones mine two miles southwest! of Asheboro is to be opened and developed. A 30-horse living near Iluntsboro, Ala.t on Monday expostulated with llena Polite, a negress, for insulting, his wiie, wueu Kena stabbed him with a I butcher-knife. Rmwn Wahhwi the knife and drove it to the hilt iti the woman's heart.- The far: mers in the valley of Vinrinia are now in the midst of the wheat har vest. There is a larcre acreatra ami There were" about one hundred and fifty passengers on the, train,! none of wiom were hurt, i They owe their lives to the horoisni of the en gineer, who, instead of jumping from the engine after the train left the mam track, occupied himself during the run of 75 yards to the sceue oi cne collision ii reversing me engine ana putting on the air brakes. The accident was eansed To a Daisy. Wml llttln rtmtMM whostl at F -W ith iilv poke and hob of yollow, 1 i. What trontle airl. in sceent mellow, -A Um euugbt jour aid to find mat T . Who rhapt itour slender upolco apart, !' r-rh one me dear acquaintance naiairur ? Aad wbo fH he the kred one. claiminf The cboweeti chamber in her heart ? 4 Otiny hubojrroldoahaa j J r' Kixt by her fincers' tender nruup. S .Still ret, moth ink, rhe'i rainlj auembia u ih;h KVniaini wen UUO.I You died between her fiofer-tipa, ; Hweet BTP9y maid of wisdom magic ; Pray, i it (worth a death to tragic Tobearthetnuioeofherlipa? i- M i i ; . - - , I ii,u. cliltl VUG L I ' LllwlIlU AS UUVW 1 WT I 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 I 1111 risin.. .1 A. rf 555 "!!?laf e11 beaded and by the carelessness I of the section uucu, ,uni my grams piump ana i A 51 iiifstel- Held for Murder.' x A special from Mansfield, Ia., to the Pityauiie !says:l "The prelimi nary elamihation of the Jenkins brother1, charged with the murder of the Iicv.l J. Lane Borden, i was concluded Saturday. Judge Logan briefly revid wed the case,! and held Bev. BJO. land C. E. Jenkins to answer a charge of murder. They win qt be alloweil and all tbe) machinery necessary is now on hand. Quite a serious accident befell a little daughter of Samuel Win slow,: of Worthville, last Friday; ier doming was caugnt by tne machinery! in the Worth factorv and one arm and hand was severe- master wriritrootr.o.V5r,l.i,-.UU I Of ailOWCtl tO atthA timA Thfl aX ;ri Theyi were sent to Caddo all blame on the section W&r. ii Na 1 M Shreteport, n n a. . V m-m f : . i ' O , 11 bail. arish G. Stewart; lie was arrested and de- has been committed to jail in fault of $2,000 bail.; firming Gen. Meritt as my success- Congressional districts in the State. ir itii.itiitiutv. A Waliingti ton pnpt-r cnti- ri "4 President Arthur because he a a iitirtkH wnikt y lor wnirii lie pays a gallon and gives his guests nothing U tter than $15 nhialey. I hi i4 very al. It intpcates the nmth if aritcratic and arrtgant i'hni-i in the capital, and a tendency t drift awjy fnmi the Bepublican simplicity wlm h is nnpio-ed to le i h.r.uti-ritir 'f our givernment. and which iih! to worry along on - .l rey appl jack at ?n jht gallon. Whik.t-v worth $1S in the White Ibmv! Sli.nloHof i.ifxhu! Whith-t-r ar ltiling f The rvyenne district in Vir ginia have Uf n readjusted to suit Mahmie. The change. throw a lot of the .counties with larre nam- Uth of colored voters together in to one district. The others are al Mt much readjusted and thedUufis- .H.d of two collectors and appoint inent of one rjew one is said to throw th entire revenue force in the State into the hand of M ah one. ITntil thi internal revenue machine is smashed it will continue to be - prostitutttl to the basest jolitical ends. Down with it. Down with tht mrty that maintain it. Down ith it, ?tjy the "op!e. f The lialtitnore in asserts that Dr. Wheeler was removed in isi by John Sherman because he 'nisUd in using his patronage to neud Grant delegates to the Chi-t-.i;ro convention. If this be true, Dr. Wheeler base K-en the victim of b.vs political knavery and his re-iiistateroent ueetls no vindica tion. If true, we have wronged Dr. Whit-ler again, aud take occasion to s.iy that lie U the worst misrep-ri-!M iitetl man in the State. If true, Sherman i a great rascal and his method of packing a convention an infjtnoijft. If true, Wheeler is or was before the Senate, wrote as follows to the President of the Senate: "If it is to be held that, to pro- "cure the removal of Mr. Arthur, it is sufficient to reasonably es "tabluh that gross abuses of ad 'ministration have continued and "increased during his Incumbency, "that bribe, or gratuities in the "shapo of bribes, have beeil re- "ceived by his subordinates in sev- t4eral branches of the custom house, "that effort to correct these "abuses have not met his support, "aud that he has not given to the "duties of that oftlca the requisite "diligence and attention, then it is "submitted that the case is made "out. This form of proof the de "partment is prepared to submit.n ,You know what followed. How I wa& kicked out of office; how at Chicago the immortal 30d nomi- It is well known that Brady is not only a readjuster, but one of Ma hone's roost trusted friends in the management of the politics of the State. The President in shaping Mr. Brady's district had in view his influence as a readjnster leader I play f A. 1 1 f A ? a. I T just as he did in mustering out Collectors J. II. Hives of the fifth district, and Beverly B. BotUT of the sixth district, and of dividing the remaining five Congressional districts of the State so as to enable the other retained collector and tbe new appointee to do the great est good to the readjusters in ir ginia. Xoj doubt this is trne. It only remains for an indignant and op pressed people to smash the ma chine. i X IMir.HITANCi: OK KULLIIX. Worth all the theorizing aud croaking is tho experience of Mr. A. P. Mnrdock, an intelligent ami progressive Iredell fanner. Six or uauu seeing uie necessity oi a trace and a closing of the lines for y bruised and torn. That there will bo an effort made under the new management, work ing in full accord with the. admin istration, to entice dissatisfied and disappointed Democrats into their camp there is no doubt, but it will be with the distinct understanding mat tney are not to lead but to follow, not to command but to obey. The Republican party will not go over to them but will expect them to go over to it, while it will tho progressive, liberal role The new boiler and encrine for Messrs. Ferree & Vickorv's crrist and saw niills has. arrived and is being put up and that all the ma chinery is new and first class and will be ready in a few days for new and first-class work. oe unusually large. The follow ing statement shows the number of revenue districts reduced in each State and Territory affected by the executive order : Alabama and Xa. I Daily Patnot-3o.i vada 1, Connecticut 1, Georgia- 1, W. F. Conger, son bf Seuator uaicota ir Wyoming 1, Arizona 1, monger, ox Michigan, his been ap Pennsylvania 4. Vinrinia 2. North pointed postmasUr at Washington. Carolina 1, Tennessee 1, Kentncky D O. The total number ot ' li. a w w n ' -w- . . l4vidNon roller J i i , r i' ' ' he degrie of A.B. was ponierretl on nincteeft, ! and of B. 53. oh one, making a graduating class of 20, ten; from North Carolina, eight from South Carolina, One from Georgia anjl one from, Louisiaua. Rev. Dr. Ldtiiucr, the professor of i . Itema of Intereat. A telephone monoioly is to be the next thing in the monopolistic line. ij . Gen. Grant took his first walk 2. Ohio 4, Indiana 3. Blinois m ar " - Jiicnigan 2, Wisconsin 2, Iowa 1, Missouri 2. Minnesota 1. West Vir. ginia 1, Maryland r, Massachusetts 1, New York 5, Washington Terri tory 1, New Jersey 1, Idaho 1, Montana 1, total 40. It is stated at the Internal Revenue Bureau that it will require at least three weeks to carry into effect the pro visions ot tne iTesidenrs order nd in Damietta from dholera preek liav big accepted an irupor ho1 last 24 hours wis 107. tantvbargd in the city of Memphis, deaths ,1 ; ii ( uunu? lu last zix nnnru ivtic Three deaths from cholera occurred 8,ff?l- sjx months agti, occupy- at Mansuraii dur nsr the same im. s."aruair w mo ciosp qi me riod. The! epidemic has reached r?rm J l r(T Cars0n ges Up his Cairo.- -Iliram BlairJ of Kwths. ?nair for Pvate reasons to ! enter ourg, in., snot Ins wife on Wednes- w 'ULF IU uipuw,.mu x roi. ln n...l .:.., J..;-. j . I SatlinSOIT llhrtPS Wlhh T?PV lMrron Thflvifnmhvrpmrar- TaU oils in Uie conduct of the widel V ! ousy. The selection bf a lurv for k?OW1 ldtops academy Virginia. the trial of ex-Treasurer! lolk makes ; i t - SW-atw llA T -a Ka,TA C M . . j uay last. ! v e expect to see some I - . H ight years ago we ate a Fourth of nated me for the second place on July dinner at his house. We don't the ticket, and how Guiteau's bul- remember that ain special refer- a param ot virtue to Sherman. And all thi while Sherman was en j;aged in this nefarious scheme he was Granfn Strrtary of the Treas ury. Wa Mich Kise ierfidy ever known? t?au it Ins true 1 let landed me in the White House, aad made me President of the United States. Now my dear Wheeler you can understand why I disregard the wishes of nearly all the lcadincr Republicans in your State, and pass over the many grave accusa tions on file in the department against you in restoring: you to ofiice. Remember me kindly to Tom Keogh. . We shall meet at Phillippi. Until then I am yours, Chester Abthcb. to make sible. shrewd manipulation of the polit icai cnecker ooaru, and uence we dwell considerably on these mat ters, that our readers mav know what is going on on the other side, and how they are planning the battle to capture North Carolina if they can.. Of one thing we may certain, aud tnat is that the men who now control the Republican party in North Carolina are thor oughly in earnest, no tryos in pol itics, and men of brains, energy, resources, dash, have the Federal administration in full sympathy with them and mean business. Revival of the CJrant King In North Car- ollua. Waliiiia-Uja Currpontlanr 1 Baltimore Sun- In the consolidation of the inter nal revenue districts of North Car olina the President has recguized the stalwbrt or Grant element by restoring to position W. II. Wheeler as internal reveuue collector, with that it is probable that the tran4- slow progress. Thus far out of a panel of tour hundred persons sum moned only three jurors have been vuwcil. IlIlJH IUB 1K1SL SIX euce was made to the day that was being so joyously celebrated under one of the most hospitable of roofs, enlarged jurisdiction. Mr. Wheeler but much was said about grass and stock. It then seemed to our friend a hopeless undertaking to make a grass farm out of his place. It was the old homestead. The rains of a century had washed it into gullies. The meadows had grown up, and the outlook was cheerless, indeed. was removed in 1880 through the influence of Mr. John Sherman, tuen Secretary or. the Treasury, because ho persisted in using his patronage to send Grant rather than Sherman delegates to the Chicago convention. Ever since the advent of Mr. Arthur to the Presidency the Stalwarts of North Carolina have made a strong fight It costs Turkey over $15,000 - 000 annually to support the Sultan aud his harem. The New York cotton exchange has decided to transact no busi ness on ;the Jul 4th and 5th of July. is There is nrobablv not much truth" in the widely circulated re port that Commissioner Evans is to be removed. The Pittsburg glass factories, giving employment to 1,500 men, will be shut down for two. months next Saturday. Stalwartism in New York is coolly invited to try suicide as a remedy for the troubles iff the Re publicanlparty of that State. The I Brooklyn City directory for the current year contains 152 - 280 names, or nearly 10,000 more than the directory last year. Foriiearly ten years George Train has sat on the same bench in Madison j square fourteen hours a day. lib wears no hat and his face is bronzed with the sun. . The next great reform is fore shadowed by the report that Con necticut is going out of the wooden nutmeg business and into that of manufacturing elephant tusk ivory. Audi now they say that the steal iu the St. Louis custom house fer of offices cannot be effected before the-first of August. Ah estimate was also made in the T a a i i xureau mat an annual saving jprw.uuu win result from the re duction in the number of collection districts. j , Daily Patriot 28. At 3 o'clock Saturday morning, while the coach from Deer Lodge to Helena was crossing the main range of the Rocky Mountains, two men with handkerchief tied across mmif lis 4l2i ... .vl...!. L . t 11 . ujvuiuo iiic jvib IIUJ MUIilll, kill AUS- I .. I ton, has examined 23.530 assisted matlp ?n emigrants; Many of them are too feeble by reason of age or other in firmities for self support ad must Frenc be aided charities. by. private andf public Most of; them ajre with are scantily I. out any baggage aiid clothed r The President .yester day made several modifionfions on nauuKercuiex uea across i. . n. the lower part of their faces ste -ur" runH the brush andordered the tw V?"1 uai'"1' !OT rn!rnai In despair he was almost ersuaded I for the restoration of Wheeler, and IIT MTII CtKOMVl M'.HIM. t A committee aiiointed by the Iginhitur of Georgia to investi gate and tprt ujkmj the adrisa bility of establishing a school of industrial isrience iu that State have visitol a iiuutlier of iustitu tiorr of thjit class in New York and w I.nsland, umKas a result of tlu-ir invriti.ition HiIItnnanimous ly r'jort in favor of the projosi- ti.ni. H-nVmg of the Worcester Frvt Institute, one of the commit ? aWa" m m n-eiiifu "inu M:nooi, we were told, has made of that com pa r.itively .small village, originally, a thriving city of nearly T5,C00peo- pir. It I-as made the citT a centre ... of m.innf iituring enterprise. It h.is dcvilujl the inventive talents of the riiiriis till the city's ratio .of iiieiius is by tar the largest in tlie State. Wealth and influence ii"es.iriH followrtl on such in sfrurtiou, jfor every ntudent is an eltuatel jjource of power. Impulse iK thus given to mechanical geu ins, killrd Ialnr was secured, capi tal was iuvitetl, the students I lirgrly taken from the country i tnrnttl their attention to the de Trlopuieii of their home rvsource.s and today-the promlest, leat edu , ratitl and most promising city ia Massachusetts, outside of Boston, i WorccHter." Georgia advance in wealth hud population is chiefly due to the fact that her )Rople are alhe t j the tieresitics of the hour, appreciative of the great natural resources of the State, aud deter mined that the former shall be fully met aud JLhc latter as com pletely develop! as possible. The school of technology which Georgia will .Kn tossess, in Jiut what North CaYlina neciL), and Greens boro is tlie place for it. I i A CORRi:CTIO. Satisfied that the editorial in Tuesday's Patriot, charging that Vr. W. II. Wheeler had been in dicted in the Federal court for a violatiou of tbe internal revenue laws whilst collector of this dis trict, does him injustice, wo cheer fully make the correction due him. The statement was based upon cur rent iuformation at tho time, to the effect that the grand jury had made one or mora presentments against Dr. Wheeler. The emphatic denial of this charge caused us to apply to the clerk of the United States court at this place for more specific information. The reply is as fid lows : Cnti" Orrira. Cvmta Frtrt Cocbt. I rm tm mi Sort t'aruliaa. Orcmwtwru. X. C Jan 2a. IvtV ) Jon D. !IraiT E. Pata Sia la rr7 rr laairr of rartmlar. lr. W. 11. W awrter. mm to "wMlwr to remove to the'west. Pluck and determination won, as it always does, and Mr. Mnrdock is now one of the most successful farmers iu Iredell. These thoughts are re called by the following from the Statesville landmark : Mr Mnrdock is devoted to grass culture. lie has 15 or 1G acres in timothy, red top and clover, and says that as a. crop for profit it beats corn two to one. He makes about 40,000 lbs. per year, and year for year it sells at about 75c per hundred. One year he sold the crop for 91 per hundred. II is hay the President has at last acceded to their wishes, with the under standing that Wheeler and the stalwart clement will give in their full adhesion to the coalition move ment in North Carolina. Everitt, the person put iu by Mr. Sherman, is consoled with the tender of an office in one of the territories said to be quite profitable. This ap pointment of Wheeler, with other Federal appointments previously made, hands back to the Grant element of North Carolina all of the valuable Federal patronage amounts dollars. : building to more than a million They ought to hand the over to the Navy . depart ment to use as a cruiser. A large presbytery is that o Idaho, tit covers an area of over 100,000 s ;siuare miles, with only fourteen churches and two minis tersa good place for young evan gelists to go and grow up with the conntryi j -Thojfirst organ ever breught to this country is at least 175 years old and Is still in use iu St. John's chapel, Portsmouth, N. Jf. It was oricrinallv imported by Thomas ped from the brush andordered the driver to halt. Jno. McCormick, post trader at Fort Missoula, was on the box with the driver, and drawing a six-shooter opened fire on the highwaymen. One was badly hurt and and crawled back into the brush, the other returning McCormick's lire, seriously wound iug oueot the wheel horses. The team took fright and ran, and was soon out of the robber's range.- f Beirne, the Richmond editor who has dodged the officers to fight Elam, was reported yesterday ner Rancevoort, W. Va., accompanied by a friend. The Iowa Republi can State Convention met yester- day at Des Moines and nominated Bureu R. Sherman for Governor and O. M. Manning for Lieutenant Governor. -A fire in Nashville, yes-terdaj- destroyed several store's. There is difficulty in finding! a' jury at Nashville to try ex-Treasurer Polk. Out of 100 meu sum moned yesterday only one man could be found who had not formed an opinion in the case. The dead lock iu the New Hampshire Sena- lliese i vacancies have been ably failed by thfe recent action ot the board. DrJ. G. F. Nicolassoii was choseiW)rofessor of Greek and Ger man:1 Proi W. D. Viiisoii rn elected to fill the chair bf mathe- William- J. Bingham irofessor of Latin audi Terrible. Death. ! About nioon on MomliV Inst., tlm plantation bf Mr. W. H.Gray, in in the Neck, ! Northampton coun ty, was thrown into a state of coir lamentation rjarely wit ah annouucemeivt that a was "unrnincr to death." of the unfortunate suf ferer beina plainly audibje forsome, distance, the y art! aud house was' soon1 filled Iy .friends but too late to render anyj assistance, for the flame' had done iis work, well and sneed-i fusion and nessed, by yourig girl The shrie revenue districts. Tho counties of Pender and Vance in North Caro lina were added to the fourth' dis trict as constituted by1 thl recent order. A few days! agoj a quar rel about some trivial (matter arose raAr nWk hkaTr.a-i t.a IT.i...; I ;i 1 " I x a i . a v.t.vu iuu vjidiib auu jjiuuiuiic i iiv.-ieaviuff uoLUiiiir out a imtif families, residents of Pittsylvania mass of rajiv flesh to writhe in tho county, a., as a result Gfcorge F. agonies of Heath, i A physician was summoned at once, ttiid j gave such attention and relief as tho profession offered. At most he could onlyease the pangs of deaths The poor Victim lived but a few hours. It seems that the mother '' sent her dn lighter aged jlC to the house to prepare dinner, and, to hasten thef kindlihg of tlie fire, she resorted to the oil; can, Which "ex-! ploded with a terriffic foi-Ce, throw- ..i quioii over iier enure, Grant, at the instigation, it is said. of his mother, crept upon Manning while he was at work in a field, shot him five times anil afterwards I beat him with his fist and stamped upon him saying, "Ndiv, dU-n you, die." Manning died the following day. Grant escaped. Mi-s. Pope, residing at Milan, Terin., was stung on the uosie by a bee yesterday and .1 : .1 x a. a' ij.ii L i uieu iiuui me eueccs oi iue wound in a few minutes. She wnk appar ently in good healthjjat he time. An oil well was struck near ParkersbqVg, West Va., Wednes day, which is pumping at f the rate ing the bu lerson. is more sought after than auy that intimated, the entire Federal pa taken from it by Mr. Sherman, and Brattle; jof Boston, who graduated is destined to Lave much influence on politics in the State. As above la rrwaH " y imlK-taMwt wa rrv (iaL or aav iaAwwutiua ll ia mrmart. raaria kiw vitk tinUtma "uf taw iatcrmal rvT,BM Uwa." 1 tar a taw 4warw m mmj that a- kill ot tn,lwlmmt waa rrr kmn-i ia taa fmn. mr .Ull mi iar.wmaUn llol ia lata oOm, fWiiu aia wu a a iUalkia mi Um ialcraal rrre aaa Uwa. Very KewiaM-tfally. Jiaa W. PaTna. Clrk. At the above inquiries did not embrace a presentment by the grand jury, inquiry was -made to day for specific information on that point. The clerk replies as follows: .. tirwawewav. y. C. Janw g. iftk. B. Hraaar. Eihi Iaa Sia rIa rJy kmnnf Uuaaal I War U Utat al AprU Uram. H L 1 1 knac aoaAa! to aj bmi or affla-taua. air rWk ra4 tu a prtmut- aaJo br law vraaJ fary at aaai term axaiaat It. Warn. . alac aa. ahr, wkirk i rit aawt Wy i,rrrtmjm mf tKa hwHnrt Jadaw. waa JWir tw Jaaaaa ElbrU. I'. S. AlU-nff, bmt mo Ull e wlirtifM me iaawmaliuw waa akni. I aap. mrmmjKut. Il.i,4 aa. law aal frm wtiacwL Vtry rwTw-Cfally. Jo. W.Patvb. Clerk. From this statement it appears that a presentment " waa made by the Federal grand jury in 1SS1, and, that by direction of the court, it uas delivtrcd to the District Attorney. No bill was sent by the District Attorney, and, of course, no Indictment was found by the grand jury. Whatever this cor rection is worth Dr. Wheeler is cheerfully accorded to him. Personally we have not the slightest interest in the removal of Everitt and the re-instatemeut of Wheeler. We hate a very slight personal knowledge of cither of them, and know nothing against their personal integrity. We make no accusations against Wheeler impeaching his personal probity. The charges against him affect his odcial record and they have been made by Republicans. These is offered on this market; indeed. he cannot near supply the demand for it, and, asked as to the cause of its popularity, he said it lay in the manner of the curing. He never mows after 11 o'clock in the day. Early in the morning ho starts his mower, the rakes follow ing and putting the hay in winrows. In the afternoon he has it put up in cocks. Tho next morning he opens it out,, letsit getthorougly warmed then puts it in cocks again and the third day hauls it to the stack be fore it gets cold. Thus it is two nights curing, and cures green and succulent. It is never allowed to lie through a hot afternoon sun and get black, brittle and sun-burned. Horses eat every strand of it. aud liverymen around here buy it be fore it is mowed. Mr. Mnrdock prefers selling it at the stacks. The difference against him thus is about 15c per hundred, but he says that while he is hauling it he can make more than this amounts to at something else if nothintr more, at filling np gullies and sow ing clover over them. He lives on a place that has been fanned gn eration after generation. He says nis ancestors cut uown forests tronage in North Carolina will now be u&ed for all that it is worth in furthering the coalition movement, and whatever substantial results accrue will prove for the benefit of the stalwarts. It is now consid ered assured that either Arthur. or any one that he may prefer, will have the North Carolina delegates in the next Republican national convention. .4 Shocking Death. Charlotte Otwcrver. The sad and distressing death of a little six year old daughter of Mr. Lawrence C. Johnson, of Hun at Harvard in 1C5J, one of a class of three! members. : ! Jack Smith, a native-born Af rican, of Montgomery, Ala., is go ing to Liberia with his family to engage' in the cultivation of rice, corn ami coiiee. in inj'j no was brought into the port of Savannah in the slaveship Wanderer and sold to tho Montgomery man from whom he takes his name. J uuge George Hoadly, of Ohio, ! .. i a. ti:. is a uauve oi vonneciicni. jus father was mayor of two cities New Haven and Cleveland. Judge Hoadlyf and the late Salmon 1. Chase Were law partners once, in appearance he is bright! little" man, described as with a boyish torial contest still continues, wifh no prospect of a speedy termina tion. ' Dr. Hathaway, the Phila delphia monster, has ' been con victed, i'nd was sentenced to a fine of $500 and imprisonment for sev en years, being the extreme penal ty under the law. Wilbur, j a witness, testified that Hill demand ed a ten ier cent, bonus of him for approving a $50,000 claim for wok on the New York post office build ing in 1877. The internal reve nue receipts during the month of May, 1883, were $310,818 greater during the same month of 1832. There was an increase of $231,729 from spirits, an increase of $220, 527 from tobacco, an increase!ot $107,303 from beer, a decrease jof $18,490 from banks and bankers and an increase of $118,752 from miscellaneous sources during the fiist eleven months of the fiscal yaar enuing dune oo, auu 1883. shows as follows: Total re ceipts from spirits 18S2, $04,514, no 1SS.1 iftllS S.V fiSJL nn inert asf of 400 barrels of 28 degrees oil per day. There is considerable excite ment over Uie strike. The widow and daughter of the .late Gen. Al bert Sydney Johustori wjUl make their future home in New York city. A special dispatch from Lampassas, Texas, says a terrible tragedy, of which the cause is shrouded in mystery, occurred yes terday. Vhile C. Hi Ross, a suc cessful merchant, was at the table with his family, a pistol shot was heard from his wife's chainber, she being in a delicate condition and confined to her bed. 'tTh6 startled family found her in her last agon ies, the ball having Entered nnder her left breast. Tbe husband made an unintelligible remark, and rush ing out returned witll soirie of the neighbors, one of whora raising Mrs. Ross's head, .asked how it happened. The husband replied byr catching up the pistoK placing it at his j own temple and firing. He fell dead beside his wife. J Hubert li. I,ee. at Lexington. Va., liCe ! Thursday, the statue jof Gen. 'Robert K. wrs . unveiled in the niaiisoleuin where repose the retnaiiis of the great; Confederate leader4 It is fit and iropeff that the couirjades and.; other; admjrers of the victor pf so man' fields thpuld thus, by -thei erection ofj memorials in stonejseek to do. honor tp lofty character; and consummap military genius. jSucli homage tor worth honors ihosfi who render it. But the record of Lee's inagiiificeijt memorial. I campaign Generally is his best successful tersville, this county, was reported f?c ? 0 J"Pj ex,?"P,1 it? in tho city yesterdaymorning by a the color of a nie banana. He is neighbor who came iu to get a a quick, nervous speaker His in- igbbor who came iu to get burial casket for the body of the unfortunate little girl. Mr Johnson had been away from home Tues day, and. when ho returned in the afternoon, ho was horrified on go ing to the stable, to find the life less body of his little child dang ling from a halter that was fasten ed to a hinge iu the door. From the surrounding indications it ap pears that the little child had been standing on a trough with her head ' r u" cul. uo7 Ioresi8j in the halter, when her feet slipped, yearanerywr.andnsedtheclearea amltLe halter, drawing around her land to make bread and meat to rllin ,1Hi4, ,1PP ' ii nnHi nr., raise darkies to cut down more timber, aud thus it went ou. one year alter another, until he re ceived nu inheritance of cmllies and red hillsides. This year,t hanks to brush and clover, he has raised over these gullies and on the hill sides, more and better wheat than ever his forefathers did when tbe land was fresh. j llotaa -j Ju CaUwetL) j We could have heard some good music and an excellent sermon in Salisbury, if we had gone to the Presbyterian church, Sunday, but tho place against which the. churches warn us have few terrors greater than the heat of that day. Tna W et era X. C. R. K. . StaUarUI Landmark. Its equipments are elegant. Its first-class coaches are unequaled by any that have fever been run in this part of the State before, lleanti- charges are on file in Washington fully finished and upholstered, they .... .... - ... I 1 . . ... - ana tt is within the power of either ure aiw iiguicu as ir witn gas, and branch of Congress to order an in vestigation. If the result is Dr. Wheeler's vindication the Patriot one can read a newspaper in them at midnight. The track is well kept and the trains roll smoothly over the new steel rails. chin, held her susiiended until life was extinct. 'One end' of the hal ter had been thrown over a hinge at the top of the door, and was tied below in a manner forming a loop, and as the little girl fell the loop caught under her chin, draw ing her head back against the door lacing, holding it tightly iu that position. Her neck was broken by the fall. When her father left that morning the little girl was playing about tbe barn door, and it is sup posed that she must have begun playing with the halter aud the sad accident happened shortly after he left. . The CaaapaUra af Harper' Weekly. The Republican party is smirched with the whisky ring swindles, and the Star-route swindles, and the Belknap swindles, aud the salary grab, aud the third term plot, and a myriad other similar other jobs and thefts and crimes. The argu ment will be that no reform is pos sible nntil such a party is turned out, and that it can be turned out only by putting in the Democratic come from all sources is said to bo $200,000 a year, j A Ilee Hive Man "Skip." ; j .Statoeville Landmark. Of bee hive items there is no end. Mr. F. G. Cartland, of liign Point,'! secretary and treasurer o the National I3ee Hive Company was here, Wednesday, lookingafter Mia inft-ri'st of Ins comoanv. iue nartics who had been managing its - aa. a 1 A 1 afiaiiS here, lett siuuieniy, ior jvcu tuckyl they said, and Mr. Cartland sold the furniture and closed up the ofiice. He said he had no in timation of their purpose to leave. He said a good many other things, tool arid preferred some very seri ous charges. Meanwhile, isn t it about time for some of those bee hive notes to begin to mature? I 'slrth Carolina Ciold-Mlulwg. ! ; Baltimore Sun. A company has been incorporat-; h at Charlotte. N. C. with a capi-f " 7 ' a tal of 2,000,000, for the purpose or ' - - ' .a . a . 1 " - ft-tawna: conducting tne goiu miuiu uui ness in that State oh au extensive scale'; f The property of the compa ny embraces 22 gold mines, varyr lug in the value or tneir assays. Heretofore it has cost about $2 for everyj dollar's worth of gold mined in Nbrth Carolina, but the new comnanv claims to have a new pro cess whereby they will save 95 per cent; of thft irohl aud make it a paying ousiuess. oimuar uu have i Iveeu made for processes to produce gold in paying quantities in Maryland and irgim.i, uui far the claims do not appear iu have leeu substantiated by actual results. It is to be hoped tne party. That such a plan is shrewd 000,000 invested in 2sorth Carol and promising is undeniable. naw 11 pan out better. 092, 1883, $08,852,C55, an increase of $4,33S,5C3; from tobacco 1882, $43,450,981, 1883 $38,762,075, a de: crease of $3,688,900; from ferment ed liquors 1882, $14,419,644, 1883, $15,051,498, an increase of $631, 854; from bauks aud bankers; 1882, $3,882,721, 18S3, $3,748,561, a de crease of $140,100; miscellaneous, 1882, $7,334,571, 1883, $7,249,969, a decrease of $S4,$02; total receipts in 1882, $133,60S,009, 1883, $134, 664,758, an increase of $1,056,749. Daily Patriot 2. III the court of commissioners of tho Alabama claims yesterday; an opinion was rendered by the court iu the case of Salter Frederick that when a case was belbre this court it was not necessary for an admin istrator or an executor to allege true allegiance tothe United States. In the Hill investigation yes terday the counsel for Murch called for all vouchers for money phid Rartlett, Robins & Co., and their ' . a o successors Jlaywooti, jcoooiusik Co.. since 1876. He coupled this demand with the charge that liart lett, Robbius & Co., nad secured nearly all the contracts for tiling since the advent of Hill as super vising architect, and had been en abled to do so through corrupt in fluences in the architect's offlcejal though not the lowest bidders. .The counsel for Hill excitedly denounc ed this as a slander. Valentine's recumbent figure of Geu. Robert! iu. Lee was nnveiled at Lexingtjon, Va., with imposing ceremonies in the presence of 6,000 people, tjen. Wade Hampton acted as chief mar shal and Geu. Geo Stewart asj as sistant marshal, me procession formed on the University campus at 9 o'clock and inarched to jthe cemetery, and having decorated, the gra,ve of Stonewall Jackson, re turned and paid like honors tojthe tomb of General Lee. The exer cises were opened on the Univer sity campus by prayer by new it. J. McCryde. The fast express train from Summerville, S. C, yes tertlay morning when three miles Centennial of the Ilalloou. A hundred years L have passed since thp Montgolher Brothers made their first balloon 'assent. During the century .that followed, experiments in ballooning. -have been innumerable, liut the science of aerostatics has made! ho great headway 'l he nrsC balloon was heated with inflated itir, but in the autumn f the same yearjhydrogeu gas was substituted Jand these two methods jof levitatioii remain still in user j ' -." li ' -. ' The form of the balloon has been variously changed, but that of the Montgolfiers is still th favorite, and is adopted by aeronauts as the lwiof a1anrn1 trt- lill IfWiliilur Tlif "r4; ; moumiu centennial oi me uscovery wiucu ftf an promised so much and has ach 'ev I .irti. ed so little is beiugi celebrated in France, aud numerous jnscensious are announced to take place during The problem to j be j solved in aerostatics is the same that puzzled the wits of scientists a hundred years ago. It is not a difficult thing to ascend by the lnna ion ot au air-tight bag with i a 8ubstan:e lighter than air. It i s, in fact, easy of j accomplishment, but how to navigate the air how to steer the air-ship, with any certainty, re mains up much a probleinas ever. Various devicesjof jwings and sails and fans and rudders, operat ed by small engines in the car be low the balloon, have been .tried, but with mdiflereut success. While some headway was: made in a com-; paratively still atmosphere,-there has never -oeen sunicient iower against tremendous cnlds , by the force of his strategy and the heroic sentiment with whiclijio inspired ' his i men, twas tho fate of this King Arthnif of the legend of the Confederapyjto be Overpowered at last. Ilutiuot without-honor. To him, morei perhaps thap to any other Anxfrican, is the country in debted foi the example vhich after , the war influenced unquiet spirits, to accept jfrankly the results of the fourjyeanf struggle. The. whole country. : North, and South, is iu- debted toihim for the speedy transi- tion mado iit liM) ircm flagrant Rvar to ne- o and earnest peace. a state ot profound The akNvIlle Tragedy. ileilivill4Tiiiiw.l j We are told that on j Sunday morning Jin; LeaksvilleJ after the killing off Sandy Wadoj by Police man Ste hens the iiight ; before, the -negroes aised a (black flag over the calaL uose w'here the Ixnly was ' laid out m a. red Hig over Udell's bar room, vliere Wadej was shot. . A delegation of the white citizens of Ijcaksvillc went! to the negroes and; askejil what it nieaiit and were ; tpld thajt they -ineant them for flags to testify their,-; sympathy over Wade's j 'he red flag was taken I 'he black hung up all day. j told the: negroes if they ! te flags to bulldoze him nsu't that kiiid of a man. ' the strong a balloon is generatel to overcome currents of air which sure tovencounter in an extended voyage! In all the: balloon voyages no intent- ht from the o the, stock The obser- theories of J of the ihst half century tranno linu rwAll btOI1fr clouds that has added of humau knowledge. vations have con firmed atmospheric and electric phenome na already well established. Mr. Phil G. Alston, Jr., Warren- Ti V f!.. savsi "I have used Ttrown's Iron Bitters and consider it the best known remedy for indi gestion.7' li I! death dou. Stephen: meant tl that he pteplieiis is eitlier a cousin or a brpther-f-a brother we think the Cas-jell Stephens who was klaxed. j Wade is! said by tu, e who know him- Mr. Hamli i .uid Mr. 'Moir of this twnjboih knew , hiih tof have been a C"sperato i I ! main, iu Tact a wdrst tlu man most meet a vi desiera(lo, o:ie of t he county it hapnf ned-to San- dehth and sot y Wat tiie JMineriiig''-'i If I can send one hi$ir i;i. A violent rlei:t tn.n's lajl Olll toiyou," Writes James (rui.:, f WashbiJrM, Ilj., I w II be happy. i4inanmn Aerrine cured me, and of .fit a . I - - . I a . Will cure all cases "tih, niy back r'jis a couunou ex clainatipn and .expresses, a werjd of misery and suffering. It is sin gurar uiis pain arises iroin sucn virious pauses. Kidney disease, liier cumplaint, wasting affections. clds, rheumatism, dyspepsia, oyer- :J mru' n 14 1 iiitrviuifi iipiiiiitv' nm pnini j ?jV mm Mf a, mt-m va - a a a a. a a v vixvi causesj j ncn tnus ailing seek promp relief. 1 1 can be found best iti Rrowu's Iron Iitters. It builds up from the foundation by making the blood rich and pare. Lending physicians and ministers use mid rcoraifieud it. It hascureil many, and if I on are a sufferer try it. A. I : "t J !( 'd -I i ! 3 ,fSi j .vis ir ?r

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