1 - ' !-.' I ' 1 ti ' "f GREENSBORO PATRKTfiY J ESTABLISHED IX 1825. . . . ! . ' i i .i i 1 1 ". 1 ' ' j ;'. ""j" I i-"H.,Z" . "" , , i 'ill ti; l I . ; ; ' j . ' ' i- GREENSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1883. f hnSrrrnsboro JJatnof viiiciV i:irrioi 1 Tun-Ow fv: mi wW T5 rt; lrT f-f-l al tif iMnl -i 'rrf 1 1 f TilC Ri:-4m tar Ik inrtx fc.e twh tvrl imrlrtl ret. ta-rtiw. af( rtrM fc .pv-ial rtr IB lr ! IW bH .4 wa nr. A-i-lr t jons b. nrsarr. ZUlitor and Proprietor. ; ' 4Rl:KX.B.Ito. X.C .NoVLilEI H Zl !. XKW SEMES. NO, 885$ ; II:- i Tl..j in? louder! New Jersey trebles her Iem ocratic ma iu North t ndl for Tildeu i jtow it v. ThtalL It rUi rtrrv seventh dollar i .1 to collect tbt-inrrru.il revenue taxes irolin. r Tin internal revenue must go. The Hii-tin for Sieaker in u in pnlgrr ii Washington. All thf rail did ate are elected by Ii.iihIm iif aiajoritie, with Ujim1.iI! i i the Ie.d. From frmii tin 1S :ill that r can hear district, the mJ.iliili- a f a ' m ty i- the rift I ton win lake place an directed in evGuteii-or Bobiusoiia lii lam-ilio"). Jtlhll If. TIiOlllUMl a L.i r a walk Arm of tin- ill not orr f..r S- ant-at I lull v. Hr ha two Pwmd.ible opjHiueiit ill ex-Con-yresmaii lithium, of Ohio, uml (ha P. Button, of New York. Ihitloii wa Stephen A. Douguv prtiate secretary iu 18iS-"9. A Illaie la Caarlatte. ClIAULOTTK. N"V. lb.--The fire alarm wa sounded u: 4iVlm k thi moriiiii, uml ilia Imlf liotir'n timt tin wliulf rily i unniM-il. Tii w i'imI trim Mnin a HtitT pnli mikI ilit t-M iiitriiM. Tin rm rrii liiil f.illm ti .iint iho nVliK'k. uimI a luting ("M iml ihMhI mII ! lit- iliiM-onifort t In-ing i MniiiM-l t n intljr an liour by 1 I rvml nil flr mm nil. Tiit llrf wa lattil on CVnrtfr Avt-iiiic, nir (Iralmni Mrtft. mimI iliiilf rvt-ry ffl'mt t rlit-k it, lHir il wi lling Imhi. wrrr -iniii ni t-l livtlit ilrvmirinir Hnnn. .Mr. Ttf Iiwmt on ilvrrlliiig. Mr. Itin rlft two mimI Mr. T.I I ISaillit-r nf. Tlit lit-ui in rtimtrl Mt lii,Uof (iirtMlly mvrml by innnmntt. Letlrr rm Paal C. Cataerva. JIlLUBUOKCIt Nil". H. Kllf'oSIll Iihm tiuil my rlierk fr MiltMrrip I loll tn lli 1'ATUIOT In Iil roVrlii-U-r I. INS.I. tu NrnU r 1. 1H84. A gl iifKiii-r Ih-Iim imii uiinlil liiiiti in lii.4 quiet home. I tun uhitl to nee jktmr tow n i imimviiigt uml W e Mtlmiie the llejublic;ui fujirr for one thing ami jitMt for otie liiig. It 'heir bmzeii rffnuit rr. Ntiw th it the mi-Mmhle little r. j'tilr, Mho ie, tthnni toe' cil Ul ainl rttcl, ha been beaten by t,lj iiiia they try l!riit'icau Lune wo tr-iiht avity tiiike th. Mi l Jphtlirria I t ire hiluir ith envy. In tl ie - DriMwmry if Vir to cluim that it km' i u lory ami that Mj Ieinoerat. , Sileli y iug a that nnit ir thai itartrl the i abml Grveiilon Liefthe Atrkitnn, T'jrla & Santa Fe Iy. Coniiatiy v. Johlloll, I he Supreme eoiirl of jwii the rule govern ing chainwrti' contract to nw- eiate stum ug.uiit railnMU. In tb-e.tMiu ijiii'ftioii Johlt.Mu itgreeil with an attorney to net-ute for hrr an action or rriiial injuriei aiiiil a raiIro.ul tniniany ami t!ut the attorney ihoithl receive f Haiti rtion of the damage-, re ftJrreil for ai Mrvicen. After it mwvt become an imMrt.mt mi ni our State. If ou will ttablUh a rull Miiiy I mater uml mmmci Mteilh it m lie feet pt lu of hew erage, iner mm your imhiKtrial jmr niiiK, with gooil hmlMmIrv arouml ou, with midi men m Dr. ll nUiu to l al in era culture ami the Iain, with the very largt fni it in ten-1 extuhlinheil, it iiiiit, with my knowledge of our Muhitiu. e u Inoit ileHirable home. The lace, coiile, ami iuvkji Lav my kindest wij1u-h. Yout, I'XVL. C I'AMKKON. little work of rreubvtfry : Oen. A .M. S nI-k, eliuiriuaii; J. II. LI ml nay, Ivn Judge IC. P. Dick, George Allen, Emi-, and W. 8. rrimrose, Ku. K'er. A. It'rawfonl nccejiteiltlie call fnuii Lexington churrli. lllMrj aftk Cara4 Hill Mlae. For a iiumler of veir a unit ha teen in imgreia in the varioiu nonrt of the State for the ihjo ion of n pieee ot ' property, known an Conrad Hill, Davidnu comity. . I UourMil, or IiouiKViIIe, Ky Le-. I. I. I.ralg and J. II. Limb U.inff ,,llinrfff ,llMj. Moreheml. y were MpiHMiited M ctmimittee to nettle with the evangrlit or 1'rra bytery. 'reibttrry deehleil to bold an adjourned meeting in HeudeAMoii on Friday befort thf Vh Sunday iu iK-eemlM-r, to reeeive Iter. 1. It. JiliiifMMi from Went Hanover I'rea- btery. Trenbytery adWmrtietl to night to meet during eyioiiof SvimmI. T.J. A. J(lln frva aiBirrfleld. CocrrTMkiJor Di!y Patriot.) . rMMKIIKlKLD, No-.10tll Lilt week Irf. Jinvpli Mixire vhdled the llfgli School lure, lectured fo lhe4-hool iu the urteriiooii In an entertaining, profitable maiiuer. 1 have bean I di tit-rent Htudtiitx iM-;ik in very hih terniM of the lecture. Heidiowiil great f.imili.irity wih ntiideiit life ami oung human na ture. Iu the evening the Professor adilreed the ittiiilelit. ami the general oublic iu the Mciiu audi torium of the Academy, on A.i cicnt and .Mo.I rn FahiotiM or the telittem-y of the hunuiu nice to de torm their In "lie- i ithown bv the drformitl K4-idl.4 .of i xtinct rai-e foiiml iu the moiimNof the mound hmhtcr in wcUa.H by thie of liv ing triliej iu a iou MrtMofthe world. He ethibtrd chartM idiow iug exact photograph of deformitl hUulU, feet ami chet of the hu man lI., jut , ji they did ami do exit. He ul. nhoweil variotit PrejlcrUa tta4. (trilaiiata Sur NY.li.J Tliu SyiiiMi of Xortli Carolina iron vetiad according to adjourtimeiit iu llie I'imt rrenltyteriau church or thhu ity lat evening at TUicIo k. A large congregation aKKembhd ami waited on the oieiiing exer- cieM with evident enjoyment. Be ddei the paMtora of the two Pre Ateiiau churchea iu tin city I lev. Dr. WiliMUi and Kev. Mr. Paue the pu'pit waa tccupietl by the l'ev. !. C. Viikm. of New Deriie, ami Kcv. II. G. Hill, of Fayette- tille. The oietiiug wrtnou was preach til b the laMt imalerator preaent, Kev. Dr. Hill, the text being fmui Jonah, ticl': Arie; go to Nine veh, that great city, and preach to it the preaching that 1 bid thee." After an introduction allowing h-iw God by rebuke couieU Ilia acrvaiita to do the work HeiiKaigna illuMrateil by Lot, and David, and Kliiah. uml Joiiah he then an- iioum-etl Ida theme a miggesteil by luerality had umlergutieu change, ailmiuUtrator ot ex-Gov. John M. Moreheud, of North Canliua, tie fi-rulaut. An ancestor of the Con : rada waa the owner of the pmiieri ty,am! Gov. Morehead held leant uMin it for mining puriMiaea, am the ftuit waa brought to annul tin leaae, liecaitse td a failure to work the mine and obtain the gold whirl it eontaimil. Tin legal content haa loen long and laboriona, each new improvement in mining meth j tula making anrer the chaiieeH ti aecnreall the gold in the mountain and increasing the deaire of tin K-aaeea to retain itOHaeasiou of th prouerty. The caaereacheil a final hearing in the Supreme Court twi weeka ago, and the Court deereetl the aiiuullmeiit of the Morehead leaae and restored the proiierty to the Conrad family. About the beginning of thi'prea cut century Htury Coumd, the grandfather of iiliatii P. Conrad, ourvhuAcU a tract of laud contatii lug 6UU aciea, ou w hicU the hill u Miuutcil, lor laiming purjHMa. Alter getting Hj&acMoli of it he ourrvtl one uall or lue iract ua a jueoeul tuhta daughter, Mia. Maiy tlcuddlck, but alie decliiittl' to ie ct ive it even aa a gilt. Some 3 ear later a vein of gold was discover ed ou that halt of the farm which the daughter had tlecltued to au cept aa a gift, ami she then ex prcm.-d a williugueaa to lecome the owur of the laud, Uut the tatuer' the text, (1) the character of the miig.trr; ("') the meaa;ige ot the minister, and (3) the m taction of the miuiter. The t a ted clerk reiHirted 45 min- itrr and 41 ruling elder preaetit. Orange Pi enbytery is repreaeiit ed aa followa : MiuiMtcrw F Hohnstou, DD, J C Alexander, L C Van, J V Prim rote, T J Allison, oG Smith, P U Iaw, J S Watkiua, D I Craig, Geo Summey, S L Wilaoii, V F Thorn, A L Craw font, J N II Summered. Killing Lldera-J II Ltmlaay, Stephen Neul, David Wharton, HoU-rt C K.iukiu. Major Hubert IIingham,J A Alston,. I 11 Hurwcll, J A Houston. Alter tu iking tip the nU, nomi nal ioua were made for moderator, uml Kev. F. II. Johutoii, D. D., of WiiiHton, waa choieu moderator, and Ke v.J A. lUnnuiy, ami J. II. Ilurwell, Mm., were choseti tttuN nun" clerka. Tlu lnkiiM rtf at. alia IttiUltilirV MPut! on.amenta for the lip-, none, ear r'V",,tC L u T V i 7. ,, . ....l . .1 - " .. . ... ! tlXell trom ih-HJ U. HI., to I . ill.; Jtl.tmrtil tlie w.i -iguel 111 the attorney. r id t-otnjMiiy w.ird J. ;iiAl t X u J. di'Hli.i Mirtiou agrceil upon writing by J. to uml teeth of varioua uncivilized race. He imlulgetl in iH-rtineut moralizing a he progneil. It i hopetl that he will rca-at hi visit j often during the year. We feel a- j Mired that he has a place iu the j mciuorie and heart of the wide awake rdtldf lit. The new brick store of Ilrittaiu then a reee until 3 p. m. I The Synod then adjourned till to morrow, at th.K) a. ni. 8KCOSD DAY OV. 1G. The S ikmI met at 9uK a. ni ami j wa oieiietl with prayer by the moderator. Alter the reading ot Of all thi tlie rail had notice. After- i that of George Smith, on the comer Ittl iliagonall i.pMsite, pnuiiiM- tu la The niaior part of the morning acMsioii wa taken up with the iv- aud he retained the ii-oicrty. Not. having much knowledge of milling, he leased the mining privilege to a mau uatued King, wUo ope mil the vein and realized a large yield of the precious metal, with the verj iuditfereiit machinery then in udv. Uu worketl the mine a few year, duriug w Lich many excuses were made tor the small ield, waeu Mr. Courad Utscuteretl that King wa keepiug tUe gold and pacing the royalty with excuses, and tieter miuett to get rid of him. He sue- txetletl iu having the lease annulled, and Kiug left tue country, taking with uim, as the Davidson jieople expiYsetl it, a tlour barrel lull ot puie gold.r The mine was then leased to John M. Morehead, who was after ward Governor of the State. This lease was for ninety-nine years, the lessee tu jmy Courad a certaiu pro portion of the product. Gov. Morehead worketl the mine contin uously from 1833 to 18411, amassing a large fortune as the result of hi oaratioua. In the latter year the mine rilled with water, and as facili tiea for mine pumping hail uotbeeii heard of at that time, the work had to lie alKindoned. The yield of gold had been unusually rich, not withstanding much f the valuable ore was wasted through the raulty Tae Cant and Potato Croo. 9 Wasiiisgton, 1 Nov. 13th. The oeuoer re-ni. f the Depart ment of Agriculture give the loeal viehl er acre in October. Tin line report of the condition of corn. winch a vera get I 48, was interpreted io mean a prou net close ou to six teen hundred million bushels. The average yield ir acre apaara to 'at Zo I lUtn uustu Is, one and a halt ous.ela iht aer lower than tin yield of 1882. Thi gives a result practically identical with thatol Oct.iber on acreage reHrted iu Ju y sixty-eight and three-tenth mil lions, the exact figures would la n i teen hundred and seven ty-aeven million bushels iu the revision ot the season's return. This result will not lie materially changed. Tin product will therefore be aUnit lorty million buslwls short of the previous crop, not withstanding the increase or area. jTUi is the third ? - aa . m iii succession favour the aveiage .vieui tollowing six snccewsive crops motive au average yield, or twenty -ix bushel er acre. The yields ot corn with several States uresis follows: Ohio, tiS bushel r acre; Indiana 17, Illinois 1'G, Ketituck 24 3 10, Missouri .27 510, Kansas 3G 710, Nebraska 3G bushels. liest quality ami largest yields ot the easoii ate in the Missouri valley. In the Middle State, New York average 22. New Jersey 28, Penn sylvauia 28 5 10 bushels. In tin aoutlieru States Maryland aver age 23 5 10 bushels. Virginia 14, North Carolina 12, South Carolina 8, Georgia 9, Florida 8 5 10, Alaba ma 11 5-10, Mississippi 135 10, Louisiana 14 2 10; Texas 17 5-10, Tennessee 20 bushels. The quality of the crop in the frosted In It is very m nr. i The qnantiry reported is 20 8 10 bushel in Minnesota, 21 5 10 iu Wisiuuisiii; 235 10 iu Mich fgan. j ! 1 1 he potato crop f is as largo as heretofore rejMirted, ainouiitiug' to about iue handled and seventy rive million bushel. ! i Terrible Work of Kerosene. NoFBOLK; Va.,; Nv. 11th. A shocking unair hapia'ueil near C1.. . ! I St. Si. .it I li.i tu t t . kti tfint.l I. I ill miuiiiiiiiiiiuni ioiiiiiji last night. Mr. Asa Bigg, former ly tif this city, while retiring to Ud, carried iu his hand a kerosene lamp. The lamp exploded and in stantly fuveIoiad Iii in iu the burn ing oil. Mrs. Bigg went to the as sistance of her husband; her cloth ing caught tlie and she was soon a mass of Ha me. At. the same mo ment the burning, oil distributed throughout the room and set the house u tire. Mrs. Biggs manag ed to escaa? from tlie building and died of her injuries, while the body of her husband wuscousumed with the house and it contents, the ser vant ta-ing powerles to render any, assistance. Mr. Bigg wa a sou of Col. Kader, Biggs, of tin's city, ami had la-en married only a year or two. ' . Good Oread. The art of making good bread i.- 1 1 . t ) i. i out mat everjv woman suouui i proud to possess. The pi-ogres? winch has been made during the last twenty five years has been very great, but there is yet roou Tor still further improvement, foi even now the rule is that our dail bread is not up to that kpialitx which is best adapted to the pro motion ot health. That the con taut eating of poor bread cause? I : . m. tilt . I'sia is u iici ioo wen, Known to require any further evidence to prove it, and that dyspeps ia is a great cause of irritability is also a well known fact; therefore in a household where poor bread is the rule, unless the tnemliers of it have in unusually good disposition, tin pleasant controversies will be like ly to occur.. ere we io give-auvice to a VOIlllir Ikiii imL-iuip U u u ir.iill t-.i r- ma Re yourself master of the art of oread making, and thus not on I promote the health of the members at. a aaaa " or me nouselioiil, uut also tud in preventing unpleasant words cans-" ed by a disordered stomach. uur mothers nad not the inateri il to make goisl bread tliat we have; the yeast that- they useil was not ns well adapted to the making of good bread asMiat which is now to be had in the grocery stores ol the cities and and large tovvns; or which any woman can now h-.irn to make herself from jMtates. The test of g od bread is its lightness, or its color, but condition it is in while being ticated. If it sticks together being chewed it is not good bread, whatever may be its other, fcotidi- tions, but if it readily divides and crumbles iu th mouth, it is an iu dication of good bread, because it readily absorbs the saliva which is so important to assist digestion. There is quite as much art in I aking bread as preparing it for the oven, tor to have it good it should hot only be put in the oven when risen just enough, but should iHf put in au oven just the right tern tHrat ure; shonltl the oven be tiNi hot or too cold, the bread will not be as good. To bake it well it must be carefully watched, a id it one sale of the oven hakes taster than the other, as is frequently the case, turned as oiren as is necessary to nave it Pake even, it recjijiires extierietice to know pist when to take a loaf of bread from the oven to have it fullv baked, and vet, not 1 rl hi our School. The recent art exhibit 'made at the State fair by the Greeiis(om Female College and the Charlotte female Institute attracted wale at tention and evoked much criticism. The honors were fairly divided be tween the two fchooU which exhib ited (ireensboro FcmaJc College receiving fourteen premiums ami the Charlotte Female, Institute! re eeivinir eleven. flt 'tlie,. twit inn (- - 3- -mr tdi(Mil an intelligent critic in the ttaleigh Obtccrer says : : 1 ,The work sent "froui Charlotte was letter executed than that from Greensboro. It was not only mine diowy but evinced more skill and more taste. The tiled . mailt es, mounted iu Queen Anne style, were especially handsome ami conspieu oiis. These were exhibited twt or three months ago, and have-hecu exhibited at the Columbia, S jC, fair. The Greensboro exhibit was, however, ahead' of that from the Charlotte school iu that it shoied advance in a better liiectioui-a newer style and a higher planet of art. There were drawings fiiom the cast, stiiflife studies, IloWer p:eces fnmumitnre, and decora jcd. cuina. .oiie such were sent lnm Charlotte; but these are, the studies that mark the teaching of the iiihI i rni i em acuooi.' mere were very . tew drawings copied from the Hat Greensboro school. The. drawii Hrisry lla.l Kie llrr. "Myrtle !n "BegiiiHhl r llie girl, a tall, statelv bt :oiii vyitli a lisjioine form ami: a glui iuiiH eiiroual' ol hair (I) that' fell bp golden shinver over her Grecian 2) fR'ck, thiS'W herself isioiiiili-lj iuto his at ins. amlTfor jan instaid nothing wjas heard saija souiil j)s if soinelxiilv was trying -to pump water out-of a dry welh !!' B '"i i'J -" ' 'A ' ft -3: ir...... i.l.i . i Jiegl IJMIi llVl.r ;l f l j Four years ago Myrtle Kcgihgbje aiul Begiiiiild Neversink had plight? eil their fibth (3), ami! now itliev tor the iut time since that winch, seen through: the - t:. not tu in the lli:lM While in igs and paintings were none of them ai ftH:t, or even fine. The woryof chool iff I is seldom entitled to much praise, but it showed they were on the' right track. Object drawing, no .matter how feebly or poorly done, is always better worth looking at than the finest copy from the flat; as any study of na ture is far more meritorious than the finest imitation of art, though it may not bt si, pretty or as slioW to look at. What we want in schools isgiMMl foundation work. We wanR the pupils taught the firsts princi ples and made to do their --own work. Then, though the lines may be t rem ii Ions and the shading -'or coloring not always exact', still they have entered through- the j right' gate and stepping along by ! thetnseivesjliiectly onwanl and up- : ward. . i The stmiv ot ail siioiild bring in its train the amende., and coiirt'e sies of life. Especially should th'is ! pJgvs of oui be so among art schools for'youijg ( that you art ladies. 1 he. Muses and all thejir' high priests and ib'pendeiicies like t. sec lair ltlav and .gelierou esti- had met hiappy il dim vista iof the months tiiat 1 a . 1 iraggeui tpeir slow length so wt m rily along seemed like a tar distant sar shining, brightly ami sere amid the llmrriil i blackness of. an Kgyptia i night. Thev had cofl respondE of course,, but- whe:: LHve guides the pen and btnl! ding passftui gives to the saliiii Hon ot the -post acre' stamp a trlaui n - - Tt Ji our of romance that makes it iiii almost like a kiss there is-eveHt wistful yearning a where are on- boys to night (4) feeling that iit Ii the actual presence ol thi lm thisj love, is felt cap? j t'1)- ?Aml I then. wlieiiS dom- coiiies, When, stain j, nesscil in the strenuous J .1 .lit; I3g save aie lor w ij'rive aw that love iug close grasp of without whoiu lilej would. be ; starless blank (ti), tin ' tender words that have -been lead!! over and oyer again are spoken in; rich. maiiK toiies -f 7 ' ; tl witm-iiit 7 ; " - - - 7 i ........ 1 1 who has wpn this precious love is indeed hajuiy. No cafe can come to her their, and the glad gojtleii sunlight of a pure and holy aH'ec- tion drives; away the bluck wraiths J'- i : . ' A " ' ii- .1: sorrow as fade beforr I; 111 regard done too much. Some person. -4 be- unite of another's work joined to lieve that bread is very mucli uu proviil it when taken from the o'en it Ik at once covered witi a linen cloth, ami kept covered ijiitil com liiir we din nor pen inis ar ticle to give instructions; our ob ject is to call attention to the fjub jetrt, hoping that it may encouijage improvement, ami call out some ol the experts iu making good bread to give the details ot the best meth ods of making the various kinds of bread. I Judgment. he ron-jMiir settl getl the iudgmelit. Held: That tU contract lartwreli J. and her atttjniey wa champer tom and th.it llie railway eomMiiy T4i not lUble.t the attorney for .the lrtiou of the Iudgmelit awigu eil l.t him I I Mr. Carlisle is reprenentetl uaivaaaaaaaa'aa i iiil. ii noiiii: aval mt . . & Co. i an iu.ingtructunf and inillie-. .bliii..,.yl -,.m.n.e.,7 .,r -ppliance then in use ior cp.r..i- , i iiigiiieiroui iroiu ine uhwn !; meinlieni wa made. ;."..?. ... ... ... .uorcueau mane noeoii . fullv as well ad.'ptcd to the de mand of the near future, a- coutidriit of eltxthui to the Spt-ki-rslup, though lad bo.itlul. lie llievr lljec.rtel IL inctli lift bewe-li Cox autl hiuiaelf. Ilal ei,;h OUrrrtr. Mr. Carlisle may tie coufideut, at lcit boerul, jbut that the Speak ership lie between him ami Cox is tiai ailly. llei never said it. The bet inforuiathai from Washington ia to the effect that ILindall will lead from the tlrt aud will wiu the "f r.ice easily. Ue is in favor of the entire aliolitioti of the internal rev enue ssteui. and of a revenue tar iff with iucideutal protection Fa Votin such ifiiicv. ami with hi kiiowletlge of ueii, hi discretion, and the exigencies of the approach III view, mau the he for their majority of the member of the ell aware of this a a re Veil il law, uncertain num mi mu filed tlrui iug Prrsitletitiid elevtioii Mr. KamUU ithe. Iest Iemocrats cophl tHlect Se.iker, ami the Democrat Hou.M an a w other eople. Tae laleraal Reteaae lal ;. ttVfrm Ja Kl SUr.' trl Ih IWai cIm JaU: la Kiraatna4.1 Tlie greatest curniidiug agency of Fetler.il ail die i the internal There should Ir no on tiii subject i lut a charg all along the bneii the horde of rev e ti ne oflit-er. w1h swarm, like b- Vu-d. uaii the public treaurv, ami fit fen iiii the suU of ottice. The internal nAeiiue laws ought to be aUohrd--lrealed forcvYr blotted from the statute UmiU. . It i iiMpiiirori.il iu it nature, extraordinary iji it mpiin ineiits wnd excessive in it pnuihmrnt. It i tin eeiitril ramp Hie around which the rnsiiracif of the Ie publit-en Mrty against the right aud lila-rtie f the eople are warmed and h-jtched into life. -r V. V. K. K ICVfUlwtta RmcXI 1 The plea.tn weather that we have had thi month ha exeditcd work mi the CaU Fear and Yatlkin VIIev railnar, aiwl the track i Iiow l.i id t.i JIHttllew, X KtMtl, which will prolubly le tbf most bniMirt.int l-Mllt on the road In- P. II. High All, the pioneer wheat driller, ha drilled many a Uig of guano ami bushel of wheat this season in thi vicinity. Jesse McMirhael ha a new ma nure spreader jut fnm the North, the only one iu the county th: we know of. aud the second tine iu the State., It does tine wot k. The Baptist have had a favored revival meeting with near 40 pro fessed - convert. Since then the MefhodUt held several profitable meeting. I loth denomination were aidetf by the lesidelit Flielid 'minister Ja I. Jones. ! On the 25th iiit.,thc well known miui-tt r and e'angelist Sister Mary Minmi exN-ct to la-gin a serie of meeting iu unijunction with the I lev. James .Mahoiiey. JOTTKn. j Oraage Prblery. J lCor-n-.W-or lil rtm.l TAUDio, Ntiv. l.k The Prvby tery f tlrange met iu the Presby terian church at thi place on Thursday night, and wa opened with au ablo sermon bv Bev. F. II. Johnston, D.D. The Presbytery wa afterwaid ctiiiti'uliil with prayer by Kev. r. M. hmith the the tdistaclea ami resume opera lion. Some year after, however, .rt of thecommitleeoii the Stand- V""" n ",M 'liT", It..t. ot Svia.1. The r..vi-i.. he C4iiicludl to dwiHise of hi lease wa appro veil, ami the recomnieii tlatiou of the committee, after amendment aud discussion, were adopted. These require the elec tion of a stated clerk and of synod :cal agen every three years. Quite a discussion sprang up on theef feet of thi action, wbether the term tf oflii-e wen not thereby vacated, aud after some action and reeousitieralioii a committee was upMiutcd to draft a minute cover- lug the matter in question. The commit let tin Statistical I!e Mirt reMrtel iu part, auiiouiiciiig the death tluring the year of Bev. T. P. Johnston aud Itcv.F.P. liar rell, of the Presbytery of Concord; of Bev. B. A. Waile. of the Pre bytery of Orange, and Bev. W. M. McGilvary, of the Presbytery of Mecklenburg. Winston was chosen, after a handsome lit'Ie sjiecch from the miMlemtor nominating thi point, a the place for holding the next meeting of Synod. Twelve bund nil copies of the hold, ami oiiened negotiations with an Eastern firm, who, after making a thorough examination of the mine, made hi u au offer of $0,000. He wa iu no hurry to accept the offer at the time, but subsequently concluded to take the amount of fered, aud had just re-ojiviied ne gotiation when Fort Sumter wa flml o and war declared I Kit ween the North and South, thus prevent ing the completion of the trausac lion. During the war thecnishing mill were destroyed ami all the machinery carried off. After the war the Conrad heirs sought to ob tain Misses ion of the proiierty m the plea that the Morehead lease had been forfeited. The Courad were represented by the firm of Scott & Caldwell, of Greensboro, aud M. 11. Pinix, of Lexington. ' The Courad line runs directly across the top of the hill. The op posite half of the hill is owned by the Baltimore Gold ami Coper Mining Company, which has lieeii minutes of the current session of I in successful oja-rat ion three years. Synod were ordered to be publish- ed. The Synod also approved the Cpou 1 docket as prepared by the stated .I t.. ..fl- ulul ,lllilM.I til till. Ill itll alt ..fit last moderator present roll call 13 iiiini.-tcrs and U elder clerk ami ma i let I to the ministers were found present. Bev. T.J. Al j ami churches and ordered the pre lisou was rhoeii chairman and I Mratioii ,f such docket for sue lU-v. J. Stimniv and J. S. Watkin j cetiling meeting of Synod, aud " a a a a temporary clerk. I The Piesby lery regrouKilGrier ami Stony Cit-ek chinches wit.i Little Bier ami F.mi. I Bev. .1. C. A .examler, ag't Home Missions, wa instructed to write to Yancey ille t him h ami arrange for the supply of that church I The treasurer of Presbytery wa that thecxKMiscs be iaid by. the tmtsurer. Bev. J. Bumple, D D.. was cho sen sy nodical agent of Kilut-jition, in place of Bev L. McKiuiion, re-mot- from the Symsl. Dr. Bum ple wa reipietnl to prepare a re- j Nirt on thi subject. Iu the alteriMMdi, Kev. L.C. ass, and is now producing $3,000 worth of ore u day. That company is now fencing iu it tract, and, a few days ago, while digging a mis hole on a spur of Courad Hill, the digger struck a five ft vein, worth i?200 a ton. It is Mr. Conrad's intention to work the mine, uml he is now or ganizing a joint stock company in Louisville with a capital stock of f G.IK0,000 for that purHe. XHiIelo BosToy, Nov. 1G Judge Holmes today in the Supreme court grant etl a preliminary injunction on the equity suit of the Midland Improve ment ami Construction Company vs. Lew i Coleman, of Boston ami John Catling, of Baleigh, N. C, restraining tliem from eiifom'ng a j'Mlgiueiit of 35,b00 against the plaintill company; which, it is claimed by the complainant, was obtained iu u suspicious manner in Craven couuty, N. C, iu August hst. . The OaptKt Com nit ion. EDENTON', Nov. 14. The Baptist SMt e Convention assembled at ten o'clia-k this morning and the fol lowing officers were electetl : First vice president, W B Shaw; second, A. G. McManawayr third, Thomas E. Skinner; secretaries, N. B. Broughton ami N. L. Shaw; treas nrer, B F. Montague; auditor, T. II. Brigg, Jr.: con es Kind ing sec retary, John K. Kay. The conven tion is well attended and the hospi tality ofthe citizens is uubouuded. Thel'-T., Va. tfcjt.a. Kailroatt. The stockhohlers of the h Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia i road met at Kuoxyille, Tuesi Only routine business was trans acted. The annual report shows the revenue for the year from sources io be $4,770,754. ami ojeratiiig exjieiises, 82,38.37701J net revenue of 1,31i30.j2. pist disciimiuatloii one s own. Two of the principal feraa sciniols iu the State are situated in j llaleigh, and they had, ue trust, none hut kindly and deeply iutt ested feelings andii pro or appr ciation towards these exhibits from sister sch(ols.- . Criticism theci must be. It is the life" of art, tl spur of effort and should ahva'vs 1 e welcomed. oi uisappoiiitmeut an the White! Stockings any other ul ub. i!A Ii, dariiig.n'niiirniiml Myrtle!;' putting awjliy from her forehead--! fair iiiKp white as the cvclameii hf:ives in the woods that siirrnum)fl --' ed Brierbiii Vilh: the gohl-in . tresses that he loved so dearly t.o; fondle (S) 44(t seems siieh a - longi; . long time since we have met, suehl an aeon of - jfjjope deferied and ilnll.l wearying long that the mil d groisf sad with its very contcmjtlaiion 'off the. subject Jj a dismal ' epoch that! we, would fain blot' forever from t lie lives (!). Ibit noiv with me again; now-1 that I find my sell once more, within the shelter of y ur strong arms aud feel your burniiig kisses (10)1 - . di ... . . ?-'. n on my lips, all the world, seeans U t(,. .wnr.c won gnuijiess, ami ine iiiiure ; to hold nothing fir ine but ' swjeel coiiteiitnieit(ll). ,I1 is bright If and beaiitiliiij. and I'ven the Dittet ; ) sorrow s of the past are illumined bi the sULii if joy (12)." f : 1st ail- ay. all the a fhe NV as. iiuiiiIkt of miles f road operateil is 1.080. The new board of djifee- tors elected are as follows: E Cole, C S. Brvce, Samuel Thoni George I Seuev, E J SanfonL 11 C Fahustia-k, John T Martin, E II K Lvinau. Henry Fink, George Sjtf, C M McGhee, J M Johnston, Sam uel Shethar, It II Richards juid Geo F Baker. There were repre sented at the meeting to-day 27, 209 shares of stock. The company iMiuirht 100 acres of ground in tin suburbs of Ivnoxville on wljic railroad shops for the entire system of the East Tennessee, Virginia fc Ceoriria railroad will lie ''erected. The shuns now in the centre of the i-itv u-ill Im. removed to the new! Io cation. I ' ' fare of I.a iu lli-n. this season id' the year win eggs are rapidly advancing in pri i it pays to give laying hens a lit! I extra attention, and ptillets th; are approaching tin laying pcrio should ;ilso receive extra care, th t hey i may commence laying hefon the cold weitther coiiiinences. A little xtra care by way of -bet ter food, and a greater variety willi make a great difference in thi profits of a fioi-k of fowl, either 'oh or.vouug.. One ot tin? mistaki that is most frequently made in. tin; i care of fowl, is in feeding out ehca; t(Mid. especially grain. ,loi. inany have an idea t haf an th.iug is gom "j'Ves,' my jj prccioits- one,'' said lleginahl. . -.jjojiiug to kiss the ruby-ri'rbj s jiat were uplifted to h-C( 13) Jihd -p;nssing her ?ill more ciojseiy to niS Kiarooai'd rins.-- e shall ioTh bVS'ery happy. in the lii- yfry. happy." ! J hie of this,' she slsksj In -'answers her, 'that I m w hole existence I have lohLvoil M i i iipieripg '.-hailows she! l.J Iti lace, and thei Mh in e ul his eye. stirs l range lender- I line very, 'f.V're oi pii-rtcctly s iS.i Mire.' 1 xv-Mii ! ! ta I (II on w ii.it in I in- g. lt;s up in .M-.iji iiing i l:ei h air w ii1i a nes.s. 1 1 u .i.vrnot such lo easshe -felt for her liajher; it was no feeling that had.cv font When heUj. a u! sy they liiy Norihwekleru Zephyrs. St. Paul, Minx.; Nov. 1G Ad vices from all parts, of the North west last night, show that the ther mometer varied from 15 to 4 de grees below zero. A strong wind was blowing but no snow fell All trains are delayed; on account of wind. Navigation lias been prac tically bushmh led here for several j im ibivs' The river was closed last ly night. ! Tae C. tr", A The M.MngeT Irain .will IhiW mil . I . a . i t there regularly la rett-ivetl warehouse is boilt. but no freight will lebxereil uiitil the instructed to retain ?S4i.00from the i the svmsbcal agent of Sabbath itiltectiou for the cause of publi- i m-htads, made an interesting rvjsirt oitioii and place at the dis.os;i of f on thi subjetrt. A resume of work 1 the agent of piiblic.it ion, that he I of lite year indicate in every par may employ a ndjiorter as sotui a tn nlar gratifying increase, both iu practicable. ' iulciesi ai d work accomplished. Mr. areorttti 14 scnoois, wiiii 1 311 teachers ami 10,418 scholar; 342 scholar have lieeii received in to the Church. The contribution for school purMjes were 2, .73, ami for benevolence 1,201): This work of the scIhmiI of the Church awaked much interest. On the subject, Kev. Boger Martin, of Shot Heel, made exfemled and earnest remarks, approving the resolutions, urging the uttemlanoe of older Nitple with their childreu, and the critical aud spiritual study of the scripture, ami couiuteudiug the holding of Presbyterian Suu tlay school tmivent ions. llev. J. W. Primrote also made au interesting addres on the sub ject. Bemarks were also made by Be v. Messrs. Evan, Winn, Dr. ICockwcIl ami others. The trim I of discussion was iu the direction f stricter wreiital training aud dil.geal eoiitlul. I'evs. .1. .". 11. .umincreii auu A. I. Crawford, were, after the us mil f'rni, tti-eiv.il from Concord Preb; tery . I A cull lioin New Hoe cluirrh for the j-astoral service of Bev. P. II. Daltou wa pl.ictil iu his hands ami accepted. i Bev. J. N. II. Summerrll accept til the t-all fnnn Tarlsmi aud Bocky Mount chun hes, uml .wa itistalhil pattirof TarUir church, SaldMth night ami at Bocky Mount, Tuesilav 13th. I Col. Tin. M. Holt wa re-elected a trustee of Davidson College. i Durham was choseii as the place fur the next meeting of Presbyte I). t Met1111ri.1I services, commemorat. tweeti the Gulf and Greeiitin. ing I he tleath of Bev. B. A. Wailes, p late (Mstor of Tarlairo church, were held Monday at 4 p. in. (The following committee was ap pointed toTuisc money for cv-i ge- atapleti la the lt DItrleU (Eliubrth ErvooiairL The great leader of Martin, Mr. J. E. Misue, matle a gin si seech here for Mr. Skinner, and Mr. John N. Staples made one of the best sjieeche ever delivered in thi town. Old Perquimans will do her duty on November 20th. I Urtl City F.Uoo.) i Seldom has it la-cn the good for tune of the eople of Elizala-th City to hear so able, owerful and brilliant a laditical address a they heanl iu the court house 011 Friday Iat The sjieaker w as Col. John N. Staples, of Green boro, and the audience which greeted him was good, both iu Miiut of uurnbersaud (he intelligence and worth it lepre seHtetL. lie matle a splendid sjK-ech and tras applauded thniughout. i The Ilurglara In Concord. ; To the shame of oiuragtil citizens be it known that a fcang of thieves is prowling through the State com milling burglary after burglary with reckless impunity- A dozen of the largest towns in the State have been systematically burglar ized and not one of the thieves yet apprehended, except in Henderson. Thursday night Concord was visit ed. The Charlotte OtWrrtr's-iys: "Presiding Elder W. S. Black was roblail of watch and 00. Thev tiMk watch, money and cloth- I ing from the house I of Mr. 15. r. Boger, and carried on every unug of value they could find iu Char lie Phifer, house. Mr. Ulack was staving at the Methodist parsonage with Bev. W. S. -Creasy. His watch wa a Hue gold one-ami to gether with the G0, makes a con siderable loss. The watches of Messrs. Bogers and Phifer were also ti ie gold tickers. Each of these two lost a sum of money. The burglars tried on a iair of Kogers Kints ami became ! so disgusted with the size that they threw them under I he house, but carried away a lot of other clothing." Daag-er la the la District, j , (IUidTUUriaM.) If Tom Skinner isn't elected in the First District to Congress it will be because the cople are talk ed to death before they can get the chance to vote; every man with any reputation at all as a aker ha gone d wu to '4help Tom." The .hate Rev. J. B. A Word. The Christian Adrocate says Alton! was one of the purest. men we ever knew. He w as as I y consecrated and as devoted pious a -i in in citiihl Im'. He was pro verbial for his goHlnss of In and his evenness of temier. j was 1 suiK'iior preacher ha tailhsical mind, and t boron orcoarcd his sermons a insfructiil i and lienefitted who heard him 1 death and eut-r into full sympitih with his accomplished, Christtin family iu this bom ot their sa reavement.'l Dr. I est uf art Id- a ai Wv.vs th 1 mourn enough Tor a ooor corn ohm use thev can gei. 11 1 few cents less, or they buy itaimjg j hI w heat and w heat, screauings a I this is a very poor policy, for it not i only greatly lessens tlie nun.l Hi f I e's . lint it a so has a tcmh'iic :oj i injiire'the health of t he f.iw I. ! Nothing but the bi'st au: l : est of loml should b. given a lluel. of laying hens atJjiis season of tin- year, because it they should stop laviui; w hen cold weather 'nets in : it would be . yen ; them to lay aain ; first ot Jauaury.. Hen- like a arief . 1 itoiu-lied her heart be she 'stood before him there was a something of awe that ' held her si leu f. a conviction that this! man was of a suhlimcr, gramlu eir ii!ionhnhai(aiiV who had ever crossed her path. Vnil w hy iihall we never know : ' she asks, her pure up with a trust- illi.-ult to i 1 1 ; r 1 1 -alter get id.- .1 :nl ;U . .i " do bctterwhi'li yiven a ilitl'ereiit kinds of IoimI cipal joo.J may n pse is be 1 pa I joo.J may i- tl iii it corn : bill nil fni 11a Is. barley. 'h It i also iiupoitaht sh't:il have each l which! should tie ho with w heat bran ; a meat lis impoitaitl oyster sliell hone. liens so it ,un: co. ilxi ci;lv ewitliiii tati J -Tlie work of clearing away the debris for the rebuilding of the Kimball house at'Atlanta was be Kuu Monday. The walls will be becuu by Di-cember,;aiid the hotel will Imeiimiileted bvi August 12th next. .r it ie 1, le 1 0 ic I-I Applicant" for Oflire. n examination of applicants I classifietl deiiartniental servici Wasniinrton will Ik? held at i iNistoflice in the city of Ibileig Friday. Nov. 23, 1K.S3. and at 1 1 i.vtiinice at Columbia. S. ('.; Tin day, Nov. 27, in each case at oVIiK-k a. 111. Those wishing to examineil at that ime w ho ha not filed the proper application u.r shniilil at oiui" ;iiiily to tip I" - . . - ... : civil service commission at w a? iugtou for blank applie-ilioiis. j i-u'ddrn llcadi of llr. J. Marlon Sim- - a ' 1 Ir. J. M. Suns, a physician w uu known in this country and KuropK died iu New York ycstenlay nn.iji ingof heart disease. Early iu I-lie morning he conversed with his wie .in.l shortly alterwaitl she observed that something was wrong and iiji metliatcly summoned their son, w lio is also a physician. An examiiiji lion show tif that thej ihs-tor wjjs oeao ii. oinm ' 1 r for EuroiM3on Saturday next. Abbett'a IHajorltj Nearly 7.000. Official returns from! every wmim ty in the State, except Middles--, hai lieeii received. Allowing 842 as Ablett's majority in Middlesei;, his maioritv in the State is fi,97. yaid. green had. may b hey should b grass. -4js long hall do -n "Tin- ,pin- . mVi'i-i 1 1 I h; .h''iihi lie al :iini nulli-l. Iii:l l hey , , a lew i outs, 'i-d a. nl mixed n.i!! i.ilioh'ot also ground iit l ground riven vi-;c-, d in a small led daily with as ir can. be 4ci in ealiitaLe o! grass, and yrass. may be I lie' ma-uagerueiil ' wa enurei' in (In hands ol (iencrals lieauiegard. and I ; Kai l . jThev announce that ticket .Vo. .Ti;:Hi(sold in fifths at l eaehi drew "he - first ca-ilal prize of -?7',00d ; 01m fifth, or i?!.".; :, ooo,was collected., by-' Mrs. Al. I'.- I layer, of New York city; another' -11' tittiijor xl.Pljp, by Mr. Thos. AfaJ j j-; ! 1 laice, alike of New York cii,:i1 aUoTamongstf others : Ticket Ni.'1' , 21. 121 drew tlie second capital prij'e ;H of -i.".(Mi(, .altd was -alsi ! 'I i' jr. tilths; one lo LC. Ificharsjai. ifol lected tb rou gi .1. It. Pick W .fc. Ilankeis uf .Iadtille, Pji.; one to Mrs. b. Wtiolei y, of IMnladeiif.i hen wintei used instead oil t Iit4 sea .-hole eei laid 111) to Iced out dill lr . I.e win ter. "'I'll is is an e.ceilentinatei 1 ii and the hens. ;ire er.v loud ol it. Fifty hens will eat A suialb horse load of eel gra.4s in a'jsingle w inter. When nothing better can iv had resort should' '-the had to rowen. ... Ii 1 ....i...:.- w well may ne cnoppeu up aim uo.- ed with ludiaiiiiieal or wheat bran, with hot water and i f warm, or the row en call Ik; chopped coarse y. slight Ii wet and fed without mixing w ith meal. the whole wet fed out while y The Nashville have! ideiul on the cent. Besidesf J?2.i0,IHKI, 'whit l-:ijrluten ler C'eiif. - i ..... 'leiiliesSee C'ottoii' Mills at just declared a div r stiK-k 1 I 11 per this G per cent, has sorrow or pain yoiijxg lace lighted fill smile. iff - 1 "(Jecause, low tone. "I gel married. ; I 'fro nl ol - l.at Ti;iik saA s in low, 'met. Ipive concluded not ii:- Mcroni ni i.a .tioiiuro. iirauni" 1 of tltc Louisiana State Lottery Co.. shows a large list 1 i but ion of prizes. - r -.'t' - j . 'a.: one to :? i;-." Mr.jli r. ai it. , 1. well known stove dealer. No I : M" s.t., N.vy Washington. D.'C. etc, etc'- Tij lier Nti.?!.,'l!Ki -.'j- w the thiid ca i(al prize of M 0,000, sold in lift hjoiie to Mr. Iv.j Al. Flack!, Iblplviasvillej Ky.j -one to Win. Iowt-iy fo 12-1 W..-JX1 nljson st., Chicago. fl.; oni to--Mr. J: J; Meding, of itihiiigton, 1) C, jXos 3,02 aiiif-1tJ112 eai: 1 drew i e j fourth capital fjrizen of ?i'.n . iu d J 'sold iii fifths-Ms were all t ln'Hi hr: prizes and scjjd'cied in k--. ' tions. A mbiigf others : mi. V. n.. I II. Fid. of 'N. 2!M-'Dra..- st.. 1 ami J.-'G. 'Inhier. ('ojumiMi ami j If Caroline st's.l jfj'Newl Orleans, (La. j The next (Iraiid Semi annual draw - 1 ing takes p!aiji-TueMlay, DeceniWr ISth. r33, wljeii prizes .trtnii - $ lt0,. ( ; j v 000 to 50 wil:bedistrihutid. An can? be had on applica I3I1. I.:.. v... e- bet-ii paid on ja -bonded debt ot 1 would bring the ' real profits upto about is per cent. 011 .'00,l00, tle total cap t al. The two mills of tlfe company have 2o. 00O spindles, ami maniif ictiires ail the heavier solids in brown checks. ----- ., varus, &c. his show s a moi prosiK-roiis coihlition of affairs ami proves Sout lern manufactures very, profifabh when managed by practical men. : ' iuformatioii tiou to M. A iDauphitt, New Or- leansji La., howthe half in r.uni ilol: bus ki,ilovi will be innitably diviibid. . j 'en' loaded with steel rails fo.r the CsjPe 4'ear and' Yad kin Valley railroad, struck a snag jiist above l'oiiit -re ter, between ilniiii"ton and l-ayeiteville. and sunk. f.-i And iu)w V4 are to Faiiners ( ongtess. It is to in Louisville, December .". 1 ... 1 . . 1 - T . -at 1 w nai me era and mourned b not. have !i meet That's ave longlsoiiglit cause they found it 'i'i At;- i ... A -vr ' i ; s-r U S! i it! - -i; ' .'9 IS -f 1:' 3' "i i:- t: 15 i - '