- v. ' :''- -. ' . r ; - , v:j. '. . j . -ir '' . , ' 1 . " , :- I-: it- u I. I f ESTABLISHED IX 1825. GREENSBORO, n: C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1884. v.- ; ;NEV SERIES, NO, 890 r c;:;CIiSrifiisbori) patriot f WKKKLY I? I)ITIO' I' "FKftM3;-On'yir 11.50: rix months eenU. three months 50 tenU ? Alwy tvoo. V Paper topped t Jbe xpimtwo of ubecnp- A ADTKKTiaiNQ j Katm:-0 Inch "rV'f for each subswinont insertion 50 cents. a vertisers must esmtrnct for specuU rates murder m ret the benefit of sucfa rates. Aqdress ii ; 1 JOHN B. HU8SEY. i,. i;j i . j Editor n4 Proprietor. G R EE S S BO BO. ?. C JANUARY 17. 1S84. -Boston yants i tbe National democratic convention. 1 1 The recent cold KnaqTdnrna orangti arnica na na crops of Florida. : Coney Island wast ilamagetl hy dnesilay -of $ 1,000,000V ffaieiflineaniouiii , i Active, preparations arej in "i t. xr..irual fort lift winter Progre . . . '" :.. .1 .a. ' - Iiar Inn tlic master ;l -- ville, 'Armour & Co., of Chicago, ratigljteredv 1,010,000 . hogs ami ,IHW cauie lasiciir. T.The facni W of a Texas leiuae of ho&i places i. i. llKjre IU lean i 1 . . has forbidden me wearing is and bangs by tlie stmlents., ; -Nearly bn the all thti watering Atlantic coast were aged on Wednes- ani t TO The road ail at Moreheail erably damaged storm Mof the Atlantic City was con sid- by AVednesday's t - ' Chas. I)elni!onico, the celeb rated Trestaurateuir of New York, has been mysterionsly missingsiuce ithe 5th. n Mrs.vJattie4 Fisk, Jx.,' the widow of the phenoerial.bu8ine8sjelian(;e8 j j . nia n, is said to be in needy circum- Ktauces iir Boston. u on February 4th. The ice palace towers ami trailla are already tveiity feet high, and the building will Imj twice the izo of that of last -year. Orders are pouring: in from New York, Boston, Chicago, and as far South as New Orh-ans, for . rooms in hotels for the week of the carni val. A featne of1 the' festivities ivill be trottiiiir races on ice. Jt he Jtalelgh OUeith ! says : Wet more & Co., of Thomas wlose exhibit, oft .practical. itr:i-fMl ntlenttoii at tlie last State fair have leased the shoo sliops :xi tlie pt nitentiaiy. md will begin work this week making shoes, fine and coarse. They win work nearly thirty convicts and will turn out L'OO pairs of shoes a day. Soon they propose Uijiutiu seventh-five convicts and turn out 350p:ii's a day: The Washington correflM"!- deiit of i the Baltimore Hun says it is believed in Vashiugton that the House committee on elections to which the case rChas. G. Skinjier, Congressmau-elect from the 1st (dis trict oft this State, was referred, will .report unfavorably, holding that th4 election should have been held in the old and not in the new district! The result, if the House should act upon this view will be another election in which Messrs Rkinner'aiid Pool can take their mlffe Holt is reported ; as .la tlisit the lielievtsl Mrs j " , i spirit in the plot to nssassinatc President; Lincoln t Uat. Rne of I the whole afr the social centre fair.! keit the al.olfpr- to the others,1 &c. is contrary to ly made uon the time. rendezvous, gave But this an impression largei , . r . i J tax levifl npou all n the public mind .at . ' i , . . according to value. A lm SUIURCT, '. BUT. A tlYKlV lwl-.i;ii;tn;-".;-' : issue.' The tariff is the tax paid the Government on foreign: goods im ported into this country. This tax is used as a revenue to pay tbe-cx-; enses of the Government. . ' K '..,. , That which is.caUedj in political phrasea: 'horizontaH; 'tariff, is a m ported goods without dis- -Ueprcsentaths of tobacco crowing Interests of the Unitei States waited on 'Secretary Folge January 9th, and asked tor a recoil sideration of the department's ml ing in regsird to a recent importa -One of, "the most popn i N widely circulated papers ar in aiu the tion of ten bales oi Sumatra tobatwij on which a duly of only 35 cents ' pound was 'assessed! The , Secre tary was asked to reversetho rul ing so that the duty on importa tions of leaf tobacco: shall beesti mated by he percentage of.the.cn tire consignment fit for wrappers, instead of iy the per cent age fit lor wrappers iuf each' package. The Secretary promised to consider the matter. " Jj A- .;;':?. ' ... LA Western j exchange uotesj the uumcrous murders that have been committed in the North and West, within a year or ' two past, xvliefe thej perpetrators have not In ch discovered, many of them among others that of Jeiiuio Cra mer,! of which the Malley boys were accused left in mystery after j judicial investigation in court. Y " . February 13th, 1879, , J. s . S. ! Parker, a harmless man and gooa citizen, i was murdered in Greens boro. .Mystery still surrounds the THE FUTtJRE CCRREJiCY; j The subject of the national cur' rency what it is to be as the -debt is paid off and the banks . los$ : the foundation of the natioual bonds- is a matter or vast ana .increasing importance, eng-.iging the attention of all parties and all scctious. ! It interests every citizen, aside troni any party or political predilections. i !2iiiFl ve million pounds of tobac-. West has-vtaken decided ground idCrrai manufactured by' the Black- against the liquor traffic' Iij says UUiring the past year. well I Darham Tobacco" Company, Henry 11. Payne, .of Oleve- is the Democratic caucus to land. nominee for Senator from Ohio, succetid Mr. Pendleton. 'Of the thousands of letters re ceived - daily?' ninety per cent, ot them make allusions to the j stand we have taken on the iuferHalisnv of rum. I No 1pne appreciates thfe feeling there is on the subject. It is verv natural. There isn't a mo 1 i-IiiThe North Carolina Grand tber in ue Tjnited States wholes ' Loilg, Kuights of Pythias has beeb not imte!it; there is-, not a' father, i;allcdlto meet in, Kaleigu, on ine -ven thonch he mav drink huise second Tuesday .in February. r 41'ay no wouu ; ; " j ' in Ohio. A quarter ot a cemurj fdso he lost tlie office for which he has ikw finally been selected by a foul deed. years ago. committed nearly five Yet the voice of his blood crieth unto God from the ground. His living friends have not forgotten him, and the deed of death bums like a live coal in the memory of the murderer if be lives, to this davJ "The worm dieth not, aiidithe tire i even though he may drink hiiiself, who does not dread it; there is not a wife Wtolloes not fear it." -t ; -It i The Lasker has i telegram. is hot quenched.1 suddeii death qf-IIerr been; announcetl by ... r This German statesman vote. i U . single Itissaid that emigrants com ing troni Europe to. Georgia are tolA, upon their; arrival at iasne tiattieu mat mey wui uc bviu ii "slavery in the South. 1 MlWilliain J; GoMou a well- known; insurance agent of Wi- shot himselt miiigtpiwv fatally on i the 0th inst., while gnnninj at hisj jfarm: inthe eiistern limits o'f thderty r nlimi t fifi.000 loCOl ni i r PMf'i hers in the world, and I1IVV1 .V ,-"--- - - g.i i 120,000 passenger aniK 500,000 freight' cars. There , are 00,000 miles of track, -and .the capital in- - i i r rfs .rvrn . : : , . I wvesteu is 5-u,uw,ow,uw. - ' ? l-rhbishop Gibbons has "i written a letterjfrom Rome stating will not be many, days be fore the travellers oil our railroad cars will! wonder what has become of the bell cord, as it must go. The railroads! now propose toidoaway with it -on passenger trains and will have! the engines so arranged that the bell cord arid gong will be dispensed with. . The new arrange ment is a small cord connected with the air brake, with a small wfeistle attached in the-cab, near the engi neer. The conductor pulls the cord, and the ai rangemeu t is cheap er, more durable and more reliable than the old plan and less liable to get ont of order. ' ' 3A j -fr A letter in the Baltimore American irom Staunton, v av, tells of an old ( resident of Pocahontas county, from across the Cheatand into who has long been ranked as a great leadef was walking in New York with a friend when -being at tacked by a violet fit of coughing, he felt pain in tbe heart and stag- cered. He was carried to a neigh boring staljle wheie Jic expired. He wasrire eminently the leader of tt le National; Liberal party in the Gerinanj Reichstag. He contri bnted latgeiy to the unification of the German Empire and warmly sustained Bismarck iu his meas ures to that end. He rose from obscurity a ioor waif to be one of the chief pillars of his country. -Although aliberal, he was univerv sally esteemed, and hfs death will i be greatly regretted by the earn est thinking meir of Germany. Allorrlinnv irinmitains. COmiDCT J! . : . ... . is I to sell. He had tliai the council of American Cath- learned the' results of 'the late un- s o'd p'relates will couvene, .in Balt-' pleasantness,", oud got no offer for ; more November u, ti&o, anu wm ot his "produce," wuereupon uwy be presided over by him. ; . ;' David II. Bates, vice presid- ent' and. assistant general manager all went back together, wiser t i t;l.:i.i .11. telLaHew thorongWj mcretlib w.iimany, has ! resigned and taken tlie management of the Baltimore and Ohio telegraph company t j ' li-LAbiU was introduceti in tue l Tifcinia Legislaturerlast.Mouday, P to incorporate! the Virginia ntl 1 NoHh Caroliiia Railroad. ? The roadi if ever built, will extend from Lynchbmrg info North uarouna. ) The statistics of the number nf4 mercantile failures shpw a mark 4 eil fiiicreaso during tjd year 1$S3. U ' AnAiin-lwvl with last! rear tliey are 10;187 in Kthe lUmted States " against ,57 sin increase of 34 per Ycent.'-I : A ' i I : : --i "I ' r :;.!(joVradi, the Denver Ti hmie .4avs, has a settled population ot :H,000 and taxable valuation r ai in (MM) oitfl. ri'Mi-esentinir an actual 000, ljiites'pf MUroail and , iii 1SS2 ber l-lilhe President of tlie United States Cremation Society says, tnai thorn are 5.000 persons, in this couitry pledged to f have their Ladies burned.' There is as yet only not, of coV,e, Vi,c i-1 'f "y' ; " tonl'a.; but me plans are urawn for another anil the society is isus ing the money to build it- Fifteen thousand dollars have been sub scribed. Tlie building will, Injsides the Ifuruace, contains room tor the resiiscitatrdn of persons who would otherwise be' bured or ' buried aTivl; another for tlie keeping of bMlies by rtrigeration until'the arj rival of distant mourners, who migjit wishj totake partjin Ainenil ceremonies : and a third in which any desired rites may be held; He i also says that the principal oppo- if crimination, -n i . -- if v'-: A apotcctive,, tariff is where discrimination is made among va rious articles of import rthe light er tax upon articles of, necessity or use as cannot be produced at home, as tea. coffee, spices! and other tnpical prodiietSjthe heavier tax upon such articles as .are, or. can be, manufactured in our own conn trj as cotton and woollen fabrics, iron &c thus iJprotectin2', home industries. : f V ." e !,-t. Absolnto "free trade" is where no tariff is levied at all a state of things impracticable, unless adopt ed bv other nations with whom we trade.! - : - - ' : - A.; very large proportion ; of the people of the United States; ;prob ably, a majority, . ;ire . in , favor of what is called "a tariff for revenue, with incidental protection., That is, so to discriminate as to afford encouragement to several kinds of domestic - manufacture,;, which are 1 sufficiently advanced to coin pete successfully, with those of t lie fuime class in ioreign couumes. The ; necessity for pursuing this pbliej is, however, growing less evei day, as , our population and resources increase., j . Tlie difficulty lias been, and now exists, that the tariff has been so arranged as to poster Tee rtain mo- nopolies, t; ; tluv ieinmeni. oi lue great body ot the people, who are thus .shut out trom any benefit in the' competitive 'markets' of tlie world. Capitalists an j stroi cor porations have been !reprejientei iu tho lobbies of the national legis lature, where the interests the common people are unheeded and uncared for. It is high time that legislation be o shaped as to se- cure the greatest good to the great est number. 1 1 "'"', "''". ','' T Tho sentiments of the leaders of " i -.1:1 . . opinion, every where! over the country," vary on this; important HiiliWt 'lwtwtHMi the extremes of --v j -,- -- -.--? absolute free, trade and the highest protective policy. Ii will require cal nr consideration and wise -coun cils proieflyf to'adjust the matter, In our opinion, it ought to be done with a view to! the earliest possible (abolition of the present internal revenue lawsj and the establish; ment of a permanent ami, equita ble tariff for revenue, i r Extreme views are held by indi viduals of both political " parties lint tln oieDonderanco in favor of high protective' policy obtains iu the Republican party, and will mark its legislation if 'it is contin ued in poWefv.jTIite policy was opposed by the Democratic party in the years gone by, and their ar- have an accumulating j'; . f'j;A; Woman's' Heart."; ." . ' Ou a railroad train, just. behind a plainly-dressed, niotherly-lookiug woman, accompanied uy a , noisy boy, sat two fashionably dressed ladies.. The boy was given to ask ing alt kinds of foolish questions; and occasionally ;5 be , s would whine like a cnb bear and,. twist himself around and fret. " "j ' ' "If. I had hold of him for a min ute I'd blister him till he couldn't stand u p," said one. of the Jadies. f'liere then replieil the mother The money circulation is the;; life- Wood of eve day , bo,ine,s ftr all Uy .taSdrf me pcopie. xue preseui national him. t Laven't the heart to do it: ' bank system is sound, and safe for government and people, ': affording the most satisfactory mediutn . of business exchange, all overl our great country, of any hithertq, es tablished. When the debt is paid off the bonds, on which the banks are founded, all redeemed theii what ? To continue the debt mere- bundation for thq banks, is "Excuse me," faltered- the an noyed lady, "I did not think that you could hear my remark. . "Oh, r.o harm1 done, for I know that he is enough to annoy any one, and "it may seem strance to .vou that I do not slap him, but I can't. Once 1 had a little boy that 1 slap,, ped. -Every time, be would ask foolish questions or whine I'd slap him. I-was determined' to bring him up rightly, so that he . would a nronosition which caii liardlv find Please everybody. - lie. was, the a proposition wnicii can iiaruiy am fdol of my Jif and x dkl so uiuch favor from any quarter. 4 This cur- want to seo j,im rcsV)ectcd. Every-' the gumcuts ftnee as time goes on and our country ; increases resources. ; in not richer men Commend us to your real live in liblo that nobody will believe ; i j. It hurts nobody but himself, and he likes it.'" !! l'-l. 1" j . ' " ' The rhiladelphia (Record prints table showing the amount of money stolen by different classes 1 . t of null ti rvsa i I oi people, so; tar ..a u. -u.... , lvV(MlHsH:is; and that i....i.f fn lwrlif Tiir5iia-.tlm . ' i . eiB.uiMMKii,"'-?M , . : t i...;U".1Ji;l- f nromvit win siriiiPa yearjJISS3.h teaviug out amounui,f of less than 5,000, the table foots up $13,380,000. Lawyers stole the' least, while bankers and heads of hniiL-ii(r institutions L'ot away, with ! -: ; . - - tlu. largest amounts of lucre.! it apjutirsj as might. In- vtr bee a. . ! - irom a iieiiei m me uuuiiuiv; surrection. ! -The proper! v valne'of 200,000,- She .is i traversed by 3,000 in Hies 'iUnt lead. : ."s yielded 820,000,000 in go.d , . - . i - . i 1 ; U- -- -- i- ' i. Oincinnaii's t otteinpt" to run a jnammoth nigger, minstrel show with 400 performers is not succeed ing to any, : "eteiity .: Uuriositv'.to see ilieUie brnpt, auiong the 400 one nan ,would have;a new; joke .doesn't seem toihave run very high. Disappointment, oft related, dam ;111 ardor. committee of I JThe executivi colored ineii chosen by the, Louis villc coiiventioh met in Wash;ng- I So i ex- Xorjoll yiryinian , in its issue of January 1st, embraces not oiiK" a sketch of orlolk, itsiuu i-The New York We have in this? city strengthand a re- B. rency problem is really one of most knotty that Congress has to solve. ....jv.j. '4- ivu-t -'.!v. j The appointment of Judge Buck ner, of Kentucky, to behead of the committee onbankiugand currency in the present House, has beenjad versely criticised in some high busi ness circles. An interview o 1 Times reporter, duriiig the late xjcss, gives soniej views of Mr. ivrliirh RAftn reasonable! and conser hrative ; j though he has; not arrived at anv conclusions iu his own mind. Tho main idea with him seems tp be, the replacement of retiring bank issues by treasury notes' with out 'the legal tender provisions; 4Jnst what legislation might e attempted in regard to the national banks and the currency air. uuck- ner could not say. He is now. pro- mi rin? a! bill, essentially the same as that offered by him in the last Congress, : in f which 4 he proposes gradually to replace tue national bank circulatiou with Treasury notes issued by the Government and without the present legal-tea dernualitv. The national banks, Mr. Buckner declared, could not ax j - nl:r. T " best staiid longer than the national fA i l- rrl fn.,.wl,ul v.. tliafr I i i who w debt, and when it was 1 wiped otix ' . .. .. 4. l -ill the national bauus wouni oet-wun out anv underDinning. f He had i0 doubt that the debt would be speed ily wipetl out, for the people secur ed determined" to go on paying It in order that they might have tue honor and Credit of having paid off two great debts. This rmeant mat the volume of currency wouui iiie tpnftilv; siiin ranidlv contracted, and Mr. l Buckner had :no doubt ft would shrink 825,000,000 or 30 000,000 between now ami next J uly. The best jway to relieve the county from the embarrassment ot tue pre sent situation, he thought, was; to replace this shriukage by the issue of non-legal tender Treasury notes. By this me;ins the paper money body said I was a model motheiv and that my son would be a great man, and these remarks more strict than ever with-thnn. One night just after 1 put him to bed company came, and wuile we were talking the little tellow awoke and began to cry. I told hiia to hush, and when I found that he did not intend to obey me, I went to the bed and spanked him.. 4Thats what I call discipline,", one. ol the company remarked, and I assure you that m utter yearsyou wilt not regret the strict measures you ha ve adopted. . ' j ' "The next morning my littuiboy was too sick to get up, and nil ihe day he lay in bed. A.tnight I M itt tor a physician, but before mo: Mug he was dead. I dou t tlnnk tiial there was a more miserable 'woman in the world. I took his little i j; ISarnrun's iacred Elephan. t j .., ! The ; steamej- TenaslcrnnV with BarnumsM sacred ' elephant on board touched'! at Malta yesterday on her way,' jto - Liverpool from thicli plactfi i cablegram was , re ceived.; by Uamum, Bailey' and Hutcliin'soulxf Jth'eir,' ofijee' in" 'New Yc : rk. Th e' ' fact s " cabled are th e only correct oites yet received, and describe ;th.c sacred beast being a magmnceut Specimen,; equal . to any of those iii the possession, ot J the ICings ofj Siam or ;Biirmah- and that it nas no superior any where, so that all opportunity . will bej offered at lat .of seejug one ot these famous T&easts about 'which o! much has been said and written for j years. It Is described las be .ing 7 feet 0 inches high, a male, with tusks , two feet Toug; kind, giijntle, and as 15 years' old. - With it j are the attendant, .Bnddist l)riests,one hatjve, one Enropeau, and three agents of Baruumi The priests are intrusted with all the documents proving its genuine sa cred chara(cter,!'togetuer with tile royal bi'l of sale executed Jyj' King Theebau's juj aster of .elephants. . It will positively! arrive , in .Lbndou 1 t - ' i - V ' " ; ' ? m a Vmi month, anu auer jpermuiiu 9 , was so flattered by. i,it to iest will b'resliipped to this narks that ll , was seven country; "n 1 " :'- "'! r il ' !-; ttt." '. t- f : 4 ' " ! . i, Frurrn In ajllear's i:nabrac. ' i Arthnr' liCg't-and'' Stafford'' who claimed to be l a natural sou of a distinguished English earl, lauded in New York from an Inman steam er during the bitter pari of Novem ber last. At tlib St. Nignolasl hotel he met a simrtliiig southerner named Schwartz, and fthey decideili to go to Iake Paniatiumcockv in Elaine, hutitiug and fishing. On thfe way the stoiied atBangor.i'Me., where Stafford piade the ucquaiutajice of a Miss Grace, nf ewj ork. . lhey became. Jiiieerey attUchcd t each other, ami wluin "MattnM lelt lor ho woods they jhad juighted troth. i!n th iifternoon of December 31 Stafford left t6e camp with his Ville.' for" a stroll.- Shortly alter a i (iA'Hc snow stofrm sivt in, and Stat- ScUwartz and to hud him, but 7 . . . ' Uuld for (Skaters. . , x " 7 5 Storting iawithNthc skating sea son a few seasonable hints may. be appropriatero green skaters: ' 1. Many try to skato in two dir ections at once: This fsat has of- cn been attempted by beginners ; but never successfully. It always ends in sorrow., ''Sih:P:t v,V.--'-. . L'.Ahrowapplo skins and paper on the ice for; fast and fancy skaters to hurt their shins over. 1 ast! skaters are your natural enemies and should upt bo permitted to en- oy themselves peaceably. 3. ; it down occasionally, no mat ter where; right in the way ot the rest ot the party, if you want to. lhere is no law to prevent a begin- ner from sit ing down wherever boots boots which a few days lH- fore I whippetl him tor getting r ,nl ,:fa not Vctvu muddy nd I i put them on my ,rn5 ... ...n. . bureau. I con Id not bear to live iisiWi.ssinl iu the same house where both my husband and little boy had died, and I moved away. -One evening. while walking along a lonely street I saw a little very small boy standinir among ! some tall weeds. I r. among i some .nun honMy )f tho bear, A short dist isked him where heljved .1I)CO a;vay a half-giownfcub. with ;ked a blossom and held ;t kuite wound iii its liearrrwasdis- asked him where was his mother, and father, suid with curious intelligence he replied that some big men took thein away iii boxes, s I knew then that he ivas a waif, and I took him home with hie. In the night he cried njid I got up and sat by the fire -wit h him and rocked him. lie was' very delicate, but; he was a light tliat shone on my withering'sonj. This is the child, and he's wearing the reau. can't. You may slap him, but i were thfii unsueeessiuu Jany in the nioining jf. NewCYearj day, about three tmUis fiiim . .(innp,! they found Stafford ii t lie! firin cni brace of a she bear, b)th frozen 'stiff." A khile was sticking in the Iclt lore and whenever he has an inclina. tion; - I .. '; ' ' v - 'i ;'j 4. When you meet a particularly hai dsome lady try to skate on both shies bt her at once. This is very pretty and sure to create a sensa- lion, ii lue iauy s oiguroiner is in sight it will be well to omit this. 1 5. Skate over all the small boys at once. Knock them down. It makes great fun and thcy like it. C. If you skate into a-hole n tho ice take it coolly. Think how you'd feel if it was boiling hot. . i - 7. If yoar skates are too slippery buy another pair. Keep buying new iairs ; till ' you tuul a pair not slippery.- . i ' 8. In sitting down do it gradual; ly. Don't be too sudden yon may break the ice. j ; j '' -(; v'C 9. When you i fall headlong "ex amine the straps of your skates very cartfullyl before you get up; Thi?r" will' make everybody think you: fell, beeause:your skate was loose, lleginiiers always do, you know. . '" 1' ' -il -'-v'T 10. Wear a .heavy overcoat V cloak till you get thoroughly warm ed up and theii tlirow4 itoff, and let the wind cool you. This will insure you a line cold, that will last a$ long as you livW ; ; 1 ' I . J 11. Alter yon get so you can skatotOlerably wellj skate yourself sick i in modi srtfcly. Don't be rea sonable abou it; i skatothr'co or four hours; sklite frantically; skate till von can't stand np. Do this 'every 'day and it will be Hire tto make you. sick ' at lasc; andrtheu you may die1, ajnd 'that would be an .excellent thriipit will be such, a covered, ine gjnoe s;iir oiaiiuni had attacked th; cub iirsi, and was then' lisjet , upon i by the j she bear. Schwartz went to Bing':.aiu. toVl t his fate o ' Missi Grace. -1 he poor gu M lost h?r reason,' wml will te si-nt t o n i " i ! i-sa lie a sy 1 n ih to in or row. j:, . .. ; " . . i - H . KlofcC luent t a. Husband anil V ll. -AAi Shemiudoah (Pa.) telegram sAvs; ..Shenandoah was consniei i- .. ... .-... irniul i V'l 111 ivli yoiing people. 12. Carry a t( the Tost of the ' X.--. -:. !;, V- big stick While skatlf Times says some thirty thousand , Italians nearly all . of whom came from the old Neapoliti- ah Proviuces, where, until recently, brigaudage.Svas the national indus try. I It is pot Wrange that these immigrants should briiig with them a fondness for their native pursuits. In the days of the Bourbons bri- andage was held to bo a noble Hark I'rom the Toonibs ! Atlantic Conititution.1 I saw General Toombs the other iinv nnrt fannrt him suuuuett. 'more serious than usual; and' temperajt; in sneech ; and suggestion. ! I rc- would be kept at about its present raarked that he would leavi less volume, being neither Inflated iior IerSonal aid to the historian tlian- contracted.i If the Uovernmeni peaps any American who invi could now issue one-half of the pa- gured so prominently. f per moneys Mr. isucicner s aw jiru tl uav notuing, 5 no icpnv-ui reason why it could not issue the ;uut the formal reprint Tot n whole. Mr. Buckner remarked that speeches iii the Congressional Recoil ho might iiot present his bill before pri0r co the war I had beWi very Febrnaryas ho wished to gather diligeut lit arranging my speeches some statistical intormatiou before and in writing full notes and coin- he did so. ;lle was not prepareu io ment on all 1 had done, ic was up !- a a .. . I . .-a 1 . gm - A I , prophesy that his plan wouiu mcci. purpose tc retire irom iue oeniio with favor enough to make it law, at tue euj f my term, and devotJ nor was he at all certain it would be 8eVeral years: to writing ia , history defeatetl. The difference of opiuioii cr my times.' He ; mentioned an among the Democrats as we u as English book, the name oi uu '!, Pann i leans oi ! tue AIin.iiaa inp. tiu freuerai pian ui UlllUil HIB WV....-" - , ---- o- , IUI II yi hts mn iinta th.if T nnt. flji the bu-Uilv enlivened this morning by th ..i.v w.. I r; . . . . . r- ll .rr.l.li.- eiopemeuc or-ji. n. m-mcr, ;i the leadinsr irrocery iJiereh.ants, with his former wife, djiughtor f ,U Wi Johnson, si weH-tjO lo i cu- . Ii tractor and buiMer and .wioinbcrbt !i .1 ait Ni !i- rti the present . school Oo;uti. i m? ( runaways drove In a cutti-r in tin;. ? duvctton ;ot i Pottsville, bill return !e! .iii' time -tottake-.the 12:i- , auer-, jiiooh train -.for Piriladelpn'ia. j v ' i-Right or; nine years ago,' Ivhepi' liiardlv ut of -'theitf teens, they r. 1 nl ..t t were maiTieu.. iiifj rsuun .-fni,- - . - i ii i '..: .1 eu 0'iO in 81 ful however, and Mi-.-lyelilep ppaid wife.'tliioiigh her parents', 1,- settlement of all ; claims. h retained their child, ji ueautw hlerweutto father's house and MfrT Kehler ing and plough it info pther skaters) stomachs audi eyes; "swing it fran tically ; rap! tiieni overTrthe- shins; shoot down jupou tlicm without warning and yell likcaComiiTanche Indian in a 're-fight; uscour eU bows, too ' ' : '''''!- " ' ' - '13If voJi aiiual lady, iii passing life lH)leci;nn iuettily and give the ;mn of UUai I es Augustus a squeeze- , If you have a pretty foot get him to adjust your skates every 10 min utes.'. If you sjiouTd get in get out : soon iis possible,- because the water under thfe ice is ice Vater j and not conducSVc; to1 health jthus. applied. . -7 1 --' i.: , 1 ; '--Anicrlran icni siiiui: iUc Places lure . 1 They 're I-'o-.ind. L ' -Mr. jtico F. Jvuiiz has' eoiitrpbut-" cd tov"The 'Mineral 1'esourct'S of the United Staics?" published by the govemniciiitf an 1 aiticlc on Auicricaji . geins ami pn eious stones,' lie says ystcniaiic mm ing. for gemsainlprccious stones u carried ou only int. Paris, Me., am Stony Point, N)C., Imt they are gathered ou 1hfsurfactv-in many places, 4 ns sapi h ires in Mont ana, House was so marteu mau uoumur Whicli he now liueuutu iu could tell what would be the fate pt' iy notes were very full and I had miinanru u ir-r,i iii" lutg -wua'"wjw fri-u-i iiiriAiuij in " "" --j uiwou.v a- . . t"- I .. . s l-l- 1 "J ! 1 moss agate .in Cdorndo-i iind . agate her faUier's honse;and iveiiid.- at Lake Supirsor. ! ' i, lived w)th his parents. Both j him - ..Some eightv-leighrdinei-eiit min-iliek- lived- on Maiii street, j next; w ,s K.ur iU4 the f ITnited States il wii' to pacli other. M .n;i, 1.., - Iii-imi iisrd -iis ircrns, During the several years !J.,e'--f.TvelvVot;"tlies!o occur in the I 'nil- were sparau u, .uunmu w h cd States only.; liiamonos are not. eachlother every day, they dm noiy j minc( m this country, altjibugh' sneak. . v thi'v "hav occatsionallv Deen loilUd i .i ' . . , . . .it.- r j any Even men , vievrs I varied., i among bankers and business on the subject were diflicultv was that my'thou wavs outran my fingers.' ... - '1 ...... J.....!.. UMI "Why did you aoaimon wm im - j 1 Vj.j ise! v I - -i.Krt.i L l anyl A Cleorgia Girl who Works Wonder I ! rRoiue Bulletin. Ti.m ii iiow livinc in Polk conn- tv. about fourteen miles from Komf, ad obtained the services of Gen, nf aire, who Dosses i itit in tli iittenint to recover vmwlirful and inexplicable if1P,n. I could never find thcih . fit, ia a. rlsiutrhter of one onm,, Vnrv valuable eorrespou .. i. , r..il iiirir. I . j.i i:..i..,to oiil -liiiiliisoti' of l'olk couiuy s IH.-81- '"-it tiencewiiu uiinuiunwi..." 1 fimiIilS - It IS Saill mai l.-a rf KlirODf. 1 Wa3 ill KHViMiai;, uuuuiaviv - - , i uv.o .... . ,.-.....J. 3 Wlial c;oid I'armers Can ! , ,- r l$Uif Hill T.;lfTiW'b!l ' ' - M'iL : Travis El Jlookeir, oi nis lionid'fanu iiearl Hookerfiin, rais Hon IK (r acres 100 bales 4ii cotA"r Aging 440 pounds j each;. -lt 6ne;au beat the reeorujiuai lit. I'OUUTY IS IlUviiJ w. j in-iin; vihimi to liuar froiu Uiewi.- fAilievillfe Citizen. M !t :i nnntber ot! localities. Alar're diamond was fjuind at lanchestcr, opposite liiehiiiond,-Va., b- a la borer employed in grading one of the streets, l-wa'san octahedron, and weighed, after it was cut.fovei1 ten carats. H was worth .",000 -The 'principal io-.. j calities for sapphires and rubies are. I in New Mexjico, -1 Arioini amU i i M,-. J. K. Y."lbge'rsif Lelces-1 Southern Colorado, where they c tec !towiniiip BuneombeVcotiiityf enr in theWnd, often on ant-hills, hroi "lit to anil sold at the - Banner ! Garnets occlir lithe same region, his crop of j about 3,00 wprth ot cue -siones ;Taml o:.e- I. being annually! produced. It is es.-.- :..i.ln..,! Ir i.iHii-Avliiidi netted i timatcd that Ithe value V'of. the CP i . . V ! iriji .l a...... n'u-ipal record and govern liientdur ing the past year, as well as si his- ! t.irv of.-Portsmouth, and a record , . .. ... - j pected, that; stealing is largely a m:itti i- ot iiiiMirtiiuilV. Those hteal a a ,-.- most who' have best Chance to i f its niumcipal govcriiment, our , - . - - 1 I' ' . .(..- . . - . - W lil'llMlllll:ir a . W B av I . . - -1 ....... bI.V.k. II " ' mm - mm, -u steal. I!o s' iiot inio-iciiiiii-H ir iiKcw ise presenif ji einiiiii-iu i i tion is a prayer which was "estcd byi a wisdom greater inan sug i rlllllili f Vt .""? i . t - a.i. .i..t:ui. nii.ci ner nunu i cfiidiit nt noiuicai cconumj, t . ,.c ,, i mm i i rt1.,.1vjnr nL-v-u irmuMr. .inca. ! ! l - - , . - '. , 1 I lie IIIHU w.I nii, ilHV oi""""' I- " .; 1. .; lltlnJ all COUIIIlISSlOn? Klin, ii;"i.vr. luni mu-Mt X i.7 careerj and the brigand ranked as ft cbair al,d it will walk aU iald carried on volummous corrc.! il b Ji . W-rkct wms the; new '.Maine, between 50,MX) and hich in popular estimation as our aDOnt the 1 room. - She places her pOUaencc with Bastiat, the greitt witi, bright "tnospfcts. j'The j 000. Ton mm ine aud hiddcnit. .-. ...uW.v wreckers rank, with hand upoiia table ami it moves, js. .Frenchman. He wrote me PffVl l.jn.ation of tli lositfg yeariks.; arc-being reg S-Mirlayhtony W - ttlu 'she wishes it. Our informant says the iast elaborate letter of his 1. f, ., ilicl.easiii life into thcLnew Point, N. C, some fS&Hl worth us. The Italians who come to this Jjjju, ber hand upon. m wIlicIl be outlined the plan of ' " :: 7 ; : ; having alriy been sold. I Wck country w th a hereditary respect ... . l wjjcil1 man sat, and tlie- great WOrk that his death lett.uj ; 1 ';t --. ,,-ilpf , i rl crystal is gathered and cut in large for brigan lage, and Hiidl that the uair lna,,nd all, moved at hbr nUheih But not a fragment couhl ; ,..f r 'W t .piantities, xH e at different ' ..i UJr.r,,ost talked of here Jouch. Ho says that a man sa rever recover of tin,. -pa ,e prol ibly , nnumnting to ' "" "I - . : tIlftchair iani another man lyifjg, viiich I had spent years oi y11""'! .uisijiinni n T ii V IV. V Wmii 10,000. annua ly. .much oi h is .e Jesse Jameses of the est the eh, r an hoUl wh , gllU leave little recor 1 ; i8aid a New York, llonst ; st Sun- , uL:lke George" and the ,Iay Goulds of the East, Lt that under her inys- q( ny ufe, save such as hasljec . ray. -U is tue first S. ? ; o:. .Ca.ie May'f "diamonds.", i -The naiurallv hink that there is afiue .ri( us t.iich thO chair , pulled. Jo nxed in bfficiabrontine." i.f'1, j thJ y 'ar' ' dt'ar rJ's,i0 for pplicaPpiirpose4s .V ' 1 . -a- ' Tnita; 1 Ti.i little cirl was in t .ked the ureneral on what siik .so goes all the others in tin fir';alnnst entire Brazilian, as the ii..iii in Aiiiiif:! tir "eiiuine Italian meces. this nine i asketi m. , .. ,..i .....i.l .:?......,.,,.!,;,,;. stwrmT iffea- i" 1 . .v i ' .... ...i.. , V ti... .mi nhl 1 I IB -l onooc i nf US U UU uu i"'"f : i si.il ,13 ""...T, ' . .'- rrnofl innteriMI; lOllUU vviv .ut:i '. i .ufiini iiinrlri)MI. ill IICII iu'un i . .i .i... . . ' ; ..i,ni,.i,lj A I. . 1 I - . . . view, ot the general imsuies! oi ! : It that of human. .' 1Ja VVashiugtou correspn deiit of an Dhiopajier says that the most painful feature in ! study of the new memberehip ot me House of Uepreeu atives is an ap parent lack of handkerchiefs, r of the knowledge of 'their inirposes. Without tM iiincIijcircnmKHruiion (their they Norfolk in k ali5 its branches. hows that as compared' with' the biisiuessJoriSSO,, Norfolk .busi he'ss has In ireasetlerenfeea million - tliat wliiie-in 1880 its total trade reached the handsome figures Of $38.200,48, the review of the bus iness yesir just passed, M 883, pre sented an aggregate total of trade amounting tot over $5.,000,000. This is truly a splendid exhibit , ". Aside from the tn.de statement, in me telling of it they blow noses with ' the! rr Jl ngers us L were in the halnt of doing at home, ... . ..... Tliid ri.iniiids.that WllCU .lfax was accused ,i v - ' . V Zit"" 1 7" was MS, tt a value ot ii.5,&uu r it shows from official sources that the liiimbef of new buildings erect- The womler- is: that thev have evtr thought nf engaging iij any other iudnstry ' ' ' ; j; I ii our often expressed desire for immigration" into ' North Carolina, it is tacitly understood that we want none ot this sort of immi- gra!,ts: ' X ; 1-' In truth, we think! that it has been nothing against our sum of enjoTn,eiit, nor is it likelyjso to be, that our populatiou is liouidgeneous. Just enough of the right sort oi u migration to give a leaven; of enter prise! to the native luiap want. Such condition.wi -I ton, iliscussetl '.: . i . . -i I -. .V ) tlie Supteine Court ciyil tigtits decision, chose a com liiittee t prepare mi address On tire Danville riot ;ud yotetl to hold a eoitveutioii iii Virginia. Bruce and Douglass appointed delegates at larKChave refusetl to serve. Mr. Sneaker Ci Iwin"- mixed up in me crtau mnuu. friendly editor .out h'e. had known. he was an ap ier scandal, a west said that Schuyler eviT sine he was an ap ilrentice.in a printing office, and that there was no moral obliquity about him, except that he blowed his nose with his fingers and wipetl theiii ou hisjxousers. ; giver and receiver, comet h of evil.' .3: showing that has never beeii sur passed in Vhc history of t he 'city, and it is further shown that white the assessed value of real and per sonal, property during the year 1882, was 11,030,897, the assess ment of 81883 h 811,047,05,4, an increase of ,$G10,1C1. v - Mexican 'is all we I benefit ore than that rrni-PT-n mCllt The has declared forfeited the conces siou made to Gen. Grfmt for a sub marine cable counectiiigj Mexico, the Uriiteil States audj Central for uonfttlfiUineiit of the terras ot the concession, no workr having been done. , I :". 1 ,. TSiiiiliA-. sind while in o e Btn?Ps she olaced her hand Vi i.. v. . ...iv;.. upon a stoorand it irompu .v cd iii obedience to her will., U ! A Dreainar Who Makea It Pay. j Jv4U. of YoUllgStOWII,:p., is probably the champion drcaper of the world, since he not only dreams dreams as omer sr but thev connY true anuoi.. r suit to his adVantage. Not long .a & a. m-. ftftrm a a ago he dreamed tnai iiie iiu.u 13.042 would draw a prize in a lot tirv. and being at tJiat time iiewat the business of dreaming for prom, he bought, tbe, ticket just to see what would come of it.. It drew nni siiipft then he has dream ed of two other tickets which have .if sf All 421111 ilr returns, but ;aii have been winners of somethings v On Newf Year's night he dreamed? that ia certain building stm-t would bum down last night. This' morning he found his dream Lad come true. The bui dingjlmd burned down during the night He".as also dreamed of certa.nty improvements to Ikj miule, allof vrl iclihafe been made orwil te made in the near future "If I consulted my pride as amaii ! shincs nih plants. prjMluce Hocis. iho aj7sltt.8 abundant j heri-,N of affairs and IT prescience that ci - fmiich nn)(e abuudantlv ithaitie ( ieu all llish jspeclmcnsi abled me to predict the events f do when it is .-lomly. livst My jlI,IH.lit;jv have been lbsh-i foVtr "Irs, I should say my speech Kmnember that , the, hrt . t.1thr German having orig trolly in BoltonVin lS54,on slavery. Bu , ; w ,s.c!o.idy . and stormy 18 n- frCa ; ijzI and rjragnay.j u the 1 fit fof humanity, Mmd r vtks, onSnioic .than thiid of MosH -4 rates; il0Weveiv are' collect rather stand on in compromise, tl cyear altei ward the J?UW' j . hiVin Urge quantities, 'al Ineech In the Senate, in .1836. - work all; the week had not a plcnr t;loli;;U tIie clltillK U done abroad S,p isno periotl of my life: whiefi j gmidiy on.which to walk ontY J T S(instolie In'oonstoft fronr t uS Kith greater ,safisfactioii )redict (clear , bright, enjoyable, !Vlinsvlvalla Uitid Yirgiui.. i of, than that in which I attempted to : Sunday for this year. j , (jaaiifyfHhongh as yet nsedi compose! our " Union and avoid -j;: Iu thH"" Monday iMr.lJrowii mnw is o, lu tu y flict that came ten years latere ,1 ; Jt , a im, t prohibit! the! not n.nch used by jeueler. Itis f H. . ' 1. ,! S letters or circular si con ; freqneidly.blup when found, but; 1 AKciartabie r5.ca. r.S o. ; V - jotteri,8, r,r newspapers, soon turns grcen ou exposure. Jet William Hyers, aged thirteen 1.., or other publications , occurs.u. Colorado and Tex. s, .u d kidney. The' operation was per- . y f ; mUi lliscMSSU),rMr. jade A ha. iAmen can f. rmed i i twenty minutes, and the r w contending' that it si ..uh pointsoutthatiustatingthatsj .lie t nS i-ecovery was rapid.- It is jW1 hnimitt ( Jndili.ry dm-s - ,u.t oc cr as aein in Jhe the firt case of the kind - g u holllll,k tha w Un i ted ' w i re of t lie biu oirecord in that city. Jder k rnles it must berj-b-r to fotol M i a-a ta a - - m- i - mU I T....-M IK J10 im.,;,s ...e jV; j bar associaiiou. . f , f in iiiHt-.on u'osiouices ;u It was nnany rciencu ommittee. - of a large size, which Delaware county, Pa. occur in -!' t ; f: i - i if .'1 ' -1' - u; 3

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