. J- tU;:: -.' ; - Y - r . - -- -!-.:.- , ' . - i..-..V-s i .- .:. : - ; . -. -'. -. '.! 4 :. . ' . ;. : ; . v r V . ": ' , , . ! '! : 1 ! ' 1.- ' . " " ' ' ' " 1 ' , ' ' 1 ' . . : : i i : ' 'I 4 ' -! M": : ' ' " 1 '": I nrKT, wiur ripriltmr' ' '-I IJ' '1:1" 1lf5HSB,i.!?J??fcl ! GrREENSBORO, N. C, TUESDAY, FFBRUARY 3 1885. 1 , - - i i I II M i i V fi u n X : : " . , . ! .,,;! ilJiKi IN THE GREAT CHAIN OF 41ISTlTUTIONAl. DEVEL : ; i OPMEJiT. . " " a 'LiJ.ii vi'ii of vircin ore in bis 1 L v t. : . ....... w.1 f- otiidfnta i: i.t:....f ;.n nf lii Kpcmtul REBECCA'S PLAN. mony,wj - PT. 'fsv the nublicution I iUivnife of tbe arcbives ot Mary- ?jkwU wnbraciuj; tbe proceedings ot ! (lie Assembly in the year 1W& to tCTG jnelttsive. The immemorial tbe legisia- I: 1- :'t ! , - ! t one IHI' Si ith state ami. .municipal. bailing perused -4- i i piistom OI moistCHiut; 1 live wliistle at tbe public expense has tints far eluced the grasp of the 'most mdastrious investigators. , It of the "institutions,77 Onlhe 2 1th 1 page of this volume occurs t W followiug: i "Tht committee Sff've okir report. I b : 1 .n Mini ttoriwuie pr gauu vw Sot Brandy pr gallon 120 1: ffor iBif re pr gallon 181. flT. i?ntM ir trillion 0801. - u'i t' " f ; "... ii.t I! JIr that sort ofinnKe raiieti lL-pr gallon 16 I, Tob. That is to ?. . .. W T ..i. ....nnil nf Mn?ar 10 1 STob & ff or Lyme water $ xc,-U is the quantity ijuilgejniaybe allowed to e lrtit I : 1 till. - I ff.ir Beuerage wUU sugar in . l i ; r- 11 Tub. Thii interesting r IIrper'i Basur.1 wouldn't mind losing the said gentle Mrs. Orme. "it it wasu?t for Clara's music." And she wiped a tear or two from the eyes that were still b ne and bright. I I - ; Well.' I would. theu.T7 said Re becca, who Ktood in the middle of the kiteben floor, brandishing her china t4iwel as if it was an aggres sive weanon of warefare. "Ko- bodv-wants to see their little av incrs made d nrks and drakes of. I If you had took my advice, Mrs. Orme, you never would i have give itjto your city cousin to invest, but kep it in the countv bank, where it was aafe and sound, even if it didn t draw sn-.h a high interest. But von nltrnrfl was foolish about j - , moupv." - I At tliU flinra Orme fired up. as a ilxxn mllfht MBunr. thn attack i of some warlike hawk on the maternal (R.1iam9 said she. "be silent I You shall not speak so to mamma.7' "Well isn't it tbe truth V said Rphmwa. r. -i.i . I .11 H ill uiH. iiuii li iiiiiiu um l'"-- j.Ii Wl. ei liiara, ouilhi 'iu o., aou grti . . . tl.t and lkv- u V - apyni W CI and May instructive 22d, 16G6. entry I bears date ;Thal lort of drink called -L con LUtinVof a i pynt of Lymejuice, tfnul of sunar&c, was passed on Iby the committee, and tbe formula puration officially seiner jfor i US pre lUat Heast' tbe quantity i ? j i i. . H'wbicb we pauge m uo i; r" I .L --. ' 4-1. a i tf.. ii ; i - of sugar allowed'' J hnt the auantiii. i vn ;tii uuivibvt - m. - of rn! or brandy with which it was liiilutfi was probably left to indi ! vidul preferencethe love of lib- erty and religious j tolerance Deiug I tbusLarly noticeable in our ances- tors. 1 ; -' i - ' . ( j Tliat tbisl metbwl of flavoring the lemanule was officially recog- "appears ; from anotner enxry ge 127 : 1 - 'I "Till Howse is willing to allow f i . i fL ...... ratwll 111 'ft' nizeil on pi this As Wine and'Limi But that allow only Willi in- Smith his acct ; hath I cbareed the Burgesses Asseiiibly tor liquors : , Kumine Brandy Punch : I ul mii 1m with Wine. Li.:. .....1'i.uUminade without VMllU; UO - strong druike tbey win 23 L per gallop.77 j I Then follows this interesting aud suggestive entry: 'The Howse ad- ; lourus for an' howre.". ! iln! this record may be stnaieu 'H the germ of an institution that has :M developed in a remarkable manner It with; advancing civilization: The y ppurposethat was formerly accom 1t 'piUned when 'Hbis Howse adjourns : I f t an howre" Is now attained by ! "......inmiit- of f-ouamittees to Mia cpntle widow's vp1rt ibiHk acrainst the flnshil forehead. "Let the music go, After all, what does a little money signify I". - , J "Child, vou; sjeak like a baby, said Mrs Orme i4 Money means a great more than you think." j But ! nevertheless she was j in Rtinctivelv comforted by the mag uetic touch of her child' cheek, the coaxing weetness of er voice. And although Reecca, the ''hir d help," still stool their scolding, Jhe sting had all gone out of her re imnfx.i Rebecca bad lived with uinoA f,-ATA was a baby. 1 It wj hor iriv tit scold. lAndrin sonhistly of Mrs. Orme ail U W . mittetl to herself that Rebecca- was more than half right. She never should have given that thousand dollars to her cousin, the cit broker, to invest in South Oeutral Pacific when South Central Pacific was running up ta such a dazzling fiKure that everybody hastened to share its splendors. "What goes np must come down,77 her old, un cle Lemuel had always said, and she should have known tuatcjouui Voscelin. "But there is so mac u imposture about these things, you know. ! However, I dou't object to looking at them nkrA hud irrown scarletatthe cool insolence of, that city lady's tone, but Mrs. Orme smiled uepre catingly as she Iwl the way toward the best parlor. KeDecca express her feeliugs b cruoing vigonms ly away at the yellow paint ou rue window-still to reir nve an iuuiiitrai mal fly-hpeak tbereform. . Up and down sassy, am i buo i said she. . "I don't see how mamma endures it," cried . Clara, tightly cimening hor Httlft fist. Hani words never yet killed no boily," observel Rebecca, who had the soul of a philosopher within her gaunt form. . : Presently Mrs. van vosceiinami the widow Orme came back, still debating. . ... "I'll give ou twelve dollars lor the four chairs,77 said Mrs. Van Voscelin. "They ar3 rather pretty in their way, but nothing remark able. And we'll call the clock, say ten. and the claw legged table claw legs are really quite common nowadayseight. Make the lot thirty dollars.'' 'Oh," cried Mrs. Orme, recoil ing,"! could not possibly sell them for that r profound obeisance. T i "They were sent home over half an hour ago,7? added Mrs. Van Voscelin, "ami I have just settled my j bill."! (At whih words JM. Mantini crave a second series of salaams.) . "But if you will call at my house, No. S44. Paragou Park, I shall be glad t have my House keeper show them to you. Perhaps it may be a lesson to you not to be quite so graspitig in tbe future.77 j And she bustled off to her car riage. j ; i. ! "Humph," said Rebecca, looking after her curious elevation of the eyebrows, I S 1 guess ! we haveu't time to go to Pjaragon Park to day. VVa'al, Mr. Mautiui," turuing sud denlv t the dapper little proprie tor of the Emporium, "iiev you mini them there articles o'vertue that I sent up from! Grexbury Hollow!" I have, ma cowtinej auswereil the Hmilliug Frenchman. "Efrery ar r tide! 7 Rebecca. "To , Social I Jfe In Wahlngtea. r ' i Washington Latter. t One cannot take a uear iview of Washington society wzthont dis covering that all does not go merry as a marriage bell," and that many of -those people who bow and smile ho pleasantly and so continually are naming up with jealousy aud hatred, bankrupting their bus ImiiiIm and breed hi? all isorts of domestic infelicities in their rival ries; Mavbe this is no1; so, but if tbe Wa'al, that was a f 'nnuointment tnsit auu mo wi.v. Vviiit77 tiling. this, ri, Kiiia ftr muime" are XUv- uiiio j. u 3 w! charged up as "traveling ex rsiUes,'7 "hack hire" and "statiou . try .Pr "Stationery7' is more usually of a! fluid nature and is takeu "straight," aud "limiuade" is not recognized as strictly coming with ia this classification; but is regard- cd as it Central Pacifio wasn't "sound." But there was no nse crying for spilled milk, Tne money was gone iu the South Central Pacific cl lapse, and all the city cousin's re grets couldn't bring it back. And aiter all they didn't mind a little economy, if only it wasn't for Clara's musicaled neat ion ; the les sons Irotn Madame Queschi would i.rn tn lw 8tomel now, and now could; Clara ever expect to be a great pianist if "But just then 'the kitchen door Jt DJ1 .nnia III swung onen. auu - e" carrying her apron full, of wild grapes, with a glory oi ouh shine around heri and a triuge of blue asters struck like deep ame hyst plumes in the shabby ribbon .jf iiu nlil straw hat. .r u. . ' mm I 'Oh; mother, mother,'' sue cneu, breathlessly, "see what 1 have got! a i thpro U citv lady down at oldlrs. Nickelsa's buying all those funny womlen cuairs mai reicB was just going j to split up into kiudling wood, J and the broken clock too, and tbe spinning wheel up garret."; T , . , i Mr. Orme and Rebecca looked at each otlur with asuddeu bright "It's all they are worth," said Mrs. Van Voscelin. "People put an ennreiy ucunu" such things now. Aud you'll nnu that no one else will give you suuu a price" for the old rattle traps." Mamma!" pleaded Clara, pite onsly. It laying her hand otfiMrs. Ornie's arm. , "Ami," added the remorseless iconoclast, I have ray doubts about Kii.f ftwil am tin ues atter all. People do get so imoed- ujMin iu these days. JNo one kuows what to "believe.", - -..!- -": Mrs. Orme drew herself up. "I don't think vou need entertain any scruples on 'that score," said she. "These articles have been in the Orme family for three-quarters of a century at least." . -"Say thirty two dollars and fifty cents,7 said' Mrs. Van Voscelin. "It's more than they, are worth, but I don't like to be hard on re dnced ladies" .... J if ulw.nl. 1 not be willing to sell them fr less than eighty aouars, finnlv maintained Mrs. Orme, Kinuiiiticv unil imitoinfortable. The-city lady turneil on her heel. "Mantini himself don't ask) such aai.1 Khe. "1 think ya must be crazy. Good mornjug." A...I ahn RwentonU throwing down lio nam t' sbind and chair iu her wav, and draggiug the kitten along in-ih mjfilstroiii of her satin fl..., t?1mmi ciincKieu. Airs. r... luirat into tears. Clara was absolutely speechless with indigna tion. noz poor Eh!" cried same iersont stroke o'luck." VraitnentJii bowed Planum, "to ze ver7 elegant miladi who has just made herself to depart iu zat coupe of ze most ravi&sant to Madame Voace leen, for hundred and twen ty five dallairea, of which, wiz your leave, I saill (keep ;ze twenty five poo- la c"wOTMio " U- l "Pour hundred! and twenty five dallare!" cried Mrs. Orme. with a little grasp of mingled ecstasy; and doubt, as sheclutrbed at Rebecca's arm. "But that can't be possible. Didn't y-u hear her! She; said that they were treasures from an old English manor house!" . I The , Frenchmau shrugged his shoulders as only a Frenchman can. "As for treasures, cVt ca," said he3 "As for ze old Iuglais maison de manor, it was what madame her self made of remarK. Ki zing nozzing at all. was li m. n t.x it.tfirnmt a laavi " 'Reecca, I, don7t understanu. said Mrs. Orme. j "Does M. M tiui mean to say that wrsT van Vosceliu has paid hun tour nuuureu mwl twpnrv five dollars forths very things that she would noi py tortv dollars lor six ween itSu far hs l ean see, tuats ium; the hng and the" short of itf WiVd - a mt ft .!' all ik Rebecca, shrewdly, "auu, thinks she's got a bargain, because they came from Mantmrs. uooti gracious melthe folly that a fash iouable woman is capu'p ul nvor heanl of sucU a imug in my life," exclaimed Mrs. Orme, with a long ureatu. "Nor I." said Rebecca, 'a...i thtf rwn women weut rejoicing to iarry the god to Clara. 1 . , I We can go on with the music lessons uow.iand not feel extrava gant," said Mrs. Orme-, exultantly. "Oh. mamma! but if airy one had t the, dear old cuairs on. I ' Van Vosoelin woman!" said Clara. "Now, look here," said Rebecca. itwiiat does it matter!" sa'd Don't miud 'em. I've got a no Kenecca "The money will pay a tion that has just popped .into my i i Ami iiiv notions are sortie- lirnu. .-, time worth something. That there Mantini as she tells about married h second cousin of my step mothe . ill tr.. mid have a talk with him .Ki. Vm iii town the" day ar er to- He's a clever cuapenougu. r.ir h a furrin way or Dorri.7' ! 5! ..1 i:.: n.iuiniBil It l tnie that "history.; is v r 7 - -lnrnlt jli . r ;,.Ji.i.l utilities present history, there is a great deal of present his tori iu this record. In it may be discerned In embryo the institu tion ot "stationery". It is a link in tlie great, chain of institutional development. Michigan salary of : S I 5 rLL'The Governor of VunLi ves tho munifiecnt Sli)00 a year, while his private sectary is paid $1,600. Six hun . i, i n.. . ......ujm to be the dti- dreii uoiii -v.- ferenee between the useful and the oruatrleiital. i Stamps and Poalagc. ir.onivnTnw.i .lan iOi. i""" Assistant Postmaster General Haz eti has prepared a comparatne ISreineiit of the sales of stamps. Sal cards and stampel enve oieH Snin- l" quarters ended Decern rffilr ift-t and 1884. aucU wenty ?e7re nresentiug 35iercetit Af :rln total Baie eh!" said Re becCil. "Aud you was a tamiu sellin' youru at auction, to go up to towu, and be near the woman that gives lessons to pur Clara. It am t nowa8 likely they d fetch much at a ven'doo sale. lAin't this a good chance for you, Mrs. Orme! ! "Ye es, I supjMse so,77 said tne nieek widow, with ad mtitful flutter at her heart, 'ut on your uw, Rebecca, and go down t Mrs. Nichelsa's and see" what you can do" H i "Mamma!" criel Clara, "surely y4u never will 'sell the old chairs and bedsteads If ! ' . i ujiy dear, something must be done," sfcid Mrs!. Orme, with vary " .tr t her soft face ! "It will ,UK "I ... Sli tl.M tter all. I deserve cost me a pang old thine, but. to be punished for my folly in that South Central Pacific business, ami vou know we couldn't do anything the country. 0:"....d with 1883. Ouly tour r ji ! ti.M list show an in "l-l... i.. Bales, as follows: l, ,;. ft4.274: St. Louis, trolt, $0,720; The Glided lJece Br. ok $G,2G0; De New Orleans, wu ' - fr the ouarter aggregate - - m-i a. oa a-.iK ki a. a ia rniilMM). as airaillSl iv."i- ftH the corresponding quarter in Vfhe HoUe committee on post oVces and ,H,stroads will fvorab ,.v s .. .,,iut tote tor the. Din report . - to the postage L...j..i:.,n- hefore ir. reii 'iiriiiiuih " ' :U1 ... 1 r wwAiiaoer ...jiiifiTiiiii a uv " i .rei uv.. ! -- pnt. tier two cenw.iu -"t - The bill win proviuo-w from itiiid. lUSlicoVofsecondclas r m when sent by the.pubhsher ami - fron the office of tbe puoiicw, a S bonade snbscrioers or wbe, ''if from a Jiews ageut to actual t lsent -ITXr . -ti.thernews agents, with such a lot if old furniture iu a d TTnuh ll.ttl'L UlttKU Uio coward wheu 1 need most to be Rut as she sat there in the low ceiled, brooking old kitchen, with the yellow September glow around b-r, the vine leaved whispering at the casement, and the locusts wiiid ing their tiuy bugles iu uc iur. ..r .,i.l it seemed as if all tbe golden air was full ot the ghosts of departed days. Toor Mrs. Orme, the world was very bard to her in these times. . Rebeccii presently returned, ac companied by!;a portly acl, ; ehr gantly dressea iu Vw."",Vh k, and a sceuted Valley Cab mTfM: vU VoeeHnjWa.boy hir,'a fun.i.ure. .BtojM- real antiques;: iuufi-u " " , -w t H-.;A r almost say that she per bud uiip"- . . ii .i STas crazed on the Mrs Mrs. oh yes, Mrs. Orme :"t that! she wished to part W "Ves," said Mrs. Orme rather i. u i i. innch stdendor: "l morrow i it wasn't oronouncin "But, Rebecca," sighed Clara, "what will be the nse ofit!" VVa'al, 1 don' know," sa.d Re tiVou'll see. Or ii'r'aps youWl see. It'll lw jest as it ......- Xnhodv ciin telllwh'.ch wav luck is goin' to jump m this world." ! Whether we are glad or s. rrow r.,i th inexorable wheel of times .a.itv.a iiiMt as steadily on its way. and-so Mrs. Orme found it in her ..wiArlullPP And almost i before riiiviivnwi - ahe could realize the progress of .t..a unii weeks, cra.v JJovemiter Mt.l J IllUltl them with its mists and -iia.iowR. and the first snow flakes i.tvinc throuirh the air, Jklrs. Orme and Rebecca had been in the city pricing cheap anu venient rooms for the winter. Orme was tired out by a succes sion of battles with tbe average landlady, aud had resigned herself to the - pilotage of her faithful dep aty, ami soraeinfw uirj turning to the Grand Ceutral depot dv the way of M Giulio Mantmi's "Old Curiosity Emporium" in a shady little street just outof tUe roar ami glitter off upper; Broad wav ; i VVa'al I declare ef we aui t hre iest in front of Mantim's dotTrVexclaimed Rebeccn u "S- .fun iii and see ei ww"" year's rent;77 for slie was oi l..i...:.... ...itnro and was alreati setlucing things to a financial basis "Yes. yes; lithougni i coum .' ,j v.... V.talillV llWhlli) nil Oil vov frieuds liftetl their ua'.M,s yiewetl the uew possession . .' i .nit agon l'arK. anu dear I vnai W4U18,IC And so cheap r I con Mrs. Henedlct Aruold'a Bride. ! Th Quaker City has uot ieen famed tor the bvauty ot its women in this day o. ly Tu W V its sedate history are bright wi Xh . a I Kn.i t stately matrons. Amo, g w.t. r tlie! UeVOlUliuuuij noue was mre ciiarming .u-.. ill starred Margaret Shippe.i. Her family at that time was one of rue Lost Influential in the 1 and it has continued to Philadelphia asuccessiouot stuidj, high minded men and women, al ?nougT. her own life w-.clou.lejV by suspicions of disloyalty She married Benedict Arnold when she was enzbteen. She first raetb.m . i..i. mi his return iroui her cirlish fancy was capti vated by dor of his career. Her family op sel the union, but she insisted and Mould have become his w"fe in "pite of -11 opposition, but Sand committed the tndtoroas deed that will make his name de Sed through all time. She was at West PoiiVt with her baby. She was 2 one taken into custody end given into charge of General Ham flton and Aaron Burr to be con ... uiiiiuiifiiiiiia. iu . not.' then somebody is doing some pretty tall lying.! And what won der! The woman who can wear the handsomest dress is described ma thn most fascinating: she who snends the most money on enter tainments crets the longest notices in the local newspapers; ' and she who has spent the most for silks and satins and pearls and diamonds erft thn most elaborate and gnsu ing descriptions of hertoilets. Aud what else is society tor, oui to tread on the corns of some hated neighbor or acqaaintauce; or climb to some height at which the climb j er knows she has no business! The latest bit of quiet gossi? in this line is that the ladies of Vashing ton society generally are talking of forming a mutual proiecuve ami economic association, the- object of which is to protect tnemseies against a few ( of the extremely wealthy people who have settled hereami are! appalling society with the lavish expenditure of a t I I... l..i! il.lUll money which jmarns mt-n o.i.. career. The most strongly marked case of this sort is thatof the Leiter family, of Chicago Mr' Leiter is a millionaire, as everybody knows. Mrs. Leiter is) a lady of excelleut taste ami address. Their house is thri Rlaine mansion, elegantly fur nished, and their eutenaiuments are not limited in any lossible way when the question of expense conies iu. They have not been at all ostentations iu their display or lrii hnt ithe auiet, aud yet i.nimnt manner which they ladle out the dollars when anything of a social nature is to be accomplished is perfectly galling to the average, society person at Washington. w.it miuth rememberel.that 'so ciety" here is I not like that article iu other cities. It is made up of people who are supposed to be en tiled to recognition by by reason of .i...:....Mti.m nr urains' ui nncn or1 clothes, rather thaii because of their wealth. J Not half the Cabi net people are wealthy, and not one in ten members has auyicou siderable means to expend in a social way, while none oi uie rw ,t navy people were ever known to lie ruilty of more than a month's .larv in advance of their present requirements! The result !.. ruiiniretneutS of the world are very heavy for them in finam ial way. And yt they inust bear themselves with renjty if they are to keep up u iub"; no Matter what the; sacrifice at home. Ami i to have some Mlo who has leeu all his life, big fortune by a thing ho vulgar as ..i. ...uiih almiff and settle j.: i Mi-ir midst and outshine H,m all and in such a quiet j wa ..... :t w more than i'they can eii- i.. urntest. Anl so there tiL- ahont the formation of a r..tnMi Pr.tiK;tive and Economic things ! I h nanieular business I . . . iu.itT? a funr nf ..I'ntl. nil irullll IIH .-- ).uu ..Tiieiisive iieople whp llivav I - -J- .....i.;.. r nmnv Domes ' iw i ant'i-A I world I here by the race for display and) o cial expenditure that they have :n lMeativhile. the iiino ...... ..(r..w1Fu nn. not Ilkel.V to lo Will VJIH inn.' - - - . , , , . ,- Y.... ,1,. Inrleed. it IS donbttU H anvof this Pfonliah talk is allow ed to reach their ears, .i.: . c.i:it nneasiess very mild upheaval compare" the exciting rumors tbat flving around in retailor w sidtsof the strong puneh Mrs Stewart's dancing party hst ThursTlay night. The "Stewart Castle" has been the Scene of a gooil ' ... n4iases. but neer 1 . J U i.i- it leen the scene of inch a disgraeefulaffairas that en .... iii:iMinii rrirue'i - - n i.. u-pro tireseut triel to keei the matter quiet, out of re ESi for Mrs. Stewart, but jpossip f : Scientific, Carloue and Useful The addition of salt to lime while slaking, which is i tnen projeriy tbinneil with skim mill; irom wuicu all the cream has been taken, makes, it is said, a permauent whitewash for outdmir worn auu renders the wikhI incombnstible. It is an excelleut wah tor preserv iug wootl and for all farm purposes; A sure cure lor potato bugs, is claimed to have been found uy a Wisconsin farmer, f His plan is to plant one or two flax .eeds in each hill of pitatoes. He says that the bugs will shun itevery time, aud for teu years he has, thus been sue cessful in growing tatoes j while o hers have; tailed. It is Worth trvinir. .(: '. -i ; ' . . t . The Health Determent York City says every can of New or me tal package ot preaervwl food Finally, Onr lyy Our loyality to the Union is even now often questioned, but mainly by those who for political purposes seek to agitate and perpetuate the hatreds of the war. Nearly twetitv years ago the jieople oi this State met in convention and adopted the following causes as a part of their constitution. j : . Art. -1 Sec. 4 That his State shall ever remain a member of the American Union; that the people thereof are part of t he A mericaii n a tion; and that there l uo ngni on mw part of the otate to secede, ami that all attempts from J whatever source or uion whatever pretext to dissolve'said Uniou, or to sever iaid n in, ought to be resistel with the whole power of the "State., i . . . 4. . I3c. 5 That every citizen of ; this State owes ar imouut a legiaucc should bej hermetically sealeil, ami; to the constitution and government should have conspicuously printed ou its label a waruing to the con sumer to turn out the con tents into glass immediately on openiqg thej c in giving good scientific reasous therefore.)' . ; ' . I - 1 1 1 ew Zealaud is an excellent: country for sheep taisingi barring .i .... tl..i ll.u utiimulx the fact that the animais are com peled t compee for tho grassy supply with a vast number of rab bits. The best destroyers of use less rabbits are weasels ami stoats, hence a recent ship sailing troin Southampton carried 150 weasels aud 500 stoats.1 As these animals feed oulviupon small meats it was found necessary to tane 2,w ons along to give them, and as-the, pigeons must be kept it was also, ...,....? tn. tuifo sixteen onarters lirJcooii j " , ! of corn along to feed the pigeous. r A correspondent of Vick's Floral Guide couimemU ordinary kero seue lamps for keeping warm tb( room in which plants were; in coU Hiir.! No smokewas apparenti nor any injury to tue , pum a precaution, the lamps were placed; in pans of sanl or dry ashes on the fl,or, and later a leugth jof wnl pipe was put I over each lamp, to obscure the light; The co-respondent savs: "The great od vantages of such aids in severe weaiuei home tidings ! m t A. is j tnai SiH'ial 'but that as they in Par- i.I...if( the certainty of their steady opera tion all I night at auy degree to which the wicks may be turned, up or dowu." Towanls spring he also uses lamps under small propagat ing beds. Oil stoves are alsp used. Hall's Journal of Health says: .1. ...1 utrunirtil! "We eat lor warmiu ii on. hence almost; all artit lesjf food have both these elements; haye carlxm to warm and nitrogen to strengthen to give power j to work. ii.,ttr iirar and nls are almost A 11 breads and grains mi iwi ; ,5 i ' t ,uinlr carbou. Meats flesh of -ii kinds: abouud in jutroget . . ..:....... i.a u.i which has most uui"" .(nutritions Butter ? i - iwr coin. OI e.rtiw" ' . I.L.ia mi ir. and nouitrogen; an ?yrrr ua and twenty per ceni urarmtn anu i-.... l oiintiiins one pari.' i ..i.riit- nt tiroou. i - v ami ni."' " i... in nterencc iuav . , i car'ion-wbich is charcoa iue - and warmth are one am i .i.iu nitrogen whleli 1 " .-1.1..1. urn line huh vuw rTnitiMi states, and tbat no law or ordiauce of the State iu con traveution or subversion here f can have any binding force! The na tion two years of age then, is now a man and voter, et i all that time I challenge our traducers to produce a simile word o act from niiH who was a true representative of Southern thought and feeling inconsistent with these declara tions. We were solid wheu they were made, we are solid now iu their support. For the last 16 years we have had no candidates from the South for Presideut or VicePres ident, but conteuted ourselves, even wbil controlling 152 electeral votes with a selection from I Northern States and from men who fought iu the war on the other side. It mattered not to us from j what local ity they hailed, provded they were men who beleivedtnat, ii meoiuieo were equal and each' State an essential part of the Uuion. Wasted by the war, we desired au honest government econoimically administered. Wean cpmparauyv ly in political iower, our highest in terest and safety laj', as we believed, IT..! ci r 1 ina restored ujhuu wuu . aiyxv tMiiistruction of the ieonstiintion To accmplish these high purposes the white men of the tate, and I may say of the entire 'South, p ntetl in every election a iinueu Where Protection Protect. In accepting the silk flags pre sented by the Woman's Silt- Cul-, ; ture Association to the United , States, last weeV Senator Dawes, i - in substance said : 1 , I have been gratified at this interesting, ccremonr here, illus trating the great progresr and rap'd growth of silk culture in this) r coSntry and it called, up very yiv idlv in my mind an incident in leg-ir islation. Wen .the Ways and Means Committee were consider, ing the question whether it wouia , , i imssitile for the people of this country, vith any success, to en. sras in the manufacture ot silk m comiMtition witu meniauuwuuM ers of silk in other countries jwhere lalior was cheaper, , a very distin-, guisbed iMilitical economist of this country David A. Wells, although Mr. Dawes did not name ""jr wared before -the committee for the purpose of relieving those man ufacturers of silk which are made iu foreign countries from the duties tbeu imposed upon them ou the ground that the manutacture of silk in the United State Was nn imiKissibilityy and that, therefore, the duties upon manufactured 8" was simply a tax upou the con sumer. I cannot keep out' of my miud the statement made at that time that this was utterly imprac ticable, and yet the census pi iow at least num.- sei we are nuhap of nitrd parts of strength. uitrogen is thus t "iitinir. cie, wuicu HtrAIlt?tb annual same n Culture silk ej- to ie thou- tv-jeven .VMlU.IltlIlf? ih Uniuii. the reeling he coeooas steam reels iL Women's 1 Silk 4 -..moat ion's late tTulu I.. Philadelphia, were " i mullierry trees, Ss of s k worms feeding, seven- exhiou oi ""J' nearly, every . ' - mm . ' II III! nnd the weaving of . t . a! I if CfOWll. reeieti tj ' . r - amViilture Other uudenawur- i-;;M Hit have attaineu. i r -A-m, m&, theCaUforuSilk Culture Asson u-- rr the Mention prapriauuu" y.K;; the I Silk ite eoiouies """7 i 7 K"a .-as: Compaay. w tli; the compaay ; - . th company at uon. . ncaiu'iaiiuiio .v . let the cat out of the bag. and presently it , becam uml Rnlid front. Fop years struggled against numbers, power, wealth and passion and struggled urithnnt HllCCeSS. allttOSt WltllOUt hope, but a new era f hafT dawned uMn our entire country anu dav of her redemption urawem night. In the greai contest uw euded, so important wre the issues ;..titrU.i tiuit th Kontn wiiu m of the great middle Spates except one, with the great tatates oi Con necticut in new England and Indi ana in the Northwest' united to gether in a holy alliance, to give them success. Meii everywhere trampling uoii all considerations of party interest or sectional power, succeeded, as we gladly belejve, in bringing into power -'in adiiiinis-. tration that will restore tne umuu f nnr fathers based UlMin the con- uritntlon, the eqnalitjf ot the States n.i Vlii affVctions of the people. niT.ilf n the new Union tllUS restored ! All hail Ui to the patri uritlniut distinction . o Ullti lliru. .. party or section whoi accomplished it May it live in every heart, and ..Ulw,., tlin liiM fit KIUUIU !" im.eeforth andlorever. Aiu nit 111 .li..harffe of the high duties .i.;i. ivn1ve noon ine, I invoke the aid ot all tlie coordinate branches of the government; 1 in i,.. -i svmnathv. indulgence i u.,...u.rt of this! ereat peotrte, and especially do Iipvoke wisdom knowledge and strength from on high, that I may gn nd.oiit bjs fore this peo le in the tear of God, ami so conduct myself m my great office that my at"181," redouud to Uis glory and the honor au4 welfare of this people. ii cr lit vears V . . . . ...... I time that statement w.i Mhows that there are made' annur X in country $31,0vt),000:of ilk manufactureu goods, and that, .ft xvin rllf ' we arezwun one ?jwH:inwt largest silk manufacturing country in the world; that $19,000,000 of. ; capital were invested in the roauu facture; tnaiitniny iuu. white men, women and children were furnished with employment andwages in that work, and that ; the cost of silk goods iu this coun try had in the meantime jbeen re- , duced thirty tour per cenUj To day, ; I suppose, we are the first country in the worldlin the production ot silk manufactures, and these and like rHKls are the truit oi iui. m tern. I congratulate the country riMin this occasion for this demon- , strSUii)n to the wisdom of the iKlic that has nurtured aud sustained the manufacture of these goods l There has seldom teen happier :ii..o,,ii..n of the benefits of pro- tection in any particular iudustr thauin this speech. i Home lAtve Home love is the best love love that you were uorn -nrootiwt von will ever The have on 1, not know auxiliary Association in several as tbe estab- now. Tliere is woman staud- said Keliecca. .i m. . ! mi van i-inmii - even ai u. i - indignation oi i..,t anil populace was at ie er " "op !.. x-iimiir bride was or l, I ai iui " j : . ... r.iir.il. by the l-rovineiai however, father. Tlie pop the dtrel W lest Birw u m has sold that there old furniture of yourn t He's bed time enough, Pin 8UMrs. Orme drew jbacky with her foot on the very iunuiu. non't let us go 1" 'Jt said she, sbrinkingly. that Van Voscelin inr hr the desk." 'What of that!"; "Haven't we as use of the store mire to know I" . . Rebecca was the strongest both Jt.r?:Tn, -ml of will, and so they pnjBiwiv : went in. ; t Mrs. Van Voscelin rewj," would fain nave ; nnobserved. i . . . av awTT orimi. i iiiil : iiOI. if vou. is in uo i - .- , - p.. ..m nutting her 'eyeglasses exultantly wite .e u f - - h nim to rt E"UlVelL really, it's quite prov- band theaml 1. ui" . - i . ..r.r " i ernnu oiu and ecrvicc in. ni.nrch. navy and in ine ub ; - The facts are ., r...,i tTiiiiiiiaii. a Isou of Itepre lu "riVj t Indiaiial Who sentanve uipimwih'" - - has an unenviable reputation as a wiurbibber and a mwMlesome sort of a fellow, had made so many .-lie. nfands on Mrs. - Stewart's . bowl that very early in the evt n Ig he began to spoil for a fight. Presently ne n'll. It-1 1 Pa mill7 VUlv various States. These -..:,... Kolieve tnat SOCiauuiio ... Nations the industry ' - H.- . m WW m-m K.tivPSter at the iTiew i.illiffent committee of PW-" rv favoraoie rei U1CO lllciv. Viieember Ull- .A.' - An AwjCvl Sla"Ier f Debntante. A topic for talk akprded by a re cent bill was tto wkll. f debut, ante You must Uov that tne most interesting beings i these af mV. I" . .rirta whoar iu society iairai"b r ri.ention fii-at RAiiKon; A. repio Lad teeu L.'' " . b"T s - ii h.r entrauce into the r"r, .71 and now she was " bltion in the ball- lO U """ , -.- A Mtrililir i tli l.. .-i.it iiiil reuu . jr 3Xi tne art of the dress-Siker-kuowa how toHlucj. .i :.. a ii .w and sensioie flow, lueicm . ."V- - . fashion ot weanug ""- d.1 nilH lO urtii. IUV earth. You, who are so .. e from the home' iieaw i moment and remember tbis is so. 'tis right that the hour ouhl r :.. An t n rn MhOUld s tome wiieu o r i M-come a wife and iiiotner. ani the best hive to othersuoui i"?" will be st it. "j,, ! lover,inot even a iimsiM-t ever be so tender or so uu - ther or your lainw 1. 1 : again, after stningers jc u . the .beauiimi. oomn m -( : h unvtliiii" so sweet as ine iun- cie of mother, father and' children, where you were cherisiieu, P'VV;h and kept from harm, i " -. i know it now, mm ju " m - tfl. . . il ail1 : if some day. " '"'""VVh you may marry, true am j t though he may be, after the l.r daysire over and the honey moo. , haV waned, will vjiveyod onlyhatj you desert of love and sympathy llaml usmOly .nuch less; nev more. . Yoii must wate.h and be, "I!, loit von lose thatJlove whicii cai iV in through the eyes because? ihe oiie whojooked thought yon beauHful. Hut those who bore you who loved you when yon re that dreadful little olyect, a snial bU and thought you exqu loj- tiful and wonder.uuy - . . ... v they do not care ior iauc vv ni-j an more fairer anu lorms , .f.il than VOlirs. iuu i"-"( verv own. and so oeiiei always than others i them ou in They i said. ;:.i i.M.liJHiredoniM.rtunity wiien Hcarce y -rr- hia- circum- ; Carlos ibe Castro, the uuderl more t-- edl Yenzue an j leK-- sra u . . fae euumer Henor Don Kecret4ir ot the Hi 11' Kuhl be entitled to.Jranfnmsuu .i... i.i 1 1 at uuo - Si - h lit. ii A - poti nd; such postage; to be prepaid. here and I should like to 11 t aTlegged table, and rhaps 1...11 fineic. anu iue I We think there ar fewer failures IOUJ4 iuu, .ft 1W V 1 ' ' V n ' rVrmerouubt to be collSUieiew, . 'j all things m 1 inuiiir. lr - ... . ..... ther man. tie tuhea tuaii uj - - ... ..1.1 1 7.1 'SZ.tr. and - the curious l?:i:Z:Vn the narlor. These S-V'SrVdde.l. With m dest .! " ii Kiiere. ouite rare. f. Holland trRtliuff rerl, inp.m lilies v tr said iseoeccjt. i "". - , -, iuuiv to leave gcL rigbt tothe. th.n fef'"lyuVr father. m tf urw u n . j iiiv - - m fi vJ Ue ofteied the largest security for her conduct; !rom.e uiioiiui revei o 1 Af i a v kind trotri any one rueb a v but the public chan througu an? . i.. -erutiuv. "" " 1 The onoil WO..H " .w,Vri,.a:ree. Th0 ynnt noi, iuw.'i . i,P ilU9 arxa rntial that I met'youjust now." goou distin?tiishe, Limil " said Mis. Onne,sny.j. )" ";'( th Enelish army above Mrr.iri-ni.i . . . . i. . . i ..i.iii t ii i. uijuv tion, dafed o dispute with hi.n mm- - ; u ss;lge over ha.. 1 of a certain young lad.y for ated-aii I jet IM?r ct ntJ of the die next dance. Words eusneo. zuelan boilel over .tb ragjM nn instant, and would probaWj aiinihilatei Holman then and tl lerei unnini aieti illtern,red and LXirateil the rivals. De Cas tro separaiei i ,w fiiin11id ff .-e declared tnat -"n lBra him satisfaction, , oi ""VV " , the row auout uu.i i . - .1 11 . .k .-t.Mliiisr was bagged. - . ii:...... dUlMtllllU Its almost ;ECln-ion the open co wa8 the or a.. ;':fts well asgrati most rcum. - uft have fyUlg. feature -uVr -- -.inr. in & r . men ! On the fol- i i.. n-.irvr vnn iii uimuo'"'i "1 UUO J :n tha stout mairuu iu ah awl. "wnat m mJ i. Kwftiirrni. Imwerp, and they have been much went on the xr..ii... l"!uhmrtre uu-V wr- ,.nr. nnon very etorbttant raio,j Iu .1 ;.iii ti.in.rs of yours up in the uackwwben Iave ig real treasure i- donbt from the wainscoted . bU of Sdme old English this -exlleiit and. nIDftaihnef . -ui. U movement of ner Dhd VwaW .proprietor "i'!;.rh.l.'ble .air- a lively1 air on a violin will some A 11 : whole flock of geese times set t wiioie u 8dedot.u,awn withm from an aecon bon ; were ieetuK e boi.se, ana w. .t retched necks answe,r. wUh loui: notes of satisfaction. the belligerent ypuug . ...wi unt. tn bed lowing dayi Holman sent Ce. Castro a letter of apology The Steady Milker. Of all the good qnabiies CUii uit I'- r that of pe ..niinn. resi.ii I" CU IUC wvi""T - Idertnl result. Ine Alone was - r hoii8 UB - - " this won seeded lint while the boots These ia' - articles are made pi.u,, - tn Klin over gauers mmv--B- to the knees. y "Tit i.. the . ...hp t nr, lumni i - uau on f. l : ..7,i..i. iih . Hweet confusion ot -" ' and wameu uuy iMilished flmir without uavmj; poiisueu " j ravolntion of ZVZlz dSIed to theton UK.Ti itators not the satin cl ad winch belonged "-big make up, but two lurry, bluut, big extrudes like he paws of bear She made an entire wjS i...r.. oiivIhmIv voluuteertu U s Uioughthatthe dangeV of brain fever has been averted, but she is in a state oi miserable nervojis prostration. Dr. Talmaee' llPPy 'lfe M I In bis sermon Sunday morning at the lsrooKiji. " - ,1. ipV Dr. Tannage reiei ndSs of congratulatory; letrs ihichlie receiveil upon the ad vent of his fifty third birthday j;M . -i:f...tftiiivervbrirhtJ'7 "ly,,CMv TrSls areji kind, fi uv "a"-... w..i 1 have the best family on earth. , the iourney of life,! now reached, is the .....;...,r.,.v. When a tin. Kteeu ascent ins, - t e II uliti una tall IS iipw l" "1' i V,itl At with discouragement. V !en. ,l.;'i.,ii Keminaryl studying lUill llr"i"(.'v" t .1... ruitllstt-Y ail Oil! IUI lliv. " " . The hilltop which I have , befct' part of mau is mak : of the hill be j aud to iruef . and emini ' . . . ii . tii..w; f ! nent professor said u ie, , , , f you don't change, your t)le ad,; " ...... u-ill never irvtr your express"- j -r ;; rT-i-f",i. ....ii .. iv eiiurciii m; t .if tn him had been happiness, ...S L.I i ! I tl till'' : and rapture, ne conimue... - ; twenty nine (years of bis profts-, 8allifebebad;mised.o service. There is WJV againstthisivorld,! tronlilewas UUlr ii mi. "r--T with the man 'himself. As a fiiisili this worldisa !aih.re;a; ai4 it is a pleasant place to ' . 1 , Nothiiigcoidd iM'f he said, without hardj wmk, : -1. ..1 unv pood luck bnthe geese below a ciw best i fsistency in milking, i It Xn Vh .lib the .. ' -rttoj when dry, and tnat ciu... -token bfdaUy - weighing the mi k, taKeu u? ..:..s.,i often to find jou win r - - the vear. that in ue - - ; nftlrn liemrly ... -mm it inn r . ..ro-nective price for the highest Prpsue- ; r-, tuw the mactunw iui i a i a a. WllU .u itasnisopi-M wgood chine tBeii u,"", . , after it milker I)U1 ... " - ..- in the herd. "oragw" medium m... ir.nbvthe -a day. : ' ; the piCKiuK k nHvcr have eionaliy, goo. h r-, glKHl yiuv .-- --j ; ! 0 7- 1 -j. Letwm 10 AB.rui.v-.,. lUtchet . ti.v were young ami romantic, i.i.un.inntH hand was and aunougii v -tll(lli LiMtinff to 12 o'clock, they stood i'w 1. ttxi. 111? At. toe upou iue pu.y- stars. . j ia,it it 1" "That's J upper, ; - - - -. m.tr" ,.r. And that is Sinus, he renliedwintiug to another star. V. aI lo Sirius r she cooed. 1 W seveial tiaies. Then be pointed upward and said : .ThjtTii Mars. v. - M. U - ' And that1 as a footstep thevduug m 1 1.1 i...v Keen r0,H" IZ of. Her pa wears he ever uii"; a12J with a bl ass toe. . 1 . 1 ra when he worsen -when-he was lazy. take a good pull at ti he said, "i siiouiu vi I keen busy all hard !nlll IlOt- lf I were to ' nothing to do,' the tune, a 1 in , :.. .1... , , riii nroves A .writer ii v " ' r" . from the recordsthathon.aef ferson was not a man of the thor ox fb simplicity. 7 notfrng-lHe. tWWc:; wineduring hiseigut e.,rs v of the Wh te House.; Mi. Jefferson made a point of treating . . 1 1 1 maniril I V Willi CillllC a a 1. 1 AVDWVIMH1 UUOIOVww'J '- T 1 lUs bill was a?rWe .l he large, but Mr. Hayes jteduced the an " rz . W .-Mcr verv nieelv during inetonr more n .-urns era TPTV den. j call live - " .j - flf jebt " 1 t. , I1M nUlD IUH1F" - .i.i r Hfontini. Wlt-U ttUlhimi .A fp Van Ob, indeed P said Mrs. van uiui snun me . WWW, !iu brd.uary times. IF i - - :. ; -' -. .. IT--. " t . .-- - - ,

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