- i .' ""t .: - 3 ,' t f , It f ii f - I : . . . f.. : : . .'. i f - ' w ti VTCD f 1 U fl i' M I . ' I I rjUil A -uwv-, .1 - k - i wbv a, n . .a k a a a,, av m a crv. i t . h-Ht ; .'S V I - - I -tiTi i' i .. .i . mY a tin . t r mmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmwmMwrr . ... iDUSTRI AW EDUCATION. of eiigrtftiug m- manual employment a " a - Ml At ft stem ot onr c'uii i TUr subject triietiou in i'l f -1 f- : I tvtxnn I the. : BY ! ; r . , . . ... , school instruction gam iU;Wt. arid importance in miridsof the people. Byne in- : : ; i ; ! s. . at - ... ..I. t ' . .. . mm hiuerv en using empuiyiuru . - .ujihianufacturiug . process-, latr b;is become so subdivided th;.t tifty persons are now engage! U ihe work once done by a single i ..wL.iiawl hdndB. Al we Ui aa," - - -r p:UV eiit'tinie J it is not expected in Li.U.' mills that auy one oyer W,ivehouia know, all about the i J .rti. manufacture going f,,f. lie is eare ft intelli- part of the: me- . " - . . " a '. ! . L ri U-.Jm eniidoved wbwn-.uoe n ;wiU with regularity ami precision. !ui do this, It U by u iianrf necenaary that be ahouhl le of veara' appren ti?hip, e U..1 around lin- iii--tel to i-un and jjUiy a ct-rtaui llemveD. - I tell yoo, few of ns forget a Heaven to come. . . i ..rit. Mpm to tue minii ters th it many of us aw oblivion of that Better Land; but the facts mub different tMbowing tt nuf at ttivni. It may w that multitadea of us are very bant at work for this worid; but when we are lUaappointed and d-eeiyed bi this wortd, we let a little lnni. like thught ny npwani better chance we hope for in an other world. Few meu are there, aud scarcely any 07wblwi:!t ..... .t... r..nv thtirdeau, ont auu upward 'into that f;r.ria jorgoiien ? - . uXhta..everehr; grove u.g '7 . hU wri Vuo la so or nes,' be longs fof no than he ever goi ur f . ' . V. ees bimaelf scan .wlel jrd an arch angers s" w wave i unw"" hv thousand palms l visitor in in to some nuu.. - l "i muni lKwiks who carrietl nowerap v ; r Jesiia was in the 'cell. M"y . ..nil llWl. new wiiik" r'v,":A i, u TiSlf in i some lrtic., irii tl, MiiieillC legioim lit"-" widowed ''heroine,' dozen orphan who kept ner from the wolf by bis better rest I tell you, . avB U ft and fa.tl.fW love. ",N?.t thU.k of it,;.h.. world or Si-iar aM Kf"..?. i.r.,msL".; here. .the "np itercrut" there. me. inrrviu -trt.nir here. gold of this worui uivo , " The wisdom - of men beex.me .his m a I . " f 1 Bill f.H,!ishi.eas. ; A nim ' the child like spirit ww i f immortal mind, nai ABlvml ofthe Letry. The town of Pattersou, New Jer sev is wild over the nwiii--u f Mrs. Hattie. VV rner. lr. i ..laiml tr Mr. Warner that lier lieauty eclipse the loveliues of the Laiiistrv," uot as the carnation m T.-rla in i solendor a snowy daiay, for the coloring ot these ladies is inueb the same, but rather us the presence of a -pure white Mwan subdue the loveliues of a ..n i.u.... .ain.i inv. or a a duke cherry dropped into a basket of Isabella grain rob eaeh gra of the purple prettiue it had en jved liefore. It is not denied that Mr. Warner is a fully ; ma-ne.1 . ...... m hur cherrv. r twenijr - beantV in a budding state has eu tranced the inhabitant of the com imratively small conservatory ir bfaiiy streta. of the imagination smoky - Paterson call le reganle! M acnervat.ry In wiucu .m.m.m hn pone on. uoi lowing the ptmUntial cuw of UidV Ji"e in Ptience," fShe warb the managerial l..alj of tliHHtrieal woriu mat .-" VSB - cannot7 aiwa n penes last and i..LUt..l tti si teiui ,;vuti. - : r ... .!. . Lt. i. ..mi ifru n -'wiiii ii . .-.!.. - uttaMltllin. H' iajiew utmrs - .i "T.i.. train that tKe " . ' . 1" ; -..Amortal miud.Vbai oreaviierti. iu. ...... sri- veiwp"w ".r.t ..rim ibeir levered o h - - f huirn r Hhuck irrere it i tm nomr. i" . 1 .....mi . muni. i,.imii. i . ....... i.n id a Satamay - ..i.Mta! after that great Uuuri . 01 , . heavenly ia knowiedgof ti In, nraetieed by hand. ail ft.! xnd mechanics J aultty5 dwelling; -'..i.ri.. ans. fuller, of d, ami drea:th the laan i....tde venuea tnav ie - L.-..ti ..liiirt hen the next Vl fl I a..- ti litis becinne 1 1 'the Id baliis of indnntry tliritt have gone j One cm a'j irod wi and the sanm waj. . .V I.AlV do HOW Willi inMi?j. ,rk the first week as one i v ni'fter a, cimrse of year pnur. morning. Ont God 1 Tbon ah.ne knowest what the dreiui oi ir - -ihery MMr 1 But . to . the , tented rich, I think it , is easj tj gueaa that ' Heaven is . a el. uierelvr from the annihilation f thtt irrave: wueu nv --" - e . I .at ... . al I an in ml Htraiiiul. iue-rui, riur do you J-achers tell me that I am one ox love to eherih these hopes I l ou nay j but th well n the whole -ith Ji IW1 f them- if ; Heaven at : l..lalJ I ti l late. Ir an overnowum fair indication of MrJ -.Warner slrawiiijr.iaiwera.aa an actre there are Tew manager who wid find it in their hearts to ref use, . i. , un iiufno ill flir. The Strawberry a. a Wladow PiaU To those who seek variety in their window plant the straw berry makes a pleasing contract; it bright greeu leave, the white ..i.wtirsiif flower, and the numer ou bunches of Inscion i fruit, are; all deeply intereslinv; and the de velopiug of eacli anonis qiw much pleasure as the growth of the; leave unl the expaiuliiig of the olossoms of any of the fl.iwerintf plants. To have good, plants for the work'.MlioitM wt gin in August or earner u iuv ..- lysc-t plants tiegin to throw j out Miners. .Sir inch pots should be filial with irood. rich loam, and set in the ground at the right distance Irani the strawberry plants to re) . . ' . ..!.... l.. tVirnist: ceive tnenrsinew iMaiHui -: i when this gets well established, 11 mav be separated from the parenj .hint, ami all the iit contai.iuig nlant thus .established sliouia oe eathereil up and set m some cou euient place near together where thev cau Ihs waeivd and carerm is hMkeii after No runner should be iiermiite.1 to grow. "bat the plaikt Uself should be atima.aie.i - r will grow enougn .w uh.w .r iiu strong n)!. The plant thfa irniwn should have idb wn.p liter- i .a iiiUH'T in. iue B The 3tarB Centary- . Beeenr events lend sMM-il ... .1... aatH.ltinif I:I1T ' 1 March Cet y on-rue Lwid of the Fle Prophet," by (uera K ; E. Colton, lormeriy oiwr if .General StatT, ami U.adertof tr -. Talk of The Daj. ni. -p.trtiarv moon full IU . . .,.t... AO. I. ..t il aiVlOCK in VUO wtT AND tn Mtnt. A Madison treet girrUwcr Mni current connndru man work?" ia "He will if I get nlm. on even rithiu i iriuiuHuwra www t ... full mon m-t . . nnw herfn to count ta MXLIUIlUUlVt w -j- ... lay from midnight TbUge" late at msht to teup eanj iuj . 1 t have with has nation ..... ... iliriiin 111 me bVnerallM.V article wawntj irn early iu Octom-r. - J 2 ve anticipate!. vu wu-v" -, .which the British expwitioi had tocouteud, and thnf.. he convey tnrowa light on subsequent eyeut Jy" enms illustration and c-reful map aid the deacriptioii; and a portrait ot General G mlo... trom , tfraih mad-in 137, wotthy of "0pT.nr nrofuely illustrated ,artir i . m.mttnaeil in the March ...ntiibution to the scriw : toiithe American Civil War; and tbejarj reaiarltablc tvith w th;res?m .he pictures ami to r uTCrv. iaiportance. Col. John jTa)or wLJi i. n.iir surviving officer Ins. Detro4 Jree IT ; i i In Indiana husband wU to Peking inc. and thus we shall coine wuu u j Waajtington star. ' : w nra Til 1 1 III an hour oi u iuj, the mouth. k j In coriecting his eati.nat of American character MatheW Arn- old acta on ur. - r j-' ' , D in'tbeconaistei bat be suupli 4ones-Y.-s sir, it is mighty .....twt. tn.inev Jastnow. I iittiu a.w.. -- - - . ii .vm 1 WOW "woraau J3 . ' i. s.nstit ifiKieed. I . . .;ri nTi pun nense Kquw iu ..:iit lawiaw. adjiu" - An. tried to . collect huu the last two yUabie$ n a f!uvV An inamna nuw" "f-- ,i i.i a divorce claimed that U wUe caWea him with hot tea on eighty-one , duTerent occasions. There are on Yr-r . ,u; ...nrv .-UtiTW ill" ' i In one of oar Indian TO;r -nr,l "woman" is rendered -Sewano- von vneu i" . - . . u (f , i me ias w j ,7 . . Paner Jones "Oh, no." Smith-How, ..kl.wano means ligMnTng.-ZV Know iu. u"j 1 (u nw. v then, do you hanl to cMlectr Jf . "T"T several people have tried to col lect of me." ' 1 , L Tk Journal of Peki -g, China , 1 . i.if.i....t nil: laud the was mwuh ""1.-..,. present pahlmber. "lMJU?;u7: with snrnrise when u old ; geiitie rJSuie rural districts enters the office and says he baa bee a :u... .itisM rn ukiuuwv. ru ..., 1 tn iiain uri diu - - . vv.w.! thMseiioir snrvivinSf r i,,.-,. recein. to ""v . .-i,.1Uwrb coin 1 appeiirtwi, u - v-7, j- of the .Uwrimacleaeriue tue co" u 1111m niw : . - r r . ' . ; r.... 1.. -ia 2 imr naer'The t irst ? vf (ioliauu snow i.u. . -r - I.IUIIW. -V r lelH OI Hie lM.aa 1 1. tiutlf IkltlU. I . . 1 .l-..nlranllaMS. lllOlUVoa - . 1 vii'int " ... Of the first cold weather to rilK-u thijin up: after two or three .cold ;.r t is found that most of the I ...... ia l-SHmiIj the W should be rTlia ntC er was Hattie IngU at oue time a teniher in the pub. ie. where r r.r: " :.:.i. ud these leave all mis sp . ..... i III to i ai lude so Will; they! have learn in uei th-f . !: ii - - - .. ...... . it 5- nrm that tneaB i . . .. ' ...:.. Iw maiie of pntuciinsi.riit:nw..fv 1 much or manual pw- ; S..t.w ' Mat with scientific pnut-i...ot make up! to onr youth , what lost iu opiKjrtuniiy w fill employ nients by the introduction jot machinery. y.oiuiition oil industry and aoe.iety. proi ess of raim co, H. t . t.. .....t that the it is bwt naturai i rv. - - .nWbods aud puriHi i, -J.' .1 llirri. Willi myu 'lion siii ; n . ! ..-. ?miirovements advisee in"" .-- and it is to ne coo should-bring iu and a de comforUwUhoutlac.il a .. ua umitlier lor necn " n .lrt .... : imp iuuim V h - naVe few are ncu u -nv 1.; Th itaru. mm ten tel. ;s , of instru- ! We 4lrN ...I .-ii dream of Heaven II urn rit'.h and com Olll. win 1 - 1a 111 think of Heaven a th" v.uuetit; they are mewl MJ .f the church; they give to ebiit, sav tiravers; and so the ream S XbuV r. llthitt correct. . The attics are nearest to neayen ui more senses than one. FaUorj window have clearer ki.V,wS ethe laud that urer-u aV - Wll i 1 . 1... . the brandies u are l he teachers on one Iu the lateri i . J 1 ..1 il,ar I tlli'V .I'liMHii 1 i.nv . - - t . .--- I : . . ii. 1. them eVen greater cnan- taugm. u"1' side, with anil i' t j ..r iA.rrnmiuui their metuous ui H- .... !. nVlier. wiiu 1U branches on rAt. different . . i. ...-. umtwereu ill 1 5 the puuc demand frU those whicn I neiHl of the past With the elUliUmnt of regular ayatem j . .-. toward which -all ui civil scri-i. : - . - U.oiear to be tending, things uoWi appear w i . I . a au eaaantial Vn . ....!..... Willi lOWS. shophbTk oftener of the Jasper ha., toilers in colleges. Your theological prafesaor i mender of raad, be i . bo3 J? Hlli;;.leaalKuttheway; thecity which hath whose builder and maker 1 OiK There is no Uhf; jlu tbi woH'l dream .ah. l a ik Ir ...f 1. ... iinirw drratlfal inwf Ttt .lel.aio.t tba UOr OI yollj K''" j - , rTit nave borrowed this . rea.1, a,r known to mer 1 yet hail a 1 . " .u-t make . US flieild a wuii. . - .... to kin fnmi farm. to cut : V "t God irraut it to us all. Audit oi it woald be, line h , . k . ' 1 .vl.urtMif WOUld . SU'lKe IKhllC to recent ,,..!. . ma a . . 1 11 in lie i schools, auanj im twenty, it is said ne marr.e. y.; Oawaid, Warner, of Patterson. Her husband lives, but hi practleo ha decreased owing" to hi health. 4 A lieautitui mmn 1-- furnished tor the course o. tit?, woman. Could anj thing be more beautiful I - ? Whrti the curtain rose and the debuunie lHH5ared.there,waSa roar of applause eu. - the factories 1 ( It was quite ouu Jersey Liiyi.naii u t . .. aP lit IIOIIIU aiwU LCllieil. I HO. !"' u...v..l to a cool cellar there i omc liht; here they may .... ...nil w.,..tMl to . ornament IHJ avrl. " . , s tarillilillaT. 1; i- ...it the most aatiatactory arv . aw . . m. wy to bring the plant all - ujaj i time, but it i better to .rmg lllUS llie fin..a- the one eu up only a Mrtion. tiiMiiisflve sliow a vmic... , . ..r .. .., ta Mhowinz the gre' sei mi j leaves, another the opening dw. ewTail still anolhr the riia-uing F?z . u.. .hi. nlan thev al way us Iliads Till I ....!; uiwiiint ot wi "IAIMIIU " ?... ..... flijiuirir a ill ii.. . , Cionuiaode; S.-.Dreiueiwh c.inmande.1 in! the. turretv .aiM ro .. ...... 1 t.t...ir.il WiinltTl Wlicii v. v ;iabied irm U use. General CoUton. whojdur " The tUht. I was - WatcliiUg the ItTrlbnac tUm the " Confederate JorksoiiSewaHP tile scene in a onei H-iT'.r "t ab..ve title. lo tho-thiW- Pjry the "Recollections of a "V1' Warren Lee Goss desenlie the V ""V".. ...a. P.ninsula with Mc- an .11... SM-eral subjects v . ..i;.. Memoranda of t1ie irei"i - . . t....lir a.. .wiimlatiou amouul y' - " - are Civil exe,idHi up m drink. BvUetiU the Dutch love acunapps . lv. but tin well. ! The Presbyterian ministers or PiT7sbuVg havesulemnly denounced roll skSting. They hoh tha the Ikating-rinkdem .......l uinl IIiaL iunrw"-- - rv t,, suuil exerciso u tt II- that hidden DOW( iu .o.iiv Hartford Time, i . . --.;-.i ...aamni are endowea a. in'""-'1in.tace. they rirn nra tjowi -.. , ,- i caa crowd" more performer. fi:- fiT foot poster, than they cn pebbly tret together o a forty ty got?tUge..! TWs jfjll Modern philosopher sys that woj men who excite the greatest tovj rj often Terr pl&in. even ugly. It to sal Slnmi fhat .after . that . trot thU Wea prtntea n v:- SS. it out of tte paper hefore takhvg U of all combiueil that the New . t . . .. (.mitiiitr thui" hall so .. ! ."i r. L .urnivirks of the amateur SbuUfsheweitherfng enedoV einburrasseil she did u .1 show it. f ohe looked uueomjnnly suow iuj knowledge ot nanus... ; r , . - lt this laeieviueiiiij . , ..... i ....uruiiv irmn i at IIIIL . - r..: Kv tins man. incj attract attention, and the Reason ot -;..wMi fruit verv much length e,,ltUnrirising that a pla.t o interesting. o attractive, and . . 1 laMurinirsucli luscious nr. it, in not more tivqueiuiy .iouu the window plants. , t. I a :i the : straw icuj thing-must e ds the un to ol. nit: ui the . ' ! !f;,?;,tulBi..rO,m,UBr..U a u inm - r Iu growing window plant one milium Ut.-cI. it nee.i an.. make it an attractive : . iituiniii against , .luh.-d in ..... v.,va.mlier enturu. 1 The! tie "...i.ts mainly of a fortes r,"-V . Iwtween poudonce ......... .: . ..1- Kaait.iresranl and ell. uruciBw - ,,Mrl 01 ' iuc -i" i f Howells cm a. I ' t j t . A. !i lUt' the roller work women, it .t- lhat since the form ttiou of Je flhat voung pcop e give K- - wheu they Uelioerain. f - a,,orecate tue 1 - - Vale or le.irs ami "- -solemn affair. p - clip 1 . a a 1. ..I xr no uo iJ " ' ' AMottstiwtChinamanhMrenonncr ed draw-pokcr. He sorrowfu ly wla i his experience as follows: -I got ! no eVaeTbet tei dolla. nobodr gel uee "Ki a.i,w: Kt fifteen dol clum in; 1 g , ITi" v Y Sun. la, evly son of gun clum in. v. K oun. , The offico-hoy's effusion; "IhcJher tinVhand in mine and clasped-her ; !Sr form, and told niy tale of ardent , tov7in language sweet and warm. And ! ZwUl .paul for lack of JJ ! 1 wav iiimniHii ciuu a-. , VSTiiMl cS.tch on; please singyour . "My wire nas eaiucu ""Y:.tw . r- MclKimed aj hreathl ss hare. - . 1 Heliotrope tne Kanhlon- , : tt ,1 vm Tratlll ' Ileliolrotm i ' f-wl.io.iaWe urr7ra.ff.a8d.wn lU . . j ..a ... n a a ill tllC JllOS- altr SUaiieS UI lllian " . lertsua i jll.,il.iliaa tliwer. I r arawi. made hul'ttlUH1. I HIUKU ..a l...li.at riltlM ulnsh, liued 111 uru""l r -. Laily to display SvoaMuplishmentsasshe rMtsbt Mrs. VV-nier who has a oleash.4 voice and r.u isl. a-hite teeth. Uitroilui the 1 ..i.i:..a.i tlit andieiice iimiRw..- -..ta.mii a A most.5 awltwaru i-unn. -r ..m" utt.,,dant having nfplied r.'.Mr.u. He witt l. k ro u. 8.. loutf an.l av 1. rt III ir II al..t tlttav Will Illll-Ue '(, Sinaii hi aw , e 'I -1, 1. -niiiini t the leaf, and so nuugii i--n:", . ,,,4,, al lion is . - A.aitit WHO ill.l- tarill tlroo down a unsightly plaut In tins .! niuuvier r. 'ssrs. James and tinue their re spective sena s-K -astrono.nei Lan -ley- conc.ud es Mr. J4UU ui ;.- i"'"' ; . . a I . I . . a. III llllllll. coilection ot "'.-rfr ' .1... i-.m.miih laVWtr; aim -r'-i Allfll U1S -ivti.."' . . A MaMiest l-uiar., Mrs Sam Smart advfrtiaed for Mrs. ortu ; i,ri,,ltiv oloreil servani. 'v-' , - i'7 . . rtf Ii inhere she be ral Y"' I.. Wrired noon the LMiil -she has Sust driven , me oot 'r.Vrhouse with a broom."TrB ton FrecFns. " t r ; BriiPa-brac, " lIftBl. ..1. ...... .kia nianieiDiecrB,: M Cri7nbeak from the daily! .rr .u" ...... venih!r. "I na glad, i of s u e . 1 I ..la. .all t III - .lr...i.Ml eoloreu i'"t; - - . ...1 , vii.aa VV'.llllt-ll i Wuv ----- i a! . ..a..... tvrlnPH . ...a.. Mi 1 a a-. a carpet eif tW 1.1 r.loUl VI. I MM ll"lloj'' Com" -. .. .a me te i t u era the other evening. . r " lg K"plkrf iul some place in mted. xfHio am 'I'i.Ij aa-UA M1SO tirai allowed ; Sunday and twice When a revival f iV. . it Iiavh lieei. leu tried I Iuns ,v . . . i.,iit to d-iaru v ;i about the uexi. ..id truth that to care very mucii l.l A 1 Tt ial . Ull w.!"u ....ai: t hanltodie.; ricneso.i. - . . . whirh -Xw Al.aata. . IUU I. Ilinilir iirer. iiioiw; "- . blue satin; and opening over iif ialest nine the Hil,e .-.. ffn-.tr in Kpcoml act ami ,;",. -- o urvv. e ....uiiiiif uas a 01 "JTS annlause for it, kindly but wlle given P ff1 s.np of 7: .T. .. '...i.a..... with anoiner. 5. 5- :- rt dinereni. - ishadeil oy.other plant- H n iwi.t-r iH.I be intriHluce,., but it " ; m z ... a ru maue "..V'V." wrong sheet of musm H 1m, given a posuu... . with pale her w iUv I e wr oug tht, Um plenty of rT 118 lariw the delay .landing aml ulfJhine, it will m.o t loul,,t;. ltil!SaTh.i attractive appearance unti an 1 ; ... geinmeu siians. Sue was to oe all day . ki... awaaalf Unringtuc , .d to be evening This . .1 til la.VA for a moment, i ' m i ,m. thiau ot Mr. Thomp- ; t he very : nice; la.. a T iff .11 1 .1 not cnboi.tas out, v 'J him 9 .t a. If. 1 am mar ; r " red1- men are. lint pa hts if front room tain an til the . . . a . . .all 1 TllH mjllUV"1"" . 4l..a I .-..iw - f..i.lai i atf wmcn weio I r r-n.. ailumt. triVHTS me 1 r-.ai K-r ti. ir w f rr ?ri. s.: i.r.an.iani .... - the tomb, I .-"-Ayi the eter . ...prims 011 their W l . at:..- niiatrt inev launri, w.w - i,a.li.,trotMi a I....... ullll Klltin a aa. --. tomb U hotel . Ma .. Z-l Velvet ribbon, pale u.ue .. .a. w-. ... .r:al. .1... .-a'a.rU KUe. ' " LUC a aj . I imrtuiiity l '' "iTnUmn " L icv. i.w.1. nature, ami a minim r. Ms - ; !I1 labor tiehl. large from and the become Society contrary, a is yet to tie ..f the- worksnop ...1..U1U ate to Will dv ia . iudnstrial schools, if only 1 a... . . ... .. netjessity our will ti the nal gates.: r t-.a-ahe where, they ..uVrisen Wie growing Sav what we the ruling spirit of this is utilitarian.. At a at. f lull e . i. ir an . ai v '.iVllieiii i u. Pav a in the P that in O451" .......a..l llV O C ..iu. IIIMiriiit " nuiefmaitb,pt mie l-AWT."r..aV-, rinirt any. thM sun naa rcu itb a day that shall uev ir oil 1 Ins fcomiiatiy 1 e T." L.n..hiiMl brow lect of a .F a. II ing, I overbear their h'.. we reach! th. Kte IT i ....iL.uiWl.y, po.r u! ght j but now .in them with a tr ail eremi. v- ', ' ......mi-i av TllH s a).miv " CUII "" ow shall we get this bet mi W3 - - . . u ..ritulint rone now- iui iroWU a olllliiu w . V"? ?.--,;,. which 1 thought rea , about equal ith which nature, i:...l hur ill " o means the ,,ro,M.ru.. - ' aduccd by - . ' a . . The Secret t Success. ' . 1. :.. anv one luiiii. that "v .l taritli tbe who.e r.H,m, iiuprCB"--r tieuciuiia, - i am paruuu ami am ruMietratiug, r . ,aa: fl.iwer. w..r.." dM 10 1 this sweetest at . a a. F iataral rfo.n. , r,u.l,Zt.et sach inagili uau urou " .... ...... Willi.1 - : i,5 .rt, liirht wjssories --i; . aV 1. a. 1 fal PIIII Mill n 7 awv m il warmtiij"!'"" -v - ' .....K..i.lulflT i.atvaxl 1111 iu ruit a :.a .tllM werei lauiea t- til., h1 led a ll.,iney There aamlieiiise Wlio had suddenly f C lliuru I al rt.to'.-T2 for enterprises ami uir ue it ia to see ever one busy at uf.V.L ot- Kainiethine. :Mauy .a aiiiimco - - ..r..a.....i a-iiii't fanner make, a l"7pelller ' T. ,y..lt. I i.iradesupi.irt him tails io iii. , j Manx a business man Jre 1 J-'..'t aee why he did not make and can t ee w n The .. -..i.ar 1 han a failure. -u a i,rtuii " t rtiive i.r ui 1 i.t.rna a " ... - - a . 11 .:;i.., tlit. ... .1 ' ItHHHICCI aa.'a. .. .. ii.a " iMitin are . ... ... i lll'll: Dlaaav. I' 1 --..i:...ia.lt ileal Willi 1 , i,c Ae .he cholera, Ceatry ai ;. - Um: i ..1 inters . t . eminence Ulucagif i. -r. u.i otUer ate disottsseti , - "wrestv " 4.in...rr.is .111 IJorestj, matters, . t . 1 ri... Ulna. M.iid the t.ra ana "."- ...,. i?..i.raarv Th.. fii'iL eiliiion i f. llieuistw -,iitiHiueiit was 111 prS"- 7 " -eek. M.araaa1aV ir III & a X put everj ntht.r t.. aU.l "Win- , .. fM .. ...... ii tud bv Mrs. cession V.. ".labile t Who IS iiiy . , . . . .I..Saar llllV hard work her- ,Mse.i i" -"sti ,.nt ,, wilh wlf, ana -rrtllier everthing irou. -.? - mil her preci.. want Hit! n""61, meals," continued the .v..u noi uuue xeu. has ai red child. it r than si And 1 alsiut de ild lie me nrura Villi, red hair, and rod-hi. . af .-.J waV8 uece nu- -.Vt-nonaih. though. ..f4 '.mnruf tbe visits down With ... . a. 1 i 'p.... first edition Ml ,UW to z www. 1 . Wst first March ieafarif 1 the "MT .1 . " ,1.,- mairaziuc et;prini eoiu.ni," y """ U1r. 1 ed, namely, iw.wv. , 1'!J.r.:.., ,l-ry morn...', !'. or sausage rur ., . . ,nyelf iwant cm ?- .. - )eu l,,w a 1 t. ' ..... iw.nt tell o'cl.M-k. coffee. lJen liam or tongue I iln b hi out ti" dinner at one ko I kin hoia ou ff wirb oTchJK. " "fp aillt ,.rtke ue coucf -. -The house is desirable ty " said the rcil e,Uteojer to taiih hot witer. i ,nT tt.'' replied the v ahavcheeii m-J thor.- w i.o dangerUif . . a l...r u.':.ltri iUa Shall W Mt Again? Ko man the raw,V' . .r u.t l" ..... n . .-..Laiit of rn i-. .... mil tee of tue av...t -- ,.... .iU.ifeXi.niner a... a . lfllaje lesnutr.. ler mey on whole secret a . 2 .-, Iaa.la.ra Olisiuesa " - L. .1..,.., .1 Miietrt tosurceeu at -e the hand gluasoi their gives his -time and io mat llll llliell IO lHla . . . . rr.i tr from m It wk . "I. "1 r,oVre 1- ..Prentice. .t ..lnAtinn. wortiirem.-.. . . ie as meruoir. '" . 1. ed of the is welll regard ed ared. to Usi riU of the atouement the uif The schol .rly brothef, .7 ...... II1V .1. .M.r "Yt!. )"i "V aaw-v - av 1 . J.fr a. n till m B lielieer v. j. . All that 1, too. ...l vet 1 COUlU ...1 it nil IMv 1 ti.... 1... irmiM this way ii yer. ? " . have ! . ...all I 1111111 "- tore iu , - . . i,.! me so Nvbo loved me that "Vejecte Will Op"" "TV can- tliil.lies mi - . ti UMV- trtloit T, 1 A crk teatitie.1 that in dus, a cle, f otooer he took ....rlniart of Wv.io.iri ";ii de.feat.it ought to w a. . 1 aa.1 I 07 II 14. ii Mr IMIIUIVK ican A Broa the the Mr. Uoinsioca, . .....iaa waiting tor mueU wouio .ms this ute soniewuere . w iir."V -fr uits Bnt ..iiuid u..t :uu--f " ... da V. - tons j " . -r i t . I .la.tlV'111 ii- wvia Klliu ""v." ia.. a ... ..ata.ll IT.. Mr. I1''1'"-' ' , ..i.j.M-.u.r,' tne . .. .. a . . . a.aa I i I l.kl II . c odd wrari" , t . Mm, tl, a . a-ara' III one ;lay-""K J y did as Jesus eluded that if jo ; . kill ttl( did- we aa.5-- - .f He K loveil Oujc the tt In. upti to!iv.. last o. wo r.a .....of Ueaveii. ,iH Jt.u ::mther(lchoi. lk'iowweiiii fif. a ....... L-.tth.-iii real, aj 8eCS luciu - , And uuiastcuiug j ha-ld them to her dress, she lam tur u.eld ...a. ..auui. Tney wete ar rVheiT thougrsa beaul.fuly made UWtue only critics! who w" . - - ...,iUrUiie. "Utu could Aleieci, i.u? ..ir.l. si '-"r,' ..m u8 lllil -m aa 1 fta IO - . mi . . i ' " a. fa .. KltftKlUllU. Uleotancu which is so 7-THOO tae flow, is w as snlcieat W ptao .a... .. . aaaaa at raft, tea . . w , 111 iUU Xa.- ' a i.at.n ill reiie....... . Theri, were iwa. ro-i Ti" ie tidies, who re "Thr 'nley-liouhl tninw TrsiAVarner would be at. aid of Mrs w" .er.. u tUe au calculus r.-. -r 7 , 4. Ilotl, .ii... tor tlie must i" " " hm.. i.i.l their brea,iu. ,"f..U:.rti.; lady' 1 a. It.. .. r f a. .aift-l I . were iu..v . lioWU to Hiivai"" - beat ! eneruic . av 1 ..a aaM Sjouieiuii- " , ,-i.a.t nt hers aartimid a while and see what ..tin 7Z" i Worahle beauty Vrf the triext law No Vpe:l for rehe. f om iflourislli t.tUK A-illH u toxins!--! rJY a. .tf my uiuuc. fivi, vhM-k eouies about nan I---'.. mske iu the attemiH .., - a... . am aiMiuv a I.I ..a. t Til. Ilillll " .... . hest time t r eiiiht o'clock. wants. I say supper Gotnl De t 1 tor an - lut it!is uot fur- ; Oh,1 never-; nisli.ru ..""- ,:L.. hMise-aeeker. . mind U . rer.a ,nd Mi.v- ' ' . cvur puiiijE- the 1'or .1 i" 1,,. , rinir tUe COn- t ! ",V. .i;;,vr.to:.an 1 invalid hi.lv. la l i..r.t ou. ot hot ,.1 Ft-Ainii Smart, supper who with tatitnmsc we the month 1 The .t. S..I. arm, wuiuu and of her are doing, and we ua.c ... - -h.st bv it. XV have not. the time .haU-The longest unil there a.e too ma.O f.11,11 fe . cteil of people who hjj u - i.bai tins ami. in a cou itr hm i hiuiseii and fad as the lea - -3 ti Rnd, the; flowers; ti.-i - l;t , (hd up0i. fad ; i.i a day nave '-rj h throat, low-cut corsage, iii-e,..r. - -lesa in - niikiiowU to fnl hue 111 rew ucmrj a .11. . .at, .tit . . . ...i....l rMiri.uiS. Olie wuui.. olberuoiaHiv.. - ,-nned the be more appropriately termed iu New Jersey i iui.. ...... IiLm tins " .. ...... ! ailoV OUIS IOI J laLlllOUt !J'L"bvl "u" .1" .t l..r iur.uaelv the time kept me at w.. : . . aL,u a-vtuer of teat laUIU.UlUrf ..ii.iiaa aaa a, av . i a, a a. aa an-1 1 IT 111 llfe l h.:" irU, wlth hlk fotit-steps ever suw '"i - .;ii -,,je:ir anu disappear a? the gray, a- M Hide that throng. worai . ai4rper : "tV-Tf1 i.n treat levent of mora ui....- -7 - ,,u-. aclw9 whose 1- Kreedoinoftttf Pre fSan Antonw M.mi 1 .u ; ..nfil 1 i.e. (-;illl - ih face 01 - hiding II vvf istence.. s.l?H "..'uj toTmhls the ife. ana me WeltioW .ta.leton of all feast . VeU ",, A cnp. -"I T ir lieiitt8 Arizona got Iruid heart ecame"bad, a ".: : ilI,hib..a t.si usually does wuei. V" imUaI!, a.thblow cleaning ouv ' " . m,. av. av. k k faaVA V eWS,Mleronice. loredgenueu. r- . uee ui i ".7 ttaiu: A : nope. !- . are you chiefly resting n wr ' It?'-lKyrepned:,-ri jand bear-iU Portland Orcgoman. ;- ; j j J : Little bor bos beeri -eari mamma,, to pwh ?Qth thoroughly toe "M",e- rwy the with soapsuds. to fSn to 1 feTdv. SbattibetheW with his t,onT blwltuhder- moU,,h UterSg Kmationa. 'n&anim at Swore five times yesieruajr ' I ii X want h the darfe vau,--"' itf dark padrihto damp I1UW --.r? -7- 1 skeleton toi ro Uiroor much ni"" :iiiued to ... wirntion by Vl - vol sectively i II .1 anrl n(l H was vounx, ttv- . X, the ordinary ccr: "I don t se t Short Tauts The! editor of the paper descr..- . ... tU, fo the children o. -S " lowing i'I'-:r'ri the idvau hi interview with T.a at Kit ItKfl apparenUy welto-uo. f offi. v.aa nnlinarv au.ow . ' thing mysier.o - - ft- , -But uS for the deed- to indicaie m ..what .ai. .. there1 was." "Vvnai -His marriage certificate, j a .n.hniaii ol mis P'r. r . . . ..1 . .. ... trv' 1 ill. SO lia-a H.S JiSU cirt. ,. f.a.a.ii votes ;t rill be worth M eon otltIl-lif i.. ial- l.vtallty. ll"lu , 1,1, w twiinpiieii ... t 1 the delecis i raainedied. ami ter some time Mr.VVin j . ararf .k kal 1 Al...t the C.ioe 1 . .a aaa I 1. .. f a 1 .1 I I."' ill U1S 11 1 re.ne.it S are n Mr. Uroadu sal. 1 vCilS ' " . ...S...im1 Yet we l a . . al .. .la ll a a u . hard-Tonu.."T - illVeiv iu It It III. IIIO " a' . . Itveu.v the t . . .aal.flat i al. Jj a.l'H! 11 lU'.U" " . eacu"i" . ' T . few enemies that she .. r . ....alt 1 llllW ca.-- t,i tlie i r"""'" Office that he bad take.. . ......turn S..C: j. I ....ajlf lllll- aa- I. ..... ..I 1IMII'..""".."-- . . a iiiuui.H-i :- - . 11 tiat ne u- cesivedays. Liriun on two 0t taken tne " l""-. , bM de day, but o "ti that vide.1 them i" . .ni be might make a V" ( office In 1 The ... Caraattalltlon . . nM.lir ... 1 - I Affair "t r Measr. u.loH he n - Il4t?1ie, Huchaiian, MOAloti jIlVrgti ti.rt sub.minitt je among wL iiillowiug that cotta-.rr ."r.- .thh. year ago. plait up to rtiui followed Wheu .r .u ta.mt.. A.ul w,-u..-vr .hU in tnat r.1.:. now, brother. atrial i"-:-tllnd all tne puy i .1.. UOt UUf"" .. . ... .a Villi u-puy ?f 'I'-TS KB. Bt 1 . a ..aa irnilHI thUiav 1 iwj r..: .1. .t ftir I l.wt S . T " r,a!. Ho -: . wa ? r.J orbeu-iai- .-At "" ,....;.... Ml M a 1 a i1piniii oi tw. P?J'rVSXJ u.c. aA-r'T Ti' t--.J . U V-u. Awl:-.' .S lrt5yW,wU V3a7l ii 1 - . . llll aV-atWWM l lin llli'i 'al 1 11 II lill' I - . ' I n nil . ft la . - , . . I I'm 1 lll'l lin ' av . . a a I K ava I aiv. ai . rF . av a - -- I .MW W"B II BV I Ilia - I . aV V I A1I1IIII1W. UU'V i . : . . . -a I a a TTI Mill. I ,111 aLL. . a . a I . a.ta 19 hll ll'J- t Til I. .. aaaatt I Ml 1111 1 - ! . . Wit I II UIU 1 : " - river OPPO . .t'TU ha wrote to.. ...it.d. Vi. u-I litlv undertaken a m "w fw. I f el tua -ilt have a : w . -.ore. tpve jouB --- i r n7t.aa. a.u v - . . iiunv iiik ubi " - w . . ..i. iiP.i 1 u i a('m . . in j : i 11 1 in i i ur i ----- .i....r ma i a ... Lrtr.n iiia ii - t there a g- -d:l ioinea . . , : ' . ' 1 71" t-.tinn. whieii n-.i 1 in love mat iu u r"-.r v ... o..t ,wws" , Hwni.vv.--r , , ruin I Mim to rrua.a-. v. ' I ii . i ,,. ,irv. Iorjr' I"" wlioUV: lii-l"" lll. -v.. - r ; i I ...,,, ,mitlon.-4-lu i mo aw - w there U I i . rk..1rrtd aUlae. I f,Vn,.ition Ol ""a., i .u .l.,m. Kaa.itltV lnu.1. " T , ;,, M ! " : 1 liiu. I i j i'ai. I ..inr n . fr i I I tirA Baara a.uca v him in Juiy. " s Raantem- jolt to nil his engar-eu , in her. Ihavea: . He kneW regard to ,PWW7" 7poke kindly i?id nS ?taT. heard of him. Ani - r?ri mm 'Uncle .a-taatitlv. But 1 "..ra vrvthine anu k "rL; so WUUW...V- sawiuv---;-- . -oa pledge. up juuur. -. BBiM-rUtook to dnna- alwaya up- joined aom rwent in "ome' plot; that society or wenn decide who ahould louwerecast to deciae & , Booth carry out tSse hand fell the as WM the man to whow na Hi4 saaainatioa oi fed him to carry rerd for bu. promise led a done I have reg; out iru iw I--- oum have aouo the plot, and be "W wn ho were deputed Jo . father. Au.rn company offer- ,IMU,,".V-itCapt: pe gilted thecliarKe -r - eecteil Long .h1.L 5 r.tedithm. The wilhthe.jea . eierates Je -'report com Wctel cburgt.9,; i.nirand uia tre lo, t jmd hiunanity dionld H Jalso fK;UJl,"iville UaiienhowrT United WvlM "fo-tuetrfailnrri tir anv ol-i" " Or '.' a -a., f ,,mr. to resene uc-; v.-w York ;...a..M of a raid on - . td II.. ..t. UlUMUl" F a ' al aa-"--r a. a a ... . . .a. . riiiniiiiKia duiibt theUhrisiiai. r. - - of " .. .. i.oar a n"rvvv. .. ,. at over-tuo 7 the laborer:! j thouybtctr .mejn, conie iu ; ..r the Ijambl9 1 j " " . .raaa TW 111 una." Whatsurpri-- 1 . Wlli4tl Heaven, woe.. . ...nr are you here - onUhult.,,t as . u 'a. . n 1-ilV I .the gam" the ersr . 11.. al lVriodicau ,..,1 isuppn-B nhePln, uq ''- ,r5!ffl; ;.dTtn,x to imir tins iu Keii. , otlrthervn w,Vcinter one t Our .!..;- mannincei i.The ,uw - - Ti ..t . auociva - winceUs win j to ,neet man iwe eX -ectej win be "thenr . I , ore than oue in" -" - m Ma, rust i- X.rwbT.gave.aenpof to last' . ;4 1. a est" no i thure win 111 a .1.11 a . .run n ai' .'.tt.iilM t'rWrtli" " -a . ur- - ... the liursij, .llll kbcw ...i..i nn m eaawiai v r - . ? -tlTtZ and. lr wu "" Ti'- . a-r,t many uu u m . jive been o ens" WaTanX not think o. y- tiling clae..i- .'- - - -j . . ; A iui-.jy0iSd jib le m j : r " Sr Co. bT' TTontrhton. s ;n.Vr of ed th anno" - f a-i i . 1 " of Dr Kane of Arctic ' and wa8 recently, was a natveI um fessor la hto 67th jear. He w when the oil c"eII" rnmlSKA becom- made venture. ""en he was caught lag a millionaire. i oriainators inlarge -.platwnae of the Standard O.l P JDcnniie38. hi refineries, anu -b oke out. Next , the , r,"le and a pauper. luru " ..y. (vvi out of tne wn--v.. u.-.t- while in Aniu poor. In 1 ; lands for Boa- &D?tSS lie? Sue again to him. 13200,000. confirmation ? " - iV:tah imrfV St .number o holts knd spikes, at Delphi, annmDcn r . ,on. which were, w ucuu. o mal!ti. structed. 01 mo DV- , he batter- able, bar iron. Jhoy v ere put iu inj, of the head wh.n J nd to the structure- ; tlie .pikes he found tint 70 r"J ,ast -,( a.-ari' : a iron, while 90 per; , that a iavt-.n Ant Ot lU" r of the1 dam wire were uear mc hich tWere worthless; yet, oi in ilu. rotten, the tip? wc , and movable . rocks ghom.d L... aiitU W..a. it. -II inapt nTUIU, a)at. aaa- C3 Oalona Inftd f Apple Odds aud were get- ou a u;. fru..t .1 e:lterH, H1 kin..opuiar. . - , u frnit deal- Il La ..-... jMn't k ow onion? a. ' " . von' : saiu v , 1 1 r on Satnrd y.l No. Well. " You'd think a A. n A Trtfll,. 9 IX IV. j p a I t l.A ii(nisiru - ;.Mop e uua - . nrbllt; the fact is smell 01 V,.,T :lhr. and eai P'V 6 rr.aiikli!they horn. nil wie'ked il they strong. . ,nnectin2 t' . olished cnus , - u v-brations indicating inal."Y V' r,shed and round mnv veara bal ,OUM"5T..,., a a- many pei '".' ii,; thfcv wouia them with me,- -j l - dealer. an appie. the business no- .when I first went in o the A.a,tmW ft r.lH ' . m v.i.iB0 .1 Anion kui no more have , Z o tatoe stand man- l"t ;"k n .thin'' of havin lrV dealer nt every ' " - . atatarrv 111 I town aeps am t u. 4 f j rd.. grow? And i ari7'iher, S.WbV. sir. it -Grow? hhia jnoroing I've r ve sold one otnoa lh c 3 8o,d a dozen, r T hej - v a.. !(. .l....---r- CCU structure. a t . - arvW 11 ii: If lt" ed the poiuv . . ..,Uc partings A V-T-fYt Ulotind in hm siiui.ai in coal mines, or .honchaeksi infj oecoiuo pv,,v-. missionanes I There art 'PV1;! -and nreachersjnjngjand ! ! J wt a sheets : ,k TI. first veare ln.m the month- Th ?1 .heeps ir7,Mr,;Lu0ilnn sire; th nuulier and are equaM Uroud Jt-ar t,,e be .,thei: ;.r. ...ncdi lrgrr than h he thml yw, " V the eiuht : t wuicn by the .a al.A 1 inn OI continuous quiver an Hett say. crust of the earth- Vr. bto that all car axles, after a i re run.beeocryV-ar oBe.tbird thelen?uiirou-:;- , n.ndering from the ou JiaIia rail themwonni .. . bottom roaa unu - T.ices were , four f .Mltion ajainst he found tin a. . tat! l .l 1 Hi l-ntrth. and. as a p . The created jj a. a . - j( Franklin? lfjMiar .. . i;!..i. what won Willi l 'f.' i f with ul H." I . e ..1 .. -i tKlossedof al Ka. i.i vi. snoring. en 'j S : . . . ... f . . . . ..lt.lt I 1111 13 del!"" : . a., thread tra ping w 1 loe for in the country, an-- . '?.iUi. mv 1)11810683, every 1 lose uv ,,T.,r . sv' I'Thenyon o yououldlankrupVyFf l - ton. fucVJ n, n2s, asked the latter I t a r7J hiT aS Tmueh intein- tne circus inav -f month frti.tstand- in in I stock, ruuuj, u - lengm. r.".,, h:.TC cauea what woum ir. eat ca.a--a;; -tere.t to ran- mthc rpeeltaeai 1 rail- -.1 1 ...... 1 '1 . -IM 1. thev were ;r is oi J . 1 - n 1 mo f--;- ,-.t .a-rinienti r-aafl-tt has collecieu 1 . .... rr- ....... way. and self nlwith sides f tirT: inf.t laaned tn , pntlPi Pl11" " : .t.p fourth .year.""" Om.le which ?-nt; tV- Vr'-JSr. tbe sixth year all b. tnior'M"- - 1 . .. ,i. 1 ii - '. ..r M-oitr. nw"' .MlalMl iiir"".. I ... a.. RllIUB Wa - ... .n tn the .m , ra itta nun . - UIW a- . ,- n . Taw.hnOlO?y, " 01 '""T..7 u-a Wn in several veara Sh ?he insUtute. .r:.. T.if.i. of Po to ovo. o "1 Afriea puts on it Snth Africa. u n - f rtyl ' SV, h..n tiannel shirt. .Ions a fresh and c fl f 3 lain.n lOSUH'w. "lv" .. .: 1 .. ......ml :noatlr:lllUaI ! alt Kill 1 ur:t: for " lufnine to urvii' - . lr l connected . . - , u a,ilii;Cts. a a tieeuie re in seeing than a worn m . ""fir-woman-ajove. t hasteueil ly I ad ..-...rtliciiett oy ii . ",Mii..v b,rairre-.- v . i'two lover- -- - -.y.n, " aid it .I.alll MAT I'll .I-..V . ranee is pa,n!' tit l Arthur bad been to I"le .T Ar '.:.l ,..u. like the ser l-Jl'':;"V.aVister rrtt, moni r r..Ilthful c itic. w. 1!. repiif " .. .roaail A.eL L..illln(TiW .' " . ... 10 1 a 1 a na M , g-nccr c : - tn his emj Kowif throat." -Mtbat J ;antl empty if"w , re o see hina. i.allhecandoldontcareto f o n tin villi- . - atv.v:i "'J r." at ja.- aarK.n he went ou. it ft dozen tune. V 7- cldentaUy S ing ,lt may -any, and t-at tneroo u -.f present Judge lB"W oratUe of " r . a..... vvniaai. bis little dpt. V Xn akti railrivad bratnr had ifle hi the Florida Tgislatnre the floor in n e ,m ei0. the othfr JlaVal . He gar otttraiT 'rhLlusion exclaimed Effect: "And witn. leuvnt- the j i gricv..c' Wle, III va a Effect: Ana wujr. th- rai.r...i.- ,lator thr?e ,his lTe and draw- ...all 111 1 1 1 1 u , ... A- r a- V. '1,1 nm'ket a han uui ,01. insr from hi -lf; lftn.-.. -i,t." railroatl pass r H i- I : : - ' i i ' '. v " i -Hi -.. ,-iu toshow Bigus IH1!1 llliei - . .Ir-al.Kir 01 tasted mail-.: U."1 w" ' " " L any posttnaater. ., j 1. 1 a. II klt'P tue oay- . the a doughty 1 - i-.loseil nn 4 -t pfosecutliig their uatioual pen who uau T .-. Hprofessio"- 1!i