'del-Hi -ft'-1" i I .i "L ;vV;v ;;:.v,-v!-:-,v;, ..' : ;::--:.:f: x'. - , - ' ;vHl 11- - ; - 1: ' - " '."'. ' :-; . I v f ; - :- ' .... " " i. r , : .. . ..,; - ' . .. . . . - - :.- -if j J :l ... i-. '-:.. -1.,.; : Vi . , I , Vr :U-'.; .i ' -'::- ' :. :VY ':' '; - r , y. '-'.-i 1" ; , . - .:---,.. I.STABMNHED IX IA2S.Y 'lift (REENSBQRO; N:C.,. TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1885. it . Czi'unti'.'t f"4.)i . ; t 1 1 5 f 1 . ; , . . .t; I ' I . " - . - v J. ,1 I. I- U f . i f- -i'i U n i Mi:CKlV'BUd ROAD LAW. I I . i - ! ' - - a Ptrmanmt i.i.)emeiit of Our Public Highways 'l-ui'riii Heading and Couslderlng. j I sx mby of Sort Caro h timet s N, yt lj All roatl and ferriVs l .. J.! I. !..!! llill Itllt 1P SlIlIMtlllf. oi any act of AsMfin -it hv ,l.'ol.ni'r to be public roaila kikI AihI tbel iu8ties of tbe ; Jen '-"- 'f.-irh township shall havt Inil if tl nuhlii! !'' 8 iu l,lt"ir riiective 'l.ttiialiii they are hereby iucnrr ,'unmtiilji" lue iird of trustwa iyf sVio'ir township shall Iks their cor- poiail iMo- Tnfy have tbe rj.'lit to ue ami Ihj nueiU pleail ami i rKn'ple.iileil in any jof tbe coUrrs 4 1 th bhitis The board of town A,,, 'ti tees" "I anil he board , of .tin ifoiiiinisaiotiers, as berefter it ioitli in tliiscbairtjer, sball have tiill pl'r .and' authority within s tjuir leNpective eouuties toappoiut 'I.umI tittle ferries, and to order tbe. 1 !,u inf.' out and repairing of public ' JaiH wjii'ie necessary, to appoint f 4 1 1 i c liiIs or bridges ami fords j !i iiiade, to jdiscoutinue sncb i r,..MU a lid Terries as shall be found iM-U'.iiid to alter roads so as to in tki tii I'm' more useful. . : j St-r 'i Tlie: bard of townsbip riist'ees; shall meet in some, place respective lownsuips to oe if4i i upon uy ineniseivea, or in :jb ijnsiMice of such au agreement, , Im niiiiieU by t leil chairman, on '.the Orst .Monuay joi piay ami ssoy lr, iuitt at such other times as ijoijity of them may deem ad- i a ft ' -.-"a h vi4 It1l They shall keep a record jfttlieir proceedings aud shall au. 3 hi iueir Jtayi meeung elect . joue i ot , tbeir,' number chairman. Tbe Uojinl of trustees shU be ex ft'idpl t(o" the four f days'f labor ou tlie h,l,,Mc; roads.. It shall be he I fiikier-duy of the trustees to ex- aiiiilVe jinlO the condition ,of the j.pibjicroais and highways of their preheetive townships at least twice j ioVficli and evei-y year, ami make : ji reKrt on thej condition of said ruiuls and j; high vays and present ; s.iitl rtjMrt at the spring and fall 1 term.4 to the judge jof the uerior ctjiii t, ivli(j .shall transmit said re poll i ine solicitor wnu ucu in- struct ions :as . i he may deem projajr. :' ; Tli 4 1 each aud every chairman of conniits8ionrs, iwianlf eouiity cd'.iiiuisioners, : justice of tliej ieaee -ori boanl of j township. trustees ori supervisor, w ho hall iieglect or refuse to perforui the Kl'Ver..l dijties enjoined by this act, shall be guilty of a misdeiMeauor, au! on coh vfetion thereof shall Im blnil or iiiiprisoued, or Utb, in the (Ijsrretiou of the court, and itis here by juade theduty of the solicitors to prisecutej said offences., j 1 i Sec. .VjThat the township trus tees of the several townships of this State, shall, on the first , Mon day of May next, or within, four weeks hereafter, divide their re speetive townships into suitable road districts, and annually there' after, may make shelf alterations tiurein as they may, deem proper, anil cause a brief description there ;ofjjto-le niade outhe -township re cojfds, and also; furnish each super- t visor with a plot or his roaddis ij trfct The trustees of each town- fc slnp, at! theiri May meeting,1 and aiiiiually thereafter, shall eler oue su) lervisor for j each road district. Alul each supervisor who refuses 't or neglects to qualify and serve, ; shall' forfeit ami pay the sum of 1 twenty, dollars and costs,- to be collected by the township trustees . iU an action jof debt. Money so collected shall go into thej road ' fund of the township, and be cred ited to i the proer ,nad district. That when any vacancy shall occur ; 14 the office of supervisor by death,' resignation or otherwise, the trus , tees of the; township wherein such! :yacaucy oixsurs shall appoint some suitable person to fill the vacancy. vp j! Sec. 4. The road-bed shall be not ; -more than sixteen feet wide, unless so ordered by the board of county commissioners, ami in opening new roads not more than fire jurors shall be summoned or requireil. Aud, it shall be the duty of each and every supervisor to open or cause to be : 6ieneil ajl public roads-and high f ways which shalj have beeu or may " hereafter be laid'out and establish ? ed iu bis road district, the same to r J: j Keep in repairs, ami remove or cause to be! removtd all obstruc tions that' may from time to time ijbe found thereon; for which pui pose the suKrvisor8 are hereby authorized j to enter upon any tin- ' f . -1 cultivated lamls. or improved lands '' . I i i..- : .. juuiiicuiiiorreii n ciops. near wnir I adjoiuiiig siich roads, to cut and : jlcarry away j timber, except trees or f v igroves on .uipnved land planted for left for; ornament or shade ; to f dig or cause to be dug and carried ;away any vlwhich may gravel, sand or stone be necessary to make; repair said road; and improve jor to enter out anv lamls adioiniuir or lying uear the road to make such I drains or ditches through the same :j as he maydeem" jiecessary for the i,beueut of the roads, doing as little j injury to said lands and the iui provemeiitH thereon aud timber, as : the nature ot the case and the pub 5 lie gooil wI permit; and the drains aud tlitches so in tde shall be cou 4;l ducted to the nearest watercourse, ; and shall be kept open! by such I supervisors, and shall not be ob4 ,strncteil by the owner or occupier .. of such lands, or any other iersoii or jK-rsoiis Iwiving the same in charge iuiiler the penalty of tor I feitingi a um not exceeding teu s dollais for each and every, offeuce, to be collected by the supervisor S and' paid. over -by him to the town Jship trustees aud applied to the ii. Toad fund.' of the township. 1 Sec- 5.1 That all able-bodied male I ersons, aiitl all male persons able I to jerforui, or cause to be erform I ed, the; labor hereiu required, be ! t ween the ages of eigkteeu aud forty five! years, except persons Iierinanently disabled in the luili tary service of this State, shall be liable annually todo .and jerform four days, labor ou, XueJiigUwaysi under the direction of th super vi6r f the nfiid "villstrict in which he shall resided Prvidetl further, that it any intsou, being named as -hereinafter provided, 'Shall pay tu the KUerviAor in whose listnct4ie may resiile thi: suhr of three dol lars,! he same shall be received in lien of the four day labor, and shall he applied by the BupervUor receiving the same to the 'mprovement qf tbe roads of "bis ditriet, and accounted for as hereinafter provided). i f, y , Sec. 6. That it shall bo tbo duty of every sufervisor-to -order out every such person, resident as aforesaid, between the first day of February and s the first day of De cember, annually, to do and per forin the work! aforesaid on public roads within j the' district, and if any such resident being personally varued, by such supervisor, or by leaving a written notice at "his usual alwde, ahall refuse or neglect,' having had at least two days no ' ticeto attend by himself or sub-' 8titutb to the ' acceptance ' of ' the supervisor, or H having, atteuded sb a I T ref u se: t o' obey , f li e d irec t ions of the supervisor, or shall sjeud the time iu idleness or any inatten tion 5 to - the duties assigned him, everyTui h delinquent uall forfeit aud pay tue sum of one dollar for every such, offense, ami shall furth er be liable In all cases of non at tendance to the amount of four days' work, to be .recovered by ac tiou before any justice of the ieace of the proper-tow uship at .the suit of the supervisor jritbiu whose dis trict he may reside ; aud shall also lie guilty of , a misdemeanor and fined not exceeding five dollars or imprisoned not exceeding five days; and tbe money so collected shall be applied by said supervisor to the improvement of the roads iu his district," and Accounted for by him at the annual settlement with the township trustees t Provided, that no erson shall be released from the performance of lalor on the public highways by. reason of the neglect of auy supervisor to order but such ersun ;ou or before the first day ot December, as herein after pnvided. : - Sec 7. That i urease any person shall remove fro in oue district to another,) wiq has prior to such re inoval performed )the whole or any part of the labor aforesaid, or in any other way has paid the whole or any part of the amount afore said iu lieu uf such labor, aud shall produce a certificate: of. the same from the supervisor of the piojer district, such cert ifieate shall U- a complete discbarge for the amount therein specified. I Sec 8. That any. person J callvd upon to ; perform any labor upon the public roads and highways un der any provisions ot this act, shall by himself or substitute appear at the place appointed by tbe super visor at the hour of seven oclot:k iu the forenwm with sncli neues sary tixds and implements as the 8Uwrvisor.oiay direct. 1 Sec. 9. That for the purpose pro vided for in the preceeding sections of this act, the residence of auj pe sou who. has a fauiily shall lie held to be where Jds family resiiles, and the residence of any other per son shall be held to be where he lwards, in aivy road district in this SUtejO-: ..til . -Hs?i k Sec. 10. That the several super visors, within their respective dis tricts, shall collect b suit or other wise all fines, forfeitures and pen allies arising and accruing uuder the! provisions of this act, unless the1 collection thereof is otherwise herein provided .for; and they'are hereby authorized I aud required,' before their settlement - with tbe township trustees,' to prosecute to final judgment all persons neglect ing or refusing to comply with the provisions of this act from whom such flues, forfeiture or. ieualty, in the opiuion of the supervisor, can be collected by execution i and the said judgments if not paid together with the cost hereon shall remain and be in force 'against thv jndg ment debtor as otht r judgments at law; - --; -h-.'- - - .' . Sec ll ' That the several super visors shall expend all money, by Ihem collected for the' -benefit of the mad and highways in their re. ective districts; and every sup ervisor is hereby! required to ac count to the township trustees at" the annual settlement for all moneys expended under this act; and they shall also return a full and true list and Statement of fbe names of til (persons within their respective- districts who have been ordered out to eiform the four days labor as required by this act, aiid of 1 hose wlu 1 have refused or neglecteil to' perform the same; and all fines and forfeitures sued for aud recovered under the pro" visions of this act shall be paid over on demand jby the justice of the Hace or. cor stafile ' collecting the same to the supervisor of such road district wherein such fines or forfeitures' accrued; aud the several supervisors shall also render-an account to the township trustees, at the annual settlement of all moneys that remain in their. band at the time of the settlement ; also all judgments that remain uiyaid, and the name' jof the judgment debtor and the justiee of the peace before whom such judgments were obtained with the amount thereof; 'and the township trustees shall make sucli order as to the prosecu. lion of the suits by the supervisor o the proper district against such delinquents, as in the judgment of the trustees .the interest of the towuship may require. Sec. 115. That all the moneys that may remain in the hands of the supervisor at thw time ot the aunual settlement with the trustees, shall be paid over to his successor in office as soon I as such successor shall be elected and qualified,' tak iug a receipt therefor, and deposit said receipt with the" township trus tees. It shall be f lawful tor auy sujMTvis4ir to sue out executions on aiiy judgment that remains unpaid within his: nmwr distriotat any time when in his opinioii tbeWme can Ih collected: and Une money so recei.el imd collected shall be expended'as provided iu the' fore going sertiou; 'u': ' J Sec 13. That the' supervisors of rbads and b'ghways within the State be and are hereby nuthorix el to construct foot- bridges over streams' of water r ob said' high? ways ' ' ; ' j"-"1- ;'i'"-f -'!'r Sec. 14. -That each supervisor within his district shall erect and keep up, at the exiHnse of the township, at the forks of cross roads of every State and roouty road, a jnist and guide boanl or finger boanl, containing an inscrip tiou in legible letters, directing the way and distance to tbe town or towns, or public place" or-places, sitna'ed on each roail. respectively.' ' Sec. 15. That if any Demon shall wilfully demolish,' thro down,' alter or deface any guide boanl e-ery person so offending shall, u'mjii conviction thereof before any justice of the peace' of the proper count, be fined 'in any sum not exceeding ten dollars and cost of suit, and the money when collect itlhall be, by : the justice of the peace collecting the same, paid over' to the ! suiervisor in whose district the offence was committed, aud I m by him; applied to tbe re pair of the roads and highways within his district.' :i j ' Sec-16. That the township trus tees of the several townships with in this State be and they are here by authorized to furnish' plows, scraers or other tools for the use of the several districts within their township to be paid for out of auy moneys in the township treasury not otherwise appmpnated. The township trustVes shall take a re ceipt from each suervisor for such implements as they may deliver to him, showing the number,! kiud aud condition thereof, and; such supervisor shall 'je liable for any injury or damnge that may result to such implements, or to any of them, by. improper use thereof, or by unnecessary exposure to the weather during the. time the1 same may be in bis possession ; xud "he shal', on the first Monday of May annually, re urn the same, to Said trustees. The amouut ' for ' which sucfT supervisor may Ik- liable for such improper use oi neglect may be recovered by action iu the name ol the township trustees. ! j Sec;. 17. That the commissioners mid' hoard of justices of thej eace of the respective counties So this State are hereby authorized to levy; at tbe June session of their board annually for road, purposes not less thau seven teuths of a mill, nor more; than two mills on the dollar, and j the. chairman of. the county commissioners shall place? the same on the tax list of the curt rent year, to be included iu anil collecteil iu the annual taxes; that if the trustees of any township shall deem an additional road tax necessary, they shall determine the,' per centum to be levied upon the taxable pnperty of their respec tive townships, aud sball j certify tbe same, iu writing to the boards of county commissioners and jos tices of the eace at Juue session, who may levy. a special tax, not exceeding one mill ou the dollar. and the commissioners aud justices may levy and assess the same on the taxable property ofj the town ship, aud the-sanie shall be collect ed as other taxes, aud paid out as herein pmvided. . ; Sec. 18. That ; the chairman , of county commissioners, immeiliately after the commissioners at their annual' session for that. inrpose have determineil the amounts to be assessed for roat i purposes in their respective counties, shall give notice iu some uewspafter in gen eral circulation iu the county of tbe er ceutum on each hundred dol lars of the valuation so'determined to le asfMissetl in such county and township and t iat the said , tax' may be discharged by labor on the roads tinder the direction, of the suiiervisors of the several districts, aud shall make out a list of the names of each tax-payer, of tbe amount of the road tax with which each stands charged, aud transmit tbe samerto the supervisor of the proper district. ; i lt - , i Sec 19. Any iwrsou charged with a road tax may discharge the same byjaltor ou the public highways within the district where the same is charged within the time designa ted in this; act, at the rate of one dollar ht day aud a ratable allow, a nee per lay for auy team, imple n.cirs and material furnished jby auy per sou uuder the direction ot the supervisor of such district, who shall give to such person a certifi cate. sjH-ci lying the amouut of tax so paid, and the district aud town ship wherein such labor . was per formed, which certificate shall in n incase le, gi veu for any greater sum" lhan ' was charged ( against such person, and tbe county sheriff shall receive all such certificates as money iu the discharge of said mail tax. The township trustees in determining the division of this fund sball be governed uot by the miles of nad in each district; but by necessities of the roads, the con . veoience of getting material,! the quantity of material necessary to make substantial repairs, etc.; and thus make , a just aud equitable division of said fund between the several districts. - j . Sec. 1 20. That each aud every supervisor who shall neglect or re fuse to iierform the several duties enjoined ou him by this act, or who shall uuder any pretence whatever, give or sign auy. receipt or certifi cate puriortiug to be a receipt or certificate for labor in work per formed or money pain, unless the labor shall have beeu performed or mouey paid prior to giving or sign iug of such receipt or certificate, shall forfeit fort? very nuch offenco not less tUan ten dollars, nor more tbao fifty dollars, o,. be recovered by an .action before. any, jtistce of mo in'nce oi iiie. proper couiuy ; a Vid 1 1! fs hereby f inalle t be Hi u ty 'of the township trustees to: prosecute all offences against. the pmvisions or this section Provided, That, i auy suiervisor conceives - himsel aggrfeveil bythe'jiidgmeht of such justicei fflhc peace, j he ; may on giving sufficient sec rity to said justice of the peace for .the pay ment ' of the? cost, appeal 'to I he superior i! court, ' who - shall make such order thereto as to them may MpjHHr JUSb HUll, ICllBUUUIIIO. V'i Ii Sc 21. That! it shall be unlaw ful for any suier visor, to iierform. or cause laoor 10 oe feriormeii, ou any road not regularly laid out and established by law. f it " Sec. 22.-That each and every su pervisor. who. shall cut; and take auy timber, stone or gravel for, the pu rpbse of mating, im proving or repairing uuy road or building, or reairing any bridge or crossway withili hu district abaU, on the do-; maud of .the .o uer, ot . the lands, their agen( or agents, or the guar man oi any waru, or tue executor or administrator 'having lauds in charge, from i which timber, stone or gravel were taiteu as aforesaid, shall give a certificate; showing the quantity of such timber, stone or gravel, wun me value tuereot re spectively, aud the time and par pose-; for a which v the :!. same, were Sec. 23. That any erson or per, sons who shall receive atertiflcate as provided for; : in - the foreguiug sec tiou, shall present: the same to tbe county commissioners of the ptojHjr' couutyf at any t regular ses sioii of said commissioners within six month after tbe taking aud carrying a way of such tim ber, stoue or gravel, and the commissioners, bei ng satisfied v that' the amouut as h foresaid is just and ' equitable shall cause - the same: to be paid out of tbe county treasury : but if uot so satisfied, they shall deter mine what' suui in their opinion would be just. !, ji ; " Sea. 24.' That each supervisor shall receive for this services oue dollar. aiid fifty centsr per day for time actually, employed on the mads, deducting the commutation for his four days' labor. Supervi sors having charge of not more than twenty five bauds shall not receive more f than ten dollars iu any one' year,'-ami no' supervisor having a greater number shall re ceive more, than twenty dollars in any one year,' and be paid iht-of the county treasury, i- t. -, . ' Sec 25. That -at any, time during the year when auy public highway shall be obstracteil.-it'shall lie the duty of . the - supervisor : of the dis trict in which the ; same may be, forthwith to cause sueh obstraction to be removed,' for which purpose he shall immediately order out such uumber of persons liable to do work or pay tax ujmjh ' the public high ways of his district as he may deem liesessary to remove' said obstruc tious. If the person or persons thus called out shall hate perform ed their four days, labor njwn the public highways,' or paid their road tax, the upervisor shall give to such person or ersous a certificate for the amount of labor lerforined, and said certificate shall apply ou tbe labor or tax that may be due from such) fiersou . or. persons the ensuing yean Jjj,' f, Sec 26. That' if any . person! or ersou8, corporations, or .any. con ductor of any train of railroad cars, or any 'Other agent or servant of any railroad company, aball ob struct uunecessarilv t auy. public mad or highway authorized by a ay law of this State by ermitting any railniad cir, or. cars. or. locomotive to remain upon or across any pub Ih road or highway ; tor a longer period than five, minutes, or shall jiermit any ,timlHr,jwoHl or ofher obstructions toj remain j upon or across any such mad or highway to the hindrance ' ot i neon venience of travellers", or any person of jier" sous ' passing alopg or upon such mail or highwiy," ' every jierson for corfioratioii so offending shall1 for feit and pay for every such ofiVtice any sum not exceeding twenty uor less than five dollars, aud shall be liable for all ; damages arising to any persou from iifh obstruction or fnjury'tii sueb fpad or highway; to be recovered by an action at the suit of the: trustees of the township in which such toffence shall liave bee'n: mmitted, jor any 'person suing for the same; before any jus tice of j the (leace) within the county where such offence shall have been committed, or by indictment in f he superior court in the proper county.'. And all hues so accruing Under the provisions' of this section, when collected, shall lie paid oyer to the supervisor Of ' the li strict in which such offence' wasfj committed, and by the stifiervisor lippHeil r to' the impmvemeut of the roads and high ways i therein,--and every twenty four hours' such corporation, per son or (lersoiis as aforesaid; alter leingiuotifieil, shall suffer such ob strrctions to thet himlrance of in convenience of travellers, or any lierson on persons 'going , along-or uikr such. road or highway, shall be deemed .an : additional .offence against the provisions of this act. : Sec 27 .;: That every railroad com pany or; other coriKirsitioit, tln8er' van tor servants, agent . r agents, employee or employees of i hicb shall in' any manner obstruct any public road ! or high waj'. shall le liable to pay' all ! fines 'which' may be assessed against such servant or servants, agent or agents, employee or. employees, for so obstructing fcuy such public) mad, or highway and Buch liability as may, be en. forced by executioui issued against such railroad . company ;or other corporation on the judgment ren dereil against such servants, agent or agents, employee or employees, for so obstructing such public road or highway 11 ,. 4 i t. Sec 2S. .It Rhall , be unlawful foi any ' railroad' comnanC to obstruct the' drainage of aiiy public 'mad or highway- by Its road ' betl or other wise, or empty jthdi water from iu ditches . into . any . public ,rbad . or highway ': and if an v railroad com pan.Vj ceiiiff Varried by the super viaor tr tno pnqier district Oy lear iug a written notice with any agent or iu forming . any .station agent of ine sain rauroati company person ally, ' shall ' refuse 1 or 'neglect iMtO remedy tbe ame to the acceptance or the supervisor, 'shall forfeit ami pay anyfc sum not , exceeding . fifty. nor less than twenty dollars, to be recovered by an action at 'the suit of the township trustees before anv justice of : the iieace of the proper county, ana every. ten days such railroad company, after being noti fied; 'shall 'neglect or refuse 'to remedy such offence shall be deem ed an additional offence against the provisions or ,t this act ; and the money so collected shall be paid to tne sujiervtsor or the 'district ' in which the provisions of this section - a were vioiaieo, anu tne money so paiiL over, shall, lie, used by said sujiervisor for the improvement of the mads In bis' district and ac counted for iu bis aunual' settle meut.n' i 4x .? :.-,'-; ' see. rj.-whenever any persons shall rnevt each other on any bridge or road travelliug with carriages, wagons,' or other - vehicles, - each persou shall .reasonably drive his carriage ori vehicle, to the right of the middle of the travelled part of sueu nriage or roaa, so that the re- m i J 11 . . . a sfiective carriages or other vehicles a foresaidi may pass each other without interferenee; every iht- sou wilfully offending; against the provisions of -this section shall for each offence : forfeit a sum uot. ex ceediug five dollars, to be recover ed ou wmplaint before any justice of tbe peace in the county where the offence shall have . been com mitted ; and be shall 'further be liable to any. party for all damages sustained by reason . of such of. fence: Provided, That every such complaint shall In made within oue month after the offence sball have beeu committed, aud 4 that every such action for damages shall be commenced ..within . two s mouths after the cause of action shall 1'ave accrued ; , j -'. . : i ..-s Seel 30. It shall be i the further duty of each supervisor to cause each railroad company to coustruct and keep in. good repair the road bed of all publiu roads across the road lied of said railroad compauy; and if any railroad company, being duly: warned by the suiervisor of the proper il 1st net by leaving a written .notice ; with any station agent, or by mforiniug any station agent of said railroad company er soually, shall neglect or refuse to etinstruet or repair said road i tied to the acceptance of tbe supervisor, shall forfeit any sum uot exceeding fifty nor less than thirty dollars, to be recovered by au action at the suit of the township trustees before anj" justice of the peace in the proiH-x county, and tbe money so collected shall be paid to the super visor of the district iu which the provisions of this section were vio lated, and the money so paid over shall be used by said soervisor for the improvement of the roads in his district, aud accounted .for in his annual settlement; and every, five days such railroad com- pany after being duly notified, shall neglect or refuse to coustruct or repair said road' boil, shall be deemed) ' an additional I offence against the provisions of this act. Sec 31. That it shall lie lawful for the supervisors of road districts bordering on the State line be tween North. Carolina aud any ad joining State where a public high way has been located , upon such State line in accordance with and under the provisions of the laws of the State . of North Carolina, to apply, the labor, of said district uiou said roads in the same man uer as On Other roads located with in the boundaries of this State; and iu case any; public road is or shall ie establisheil as a part of the Itun or boundary of any township or in corpnraled village or city, the trus tees in such incorporated village or city, as tbe case my be, shall meet at some convenient .place as soon after the ; first Monday iu May ascon venient, aud apportion such road between the townships or township and village or city as justice and equity may require, and) the trus tees ui the respective townsui or village or city council shah cause said road or mads to be opeued and m proved accordingly, i Sec 32. The Secretary of State shall -furnish .the chairman of county commiss.Qiiers with a suta cient nnmber ot printed copies of this act for tbe Use of the supervi sors and township trustees . of the iroiwr counties, and the coin mis- sioners shall furnish the necessary books and blanks for the use of the township trustees -and-supervisors fif their . resnective counties. The township trustees shall uot lay off any portion , of any incorporated city, towu or' Village" iu I auy road district.' The tax levied by county commissioners aud justices of: the peace uuder. this act shall be levied In accordance with the constitution of the State? aud shad apply to all cities and towns.' . -: ' : Sec 33. This act shall oi ly apply ti' the county of Mecklenburg. - . Sec 34. All laws or parts of laws n contlict witli tbL act are hereby repealed.1 This act shall; lie in force from and after ratification. In .thet General Assembly read three times, and , ratified . this the 25tb day of February, A. D. 1885. w ! i i . . j ' r ;i "iu gappleaaental Act. "- Section 1. That the provisions of an act entitled Au act relating to mads and, highways for Meckleu burg county," passed at the Gen enil Assembly, shall apply to the following couuties, namely: Bun ! combe, Chatham.! Hertford,? Ala mauce. Wilson, Gtiilfortl,t Uowan, (Jutrel Surry, t Vake, r , x attkin, ijincoin,.ji'oiK, i'eraon... Madison Edgewimbe, ! Catawba, Frauk in, Davie; Henderson,' Vanee, Ciimber- laud; Harjietti .Martin .and .Wush tugton : 'Provided r howeverrif the said act shall be first' adopted by siunertf and insticesof the' peace; or a .majority or vinetn, in joint meetiLg i in - said counties Tespee lively. - f1-;; :' ' ..1 "',.. Bee 2 That it ! shall' be the! dutV! of the couaty commissioners "of saia counties resiiectivelv to snb-i mit the question of adoptioji or. re i rjct-.uuii oi saiu act 10 cue justices 01 tne peace ana comity commissioners at their annual ioint meeting in June nextaud if a' majority of thev whole uMiy of justices of , the peace, and county commissioners of any one of said con uties,' shall at said meeting - adopt said act ! for said county then aud it that event, the said net shall , Uke. effect from and after the date of said meeting, i Set. 3. That it shall be the duty or me county commissioners of said counties to notify the iustices of the peace of the county prior to the said -June meeting, by, adveri tisementiu one or more newspapers! or by posted notices in. the couuty or otherwise, as the said cdminis sioners may determine, tnat the said question will oe submitted to them for tbeir action at the said annual meeting. " i. Sec. 4. That the Secretary.! ,o State shall furnish the county com: missiouers of each of the cou u ties designated in sectioi one of this act with one hundred copies of the said Mecklenburg road law tor dis tributiou among the justices of the peace of the county before said meeting in June. ? ' ' ,a ) Sec fl. That all taxes levied nnder said act and this tupplemeu- tary act, shall be .levied iu accord auce with the provisipus. of the constitution of this State,' and this requirement shall apply to all court ties where said I act 1 shall be in force. .;,i - -ii. k ;.,).. .,. Sec 6 That the provisions of said act entitled "Au act relating to mads and highways for Meek' en burg county' shall bo; applied to Durham, .Orange ami Grauville counties, without submitting it to the vote or adontiou of the boanl of county commissioners' aud jus1 ices of the eace of said counties : I rovidiM, no i person or proiierty. real or personal, shall be taxed to keep up , said" road, except" that which is embraced in said road dis trictui Hertford con ntv: but this roviso shah apply -to ..Hertford unity only. - i : , . . Sec. 7. That this act sball be In 'orce from ami atterits ratification. Iu the General! Assembly read three times, and 'ratified this the 7th day ot March, A. D. 1885. State of Nourn Carolina, Office becretarv of Statet Raleigh, March 12th, 18S5, I, W,; L. Sauuders Secretary !'of State, hereby certify that the fore going are true copies of the origi nal acts ou file iu this office. . j W. L. Saunders, ; Secretary of State ' I- Jeflli.DavIa at his Home Upon the Galf. Joaquin . Miller thus writes j to the Independent: '''.'Perhaps the most notable residence along this warm, sandy sea bank is that j of Jefferson . Davis. i ' They call . . him President Davis here Thev sjieak of him with great respect. Jeffer sou Davis is hot deifietl at all,! as some writers foolishly say., ; But, I reeat, he i greatly "-respected. And when you bear in mind that there is not; one of these ten mil lion people who did not put some sort of sacrifice on the altar of Southern opinion, you wilt not be surprised. This man stands as a token to them. . Personally I think, they isee little of him aiid know little of him. these gray; old mothers whose sons went down in battle, these beautiful girls of the South whose fathers never came back any more'; but they have their memories and their, . traditions. They call him President Davis,aud will continue to' do so while jie lives. A great. many-Northern jieople visit Mr, Davis, ami not all with the uoblest motives.' , I am, told he has many more, visitors from' the North than froni the South 1- - j . ;-- ';.-' '.rH'i ' '! '. Beauvoir is uot a part of this loug and J rooiny place, .strictly speaking, nor is ita wateriug place, but an old plantation bequeathed! to t he great Mississippian uot uiauy years since. It isa beautiful! spot among the pines ami vines, but is! sadly dilapidated. . Davis is a poor man. I am told, and cannot afford; to keep 1 he place up. It'isfseta little. back from tbe sea, and not too close to tbe railroad.,;, ii i !! i :'Of course the desire to see this uia'n, uo w' in the last days of ' his historical and 'tempestuous 1' is irresistible - when almost - within call. . . And, iu spite all,. my tortner resolutions, -1 yielded. FOr, it must be admitted' that, whether good or'! bild,1 1 whether " entirely fight, this man has been, in, and must forever! remain a! colossal figure in American history, ! and -to have seen and. conversed with him is sweet to remember as the years go on- -,v : ?V,' : ii. I , ill 'Mr.' Davis is, at this writing, in oor : health." f l should nayy froh what I have seen, and then from the course of nature, , too, with his three-score ami ten - years jbehiud him, that he will not long.be a sub ' ject of either love or bate; for, in spite of this kindest of climates, he has found the winter terrible. ! He cannot survive another such'. rRuth'erfortl B. Hayes his writ ten a poem called Tbe Lay of a Statesman, accord iug to acorres poudenti This would seem to In dicate that the ex President is en- tenng into comiietition with his hens. -: !-- J : i 4tj:cftv!htfti Cist itirCSceaVi' uixd -li: One! hundred 1 ami 'seventy four noiaiuatious to ,' office baVe jbeeq niade by pi; :r"" C!ve!Tid since ids uina0gi.ralioti) Of:' Lr.L ".rl and fifty .i:n,:o of lieu thu ...itr coufiriiied, tr. it nctcd and t air; iceu. iviei i uu4crsi njc:i. a tic. r.:i tionalappgint;iieiU,axa diitri! tnl as follows : " " ' "Vf "" Ai jsew ;ng'andi$evr li amps hire; Maine, ' Vermont, Massachusetts. Connecticut aud . Rhode Islanih William C; Endicott, (Massachu . setts;,. secretary of war ; Edward J. Phelps,-(Vermont). Minister Uil England ; Isaao . Bell, r.r (Rhode isiauu), , aiiuister to . the ;ri ether lands ; , Thomas M. Waller, i fCon . uecticut), Consul General at Lon don; and Charles T." Russelr, (Con neeticut). Consul at &t Liverpool; : ! ,New yorfc Daniel Maouing, Sec retary of,the Treasury ; .William C. vnituey, isecretary ot tne in a v; ; Samuel S. Cox,; Minister to Turkey; Charles ? ? 8. Mairchiid, V 4ssi8taut oecreury of ;th0: Treasury t Alex :l.l If n ct m Under McCue, Solicitor of the Treaa ury, and William R. Roberts. Mtu- inter' to Vlim-lO.' V V - Middle "8'a M--fDelaware New Jersey .ami ;Penusivauia.Thos F., Bayard, (Delaware),. Secretary- of State; Ed wanl P C'Lewis, (New Jersey), Minister to PorttK galr Mahtolm tlay,'( Pennsylvania), First Assistant Postmaster Geo eral j At Hi Gross; (Pehiisylvania), Consul at Athens, aud "John S. Mc Cutmontf (Pennsylvania),' Com mis : sioner Of CusforasS. J e f :' The Sout Maryland; Tirgiuia, West Virgiuia, North1 Carolina, wum ynroiiuu, vreorgia, c lonua, Alabama, f M f ssissippi; ' Louisiana; Arkansas,! 'Kentucky, Tennessee, aud Texas) Lucius QJ Q. Lamar. (Mississippi) becretary-of the' Iu ; teriorf Augustus Hf Garland,1 (Ar: kansas); Attorney General Henry LrMuldrdw,uMisslSsippi), Assis- cant Secretary of the? Interior f- J. u. v. AiKinsr (reunessee;, '"Join missioner of Indian Affairs r Chas. W. Bock,1 (Kentucky), Minister, to Peru : Kichard Ji.'tlubbard, Tex, I as), Mitifster!fo Japaii ;! Heury Ri Jackson ami Alexander Jt. Law ton, (Georgia ), Ministers to Mexico and Russia ; Tb.iuss J.T Jarvis, (North ;Carbliiia) Minister to Biazil An thonyjl. Keiley, ' ( VirgiuiaMnlis terto Italy; A Le Kiiotf; (MUry la ml ), Second A ssist ant Postma s ter General ; Jos. 8. Miller, ( A'est : niujn i, uiiiuuii-oiuuri i 1.1111- nal Revenue; Robert M. McLane, yiarylaild); Minister to;:Fnince ; irelericlKaiiie, ( Maryland); Con kuI General vat' Berlin; Joseph "E. Johnston' (Virginia), Commissioner . .. . t T . f ....... . l I of Kauroads; James- Li. 'i'orter, (Ten nesste),' Assists ut Secretary'of Slate ; E.! Pi 'Uowelf, (Gwirgia), Consul fat Manchester ; William W. Lang. (Texas), Cousul at1 Ham burg; and Milton J. Durham, (Ken tuck.v); Cotiiptroller 'Of the Treas ii ry 19. - ;j t ! . ' The ' West Ohio, Indiana; nois,- Michigan, Wisconsin Miniie (iota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Mis souri, Nevada, Qregon, California and Colorado William E.f Vilas, ( Wisconsin V Postmaster General ; George U; Pendleton, Ohio. Min., ister to Germany; Rasmus B.' An drrsoii, J Wiscousiu, Consul . Gen eral at Copenhagen; John C. Black, (Illinois), Commissioner, of. Pen . sious; William A. J. Sparks, IlIIi tioisl, Coimnis8iouer of the Laud Office ; Norman J,! Colman, (Mis sourij, Uom missioner of , Agricul ture; : Edmund Jusseii, Illinois', Consul General at Vienna ;'Martiu V. Montgomery, Michigan Daniel McCoiiville, Ohio, Sixth Auditor of the Treasury j George )V. Merrill, Nevada,' Minister to the Hawaiian islands, aiid Rufus "McGee, Iii dianaT, f Minister to Norway - and SweeXien II New England, : New York,. Middle! States,. The South,. L:. Tbe West,., i : : 5 - . . V- In. v o ...... IU The nominations left u neon firm ed by the Senate is as follows r.,j. Collectors Internal Kevenue John O. Henderson, 11th district, Itidiaua, and Johu F. Degraw, West Virginia. ' . J .. . . Consuls William W. Lang, of Texas, at Hamburg ; Charles T. Russell, of Connecticut, at. Livtr pool ; A. H. Gross, ot Penusy 1 va uia, at Atheus; E.. P. Howell, of Georgia,' at Manchester. The nomiiiations of Marion G. Mpore to oe iMistmaster at Pleassn ton, Kan., aud of Lieut. James F. Simosou to be , a captain in the Third cavalry were rejected by the Senate. ; ' .' " . n,- ! Advance of. Our Home Mauafactoriet (Ch&rlotU Obeerrar.l 1 CaptJ Johri Wilkes, of the Meck lenburg Irour Works, has? been do- iug a heavy business lately in mill ing machinery, and duriug the past three! weeks"' uas shipped stamp I i - . a 'V TT! ? - . mills to parties in auaua, Virginia and Georgia, iue macniuery. ror i . m . a aw graiu wills is .altogether different now from what it used to be, aud Capt. Wilkes is not only fittiug up new mills throughout the country with! the improved maebj. eiy, but is constantly receiving orders from old mills for new equipments. ,., So extensive has this business become that; ' Capt. Wilkes'; has found it uecessaty to put- on an extra rorce of skilled workmen to keep up with his Orders, aud has employed a jmilllwright whose sole! duty it is to go about the country putting up the machinery. Jlr. Theodore Troy, the mill wright who was fnentioued by us a few days "ago, wsis brought here -from Minneapolis,! by Capt. Wilkes, especially for this line of business. , CapU VVilkcs keeps him on the go all the time aud pays him a salary aiiproxlmating? 150 per month. This is a good s indication of tbe growth of our home maun facturiug iuterests, aud shows that Charlotte is in tbe lead of competi tors with the Northern, mauufac- tnriug establishments. SyWWt'MSa"Wat aaaaaaaa. The Me. S 1 1 1" - Vilt is a proud day. ' of NortltCan,?,;;0 tLa Li.At;., :L-?j:ressica hits beaa" a nr.; c r; c!-"SS2fc. o4ss.-,iow .we can f.-' v re never, saw before, how grtt-i.iV.uar cause depends upon'the 'Iin&ui)on line f presentation of the' suMect. '.Coin-' uiittees had been appoiuted to wait- on the legislature at nearly, every meeting of) the : Medical. 'Societr since its formatiou,' but 'with' the' exception or the ' success ' achieved' in'1858 !59. when the first Jicense. I law passedf uothiug . worthy of trra, ' name had been douoTor us by the State.! It is true thaf a skeleton' law framing T- State - Board if Health was grudgingly enacted in 187oV "thrown to the Medical Socie, , ty aa a bone , throwu to a huugry dog, as one of our ' leading mem-' ! bersJ truthfully 'TemSrkedr but" It1 whs plainly evident' that the State; Intended. the law .should diet by in.i ' anition. . Iu , tbe light, of, present. I affairs it is amusing to remember I with what amiability the Society:; ftwanleil toonorof its membersrex- - euiptiou from; dues for bis. life time, i aud to another, exemption for four j years, for their success in "getting ? this same worthless law enscted. Things have changed since those i days, and .'after weary years jof uurnig , and; teachiug, in , face of r opiHisition .without ; and timidity within, our Society, we 'have the ri satisfaction of recording that: the auxiliary; btHlieg of our Society,' the ii State ' Boanl of Medical Examiners,, and tne' North Carolina Board of '. Health, are at lastsatefy grounded 1 in the laws of the 8fate f 1 5 t-jrl" atxa Dv examining the : smetnleil. as foil iws: .The .clause . It will be seen bv examining the declaring that it kall not Ma iV-f demrd mor to practice mediciAe without 1 a license was repealed. Further ! -t on a.pectiou was .amentled so as to t. read that on aud after the date of ratification February ; tnal anJ -iH'fson who' shall practice meiliciue. or "surgeryV or any of the braucues c thereofrfor feoor rewardrwith ut the license of thoBoard of Examiu- e . ers, snail ,be deemeo guilty. ;oi a , misdemeanor 'and subject the of- i ,- tender to' flue l and : imprisonment, u at the discretion of. tbe court.,' vThe n law does not apply towpmen pur. suing the avocation of hiulwives, , bor does if apply- to regularly llK - censed ' physicians practising on Our border lines, or licensed pbvsi-, cians.calletl;"; in this. State from 1. . . .L' 5 .i .. ' XT.. I. l .1. another StateJ Very profierly the Hew law' has ' iio rctrosiiective ai- plic-ition, audl-of -course doeS riot alter thO status of those physicians M now in iirctice. It. innat.Le re. . i tuembereil, though, that all of those . physicians who c.ime, iutd practice ' since 1859J and have' not -been; 11 l i: censeil, are- still debarred from the collection of their tJalms tllgal . process. ., v;...fn in-4VJ:t. ,.,: As gratifying as our success. has . been, so far, it will not become us H i . ' . a a a V .L now to siLiuiy; oy anu expeci cues new law to ta k care of itself. The SfjilA MfMliirul SUwJftT wnnld (in wen to atiiioiut a com in i nee in eacu Congressional, or Judicial, district, to assist, in its prosecution, t'ases, will arise orettv Boon, and if it is left to average grand juries to pre sent offenders, we ueed notJook for vf ? its vigorous ft" enforcement. 'The Society could well enough, aid in J l the expenses of legal a c tiou in cer- ,j ,' taiii necessary cases. i , -' '.'' ...".' j The work' -jor the'uoara ' or jsx ami tiers 'will ! Im3 largely increased, iit anil, ; we presume r that: the s new -;r-.-f btN.rd, which holds its first session in Durham, iu' May,; will begin its :1 1, work on the day ' precedng the !- meeting of tbe : 8ocietyand allow thvmselves ample timf & 1 -i Kr iVjtt The North Caroliua Board of. . , Health" will organize under the amended law,' at-a meeting to be . held in Raleigh on the ' 20th or t March. At this meeting a:.new :r member ill be elected, a President elected to succeed , the lamented., ;r Whitehead, and the Governor wilt send 1u "his apfKM nttnents to fill vacancies,' three t in; u umber j At the Durham- meeting, of the State Medical society there win . be an election to fill the then ' expired terms bt two members. ; 7 s If l'lt will be seen ( by these-stato j ! roeuts that! there will . be quite f change in the. composition of the - i Board ;f Health, and we trust that" it will be greatly for the better; To 11 We are specially :4 gratified to V -i state that ui additiou to the amount r appropriated for the maintenance of the Board, 'and' for priutiug, the ' Legislature! has' appropriated! f 2. 1 000 to be used, only ( in case of, the . invasion of the Sute by cholera or other pestilential diseases. "As small as this sum is, if rightly and "1 lYrotiiotlv applied, it will serve to allav panic and, wo trust, limit or : suppress the fi rat cases of "pestfl-.... ... . r... i. vr.,i. ; - flfttf PH cholera ( we eilUe. Jieuiiuwuuu vaiuuuh una a a aaw m - w- . tjQ Coruwallis ami- were indebted.-. to Sherman, for the introduction of small kx), there is no reason now; . with tbe 11111 lti plication 01 highways of travel, that we may not have- a visitation' like, our uaugnier ien uessee hail a few years ago.! j? Our thanks are due. to the seven doctors iu tbe Senate, and to lr. McNeill in the House; for the broad views they were able to inculcate; in tbe Legislature, Uhus making success possible. .Other friends we bad iu both Houses, of course, ana tbeir names will be - held in grate ful remembrauce by the profession. At last the North Carolina profes sion has made distinct progress; it uow rests with the individual mem. bers of tbe profession to see that it still pushes forward. , - in ' A real Cbiuamau now takes the part f of "Washee Washee'i ihi The Da -iter Real drunkanlSj con fidence men and murderers have a fine future before them if thisTage for realism contiuues, as no doubt it will. !v.. - i v ,i -1- I '1.. i i ii. . 4 I' : - ' i ' t- -T i A ji -. -4 r ' it ,fc T" 1 I I -J - '-