"1 " eft 74 - v,- '1. . -' til J ; 1 f 5 "J m 1. 2L ,V8 'eft 1 ..' Ji i UVi m : ft feNl Patriot. vwi .try Friday Morning at eight o'clock. WHITEHEAD,; ; t Ktllter aat Prprietar. OFFICE 1 Benbow Hall Building, ever W. K. If amy's store : entrance Mm M to Benbow HalL Entered at the Postomce la Greensboro. N. Css eoopg Biass wu -J ftmtecrtptlasi tlJ Ttar. ISYSBMSLT IS ABTAC' BmUtaa mart U mada by hk.Jraft:poj tal bout order. xpie, or in registered 5S Oaly rack remittance wtU U at the risk of th sebltsasr. . THE PATRIOT variifiadbaauMai is devoted to the mat and dive ititMMti of in ii. l 8ve O: . . . T J 1 J W . i I tarsi interests of Guilford county, th Fifth Cpn SiJDktrict and the -Old Sorta Btam" for- daaea. aad raiaettJ eommankaboM aot rstanod by mail aalaf Bortam M w2p?Sj.-j CaawaaicalMiM oa local topic tmmomUj Klicitwi from Try Bottoms Th oditorii m ao wiM rmToniibU for tmwi ax- Notim of marriaret aad deathf InierteJ fraa of KEtfcally. Tai Ptiot fa Democratic i to the tor, but ia aVt blind to the taalu and hort-eom-maa of any man, aad will expoee aaeh when it to the rfe. It farthermor belieyet that -to the Tietor betonaa the Bpotto.7 .. N. B. All aanonoeementa and reoommeodtkni ot nn-'H- for omea, wUl be charged ai revnlar advertMemeata, : i AlTrUea its aiwontinned before the time extracted for has ex aired. eharaed traorieat rate for the Ume actually vblMhed. AdvertuiBcraUffarniabeden appliea- tktn at thia ouea.: V ClrcMlattom.. Taa W.tKLT Ptiot b read at the iraeidet uf Uailford. Roekincham. OatweU. iwon. Aiar maace, RaadolphTChatham. Moor. Dayidaan. Furrrtk Sorry. ctoke and aranrtlle ; Pittay Irania. Patrick and Ileary eoanUoi. Virpiua. , Addreat all eomEunieationf to TUB PATRIOT. Ureeniboro. N. a Ttt Palriel Is tbe larneet, stacat aa4 ztoaeivHr ctrealaMd anrfaimr tar Hiesaaoa North) Carallaav aabrae aa ibaaaUta Takacca Belt. Aaartiacrs Ml aaararlata taa valaa each a na . diaaa far tacia( taciv aaelaee aero re : a pr aeraaey a"Bl DAY, OCTOBBB 23, 1887 . THE If EW8 IS DBIEF. A ear dnrer was assaulted on 17? jtOrm in IndlanaDolU and at he died, Robert Garrett and party have tarted on their trip to the Pacific Coast and Mexico, j A terrible storm is raging on the Western lakes and some danger to shipping is reported, with more ex pected. '- 1 I ' At Maxwell. Iowa. Saturday evening. Perry Ackers shot and killed Mayor J. O. French, and then killed himselL Charles L. Phillips, president of the defnnct Columbian Bank, nas gone to Haranna, presumably to escape criminal prosecution. , Areument in behalf of the an archist's petition for a writ of error will be beard before tbe u. a. ou preme Court next Thursday. A furious gale accompanied by anow has been raging in the West era lakes. It is feared the ship ping has suffered great loss. j JEattie Woolstein, the girl held cm a charge of murder in Los An gejes, Cal., is suspected of bold robbery and possibly another mur der. . j : I The negotiations for conventions regarding the New Hebrides Is lands and the Suez Canal hare been concluded and will be signed to day. . - Geo. Budgett was -fined fiVe pounds in the Bow street police court in London, yesterday, for creating a disturbance in West jninater Abbey. ;. Colonel Ingersol states that if the Western Union Telegraph Company gains control of all rival Sines, it will become the most dan gerous corporation ever known. i Preliminary arrangements have been made for holding a National Labor Conference in St. Louis. It is expected hat it will organize ; under a ne name, and for politi cal purposes. r A body of students from McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, af ter attending the opera, marched through the streets and behaved so riotously that several of them were arrested. ; i W. B. Uremer, M. P., Secretary of the Workmen's Peace Associa tion, and other delegates arrived in New York as bearers of the in ternational arbitration memorial to the President and Congress. A ne'er -do well, shiftless charac ter in a little Iowa town ; shot and killed a police justice, the Mayor and himself before any one real ized that any mischief was intend ed by him, despite his threats. Mgr. Persico, Papal Euvoy to Ireland has returned .to Rome. He declared that his reception in Ire land could not have .been more satisfactory, and that the political situation is unchanged. ; The testimony developed at the inquest into the great i loss of life attending the r burning of the Opera Comique, indicate an al. most indescribable carelessness and want of system on the part of the management 1 j; The constitutional amendment permitting election to j the presi dency of Mexico for- two consecu tive terms, after having received the approval of both houses of Congress, was officially promul gated yesterday, with all formali ties prescribed by the law. Another" weekly newspaper is oon to be published at Salisbury, with B. F. Tipton and J. C. Tiptou as editors. The Lincolcton Press and tbe Dallas Current will be merged in the new paper. TOPICS OK THE DAY. Dlsensaea f- i Here and Elsewhere la the "Old Horth State." A negro named Van . Johnson was sentenced at Tarboro last Sat urday to be hanged for an outrage- !. I News has been received of. the burnincrof the store of H. Sherman at Mount Hollv. with its stock of general merchandise. The Mann-Arrington Mining Company has been incorporated under the laws of this State, with a capital stock of 9700,000, 1 The Baleieh News-Observer tells ns that only one drummer's license has! been issued by the State treasurer during the past six weeks. j " A letter from- Ashevilie says that the farmers declare that third of the entire tobacco crop in that section was hurt by the frosts. j . - Last week tbe cornerstone o the Episcopal College at Ashevilie was laid, Rev. Dr. D. IL Buell, of Ashevilie, conducting the cere monies.., ,: ' - i f In a quantity of cotton carried to a gin in Pitt county a few days ago were great numbers of smal black worms about an inch in length. j ; ; The cotton-gin of H. C. Dock erv. in Richmond county, was burned Saturday, with some cot ton, the total loss being $2,000, with no insurance. Some persons are making up a test case in regard to tbe validi ty of the Wilmington subscription to the Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina railway. Mr. Ensrene G. Harrell, ef Raleigh, succeeds John Nichols as Secretary of tbe State Agricuitu ral Society and Secretary of the State Fair. I Joseph A. Holmes, professor of geology at tbe State Universi ty, was married at Wilmington last night to Miss Jennie Sprunt, of tbe latter place. A negro lad i was arrested a few days ago charged with being concerned in tbe assassination in Wayne! conn ty I last week of the negro man Robert Padgett. r I 1 We learn that the Wilming ton and Weldon road proposes building a line from Clinton to a point in Robeson county on the Carolina Central railway. There were ! present to day at Wake Forrest College 195 students the largest number on record. The chemical laboratory is com pleted, and will be occupied next week. I - Plans are being considered for reopening the old canal at Fayette- vine, wbicn furnisi.ed so much motive power for factories, &c, and putting it .in shape for use again. I ; Another fatal accident oc curred in Pamlico county. Benoni Cartwright, a young white man aged eighteen years, while in tbe woods hunting was crushed by a falling tree. j It is the intention of the sur vivors of the first cavalry regiment to secure the building of a monu ment in the Capitol Square to the memory of North Carolina's Con federate dead. The Henderson county people desire the Carolina Central rail way extended from Butherfordton to Ashevilie, and a proposition to vote $50,000 ! for that purpose is nrged npon them. ' At the Undertaker's Conven tion m Raleigh last week, J. W. Brninn, of Raleigh, was elected president, F. H. Yogler, of Salem, secretary, and J. M. Barnes, of Henderson, treasurer. GREENSBORO'S TtEW MARBLE ! IYARD. We wish to say to the readers of tbe Patriot and "all the people round about ' that the undersigned have opened a marble yard in Greensboro near tbe R. and D. de pot opposite tbe McDonald House on McDonald street, where we will keep at all times a large and varied stock of i marble. We are well equipped to do all kinds of head stone and monumental work; also granite for curbing, and window and door sills. ; Parties in need of anything in our line will find it decidedlyj to their advantage to call and examine our work and get prices before purchasing. We gurantee satisfaction in every par ticular. All orders promptly fill ed at short notice. Hoping to re ceive that portion of tbe patronage oof workmanship merits. . We are Very Truly, j B. F. Jordan. oct2-tf : R. V. Stiller. " i PLEASE OBSERVE. Prof. S. S. Jackson, who has been for some months in the em ploy of Mr. J, L. Stone, of Raleigh, tbe well-known dealer in musical instruments and sewing machines is no longeri with him ; and Mr. Stone desires to inform the public that Mr. Jackson is not authorized to transact any business whatever for him. I The Tailor, has a fine line of En glish Cloths, Cheviots and Worsteds, from which you can select a suit to please and have made, up in first-class style. He has also a nice line of Shirts, "Coon" brand of Collars and Cuffs, Umbrellas and Under wear of all kinds. Call and ex amine the finest line of Neck-wear in town. sept23 TELEGRAPniC BREVITIES. ' Town Deatrejcd by Fire. London. Oct. 23. The town o Ketab. in Bucharea, Central Asia has been f destroyed by fire and half its inhabitants burned to death. I Snow Stoma Raging- Minneapolis, Minn.. Oct. 22. Reports received here show that a snow storm is raging tnronghou this State generally, and in por tions of Dakota, j, The Total Wamber ef Caaea. Washington, - Oct 22. The mariue hospital bureau is informed that there have - been 150 cases oi yellow fever at Tampa up to date and twenty five deaths.- Decision of the Treasury. Washington Oct. 22 The treasury department has decided to allow invoices to be certified by the agents of importers when the signature of the non-resident own er of the imported goods cannot be secured. A Contemptable Bleee of Business. Minneapolis. Minn., Oct. 22. The Tntune publicly acknowledges the error it committed in publish ing any matter uncomplimentary to Mrs. Cleveland during her visit to this city. William F. Haskell. junior member of the Tribune com pany, assumes over his own sign a ture the i responsibility for tbe Cleveland editorial, and entirely exonerates Mr. is 1 1 then from ' all knowledge, participation or re sponsibility in the same. Editor Haskell, of! the Boston Herald, is the father 6f young Has kell, of the Tribune. The terrible scorching- which Blitben has re ceived evidently compelled Mr. Haskell, Sr., who Tribune bills, to foots up all tbe investigate the matter. A. Horrible Death. - , A little son of Leander Hill, liv ing near Covington, Tenn., went to his father's gin Wednesday of last week, and seeing the press naif fun of the fleecy staple, lay down and went to sleep. Later the negroes filled the press to com plete tbe bale: The terrific press nre , of the block was brought down, and when the bale was rolled up from the press .bound with iron ties, tho life blood of the boy oozed through it. The bale was at once opened. To the hor rible and unspeakable grief of Mr. Hill, the body of his little son was found crushed to a jelly. A Plucky Utile Fellow. A mail train on the Southern Pacific Railroad was flagged, near El Paso, Texas, and when it stopped three men rah. up, hurled a dynamite bomb against the mail car, shattering ft to Pieces, and then boarded the car, The mail agent, though considerably shaken up, recovered sufficiently to seize double barreled shot run with which he shot the foremost robber dead in the doorway of the car. The others ran. when -the mail agent shot again, killing one of the other two. I Women and Their Ways. The Dutchess of Southerland is an enthusiastic collector ot bird's eggs. j '--.!' 'I . Mary Anderson wears a cloak in A Winter's Tale," which it took twenty-five women three weeks to embroider. i Mrs. John Jacob Astor, while paying her chief cook seven thou sand dollars per annum, is such a sufferer from dyspepsia that 8 she the has to content herself with plainest kind of fare. , Mile. Melva, the new prima don na, who has just "scored a great success at Brussels, has a voice of greater volume than Patti's. Peo ple who wish to hear this woman sing when she comes to America should begin to save money at once.' I George W. Childs, of Phlladel- paia, nas a warm admiration for Mrs. Cleveland. He treasures the two letters she has written him since her ! visit to Wooton and ikes to show them to his friends. Both letters are worded in a most felicitous manner. I Curious Things of Life. A man died in ' New Hampshire the other day, who had never been away -from borne for forty-three years. A negress, 23 yeaTs old, of Som- erset county, N. J. is a grandmo ther. Sue was a mother at 13 and her daughter married at the same age. At Quito, tbe only city in the world on the equator, the sun rises at 9 o'clock, and sets at tbe same hour in tbe evening, all the year round. TAPE WORMS EXPELLED in one hour, with head and alire. ,.M? t"r.K Lire Agents wanted to sell the medicine. Address . . Dr. J. MKNTER HOWARD. " septlSly Lock Box 64, Winston. N. C. Einar Eaiinevorff. Well vwk ml Blastiir'i SpcciaHr. All work nromotlr exaented and &lufiuVii suaraateed. . References giren if desired. 10-21-ly GREENSBORO. N- C. Notice of Administration HAVING Qualified as administratori upon the estate of John M Brittain. dnrn,ml .11 nar. sons having claim against our intestate ar hereby notioea to exnibit them to us before the 1st day of October, 1888, and all persons indebted to our in testate are notified to pay at once. This 17th of September.; 1S87. JAMES B. CLARK. I. JJilH X BK1TTA1N. sei'tSS-fiW Adjniniitratocs. AGEIIT3 UAIITEDI TO SELL TBS: ONLY - M'lflffliiSsgJ ICANXTPACTITSED BY Dr. J. Ilcnter Houard, ADDRESS, i WINSTON, N. C iepU6-ly i;. ; :-. y ' ' ' ' Salo notice, i BY Virtu of a deer of th Superior Court. I hall, aa guardian of Rebeees . Clark, sell at public auction, to the hisneet bidder, at tH court nous door in ureeaenoro. r. tat 7ta of land adioinin the laadtafJohn C Wharton I Robert P DiekThrinr ea th north aids of the tract I known at th Joan Clark laid, about on mils east or ureentoora.' ' The bidding will begin at three hundred dollara. aaa in (arms caan. m x titiuufA. oct7 . t , Gnardiaa of Rebeooa J. Clark. lOOO. , 1G07. ' . - WJ S. MOORE, GREENSBORO. N. C f ' ?; MfLLlNFRY. sad a complete stock of FALL GOODS now in. oesnd 10c eoun- ten Tory full. ,-"SH0mGER' Organs elegant, 165 and tT2 eath. Or 10 each sad IS moathly tiU paid, aad all made to my order and with my name oa them. Shonin- ser nanoa KAJU. ain oa nlaa. . in an experience or a years 1 and taeaeare tn Dett omni for tba noan oa Um aaarkat. Thev sire no trouus. ocui AGEUTS We beat the world Btroagly Boaad Photo, nuh AlbaB. au inch, silt aidM aad edava, holdlag B saaee of Cab. taet aad Card r-lcterre w-t for toceata, retail priee. 15. A Isaa PlMt. tfcef eiapai Alaaaa,82 alOH Kabomd aaddos .idni. ioM ntm. est loa clasp, holding II paa ' t" W aad Card pictana erat for Sl.wt, retails for S3. 23. luoatratea cimun TP EE or tn aoora aaa rftCC knit Smn or ALDUDO rH.. dS HfSIIIM, ejtawtaaaii. ais. octlt I Kedmont Air-Line Route ! : 1 . RICHMOND it DANVILLE RAILROAD. C0I0E1SE1 SCHEB9LE II EFFECT JSIf 24. 1117 ! I . ' Trains Bun by 75 Meridian Time. " DAILY. SOUTHBOUND, i Ho. SO. Xo. 8a. Lt New York. 4 45 a m 4 30 pm Lr Philadelphia, 720am 6 57 p m Lr Baltimore, i - 9 46 a m 9 42pm Lt Washington 11 24 a m 11 00 p m Lt Charlotteerille. 3 35pm 300am Lr Lynchburg. 5 50 pm 5 05 a m 'Lt Richmond, i; 3 10pm 2 30sm Lt Burkerille, " 5 17 p m 4 25 s m Lt KeyiriUe, 1 556pm 5 04 a m Lt Drake's Branch. 6 10 p m 5 21 a m Lt Dasrille. i 850pm 8(Aam Lt Greensboro. , 10 44pm 94sm Lr Ooklaboro. I : 330pml8 10pm Lr Raleigh. N 5S5pmtl00sm Lr Durham, i - - 6 41pm 2 37 am Lt Chapel Hill. fSOOpm Lt Hilhiboro. I ' 7 20pm 332am Lt Salem. ; 1 17 20 p m j 6 30 a m Lt High Point. 11 15 p m 10 16 a m Lt balisbnry. f 12 39 am 11 23 am ArStaterrille. .; 12 31pm Aiheville, 5 38pm Hot Springs.: - 7 35 pm Lr Concord. i I 26 s m 11 59 p m Lr Charlotte. 225am 100pm Lt Spartanburg, 536am 334pm Lr GreenTille. ; 650am 4 48pm Ar Atlanta. 120pm 10 40pm - K- DAILY. ' NORTHBOUND. i t . No. 51. No. S3. '. ; - Lt Atlanta. 7 00pm 840am Ar Oreenville. i 104am 234pm " Spartanburg. ' 2 19 am 346pm Charlotte. ' 5 05am625pm Concord. i 6 01am723pm Salisbury, 645am 8 01pm High Point. 7 56sm9 13pm Greensboro. 1 828am 940pm "Salem. II 30 sm 12 30 am " Hillsbdro. ( 12 07pmf234sm " Durham. i 12 47 p m id 56 s m Chapel UUU S tl 20 p m "Raleigh. I 2 10pm t6 30 am - Ooldsboro. t ' 430pm 11 20 a m "DanrUIe. I 10 00 am 1129 pm " Drake's Branch. 12 44pm 2 44 s m "Keysrille. 100pm 302am Burkerille, 1 40 p m 355am Richmond. 1 345pm 6 15 s m " Lynchburg, H 115 pm 2 00 s m ChariottesTille. 3 40pm 4 10 am Washington, ; " 8 23pm 810sm "Baltimore,. 1125 pm 10 03 am "Philadelphia.! I 300am 1235pm " New York. ' 6 20am 620pm Daily. E ; . t Daily, except Sunday. .jLionaayt, w eanesaays ana z riaays. SLKEPINa CAB SERVICE. On Trains 50 and 51, Pull man Buffet sleeper be- 1 tween Atlanta aaa tors On Trains 52 and 53.' Pullman BnTet sleener be tween Washington sod Montgomery. Washincten and Augusta. Pullman sleeper between Richmond I and Greeniboro. Pnllmaat between Greens boro and Raleigh. Pullman Parlor Car between Salisbury and Knoxrill. Through tickets on sale at principal stations to all points, for rates sad information apply to any agent ot ue company, or to JAS. LTtAYLOR. Goal Pass. Agent Sou Haas. Traffic Manager. ; Washincton,D.C. J. S. Porft, Dir. Pass- Agent. I Richmond. Va- C. F. & Y. Y. Re Re CONDENSED 8CHBD1J1.K NO. 93. Taking effect 5.00 s. mm Monday, August 22. IS87. Passenger Freight tbaihs Morixo sosTH. and i. and j ; 1 ; - Mail. Passenger Leere Bennettsville, , 10 10 a m 5 03 s m Arrive at Msxton, U20sm 7O5sm LesTsMsxton, 1130sm 730am Arrive at FayetteTille, 1 30 p m il 15 s m Leave Fayetteville, 200pm 900am Arrive at Sanford. 405pm l40pm Leave Sanford, ( 4 15 p m 2 15 p m Arrive at Greensboro. 7 25 pm 8 00pm Leave Greensboro. 10 10 a m i Arrive at Dalton. - 2 15 p m Dinner at Fayetteville ' I Passenger Freight TSAIXB UOTI" soctb. and and y Mail Paaseng'r Leave Dalton. 3 45 p m Arrive at Greensboro, 7 45 p m Leave Greensboro, 950am 700am Arrive at Sanford. 1255pm 117 pm Leave Sanford. ; 115pmil55pm Arrive at Fayetteville. 320pm 600 pm Leave Fayetteville, 3 90 p m 12 15 p m Arrive at Maxtoa. 5 15 p m 3 5.5 p m Leave Maion, 525pmj4 23pm Arrive at Bennettsrille. 645pm 700pm Dinner at Sanford. ! 1 Facta ry Braacsi Freight and Passenger- Trains Moving North. i Leave Millboro. : ; ; ; ; 8 05 a. m. Arrive at Greensboro, ; ; 9 35 a. m- Trains Moving South-, j Leave Greensboro, t ; ; ; 5 45p.m. Arrive at Millboro. t : : 7 25 p. m. Passenger and mail train runs daily except Sun- "frVisht and aeeommodatloa train run between Bennettsrille and Fayetteville oa Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, and between Fayetteville and Greensboro on Tuesdays. Thursdays aad Saturdays. Freight and accommodation train runs between Greensboro and FayeOevilU on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays, sad between Fayetteville and Bennettsrill on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satar dare. Close eonnectioa is made at Maxtoa with Caro lina Central to and from Wilmington. Trains on Factory Branch run daily except Sun- cay. ; i W. K. KILK, J.W. FRY, V General Passenger Agent. uen t oupennteaaent. S.S.Dfcliello.Dro., Wet Karlet St, GnsnsUora, k C DtALIM IS DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, HATS, -1 CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES. Tio Ware, Wood and Willow JVare And erorythins ssnally found in a Ctomeaal Xerehandlsa State. To oar many old friend sad aoinainUnowa In Guilford and rarroundins I eooBtiea weaskseall- ' oetl4 3m Tax Notice! T Will attend at the following times and places. Js. to ooiMct xasoi tor tne year : J A Hodgin'a Store, Monday. October 3rd. Plcaaaat Garden. Tuesday, October 4 th. Woody 'f Kill. Wedneeday. October 5th. . Darin Coble's, Thursday. October 6th. D P Pouts, Friday, October 7th. - , McLasnsrill. Saturday. October 8th. W idow Summer's, Monday, October 10th. Merry Oaks, Tuesday, October 11th. Brows Summitt. Wednesday. October 12th. Hillsdale. Thursday, October I3th. -Summerneld, Friday, October 14th. ' John King's. Saturday. Ootober 15th. Frieodthip, Monday October 24th. -JDDstm Store. Tuesday. Octobir 25th High Point. Wednesday. October 26th. Jamettown, Thursday, October 27th. aaal at aajr afliee la Greensbaro fehr hi la falsrM Rate of Taxes for 1887. On OTery 100 valuation, 55 cents for S tsto. coun ty and school purposes. Poll tax, 81.65 exclusively for school purposes- The TAXES ARE DUE THE FIRST of SEP TEMBER. Th laws of 1887 say, whenever the taxes shall be due. and unpaid, the sheriff shall immediately proceed to collect them. See. Now my adv ice to all is, to meet me at the above times and places, sad pay their taxes promptly, as th law requires, sr I shall be compelled to collect them by distraint 0 C WHEELER. septl6-6w Sheriff of Guilford county. NEW FIRM! Rrr-irviivrv V.. Vt 10h 1SS7, Dbab Sib: ! I beg leave to inform my friends and patrons, to whom I am very grateful (or their past favors, that since the dissolution of the old firm of H. T. Mi Lie s A Co., I hare formed a business connection with my brothers. Polk and A. W. Milles, snd will continue the same business as be fori at niy new store. Ffe. 82 Main alrc-et. a few doors above my old stand, under the firm Lame of H. T. M illkb A Bbos. Our specialty will be the manufacture of all kinds of OKDEEWEAR TO ORDER aal MEASURE. Soliciting your esteemed orders, we guarantee to grve you a pert act ot and please you in evety par ticular- IIENIIY T. MIIiMElt. meml3or-AU goods manufac tared by IT. T. Killer 4c Bros, are guaranteed to FIT. Prices to suit the times. No. 820 Main Street, Richmond. Va. octlt ly GEORGE B. YATES, I PROPRIETOR OF J j Y ATES' DRAY LINE. TRUNKS, FREIGHT, &c., Promptly delivered to any and all I parts of the city. Ei Call itnd see me. GEO. B. YATES, septlfl 6w I Opposite Benbow House. A. HAGAN & SON HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF IRON SKEIN W CALL and EXAMINE. sept2 BROOKS. WM. LOVE. Brooks & Love, Manufacturers and" dealers in all kinds Rssrh aad Pressed Laubfr, Sblnsjleii, LAths, Sali, Doors i and IJlInds. Orders solicited snd filled promply msrl8-12m GEO. LAMPMAN, rBACTICAL WatebfMaker, Jeweler and Eugravn, ' ReDairins Chronographers' snd complicated Watches a specialty. Deals extensively in meaas. Flaa Watehira. Ve. ODoosite IT. S. court house. East Market street, Greensboro, N. C. sprs-iy i -, .'' I ' i The Dalton H otel, DALTON, N, 0., I j 16 now open for the reception of gnosta. A 'Bus l will meet the trains a livery stable is kept in connection with tbe Hotel to carry drummers and others across the country. D. N. DALlON, aept9-ly I'roprietor. Greensboro' Candy Co., MAXCrACTCBEBS Or ' PLAIN AND FANCY CANDY, And wholesale dealer in FOREIGN FRUITS, CIGARS. opposite U. S. court house. Greens H boro, N. C. may27-ly TO THE FARMERS SOUTH OP GREENSBORO'. Remember, VI am keeping every thing in the line of GROCERIES FIsOUR, 4 " . " Ship Stuff, Meal, Bran, ; ( and everything kept in a) . 1 first class establishment. I ( have added to my business ) Dry Goods : -AND-- ' HIGHEST MARKET rRICES PAID FOR ; Country Produce. Fine wagon Iot,"with water and stalls. No need of crossing the railroad for. anything in my line. With thanks for past favors I am yonrs respectfully, Uyron G. Newell. jun3 Arkansas, Texas and California Via the Memphis A Little Rock R flroad. The middle and central rout a. . Double Daily-connections from Memphis to Ar kansasTexas and the Great Northwest Double Daily Throurh Coaches from Atlanta to Texas. without change, via the Memphis and Little Rock bbort Line. ' Fourteen Honrs ail Forty MMes iliiicier To Dallas, Fort Worth, and the Texas Pacific fomts man tne Aew urleans long liine, l4 miles shorter to Dallas and 2U0 miles shorter to Fort Worth. The shortest . and best route for the Tourist or invalid to the famous EURE KA AND HOT SPRINGS Of Arkanta. Buffet Sleepers from Washington. D. C. and - hattanoon to Little Rock. Pullman and iv ood -ulT BulTot Sloepers from Cincinnati and Louisville i Little Rock, connecting with through sleepers in i mon Depot tor points in TEXAS and CALIFORNIA. Connections at Argents with Little Rock and Fort Smith Railway, for Fort Smith and the Indian Territory. This route has a Through Coach from Atlanta ana inattanooga to r ort binito. Ark., and from Atlanta and Chattanoosa to Dallas. Texas. 12 hours in advance of any routt. 150 pounds of baggage allowed to each whole ticket and 75 pounds to each half ticket. If you are eoing to any point in the Great West snd wish to s iv from one to two dollars in time snd money on your ticket, writ or call on me. I will meet you and furnish you with tickets and throush checks at your startinr point, if you will either write or wire me. Books and maps of Ar kansas, Texas and California mailed free. For any information concerning the West, write for New Western Railway Guide." mailed free, to i j' . IV. A. WILLIAMS. 1 Gen 1 boutbetstern Trav. Pass. Agent. I 1. 0. Box 230. Atlanta, Us. S. W. TUCKER. i Genl Pass'r snd Ticket Agent, sept 30 Little Rock. Ark. , .T n PURE Grape, Peach and Apple BRANDIES, Old .Holland GIN, Jamaica I N. E. RUM. and Forciarn and Domestic WINES Of very old vintage. Try Mnnn & Go's Extra Dry OHAMPAIGNE. BASS' ENGLISH ALE, By Thos. McMnllen & Co. Gain- 1 nesses Dablin Stont, bottled by E. & J. Burke, fresh Bud j ! weis and Bohemian IAGrER BEER, on draught and in bottles. Genuine Belfast and American Ginger Ales and Sodas. Russian and Frenc French CORDIALS. Fresh Sparkling Saratoga Clysmic Spring Waters ON DRAUGHT; i " . Received in air-tight reservoirs i direct from tbe springs. : '' . n fact nearly everything you want I to drink can be had of E; G. NEWCOMB, j ; ODELL BUILDING, junlO Greensboro, N, C. w. b:farrar WATCH and CLOCK MAKER. Jeweler, Optician A Eugraver. Undor Adams Building, opposite the county court : nouve. on vt est Market street. : 1 I ' - ' FiTte Worts a Sxoialtry". If you fail to get your work done right Give him a trial then ypu are sure . of Satisfaction. - He keeps all kinds of Gooi's that are to be found in a Jewelry fctore. tpc for old snd young., eepti-tf NOTIONS ITATP17 FITP AT Tl lUITTOFin tiuiiL HM ulu mm Notice. I will sell lor cash at the court house door Greensboro, on YtJx day of Sfovexuber, 1007, the following described real estate, to satisfy sundry State and ' County Tsies against each of the following named parties : i " ' . , -.. - ". J 1 lot in OrtmnAnm. iwnavt nfl T. C.fi.u adjouung the property of J A McCauieri et sL 1 tract of land in Morehesd towmhipi th prop, erfcr of George W Albright, adjoining tie lands of John Hegwood snd others, for th. Tur Si. - I lot in storehead township, the property of Hen ry Jtarringer, adjoining the property of th. Whit. ungton heirs snd others, for th yean 182 and M. I lot In flilmav tnwn.Tiin IV. auii.f Dick, adioinin, Th. n"rtT J.lT'r"" I others, for th yesra 1S83, 85and'86. 1 tract of land, tho rproprrty of Marti i Donnell. , 1 tn Gilmer township, adjoining the property of J A Rankin and others, for the yesr-isli. 1 lot in Gilmer township, the property of Smith DonnelL adjoining the property of A Hagsn. R p Dick snd others for the years 138-'85-'6U - 1 lot, the property of Drury Howell, In Morebead tOWnshin. adioininr th. imiwrt, n(W a I...vTj and others, for the years 1883-'M-'o,86.T " . I lot the property of Rata Jobml ullnln;-. ,. property of Jacob Jones snd others, in Gilmer township, for the years of 18&-'84. T. " i lot. toe property or vaivls Jones, in .tlorehead township, adioinmg the property of Martha Ilodrin ' and others, for the year 1884. i -.u 1 lot the property of J W Carr. in township, adjoining the property of Eliie Bilbro snd others, for the yean ol tI1882-'83-'8t. 1 : I lot th Dronertr of W T Month ferehead, ii rtyofAll .-'85-,86. ihGilnier wwmuip, aujuuuna tne property lackson ana ouers, tor tne years of van- 1 tract of land containing 14 acres, the! of J A Mitchell, adjoining the land of i ropertT eo Rich ana outers, lor tne year ISSZ. 1 lot. the property of Robt Morehesd, h More hip, adjoining the property ot R M Gib ir Wilson and others, for.the years l.i-' head towns! son. Banner I tract nf laud. th. nmant, nTW K TCnn: Gilmer U wnhip. adjoining the property of Mrs Lou Weatherly and others, for the years 182 '85. llot. the property of Harry Pope, in Morebead township, adjoining tbe property of MaUie Alston ana outers, tor ue years taei-TK. . i 1S81-TC I I lot. the Dronertr of ITenrr Rinhmnml b, f head township, adjoining the property of W I) Mc Adoo and others. Tor the year 1884. I I lot the properly of Ben Blade, in Morehesd township, adioining.the property of Ilirsut Worth weasea. ana oincre, tor tne year 184. , . 1 lot th nionortv of 'Calvin Sloan, in township, adioinin. the Bmnartv of C.lv4n and others, for the y ear 1881. i P 1 lot the nrODertr of Junm Thnmu n:l3:i.... township, adjoining the property of Wm Love and others, for the year 1881. - H 1 lot. the nmrnrl, nf Phitnha Whl.. :J ... head township, adjoining the property of W L Rirkmsn snd others, for the rears of 1882-'8. . I lot the Dronertr of Rnl William, la M.Wi,..! township, adjoining the property of Orphous Mc- " Adoo and others, for the year of 1883. i . r- -""vj . uiuL,, in Til. llifT tOWnShlD. adioinin. tn. tipntwwv aT-HI.. U'il..u . snd others, for the years 1885-'86. I I lot the pronertv of TTnrh WilTinm, In h;im township, adioinin. th. iimnm f 11 W f PAl and others, for the years 188i-'86. i, 1 lot the Dronertv of ITemkUh Poll.. h;i.. townshin. adioinin. th. Grail.d uii. for the year 1885. , . ' 1 lot th. nmttArv .TIim DMnuk 1 n:i... - t -" f . " - w uu 1imiuv.i in yiiwci townshin. adioinin.' th. Mmitf nf J W snd others, for the year 1885. f- 1 'ot. th. nmnArtv nf Wu4k s,'ri. : Morehesd township, adjoining the property of B 8 Benbow, deceased, snd others, for the years 1.885-86 T Int. th. nntnftrtv nf Han. "R.mItSm I , townshin, adjoining the property of Hiram, Worth, deceased, and others for the year 13821;, -7 1 lot. .the property of Bryant k Co., in MoJehead ' uiwuiup, rujoiumg ue property oi w Li Uallum, known as the burnt factory lot, near Farmers' Warehouse, for the yeariS85-'86. , 1 tract pf land, the property of C W Ogburn. in Morehesd township, adjoining the property of Mrs -Jane Armfield and others, for the years 1885- '8ti. t 1 lot.the property 'of Dock Wbitiee, in-oli!mer township, adjoining the property of Charles Black burn, deceased, and others for the years 188384-35 1 lot the property of Joshua Galloway, in Gilmer -township, adjoining the property of W b MeAdeo and others, for the years 1884-85-86. -r 1 lot the property of Yancy Donnell. in Gilmet township, adjoining the property of Wm Rankin, John Rich snd others, for the years 1885-86. i 1 lot the property of Julius Dick, in Gilmer town ship, adjoining the property of Wilson Dick, for tbe years 1885-'86. - .. .!,, . 1 lot. the-property of J A Fowler, in Gilmer township, adjoining the property of D W C Benbow snd others; for the years 1885- "86, Hot tie property of David Johnson, in Gilmer township, adjoining the property of Rer Mr Walk er snd others, for the years 1885-'86. - .' - - 1 lot the property of . Archie Moore, in Gilmer" township, adjoining the property of W E iliolly and other, tor the years 1885-'86. 1 lot the property of W W Robertson, in Gilmer township, adjoining the property of Wm Sloan and " " others, tor the years 1881-'82-'85-'8tr- 1 lot, the property of Pinkney Jones, in Gulmer - townsuin, adjoining larnsey Mendenhall i and others, for the years 138S-'84-586. 1 lot the property of Caswell Thacker, in Gilmer township, adjoining th property of Charlie Black burn, deceased, for the years 184-'85-'86. ' 1 lot in Gilmer township, the property of Kelson Donnell, adioining the property of James Dean and others, for the years 1885-'86. Hot. the property of Henry Dick, is Gilmer tow shin, sdioininc the omnertviif A lima .n.l others, for the yeori l885-'86. - 1 lot the property of Geo Eck'l, in Gilmer town ship, sdioininc the Dronertr nf Jams. Bnw, ami others, for the years 1885-'86' , , I lot the Pronertv of Albina Gnrrell. In C1U wwnioip, aujoirunr tueipropeny MUWt itenbow for the years 188d-6. . .- i I lot the property of Jesse Houston, in Gilm.r vwwiiin. auMiinins: n. oining the property of Peter V Pass snd others, for th years 1 1885-06. 1 let the Pronertv of Lindsav Kirkiiatrlck. in Gilmer township, adjoining the proierty of Mrs. M Fowler snd others, for tbe years 1S85-'86. . 1 lot tbe Property of Sim Melton, in Gilm.r township, adjoining the property of Pinkney Morehesd and others, for the years 1885-"86. : - . 1 lot the property of Wm MeConnell. in Gilmw township, adjoining the African church, for the year 1885. ... - i 1 lot. the Property of J J Morehead. in Gitmar township, adjoining the property of Nelson Gorrel snd others, for the years of 1835-"So, . .. i ; 1 tract of land, the pronertv of IT.nrr F Una,. In Gilmer township, adjoining the property of J it Moon aud others, for the years 1835-'86. - I . 1 lot. the prouertv of Christonhar Estis. in lCnm. head township, adjoining the proierty of John Moore and others, for the years 1883- '84. i ; townshin. adioinin. the nrouartv of flan Kurinn, and others, for the year 1882. i 1 lot the pmpertr of Alfred nararava la Gtlnup township, adjoining the property of Cbas. Black burn decease 1, and others, for the'-yean!884-eS-86. 1 loL the property of J S Hamnjon, in Greens boro. adiwinins the property ot T A Lyon snd others, for the years 1884-85-86. 1 lot. the property of Harriet Hiatt in More- head township, adjoining the proiierty of Barrel Mendenhai and others. Tor the year 1883, j 1 lot. the property of J W Hill.' in Giliner . township, adjoinining tbe property of Tom Jackson and Squire Claiborn-and outers, for tbe year B2- 1 lot the Dronertr f Pallie Howell, adjoiaifl.1. "tne lrPerty of Henry Whitfield and others,; for th year 1883, "84- 1 lot the pmierty of Henry Swslm, in Gilmer township, adjoining the proierty of Km ma Bum sides and others, for the years 1885, 86. 1 tract of land in Gi!mer township, the property ot W A Stowe, adjoining the property of W C Ray and others, for the years 1885. '86. j. 1 tract of land, the prorty of Calvin Simpson, adjoining the proerty of D N 'Kirkpatrick and others, for the yean 1884. 85 H6. -j- j 1 lot the property of Martha Bass, in Gilmer township, adjoining the-proierty of W D MCeAdoo ana otners, lor tbe years 188o, '86. J. II. Gilmik, ex-Sheriff, O. C. Wkerlbb. Sheriff, Peril. C. Lamb. D. S. octfi The Greensboro Mattrass Manufacturing Company, A W. A. MATHEWS, Prop'r, Is in Full Blast making Pine Wool, Sliuclt, Cotton and Straw, and Cotton and Straw ; ' Soft-top Slattrasses ' - 2'" - " ' ' To minister real substantial comfort to ytur tired uesh and weary bones. They furnish a mattress equal in every respect to those of hair, and at one third the cost. You can have your old sofas and lounges made to be better than they were when new. Give them a trial, and you will say they ere V'. ms re Tts t'J I: It.

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